
Borealis quadrangle

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513:(Guest and Greeley, 1983), only the uppermost parts of walls and rims protrude above smooth plains material. Ghost craters of this type display rounded rim crests that are densely cratered with secondaries, a feature typical of the rough surface of intercrater plains material. These craters are floored by smooth plains material and are therefore older than it; a similar relation occurs on the Moon, where the crater Archimedes is seen to be older than the mare material it contains. Another type of ghost crater, common in Borealis Planitia, is recognized only by an irregular or thin outline of a rim crest under a thin mantle of smooth plains material; the buried rim crest is shown on the map. The polygonal ghost crater centered at lat 82.5° N., long 100° W., northwest of DeprĂ©z, is a transitional form between these two types. Polar darkening is generally lacking on Mercury (Hapke, 1977), but darkening in restricted areas may be due to vapor-phase deposition accompanying micrometeorite impacts (Hapke, 1977). In the Borealis region, surface darkening affects some crater floors, and low-albedo areas are mapped in both intermediate plains and smooth plains materials. The low-albedo plains are marginal to the borders of Borealis and Suisei Planitiae, which suggests that darkening may be due to internal volatile materials escaping along the fractured margins of unrecognized buried or very degraded basins. 559:
hand, some ridges on the surface of the smooth plains material in Borealis Planitia may be of structural (internal) origin; this type of ridge elsewhere on Mercury has been ascribed to compression and a slight shortening of the crust (Melosh, 1977; Melosh and Dzurisin, 1978). On the other hand, the wrinklelike sinuous ridge along the northeast border of the Goethe Basin, together with the outward-facing concentric scarps along its periphery, may represent the fronts of lava flows that are associated with the development of a structural moat between the basin fill and the wall. The latter interpretation supports the view that impact craters and basins on Mercury, as on the Moon (Schultz, 1977) and Mars, "have played a dominant role in controlling the surface expression of igneous activity" (Schultz and Glicken, 1979, p. 8033). Slow, long-lasting isostatic adjustment of the basin floor may have continued well after the emplacement of the basin fill, a structural situation similar to that of crater Posidonius on the Moon (Schaber and others, 1977, Schultz, 1977).
to 160 km, that are buried under the smooth plains material of Borealis Planitia, which material is coextensive with the fill covering the floor of the Goethe Basin. In addition, ejecta from the crater DeprĂ©z extend more than 40 km eastward beyond a circular scarp that may represent the rim crest of a buried crater 170 km in diameter (FDS 156, 160) or, more likely, the front of lava flows. The size and density of these ghost craters suggest that, prior to emplacement of smooth plains material, the original heavily cratered surface of Borealis Planitia—which may have been the cratered floor of a very large multiring impact basin—and the cratered floor of the Goethe Basin were similar in composition and age to the intercrater plains material of the highlands to the west. Many scarps in Borealis Planitia are subconcentric to the rim of the Goethe Basin and have steeper slopes that face away from it, suggesting that they represent the fronts of lava flows that resurfaced extensive areas of heavily cratered terrain (intercrater or older plains material).
expansion and differentiation of the crust. The size and density of ghost craters that are detectable under the smooth plains material in the interior of the Goethe Basin are indicative of an original basin floor much modified by cratering and emplacement of intercrater materials prior to the emplacement of intermediate and smooth plains materials. This interpretation implies, therefore, that the formation of the Goethe Basin predated or occurred soon after the emplacement of intercrater plains material had begun. The relative similarity in albedo of the Mercurian plains, whether formed of intercrater, intermediate, or smooth plains materials, also suggests a similarity in chemical composition and possibly in mode of emplacement of plains materials. The high crater density of intercrater and intermediate plains materials makes it likely, however, that the original rock types of these two units (whether
high latitudes. Its pronounced orbital eccentricity (0.2563) causes the apparent solar intensity at Mercury to vary by more than a factor of 2 throughout a Mercurian year, corresponding to about a 20 percent change in equilibrium temperature. Further, conservation of orbital angular momentum and spin-orbit coupling cause considerable variation in the length of daylight. Dawns and sunsets are prolonged by the long transit time of the Mercurian horizon across the solar disk, so that daylight is lengthened and nighttime reduced by several terrestrial days at sunset and vice versa at sunrise (Robert Wildey, U.S. Geological Survey, oral commun., 1982). Despite these considerations and despite the daily range in surface temperatures of several hundred kelvins, the subsurface temperature in the polar regions always remains well below freezing (Murray, 1975).
32: 380:(Schaber and McCauley, 1980). On its west side, Goethe is bounded by at least three subparallel ridges or tilted blocks, which are separated by narrow troughs partly filled with smooth plains material. Hilly and hummocky remnants resembling basin deposits and ejecta protrude above the gently sloping basin wall. They extend southwest and north of the basin beyond a much subdued, low, barely perceptible rim crest for a distance of one-half to one-third of the basin radius. Goethe is older than the smooth plains material by which its wall, rim crest, and most of its ejecta were partly buried. The Goethe impact basin may be older than some intercrater plains material and large craters nearby. It is also much older than the Caloris Basin. (McCauley and others, 1981). 551:). This set of northeast-trending scarps and troughs, and another set of north-trending scarps and troughs within and north of crater Van Dijck, probably follow zones of structural weakness in the mercurian crust. Ancient fractures that were reactivated by later impacts may have first provided the conduits for crater fill (smooth plains material) and later been propagated upward through the fill. That these ridges, scarps, and troughs are parts of a global grid of fractures cannot be stated conclusively because of their proximity to the terminator and the lack of photographic coverage beyond the 190° meridian. Some scarps probably were formed by normal faulting of the smooth plains material that covers some crater floors, as in the 555:(Scott and others, 1980). We cannot, however, determine whether most lineaments are internal or are parts of a faulted and lineated facies associated with a nearby but unphotographed impact basin. Melosh (1977) predicted that normal east-trending faults would form in high Mercurian latitudes as a result of slight crustal shortening. His predicted faults may be represented by a generally east-northeast-trending scarp and a lineament that cut across intermediate plains material and the crater JĂłkai between the 125° and 155° meridians. The north pole is too close to the terminator to detect the presence or absence of a "polygonal arrangement without preferred orientation," as predicted by Melosh and Dzurisin (1978, p. 233). 467:. The enormous volume of smooth plains material that must underlie Borealis Planitia in order to bury pre-existing topography, as well as the presence of the material in basin and crater floors, suggest that the smooth plains material was emplaced in a fluidized state as volcanic lava flows (Murray and others, 1974). Even though flow fronts cannot be unambiguously mapped on Borealis Planitia, further evidence of the unit's volcanic origin is supplied by its overlap onto intercrater plains material, best observed along the west edge of Borealis Planitia (FDS 85, 152, 153, 156, and 160). The various types of plains material recognized on Mercury exhibit little tonal contrast. The 283:. The unit was described originally by Trask and Guest, who considered it to be the most widespread unit on Mercury; Strom reported that this material covers one-third of the surface viewed by Mariner 10. The principal morphologic characteristic of the intercrater plains material is the high density of superposed craters 5 to 10 km in diameter, which are commonly shallow and elongate; probably they are secondary craters derived from nearby large primary craters that are superposed on the unit. As one group, the large craters and associated intercrater plains form some of the heavily cratered terrain defined by Trask and Guest. 396:, 110 km (68 mi) in diameter, is large enough to be a central-peak basin (Wood and Head, 1976), even though the peak ring probably has been concealed under smooth plains material. The rims of both Botticelli and Turgenev are covered with densely packed craters, most of which resemble the secondary craters that typically occur on intercrater plains material. Therefore, Botticelli and Turgenev are at least as old as intercrater plains material and may be equivalent in age to the Goethe impact basin. A similar argument can be advanced for the age of the 501:
Depréz. Slight differences between mercurian and lunar crater morphologies are unrelated to differences in the Mercurian and lunar gravitational fields (Cintala and others, 1977; Malin and Dzurisin, 1977, 1978;). Instead, the morphologic components of crater interiors and the abundance of central peaks and terraces on both bodies seem to be related to the physical properties of the target material (Cintala and others, 1977; Smith and Hartnell, 1978). The clusters of closely packed and overlapping large craters west of crater
p. 80–81) and for Mars (Boyce and others, 1976). In the Borealis region, where intercrater and intermediate plains materials were imaged at an increasingly low sun angle close to the terminator, the number of observable small craters increase with decreasing distance from the terminator and concomitantly decreasing sun angle. This discrepancy in the apparent abundance of craters occurs only for craters that have small diameters and can be obviated by counting only craters larger than 3 km (1.9 mi) in diameter.
360:. Intermediate plains material was first recognized and mapped in the Tolstoj quadrangle (Schaber and McCauley, 1980), where it primarily occurs on the floors of craters. It was identified there by a lower crater density than that of intercrater plains material and by "a lower incidence of small bright-halo craters than are found on the smooth plains material" (Schaber and McCauley, 1980). Both characteristics are also typical of intermediate plains material in the Borealis region. 41: 138: 20: 3422: 3434: 530:
more detailed description is given by Strom and others. Dzurisin (1978) classified these scarps, differentiating between intercrater and intracrater scarps (a scheme adopted in mapping the Borealis region) in an attempt to understand the tectonic and volcanic history of Mercury. Melosh (1977) and Melosh and Dzurisin (1978) proposed a planetary grid composed of conjugate northeastand northwest-trending shear fractures formed by the stresses of
262:, are included in these counts. The plains materials that lie outside Borealis Planitia are distributed in irregular belts, which are subparallel to the terminator and to one another. Eastward from long 190° W., the following belt pattern is observed: intercrater plains material, intermediate plains material, and again intercrater plains material. All three belts extend southward into the Shakespeare quadrangle (Guest and Greeley, 1983). 348:. However, planetwide, the morphologic evidence for an impact origin rather than a volcanic one is not compelling. Whether or not either hypothesis is eventually substantiated, the emplacement of intercrater plains material likely began during an early stage of intense accretionary bombardment (Guest and O’Donnell, 1977) and lasted until the time of formation of intermediate plains material. 489:
All basins between 100 km (62 mi) and 200 km (120 mi) in diameter (including those that have central peaks and peak rings) are mapped as craters. Criteria used to determine impact structures are morphologic crater components such as rays, secondary rays, hummocky rims, various facies of crater ejecta, crater geometry and structure, or a combination of these.
diameter on Mercury also are relatively scarce compared to similar craters in the lunar uplands northwest of crater Tsiolkovskiy. The reduced density of large craters and basins on Mercury relative to the Moon could be either a function of different crater-population rates on these bodies or an effect of different crustal histories (Schaber and others, 1977).
238:. The curve for the southeastern part of Oceanus Procellarum was obtained in an area centered near lat 2°00' N. and long 31°00'W., south of the crater Kunowsky. Ocean Procellarum has long been considered close to the "average lunar mare" (Hartmann, 1966, 1967); its crater density is intermediate between those of the heavily cratered 493:
across Borealis Planitia as far as the Goethe Basin, may radiate from small unnamed and unmapped rayed craters near the south edge of the map area. The relative scarcity of small bright-halo craters on intermediate plains material, perhaps due to unique physical properties of this material, was first noted in the
crustal cratering, but not necessarily at the same absolute geologic time. Differences in crater density as well as embayment relations in the Borealis region show that the intercrater plains material and the smoother intermediate plains material are younger than many craters in the area northeast of crater
The mercurian surface reached its present configuration several billion years ago (Solomon, 1978). It has been only slightly altered since by impact craters, which are ubiquitously superposed on all other deposits. Generalized summaries of the history of Mercury have been given by Guest and O’Donnell
In Borealis Planitia, however, most of the ridges are of external origin. They appear either to outline the rim crests of subjacent ghost craters that are lightly mantled by smooth plains material or to be lava flow fronts. The map shows the rim crests of 20 ghost craters, ranging in diameter from 40
craters (Wilhelms and El- Baz, 1977). The similarity in crater density of intercrater plains material on Mercury and of pre-Nectarian terrain on the Moon is geologically significant, inasmuch as it shows that the oldest recognizable surfaces on both Mercury and the Moon went through similar stages of
was a few degrees away from the 0°-180° meridian at the time of the first encounter, photographs of the region were acquired under a wide range of lighting conditions. These conditions and the large obliquity of the photographs hampered geologic interpretation of surface materials in the map area, as
Five periods were postulated by Murray and others (1975) to constitute the history of Mercury’s surface: (1) accretion and differentiation; (2) terminal bombardment; (3) formation of the Caloris Basin; (4) flooding of that basin and other areas; and (5) light cratering on the smooth plains. Only the
resulting from a period of crustal compression..." These scarps are unique structural landforms that were noted soon after the acquisition of Mariner 10 photographs. Murray and others (1974) described them as having a sinuous outline, a slightly lobate front, and a length of more than 500 km. A
and east of crater Mansart, together with nearby isolated craters and surrounding material, were mapped by Trask and Guest as heavily cratered terrain. According to them, many of the small craters superposed on the intercrater areas may be secondaries from the large craters. They also noted that the
Smooth plains material (unit ps) forms the vast expanses of Borealis and Suisei Planitiae, as well as most basin and crater floors. It is the most extensive stratigraphic unit in the Borealis region, covering 30 percent of the mapped area. The surface of the smooth plains material is rather sparsely
Several additional impact structures within and to the south of the Borealis region display sufficient structural detail to be called basins, even though their diameters are less than the arbitrarily chosen 200 km lower limit adopted by Murray and others (1974) for mercurian basins. The largest
is a large circular depression that measures approximately 400 km (250 mi) in diameter from rim crest to rim crest. Goethe is bounded on its north and east sides by a gently sloping wall and discontinuous, low, hummocky rim material that may consist of ejecta deposits. These materials are
images(Murray and others, 1974; Boyce and Grolier, 1977; Strom, 1977). The west half of the mapped area (between long 100° and 190° W.) is dominated by older craters and by intercrater plains material that lies between and within them. Younger crater materials, intermediate plains material, and
Arcuate and radial lineaments that might result from tectonic adjustments of the Mercurian crust, following excavation of very large multiring impact basins such as the one postulated under Borealis Planitia (Boyce and Grolier, 1977), were not unambiguously identified in the Borealis region. On one
No rayed craters ≄ 30 km (19 mi) in diameter were observed in the mapped area, but many moderately bright and diffuse rays extend across smooth plains material or occur as halos around very small craters in Borealis Planitia. A train of northeast-trending discontinuous rays, which extends
In the Borealis region, craters are mapped according to the fivefold classification proposed by McCauley and others (1981), which determines Mercurian crater ages on the basis of crater diameter and morphologic degradation. Craters less than about 30 km (19 mi) in diameter are not mapped.
Within the Borealis region, three widespread plains units are recognized largely by their obvious differences in crater density, which is closely related to relative age (Soderblom and Boyce, 1972). From most heavily cratered (oldest) to least cratered (youngest), these units are intercrater plains
The northwest-trending component of the postulated global grid of fractures is markedly absent in the Borealis region. Northeast-trending scarps and troughs are conspicuous, however, across intercrater plains material and in crater fill (smooth plains material) between the 155° and 185° meridians,
Distinguishing one type of plains material from another by variations in roughness and crater density is highly dependent on the resolution and lighting conditions of individual Mariner frames (Schaber and McCauley, 1980). This constraint is well documented for the Moon (Masursky and others, 1978,
Prepared for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration by the U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey (Published in hardcopy as USGS Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I–1660, as part of the Atlas of Mercury, 1:5,000,000 Geologic Series. Hardcopy is available for sale
The reduced ballistic range on Mercury compared to the Moon is caused by Mercury's stronger gravitational field (McCauley and others, 1981). This phenomenon, which results in a reduced dispersion of ejecta and secondary craters, is best observed within the Borealis region around craters Verdi and
of smooth plains material is higher than that of lunar mare material (Hapke and others, 1975). The similarity in albedo between mercurian smooth plains material and lunar light plains material led Wilhelms to extend the analogy to composition: he suggested that both units consist of impact ejecta
create a variation of mean temperature not only with latitude, as on the Earth, but also with longitude. However, because of Mercury's relatively slow rotational period, diurnal variations in temperature probably greatly exceed mean-temperature variations along latitude and longitude, even in the
early in mercurian history. They thought that these fractures were later modified, and predicted that east-trending normal faults caused by tensional stresses would be found in the polar regions. In a later report, Pechmann and Melosh (1979, p. 243) stated that "the NE and NW trends become
of impact and volcanic deposits, was emplaced over a long period that extended past the creation of the Goethe Basin and many smaller basins and craters. The scarps and troughs that trend across intercrater plains material may indicate an early compressional episode that followed even earlier
388:, a crater 140 km (87 mi) in diameter centered at lat 64°N., long 110°W. Only the northernmost parts of the crater’s rim and interior lie within the mapped area, but the ghost remnant of an inner ring now flooded by smooth plains material is recognized (FDS 148) farther south in the 351:
This general conclusion seems to be supported in the Borealis region by the relative scarcity of craters between 30 km and 60 km in diameter. This scarcity may indicate resurfacing by crater overlap and blanketing by crater ejecta or resurfacing by lava flows. Craters ≄60 km in
flyby acquired the most useful photographs of the region. Most of the photographs used for geologic mapping were acquired by the departing spacecraft during the first pass (Mercury I). The Mercury II encounter provided no usable images of the map area; two low-oblique photographs suitable for
are common. Both the floor of the Goethe Basin and the younger craters (now observed as buried craters) superposed on it are mantled by smooth plains material; the unit also fills ghost and flooded craters that are common on both Borealis and Suisei Planitiae and resemble the lunar crater
on the Moon. Two of the most striking of these knobs are possibly 2 km (1.2 mi) long and 0.2 km (0.12 mi) across; they rise above smooth plains material that fills a much degraded, unmapped, irregular crater at 69° N., 157° W. (FDS 088). These knobs are about
Intermediate plains material has a roughness and crater density transitional between intercrater plains material and smooth plains material. In the Borealis region, the unit occurs in a rather extensive belt that extends from the Shakespeare quadrangle into Borealis north and northeast of
Goethe Basin is considerably older than the Caloris Basin. Emplacement of the smooth plains material of Borealis Planitia during several or many episodes resulted in resurfacing and smoothing of the original material of the Goethe Basin and its surroundings for hundreds of kilometers.
material, intermediate plains material, and smooth plains material. Visual identification is confirmed and refined by actual crater counts. If one uses the lunar surface as a frame of reference, the crater density of Mercurian plains in the Borealis region is bracketed by that of the
Mercury’s north polar region made from the Arecibo Observatory is shown in yellow on a mosaic of MESSENGER orbital images. Radar-bright features all collocate with areas mapped as in shadow by MESSENGER, consistent with the proposal that radar-bright materials contain water
Boyce, J. M., and Grolier, M. J., 1977, The geology of the Goethe (H-l) quadrangle of Mercury, in Arvidson, Raymond, and Wahmann, Russell, eds., Reports of planetary geology program, 1976–1977: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Technical Memorandum X-3511,
on the Moon (Wilhelms and McCauley, 1971; Scott, 1972). The pits in the lunar pre-Imbrian pitted plains are similar to the small secondaries that pepper the surface of Mercurian intercrater plains material. On the Moon, pre-Imbrian pitted plains material embays the
The intercrater plains material is the oldest recognizable map unit in the Borealis region. It lies between large craters from about long 155° to long 190° W., and it also occurs between clusters of closely packed and overlapping large craters west of crater
Cintala, M. J., Wood, C. A., and Head, J. W., 1977, The effects of target characteristics on fresh crater morphology: Preliminary results for the moon and Mercury: Lunar Science Conference, 8th, Houston, 1977, Proceedings, p. 3409–3425, 4 figs., 3
Scott, D. H., Underwood, J. R., Jr., and De Hon, R. A., 1980, Normal faults on Mercury: Example in the Kuiper quadrangle, in Reports of planetary programs, 1979–1980: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Technical Memorandum 81776,
Soderblom, L. A., and Boyce, J. M., 1972, Relative age of some near-side and far-side terra plains based on Apollo 16 metric photography: Apollo 16 Preliminary Report: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Publication 315,
Material of Borealis Planitia was not included in the smooth plains count because images of the area were blurred by spacecraft motion, and so reliable crater counts could not be obtained. However, smooth plains south of lat 65° N. in the
and may represent Caloris Basin ejecta. Alternatively, they may be associated with crater Verdi ejecta or with lineated and secondary-crater ejecta that flare southeastward from an unnamed crater north of and adjacent to the crater
Murray, B. C., Belton, J. J. S., Danielson, G. E., Davies, M. E., Gault, D. E., Hapke, Bruce, O’Leary, Brian, Strom, R. G., Suomi, Verner, and Trask, Newell, 1974, Mercury’s surface: Preliminary deseription and interpretation from
The relative age and nature of intercrater plains material are as uncertain in the Borealis region as they are elsewhere on Mercury. Strom noted the similarity in surficial morphologies between mercurian intercrater plains and
480:. Wilhelms even hypothesized that the source basin for material of the extensive plains of Borealis Planitia "could well be lurking in the darkness beyond the terminator." A fuller discussion of the problem is given by Strom. 103:, a depression about 1,000 km (620 mi) in diameter that has an irregular arcuate west boundary. This depression is located over the site(s) of one or several old impact structures (Boyce and Grolier, 1977). 304:(Stuart-Alexander and Wilhelms, 1975). However, the crater density of the intercrater plains material in the Borealis region matches that of an area on the far side of the Moon, in the region northwest of crater 1304:
Wood, J. A., Dickey, J. S., Marvin, U. B., and Powell, B. N., 1970, Lunar anorthosites and a geophysical model of the Moon: Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference, Houston, 1970, Proceedings, v. 1, p. 965–
412:, which have prominent central peaks and ghostlike discontinuous inner rings, probably qualify as central-peak basins (Wood and Head, 1976). Both structures are considerably younger than the Caloris Basin. 1057:
Boyce, J. M., Dial, A. L., and Masursky, Harold, 1976, The optimal sun angle for obtaining photographs of martian surface features from orbit: U.S. Geological Survey Interagency Report: Astrogeology 78, 8
449:. These grooves are as much as several kilometers long and several hundred meters wide. The direction of elongation of many small secondary craters also suggests an origin related to the Caloris event. 423:(McCauley and others, 1981), can be unambiguously identified in the Borealis region. A few rounded hills or knobs, too small to be mapped, are present; they are morphologically similar to blocks of the 1085:
De Hon, R. A., Scott, D. H., and Underwood, J. R., Jr., 1981, Geologic map of the Kuiper quadrangle of Mercury; U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1233, scale 1:5,000,000.
96:, 122 km (76 mi) in diameter, is the largest of the younger craters. Its extensive ejecta blanket and secondary crater field are superposed on plains materials and older craters. 1097:
Guest, J. E., and Greeley, Ronald, 1983, Geologic map of the Shakespeare quadrangle of Mercury: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1408, scale 1:5,000,000.
Schaber, G. G., and McCauley, J. F., 1980, Geologic map of the Tolstoj quadrangle of Mercury: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1199, scale 1:5,000,000.
445:. Another morphologic feature that may be related to the Caloris Basin event consists of grooves on intercrater plains material and on the southwest-facing walls of craters such as 1174:
McGill, G. E., and King, E. A., 1983, Geologic map of the Victoria quadrangle of Mercury: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1409, scale 1:5,000,000.
Wilhelms, D. E., and McCauley, J. F., 1971, Geologic map of the near side of the Moon: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map I-1703, scale 1:5,000,000.
images are available for only the western hemisphere, from long 0° to about long 190° W. Mercury was in darkness beyond long 190° W. on March 29, 1974, when the first
Wilhelms, D. E., and El-Baz, Farouk, 1977, Geologic map of the east side of the Moon: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-948, scale 1:5,000,000.
Hartmann, W. K., 1967, Lunar crater counts, III: Post mare and “Archimedean” variations: Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, Communication no. 116, v. 7, pt. 3, p. 125–129.
spacecraft, which orbited the planet from 2008 to 2015, excluding areas of permanent shadow near the north pole. Only approximately 25% of the quadrangle was imaged by the
The east half of the mapped area (between long 0° and 100° W.) is characterized by smooth plains material (Murray and others, 1974). This unit covers vast expanses of
Wood, C. A., and Head, J. W., 1976, Comparison of impact basins on Mercury, Mars and the Moon: Lunar Science Conference, 7th, Houston, 1977, Proeedings, p. 3629–3651.
Two types of ghost craters occur in the Borealis region; both are nearly obliterated by smooth plains material. In one type found along the northwest border of
Scott, D. H., 1972, Geologic map of the Maurolycus quadrangle of the Moon: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Map I-695, scale 1:1,000,000.
1331: 297: 3469: 506:
interiors of these large craters are filled with material that is less cratered, smoother, and therefore younger than the intercrater plains material.
397: 160:
geologic mapping were acquired during the third flyby on March 17, 1975. No stereoscopic photographic pairs are available for the Borealis region.
Malin, M. C., and Dzurisin, Daniel, 1977, Landform degradation on Mercury, the Moon, and Mars: Evidence from crater depth/diameter relationships:
215: 1088:
Dzurisin, Daniel, 1978, The tectonic and volcanic history of Mercury as inferred from studies of scarps, ridges, troughs, and other lineaments:
Smith, E. I., and Hartnell, J. A., 1978, Crater-size-shape profiles for the Moon and Mercury: Terrain effects and interplanetary comparisons:
such as may have existed on the Moon (Wood and others, 1970). If emplaced during later stages of mercurian evolution, it may consist of basin
585: 975:
Gault, D. E.; Guest, J. E.; Murray, J. B.; Dzurisin, D.; Malin, M. C. (1975). "Some comparisons of impact craters on Mercury and the Moon".
1281: 547:
and beyond. The scarps tend to be straight in intercrater plains material, but become notably lobate in crater fill (for example, within
196:(Klaasen, 1976; Murray and others, 1981, p. 28); its rotation period of 58.64 terrestrial days is in two-thirds resonance with its 1571: 1114:
Hapke, Bruce, Danielson, G. E., Jr., Klaasen, Kenneth, and Wilson, Lionel, 1975, Photometric observations of Mercury from Mariner 10:
Murray, B. C., Strom, R. G., Trask, N. J., and Gault, D. E., 1975, Surface history of Mercury: Implications for terrestrial planets:
The relative age of intercrater plains material has a bearing on its origin. If very old, intercrater plains material may consist of
McCauley, J. F., Guest, J. E., Schaber, G. G., Trask, N. J., and Greeley, Ronald, 1981, Stratigraphy of the Caloris Basin, Mercury:
31: 1324: 1226:
Schaber. G. G., Boyce, J. M., Trask, N.J., 1977, Moon-Mercury: Large impact structures, isostacy, an average crustal viscosity:
3300: 1624: 1038: 867: 842: 1614: 1317: 1205:
Murray, B. C., Malin, M. C., and Greeley, Ronald, 1981, Earthlike planets: San Francisco, W. H. Freeman and Co., 387p.
Malin, M. C., and Dzurisin, Daniel, 1978, Modification of fresh crater landforms: Evidence from the Moon and Mercury:
3464: 615: 1509: 1397: 1245: 1210: 1151: 1142: 1116: 1090: 521:
One of the major differences between the mercurian and lunar surfaces is "the widespread distribution of lobate
3232: 3126: 1655: 1645: 1564: 1340: 1288:
Stuart-Alexander, D. E., and Wilhelms, D. E., 1975, The Nectarian System: A new lunar time-stratigraphic unit:
53: 1217:
Pechmann, J. B., and Melosh, H. J., 1979 Global fracture patterns of a despun planet: Application to Mercury:
surrounding the Caloris Basin in the Shakespeare quadrangle (Guest and Greeley, 1983), and to features of the
1963: 1521: 1459: 1385: 3459: 3282: 3252: 3146: 3121: 1435: 1409: 1359: 1272: 61: 2286: 2206: 1184:
Melosh, H. J., and Dzurisin, Daniel, 1978, Mercurian global tectonics: A consequence of tidal despining?:
surface. The curve for the lunar uplands was derived from crater counts in the region northwest of crater
2186: 1629: 1591: 1485: 1447: 1373: 2726: 2731: 2526: 1973: 1497: 1471: 1423: 1243:
Schultz, P. H., and Gicken, Harry, 1979, Impact crater and basin control of igneous processes on Mars:
497:(Schaber and McCauley, 1980); this scarcity is also characteristic of the unit in the Borealis region. 2776: 3425: 1991: 1557: 1078: 193: 2086: 3227: 3131: 1535: 3151: 3381: 2871: 1708: 1504: 2281: 3314: 2681: 1718: 1392: 624:
from U.S. Geological Survey, Information Services, Box 25286, Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225)
389: 251: 177: 111: 2786: 3056: 2881: 2876: 2811: 2671: 2466: 2271: 2216: 2046: 2026: 1619: 305: 227: 3171: 200:
of 87.97 terrestrial days (Colombo, 1965; Colombo and Shapiro, 1966). The resulting lag and
3181: 3161: 3061: 2946: 2626: 2386: 2266: 2231: 2111: 2081: 2076: 1723: 1688: 1668: 1516: 1454: 1380: 892: 804: 239: 201: 115: 2936: 2031: 1920: 1769: 8: 3437: 3269: 3141: 3041: 3036: 2916: 2886: 2841: 2721: 2421: 2321: 2191: 2106: 2066: 1996: 1733: 1693: 1430: 1404: 576: 464: 401: 385: 255: 219: 173: 107: 2906: 2706: 2261: 896: 808: 3401: 3277: 3222: 3196: 3116: 3081: 3051: 3046: 2796: 2766: 2666: 2581: 2571: 2556: 2551: 2461: 2361: 2351: 2301: 2256: 2181: 2151: 2141: 2016: 2011: 1986: 1958: 1728: 1698: 1678: 1480: 1442: 1368: 1279:
Strom, R. G., 1977, Origin and relative age of lunar and mercurian intercrater plains:
Strom, R. G.; Trask, N. J.; Guest, J. E. (1975). "Tectonism and volcanism on Mercury".
540: 494: 416: 377: 309: 231: 164: 119: 2236: 2121: 92:
small patches of smooth plains material are superposed on all other units. The crater
3433: 3016: 2941: 2866: 2806: 2761: 2756: 2746: 2741: 2686: 2591: 2586: 2546: 2481: 2451: 2446: 2436: 2416: 2376: 2336: 2316: 2241: 2201: 2176: 2101: 1789: 1774: 1713: 1703: 1683: 1492: 1466: 1418: 1198: 1107:
Hapke, Bruce, 1977, Interpretations of optical observations of Mercury and the Moon:
1034: 958: 931: 863: 838: 816: 552: 393: 326: 169: 100: 2846: 2131: 656: 405: 3186: 3166: 3076: 3026: 3021: 3006: 2991: 2981: 2961: 2956: 2896: 2861: 2856: 2851: 2826: 2816: 2801: 2771: 2736: 2716: 2656: 2651: 2636: 2606: 2601: 2596: 2536: 2471: 2456: 2431: 2426: 2406: 2391: 2371: 2366: 2341: 2306: 2251: 2246: 2211: 2171: 2136: 2061: 2056: 2021: 2006: 1915: 1905: 1885: 1852: 1847: 1819: 1804: 1784: 1580: 1219: 1167: 1011: 984: 954: 927: 900: 812: 772: 720: 684: 572:
periods following accretion are directly interpretable within the Borealis region.
548: 544: 502: 473: 446: 301: 280: 276: 243: 189: 57: 711:
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83:, whose diameter of at least 400 km (250 mi) makes it the sixth-largest 76:
spacecraft during its flybys in 1974 and 1975. The quadrangle is now called H-1.
3156: 3111: 3106: 3091: 3086: 3071: 3066: 2996: 2976: 2971: 2926: 2901: 2891: 2831: 2821: 2711: 2641: 2621: 2576: 2541: 2496: 2491: 2486: 2476: 2411: 2401: 2356: 2311: 2296: 2291: 2276: 2196: 2166: 2161: 2116: 2041: 1981: 1953: 1948: 1900: 1890: 1862: 1857: 1809: 1799: 1663: 1530: 1076:
Colombo, Giuseppe, and Shapiro, I. I., 1966, The rotation of the planet Mercury:
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526: 510: 442: 428: 415:
No material similar to either the lineated or the secondary-crater facies of the
357: 259: 123: 1100:
Guest, J. E., and O’Donnell, W. P., 1977, Surface history of Mercury: A review:
400:, 130 km in diameter, centered at lat 64° N., long 77° W. in the 3201: 3191: 3176: 3136: 3101: 3096: 2986: 2966: 2951: 2931: 2921: 2911: 2836: 2791: 2781: 2751: 2701: 2696: 2691: 2676: 2646: 2616: 2611: 2566: 2561: 2521: 2511: 2501: 2396: 2381: 2346: 2331: 2226: 2221: 2156: 2126: 2091: 2071: 2051: 2036: 2001: 1925: 1842: 1837: 1751: 1270:
Solomon, S. C., 1978, On volcanism and thermal tectonics on one-plate planets:
1162:: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Publication 362, 255 p. 645: 589: 437: 424: 409: 197: 93: 3453: 3206: 3011: 3001: 2661: 2631: 2531: 2516: 2326: 2096: 1943: 1867: 1794: 1779: 531: 459: 432: 420: 373: 317: 292: 288: 988: 904: 724: 688: 3031: 2506: 2441: 2146: 1895: 1814: 1236:
Schultz, P. H., 1977, Endogenic modification of impact craters on Mercury:
368: 313: 235: 84: 80: 40: 19: 3347: 1309: 593: 337: 333: 642:
Radar imagery of Mercury’s putative polar ice: 1999–2005 Arecibo results
137: 3332: 1910: 1015: 776: 522: 223: 151: 88: 72: 883:
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1033:. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. pp. 1–128. 581: 575:
Intercrater plains material, which may be a reworked and mixed
468: 341: 1002:
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Strom, R. G. (1979). "Mercury: A post-Mariner 10 assessment".
cratered compared to that of the intercrater plains material.
329:, and older than smooth plains material in Borealis Planitia. 837:. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. p. 31. 862:. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. p. 2. 64:
down to 65° latitude. It was mapped in its entirety by the
1549: 1177:
Melosh, H. J., 1977, Global tectonics of a despun planet:
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Wilhelms, D. E. (1976). "Mercurian volcanism questioned".
1263:, v. 19, p. 479–511, 17 figs., 3 tables, appendices. 974: 640:
John K. Harmon, Martin A. Slade, Melissa S. Rice, 2011.
300:(Scott, 1972), whose base is defined as the base of the 1028: 857: 832: 218:, the most heavily cratered lunar surface, and that of 616:"Geologic Map of the Borealis Region (H-1) of Mercury" 613: 1146:, v. 82, no. 2, p. 376– 388, 7 figs., 7 tables. 180:(Guest and Greeley, 1983) quadrangles to the south. 828: 826: 106:Adjacent quadrangles to the south of Borealis are 3451: 823: 674: 657:Map of the H-1 (Borealis) Quadrangle of Mercury 419:, the most distinctive and distant unit of the 1123:Hartmann, W. K., 1966, Early lunar cratering: 1565: 1325: 614:Grolier, Maurice J.; Joseph M. Boyce (1984). 1282:Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 1238:Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 1228:Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 1109:Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 970: 968: 911: 758: 756: 754: 790: 788: 786: 752: 750: 748: 746: 744: 742: 740: 738: 736: 734: 706: 704: 702: 700: 698: 670: 668: 666: 664: 1572: 1558: 1339: 1332: 1318: 1290:U.S. Geological Survey Journal of Research 794: 710: 452: 3470:Surface features of Mercury by quadrangle 965: 436:1,100 km (680 mi) northeast of 269: 122:(270° to 0° W). It is opposite the 944: 917: 876: 783: 731: 695: 661: 592:) were modified considerably by further 136: 39: 30: 18: 1276:, v. 5, no. 6, p. 461–464, 3 figs. 1160:Apollo over the Moon: A view from orbit 3452: 604:(1977), Davies and others, and Strom. 372:similar to those occurring around the 320:unmantled terra and pre-Nectarian and 1553: 1514: 1502: 1490: 1478: 1452: 1440: 1428: 1402: 1390: 1378: 1366: 1313: 1001: 882: 762: 525:which appear to be thrust or reverse 23:Borealis quadrangle as mapped by the 1249:, v. 84, no. B14, p. 8033–8047. 1202:, v. 185, no. 4146, p. 169–179. 1094:, v. 83, no. B10, p. 4883–4906. 129: 44:Mariner 10 image of the polar region 1285:, v. 15, nos. 2–3, p. 156–172. 1240:, v. 15, nos. 2–3, p. 202–219. 1230:, v. 15, nos. 2–3, p. 189–201. 1214:, v. 80, no. 17, p. 2508–2514. 566: 483: 13: 1120:, v. 80, no. 17, p. 2431–2443 535:nearly N-S in the polar regions." 363: 279:and south and southeast of crater 14: 3481: 1155:, v. 83, no. Bl, p. 233–243. 291:pitted plains south-southwest of 3432: 3421: 3420: 1223:, v. 38, no. 2, p. 243–250. 1188:, v. 35, no. 2, p. 227–236. 1181:, v. 31, no. 2, p. 221–243. 1171:, v. 47, no. 2, p. 184–202. 1137:, v. 28, no. 4, p. 469–478. 1073:, v. 208, no. 5010, p. 575. 192:is inclined less than 2° to its 1246:Journal of Geophysical Research 1211:Journal of Geophysical Research 1152:Journal of Geophysical Research 1143:Journal of Geophysical Research 1127:, v. 5, no.4, p. 406– 418. 1117:Journal of Geophysical Research 1091:Journal of Geophysical Research 1050: 1022: 995: 977:Journal of Geophysical Research 938: 713:Journal of Geophysical Research 677:Journal of Geophysical Research 208: 851: 650: 634: 1: 1964:Skinakas (hypothetical basin) 1292:, v. 3, no. 1, p. 53–58. 1043:. Special Publication SP-423. 872:. Special Publication SP-423. 847:. Special Publication SP-423. 628: 176:(McGill and King, 1983), and 3253:Hypothetical moon of Mercury 1273:Geophysical Research Letters 959:10.1016/0019-1035(76)90128-7 932:10.1016/0019-1035(76)90128-7 885:Geophysical Research Letters 817:10.1016/0019-1035(76)90129-9 516: 316:. This area is dominated by 7: 1579: 172:(De Hon and others, 1981), 118:(180° to 270° W), and 10: 3486: 3301:Mercury-crossing asteroids 1111:, v. 15, p. 264– 274. 1082:, v. 145, p. 296–307. 607: 183: 3415: 3394: 3374: 3357: 3322: 3313: 3291: 3268: 3261: 3245: 3215: 1972: 1934: 1876: 1828: 1760: 1742: 1654: 1638: 1607: 1600: 1587: 1528: 1464: 1416: 1352: 1347: 1104:, v. 20, p. 273–300. 1079:The Astrophysical Journal 242:and the lightly cratered 3465:Polar regions of Mercury 1261:The Moon and the Planets 644:. Icarus, 211, p37-50. 222:, a moderately cratered 149:In the Borealis region, 3382:Colonization of Mercury 989:10.1029/jb080i017p02444 905:10.1029/GL003i010p00581 725:10.1029/jb080i017p02461 689:10.1029/jb080i017p02478 596:following emplacement. 453:Younger plains material 384:and oldest of these is 1341:Quadrangles on Mercury 404:. The younger craters 390:Shakespeare quadrangle 270:Older plains materials 252:Shakespeare quadrangle 146: 114:(90° to 180° W), 112:Shakespeare quadrangle 45: 37: 28: 2727:Kuan Han-Chʻing 1004:Space Science Reviews 765:Space Science Reviews 472:similar to the lunar 140: 43: 34: 22: 16:Quadrangle on Mercury 2777:Li Chʻing-Chao 543:northward to crater 240:Mare Tranquillitatis 202:orbital eccentricity 116:Raditladi quadrangle 110:(0° to 90° W), 3460:Borealis quadrangle 3233:Inter-crater plains 1102:Vistas in Astronomy 897:1976GeoRL...3..581M 809:1976Icar...28..559T 402:Victoria quadrangle 220:Oceanus Procellarum 126:at the south pole. 108:Victoria quadrangle 50:Borealis quadrangle 1267:p. 29.3–29.6. 1016:10.1007/bf00221842 777:10.1007/bf00221842 495:Tolstoj quadrangle 417:Van Eyck Formation 378:Tolstoj quadrangle 308:bounded by crater 147: 120:Hokusai quadrangle 46: 38: 29: 3447: 3446: 3390: 3389: 3309: 3308: 3241: 3240: 2287:ChƏng ChʼƏl 2282:Chiang Kʻui 1921:Santa MarĂ­a Rupes 1790:Mearcair Planitia 1775:Borealis Planitia 1770:Apārangi Planitia 1547: 1546: 1542: 1541: 1040:978-1-114-27448-8 983:(17): 2444–2460. 869:978-1-114-27448-8 844:978-1-114-27448-8 719:(17): 2461–2477. 683:(17): 2478–2507. 553:Kuiper quadrangle 298:Janssen Formation 230:, between crater 101:Borealis Planitia 3477: 3436: 3424: 3423: 3320: 3319: 3266: 3265: 2787:Liang Kʻai 1992:Africanus Horton 1916:Resolution Rupes 1906:Enterprise Rupes 1886:Antoniadi Dorsum 1853:Goldstone Vallis 1848:Goldstone Catena 1820:Utaridi Planitia 1805:Stilbon Planitia 1785:Caloris Planitia 1605: 1604: 1574: 1567: 1560: 1551: 1550: 1350: 1349: 1334: 1327: 1320: 1311: 1310: 1045: 1044: 1031:Atlas of Mercury 1026: 1020: 1019: 999: 993: 992: 972: 963: 962: 942: 936: 935: 915: 909: 908: 880: 874: 873: 860:Atlas of Mercury 855: 849: 848: 835:Atlas of Mercury 830: 821: 820: 792: 781: 780: 760: 729: 728: 708: 693: 692: 672: 659: 654: 648: 638: 622: 620: 567:Geologic history 539:and from crater 532:tidal despinning 484:Crater materials 474:Cayley Formation 398:Monteverdi Basin 302:Nectarian System 254:, in the crater 244:Mare Serenitatis 190:equatorial plane 168:they did in the 79:It contains the 60:surrounding the 3485: 3484: 3480: 3479: 3478: 3476: 3475: 3474: 3450: 3449: 3448: 3443: 3411: 3386: 3370: 3353: 3324: 3305: 3287: 3257: 3237: 3211: 3132:Sholem Aleichem 1968: 1959:Rembrandt Basin 1954:Raditladi Basin 1949:Pantheon Fossae 1936: 1930: 1901:Discovery Rupes 1891:Adventure Rupes 1878: 1872: 1863:Haystack Vallis 1858:Haystack Catena 1830: 1824: 1810:Suisei Planitia 1800:Sobkou Planitia 1762: 1756: 1744: 1738: 1650: 1634: 1615:Albedo features 1596: 1583: 1578: 1548: 1543: 1533: 1519: 1507: 1495: 1483: 1469: 1457: 1445: 1433: 1421: 1407: 1395: 1383: 1371: 1357: 1343: 1338: 1308: 1053: 1048: 1041: 1027: 1023: 1000: 996: 973: 966: 943: 939: 916: 912: 891:(10): 581–584. 881: 877: 870: 856: 852: 845: 831: 824: 793: 784: 761: 732: 709: 696: 673: 662: 655: 651: 639: 635: 631: 618: 610: 569: 519: 511:Suisei Planitia 486: 455: 429:Alpes Formation 366: 364:Basin materials 358:Suisei Planitia 336:derived from a 272: 260:Suisei Planitia 211: 186: 141:Photomosaic of 135: 124:Bach quadrangle 17: 12: 11: 5: 3483: 3473: 3472: 3467: 3462: 3445: 3444: 3442: 3441: 3429: 3416: 3413: 3412: 3410: 3409: 3404: 3398: 3396: 3392: 3391: 3388: 3387: 3385: 3384: 3378: 3376: 3372: 3371: 3369: 3368: 3361: 3359: 3355: 3354: 3352: 3351: 3350:(2018–present) 3345: 3337: 3328: 3326: 3317: 3311: 3310: 3307: 3306: 3304: 3303: 3297: 3295: 3289: 3288: 3286: 3285: 3280: 3274: 3272: 3263: 3259: 3258: 3256: 3255: 3249: 3247: 3243: 3242: 3239: 3238: 3236: 3235: 3230: 3225: 3219: 3217: 3213: 3212: 3210: 3209: 3204: 3199: 3194: 3189: 3184: 3179: 3174: 3169: 3164: 3159: 3154: 3149: 3144: 3139: 3134: 3129: 3124: 3119: 3114: 3109: 3104: 3099: 3094: 3089: 3084: 3079: 3074: 3069: 3064: 3059: 3054: 3049: 3044: 3039: 3034: 3029: 3024: 3019: 3014: 3009: 3004: 2999: 2994: 2989: 2984: 2979: 2974: 2969: 2964: 2959: 2954: 2949: 2944: 2939: 2934: 2929: 2924: 2919: 2914: 2909: 2904: 2899: 2894: 2889: 2884: 2879: 2874: 2869: 2864: 2859: 2854: 2849: 2844: 2839: 2834: 2829: 2824: 2819: 2814: 2809: 2804: 2799: 2794: 2789: 2784: 2779: 2774: 2769: 2764: 2759: 2754: 2749: 2744: 2739: 2734: 2729: 2724: 2719: 2714: 2709: 2704: 2699: 2694: 2689: 2684: 2679: 2674: 2669: 2664: 2659: 2654: 2649: 2644: 2639: 2634: 2629: 2624: 2619: 2614: 2609: 2604: 2599: 2594: 2589: 2584: 2579: 2574: 2569: 2564: 2559: 2554: 2549: 2544: 2539: 2534: 2529: 2527:Guido d'Arezzo 2524: 2519: 2514: 2509: 2504: 2499: 2494: 2489: 2484: 2479: 2474: 2469: 2464: 2459: 2454: 2449: 2444: 2439: 2434: 2429: 2424: 2419: 2414: 2409: 2404: 2399: 2394: 2389: 2384: 2379: 2374: 2369: 2364: 2359: 2354: 2349: 2344: 2339: 2334: 2329: 2324: 2319: 2314: 2309: 2304: 2299: 2294: 2289: 2284: 2279: 2274: 2269: 2264: 2259: 2254: 2249: 2244: 2239: 2234: 2229: 2224: 2219: 2214: 2209: 2204: 2199: 2194: 2189: 2184: 2179: 2174: 2169: 2164: 2159: 2154: 2149: 2144: 2139: 2134: 2129: 2124: 2119: 2114: 2109: 2104: 2099: 2094: 2089: 2084: 2079: 2074: 2069: 2064: 2059: 2054: 2049: 2044: 2039: 2034: 2029: 2024: 2019: 2014: 2009: 2004: 1999: 1994: 1989: 1984: 1978: 1976: 1970: 1969: 1967: 1966: 1961: 1956: 1951: 1946: 1940: 1938: 1932: 1931: 1929: 1928: 1926:Victoria Rupes 1923: 1918: 1913: 1908: 1903: 1898: 1893: 1888: 1882: 1880: 1874: 1873: 1871: 1870: 1865: 1860: 1855: 1850: 1845: 1843:Arecibo Vallis 1840: 1838:Arecibo Catena 1834: 1832: 1826: 1825: 1823: 1822: 1817: 1812: 1807: 1802: 1797: 1792: 1787: 1782: 1777: 1772: 1766: 1764: 1758: 1757: 1755: 1754: 1752:Caloris Montes 1748: 1746: 1740: 1739: 1737: 1736: 1731: 1726: 1721: 1716: 1711: 1706: 1701: 1696: 1691: 1686: 1681: 1676: 1671: 1666: 1660: 1658: 1652: 1651: 1649: 1648: 1642: 1640: 1636: 1635: 1633: 1632: 1630:Magnetic field 1627: 1622: 1617: 1611: 1609: 1602: 1598: 1597: 1595: 1594: 1588: 1585: 1584: 1577: 1576: 1569: 1562: 1554: 1545: 1544: 1540: 1539: 1526: 1525: 1513: 1501: 1489: 1476: 1475: 1463: 1451: 1439: 1427: 1414: 1413: 1401: 1389: 1377: 1364: 1363: 1348: 1345: 1344: 1337: 1336: 1329: 1322: 1314: 1307: 1306: 1302: 1299: 1296: 1293: 1286: 1277: 1268: 1264: 1257: 1256:p. 28–30. 1253: 1250: 1241: 1234: 1231: 1224: 1215: 1206: 1203: 1189: 1182: 1175: 1172: 1163: 1156: 1147: 1138: 1131: 1128: 1121: 1112: 1105: 1098: 1095: 1086: 1083: 1074: 1067: 1063: 1059: 1054: 1052: 1049: 1047: 1046: 1039: 1021: 994: 964: 937: 926:(4): 551–558. 910: 875: 868: 850: 843: 822: 803:(4): 559–563. 782: 730: 694: 660: 649: 632: 630: 627: 626: 625: 609: 606: 590:impact breccia 568: 565: 518: 515: 485: 482: 460:Wrinkle ridges 454: 451: 438:Caloris Montes 425:Odin Formation 365: 362: 271: 268: 210: 207: 198:orbital period 185: 182: 134: 128: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 3482: 3471: 3468: 3466: 3463: 3461: 3458: 3457: 3455: 3440: 3439: 3435: 3430: 3428: 3427: 3418: 3417: 3414: 3408: 3405: 3403: 3400: 3399: 3397: 3393: 3383: 3380: 3379: 3377: 3373: 3366: 3363: 3362: 3360: 3356: 3349: 3346: 3343: 3342: 3338: 3335: 3334: 3330: 3329: 3327: 3321: 3318: 3316: 3312: 3302: 3299: 3298: 3296: 3294: 3290: 3284: 3281: 3279: 3276: 3275: 3273: 3271: 3267: 3264: 3260: 3254: 3251: 3250: 3248: 3244: 3234: 3231: 3229: 3228:Ghost craters 3226: 3224: 3221: 3220: 3218: 3214: 3208: 3205: 3203: 3200: 3198: 3195: 3193: 3190: 3188: 3185: 3183: 3180: 3178: 3175: 3173: 3170: 3168: 3165: 3163: 3160: 3158: 3155: 3153: 3150: 3148: 3145: 3143: 3140: 3138: 3135: 3133: 3130: 3128: 3125: 3123: 3120: 3118: 3115: 3113: 3110: 3108: 3105: 3103: 3100: 3098: 3095: 3093: 3090: 3088: 3085: 3083: 3080: 3078: 3075: 3073: 3070: 3068: 3065: 3063: 3060: 3058: 3055: 3053: 3050: 3048: 3045: 3043: 3040: 3038: 3035: 3033: 3030: 3028: 3025: 3023: 3020: 3018: 3015: 3013: 3010: 3008: 3005: 3003: 3000: 2998: 2995: 2993: 2990: 2988: 2985: 2983: 2980: 2978: 2975: 2973: 2970: 2968: 2965: 2963: 2960: 2958: 2955: 2953: 2950: 2948: 2945: 2943: 2940: 2938: 2935: 2933: 2930: 2928: 2925: 2923: 2920: 2918: 2915: 2913: 2910: 2908: 2905: 2903: 2900: 2898: 2895: 2893: 2890: 2888: 2885: 2883: 2880: 2878: 2875: 2873: 2870: 2868: 2865: 2863: 2860: 2858: 2855: 2853: 2850: 2848: 2845: 2843: 2840: 2838: 2835: 2833: 2830: 2828: 2825: 2823: 2820: 2818: 2815: 2813: 2810: 2808: 2805: 2803: 2800: 2798: 2795: 2793: 2790: 2788: 2785: 2783: 2780: 2778: 2775: 2773: 2770: 2768: 2765: 2763: 2760: 2758: 2755: 2753: 2750: 2748: 2745: 2743: 2740: 2738: 2735: 2733: 2730: 2728: 2725: 2723: 2720: 2718: 2715: 2713: 2710: 2708: 2705: 2703: 2700: 2698: 2695: 2693: 2690: 2688: 2685: 2683: 2682:Judah Ha-Levi 2680: 2678: 2675: 2673: 2670: 2668: 2665: 2663: 2660: 2658: 2655: 2653: 2650: 2648: 2645: 2643: 2640: 2638: 2635: 2633: 2630: 2628: 2625: 2623: 2620: 2618: 2615: 2613: 2610: 2608: 2605: 2603: 2600: 2598: 2595: 2593: 2590: 2588: 2585: 2583: 2580: 2578: 2575: 2573: 2570: 2568: 2565: 2563: 2560: 2558: 2555: 2553: 2550: 2548: 2545: 2543: 2540: 2538: 2535: 2533: 2530: 2528: 2525: 2523: 2520: 2518: 2515: 2513: 2510: 2508: 2505: 2503: 2500: 2498: 2495: 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2078: 2075: 2073: 2070: 2068: 2065: 2063: 2060: 2058: 2055: 2053: 2050: 2048: 2045: 2043: 2040: 2038: 2035: 2033: 2030: 2028: 2025: 2023: 2020: 2018: 2015: 2013: 2010: 2008: 2005: 2003: 2000: 1998: 1995: 1993: 1990: 1988: 1985: 1983: 1980: 1979: 1977: 1975: 1971: 1965: 1962: 1960: 1957: 1955: 1952: 1950: 1947: 1945: 1944:Caloris Basin 1942: 1941: 1939: 1933: 1927: 1924: 1922: 1919: 1917: 1914: 1912: 1909: 1907: 1904: 1902: 1899: 1897: 1894: 1892: 1889: 1887: 1884: 1883: 1881: 1875: 1869: 1868:Simeiz Vallis 1866: 1864: 1861: 1859: 1856: 1854: 1851: 1849: 1846: 1844: 1841: 1839: 1836: 1835: 1833: 1827: 1821: 1818: 1816: 1813: 1811: 1808: 1806: 1803: 1801: 1798: 1796: 1795:Odin Planitia 1793: 1791: 1788: 1786: 1783: 1781: 1780:Budh Planitia 1778: 1776: 1773: 1771: 1768: 1767: 1765: 1759: 1753: 1750: 1749: 1747: 1743:Mountains and 1741: 1735: 1732: 1730: 1727: 1725: 1722: 1720: 1717: 1715: 1712: 1710: 1707: 1705: 1702: 1700: 1697: 1695: 1692: 1690: 1687: 1685: 1682: 1680: 1677: 1675: 1672: 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1017: 1013: 1009: 1005: 998: 990: 986: 982: 978: 971: 969: 960: 956: 952: 948: 941: 933: 929: 925: 921: 914: 906: 902: 898: 894: 890: 886: 879: 871: 865: 861: 854: 846: 840: 836: 829: 827: 818: 814: 810: 806: 802: 798: 791: 789: 787: 778: 774: 770: 766: 759: 757: 755: 753: 751: 749: 747: 745: 743: 741: 739: 737: 735: 726: 722: 718: 714: 707: 705: 703: 701: 699: 690: 686: 682: 678: 671: 669: 667: 665: 658: 653: 647: 643: 637: 633: 617: 612: 611: 605: 601: 597: 595: 591: 587: 583: 578: 573: 564: 560: 556: 554: 550: 546: 542: 536: 533: 528: 524: 514: 512: 507: 504: 498: 496: 490: 481: 479: 475: 470: 466: 461: 450: 448: 444: 439: 434: 433:Imbrium Basin 430: 426: 422: 421:Caloris Group 418: 413: 411: 407: 403: 399: 395: 391: 387: 381: 379: 375: 374:Caloris Basin 370: 361: 359: 353: 349: 347: 343: 339: 335: 330: 328: 323: 319: 318:pre-Nectarian 315: 311: 307: 303: 299: 294: 293:Mare Nectaris 290: 284: 282: 278: 267: 263: 261: 257: 253: 247: 245: 241: 237: 233: 229: 225: 221: 217: 216:lunar uplands 206: 203: 199: 195: 194:orbital plane 191: 181: 179: 175: 171: 166: 161: 158: 154: 153: 144: 139: 132: 127: 125: 121: 117: 113: 109: 104: 102: 97: 95: 90: 86: 82: 77: 75: 74: 69: 68: 63: 59: 55: 51: 42: 33: 26: 21: 3431: 3419: 3339: 3331: 3152:SveinsdĂłttir 3057:Rachmaninoff 2882:Michelangelo 2877:Mendes Pinto 2812:Ma Chih-Yuan 2467:Gainsborough 2272:Chao Meng-Fu 2217:Brunelleschi 2047:Amru Al-Qays 2027:Al-Hamadhani 1896:Beagle Rupes 1815:Tir Planitia 1709:Michelangelo 1673: 1505:Michelangelo 1354: 1289: 1280: 1271: 1260: 1244: 1237: 1227: 1218: 1209: 1197: 1193: 1185: 1178: 1166: 1159: 1150: 1141: 1134: 1124: 1115: 1108: 1101: 1089: 1077: 1070: 1062:p. 237. 1051:Bibliography 1030: 1024: 1010:(1): 10–11. 1007: 1003: 997: 980: 976: 950: 946: 940: 923: 919: 913: 888: 884: 878: 859: 853: 834: 800: 796: 768: 764: 716: 712: 680: 676: 652: 641: 636: 602: 598: 574: 570: 561: 557: 537: 520: 508: 499: 491: 487: 456: 414: 382: 369:Goethe Basin 367: 354: 350: 331: 314:Mare Smithii 306:Tsiolkovskiy 285: 273: 264: 248: 236:Mare Smithii 228:Tsiolkovskiy 212: 209:Stratigraphy 187: 163:Because the 162: 156: 150: 148: 142: 130: 105: 98: 87:observed on 85:impact basin 81:Goethe Basin 78: 71: 65: 49: 47: 3348:BepiColombo 3344:(2004–2015) 3336:(1973–1975) 3315:Exploration 3182:Villa-Lobos 3162:To Ngoc Van 3127:Shakespeare 3062:Raden Saleh 2947:Mussorgskij 2627:Hovnatanian 2387:Dostoevskij 2267:Chaikovskij 2232:Callicrates 2112:Baranauskas 2082:Aristoxenes 2077:Apollodorus 1829:Canyons and 1719:Shakespeare 1656:Quadrangles 1646:Quadrangles 1393:Shakespeare 771:(1): 3–70. 594:brecciation 586:impact melt 476:sampled by 431:around the 338:magma ocean 334:anorthosite 178:Shakespeare 3454:Categories 3333:Mariner 10 3142:Stravinsky 3042:Praxiteles 3037:Polygnotus 2917:Monteverdi 2887:Mickiewicz 2842:Mark Twain 2422:Enheduanna 2322:Cunningham 2192:Botticelli 2107:Balanchine 2067:Anguissola 1997:Ahmad Baba 1935:Basins and 1911:Hero Rupes 1877:Ridges and 1761:Plains and 1620:Atmosphere 1196:pictures: 1194:Mariner 10 953:(4): 556. 629:References 465:Archimedes 386:Botticelli 346:lava flows 256:Strindberg 224:lunar mare 188:Mercury's 165:terminator 157:Mariner 10 152:Mariner 10 143:Mariner 10 131:Mariner 10 89:Mariner 10 73:Mariner 10 62:north pole 54:quadrangle 27:spacecraft 3407:Sub-Earth 3365:Mercury-P 3341:MESSENGER 3293:Asteroids 3262:Astronomy 3197:Xiao Zhao 3172:VelĂĄzquez 3117:Scarlatti 3082:Rembrandt 3067:Raditladi 3052:Qi Baishi 3047:Prokofiev 2797:Lovecraft 2767:Lermontov 2667:Izquierdo 2582:Hiroshige 2572:Hemingway 2557:Hawthorne 2552:Hauptmann 2462:Futabatei 2362:Derzhavin 2352:Delacroix 2302:Coleridge 2257:Cervantes 2182:Boccaccio 2152:Belinskij 2142:Beethoven 2087:AƛvaghoáčŁa 2017:Al-Akhtal 2012:Akutagawa 1987:Abu Nuwas 1745:volcanoes 1724:Raditladi 1689:Discovery 1669:Beethoven 1601:Geography 1517:Discovery 1455:Beethoven 1381:Raditladi 577:aggregate 541:Van Dijck 517:Structure 478:Apollo 16 322:Nectarian 310:Mendeleev 232:Mendeleev 67:MESSENGER 25:MESSENGER 3426:Category 3375:See also 3358:Proposed 3325:and past 3270:Transits 3147:Sullivan 3122:Schubert 3017:Petrarch 2942:Murasaki 2937:MunkĂĄcsy 2867:Melville 2807:Lysippus 2762:Leopardi 2757:Larrocha 2747:Kurosawa 2742:Kunisada 2687:Kalidasa 2592:Hodgkins 2587:Hitomaro 2547:Harunobu 2482:Ghiberti 2452:Flaubert 2447:Firdousi 2437:Faulkner 2417:Eminescu 2377:Dominici 2337:De Graft 2317:Couperin 2242:Carducci 2202:Bramante 2187:Boethius 2177:Bjornson 2102:Balagtas 2032:Al-Jāhiz 1763:plateaus 1734:Victoria 1694:Eminescu 1674:Borealis 1625:Features 1536:features 1522:features 1510:features 1498:features 1486:features 1472:features 1460:features 1448:features 1436:features 1431:Eminescu 1424:features 1410:features 1405:Victoria 1398:features 1386:features 1374:features 1360:features 1355:Borealis 394:Turgenev 327:Turgenev 174:Victoria 3402:Fiction 3395:Related 3367:(~2031) 3323:Current 3223:Geology 3187:Vivaldi 3167:Tolstoj 3077:Raphael 3027:Picasso 3022:Phidias 3007:Oskison 2992:Neumann 2982:Nureyev 2962:Nampeyo 2957:Nabokov 2907:MoliĂšre 2897:Mistral 2862:Matisse 2857:Matabei 2852:Martial 2827:Mansart 2817:Machaut 2802:Lu Hsun 2772:Lessing 2737:Kulthum 2717:Kipling 2707:KertĂ©sz 2672:Janáček 2657:Imhotep 2652:Ictinus 2637:Hun Kal 2607:Holberg 2602:Holbein 2597:Hokusai 2537:Han Kan 2472:Gauguin 2457:Flaiano 2432:Equiano 2427:Enwonwu 2407:Eastman 2392:Dowland 2372:Dickens 2367:Desprez 2342:Debussy 2307:Copland 2262:CĂ©zanne 2252:Calvino 2247:Carolan 2212:Bruegel 2172:Bernini 2137:Beckett 2062:Angelou 2057:Aneirin 2022:Alencar 2007:Aksakov 1974:Craters 1831:valleys 1729:Tolstoj 1699:Hokusai 1679:Debussy 1639:Regions 1608:General 1592:Outline 1581:Mercury 1481:Debussy 1443:Tolstoj 1369:Hokusai 1199:Science 1066:tables. 893:Bibcode 805:Bibcode 608:Sources 549:Saikaku 545:Purcell 503:Gauguin 447:Mansart 376:in the 289:Imbrian 281:Mansart 277:Gauguin 258:and in 184:Climate 58:Mercury 3438:Portal 3157:Titian 3112:Sander 3107:Rudaki 3092:Rivera 3087:Renoir 3072:Rameau 2997:Nizami 2977:Neruda 2972:Nawahi 2927:Mozart 2902:Mofolo 2892:Milton 2832:Mansur 2822:Mahler 2732:Kuiper 2712:Khansa 2642:Hurley 2622:Horace 2577:Hesiod 2542:Handel 2507:Goethe 2497:Glinka 2492:Giotto 2487:Gibran 2477:Geddes 2412:Eitoku 2402:Dvorak 2357:Derain 2312:Copley 2297:Chu Ta 2292:Chopin 2277:Chekov 2237:CamĂ”es 2207:BrontĂ« 2197:Brahms 2167:Berkel 2162:Benoit 2122:BartĂłk 2117:Balzac 2042:Amaral 1982:Abedin 1937:fossae 1714:Neruda 1704:Kuiper 1684:Derain 1493:Neruda 1467:Kuiper 1419:Derain 1220:Icarus 1186:Icarus 1179:Icarus 1168:Icarus 1135:Icarus 1125:Icarus 1071:Nature 1037:  947:Icarus 920:Icarus 866:  841:  797:Icarus 582:basalt 527:faults 523:scarps 469:albedo 443:Nizami 342:ejecta 170:Kuiper 145:images 133:images 3278:Earth 3246:Moons 3216:Other 3202:Yeats 3192:Vyasa 3177:Verdi 3137:Sinan 3102:Rodin 3097:Rizal 2987:Nervo 2967:Navoi 2952:Myron 2932:Munch 2922:Moody 2912:Monet 2847:MartĂ­ 2837:March 2792:Liszt 2782:Li Po 2752:Lange 2722:Kƍshƍ 2702:Kenko 2697:Keats 2692:Karsh 2677:Jokai 2647:Ibsen 2617:Homer 2612:Holst 2567:Heine 2562:Haydn 2522:Grieg 2512:Gogol 2502:Gluck 2397:Durer 2382:Donne 2347:Degas 2332:Dario 2227:Byron 2222:Burns 2157:Bello 2132:Bashƍ 2127:Barma 2092:Atget 2072:Anyte 2052:Andal 2037:Alver 2002:Ailey 1879:rupes 1529:H-15 1515:H-11 1503:H-12 1491:H-13 1479:H-14 1417:H-10 619:(PDF) 588:, or 410:Verdi 406:JĂłkai 94:Verdi 52:is a 3283:Mars 3207:Zola 3012:Ovid 3002:Okyo 2872:Mena 2662:Ives 2632:Hugo 2532:Hals 2517:Goya 2327:Dali 2097:Bach 1664:Bach 1531:Bach 1465:H-6 1453:H-7 1441:H-8 1429:H-9 1403:H-2 1391:H-3 1379:H-4 1367:H-5 1353:H-1 1305:988. 1035:ISBN 864:ISBN 839:ISBN 408:and 312:and 287:pre- 234:and 48:The 36:ice. 3032:Poe 2442:Fet 2147:Bek 1012:doi 985:doi 955:doi 928:doi 901:doi 813:doi 773:doi 721:doi 685:doi 344:or 56:on 3456:: 1538:) 1524:) 1512:) 1500:) 1488:) 1474:) 1462:) 1450:) 1438:) 1426:) 1412:) 1400:) 1388:) 1376:) 1362:) 1058:p. 1008:24 1006:. 981:80 979:. 967:^ 951:28 949:. 924:28 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north pole
Mariner 10
Goethe Basin
impact basin
Mariner 10
Borealis Planitia
Victoria quadrangle
Shakespeare quadrangle
Raditladi quadrangle
Hokusai quadrangle
Bach quadrangle

Mariner 10
equatorial plane
orbital plane
orbital period
orbital eccentricity
lunar uplands

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
