
Klaus Oeggl

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cultural landscape in the Alps. In his work Oeggl pursues a multi- and interdisciplinary research approach with archaeological and scientific disciplines, because the genesis of cultural landscapes and the development of the recent vegetation cover is subject to multifactorial abiotic and biotic processes. His preferred applied methods are pollen analyses, plant macro-remain analysis and geochemistry providing the basis for hypothesis-tests and model-validation. He is known for his studies on the life-circumstances of the Neolithic Iceman "
113: 27: 68: 488:
SCHMIDL A. & OEGGL K. 2007: Ernährung und Wirtschaftsweise der Siedler am Ganglegg bei Schluderns während der Bronze- und Eisenzeit - paläoethnobotanische Untersuchungen. In: Steiner H. (ed): Die befestigte Höhensiedlung am Ganglegg im Vinschgau – Südtirol. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen 1997 –2001
Anreiter, P.; Goldenberg, G.; Hanke, K.; Krause, R.; Leitner, W.; Mathis, F.; Nicolussi, K.; Oeggl, K.; Pernicka, E.; Prast, M.; Schibler, J.; Schneider, I.; Stadler, H.; Stöllner, T.; Tomedi, G.; Tropper, P. (eds) 2010: Mining in European History and its Impact on Environment and Human Societies.
Schibler J., Breitenlechner E., Deschler-Erb S., Goldenberg G., Hanke K., Hiebel G., Hüster Plogmann H., Nicolussi K., Marti-Grädel E., Pichler S., Schmidl A., Schwarz S., Stopp B. & Oeggl K. 2011: Miners and mining in the Late Bronze Age: a multidisciplinary study from Austria. Antiquity 85:
Schibler J., Breitenlechner E., Deschler-Erb S., Goldenberg G., Hanke K., Hiebel G., Hüster Plogmann H., Nicolussi K., Marti-Grädel E., Pichler S., Schmidl A., Schwarz S., Stopp B. & Oeggl K. 2011: Miners and mining in the Late Bronze Age: a multidisciplinary study from Austria. Antiquity 85:
292:, where he graduated in 1981. In 1987 he obtained his doctorate in botany. Between 1982 and 1983 Klaus Oeggl taught at secondary schools. In 1983 he changed to Innsbruck University, where he started as lector at the Institute of Botany first. Then followed employments as university assistant of 320:
Oeggl is engaged in the interaction between man and plants in the past. His studies range from the dispersal of crops, the diet and agriculture of prehistoric men, the reconstruction of the vegetation and environment in the surroundings of prehistoric settlements to the emergence of the recent
Oeggl K. & Nicolussi K. 2009: Prähistorische Besiedlung von zentralen Alpentälern in Bezug zur Klimaentwicklung. in: Schmid R., Matulla C., Psenner R. (eds.): Klimawandel in Österreich. Die letzten 20 000 Jahre ….und ein Blick voraus. Innsbruck university press. alpine space – man and
325:". More recently he scrutinized the paleoecological and socio-economic impact of ancient mining in the Alps in the research center HiMAT of Innsbruck University. Oeggl expedited his studies in 45 research projects supported by the EU, Austrian Science Foundation, museums and communities. 525:
WAHLMĂśLLER N. & OEGGL K. 2009: Der Mensch und die Umwelt vom Neolithikum bis heute. Ein Beitrag der Pollenanalyse zur Siedlungsgeschichte des Montafon. In: Rollinger R. & Rudigier A. (Eds.): Montafon. Geschichte, Kultur und Naturlandschaft. Band 2: 50 -
Festi D., Tecchiat U., Steiner H., Oeggl K. 2011: The Late Neolithic settlement of Latsch, northern Italy: subsistence of a settlement contemporary with the Alpine Iceman, and located in his valley of origin. Vegetation History & Archaeobotany 20: 367 –
DICKSON J.H., OEGGL K., HOLDEN T. G., HANDLEY L. L., O´CONNELL T. C. & PRESTON T. 2000: The Omnivorous Tyrolean Iceman: Colon Contents (Meat, Cereals, Pollen, Moss and Whipworm) and Stable Isotope Analyses. Phil. Trans. R. Society London B 355: 1843 –
Breitenlechner E., Goldenberg G., Lutz J., Oeggl K. 2013: The impact of prehistoric mining activities on the environment: a multidisciplinary study at the fen Schwarzenbergmoos (Brixlegg, Tyrol, Austria). Vegetation History & Archaeobotany. 22: 351 -
Oeggl K. 2013: Die Vegetations- und Siedlungsgeschichte im mittleren Unterinntal seit dem Neolithikum. In: Montanwerke Brixlegg AG, Oeggl K. & Schaffer V. (eds): Cuprum Tyrolense.5550 Jahre Bergbau und KupferverhĂĽttung in Tirol. Edition Tirol: 29 -
Oeggl K., Kofler W., Schmidl A., Dickson J.H., Egarter-Vigl E., Gaber O. 2007: The reconstruction of the last itinerary of "Ötzi", the Neolithic Iceman, by pollen analyses from sequentially sampled gut extracts. Quaternary Science Reviews 26: 853 –
Oeggl K., Kofler W., Schmidl A., Dickson J.H., Egarter-Vigl E., Gaber O. 2007: The reconstruction of the last itinerary of "Ă–tzi", the Neolithic Iceman, by pollen analyses from sequentially sampled gut extracts. Quaternary Science Reviews 26: 853 -
Dickson J.H., Oeggl K., Holden T. G., Handley L. L., O´Connell T. C. & Preston T. 2000: The Omnivorous Tyrolean Iceman: Colon Contents (Meat, Cereals, Pollen, Moss and Whipworm) and Stable Isotope Analyses. Phil. Trans. R. Society London B 355:
Schmidl A. & Oeggl K. 2005: Subsistence strategies of two hilltop settlements in the Eastern Alps - Friaga/Bartholomäberg (Vorarlberg, Austria) and Ganglegg/Schluderns (South Tyrol, Italy). Vegetation History & Archaeobotany, 14: 303 -
Oeggl K. 1998: Palynologische Untersuchungen aus dem Bereich des römischen Bohlenweges bei Lermoos, Tirol. In: Walde E. (ed): Via Claudia. Neue Forschungen. Institut für Klassische Archäologie der Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck: 147 –
Breitenlechner, E.; Hilber, M.; Lutz, J.; Kathrein, Y.; Unterkircher, A.; Oeggl, K. 2010: The impact of mining activities on the environment reflected by pollen, charcoal and geochemical analyses. Journal of Archaeological Science 37: 1458 –
Schmidl A., Kofler W., Notburga Oeggl-Wahlmüller & Oeggl K. 2005: Land use in the Eastern Alps during the Bronze Age – An archaeobotanical case study of a hill-top settlement in the Montafon (Western Austria). Archaeometry, 47: 455 –
Breitenlechner, E.; Hilber, M.; Lutz, J.; Kathrein, Y.; Unterkircher, A.; Oeggl, K. 2010: The impact of mining activities on the environment reflected by pollen, charcoal and geochemical analyses. Journal of Archaeological Science 37:
Kofler W. & Oeggl K. 2010: Pollenanalytische Untersuchungen zur Vegetations-, Klima- und Siedlungsgeschichte des Ultentales. in: Steiner H. (ed): Alpine Brandopferplätze. Forschungen zur Denkmalpflege in Südtirol, Band IV: 735 –
Aspöck W., Boehnke N., Kofler W., Oeggl K.. Stöllner T. 2007: The Dürrnberg Miners during the Iron Age – New Results by Interdisciplinary Approach. Beiträge zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Mitteleuropas 47: 109 –
Behre K.-E. & Oeggl K. 1996 (eds.): Early Farming in the Old World. Recent Advances in Archaeobotanical Research. Special Volume of Vegetation History & Archaeobotany. Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Festi D., Putzer A., Oeggl K.: Mid and late Holocene land-use changes in the Ă–tztal Alps, territory of the Neolithic Iceman "Ă–tzi". Quaternary International 2013 DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2013.07.052
Schwarz A. S., Krause R. Oeggl K. 2013: Anthracological analysis from a mining site in the Eastern Alps to evaluate woodland uses during the Bronze Age. BAR International Series 2486: 241 – 250
Schwarz A. S., Krause R. Oeggl K. 2013: Anthracological analysis from a mining site in the Eastern Alps to evaluate woodland uses during the Bronze Age. BAR International Series 2486: 241 – 250
OEGGL K. & N. WAHLMÜLLER 1994: The Environment of a High Alpine Mesolithic Camp Site in Austria. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Contribution Series, 29:147 – 160
Oeggl K. & N. WahlmĂĽller 1994: The Environment of a High Alpine Mesolithic Camp Site in Austria. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Contribution Series, 29:147 - 160
Schmidl A., Jacomet S., Oeggl K. (2007): Distribution patterns of cultivated plants in the Eastern Alps (Central Europe) during Iron Age. - Journal of Archaeological Science, 34, 243-254
Schmidl A., Jacomet S., Oeggl K. (2007): Distribution patterns of cultivated plants in the Eastern Alps (Central Europe) during Iron Age. - Journal of Archaeological Science, 34, 243-254
Oeggl K. & U. Eicher 1989: Pollen- and oxygen-isotope analyses of late- and postglacial sediments from the Schwemm raised bog near Walchsee in Tirol, Austria. Boreas, 18: 245 - 253
Oeggl K., Schmidl A., Kolfer W., (2009): Origin and seasonality of subfossil dung from the Iceman´s discovery site (Eastern Alps). Vegetation History & Archaeobotany, 18: 37 - 46.
and archaeobotany, leading the research group of the same name at the Institute of Botany. He retired in 2020. In the context of his teaching activities he was guest lecturer at the
Oeggl K. & Unterfrauner S. 2000: Die Pflanzengroßreste des Riss/Würm-Interglazials und des Würmglazials von Mondsee. Mitteilungen der Kommission für Quartärfoschung 12: 93 – 121
Oeggl K. 1992: Sediment- und Makrofossilanalysen aus dem Lanser See in Tirol (Austria): Ein Beitrag zur spätglazialen Bio- und Chronostratigraphie der Ostalpen. Flora, 186: 43 - 62.
Heiss A. & Oeggl K. (2009): The plant remains from the Iceman´s find spot – new results on the glacier mummy´s environment. Vegetation History & Archaeobotany, 18: 23 - 35.
Oeggl K. (2009): The significance of the Tyrolean Iceman for the Archaeobotany of Central Europe. Vegetation History & Archaeobotany, 18: 1 - 11. DOI: 10.1007/s00334-008-0186-2
Goldenberg G., Töchterle U., Oeggl K. & Krenn-Leeb A. (eds) 2011: Forschungsprogramm HiMAT. Neues zur Bergbaugeschichte der Ostalpen. Archäologie Österreichs Spezial 4
293: 449:
OEGGL K. 2000: The Diet of the Iceman. in: Bortenschlager S. & Oeggl K. (eds.): The Iceman and his natural environment. The Man in the Ice Vol. 4: 89 – 115
Oeggl K. 2009: Die Paläoökologie des historischen und prähistorischen Bergbaus in den Ostalpen. Berichte der Reinhold Tüxen-Gesellschaft, 21: 241 – 252
Oeggl K. (2009): The significance of the Tyrolean Iceman for the Archaeobotany of Central Europe. Vegetation History & Archaeobotany, 18: 1-11.
Bortenschlager S. & Oeggl K. (eds.) 2000: The Iceman and his natural environment. The Man in the Ice Vol. 4. Springer Verlag, Wien - New York
Bortenschlager S. & Oeggl K. (eds.) 2000: The Iceman and his natural environment. The Man in the Ice Vol. 4. Springer Verlag, Wien - New York
OEGGL K. 1994: Vor- und frĂĽhgeschichtliches Getreide im mittleren Alpenraum. in: Rachewiltz S. (ed.) Korn und Mahlsteine. Bozen: 37 - 50
Proceedings for the 1st Mining in European History-Conference of the SFB HiMAT (12.-15.11.2009, Innsbruck). innsbruck university press.
642: 637: 647: 489:(Bronze/Urnenfelderzeit) und naturwissenschaftliche Beiträge. Forschungen zur Denkmalpflege in Südtirol Band 3: 511 – 589 80: 305: 672: 169: 151: 54: 309: 129: 88: 122: 84: 40: 296:
at this institute. In 1997 he became associate professor. Since 2011 he was holding a professorship of
652: 289: 237: 667: 657: 566: 662: 301: 264:. He is well known for his studies on the life-circumstances and on the environment of the 8: 133: 46: 677: 128:
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A major contributor to this article appears to have a
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University of Innsbruck
Earth sciences
University of Innsbruck
Sigmar Bortenschlager
University of Bergen
Suranaree University of Technology
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

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