
Ferdinand I of Naples

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family. By order of Ferrante, as a lasting warning, the splendid bronze door of the Castel Nuovo, called La Vittoriosa, was cast in bronze, through the artillery removed by the enemies, with the representation of the king's triumph in the conspiracy of the barons, the work of Guglielmo Dello Monaco, a Parisian who had served Alfonso as a manufacturer of cannons, clocks and bells. On the door appear in six pictures expressed in bas - relief some events of the conspiracy: in the first of them, from the left side of the beholder, the apparent peace of the Duke of Sessa is scrolled, with the verses that say: "PRINCEPS CVM IACOBO CVM DIOFEBO QVEM DOLOSE / VT REGEM PERMANT COLLOQVIVM SIMVLANT". Likewise in the first one on the right is represented the King who valiantly puts the conspirators to flight with the verses: "HOS REX MARTIPOTENS ANIMOSIOR HECTORE CLARO / SENSIT VT INSIDIAS ENSE MICANTE FVGAT". The other paintings represent the siege with the taking of Troy and the surrender of Acquaviva, with the carved verses that say: TROIA DEDIT OUR REQVIEM FINEMQ (VE) LABORI / IN QVA HOSTEM FVDI FORTITER AC POPVLI "; " HOSTEM TROIANIS FERNANDVS VICIT IN ARVIS / SICVT POMPEVM CESAR IN EHACTIS"; " HINC TROIAM VERSVS MAGNO CONCVSSA FEAR / CASTRA MOVENT HOSTES NE SVBITO PEREANT"; "AQVA DIA FORTEM CEPIT REX FORTIOR VRBEM/ ANDEGAVOS PELLENS VIRIBVS EXIMII". Towards the end of his life, Ferrante also planned the construction of a large building, a huge Renaissance-style palace perhaps intended to accommodate the administration and the court of justice, but which was never built.
responsive to the new defensive needs, deriving from the introduction of artillery. The new structure started from the Durazzo castle of the Sperone, of which the Brava tower is still recognizable today, with the Torre Il Trono. The development of the new fortification, delimiting the eastern side of the capital, was about two kilometers long and included twenty powerful cylindrical towers embanked at the base, including four gates. The thickness of the sections of curtain connecting the aforementioned towers reached in some cases even 7 meters and consisted of blocks of yellow tuff. The side facing the countryside was covered with blocks of high-strength gray piperno. Each tower was completely filled so that it could offer maximum passive resistance to the firing of the siege bombers. During the sixteenth century, in the viceregal period, the walls on the eastern side survived intact the renovation that took place under Pedro of Toledo, which led to the construction of a modern bastion wall to delimit the city. Contrary to the total demolition suffered by the latter starting from the mid-eighteenth century, the eastern walls resisted substantially intact until the post-unitary period and then underwent a partial demolition during the rehabilitation works.
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di Giorgio Martini, Pietro and Ippolito del Donzello, Francesco Del Tuppo, Giovanni Giocondo, Giovanni Francesco Mormando, Francesco Laurana, Pietro da Milano, Cola Rapicano, Cristoforo Majorana, Tommaso and Giovan Tommaso Malvito, Ermolao Barbaro the Younger and the Elder, Giuliano and Benedetto da Maiano, Bernardo Rossellino, Francesco Pagano, Riccardo Quartararo, Pietro Befulco, Novello da San Lucano, Guido Mazzoni, Niccolò Antonio known as Colantonio, Angiolillo Arcuccio, Antonio De Ferraris, Poliziano, Teodoro Gaza, Cola Rapicano, Pietro Alemanno, Giovanni Pontano, Antonio Beccadelli and many others. The Panormita was the second secretary of the King and President of the Chamber. Il Pontano succeeded Beccadelli as rector of the renowned Academy of Naples founded by his predecessor (one of the first academies founded in Europe, the first of the Kingdom of Naples and the oldest in Italystill existing), of which he was the main representative and which was later named after him, whose most illustrious students were: Sannazaro, Antonio Flaminio, Cardinal Sadoleto, Giano Anisio, Giovanni Cotta, Andrea Sabatini, Andrea Matteo III Acquaviva and many others.
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purpose had perhaps been to restore the university monopoly of higher education under strict state control, as its founder Frederick II had conceived it . In 1478 he had such confidence in the possibilities offered by the University of Naplesto prohibit his subjects from studying or seeking a doctorate outside the Kingdom. Teachers were also recruited into the Kingdom and, among the few foreigners appointed, only the Florentine Francesco Pucci found the Neapolitan environment tempting enough to remain there forever. Furthermore, Ferrante managed to ensure that the university flourished through learned professors; and for this purpose he invited Costantino Lascaris with his gracious diploma to come and teach the Greek language, assigning him a large salary corresponding to the fame of his name. Ferrante, with a Pragmatic entitled De scolaribus doctorandis, ordered his subjects to promote sciences in the capital and wanted the city of Aquila to grant itself the privilege of license to open a Studium.
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Naples to complete the array of talents active in the court chapel and to develop the tradition of secular polyphony, so that the Neapolitan city excelled over the whole Italy for most of the century. Johannes Tinctoris, who defined himself "chaplain and musician of the king of Sicily", performed important functions in the service of Ferrante: chaplain cantor (archicapellanus), instrumentalist of ribeca and vihuela de arco (later known as viola da gamba ), tutor, composer and legal counsel. Tinctoris had an intellectually prominent role at court and in October 1487 he was sent to Northern Europe to hire new singers for the royal chapel. Due to his excellent knowledge of languages and law, King Ferrante also ordered him to draw up an Italian translation of the articles of the Order of the Golden Fleece (Articuli et ordinatione of the Order of the Golden Fleece).
3192:, causing the death of thirty thousand people in the capital. He wanted many Neapolitan noble families to participate in this reconstruction, which had patronage chapels there, allowing them to place their noble weapons on each pillar of the chapels to rebuild. In Novello da San Lucano, he entrusted him with the reconstruction of the basilica of San Domenico Maggiore, after the ruin of a large part of the building due to the previous earthquake. The De Dominicihe says that the pillars were placed by him, the ceiling was renovated, and the ornaments of the chapel were completed, but in the biography of the del Donzello, contained in his work, he also attributes to them the direction of some works. Terminio adds that, as an example to Ferrante, many nobles contributed to the expense of new pillars, at the top of which they placed their insignia. 2646: 2518: 879:. After the coronation the trumpets began to sound, while the people shouted: "Long live the King Ferrante". He then rode, accompanied with great magnificence by the baronage and the people towards the seven offices of the Kingdom, then returned to Castel Nuovo. Finding it closed, according to the rite he then called the castellan Arnaldo Sanz, and said to him: "Open", and he replied: "Are you King Don Ferrante thirsty, son of the happy memory of King Don Alfonso?" The King replied: "I am that." The Castellano then asked the barons if the new king was Don Alfonso's son and they all said yes. The Castellano then, in front of all the people, handed the keys of the castle to Ferrante, who returned them to him and ordered to keep the fortress well. After this, the people continued to shout: "Long live the King Don Ferrando". 2122:
Italy. In any case, the alliance with Florence of Lorenzo de' Medici proved to be advantageous for Ferrante, so much so that in 1483 Ferrante appointed Lorenzo the Magnificent Chamber of the Kingdom. Such a title was more than anything else honorific, for the one who more than any other will prove to be a good ally of the king of Naples. The historian Ernesto Pontieri comments: "Ferrante, found in the league with Florence a bulwark against the enemy forces of his dynasty, which, as is well known, were the treacherous and riotous baronage inside and foreign suitors outside. Both contractors, the Aragonese and the Medici, remained faithful to the pacts agreed in Naples in 1480; and in reality, as long as they lived, no one violated the borders of Italy."
2514:. In short, he influenced the prince with great ardor, so much so that each baron believed that Frederick would not refuse the gift; but this prince who had neither ambition, nor immoderate thirst to dominate, but only virtue, after having thanked for the offer, very placidly replied that if by granting him the kingdom he had been under their control, he would have gladly accepted the gift, but Not being able to take possession of the kingdom, if not violating all the laws, the paternal will and the reason of his brother, he refused. When the conspirators understood Frederick's resolution, they turned pale, and seeing that they had to carry out the conspiracy, they imprisoned Frederick and to invigorate the Pope's soul they raised the Papal flags. 2415:
d'Alessandro as his orator to Rome to present to the Pope the white horse in effect for the investiture, but the Pope did not want to receive it, so much so that Antonio was forced to make a public protest. On the other hand, the Barons, seeing the dissatisfaction of the Pope, thought of having recourse to him to be supported. The leaders and authors of this conspiracy were Francesco Coppola, Count of Sarno and Antonello Petrucci secretary of the King. The many riches and the many extraordinary favors that the King did to these two characters made them enter into the hatred and envy of many, especially the Duke of Calabria, who could not contain himself in saying in public that his Father in order to enrich them had impoverished himself.
this life, my Father ordered me that before anything else I should prefer the grace and esteem of Your Holiness. and his Mother Church, claiming that those who opposed and opposed would always be harmed. I cannot forget that since my childhood Your Holiness has been given to me as if by Heaven to guide me and so by the provision and commandment of the Father, and by the will of God I was handed over to Your Holiness and I want to be his until death. Therefore, I very humbly pray to Your Holiness that, by corresponding to this love, you accept me for your son, indeed confirm me in your grace, so that from this moment your Beatitude desires neither more obedience nor more inclined devotion from me. From Naples on 1 July
of Master of the Chapel of the Royal Palace. In this period the works of Greek musical treatises such as Aristoxenus, author of the fundamental Elementa harmonica and Elementa rhytmica, Aristide Quintiliano, author of a De musica, fundamental for the in-depth treatment of the subject and " Institutio oratoria ", in which the author parallels rhetorical art, with the musical composition, which is able to arouse emotions, prodrome of what will be the theory of affects in the Neapolitan music school of the eighteenth century. This school founded by Ferrante was very important for the development of music in Italy but above all it determined the foundations of the nascent Neapolitan Music School.
2195:, greatly frightened the enemy army. Shortly after, the Duke of Calabria himself joined him, accompanied by a large number of Neapolitan barons. The King of Hungary, brother-in-law of the Duke, sent 1700 soldiers and 300 Hungarian horses, and the Pope sent a cardinal with 22 Genoese galleys. The Pope, to thwart the danger from which he had threatened Italy, tried to unite the Italian governments in his will to make them act against the invasion of the Turks and absolved the Florentines from excommunication, forgiving them for all the injuries done to the Church. Ferrante, in exchange for 10,000 ducats, returned to them all the lands he had conquered during the conflict against Florence ( 1000: 3581: 3083:
greatly protected the sciences and letters and with great royal generosity he lavished on the men who were lovers of them and granted extensive privileges and aid to poor scholars. He was very fond of books, so much so that his library, called Aragonese, was celebrated as one of the main ones of those times. He was, as mentioned, a patron of the arts and a lover of letters, in fact he wrote a book containing someepistles and very elegant prayers called Militari, which was published in 1486, where his good taste for good letters can be seen. Pietro Napoli Signorelli cites two other letters with praise, one called Audiat hodierna die and the other Studebo quantum potero.
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attack him. However, Ferrante, seeing the dagger that he was hiding in his hand, drew his sword and faced the two conspirators alone, as the count and Coreglia were held at bay from Montagano. The King got the better of them, and before his troops arrived, he managed to wound them and put them to flight. In the excitement of the battle, the dagger that had fallen from Anguillara's hand was picked up by a soldier of Ferrante and it was discovered that he was poisoned, since, having touched a dog, he instantly fell dead. This event was then represented in the first, top left, of the six bas-reliefs impressed on the bronze door after the Arc de Triomphe in
the Dogana del Sale to the Corregge road into a larger form, today's Via Medina. On 15 June 1488 he placed the first stone of them behind the Carmelo monastery, where a tower was built, called Torre Spinelli, which took its name from the architect who had erected it, Francesco Spinelli. The walls were led up to the monastery of San Giovanni in Carbonara, who at that time was locked inside the city walls and gave the direction of this work to the architect Carlo Majano, who added the Lavinaro road to the city. In 1476, when he moved the customs office near the port, he ordered that the arsenal be moved under the walls of the royal palace.
had the Porta Capuana transported, which was near the Castel Capuano on the sides of the church of Santa Caterina in Formiello, where it was magnificently built with sculptures worked in marvelous fine marbles, he had an armory built such as to be able to contain weapons for sixty thousand soldiers, completed the famous tower that now serves as the bell tower of the Basilica of San Lorenzo Maggiore begun by Charles II, for his arrangement the cenacle of the friars of Santa Maria la Nova was painted by the brothers Pietro and Ippolito del Donzello and he also had many places of worship repaired, adorning them with precious furnishings.
2695:'s cruelty and Ferrante's lack of faith towards them, remaining greatly afflicted by them. Pietro di Guevara, Grand Seneschal, died precisely of this affliction. After the peace, the barons, gathered together, fortified themselves in their fortresses; but the Duke of Calabria and King Ferrante, having them in their hands, tried to deceive them, offering them security and showing them their humanity. Many barons, deceived, were reassured, but the Prince of Salerno, suspecting the king's deception, escaped secretly from the kingdom and went to Rome, here seeing that the Pope had no intention of renewing the war, if he went in France. 915:, for the benefit of his father King Alfonso, by acclamation of the barons and cities of the Kingdom and thanks to the concessions of the two previous Popes: Eugene IV and Nicholas V. Ferrante, in this war against Callixtus was able to count on an alliance with the Duke of Milan, not only due the kinship between the two dynasties, but also a bond that existed between them. The pope, always implacable and obstinate, refused any intercession from other rulers; so much so that Ferrante decided to send ambassadors to the Pope in the name of the kingdom. The latter found the pope sick and therefore were never admitted to his audience. 3095:
his virtues, left a Kingdom that he had led to greater greatness, perhaps more than any other sovereign who would have governed it, for which many famous writers mentioned him in their famous writings. Ferrante was also very attached to music, for which he showed real enthusiasm. In fact, he constantly sought singers educated at the Burgundy school and expert organ builders, all who received a warm welcome in his court. Among the numerous personalities present in his court chapel we remember the Flemish music theorist and composer Johannes Tinctoris. Ferrante himself is credited with a certain skill as an instrumentalist.
2929: 1027:, their relatives, to his state. Despite some initial refusals, the King wanted to please them. These united barons decided to urge King John of Aragon to come and conquer the kingdom that belonged to him by legitimate succession after the death of his brother Alfonso V, but King John refused. On the other hand, King Ferrante, having understood the intention of the barons, immediately sent Turco Cicinello and Antonio d'Alessandro to Spain to pray John not to lack love for his nephew the king, since he could say that the Kingdom of Naples was more his than the kingdoms of the Crown of Aragon. 1968: 1669:, recognizing that his predecessor had neglected the collection of the income due to the papacy, began to urge Ferrante to pay all the taxes he owed to the Holy See, which had not been paid for several years. Ferrante, aggravated by the excessive expenses for the last war, had run out of money and therefore not only apologized for not being able to pay them, but asked the Pontiff to subscribe to the payment. A discord was generated from this claim that stopped when the Pope asked for help from Ferrante to lower the power of the sons of the counts of Anguillara, who sent him troops. 615: 3606: 3534: 3237:
businesses and traders by launching a series of initiatives aimed at increasing trade exchanges with Venice, Pisa and Spain; it favored the migration from the countryside to the city and allowed the immigration of numerous Jews expelled from Spain through thedecree of the Alhambra issued by the Catholic kings. One of the refugees, Don Isaac Abrabanel, even received a position at the Neapolitan court of Ferrante which he also held under his successor, Alfonso II. Overall, the Neapolitan population increased rapidly and it was necessary to expand the city walls.
1389: 1271:, he negotiated with him to return loyal to the king, managing in the end to convince him. The count gladly accepted the privileges that the king offered him, including the concession of the city of Salerno with the title of Prince, to be able to mint coins, and many other privileges. The Count of Marsico, who from that moment was called Prince of Salerno, immediately sent a messenger to Pope Pius II for the acquittal of the oath he had made to Duke John when he made him his Knight. From this episode many other barons followed his example, rejecting the 3196:
gunpowder required wide and low circular towers to cushion the impact of cannonballs, equipped with ramps or slides that allowed the pieces to be moved from one tower to the other. 'other, as well as equipped with a large and sturdy parapet with specific openings for the guns. The new fortification was to include seven towers, four of which joined to form a quadrilateral, and the remaining three aligned along the moat to the Mar Piccolo. The four towers were respectively dedicated to San Cristofalo, San Lorenzo, the Bandiera and the Vergine Annunziata.
919: 3638: 3067: 1588:, he ordered that the privileged classes, used to hoarding them, could not be of any obstacle to the free sale of the fruits of the earth, such as prices set at their discretion. In 1469, while confirming ecclesiastical immunities, he left them only to those who actually dedicated themselves to the practices of worship. He tried to reactivate the industries, especially those of silk and wool; indeed, he himself became an industrialist and merchant, associating himself with the daring enterprises of Francesco Coppola, later Count of 3213: 3107: 1344:, in Apulia. The following day they came to arms and the Albanian, animated by the example of their leader and the King, fully defeated the enemy army, and Piccinino and John of Anjou were forced to flee. In this battle, four thousand enemies fell, and a thousand others remained prisoners with twenty-five flags and the victors, rich in the spoils of the vanquished, celebrated the triumph for 8 days. When Ferrante returned to Naples, the inhabitants welcomed him with lively cheers and renewed the sacrament of fidelity. 1191: 3726: 2411:
favored the people they exploited; and to spread the word of his opposition, Alfonso decided to place a crest broom on the helmet and some pincers in the saddle of the horse, demonstrating that he wanted to annihilate them. All this, combined with Ferrante's centralist government and Alfonso's cruelty towards the barons, led in 1485 to a second attempt at revolt. The barons, who had conceived a great hatred towards Alfonso, and feeling terrified by these threats, began to think how to get rid of it.
3136: 3762: 3750: 3738: 138: 3165: 2915:, heir to the Angevin pretenders of Naples, was preparing to invade Italy for the conquest of the Kingdom, and Ferrante understood that he was facing the greatest danger he had ever faced. With an almost prophetic instinct, he warned the Italian princes against the calamity that was about to befall them, but the negotiations with Pope Alexander VI and Ludovico il Moro failed, and Ferrante died before having assured peace to his kingdom. 2489:, in order to give the other barons time to arm themselves, began to make a peace treaty with Ferrante who apparently seemed very willing to accept, but in reality, he had no intention of giving him anything. The one therefore tried with simulation to deceive the other, the barons proposed to the king very impertinent conditions; but they were all agreed. When they had to be signed, since the prince of Salerno and many barons resided in 32: 3714: 2735: 3254:
would take great pleasure in conducting his guests on a tour of his prized "museum of mummies". Indeed, Ferdinand had a novel way of dealing with his enemies. After having them murdered, he had their bodies mummified. He kept them in a private ‘black museum’, dressed in the clothes that they had worn in life. If he suspected one of his subjects of plotting against him, he took him to visit the 'museum’ as a deterrent.
1986:, he was received with great honor and courtesy by the King, who had him lodged in the Royal Palace of Castel Nuovo, in a small room that still exists. During this stay the king begged him, before going to France, to found a convent in Naples, making him choose the place to found it. The Saint chose a solitary and rocky place overlooking the sea, asylum for criminals, on the northern slopes of Mount Echia. 1312:; he found a great deal of silver and gold, not only what had been donated for the great devotion to the sanctuary; but also what had been brought by priests from the nearby lands. Having noted it, he took it, promising after the victory to return everything; and with that silver he immediately had that coin called "Li Coronati di S. Angelo" struck, which benefited him a lot in this war. 2373:, hoping that the duke would meet that of Milan, who was camped in the countryside of Rome, to convince him to ally with the Venetians. Their plan failed, however, because while that war lasted, it was administered by the duke with so much virtue and fortune, that if Ludovico Duke of Milan did not disband from the league, he would have taken away all the mainland from the Venetians. 2272:. Ferrante, having learned that Rhodes was besieged and doubting that the island would not capitulate due to such a great obstacle, recruited a small army of ships and other woods to help it. The army sailed to Rhodes and not only rescued it but saved it valiantly from the impulses of enemies. This increased so much praise to the King, so much so that he was appointed curator of the 1569:
pushed his subjects to greater economic vigor with the introduction of new measures that effectively allowed the entire population of the kingdom to enjoy greater freedom in daily life. With a law of 1466, he allowed farmers to freely dispose of their products, releasing them from the obligation of having to sell the food to the local lord at the price he set.
oath and promises made to Alfonso and to Ferrante, who had not only been legitimized by his father, but also declared legitimate successor by the Holy See, proclaimed: "Long live Re Ferrante our legitimate King" as Ferrante then rode through the city. When the Prince of Viana saw this display, he boarded a ship in Naples, abandoning his supporters, and fled to
1340:, who commanded the allied army and observed its discomfort, demanded and obtained a truce. However, because he foresaw an unhappy end, he decided not to maintain the truce. Skanderbeg, having known this, told him that the next day he would engage him in battle and Skanderbeg, having arrived in Bari, joined Ferrante who had set up his camp in 1356:
However, the appearance of Skanderbeg in the area of Trani was enough for the downfall of such a rogue and he was pardoned by the King, therefore not being punished. Inanto, the gratitude that bound him to the Skanderbeg was not silent in Ferrante's heart and, wanting to give him a sign, he gave him to his own and perpetual heritage Trani,
2960:, overwhelmed more by the sorrows of the soul than by age. This tenacious man maintained physical health and mental clarity until the end of his life; his sturdy and muscular body withered in old age and his thick dark hair, cut short in the prime of life, became long and white, but only a few serious illnesses are remembered of him. 896:. Calixtus had notices posted in various places in the kingdom, where it was reported that upon Alfonso's death, the Kingdom of Naples had devolved to the Papal state. Calixtus offered amnesty to all those who had sworn loyalty to Ferrante, but he ordered all the clergy, barons, cities and peoples of the kingdom, under pain of 1462:, deprived the Angevin front of its most influential boss and financier. With his death, the original plan of Alfonso V of Aragon to make Taranto the pivotal principality in his and his heirs' hands was realized. The Apulian fiefdom was inherited by his wife Isabella and became a fundamental strength for Ferrante's resources. 2087:
where he managed to be proclaimed lord of Siena. The Florentines had no choice but to come to terms with the king of Naples and an armistice was asked. Lorenzo de' Medici had realized that he could not afford the enmity of a sovereign so powerful and so close: he therefore set off for Naples to deal directly with Ferrante.
577:, in April 1439 Ferrante was appointed lieutenant general of the kingdom. On February 17, 1440, King Alfonso, by his own authority, legitimized and declared his son his heir to the throne of Naples, and then, in January 1441, he secured the approval of the parliament of the barons of the kingdom that he had summoned in 2021:. St. Francis refused, took a coin, broke it, and let out blood. The blood that came out of the coins was that of the subjects, of the people who suffered the powerful. Faced with a huge supply of money and a proposal of ultimate prosperity and wealth, anyone would be able to be seduced; so, it was not for the Saint. 3091:
those same goads that he himself had tried ". Indeed, if he generously remunerated those who had been loyal to his cause, such as Count Honored II Caetani, he was on the other hand severe, vindictive and cruel towards his enemies, and often resorted to deception and false promises in order to lure them in.
487: 1747:
court men of letters and illustrious in all sorts of sciences, and above all professors of civil and canonical law. In his reign, in addition to the splendor of the royal house, letters and writers flourished. In these years Naples had a flourishing golden age similar to the one it was in the reign of
1235:, which were headed by the captains Giosuè and Marino Longo. These troops, arrived in Foce di Sarno, descended from the mountain and attacked the Angevins who, surprised and unable to determine the extent of the attack, were forced to retreat, giving King Ferrante the possibility of opening up through 3434:
Other sources say she is the mother of Cesare and Alfonso, whom the Successes indicate instead as children of Piscicella, as well as of Ferdinando, count of Arena and Stilo, and Leonora. It is clear that she could not be the mother of all of these, in relation both to her young age, to the short time
He was responsible for a first expansion of the walls of Naples, which was followed by a second one in 1499. The Aragonese wall of Naples, in fact, was begun under his reign, in June 1484. Ferrante surrounded Naples with walls towards the eastern side and reduced the walls erected by Giovanna II from
When he imprisoned Marino Marzano for having betrayed him in the conspiracy of the barons, Ferrante, moved by tenderness towards his family, took care of them himself and particularly of his niece Camilla, who was educated at his court. The little Maria Balsa, daughter of the despot of Serbia or more
He loved children very much and liked to surround himself with them. In fact, when Eleonora herself went to visit Naples in 1477, Ferrante persuaded her to leave at his court, in addition to her newborn, also his little granddaughter Beatrice, who later grew up like a daughter. He also took under his
Shortly before his death, not believing that his time had really come, he had his hair and jaws accommodated, which seemed to be falling, but, suddenly feeling faint, trembling said to the children and grandchildren who were around him these words: "My children, be blessed"; and turning to a crucifix
made almost all of them die secretly; but to make the world believe that they were still alive the king sent them for a long time the provision for their needs. In the end, however, having been seen the executioner with a gold chain that belonged to the prince of Bisignano, the rumor spread that they
The peace was granted, although the fate of the arms had been favorable to the Aragonese, and happy circumstances, such as the internal unrest in Milan and the neutrality of Venice, authorized consideration as the most opportune moment for Naples to attempt the conquest of an effective dominance over
In the meantime, Marino Marzano was trying to assassinate the king through traps and betrayals. The most important attack was the Torricella bite: Marino Marzano deceived the Catalan Gregorio Coreglia, who had been Ferrante's tutor, confiding in him that he wanted to make peace with the sovereign and
Meanwhile, seeing his plan fail, the prince of Taranto attempted another enterprise with the help of the barons and above all of Marino Marzano, who hated Ferrante mortally because the rumor had spread that the king had committed incest with his Eleonora Marino's sister and wife. They decided to call
Charles, Prince of Viana, the son of King John II of Aragon, claimed that the illegitimate status of Ferrante precluded his ascension to king. While in Naples, through numerous Catalan and Sicilian barons, he conspired to gain the crown, but both the Neapolitan people and many barons, remembering the
He was a very passionate man, he had an almost pathological attraction towards young women and, despite the numerous lovers and concubines, he loved very much his wife Isabella di Chiaramonte, a woman of exceptional virtues, whose death greatly afflicted him. As a father he was very present and very
He was modest in eating and in his manner of presenting himself, although elegant in his ways and in dressing. He inherited his father's love for ceremonial and magnificence, as evidenced by the welcome given to a Burgundian embassy in 1472, one of the greatest manifestations of princely splendor of
He organized numerous weddings of poor maidens and had a very rich tapestry that had been the property of Queen Giovanna II. After the King's death, the Duke of Ferrara bought it, who, seeing it by the Emperor Charles V in Reggio, in the Palazzo di Alfonso d'Este, was very amazed. Don Ferrante, with
Gaetano Canzano Avarna describes him as "selfish and ruthless, when he could promise himself some pleasure, he gladly obtained it, often at the expense of other people's unhappiness, not being scrupulous in this for that kind of hatred he had conceived for his fellow men, to whom he was happy to try
and was buried in the Basilica of San Domenico Maggiore. His sepulcher can be seen in the sacristy of the basilica. His heart was enclosed with very sweet heights in a small golden urn engraved with the verses: "Fernandus senior, qui condidit aurea saecla (Ferdinand the elder, who founded the golden
had a great shortage of food and everywhere people could be seen dying of hunger, but the providence of the King purely took notice, using every means to make the condition of his peoples less sad. The Neapolitans, grateful, by public decree struck medals in his honor, in which there was on one side
However, the daring journey of the Magnificent confirmed the fame that Ferrante enjoyed as "Judge of Italy". Furthermore, the magnificence of his court and the wealth of means at his disposal created him the reputation of a very rich sovereign; and finally his flashy diplomatic and war triumphs, his
The death of Pope Paul on July 26, 1471, and the succession of Pope Sixtus IV, former Cardinal Francesco della Rovere, ended all discords. In 1475, Pope Sixtus in a Bull exempted Ferrante from having pay the census, save for the investiture to send him a well-trimmed white horse every year; thus the
and in the name of the King by Antonio d'Alessandro. All this was confirmed by the bull of Pius II, on November 2, 1458. After the Bull of Investiture, two more were sent: in the first the Pontiff advised Ferrante to send him a Cardinal Legate for the coronation and in the second he revoked the Bull
Pope Callixtus III however, was ill-disposed towards Ferrante; in a papal bull of 12 July, he declared the throne of Naples vacant, not recognizing the succession of Ferrante, because he was the son of a Moorish servant and therefore neither the legitimate nor natural son of Alfonso V of Aragon. In
Holy Father. In these days in the greatest turbulence and strength of strong pain, I have written to Your Holiness, giving you news of the death of the glorious memory of the King my Father. Now turned a little in me, leaving aside the tears, I advise Your Holiness that the day before he passed from
The Most Serene Majesty of the King thanks you infinitely Distinguished, Respectable and Magnificent Barons for the petition made in favor of the Illustrious Lord Don Ferrante, his dearest son, and to satisfy your request he entitled him from this moment, and declares him Duke of Calabria, immediate
of the novel " Of the forbidden amor - Neapolitan history of the fifteenth century " by Dino Falconio (2014), inspired by the alleged incestuous relationship that Ferrante would have entertained with his sister Eleonora. He also appears as a character in the novel " The Duchess of Milan" by Michael
His diplomacy was very expensive and to strengthen the finances, already proven by the patronage of Alfonso I, Ferrante introduced an austerity regime in the court and in the state apparatus, to facilitate commercial traffic for his vassals, he opened it no less in east that in the west, encouraged
Furthermore, Ferrante established in Naples the first musical school in Italy and one of the first in Europe, which involved the major musicians of the time such as: Bernhard Hykaert, the aforementioned Tinctoris, Guglielmo Guarnier and Franchino Gaffurio, who from 1475 to 1478 covered the position
Ferrante erected the Porta del Carmine and that of San Gennaro and for this work he spent 28466 ducats, on his order the table bridges placed in front of each gate of the city were removed and on the side of the Carmelo church he had that door built that can be seen adorned of travertine stones, he
Ferrante completed the construction and decoration of the Castel Nuovo using artisans of almost exclusively Italian origin such as Pietro da Milano, one of the artists called by Alfonso I, who returned with Francesco Laurana in 1465 to complete the triumphal arch and to make some busts of the royal
Ferrante promoted Renaissance culture and art with his patronage, surrounding himself with numerous artists and writers who flourished in his kingdom such as: Pico della Mirandola, Marsilio Ficino, Bartolomeo Platina, Jacopo della Pila, Raffaele Volaterrano, Antonio Fiorentino della Cava, Francesco
Under his reign the construction of the Castel Nuovo was completed, the magnificent palace of Poggioreale was commissioned by his son Alfonso and the beautiful Palazzo Como was erected, now home to the Filangieri Museum (built between 1464 and 1490), Porta Nolana, the Palazzo Diomede Carafa (1470),
Considered one of the greatest expressions of fifteenth-century defensive architecture, the walls stemmed from the need to strengthen the protections of the capital, especially in the aftermath of the Ottoman capture of Otranto in 1480. It replaced the obsolete Angevin curtain with a structure more
He was fascinated, like other princes, by the sumptuous ceremonies of the Orders of chivalry, and having control of the Aragonese Order of the Giara, also known as the Giglio, he also founded the Order of the Ermine with the motto "Malo mori quam foedari", which conferred with liberality, receiving
King Ferrante was of medium height, had a full head of brown hair, was dark-faced, and had a beautiful forehead and a proportionate waist. He was very robust and it was said that he was even endowed with superhuman strength, to the point that one day - as it is said - going to the Basilica of Santa
Ferrante, infuriated by the incident, threatened to declare war on the Pope and sent the Duke of Calabria with a large army to the borders of the kingdom. The Duke of Calabria, before entering the war against the Papal State, declared that he was going not to offend the Holy See, but only to defend
who was received by the Prince and the Barons, who greeted him with signs of esteem. Frederick was a prince endowed with rare and incomparable virtues, handsome, with very sweet behavior, moderate and modest, so much so that he was loved by all and of habits opposed to his brother Duke of Calabria.
Alfonso despised the barons, in fact, he always used to tell his confidants that if the barons had not been able to help their king in dire need during the war in Otranto, he wanted to teach him how the subjects must behave with their sovereign, assuring him that by oppressing the barons would have
found himself tired and impoverished, did not dare to enter the war, but in the end also pushed by the will of the Duke of Calabria, resolved to help his son-in-law and daughter, with the aim also of preventing the Venetians and the Pope from increasing their territories. Then the King wanted to be
Warned not to be deceived in the election of the site, Francis prophesied that this place would be the most important and populated center not only in Naples, but in the whole Kingdom. The Convent was built with next to it, a church dedicated to San Luigi, called the church of San Luigi di Palazzo,
After having triumphed against his enemies and subdued the whole kingdom, Ferrante thought of restoring it from the damage of the seven years of war that had upset him. First of all, through political marriages, he tried to keep the kingdom safe and therefore decided to marry his eldest son Alfonso
Meanwhile, Pope Pius II sent his nephew Antonio Piccolomini to help the king with 1000 horses and 500 foot soldiers, managing to reconquer the Terra di Lavoro. At the same time the Duke of Milan sent a new aid, with which he managed to reconquer many lands in Abruzzo. In the meantime, the king went
raised the Angevin flags, and the rest of Calabria was rebelled by the Marquis of Crotone. It is said that at that point Queen Isabella of Chiaramonte, wife of Ferrante, seeing her desperate husband, disguised as a monk with her confessor, went to visit her uncle Prince of Taranto and begged him to
When Marino's attempt to lead Ferrante to a more sheltered place failed, citing as an excuse not to be seen by the French, camped on the Rocca di Teano. The two began to talk and an altercation arose. Deifobo, stating that he too wanted to reconcile with the sovereign, moved to meet him in order to
On 29 September 1465 Ferrante founded the famous Order of the Ermine, which was awarded to the same sovereign, his son Alfonso, his nephew Ferrandino and many other important personalities, such as Ercole I d'Este, Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Ludovico il Moro, Federico from Montefeltro and Charles I of
During his reign, the Royal House of Naples had nothing to envy in terms of splendor to the Courts of the major princes of Europe, given that Ferrante wanted to increase and introduce many arts, such as the art of silk weaving, introduced in Naples by Roger II of Sicily, the art of working wool in
This sovereign was adorned with many letters and well versed in law, and he considered this science more necessary than any other for the rulers of peoples. He especially loved men of graceful mottos and poets and it is said that at their request he forgave those guilty of serious crimes. Ferrante
When the Duke of Calabria and the King found themselves in the greatest danger they had ever been, the death of Roberto Malatesta occurred shortly after the victory, and the Pope found himself without a captain and therefore unable to continue the war, he asked for peace and left the alliance with
The young Alfonso, enthusiastic about the success of the enterprise, after having fired the Hungarian soldiers finally returned to Naples, where he was acclaimed by the people and where he found the help that had come from Portugal and Spain, which he sent back. Many famous men of arms died in the
and declared war on Florence. Ferrante managed to reach an agreement with the Turkish sultan, who unleashed his army against Venice, which, forced to defend itself, was unable to rush to Florence to help. The heir to the throne Alfonso, commander of the Neapolitan army, was sent to war in Tuscany,
Although the Kingdom of Naples was ruled by Ferrante, locally the effective power was the prerogative of the noble families, according to what was the feudal system. These barons oppressed the population, which occupied the lowest social level, so Ferrante tried to hinder their power. Francis also
of that year, Ferrante went to Rome together with some barons of the Kingdom, and the trip constituted an opportunity to further strengthen, through the alliance, the links between the Papal State and the Neapolitan kingdom. Thus two antithetical blocs were created, which again threatened peace in
Once the undertaking was over, the Pope renewed his request for censuses obtained with greater diligence than before. The King then demanded from the Pope to release the censuses for the expenses he had recently made to help him and also demanded for the future that the prior papal income from his
had fortified himself. The Prince of Rossano, on the other hand, was at war in Sora, where the Pope's army, urged by Ferrante for the assault, did not want to move, claiming that the Pope had not sent him to help the king, as there was no more need given that the Duke of Anjou was exhausted by the
The skills of Ferrante and his diplomats, skilled in weaving alliances in order to achieve Neapolitan hegemony in the system of Italian states, the fruits of the sovereign's economic strategy with the introduction of the art of silk and printing, politics of promotion and cultural attraction, the
who were powerful in Italy at the time, promising him that, after the conquest of the kingdom, he would offer him good part of that, but the Venetians did not accept the offer and still neutrally tried to support both the Pope and the King, suitably for their own interests. Meanwhile, the Duke of
Wanting the Pope to allay the discords between the potentates of Italy, he wrote to the Venetians that he had to return everything they had occupied to the Duke of Ferrara, but they refused to do so, and despite the Pope having abandoned them, they stubbornly pursued the war, and also astonishing
Ferrante, therefore, placed himself in a placid calm, marked the same footsteps of King Alfonso his Father, and did not neglect in these years of happiness and peace the need to reorganize the kingdom and enrich it with new arts and provide it with provided laws and institutes, also making at his
of which John had honored them as Knights. Pope Pius II, with the bull of January 5, 1460, absolved from the oath all those who had taken the Ordre du Croissant from John and undid this Confraternity. The agreement between the Prince of Salerno and the King overturned the war in favor of Ferrante
The skills of Ferrante and his diplomats, skilled in weaving alliances in order to achieve Neapolitan hegemony in the system of Italian states, the fruits of the sovereign's economic strategy with the introduction of the art of silk and printing, politics of promotion and cultural attraction, the
Ferrante was forced to prove his worth several times before obtaining the throne of Naples. Not only as governor, but also as a military man, as he was forced to recapture his own kingdom, against all conspirators, and during his rule, the kingdom was under constant attack from powers such as the
In the center of the panel there is a melee between knights and infantrymen of the two enemy armies, while from below a column of Aragonese knights and infantry winds, with in the foreground probably Alfonso, Duke of Calabria, climbing a mountain in direction of Troy. At the top is depicted King
Historian Jacob Burckhardt described Ferrante's recreational activities as follows: "his pleasures were of two kinds: he liked to have his opponents near him, either alive in well-guarded prisons, or dead and embalmed, dressed in the costume which they wore in their lifetime." Fearing no one, he
Among the many graces and wide privileges granted to Brindisi, he also gave her, for the loyalty shown to him, the privilege of minting coins, a privilege that he also granted to Capua, Chieti, Sulmona and L'Aquila. He ordered the latter to strike coins not different from those of the Neapolitan
Thus was born the Aragonese castle of the city, and in 1491 the triangular-shaped ravelin between the Torre della Bandiera and the San Cristofalo tower was added on the side facing the Great Sea. The castle was completed in 1492, as can be seen from the engraving of a walled plaque on the "Porta
King Ferrante, although a very prudent prince, for the great affection he bore to the Duke Don Alfonso, for his old age, and for the love and caresses of his new bride, was disheartened by low affections, and seeing that he trusted a lot in the value of duke, gave him almost all the reins of the
to reach Naples. All of Italy observed this trip with great interest, awaiting great decisions: the meeting had been well prepared and the welcome to Lorenzo, who arrived in Naples on 18 December 1479, exceeded all expectations. The peace, which was stipulated on March 17, 1480, provided for the
a year, should be reduced. He claimed that payment was excessive even for the Kingdom encompassing both Naples and Sicily, and that since Sicily was ruled by his uncle, King John of Aragon, Ferrante, and Naples should not pay the entire amount. The Pope on the other hand emphasized the help that
was followed by twenty years of internal peace which allowed Ferrante to strengthen the state and increase its wealth. The confiscation of the lands of the rebel barons transformed the balance of power between the crown and the nobility of the kingdom. Ferrante, always distrustful of the barons,
The art for which Ferrante showed real enthusiasm, and in which his tastes were closest to those of Alfonso, was music : he continually sought out singers educated at the Burgundy school; expert organ builders received a warm welcome and in the early seventies Johannes Tinctoris arrived in
Ferrante was very graceful in reasoning, shrewd, modest, and patient to suffer things of his contrary genius, ready and grateful in giving an audience, resolute in negotiations, and a very right simulator. He was gifted with great courage and remarkable political ability. The buffoons were very
King Ferdinand the Catholic, having understood that Ferrante had disobeyed the pact, began to complain to him, taking the pretext of conquering the kingdom of Naples. King Ferrante, having understood the dissatisfaction of the Catholic King, sent Giovanni Nauclerio to Spain to apologize for not
State-owned cities gained increasing importance as it imposed greater controls on baronial power. In the kingdom the Jews, protected by King Ferrante, carried out a notable artisanal and commercial activity. It was an important moment for municipal freedoms. The king himself granted statutes to
Don Ferrante reformed the studies of the university of Naples, reopened in 1465 with a teaching staff of twenty-two members, supporting it much more than his father had, and allowed the study to be added to the traditional course of study humanistic of Greek and Latin, even if, in reality, its
The use of Neapolitan as the official language of the Kingdom promoted in the court the fashion of a poetry in which the cultured and the popular tradition merged, in a way not unlike what happened in Florence with Lorenzo de 'Medici. This culture also showed more accessible outside of court,
In 1486, Ferrante commissioned the architect and military engineer Francesco di Giorgio Martini to expand the fortress of Taranto built by the Byzantines, in order to replace the medieval type of towers conceived for the plumbing defense. In fact, the use of cannons following the discovery of
remained on the Angevin side, which the ambitious Sicilian Fusianò was appointed by Ferrante to govern it and with the order to defend it. Seeing the kingdom in disorder, he took advantage of it to become master of the city, even starting to extort the inhabitants of the neighboring villages.
Controversial is the situation relating to the children of Giovannella Caracciolo, the most beautiful of the daughters of Count Giacomo di Brienza, whom Ferrante obtained by force in 1472 through agreements with his father, but without the consent of either the mother or the person directly
Meanwhile Sixtus had died and his successor, Pope Innocent VIII, after having lifted the excommunication of the Venetians that Sisto had given him, wanted to re-establish the payment of the census in the kingdom of Naples. The King on 29 June 1485 (the day set for payment) had sent Antonio
589:, usually given to the first-born of the king of Naples. Then Onorato Caetani, with the consent of all, kneeling before the king, begged him to create as Duke of Calabria and his future successor Don Ferrante, and the King with a cheerful face made him answer these words by the secretary: 396:
and to tighten through its diplomats and marriages of his numerous legitimate and natural children, a dense network of alliances and relationships with Italian and foreign sovereigns, earned him the fame and the nickname of "Judge of Italy", in addition to being recognized as a generous
1701:. Ferrante also demanded the restitution of Benevento, which he had granted to his ally Pope Pius, but now demanded its returned. The Pope, seeing how soured the mood of the King was, and not being able to resist him with the army or with other ways, immediately sent to Naples Cardinal 2830:
After so many political events, Ferrante continued to direct the state. Active and hardworking, he was respectful of the customs of the nation. After having enriched himself and enriched the state with the ruin of the barons, to keep the kingdom safe and therefore to keep the greatest
After the Catalan army came, which he was no longer in need of, Ferrante gave a great gift to General Toreglia and sent the army back. When Duke John left the kingdom, he left a good memory to some peoples and nobles thanks to his numerous virtues, so many knights followed him to the
the effigy of the king with the letters Ferdinandus DG Hierusalem, Siciliae Rex and on the other a woman dressed in long clothes, having in the right two ears of wheat and on the left a corba full of ears with the following inscription: "Frug. Ac. Ordo. Et- P. Neap. Opt. Princip".
In 1482 the Venetians and the Pope allied themselves against the Duke of Ferrara, son-in-law of King Ferrante, because he did not observe the agreements established between them in earlier times. The duke's two adversaries had already managed to occupy almost all the places in the
1841:, son of Ferrante, but the proposal was accepted only in 1478. In 1476 Galeazzo Maria Sforza died, and Ferrante wanted to take advantage of the occasion by trying, with the support of Pope Sisto IV, to take possession of the Duchy of Milan. Ferrante stirred up the Genoese and the 5471:
Le Vite dei Re di Napoli. Con le loro effigie dal naturale. Del Sig. Scipione Mazzella Napolitano. Ove ordinatamente si raccontano le successioni, le guerre, ei gesti loro, e delle cose più degne altroue ne' medesimi tempi auuenute. Con la denominazione degli huomini illustri
Le Vite dei Re di Napoli. Con le loro effigie dal naturale. Del Sig. Scipione Mazzella Napolitano. Ove ordinatamente si raccontano le successioni, le guerre, ei gesti loro, e delle cose più degne altroue ne' medesimi tempi auuenute. Con la denominazione degli huomini illustri
Ferrante went to meet Skanderbeg, welcomed him in celebration, and for several days gave him a grateful rest in Bari. Skanderbeg then had his soldiers gathered and raised their spirits by inspiring him with gratitude for the Aragonese and rekindling in them the love of glory.
2659:, after the peace treaty, was a close friend of the king throughout his life and pleased him in everything he asked of him. On 4 June 1492 he sent a bull at his request in which he declared that after the death of Ferrante the successor of the kingdom would be his eldest son 1447:, his secretary, with Cardinal Roverella, the Pope's legate, to negotiate the conditions of the armistice with the Prince's ambassadors. Among the conditions of the armistice, there was that the prince was expelled from Puglia and the Duke John from all his fiefs. The 3139:
Tavola Strozzi, view of the city of Naples from the sea, 1470. (Triumphal return of the Neapolitan fleet after the victory against the pretender to the throne Giovanni d'Angiò, which took place off the coast of Ischia on July 7, 1465), National Museum of San Martino,
Frederick therefore entered Salerno with the firm hope of concluding the peace; but one day the Prince of Salerno, having summoned the barons to his Palace and having Frederick enter the Castle in an eminent room, began with much eloquence to persuade him to take the
advised privately and in public and it was suggested that Ferrara had to be defended, since defeated Hercules, the Pope and the Venetians would have done the same thing with him, in fact both claimed the Kingdom of Naples. In addition to the King, the Florentines and
The fate of the war turned in Ferrante's favor on 18 August 1462 in Puglia with the battle of Troia, where King Ferrante and Alessandro Sforza inflicted a definitive defeat on their adversaries. After the battle, the ranks of Ferrante's enemies constantly fell apart.
gene), by examination of his mummy. His remains show levels of carbon 13 and nitrogen 15 consistent with historical reports of considerable consumption of meat. The death of this sovereign was preceded by huge earthquakes, which caused many buildings to collapse in
to such an extent that King Ferrante asked for the intervention of his uncle John II of Aragon, who sent him Galzerano Richisens with numerous Catalan galleys. In the spring of 1464 John of Anjou, having seen himself isolated and defeated, left with two galleys for
2446:, the Count of Nola and many other knights. These, gathered in Melfi for the wedding between Ippolita Sanseverino and Troiano Caracciolo, son of Giovanni Duca di Melfi, sent a messenger to Pope Innocent to ask for help and the Pope gladly accepted the undertaking. 1499:, who had rebelled against King John II of Aragon, an event for which Ferrante very rejoiced, as if the Duke John, his father René, and the King of Aragon were engaged in waging war with each other and would not have constituted a danger to Naples. Meanwhile, the 2397:
The places that had been occupied in Lombardy by the Duke of Calabria were returned to the Venetians and they released the territories occupied in the duchy of Ferrara, Gallipoli, Nardò and Monopoli with all the lands they had occupied in the Kingdom of Naples.
Although Sicily after the death of Alfonso I passed under the reign of Giovanni, King Ferrante wanted to make use of the title of King of Sicily, in fact in all the pragmatics and edicts read: Ferdinandus Arag. DG Rex Siciliae, Hierus, Ungariae, Valentiae etc.
The Turkish danger was, explicitly, the basis of the royal decision to adequately fortify Brindisi. While the Turks were still barricaded in Otranto, in February 1481, Ferrante d'Aragona ordered the start of work for the construction of a fortress to guard the
Ferrante managed to lay the foundations for the formation of an embryo of a modern state thanks to the creation of new political institutions such as the Collateral Council and the consolidation of financial structures such as the Regia Camera della Sommaria.
1432:. Returning to the war, finally the Prince of Rossano capitulated, and through Cardinal Roverella, the peace treaty was concluded with some conditions, including a new parental bond: Ferrante had to grant Giambattista Marzano, son of Marino, his own daughter 1039:
and left her dowries, amounting to four hundred thousand ducats, to the heir John II. King John claimed that the money should be taken from the treasury that Alfonso had left to the kingdom of Naples and the ambassadors agreed to give it to him in ten years.
with his sons, Aniello Arcamone brother-in-law of the Secretary and Giovanni Impoù Catalano. After trials and other solemnities, they were condemned to the deprivation of all honors Titles, Dignity, Offices, Cavalry, Feuds, nobility and were condemned to be
3209:"King Ferdinand of Aragon, son of the divine Alfonso and grandson of the divine Ferdinand, rebuilt this castle in a larger and more solid form due to old age, so that it could withstand the impetus of the bullets that is endured with maximum vigor - 1492." 2465:
to conquer the kingdom of Naples, of which he would have invested him, as long as he was always faithful to the Holy Church. Meanwhile, Alfonso Duke of Calabria, having discovered the conspiracy, suddenly took possession of the County of Nola and conquered
Having taken the city, Mehmed II called Gedik to him, who left his Lieutenant Ariadeno Baglivo of Negroponte with 7000 Turks and 500 horses in the city, and he with 12 Galleys, loaded the resources of the sack of that city and sent them to newly conquered
took up arms to help Ferrara, with the resolution that the Florentines and the King harass the Pope and Ludovico troubled the borders of the Venetians, so than that Republic, having to defend the borders in many points harassed Ferrara with less impetus.
1714:, given that the Pope was pretending that the city was his and laying siege to it, but the army of the King arrived and the army of the Pope, seeing that of Ferrante, fled immediately, leaving the siege. The disputes that the Kings of Naples had with the 3079:
welcome to him, and he gave them many thanks on a few occasions. He was a lover of hunting, especially the art of falconry. He was courteous and liberal, as for example, one day he donated 300 horses to a Genoese friend of his, called Olietto de Tiesso.
A strong emotional bond soon developed between father and son, as Alfonso appreciated the young man's acute intelligence and courage, while Ferrante showed complete reverence for his parent. Alfonso, on 9 September 1438, created Ferrante a knight on the
Calabria had invaded the Papal State, and after having fought many battles, he had managed to get to the gates of Rome, laying siege to it. In the meantime, Ferrante tried, through tricks and deceptions, to bring the conspiring barons to his side.
2478:. When the other conspirators learned what Alfonso had done, fearing that he would do the same with their fiefs, they openly began to arm themselves and revolt. In an instant the Kingdom was turned upside down: broken roads, no businesses, closed 2610:
for not getting the pay from the Pontiff ), finally decided to enter into a peace treaty and persuade the barons to agree with the King. The Barons, unable otherwise, accepted the agreement, which on 12 August 1486, with the participation of the
These Ambassadors did not encounter much difficulty in propitiating the king, as even though he wanted to conquer Naples, he did not have the necessary military forces. However, they had great difficulty in settling another plague, because Queen
3541:, Museo Czartoryski, Cracovia, 1488–1490. The lady portrayed is Cecilia Gallerani, lover of Ludovico il Moro, duke of Milan, who in 1488 was awarded the Order of the Ermine. The painting can be considered a reference to the honor bestowed on him 3149:
severe exercise of power also through the repression of the conspiracy of the barons led The Kingdom of Naples, with intellectuals of the caliber of Pontano, Panormita and others, to participate as a protagonist in Humanism and the Renaissance.
The advanced age, the many sorrows suffered and moreover the melancholy for having understood that King John II of Aragon would not have conquered the kingdom of Naples led the pope to his death in August 1458, without having achieved his goal.
3204:"Ferdinandus Rex Divi Alphonsi Filius Divi Ferdinandi Nepos Aragonius Arcem Ha(n)c Vetustate Collabente(m) Ad Im(pe)tus Tormentorum Substine(n)dos Quae (Ni)mio Feruntur Spiritu In Ampliorem Firmioremq(ue) Formam Restituit Millesimo CCCCLXXXXII" 2393:
with resistance, as well as other smaller places in the Otranto area. The King, deeply afraid of the loss of these places, in order not to receive more damage, asked for peace, which he obtained on 27 August 1484 with the following condition:
concerned. Giovannella, who must have been very young (she is defined as a puta, that is a child), remained at court for about two years. The Successes et tragic love by Silvio Ascanio Corona reports that she gave three children to Ferrante:
The king, on the other hand, managed to defeat his enemies in Capitanata, took Troia, and entirely subdued that province. Some barons, seeing the defeats of the Angevins, decided to surrender to the king, as did Giovanni Caracciolo, Duke of
1267:, who was the son of his sister, to the king, both to advise him and also to foster a reconciliation between the king and the barons. The arrival of the Count of Caiazzo greatly raised the fate of the war, because being a relative of the 1425:, were returned to him. In order not to get involved in new disputes, he decided to give the county di Celano to Antonio Piccolomini, nephew of the Pope and his son-in-law, with the condition that he recognize the king as supreme lord. 2264:. Bayezid, eager to have it in his hands, petitioned the Grand Master and the knights to give it to him in exchange for one hundred thousand scudi, but the quibbles sent him first to France and then to Rome to the papal court first to 2818:
having been able to do anything else since the restless barons began to plot new conspiracies against him. Giovanni, seeing that the Catholic king was dissatisfied with that embassy, began to organize a wedding with the help of Queen
1738:. Ferrante, recognizing the virtues of this Pontiff, wanted to pay homage to him by giving the Duchy of Sora (which he had taken from Giovanni Paolo Cantelmo) to Leonardo della Rovere, with whom he then married one of his daughters. 585:. Still in parliament, Alfonso, worried about the succession, promoted a petition, in which the barons, knowing they were doing the king a great pleasure, proposed to establish Don Ferrante as his future successor, with the title of 961:
did not want to neglect the interests of the Church: the investiture was granted him, but with many conditions: Ferrante had to pay the unpaid taxes, perpetually help the Pope with every request, return Benevento to the Church and
611:, where the mass was celebrated with public solemnity and where Alfonso gave the sword in Ferrante's right hand, the flag in his left hand, and placing the ducal circle over his head, ordered everyone to call him Duke of Calabria. 3098:
Like his father, Ferrante was also a man of great faith: attached to religious ceremonial, he professed the same devotion to the cult of the Virgin, washed the feet of the poor on Holy Thursday and attended the mass on his knees.
1478:, and Abruzzo, Ferrante faced only the reconquest of Ischia, the last Angevin bulwark, where the Duke of Anjou had retired, and which was defended by the brothers Carlo and Giovanni Toreglia; these with eight galleys infested the 3115:
Orders such as the Golden Fleece and the Garter in exchange. His youthful passion for the more mundane aspects of cavalry, tournaments, and horseback riding lasted well beyond maturity, helping him to maintain physical strength.
The Duke of Calabria abandoned the war in Tuscany and having arrived in Naples on 10 September 1480, gathered an army of 80 Galere with some vessels and gave the command to Galeazzo Caracciolo, who arrived with the army in the
1330:, who reciprocated the help of Alfonso the Magnanimous who, years earlier, when the Turks had attacked him in Albania where he ruled, had rescued him. His coming was so effective that he made his enemies wary of attacking him. 1230:
Ferrante was initially defeated by the Angevins and the rebel barons in the battle of Sarno on 7 July 1460. On that occasion, he was saved by the intervention of military troops, "provisioned" and "conscripts", of the city of
2250:, Don Diego Cavaniglia, and Marino Caracciolo. The bones of the heroic Martyrs of Otranto were then buried by Alfonso with all honors, some of which in the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena in Otranto, later transferred to the 1709:
to the Church. The Cardinal carried out the task so well that from then on there was no more talk of expired censuses, nor of the restitution of those lands. Other disputes arose between them for the defense of the Lords of
and the office of Great executioner for her husband. The problems, however, were not over yet, in fact Ferrante's rival, John of Anjou, aspired to regain the throne of Naples, lost by his father in the war against Alfonso.
He issued various social laws that in fact undermined the excessive power of the Barons, favoring small artisans and peasants. This work of modernization and the resistance he put up against them led to the outbreak of the
In the upper part you can see the fortified city of Accadia on a steep mountain, with a tower now damaged by artillery shells and a conspicuous breach in the walls, crossed by a numerous column of Aragonese infantry and
The king, from behind, realizing the real intentions of the three, draws his sword and bravely confronts them, while on the left we can see two knights running to his aid (perhaps Count Giovanni Ventimiglia and Gregorio
for a chapel that existed at the time and dedicated to this saint. During the factory, many alms and a conspicuous donation from the King were received. The saint insistently requested and also obtained that the body of
to Lucera in Apulia, where Duke John lived, and who with a large army, was waiting for the Prince of Taranto. Many cities surrendered to Ferrante, such as San Severo, Dragonara, many lands of Mount Gargano, and finally
on his side, even though he had been his teacher and friend of his father before becoming Pope. The following day he sent ambassadors to the Pope to confirm the investiture of the kingdom, through the following letter.
2334:, seeing that Rome was in the thick of things, wanting to show himself religious and loving towards the Papal State, left this enterprise in the pay of the Duke of Calabria and courageously set out to defend the city. 2376:
Meanwhile, Pope Sixtus, upon the requisition of King Ferrante, excommunicated and banned the Venetians for disturbing the peace of Italy. By this means, the King sent his son Federico with fifty galleys to the sea of
1630:: Naples, Florence, and Milan. The pacification of the kingdom of Naples had positive effects throughout Italy and the alliance was, as Ernesto Pontieri writes, also beneficial "for the purpose of preserving peace in 5089:
Above you can see the Angevin infantrymen dismounting the camp near Accadia and loading their luggage, while the army, with Duke Giovanni in the foreground, is in a row in order of retreat with the trumpeters at the
lineage was by now dangerously vacillating and the imminent arrival of the French sovereign pushed many Neapolitan nobles to take sides with the invader, facilitating the future fall of the royals from the throne.
Under Ferrante, the very rich royal library founded by Alfonso in Castel Capuano continued to grow at an impressive rate, thanks to purchases, gifts and the confiscation of the collections of the rebel barons.
the facade of the Palazzo Sanseverino, now the Church of Gesù Nuovo (1470), as well as the Porta Capuana (defined as the most beautiful door of the Renaissance together with the door of San Pietro in Perugia).
The Angevin army deployed on the right bank of the stream faces King Ferrante and his troops, while in the background the Aragonese can be seen crossing a bridge in pursuit of the Angevins, now en route to
2187:: the Ferrante tower. Subsequently, in 1485, Alfonso, son of King Ferrante and then Duke of Calabria, transformed the keep of Ferrante into a castle. Thus was born the superb Aragonese castle of Brindisi. 1056:, to convince him to undertake the enterprise of conquering the throne of Naples. The latter, having received the embassy of the invitation from Marco della Ratta, immediately had galleys and ships armed. 701:; for which he sent his son Ferrante with six thousand horses and twenty thousand foot soldiers. Alfonso then concluded with the Venetians that he would attack the Florentines and the Venetian the Sforza. 2174:
and laying siege to other cities. Ferrante, seeing his kingdom in danger, asked for help from all the princes of Europe and immediately sent a messenger to call Alfonso, his son in Tuscany, to leave the
John managed to reach the walls of Naples and would have even entered if the prudence of Queen Isabella, who had the whole city armed in the absence of her husband, had not prevented him from entering.
to damage the lands of the Venetians. The following spring, the Venetians put into the sea an army of one hundred and twenty woods with troops commanded by the Duke of Lorraine, René II, who occupied
Recognized as one of the most powerful political minds of the time, Ferrante was gifted with great courage and remarkable political skills. Completely Italianized, he surrounded himself with numerous
4616: 1371:, Apostolic Legate, who was in Benevento, managed to bring the side of Ferrante Orso Orsini and, after this episode, even the Marquis of Cotrone and the Count of Nicastro reconciled with the king. 2257:
The praise for the victorious king was equal to the insane terror that had shocked Europe at the news of the Muslim landing in Apulia and Ferrante was hailed as the savior of Italy and Europe.
Ottini L, Falchetti M, Marinozzi S, Angeletti LR, Fornaciari G (2010) Gene-environment interactions in the pre-Industrial Era: the cancer of King Ferrante I of Aragon (1431-1494). Hum. Pathol.
2222:, after many battles, were finally forced to retreat into Otranto, where they defended themselves for a long time. The death of Mohammed II and the discord that arose between two of his sons, 3245:
1480, the art of goldsmiths, and the art of weaving gold drapes and brocades. To perfect it, he called Marino di Cataponte and Florence from Venice Francesco di Nero, paying them generously.
Italy. Ferrante, with his diplomacy made up of moves and countermoves, also forged ties with the Duke of Ferrara and the King of Hungary, who, as mentioned, had married two of his daughters.
2822:, wife of Ferrante and sister of the Catholic King, between Ferrandino, eldest son of the Duke of Calabria, and one of the Ferdinand II's daughters, but the negotiations were not concluded. 1947:; the work by Aniello Arcamone on the Constitutions of the kingdom; and poetry from both of fishermen and of heroes of Italy. Among the other Neapolitan books that were printed was also the 2731:. Their assets were then incorporated into the tax authorities. Moving, however, was the speech and farewell that the Count of Sarno pronounced to his children from the top of the gallows. 2045: 5050:
The king is represented from the front, on horseback, discussing with his brother-in-law Marino Marzano, duke of Sessa and prince of Rossano, Giacomo Montagano and Deifobo dell'Anguillara
ended. While the Duke of Calabria was staying in his camp for the Tuscan enterprise against the Florentines, Alfonso negotiated peace and signed a league with the Republic of Venice and
4127: 4125: 4123: 4121: 4119: 4117: 4115: 4113: 3349: 757:
Ferrante was ordered by Alfonso to leave Tuscany taking the road towards Abruzzo, and when he reached the borders of the Kingdom, he fired the Count of Urbino and the other captains.
4111: 4109: 4107: 4105: 4103: 4101: 4099: 4097: 4095: 4093: 2714:. All souls were filled with immense jubilation when suddenly they were arrested and destined with the others to last torture. Ferrante also imprisoned Francesco Coppola, Count of 2552:
and had bishops, archbishops and benefits in the kingdom, to present themselves within fifteen days in his presence and to reside in their churches. Not having wanted to obey, the
After this, Don Ferrante Duke of Calabria and successor of the kingdom was shouted with great joy and, on March 3, 1443, the king, accompanied by his son and baronage, went to the
5393: 4090: 2799:
After this episode the clamors of the sovereigns arose from all sides for having violated the faith on which the sacred pact that granted forgiveness to all the barons was based.
alliance between Florence and Naples. When Pope Sixtus IV learned that Milan and the Duke of Ferrara also adhered to the treaty, he thought it best to ally himself with Venice.
and the King of Naples took the opportunity to strengthen the fragile relations with France, foreseeing, in perspective, the possibility of reaching an agreement to abolish the
2345:, where, forced to go to a place called Campomorto, he was engaged in battle, where the duke's army was defeated. Alfonso managed to escape miraculously thanks to four hundred 2126:
wise financial and administrative reforms, and the considerable aids given to writers and artists were able to give good hopes to the subjects who were favorable to his house.
1239:, the escape to Naples. Fortunately for him, that battle did not have a decisive outcome, indeed the sovereign obtained further aid from the Duke of Milan Francesco Sforza. 3385:. His young bride was captured by the queen's opponents and died in captivity shortly before her twelfth birthday. After her death, a marriage was proposed between him and 2260:
When Mehmed II died, a discord began between Bayezid and Zizim over who was to ascend the throne and the latter, through a safe conduct, gave himself into the hands of the
on 29 May 1460 and it was set as a condition that each could bring two companions. Therefore, Ferrante brought with him Coreglia himself and Giovanni Ventimiglia, Count of
Pope Innocent, terrified by the preparations for war, not seeing the appearance of René Duke of Lorraine, invited by him to conquer the kingdom, asked for help from the
1763:, because one day in a feast celebrated in Naples more than fifty people of this royal family appeared, so much so that it was believed that they could never to finish. 1063:
of the kingdom controlled the entire army, recruited commanders who depended on him and bribed them to embrace his cause. While trying to suppress the first revolts in
3580: 3123:
own protection the two orphans of Count Don Diego Cavaniglia, or Troiano and Nicolina, as he had also protected Diego himself, who was very soon orphaned of a father.
3004:, was solemn, and neither the barons nor the primates of the city were second in giving him the extreme offices. Two funeral prayers were celebrated, one inside the 2150:, commander of the expedition against Naples, which in the end managed to occupy Otranto in less than two months. This is when most of the population was massacred. 1595:
Nor is the increase and promotion of the fine arts and cultural life less innovative. In fact, in addition to the erected architectures and the impulse given to the
Furthermore, in 1466, in order to prevent the abandonment of the lands with its inevitable consequences, harmful to the tax authorities and to the well-being of the
316: 5913: 2851:
and many others, he began to fortify the fortresses of the capital again, without receiving a minimum of disturbance from these voluntary and pleasant operations.
ask for his grace. Having reported this message to the king, it was decided that the two should meet in a small church located in the place called Torricella near
3443: 2510:, he would rest under his clemency, and certainly the old King would not have been offended by this, on the contrary he would have favored the will of men and of 2361:
the Venetians came close to the king, allowing the Duke of Calabria to pass through his territories, who with two thousand horses went to the defense of Ferrara.
himself and free the kingdom from the snares of the rebels and declared that he was and always would be an obedient son of the Pontiff and of the Apostolic See.
3637: 1618:
The death of the Duke of Milan Francesco Sforza in 1466, followed later by that of Gjergj Kastrioti, Lord of Albania, deprived Ferrante of his closest friends.
3495: 1873:, daughter of the emperor. Sixtus IV himself understood that Ferrante's ambitious plans would end up bringing him into conflict with the other Italian states. 1377:, Duke of Calabria, Ferrante's eldest son, who was less than 14 years old, was sent by his father under the protection of Luca Sanseverino to subdue Calabria. 1163:, who, with a past as a man of arms over the years, was among the advisors of Ferrante, while Marino was accompanied by two leaders of the time: Deifobo dell' 5898: 3389:, but the plan came to nothing due to the interference of the Republic of Venice. Instead, Charlotte ceded her claims to the Cypriotic throne to her cousin, 2553: 1956: 1876:
In any case, the Republic of Genoa, thanks to subsidies and the rebellion aroused by Ferrante, escaped the dominion of Sforza, becoming independent and with
As established by his father, Ferrante succeeded him on the throne of Naples in 1458, at the age of 35. When he came to power, he had to face many problems:
spreading the literacy among the nobility and encouraging the growth of a popular literature that finds its best example in the Rookie of Masuccio Salerno.
In the rapid game of alliances and account-alliances that characterized the era, on 2 November 1474 an alliance pact was signed between the Duke of Milan,
To his Christian piety we owe the reconstruction of the Cathedral Church of Naples, which almost completely collapsed due to the terrible earthquakes of
1817:, Florence, and Venice. Ferrante responded by contrasting the coalition with the State of the Church, stipulated in January 1475. On the occasion of the 1288:, or to other followers of his lineage. The prince of Salerno then went with Roberto Orsini to conquer it. He managed to take Cosenza, which was sacked, 528:. Alfonso's purpose was to prepare his only son, albeit illegitimate, for the role of heir to the kingdom he was conquering. The whole company landed in 3605: 3127:
probably of the lord of Misia, had also found refuge at his court, who together with her aunt Andronica Cominata fled from Greece invaded by the Turks.
2230:, each of whom demanded the empire, prompted Ariaden to understand that the help he was waiting for would come very late, so he decided to surrender to 3880: 1503:
had rebelled against King John and had called King René to govern him. Ferrante, warned of the war, sent some militias to Catalonia to help his uncle.
Lucrezia (according to other sources daughter of Diana Guardato), wife of Onorato III Caetani, duke of Traetto, prince of Altamura and count of Fondi.
and diplomatic policy aimed at assuming the task of regulating the events of the peninsula in order not to disturb the political balance given by the
The citizens made a valiant defense more than the soldiers, but against the powerful and numerous Ottoman army, their constancy was useless against
state-owned cities and ratified those granted by the barons, favoring the growth of an urban aristocracy as a counterweight to the feudal nobility.
1443:, seeing the situation degenerate because of the king, who was reaching him to conquer it, asked him for peace. Ferrante did not refuse it and sent 5462:
Vite de Re di Napoli, con lo stato delle scienze, delle arti, della navigazione, del commercio e degli spettacoli sotto ciascun sovrano: Volumi 1-2
Vite de Re di Napoli, con lo stato delle scienze, delle arti, della navigazione, del commercio e degli spettacoli sotto ciascun sovrano: Volumi 1-2
of the homonymous tragedy "Ferrante" by Giuseppe Campagna (1842), inspired by the final events of the famous Conspiracy of the Barons of 1485–1486.
Guido Mazzoni, Bust of King Ferrante of Aragon with the collar of the Order of the Ermine, instituted by him, Capodimonte Museum, Naples, 1489-1492
5147: 3381:, who was either married or engaged to Charla of Lusignan (1468 – in prison in Padua, 1480), a natural daughter of Charlotte's half brother, King 3070:
Sculpture by Ferrante depicted as Nicodemus in the work Lamentation over the Dead Christ by Guido Mazzoni, Church of Sant'Anna dei Lombardi, 1492
interests. But it was instead Ferrante's ambition that decreed the end of the alliance, when in 1473 he demanded the possession of the island of
3833: 448:
severe exercise of power through the repression of the conspiracy of the barons led the Kingdom of Naples, with intellectuals of the caliber of
5494: 5434: 5411: 4535: 4167: 2268:
and then to Pope Innocent VIII. Bayezid was very indignant for this and recruited a mighty army against the knights, which in 1483 passed over
and to thank the Pope, in 1461, he wanted Maria, his natural daughter, to marry Antonio Piccolomini nephew of Pius, giving her as a dowry the
2098: 1865:, who was reluctant to meddle in the unstable arena of Italian politics. This furthermore led to the failure of the planned marriage between 1943:; Commentaries on the first books of the Code of the famous Antonio d'Alessandro; those on medicine by Angelo Catone da Supino; lectures on 1681:
Ferrante added another claim: the restitution of Papal lands within the borders of the kingdom, consisting of Terracina in Terra di Lavoro,
779:. Alfonso, in his name and his son, made the agreement and signed the peace and friendship with the Duke of Milan and with the Florentines. 2357:. The main men-at-arms of his army remained in the power of the enemy, who, entering prisoners in Rome, adorned the triumph of the victor. 971: 1495:, including Count Nicola di Campobasso, Giacomo Galeota, and Rofallo del Giudice. The Duke John arrived in Provence and was called by the 3103:
the time, according to Pontano, and the celebrations on the occasion of the marriage of the Duke of Calabria with Ippolita Maria Sforza.
1123:, who had been made Governor of the Capitanata by Ferrante, seeing all the lands of his jurisdiction rebel, at the behest of his brother 654: 5542: 4891: 3866: 3421: 3075:
Maria del Carmine to listen to mass, he met an angry bull sowing seeds in Piazza del Mercato and stopped him by grabbing him by a horn.
in November 1478, but Milan knew how to defend itself. Ferrante's plan also failed because he did not obtain the support of the Emperor
and Abruzzo, Ferrante received the notice that the Duke John with twenty-two galleys and four large ships had appeared in the marina di
2645: 2493:, the prince of Bisignano asked the king to send Don Frederick to Salerno for greater safety and sign them in his name. The King sent 1175:, and Giacomo da Montagano, known in the chronicles as a very dangerous and ready-handed man, who had dropped into Terra di Lavoro on 723:
At this time the plague began to spread in the camp of the army of the Duke of Calabria at Tumulo (a place conforming to the name for
5635: 2517: 1755:
and for the many royals who adorned its palace, in fact Ferrante had numerous offspring like Carlo which increased its prestige. The
864: 5070:
Ferrante who witnesses the entrance of his vanguard into the city, which stands out in the background with its mighty fortifications
4434: 96: 5883: 1322:
with numerous ships, 700 horses, and 1000 veteran infantrymen. He was a very famous man at that time for his campaigns against the
68: 871:, met with him in front of the church choir and immediately after they went to the stairs of the high altar, where kneeling, the 2948:
was preparing for war, began to reinforce the kingdom and to recruit armies to resist such a powerful enemy; but due to a great
1611:: literature that reflected life of the country, its tendencies, its needs, especially through the works of Diomede Carafa, of 1268: 574: 49: 5110: 1794:
expansionism. France and the Duchy of Milan unsuccessfully tried to thwart the alliance, potentially very dangerous for their
5908: 3276: 1526: 291: 75: 5364: 5351: 731:
and many other captains fell ill; therefore it was necessary for the Duke of Calabria to change camp and lead the army to
3280: 2885: 1982:, famous for his holiness, come from Paola. The pious religious left his Calabria and was in Naples in 1481. Welcomed at 1895:
Don Ferrante then completely overturned his policy, starting to secretly support the rebels of the Papal States, such as
1533: 1120: 3935: 1552:, where her sepulcher can still be seen today. King Ferrante, after long years of widowhood, in 1477 married his cousin 2234:
and, after having after concluding the peace negotiations, he embarked with the troops and set out for Constantinople.
Ferrante further strengthened his power with a series of alliances. Around 1463 he promoted a league between the major
82: 4709: 3945: 3317: 3292: 3119:
fond of his offspring, especially known is the strong affection shown for his daughters and for the eldest Eleonora.
2819: 2310:
He then moved the Duke of Calabria with a flowery army in favor of Duke Ercole, but his having denied passage to the
1862: 1553: 1448: 1440: 1309: 658: 301: 263: 115: 3435:
spent at court, and to the well-known use of contraceptives that Alfonso had procured for his father from the East.
4573: 3324: 2602:
The Pope, after three months, seeing neither René appear nor rescued by the Venetians, increasingly annoyed by the
1627: 1596: 1260: 1124: 803:, son of René, who claimed the kingdom of Naples. The Pope demanded, moreover, that the kingdom be devolved to his 393: 311: 3725: 2571:. To compensate for the tender age of the prince, who was also very young, he gave him as companions the Count of 1971:
Blood from the broken coin, second half of the 18th century, picture gallery of the Sanctuary of San Francesco of
1802:, protectorate of the Serenissima, proposing in complete secrecy to marry his son Alfonso with a daughter of King 637:
The recognition of the rights of succession Ferrante was sealed by the Papal bull Regnans in altissimis issued by
64: 5838: 5819: 5803: 2698:
Ferrante and Alfonso, in fact, imperiously felt the need to take revenge on the two traitor rioters, Coppola and
Ferrante, at the insistence of the King of France Louis XI and driven by the fame of his integrity, had the monk
501:. His mother, Gueraldona Carlino, was probably a woman of Neapolitan origin who in December 1423 had accompanied 20: 5888: 1645:, effectively invalidating the league with Florence and Naples. Ferrante, then, exploited the weak point of the 5903: 5791: 3189: 2854:
Ferrante, with a Pragmatic entitled De scolaribus doctorandis, ordered his subjects to promote sciences in the
2018: 1818: 1637:
However, the equilibrium achieved with such great effort soon proved to be very precarious. The duchy of Milan
Pope Pius then died, and with the same condition he gave the Duchy of Sora to Leonardo della Rovere, nephew of
720:, King of France, and urged that King René restart the enterprise for the reconquest of the Kingdom of Naples. 53: 3761: 3749: 3737: 1603:
and Latin culture was formed in the kingdom, which counted among its major representatives the Panormita, the
712:, a very convenient place to have food from land and sea to survive. Then the Florentines (whose governor was 5761: 5628: 2029: 1959:
took over as director of the printing house and was the most prolific of the printer in 15th-century Naples.
3794: 3713: 2809:
to invade the kingdom, however Ferrante with a new treaty averted the threat. In this time almost the whole
canal, where only a thousand fighters were protecting Otranto, while another 400 arrived from Naples led by
was elected doge, and Adorno was forced to embark in a galley of King Ferrante who was returning to Naples.
3559: 3490: 1889: 3808: 2462: 2366: 1572: 5893: 2290: 1439:
Marino was subsequently imprisoned by Ferrante, who had already taken possession of all his fiefdom. The
Scipione Mazzella (1594). Ad istanza di Gioseppe Bonfandino. Si vendono all'insegna della Corona (ed.).
Scipione Mazzella (1594). Ad istanza di Gioseppe Bonfandino. Si vendono all'insegna della Corona (ed.).
2082:, he showed his desire to mediate peacefully, but after the outcome of the conspiracy, he sided against 2009:
Wanting to prove his integrity - as it is said - Ferrante brought the saint to the parts of the current
1833:, thus securing the Angevin rights to the throne of Naples. Later he proposed the marriage of his niece 1248: 859:
on horseback, accompanied by the barons of the kingdom, where he was received with applause by Cardinal
5854: 5644: 3646: 3378: 2419: 2251: 2068: 2053: 1549: 1276:
because it opened the way for him to reconquer Calabria, since the lands of the Prince of Salerno from
876: 491: 286: 5532: 2972:, forgive my sins)", and immediately died. The cause of his death was determined in 2006 to have been 3894: 2863: 2623:, famous scholar of those times. Among the conditions of the treaty was that the King recognized the 2450: 1657:, where in 1476 there were riots to the cry of "long live the king of Naples and long live freedom". 1409: 1045: 800: 552: 453: 296: 2928: 2314:
by the papal men at arms, turned to plague the lands of the Church and besieged by the favor of the
1615:, of Tristano Caracciolo, and, as such, it was destined to survive even in the following centuries. 999: 828:
Although he had overcome this obstacle, Ferrante still did not feel safe, since he did not yet have
5621: 3390: 3306: 2743: 2564: 2243: 2138:, followed by a powerful fleet, began to threaten the Kingdom of Naples. Mehmed II appeared in the 2014: 1782:
In this moment of peace, the Turkish danger reappeared with the conquest of the Venetian island of
Miniature from the late 15th century, possibly from the 1480s showing King Ferrante receiving gifts
1565: 1020: 788: 406: 89: 3673: 3327:
known as "Giovannella" (20 April 1479 - 27 August 1518), queen of Naples as consort of her nephew
2848: 1665:
On 19 August 1464 Pius II also died, depriving Ferrante of his most faithful ally. The successor,
5918: 4515: 4513: 3200:
Paterna" together with the Aragonese coat of arms quartered with the tripartite of Angiò family:
2370: 1735: 1459: 957:, to ask for the investiture of the new Pope and to render him obedience. Accepted the audience, 728: 373: 42: 4617:"Nei costruttori del nostro Castello aragonese le radici storiche dell'indipendentismo Catalano" 3852: 2013:
and tempted him with a tray full of gold coins offered for the construction of a convent of the
Only the Terra di Lavoro remained to be subdued beyond the Volturno and Abruzzo, where the Duke
In order to ensure a good future for his illegitimate son, his father Alfonso had called him to
5749: 5734: 5666: 3328: 3312:
Francesco (December 16, 1461 - October 26, 1486), Duke of Sant'Angelo and Marquis of Bisceglie.
known as "the Squinter" (4 November 1448 - 18 December 1495), king of Naples from 1494 to 1495;
3047: 3043: 2912: 2836: 2806: 2688: 2672: 2635: 2616: 2560: 2458: 2196: 946: 875:
was sung. The cardinal blessed the new sovereign with a pontifical blessing and proclaimed him
5559: 5212:
Camillo Minieri-Riccio (1881). R. stabilimento tipografico del Cav. Francesco Giannini (ed.).
4510: 3054: 3024: 2791:
had been slaughtered, closed in some sacks and thrown into the sea on a night of great storm.
1756: 907:, who swore loyalty to him, without any rancor. To oppose Pope's plan, in the presence of the 332: 5813: 5682: 3508: 3286: 3009: 2904: 2892: 2723: 2639: 2526: 2331: 2083: 2010: 1967: 1814: 1786:
by Mohammed II. Venice and Naples immediately undertook unitary actions of the fleets in the
1638: 1518: 1143:
and the Lord of Santobuono all passed into the pay of John. The Prince of Taranto who was in
1079:. The Duke John was received by the Prince of Rossano and immediately pushed his army to the 911:, he wrote a response to the papal bull, stating that he was legitimate king by the grace of 717: 614: 247: 5878: 5873: 5797: 5729: 5661: 5605: 4280: 3622: 3503: 3406: 3270: 3263: 3039: 3001: 2997:. It is also said that on the day he was buried, the Mint of Naples had largely collapsed. 2802: 2787: 2692: 2660: 2603: 2588: 2568: 2530: 2507: 2470:, incarcerating the two children and the Count's wife, then leading them to the prisons of 2303: 2261: 2231: 1983: 1904: 1870: 1748: 1702: 1545: 1374: 1368: 1361: 1327: 1305: 1277: 1223:
keep her queen as he once had her, so much so that the prince moved away from hostilities.
855:, Ferrante wanted to anticipate the investiture. After leaving Castel Nuovo he went to the 713: 709: 686: 674: 646: 259: 196: 4635: 3533: 1900: 1548:, a woman of numerous virtues. She was mourned by everyone, and her body was taken to the 1247:
The Duke of Milan entered the war in aid of Ferrante also for fear of the claims that the
8: 5785: 5773: 5739: 5718: 5708: 5700: 5687: 5588: 5332:
Perez, Pablo A. (2013). "Los Hijos "De Madre no Conocida" en Chiloé (SIGLOS XVIII-XIX)".
3614: 3589: 2702:. The propitious moment was the celebration of the wedding of Marco, son of the Count of 2612: 2494: 2273: 1866: 1838: 1776: 1698: 1612: 1500: 1232: 1207: 1164: 927: 889: 739: 666: 650: 608: 594:
heir and successor of this Kingdom, be happy and swear homage to him from the present day
520:, and the young Ferrante, with their entourage of young Catalan gentlemen, set sail from 502: 381: 342: 186: 1470:
In September 1463 Duke John, abandoned by his allies, agreed with the king to go on the
Depiction of the meeting of the Torricella of 1460, on a leaf of the bronze door of the
5779: 5767: 5671: 5655: 5488: 5428: 5405: 4847: 4529: 4161: 3516: 3382: 3298: 2896: 2880:
In December 1491 Ferrante received a visit from a group of pilgrims returning from the
2699: 2684: 2656: 2595: 2556:
and the Bishops of Miletus and Teano, who were in Rome, were deprived of their income.
2265: 2151: 1803: 1772: 1537: 1522: 1444: 1433: 1272: 1088: 979: 918: 888:
fact, Calixtus aimed to usurp the crown from Ferrante, and grant it to his own nephew,
860: 768: 694: 690: 570:
of the kingdom, was established by Alfonso, he was assigned the position of president.
517: 422: 306: 172: 1896: 1167:, who, at the head of an army had previously forced Ferrante's troops to retreat from 5755: 5695: 5677: 5360: 3941: 3686:
A collection of letters in Latin was published under his name in 1585 with the title
3386: 3302: 3066: 3028: 2973: 2945: 2937: 2936:
King Ferrante, who up to 1493 with his prudence had maintained the peace both in the
2900: 2810: 2606:
and by the complaints of many soldiers and barons of the kingdom (who devastated the
2545: 2503: 2382: 2338: 2192: 2147: 1936: 1795: 1650: 1585: 1541: 1492: 1256: 1151:
to meet the duke and took him to Bari, where he was received with a royal apparatus.
792: 751: 747: 670: 513: 465: 418: 270: 236: 5272: 4590: 4563:, Volume 5, by Felice Scifoni, Publisher Davide Passagli, Florence (1849); page 440. 3301:(14 September or 16 November 1457 - 23 September 1508), queen of Hungary as wife of 2353:
under him, who militated, who with great virtue, carried him safely to the walls of
1907:, who was happy to find an ally against Venice. He entered into trade treaties with 950: 5828: 3654: 3106: 2844: 2840: 2620: 2544:
Ferrante then published a proclamation with which he ordered all the clergy of the
2350: 2208: 2204: 2184: 2176: 2143: 2079: 2072: 1994:
be transferred to Naples, at which ceremony with great pomp celebrated by Cardinal
1979: 1940: 1912: 1705:
to try to appease Ferrante, who then angrily ordered Alfonso his son to remove the
1608: 1604: 1600: 1530: 1341: 1337: 1281: 1032: 856: 586: 449: 5713: 5519: 2454: 1718:
were always bitter and continuous not only in Tolfa, but also in the territory of
1049: 807:. Ferrante had to overcome all these powerful enemies to keep the kingdom strong. 541: 5181: 4560: 2908: 2874: 2624: 2423: 2323: 2311: 2295: 2239: 2155: 2111: 2107: 1995: 1972: 1952: 1877: 1752: 1646: 1388: 1172: 1084: 983: 897: 893: 796: 776: 662: 642: 516:. At the behest of the king, on 26 July 1438 the governor de Corella, the bishop 216: 4463: 3911: 3352:(1445 - 1501), wife of Leonardo Della Rovere (1445-1475), Duke of Arce and Sora; 2134:
Meanwhile, Lorenzo and Ferrante were negotiating in Naples, still in 1480, when
1962: 1190: 708:
and was lovingly received for the whole kingdom. The Duke's army stopped at the
661:, his maternal uncle, who had no children. Isabella was also the niece of Queen 532:
on 19 August, where Ferrante was reunited with his father, whom he hardly knew.
5595: 5336:(in Spanish). 148 enero-junio. Pan American Institute of Geography and History. 3212: 2870: 2707: 2664: 2319: 2315: 2299: 2219: 2167: 2103: 2025: 2017:
in Naples, in the open space that today it is occupied by the colonnade of the
1948: 1916: 1846: 1830: 1807: 1791: 1694: 1479: 1429: 1323: 1252: 1080: 843: 698: 638: 623: 599: 414: 389: 385: 384:. In his thirty years of reign, he brought peace and prosperity to Naples. Its 366: 148: 2170:. Ariadeno therefore, wishing to continue the conquests, thought of occupying 555:, Borgia, and Gabriele Altilio, who taught him for many years. He also had as 5867: 5833: 5546:. Vol. 10 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 263–264. 5537: 5531: 5527: 5126: 4154:
La guerra tra Aragonesi e Angioini nel Regno di Napoli. La Battaglia di Sarno
3521: 3355:
Ilaria, wife of Giovanni del Tevere, prefect of Rome and nephew of Sixtus IV;
2783: 2522: 2064: 2024:
When the latter then left for France at the invitation of King Louis XI, the
1881: 1850: 1834: 1706: 1544:. All these celebrations were interrupted by mourning for the death of Queen 1436:, who was immediately sent to Sessa by her aunt Eleonora as a sign of peace. 1414: 1392:
Depiction of the battle of Troia in 1462 on a leaf of the bronze door of the
1348: 1176: 1140: 1100: 1096: 1068: 1016: 1007:
In order to increase their power, the princes of Taranto and Marino Marzano,
967: 923: 829: 820:, with the Catalan barons who had not had fiefs in the kingdom from Alfonso. 772: 760:
On 28 August 1454 he entered Naples, where he was received under a very rich
619: 548: 5214:
Alcuni fatti di Alfonso I di Aragona dal 15 Aprile 1437 al 31 di Maggio 1458
Maria (1440 - 1460), wife of Antonio Todeschini Piccolomini, Duke of Amalfi;
2341:, captain of the Venetians, went to help the Pope, and the duke withdrew to 1455:
where he died shortly after, not without the king's suspicion of poisoning.
429:. It can be said that, in general, almost his entire life was spent in war. 5421:
I primi anni di Ferdinando d'Aragona e l'invasione di G. d'Angio: 1458-1464
3005: 2739: 2728: 2711: 2668: 2607: 2485:
King Ferrante, shaken by these tumults, tried to quell them. The Prince of
2471: 2439: 2090:
On 5 December 1479 Lorenzo the Magnificent embarked on Neapolitan ships in
2003: 1932: 1666: 1422: 1393: 1195: 1184: 1160: 958: 627: 426: 4574:"San Francesco di Paola il Santo delle Due Sicilie – Alta Terra di Lavoro" 3135: 2442:, the Duke of Melfi, the Duke of Nardò, the Count of Lauria, the Count of 5148:"Le origini della Scuola Napoletana. Quando è nata la scuola napoletana?" 3895:"Re Ferrante I di Napoli, storia di un protagonista dell'Italia del '400" 3110:
Posthumous portrait of King Ferrante of Aragon in an embroidered overcoat
2859: 2832: 2327: 1842: 1682: 1475: 1413:
war, but that they had been sent only because the Pope demanded that the
1112: 1095:
immediately opened the doors to him and Luigi Minutolo gave him back the
to conquer the kingdom, and after the latter's refusal, they resorted to
457: 5453:
Biografia de Re Di Napoli: Ornata de Loro Rispettivi Ritratti, Volume 10
Biografia de Re Di Napoli: Ornata de Loro Rispettivi Ritratti, Volume 10
3289:(October 16, 1451 - November 9, 1504), king of Naples from 1496 to 1501; 2642:
were the ones who signed the agreement between Ferrante and the Barons.
appointed doge of the republic. However, after internal discord between
846:, "Le vite de Re di Napoli, Raccolte succintamente con ogni accuratezza" 602:, "Le vite de Re di Napoli, Raccolte succintamente con ogni accuratezza" 5327:. Vol. The Frankish Period, 1432–1571. Cambridge University Press. 4892:"Treccani - la cultura italiana | Treccani, il portale del sapere" 3867:"Treccani - la cultura italiana | Treccani, il portale del sapere" 2805:
cleared himself and Ferrante did too, but in vain. The Pope then urged
2779: 2580: 2247: 2227: 2223: 2200: 1944: 1787: 1315: 1211: 1108: 1072: 1024: 904: 732: 165: 5029: 4924: 4821: 3641:
Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece - ribbon for ordinary uniform
2710:, nephew of the King, whose party took place in the great hall of the 1759:
in these times did not have to envy any court of the major princes of
1300:, and in a short time almost the whole province returned to the king. 791:, incited the Neapolitans to acclaim him king, the barons pushed King 775:
of princes and potentates of Italy with Alfonso at the request of the
486: 137: 5744: 5613: 5115:. Francesco Di Giorgio Martini. 1969. pp. 136 and the following. 4318: 4316: 4314: 4312: 4310: 4308: 4306: 4304: 4302: 3692:
Regis Ferdinandi et aliorum Epistolae ac Orationes utriusque militiae
3164: 2881: 2755: 2750:
After this episode, on 10 February the king imprisoned the Prince of
2576: 2486: 2431: 2346: 2289:
and plunder the Ferrara countryside. King Ferrante, who for the past
2135: 1991: 1810:, who did not look favorably on Venetian expansionism in the Aegean. 1297: 1289: 1060: 1036: 963: 761: 578: 537: 521: 398: 5444:
Le vite de Re di Napoli, Raccolte succintamente con ogni accuratezza
Le vite de Re di Napoli, Raccolte succintamente con ogni accuratezza
Sculpture depicting the coronation of Ferrante as king of Naples by
31: 5356: 3362:
From Marchesella Spitzata, sister of his chaplain and his equerry:
2751: 2719: 2427: 2390: 2369:, pretender to the throne of Naples by virtue of his ties with the 2342: 2286: 2212: 2171: 2115: 1939:
and Iodoco Havenstein. Among the books printed in Naples, were the
1858: 1826: 1719: 1686: 1642: 1496: 1484: 1452: 1293: 1215: 1132: 1076: 935: 931: 804: 556: 498: 437: 212: 4299: 3168:
Porta Capuana erected at the behest of Ferrante in a print of 1823
2763: 2734: 2386: 2063:
Ferrante's alliances rested mainly on the Sforza of Milan and the
fulfilled in this historical context the mission of spreading the
In 1470 Ferrante was one of the first to introduce into Italy the
509:, where she later married a certain Gaspar Reverdit of Barcelona. 456:, and others, to participate as a protagonist in Humanism and the 444:, and erected new impressive buildings that still adorn it today. 4898: 4789: 4774: 4716: 4663: 4435:"FERDINANDO I d'Aragona, re di Napoli in "Enciclopedia Italiana"" 4367: 4186: 3016: 2956:, on the fourteenth day of his infirmity, he died on January 25, 2767: 2490: 2354: 2139: 1885: 1690: 1357: 1319: 1264: 1219: 1168: 1148: 1136: 1116: 1012: 1008: 872: 743: 724: 705: 392:, to affirm the hegemony of the Kingdom of Naples over the other 327: 3795:"Ferdinando I d'Aragona re di Napoli nell'Enciclopedia Treccani" 3397:
on 28 February 1488 and kept this office until 16 November 1496.
2671:, his predecessors; and in the absence of the Duke of Calabria, 1458:
On November 16, the death of Giovanni Antonio Orsini Del Balzo,
5127:"istituto internazionale studio settecento musicale napoletano" 5034: 5032: 4931: 4929: 4927: 4826: 4824: 4804: 4755: 3881:"Don Ferrante, il re illegittimo che sfidò i baroni napoletani" 3679: 3609:
Knight of the Order of the Garter - ribbon for ordinary uniform
Knight of the Order of the Dragon - ribbon for ordinary uniform
3394: 3335: 2994: 2982: 2949: 2855: 2775: 2771: 2628: 2584: 2559:
He then gathered another army, of which he gave the command to
2534: 2475: 2443: 2378: 2269: 2057: 1854: 1799: 1783: 1760: 1731: 1723: 1471: 1418: 1397: 1285: 1199: 1104: 1092: 1064: 1003:
Gold coin with the crowned effigy of Ferrante I, king of Naples
987: 954: 908: 868: 817: 631: 582: 441: 433: 377: 232: 176: 5481:
Storia della repubblica di Siena esposta in compendio:Volume 2
Storia della repubblica di Siena esposta in compendio:Volume 2
3809:"Ferdinando I (re di Napoli) su Enciclopedia |" 2907:, who continued to be an ally of King Ferrante. Encouraged by 2401: 2035: 1308:. The king went down to the underground church of that famous 903:
Ferrante then called the barons and the people to the General
3032: 2990: 2986: 2953: 2941: 2759: 2715: 2703: 2572: 2479: 2435: 2159: 1963:
The meeting between Don Ferrante and Saint Francesco of Paola
1955:, his dear friend. When Riessinger returned to Rome in 1478, 1920: 1908: 1711: 1674: 1654: 1631: 1589: 1382: 1352: 1156: 1128: 1053: 529: 525: 506: 4995:
Come rose d'inverno. Le signore della corte estense nel '400
Aragonese Castle of Taranto, built at the behest of Ferrante
His embalmed corpse was placed in a chest covered with gold
900:, not to obey Ferrante or continue to swear loyalty to him. 810: 376:, he was one of the most influential and feared monarchs in 4077: 4075: 4073: 4071: 4069: 4067: 4065: 4063: 4061: 4059: 4057: 4055: 4053: 4051: 4049: 4047: 4045: 4043: 4041: 4039: 4037: 4035: 4033: 4031: 4029: 4027: 4025: 4023: 4021: 4019: 4017: 4015: 4013: 4011: 4009: 4007: 4005: 4003: 4001: 3999: 3997: 3995: 3993: 3991: 3989: 3987: 3985: 3983: 3981: 3979: 3977: 2977: 2965: 2957: 2549: 2467: 2102:
Lorenzo goes to Naples to Ferdinand of Aragon, painting by
2091: 1715: 1421:, and that of Celano having once been the territory of the 1236: 1144: 852: 461: 5343:
Papal Genealogy: The Families and Descendants of the Popes
5256: 4981:
Con animo virile, donne e potere nel Mezzogiorno medievale
4905: 4903: 4901: 4794: 4792: 4779: 4777: 4721: 4719: 4668: 4666: 4376: 4374: 4372: 4370: 4191: 4189: 3975: 3973: 3971: 3969: 3967: 3965: 3963: 3961: 3959: 3957: 3042:, who in turn abdicated very soon in favor of his own son 1559: 978:
Ferrante was solemnly crowned on February 4, 1459, in the
5382: 3924:
His death, unfortunately fatal, led to ruin not only his
2969: 2511: 1011:, asked the King to return Antonio Centelles, Marquis of 966:, and other conditions agreed in the name of the Pope by 945:
Ferrante, relieved of the Pope's death, immediately sent
912: 560: 5305:
Ernesto Pontieri. Edizioni scientifiche italiane (ed.).
Ernesto Pontieri. Edizioni scientifiche italiane (ed.).
Ernesto Pontieri. Edizioni scientifiche italiane (ed.).
4811: 4809: 4807: 4764: 4762: 4760: 4758: 1318:, nicknamed Skanderbeg, came to help King Ferrante from 994: 5230:, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1948. 4585: 4583: 3954: 3031:, but showered him of innumerable evils throughout the 1766: 1091:
where he found the Barons and the Peoples on his side:
440:, completed the paternal building works in the city of 5211: 5179: 4947: 4710:"Pietro Befulco, Madonna col Bambino in trono e santi" 3912:"The Case of the Ruthless Ruler with a Deadly Disease" 3697:
A theological-dogmatic pamphlet is attributed to him:
Enrico (... - 1478), eldest son and Marquis of Gerace.
2207:, Poggio Imperiale, and other fortified places in the 1926: 5001: 3008:
in the presence of the militias and the other in the
Ferrante's funeral, which was celebrated by order of
The barons who conspired were Antonello Sanseverino,
1693:; and this in force of the agreement made in 1443 by 742:
had already been taken. When winter came, the war in
5478: 4580: 4519: 3671: 3476:
Sanseverino - Storia di una grande famiglia italiana
1935:, recruiting with high salaries Arnold of Brussels, 5233: 3478:, by Giuseppe Rescigno and Antonio Pannullo (1994). 2976:(mucinous adenocarcinoma type with mutation in the 2678: 1919:, which gave a beneficial impetus to the kingdom's 1364:, a city in Puglia and therefore opposite Albania. 56:. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 5398:Per la storia di Ferrante I d'Aragona re di Napoli 4992: 4151: 3834:"L'Oro di Napoli durante il regno degli Aragonesi" 3699:De causis quare Deus fecit peccabile genus humanum 3427:Maria, wife of Alfonso d'Avalos, Marquis of Vasto; 2663:Duke of Calabria, in compliance with the bulls of 2619:, he was accepted in the name of King Ferrante by 5468: 4641: 4081: 3672:Ferdinando d'Aragona. Francesco Del Tuppo (ed.). 3514:In the 2016–2019 Anglo-Italian television series 3501:In the 2013–2015 British-American fantasy series 3377:Alonso d'Aragona (1460–1510), designated heir to 2862:to be granted the privilege of license to open a 2529:and Child enthroned with saints, Pietro Befulco, 2254:, where they are venerated as relics of martyrs. 2162:. However, they chose martyrdom over conversion. 1059:On the other hand, the Prince of Taranto, who as 5865: 5418: 5391: 5373: 3675:Esortazione di insorgere contro i baroni ribelli 1556:, daughter of his uncle King John II of Aragon. 490:Ferrante d'Aragona, depicted as a member of the 5914:Burials at the Basilica of San Domenico, Naples 5502:Nicola Ratti (1794). Presso Il Salomoni (ed.). 5008:Nicola Ratti (1794). Presso Il Salomoni (ed.). 3053:The move did not have the desired effects: the 2650:Exhortation to rise up against the rebel barons 2040: 1621: 361:(2 June 1424 – 25 January 1494), also known as 5459: 4993:Maria Serena Mazzi (2004). Nuove carte (ed.). 4322: 4131: 3828: 3826: 3824: 3822: 3472:, by Franco Baldi and Giovanni Ballati (2017). 3424:, who for others is the son of Diana Guardato; 3331:and subsequently briefly viceregina of Naples. 3020:age). Hic felix Italum vivit in virum hours". 2627:, paying him the usual income, as well as the 2506:they were offering him so that, having chased 1853:were to defend itself on two sides. Genoa and 1465: 1242: 1035:, who was the wife of King Alfonso V, died in 750:. On April 9, peace was declared between Doge 685:In June 1452 King Alfonso declared war on the 618:Don Ferrante of Naples depicted as one of the 460:. At that time it possessed the most powerful 5629: 5479:Vincenzo Buonsignori (1856). G. Landi (ed.). 5442:Biancardi, Bastian (1737). F. Pitteri (ed.). 4520:Vincenzo Buonsignori (1856). G. Landi (ed.). 3061: 2615:, the Count of Tendiglia, Ambassadors of the 2279: 2154:were exhorted by the Ottomans to abandon the 2129: 1899:who fought the pontiff for the possession of 1829:, meanwhile, in 1475 had taken possession of 1806:. All this took place with the complicity of 1506: 1280:to Calabria belonged to him, to the Count of 771:came to Naples to negotiate and conclude the 641:in July 1443, and later confirmed in 1451 by 5899:Illegitimate children of Neapolitan monarchs 5501: 5304: 5289: 5196: 5007: 4429: 4427: 4425: 4082:Bastian Biancardi (1737). F. Pitteri (ed.). 3933: 3488:In the 2011–2013 Canadian television series 3305:and queen of Bohemia and Hungary as wife of 2858:and after Naples he wanted only the city of 1726:that the Pontiffs claimed belonged to them. 1678:Ferrante had received from his predecessor. 754:for the Venetian and Duke Francesco Sforza. 693:, to divert them from the help they gave to 659:Giovanni Antonio Orsini Del Balzo of Taranto 5259:Amanti e bastardi di re Ferrante il Vecchio 3906: 3904: 3847: 3845: 3843: 3819: 3295:(25 June 1456 - 17 October 1485), cardinal; 2869:In 1486 he participated in the war for the 2402:Second conspiracy of the barons (1485-1486) 2036:Government after twenty years of prosperity 476: 380:at the time and an important figure of the 276: 5636: 5622: 5520:"His descent from Ferdinand IV of Castile" 5493:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 5451:Morelli, Nicolò (1825). N. Gervasi (ed.). 5433:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 5410:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 5112:Trattato di architettura civile e militare 4915: 4534:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 4166:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 3279:(22 June 1450 - 11 October 1493), wife of 3038:On the throne he was succeeded by his son 2786:and many other Knights. Stimulated by the 823: 738:On 1 September Ferrante was informed that 136: 5441: 5160: 5038: 4962: 4935: 4909: 4859: 4830: 4798: 4783: 4749: 4737: 4725: 4696: 4684: 4672: 4657: 4629: 4548: 4504: 4492: 4480: 4422: 4416: 4404: 4392: 4380: 4361: 4349: 4323:Nicolò Morelli (1825). N. Gervasi (ed.). 4293: 4267: 4255: 4243: 4231: 4219: 4207: 4195: 4180: 3257: 975:Callixtus III had made against the King. 782: 767:On February 15, 1455, the Roman cardinal 116:Learn how and when to remove this message 5460:Nicolò Morelli (1849). G. Nobile (ed.). 5340: 4147: 4145: 4143: 4132:Nicolò Morelli (1849). G. Nobile (ed.). 3901: 3840: 3647:Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece 3532: 3442: 3422:Fernando de Aragón, 1st Duke of Montalto 3334:Carlo (1480 - 26 October 1486), dead of 3211: 3163: 3134: 3105: 3065: 2927: 2835:of that century at his service, such as 2733: 2718:, the Secretary Petrucci, the Counts of 2644: 2516: 2457:his father had died, the Pontiff pushed 2365:King Ferrante, they called in Italy the 2097: 2044: 1966: 1660: 1571: 1387: 1189: 998: 917: 613: 544:, challenged to battle, did not appear. 485: 5526: 5450: 5273:"Knights_of_the_Golden_Fleece_Burgundy" 5183:Catalogo di mss. della (sua) biblioteca 4842:This event marks the conclusion of the 4815: 4768: 4603: 4337: 3934:Prossomariti, Sara (October 30, 2014). 3719:Neapolitan coin (Armellino) of Ferrante 3407:Gian Giordano Orsini, Lord of Bracciano 2918: 2238:war such as: Matteo di Capua, Count of 1560:Internal Politics during the Golden Age 764:with infinite joy by all the citizens. 645:. Ferrante in 1444 married the heiress 5866: 5643: 5385:Historia della città e Regno di Napoli 3784:Also Ferrando, Fernando or Ferdinando. 3520:, Ferrante is played by British actor 3507:, Ferrante is played by British actor 2742:, the place where the epilogue of the 2683:The barons, although reassured by the 1741: 882: 669:, had therefore been queen of Naples, 372:The only son, albeit illegitimate, of 307:Beatrice, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia 5617: 5331: 5252: 5250: 5248: 5175: 5173: 5171: 5169: 4975: 4973: 4971: 4886: 4884: 4882: 4880: 4878: 4876: 4874: 4872: 4870: 4868: 4458: 4456: 4454: 4452: 4450: 4448: 4446: 4444: 4140: 3767:Neapolitan Coronato of Ferrante, 1488 3755:Neapolitan Coronato of Ferrante, 1462 3743:Neapolitan Coronato of Ferrante, 1458 3731:Cavallo (neapolitan coin) of Ferrante 3470:Gli 800 Martiri - La presa di Otranto 3393:, in 1485. Alonso was made bishop of 2252:Church of Santa Caterina in Formiello 1771:In 1471 Ferrante made alliances with 995:The Angevin-Aragonese War (1460-1464) 867:of the city, who, accompanied by the 851:After having sent the ambassadors to 497:Ferdinand was born on 2 June 1424 in 409:, which was subsequently suffocated. 5352:Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani 5322: 5239: 3465:Ennis (1992), as well as in comics: 3248: 3130: 2631:, and stopped harassing the barons. 1767:Foreign Policy During the Golden Age 1127:went to serve the duke. The Duke of 680: 292:Eleanor, Duchess of Bari and Ferrara 54:adding citations to reliable sources 25: 5357:Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana 3046:due to the much-feared invasion of 2923: 2886:William I, Landgrave of Lower Hesse 2794: 2567:, his nephew and eldest son of the 2521:Ferrante (bottom left) depicted as 2482:and every place full of confusion. 2114:, Sala di Lorenzo the Magnificent, 1951:of the famous Sannazaro printed by 1927:Don Ferrante and the printing press 1179:to join the army of John of Anjou. 953:, and Antonio d'Alessandro, famous 609:Monastery of the Nuns of San Ligoro 13: 5383:Giovanni Antonio Summonte (1601). 5257:Arturo Bascetta; Sabato Cuttrera. 5245: 5166: 5024:Disegno dell'architettura italiana 4968: 4865: 4441: 3636: 3604: 3579: 3438: 3430:Giovanna, wife of Ascanio Colonna. 1641:in March 1470 allied himself with 1511: 581:and which was then transferred to 14: 5930: 5517: 5511: 5129:. 3615:Knight of the Order of the Garter 3590:Knight of the Order of the Dragon 3560:Knight of the Order of the Ermine 2968:, propitius esto mihi peccatori ( 2591:Francis, to control those lands. 2152:Eight hundred citizens of Otranto 1888:revived by the regency of Milan, 1779:and with the Republic of Venice. 1653:, fomenting the rebellion of the 1269:Count of Marsico and San Severino 1255:. Therefore, he sent his brother 573:Following the death of his uncle 4561:Dizionario biografico universale 3760: 3748: 3736: 3724: 3712: 3281:Ercole I d'Este, Duke of Ferrara 2932:Coin with the effigy of Ferrante 2679:Ferrante's revenge on the barons 2583:, and also sent another army to 2019:Church of San Francesco di Paola 622:in the Adoration of the Magi by 30: 16:King of Naples from 1458 to 1494 5884:15th-century monarchs of Naples 5349: 5345:. McFarland & Company, Inc. 5307:Ferrante d'Aragona re di Napoli 5298: 5292:Ferrante d'Aragona re di Napoli 5283: 5265: 5220: 5205: 5199:Ferrante d'Aragona re di Napoli 5190: 5180:Camillo Minieri Riccio (1868). 5154: 5140: 5119: 5103: 5093: 5083: 5073: 5063: 5053: 5044: 5016: 4986: 4956: 4948:Gaetano Canzano Avarna (1883). 4941: 4853: 4836: 4743: 4731: 4702: 4690: 4678: 4651: 4623: 4609: 4597: 4566: 4554: 4542: 4498: 4486: 4474: 4410: 4398: 4386: 4355: 4343: 4331: 4287: 4273: 4261: 4249: 4237: 4225: 4213: 4201: 4174: 3927: 3918: 3374:Cesare, Marquis of Santa Agata; 3342:From concubine Diana Guardato: 3010:Church of San Domenico Maggiore 1857:rebelled and the Swiss entered 811:Charles of Viana the "claimant" 565:Sacro regio consiglio, judicial 41:needs additional citations for 21:Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies 5533:"Ferdinand I. of Naples"  5504:Della famiglia Sforza:Volume 2 5334:Revista de Historia de América 5010:Della famiglia Sforza:Volume 2 4979:Patrizia Mainoni (a cura di), 3887: 3873: 3859: 3801: 3787: 3778: 3705: 3494:, Ferrante is played by actor 2638:King of Aragon and Sicily and 2531:National Museum of Capodimonte 2179:and come to help the kingdom. 559:Paris de Puteo who taught him 159:27 June 1458 – 25 January 1494 142:Contemporary bust of Ferdinand 1: 3772: 3482: 3456:Ferrante is the protagonist: 3451: 3405:Maria Cecilia, first wife of 3050:, who in 1494 fell to Italy. 2895:died, and shortly after also 2825: 2050:Triumph of Ferrante of Aragon 2030:Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges 1048:, Duke of Anjou, son of King 704:Therefore, Ferrante left for 547:In Naples he had as teachers 5909:Knights of the Golden Fleece 5341:Williams, George L. (1998). 3370:From Piscicella Piscicelli: 2078:In 1478, at the time of the 2041:Pazzi conspiracy (1478-1480) 1903:. He made arrangements with 1622:The League of Italian powers 1550:church of San Pietro Martire 1542:Matthias Corvinus of Hungary 1015:, Giosia Acquaviva, Duke of 657:, designated heir of Prince 471: 7: 4844:Istoria del regno di Napoli 4152:Massimo Buchicchio (2009). 3549: 3528: 2899:. The Pope's successor was 2339:Roberto Malatesta da Rimini 2322:the same city of Rome; but 1998:, he too wanted to attend. 1466:The last Angevin stronghold 1243:The retaliation of Ferrante 1083:, invading a large part of 1071:, between the mouth of the 773:alliance and general league 716:) raised the flags of King 464:in the western part of the 317:Ferdinand, Duke of Montalto 10: 5935: 5316: 3940:. Newton Compton Editori. 3571: 3062:Appearance and personality 2911:, in 1493 the French king 2304:Gian Galeazzo Maria Sforza 2280:War of Ferrara (1482-1484) 2130:War of Otranto (1480-1481) 1599:, during his reign a true 1507:Twenty years of prosperity 1400:, commissioned by Ferrante 1202:, commissioned by Ferrante 492:Order of the Golden Fleece 287:Alfonso II, King of Naples 18: 5851: 5651: 5602: 5593: 5585: 5580: 5553: 5419:Emilio Nunziante (1898). 5392:Ernesto Pontieri (1969). 5374:Giovanni Pontano (1509). 3950:– via Google Books. 3635: 3603: 3578: 3556: 3379:Queen Charlotte of Cyprus 2706:with the daughter of the 2587:, led by his son Duke of 1863:Frederick III of Habsburg 1474:. After subduing Apulia, 348: 338: 326: 297:Frederick, King of Naples 269: 255: 242: 222: 206: 202: 192: 182: 164: 154: 147: 135: 130: 4591:"San Francesco di Paola" 4464:"ferdinando I d'aragona" 3665: 3401:From Eulalia Ravignano: 3307:Vladislaus II of Hungary 2884:. This group was led by 2744:conspiracy of the barons 2689:King of Spain and Sicily 2617:King of Spain and Sicily 1673:kingdom, eight thousand 1021:Giulio Antonio Acquaviva 789:Charles, Prince of Viana 689:, at the request of the 481: 477:The paternal inheritance 19:Not to be confused with 5543:Encyclopædia Britannica 4281:"Ordine dell'Ermellino" 2738:The Sala dei Baroni of 2675:should have succeeded. 1869:, son of Ferrante, and 1566:rebellion of the barons 1115:and all the Castles of 824:The Apparent Coronation 374:Alfonso the Magnanimous 312:Joanna, Queen of Naples 65:"Ferdinand I of Naples" 5555:Ferdinand I of Naples 4983:, Viella, pp. 401-402. 3642: 3610: 3585: 3542: 3448: 3329:Ferdinand II of Naples 3258:Marriages and children 3217: 3190:5 and 30 December 1456 3169: 3141: 3111: 3071: 3048:Charles VIII of France 2933: 2837:Gian Giacomo Trivulzio 2747: 2653: 2636:Ferdinand the Catholic 2537: 2459:Charles VIII of France 2349:, who remained in the 2262:Grand Master of Rhodes 2118: 2060: 1975: 1923:and maritime traffic. 1577: 1525:, the eldest daughter 1401: 1385:, among other things. 1203: 1004: 947:Francesco II Del Balzo 938: 849: 783:The arduous Coronation 634: 605: 494: 5904:Knights of the Garter 5814:Parthenopean Republic 5323:Hill, George (1948). 3640: 3608: 3583: 3536: 3446: 3316:From his second wife 3266:he had six children: 3215: 3167: 3138: 3109: 3069: 2931: 2849:Niccolò di Pitigliano 2737: 2648: 2554:Archbishop of Salerno 2520: 2463:René Duke of Lorraine 2101: 2048: 2011:Piazza del Plebiscito 1970: 1871:Kunigunde of Habsburg 1815:Galeazzo Maria Sforza 1757:Royal House of Naples 1751:for the promotion of 1697:with his father King 1661:The war of the census 1649:power represented by 1639:Galeazzo Maria sforza 1575: 1391: 1193: 1002: 980:Cathedral of Barletta 921: 892:, newly installed as 857:cathedral of the city 835: 617: 591: 489: 248:San Domenico Maggiore 5376:De bello Neapolitano 5355:(in Italian). Rome: 4619:. 25 September 2017. 3623:Edward IV of England 3264:Isabella of Clermont 3262:From his first wife 3040:Alfonso II of Naples 2919:The end of the reign 2903:and that of Lorenzo 2604:College of Cardinals 2177:war against Florence 1362:San Giovanni Rotondo 710:Abbey of San Galgano 675:Kingdom of Jerusalem 667:Ladislaus I of Anjou 665:who, having married 655:Catherine of Taranto 542:René of Anjou-Valois 260:Isabella of Clermont 50:improve this article 5889:House of Trastámara 5560:House of Trastámara 5325:A History of Cyprus 5228:A History of Cyprus 5041:, pp. 357–358. 4950:Leggende Sorrentine 4938:, pp. 356–357. 4862:, pp. 355–356. 4846:in twenty books by 4833:, pp. 354–355. 4740:, pp. 351–352. 4712:. 23 February 2016. 4699:, pp. 350–351. 4687:, pp. 349–350. 4632:, pp. 346–347. 4551:, pp. 343–344. 4507:, pp. 342–343. 4419:, pp. 339–340. 4407:, pp. 338–339. 4395:, pp. 336–337. 4352:, pp. 334–335. 4296:, pp. 331–334. 4258:, pp. 330–331. 4210:, pp. 327–328. 4183:, pp. 325–326. 4156:. Cava de' Tirreni. 3937:I Signori di Napoli 3883:. 24 February 2018. 3539:Lady with an Ermine 3537:Leonardo da Vinci, 3366:Maria (1451 - ...). 2634:The Duke of Milan, 2613:Archbishop of Milan 2548:who resided in the 2274:Knights Hospitaller 2054:Kupferstichkabinett 1957:Francesco Del Tuppo 1790:, slowing down the 1749:Charles II of Anjou 1742:The Aragonese Court 1501:County of Barcelona 1445:Antonello Petruccio 1261:Roberto Sanseverino 1052:, who was still in 928:Benedetto da Maiano 890:Pedro Luis de Borja 883:Clash with Callisto 677:from 1406 to 1414. 651:Tristan of Clermont 647:Isabella of Taranto 382:Italian Renaissance 369:from 1458 to 1494. 343:Alfonso V of Aragon 5894:Monarchs of Naples 5645:Monarchs of Naples 4848:Angelo di Costanzo 3897:. 2 December 2020. 3643: 3611: 3586: 3543: 3449: 3391:Charles I of Savoy 3383:James II of Cyprus 3320:he had two child: 3218: 3170: 3142: 3112: 3072: 2934: 2893:Lorenzo de' Medici 2891:On April 8, 1492, 2873:in support of the 2748: 2657:Pope Innocent VIII 2654: 2640:Lorenzo de' Medici 2538: 2451:John Duke of Anjou 2434:, the Marquis del 2119: 2084:Lorenzo de' Medici 2061: 1976: 1734:was introduced to 1643:Louis XI of France 1578: 1536:, and the younger 1521:, daughter of the 1402: 1369:Cardinal Roverella 1284:, to the Count of 1273:Ordre du Croissant 1204: 1087:. He then went to 1005: 939: 861:Rinaldo Piscicello 769:Domenico Capranica 691:Republic of Venice 635: 626:, Civic Museum of 495: 423:Republic of Venice 173:Barletta Cathedral 5861: 5860: 5855:Monarch of Sicily 5844: 5825: 5809: 5705: 5692: 5676: 5612: 5611: 5603:Succeeded by 5518:Marek, Miroslav. 5261:. pp. 15–33. 3688:Epistole Militari 3663: 3662: 3631: 3630: 3599: 3598: 3569: 3568: 3504:Da Vinci's Demons 3387:Catherine Cornaro 3303:Matthias Corvinus 3249:Museum of Mummies 3131:Ferrante's Naples 2974:colorectal cancer 2420:Prince of Salerno 2193:Strait of Otranto 2156:Catholic religion 1937:Sixtus Riessinger 1901:Città di Castello 1460:Prince of Taranto 1441:Prince of Taranto 1257:Alessandro Sforza 1009:prince of Rossano 972:Bishop of Spoleto 844:Bastian Biancardi 752:Francesco Foscari 727:), for which the 714:Cosimo de' Medici 681:War with Florence 600:Bastian Biancardi 505:on his return to 356: 355: 352:Giraldona Carlino 237:Kingdom of Naples 126: 125: 118: 100: 5926: 5842: 5823: 5807: 5703: 5690: 5674: 5638: 5631: 5624: 5615: 5614: 5586:Preceded by 5576: 5569: 5551: 5550: 5547: 5535: 5523: 5507: 5498: 5492: 5484: 5475: 5465: 5456: 5447: 5438: 5432: 5424: 5415: 5409: 5401: 5388: 5379: 5370: 5366:978-8-81200032-6 5346: 5337: 5328: 5311: 5310: 5302: 5296: 5295: 5287: 5281: 5280: 5269: 5263: 5262: 5254: 5243: 5237: 5231: 5224: 5218: 5217: 5209: 5203: 5202: 5194: 5188: 5187: 5186:. Giuseppe Dura. 5177: 5164: 5158: 5152: 5151: 5144: 5138: 5137: 5135: 5134: 5123: 5117: 5116: 5107: 5101: 5097: 5091: 5087: 5081: 5077: 5071: 5067: 5061: 5057: 5051: 5048: 5042: 5036: 5027: 5020: 5014: 5013: 5005: 4999: 4998: 4990: 4984: 4977: 4966: 4960: 4954: 4953: 4945: 4939: 4933: 4922: 4919: 4913: 4907: 4896: 4895: 4888: 4863: 4857: 4851: 4840: 4834: 4828: 4819: 4813: 4802: 4796: 4787: 4781: 4772: 4766: 4753: 4747: 4741: 4735: 4729: 4723: 4714: 4713: 4706: 4700: 4694: 4688: 4682: 4676: 4670: 4661: 4655: 4649: 4648: 4639: 4633: 4627: 4621: 4620: 4613: 4607: 4601: 4595: 4594: 4587: 4578: 4577: 4570: 4564: 4558: 4552: 4546: 4540: 4539: 4533: 4525: 4517: 4508: 4502: 4496: 4490: 4484: 4478: 4472: 4471: 4460: 4439: 4438: 4431: 4420: 4414: 4408: 4402: 4396: 4390: 4384: 4378: 4365: 4359: 4353: 4347: 4341: 4335: 4329: 4328: 4320: 4297: 4291: 4285: 4284: 4277: 4271: 4265: 4259: 4253: 4247: 4241: 4235: 4229: 4223: 4217: 4211: 4205: 4199: 4193: 4184: 4178: 4172: 4171: 4165: 4157: 4149: 4138: 4137: 4129: 4088: 4087: 4079: 3952: 3951: 3931: 3925: 3922: 3916: 3915: 3908: 3899: 3898: 3891: 3885: 3884: 3877: 3871: 3870: 3863: 3857: 3856: 3849: 3838: 3837: 3836:. 20 March 2021. 3830: 3817: 3816: 3805: 3799: 3798: 3791: 3785: 3782: 3764: 3752: 3740: 3728: 3716: 3683: 3655:Charles the Bold 3633: 3632: 3601: 3600: 3576: 3575: 3554: 3553: 3318:Joanna of Aragon 2924:Death and burial 2905:Piero de' Medici 2845:Fabrizio Colonna 2795:The consequences 2788:Duke of Calabria 2754:, the Prince of 2621:Giovanni Pontano 2569:Duke of Calabria 2430:, the Prince of 2367:Duke of Lorraine 2351:Terra di Otranto 2298:, regent of the 2244:Giulio Acquaviva 2205:Monte San Savino 2197:Colle Val d'Elsa 2185:port of Brindisi 2144:Francesco Zurolo 2080:Pazzi conspiracy 1890:Battista Fregoso 1472:island of Ischia 1417:, the county of 1338:Jacopo Piccinino 1316:Gjergj Kastrioti 1233:Cava de' Tirreni 1208:Principato Citra 986:, the county of 847: 695:Francesco Sforza 603: 587:Duke of Calabria 280: 264:Joanna of Aragon 229: 160: 140: 128: 127: 121: 114: 110: 107: 101: 99: 58: 34: 26: 5934: 5933: 5929: 5928: 5927: 5925: 5924: 5923: 5864: 5863: 5862: 5857: 5847: 5647: 5642: 5608: 5599: 5591: 5575:25 January 1494 5570: 5564: 5563: 5556: 5522:. Genealogy.EU. 5514: 5486: 5485: 5426: 5425: 5403: 5402: 5367: 5319: 5314: 5303: 5299: 5288: 5284: 5271: 5270: 5266: 5255: 5246: 5238: 5234: 5225: 5221: 5210: 5206: 5195: 5191: 5178: 5167: 5159: 5155: 5146: 5145: 5141: 5132: 5130: 5125: 5124: 5120: 5109: 5108: 5104: 5098: 5094: 5088: 5084: 5078: 5074: 5068: 5064: 5058: 5054: 5049: 5045: 5037: 5030: 5026:, cit., p. 130. 5021: 5017: 5006: 5002: 4991: 4987: 4978: 4969: 4961: 4957: 4946: 4942: 4934: 4925: 4920: 4916: 4908: 4899: 4890: 4889: 4866: 4858: 4854: 4841: 4837: 4829: 4822: 4814: 4805: 4797: 4790: 4782: 4775: 4767: 4756: 4748: 4744: 4736: 4732: 4724: 4717: 4708: 4707: 4703: 4695: 4691: 4683: 4679: 4671: 4664: 4656: 4652: 4640: 4636: 4628: 4624: 4615: 4614: 4610: 4602: 4598: 4589: 4588: 4581: 4572: 4571: 4567: 4559: 4555: 4547: 4543: 4527: 4526: 4518: 4511: 4503: 4499: 4491: 4487: 4479: 4475: 4462: 4461: 4442: 4433: 4432: 4423: 4415: 4411: 4403: 4399: 4391: 4387: 4379: 4368: 4360: 4356: 4348: 4344: 4336: 4332: 4321: 4300: 4292: 4288: 4279: 4278: 4274: 4266: 4262: 4254: 4250: 4242: 4238: 4230: 4226: 4218: 4214: 4206: 4202: 4194: 4187: 4179: 4175: 4159: 4158: 4150: 4141: 4130: 4091: 4080: 3955: 3948: 3932: 3928: 3923: 3919: 3910: 3909: 3902: 3893: 3892: 3888: 3879: 3878: 3874: 3865: 3864: 3860: 3851: 3850: 3841: 3832: 3831: 3820: 3815:. June 5, 2020. 3807: 3806: 3802: 3793: 3792: 3788: 3783: 3779: 3775: 3768: 3765: 3756: 3753: 3744: 3741: 3732: 3729: 3720: 3717: 3708: 3668: 3658: 3626: 3574: 3552: 3531: 3485: 3454: 3441: 3439:In mass culture 3260: 3251: 3133: 3064: 2944:, knowing that 2926: 2921: 2909:Ludovico Sforza 2828: 2797: 2778:, the Count of 2774:, the Count of 2770:, the Count of 2766:, the Count of 2681: 2565:prince of Capua 2424:Pirro Del Balzo 2404: 2324:Virginio Orsini 2312:March of Ancona 2302:for his nephew 2296:Ludovico Sforza 2282: 2132: 2112:Palazzo Vecchio 2108:Marco da Faenza 2056:inv. 78c 24 f, 2043: 2038: 1996:Oliviero Carafa 1992:Saint Januarius 1965: 1953:Pietro Summonte 1929: 1897:Niccolò Vitelli 1878:Prospero Adorno 1769: 1744: 1663: 1624: 1564:The end of the 1562: 1531:Duke of Ferrara 1514: 1512:Marriage policy 1509: 1468: 1249:Duke of Orleans 1245: 1147:went as far as 1135:, the Count of 1131:, the Count of 1085:Terra di Lavoro 1061:Grand Constable 997: 984:Duchy of Amalfi 932:Bargello Museum 898:excommunication 894:Duke of Spoleto 885: 848: 842: 826: 813: 797:Crown of Aragon 785: 683: 663:Mary of Enghien 643:Pope Nicholas V 604: 598: 484: 479: 474: 322: 277:among others... 274: 273: 262: 251: 231: 227: 226:25 January 1494 217:Crown of Aragon 211: 171: 158: 143: 122: 111: 105: 102: 59: 57: 47: 35: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 5932: 5922: 5921: 5919:Sons of counts 5916: 5911: 5906: 5901: 5896: 5891: 5886: 5881: 5876: 5859: 5858: 5852: 5849: 5848: 5846: 5845: 5836: 5831: 5826: 5817: 5810: 5801: 5795: 5789: 5783: 5777: 5771: 5765: 5759: 5753: 5747: 5742: 5737: 5732: 5727: 5722: 5716: 5711: 5706: 5698: 5693: 5685: 5680: 5669: 5664: 5659: 5652: 5649: 5648: 5641: 5640: 5633: 5626: 5618: 5610: 5609: 5604: 5601: 5596:King of Naples 5592: 5587: 5583: 5582: 5581:Regnal titles 5578: 5577: 5557: 5554: 5549: 5548: 5538:Chisholm, Hugh 5528:Villari, Luigi 5524: 5513: 5512:External links 5510: 5509: 5508: 5499: 5476: 5466: 5457: 5448: 5439: 5416: 5389: 5380: 5371: 5365: 5347: 5338: 5329: 5318: 5315: 5313: 5312: 5297: 5282: 5264: 5244: 5242:, p. 612. 5232: 5226:Hill, George: 5219: 5204: 5189: 5165: 5163:, p. 343. 5161:Biancardi 1737 5153: 5150:. 9 July 2020. 5139: 5118: 5102: 5092: 5082: 5072: 5062: 5052: 5043: 5039:Biancardi 1737 5028: 5015: 5000: 4985: 4967: 4965:, p. 357. 4963:Biancardi 1737 4955: 4940: 4936:Biancardi 1737 4923: 4914: 4912:, p. 356. 4910:Biancardi 1737 4897: 4864: 4860:Biancardi 1737 4852: 4835: 4831:Biancardi 1737 4820: 4818:, p. 228. 4803: 4801:, p. 354. 4799:Biancardi 1737 4788: 4786:, p. 353. 4784:Biancardi 1737 4773: 4771:, p. 227. 4754: 4752:, p. 352. 4750:Biancardi 1737 4742: 4738:Biancardi 1737 4730: 4728:, p. 351. 4726:Biancardi 1737 4715: 4701: 4697:Biancardi 1737 4689: 4685:Biancardi 1737 4677: 4675:, p. 349. 4673:Biancardi 1737 4662: 4660:, p. 348. 4658:Biancardi 1737 4650: 4634: 4630:Biancardi 1737 4622: 4608: 4606:, p. 225. 4596: 4579: 4565: 4553: 4549:Biancardi 1737 4541: 4509: 4505:Biancardi 1737 4497: 4495:, p. 342. 4493:Biancardi 1737 4485: 4483:, p. 341. 4481:Biancardi 1737 4473: 4440: 4421: 4417:Biancardi 1737 4409: 4405:Biancardi 1737 4397: 4393:Biancardi 1737 4385: 4383:, p. 336. 4381:Biancardi 1737 4366: 4364:, p. 335. 4362:Biancardi 1737 4354: 4350:Biancardi 1737 4342: 4340:, p. 224. 4330: 4298: 4294:Biancardi 1737 4286: 4272: 4270:, p. 331. 4268:Biancardi 1737 4260: 4256:Biancardi 1737 4248: 4246:, p. 330. 4244:Biancardi 1737 4236: 4234:, p. 329. 4232:Biancardi 1737 4224: 4222:, p. 328. 4220:Biancardi 1737 4212: 4208:Biancardi 1737 4200: 4198:, p. 326. 4196:Biancardi 1737 4185: 4181:Biancardi 1737 4173: 4139: 4089: 3953: 3946: 3926: 3917: 3900: 3886: 3872: 3858: 3839: 3818: 3800: 3786: 3776: 3774: 3771: 3770: 3769: 3766: 3759: 3757: 3754: 3747: 3745: 3742: 3735: 3733: 3730: 3723: 3721: 3718: 3711: 3707: 3704: 3703: 3702: 3695: 3684: 3667: 3664: 3661: 3660: 3650: 3649: 3644: 3629: 3628: 3618: 3617: 3612: 3597: 3596: 3593: 3592: 3587: 3573: 3570: 3567: 3566: 3563: 3562: 3557: 3551: 3548: 3530: 3527: 3526: 3525: 3512: 3499: 3484: 3481: 3480: 3479: 3473: 3462: 3461: 3453: 3450: 3440: 3437: 3432: 3431: 3428: 3425: 3414: 3413: 3410: 3399: 3398: 3375: 3368: 3367: 3360: 3359: 3356: 3353: 3347: 3340: 3339: 3332: 3314: 3313: 3310: 3296: 3290: 3284: 3274: 3259: 3256: 3250: 3247: 3132: 3129: 3063: 3060: 2925: 2922: 2920: 2917: 2871:Duchy of Milan 2827: 2824: 2796: 2793: 2762:, the Duke of 2758:, the Duke of 2708:Duke of Amalfi 2680: 2677: 2665:Pope Eugene IV 2403: 2400: 2300:Duchy of Milan 2291:war of Otranto 2281: 2278: 2266:Pope Sixtus IV 2168:Konstantiniyye 2158:to convert to 2131: 2128: 2104:Giorgio Vasari 2042: 2039: 2037: 2034: 2004:Christian life 1964: 1961: 1941:Latin classics 1933:printing press 1928: 1925: 1851:duchess regent 1808:Pope Sixtus IV 1768: 1765: 1743: 1740: 1716:Roman Pontiffs 1695:Pope Eugene IV 1662: 1659: 1628:Italian states 1623: 1620: 1561: 1558: 1513: 1510: 1508: 1505: 1480:Gulf of Naples 1467: 1464: 1253:State of Milan 1244: 1241: 1139:, the Lord of 1081:port of Naples 996: 993: 951:Duke of Andria 884: 881: 877:King of Naples 840: 825: 822: 812: 809: 784: 781: 729:Duke of Urbino 682: 679: 649:, daughter of 639:Pope Eugene IV 624:Marco Cardisco 596: 483: 480: 478: 475: 473: 470: 415:Ottoman Empire 394:Italian states 390:Treaty of Lodi 367:king of Naples 354: 353: 350: 346: 345: 340: 336: 335: 330: 324: 323: 321: 320: 314: 309: 304: 299: 294: 289: 283: 281: 267: 266: 257: 253: 252: 246: 244: 240: 239: 230:(aged 70) 224: 220: 219: 208: 204: 203: 200: 199: 194: 190: 189: 184: 180: 179: 170:16 August 1458 168: 162: 161: 156: 152: 151: 149:King of Naples 145: 144: 141: 133: 132: 124: 123: 38: 36: 29: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 5931: 5920: 5917: 5915: 5912: 5910: 5907: 5905: 5902: 5900: 5897: 5895: 5892: 5890: 5887: 5885: 5882: 5880: 5877: 5875: 5872: 5871: 5869: 5856: 5850: 5840: 5837: 5835: 5832: 5830: 5827: 5821: 5818: 5816: 5815: 5811: 5805: 5802: 5799: 5796: 5793: 5790: 5787: 5784: 5781: 5778: 5775: 5772: 5769: 5766: 5763: 5760: 5757: 5754: 5751: 5750:Ferdinand III 5748: 5746: 5743: 5741: 5738: 5736: 5733: 5731: 5728: 5726: 5723: 5720: 5717: 5715: 5712: 5710: 5707: 5702: 5699: 5697: 5694: 5689: 5686: 5684: 5681: 5679: 5673: 5670: 5668: 5665: 5663: 5660: 5657: 5654: 5653: 5650: 5646: 5639: 5634: 5632: 5627: 5625: 5620: 5619: 5616: 5607: 5598: 5597: 5590: 5584: 5579: 5574: 5567: 5562: 5561: 5552: 5545: 5544: 5539: 5534: 5529: 5525: 5521: 5516: 5515: 5505: 5500: 5496: 5490: 5482: 5477: 5473: 5467: 5463: 5458: 5454: 5449: 5445: 5440: 5436: 5430: 5422: 5417: 5413: 5407: 5399: 5395: 5390: 5386: 5381: 5377: 5372: 5368: 5362: 5359:. 1960–2020. 5358: 5354: 5353: 5348: 5344: 5339: 5335: 5330: 5326: 5321: 5320: 5309:. p. 35. 5308: 5301: 5294:. p. 41. 5293: 5286: 5278: 5274: 5268: 5260: 5253: 5251: 5249: 5241: 5236: 5229: 5223: 5216:. p. 71. 5215: 5208: 5201:. p. 66. 5200: 5193: 5185: 5184: 5176: 5174: 5172: 5170: 5162: 5157: 5149: 5143: 5128: 5122: 5114: 5113: 5106: 5096: 5086: 5076: 5066: 5056: 5047: 5040: 5035: 5033: 5025: 5019: 5011: 5004: 4996: 4989: 4982: 4976: 4974: 4972: 4964: 4959: 4951: 4944: 4937: 4932: 4930: 4928: 4918: 4911: 4906: 4904: 4902: 4893: 4887: 4885: 4883: 4881: 4879: 4877: 4875: 4873: 4871: 4869: 4861: 4856: 4849: 4845: 4839: 4832: 4827: 4825: 4817: 4812: 4810: 4808: 4800: 4795: 4793: 4785: 4780: 4778: 4770: 4765: 4763: 4761: 4759: 4751: 4746: 4739: 4734: 4727: 4722: 4720: 4711: 4705: 4698: 4693: 4686: 4681: 4674: 4669: 4667: 4659: 4654: 4646: 4638: 4631: 4626: 4618: 4612: 4605: 4600: 4592: 4586: 4584: 4575: 4569: 4562: 4557: 4550: 4545: 4537: 4531: 4523: 4516: 4514: 4506: 4501: 4494: 4489: 4482: 4477: 4469: 4465: 4459: 4457: 4455: 4453: 4451: 4449: 4447: 4445: 4436: 4430: 4428: 4426: 4418: 4413: 4406: 4401: 4394: 4389: 4382: 4377: 4375: 4373: 4371: 4363: 4358: 4351: 4346: 4339: 4334: 4326: 4319: 4317: 4315: 4313: 4311: 4309: 4307: 4305: 4303: 4295: 4290: 4282: 4276: 4269: 4264: 4257: 4252: 4245: 4240: 4233: 4228: 4221: 4216: 4209: 4204: 4197: 4192: 4190: 4182: 4177: 4169: 4163: 4155: 4148: 4146: 4144: 4135: 4128: 4126: 4124: 4122: 4120: 4118: 4116: 4114: 4112: 4110: 4108: 4106: 4104: 4102: 4100: 4098: 4096: 4094: 4085: 4078: 4076: 4074: 4072: 4070: 4068: 4066: 4064: 4062: 4060: 4058: 4056: 4054: 4052: 4050: 4048: 4046: 4044: 4042: 4040: 4038: 4036: 4034: 4032: 4030: 4028: 4026: 4024: 4022: 4020: 4018: 4016: 4014: 4012: 4010: 4008: 4006: 4004: 4002: 4000: 3998: 3996: 3994: 3992: 3990: 3988: 3986: 3984: 3982: 3980: 3978: 3976: 3974: 3972: 3970: 3968: 3966: 3964: 3962: 3960: 3958: 3949: 3947:9788854173460 3943: 3939: 3938: 3930: 3921: 3913: 3907: 3905: 3896: 3890: 3882: 3876: 3868: 3862: 3854: 3848: 3846: 3844: 3835: 3829: 3827: 3825: 3823: 3814: 3810: 3804: 3796: 3790: 3781: 3777: 3763: 3758: 3751: 3746: 3739: 3734: 3727: 3722: 3715: 3710: 3709: 3700: 3696: 3693: 3689: 3685: 3681: 3677: 3676: 3670: 3669: 3656: 3653:"Invested by 3652: 3651: 3648: 3645: 3639: 3634: 3624: 3621:"Invested by 3620: 3619: 3616: 3613: 3607: 3602: 3595: 3594: 3591: 3588: 3582: 3577: 3565: 3564: 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2914: 2910: 2906: 2902: 2898: 2897:Innocent VIII 2894: 2889: 2887: 2883: 2878: 2876: 2872: 2867: 2865: 2861: 2857: 2852: 2850: 2846: 2842: 2838: 2834: 2823: 2821: 2815: 2812: 2808: 2804: 2800: 2792: 2789: 2785: 2784:Duke of Sessa 2781: 2777: 2773: 2769: 2765: 2761: 2757: 2753: 2745: 2741: 2736: 2732: 2730: 2725: 2721: 2717: 2713: 2709: 2705: 2701: 2696: 2694: 2690: 2686: 2676: 2674: 2670: 2666: 2662: 2658: 2651: 2647: 2643: 2641: 2637: 2632: 2630: 2626: 2622: 2618: 2614: 2609: 2605: 2600: 2597: 2592: 2590: 2586: 2582: 2578: 2574: 2570: 2566: 2562: 2557: 2555: 2551: 2547: 2542: 2536: 2532: 2528: 2524: 2523:Saint Stephen 2519: 2515: 2513: 2509: 2505: 2499: 2496: 2492: 2488: 2483: 2481: 2477: 2473: 2469: 2464: 2460: 2456: 2452: 2447: 2445: 2441: 2437: 2433: 2429: 2425: 2421: 2416: 2412: 2408: 2399: 2395: 2392: 2388: 2384: 2380: 2374: 2372: 2368: 2362: 2358: 2356: 2352: 2348: 2344: 2340: 2335: 2333: 2329: 2325: 2321: 2317: 2313: 2308: 2305: 2301: 2297: 2292: 2288: 2277: 2275: 2271: 2267: 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1610: 1606: 1602: 1598: 1593: 1591: 1587: 1582: 1574: 1570: 1567: 1557: 1555: 1551: 1547: 1543: 1539: 1535: 1534:Ercole d'Este 1532: 1528: 1524: 1523:Duke of Milan 1520: 1504: 1502: 1498: 1494: 1488: 1486: 1481: 1477: 1473: 1463: 1461: 1456: 1454: 1450: 1446: 1442: 1437: 1435: 1431: 1426: 1424: 1420: 1416: 1415:Duchy of Sora 1411: 1406: 1399: 1395: 1390: 1386: 1384: 1378: 1376: 1372: 1370: 1365: 1363: 1359: 1354: 1350: 1349:Terra di Bari 1345: 1343: 1339: 1335: 1331: 1329: 1325: 1321: 1317: 1313: 1311: 1307: 1301: 1299: 1295: 1292:, Martorano, 1291: 1287: 1283: 1279: 1274: 1270: 1266: 1262: 1258: 1254: 1250: 1240: 1238: 1234: 1228: 1224: 1221: 1217: 1213: 1209: 1201: 1197: 1192: 1188: 1186: 1180: 1178: 1177:Christmas Eve 1174: 1170: 1166: 1162: 1158: 1152: 1150: 1146: 1142: 1141:Torremaggiore 1138: 1134: 1130: 1126: 1122: 1121:Ercole d'Este 1118: 1117:Mount Gargano 1114: 1110: 1106: 1102: 1098: 1094: 1090: 1086: 1082: 1078: 1074: 1070: 1066: 1062: 1057: 1055: 1051: 1047: 1041: 1038: 1034: 1028: 1026: 1022: 1018: 1014: 1010: 1001: 992: 989: 985: 981: 976: 973: 969: 965: 960: 956: 952: 948: 943: 937: 933: 929: 925: 924:Latino Orsini 920: 916: 914: 910: 906: 901: 899: 895: 891: 880: 878: 874: 870: 866: 862: 858: 854: 845: 839: 834: 831: 830:Callixtus III 821: 819: 808: 806: 802: 801:John of Anjou 798: 794: 790: 780: 778: 774: 770: 765: 763: 758: 755: 753: 749: 745: 741: 736: 734: 730: 726: 721: 719: 715: 711: 707: 702: 700: 696: 692: 688: 678: 676: 672: 668: 664: 660: 656: 652: 648: 644: 640: 633: 629: 625: 621: 616: 612: 610: 601: 595: 590: 588: 584: 580: 576: 571: 569: 566: 562: 558: 554: 550: 545: 543: 539: 533: 531: 527: 523: 519: 515: 510: 508: 504: 500: 493: 488: 469: 467: 466:Mediterranean 463: 459: 455: 451: 445: 443: 439: 435: 430: 428: 424: 420: 416: 410: 408: 407:famous revolt 402: 400: 395: 391: 387: 383: 379: 375: 370: 368: 364: 360: 351: 347: 344: 341: 337: 334: 331: 329: 325: 318: 315: 313: 310: 308: 305: 303: 302:Cardinal John 300: 298: 295: 293: 290: 288: 285: 284: 282: 279: 278: 272: 268: 265: 261: 258: 254: 249: 245: 241: 238: 234: 225: 221: 218: 214: 209: 205: 201: 198: 195: 191: 188: 185: 181: 178: 174: 169: 167: 163: 157: 153: 150: 146: 139: 134: 129: 120: 117: 109: 98: 95: 91: 88: 84: 81: 77: 74: 70: 67: –  66: 62: 61:Find sources: 55: 51: 45: 44: 39:This article 37: 33: 28: 27: 22: 5839:Ferdinand IV 5820:Ferdinand IV 5812: 5804:Ferdinand IV 5735:Ferdinand II 5724: 5594: 5572: 5565: 5558: 5541: 5503: 5480: 5470: 5461: 5452: 5443: 5420: 5397: 5384: 5375: 5350: 5342: 5333: 5324: 5306: 5300: 5291: 5285: 5276: 5267: 5258: 5235: 5227: 5222: 5213: 5207: 5198: 5192: 5182: 5156: 5142: 5131:. Retrieved 5121: 5111: 5105: 5095: 5085: 5075: 5065: 5055: 5046: 5023: 5018: 5009: 5003: 4994: 4988: 4980: 4958: 4949: 4943: 4917: 4855: 4843: 4838: 4816:Morelli 1825 4769:Morelli 1825 4745: 4733: 4704: 4692: 4680: 4653: 4643: 4637: 4625: 4611: 4604:Morelli 1825 4599: 4568: 4556: 4544: 4521: 4500: 4488: 4476: 4467: 4412: 4400: 4388: 4357: 4345: 4338:Morelli 1825 4333: 4324: 4289: 4275: 4263: 4251: 4239: 4227: 4215: 4203: 4176: 4153: 4133: 4083: 3936: 3929: 3920: 3889: 3875: 3861: 3812: 3803: 3789: 3780: 3698: 3691: 3687: 3674: 3659:— 1473 3627:— 1463 3544: 3538: 3515: 3502: 3496:Joseph Kelly 3489: 3475: 3469: 3463: 3455: 3433: 3415: 3400: 3369: 3361: 3341: 3315: 3261: 3252: 3243: 3239: 3235: 3231: 3227: 3223: 3219: 3208: 3203: 3202: 3198: 3194: 3187: 3183: 3179: 3175: 3171: 3159: 3155: 3151: 3147: 3143: 3125: 3121: 3117: 3113: 3101: 3097: 3093: 3089: 3085: 3081: 3077: 3073: 3052: 3037: 3022: 3014: 3006:Castel Nuovo 2999: 2962: 2935: 2913:Charles VIII 2901:Alexander VI 2890: 2879: 2868: 2853: 2829: 2816: 2807:Charles VIII 2801: 2798: 2749: 2740:Castel Nuovo 2712:Castel Nuovo 2697: 2682: 2655: 2649: 2633: 2625:Roman Church 2608:Papal States 2601: 2593: 2558: 2543: 2539: 2500: 2484: 2472:Castel Nuovo 2448: 2440:Duke of Atri 2426:, Prince of 2417: 2413: 2409: 2407:government. 2405: 2396: 2375: 2363: 2359: 2336: 2309: 2283: 2259: 2256: 2236: 2217: 2189: 2181: 2164: 2133: 2124: 2120: 2089: 2077: 2062: 2049: 2023: 2008: 2000: 1988: 1984:Porta Nolana 1977: 1930: 1894: 1875: 1849:to make the 1824: 1812: 1781: 1770: 1745: 1728: 1680: 1671: 1667:Pope Paul II 1664: 1636: 1625: 1617: 1594: 1583: 1579: 1563: 1515: 1489: 1469: 1457: 1438: 1427: 1407: 1403: 1394:Castel Nuovo 1379: 1373: 1366: 1346: 1336: 1332: 1314: 1302: 1278:San Severino 1246: 1229: 1225: 1205: 1196:Castel Nuovo 1185:Castel Nuovo 1181: 1161:Montesarchio 1153: 1058: 1042: 1029: 1006: 977: 959:Pope Pius II 955:Jurisconsult 944: 940: 902: 886: 850: 836: 827: 814: 786: 766: 759: 756: 737: 722: 703: 684: 636: 628:Castel Nuovo 606: 592: 572: 567: 564: 546: 540:field where 534: 511: 496: 446: 431: 427:Papal States 411: 403: 371: 362: 358: 357: 275: 228:(1494-01-25) 112: 103: 93: 86: 79: 72: 60: 48:Please help 43:verification 40: 5879:1494 deaths 5874:1423 births 5843:(3rd reign) 5824:(2nd reign) 5808:(1st reign) 5798:Charles VII 5725:Ferdinand I 5704:(2nd reign) 5691:(1st reign) 5683:Charles III 5568:2 June 1423 5022:C. Brandi, 3706:Numismatics 3491:The Borgias 3287:Frederick I 2833:condottieri 2589:Sant'Angelo 2550:Roman Court 2449:Since both 2347:Janissaries 2328:Tagliacozzo 2326:, Count of 2246:, Count of 1905:Mohammed II 1736:Saint Peter 1730:use of the 1451:retired to 1430:Pope Sixtus 1306:Sant'Angelo 1263:, Count of 1251:had on the 1113:Manfredonia 1023:, Count of 718:Charles VII 687:Florentines 563:. When the 458:Renaissance 359:Ferdinand I 210:2 June 1423 183:Predecessor 131:Ferdinand I 5868:Categories 5792:Charles VI 5780:Philip III 5762:Charles IV 5756:Joanna III 5730:Alfonso II 5662:Charles II 5606:Alfonso II 5600:1458–1494 5133:2022-04-19 3853:"Sunelweb" 3773:References 3690:or rather 3546:Burgundy. 3483:Television 3452:Literature 3271:Alfonso II 3044:Ferrandino 2964:he said:"" 2839:, the two 2826:Last years 2746:took place 2724:Policastro 2673:Ferrandino 2581:Marigliano 2561:Ferrandino 2337:Meanwhile 2248:Conversano 2224:Cem Sultan 2201:Poggibonsi 1945:Philosophy 1784:Negroponte 1597:university 1540:with King 1212:Basilicata 1206:The whole 1165:Anguillara 1109:San Severo 1089:Capitanata 1073:Garigliano 1025:Conversano 905:Parliament 865:Archbishop 733:Pitigliano 697:, Duke of 425:, and the 333:Trastámara 197:Alfonso II 166:Coronation 76:newspapers 5834:Joachim I 5786:Charles V 5774:Philip II 5745:Louis III 5740:Frederick 5719:Alfonso I 5709:Joanna II 5701:Ladislaus 5688:Ladislaus 5656:Charles I 5589:Alfonso I 5489:cite book 5474:. Naples. 5464:. Naples. 5455:. Naples. 5446:. Naples. 5429:cite book 5423:. Naples. 5406:cite book 5400:. Naples. 5387:. Naples. 5378:. Naples. 5240:Hill 1948 5060:Coreglia) 4647:. Naples. 4530:cite book 4327:. Naples. 4162:cite book 4136:. Naples. 4086:. Naples. 3055:Aragonese 2952:and then 2882:Holy Land 2756:Bisignano 2577:Maddaloni 2495:Frederick 2487:Bisignano 2432:Bisignano 2383:Gallipoli 2136:Mehmed II 1867:Frederick 1839:Frederick 1703:Roverella 1699:Alfonso V 1605:Sannazaro 1529:with the 1328:Mehmed II 1310:sanctuary 1298:Bisignano 1290:Scigliano 1099:, so did 1037:Catalonia 964:Terracina 762:baldachin 579:Benevento 568:authority 553:Panormita 538:Maddaloni 522:Barcelona 472:Biography 454:Panormita 438:humanists 193:Successor 187:Alfonso I 106:June 2023 5829:Joseph I 5768:Philip I 5696:Louis II 5672:Joanna I 5530:(1911). 5483:. Siena. 5100:knights. 4524:. Siena. 3550:National 3529:Honorous 3350:Giovanna 3325:Giovanna 3299:Beatrice 3293:Giovanni 3027:and the 2860:L'Aquila 2841:Prospero 2752:Altamura 2729:beheaded 2720:Carinola 2700:Petrucci 2687:and the 2596:Venetian 2461:to send 2428:Altamura 2391:Monopoli 2371:Angevins 2343:Velletri 2287:Polesine 2213:Valdelsa 2172:Brindisi 2116:Florence 1859:Lombardy 1845:against 1827:Louis XI 1777:Burgundy 1720:Pozzuoli 1687:Leonessa 1546:Isabella 1538:Beatrice 1519:Ippolita 1497:Catalans 1485:Provence 1476:L'Aquila 1453:Altamura 1434:Beatrice 1294:Nicastro 1282:Capaccio 1216:Calabria 1133:Avellino 1077:Volturno 1075:and the 1044:in 1459 968:Bernardo 936:Florence 841:—  805:Holy See 673:and the 597:—  499:Valencia 363:Ferrante 250:, Naples 213:Valencia 5678:Louis I 5540:(ed.). 5506:. Rome. 5396:(ed.). 5317:Sources 5012:. Roma. 3572:Foreign 3277:Eleanor 3029:kingdom 3025:progeny 3017:brocade 3002:Alfonso 2940:and in 2938:Kingdom 2864:Studium 2856:capital 2811:kingdom 2803:Alfonso 2768:Morcone 2693:Alfonso 2691:, knew 2669:Pius II 2661:Alfonso 2546:kingdom 2527:Madonna 2508:Alfonso 2504:kingdom 2491:Salerno 2355:Nettuno 2320:Savelli 2316:Colonna 2232:Alfonso 2228:Bayezid 2209:Chianti 2140:Otranto 2073:Ferrara 1980:Francis 1949:Arcadia 1917:Tunisia 1886:Fregosi 1819:Jubilee 1792:Ottoman 1775:, with 1773:England 1691:Abruzzo 1655:capital 1613:Galateo 1609:Pontano 1601:Italian 1586:country 1527:Eleanor 1375:Alfonso 1358:Siponto 1347:In the 1320:Albania 1265:Caiazzo 1220:Cosenza 1169:Venafro 1149:Bitonto 1137:Buccino 1013:Crotone 873:Te Deum 795:of the 744:Tuscany 725:malaria 706:Abruzzo 503:Alfonso 450:Pontano 434:artists 386:foreign 90:scholar 5853:*Also 5714:René I 5667:Robert 5571:  5363:  3944:  3680:Napoli 3517:Medici 3395:Chieti 3336:typhus 3241:mint. 3140:Naples 2995:Aversa 2993:, and 2983:Naples 2950:phlegm 2946:France 2875:Sforza 2820:Joanna 2782:, the 2776:Mileto 2772:Lauria 2652:, 1486 2629:chinea 2585:Apulia 2579:, and 2535:Naples 2480:courts 2476:Naples 2444:Mileto 2438:, the 2389:, and 2379:Ancona 2330:, and 2270:Rhodes 2240:Palena 2069:Modena 2058:Berlin 2015:Minims 1882:Adorni 1855:Savona 1800:Cyprus 1788:Aegean 1761:Europe 1732:chinea 1724:Agnano 1647:Sforza 1607:, the 1554:Joanna 1493:France 1449:Prince 1423:Church 1419:Arpino 1398:Naples 1360:, and 1342:Orsara 1286:Lauria 1218:up to 1214:, and 1200:Naples 1105:Foggia 1097:Castle 1093:Lucera 1065:Apulia 1019:, and 988:Celano 909:nuncio 869:clergy 818:Sicily 740:Foiano 671:Sicily 632:Naples 583:Naples 518:Borgia 514:Naples 442:Naples 421:, the 419:France 399:patron 378:Europe 365:, was 349:Mother 339:Father 319:(ill.) 256:Spouse 243:Burial 233:Naples 177:Apulia 92:  85:  78:  71:  63:  5573:Died: 5566:Born: 5536:. 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Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies

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"Ferdinand I of Naples"
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King of Naples
Barletta Cathedral
Alfonso I
Alfonso II
Crown of Aragon
Kingdom of Naples
San Domenico Maggiore
Isabella of Clermont
Joanna of Aragon
among others...
Alfonso II, King of Naples
Eleanor, Duchess of Bari and Ferrara

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