
List of fictional elements, materials, isotopes and subatomic particles

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barrel of ice cream; a different flavor of ice cream each time. To avoid evaporation, bombastium must be kept frozen. When this totally new element is discovered Scrooge tries to secure the entire supply – a ball of "Bombastium" about the size of a large turnip. Terrified that his acquisition will melt before he can make a profit, Scrooge drags Donald Duck and his nephews on a voyage to the South Pole to safeguard his investment, but he has not reckoned on the ruthless determination of the Brutopian agents he outbid to achieve it. Bombastium represents a play on words (bomb and bombastic) that negotiates Cold War hysteria about the arms race and the threat of Armageddon due to the H-bomb. Barks' tale is also grounded in fears. The substance is later used in the
to create new kinds. Crystalline Dust is stable enough to stay out in the open, but powdered Dust is highly volatile, and must be stored in special containers for safety. Dust has a variety of uses, including as a power source for machinery such as airships and robots. Dust may also be used for combat in the form of Dust-filled bullets, as powder placed inside weapons and clothing, or in crystal form for raw power. Dust stops functioning if taken outside of the atmosphere of Remnant, so it can't be used for space travel. In the series, most of Remnant's supply of Dust comes from the Schnee Dust Company, which mines, purifies, and exports the material throughout the world.
5023:, the Pym Particles are rare subatomic particles which can alter the size and mass of objects and living beings. Originally, it was believed that the particles could only decrease & increase the size and mass of organic or inorganic matter, though after years of work by Dr Henry Pym and various others however, it could also modify the conditioning of living beings and objects. Operating on a string of Axis' that govern strength, density & height, making it the sources of a good chunk of many superhuman being's powers; enabling a users capacity for gaining physical ability on par with the likes of 2248:". The text describes it as "a grayish powder, the tiny grains of which constantly moved as if impelled by some living force". When a magician burns a small amount of gaulau, its magical activity, directed by the correct spoken words or incantations, is capable of powering magical heavy machinery, including an expanding steel column which lifts an entire underwater village (sealed under a glass dome) from the bottom of a large lake to the surface, and holds it at the surface indefinitely, until more gaulau is used to submerge the village again. 3467:
objectives to keep the opposing team from stealing the crates. It was initially known to be a clean, safe source of energy and something that could inflict supernatural abilities upon certain people who come into contact with it. Known as Radiants, they made up only a relatively small section of the global population and eventually became an accepted part of society. After a disaster in Venice, it is revealed that radianite had more destructive potential, leaving the world questioning how safe radianite actually was.
1057:: it causes a feedback loop, so the user sees a mess of possible futures. It is extremely valuable in the Final Empire, as it is both very rare and hoarded by the Lord Ruler. The only place it is found is the pits of Hathsin, where small nuggets form in geodes mined by slaves. Using allomancy near the crystals that form the geodes, destroys them. When used by a Feruchemist, it allows them to store age and, if compounded, can cause a complete stop of ageing. Its name comes from the holder of the shard, Ati. In the 83: 7161:«Ceci, Messieurs, disait-il, c'est du Xirdalium, corps cent mille fois plus radioactif que le radium. J'avouerai, entre nous, que, si j'utilise ce corps, c'est un peu pour la galerie. Ce n'est pas qu'il soit nuisible, mais la terre rayonne assez d'énergie pour qu'il soit superflu de lui en ajouter. C'est un grain de sel dans la mer. Toutefois, une légère mise en scène ne messied pas, à mon sens, dans une expérience de cette nature.» 1087:. In-game, it is a special type of weapon, and as the fuel for the rocket in the map SD_Doomsday in the Special Delivery game mode. In the bonus comics on the Team Fortress website, their role is fleshed out more; The Life-Extending machines used by The Administrator, Blutarch, Redmond, and Gray Mann are powered by Australium, and a large part of the plot revolves around hiding the vast stores of Australium. Australium, found in 237: 185: 42: 3435:
army of the Duchy of Grand Fenwick turning this tiny and technologically backward European country into the most powerful nation on Earth. Grand Fenwick then uses the threat of the Q-Bomb to force the nuclear powers to accept a nuclear disarmament agreement. In the end Dr. Kokintz discovers the Q-Bomb is actually a dud, but decides it is in the best interest of humanity to keep this fact a secret.
7188:„This, gentlemen." he said, „is Xirdalium, a body a hundred times more radio-active than radium. I am willing to own you that, if I utilize this body, it is more for show. Not that it is deleterious; but the earth radiates enough energy for me to do without adding more. It is a grain of salt thrown into the sea. Still, a little display is not unbecoming, methinks, in an experiment of this nature." 1818:, dilithium occurs in crystal form and serves as a controlling agent in the matter-antimatter reaction cores used to power the faster-than-light warp drive. In the original series, dilithium crystals are rare and cannot be replicated, making the search for them a recurring plot element. When the crystals appear in the original series they look much like 3703:
in the Elder Rune metal. In the lore of both versions of the game, the special treatment this metal gets is evident in the requirement to complete a quest assigned by the Guildmaster of the Champion's Guild in order to wear a platebody of this metal. This metal is stronger than other well-known fictional metals that also exist in the game, such as
4235:, ZX Spectrum, BBC Micro, and Amstrad CPC. Each level of the game takes place on a space dreadnought named after a different metal. The last level is named after the fictional element uridium. The cassette inlay card says the name was created by one of the game developers who thought uridium really existed. (Not to be confused with real element 4481:, it can be used for building, engineering, and much more. It has virtually unlimited tensile strength; a wide variety of colors, including transparent and tan; and even different textures. The metal is unusual in that it is composed of a noble gas, which does not typically form strong molecular structures. 1822:, an important ore of lithium. The name dilithium has led to speculation on whether it is meant as an isotope of lithium or a compound with two lithium atoms. But in a periodic table in a Next Generation episode, it is shown as an element with chemical symbol Dt and atomic number 87, which is in reality 1199:: scrith, strong enough to be used to build a ring 3×10 km in diameter; and a character deliberately bred for luck. Gerrold calls bolognium "technobabble", and cautions against overusing it, or using it carelessly; doing so harms the illusion of reality which good sci-fi needs. In the 1982 sci-fi comedy 4371:
country). It exists in two forms: one of them, the Wakandan variety, is native only to Wakanda. This isotope can absorb all vibrations in the vicinity as well as kinetic energy directed at it. The energy absorbed is stored within the bonds between the molecules that make up the substance. Therefore,
Magic metal that can absorb and negate elemental magic, at the cost of generating heat (melting the metal if it absorbs too much). This ability lets Silverstone be used for both storing magical energy to be used later and to protect people, objects, or structures from mystical attacks. Silverstone is
isotope H. Fissionable; explosive potential many times greater than plutonium. Quadium is discovered by Dr. Kokintz who uses it to build the "Q-Bomb", a doomsday device that can destroy all life on Earth. A madcap series of events results in the Q-Bomb being captured by the anachronistically medieval
2611:", a Jumbonium atom is used in 3001 for the Miss Universe competition, where it hovers above the prized tiara. According to Bob Barker (in the episode), the atom is worth $ 200,000 or, at least, somewhere between $ 200,000 and $ 200,001. Professor Farnsworth says the nucleus alone is worth $ 150,000. 1954:
Naturally occurring, crystalline energy source found in the world of Remnant. The Aura of Humans and Faunus can activate it. Dust comes in a variety of types, each with different properties such as fire, ice, wind, gravity etc. There are four main kinds; these can be blended naturally or artificially
High-energy-yielding and unpredictable extraterrestrial mineral from Anur Khufos; used as a power source. Very dangerous: those exposed to it can mutate into hideous creatures (once exposure to Corrodium is removed, the mutants return to normal). The only ones immune to its mutative effects are those
A material invented by Dr. Brazzelton, who dubs it "unobtanium" as its technical name has 37 syllables. Unobtanium is able to convert heat and pressure into energy that reinforces its own structure, allowing the construction of a vessel capable of enduring a trip to the Earth's core. In addition, it
3123:. Nth metal also protects the wearer from the elements and speeds healing of wounds, increases their strength, and protects them from temperature extremes. It has many other properties that are yet to be revealed in full. It has been implied that the apparently "magical" abilities of the Thanagarian 2736:
Preservation that makes any non-allomancer who ingests it an extremely powerful mistborn. All known samples are destroyed after the last was ingested by Elend Venture. It is the source of the Lord Ruler's and the first noble's Allomantic abilities, being found by Rashek at the well of ascension. Its
versions of red, blue, and gold. Kryptonite has been found in the real world (according to its chemical composition) but has none of the properties or color variations of fictional kryptonite. However, DC Comics had previously described kryptonite as an alien element with a higher atomic number than
codenamed Katorga-12 is sectioned off as a top secret research, mining, and refining facility. After an incident with the E99 generator, the E99 radiation is spread all over the island. E99 can warp time, mutate living organisms grotesquely, and provide a clean, if dangerous, energy source. The real
in his Terro-Human Future History series. Piper describes it as "the electron shells of the atoms collapsed upon the nuclei, the atoms in actual contact". Collapsium can only be worked by abrasion with cosmic rays. Resistant to both ordinary matter projectiles and all forms of radiation, and can be
A bright-green metal found deep beneath the jungle, implied to be the toughest ore that can be mined from the ground (topped only by Luminite, a material dropped by the final boss). True to its name, Chlorophyte has plant-themed properties, and can be used to craft armor and weapons that harness the
Elementary particle; the basic unit of consciousness. Not a constant, but is generated by and gives sentience to animals in a positive feedback loop. The human brain is a focusing mechanism for Dust. The more conscious the entity, the more Dust is around it. Permeates all universes and passes among
The rarest form of Promethium is its radioisotope, able to absorb and generate its own energy in near limitless amounts. Useful as a self-sustaining power source for many gadgets and facilities when properly used. The only drawback: "volatile Promethium" has dangerous mutagenic properties which can
Blueish metal, named after the game it features in; also commonly called 'rune'. In earlier versions of the game and the Old School game, it is the toughest workable metal, and in the main game it is both the strongest workable metal in the free-to-play version, as well as being the main ingredient
later seen in Star Trek). Inerton is totally inert to almost all forces, including light, heat, and gravity; so it is cold to the touch and always pitch black, and completely weightless and indestructible to anything except disintegrator beams (which convert matter directly to energy in the reverse
Fictional metal, used by the residents of Asgard. Has the unique properties of being both highly durable and able to hold enchantments. It has been noted that only a god can safely apply permanent enchantments. Uru's durability makes it nigh-impossible to work with, requiring either the heart of a
apprehension and/or containment of such persons, using it to build devices like batons, bullets, handcuffs, nets etc. Most of such devices were invented by the world-renowned genius Dr. Vegapunk. It can also be used to camouflage ships from the notice of the giant sea creatures called "Sea Kings".
2989:, its peculiar properties led to its use as the basis for many advanced technologies, including the Stargates themselves, of which naquadah is the primary constituent. Naquadah greatly amplifies energy, making it extremely potent if paired with explosives. It also occurs in the bloodstream of the 1392:
A material derived from alien Protomolecule, used as hull protective plating for ships. The Rocinante was one such ship upgraded to use the material, whilst other ships were constructed with it as an original part of the hull. The material itself contains no protomolecule, having been developed by
Originally appearing in Uncle Scrooge #17 (1957) by Carl Barks, Bombastium is stated to be the world's rarest element. Very coveted, but its potential use is not fully known. It tastes different every time one tries it. Scientists find that one atom of it dropped into a barrel of water becomes one
Condensed matter "computing substrate" that has the maximum computing power theoretically possible. Some authors have speculated on the possibility of turning entire planets, or even the whole universe into computronium and what this would mean for humanity, or indeed, if humanity would even be
DLC, includes gravity manipulators and personal force fields; as well as a major export; Di Ravello is able to use it as a bargaining chip when dealing with the Agency. In-game, Bavarium (at least in refined form) is shown to be highly volatile and prone to big explosions; a small Bavarium-based
The latter is proven when due to Deathstroke the Terminator's use of promethium forged weaponry and equipment; i.e. his armor, sword and possibly his gun staff made of volatile promethium, which he can use without worry due to his healing factor; had triggered latent superpower abilities in his
Martin Gardner describes Truthitonium as the invention of Ralph Cooper of Los Alamos. It is created momentarily (called a moment of Truth), by annihilating a Truthiton (a proto-proton) with a pseudo electron (a fiction), after which it degenerates releasing 2000 neutrinos and then implodes into
Teal-color metal found in the land of Northrend. Said to be created from the blood of the old god Yogg-Saron. Those who spend a long time in Saronite mines will complain of ghostly whispers and be driven to insanity. This metal is also used by the Scourge and Knights of the Ebon Blade to create
Element Zero, or "Eezo", is naturally created in dying stars and harvested from supernovas. Is used to generate the mass effect fields of many advanced technologies in the Mass Effect universe. Applying a positive or negative charge to this substance reduces or increases the mass of any objects
metal, is much sought after by the US government. Bullwinkle comes to the attention of government agents, as well as spies Boris and Natasha, after inheriting his uncle's Upsidaisium mine. The mine is located in the fictional Mt. Flatten, which floats high in the air due to the high amount of
Rare substance; "gives off a wavelength that is the same as the sea itself", making it, in effect, a solid form of sea. Any person with superhuman powers obtained from a Devil Fruit has said powers temporarily neutralized if they come into contact with Seastone. Used mainly by the Marines for
in 1918 where zombified Christian knights infect the research team. Seen throughout the 'Zombies' storyline, it powers energy weapons, zombifies (and in some cases mutates) humans, increases the abilities of humans, can bend time and space, and alters firearms. E115 is used in some way by the
Grey crystal-like substance. Has become a major part of Earth's civilization after its discovery. Is used to power and augment much of Earth's technology and is the game's main plot device; one team has to steal large amount of crates containing radianite, while the other team has to defend
Metallic element with variable properties; or in sci-fi, a substance or process invented to circumvent explanation or impossibility. Or any unspecified substance: "if not oil then beryllium, and if not beryllium then bolognium", "don't worry about whether it is mercury or lead or cadmium or
In the H.G. Wells novel, a metal created by the physicist Cavor. Blocks gravity. Thus his spacecraft is selectively immune to gravity; one can choose which heavenly bodies it falls toward, by opening or sliding outer hull Cavorite "windows or blinds". This steers, accelerates and slows the
3596:, letting players lay down logic circuitry that controls pistons, minecarts and other dynamic elements in the game. It is found as ore in deep caves. It can be used in trails of dust, compressed into solid blocks, or crafted with other materials into various mechanical components, such as 3830:
Septium are gemstones that align with one of seven elements: Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Space, Mirage, and Time. Septium is central to the function of Orbal energy, which can power appliances, vehicles, or channel elemental power in the form of "Arts", magical techniques used in combat.
785:. Despite its potential uses in armament and armature, adamantium is rarely used due to high cost and inability to be reshaped. Other forms of adamantium of varying durability are mentioned in the Marvel Universe, including Secondary Adamantium, Adamantium Beta and Carbonadium. Besides 4872:
got his powers after being dunked in a solution of titanium/vanadium alloy infused with promethium while working at Kord Industries as a foreman in its smelting plant. Retaining a metallic epidermal layer with the ability to heat up his body by several kelvin able to burn at a touch.
Promethium is a metal alloy with two quite different isotopes, "depleted" and "volatile". Promethium's properties, key among which is that it's virtually indestructible with self restorative properties; make it highly coveted by various public and clandestine interests. The mercenary
902:, where it is said that "there is the most translucent kind which is called by the name of aether (αἰθήρ)". In Greek Mythology, Aether serves as a counterpart to mortal air that the gods breathed and also serves as a primordial being serving as the personification of the upper sky. 1532:
powers of plants. It can be combined with glowing mushrooms to make Shroomite, a blue fungi-themed version of the same metal used in ranged weapons and armor, or with ectoplasm to create Spectre Bars, a glowing ghost-themed metal used in various magical weapons and mage armor.
Artificial substance. Comprises all of the giant robot Mata Nui and the beings that live inside it. Liquid protodermis functions similar to water; solid protodermis can function as earth, stone, or metal. Organic protodermis forms the biological components of the characters.
1340:, which is a main focus of the story arc. It is a powerful radioactive material sought by both the Americans and Russians for use as either an energy source for a missile defense system or an atomic superbomb. The largest known natural source of Byzanium was on the island of 4146:
A substance with the exact properties needed for a piece of hardware or other item of use, but not obtainable, either because it theoretically cannot exist, or because geopolitical events preclude access to it, or because current technological limitations prevent making it.
projector which uses the incredible power of Radium X for a destructive weapon of mass terror. After developing a filter to curb its destructiveness, Rukh also uses it to restore sight to his blind mother with the Radium X projector. According to legend, this scene inspired
An element discovered that facilitates conversion of the energy in metals (copper or uranium) and uses it as a propulsive or attractive force. The Norlaminians had already discovered this metal and named it Rovolon. However, they had only trace amounts found in meteorites.
Three precious metals found in Earth's interior. Aquelium is a bright green metal derived from the interior ocean, and terrelium is a vermilion metal found only in Atvatabar. When these two metals come in contact, they produce a harnessable form of energy called magnicity.
Ruin. If an Allomancer burns Atium, it lets them see a few seconds into the future as a ghostly image overlaid on the present. This is a significant advantage in combat; it lets them know every move the opponent will make. This is canceled if the opponent burns Atium or
5459:"Ask Wizards – January, 2007 | Q: It can mutate and rift, it can surge and become tainted, it can snap and storm, and you can even pack it into a spellbomb. So I guess my question is: What exactly is "Æther" (and what is its correct pronunciation)? - Derrick Grundy, VA" 4096:
A versatile material; the primary material used in the construction of virtually all star ships and star ship components. It is described as being unstable at atmospheric temperatures, and thus is only used in constructing objects intended to stay in space permanently.
of Mobile Suits. Its durability is remarkable, withstanding impacts of 120mm shells from a Zaku's machinegun, and even the explosion of Side 7 without as much as a scratch. It even showed durability against Megaparticle Cannons, such as the ones utilized by the Zeong.
Chapter 8, discussing Lockheed Martin's decision to specify silica tiles for thermal protection during reentry, states that a design using non-mass-producible materials "had no more intrinsic credibility than one that proposed to use the miracle metals Unobtanium and
Discovered by Medici's tyrannical ruler Sebastiano Di Ravello in the late 1980s. Is called a "supermineral" due to its near-infinite potential. Exclusive to Medici, Bavarium is at the core of much of the country's experimental weaponry and equipment, which, as of the
Pyrholidon's in-game description is as follows: "A pretty little puck-shaped cap of purple liquid that can bring on anything from hot flashes to military-grade psychosis. With sufficient tolerance, however, it can make any weather feel balmy – if only for a while."
Rebellium appears on a computer monitor (VDU) during Episode 24, Series 2, The Dorcons in which Moonbase Alpha is attacked by The Dorcons who are attempting to kidnap Maya who is a Psychon. Rebellium is one of the constituent elements of the Dorcons space craft.
3255:, Orichalcum is the strongest of the five magical materials and can be made by distilling ordinary gold using Gaia's blood (Magma) and concentrating sunlight using large occult mirrors. Found in Final Fantasy as a rare material with varying properties. In the 4040:, the planet Surebleak was once a mining center for timonium before large amounts were discovered in another nearby star system. Timonium is a radioactive element used as an internal power source for high tech devices. The material has also been featured in 3985:
An extremely hard gem, and the most precious material in the galaxy, used as both currency and fuel for spaceships. Kevin Levin often uses it as a material to absorb in combat, and it is also one of the only things that can pierce the containment suit of a
2993:, which allows them to control their technology and sense the presence of other symbiotes. The Goa'uld have naquadah mining operations on many planets, and make use of refined naquadah as a form of currency. Naqadah is used in liquid form, to power Goa'uld 944:
and the use of the word in several Magic cards implies that casting magic involves channeling and manipulating Aether. "Summoning" the creatures around which combat and much of gameplay in Magic revolves is described as "pulling (them) from the Aether".
era, no samples exist and it is called 'the lost metal'. It forms the alloy Malatium, or eleventh metal, a metal that allows the user to see past versions of other people. A misting that burns Atium is known as a seer. Hemalurgic effects are unknown.
Extraterrestrial mineral found in a meteorite that lands in the Arctic Ocean. Phostlite accelerates growth and increases size, causing gigantic apple trees to grow from a single apple core and causing insects and spiders to grow to enormous sizes.
within the emission field. Also found in organics, and the source of biotic abilities. Nodules forming throughout the bodies of most species, such as the Asari. Introduced into human species via alleged experiments by a shadowy government agency.
1161:. Berynium is the solution to the world's energy crisis, as a spoonful of it can take you from Earth to Saturn in a single day. Mining it unfortunately releases lethal quantities of radiation and pollution. Berynium can also be found on Triton 4. 4128:
A synthetic material which is an "absolutely invisible and non-reflective solid of great molecular density and moderate elasticity, which has the property of being 100 percent conductive to those pulsations known as light, electricity and heat".
An ancient fireproof alloy made from gold and netherite scraps, which are smelted from ancient debris found in the game's hellish Nether dimension. When combined with diamond equipment, the metal creates the game's strongest weapons and armor.
A bright green mineral used to produce incredibly strong alloys originally discovered by explorers from the Neutral Territories. References to it are found throughout the game's item descriptions. Is used in everything from spaceship hulls to
Orichalcum appears as an amber-colored metal used in crafting various things. In Shadowrun, orichalcum is a magical alloy of gold, silver, mercury, and copper. Also named "Orichalcon" in some games. Orichalcum is depicted as a pink metal in
Inerton is used mostly in hulls of futuristic airships, serving as both armor and as a lifting body, as well as in special belts worn by the characters which allow them to leap great distances by counterbalancing the weight of their bodies.
2592:. Ingestion of jerktonium causes a bad attitude, but the effects are curable by song. Other side effects of ingesting this element include a fast growth of stubble, a look of fatigue radiated by bags under the eyelids, and thick eyebrows. 2398:'s body, which is also its primary method of attacking. Can also be used to shoot a crimson laser beam from the kaiju's eyes. Durable, but needs to be wet in order to function is vulnuerable to drying out, especially via electrocution. 6938:
Chapter 12, recounting an October 1957 meeting, mentions the problems caused by "the lack of a superior high-temperature material (which the Langley structures people dubbed 'unobtainium')" This paragraph in turn cites Becker, John V.
2829:. It can also be worked into other forms with unusual properties such as reflecting only the light of the Moon. The fictional metal has appeared in other fantasy universes, games, and books. "Mythril" appears in the video game series 4853:
Dayton believed Promethium alloys could make most anything coated in them impervious to destruction or abrasion. Even theorizing that it could impart its matter regenerative abilities to organic anatomy down the line of its testing.
Green liquid with symbol Ar and atomic number 7. Makes a compound that is corrosive to copper when mixed with Galine and Sanite, and a compound that produces clouds when exposed to air when mixed with Regalite. The real element 7 is
4943:. A place with high levels of Akiva radiation has been visited or touched by a god, while a place with low Akiva radiation may be considered forgotten or forsaken by the gods. Named after a Jewish scholar and religious leader, the 1008:
A synthetic metal made by Osnomians. Vastly superior to the best steel. Usually transparent, but substances may be added to make it colored or opaque. Requires salt, which is very rare on Osnome, as a catalyst in its manufacture.
A substance that explodes sunlight particles. Such an explosion would set off an uncontrollable chain reaction, destroying the universe. This is what the antagonists of the movie seek in their plot to destroy Earth and humanity.
Blue liquid with atomic number 3 and symbol Gi that makes a compound that is corrosive to copper when mixed with Arsonium and Sanite, and a compound that explodes when exposed to air when mixed with Nanite. The real element 3 is
A classical element referred to as the Fifth Element in ancient and medieval times. It is believed to be the material that fills the region of the universe beyond the terrestrial sphere. This belief goes as far back as Plato's
338: 100: 55: 4514:
Mysterious crystals to be held by Pokémon and used in battle to upgrade normal moves to Z-Moves through use of a Z-Ring by their trainer. Crystals available for each move type (from Bug to Water) and for 17 specific Pokémon.
1903:, duodecimates were deposited on a planet, Dar Sai, by the explosion of a nearby star. The planet's economy comes to depend on mining and sale of duodecimate ores. It is not revealed what the substance is actually used for. 3749:
armor, though the creators of the game confirmed that using Saronite in armor will not affect the wearer. In the game, Saronite can be used by blacksmiths and engineers to craft rare and epic-quality armor and weapons.
777:'s skeleton and claws. Adamantium's defining quality is its near-indestructibility. Adamantium is not depicted as a naturally occurring metal but as having been inadvertently invented by fictional American metallurgist 17: 3450:
A blue-green luminescent material which is used in the film to fuel the main antagonist, Galaxar's, ship. When the protagonist, Susan Murphy, is hit by an asteroid filled with quantonium, she grows to a gigantic size.
2113:. Most of Esper's inhabitants have parts of their body replaced by etherium. It is also used to craft artifacts like the Filigree texts, sacred texts worked in etherium containing the Vedalken's accumulated knowledge. 2072:
A substance or form of energy serving as the primary fuel source for the Cybertronian/transformer race. Often takes the form of a liquid, most often as "energon cubes" refined from other sources of chemical energy.
Purple liquid with atomic number 11 and symbol Re that makes a compound that produces clouds when exposed to air when mixed with Arsonium, and an antivirus when mixed with Nanite and Sanite. The real element 11 is
A tachyon is anything that travels faster than light. In many fictional settings it is taken that this involves time travel and they are invoked as an integral part of, or even shorthand for, time travel devices.
once commented even Superman couldn't break it even with his strength. When Depleted Promethium is alloyed with other dense metals such as Kevlar or molybdenum-steel, it forms a near-invulnerable metal polymer.
series. Not naturally occurring outside of neutron stars; trace amounts of genevium are detectable after detonation of nucleonic weapons, but it requires higher yields to produce than hyperium and bonnevillium.
Red liquid with atomic number 17 and the symbol Y. Makes a compound that is corrosive to copper when mixed with Arsonium and Galine, and an antivirus when mixed with Regalite and Nanite. The real element 17 is
4460:, who introduced it to the novel, together with the character Zephyrin Xirdal, a 'private genius' who synthesized the new element. In the story Xirdal then uses Xirdalium in a contraption emitting a strong 4131:
In the novel, the Americans use this technology, combined with Inerton, as well as explosive rockets and radio frequencies the enemy cannot detect, in their struggle with the main antagonists, "The Hans".
2867:, mithril and truesilver both appear; truesilver is a rare spawn node in the same areas as mithril. Both can be mined as ore and smelted into a bar using the mining profession. Mithril also appears in the 2938:
Yellow liquid with atomic number 13 and symbol Nn; makes a compound that explodes when exposed to air when mixed with Galine, and an antivirus when mixed with Regalite and Sanite. The real element 13 is
61: 3931:
mined in the Underworld and forged in the River Styx. Unlike Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold, monsters killed by it cannot reform, and it can kill non-magical creatures as well as magical creatures.
Fictional alloy based on Titanium. Was created in U.C. 0064, in order to provide the Earth Federation Space Forces with a lightweight metal that was also durable enough to be the main framework for the
Elerium is the main power source and propellant of alien technology in this video game, where the player runs X-COM, an international, top secret, paramilitary organization fighting an alien invasion.
1974:. It is found all throughout the Milky Way and was discovered on Earth's mantle during the early 22nd century. However, it can also be synthesized. Dysonium fuel cores look like glowing, blue spheres. 7073: 1408:
A super-dense, impenetrable substance developed by Tony Nelson. His brother Scott steals his work and starts fooling around with it, eventually gaining the ability to pass through solid matter.
The basic unit of magical strength; the amount of magic needed to create one small white pigeon or three normal-sized billiard balls. The Thaum has been shown to be made up of Resons in the
5762: 3764:
Alloy: mainly platinum and iridium, plus several other known metals (including iron, cobalt, and copper) and unidentified matter. SCP-148 (or "telekill") has a passive effect that negates
A radiation sickness treatment with psychedelic side-effects. Pyrholidon has the same chemical structure as the real drug AEOL-10150. AEOL-10150 is a drug in development designed to treat
1765:. Is, among other things, a powerful but unstable explosive that will even affect the Daleks' body casings (and, ironically, is also the material used in the makeup of said body casings). 583:, adamant and adamantine are mentioned eight times to describe the gates of hell, Satan's shield, fallen angel's armor and Satan's chains. In fiction, Adamant is referred to in the film 147: 119: 4322:
Has a key role in Star Trek's warp drive propulsion system, since it is described as the only compound able to generate warp fields when given energy from the warp core. The crew of
has long meant any impenetrably or unyieldingly hard substance and, formerly, a legendary stone or mineral of impenetrable hardness and many other properties, often identified with
126: 4022:
Primarily used for the synthesis of "Blue Blood", a fluid that circulates energy and information inside CyberLife androids. It has a destabilizing effect on hormone production.
6313:..."It will generate a controlled fusion reaction within its interior until it reaches the proper temperature, using a carefully calculated amount of polydenum for a starter." 133: 3651:'s Calamity, a fight between the gods created mountains infused with their magic; whitestone is mined from these mountains. Residuum can be further refined into suude – a 3517:
Odium that conducts investiture, drawing it in from any source. Used by the forces of Odium to drain Radiants of their stormlight and to transfer spren between gemstones.
The fictional synthetic metal dureum has a higher moment of inertia than regular materials. It takes more work to move or stop moving than other objects of the same mass.
3055:'s trident is made of this metal, which channels magical energy and gives him the power to fly and shoot soulfire. Netheranium also has the power to harm Satan himself. 115: 3215:
A strange, iridescent metal; highly valued. Radiates dangerous amounts of raw enchantment and is so unstable it can only exist in a universe saturated with raw magic.
made of Nth metal crash-landed, only to be found by Prince Khufu and his betrothed, Chay-ara. Constant exposure to Nth metal forced Khufu and Chay-ara into a cycle of
A naturally-occurring form, Energized Protodermis, is a silver-colored liquid that is a sapient being, and can transform or destroy any living thing that touches it.
6404: 5655: 4831:, for his deed of giving mankind fire and knowledge, and being chained to a rock with eagles picking at his innards for all time. The company owner and its creator 1091:, hence the name, makes one smarter over time, but at the cost of increasing 'manliness and beard levels' in those who use it. It looks similar to the real element 6360: 2164: 1112:", continually dying and being recreated, taking the aforementioned 4.5 billion years to make it out of the confession dial by punching through an Azbantium wall. 3325:
A metallic, radioactive, explosive element found in some planetary cores that is mined and refined to become the main fuel for starship sub-light engines in the
To Verne's seventeen chapters Michel added four more. He created a dominant new character, Zephyrin Xirdal, who in effect takes over the action and the outcome.
5968: 2478:), which instead of melting when above 0°C (32°F), only melts at 45.8°C (114.4°F). When ice-nine comes in contact with liquid water below 45.8°C, it acts as a 325:
that either a) play a major role in a notable work of fiction, b) are common to several unrelated works, or c) are discussed in detail by independent sources.
for use in weapons of mass destruction. It was also used by Stargate Command to power the hyperspace generators on the prototype X-302 and X-303 spacecraft.
4355:. A rare, naturally occurring metallic substance theorized to be of extraterrestrial origin. It is most commonly known as one of the materials used to build 3532:
Greenish-blue alloy containing iron and copper invented by Hank Rearden. Lighter and stronger than traditional steel, it is to steel what steel was to iron.
1173:'bolognium'." A humorous story (1926) about development of alloys for special purposes, describes Bolognium as a metallic element with properties similar to 1373:, whose retractable metal tentacles are made of it. Carbonadium is nearly as strong as adamantium, but more flexible. It is also used in the armor suit of 1241:, where Cubert Farnsworth exclaims, "your explanations are pure weapons-grade bolognium!" Most references to Bolognium are intentionally humorous; but in 7077: 140: 5141: 4201: 2343:. Harbenite was used to build the O-220, a dirigible airship built for a rescue mission to the Earth's core in response to a radio distress call from 4860:
The most common isotope of promethium is the inert element that is easier to sell and managed on a grander scale. By itself it is extremely durable,
4292: 3287:
and is used to make weapons, armor, and different walls and blocks. It also appears in Harvest Moon as a resource in multiple entries in the series.
6042: 3961: 4272:
by Robotality, a large Valkyrium network is believed to extend from the African Atlantic coast to the Caucasus. Known to the ancient Egyptians as
1828: 254: 207: 1191:, who used it to describe imaginary material or processes that can give properties unachievable by known or scientifically postulated means. In 6648: 2997:, and heavy liquid naquadah is used to power Goa'uld AG-3 weapon satellites. Naquadah can also be used to create weapons of mass destruction. 2671:
of the DC Comics universe established green kryptonite as a compound and later issues had experiments by Batman and Luthor reestablish the Pre-
4380:, is an isotope native to the Savage Land, producing vibrations of a specific wavelength that break down the molecular bonds in other metals. 976:
Greenish-black gas; forms the essence of the Makuta, the main villains of the series. They usually keep the antidermis inside suits of armor.
3158: 2693:
A rare, semi-sentient, crystalline material found across the galaxy. Kyber crystals vary in shape and color, but all are deeply connected to
A synthetic metal; has "the theoretical ultimate in strength possible for any material possessing molecular structure". Much superior to the
Hansen, James R. (1987) "Engineer in Charge: A History of the Langley Aeronautical Laboratory, 1917–1958." The NASA History Series, sp-4305.
A red compound that's highly unstable, dangerous, and rare. It's properties allow it to act as a power source and it powers the Red X suit.
3953:. A metal so strong that "only Superman's heat vision can soften the substance, and only his super-strength is mighty enough to mold it!" 2640:
in order to test the sword's supposed legendary strength. The block of Katchin proceeds to snap the Z Sword when Gohan tries to slice it.
A silvery substance, one of the hardest in the Pokémon world, and which only occurs on Silver Rock Isle. The locals sell wing-shaped pin
A crystalline material, originally in various colors with separate effects, harmful to Kryptonians and created during the destruction of
mined from Mount Olympus, tempered in Mount Etna, and cooled in the River Lethe. Cannot touch non-magical creatures. Lethal to monsters.
A mildly radioactive transuranic element used to power spacecraft and certain planet-bound facilities, named after real-world scientist
7525: 2169: 6996: 4084:
The fictional metal tritanium was referred to in many episodes as an extremely hard alloy used in starship hulls and hand-held tools.
series, Sophitia carries a sword and shield set named Orichalcum. A green metal used in smithing to craft Orcish weapons and armor in
199: 4007:
Fictional chemical compound. Its major peculiarity is its "endochronicity": it starts dissolving before it makes contact with water.
are made. Wonder Woman, and other inhabitants of Paradise Island, use the bracelets to deflect bullets. The material features in the
Heppenheimer, T. A. (2004) "The Space Shuttle Decision: NASA's Search for a Reusable Space Vehicle" The NASA History Series, sp-4221
6171: 5876: 5533:
Mercury in the Marine Environment: Workshop Proceedings, 29 November to 1 December 1988, Sheraton Anchorage Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska
either be used to mutate living beings into hideous monstrosities or trigger the latent metagene resting within the DNA of others.
Also spelled "hihi'irokane". Katakana: ヒヒイロカネ or kanji: 緋々色金 It is a red-orange fantasy metal that is common in Japanese fiction.
2244:'s last Oz book, published in 1920, Glinda says that the magical "rare mineral powder called gaulau" is "more wonderful even than 561:'of the nature of' or 'made of') occur in many works. In myth, Kronos uses an adamantine sickle to castrate his father Uranus; in 6542: 4408:
Alternative to unobtainium; may mean that said substance is theoretically impossible under known scientific theory. Historically
star or an enchanted forge. Notable objects made of Uru include Thor's hammer Mjolnir and Beta Ray Bill's weapon, Stormbreaker.
series. Not naturally occurring outside of neutron stars, but trace amounts are created in the detonation of nucleonic weapons.
1516:, are largely made of this element. Its properties are apparently known to them (but not to the readers of the series's books). 1295:
series. Not naturally occurring outside of neutron stars, but trace amounts are created at the detonation of nucleonic weapons.
5407: 4985:, and philotic energy can be harnessed to allow for instant communication and near-instant travel to anywhere in the universe. 3245: 3180:
The suit gave him protection from attacks, let him lift great weights, and allowed him to fly and project solar energy blasts.
793:'s skeleton and claws, Adamantium is associated with a number of other characters and implements including but not limited to, 6968: 6580: 3352:. Prolonged use leads to severe psychosis often ending in deadly violence or suicide. In the 1991 American sci-fi action film 940:
multiverse, though it can also appear in variable quantities within the planes. Inextricably associated with magic in Magic's
7466: 7437: 7396: 7110: 6880: 6624: 6517: 6336: 6306: 6259: 5774: 4803:
K is a natural isotope, used to date rocks. But the method of getting quantium as described has not been shown in real life.
3131:, all stem from his unique mastery of the properties of Nth metal. These powers are augmented to a god-like level during the 6056: 3644: 933: 6615: 2452:.) Rare material, used as a component in constructing the NX-01 Enterprise, and as a fuel for a time portal on Krulmuth-B. 2339:, named after its discoverer, Dr. von Harben, is a metal found in the fictional African country Urambi and is described as 1573:
destroys chronotons in a given area, stopping that area's progression through time. The material has also been featured in
195: 6389: 3906:
destroys Mechagodzilla, the Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens use this metal to create a second Mechagodzilla in the 1975 sequel
An element made up by Fender, who claims to be built out of said metal. Fender says it is yellow and tastes like chicken.
5054:. Its name literally means "thing-ies". It comes in 5 "flavors" or types: Up, Down, Sideways, Sex-Appeal and Peppermint. 2368:
Matter that is optimal for generating pleasure. Nick Bostrom investigates the desirability (or otherwise) of maximizing
A material 400 times harder than diamond, the 12th Doctor spends 4.5 billion years in a confession dial in the episode "
7520: 6105: 3600:. Dust trails transmit "redstone signals" from a source, and solid blocks act as infinite sources of "redstone power". 334: 3358:, the barrels of explosive used to destroy the Cyberdyne building are labeled "Polydichloric Euthimol" as an in-joke. 1441:
spacecraft, dependent on available gravitational fields, somewhat analogous to a "tacking" behavior of a sailed ship.
7281: 6920: 6892: 6089: 5894: 5619: 4760:
Isotope of plutonium; too unstable to exist in our world, but exists naturally in fictional parallel universes whose
298: 280: 166: 69: 5458: 2793:. Oberführer Strasse's project book indicates that the SS Paranormal Division needs it for the resurrection of King 262: 7540: 6292: 4343: 4048: 2468: 5433: 4424: 2288:
Also known as Giganume. Takes the form of a powerful, red, highly explosive energy blast, which is fired from the
episode "How Not To Be Seen", and again in 1971 when the same sketch was re-released as part of the Pythons' film
A material made of black holes; can be used to warp space and time in accordance with the wishes of its inventor.
7297: 5380: 4300: 4166: 4061: 2982: 2881: 2157: 2143: 1624: 1594: 5912: 1832:
gives a chemical formula made of real and fictional elements, instead of treating dilithium as its own element.
plated on to ordinary steel to form a protective layer. The main use for collapsium is as armor for spacecraft.
7182: 6567: 6118: 5955: 5836: 5748: 5727: 5642: 5268: 5247: 5213: 5192: 5113: 4842:, for example, uses a suit of the volatile type which could mend itself after being damaged. Both young heroes 4729:
According to the book, one second of direct exposure is equivalent to a lethal dose, with a reading of 3217.89
4442: 4326:
are forced to land on a planet to retrieve verterium cortenide to repair their warp nacelles after a sabotage.
2890: 2737:
Allomantic, Feruchemic and Hemalurgic powers are unknown. It is named after the holder of Preservation, Leras.
2582: 2516:
Synthetic material, made in a process which allows energy to be converted directly into matter (similar to the
2353: 1477:
Ceratanium (ceramic titanium) is shown to be quite useful. It is sturdy yet lightweight; and Magnet Man in the
247: 104: 4800:, giving quantium-40. The name was coined by David Strauss in response to a request from the show's creator. 3479: 2760: 2556: 2325: 5354: 4869: 7530: 6717: 5669: 3656: 2884:
version of Warcraft, players can buy the Mithril Hammer from the Main Shop. "Mithral" also features in the
2779: 1920:
The fictional metal duranium is referred to in many episodes of Star Trek as extremely hard alloys used in
1575: 631: 591: 30: 3898:
Also called "space metal". Strong metal from outer space used by the Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens to create
Hoax substance of uncertain composition purportedly used in making nuclear bombs. It appears in the films
2482:, and causes the solidification of the entire body of water, which quickly crystallizes as more ice-nine. 1847:
Extraterrestrial element found in meteorites. The German research team Group 935 discovers it in northern
5969:"Cazademonios: 5 katanas de anime que podrían vencer a la espada Nichirin de Tanjiro (y 5 que no pueden)" 5118: 4764:
is stronger. This is used as a source of energy where turned into W, releasing electrons in the process.
4356: 3263: 2885: 2852: 2133: 1749: 5850: 4477:
Xenonite, created by the alien Eridians, is a metal with varying types. Made primarily of the noble gas
An extremely rare metal that is illegal and sold by various criminals. It is used to power warp drives.
1673: 1377:
in the third series of that comic. It emits toxic radiation and can impede superhuman healing factors.
6434: 6144: 3892: 3652: 3354: 2177:
and invariably referred to as "the miracle ingredient, fraudulin", it is a direct parody on the use of
1265: 887: 342: 3867:
also durable against mundane force, with shooters preferring it to Teflon for armor-piercing bullets.
1513: 7535: 6691: 6131: 4952: 4796:, pushing some of its electron pair-bonds into hyperspace. The most commonly found form derives from 4280:
by the Germans, these green crystals are of unknown origin and were collected by the Nazis for their
can also turn heat into electric power. Unobtanium is created by combining unspecified crystals in a
4106: 3637: 3101: 1434: 941: 692:
it is used to make armor; its source is in another world; it can contain great amounts of energy. In
7495: 7484: 6429: 6157: 5028: 4973: 4389: 3403: 2312: 2138: 2129: 2005:
Radioactive orange element with a lead-grey natural form. Purified ore glows orange. Discovered by
1999: 1478: 1337: 1109: 985: 7010: 4792:
Rare and expensive; used in jumpgates; forms when ordinary matter is subject to the stresses of a
Berynium is a minable isotope discovered by NEB (New Economic Block) at New Alamo on Sirius 6B on
4523: 4448:
Element which is, in the French first edition of the novel, ~100,000 times more radioactive than
4195: 4159:
Unobtanium is also the mineral being sought on Pandora by brute-force mining methods in the film
3987: 3908: 3876: 3765: 3485:
Highly radioactive extraterrestrial element discovered by Dr. Janos Rukh. He uses it to create a
2877: 2746: 2608: 2428: 2265: 1646: 1386: 1286: 657:
is the basis for fictional materials such as Adamantium and Adamantite (see below), Adamantle in
258: 211: 93: 4372:
the more energy vibranium absorbs, the tougher it becomes. This type of vibranium is a powerful
4360: 3769: 3507: 3191: 2856: 2534: 2517: 2040:, it is used by alien engines to generate anti-gravity and propulsion. The real element 115 is 1880: 6779: 6619:. James Haeck, Hannah Rose, Genel Jumalon, Lauren Walsh, Andy Law, Laura Bailey. Burbank, CA. 6326: 4835:, theorized the potential applications for Promethium, both for good and ill, were limitless. 4429:
Magic soil that can self-expand and continually grow. Used to fight against the waters of the
Very rare and valuable element with atoms big enough to be seen by naked eye. In the episode "
6940: 6743: 5170: 4768: 4016: 3681:
game, residuum can replace expensive components consumed by spells and other arcane rituals.
3661: 3421: 2842: 2817: 1791: 1145: 790: 774: 716: 710: 637: 615: 603: 7265: 7221: 3157:. As Hawkman and Hawkgirl, they wear Nth metal belts, made with the help of the Thanagarian 2900:. Mythril is also depicted as a teal-color metal used to craft armor, weapons, and tools in 6988: 6797: 6543:"Breast Cancer Research at Berkeley Lab: Part 1: An Era of Hope for Breast Cancer Patients" 5916: 5898: 5880: 4982: 4122: 3967: 3796: 3696: 3150: 2974: 2826: 2510: 2385: 2282: 2103: 2089: 2081: 1888: 1486: 927: 700: 3016:, and does not occur in nature. A very large artificial vein was discovered and mined on 2264:
Rarest of three stable transuranic elements predicted by the new science of nucleonics in
936:(previously spelled Æther) is the main type of energy filling the blind eternities in the 8: 7458: 7429: 6876: 6251: 5065: 4981:
Smallest possible particle; occupies no space at all. All philotes are interconnected by
4940: 4847: 4754: 4737: 4430: 3444: 3093: 2978: 2697:, the vast energy field connecting all living things. They are most commonly used by the 2664: 2010: 1896: 1018: 1000: 762: 6665: 5718:
John M. Smart, "Evo-devo universe", ch. 6 in, Steven J. Dick, Mark L. Lupisella (eds.),
4042: 1555:(-on, 'elementary particle'). Associated with manipulating or traveling through time in 337:
and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by
6642: 6481: 6454: 6036: 5261:
The Encyclopedia of Fictional People: The Most Important Characters of the 20th Century
4958: 4893: 4861: 4761: 4452:. In the English first edition this is reduced to 100 times. Xirdalium was invented by 4400: 4161: 4153: 3859: 3593: 3563: 2847: 2589: 2427:
One of three stable transuranic elements predicted by the new science of nucleonics in
2304: 2053: 1326: 1285:
One of three stable transuranic elements predicted by the new science of nucleonics in
953: 897: 698:, it is a rare ore used to make weapons and armor of uncommon, rare and epic grade. In 668: 621: 609: 322: 5705: 2825:
means "grey gleam", but is translated as "true silver". It is mined in native form in
A magical Aether-infused alloy found on Esper, one of the five shards of the plane of
1735: 7462: 7433: 7392: 7277: 7273: 7106: 6916: 6888: 6630: 6620: 6563: 6523: 6513: 6486: 6332: 6302: 6255: 6085: 5951: 5832: 5802: 5770: 5744: 5723: 5638: 5615: 5264: 5243: 5209: 5188: 5087: 4892:. Its use and proliferation also had a hand in creating the supervillain team called 4472: 3742: 3426: 3303: 3132: 2864: 1786:
storyline. It has the power to link the known multiverse with the "Dark Multiverse."
1650:. It was mined on the planet Kessel and used as an extremely potent spacecraft fuel. 1505: 1489:
armor, the Metal Blades of Metal Man, Cut Man's Rolling Cutter, and Hard Man's body.
1278: 1084: 908: 794: 778: 753: 694: 597: 6506: 5797: 3293:" story "The Adventure of the Oxidized Grotto" from Biggles - Charter Pilot (1943). 6476: 6466: 6439: 4889: 4352: 3966:
An ore, or possibly an element, which provides immense amounts of energy. Found on
3491: 3052: 3040: 2794: 2660: 1720: 861: 802: 585: 563: 314: 7154: 6761: 5851:"Here's Your Guide to the Very Complicated Mythology of the Transformers Universe" 7505: 7499: 7100: 6840: 6064: 5931: 5691: 5163:
Walker, Karen (February 2010). "Ultron: The Black Sheep of the Avengers Family".
4843: 4723: 4490: 4034: 3824: 3116: 2967: 2915: 2785:
Element found in meteors theorized to originate in the center of the galaxy. The
2461: 2432: 2420: 2269: 2257: 2204: 1588: 1291: 1216: 1079: 1071: 811: 798: 726:
it is a red ore used to produce armor and other items. The name is from the word
705: 6197: 6079: 1620:, which agrees with the sense in which "Cobalt Thorium G" is used in the movie. 1423:
Gold-like metal used to create highly advanced technology in mid and late game.
844:. It was apparently discovered by the fictional Thomas Kyle, who was awarded an 7239: 6845: 6821: 5305: 4929: 4832: 3758: 3526: 3495: 3338: 3048: 2837: 2009:
scientists looking for uranium for Stalin's nuclear program. An island off the
1689: 1613: 1310: 1224: 1201: 879: 845: 829: 806: 7132: 7092: 7074:"7 Things You Need To Know About The Marvel Universe Before Seeing Iron Man 2" 6935: 6634: 6471: 4896:, as each of them got their powers from infusions of the irradiated material. 4733:/hr from 15 metres away. The blade of St. Michael's sword was forged from it. 4207:
A focus of the second-longest Rocky and Bullwinkle story arc, Upsidaisium, an
1628:, it is revealed that the BGY-11 is powered by a Cobalt Thorium G power core. 1135:
charge can instantly destroy all but the largest of the game's Chaos Objects.
567:, Prometheus is bound to rocks "in adamantine bonds infrangible"; in Virgil's 7514: 5282: 4336: 4249: 3899: 3795:
Structural material for Ringworld, with tensile strength on the order of the
3631: 3385: 3177: 3173: 3146: 3029: 2831: 2790: 2786: 2710: 2681: 2620: 2241: 1971: 1892: 1853: 1679: 1360: 1341: 1232: 1178: 1058: 746: 643: 579: 541:'impregnable, diamondlike hardness; very firm/resolute position', from Greek 7266: 3012:
This heavy, unstable isotope of naqahdah is 100 times more powerful, highly
1344:, which was mined in the early 20th century and supposedly taken aboard the 7177: 7150: 6908: 6718:"The Legend Of Vox Machina Ending Explained & Shocking Season 2 Set-Up" 6527: 6490: 6455:"Improvements in SOD mimic AEOL-10150, a potent broad-spectrum antioxidant" 5103: 4797: 4464:
able to alter the trajectory of the meteor mentioned in the novel's title.
4461: 4457: 4244: 4232: 4208: 4001: 3995: 3777: 3569: 3275: 3257: 3124: 3097: 2994: 2986: 2872: 2548:, who uses his transmutation ability to craft prisons and shields from it. 2479: 2373: 2234: 2197: 2173:. A chemical of obscure composition, ostensibly a powerful preventative of 2122: 2006: 1861: 1857: 1841: 1655: 1482: 1449: 1417: 1211: 1177:, with which it forms alloys impervious to attack by mice. Sci-fi writer 1123: 626: 7489: 2501:. Extremely harmful to magical creatures, but cannot harm non-magic ones. 7200: 7173: 7146: 5656:"Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge: A Cold Bargain – Gladstone Comic Album #24" 5165: 5024: 5005: 4994: 4944: 4885: 4839: 4824: 4453: 4412:
have been described as being made from unobtainium reinforced wishalloy.
3950: 3553: 3541: 3399: 3395: 3391: 3345: 3236: 3198: 3165: 3128: 3013: 2628: 2545: 2541: 2344: 2182: 2174: 2110: 2015: 1983: 1964: 1869: 1569: 1374: 1355: 1228: 1182: 853: 116:"List of fictional elements, materials, isotopes and subatomic particles" 5502: 3970:, it is unstable and likely to explode outside its natural environment. 773:'s outer shell, but best known as the substance bonded to the character 714:
universe it is used to make drow weaponry. It is also used for armor in
6816: 6385: 5108: 5032: 4828: 4811: 4730: 4138: 4090: 3597: 3494:
to use radiation on his mother, who had been diagnosed with inoperable
3326: 3319: 3269: 3220: 3044: 2990: 2896: 2789:'s Special Projects Division discovers some of the rare element in the 2714: 2706: 2645: 2348: 1900: 1741: 1604:, an element used in the Russian doomsday device. Both (real) elements 1313:
and variation of the joke. Bureaucratium is an element with a negative
1254: 1220: 1103: 820: 781:
in trying to recreate his prior discovery, a unique alloy of steel and
766: 758: 741: 680: 7301: 6453:
Zhang, Xiao-rui; Zhou, Wen-xia; Zhang, Yong-xiang (6 September 2018).
6020: 4534: 3840: 3348:. Greatly increases miners' productivity in the Brith sci-fi thriller 2921:
Yellow metal bars given to people who gained achievements in the game
A form of adamantium, developed in the USSR and used by the anti-hero
348: 6863: 6328:
Biology Run Amok!: The Life Science Lessons of Science Fiction Cinema
6298: 6288: 5994: 5635:
Carl Barks and the Disney Comic Book: Unmasking the Myth of Modernity
Star Trek: The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh
5080: 5044: 5020: 4900:
Promethium has no stable isotopes and is very rare in Earth's crust.
4817: 4793: 4786: 4780: 4748: 4331: 4316: 4078: 4072: 3940: 3808: 3789: 3690: 3582: 3486: 3108: 3079: 3064: 2959: 2940: 2925:. It can be used to craft items such as fishcake or a SpaceChem pin. 2922: 2694: 2687: 2650: 2637: 2443: 2178: 2041: 2037: 1914: 1865: 1803: 1797: 1773: 1638: 1557: 1498: 1370: 1314: 1187: 1088: 921:, Aether is one of the main elements of life and magic in the world. 782: 672: 664: 649: 534: 5332: 2295:'s eye. Splits into smaller explosive blasts upon nearing a target. 265:. Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. 82: 18:
List of fictional elements, materials, isotopes and atomic particles
6172:"Minecraft | How to get Netherite Scrap and craft Netherite Ingots" 5612:
Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge: A Cold Bargain – Gladstone Comic Album
4409: 4348: 4187: 4183: 4175: 3946: 3903: 3847: 3726: 3648: 3460: 3431: 3367: 3283: 3240: 3226: 3194:
wear "flight rings" made of an alloy of Nth metal called valorium.
3184: 3154: 3142: 3089: 3006: 2952: 2902: 2726: 2656: 2601: 2414: 2369: 1921: 1908: 1823: 1819: 1563: 1525: 1471: 1428: 1366: 1237: 1206: 1140: 1117: 1054: 1042: 1026: 970: 857: 722: 659: 574: 7391:(1st paperback ed.). Cambridge, MA: Perseus Pub. p. 29. 6973: 6581:""The Legend of Vox Machina" Could Be Gayer But I Love It Anyway" 5059: 4717: 4498: 4373: 4364: 4236: 4221: 3773: 3730: 3708: 3704: 3619: 3514: 3415: 3290: 3251: 3135:
when he builds himself an artificial body made of the substance.
3112: 3104: 3017: 2963: 2806: 2733: 2544:. Often used in the Legion of Super-Heroes comics, especially by 2395: 2222: 2185: 2026: 1933: 1811: 1754: 1617: 1609: 1548: 1485:. It is thus used in multiple robots, being the key component in 1346: 1304: 1246: 1049: 873: 849: 835: 728: 530: 517: 318: 29:"Fictional element" redirects here. For elements of fiction, see 7199: 5381:"FFXIV's Entire Story Timeline Of Major Events Before Endwalker" 2801:
refines the metal into its 317 isotope for use in the ceremony.
throws a cube of Katchin, which was summoned by Supreme Kai, at
and Abner Perry, the original discoverers of the inner world of
and a variation of the joke. It was referenced in a 1993 print.
Superheroes and Superegos: Analyzing the Minds Behind the Masks
4936: 4449: 4418: 4368: 3979: 3615: 3472: 3120: 2894:. It appears as a cyan metal used to make armor and weapons in 2868: 2798: 2668: 2472: 2245: 1848: 1779: 1704: 1605: 1459: 1402: 915: 816: 786: 770: 569: 537:. The English word is both a noun and an adjective; from Latin 5434:"Ask Wizards – April, 2004 | Q: "What is the Æther?"- Nate L." 2376:, to "tile the universe" with the maximal amount of hedonium. 1567:, where it also has rejuvenating effects. A chronoton bomb in 5051: 5001: 4478: 4067:
A programmable material that the Transformers are made from.
3169: 3138: 3036: 2392: 2292: 2289: 2151: 1762: 1758: 1664:
needed after creating intelligences of such "Godlike power".
1030: 7017:
Name created by Robert 'I really thought it existed' Orchard
6814: 6666:"Critical Role: What You Can Expect From Exandria Unlimited" 5720:
Cosmos & Culture: Cultural Evolution in a Cosmic Context
Worlds of Wonder: How to Write Science Fiction & Fantasy
The constitute particle of the Thaum, akin to the real-life
ammunition. Players can mine Xithricite ore from asteroids.
3115:, allowing a person wearing an object made of it, such as a 2821:. A durable silvery metal; very light and extremely strong. 1369:, whose katanas are made with the material, and the villain 1205:, Bolonium makes up a meat-based fuel; the comedy rock band 3928: 3085: 2702: 2698: 2633: 2498: 2163:
First used in 1970 in the "Crelm Toothpaste" sketch of the
1948: 1092: 7222:"Vendetta Online – The Chronicles of Exile – Section VIII" 5829:
Lithium – Understanding the elements of the periodic table
120. Such elements are predicted in the real world as an "
7003: 5535:, United States Minerals Management Service (1989) p. 71. 5519:"Up from the Magma and Back Again with Paul Hiebert", in 5227:
Literacy, technology, and society: confronting the issues
it is a fuchsia metal used to craft armors and items. In
2752:"More powerful than uranium"; used by men from the Moon. 2044:, a synthetic element with an extremely short half-life. 2033: 1814:
atoms); but something else is referred to in fiction. In
A synthetic metal made by the Urvanians. Superior to the
6390:"The Elemental Composition of Polydichloric Euthimal in 6278:
Adyar, Madras, India: 1925—Theosophical Publishing House
5333:"Physics Non-Department First to Photograph New Element" 2985:. Rare and valuable, and not occurring naturally in the 7172: 7145: 6981: 6952: 5545:
Transactions of the American Society for Steel Treating
Versamine are substances that turn pain into pleasure.
it is a lightweight blue metal stronger than steel. In
805:'s skeleton and talons. Adamantium is also used in the 6961: 4827:, created by Dayton Industries. Named after the titan 4689: 4113:
nothingness "leaving behind not a particle of Truth".
Bright golden metal forming the body and power of the
1317:, becoming more massive and sluggish as time goes by. 6946: 6941:
The Development of Winged Reentry Vehicles, 1952–1963
5798:"Fiction Book Review: The Collapsium by Wil McCarthy" 2372:
in this way. He invokes another fictional substance,
1864:; creating zombies every time. The real element 115, 7044:
Being Nuclear: Africans and the Global Uranium Trade
metal "Ithilmar" has similar properties and use. In
1868:, is unstable, lasting only seconds before decaying 1181:
attributes the use of the term in sci-fi writing to
Commodore C64 Manual: Uridium (cassette inlay card)
6198:"Minecraft Adding New Netherite Ore in Next Update" 3111:. Its unusual properties include ability to negate 2709:; but larger, rarer crystals are sometimes used in 573:, columns of solid adamantine protect the gates of 328: 107:. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 6505: 6098: 5601:, volume two, Simon & Schuster (2002), p. 103. 4202:The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends 3655:which improves spellcasting. It first appeared in 3161:, father of Katar Hol, when he is visiting Earth. 1245:, Greg Cox refers to the "bolognium shielding" of 6081:The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings 5283:"Administratium. New chemical Element Discovered" 4850:'s body armor were made of the depleted variety. 4736:Ir does not exist; the lightest known isotope is 3231:Pink or red metal mined in Atlantis; also called 7512: 7072:Eric Eisenberg (5 May 2010). CinemaBlend (ed.). 5936:. New York, NY: Metropolitan Books. p. 301. 4906: 4227:Fictional metal named in the 1986 computer game 2391:Acidic, sludge-like material which composes the 7455:Turtle Recall: The Discworld Companion...So Far 7452: 7426:Turtle Recall: The Discworld Companion...So Far 7423: 7041: 6834: 6832: 6815:Lt Masipag; Communism will win (26 July 2008). 6248:Turtle Recall: The Discworld Companion...So Far 6245: 3084:Fictional alloy; described as a heavy isotope, 2876:as a blueish-silver metal used in crafting. In 1829:Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual 7485:Elements from DC Comics Legion of Super-heroes 7389:Flatterland : like Flatland, only more so 7102:Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels 7071: 6452: 6361:"'Lucy' illustrates the lure of the superdrug" 6111: 5823: 5821: 5204:Marco Arnaudo (translated by Jamie Richards), 4359:, but is also noted for its connection to the 3190:Much later in the DC timeline, members of the 3153:and Shiera Saunders, the original Hawkman and 3149:. In the 20th century, they are incarnated as 5948:Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies 5153:Great Books of the Western World Vol. 4 pg 40 3962:The Harlem Globetrotters on Gilligan's Island 589:(as "adamantine steel"), many books (such as 7207:. University of Nebraska Press. p. xi. 7126: 7057:"Marvel brings back first black superhero". 6829: 6504:Wibberley, Leonard Patrick O'Connor (1955). 6041:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 5637:, p216, (Univ. Press of Mississippi), 2006, 5408:"Magic Story 101: Jargon and the Multiverse" 4284:to unleash the powers of ancient artifacts. 688:A metal ore in many fictional universes. In 7030:The Collected Jack Kirby Collector Volume 3 6554: 6552: 5831:, p24, (The Rosen Publishing Group), 2007, 5818: 5672:. Kansas City Public Library. 12 April 2012 5560:, Writer's Digest Books (2001), pp. 59, 72 3772:; extensive overexposure leads to complete 3164:Many years later, Carter and Shiera's son, 2521:of the process that created the material). 2203:Element, invented by Springfield scientist 2132:. Is the indestructible metal out of which 769:. First presented as part of the character 751:Fictional alloy. First appears in Marvel's 70:Learn how and when to remove these messages 7453:Pratchett, Terry; Briggs, Stephen (2012). 7424:Pratchett, Terry; Briggs, Stephen (2012). 6647:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 6435:Terminator 2: Judgment Day Special Edition 6246:Pratchett, Terry; Briggs, Stephen (2012). 6150: 6137: 6019:Chelidoni, Kristoffer, J. (19 July 2015). 5848: 5722:, Government Printing Office (NASA), 2012 5670:"Program Notes: Raise the Titanic! (1980)" 5485: 5483: 5481: 5479: 5456: 5431: 2973:. Naquadah is an extremely dense metallic 2732:A metal forming the body and power of the 2170:And Now for Something Completely Different 1393:simply observing the molecular structure. 1235:is "delicious" or "snacktacular"), and in 6875: 6503: 6480: 6470: 6287: 6124: 6021:"Superman Vs Goku: Who Would Really Win?" 6018: 5929: 5629: 5627: 5303: 5019:Originally discovered and isolated by Dr 4376:. The Antarctic variety, better known as 3588:"Perhaps the biggest stroke of genius in 2341:lighter than cork and stronger than steel 2142:television series in its fifth episode, " 2036:community; since, according to ufologist 852:for his discovery, and it is a parody on 299:Learn how and when to remove this message 281:Learn how and when to remove this message 167:Learn how and when to remove this message 7492:– lists comic book uses of real elements 6560:Game Engine Architecture, Second Edition 6549: 6195: 6169: 5280: 3647:. Refined from whitestone rocks. During 860:and on descriptions of newly discovered 797:'s spinal column, certain iterations of 210:by adding descriptive text and removing 7386: 7298:"Unofficial Babylon 5 Technical Manual" 7263: 6929: 6428: 6077: 5476: 5405: 2626:Said to be the hardest material in the 2331:Appears in Edgar Rice Burroughs' novel 1048:Metal. Forms the body and power of the 14: 7513: 7159:. Collection Hetzel. p. chpt. X. 7098: 6838: 6612: 6540: 6358: 6324: 5624: 5162: 3673:campaigns and the animated adaptation 3592:". This red mineral serves as in-game 3246:Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis 1730:made by their enemies, the Osnomians. 1209:gets its name from said reference. In 1195:, Gerrold describes two examples from 6692:"Critical Role Review: C2 Episode 62" 6660: 6658: 6608: 6606: 6604: 6602: 6384: 5760: 5330: 5238:David Bell, Barbara M. Kennedy (ed), 5156: 4767:Lightest known isotope of plutonium: 3625: 2570: 1727: 6907: 6410:from the original on 23 October 2016 5457:Dommermuth, Brady (3 January 2007). 5225:Gail E. Hawisher, Cynthia L. Selfe, 3329:multiverse, and a potent explosive. 2958:First depicted (but not named) as a 2888:series. It appears in armor form in 2632:universe. When testing the Z Sword, 2566: 840:First referenced in a 1989 issue of 230: 178: 105:adding citations to reliable sources 76: 35: 7032:, TwoMorrows Publishing, 2004, p132 6999:from the original on 10 March 2016. 6196:Casciato, Peter (7 February 2020). 5849:Crucchiola, Jordan (23 June 2017). 5432:Dommermuth, Brady (14 April 2004). 5355:"Final Fantasy 14: What Is Aether?" 5304:Gilchrist, Alice (4 October 1991). 4690:Fictional isotopes of real elements 2983:superconducting at room temperature 2146:", which aired on 8 November 1976. 2032:Widely known within the sci-fi and 1644:A material introduced in 2018 film 995: 981:Aquelium, terrelium, and plutulium 885: 24: 7272:. New York: Warner Books. p.  6943:," unpublished, dated 23 May 1983. 6802:Official Old School RuneScape Wiki 6748:Official Old School RuneScape Wiki 6655: 6599: 5399: 5281:DeBuvitz, William (January 1989). 4341:Fictional metal; first appears in 3850:fashioned from silver rock stone. 2713:, including the planet destroying 1350:during its first and only voyage. 545:'untameable' (hence also the word 25: 7552: 7526:Periodic table in popular culture 7478: 6616:Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn 6512:. Boston: Little Brown & Co. 6325:Glassy, Mark C. (26 April 2018). 5999:The Infosphere, the Futurama Wiki 5950:, Oxford University Press, 2014, 5406:Annelli, Jay (4 September 2018). 5142:"adamant – definition of adamant" 4190:matrix at very low temperatures. 3729:and the element with symbol Y is 3039:'s extradimensional plane in the 2088:A priceless alien mineral in the 51:This article has multiple issues. 7446: 7417: 7405: 7380: 7368: 7356: 7344: 7332: 7320: 7308: 7203:; Frederick Paul Walter (2006). 6953:Hewson Consultants Ltd. (1986). 6817:"SCP-148 – The "Telekill" Alloy" 6403:(pdf). Oxford University Press. 6170:Faulkner, Jason (24 June 2020). 5503:"Team Fortress – Catch-Up Comic" 4049:Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends 1810:) exists (two covalently bonded 1504:According to the wizards at the 329:Fictional elements and materials 235: 183: 81: 40: 7290: 7257: 7232: 7214: 7193: 7186:. Grant Richards. p. 125. 7166: 7139: 7065: 7050: 7035: 7022: 6901: 6869: 6853: 6808: 6790: 6772: 6754: 6736: 6710: 6684: 6573: 6534: 6497: 6446: 6422: 6378: 6352: 6331:. McFarland. pp. 121–122. 6318: 6281: 6268: 6239: 6227: 6215: 6189: 6163: 6071: 6049: 6012: 5987: 5961: 5940: 5923: 5905: 5887: 5869: 5842: 5790: 5754: 5733: 5712: 5698: 5684: 5662: 5648: 5604: 5591: 5579: 5567: 5550: 5538: 5526: 5513: 5495: 5450: 5425: 5373: 5347: 5324: 5297: 5090:'s High Energy Magic Building. 4779:any element, but most commonly 4679: 4537: 4347:#13 (February 1966), by writer 4167:room-temperature superconductor 4062:Transformers: Age of Extinction 3201:wears armor made of Nth metal. 3172:of Nth metal and took the name 2882:multiplayer online battle arena 1625:Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot 1622:In the "Wages of Fire" episode 1595:Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot 1223:, on promotional copies of the 493: 351: 92:needs additional citations for 59:or discuss these issues on the 7183:The Chase of the Golden Meteor 6442:. Event occurs at 1h 51m 27s. 6359:Guzman, Rafer (18 July 2014). 5930:Burroughs, Edgar Rice (1930). 5274: 5253: 5232: 5219: 5198: 5177: 5147: 5135: 5114:List of discredited substances 4443:The Chase of the Golden Meteor 2891:The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 2663:; synthesis is also possible. 1332:Fictional element in the book 1077:Extremely valuable element in 13: 1: 7490:Periodic Table of Comic Books 6562:, p25-26, (CRC Press), 2014, 6541:Yarris, Lynn (29 June 2005). 6294:Otherspace: The 2001 Yearbook 5877:"Perfection Through Etherium" 5588:, "A Clone of My Own" (2000). 5331:Beltz, Ellin (21 June 1993). 5229:, (Prentice Hall), 1997, p100 5129: 4907:Fictional subatomic particles 4674: 3669:; it later appeared in other 2815:Originally from in Tolkien's 2540:The hardest substance in the 488: 313:This list contains fictional 7059:Star – Gazette – Elmira, N.Y 6084:. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 5576:, "Lisa Gets an 'A'" (1998). 5312:. Vol. 111, no. 40 5242:, (Psychology Press), 2000, 4536: 3187:continue to wear Nth metal. 3035:Psycho-sensitive metal from 2780:Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2158:Monty Python's Flying Circus 1576:Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 1243:Star Trek: The Eugenics Wars 1219:Bo, appears in the place of 1098: 592:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 350: 31:Category:Elements of fiction 7: 7498:from the BBC comedy series 6780:"Dragon Slayer quest guide" 6545:. Berkeley Lab News Center. 5492:series by E. E. "Doc" Smith 5263:, (Boulevard Books), 1996, 5096: 4363:and his native homeland of 3925:The Battle of the Labyrinth 3264:The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2583:It's a SpongeBob Christmas! 2144:The Feminum Mystique Part 2 1924:hulls and hand-held tools. 1750:The Dalek Invasion of Earth 757:#66 (July 1969), by writer 673:1996 novel of the same name 508: 505: 261:the claims made and adding 10: 7557: 7414:vol. 2 #16. Marvel Comics. 4823:Artificial element in the 3893:Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla 3653:performance-enhancing drug 3355:Terminator 2: Judgment Day 2471:of water than common ice ( 2333:Tarzan at the Earth's Core 2326:Tarzan at the Earth's Core 1674:Terro-Human Future History 635:) and many games (such as 332: 28: 7521:Lists of fictional things 7506:Tarzan at the Earths Core 7377:Vol. 2 #24 (October 1986) 7264:Preston, Douglas (1999). 7105:. Greenwood. p. 63. 7099:Booker, M. Keith (2010). 6472:10.1186/s40779-018-0176-3 6459:Military Medical Research 5933:Tarzan at the Earths Core 5743:, p. 330,, 2011 5206:The Myth of the Superhero 5144:. 4137: 4107:The Ambidextrous Universe 4071: 3863:series by Jennifer Estep 3776:with no visible signs of 3675:The Legend of Vox Machina 3638:The Legend of Vox Machina 3304:Tintin: The Shooting Star 2018:, has no such qualities. 1668: 1537:Chronoton (or chroniton) 1435:The First Men in the Moon 942:shared fictional universe 886: 858:scientific establishments 732:(see above), with suffix 632:A Midsummer Night's Dream 7042:Gabrielle Hecht (2012). 6977:(11): 100–101, July 1986 6839:Jerden (17 March 2022). 6613:Mercer, Matthew (2022). 6276:The Masters and the Path 6222:Justice League Unlimited 6078:Tolkien, J.R.R. (1954). 5547:, vol. 9 (1926), p. 663. 5240:The Cybercultures Reader 5008:could hope to split it. 4390:Dirty Pair: Project Eden 4357:Captain America's shield 3404:acute radiation syndrome 3183:The current Hawkman and 3176:as a founding member of 2569:of the Urvanians or the 2134:Wonder Woman's bracelets 1753:.) Fictional bonded poly 1660:Philosophy and futurism 986:The Goddess of Atvatabar 7541:Chemistry-related lists 7353:Vol. 6 #3 (August 1986) 6784:Official RuneScape Wiki 6766:Official RuneScape Wiki 5761:Piper, H. Beam (2007). 5692:"continuity screenplay" 5306:"Ig Nobel Prizes Debut" 4268:In the 2019 indie game 3909:Terror of Mechagodzilla 3877:Plan 9 from Outer Space 3770:communication disorders 3768:. Long exposure causes 3766:extrasensory perception 3643:A mineral; can enhance 3334:Polydichloric euthimal 3289:Also mentioned in the " 2878:Defense of the Ancients 2841:. "Mithral" is used in 2747:Radar Men from the Moon 2609:The Lesser of Two Evils 2181:"miracle additives" in 1647:Solo: A Star Wars Story 736:for names of minerals. 212:less pertinent examples 7365:Vol. 4 #10 (Mar. 2017) 7015:, 1986, pp. 1–2, 6224:, Season 1, Episode 21 4846:'s bionic chassis and 4669: 4664: 4659: 4654: 4649: 4644: 4639: 4634: 4629: 4624: 4619: 4614: 4609: 4604: 4599: 4594: 4589: 4584: 4579: 4574: 4569: 4564: 4559: 4554: 4549: 4544: 3677:. Mechanically in the 3662:Dungeons & Dragons 3508:The Stormlight Archive 3239:. Powers machinery in 3192:Legion of Super Heroes 2676:known Earth elements. 2535:Legion of Super-Heroes 2179:questionably effective 1778:A metal discovered by 1711:from the Anur system. 711:Dungeons & Dragons 638:Dungeons & Dragons 483: 478: 473: 468: 463: 458: 453: 448: 443: 438: 433: 428: 423: 418: 413: 408: 403: 398: 393: 388: 383: 378: 373: 368: 363: 358: 7387:Stewart, Ian (2002). 6915:. Berkley Medallion. 6866:, March 1978, pg. 13. 6508:The Mouse That Roared 6401:Chemistry Movies Blog 5285:. The Physics Teacher 5250:, 9780415183796, p114 5208:, (JHU Press), 2013, 5195:, 9780313355370, p238 5171:TwoMorrows Publishing 4017:Detroit: Become Human 3422:The Mouse That Roared 3398:exposure, as well as 3043:comics originated by 2818:The Lord of the Rings 2365:Philosophy, futurism 1382:Carbon Silicate Lace 1166:Bolognium / Bolonium 717:The Elder Scrolls III 616:The Lord of the Rings 7156:La Chasse au météore 6913:The Stardust Voyages 6388:(13 December 2009). 5919:. 29 September 2008. 5917:Wizards of the Coast 5913:"The Filigree Texts" 5899:Wizards of the Coast 5881:Wizards of the Coast 5521:Manitoba Arts Review 5463:MAGIC: THE GATHERING 5437:MAGIC: THE GATHERING 5216:, 9781421409535, p19 5187:, (ABC-CLIO), 2009, 4983:quantum entanglement 4935:Radiation linked to 4762:strong nuclear force 4504: 4415: 4398: 4367:(a small, fictional 4312:Verterium cortenide 4258: 4231:, available for the 4212:Upsidaisium within. 4123:Armageddon 2419 A.D. 4116: 4043:The Stardust Voyages 3973: 3797:strong nuclear force 3714: 3697:Old School RuneScape 3454: 3413: 3297: 3205: 2928: 2845:books; "Milrith" in 2720: 2614: 2576: 2511:Armageddon 2419 A.D. 2455: 2450:Those Old Scientists 2386:Godzilla vs. Hedorah 2283:Godzilla: Final Wars 2210: 2116: 2104:Magic: The Gathering 1979:Element Zero (0-Ez) 1977: 1887:Hypothetical stable 1714: 1353: 1115: 938:Magic: The Gathering 928:Magic: The Gathering 701:The Dark Elf Trilogy 515: 339:adding missing items 101:improve this article 7531:Fictional materials 7459:Victor Gollancz Ltd 7430:Victor Gollancz Ltd 7341:#73 (December 2002) 7080:on 25 February 2021 7061:. 18 February 2005. 6841:"Glossary Of Terms" 6252:Victor Gollancz Ltd 6067:on 8 December 2007. 5901:. 19 November 2008. 5895:"Filigree Art Quiz" 5883:. 18 November 2008. 5271:, 9781572970731, p4 5066:Tachyons in fiction 5064:Many examples; see 4941:divine intervention 4877:Volatile promethium 4858:Depleted promethium 4755:The Gods Themselves 3720:I Expect You To Die 3609:I Expect You To Die 3445:Monsters vs. Aliens 2979:island of stability 2975:transuranic element 2934:I Expect You To Die 2797:. Strasse's lab in 2354:At the Earth's Core 2216:I Expect You To Die 2011:Kamchatka Peninsula 1899:". In the novel by 1897:Island of stability 1678:First mentioned by 1456:The Lightning Thief 1019:I Expect You to Die 842:The Physics Teacher 789:'s outer shell and 763:Barry Windsor-Smith 323:subatomic particles 208:improve the article 7304:on 28 August 2005. 6724:. 21 February 2022 6587:. 14 February 2022 6106:The Ties That Bind 5769:. Wildside Press. 5387:. 17 November 2021 5361:. 16 February 2022 5335:. NEIU Independent 5183:Sharon Packer MD, 4959:His Dark Materials 3860:Elemental Assassin 3836:Silver rock stone 3243:in the video game 3235:. May be based on 2966:" in the original 2848:Simon the Sorcerer 2757:Metal X (Rovolon) 2590:superheavy element 2573:of the Osnomians. 2305:Mobile Suit Gundam 2054:X-COM: UFO Defense 1784:Dark Nights: Metal 1757:material from the 1334:Raise the Titanic! 1327:Raise the Titanic! 1132:Bavarium Sea Heist 720:, and in the game 669:L. E. Modesitt Jr. 610:His Dark Materials 604:Gulliver's Travels 246:possibly contains 7468:978-0-575-09120-7 7439:978-0-575-09120-7 7398:978-0-7382-0675-2 7112:978-0-313-35746-6 6993:World of Spectrum 6887:. Meisha Merlin. 6804:. 6 October 2020. 6786:. 6 October 2020. 6768:. 6 October 2020. 6750:. 6 October 2020. 6626:978-1-73737-250-9 6519:978-0-316-93872-3 6338:978-1-4766-2592-8 6308:978-0-595-22157-8 6274:Leadbeater, C.W. 6261:978-0-575-09120-7 5803:Publishers Weekly 5776:978-1-4344-0079-6 5614:#24, (Gladstone) 5094: 5093: 5088:Unseen University 4904: 4903: 4868:The supervillain 4532: 4531: 4473:Project Hail Mary 4425:Chinese mythology 3968:Gilligan's Island 3743:World of Warcraft 3480:The Invisible Ray 3427:Leonard Wibberley 3168:, made a suit of 3133:Rann-Thanagar War 3092:, home planet of 2865:World of Warcraft 1584:Cobalt Thorium G 1506:Unseen University 1458:.) Magic form of 1446:Celestial Bronze 919:Final Fantasy XIV 909:Final Fantasy XIV 862:chemical elements 779:Dr. Myron MacLain 695:World of Warcraft 598:The Faerie Queene 315:chemical elements 309: 308: 301: 291: 290: 283: 248:original research 229: 228: 177: 176: 169: 151: 74: 16:(Redirected from 7548: 7536:Fictional metals 7473: 7472: 7450: 7444: 7443: 7421: 7415: 7409: 7403: 7402: 7384: 7378: 7372: 7366: 7360: 7354: 7348: 7342: 7336: 7330: 7324: 7318: 7312: 7306: 7305: 7300:. Archived from 7294: 7288: 7287: 7271: 7261: 7255: 7254: 7252: 7250: 7236: 7230: 7229: 7218: 7212: 7211: 7197: 7191: 7190: 7170: 7164: 7163: 7143: 7137: 7130: 7124: 7123: 7121: 7119: 7096: 7090: 7089: 7087: 7085: 7076:. Archived from 7069: 7063: 7062: 7054: 7048: 7047: 7039: 7033: 7026: 7020: 7019: 7007: 7001: 7000: 6985: 6979: 6978: 6969:"Uridium Review" 6965: 6959: 6958: 6950: 6944: 6933: 6927: 6926: 6911:(October 1975). 6905: 6899: 6898: 6873: 6867: 6857: 6851: 6850: 6836: 6827: 6826: 6812: 6806: 6805: 6794: 6788: 6787: 6776: 6770: 6769: 6762:"Smithing table" 6758: 6752: 6751: 6744:"Smithing table" 6740: 6734: 6733: 6731: 6729: 6714: 6708: 6707: 6705: 6703: 6696:The Geekly Grind 6688: 6682: 6681: 6679: 6677: 6662: 6653: 6652: 6646: 6638: 6610: 6597: 6596: 6594: 6592: 6577: 6571: 6556: 6547: 6546: 6538: 6532: 6531: 6511: 6501: 6495: 6494: 6484: 6474: 6450: 6444: 6443: 6440:TriStar Pictures 6426: 6420: 6419: 6417: 6415: 6409: 6398: 6382: 6376: 6375: 6373: 6371: 6356: 6350: 6349: 6347: 6345: 6322: 6316: 6315: 6285: 6279: 6272: 6266: 6265: 6243: 6237: 6231: 6225: 6219: 6213: 6212: 6210: 6208: 6193: 6187: 6186: 6184: 6182: 6167: 6161: 6154: 6148: 6141: 6135: 6128: 6122: 6115: 6109: 6102: 6096: 6095: 6075: 6069: 6068: 6063:. Archived from 6053: 6047: 6046: 6040: 6032: 6030: 6028: 6016: 6010: 6009: 6007: 6005: 5991: 5985: 5984: 5982: 5980: 5965: 5959: 5944: 5938: 5937: 5927: 5921: 5920: 5909: 5903: 5902: 5891: 5885: 5884: 5873: 5867: 5866: 5864: 5862: 5857:. New York Media 5846: 5840: 5827:Paula Johanson, 5825: 5816: 5815: 5813: 5811: 5794: 5788: 5787: 5785: 5783: 5758: 5752: 5737: 5731: 5716: 5710: 5709: 5706:"shooting draft" 5702: 5696: 5695: 5688: 5682: 5681: 5679: 5677: 5666: 5660: 5659: 5652: 5646: 5631: 5622: 5608: 5602: 5595: 5589: 5583: 5577: 5571: 5565: 5554: 5548: 5542: 5536: 5530: 5524: 5517: 5511: 5510: 5499: 5493: 5487: 5474: 5473: 5471: 5469: 5454: 5448: 5447: 5445: 5443: 5429: 5423: 5422: 5420: 5418: 5403: 5397: 5396: 5394: 5392: 5377: 5371: 5370: 5368: 5366: 5351: 5345: 5344: 5342: 5340: 5328: 5322: 5321: 5319: 5317: 5301: 5295: 5294: 5292: 5290: 5278: 5272: 5257: 5251: 5236: 5230: 5223: 5217: 5202: 5196: 5181: 5175: 5174: 5160: 5154: 5151: 5145: 5139: 4911: 4910: 4694: 4693: 4539: 4304: 4282:Projekt Walhalla 3492:John H. Lawrence 3053:Daimon Hellstrom 2795:Henry the Fowler 2029:, various works 1837:Divinium (E115) 1510:Chelys galactica 1193:Worlds of Wonder 869:Administrontium 803:Lady Deathstrike 586:Forbidden Planet 564:Prometheus Bound 523:Greek mythology 503: 502: 353: 343:reliable sources 304: 297: 286: 279: 275: 272: 266: 263:inline citations 239: 238: 231: 224: 221: 215: 187: 186: 179: 172: 165: 161: 158: 152: 150: 109: 85: 77: 66: 44: 43: 36: 21: 7556: 7555: 7551: 7550: 7549: 7547: 7546: 7545: 7511: 7510: 7500:Look Around You 7481: 7476: 7469: 7461:. p. 350. 7451: 7447: 7440: 7432:. p. 351. 7422: 7418: 7410: 7406: 7399: 7385: 7381: 7375:New Teen Titans 7373: 7369: 7361: 7357: 7349: 7345: 7337: 7333: 7327:New Teen Titans 7325: 7321: 7315:New Teen Titans 7313: 7309: 7296: 7295: 7291: 7284: 7262: 7258: 7248: 7246: 7238: 7237: 7233: 7220: 7219: 7215: 7205:The meteor hunt 7198: 7194: 7171: 7167: 7144: 7140: 7131: 7127: 7117: 7115: 7113: 7097: 7093: 7083: 7081: 7070: 7066: 7056: 7055: 7051: 7040: 7036: 7027: 7023: 7009: 7008: 7004: 6987: 6986: 6982: 6967: 6966: 6962: 6951: 6947: 6934: 6930: 6923: 6906: 6902: 6895: 6874: 6870: 6858: 6854: 6837: 6830: 6813: 6809: 6798:"Dragon Slayer" 6796: 6795: 6791: 6778: 6777: 6773: 6760: 6759: 6755: 6742: 6741: 6737: 6727: 6725: 6716: 6715: 6711: 6701: 6699: 6690: 6689: 6685: 6675: 6673: 6664: 6663: 6656: 6640: 6639: 6627: 6611: 6600: 6590: 6588: 6579: 6578: 6574: 6570:, 9781466560017 6558:Jason Gregory, 6557: 6550: 6539: 6535: 6520: 6502: 6498: 6451: 6447: 6427: 6423: 6413: 6411: 6407: 6396: 6383: 6379: 6369: 6367: 6357: 6353: 6343: 6341: 6339: 6323: 6319: 6309: 6301:. p. 247. 6286: 6282: 6273: 6269: 6262: 6254:. p. 271. 6244: 6240: 6232: 6228: 6220: 6216: 6206: 6204: 6194: 6190: 6180: 6178: 6168: 6164: 6155: 6151: 6142: 6138: 6129: 6125: 6116: 6112: 6103: 6099: 6092: 6076: 6072: 6055: 6054: 6050: 6034: 6033: 6026: 6024: 6017: 6013: 6003: 6001: 5993: 5992: 5988: 5978: 5976: 5967: 5966: 5962: 5945: 5941: 5928: 5924: 5911: 5910: 5906: 5893: 5892: 5888: 5875: 5874: 5870: 5860: 5858: 5847: 5843: 5839:, 9781404209404 5826: 5819: 5809: 5807: 5796: 5795: 5791: 5781: 5779: 5777: 5765:Junkyard Planet 5759: 5755: 5738: 5734: 5717: 5713: 5704: 5703: 5699: 5690: 5689: 5685: 5675: 5673: 5668: 5667: 5663: 5658:. 7 March 2010. 5654: 5653: 5649: 5645:, 9781578068586 5632: 5625: 5609: 5605: 5596: 5592: 5584: 5580: 5572: 5568: 5556:David Gerrold, 5555: 5551: 5543: 5539: 5531: 5527: 5518: 5514: 5501: 5500: 5496: 5488: 5477: 5467: 5465: 5455: 5451: 5441: 5439: 5430: 5426: 5416: 5414: 5404: 5400: 5390: 5388: 5379: 5378: 5374: 5364: 5362: 5353: 5352: 5348: 5338: 5336: 5329: 5325: 5315: 5313: 5302: 5298: 5288: 5286: 5279: 5275: 5258: 5254: 5237: 5233: 5224: 5220: 5203: 5199: 5182: 5178: 5161: 5157: 5152: 5148: 5140: 5136: 5132: 5127: 5099: 5004:so tiny only a 4909: 4692: 4687: 4686: 4685: 4684: 4540: 4491:Vendetta Online 4405:Aerospace term 4298: 4294:Storie naturali 4143:Aerospace term 4030:Numerous works 3945:Used in making 3923:(Introduced in 3888:Space Titanium 3233:mountain copper 2916:Team Fortress 2 2659:'s home planet 2493:(Introduced in 2476: 2448:(Introduced in 2205:Professor Frink 2130:Paradise Island 1809: 1761:' homeworld of 1747:(Introduced in 1612:can be used in 1589:Dr. Strangelove 1454:(Introduced in 1338:film adaptation 1249:warp nacelles. 1217:chemical symbol 1215:, "Bolognium", 1080:Team Fortress 2 1072:Team Fortress 2 812:Warhammer 40000 799:Captain America 706:R. 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E. Smith's 2758: 2754: 2753: 2750: 2743: 2739: 2738: 2730: 2723: 2719: 2718: 2691: 2684: 2678: 2677: 2653: 2648: 2642: 2641: 2624: 2617: 2613: 2612: 2605: 2598: 2594: 2593: 2586: 2579: 2575: 2574: 2563: 2557:E. E. Smith's 2554: 2550: 2549: 2538: 2531: 2527: 2526: 2514: 2507: 2503: 2502: 2491: 2488: 2487:Imperial Gold 2484: 2483: 2474: 2467:A more stable 2465: 2458: 2454: 2453: 2446: 2441: 2437: 2436: 2429:James P. Hogan 2425: 2417: 2411: 2410: 2407: 2406:Various works 2404: 2400: 2399: 2389: 2382: 2378: 2377: 2366: 2363: 2359: 2358: 2329: 2322: 2318: 2317: 2308: 2301: 2297: 2296: 2286: 2279: 2275: 2274: 2266:James P. 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List of fictional elements, materials, isotopes and atomic particles
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