
Late Antiquity and Medieval sites in Kosovo

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490:. At the Berisha neighborhood, at the site known by the locals as "Bahçe" initially in 2004 and then later in several excavation campaigns, graves within an Early Medieval necropolis were unearthed. Over a dozen graves, in majority in a good and well preserved condition and intact human remains have been excavated and recorded here, except two skeletons which were beheaded. The grave orientations were westeast (respectively the head toward west and the feat toward east). A considerable amount of the fragmented pottery of either glazed medieval but also few prehistoric date fragments of ceramics have been collected here. However, what draws the attention at this site is that the Arbër culture witnessed which is mainly composed of; jewelry, weaponry, working tools, pottery and rare glass jars which were part of the grave goods collected in this place. Rewardingly, the grave goods within the burials were very rich especially with the jewelry discovered here. Among the most distinguished findings where; bronze rings, bracelets (one of them is twist decorated) a coin with a hole that might indicate that was used together with a necklace and a pair of bronze 243:. The total surface of the fortress, also counting along the circular walls/ ramparts, measures around 1.3 hectares of the inner space of the stronghold. The archaeological excavations at this site were conducted in several seasons, commencing in 2005 and were carried out systematically until 2009. Nonetheless, several conservations and consolidations of the circuit walls were done in order to preserve the remains. During the archaeological five season's works, numerous remains and foundations of sacral, profane and utilitarian buildings were discovered. In regard, the entire outer sides of the rampart with towers at the axes were unearthed, as well as a church with three naves and a Saskrity are discovered, but also two almost identical structures in a rounded shape of an unknown sacral complex has been uncovered, as well. On the other hand, vast movable archaeological material composed of; metal made working tools, jewelry, coins, bricks, glass fragments and architectural structures, all clear indications that pinpoint to the 510:. Besides the grave gods which are a rich archaeological material, respectively precious artifacts, an important documentation in archaeological record, are the physical remains (human remains, skeletons) that from the anthropological aspect offer important information on the buried persons at this necropolis. Earlier village of Matičane, today neighborhood of Pristina, is known in the archaeological literature on the occasion of the discovery and recording of the necropolis known as the Matiçani i Poshtëm old cemetery, this later on confirmed based on the material culture and archaeological chronology, this site is dated in the time frame from 10th to 11th century AD. Furthermore, the distinguished necropolis, witnessed mortal remains graves/burials of the local autochthonous Christian population. Rich and abundant grave goods, respectively versatile archaeological material recorded here are composed mainly of woman jewelry of the highest quality and good material, it identifies the flourishing past of this region. 446:, is sited on top of the Zatrič hill, with the highest altitude of 1039 meters above the sea level. This 'fortified town' of a multilayer settlement type, was erected in a perimeter line which follows the terrain contour; location chosen which is naturally protected and integrated with the man made constructed protection system. Traces of the fragmented pottery have been found in the entire fortified area, as well at the "Arat e Gradishtës" (Gradishta fields) found at the terraced plateaus nearby the fortress. Earthen ware fragmented dishes, of different dates have been found here, like: Iron Age, Hellenistic Period, Late Antique, and Medieval. Nonetheless, this archaeological center, respectively, characteristic fortification site, is unique, where an Italian specialist for the ancient rock art studies, has identified symbols and signs that were evaluated to be a creation of the humans before at least 7 millenniums. 201:. Archaeological excavations conducted here in 2010, unearthed remains and foundations of a church with small dimensions, typical for the early Christian period (4th–6th century AD). Close to the church, a necropolis is set that is most probably linked to the settlement sited in the upper part of the hill. Excavations carried in the church, revealed a large type of crypt grave, measuring: 2.80m in length, 1.40m in width and 1.40m in height, constructed in the shape of a semicircular arch or vault. The grave is oriented east–west and at the western side a small entry gate of 0.6m, in height, with an archway has been recorded. Nonetheless, the crypt/grave was constructed with tough stones, and what is interesting, inside the unearthed grave, intact mortal remains of a male was discovered, buried according to the Christian rites. 548:(New Mountain). The Medieval town was a mining center and up to the present days, remains of the walls, watch towers and foundations of several other sacral monuments within the area of the fortress are still preserved. The Novo Brdo fortress is composed by; the Upper Town and the Lower Town, built on the Novo Brdo hill. The Novo Brdo Upper Town, was erected on top of the hill, while below, toward west, the Lower Town stretches in a wide countryside territory. The fortress has access only from the eastern part, whereas from the other parts the hills are steep and inclining toward the walleye. Toward the eastern part, the terrain gradually raises what makes possible to pass to a lower hill in a plateau whereas ruins of a large medieval church of cathedral type are to be found. 466:. The fortress is located on top of the Veletin hill, reaching the highest elevation of 970 meters above the sea level. Great geostrategic position of the stronghold, clear surveillance on the western part that visually communicates with Ulpiana, which is set on a low land, makes this fort a very important site for the entire surrounding archaeological area. Archaeological excavations carried out here during the eighties, resulted with the fact that the fortress was constructed and reconstructed and was in use since the earlier times, while the ore exploitation and ancient mining was a major economical income commencing from prehistoric periods, continuously through Roman, 265:
visible, whose walls are partially preserved up to ten meters height. In regard, the tower watch is constructed in rectangularform measuring eight by eight meters. Likewise, at the corners of the ramparts, smaller dimension towers are set. In the western, northern and northeastern angles of the fortification walls, the small towers go up to four meters height. The inner space of the fortification has a total area of approximately 1.2 hectares and it is typical construction for the period of the Emperor Justinian the Great (6th century AD), respectively, the Podgrađe fortress takes part in the frame of the net fortifications erected in
310:. The site was reused as a necropolis during the medieval period. The fortress area was under three archaeological researches; in 1986, trial trenches were carried out here, reflecting a general overview of this site. Archaeological investigations continued in 2010 and again in 2011, discovering an area of just about 500 square meters, these excavations brought to light an early Christian church and other exclusive movable archaeological material composed of; iron working tools, earthen ware, jewelry, earrings, bracelets, coins, etc. 575:, labyrinth corridors, depots, and other accompanying inner rooms and dwellings. In the aspect of construction, the fortress is divided in three different complexes which are known as the; Upper Town, Lower Town and Southern Town. While on the fortification aspect phases, the fortress was used in different periods like; Antiquity, Byzantine Period, Medieval Period and Ottoman Period rule. The Prizren Kalaja is one of the most valuable monuments of the Kosovo cultural and historical heritage and is also known as the 'Open Museum'. 383:, at the decreased area up to maximum 684 meters above the sea level, at the site known as the 'Vranjak' remains of a fortress have been recorded, whereas, a wall of up to 1.7 m wide and 2.5-3m height was recorded. The wall was constructed by the use of local stones bonded with lime mortar and positioned above the natural rocks. Whereas, up in the hill, the wall of the fortress is preserved in line of 50–60 m length, that follows the contours of the hill. The fortress communicates through a slope with the Llanishta village. 213:, on the left side of the Mirusha river shore, an archaeological site known by the toponymy 'Trojet e Vjetra' is found. This archaeological site has a character of a burial mound (tumulus) and was erected during the Iron Age, but reused during the Early Medieval period. Investigations, respectively archaeological excavations were carried out at this location in 2005, which resulted with confirmation of graves identification, constructed with stone slabs and very rich with grave goods. Among the most important findings, 571:
with all these factors emphases the monumental values of this cultural entity. The fortress of the Kaljaja is situated on a dominant hill at the eastern part of the town of Prizren, set on a strategic position, contoured with lines that follow distinguished features of the terrain natural morphology. Archaeological excavations were carried out here in 1969 and then again in 2004, 2009–2011; which resulted with the discovery of the infrastructure, which incorporates rampart walls enforced with towers,
22: 1142: 81: 168: 278:
located inside the fortress has an apse oriented toward the east. Inside the church, traces of a cintron are constructed in the form of stairs and in the shape of trapeze. Within the altar area of the church parts of the banisters were documented. The movable archaeological material, abundant and diverse findings were recorded here, which, besides the
326:, placed in a very dominant position, traces of ruins that follow the terrain configuration of the hill are observable. In fact, there are two forts, one known as the Gjyteti i Madh and Gjyteti i Vogël (big fort and small fort). The collected and recorded archaeological material, confirm human activity since 371:. The Llapushnik fortress was characterized with a stronghold fortification measuring 200 with 300 meters. The circuit defense walls were up to 2 meters wide and guarded by side towers. The "fortress tower" measured 10 x 10 meters, and around the site, Late Antique tiles are scattered all over the place. 150:
in general see a migration of new people in its territories, and even though not in peace, see a period of progression. The old knowledge of the Classics is not lost nor forgotten, and a new development in art and architecture starts. This puts Kosovo in an interesting position being that it becomes
The archaeological excavations conducted in two seasons; 2002 and 2004 at the Korisha fortress located at the area known by the toponymy as the 'Gralishta' hill, revealed contours and documented the plan of an early Christian church of the 6th century AD. The Korisha early Christian church which is
or Prizren Fortress, which during its existence for many centuries from the ancientness up to nowadays, carries multiple and evident traces of colourful cultural heritage. Kaljaja of Prizren due to the extraordinary good geostrategic position, structural integrity and the wide observation horizon,
period. Traces of the walls set in the shape of the cascades which incline up to the top of the hill, are noticeable at the Gradina hillside. Even in the present days, traces of the forts towers and ramparts are visible, measuring up to two meters wide walls. Based on the terrain configuration and
Below we will see some of the settlements and fortresses in Kosovo. Being that this is an archaeological article, we excluded the sacral monuments, but it would be interesting to study them as well, considering their age and continuous use, since the first days of Christianity until today, through
On top of a hill around 500 meters above the sea level, in the northern part of the Cërmjan village, in one geostrategic position, the Suka e Cërmjanit is positioned, an archeological site known also as the Castel of Cërmjan. The fortification walls follow the contour line of the rocky terrain
and below the Podgrađe hill flows the river of Binačka Morava. The plan of the citadel of the Podgrađe fortress has a shape of irregular pentagonal, while, the southern wall of the central tower served as a fortifying wall for the citadel. On the highest part, remains of a watchtower are still
The filigran artisan work in gold, silver and gems with Byzantine imitations of the jewelry certainly present the work of a skilled local goldsmith, but also illustrates creative artistic talent and on the other hand, reflects on the welfare and high economical and social status of the late
306:(Theranda), witnessed to be a multilayer archaeological center that continued to exist from the prehistoric times, more precisely, from a Copper Age as a fortified settlement and then reused and rebuilt into a stronghold during the reign of the emperor 247:
date and especially typical for the Justinian Period. Also, at this fortress traces of prehistoric periods have been evidenced, especially emphasizing the metal periods, but it continued to exist all through antiquity and up to the Medieval Period.
by editing this article to remove any non-free copyrighted content and attributing free content correctly, or flagging the content for deletion. Please be sure that the supposed source of the copyright violation is not itself a
Luan Përzhita, Kemajl Luci, Gëzim Hoxha, Adem Bunguri, Fatmir Peja, Tomor Kastrati. "Harta Arkeologjike e Kosovës vëllimi 1/ Archaeological Map of Kosovo vol.1" Akademia e Shkencave dhe e Arteve e Kosovës, Prishtinë 2006,
styles of life, philosophy, religion and architecture. We also see during this tumultuous period the building of many fortifications to protect the population from the uncertainties of conquest from abroad.
529: 231:
The Ariljača fortress/castle (4th–6th century AD), is situated on top of the hill known by the local toponymy as the Gradina – Ariljača, set in an erased and dominant position, west from the
date, although based on the earlier archaeological documentation, remains of a prehistoric date, respectively the occupation commencing from Iron Period continued uninterrupted until the
with the acceptance and spread of Christianity, and continues as a tumultuous period because of the different barbaric invasions that plague the empire at that time, be that by
566:, unique in position, dwelling structures and vernacular architecture, among tens of other monuments of culture recorded here, is known for a unique fortress known as 115:, etc. Kosovo was always in an interesting strategic position, being situated between the old-world East and West, at that time the eastern and western Roman empire. 967: 260:
is situated at the area of the Podgrađe village, positioned on a low hill of 567 meters above sea level. The fortress is located around 10 kilometers southwest of
922: 880:
Milot Berisha. "Archaeological Guide of Kosovo", Kosovo Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports and Archaeological Institute of Kosovo, Prishtine 2012, Print
village. The fortress is located in an altitude of maximum 766 meters above the sea level, and is approximately sited 9 km southeast from the town of
294:, jars, jugs, etc. were discovered, of the Late Antique date, which confirms occupancy of the fortress and the church during the 4th–6th century AD. 862:
Nicholas Marquez Grant, Linda Fibiger. "Kosovo" The Routledge Handbook of Archaeological Human Remains and Legislation, Taylor & Francis, 2011,
is visible toward north-northeast and toward the south the countryside of hills and fields are visible up to the verge of the Pashtrik Mountains.
period. Nonetheless, this Fortress was typical for the period of the Late Antiquity as it served as a defense system for the local population.
504: 960: 916: 240: 1120: 614: 302:
The archaeological site, respectively the fortification of the Kasterc, positioned more or less 12 kilometers northwest from the town of
Cultural Heritage Without Borders. "An Archaeological Map of the Historic Zone of Prizren", CHwB Kosovo office, Report Series No.2/2006.
configuration in a surface of around 1.3 hectares. The Suka e Cërmjanit castle has all the features of a fortified settlement of the
32: 1166: 1145: 953: 47: 1032: 355:
evidenced remains, presumable at this location, in the past, a cult object used to exist and served to the local population.
jewelry made of bronze like rings, bracelets, and necklaces with a symbol of Christian crosses were recorded and documented.
594: 346:
is known for the existence of a fortress set at the Gradina hill, a fortress which was used in continuity since prehistory,
540:, the ruins of the medieval town and fortress of Novo Brdo are to be seen. Based on the written sources discovered so far, 1017: 927:
Philip L. Kohl, Clare Fawcett, "Nationalism, Politics and the Practice of Archaeology", Cambridge University Press, 1995,
1027: 923:,14937,en.html
date, the fragments of pottery of the Middle Bronze Age were evidenced also, which most probably are related with the
1171: 940: 910: 889: 875: 655: 997: 1070: 1060: 151:
a bridge through which we see these different influences of civilization happen, whereas we see an influence of
in Kosovo brings different currents of change that reverberate and affect it as well as the whole extent of the
1012: 932: 902: 867: 322:, which is located at the verge of the Kasmaç Mountain, situated around 12 km southwest from the town of 1065: 1055: 400:. The castle has a distinctive site setting while can visually communicate with; Dollc and Jerina castles of 138:. They bring a breath of fresh air to the antiquated system of government of Rome and replace the capital to 604: 180:
which is built on top of an ancient Christian basilica, a continuation of the ancient town of Municipium
52: 917:
849:,Prishtinë, Kosovo Archaeological Institute and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, 2012, Pg.94–95. 637:,Prishtinë, Kosovo Archaeological Institute and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, 2012, Pg.77–78. 1115: 609: 266: 1176: 836:,Prishtinë, Kosovo Archaeological Institute and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, 2012, Pg.93. 823:,Prishtinë, Kosovo Archaeological Institute and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, 2012, Pg.92. 810:,Prishtinë, Kosovo Archaeological Institute and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, 2012, Pg.91. 797:,Prishtinë, Kosovo Archaeological Institute and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, 2012, Pg.90. 784:,Prishtinë, Kosovo Archaeological Institute and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, 2012, Pg.89. 771:,Prishtinë, Kosovo Archaeological Institute and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, 2012, Pg.88. 758:,Prishtinë, Kosovo Archaeological Institute and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, 2012, Pg.86. 742:,Prishtinë, Kosovo Archaeological Institute and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, 2012, Pg.85. 726:,Prishtinë, Kosovo Archaeological Institute and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, 2012, Pg.83. 713:,Prishtinë, Kosovo Archaeological Institute and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, 2012, Pg.82. 697:,Prishtinë, Kosovo Archaeological Institute and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, 2012, Pg.81. 684:,Prishtinë, Kosovo Archaeological Institute and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, 2012, Pg.80. 671:,Prishtinë, Kosovo Archaeological Institute and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, 2012, Pg.79. 491: 367:
region, set close to the Llapushnik outfall, located about 10 km southwest from the town of
152: 454:
Veletin fortress is situated around five kilometers southeast from the archaeological site of
257: 177: 1045: 976: 599: 96: 74: 1050: 544:
was mentioned for the first time at the first decades of the 14th century AD, with the name
589: 519: 127: 119: 40: 8: 319: 987: 462:, set on a hilly part of the Shashkoc village which is an 'island' of Municipality of 936: 928: 915:
Besiana Xharra, Source: Balkan Insight, "Kosovo's Lost City Rises From Earthy Tomb",
906: 898: 885: 871: 863: 651: 650:, vëllimi. 1, Prishtinë, Akademia e Shkencave dhe e Arteve e Kosovës, 2006, Pg. 198, 567: 557: 439: 397: 351: 286:
site situated only few hundred meters northeast from the fortress. Nonetheless, many
100: 646:
Luan Përzhita, Kemajl Luci, Gëzim Hoxha, Adem Bunguri, Fatmir Peja, Tomor Kastrati,
1037: 1022: 1002: 226: 945: 108: 1007: 393: 347: 279: 244: 214: 197:
The village of Vrela is situated approximately 7 km west from the town of
160: 139: 88: 1160: 198: 21: 487: 467: 435: 236: 92: 897:
Gail Warrander, Verena Knaus. "Kosovo 2nd ed." Bradt Travel Guides, 2011,
142:, which brings forth a new surge of civilization and knowledge. While the 122:, we see an intriguing development where some of the emperors of Rome are 471: 327: 143: 1090: 409: 232: 210: 525: 507: 283: 135: 992: 482:
The rural settlement of the Grabocit i Ulët, is positioned nearby the
380: 584: 572: 541: 463: 307: 303: 209:
The village of Mališevska Banja, situated southeast from the town of
156: 131: 123: 1075: 443: 425: 413: 1100: 537: 533: 431: 331: 323: 272: 261: 176:
different creeds and nationalities. As an example we will take the
1095: 1085: 563: 483: 459: 455: 364: 287: 181: 147: 80: 368: 363:
The Llapushnik fortress is situated at the mountainous area of
291: 405: 1080: 401: 343: 112: 104: 167: 412:
is visible in the horizon towards southwest, fortress of
This majority of content of this article, if not all
975: 921:Tom Derrick, "Ulpiana: Digging in Kosovo" source: 84:Late Antiquity and Medieval Period sites in Kosovo 750: 748: 734: 732: 705: 703: 536:and approximately, 39 kilometers south-east from 458:and approximately, 1.5 kilometers northwest from 386: 1158: 273:Korisha Fortress with The Early Christian Church 745: 729: 700: 486:river, around 9 km west from the town of 961: 241:Pristina International Airport "Adem Jashari" 615:Copper, Bronze and Iron Age Sites in Kosovo 968: 954: 166: 79: 430:Remains of the fortified settlement of 404:up north, with Radavc and Jablanica of 171:Entrance of the Monastery of Gracanica. 146:is in full swing in Europe, Kosovo and 1159: 358: 269:during the end of the Late Antiquity. 949: 374: 251: 15: 449: 297: 220: 204: 13: 524:On a smaller mountain set between 14: 1188: 1018:Greater and Lesser Forts in Vučak 532:, around 30–35 km west from 503:(deceased) persons buried at the 477: 337: 313: 1141: 1140: 239:and only 2 kilometers west from 130:. To list a few prominent ones: 73:Part of series of articles upon 20: 856: 839: 826: 813: 800: 787: 774: 761: 1167:Archaeological sites in Kosovo 1028:Illyrian Tombs of Boka-Përçeva 1013:Archaeological Site of Dresnik 977:Archaeological sites in Kosovo 847:Archaeological Guide of Kosovo 834:Archaeological Guide of Kosovo 821:Archaeological Guide of Kosovo 808:Archaeological Guide of Kosovo 795:Archaeological Guide of Kosovo 782:Archaeological Guide of Kosovo 769:Archaeological Guide of Kosovo 756:Archaeological Guide of Kosovo 740:Archaeological Guide of Kosovo 724:Archaeological Guide of Kosovo 716: 711:Archaeological Guide of Kosovo 695:Archaeological Guide of Kosovo 687: 682:Archaeological Guide of Kosovo 674: 669:Archaeological Guide of Kosovo 661: 640: 635:Archaeological Guide of Kosovo 627: 387:Suka e Cërmjanit Fortification 187: 1: 620: 46:Please review the source and 648:Harta Arkeologjike e Kosovës 605:Roman Period Sites in Kosovo 513: 379:Around 1 km south from 41:Knowledge's copyright policy 7: 578: 497: 95:. It starts at the time of 10: 1193: 555: 551: 517: 423: 224: 99:, who was born in ancient 1136: 1109: 983: 610:Neolithic Sites in Kosovo 419: 1172:Historic sites in Kosovo 1121:Copper, Bronze, Iron Age 192: 118:With the decline of the 595:Roman cities in Illyria 35:from another location, 408:castles up northwest, 172: 85: 1046:Municipium Dardanorum 600:Archaeology of Kosovo 562:The historic town of 398:Early Medieval Period 170: 97:Constantine the Great 83: 75:Archaeology of Kosovo 590:Dardanians (Balkans) 520:Novo Brdo (fortress) 120:western Roman Empire 1126:Antiquity, Medieval 359:Llapushnik Fortress 178:Gračanica monastery 134:, Constantine, and 1051:Nerodimë e Poshtme 375:Llanishta Fortress 318:At the village of 173: 86: 1154: 1153: 558:Kaljaja (Prizren) 252:Podgrađe Fortress 70: 69: 33:copied and pasted 1184: 1144: 1143: 1038:Korisha Fortress 1023:Harilaq Fortress 1003:Dardana Fortress 970: 963: 956: 947: 946: 850: 843: 837: 830: 824: 817: 811: 804: 798: 791: 785: 778: 772: 765: 759: 752: 743: 736: 727: 720: 714: 707: 698: 691: 685: 678: 672: 665: 659: 644: 638: 631: 472:Medieval Periods 450:Veletin Fortress 298:Kasterc Fortress 256:The fortress of 227:Harilaq Fortress 221:Harilaq Fortress 205:Mališevska Banja 65: 62: 56: 53:Knowledge mirror 39:in violation of 24: 16: 1192: 1191: 1187: 1186: 1185: 1183: 1182: 1181: 1177:Illyrian Kosovo 1157: 1156: 1155: 1150: 1132: 1105: 979: 974: 859: 854: 853: 845:Milot Berisha, 844: 840: 832:Milot Berisha, 831: 827: 819:Milot Berisha, 818: 814: 806:Milot Berisha, 805: 801: 793:Milot Berisha, 792: 788: 780:Milot Berisha, 779: 775: 767:Milot Berisha, 766: 762: 754:Milot Berisha, 753: 746: 738:Milot Berisha, 737: 730: 722:Milot Berisha, 721: 717: 709:Milot Berisha, 708: 701: 693:Milot Berisha, 692: 688: 680:Milot Berisha, 679: 675: 667:Milot Berisha, 666: 662: 645: 641: 633:Milot Berisha, 632: 628: 623: 581: 560: 554: 522: 516: 500: 480: 452: 442:'Gradishta' of 428: 422: 389: 377: 361: 342:The village of 340: 316: 300: 275: 254: 229: 223: 207: 195: 190: 66: 60: 57: 45: 25: 12: 11: 5: 1190: 1180: 1179: 1174: 1169: 1152: 1151: 1149: 1148: 1137: 1134: 1133: 1131: 1130: 1129: 1128: 1123: 1118: 1110: 1107: 1106: 1104: 1103: 1098: 1093: 1088: 1083: 1078: 1073: 1068: 1063: 1058: 1053: 1048: 1043: 1040: 1035: 1033:Kllokot-Vërban 1030: 1025: 1020: 1015: 1010: 1008:Duboc Fortress 1005: 1000: 995: 990: 984: 981: 980: 973: 972: 965: 958: 950: 944: 943: 925: 919: 913: 895: 892: 881: 878: 858: 855: 852: 851: 838: 825: 812: 799: 786: 773: 760: 744: 728: 715: 699: 686: 673: 660: 639: 625: 624: 622: 619: 618: 617: 612: 607: 602: 597: 592: 587: 580: 577: 556:Main article: 553: 550: 518:Main article: 515: 512: 499: 496: 479: 478:Donji Grabovac 476: 451: 448: 440:Early Medieval 424:Main article: 421: 418: 388: 385: 376: 373: 360: 357: 352:Early Medieval 348:Late Antiquity 339: 338:Stroc Fortress 336: 315: 314:Vučak Fortress 312: 299: 296: 274: 271: 253: 250: 225:Main article: 222: 219: 215:Early Medieval 206: 203: 194: 191: 189: 186: 140:Constantinople 89:Late Antiquity 68: 67: 31:may have been 28: 26: 19: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 1189: 1178: 1175: 1173: 1170: 1168: 1165: 1164: 1162: 1147: 1139: 1138: 1135: 1127: 1124: 1122: 1119: 1117: 1114: 1113: 1112: 1111: 1108: 1102: 1099: 1097: 1094: 1092: 1089: 1087: 1084: 1082: 1079: 1077: 1074: 1072: 1069: 1067: 1064: 1062: 1059: 1057: 1054: 1052: 1049: 1047: 1044: 1041: 1039: 1036: 1034: 1031: 1029: 1026: 1024: 1021: 1019: 1016: 1014: 1011: 1009: 1006: 1004: 1001: 999: 996: 994: 991: 989: 986: 985: 982: 978: 971: 966: 964: 959: 957: 952: 951: 948: 942: 941:9780521558396 938: 934: 930: 926: 924: 920: 918: 914: 912: 911:9781841623313 908: 904: 900: 896: 893: 891: 890:9789951413596 887: 882: 879: 877: 876:9781136879562 873: 869: 865: 861: 860: 848: 842: 835: 829: 822: 816: 809: 803: 796: 790: 783: 777: 770: 764: 757: 751: 749: 741: 735: 733: 725: 719: 712: 706: 704: 696: 690: 683: 677: 670: 664: 657: 656:9789951413596 653: 649: 643: 636: 630: 626: 616: 613: 611: 608: 606: 603: 601: 598: 596: 593: 591: 588: 586: 583: 582: 576: 574: 569: 565: 559: 549: 547: 543: 539: 535: 531: 527: 521: 511: 509: 506: 495: 493: 489: 485: 475: 473: 469: 465: 461: 457: 447: 445: 441: 437: 433: 427: 417: 415: 411: 407: 403: 399: 395: 384: 382: 372: 370: 366: 356: 353: 349: 345: 335: 333: 329: 325: 321: 311: 309: 305: 295: 293: 289: 285: 281: 270: 268: 263: 259: 249: 246: 242: 238: 234: 228: 218: 216: 212: 202: 200: 185: 183: 179: 169: 165: 162: 158: 154: 149: 145: 141: 137: 133: 129: 125: 121: 116: 114: 110: 106: 102: 98: 94: 90: 82: 78: 77: 76: 64: 54: 49: 43: 42: 38: 34: 27: 23: 18: 17: 1125: 857:Bibliography 846: 841: 833: 828: 820: 815: 807: 802: 794: 789: 781: 776: 768: 763: 755: 739: 723: 718: 710: 694: 689: 681: 676: 668: 663: 647: 642: 634: 629: 561: 545: 523: 501: 488:Kosovo Polje 481: 468:Late Antique 453: 436:Late Antique 429: 394:Late Antique 390: 378: 362: 341: 317: 301: 280:Late Antique 276: 255: 245:Late Antique 237:Kosovo Polje 230: 208: 196: 174: 159:, and later 117: 93:Roman Empire 87: 72: 71: 61:October 2021 58: 36: 30: 546:Nuovo Monte 328:prehistoric 188:Settlements 48:remedy this 1161:Categories 933:0521558395 903:1841623318 868:1136879560 621:References 530:Kriva Reka 526:Prilepnica 508:necropolis 494:earrings. 492:granulated 330:up to the 284:Bronze Age 153:Romanesque 136:Diocletian 128:Dardanians 1116:Neolithic 1071:Poslishte 1061:Paldenica 585:Illyrians 573:casemates 542:Novo Brdo 514:Novo Brdo 464:Prishtina 308:Justinian 304:Suva Reka 288:amphora's 157:Byzantine 132:Justinian 124:Illyrians 1146:Category 1101:Vendenis 1091:Vlashnjë 1042:Llapçevë 988:Busavatë 579:See also 538:Pristina 534:Gnjilane 505:Matičane 498:Matičane 432:Iron Age 410:Đakovica 332:Medieval 324:Glogovac 267:Dardania 262:Gnjilane 258:Podgrađe 233:Ariljača 211:Mališevo 144:Dark Age 101:Dardania 37:possibly 1096:Viciano 1086:Ulpiana 1066:Pestova 1056:Nikadin 998:Çifllak 993:Cërmjan 568:Kaljaja 564:Prizren 552:Kaljaja 484:Drenica 460:Janjeva 456:Ulpiana 381:Kačanik 365:Drenica 182:Ulpiana 161:Ottoman 148:Balkans 1076:Romajë 939:  931:  909:  901:  888:  874:  866:  654:  444:Zatrič 426:Zatrič 420:Zatrič 414:Zatrič 369:Drenas 292:pithos 1081:Runik 402:Klina 344:Stroc 320:Vučak 199:Istok 193:Vrela 113:Slavs 109:Avars 105:Goths 937:ISBN 929:ISBN 907:ISBN 899:ISBN 886:ISBN 872:ISBN 864:ISBN 652:ISBN 528:and 470:and 434:and 350:and 406:Peć 126:or 1163:: 935:, 905:, 870:, 747:^ 731:^ 702:^ 474:. 290:, 184:. 155:, 111:, 107:, 969:e 962:t 955:v 658:. 438:/ 63:) 59:( 55:. 44:.


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Archaeology of Kosovo

Late Antiquity
Roman Empire
Constantine the Great
western Roman Empire
Dark Age

Gračanica monastery

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