
Criticism of socialism

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1995: 1649:, an economic system (specifically centralized economic planning) that does not use money, financial calculation, and market pricing would be unable to effectively value capital goods and coordinate production, and therefore in his view socialism is impossible because it lacks the necessary information to perform economic calculation in the first place. Another central argument leveled against socialist systems based on economic planning is based on the use of dispersed knowledge. Socialism is unfeasible in this view because information cannot be aggregated by a central body and effectively used to formulate a plan for an entire economy, because doing so would result in distorted or absent price signals; this is known as the economic calculation problem. Other economists criticize models of socialism based on 1930:
apathy and frustration took their inevitable toll, and they would always have been susceptible to growing inequities and inefficiencies as the effects of differential economic power grew. Under central planning neither planners, managers, nor workers had incentives to promote the social economic interest. Nor did impending markets for final goods to the planning system enfranchise consumers in meaningful ways. But central planning would have been incompatible with economic democracy even if it had overcome its information and incentive liabilities. And the truth is that it survived as long as it did only because it was propped up by unprecedented totalitarian political power".
1895:, argued that centralized economic planning would be "insoluble without the daily experience of millions, without their critical review of their own collective experience, without their expression of their needs and demands and could not be carried out within the confines of the official sanctums" and "ven if the Politburo consisted of seven universal geniuses, of seven Marxes, or seven Lenins, it will still be unable, all on its own, with all its creative imagination, to assert command over the economy of 170 million people". In contrast to the lack of a marketplace, 2598:"... nur durch Feststellung des Privateigenthums ... deren Lösung die Kräfte einzelner Menschen weit übersteigt." ("... only through the establishment of private property is to be found the measure for determining the quantity of each commodity which it would be best to produce under given conditions. Therefore, the central authority proposed by the communists for the distribution of the various tasks and their reward, would very soon find that it had undertaken a task the solution of which far exceeds the abilities of individual men.") 2521:, editors Goodin, Robert E. and Pettit, Philip. Blackwell Publishing, 1995, p. 339 "Extreme equality overlooks the diversity of individual talents, tastes and needs, and save in a utopian society of unselfish individuals would entail strong coercion; but even short of this goal, there is the problem of giving reasonable recognition to different individual needs, tastes (for work or leisure) and talents. It is true therefore that beyond some point the pursuit of equality runs into controversial or contradictory criteria of need or merit". 2233: 2186: 3312:. p. 76. "The only certain fact about Russian affairs under the Soviet regime with regard to which all people agree is: that the standard of living of the Russian masses is much lower than that of the masses in the country which is universally considered as the paragon of capitalism, the United States of America. If we were to regard the Soviet regime as an experiment, we would have to say that the experiment has clearly demonstrated the superiority of capitalism and the inferiority of socialism". 1944: 5846: 1712: 1538: 56: 2086: 2251: 5809: 1825:. In 1977, Hayek argued that "prices are an instrument of communication and guidance which embody more information than we directly have" and "the whole idea that you can bring about the same order based on the division of labor by simple direction falls to the ground. ... f you need prices, including the prices of labor, to direct people to go where they are needed, you cannot have another distribution except the one from the market principle". 2242: 92: 2041: 1782:. Mises and Hayek argued that this is the only possible solution and without the information provided by market prices socialism lacks a method to rationally allocate resources. Those who agree with this criticism argue it is a refutation of socialism and that it shows that a socialist planned economy could never work. The debate raged in the 1920s and 1930s and that specific period of the debate has come to be known by 5858: 5834: 1550: 1521: 5821: 2023:
that they will thenceforth stagnate; will not exert themselves to improve, and by letting their faculties rust, will lose even the energy required to preserve them from deterioration. Competition may not be the best conceivable stimulus, but it is at present a necessary one, and no one can foresee the time when it will not be indispensable to progress.
1868:: "The loss part is just as important as the profit part. What distinguishes the private system from a government socialist system is the loss part. If an entrepreneur's project doesn't work, he closes it down. If it had been a government project, it would have been expanded, because there is not the discipline of the profit and loss element". 2170:(AEI) argued that socialism means giving up freedom for more security. Perry also argued that "Socialism is the Big Lie of the twentieth century. While it promised prosperity, equality, and security, it delivered poverty, misery, and tyranny. Equality was achieved only in the sense that everyone was equal in his or her misery." 2152:
socialist planned economy provides substantially greater freedom than is present in capitalism—under which the vast majority of people are coerced by the threat of starvation to work for the profit of a small capitalist class—adding markets to socialism improves freedom and efficiency. Accordingly, Self recommends
do not exist, they nonetheless claim that these prices can be used as a rational basis when this is not the case, hence markets are not efficient. According to market abolitionists socialists, decentralized planning allows for a spontaneously self-regulating system of stock control (relying solely on
One criticism of socialism is that, in any society where everyone holds equal wealth, there can be no material incentive to work because one does not receive rewards for a work well done. They further argue that incentives increase productivity for all people and that the loss of those effects would
Socialism has proved no more efficient at home than abroad. What are our most technologically backward areas? The delivery of first class mail, the schools, the judiciary, the legislative system—all mired in outdated technology. No doubt we need socialism for the judicial and legislative systems. We
As Hahnel explains: "Combined with a more democratic political system, and redone to closer approximate a best-case version, centrally planned economies no doubt would have performed better. But they could never have delivered economic self-management, they would always have been slow to innovate as
notes that even if central planning overcame its inherent inhibitions of incentives and innovation, it would nevertheless be unable to maximize economic democracy and self-management, which he believes are concepts that are more intellectually coherent, consistent and just than mainstream notions of
which he held essential for achieving rational and efficient allocation of capital goods to their most productive uses. According to Mises, socialism would fail as demand cannot be known without prices. These arguments were elaborated by subsequent Austrian economists such as Hayek and students such
It is the common error of Socialists to overlook the natural indolence of mankind; their tendency to be passive, to be the slaves of habit, to persist indefinitely in a course once chosen. Let them once attain any state of existence which they consider tolerable, and the danger to be apprehended is
argued that countries where the means of production are nationalized are not as prosperous as those where the means of production are under private control ("prosperous" is defined in terms of GDP). However, not all socialists subscribe to the idea of nationalization, some preferring socialisation
By extending socialism far beyond the area where it is unavoidable, we have ended up performing essential government functions far less well than is not only possible but than was attained earlier. In a poorer and less socialist era, we produced a nationwide network of roads and bridges and subway
argued that socialism, by which he meant state ownership over the means of production, impedes technological progress due to competition being stifled. He noted that "we need only look to the United States to see where socialism fails" by observing that the "most technologically backward areas are
as they were merely internal transfers of goods in a socialist system and not "objects of exchange", unlike final goods, therefore they were unpriced and hence the system would be necessarily inefficient since the central planners would not know how to allocate the available resources efficiently.
Market socialism is the general designation for a number of models of economic systems. On the one hand, the market mechanism is utilized to distribute economic output, to organize production and to allocate factor inputs. On the other hand, the economic surplus accrues to society at large rather
of income to a poor person is greater than that to a rich person. According to Mises, this mandates a preference for a lower average income over inequality of income at a higher average income. He sees no rational justification for this preference, and he also states that there is little evidence
Mises also says: "The only certain fact about Russian affairs under the Soviet regime with regard to which all people agree is: that the standard of living of the Russian masses is much lower than that of the masses in the country which is universally considered as the paragon of capitalism, the
Friedman claimed that socialism advocated the abolition of a free markets and money- and risk-based reward systems, a claim disputed by some socialists. Friedman argues that without such a money- and risk-based reward system, many capitalist inventors, whom Friedman holds would nonetheless exist
in defense of a socialist outlook and defending some socialist causes. Within this revised work, he also made the radical proposal that the whole wage system be abolished in favour of a co-operative wage system. Nonetheless, some of his views on the idea of flat taxation remained, albeit in a
criticizes the traditional socialist planned economy and argues against pursuing "extreme equality" because he believes it requires "strong coercion" and does not allow for "reasonable recognition different individual needs, tastes (for work or leisure) and talents". Self holds that while a
Mises argued that a socialist system based upon a planned economy would not be able to allocate resources effectively due to the lack of price signals. Because the means of production would be controlled by a single entity, approximating prices for capital goods in a planned economy would be
that may not apply to all forms of socialism as different models of socialism conflict with each other over questions of property ownership, economic coordination and how socialism is to be achieved. Critics of specific models of socialism might be advocates of a different type of socialism.
The information here has not been reviewed independently for accuracy, relevance and/or balance and thus deserves a considerable amount of caution. As a result, I would prefer not to be cited as reliable authorities on anything. However, I do not mind being listed as a general internet
argued that the absence of private economic activity would enable political leaders to grant themselves coercive powers, powers that, under a capitalist system, would instead be granted by a capitalist class, which Friedman found preferable. In his campaign against Labour candidate
2068:, argued that aiming for more equal incomes through state intervention necessarily leads to a reduction in national income and therefore average income. Consequently, he says that the socialist chooses the objective of a more equal distribution of income on the assumption that the 1812:
impossible. His argument was that socialism must fail economically because of the economic calculation problem—the impossibility of a socialist government being able to make the economic calculations required to organize a complex economy. Mises projected that without a
1770:, wherein people individually have the ability to decide how resources should be distributed based on their willingness to give money for specific goods or services. The price conveys embedded information about the abundance of resources as well as their desirability ( 1899:
can be viewed as an alternative to the traditional socialist model. Theoretically, the fundamental difference between a traditional socialist economy and a market socialist economy is the existence of a market for the means of production and capital goods. Socialist
We all justly complain about the waste, fraud and inefficiency of the military. Why? Because it is a socialist activity—one that there seems no feasible way to privatize. But why should we be any better at running socialist enterprises than the Russians or Chinese?
of the means of production cannot be achieved without a loss of political, economic, and human rights. He argued that to achieve control over means of production and distribution of wealth it is necessary for such socialists to acquire significant powers of
were the inevitable outcome of socialist trends in Italy and Germany during the preceding period. Thus, held Hayek, moving leftward from capitalism to socialism is actually moving rightward, from capitalism to fascism. These ideas are encapsulated in the
Some critics of socialism see socialism as a type of political state organization instead of as a type of socioeconomic structure (as is traditional). These thinkers generally criticize what they term "socialist states" rather than "socialism."
has written that "the attempt to realize market socialism ... produces an incoherent system, in which there are elements that repel each other: the dominance of public ownership and the operation of the market are not compatible".
Some philosophers have criticized the aims of socialism, arguing that equality erodes away at individual diversities and that the establishment of an equal society would have to entail strong coercion. Many critics point to the
do not for mail or schools, as has been shown by Federal Express and others, and by the ability of many private schools to provide superior education to underprivileged youngsters at half the cost of government schooling. ...
as an indictment of socialism; some socialists respond that they were aberrations, point to mass deaths they argued were caused by capitalism and imperialism, and some say that they are not the socialist model they support.
models of organization and their feasibility, as well as the political and social implications of adopting such a system. Some critiques are not necessarily directed toward socialism as a system but rather toward the
3052:. Cengage Learning. p. 142. "It is an economic system that combines social ownership of capital with market allocation of capital. ... The state owns the means of production, and returns accrue to society at large". 2077:
United States of America. If we were to regard the Soviet regime as an experiment, we would have to say that the experiment has clearly demonstrated the superiority of capitalism and the inferiority of socialism".
1861:, "ithout a market in which allocations can be made in obedience to the law of supply and demand, it is difficult or impossible to funnel resources with respect to actual human preferences and goals". 1913:) to come about and that in turn decisively overcomes the objections raised by the economic calculation argument that any large scale economy must necessarily resort to a system of market prices. 301: 2007:
lead to stagnation. Some critics of socialism argue that income sharing reduces individual incentives to work and therefore incomes should be individualized as much as possible.
argues that in the absence of prices for the means of production, there is no cost-accounting which would direct labor and resources to the most valuable uses. According to
1883: 2289:
Defenders of socialism state that the mass killings under communist regimes were aberrations caused by specific authoritarian regimes and not caused by socialism itself.
1994: 1849:
watching them and if they were delivering inadequate service, or charging an excessive amount for a good or service, investors would start a competing enterprise. The
1793:" that the pricing systems in socialist economies were necessarily deficient because if government owned the means of production, then no prices could be obtained for 3028: 1686:
and the market exchange as natural entities or moral rights which are central to their conceptions of freedom and liberty and view the economic dynamics of
within socialism, would not risk time or capital for research. Friedman believed that this was one of the reasons for the United States patent system and
4385: 3399: 4198: 1790: 2145:, and because "Nationalsozialistische" translates to "National Socialism," fascism is actually a type of socialism, and so many socialists are Nazis. 2655: 2623: 2424: 5738: 1349: 3347: 2816: 1580: 1625:, while others hold that certain historical examples exist and that they can be criticized on practical grounds. Because there are many 2952: 2910: 2740: 1617:. Some critics consider socialism to be a purely theoretical concept that should be criticized on theoretical grounds, such as in the 1948: 247: 4329: 458: 40:
This article is about criticism of socialist economic systems and political movements. For criticism of Communist states, see
3605: 3120: 3083: 3036: 2926: 2222: 1666: 297: 4334: 2206: 3738: 3429: 3695: 3673: 3639: 3270: 3218: 3012:
than to a class of private (capitalist) owners, through some form of collective, public or social ownership of capital.
3004: 2875: 2826: 2570: 2499: 2476:
F. A. Hayek, (1935), "The Nature and History of the Problem" and "The Present State of the Debate," in F.A. Hayek, ed.
tradition that has always been strongly opposed to the authoritarian 'socialism' that many governments have espoused".
1892: 4080: 2722:
F.A. Hayek, (1935), "The Nature and History of the Problem" and "The Present State of the Debate," in F.A. Hayek, ed.
3563: 3057: 2333: 391: 41: 3144: 5730: 4131: 1485: 1342: 1875:
argue that it is impossible to make accurate long-term predictions for highly complex systems such as an economy.
5893: 5888: 5825: 4474: 4188: 4036: 1573: 1529: 5128: 5018: 4324: 3473: 3330: 17: 4943: 4697: 4454: 4051: 3780: 2589:
Entwickelung der Gesetze des menschlichen Verkehrs, und der daraus flieĂźenden Regeln fĂĽr menschliches Handeln
2536: 2390: 2343: 2167: 1495: 418: 364: 339: 207: 182: 5794: 5769: 5691: 4737: 2385: 2348: 1735: 1622: 1618: 1452: 1422: 1397: 478: 282: 139: 2213:
claimed that socialism requires totalitarian methods, including a political police, to achieve its goals.
1299: 5789: 5482: 4717: 4526: 4484: 3977: 3487: 2282: 1952: 701: 381: 311: 227: 197: 34: 4672: 3627:
The Jakarta Method: Washington's Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World
344: 5743: 5587: 5098: 4923: 3950: 2860: 2295: 1566: 1354: 1239: 781: 4819: 2708:
Pierson, Nicolaas (1963). "The problem of value in the socialist society". In Hayek, Friedrich (ed.).
4963: 4898: 4799: 3967: 3352: 2670: 1921:
Central planning is also criticized by elements of the radical left. Libertarian socialist economist
1887:, but he also proposes certain voluntary arrangements which would also require economic calculation. 1739: 1447: 1119: 262: 242: 5108: 4968: 4601: 4390: 4126: 1329: 386: 277: 67:, depicting what Vernet thought were two ills that were plaguing France during the mid-19th century 5883: 5862: 4809: 4444: 4183: 4075: 3962: 3857: 3731: 2363: 2328: 1743: 1742:
which exists in some forms of socialism. It was first proposed in 1854 by the Prussian economist
1554: 1505: 1387: 613: 603: 443: 398: 2594:
Development of the laws of human intercourse, and the rules following therefrom for human action
1774:) which in turn allows—on the basis of individual consensual decisions—corrections that prevent 5427: 5412: 5088: 5083: 4707: 4652: 4576: 4531: 4402: 4309: 3992: 3930: 2402: 1878: 1759: 1650: 736: 498: 334: 232: 222: 5502: 2587: 1259: 5282: 5148: 4913: 4878: 4838: 4586: 4407: 3911: 3847: 3375: 3210: 3204: 2300: 1846: 1634: 1249: 1011: 786: 766: 731: 643: 573: 548: 5387: 5093: 5048: 4933: 4702: 4509: 4504: 4499: 4375: 4178: 4116: 3862: 3795: 3762: 3758: 2906: 2744: 2396: 2358: 2338: 1901: 1654: 1319: 1219: 1154: 691: 618: 473: 217: 167: 124: 107: 102: 49: 45: 1845:
argue that although private monopolies do not have any actual competition, there are many
8: 5592: 5417: 5392: 5073: 4893: 4848: 4757: 4747: 4657: 4647: 4626: 4596: 4494: 4434: 4276: 4271: 4266: 4253: 4224: 4141: 4058: 4014: 4009: 4002: 3243: 2856: 2353: 2323: 2103: 2094: 2027:
Mill later altered his views and adopted a socialist perspective, adding chapters to his
1910: 1904:
reply that while advocates of capitalism and the Austrian School in particular recognize
1683: 1597: 1500: 1467: 1427: 1412: 696: 608: 598: 568: 463: 349: 316: 162: 144: 134: 91: 5382: 5327: 4814: 1274: 5813: 5774: 5512: 5467: 5452: 5237: 5008: 4775: 4722: 4682: 4551: 4541: 4520: 4360: 4261: 4203: 4089: 4031: 3945: 3805: 3785: 3770: 3724: 3626: 3544: 3296: 2690: 2649: 2617: 2290: 2057: 2049: 1854: 1850: 1783: 1675: 1626: 1606: 1490: 1432: 1264: 1189: 961: 941: 926: 776: 681: 538: 518: 503: 453: 433: 411: 252: 187: 75: 5192: 2892: 2841: 1798:
This led him to declare "that rational economic activity is impossible in a socialist
1051: 5627: 5567: 5352: 5063: 4804: 4692: 4687: 4489: 4304: 4283: 4163: 4121: 4024: 3935: 3892: 3872: 3832: 3800: 3691: 3669: 3663: 3635: 3601: 3571: 3548: 3536: 3469: 3461: 3437: 3326: 3214: 3126: 3116: 3089: 3079: 3053: 3032: 3000: 2946: 2822: 2801: 2774: 2694: 2566: 2495: 2369: 2210: 2157: 2138: 1905: 1775: 1771: 1727: 1723: 1715: 1695: 1679: 1671: 1658: 1382: 1294: 1199: 1061: 991: 896: 881: 648: 588: 543: 528: 488: 423: 202: 192: 129: 3711: 1730:, according to socialism's critics, causing a multitude of undesirable side effects. 5850: 5838: 5711: 5577: 5562: 5537: 5517: 5347: 5277: 5187: 5158: 5143: 5118: 5078: 5068: 5033: 5028: 4973: 4948: 4938: 4908: 4868: 4677: 4662: 4611: 4591: 4459: 4439: 4348: 3997: 3940: 3867: 3837: 3528: 3291: 3286: 2845: 2682: 2596:] (in German). Braunschweig, (Germany): Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn. p. 231. 2443: 2270:
were nominal socialist leaders who committed mass killings during the 20th century.
2153: 2134: 2069: 2065: 2015: 1985:
systems that were the envy of the world. Today we are unable even to maintain them.
1896: 1804: 1779: 1751: 1747: 1691: 1646: 1542: 1525: 1244: 1224: 1144: 1139: 1081: 1041: 1031: 996: 916: 891: 861: 846: 841: 816: 761: 746: 653: 628: 558: 513: 483: 371: 359: 287: 272: 212: 177: 4903: 4888: 3532: 2930: 1324: 986: 716: 5582: 5552: 5362: 5342: 5337: 5332: 5272: 5262: 5257: 5242: 5212: 5138: 4998: 4978: 4953: 4883: 4843: 4732: 4727: 4606: 4571: 4566: 4561: 4236: 4193: 4094: 3957: 3820: 3815: 3683: 3659: 3274: 3235: 2914: 2879: 2796: 2313: 2197: 2121: 2112: 2108: 2089: 1960: 1865: 1767: 1755: 1642: 1630: 1614: 1610: 1462: 1457: 1402: 1209: 1169: 1001: 971: 956: 906: 876: 811: 751: 711: 633: 623: 523: 267: 257: 4928: 3708:
Anti-Leftist Politics in Modern World History: Avoiding "Socialism" at All Costs
3516: 2185: 1829: 5671: 5612: 5572: 5557: 5522: 5487: 5477: 5457: 5447: 5437: 5397: 5377: 5317: 5267: 5227: 5202: 5197: 5123: 5053: 4918: 4863: 4712: 4479: 4464: 4395: 4314: 4019: 3621: 3343: 3264: 2873: 2318: 2232: 2202: 1813: 1417: 1309: 1279: 1269: 1194: 1164: 1159: 1149: 1036: 1016: 976: 946: 886: 826: 801: 741: 428: 237: 30: 5676: 5307: 4983: 1943: 1802:". Mises developed his critique of socialism more completely in his 1922 book 1314: 5877: 5701: 5542: 5532: 5497: 5472: 5442: 5372: 5367: 5302: 5297: 5217: 5153: 5133: 5043: 5023: 5003: 4853: 4621: 4556: 4546: 4514: 4365: 4353: 4319: 4229: 4215: 4168: 3810: 3631: 3575: 3540: 3441: 3130: 3093: 2380: 2277: 2263: 2163: 1838: 1822: 1794: 1442: 1437: 1304: 1254: 1234: 1229: 1204: 1179: 1076: 981: 901: 821: 796: 721: 658: 493: 292: 60: 5113: 3107:
McKay, Iain, ed. (2008). "Does capitalism efficiently allocate resources?".
726: 5642: 5622: 5617: 5607: 5547: 5422: 5287: 5013: 4993: 4988: 4958: 4858: 4380: 4046: 3982: 2610:
The Laws of Human Relations and the Rules of Human Action Derived Therefrom
2085: 1922: 1888: 1872: 1858: 1817: 1799: 1711: 1184: 1134: 1129: 1114: 1071: 1056: 1026: 951: 936: 911: 871: 831: 806: 771: 686: 5252: 2141:, who hold that because the full German name of the German Nazi Party was 1629:, most critiques are focused on a specific type of socialism, that of the 1174: 5706: 5696: 5647: 5637: 5632: 5602: 5432: 5407: 5402: 5357: 5222: 5163: 5103: 5058: 4873: 4780: 4742: 4667: 4616: 4536: 4288: 3987: 3897: 3825: 2778: 2375: 2267: 1763: 1719: 1407: 1289: 1124: 1086: 1066: 1006: 966: 931: 866: 856: 836: 791: 706: 676: 638: 533: 376: 306: 172: 55: 1916: 5716: 5652: 5322: 5312: 5232: 4370: 4241: 4106: 4065: 4041: 3916: 3877: 2686: 2259: 2250: 2148: 2045: 1842: 1687: 1377: 1284: 1021: 851: 553: 508: 3517:"Anti-Communism and the Hundreds of Millions of Victims of Capitalism" 2280:
under communist regimes, claiming them as an indictment of socialism.
5764: 5759: 5686: 5507: 5292: 5247: 5182: 5038: 4642: 4581: 4469: 4339: 4210: 4136: 4101: 3925: 3852: 3790: 3748: 3400:"Americans' Views of 'Socialism' and 'Capitalism' In Their Own Words" 2996: 2447: 2286:
has been one of the most elaborate popular works to make this point.
2174: 1969: 1601: 1372: 1214: 1046: 756: 593: 578: 468: 448: 438: 83: 2241: 5784: 5779: 5681: 5207: 4151: 4146: 4111: 3972: 3882: 3595: 3112: 3075: 2790: 2117: 2040: 2156:
instead of either capitalism or non-market socialism. Philosopher
29:"Anti-socialism" redirects here. For opposition to communism, see 5597: 5492: 4412: 3887: 3842: 3070:
McKay, Iain, ed. (2008). "Is libertarian communism impossible?".
2125: 1758:. The problem referred to is that of how to distribute resources 1104: 583: 563: 3202: 1653:
for their reliance on the faulty and unrealistic assumptions of
48:. For criticism of social democracy and welfare capitalism, see 5527: 5462: 4173: 3145:"The 'Economic Calculation' Controversy: Unravelling of a Myth" 2299:
magazine, has defended socialism from criticism, arguing of "a
2129: 1746:. It was subsequently expounded in 1902 by the Dutch economist 1109: 5857: 5833: 2712:. London, England: Routledge & Paul Kegan. pp. 41–85. 1549: 1520: 4157: 3203:
Mill, John Stuart; Benthem, Jeremy (2004). Ryan, Alan (ed.).
3151:. Socialist Party of Great Britain. Retrieved 17 August 2020. 2111:
argued that the more even distribution of wealth through the
chart: political intervention in the creation of prices on a
921: 3716: 2608:
Gossen, Hermann Heinrich; Blitz, Rudolph C., trans. (1983).
The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Thought
Socialism. A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy
World Map of countries that were ruled by Socialist Regimes
2120:. Hayek argued that the road to socialism leads society to 2073:
that the objective of greater income equality is achieved.
354: 2556: 2554: 3348:"Right-wing Celebrities Play Fast and Loose With History" 2872:
Hans-Hermann Hoppe. A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism
1938: 3178:
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Global Economy
2671:"Het waarde-probleem in een socialistische maatschappij" 2814: 2673:[The problem of value in a socialist society]. 2551: 2137:". A similar argument has been made by critics such as 44:. For criticism of Marxism, a branch of socialism, see 3050:
Comparing Economic Systems in the Twenty-First Century
Some Skeptical Reflections on Research and Development
Many commentators on the political right point to the
those where government owns the means of production".
as immutable and absolute. As a result, they perceive
3159: 3157: 2635: 2633: 2177:
as examples of countries where socialism has failed.
Suppression of economic democracy and self-management
1706: 3598:
Representing the Shoah for the Twenty-first Century
2644:. Indianapolis, Indiana: Liberty Fund. p. 117. 1701: 3154: 2967:General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century 2630: 2449:Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth 2180: 1884:General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century 1791:Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth 3589: 3430:"3 Arguments Against Socialism And Why They Fail" 2857:"The Development Of The Theory Of Monopoly Price" 5875: 3596:Ronit Lenáą­in; Mike Dennis; Eva Kolinsky (2003). 3310:Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis 3292:Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis 2771:Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis 2642:Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis 2560: 2425:Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis 1933: 1805:Socialism, An Economic and Sociological Analysis 3564:"100 Years of Communism – and 100 Million Dead" 2293:, editor-in-chief of the left-wing progressive 2173:Critics of socialism cite the Soviet Union and 2080: 2044:Ludwig von Mises is best known for his work on 2640:Mises, Ludwig von; Kahane, J., trans. (1981). 2143:Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei 3732: 3688:Socialism and War: Essays, Documents, Reviews 3514: 3048:Gregory, Paul R.; Stuart, Robert C. (2003) . 2818:Market Socialism: The Debate Among Socialists 1574: 3180:. University of Michigan Press, p. 47, 1999. 2654:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 2622:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 3515:Engel-DiMauro, Salvatore (2 January 2021). 2993:Encyclopedia of Political Economy, Volume 2 2882:. Kluwer Academic Publishers. p. 46 in PDF. 2815:Ollman, Bertell; David Schweickart (1998). 2639: 2612:. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: MIT Press. 2607: 1881:raises similar calculational issues in his 3739: 3725: 3665:The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism 3614: 2990: 2565:. Cambridge University Press. p. 60. 1581: 1567: 3342: 2885: 2734: 2732: 2442: 1949:Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences 3427: 3227: 2792:The Road to Serfdom, Foreseeing the Fall 2738: 2531: 2529: 2527: 2489: 2184: 2084: 2039: 1993: 1942: 1710: 54: 4194:Marxism–Leninism–Maoism–Gonzalo Thought 3510: 3508: 2707: 2668: 2537:"On Milton Friedman, MGR & Annaism" 2472: 2470: 2438: 2436: 2434: 1789:Mises argued in a famous 1920 article " 1786:as "the Socialist Calculation Debate". 14: 5876: 4199:Marxism–Leninism–Maoism–Prachanda Path 3620: 3561: 3233: 2951:: CS1 maint: archived copy as title ( 2773:(English ed.). London: Jonathan Cape. 2729: 2585: 2513: 2511: 1955:and a well-known opponent of socialism 1939:Slow or stagnant technological advance 5739:International socialist organizations 3720: 3682: 3658: 3468:(2003). University of Chicago Press. 3423: 3421: 3373: 3236:"John Stuart Mill: Political Economy" 3106: 3069: 2799:interviewed by Thomas W. Hazlett for 2524: 2223:Mass killings under communist regimes 2035: 1989: 1667:mass killings under communist regimes 1350:International socialist organizations 298:To each according to his contribution 3505: 3485: 3266:A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism 2467: 2431: 5820: 3428:Robinson, Nathan J. (6 July 2018). 3380:American Enterprise Institute – AEI 3240:Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 3191:The Principles of Political Economy 3176:Zoltan J. Acs & Bernard Young. 2508: 2064:Another Austrian school economist, 2012:The Principles of Political Economy 2000:The Principles of Political Economy 24: 3652: 3418: 3392: 2741:"The socialist calculation debate" 2050:comparing communism and capitalism 25: 5905: 3562:Satter, David (6 November 2017). 3299:1981, trans. J. Kahane, IV.30.21. 3209:. London: Penguin Books. p.  3025:Ethics, Efficiency and the Market 2586:Gossen, Hermann Heinrich (1854). 2334:Criticism of communist party rule 1707:Distorted or absent price signals 42:Criticism of Communist party rule 5856: 5844: 5832: 5819: 5808: 5807: 2249: 2240: 2231: 2216: 1702:Critique of centralized planning 1548: 1536: 1519: 90: 5663: 5174: 4830: 4791: 4767: 4475:Dictatorship of the proletariat 3690:. University of Chicago Press. 3668:. University of Chicago Press. 3600:. Berghahn Books. p. 217. 3555: 3479: 3455: 3367: 3336: 3315: 3302: 3280: 3257: 3206:Utilitarianism and Other Essays 3196: 3183: 3170: 3137: 3100: 3063: 3042: 3017: 2984: 2972: 2959: 2919: 2900: 2866: 2850: 2835: 2808: 2784: 2763: 2716: 2701: 2669:Pierson, Nicolaas (June 1902). 2662: 2181:Claims of leadership corruption 2029:Principles of Political Economy 1947:Milton Friedman, winner of the 1893:decentralized economic planning 1698:as infringements upon liberty. 1694:of the means of production and 4718:Organizational self-management 3165:The ABC's of Political Economy 3027:. Oxford University Press US. 2907:Interview with Milton Friedman 2842:"The Myth of Natural Monopoly" 2724:Collectivist Economic Planning 2710:Collectivist Economic Planning 2601: 2579: 2483: 2478:Collectivist Economic Planning 2416: 1726:leads to a deviation from the 13: 1: 4698:Free association of producers 4455:Critique of political economy 3746: 3533:10.1080/10455752.2021.1875603 3466:Friedrich Hayek: A Biography. 2909:. 31 July 1991. Stanford, CA 2739:Fonseca, Gonçalo L. (2000s). 2409: 2391:Soviet-type economic planning 2344:Criticism of social democracy 2168:American Enterprise Institute 2160:has described similar views. 1934:Critique of public enterprise 1816:there would be no functional 183:Critique of political economy 5795:Socialist calculation debate 5770:Economic calculation problem 4738:Socialist mode of production 3710:(Bloomsbury Academic, 2022) 3376:"Why Socialism Always Fails" 3167:, Pluto Press, 2002, p. 262. 3149:Socialism or Your Money Back 3143:Cox, Robin (2 March 2020) . 2386:Socialist calculation debate 2349:Economic calculation problem 2081:Social and political effects 1736:economic calculation problem 1623:socialist calculation debate 1619:economic calculation problem 1453:Socialist calculation debate 1423:List of socialist economists 1398:Economic calculation problem 283:Socialist mode of production 140:Socialist calculation debate 7: 5863:Organized Labour portal 4592:Socialisation of production 3521:Capitalism Nature Socialism 3488:"Socialism as a hate crime" 3308:Von Mises, Ludwig (1947) . 2422:Von Mises, Ludwig (1936) . 2306: 2283:The Black Book of Communism 1953:Chicago school of economics 35:Antisocial (disambiguation) 10: 5910: 5099:Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin 4924:Victor Prosper Considerant 3374:Perry, Mark (2016-03-22). 3023:Buchanan, Alan E. (1985). 2769:Von Mises, Ludwig (1936). 2220: 2056:Austrian school economist 2032:slightly toned-down form. 39: 28: 5803: 5752: 5729: 5661: 5172: 4964:William Batchelder Greene 4899:Francisco Largo Caballero 4828: 4789: 4765: 4756: 4635: 4425: 4297: 4252: 4074: 3910: 3769: 3756: 3353:The American Conservative 2561:Bellamy, Richard (2003). 2490:Stiglitz, Joseph (1996). 1740:central economic planning 1448:Socialism and LGBT rights 392:Socialist-oriented market 340:Socialist planned economy 243:Material balance planning 5109:Friedrich Wilhelm Schulz 4602:Socialist market economy 3273:16 December 2008 at the 2991:O'Hara, Phillip (2000). 2913:16 February 2007 at the 2878:16 December 2008 at the 2821:. Routledge. p. 7. 1891:, a fierce proponent of 387:Socialist market economy 312:Workers' self-management 278:Socialism in one country 125:Age of the Enlightenment 4820:Étienne-Gabriel Morelly 4810:Gabriel Bonnot de Mably 4490:Equality of opportunity 4445:Criticism of capitalism 4189:Marxism–Leninism–Maoism 3946:Left-wing laissez-faire 3712:online scholarly review 2364:Economic liberalization 2329:Criticism of capitalism 1998:First edition cover to 1951:in 1976, member of the 1864:According to economist 1744:Hermann Heinrich Gossen 1388:Criticism of capitalism 399:Participatory economics 233:Labour-time calculation 5894:Criticism of socialism 5889:Macroeconomic problems 5483:JosĂ© Carlos Mariátegui 5428:E. M. S. Namboodiripad 5413:Martin Luther King Jr. 5089:Luis Emilio Recabarren 5084:Pierre-Joseph Proudhon 5019:Alexandre Ledru-Rollin 4708:Labor-time calculation 4673:Decentralized planning 4577:Proletarian revolution 4532:State-owned enterprise 4450:Criticism of socialism 2428:(English ed.). p. 119. 2403:Tragedy of the commons 2190: 2098: 2053: 2025: 2003: 1987: 1956: 1879:Pierre-Joseph Proudhon 1731: 1651:neoclassical economics 1633:and the experience of 1594:Criticism of socialism 1393:Criticism of socialism 345:Decentralized planning 248:Peer‑to‑peer economics 68: 33:. For other uses, see 5826:Socialism WikiProject 5588:LĂ©opold SĂ©dar Senghor 5283:Cornelius Castoriadis 5149:Alfred Russel Wallace 4914:Nikolay Chernyshevsky 4879:Louis Auguste Blanqui 4839:Stephen Pearl Andrews 4668:Cooperative ownership 4184:Maoism–Third Worldism 3234:Wilson, Fred (2007). 3193:, Book IV, Chapter 7. 2743:. HET. Archived from 2301:libertarian socialist 2207:1945 general election 2188: 2088: 2043: 2020: 1997: 1974: 1946: 1847:potential competitors 1714: 1635:Soviet-type economies 65:Socialism and Cholera 58: 5851:Communism portal 5839:Socialism portal 5790:Socialism by country 5388:Pablo Iglesias Posse 5094:Henri de Saint-Simon 5049:Nikolay Mikhaylovsky 4703:Industrial democracy 4510:History of socialism 4505:History of communism 4500:History of anarchism 3634:. pp. 238–240. 3346:(27 December 2017). 3325:, Routledge (2001), 3295:, Indianapolis, IN: 3263:Hans-Hermann Hoppe. 2981:p. 96, Leon Trotsky. 2965:Proudhon, Pierre J. 2726:, pp. 1–40, 201–243. 2480:, pp. 1–40, 201–243. 2397:The Stalinist Legacy 2359:Economic equilibrium 2339:Criticism of Marxism 2166:of the conservative 1902:market abolitionists 1828:Hungarian economist 1655:economic equilibrium 1543:Communism portal 1526:Socialism portal 218:Industrial democracy 168:Collective ownership 59:An 1850 painting by 50:Criticism of welfare 46:Criticism of Marxism 5593:George Bernard Shaw 5503:François Mitterrand 5418:Alexandra Kollontai 5393:Jayaprakash Narayan 5074:Constantin Pecqueur 4894:Philippe Buonarroti 4849:John Goodwyn Barmby 4748:Workplace democracy 4658:Calculation in kind 4648:Anarchist economics 4597:Socialist economics 4495:Equality of outcome 4435:Anarchist economics 4142:Ho Chi Minh Thought 4015:Libertarian Marxism 4010:Left-libertarianism 3706:Minehan, Philip B. 3568:Wall Street Journal 3404:Pew Research Center 3323:The Road to Serfdom 3244:Stanford University 3189:Mill, John Stuart. 2747:on 18 February 2009 2354:Economic efficiency 2324:Anti-Stalinist left 2104:The Road to Serfdom 2095:The Road to Serfdom 2002:by John Stuart Mill 1911:calculation in kind 1784:economic historians 1762:in an economy. The 1684:means of production 1598:socialist economics 1596:is any critique of 1428:Market abolitionism 1413:Left-libertarianism 350:Inclusive Democracy 317:Workplace democracy 163:Calculation in kind 145:Socialist economics 135:Revolutions of 1848 5775:Marxist philosophy 5692:Kemal KılıçdaroÄźlu 5513:Gamal Abdel Nasser 5468:Alasdair MacIntyre 5238:Simone de Beauvoir 5009:Ferdinand Lassalle 4776:Tommaso Campanella 4723:Production for use 4683:Economic democracy 4552:Mode of production 4542:Left-wing politics 4521:The Internationale 4204:Xi Jinping Thought 3297:Liberty Fund, Inc. 2891:Machan, R. Tibor, 2687:10.1007/BF02286704 2291:Nathan J. Robinson 2191: 2099: 2058:Hans-Hermann Hoppe 2054: 2036:Reduced prosperity 2004: 1990:Reduced incentives 1957: 1926:economic freedom. 1906:equilibrium prices 1855:Hans-Hermann Hoppe 1851:anarcho-capitalist 1738:is a criticism of 1732: 1676:right-libertarians 1627:types of socialism 1607:socialist movement 1433:Marxist philosophy 253:Production for use 223:Input–output model 188:Economic democracy 69: 5871: 5870: 5744:Socialist parties 5725: 5724: 5628:Ram Manohar Lohia 5568:Gaetano Salvemini 5353:Mikhail Gorbachev 5064:Antonie Pannekoek 4693:Equal opportunity 4688:Economic planning 4421: 4420: 4310:African-Caribbean 4298:Regional variants 4025:Council communism 3893:Saint-Simonianism 3607:978-1-57181-802-7 3486:Piereson, James. 3462:Alan O. Ebenstein 3321:Friedrich Hayek, 3122:978-1-902593-90-6 3085:978-1-902593-90-6 3037:978-0-8476-7396-4 2979:Writings, 1932–33 2933:on 5 January 2007 2492:Whither Socialism 2455:. Mises Institute 2444:Von Mises, Ludwig 2370:The Fatal Conceit 2211:Winston Churchill 2158:David Schweickart 1772:supply and demand 1728:equilibrium price 1724:supply and demand 1716:Supply and demand 1696:economic planning 1680:private ownership 1672:Economic liberals 1659:Pareto efficiency 1641:According to the 1591: 1590: 1383:Communist society 1355:Socialist parties 614:Saint-Simonianism 203:Equal opportunity 193:Economic planning 130:French Revolution 16:(Redirected from 5901: 5861: 5860: 5849: 5848: 5847: 5837: 5836: 5823: 5822: 5811: 5810: 5712:Yanis Varoufakis 5665: 5578:Jean-Paul Sartre 5563:Bertrand Russell 5538:Sylvia Pankhurst 5518:Jawaharlal Nehru 5383:Dolores Ibárruri 5348:Einar Gerhardsen 5328:Alexander DubÄŤek 5278:Nikolai Bukharin 5188:Salvador Allende 5176: 5159:Wilhelm Weitling 5144:Suzanne Voilquin 5129:William Thompson 5119:Lysander Spooner 5079:Georgi Plekhanov 5069:Giovanni Pascoli 5034:Errico Malatesta 5029:Helen Macfarlane 4974:Alexander Herzen 4949:Friedrich Engels 4944:Prosper Enfantin 4939:W. E. B. Du Bois 4909:Edward Carpenter 4869:Eduard Bernstein 4832: 4815:Sylvain MarĂ©chal 4793: 4769: 4763: 4762: 4728:Public ownership 4678:Direct democracy 4663:Common ownership 4627:Workers' council 4612:State capitalism 4527:Internationalism 4460:Critique of work 4440:Anti-revisionism 4117:Marxism–Leninism 3951:Left-wing market 3908: 3907: 3868:Social democracy 3751: 3741: 3734: 3727: 3718: 3717: 3701: 3684:Hayek, Friedrich 3679: 3660:Hayek, Friedrich 3646: 3645: 3618: 3612: 3611: 3593: 3587: 3586: 3584: 3582: 3559: 3553: 3552: 3512: 3503: 3502: 3500: 3498: 3483: 3477: 3459: 3453: 3452: 3450: 3448: 3425: 3416: 3415: 3413: 3411: 3406:. 7 October 2019 3396: 3390: 3389: 3387: 3386: 3371: 3365: 3364: 3362: 3360: 3340: 3334: 3319: 3313: 3306: 3300: 3287:Ludwig von Mises 3284: 3278: 3261: 3255: 3254: 3252: 3250: 3231: 3225: 3224: 3200: 3194: 3187: 3181: 3174: 3168: 3161: 3152: 3141: 3135: 3134: 3109:An Anarchist FAQ 3104: 3098: 3097: 3072:An Anarchist FAQ 3067: 3061: 3046: 3040: 3021: 3015: 3014: 2988: 2982: 2976: 2970: 2963: 2957: 2956: 2950: 2942: 2940: 2938: 2929:. Archived from 2923: 2917: 2904: 2898: 2889: 2883: 2870: 2864: 2854: 2848: 2846:Thomas DiLorenzo 2839: 2833: 2832: 2812: 2806: 2788: 2782: 2767: 2761: 2760: 2754: 2752: 2736: 2727: 2720: 2714: 2713: 2705: 2699: 2698: 2666: 2660: 2659: 2653: 2645: 2637: 2628: 2627: 2621: 2613: 2605: 2599: 2597: 2583: 2577: 2576: 2558: 2549: 2548: 2546: 2544: 2533: 2522: 2515: 2506: 2505: 2487: 2481: 2474: 2465: 2464: 2462: 2460: 2454: 2440: 2429: 2420: 2253: 2244: 2235: 2154:market socialism 2135:horseshoe theory 2124:and argued that 2070:marginal utility 2066:Ludwig von Mises 2016:John Stuart Mill 1897:market socialism 1752:Ludwig von Mises 1748:Nicolaas Pierson 1692:public ownership 1647:Ludwig von Mises 1583: 1576: 1569: 1555:Organized Labour 1553: 1552: 1541: 1540: 1539: 1524: 1523: 1468:Workers' council 1105:Gracchi Brothers 629:Social democracy 372:Market socialism 360:Project Cybersyn 288:Soviet democracy 273:Social ownership 228:Internationalism 208:Free association 178:Common ownership 94: 71: 70: 21: 5909: 5908: 5904: 5903: 5902: 5900: 5899: 5898: 5874: 5873: 5872: 5867: 5855: 5845: 5843: 5831: 5799: 5748: 5721: 5657: 5583:Arthur Scargill 5553:Pierre Renaudel 5363:Antonio Gramsci 5343:Muammar Gaddafi 5338:Faiz Ahmad Faiz 5333:Albert Einstein 5273:Aristide Briand 5263:Murray Bookchin 5258:Grace Lee Boggs 5243:Walter Benjamin 5213:Chiang Kai-shek 5193:InejirĹŤ Asanuma 5168: 5139:Benjamin Tucker 4999:Peter Kropotkin 4979:Thomas Hodgskin 4954:Charles Fourier 4934:ThĂ©odore DĂ©zamy 4884:Philippe Buchez 4844:Mikhail Bakunin 4824: 4800:Gracchus Babeuf 4785: 4752: 4733:Social dividend 4631: 4607:Socialist state 4572:Post-capitalism 4567:Planned economy 4562:Nationalization 4427: 4417: 4293: 4248: 4078: 4070: 3968:Insurrectionary 3914: 3906: 3772: 3765: 3752: 3747: 3745: 3698: 3676: 3655: 3653:Further reading 3650: 3649: 3642: 3622:Bevins, Vincent 3619: 3615: 3608: 3594: 3590: 3580: 3578: 3560: 3556: 3513: 3506: 3496: 3494: 3484: 3480: 3460: 3456: 3446: 3444: 3434:Current Affairs 3426: 3419: 3409: 3407: 3398: 3397: 3393: 3384: 3382: 3372: 3368: 3358: 3356: 3344:Gottfried, Paul 3341: 3337: 3320: 3316: 3307: 3303: 3285: 3281: 3275:Wayback Machine 3262: 3258: 3248: 3246: 3232: 3228: 3221: 3201: 3197: 3188: 3184: 3175: 3171: 3163:Hahnel, Robin. 3162: 3155: 3142: 3138: 3123: 3105: 3101: 3086: 3068: 3064: 3047: 3043: 3022: 3018: 3007: 2989: 2985: 2977: 2973: 2964: 2960: 2944: 2943: 2936: 2934: 2927:"Archived copy" 2925: 2924: 2920: 2915:Wayback Machine 2905: 2901: 2897:, Hoover Press. 2890: 2886: 2880:Wayback Machine 2871: 2867: 2855: 2851: 2840: 2836: 2829: 2813: 2809: 2797:Friedrich Hayek 2789: 2785: 2768: 2764: 2750: 2748: 2737: 2730: 2721: 2717: 2706: 2702: 2667: 2663: 2647: 2646: 2638: 2631: 2615: 2614: 2606: 2602: 2584: 2580: 2573: 2559: 2552: 2542: 2540: 2535: 2534: 2525: 2516: 2509: 2502: 2488: 2484: 2475: 2468: 2458: 2456: 2452: 2441: 2432: 2421: 2417: 2412: 2407: 2314:Anti-capitalism 2309: 2296:Current Affairs 2274: 2273: 2272: 2271: 2256: 2255: 2254: 2246: 2245: 2237: 2236: 2225: 2219: 2198:Milton Friedman 2183: 2122:totalitarianism 2113:nationalization 2109:Friedrich Hayek 2090:Friedrich Hayek 2083: 2038: 1992: 1961:Milton Friedman 1941: 1936: 1919: 1866:Milton Friedman 1768:price mechanism 1756:Friedrich Hayek 1709: 1704: 1643:Austrian School 1631:command economy 1587: 1547: 1537: 1535: 1518: 1511: 1510: 1481: 1473: 1472: 1463:Socialist state 1458:Socialist Party 1403:Economic system 1368: 1360: 1359: 1345: 1335: 1334: 1100: 1092: 1091: 672: 664: 663: 479:Democratic road 414: 404: 403: 330: 322: 321: 268:Social dividend 258:Sharing economy 158: 150: 149: 120: 112: 53: 38: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 5907: 5897: 5896: 5891: 5886: 5884:Anti-communism 5869: 5868: 5866: 5865: 5853: 5841: 5829: 5817: 5804: 5801: 5800: 5798: 5797: 5792: 5787: 5782: 5777: 5772: 5767: 5762: 5756: 5754: 5750: 5749: 5747: 5746: 5741: 5735: 5733: 5727: 5726: 5723: 5722: 5720: 5719: 5714: 5709: 5704: 5699: 5694: 5689: 5684: 5679: 5674: 5672:Pedro Castillo 5668: 5666: 5659: 5658: 5656: 5655: 5650: 5645: 5640: 5635: 5630: 5625: 5620: 5615: 5613:E. P. Thompson 5610: 5605: 5600: 5595: 5590: 5585: 5580: 5575: 5573:Bernie Sanders 5570: 5565: 5560: 5558:B. T. Ranadive 5555: 5550: 5545: 5540: 5535: 5530: 5525: 5523:Ernst Niekisch 5520: 5515: 5510: 5505: 5500: 5495: 5490: 5488:Adrien Marquet 5485: 5480: 5478:Nelson Mandela 5475: 5470: 5465: 5460: 5458:Rosa Luxemburg 5455: 5450: 5448:Vladimir Lenin 5445: 5440: 5438:Henri Lefebvre 5435: 5430: 5425: 5420: 5415: 5410: 5405: 5400: 5398:Russell Jacoby 5395: 5390: 5385: 5380: 5378:Saddam Hussein 5375: 5370: 5365: 5360: 5355: 5350: 5345: 5340: 5335: 5330: 5325: 5320: 5318:Eugene V. Debs 5315: 5310: 5305: 5300: 5295: 5290: 5285: 5280: 5275: 5270: 5268:Bertolt Brecht 5265: 5260: 5255: 5250: 5245: 5240: 5235: 5230: 5228:Henri Barbusse 5225: 5220: 5215: 5210: 5205: 5203:Clement Attlee 5200: 5198:Hafez al-Assad 5195: 5190: 5185: 5179: 5177: 5170: 5169: 5167: 5166: 5161: 5156: 5151: 5146: 5141: 5136: 5131: 5126: 5124:Fred M. Taylor 5121: 5116: 5111: 5106: 5101: 5096: 5091: 5086: 5081: 5076: 5071: 5066: 5061: 5056: 5054:William Morris 5051: 5046: 5041: 5036: 5031: 5026: 5021: 5016: 5011: 5006: 5001: 4996: 4991: 4986: 4981: 4976: 4971: 4966: 4961: 4956: 4951: 4946: 4941: 4936: 4931: 4926: 4921: 4919:James Connolly 4916: 4911: 4906: 4901: 4896: 4891: 4886: 4881: 4876: 4871: 4866: 4864:Edward Bellamy 4861: 4856: 4851: 4846: 4841: 4835: 4833: 4826: 4825: 4823: 4822: 4817: 4812: 4807: 4805:Victor d'Hupay 4802: 4796: 4794: 4787: 4786: 4784: 4783: 4778: 4772: 4770: 4760: 4754: 4753: 4751: 4750: 4745: 4740: 4735: 4730: 4725: 4720: 4715: 4713:Labour voucher 4710: 4705: 4700: 4695: 4690: 4685: 4680: 4675: 4670: 4665: 4660: 4655: 4650: 4645: 4639: 4637: 4633: 4632: 4630: 4629: 4624: 4619: 4614: 4609: 4604: 4599: 4594: 4589: 4584: 4579: 4574: 4569: 4564: 4559: 4554: 4549: 4544: 4539: 4534: 4529: 4524: 4517: 4512: 4507: 4502: 4497: 4492: 4487: 4482: 4480:Egalitarianism 4477: 4472: 4467: 4465:Class struggle 4462: 4457: 4452: 4447: 4442: 4437: 4431: 4429: 4423: 4422: 4419: 4418: 4416: 4415: 4410: 4405: 4400: 4399: 4398: 4393: 4391:In one country 4383: 4378: 4373: 4368: 4363: 4358: 4357: 4356: 4346: 4345: 4344: 4343: 4342: 4332: 4322: 4317: 4312: 4307: 4301: 4299: 4295: 4294: 4292: 4291: 4286: 4281: 4280: 4279: 4274: 4264: 4258: 4256: 4250: 4249: 4247: 4246: 4245: 4244: 4234: 4233: 4232: 4227: 4222: 4221: 4220: 4219: 4218: 4208: 4207: 4206: 4201: 4196: 4191: 4186: 4181: 4171: 4166: 4161: 4154: 4149: 4144: 4139: 4134: 4129: 4124: 4114: 4104: 4099: 4098: 4097: 4086: 4084: 4072: 4071: 4069: 4068: 4063: 4062: 4061: 4056: 4055: 4054: 4049: 4039: 4034: 4029: 4028: 4027: 4020:Left communism 4012: 4007: 4006: 4005: 4000: 3995: 3990: 3985: 3980: 3975: 3970: 3965: 3960: 3955: 3954: 3953: 3948: 3938: 3933: 3922: 3920: 3905: 3904: 3903: 3902: 3901: 3900: 3890: 3885: 3880: 3870: 3865: 3860: 3855: 3850: 3845: 3840: 3835: 3830: 3829: 3828: 3823: 3813: 3808: 3803: 3798: 3793: 3788: 3783: 3777: 3775: 3767: 3766: 3757: 3754: 3753: 3744: 3743: 3736: 3729: 3721: 3715: 3714: 3703: 3702: 3697:978-0226320588 3696: 3680: 3675:978-0226320687 3674: 3654: 3651: 3648: 3647: 3641:978-1541742406 3640: 3613: 3606: 3588: 3554: 3504: 3478: 3454: 3417: 3391: 3366: 3335: 3314: 3301: 3279: 3256: 3226: 3220:978-0140432725 3219: 3195: 3182: 3169: 3153: 3136: 3121: 3099: 3084: 3062: 3041: 3016: 3006:978-0415241878 3005: 2999:. p. 71. 2983: 2971: 2969:, third study. 2958: 2918: 2899: 2884: 2865: 2861:Joseph Salerno 2849: 2834: 2828:978-0415919661 2827: 2807: 2783: 2762: 2728: 2715: 2700: 2661: 2629: 2600: 2578: 2572:978-0521563543 2571: 2550: 2523: 2507: 2501:978-0262691826 2500: 2482: 2466: 2430: 2414: 2413: 2411: 2408: 2406: 2405: 2400: 2393: 2388: 2383: 2378: 2373: 2366: 2361: 2356: 2351: 2346: 2341: 2336: 2331: 2326: 2321: 2319:Anti-communism 2316: 2310: 2308: 2305: 2258: 2257: 2248: 2247: 2239: 2238: 2230: 2229: 2228: 2227: 2226: 2221:Main article: 2218: 2215: 2203:Clement Attlee 2182: 2179: 2139:Dinesh D'Souza 2082: 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4135: 4133: 4130: 4128: 4125: 4123: 4120: 4119: 4118: 4115: 4113: 4110: 4109: 4108: 4105: 4103: 4100: 4096: 4093: 4092: 4091: 4088: 4087: 4085: 4082: 4077: 4076:Authoritarian 4073: 4067: 4064: 4060: 4057: 4053: 4050: 4048: 4045: 4044: 4043: 4040: 4038: 4035: 4033: 4030: 4026: 4023: 4022: 4021: 4018: 4017: 4016: 4013: 4011: 4008: 4004: 4001: 3999: 3996: 3994: 3991: 3989: 3986: 3984: 3981: 3979: 3976: 3974: 3971: 3969: 3966: 3964: 3963:Individualist 3961: 3959: 3956: 3952: 3949: 3947: 3944: 3943: 3942: 3939: 3937: 3934: 3932: 3929: 3928: 3927: 3924: 3923: 3921: 3918: 3913: 3909: 3899: 3896: 3895: 3894: 3891: 3889: 3886: 3884: 3881: 3879: 3876: 3875: 3874: 3871: 3869: 3866: 3864: 3861: 3859: 3858:Revolutionary 3856: 3854: 3851: 3849: 3846: 3844: 3841: 3839: 3836: 3834: 3831: 3827: 3824: 3822: 3819: 3818: 3817: 3814: 3812: 3809: 3807: 3804: 3802: 3799: 3797: 3794: 3792: 3789: 3787: 3784: 3782: 3779: 3778: 3776: 3774: 3768: 3764: 3760: 3755: 3750: 3742: 3737: 3735: 3730: 3728: 3723: 3722: 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H. Tawney 5548:Karl Polanyi 5423:James Larkin 5288:Noam Chomsky 5014:Pyotr Lavrov 4994:Karl Kautsky 4989:Mother Jones 4969:Charles Hall 4959:Emma Goldman 4929:Claire DĂ©mar 4859:August Bebel 4653:Basic income 4449: 4156: 4032:Luxemburgism 3983:Neozapatismo 3931:Collectivist 3781:21st century 3707: 3687: 3664: 3625: 3616: 3597: 3591: 3579:. Retrieved 3567: 3557: 3524: 3520: 3495:. Retrieved 3491: 3481: 3465: 3457: 3447:19 September 3445:. Retrieved 3433: 3408:. Retrieved 3403: 3394: 3383:. Retrieved 3379: 3369: 3359:27 September 3357:. Retrieved 3351: 3338: 3322: 3317: 3309: 3304: 3290: 3282: 3265: 3259: 3247:. Retrieved 3239: 3229: 3205: 3198: 3190: 3185: 3177: 3172: 3164: 3148: 3139: 3111:. Stirling: 3108: 3102: 3074:. Stirling: 3071: 3065: 3049: 3044: 3024: 3019: 3010: 2992: 2986: 2978: 2974: 2966: 2961: 2935:. Retrieved 2931:the original 2921: 2902: 2893: 2887: 2868: 2852: 2837: 2817: 2810: 2800: 2791: 2786: 2770: 2765: 2756: 2749:. Retrieved 2745:the original 2723: 2718: 2709: 2703: 2678: 2677:(in Dutch). 2675:De Economist 2674: 2664: 2641: 2609: 2603: 2593: 2588: 2581: 2562: 2541:. Retrieved 2539:. 2518: 2491: 2485: 2477: 2457:. Retrieved 2448: 2423: 2418: 2395: 2368: 2294: 2288: 2281: 2275: 2196: 2192: 2172: 2162: 2147: 2142: 2102: 2100: 2093: 2092:, author of 2075: 2063: 2055: 2028: 2026: 2021: 2011: 2009: 2005: 1999: 1983: 1979: 1975: 1966: 1958: 1928: 1923:Robin Hahnel 1920: 1889:Leon Trotsky 1882: 1877: 1873:chaos theory 1870: 1863: 1859:Tibor Machan 1837: 1835: 1830:János Kornai 1827: 1818:price system 1810: 1803: 1800:commonwealth 1788: 1733: 1663: 1640: 1593: 1592: 1392: 499:Evolutionary 419:21st-century 213:Freed market 64: 26: 5707:Evo Morales 5697:Kim Jong Un 5677:Hugo Chávez 5648:Howard Zinn 5638:Cornel West 5633:H. G. Wells 5603:Sun Yat-sen 5433:Jack Layton 5408:Kim Il Sung 5403:Kim Jong-il 5358:Maxim Gorky 5308:Marcel DĂ©at 5223:Jiang Zemin 5164:Oscar Wilde 5104:George Sand 5059:Robert Owen 4984:Jean Jaurès 4874:Louis Blanc 4781:Thomas More 4743:Technocracy 4617:Trade union 4587:Revisionism 4537:Land reform 4408:Third World 4335:Nationalist 4122:Brezhnevism 4095:Nechayevism 4037:Mao-Spontex 4003:Syndicalist 3993:Communalism 3988:Platformism 3941:Free-market 3912:Libertarian 3898:Technocracy 3848:Nationalist 3826:Syndicalism 3527:(1): 1–17. 3029:pp. 104–105 2681:: 421–456. 2459:8 September 2376:McCarthyism 2268:Kim Il Sung 1764:free market 1720:free market 1530:WikiProject 1408:French Left 1200:Spiridonova 1099:Politicians 1012:Castoriadis 692:Saint-Simon 644:Third World 639:Syndicalism 574:Nationalist 549:Libertarian 514:Free-market 377:Lange model 365:Soviet-type 335:Communalism 307:Vanguardism 263:Spontaneism 173:Cooperative 119:Development 5878:Categories 5814:Categories 5717:Xi Jinping 5653:J. Posadas 5323:John Dewey 5313:Guy Debord 5233:Jyoti Basu 5114:Eugène Sue 4428:and issues 4426:Key topics 4403:Sri Lankan 4376:Melanesian 4371:Indonesian 4320:Bolivarian 4242:Lassallism 4230:Tkachevism 4107:Bolshevism 4081:from above 4066:Third camp 4042:Trotskyism 3917:from below 3883:Icarianism 3878:Fourierism 3863:Scientific 3796:Democratic 3771:Schools of 3581:22 October 3497:22 October 3474:0226181502 3385:2023-06-20 3331:0415255430 2543:30 October 2410:References 2260:Mao Zedong 2149:Peter Self 2046:praxeology 1959:Economist 1853:economist 1843:capitalism 1760:rationally 1688:capitalism 1645:economist 1501:Socialists 1496:By country 1378:Capitalism 1260:Mitterrand 1225:Gerhardsen 1170:Liebknecht 1155:Markievicz 1082:Varoufakis 1032:Fotopoulos 702:Saint-Just 697:Buonarroti 682:Campanella 619:Scientific 554:Marhaenism 509:Fourierism 494:Ecological 474:Democratic 5765:Communism 5760:Anarchism 5687:Hu Jintao 5508:Imre Nagy 5293:M. N. Roy 5253:LĂ©on Blum 5248:Tony Benn 5183:Tariq Ali 5039:Karl Marx 4643:Adhocracy 4582:Reformism 4470:Democracy 4340:Chiangist 4330:Communist 4277:communism 4272:anarchism 4267:Christian 4254:Religious 4211:Stalinism 4137:Guevarism 4127:Castroism 4102:Blanquism 3978:Mutualism 3936:Communist 3926:Anarchism 3853:Reformist 3821:Labourism 3791:Communist 3749:Socialism 3576:0099-9660 3549:233745505 3541:1045-5752 3442:2471-2647 3131:182529204 3094:182529204 2997:Routledge 2758:resource. 2695:154882112 2650:cite book 2618:cite book 2175:Venezuela 2061:instead. 1970:copyright 1780:surpluses 1776:shortages 1602:socialist 1373:Anarchism 1295:Gorbachev 1145:Malatesta 1140:Bernstein 917:Pankhurst 897:Pannekoek 887:Luxemburg 842:Plekhanov 817:Carpenter 812:Kropotkin 609:Ricardian 599:Religious 594:Reformism 579:Nkrumaism 569:Municipal 469:Communism 464:Christian 449:Blanquism 439:Anarchism 382:Mutualism 84:Socialism 5785:Old Left 5780:New Left 5753:See also 5682:Bob Crow 5208:Aung San 4636:Concepts 4413:Yugoslav 4349:European 4262:Buddhist 4225:National 4164:Kadarism 4152:Husakism 4147:Hoxhaism 4132:CeauČ™ism 4112:Leninism 4090:Barracks 4059:Orthodox 4052:Posadism 4047:Pabloism 3973:Magonism 3806:Feminist 3786:Agrarian 3686:(1997). 3662:(1988). 3624:(2020). 3410:26 March 3271:Archived 3113:AK Press 3076:AK Press 2947:cite web 2911:Archived 2876:Archived 2779:72357479 2446:(1990). 2307:See also 2118:coercion 2048:studies 2014:(1848), 1722:through 1621:and the 1491:Category 1230:Erlander 1190:Kerensky 1160:Connolly 1017:Thompson 1002:Bookchin 992:Montseny 942:Vanzetti 907:Einstein 877:Landauer 782:Saltykov 777:Lassalle 737:Proudhon 519:Gandhian 504:Feminist 454:Buddhist 434:Agrarian 412:Variants 76:a series 74:Part of 5598:Sukarno 5493:Mao Dun 4381:Mexican 4366:Israeli 4325:Chinese 4305:African 4284:Islamic 4179:Dengism 3888:Owenism 3873:Utopian 3843:Marxian 3833:Liberal 3801:Ethical 3773:thought 3763:Outline 3759:History 3476:p. 137. 2937:3 April 2751:3 April 2205:in the 2126:fascism 2018:wrote: 1682:of the 1611:parties 1325:Sánchez 1310:Sankara 1270:Mandela 1255:Kreisky 1245:Allende 1240:Senghor 1235:Douglas 1220:Durruti 1185:Trotsky 1077:Graeber 1057:Hampton 1027:Chomsky 972:Marcuse 957:Gramsci 947:Bordiga 937:Polanyi 892:Russell 882:Berkman 872:Goldman 862:Du Bois 832:Kautsky 827:Bellamy 792:Tolstoy 767:Wallace 752:Bakunin 742:Greeley 732:Blanqui 712:Fourier 659:Zionist 649:Utopian 589:Popular 584:Owenism 564:Marxism 544:Liberal 529:Islamic 489:Ethical 484:Digital 459:Chinese 424:African 108:Outline 103:History 63:titled 5528:Ne Win 5463:Lu Xun 4758:People 4386:Soviet 4361:Indian 4289:Jewish 4174:Maoism 3998:Social 3838:Market 3694:  3672:  3638:  3604:  3574:  3547:  3539:  3472:  3440:  3329:  3217:  3129:  3119:  3092:  3082:  3056:  3035:  3003:  2825:  2802:Reason 2777:  2693:  2569:  2498:  2266:, and 2130:Nazism 1615:states 1320:Marcos 1315:Chávez 1305:Corbyn 1280:Manley 1275:DubÄŤek 1265:Nasser 1205:Makhno 1195:Attlee 1180:Martov 1165:Gandhi 1120:Babeuf 1110:Mazdak 1072:Hedges 1052:Ă–calan 1037:Newton 997:Sartre 987:GuĂ©rin 982:Orwell 932:Korsch 927:Lukács 912:Keller 902:Rocker 847:Ferrer 802:Morris 797:Michel 772:Lavrov 762:Engels 747:Herzen 722:Leroux 654:Yellow 559:Market 534:Jewish 329:Models 5662:21st 5173:20th 4829:19th 4790:18th 4766:16th 4237:State 4158:Juche 3958:Green 3816:Guild 3811:Green 3545:S2CID 3249:4 May 2691:S2CID 2592:[ 2453:(PDF) 1678:view 1506:Songs 1480:Lists 1285:Palme 1135:Bebel 1125:Blanc 1087:Saito 1062:Ĺ˝iĹľek 1042:Wolff 977:James 962:Sacco 952:Serge 922:Volin 867:Gorky 857:Wells 852:Dewey 837:Wilde 822:Sorel 807:Jones 717:Cabet 687:Paine 634:State 624:Sewer 524:Guild 302:needs 157:Ideas 4396:Real 4315:Arab 3692:ISBN 3670:ISBN 3636:ISBN 3602:ISBN 3583:2021 3572:ISSN 3537:ISSN 3499:2021 3470:ISBN 3449:2022 3438:ISSN 3412:2022 3361:2019 3327:ISBN 3251:2009 3215:ISBN 3127:OCLC 3117:ISBN 3090:OCLC 3080:ISBN 3054:ISBN 3033:ISBN 3001:ISBN 2953:link 2939:2007 2823:ISBN 2775:OCLC 2753:2007 2656:link 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Antisocial (disambiguation)
Criticism of Communist party rule
Criticism of Marxism
Criticism of welfare

Horace Vernet
a series

Age of the Enlightenment
French Revolution
Revolutions of 1848
Socialist calculation debate
Socialist economics
Calculation in kind
Collective ownership
Common ownership
Critique of political economy
Economic democracy
Economic planning
Equal liberty
Equal opportunity
Free association
Freed market
Industrial democracy

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
