
Milton Friedman

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7818:, he said the following: "Chile is not a politically free system, and I do not condone the system. But the people there are freer than the people in Communist societies because government plays a smaller role. ... The conditions of the people in the past few years has been getting better and not worse. They would be still better to get rid of the junta and to be able to have a free democratic system." In 1984, Friedman stated that he has "never refrained from criticizing the political system in Chile". In 1991 he said: "I have nothing good to say about the political regime that Pinochet imposed. It was a terrible political regime. The real miracle of Chile is not how well it has done economically; the real miracle of Chile is that a military junta was willing to go against its principles and support a free market regime designed by principled believers in a free market. ... In Chile, the drive for political freedom, that was generated by economic freedom and the resulting economic success, ultimately resulted in a referendum that introduced political democracy. Now, at long last, Chile has all three things: political freedom, human freedom and economic freedom. Chile will continue to be an interesting experiment to watch to see whether it can keep all three or whether, now that it has political freedom, that political freedom will tend to be used to destroy or reduce economic freedom." He stressed that the lectures he gave in Chile were the same lectures he later gave in China and other socialist states. He further stated "I do not consider it as evil for an economist to render technical economic advice to the Chilean Government, any more than I would regard it as evil for a physician to give technical medical advice to the Chilean Government to help end a medical plague." 7161: 8020:. When asked about it during an interview with Icelandic TV in 1984, Friedman said that the criticism referred to a different problem from that which he and Schwartz had tackled, and hence was irrelevant, and pointed out the lack of consequential peer review amongst econometricians on Hendry's work. In 2006, Hendry said that Friedman was guilty of "serious errors" of misunderstanding that meant "the t-ratios he reported for UK money demand were overstated by nearly 100 per cent", and said that, in a paper published in 1991 with Neil Ericsson, he had refuted "almost every empirical claim ... made about UK money demand" by Friedman and Schwartz. A 2004 paper updated and confirmed the validity of the Hendry–Ericsson findings through 2000. Some commentators believe that Friedman was not open enough, in their view, to the possibility of market inefficiencies. Economist Noah Smith argues that while Friedman made many important contributions to economic theory not all of his ideas relating to macroeconomics have entirely held up over the years and that too few people are willing to challenge them. 7321:. ... The advantages of this arrangement are clear. It is directed specifically at the problem of poverty. It gives help in the form most useful to the individual, namely, cash. It is general and could be substituted for the host of special measures now in effect. It makes explicit the cost borne by society. It operates outside the market. Like any other measures to alleviate poverty, it reduces the incentives of those helped to help themselves, but it does not eliminate that incentive entirely, as a system of supplementing incomes up to some fixed minimum would. An extra dollar earned always means more money available for expenditure. 7087: 5507: 3261: 7009:, most famously in an op-ed in the New York Times Magazine in 1970. Friedman argued that businesses often used claims about social responsibility to increase returns and described them as "hypocritical window dressing". Managers were also poorly prepared to make decisions about social causes and these outlays diverted funds that belonged instead to shareholders. Friedman believed that only monopolistic corporations could routinely make altruistic expenditures on social responsibility, because in a competitive market such costs would undermine the business. 7873:. When they complained that a fee was charged for attending his lecture at the university and that, hitherto, lectures by visiting scholars had been free-of-charge, Friedman replied that previous lectures had not been free-of-charge in a meaningful sense: lectures always have related costs. What mattered was whether attendees or non-attendees covered those costs. Friedman thought that it was fairer that only those who attended paid. In this discussion Friedman also stated that he did not receive any money for delivering that lecture. 23596: 8437: 4828: 3169: 2078: 44: 562: 4840: 8395: 4816: 15232: 6565: 25264: 8451: 5427: 3193: 2092: 7837:
Chile because of the relation of economists of the University of Chicago to Pinochet, and a seven-day trip he took to Chile during March 1975 (less than two years after the coup that ended with the death of President Salvador Allende). Friedman answered that he was never an advisor to the dictatorship, but only gave some lectures and seminars on inflation, and met with officials, including Augusto Pinochet the head of the military dictatorship, while in Chile.
8423: 4804: 7526: 3181: 6937: 5403: 2064: 1519: 8409: 8381: 5415: 2050: 1531: 6956:, with the insight that a government that brings about greater inflation cannot permanently reduce unemployment by doing so. Unemployment may be temporarily lower, if the inflation is a surprise, but in the long run unemployment will be determined by the frictions and imperfections of the labor market. If the conditions are not met and inflation is expected, the "long run" effects will replace the "short term" effects. 6493: 7042:. There is debate about the effectiveness of a theoretical money supply targeting regime. The Fed's inability to meet its money supply targets from 1978 to 1982 led some to conclude it is not a feasible alternative to more conventional inflation and interest rate targeting. Towards the end of his life, Friedman expressed doubt about the validity of targeting the quantity of money. To date, most countries have adopted 6602:. In this book, Rose Friedman describes how she and Milton Friedman raised their two children, Janet and David, with a Christmas tree in the home. "Orthodox Jews of course, do not celebrate Christmas. However, just as, when I was a child, my mother had permitted me to have a Christmas tree one year when my friend had one, she not only tolerated our having a Christmas tree, she even strung popcorn to hang on it." 11732:(pp. 3–21). Palgrave Macmillan, London. "It is precisely this leeway, this looseness in the relation, this lack of a mechanical one-to-one correspondence between changes in money and in income that is the primary reason why I have long favored for the USA a quasi-automatic monetary policy under which the quantity of money would grow at a steady rate of 4 or 5 per cent per year, month-in, month-out." 7379:, stating "The preservation of the environment and the avoidance of undue pollution are real problems and they are problems concerning which the government has an important role to play. … Most economists agree that a far better way to control pollution than the present method of specific regulation and supervision is to introduce market discipline by imposing effluent charges." 6484: 7292:, even in countries, there are clearly many people living under conditions that the rest of us label as poverty." Friedman also noted that while private charity could be one recourse for alleviating poverty and cited late 19th century Britain and the United States as exemplary periods of extensive private charity and eleemosynary activity, he made the following point: 8234:, and corporate structure changes that disadvantage workers, all collectively functioned to keep wages low. From 1980 to 2020, while economy-wide productivity rose almost 70 percent, hourly compensation for typical workers increased less than 12 percent, while the earnings of the top 1 percent and 0.1 percent increased 158 percent and 341 percent, respectively. 7215:, "not because they have any principles, but because that's the way I am the most useful and have most influence." He described his philosophy as "clearly libertarian", though distanced himself from "zero-government" libertarianism, which he called "infeasible", citing the lack of historical examples of that philosophy succeeding. Friedman attended 7753:". He stated that "There is only one way to end inflation: by drastically reducing the rate of increase of the quantity of money" and that "cutting government spending is by far and away the most desirable way to reduce the fiscal deficit, because it ... strengthens the private sector thereby laying the foundations for 8005:. In the Post-Keynesian framework, central banks simply refinance second-tier banks on demand but are not in the core of monetary creation. Milton Friedman and Nicholas Kaldor were involved in a fierce debate in 1969–70, in which the monetarist economist had the upper hand. In 1982, Kaldor published a book entitled 6343: 7763:
with "a package to eliminate the surprise and to relieve acute distress" and "for definiteness let me sketch the contents of a package proposal ... to be taken as illustrative" although his knowledge of Chile was "too limited to enable to be precise or comprehensive". He listed a "sample proposal" of 8
would not survive." Choosing "a brief period of higher unemployment" was the lesser evil.. and that "the experience of Germany, ... of Brazil ..., of the post-war adjustment in the U.S. ... all argue for shock treatment". In the letter Friedman recommended to deliver the shock approach
His citation for the Presidential Medal of Freedom reads: "He has used a brilliant mind to advance a moral vision: the vision of a society where men and women are free, free to choose, but where government is not as free to override their decisions. That vision has changed America, and it is changing
he headed the committee to research a conversion to paid/volunteer armed force. Friedman did, however, believe the introduction of a system of universal military training as a reserve in cases of war-time could be justified. He still opposed its implementation in the United States, describing it as a
crises. He saw fixed exchange rates as an undesirable form of government intervention. The case was articulated in an influential 1953 paper, "The Case for Flexible Exchange Rates", at a time when most commentators regarded the possibility of floating exchange rates as an unrealistic policy proposal.
measures including "the removal of as many as obstacles as possible that now hinder the private market. For example, suspend ... the present law against discharging employees". He closed, stating "Such a shock program could end inflation in months". His letter suggested that cutting spending to
should be free of value judgments for it to be objective. Moreover, a useful economic theory should be judged not by its descriptive realism but by its simplicity and fruitfulness as an engine of prediction. That is, students should measure the accuracy of its predictions, rather than the 'soundness
No arbitrary obstacles should prevent people from achieving those positions for which their talents fit them and which their values lead them to seek. Not birth, nationality, color, religion, sex, nor any other irrelevant characteristic should determine the opportunities that are open to a person –
In small communities, public pressure can suffice to realize the proviso even with private charity. In the large impersonal communities that are increasingly coming to dominate our society, it is much more difficult for it to do so. Suppose one accepts, as I do, this line of reasoning as justifying
While being an advocate of the free market, Friedman believed that the government had two crucial roles. In an interview with Phil Donahue, Friedman argued that "the two basic functions of a government are to protect the nation against foreign enemy, and to protect citizens against its fellows". He
was translated into eighteen languages. Friedman talks about the need to move to a classically liberal society, that free markets would help nations and individuals in the long-run and fix the efficiency problems currently faced by the United States and other major countries of the 1950s and 1960s.
all promulgated Friedman's monetarist ideas to British decision-makers. Friedman's ideas strongly influenced Thatcher and her allies when she became Prime Minister in 1979. Galbraith strongly criticised the "workability of the Friedmanite formula" for which, he said, "Britain has volunteered to be
Because of his involvement with the government of Chile, which was a dictatorship at the time of his visit, there were international protests, spanning from Sweden to America when Friedman was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in 1976. Friedman was accused of supporting the military dictatorship in
Friedman was also against minimum wage laws; he saw them as a clear case as one can find that the precise opposite is happening when this was attempted. Minimum wage laws would increase unemployment in his eyes and that employers would not hire back workers that were already there for less pay. In
Friedman was against public housing as he believed it was also a form of welfare. He believed that one of the main arguments politicians have for public housing is that regular low-income housing was too expensive due to the imposed higher cost of a fire and police department. He believed that it
noted a drift over time in Friedman's views from an interventionist to a more cautious foreign policy. He supported US involvement in the Second World War and initially supported a hard-line against Communism, but moderated over time. However, Friedman did state in a 1995 interview that he was an
representing the transitory component. Milton Friedman's research changed how economists interpreted the consumption function, and his work pushed the idea that current income was not the only factor affecting people's adjustment household consumption expenditures. Instead, expected income levels
and that a government monopoly is the least of evils. Along these lines, one could perhaps justify a government post office, but not the present law, which makes it illegal for anybody else to carry the mail. If the delivery of mail is a technical monopoly, no one else will be able to succeed in
Friedman suggested medical savings accounts, repealing tax exemptions of employer-provided medical care and income-based deductibles as ways to lower health care costs in America. Friedman also argued that federal involvement in health care should be restricted, with state and local governments
Friedman favored immigration, saying "legal and illegal immigration has a very positive impact on the U.S. economy". However, he suggested that immigrants ought not to have access to the welfare system. Friedman stated that immigration from Mexico had been a "good thing", in particular illegal
system, since the federal government needed money to fund the war. He later said, "I have no apologies for it, but I really wish we hadn't found it necessary and I wish there were some way of abolishing withholding now." In Milton and Rose Friedman's jointly written memoir, he wrote, "Rose has
After a 1991 speech on drug legalization, Friedman answered a question on his involvement with the Pinochet regime, saying that he was never an advisor to Pinochet (also mentioned in his 1984 Iceland interview), but that a group University of Chicago students were involved in Chile's economic
6857:. Due to this reformulation, the story in which the theory of the new classical Phillips curve was embedded radically changed. This modification, however, had a significant effect on Friedman's own approach, so, as a result, the theory of the Friedmanian Phillips curve also changed. Moreover, 6776:
The Fed was largely responsible for converting what might have been a garden-variety recession, although perhaps a fairly severe one, into a major catastrophe. Instead of using its powers to offset the depression, it presided over a decline in the quantity of money by one-third from 1929 to
stance that government should stay out of matters that do not need it and should only involve itself when absolutely necessary for the survival of its people and the country. He recounts how the best of a country's abilities come from its free markets while its failures come from government
In 1940, Friedman accepted a position at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, but left because of differences with faculty regarding United States involvement in World War II. Friedman believed the United States should enter the war. In 1943, Friedman joined the Division of War Research at
his view, this would leave low-income people worse off because the voters for minimum wage laws would then become the victims of unemployment. He believed that these ideas of new minimum wage laws came from Northern factories and Unions, in an attempt to reduce competition from the South.
7536:, a leading historian of American conservatism, says that by "the end of the 1960s he was probably the most highly regarded and influential conservative scholar in the country, and one of the few with an international reputation". In 1971, Friedman received the Golden Plate Award of the 6197:
believed people would modify their household consumption expenditures to relate to their existing income levels. Friedman's research introduced the term "permanent income" to the world, which was the average of a household's expected income over several years, and he also developed the
disagreed with Friedman's historical assessment of economic freedom leading to political freedom, suggesting that political freedom actually gave way to economic freedom for property-owning elites. He also challenged the notion that markets efficiently allocated resources and rejected
that private businesses are not considered as being able to provide. However, he argued that many of the services performed by government could be performed better by the private sector. Above all, if some public goods are provided by the state, he believed that they should not be a
7630:, the sole recipient for 1976, "for his achievements in the fields of consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and for his demonstration of the complexity of stabilization policy". His appointment was controversial, mainly for his association with military dictator 7778:, a Chilean Chicago School graduate, became the nation's Minister of Finance in 1975. During his six-year tenure, foreign investment increased, restrictions were placed on striking and labor unions, and GDP rose yearly. A foreign exchange program was created between the 6536:, when asked about Friedman's successes, said that "I have never had the desire to compete with Milton professionally (perhaps because I was smart enough to recognize I couldn't). On the other hand, he has always made me feel that his achievement is my achievement." 5595:. During the 1960s, he became the main advocate opposing Keynesian government policies, and described his approach (along with mainstream economics) as using "Keynesian language and apparatus" yet rejecting its initial conclusions. He theorized that there existed a 6997:, "the standard analysis of quality control inspection". The dictionary adds, "Like many of Friedman's contributions, in retrospect it seems remarkably simple and obvious to apply basic economic ideas to quality control; that, however, is a measure of his genius." 7689:, Chief Executive of Hong Kong, for abandoning "positive non interventionism". Tsang later said he was merely changing the slogan to "big market, small government", where small government is defined as less than 20% of GDP. In a debate between Tsang and his rival 5942:
describes the book as the "most influential account" of the Great Depression. During 1935, he began working for the National Resources Planning Board, which was then working on a large consumer budget survey. Ideas from this project later became a part of his
6884:(1957), which Friedman himself referred to as his best scientific work. This work contended that utility-maximizing consumers would spend a proportional amount of what they perceived to be their permanent income. Permanent Income refers to such factors like 7022:
Although Friedman concluded the government does have a role in the monetary system he was critical of the Federal Reserve due to its poor performance and felt it should be abolished. He was opposed to Federal Reserve policies, even during the so-called
7346:, Friedman's views in this regard were grounded in a belief that while "market forces ... accomplish wonderful things", they "cannot ensure a distribution of income that enables all citizens to meet basic economic needs". Friedman also criticized 6816:
Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression, you're right. We did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it
7300:. I am distressed by the sight of poverty; I am benefited by its alleviation; but I am benefited equally whether I or someone else pays for its alleviation; the benefits of other people's charity therefore partly accrue to me. To put it differently, 7841:
reforms. Friedman credited these reforms with high levels of economic growth and with the establishment of democracy that has subsequently occurred in Chile. In October 1988, after returning from a lecture tour of China during which he had met with
economic growth". As to how rapidly inflation should be ended, Friedman felt that "for Chile where inflation is raging at 10–20% a month ... gradualism is not feasible. It would involve so painful an operation over so long a period that the
would never agree with this idea due to them not trusting their own citizens. He also stated that regression has already happened with more land being left vacant due to slow construction. Friedman argued that public housing instead encourages
immigration. Friedman argued that illegal immigration was a boon because they "take jobs that most residents of this country are unwilling to take, they provide employers with workers of a kind they cannot get" and they do not use welfare. In
Friedman argued for stronger basic legal (constitutional) protection of economic rights and freedoms to further promote industrial-commercial growth and prosperity and buttress democracy and freedom and the rule of law generally in society.
7829:), Friedman continued to argue that "free markets would undermine political centralization and political control", and that criticism over his role in Chile missed his main contention that freer markets resulted in freer people, and that 13489: 11568: 6348: 6344: 14194: 7586:
called him "The Great Liberator", saying "any honest Democrat will admit that we are now all Friedmanites." He said Friedman's great popular contribution was "in convincing people of the importance of allowing free markets to operate".
and, thus, private money creation. It would force banks to have 100% reserves backing deposits, and instead place money creation powers solely in the hands of the US Government. This would make targeting money growth more possible, as
9081: 6346: 7386:. Reforms similar to those proposed in the article were implemented in, for example, Chile in 1981 and Sweden in 1992. In 1996, Friedman, together with his wife, founded the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice to advocate 6090:). Friedman would work for the University of Chicago for the next 30 years. There he contributed to the establishment of an intellectual community that produced a number of Nobel Memorial Prize winners, known collectively as the 5856:, both of whom later taught with Friedman at the University of Chicago. Friedman was also influenced by two lifelong friends, Arthur Burns and Homer Johnson. They helped Friedman better understand the depth of economic thinking. 7491:
Friedman also famously argued that the welfare state must end before immigration, or more specifically, before open borders, because immigrants might have an incentive to come directly because of welfare payments. Economist
5508: 8154:
does not bear a direct or proven relationship with GDP. According to Krugman, this was true in the 1930s, and the claim that the Federal Reserve could have avoided the Great Depression by reacting to what Friedman called
13348: 8192:'s hands were tied. This was because, to retain the credibility of the gold standard, the Federal Reserve could not undertake actions like dramatically expanding the money supply as proposed by Friedman and Schwartz. 7504:
would only increase taxes and not benefit low-income people in the long run. Friedman was an advocate for direct cash instead of public housing believing that the people would be better off that way. He argued that
He goes through the chapters specifying an issue in each respective chapter from the role of government and money supply to social welfare programs to a special chapter on occupational licensure. Friedman concludes
8580: 11821:
Simon London, "Lunch with the FT – Milton Friedman," Financial Times (June 7, 2003) "The use of quantity of money as a target has not been a success ... I'm not sure I would as of today push it as hard as I once
evolved from a strict model emphasizing the connection between inflation and unemployment as being absolute, to a model which emphasized short term unemployment reductions and long term employment stagnations.
9217: 7325:
Friedman argued further that other advantages of the negative income tax were that it could fit directly into the tax system, would be less costly, and would reduce the administrative burden of implementing a
6113:. As a result, he initiated the "Workshop in Money and Banking" (the "Chicago Workshop"), which promoted a revival of monetary studies. During the latter half of the 1940s, Friedman began a collaboration with 7793:
Friedman defended his activity in Chile on the grounds that, in his opinion, the adoption of free market policies not only improved the economic situation of Chile but also contributed to the amelioration of
13457: 24718: 15999: 14350:
David F. Hendry; Neil R. Ericsson (October 1983). "Assertion without Empirical Basis: An Econometric Appraisal of 'Monetary Trends in ... the United Kingdom' by Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz," in
6347: 8968:. "in important respects, the overall monetary and financial policy response to the crisis can be viewed as Friedman's monetary economics in practice. ... Friedman's recommendations for responding to a 7235:, Friedman argued that a "free society" would constitute a desirable but unstable equilibrium, due to an asymmetry between the visible benefits and the hidden harms of government intervention; he uses 6320:
and consists of essays that used non-mathematical economic models to explore issues of public policy. It sold over 400,000 copies in the first eighteen years and more than half a million since 1962.
Friedman died of heart failure at the age of 94 years in San Francisco on November 16, 2006. He was still a working economist performing original economic research; his last column was published in
21048: 7371:, saying "the best way to is to impose a tax on the cost of the pollutants emitted by a car and make an incentive for car manufacturers and for consumers to keep down the amount of pollution." In 14312: 6066:(co-authored with Kuznets and completed during 1940) to Columbia as his doctoral dissertation. The university awarded him a PhD in 1946. Friedman spent the 1945–1946 academic year teaching at the 13081: 9103: 7923:
After 1950 Friedman was frequently invited to lecture in Britain, and by the 1970s his ideas had gained widespread attention in conservative circles. For example, he was a regular speaker at the
7786:. Many other Chicago School alumni were appointed government posts during and after Pinochet's dictatorship; others taught its economic doctrine at Chilean universities. They became known as the 10698: 14186: 9073: 7895:, who has claimed that it was the only book on economics he had read before taking office. Laar's reforms are often credited with responsibility for transforming Estonia from an impoverished 7180:'s failed presidential campaign in 1964. He was an advisor to California governor Ronald Reagan and was active in Reagan's presidential campaigns. He served as a member of President Reagan's 7849:, Friedman wrote to The Stanford Daily asking if he should anticipate a similar "avalanche of protests for having been willing to give advice to so evil a government? And if not, why not?" 6715:
school of economics. He maintained that there is a close and stable association between inflation and the money supply, mainly that inflation could be avoided with proper regulation of the
also affected how households would change their consumption expenditures. Friedman's contributions strongly influenced research on consumer behavior, and he further defined how to predict
11966:""National Service, the Draft and Volunteers" A debate featuring Milton Friedman In Registration and the Draft: Proceedings of the Hoover-Rochester Conference on the All-Volunteer Force" 25441: 7382:
In his 1955 article "The Role of Government in Education", Friedman proposed supplementing publicly operated schools with privately run but publicly funded schools through a system of
25536: 7160: 7993:
in the 1970s. While Friedman and monetarist economists claimed that the money supply was exogenously created by a powerful central bank, Kaldor claimed that the money was created by
25169: 15992: 14648: 12965: 13352: 7336:, with the additional proviso that such a reform would only be satisfactory if it replaced the current system of welfare programs rather than augment it. According to economist 13556: 11126: 9587:
He and his followers have always done this in the name of 'liberty.' This word runs throughout Hayek's work, which his student Milton Friedman called the 'battle for freedom.'
6594:, rejected religion altogether". He described himself as an agnostic. Friedman wrote extensively of his life and experiences, especially in 1998 in his memoirs with his wife, 10236:
Beznoska, Martin; Ochmann, Richard (2012). "Liquidity Constraints and the Permanent Income Hypothesis: Pseudo Panel Estimation with German Consumption Survey Data", EconStar.
7746:. One of the lectures was entitled "The Fragility of Freedom" and according to Friedman, "dealt with precisely the threat to freedom from a centralized military government." 7260:
competition with the government. If it is not, there is no reason why the government should be engaged in it. The only way to find out is to leave other people free to enter.
was an interesting starting point for Lucas, but he soon realized that the solution provided by Friedman was not quite satisfactory. Lucas elaborated a new approach in which
25421: 21041: 10975: 6246: 5971:
that Friedman worked out in greater detail in the 1950s. The book hypothesizes that professional licensing artificially restricts the supply of services and raises prices.
15985: 12916:"The Captain of Capitalism : Even as Milton Friedman's Theories Have Gone Out of Vogue in Washington, His Ideas Have Come to Shape the Way Nations Manage Their Money" 11965: 21916: 16008: 10245:
Stafford, Frank P. (July 1974). "Permanent income, wealth, and consumption: A critique of the permanent income theory, the life cycle hypothesis, and related theories".
9460: 13973: 11254: 9214: 6526:
Friedman was noticeably shorter than some of his colleagues; he measured 5 feet 0 inches (1.52 m), and has been described as an "Elfin Libertarian" by
6345: 25461: 24917: 13723: 10480: 9671: 7458: 11800: 11090: 25586: 25466: 21034: 14030: 13436: 14251: 14071: 13749: 10624: 6928:
also admitted that although privatization of national defense could reduce the overall cost, he has not yet thought of a way to make this privatization possible.
participated in the Economics Cassette Series, a biweekly subscription series where the economist would discuss the days' issues for about a half-hour at a time.
13775: 8757: 7939:, who became Thatcher's senior advisor on economic affairs, as well as Alan Walters and Patrick Minford, two other key advisers. Major newspapers, including the 7749:
In a letter to Pinochet of April 21, 1975, Friedman considered the "key economic problems of Chile are clearly ... inflation and the promotion of a healthy
7031:". Friedman believed the Federal Reserve System should ultimately be replaced with a computer program. He favored a system that would automatically buy and sell 7959:
After his death a number of obituaries and articles were written in Friedman's honor, citing him as one of the most important and influential economists of the
6991:. Friedman did statistical work at the Division of War Research at Columbia, where he and his colleagues came up with the technique. It became, in the words of 8294: 6756:
management; he also held the belief that the government's role in the guidance of the economy should be restricted severely. Friedman wrote extensively on the
6700: 24748: 12634: 6109:, asked Friedman to rejoin the Bureau's staff. He accepted the invitation, and assumed responsibility for the Bureau's inquiry into the role of money in the 5772:. Friedman's father, Jenő Saul Friedman, died during Friedman's senior year of high school, leaving Friedman and two older sisters to care for their mother. 7239:
as an example of a policy that brings noticeable financial benefits to a visible group, but causes worse harms to a diffuse group of workers and consumers.
6160:). Friedman speculated he was invited to the fellowship because his views were unacceptable to both of the Cambridge factions. Later his weekly columns for 25396: 25139: 11683: 11228: 5904:
to help resources be used where they were most valued. Indeed, Friedman later concluded that all government intervention associated with the New Deal was
17291: 16929: 15751: 14304: 12493: 11630:. Youtube: "There in no institution in the US that has such a high public standing and such a poor record of performance" "It's done more harm than good" 5565:. Several students, young professors and academics who were recruited or mentored by Friedman at Chicago went on to become leading economists, including 13085: 9111: 5775:
In his early teens, Friedman was injured in a car accident, which scarred his upper lip. A talented student and an avid reader, Friedman graduated from
5752:, New York City, on July 31, 1912. His parents, Sára Ethel (née Landau) and Jenő Saul Friedman, were Jewish working-class immigrants from Beregszász in 25346: 25326: 24595: 16680: 10842: 10287: 25581: 25234: 25028: 23307: 14413: 12395: 10875: 6029:
repeatedly chided me over the years about the role that I played in making possible the current overgrown government we both criticize so strongly."
4243: 2571: 23856: 23721: 23641: 23297: 22213: 14281: 11549: 10593: 8489: 7846: 5768:
merchants. Friedman was their fourth child and only son, as well as the youngest of the children. Shortly after his birth, the family relocated to
4233: 3223: 2561: 2123: 6082:
In 1946, Friedman accepted an offer to teach economic theory at the University of Chicago (a position opened by departure of his former professor
23327: 21909: 14515: 12178: 9246: 8531: 6900: 6462:
and appear on television. He made several visits to Eastern Europe and to China, where he also advised governments. He was also for many years a
Friedman is known now as one of the most influential economists of the 20th century. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Friedman continued to write
in 1928, just before his 16th birthday. He was the first in his family to attend a university. Friedman was awarded a competitive scholarship to
5457: 4268: 2591: 2030: 8785: 7296:
It can be argued that private charity is insufficient because the benefits from it accrue to people other than those who make the gifts – ... a
25371: 23287: 23277: 16626: 16607: 16592: 16573: 13325: 8961: 4223: 2551: 2541: 1129: 12831: 12693: 25556: 25436: 13265: 9712: 8083:
spiral, arguing that this is inconsistent with the data, even though during the period described by Friedman as "The Great Contraction", the
4349: 9181: 8711: 7144:. In a spring 2006 interview, Friedman said the US's stature in the world had been eroded by the Iraq War, but that it might be improved if 6698:
or even further; however, Friedman's contribution is largely responsible for its modern popularization. He co-authored, with Anna Schwartz,
25561: 25501: 14132: 12667: 10133: 7795: 6274: 3666: 3240: 1561: 14474: 14361: 13999: 8638: 6833:
explained, "As is customary in science, he did not win a full victory, in part because research was directed along different lines by the
5908:, arguing the Federal Reserve was to blame, and that they should have expanded the money supply in reaction to what he later described in 5872:
was "a lifesaver" for many young economists. At this stage, Friedman said he and his wife "regarded the job-creation programs such as the
25531: 25471: 25341: 25321: 12034: 11343: 8835: 7908: 7545: 7351: 5198: 4870: 457: 14639: 14101: 13874: 11213: Remarks by Governor Ben S. Bernanke, At the Conference to Honor Milton Friedman, University of Chicago, Nov. 8, 2002
11059: 10363: 7457:
and prostitution. During 2005, Friedman and more than 500 other economists advocated discussions regarding the economic benefits of the
25446: 25386: 24738: 24635: 21902: 14386: 11757:
Marimon, R., & Sunder, S. (December 1995). "Does a constant money growth rule help stabilize inflation?: experimental evidence. In
11500: 9917: 8936: 8098:
is widely considered to be among the most influential economics books ever made, it has endured criticisms for its conclusion that the
5709: 505: 14163: 13184: 13146: 10648: 7394:
to honor the Friedmans' desire to have the educational choice movement live on without their names attached to it after their deaths.
25331: 25311: 16817: 16012: 15795: 12876: 12341: 11862: 7651: 7643: 7627: 7576: 5722:
cover a broad range of economic topics and public policy issues. His books and essays have had global influence, including in former
5515: 523: 13604: 10947: 8171:, and how informative this measure of the frequency of transactions is to the understanding of the various fluctuations observed in 25401: 24501: 23716: 22651: 22247: 13634: 13527: 9152: 9052: 7833:
had caused Pinochet's rise. Friedman advocated for free markets which undermined "political centralization and political control".
6993: 6428: 6164:
magazine (1966–84) were well read and increasingly influential among political and business people, and helped earn the magazine a
6017: 2279: 10024: 9000: 7971:
have argued Friedman's academic legacy has been buried under his political philosophy and misinterpreted by modern conservatives.
24927: 24723: 23317: 23302: 17284: 16922: 15906: 7739: 7694: 7073:
period (1944–1971). He argued that a flexible exchange rate would make external adjustment possible and allow countries to avoid
6792: 6059:
working as a mathematical statistician, focusing on problems of weapons design, military tactics, and metallurgical experiments.
5922: 4253: 4238: 2581: 2566: 11976: 11003: 7861:
during the autumn of 1984, met with important Icelanders and gave a lecture at the University of Iceland on the "tyranny of the
6265:. Although this work presented many controversial points of view which differed from existing viewpoints established by Keynes, 6012:
in the Economics department and returned to government service. From 1941 to 1943 Friedman worked on wartime tax policy for the
25606: 24753: 23762: 16673: 14581: 7496:
has disputed this assertion, arguing that welfare is generally distributed not among immigrants, but instead retirees, through
he argued conscription is inequitable and arbitrary, preventing young men from shaping their lives as they see fit. During the
5153: 13681: 9468: 8817: 8269: 7412:. This annual report has since provided data for numerous peer-reviewed studies and has influenced policy in several nations. 5864:
Friedman was unable to find academic employment, so in 1935 he followed his friend W. Allen Wallis to Washington, D.C., where
25601: 25566: 25526: 25351: 23332: 22646: 16792: 15518: 7697:, Leong introduced the topic and jokingly accused Tsang of angering Friedman to death (Friedman had died only a year prior). 6369: 6145: 5791: 4263: 3295: 2596: 2274: 8290:(1962), highly influential series of essays that established Friedman's position on major issues of public policy (excerpts) 25426: 25366: 24942: 24615: 24295: 23634: 23549: 23272: 17549: 15831: 13719: 10783: 9663: 9599: 7255:
There is no way to justify our present public monopoly of the post office. It may be argued that the carrying of mail is a
1933 ... Far from the depression being a failure of the free-enterprise system, it was a tragic failure of government.
6656: 6102: 5956: 4726: 4359: 4218: 3216: 3121: 2927: 2536: 2116: 482: 211: 11082: 10118: 6190:, and it reanalyzed the relationship displayed "between aggregate consumption or aggregate savings and aggregate income". 25616: 25496: 25451: 25406: 25376: 25336: 25316: 24285: 24165: 23554: 11792: 11642: 11623: 11528: 7355: 6893: 6869:
between 1960 and 1963, regarded Friedman's theoretical courses as a mess, highlighting the strained relationship between
Friedman and his wife Rose worked on this project for the next three years, and during 1980, the ten-part series, titled
6005: 5450: 5193: 3375: 3248: 3126: 2932: 2859: 15119: 14916:
Bordo, Michael (1989). "The Contributions of "A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960" to Monetary History".
Ng, Yew-Kwang. (2016). Are unrealistic Assumptions/Simplifications Acceptable? Some Methodological Issues in Economics.
14053: 13896: 13745: 13662: 12728: 10616: 9494: 25596: 25591: 25491: 25416: 24620: 23851: 23846: 21381: 19869: 17277: 16915: 15492: 15365: 15206: 15183: 15162: 15098: 14446: 14243: 13933: 13771: 13304: 13025: 12797: 12440: 12378: 12313: 12279: 12252: 12203: 12087: 12060: 12015: 11920: 11843: 11707: 11314: 11266: 11165: 10921: 10543: 10412: 10373: 10330: 9981: 9888: 9634: 9444: 9391: 9307: 9034: 8901: 8870: 8845: 8799: 8749: 8733: 8564: 6202:. Friedman thought income consisted of several components, namely transitory and permanent. He established the formula 5382: 5158: 4627: 4585: 4417: 499: 12854: 10816: 9997: 7603:
has become a little like quoting the Bible." He adds, "There are sometimes multiple and conflicting interpretations."
pattern for his own subsequent research and to a degree that of the Chicago School. There he argued that economics as
25521: 25456: 25391: 25361: 24912: 24818: 23650: 23282: 16896: 16891: 16886: 16881: 16876: 16866: 16861: 16856: 16851: 16846: 16666: 15688: 15405: 15265: 14022: 12966:"Milton Friedman in a 1966 Newsweek op-ed: the minimum-wage law is a 'monument to the power of superficial thinking'" 12152:
AvenueChicago, The University of ChicagoEdward H. Levi Hall5801 South Ellis; Us, Illinois 60637773 702 1234 Contact.
10087: 7964: 7208: 6368:
after teaching there for 30 years. He and his wife moved to San Francisco, where he became a visiting scholar at the
4656: 4445: 4374: 4354: 4344: 4273: 3646: 3613: 2546: 1056: 15498: 10995: 10560: 8660: 6121:
at the Bureau, that would ultimately result in the 1963 publication of a book co-authored by Friedman and Schwartz,
described him as "the most influential economist of the second half of the 20th century ... possibly of all of it".
25159: 25119: 24853: 24838: 24640: 24625: 15702: 15577: 15523: 15507: 11889: 8264: 7808:, in which he declared that economic freedom is not only desirable in itself but is also a necessary condition for 7216: 7212: 5889: 5794:, convinced him to become an economist. He was offered two scholarships to do graduate work, one in mathematics at 5651: 5135: 4536: 1636: 1554: 224: 129: 13866: 12641: 10725: 9576: 9273: 8725:
The Chicago School: How the University of Chicago Assembled the Thinkers Who Revolutionized Economics and Business
The proposal to constantly grow the money supply at a certain predetermined amount every year has become known as
25511: 25506: 24863: 23777: 23627: 22776: 22354: 21416: 19901: 15740: 15546: 13067: 13049: 11435: 9950: 9551:"Nov. 8 conference to honor University of Chicago economist Milton Friedman on the occasion of his 90th birthday" 7799: 7505: 7497: 7271: 7006: 6695: 6186:, challenged traditional Keynesian viewpoints about the household. This work was originally published in 1957 by 5024: 4863: 4691: 3518: 3355: 3305: 3209: 2404: 2109: 1659: 230: 15977: 13138: 13107: 12122: 11680: 11224: 10682: 9179:"Defaming Milton Friedman: Naomi Klein's disastrous yet popular polemic against the great free market economist" 25516: 25411: 25381: 25239: 25004: 23876: 23544: 23459: 23322: 16722: 15898: 15534: 14925: 13957: 12758: 12333: 11948: 11034: 10665: 9828: 9792: 8484: 8464: 8356: 8342: 8280: 8257: 7727: 7181: 6694:
is the set of views associated with modern quantity theory. Its origins can be traced back to the 16th-century
6432: 6262: 5640: 5443: 5004: 4721: 4550: 4258: 3116: 3031: 2917: 2586: 17: 25059: 14890: 12484: 11212: 7716: 25611: 25481: 25431: 24858: 24823: 24780: 23312: 22606: 22374: 21057: 17514: 15788: 15448: 10948:"PROFILE / Decades don't douse Milton Friedman's fire / Retired economist still champions free-market theory" 10260: 8887: 7924: 7896: 7865:". He participated in a lively television debate on August 31, 1984, with socialist intellectuals, including 7185: 7165: 6452: 6133: 5873: 5115: 4248: 4072: 3340: 2576: 2234: 1320: 978: 517: 7404:
and Friedman hosted a series of conferences from 1986 to 1994. The goal was to create a clear definition of
6723:", to avoid dealing with money injection mechanisms and other factors that would overcomplicate his models. 25571: 25546: 23747: 23494: 23389: 23342: 22761: 22686: 22666: 22240: 20231: 15921: 15882: 15873: 15851: 15461: 8316: 8243: 8033: 7779: 7775: 7553: 7416: 7408:
and a method for measuring it. Eventually this resulted in the first report on worldwide economic freedom,
7047: 7039: 6949: 6874: 6858: 6842: 6705: 6664: 6157: 6106: 5982: 5848:
During the 1934–1935 academic year, Friedman formed what would later prove to be lifetime friendships with
5719: 5596: 5558: 5324: 5178: 5120: 4529: 4431: 3448: 3066: 2606: 2389: 2314: 2294: 1851: 1783: 1608: 1370: 1360: 544: 477: 447: 14829:
3 – Unrealistic assumptions and unnecessary confusions: rereading and rewriting F53 as a realist statement
14409: 13041: 12612: 12456:
Kearl, J. R.; Pope, Clayne L.; Whiting, Gordon C.; Wimmer, Larry T. (1979). "A Confusion of Economists?".
Evans, G.W., & Honkapohja, S. (2003). Friedman's money supply rule vs. optimal interest rate policy".
10867: 10758: 10047: 8972:
largely lined up with the principal financial and monetary policy measures taken since 2007". "Review" in
the world. All of us owe a tremendous debt to this man's towering intellect and his devotion to liberty."
25576: 25551: 25356: 23539: 23337: 23292: 22886: 22474: 19983: 18769: 18271: 17689: 16938: 15861: 15696: 15030: 12566: 11870: 11252: 10585: 10151:"What Is Keynesian Economics? – Back to Basics Compilation Book – IMF Finance & Development magazine" 8474: 7866: 7124: 6881: 6636: 6590:
magazine, his "parents were moderately observant Jews, but Friedman, after an intense burst of childhood
6544: 6444: 6401: 6317: 6285: 6270: 6199: 6091: 5968: 5952: 5893: 5881: 5877: 5542: 5535: 5183: 5057: 4716: 4620: 4384: 4306: 4278: 4228: 3111: 2601: 2556: 2514: 2025: 1773: 1582: 1547: 1066: 1003: 936: 914: 452: 268: 14273: 12915: 12079:
Building Chicago Economics: New Perspectives on the History of America's Most Powerful Economics Program
24937: 24833: 24773: 24697: 24610: 23666: 23574: 23399: 22171: 22135: 20939: 20203: 17929: 15683: 15154: 14941: 14504: 13688:, "Economic Freedom, Human Freedom, Political Freedom", by Milton Friedman, delivered November 1, 1991. 12940: 11664: 9942: 9238: 8922: 8791: 7397: 7058: 6801: 6187: 4856: 4768: 4494: 4452: 4424: 4410: 3844: 3146: 1375: 891: 15088: 15010: 14334: 10219:
Carroll, Christopher D. (1997). "Buffer-Stock Saving and the Life Cycle/Permanent Income Hypothesis".
Vol. 58, No. 1 (Mar. 1968), pp. 1–17 JSTOR presidential address to American Economics Association
6825:, thereby spawning an enormous literature on the subject, as well as promoting the practice of freely 6768:
and the duration and seriousness of which were greatly increased by the subsequent contraction of the
5514:; July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006) was an American economist and statistician who received the 1976 25486: 25179: 25079: 25009: 24868: 24763: 24743: 24687: 24245: 23607: 23161: 22846: 22464: 22364: 19178: 18727: 17612: 17300: 16718: 16478: 15614: 8958: 8510: 8199: 7830: 7189: 6448: 6316:, brought him national and international attention outside academia. It was published in 1962 by the 6165: 5599:
and argued that unemployment below this rate would cause inflation to accelerate. He argued that the
5246: 5014: 4994: 4949: 4748: 4646: 4571: 3671: 2626: 2474: 1915: 1149: 836: 511: 17269: 15235: 14217: 13321: 12991: 12821: 10131:
Inventory of the Paul A. Samuelson Papers, 1933–2010 and undated | Finding Aids | Rubenstein Library
closely followed IEA programs and ideas and met Friedman there in 1978. He also strongly influenced
6277:. His work was later expanded on by Christopher D. Carroll, especially in regards to the absence of 5802:. Friedman chose the latter, earning a Master of Arts degree in 1933. He was strongly influenced by 25476: 25296: 25049: 23821: 23811: 23711: 23681: 23519: 23156: 22786: 22379: 22349: 22344: 21172: 20627: 20073: 19196: 19029: 17144: 17000: 16806: 16699: 15781: 15660: 15311: 13273: 13063: 12697: 11526:
The Life and Times of Milton Friedman – Remembering the 20th century's most influential libertarian
8227: 7986: 7678: 7607: 6687: 6626: 6205: 6153: 6132:, which at the time was awarded every other year to the best economist under the age of 40, by the 5367: 5208: 4939: 4696: 4599: 4515: 4459: 4185: 3899: 3523: 3300: 3091: 2811: 2414: 1895: 1833: 1423: 1119: 966: 805: 779: 701: 646: 21026: 12555:"National Voucher Plans in Chile and Sweden: Did Privatization Reforms Make for Better Education?" 11481: 10898: 9705: 6568: 5977:
remained quite controversial within the economics community because of Friedman's hypothesis that
25089: 24883: 24019: 23737: 22796: 22641: 22479: 22459: 22384: 22297: 22233: 21798: 21637: 21482: 21077: 19938: 18652: 17777: 16840: 16542: 11407: 10150: 9550: 9522: 9178: 9134: 7928: 7734:
accepted an invitation of a private Chilean foundation to visit Chile and speak on principles of
7635: 7595: 7243: 6822: 6734:
at the time was the result of increases in the price of oil, or increases in wages; as he wrote:
6612: 6067: 5659: 5519: 5377: 4944: 4742: 4606: 4508: 3984: 3360: 2977: 2922: 2854: 2424: 2269: 2140: 1900: 1805: 1631: 1315: 961: 956: 946: 641: 366: 242: 19206: 14463: 14358: 14124: 13798: 12671: 10130: 9973: 9360: 8075:, denigrating its advocates as 'gold bugs'." Rothbard criticized Friedman's conclusion that the 7306:
everyone else did. We might not be willing to contribute the same amount without such assurance.
6148:. At the time, the Cambridge economics faculty was divided into a Keynesian majority (including 5603:
was in the long run vertical at the "natural rate" and predicted what would come to be known as
24889: 24843: 24758: 24650: 24140: 24034: 23841: 23801: 23534: 23474: 23449: 23369: 22979: 22801: 22751: 22746: 22706: 22501: 22432: 21925: 21542: 21458: 21315: 21178: 20926: 20495: 20395: 20382: 20208: 19338: 19312: 19284: 18958: 18832: 18616: 18120: 18072: 17754: 17625: 17407: 16800: 16767: 15890: 15626: 15567: 15444: 14546: 13991: 13969: 12486:"The Role of Government in Education," as printed in the book Economics and the Public Interest 12269: 12242: 12227: 12031: 8634: 8499: 8286: 7980: 7826: 7804: 7611: 7590: 7537: 7314: 7276: 7119: 6826: 6391:. They asked him to create a television program presenting his economic and social philosophy. 6388: 6308: 6129: 5681: 5672: 5539: 5077: 5067: 4706: 4543: 4522: 4501: 4403: 3824: 3553: 3513: 3468: 3310: 3106: 3046: 3021: 2691: 2429: 2379: 2374: 2334: 1842: 1793: 1669: 1468: 1345: 1139: 998: 929: 816: 774: 529: 422: 14436: 13923: 11334: 11157: 11051: 10402: 9880: 5837:. He was back in Chicago for the 1934–1935 academic year, working as a research assistant for 25244: 25209: 25149: 25109: 24977: 24692: 24655: 24605: 23691: 23686: 23600: 23529: 23005: 22871: 22696: 22551: 22546: 22469: 22410: 22287: 21985: 21351: 21232: 21095: 20986: 20372: 20354: 20254: 20167: 19534: 18979: 18010: 17795: 17607: 17455: 15482: 15173: 14616: 14093: 13453: 12077: 11833: 10980: 10379: 8442: 8231: 8143: 7783: 7772:
reduce the fiscal deficit would result in less transitional unemployment than raising taxes.
7750: 7720: 7541: 7454: 7367: 6976: 6972: 6866: 6854: 6850: 6834: 6805: 6586: 6520: 6436: 6365: 6258: 5967:, which introduced the concepts of permanent and transitory income, a major component of the 5963:
in his work on professional income. This work resulted in their jointly authored publication
5948: 5905: 5865: 5799: 5615:
was the preferred policy, as compared to rapid, and unexpected changes. His ideas concerning
5592: 5562: 5546: 5387: 5163: 5072: 4974: 4832: 4778: 4711: 4473: 4107: 3749: 3731: 3618: 3173: 3101: 2967: 2849: 2696: 2499: 2324: 2179: 2174: 2082: 1965: 1945: 1846: 1809: 1753: 1448: 1433: 1355: 1335: 1290: 1187: 1046: 1036: 1008: 881: 871: 799: 236: 105: 14378: 11569:"The Intellectual History of Milton Friedman's Criticism of Corporate Social Responsibility" 10817:"How the Cold War led the CIA to promote human capital theory – Peter Fleming | Aeon Essays" 10286: 9905: 9156: 6912:
of its assumptions'. His argument was part of an ongoing debate among such statisticians as
6796:, and the chapter on the Great Depression was then published as a stand-alone book entitled 5587:, which tracks how consumers spend. He introduced a theory which would later become part of 794: 25541: 25306: 25301: 25229: 25129: 25069: 25039: 24967: 24962: 24922: 24785: 24581: 24350: 24305: 23752: 23579: 23524: 23514: 23469: 23464: 22929: 22781: 22369: 22324: 22317: 22292: 22277: 22272: 21375: 21321: 21208: 21154: 21118: 21071: 20957: 20921: 20830: 20775: 20674: 20556: 20548: 20518: 20362: 20339: 20218: 19970: 19893: 19160: 19115: 19042: 18940: 18795: 18714: 18621: 18169: 18100: 17990: 17977: 17813: 17671: 17661: 17648: 17643: 17207: 17126: 16957: 16462: 16279: 15744: 15391: 14155: 10645: 10174:
A Theory of Consumption Function, 1957, Friedman, Milton; Princeton University Press, p. 22
7870: 7667: 7510: 7347: 7207:
as "cult builders" and "dogmatists", citing this as justification for not joining the U.S.
7070: 6467: 6330: 6293: 6278: 6087: 5826: 5811: 5588: 5584: 5527: 5241: 5236: 5226: 4934: 4844: 4763: 4701: 4592: 4578: 4438: 4379: 4039: 3651: 3641: 3578: 3563: 3403: 3370: 3335: 3325: 3151: 3096: 3086: 3041: 3036: 2972: 2957: 2952: 2726: 2409: 1935: 1891: 1768: 1758: 1498: 1453: 1428: 1395: 1099: 1094: 1031: 1026: 784: 621: 386: 272: 18850: 15435: 15283: 14966:
Temin, Peter. "Review: Money, Money Everywhere: A Retrospective Review. Reviewed work(s):
12668:"only if the word 'no-brainer' appears in it somewhere: RIP Milton Friedman (Lessig Blog)" 11859: 11029:(Paperback ed.). Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press. p. 129. 9074:"Milton Friedman's Name Disappears From Foundation, But His School-Choice Beliefs Live On" 8530:
Among macroeconomists, the "natural" rate has been increasingly replaced by James Tobin's
8222:, and exacerbated racial disparities. Notably, mechanisms such as excessive unemployment, 7963:
era. Milton Friedman's somewhat controversial legacy in America remains strong within the
7086: 5985:, led to higher than average wages for physicians, compared to other professional groups. 8: 25267: 25199: 25099: 24878: 24873: 24848: 24190: 24069: 23953: 23789: 23671: 23489: 23484: 23241: 23191: 23085: 23065: 23020: 22881: 22816: 22791: 22766: 22731: 22711: 22701: 22681: 22616: 22511: 22489: 22437: 22417: 22389: 22159: 22057: 21943: 21810: 21703: 21560: 21518: 21369: 21261: 21220: 21184: 21007: 20770: 20762: 20715: 20476: 20423: 20405: 20246: 20149: 19864: 19375: 19362: 19253: 19147: 19068: 18916: 18882: 18837: 18808: 18777: 18691: 18667: 18608: 18420: 18389: 18143: 17995: 17856: 17851: 17836: 17620: 17154: 17116: 16490: 15584: 14499: 14058: 13612: 10196: 9649: 9328: 8400: 8219: 8013: 7743: 7615: 7318: 7074: 7043: 6988: 6727: 6644: 6512: 6377: 6289: 6044: 6021: 5830: 5753: 5731: 5730:
ranked Friedman as the second-most popular economist of the 20th century, following only
5701: 5689: 5670:
economic system with minimal government intervention in social matters. In his 1962 book
5580: 5550: 5362: 5095: 4820: 4788: 4686: 4613: 4024: 3709: 3704: 3568: 3528: 3508: 3483: 3473: 3350: 3061: 3056: 2884: 2706: 2676: 2509: 2444: 2419: 2394: 2359: 2339: 2329: 2309: 2244: 2015: 1960: 1940: 1813: 1212: 1134: 1089: 1084: 951: 941: 841: 651: 616: 574: 417: 252: 218: 172: 115: 19877: 15513: 14539:"Nonlinear error correction: The case of money demand in the United Kingdom (1878–2000)" 13638: 13082:"Selection Committee Announced for the 2008 Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty" 9049: 6004:
During 1940, Friedman was appointed as an assistant professor teaching economics at the
25019: 24957: 24952: 24902: 24790: 24733: 24630: 24205: 24200: 24155: 24135: 23923: 23816: 23794: 23767: 23050: 22826: 22806: 22721: 22334: 22015: 21500: 21488: 21452: 21339: 21309: 21279: 21238: 21089: 20879: 20697: 20604: 20451: 20377: 19733: 19569: 19502: 19451: 19219: 19142: 18987: 18866: 18845: 18782: 18580: 18415: 18291: 18266: 18248: 18198: 17972: 17957: 17944: 17939: 17916: 17736: 17638: 17447: 17053: 16406: 16088: 15555: 15472: 15467: 15320: 15069: 15015: 14793: 14781: 14746: 14699: 14691: 14573: 14187:"Milton Friedman's legacy: He is the economist conservatives love but don't understand" 13509: 13397: 13389: 13246: 12586: 12578: 12554: 12535: 12465: 11150: 9966: 8992: 8479: 8218:
of workers. He argues that the lack of worker power caused wage suppression, increased
8110:, have raised questions about the legitimacy of Friedman's claims about whether or not 7549: 7425: 7342: 7301: 7285: 7281: 7256: 7107: 7032: 6632: 6527: 6373: 6013: 5780: 5776: 5769: 5757: 5727: 5677: 5357: 4661: 4339: 4334: 4044: 3869: 3859: 3573: 3503: 3345: 3280: 3260: 2816: 2454: 2434: 2349: 1823: 1458: 1418: 1295: 1144: 1109: 896: 856: 811: 731: 686: 666: 312: 248: 95: 22974: 22934: 16546: 12193: 11253:
Milton Friedman; Anna Jacobson Schwartz; National Bureau of Economic Research (2008).
10699:"David D. Friedman on his Famous Father, Anarcho-Capitalism and Free-Market Solutions" 8889:
Peddling prosperity: economic sense and nonsense in the age of diminished expectations
6841:, also at the University of Chicago." The relationship between Friedman and Lucas, or 25249: 24670: 24471: 24466: 24421: 24355: 24315: 24250: 24230: 24215: 24064: 24044: 23984: 23963: 23928: 23903: 23898: 23782: 23701: 23504: 23479: 23434: 23379: 23025: 22876: 22861: 22851: 22716: 22691: 22591: 22586: 22009: 21846: 21834: 21804: 21780: 21727: 21661: 21595: 21577: 21387: 21297: 21291: 21273: 21255: 20952: 20892: 20884: 20848: 20736: 20723: 20679: 20640: 20594: 20571: 20523: 20510: 20461: 20428: 20282: 20213: 20081: 20036: 19859: 19840: 19835: 19770: 19720: 19627: 19526: 19435: 19430: 19398: 19385: 19367: 19330: 19325: 19320: 19302: 19294: 19201: 19188: 19134: 19107: 19102: 19081: 19050: 18966: 18761: 18748: 18709: 18662: 18439: 18358: 18322: 18317: 18276: 18156: 18087: 17962: 17861: 17699: 17676: 17415: 17258: 17169: 17134: 16781: 16742: 16518: 16514: 16486: 16474: 16239: 16199: 16191: 16092: 15959: 15937: 15411: 15401: 15379: 15371: 15361: 15306: 15271: 15261: 15202: 15195: 15179: 15158: 15094: 14921: 14862: 14785: 14738: 14703: 14577: 14442: 14355:, Bank of England Panel of Academic Consultants, Panel Paper No. 22, pp. 45–101. 14063: 13953: 13929: 13513: 13401: 13300: 13238: 13192: 13021: 12793: 12590: 12436: 12374: 12309: 12275: 12274:(40th anniversary ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 190–195. 12248: 12247:(40th anniversary ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 182–189. 12199: 12172: 12083: 12056: 12011: 11944: 11916: 11839: 11586: 11310: 11262: 11161: 11030: 10791: 10733: 10539: 10408: 10369: 10326: 10296: 9977: 9913: 9884: 9873: 9824: 9788: 9766: 9630: 9440: 9387: 9368: 9303: 9030: 8931: 8897: 8866: 8841: 8795: 8729: 8600: 8560: 8469: 8428: 8352: 8338: 8301: 8276: 8253: 8203: 8181: 8168: 8157: 7960: 7932: 7809: 7472:, instead saying "I do not believe there should be any discrimination against gays." 7469: 7376: 7375:, Friedman reiterated his support for environmental taxes as compared with increased 7362: 7327: 7310: 7289: 7132: 7110:, Friedman was a proponent, and was credited with ending the draft, stating that the 6765: 6761: 6672: 6621: 6508: 6440: 6071: 5986: 5978: 5939: 5913: 5663: 5407: 5309: 5299: 5289: 4919: 4887: 4808: 4783: 4758: 4651: 4557: 4480: 4369: 3959: 3839: 3804: 3799: 3661: 3623: 3603: 3598: 3478: 3413: 3408: 3320: 3076: 3051: 3006: 2801: 2636: 2504: 2489: 2479: 2344: 2319: 2219: 2214: 2068: 1876: 1708: 1641: 1523: 1390: 1257: 1247: 1192: 1114: 988: 973: 851: 821: 751: 741: 676: 462: 167: 23619: 21894: 14538: 6070:(where his friend George Stigler was employed). On February 12, 1945, his only son, 24994: 24907: 24828: 24768: 24682: 24665: 24561: 24391: 24325: 24275: 24004: 23994: 23938: 23913: 23826: 23757: 23569: 23256: 23211: 23176: 23080: 23070: 23060: 22626: 22601: 22596: 22571: 22541: 22484: 22442: 22153: 22075: 22051: 22027: 21822: 21762: 21750: 21709: 21673: 21631: 21607: 21530: 21470: 21428: 21285: 21202: 21142: 21083: 20835: 20780: 20632: 20612: 20561: 20538: 20528: 20443: 20344: 20306: 20277: 20259: 20185: 20157: 20094: 20068: 20049: 19822: 19809: 19778: 19518: 19510: 19343: 19183: 19094: 18971: 18895: 18740: 18719: 18634: 18562: 18496: 18384: 18340: 18327: 18309: 18304: 18130: 18095: 18067: 18062: 18033: 18023: 18000: 17985: 17934: 17831: 17630: 17522: 17423: 17354: 17106: 17015: 17010: 17005: 16967: 16707: 16638: 16600: 16577: 16562: 16418: 16311: 16291: 16139: 16131: 16068: 15856: 15651: 15641: 15353: 14870: 14832: 14777: 14730: 14683: 14563: 14555: 13678: 13586: 13501: 13379: 13234: 13230: 12570: 12527: 11576: 11457: 11302: 10204: 10092: 9758: 8969: 8814: 8494: 8414: 8178: 8115: 8103: 8076: 8067:
all throughout his professional life. That organization of course does not own the
8029: 8024: 7735: 7731: 7723: 7706: 7650:, for being reactionaries. Myrdal's criticism caused some economists to oppose the 7631: 7583: 7405: 7401: 7284:. However, in the penultimate chapter of the same book, Friedman argued that while 7063: 6968: 6838: 6757: 6720: 6540: 6118: 6052: 5927: 5834: 5795: 5574: 5476: 5419: 5329: 5294: 5269: 5029: 4929: 4773: 4296: 4195: 4155: 4097: 3979: 3929: 3904: 3894: 3884: 3593: 3558: 3428: 3418: 3398: 3330: 3185: 3141: 2864: 2741: 2686: 2651: 2254: 2229: 2224: 2199: 2169: 1970: 1886: 1728: 1723: 1325: 1300: 1252: 1232: 1177: 1154: 1104: 983: 886: 876: 866: 831: 721: 671: 661: 656: 427: 361: 320: 308: 99: 22954: 21667: 16175: 14875: 14368:(December 1985), which is a revised and shortened version of Hendry–Ericsson 1983. 12518:
Ross, Leonard; Zeckhauser, Richard (December 1970). "Review: Education Vouchers".
Milton Friedman on Freedom: Selections from The Collected Works of Milton Friedman
10428: 7614:
was a prominent critic of Friedman and his ideology, he observed that "The age of
7599:, said in 2013: "Quoting the most-revered champion of free-market economics since 5790:
or mathematician, however, the state of the economy, which was at this point in a
25189: 24932: 24813: 24728: 24546: 24491: 24486: 24476: 24446: 24260: 24180: 24160: 24150: 24115: 24079: 24074: 24039: 24029: 24024: 23918: 23836: 23696: 23454: 23216: 23125: 23115: 23100: 23090: 23045: 23040: 23035: 22989: 22969: 22964: 22959: 22939: 22914: 22909: 22831: 22811: 22576: 22556: 22506: 22454: 22394: 22282: 22141: 22093: 22087: 22033: 22021: 21870: 21768: 21721: 21679: 21625: 21524: 21464: 21393: 21363: 21357: 21345: 21303: 21214: 21190: 21148: 20913: 20905: 20900: 20866: 20853: 20843: 20793: 20788: 20754: 20707: 20702: 20650: 20589: 20566: 20418: 20410: 20349: 20316: 20301: 20099: 20012: 20004: 19975: 19909: 19817: 19738: 19478: 19470: 19443: 19422: 19393: 19380: 19224: 19214: 19173: 19155: 19073: 18858: 18696: 18639: 18585: 18462: 18444: 18397: 18366: 18219: 18082: 18077: 18043: 18038: 17906: 17893: 17841: 17808: 17785: 17749: 17506: 17253: 17223: 17197: 17096: 16756: 16634: 16402: 16390: 16382: 16378: 16370: 16343: 16303: 16283: 16231: 16223: 16143: 16080: 16007: 15395: 15345: 15333: 14836: 14510: 14365: 13685: 13666: 12881: 12329: 12038: 11866: 11687: 11646: 11627: 11532: 10652: 10533: 10137: 9274:"The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1976" 9221: 9185: 9056: 8965: 8821: 8723: 8635:"The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1976" 8456: 8386: 8273: 8207: 8195: 8189: 8131: 8099: 8064: 8048: 8044: 7990: 7764: 7647: 7337: 7200: 7177: 7069:
Friedman was a strong advocate for floating exchange rates throughout the entire
6640: 6098: 6048: 6025: 5935: 5931: 5853: 5819: 5764:
in Ukraine). They emigrated to America in their early teens. They both worked as
5723: 5685: 5636: 5632: 5616: 5431: 5352: 5274: 5264: 5173: 5052: 4963: 4914: 4666: 4364: 4160: 4049: 4029: 3994: 3969: 3944: 3934: 3889: 3794: 3789: 3699: 3656: 3548: 3365: 3285: 3197: 3026: 2962: 2874: 2869: 2776: 2766: 2751: 2746: 2716: 2711: 2701: 2666: 2459: 2439: 2204: 2184: 2096: 2054: 2020: 1799: 1763: 1535: 1380: 1285: 1242: 1222: 1217: 1207: 1124: 919: 356: 346: 304: 14984: 14849:
The methodology of positive economics: reflections on the Milton Friedman legacy
Theory and Measurement: Causality Issues in Milton Friedman's Monetary Economics
9148: 7430: 24972: 24677: 24576: 24456: 24396: 24240: 24210: 24185: 24110: 24054: 24009: 23999: 23933: 23908: 23742: 23706: 23439: 23409: 23359: 23226: 22944: 22866: 22836: 22671: 22631: 22581: 22561: 22257: 22207: 22195: 22165: 22111: 22063: 22039: 21973: 21937: 21828: 21816: 21774: 21619: 21613: 21589: 21583: 21494: 21476: 21446: 21267: 21130: 21101: 20994: 20947: 20861: 20825: 20584: 20576: 20543: 20500: 20311: 20198: 20041: 19988: 19951: 19930: 19796: 19783: 19746: 19725: 19715: 19691: 19672: 19619: 19577: 19494: 19307: 19258: 19229: 19063: 18945: 18921: 18874: 18803: 18735: 18704: 18644: 18603: 18575: 18491: 18483: 18335: 18253: 18177: 18151: 18125: 18115: 18105: 18018: 17949: 17921: 17888: 17880: 17767: 17762: 17712: 17599: 17557: 17490: 17439: 17399: 17394: 17367: 17335: 17248: 17192: 17187: 17182: 17139: 17063: 17043: 16972: 16775: 16750: 16646: 16615: 16585: 16554: 16434: 16366: 16362: 16331: 16299: 16267: 16215: 16167: 16151: 16040: 15965: 15914: 15765: 15706: 15588: 15550: 15502: 15357: 15349: 14598:
Escribano's approach had already been recognized by Friedman, Schwartz, Hendry
A Reappraisal of the Friedman-Kaldor Debate in the Light of the Great Recession
The Great Chilean Recovery: Assigning Responsibility For The Chilean Miracle(s)
13490:"Milton Friedman in Chile: Shock Therapy, Economic Freedom, and Exchange Rates" 13111: 12430: 12368: 12303: 12153: 10105: 8504: 8327: 8091: 7912: 7887: 7814: 7671: 7565: 7561: 7533: 7478: 7383: 7332: 7248: 6960: 6945: 6917: 6846: 6830: 6396: 6313: 6169: 6110: 5897: 5849: 5693: 5600: 5531: 5319: 5168: 5009: 4989: 4487: 4329: 4077: 3989: 3909: 3879: 3814: 3784: 3681: 3608: 3583: 3453: 3011: 2826: 2821: 2736: 2661: 2656: 2494: 2464: 2299: 2259: 2209: 2189: 2148: 1980: 1838: 1733: 1626: 1598: 1488: 1473: 1443: 1365: 861: 706: 696: 626: 611: 606: 442: 432: 396: 341: 324: 194: 109: 16907: 15675: 15400:. Critical Assessments of Contemporary Economists Vol. IV. London: Routledge. 15300:
Masters of the Universe: Hayek, Friedman, and the Birth of Neoliberal Politics
15275: 14918:
Money, History, and International Finance: Essays in Honor of Anna J. Schwartz
14687: 14559: 13659: 13505: 13384: 13367: 11744:
Salter, Alexander, William. (2014). An Introduction to Monetary Policy Rules.
11658: 11639: 11620: 11603:
Friedman, M., & Schwartz, A.J. (1986). Has government any role in money?.
11581: 11525: 11399: 11306: 11301:. Contributions to Economics. Heidelberg/New York/Dordrecht/London: Springer. 10454: 9490: 9213:
William L Davis, Bob Figgins, David Hedengren and Daniel B. Klein (May 2011).
8188:, which was at this point in time the chief monetary system of the world, the 8037: 6074:, who would later follow in his father's footsteps as an economist, was born. 1227: 43: 25290: 24947: 24556: 24461: 24441: 24436: 24431: 24360: 24345: 24340: 24330: 24310: 24300: 24290: 24280: 24220: 24145: 24105: 24059: 23948: 23943: 23806: 23772: 23564: 23166: 23095: 23055: 23015: 22984: 22741: 22621: 22201: 22123: 22105: 22099: 22045: 21991: 21967: 21840: 21786: 21756: 21744: 21685: 21655: 21554: 21548: 21506: 21440: 21434: 21226: 21196: 21124: 20871: 20689: 20655: 20645: 20505: 20471: 20390: 20334: 20329: 20321: 20269: 20241: 20236: 20190: 20107: 20020: 19946: 19922: 19830: 19640: 19632: 19414: 19406: 19276: 19089: 19055: 19037: 18953: 18908: 18903: 18813: 18657: 18598: 18593: 18567: 18475: 18470: 18376: 18371: 18353: 18345: 18296: 18229: 18224: 18164: 18138: 17818: 17800: 17772: 17704: 17684: 17653: 17541: 17498: 17431: 17362: 17233: 17228: 17149: 17111: 17091: 17086: 17081: 17020: 16995: 16658: 16502: 16498: 16470: 16458: 16442: 16426: 16414: 16394: 16339: 16315: 16275: 16235: 16183: 16076: 16060: 16048: 16032: 16028: 15953: 15846: 15821: 15647: 15637: 15383: 15337: 14789: 14742: 14676:
Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique
14067: 13900: 13242: 13196: 12736: 12426: 12364: 12299: 11590: 11449: 10795: 10737: 10300: 9770: 9104:"Friedman Foundation changes name to focus on benefits of educational choice" 8926: 8865:. Essential Readings in Economics. Macmillan Education UK. pp. 215–231. 8223: 8185: 8072: 8036:
approach to economics has also been critiqued and debated. Finnish economist
Friedman exogenous money supply theory has been deeply criticized by British
7768: 7639: 7387: 7169: 7095: 7091: 7024: 6953: 6921: 6889: 6885: 6749: 6716: 6668: 6660: 6617: 6595: 6533: 6516: 6424: 6405: 6404:(PBS). The companion book to the series (co-authored by Milton and his wife, 6384: 6149: 6144:
Friedman spent the 1954–1955 academic year as a Fulbright Visiting Fellow at
6114: 5998: 5994: 5960: 5917: 5838: 5815: 5736: 5705: 5655: 5620: 5314: 5304: 5279: 5019: 4999: 4984: 4969: 4895: 4671: 4200: 4175: 4150: 4092: 4054: 4034: 4004: 3974: 3939: 3919: 3854: 3829: 3819: 3779: 3764: 3754: 3726: 3720: 3493: 3488: 3136: 2899: 2831: 2806: 2786: 2671: 2369: 2249: 1985: 1975: 1955: 1950: 1930: 1905: 1828: 1778: 1703: 1603: 1478: 1350: 1310: 1182: 846: 746: 726: 472: 467: 381: 376: 328: 300: 288: 141: 19707: 15716: 15457: 15415: 14606:) as yielding significant improvements over previous money demand equations. 11699: 8331:, with Rose Friedman, (1980), highly influential restatement of policy views 7548:
beginning in 2001. A Friedman Prize was given to the late British economist
561: 24895: 24496: 24451: 24416: 24320: 24255: 24235: 24225: 24195: 24049: 24014: 23979: 23958: 23444: 23429: 23246: 23236: 23231: 23221: 23186: 23171: 23146: 23130: 23120: 23110: 23010: 22949: 22924: 22919: 22821: 22726: 22566: 22399: 22189: 22183: 22177: 22129: 22069: 22003: 21979: 21882: 21858: 21852: 21792: 21715: 21697: 21643: 21601: 21422: 21399: 21327: 21166: 21160: 21136: 20999: 20981: 20976: 20806: 20801: 20749: 20684: 20617: 20466: 20433: 20400: 20264: 20175: 19917: 19885: 19751: 19664: 19289: 19266: 18887: 18790: 18452: 18407: 18402: 18281: 18211: 18193: 18185: 18110: 18028: 17898: 17846: 17823: 17741: 17694: 17666: 17463: 17238: 17177: 17159: 17101: 17071: 17048: 17025: 16952: 16630: 16619: 16596: 16581: 16534: 16450: 16263: 16247: 16207: 16119: 15761: 15593: 15563: 15527: 13422:, Rose D. Friedman. Appendix A, pp. 598–599. Accessible at 10506: 9943:"Milton Friedman Biography and Interview – American Academy of Achievement" 8893: 8202:, argues that wages have been kept low in the United States because of the 8151: 8135: 8127: 8111: 8084: 8068: 8060: 8052: 7968: 7936: 7900: 7787: 7710: 7686: 7493: 7420: 7111: 7054: 6913: 6904: 6862: 6809: 6769: 6683: 6056: 6009: 5901: 5885: 5807: 5697: 5624: 5612: 5570: 5523: 5334: 5231: 4979: 4924: 4676: 4301: 4170: 4165: 4145: 4117: 4102: 4082: 4014: 4009: 3964: 3954: 3914: 3874: 3849: 3834: 3774: 3769: 3759: 3533: 3438: 3380: 3016: 3001: 2894: 2889: 2796: 2791: 2781: 2731: 2721: 2646: 2641: 2449: 2354: 2194: 1881: 1871: 1818: 1718: 1698: 1693: 1400: 1340: 1267: 1051: 826: 736: 371: 351: 316: 13590: 13449: 11858:
Atish R. Ghosh, Mahvash S. Qureshi, and Charalambos G. Tsangarides (2014)
11342:. Durham: Center for the History of Political Economy at Duke University. 10197:"A Theory of Consumption Function, With and Without Liquidity Constraints" 9762: 6967:
Friedman's revised and updated Phillips Curve also changed as a result of
6931: 6772:
caused by the misguided policies of the directors of the Federal Reserve.
During the 1960s, Friedman built and subsequently maintained a cottage in
economists. The primary criticism of the hypothesis is based on a lack of
25263: 24571: 24566: 24536: 24506: 24481: 24426: 24406: 24401: 24381: 24376: 24335: 24270: 24265: 24175: 24170: 24130: 24125: 24120: 24100: 23989: 23861: 23831: 23559: 23181: 22771: 22661: 22636: 22611: 22516: 22117: 21997: 21961: 21876: 21691: 21649: 21536: 21333: 20934: 20741: 20622: 20599: 20533: 20456: 20438: 20226: 20180: 20162: 20086: 19996: 19648: 19542: 19486: 19165: 18756: 18686: 18626: 18543: 18501: 18286: 18005: 17967: 17790: 17482: 17243: 17202: 17076: 17035: 16962: 16731: 16690: 16526: 16510: 16438: 16323: 16255: 16159: 16123: 15439: 13443: 12334:"The Other Milton Friedman: A Conservative With a Social Welfare Program" 12104: 8837:
The Making of Modern Economics: The Lives and Ideas of the Great Thinkers
8686: 8215: 8164: 8139: 8107: 7842: 7450: 7297: 7232: 6764:. He argued that the Depression had been caused by an ordinary financial 6731: 6083: 5803: 5667: 5604: 5566: 5372: 5130: 5125: 5105: 4954: 4753: 4736: 4466: 4311: 4180: 4122: 4112: 4019: 3924: 3543: 3443: 3433: 3423: 3131: 2681: 2399: 2289: 2264: 2239: 1920: 1788: 1688: 1483: 1385: 1305: 1061: 756: 711: 681: 636: 401: 15618:
interview with Friedman on the 50th Anniversary Edition of F.A. Hayek's
15324: 12766: 11883: 10261:"Reading Friedman in 2016: Capitalism, Freedom, and the China Challenge" 10208: 8450: 7560:, former Estonian Prime Minister in 2006 and a young Venezuelan student 7317:. arrangement that recommends itself on purely mechanical grounds is a 7066:
created by fractional reserve lending would no longer be a major issue.
helped Friedman gain respect in the field of economics. His work on the
5426: 3192: 2091: 24999: 24531: 24526: 24521: 24386: 23893: 23075: 22841: 22736: 22676: 22536: 22496: 22339: 22147: 22081: 21864: 20728: 20367: 20028: 19804: 19699: 19656: 19271: 19234: 18457: 18258: 18206: 17717: 16982: 16611: 16566: 16056: 15841: 15605: 15453: 15073: 15057: 14797: 14765: 14750: 14718: 14695: 14671: 13393: 13250: 13218: 12582: 12469: 11677:
The Influence of Monetarism on Federal Reserve Policy during the 1980s.
8360: 8321: 7967:
movement. However, some journalists and economists like Noah Smith and
7690: 7663: 7652:
Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economics Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel
7600: 7525: 7465: 7028: 6870: 6712: 6691: 6413: 5990: 5818:, while at the University of Chicago. Friedman was also the student of 5628: 5608: 5554: 5203: 5100: 5062: 4959: 4681: 4564: 4087: 3999: 3588: 3538: 3458: 3290: 2631: 2469: 2364: 2304: 2164: 1995: 1925: 1910: 1664: 1463: 1172: 993: 924: 582: 540: 437: 391: 15667: 15656: 14568: 13219:"In Memoriam: Gunnar Myrdal's Contribution to Institutional Economics" 12539: 9785:
Making Chicago Price Theory: Friedman-Stigler Correspondence 1945–1957
9215:"Economic Professors' Favorite Economic Thinkers, Journals, and Blogs" 7302:
we might all of us be willing to contribute to the relief of poverty,
capitalism had greatly reduced the extent of poverty in absolute terms
Idealistically, Friedman actually favored the principles of the 1930s
Friedman was also known for his work on the consumption function, the
6492: 25014: 24713: 24660: 24551: 24541: 24511: 23866: 23676: 23499: 23151: 22856: 22656: 22427: 22359: 19791: 19561: 17911: 17299: 13115: 12130: 8422: 8080: 8056: 7998: 7892: 7557: 7103: 6726:
Friedman's arguments were designed to counter the popular concept of
6704:(1963), which was an examination of the role of the money supply and 6353: 6273:
is among the many contributions which were listed as reasons for his
5765: 5110: 4909: 4803: 4731: 4127: 3864: 3463: 3315: 3071: 2771: 2484: 2284: 1503: 1493: 1438: 1262: 1197: 1041: 789: 596: 19599: 14734: 10669: 5646:
After retiring from the University of Chicago in 1977, and becoming
24795: 24516: 24411: 24084: 23509: 23251: 23105: 21056: 17303: 15572: 15539: 15429: 12826: 12574: 12531: 11728:
Friedman, M. (1996). The Counter-Revolution in Monetary Theory. In
Macroeconomics: Institutions, instability, and the financial system
9706:"Right from the Start? What Milton Friedman can teach progressives" 7904: 7677:
One month before his death, he wrote "Hong Kong Wrong – What would
7569: 7391: 7390:
and vouchers. In 2016, the Friedman Foundation changed its name to
a floor under the standard of life of every person in the community
7204: 7141: 7137: 6821:
Friedman also argued for the removal of government intervention in
5869: 5761: 5749: 5713: 5647: 5188: 5034: 4190: 3949: 3714: 3676: 3081: 2879: 2756: 1330: 1237: 691: 601: 15773: 15375: 14244:"Noahpinion: The cruel trick played by history on Milton Friedman" 13168:
Moore, Stephen (May 30, 2013). "What Would Milton Friedman Say?".
Van Horn, Robert; Mirowski, Philip; Stapleford, Thomas A. (2011).
12041:. (November 16, 2006). Retrieved on September 6, 2017. 11550:"The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits" 10481:"Free To Choose Network Founder & Chairman Bob Chitester Dies" 8087:
did in fact decrease year-over-year by over 10 percentage points.
7738:. He spent seven days in Chile giving a series of lectures at the 6936: 22756: 22447: 22225: 15671:'Free to Choose' (1980) a [PBS] TV series by Milton Friedman" 15648:"The Open Mind – A Nobel Laureate on the American Economy (1977)" 14473:. International Finance Discussion Papers: 355. Federal Reserve. 13950:
Margaret Thatcher's Revolution: How it Happened and What it Meant
13840: 13294: 11860:
Friedman Redux: External Adjustment and Exchange Rate Flexibility
9581: 8119: 8002: 7882: 7858: 7730:, the economy of Chile experienced a severe crisis. Friedman and 7621: 6952:(1968). This critique associated his name, together with that of 6463: 6420: 5993:
which must be incurred regardless of any outside factors such as
5787: 5627:
influenced government policies, especially during the 1980s. His
5402: 3498: 3275: 2384: 2063: 1990: 1518: 631: 12396:"What Would Milton Friedman Do About Climate Change? Tax Carbon" 10868:"Rose Friedman, Economist Partner of Husband Milton, Dies at 97" 10507:"Free To Choose Network | Tribute to Our Founder, Bob Chitester" 9600:"Chicago. Theory and Measurement of Demand. Henry Schultz, 1934" 8824:. (April 1, 2016). Retrieved on September 6, 2017. 8366:
Milton Friedman on Economics: Selected Papers by Milton Friedman
where private competition is prohibited; for example, he wrote:
6136:. Remarkably, his most influential work was still ahead of him. 15711: 15609: 15246: 14274:"TheMoneyIllusion » Milton Friedman vs. the conservatives" 12877:"Bryan Caplan says Milton Friedman is wrong about Open Borders" 12604: 12400: 11679:
Cahiers d'économie Politique/Papers in Political Economy, (1),
David Teira, "Milton Friedman, the Statistical Methodologist,"
The Theory of New Classical Macroeconomics. A Positive Critique
10655:. (November 16, 2006). Retrieved on September 6, 2017. 10400: 9870: 8408: 8380: 8210:(or the blocking of reforms) at the behest of business and the 8094:
as among the greatest economics books in the 20th century, and
7236: 6753: 6576: 6194: 5884:
appropriate responses to the critical situation", but not "the
5414: 2049: 1530: 14359:
Federal Reserve International Finance Discussion Paper No. 270
13042:"Golden Plate Awardees of the American Academy of Achievement" 12435:(1st Harvest ed.). New York: Harcourt. pp. 213–218. 12373:(1st Harvest ed.). New York: Harcourt. pp. 111–112. 12308:(1st Harvest ed.). New York: Harcourt. pp. 119–124. 11113:
American Treasure and the Price Revolution in Spain, 1501–1650
10288:"A Free Market Manifesto That Changed the World, Reconsidered" 8534:(NAIRU), which is seen as having fewer normative connotations. 6686:
as a determinant of the nominal value of output, that is, the
6483: 5833:, where he studied statistics with statistician and economist 5497: 5488: 11660:"My first preference would be to abolish the Federal Reserve" 8211: 7903:". A prime element of Laar's program was introduction of the 7149: 6591: 6459: 716: 14305:"What GOP Economists Don't Understand About Milton Friedman" 14094:"We Are Live at Salon, with an Obituary for Milton Friedman" 12765:. Liberal Democratic Party (Australia). 2009. Archived from 10561:"President Honors Milton Friedman for Lifetime Achievements" 10096:. Vol. CXXXI, no. 143 (final ed.). p. 36 9866: 9864: 6620:(who would die on August 18, 2009), and their two children, 15487: 15478: 14466:
Monetary Trends in the United States and the United Kingdom
Letter from Arnold Harberger to Stig Ramel as reprinted in
8147: 8071:, but controls it. Friedman was an inveterate hater of the 8063:, saying "First and foremost, this economist supported the 8040:
argued some of his assumptions were unrealistic and vague.
7994: 7415:
With sixteen other distinguished economists he opposed the
7145: 6547:, San Francisco, where he lived from 1977 until his death. 25442:
Distinguished fellows of the American Economic Association
12075: 11431:
Chang, Roberto (1997) "Is Low Unemployment Inflationary?"
7226: 7155: 6944:
Other important contributions include his critique of the
Members of the United States National Academy of Sciences
14719:"A Critique of Friedman's Methodological Instrumentalism" 12001: 11999: 11997: 11793:"Noahpinion: How are Milton Friedman's ideas holding up?" 9861: 6804:, and some editions include as an appendix a speech at a 6738:
Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.
due to banking crises and poor policy on the part of the
13720:"Interview with Jeffery Sachs on the "Miracle of Chile"" 11649:. Youtube: "I have long been in favor of abolishing it." 11332: 9802: 9800: 8601:"Best of Both Worlds: An Interview with Milton Friedman" 8268:(Fordham University Press, 1960) 110 pp. online version 7330:. Friedman reiterated these arguments 18 years later in 13925:
America in the British Imagination: 1945 to the Present
13557:"The "Boys" Who Completely Transformed Chile's Economy" 13528:"Economist's View: The Rivals (Samuelson and Friedman)" 10996:"'Your World' Interview With Economist Milton Friedman" 10726:"Rose Friedman, Economist and Collaborator, Dies at 98" 8016:
criticized part of Friedman's and Anna Schwartz's 1982
in action, go to Hong Kong." He wrote in 1990 that the
Friedman was supportive of the state provision of some
is credited with establishing the economic basis for a
Rejection and subsequent evolution of the Philips curve
6175: 5650:
in economics in 1983, Friedman served as an advisor to
5607:. Friedman promoted a macroeconomic viewpoint known as 13185:"Nobel Award in Economics: Should Prize Be Abolished?" 12455: 11994: 11740: 11738: 9268: 9266: 9264: 7891:
influenced Estonia's then 32-year-old prime minister,
Friedman was an economic advisor and speech writer in
7017: 6987:
One of his most famous contributions to statistics is
the day after his death. He was survived by his wife,
6020:. As a Treasury spokesman during 1942, he advocated a 5591:
and he was among the first to propagate the theory of
23649: 21924: 14682:(1). Canadian Political Science Association: 95–106. 14407: 13867:"In Estonia, Bush Finds a Tax Actually to His Liking" 13826:
Milton Friedman on Icelandic State Television in 1984
I Want You!: The Evolution of the All-Volunteer Force
Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy
11328: 11326: 11074: 9797: 9664:"Nobel laureate economist Milton Friedman dies at 94" 6682:
Friedman was best known for reviving interest in the
In 1977, at the age of 65, Friedman retired from the
6208: 5666:. His political philosophy extolled the virtues of a 5534:, Friedman was among the intellectual leaders of the 5482: 25422:
Columbia Graduate School of Arts and Sciences alumni
14942:"A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960" 14640:"Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest" 14505:"Friedman's t-ratios were overstated by nearly 100%" 14023:"Milton Friedman, Free Markets Theorist, Dies at 94" 13660:
Frances Fox Piven vs. Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell
12894: 12892: 11394: 11392: 11248: 11246: 10404:
Capitalism and Freedom: Fortieth Anniversary Edition
Daniel J. Hammond, Claire H. Hammond (eds.) (2006),
9577:"Friedrich August von Hayek Was an Enemy of Freedom" 8815:"Milton Friedman – Economist as Public Intellectual" 8376: 6024:
policy of taxation. He helped to invent the payroll
5491: 5485: 15284:"Symposium: Why Is There No Milton Friedman Today?" 14968:
A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960.
13580: 13084:. Cato Institute. September 5, 2007. Archived from 12010:. St. Martin's Publishing Group. pp. 231–232. 11735: 11127:"Review of A Monetary History of the United States" 10899:"Two Lucky People: Memoirs: The Independent Review" 10325:. St. Martin's Publishing Group. pp. 135–146. 10140:. Retrieved on September 6, 2017. 9323: 9321: 9319: 9261: 8917: 8915: 8913: 8314:"Inflation and Unemployment: Nobel Lecture", 1977, 8298:, with Anna J. Schwartz, 1963; part 3 reprinted as 8106:. Some economists, including noted Friedman critic 8009:, deeply criticizing monetarist-inspired policies. 7572:, served on the international selection committee. 5494: 5479: 15390: 15194: 14672:"Elegant Tombstones: A Note on Friedman's Freedom" 14638: 14503: 12526:(2). The Yale Law Journal Company, Inc.: 451–461. 12185: 11675:Reichart Alexandre & Abdelkader Slifi (2016). 11323: 11193: 11149: 11052:"Free market economist Milton Friedman dead at 94" 10970: 10968: 10843:"Rose Friedman, economist promoted freedom; at 97" 10023: 9968:Machine Dreams: Economics Becomes a Cyborg Science 9965: 9937: 9935: 9872: 9749:Shiller, Robert J. (2017). "Narrative Economics". 8295:A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960 7000: 6701:A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960 6240: 6123:A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960 5923:A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960 5726:. A 2011 survey of economists commissioned by the 25235:Bibliography of conservatism in the United States 17315: 15752:Laureate of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics 15080: 14536: 14462:Hendry, David F.; Ericsson, Neil R. (July 1989). 14434: 12889: 12852: 12293: 12291: 11518: 11486:New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd edition 11476: 11474: 11389: 11243: 11207: 11205: 11043: 10614: 9629:. St. Martin's Publishing Group. pp. 13–30. 9545: 9543: 8710:, Sanderson, Allen; 2012, University of Chicago, 8206:, namely the adoption of corporate practices and 7520: 7231:In a 1962 essay that builds on arguments made by 7219:, which was a meeting for libertarians, in 1990. 6719:'s growth rate. He famously used the analogy of " 5611:and argued that a steady, small expansion of the 25462:Fellows of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge 25288: 19600:Mathematical, statistical, and computer sciences 15638:"The Open Mind – Living Within Our Means (1975)" 13319: 13263: 12421: 12362: 12297: 12198:. Hoover Institution Press. pp. chapter 4. 11024: 10531: 9439:. St. Martin's Publishing Group. pp. 5–12. 9316: 9071: 8986: 8984: 8982: 8910: 8779: 8777: 8775: 8594: 8592: 8590: 8548: 8490:List of Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients 7909:2006 Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty 7847:General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party 6845:as a whole, was highly complex. The Friedmanian 25587:Presidents of the American Economic Association 25467:Fellows of the American Statistical Association 21058:Presidents of the American Economic Association 16937: 15699:, October 1, 2000, interview, profile and video 14831:. Cambridge University Press. pp. 90–116. 14770:The American Journal of Economics and Sociology 14464:"An Econometric Analysis of UK Money Demand in 13838: 13585:(Thesis). California State University, Fresno. 12815: 12813: 12811: 12809: 12665: 12482: 11910: 11746:Mercatus Workıng Paper. George Mason University 11400:"Friedman's on the Military Industrial Complex" 11336:Rational Expectations – Retrospect and Prospect 11281: 10965: 10759:"Milton Friedman, An 'Elfin Libertarian' Giant" 10344: 10342: 10025:"David Friedman and Libertarianism: A Critique" 9963: 9932: 9523:"Professor Emeritus Milton Friedman dies at 94" 9354: 9352: 9350: 9348: 8532:non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment 8043:Friedman has been criticized by some prominent 7974: 5579:Friedman's challenges to what he called "naive 5545:associated with the work of the faculty at the 27:American economist and statistician (1912–2006) 16688: 14492: 14461: 14215: 13968: 13550: 13548: 13368:"The Political Economy of the Chilean Miracle" 13020:. St. Martin's Publishing Group. p. 260. 12792:. St. Martin's Publishing Group. p. 228. 12517: 12492:. Rutgers University Press. pp. 123–144. 12483:Milton Friedman (1955). Robert A. Solo (ed.). 12288: 12127:magazine, vol. 4, no. 6, July 1991, pp. 17–20" 12055:. St. Martin's Publishing Group. p. 243. 11871:International Monetary Fund; IMF Working Paper 11786: 11784: 11471: 11427: 11425: 11202: 11080: 10896: 10048:"NBER. Mitchell to Burns about Friedman. 1945" 9807:Incomes from Independent Professional Practice 9540: 9059:. Retrieved on September 6, 2017. 9029:. St. Martin's Publishing Group. p. 208. 8721: 7622:1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences 7211:. Friedman stated that he was a member of the 6312:, inspired by a series of lectures he gave at 6064:Incomes from Independent Professional Practice 5975:Incomes from Independent Professional Practice 5965:Incomes from Independent Professional Practice 5896:". Foreshadowing his later ideas, he believed 23635: 22241: 21910: 21042: 17285: 16923: 16674: 15993: 15789: 15721: 15309:(Winter 2003). "Other Things Equal: Milton". 15093:. Oxford University Press. pp. 187–222. 14970:By Milton Friedman; Anna Jacobson Schwartz." 13488:Edwards, Sebastian; Montes, Leonidas (2020). 13487: 13430: 13428: 13313: 13136: 12123:"Milton Friedman, "Say 'No' to Intolerance," 12102: 11535:. Retrieved on September 6, 2017. 11296: 10394: 10076:September 19, 1980, Vol. 32 Issue 19, p. 1119 9903: 9516: 9514: 9512: 9419: 9386:. St. Martin's Publishing Group. p. 10. 9153:"Remarks at Milton Friedman Memorial Service" 9020: 9018: 8979: 8772: 8587: 8559:. St. Martin's Publishing Group. p. 89. 7642:, criticized Friedman, and Myrdal's own 1974 6543:, Vermont. Friedman also had an apartment in 6182:One of Milton Friedman's most popular works, 5825:During the 1933–1934 academic year, he had a 5451: 4864: 4350:International Alliance of Libertarian Parties 3217: 2117: 1555: 207:National Resources Planning Board (1935–1937) 23380:For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto 16013:Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences 15114: 15112: 15110: 14617:Is Milton Friedman an artist or a scientist? 13948:Subroto Roy & John Clarke, eds. (2005), 13420:Two Lucky People: Memoirs By Milton Friedman 12853:Friedman, Milton; Kowalczyk, Henryk (2006). 12806: 12694:"A New British Bill of Rights: The Case For" 11049: 10922:"Milton Friedman's arguments will never age" 10693: 10691: 10646:Milton Friedman – Biography | Cato Institute 10339: 9491:"Milton Friedman and his start in economics" 9345: 9147: 8833: 7035:in response to changes in the money supply. 6569:Presentation by Milton and Rose Friedman on 6275:Sveriges-Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences 6156:) and an anti-Keynesian minority (headed by 3667:Individualist anarchism in the United States 25397:American people of Hungarian-Jewish descent 15086: 14920:. University of Chicago Press. p. 15. 14302: 13824:Friedman, Milton; Grímsson, Ólafur Ragnar. 13679:The Smith Center: Milton Friedman's lecture 13545: 12635:"In the Supreme Court of the United States" 12464:(2). American Economic Association: 28–37. 12177:: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list ( 12151: 11943:. University Of Chicago Press. p. 36. 11781: 11422: 11261:. Princeton University Press. p. 247. 10993: 10079: 9661: 9568: 9493:. Young America's Foundation. August 2006. 9239:"Milton Friedman, a giant among economists" 9067: 9065: 8959:"Friedman's Monetary Economics in Practice" 8742: 7546:Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty 7348:urban renewal programs in the United States 7184:starting in 1981. In 1988, he received the 6523:in 1932, and wed six years later, in 1938. 6372:. From 1977 on, he was affiliated with the 6016:, as an advisor to senior officials of the 5981:, which were exercised and enforced by the 5199:Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership 23642: 23628: 22248: 22234: 21917: 21903: 21049: 21035: 17292: 17278: 16930: 16916: 16681: 16667: 16000: 15986: 15796: 15782: 15630:interview with Friedman, September 3, 2000 14669: 14098:Grasping Reality with at Least Three Hands 13494:Journal of the History of Economic Thought 13477: 13475: 13425: 13295:Milton Friedman and Rose Friedman (1990). 13176: 12874: 12231:, University of Chicago Press, 1982, p. 29 11838:. Bloomsbury Publishing US. pp. 72–. 11498: 10401:Milton Friedman; Rose D. Friedman (1962). 10285:Sorkin, Andrew Ross (September 11, 2020). 9871:Milton Friedman; Rose D. Friedman (1999). 9509: 9015: 8337:, essays edited by Kurt R. Leube, (1987) ( 8230:(and their lack of enforcement), weakened 7570:Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice 7012: 6650: 6433:President's Economic Policy Advisory Board 6252:representing the permanent component, and 6139: 5814:. Friedman met his future wife, economist 5710:Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice 5458: 5444: 4871: 4857: 3224: 3210: 2124: 2110: 1562: 1548: 506:Member of the National Academy of Sciences 42: 25347:21st-century American non-fiction writers 25327:20th-century American non-fiction writers 15445:Selected Bibliography for Milton Friedman 15305: 15171: 15107: 14874: 14847:Maki, U., & Mäki, U. (Eds.). (2009). 14567: 14408:van Steven Moore, CMA (August 31, 1984). 14153: 13383: 13064:"Milton Friedman Biography and Interview" 13015: 12787: 12050: 12005: 11934: 11932: 11580: 11447: 11184:, p. 24, New York: Asia Publishing House. 11025:Friedman, Milton; Friedman, Rose (1999). 10688: 10532:Friedman, Milton; Friedman, Rose (1990). 10320: 10258: 10187:. US: Oxford University Press. pp. 20–29. 10183:Carlin, Wendy; Soskice, David W. (2014). 9624: 9434: 9381: 9297: 9024: 8554: 7628:Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences 7618:gave way to the age of Milton Friedman." 7582:Upon Friedman's death, Harvard President 6853:were presumed instead of the Friedmanian 6800:. Both books are still in print from the 6760:, and he termed the 1929–1933 period the 6299: 5786:Friedman initially intended to become an 5583:theory" began with his interpretation of 5526:history and theory and the complexity of 5516:Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences 524:Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences 25582:Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients 22652:Free association (Marxism and anarchism) 19009: 15331: 15192: 15148: 15058:"The Monetary Interpretation of History" 14985:"Monetary aggregates – Broad money (M3)" 14716: 14468:by Milton Friedman and Anna J. Schwartz" 14184: 14156:"Milton Friedman's Controversial Legacy" 13864: 13697: 13365: 12914:Peterson, Jonathan (December 14, 1986). 12913: 12267: 12240: 12191: 11963: 11938: 11547: 11147: 10361: 9879:. University of Chicago Press. pp.  9855: 9843: 9736: 9692: 9201: 9171: 9062: 8860: 8783: 8629: 8627: 8625: 8623: 8621: 8237: 7524: 7311:governmental action to alleviate poverty 7159: 7114:was "inconsistent with a free society". 7085: 6994:The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 6935: 6383:During 1977, Friedman was approached by 6341: 6077: 6018:United States Department of the Treasury 5676:, Friedman advocated policies such as a 2280:Free association (Marxism and anarchism) 17579: 17301:United States National Medal of Science 15907:A Monetary History of the United States 15594:A collection of Milton Friedman's works 15260:. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 15120:"Rebuilding Worker Power – IMF F&D" 15008: 14974:Vol. 5, No. 2 (Jun. 1977), pp. 151–159. 14891:"Historical Inflation Rates: 1914-2024" 14651:from the original on September 26, 2018 14315:from the original on September 26, 2018 14284:from the original on September 26, 2018 14254:from the original on September 26, 2018 14197:from the original on September 26, 2018 14166:from the original on September 26, 2018 14135:from the original on September 26, 2018 14104:from the original on September 26, 2018 14052:Norton, Justin M. (November 17, 2006). 14021:Noble, Holcomb B. (November 16, 2006). 14002:from the original on September 26, 2018 13839:Gratulatoria, Tabula; Árnason, Ragnar. 13796: 13516:– via Cambridge University Press. 13472: 12605:"Economic Freedom of the World project" 12393: 12103:Terrell, Ellen; Wilson, Angela (2009). 12032:Milton Friedman, RIP – Blog 11803:from the original on September 23, 2018 11710:from the original on September 23, 2018 11548:Friedman, Milton (September 13, 1970). 11286:. Aldine Publishing Company. p. 4. 10784:"A heavyweight champ, at five foot two" 10617:"Economist Touted Laissez-Faire Policy" 10615:Patricia Sullivan (November 17, 2006). 10478: 10085: 9972:. Cambridge University Press. pp.  9748: 9361:"The Life and Times of Milton Friedman" 9358: 9132:"Capitalism and Friedman" (editorial). 9084:from the original on September 21, 2016 8921: 8885: 8598: 8173:A Monetary History of the United States 8124:A Monetary History of the United States 8096:A Monetary History of the United States 8090:Although the book was described by the 7997:through the distribution of credits to 7740:Pontifical Catholic University of Chile 7695:2007 Hong Kong Chief Executive election 7593:, a member of the editorial forward of 7429:. Friedman jokingly described it as a " 7361:In 1979 Friedman expressed support for 7227:Governmental involvement in the economy 7156:Libertarianism and the Republican Party 6793:A Monetary History of the United States 6711:Friedman was the main proponent of the 5910:A Monetary History of the United States 5557:until the mid-1970s, when it turned to 14: 25289: 15508:Nobel Memorial Prize acceptance speech 15258:Milton Friedman: The Last Conservative 15241:Milton Friedman: The Last Conservative 14863:"Was Milton Friedman a Socialist? Yes" 14498: 14216:Kristula-Green, Noah (July 31, 2012). 14074:from the original on November 27, 2015 14054:"Economist Milton Friedman Dies at 94" 14051: 13974:"A Fair Trial of the Friedman Formula" 13752:from the original on December 28, 2008 13726:from the original on February 22, 2008 13216: 13149:from the original on November 23, 2006 12822:"The weaponization of Milton Friedman" 12819: 12552: 11929: 11761:(Vol. 43, pp. 111–156). North-Holland. 11543: 11541: 11448:Landsburg, Steven (November 5, 2019). 11410:from the original on December 11, 2021 10919: 10909:(3) – via Independent Institute. 10596:from the original on February 17, 2008 10362:Friedman, Milton (February 15, 2009). 10284: 9897: 9818: 9809:, 1945, Milton Friedman, Simon Kuznets 9718:from the original on February 16, 2008 9497:from the original on February 23, 2013 9249:from the original on February 17, 2008 8760:from the original on September 8, 2011 8126:posits. Nobel-prize winning economist 8059:and was critical of his support for a 7802:during 1990. That idea is included in 5906:"the wrong cure for the wrong disease" 5894:Agricultural Adjustment Administration 5154:Association of Southeast Asian Nations 25372:American drug policy reform activists 23623: 22229: 21898: 21030: 20129: 20128: 19598: 19008: 18522: 17578: 17314: 17273: 16911: 16662: 15981: 15777: 15720: 15519:The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics 15488:The Foundation for Educational Choice 15397:Milton Friedman: Critical Assessments 15255: 15055: 14915: 14860: 14636: 14587:from the original on November 3, 2013 14518:from the original on October 30, 2013 14480:from the original on November 3, 2013 14353:Monetary Trends in the United Kingdom 14241: 14218:"Milton Friedman's Unfinished Legacy" 14125:"Milton Friedman: a study in failure" 14122: 14020: 13921: 13877:from the original on November 4, 2015 13764: 13746:"Commanding Heights: Milton Friedman" 13611:. Stanford University. Archived from 13554: 13167: 12666:Lawrence Lessig (November 19, 2006). 12328: 11892:from the original on October 29, 2009 11831: 11790: 11772:Scottish Journal of Political Economy 11566: 11255:"B. Bernanke's speech to M. Friedman" 11156:. Aldine Publishing Company. p.  11093:from the original on October 27, 2014 11006:from the original on February 6, 2011 10945: 10878:from the original on November 5, 2013 10723: 10586:"Milton Friedman: An enduring legacy" 10021: 9574: 9520: 8976:(December 2012). 50#4. pp. 1106–1109. 8939:from the original on October 11, 2014 8618: 7800:transition to a democratic government 7136:anti-interventionist. He opposed the 6901:The Methodology of Positive Economics 6892:would mostly be saved because of the 6443:says Friedman was "the 'guru' of the 6370:Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 6146:Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge 5955:. Friedman began employment with the 5916:". Later, Friedman and his colleague 25557:National Bureau of Economic Research 25437:Deaths from congestive heart failure 24943:Project for the New American Century 24616:Conservative Party of New York State 23550:Libertarianism in the United Kingdom 14763: 14123:Adams, Richard (November 16, 2006). 14033:from the original on August 10, 2012 13797:Doherty, Brian (December 15, 2006). 13778:from the original on January 9, 2011 13346: 13328:from the original on October 6, 2006 13320:Friedman, Milton (October 6, 2006). 13297:Free to Choose: A Personal Statement 13182: 12640:. Harvard Law School. Archived from 12432:Free to Choose: A Personal Statement 12370:Free to Choose: A Personal Statement 12344:from the original on October 1, 2011 12305:Free to Choose: A Personal Statement 11567:Smith, David Chan (March 26, 2024). 10841:Chen, Vivien Lou (August 20, 2009). 10840: 10558: 10535:Free to Choose: A Personal Statement 10452: 9521:Harms, William (November 16, 2006). 8990: 8787:A Theory of the Consumption Function 8517: 8328:Free to Choose: A Personal Statement 8250:A Theory of the Consumption Function 7441:financing health care for the poor. 6865:, who was a graduate student at the 6267:A Theory of the Consumption Function 6184:A Theory of the Consumption Function 6177:A Theory of the Consumption Function 6103:National Bureau of Economic Research 5959:during the autumn of 1937 to assist 5957:National Bureau of Economic Research 4727:Libertarianism in the United Kingdom 3122:Libertarianism in the United Kingdom 212:National Bureau of Economic Research 25562:National Medal of Science laureates 25502:Jewish American non-fiction writers 23555:Libertarianism in the United States 15803: 15562: 15547:Four Deformations of the Apocalypse 15535:Milton Friedman vs. The Fed Bailout 14441:. Cambridge U.P. pp. 193–199. 14389:from the original on March 13, 2016 14303:O'Brien, Matthew (March 13, 2012). 13928:. Palgrave Macmillan. p. 102. 13460:from the original on April 23, 2016 13435:Milton Friedman (August 31, 1984). 13264:Waldemar Ingdahl (March 22, 2007). 13137:Larry Summers (November 19, 2006). 12970:American Enterprise Institute – AEI 12898: 12735:. Prohibition Costs. Archived from 12105:"Milton Friedman: A Resource Guide" 11730:Explorations in Economic Liberalism 11538: 11333:Kevin Hoover; Warren Young (2011). 11284:Memoirs of an Unregulated Economist 11081:Peter Robinson (October 17, 2008). 11062:from the original on April 10, 2008 9674:from the original on March 30, 2007 9003:from the original on August 2, 2017 8641:from the original on April 12, 2008 8214:, which resulted in the systematic 8134:proved that, during a recession, a 7662:Friedman said, "If you want to see 7540:. Friedman allowed the libertarian 7018:Federal Reserve and monetary policy 6894:law of diminishing marginal utility 6168:in 1968. From 1968 to 1978, he and 5945:Theory of the Consumption Function, 5194:North American Free Trade Agreement 3127:Libertarianism in the United States 24: 25532:Member of the Mont Pelerin Society 25472:Fellows of the Econometric Society 25342:21st-century American male writers 25322:20th-century American male writers 22255: 15430:Collected Works of Milton Friedman 15342:The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism 15217: 14782:10.1111/j.1536-7150.1968.tb01047.x 14766:"A Critique of Positive Economics" 14410:"Milton Friedman – Iceland 2 of 8" 14154:Goldstein, Evan (August 1, 2008). 13349:"'Genuine' Tsang turns aggressive" 12834:from the original on July 19, 2018 12696:. ISR Online Guide. Archived from 12615:from the original on March 5, 2016 12394:McMahon, Jeff (October 12, 2014). 11349:from the original on March 4, 2016 11231:from the original on June 15, 2014 11182:Inflation: Causes and Consequences 11124: 11050:Jim Christie (November 16, 2006). 10627:from the original on July 26, 2008 10086:Devaney, James J. (May 22, 1968). 9072:Maureen Sullivan (July 30, 2016). 7981:Friedman doctrine § Criticism 7670:was perhaps the best example of a 7564:in 2008. His wife Rose, sister of 7468:. He never specifically supported 6721:dropping money out of a helicopter 6550: 6337: 6288:faces some criticism, mainly from 6128:In 1951, Friedman was awarded the 6032: 5798:and the other in economics at the 5383:Criticism of intellectual property 5159:Bank for International Settlements 4628:The Unconstitutionality of Slavery 4586:The Problem of Political Authority 4418:The Betrayal of the American Right 500:the American Philosophical Society 25: 25628: 25447:Fellows of the Earhart Foundation 25387:American male non-fiction writers 24913:Intercollegiate Studies Institute 24819:Alexis de Tocqueville Institution 23652:Conservatism in the United States 23283:Anarcho-capitalism and minarchism 15470:collected news and commentary at 15423: 15239:interview with Jennifer Burns on 14416:from the original on May 12, 2014 14160:The Chronicle of Higher Education 13555:Opazo, Tania (January 12, 2016). 12499:from the original on May 10, 2017 11640:Milton Friedman – Abolish The Fed 11621:Milton Friedman – Abolish The Fed 11083:"What Would Milton Friedman Say?" 10994:David Asman (November 16, 2006). 10920:Hannan, Dan (November 11, 2019). 10479:Hawkins, Marjory (May 10, 2021). 10052:Economics in the Rear-View Mirror 9920:from the original on July 9, 2010 9662:Mark Feeney (November 16, 2006). 9604:Economics in the Rear-View Mirror 9302:. St. Martin's Publishing Group. 8708:Chicago Remembers Milton Friedman 8368:, edited by Gary S. Becker (2008) 7927:(IEA), a libertarian think tank. 7918: 7715:During 1975, two years after the 7577:Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics 7544:to use his name for its biennial 7464:Friedman was also a supporter of 7453:policies such as legalization of 7081: 6808:event honoring Friedman in which 5859: 4657:Conservatism in the United States 4375:Students for a Democratic Society 4345:Foundation for Economic Education 3647:Abolitionism in the United States 3614:Title-transfer theory of contract 2547:Anarcho-capitalism and minarchism 221:(1937–1941; 1943–1945; 1964–1965) 25332:21st-century American economists 25312:20th-century American economists 25262: 25160:The Closing of the American Mind 25120:The Conscience of a Conservative 24854:Competitive Enterprise Institute 24839:Center for the National Interest 23594: 15832:Friedman–Savage utility function 15650:is available for viewing at the 15640:is available for viewing at the 15578:Library of Economics and Liberty 15524:Library of Economics and Liberty 15230: 15049: 15023: 15002: 14977: 14960: 14934: 14909: 14883: 14854: 14841: 14821: 14804: 14757: 14710: 14663: 14637:Smith, Noah (January 12, 2017). 14630: 14609: 14530: 14455: 14428: 14401: 14379:"M.Friedman – Iceland TV (1984)" 14371: 14344: 14327: 14296: 14266: 14235: 14209: 14178: 14147: 14116: 14086: 14045: 14014: 13984: 13962: 13942: 13915: 13899:. Cato Institute. Archived from 13889: 13858: 13841:"The Libertarian Alliance | RNH" 13832: 13817: 13799:"The Economist and the Dictator" 13790: 13738: 13712: 13703: 13691: 13672: 13653: 13627: 13597: 13581:William Ray Mask II (May 2013). 13574: 13520: 13481: 13408: 13359: 13340: 13288: 13257: 13210: 13183:Silk, Leonard (March 31, 1977). 13161: 13130: 13100: 13074: 13056: 13034: 13009: 12984: 12958: 12933: 12907: 12868: 12846: 12820:Dalmia, Shikha (July 19, 2018). 12781: 12751: 12721: 12712: 12686: 12659: 12627: 12597: 12546: 12511: 12476: 12449: 12415: 12387: 12356: 12322: 12261: 12234: 12219: 12145: 12115: 12096: 12082:. Cambridge UP. pp. 49–50. 12069: 12044: 12024: 11957: 11904: 11875: 11852: 11825: 11815: 11764: 11751: 11722: 11692: 11669: 11652: 11633: 11614: 11597: 11560: 11492: 11441: 11376: 11361: 11290: 11275: 11259:The Great Contraction, 1929–1933 11217: 11196:The Great Contraction, 1929–1933 11187: 11174: 11141: 11118: 11115:. New York: Octagon, pp. 301–302 11105: 11018: 10987: 10946:Abate, Tom (February 12, 2006). 10897:Bresnahan, Timothy (1998–1999). 10724:Weber, Bruce (August 19, 2009). 10201:Journal of Economic Perspectives 10199:, Christopher D. Carroll, 2001, 10072:Cato, "Letter from Washington," 9406:Milton Friedman, Rose Friedman, 8957:Edward Nelson (April 13, 2011). 8449: 8435: 8421: 8407: 8393: 8379: 8265:A Program for Monetary Stability 8030:Friedman's definition of liberty 7954: 7881:Although Friedman never visited 7821:During the 2000 PBS documentary 7575:Friedman was a recipient of the 7444: 7217:The Future of Freedom Conference 7150:peaceful and independent country 6837:, a newer approach developed by 6798:The Great Contraction, 1929–1933 6657:Friedman–Savage utility function 6563: 6491: 6482: 6473: 6451:and Reagan honored him with the 5890:National Recovery Administration 5888:and wage-fixing measures of the 5843:Theory and Measurement of Demand 5561:heavily based on the concept of 5475: 5425: 5413: 5401: 5136:Economic liberalization in India 4838: 4826: 4814: 4802: 4537:The Mainspring of Human Progress 3259: 3191: 3179: 3167: 2090: 2076: 2062: 2048: 1637:Library of Economics and Liberty 1529: 1517: 560: 483:Friedman–Savage utility function 225:University of Wisconsin, Madison 25402:American political philosophers 24864:Ethics and Public Policy Center 22777:Natural rights and legal rights 22355:Consequentialist libertarianism 16089:Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich 15741:Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich 15394:; Ronald N. Wood, eds. (1990). 15201:. University of Chicago Press. 14621:Journal of Economic Methodology 14242:Smith, Noah (August 14, 2013). 13347:Chan, Carrie (March 16, 2007). 13068:American Academy of Achievement 13050:American Academy of Achievement 12225:Friedman, Milton & Rose D. 12192:Friedman, Milton (April 2017). 12154:"Presidential Medal of Freedom" 11915:. Rand Corporation. p. 4. 11436:Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 10939: 10913: 10890: 10860: 10834: 10809: 10776: 10751: 10717: 10676: 10658: 10639: 10608: 10578: 10552: 10525: 10499: 10472: 10446: 10421: 10368:. University of Chicago Press. 10355: 10314: 10278: 10252: 10239: 10230: 10213: 10190: 10177: 10168: 10143: 10124: 10112: 10066: 10040: 10015: 9990: 9957: 9951:American Academy of Achievement 9849: 9837: 9812: 9777: 9742: 9730: 9698: 9686: 9655: 9643: 9618: 9592: 9483: 9453: 9428: 9424:. Harriman Economic Essentials. 9420:Eamonn Butler (2011). "Ch. 1". 9413: 9400: 9375: 9291: 9231: 9207: 9195: 9141: 9126: 9110:. July 29, 2016. Archived from 9096: 9043: 8951: 8879: 8854: 8827: 8808: 8728:. Agate Publishing. p. 8. 8524: 8307:"The Role of Monetary Policy", 7538:American Academy of Achievement 7007:corporate social responsibility 7001:Corporate social responsibility 6940:Long-run Phillips curve (NAIRU) 6835:theory of rational expectations 6584:According to a 2007 article in 6107:chairman of the Federal Reserve 6101:, who was then the head of the 6006:University of Wisconsin–Madison 5025:Structural Adjustment Programme 4692:Liberalism in the United States 4446:The Creature from Jekyll Island 3519:Natural rights and legal rights 2405:Natural rights and legal rights 1660:Consequentialist libertarianism 231:U.S. Department of the Treasury 150: 25240:List of American conservatives 23545:Libertarianism in South Africa 23460:Center for Libertarian Studies 15334:"Friedman, Milton (1912–2006)" 15151:Essays on the Great Depression 13605:"Chile and the "Chicago Boys"" 13456:. Event occurs at 009:48:00. 13372:Latin American Research Review 13235:10.1080/00213624.1988.11504742 12875:Mangu-Ward, Katherine (2019). 12553:Carnoy, Martin (August 1998). 11501:"Friedman, Milton (1912–2006)" 11225:"Milton Friedman: End The Fed" 10221:Quarterly Journal of Economics 10088:"'Playboy', 'Monitor' Honored" 9823:. Harcourt. pp. 216–219. 9177:Johan Norberg (October 2008). 8974:Journal of Economic Literature 8722:Van Overtveldt, Johan (2009). 8715: 8701: 8679: 8653: 8573: 8485:List of Jewish Nobel laureates 8465:Causes of the Great Depression 8198:, distinguished fellow of the 7728:government of Salvador Allende 7521:Honors, recognition and legacy 7365:in general in an interview on 7280:, arguing that it had created 7199:magazine, Friedman criticized 7182:Economic Policy Advisory Board 6639:perspective, and attorney and 6263:marginal propensity to consume 6055:), where he spent the rest of 6037: 4722:Libertarianism in South Africa 4551:The Myth of the Rational Voter 3117:Libertarianism in South Africa 3032:Center for Libertarian Studies 83:San Francisco, California, U.S 13: 1: 25607:University of Chicago faculty 24859:David Horowitz Freedom Center 24824:American Enterprise Institute 22607:Decriminalization of sex work 22385:Bleeding-heart libertarianism 22375:Natural-rights libertarianism 18523: 17316:Behavioral and social science 15514:"Milton Friedman (1912–2006)" 15449:University of Chicago Library 15432:(Multiple Text, audio, video) 14876:10.12709/mest. 14851:. Cambridge University Press. 14670:Macpherson, Crawford (1968). 13299:. Harvest Books. p. 34. 11791:Smith, Noah (July 30, 2016). 11605:Journal of Monetary Economics 11198:. Princeton University Press. 10538:. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 10203:, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 23–45, 9050:"Milton Friedman (1912–2006)" 8541: 8320:. Vol. 85, pp. 451–472. 8167:questioned the importance of 7925:Institute of Economic Affairs 7568:, with whom he initiated the 7410:Economic Freedom in the World 7270:In 1962, Friedman criticized 7186:Presidential Medal of Freedom 7166:Presidential Medal of Freedom 6982: 6790:This theory was put forth in 6748:Friedman rejected the use of 6453:Presidential Medal of Freedom 6241:{\displaystyle y=y_{p}+y_{t}} 6134:American Economic Association 5947:a book which first described 5902:essential signaling mechanism 5743: 2235:Decriminalization of sex work 1321:Critique of political economy 979:Critique of political economy 518:Presidential Medal of Freedom 25602:University of Chicago alumni 25567:Nobel laureates in Economics 25527:Mathematicians from Illinois 25352:Academics from San Francisco 23495:Freeman on the land movement 23390:Law, Legislation and Liberty 22762:Libertarianism (metaphysics) 22667:Free-market environmentalism 15922:Milton Friedman bibliography 15883:Essays in Positive Economics 15462:Research Papers in Economics 15175:Milton Friedman: A Biography 14972:Reviews in American History, 14837:10.1017/CBO9780511581427.005 13108:"Milton Friedman Prize page" 13018:Milton Friedman: A Biography 12790:Milton Friedman: A Biography 12670:. Archived from 12559:Comparative Education Review 12053:Milton Friedman: A Biography 12008:Milton Friedman: A Biography 11384:History of Political Economy 10974:Lanny Ebenstein (May 2007), 10453:Boaz, David (May 10, 2021). 10323:Milton Friedman: A Biography 9627:Milton Friedman: A Biography 9575:Solty, Ingar (May 8, 2024). 9437:Milton Friedman: A Biography 9384:Milton Friedman: A Biography 9300:Milton Friedman: A Biography 9027:Milton Friedman: A Biography 8840:. M.E. Sharpe. p. 407. 8599:Doherty, Brian (June 1995). 8557:Milton Friedman: A Biography 8317:Journal of Political Economy 8244:Milton Friedman bibliography 7975:Criticism of published works 7780:Catholic University of Chile 7657: 7638:and 1974 Nobel Prize winner 7552:in 2002, Peruvian economist 7417:Copyright Term Extension Act 6950:natural rate of unemployment 6843:new classical macroeconomics 6677: 6447:". In 1988, he received the 6261:, which contradicts Keynes' 6062:In 1945, Friedman submitted 5983:American Medical Association 5702:drug liberalization policies 5597:natural rate of unemployment 5559:new classical macroeconomics 5179:Greater Arab Free Trade Area 5121:Positive non-interventionism 4530:The Moon is a Harsh Mistress 3449:Free-market environmentalism 3067:Freeman on the land movement 2390:Libertarianism (metaphysics) 2295:Free-market environmentalism 1852:Symmetrical inflation target 1609:Positive non-interventionism 1371:Periodizations of capitalism 448:Natural rate of unemployment 7: 25427:Columbia University faculty 25367:American classical liberals 24678:Rhode Island Suffrage Party 23540:Libertarian science fiction 22350:Conservative libertarianism 16939:Chicago school of economics 15862:Permanent income hypothesis 15440:Hoover Institution Archives 15172:Ebenstein, Alan O. (2007). 15087:Eichengreen, Barry (1992). 15031:"Milton Friedman, Unperson" 14717:Caldwell, Bruce J. (1980). 14185:Wapshott, Nicholas (2012). 13772:"Milton Friedman interview" 13684:September 22, 2013, at the 13418:, October 12, 1976, and in 12567:University of Chicago Press 12037:September 22, 2016, at the 11573:Modern Intellectual History 11194:Friedman, Schwartz (2008). 10352:, p. xi of the 2002 edition 10036:: 1 – via HeinOnline. 9904:Brian Doherty (June 1995). 8863:The Role of Monetary Policy 8689:. Becker Friedman Institute 8475:History of economic thought 8372: 8184:argued that because of the 8150:), and even if it can, the 7634:. Some economists, such as 6882:permanent income hypothesis 6507:Friedman had two children, 6402:Public Broadcasting Service 6318:University of Chicago Press 6286:permanent income hypothesis 6271:permanent income hypothesis 6200:permanent income hypothesis 6092:Chicago school of economics 5969:permanent income hypothesis 5953:permanent income hypothesis 5536:Chicago school of economics 5184:International Monetary Fund 4717:Libertarianism in Hong Kong 4385:Young Americans for Liberty 4307:Libertarian science fiction 3112:Libertarian science fiction 1067:Simple commodity production 453:Permanent income hypothesis 10: 25633: 25617:Writers from San Francisco 25497:Jewish American economists 25452:Economists from California 25407:American political writers 25377:American economics writers 25337:21st-century American Jews 25317:20th-century American Jews 24938:Pacific Research Institute 24834:Center for Security Policy 24719:Asian and Pacific Islander 24636:Constitutional Union Party 24611:American Independent Party 23575:Sovereign citizen movement 23400:Anarchy, State, and Utopia 20204:Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar 16081:Friedrich August von Hayek 15568:"Milton Friedman Podcasts" 15499:Inflation and Unemployment 15436:The Milton Friedman papers 15358:10.4135/9781412965811.n118 15155:Princeton University Press 15141: 14537:Escribano, Alvaro (2004). 14435:J. Daniel Hammond (2005). 13454:Icelandic State Television 13223:Journal of Economic Issues 12855:"A Letter to Mr. Friedman" 12268:Friedman, Milton (2002) . 12241:Friedman, Milton (2002) . 11531:February 24, 2007, at the 11111:Hamilton, Earl J. (1965). 10259:Schnetzer, Amanda (2016). 9220:December 18, 2011, at the 8964:December 31, 2014, at the 8792:Princeton University Press 8241: 8079:happened as a result of a 8055:. Block called Friedman a 7978: 7876: 7852: 7812:. In his 1980 documentary 7704: 7059:fractional reserve banking 6959:Through his critique, the 6802:Princeton University Press 6654: 6429:1980 presidential campaign 6248:to calculate income, with 6188:Princeton University Press 5841:, who was then working on 5641:2007–2008 financial crisis 5543:school of economic thought 5005:Public–private partnership 4769:Sovereign citizen movement 4495:The Future and Its Enemies 4453:Defending the Undefendable 4425:The Case Against Education 4411:Anarchy, State, and Utopia 3147:Sovereign citizen movement 2032:Perspectives on capitalism 1376:Perspectives on capitalism 25597:Rutgers University alumni 25592:Rahway High School alumni 25492:Jewish American activists 25417:Chicago School economists 25258: 25222: 25180:A Republic, Not an Empire 25080:The Managerial Revolution 25027: 24988: 24869:Family Research Institute 24804: 24706: 24688:National Republican Party 24594: 24369: 24093: 23972: 23886: 23875: 23730: 23659: 23608:Outline of libertarianism 23601:Libertarianism portal 23588: 23422: 23351: 23265: 23204: 23139: 22998: 22902: 22895: 22529: 22408: 22365:Libertarian transhumanism 22315: 22308: 22265: 21933: 21737: 21570: 21409: 21322:Oliver M. W. Sprague 21248: 21111: 21064: 20966: 20815: 20664: 20485: 20291: 20139: 20135: 20124: 20058: 19960: 19849: 19760: 19681: 19609: 19605: 19594: 19551: 19460: 19352: 19243: 19179:William Hayward Pickering 19124: 19019: 19015: 19004: 18930: 18822: 18676: 18552: 18533: 18529: 18518: 18429: 18238: 18052: 17870: 17726: 17589: 17585: 17574: 17531: 17472: 17384: 17344: 17325: 17321: 17310: 17216: 17168: 17125: 17062: 17034: 16981: 16945: 16835: 16816: 16791: 16766: 16741: 16717: 16698: 16479:Christopher A. Pissarides 16353: 16102: 16019: 15946: 15930: 15872: 15852:Friedman's k-percent rule 15811: 15758: 15749: 15737: 15732: 15727: 15722:Links to related articles 15479:Becker Friedman Institute 15229: 15224: 15197:Two Lucky People: Memoirs 15193:Friedman, Milton (1999). 14879:– via ResearchGate. 14723:Southern Economic Journal 14688:10.1017/S0008423900035241 14560:10.1017/S1365100503030013 14364:November 3, 2013, at the 13865:Stolberg, Sharyl (2006). 13709:Newsweek of June 14, 1976 13665:October 16, 2014, at the 13506:10.1017/S1053837219000397 13448:(Television production). 13438:Iceland Television Debate 13385:10.1017/S0023879100037705 13366:Richards, Donald (1997). 13016:Ebenstein, Lanny (2007). 12788:Ebenstein, Lanny (2007). 12158:The University of Chicago 12051:Ebenstein, Lanny (2007). 12006:Ebenstein, Lanny (2007). 11964:Friedman, Milton (1982). 11939:Friedman, Milton (1962). 11686:December 3, 2016, at the 11582:10.1017/S1479244324000027 11307:10.1007/978-3-319-17578-2 11152:Optimum Quantity of Money 11148:Friedman, Milton (1969). 10321:Ebenstein, Lanny (2007). 10136:January 12, 2013, at the 10022:Block, Walter E. (2011). 9875:Two Lucky People: Memoirs 9625:Ebenstein, Lanny (2007). 9435:Ebenstein, Lanny (2007). 9408:Two Lucky People. Memoirs 9382:Ebenstein, Lanny (2007). 9298:Ebenstein, Lanny (2007). 9025:Ebenstein, Lanny (2007). 8886:Krugman, Paul R. (1995). 8861:Friedman, Milton (1968). 8784:Friedman, Milton (2018). 8555:Ebenstein, Lanny (2007). 8511:We are all Keynesians now 8349:Two Lucky People: Memoirs 8309:American Economic Review, 8272:November 1, 2011, at the 8200:Economic Policy Institute 8034:positivist methodological 8007:The Scourge of Monetarism 7626:Friedman was awarded the 7459:legalization of marijuana 7195:In a 1995 interview with 7190:National Medal of Science 7057:, which would have ended 7040:Friedman's k-percent rule 6665:Friedman's k-percent rule 6571:Two Lucky People: Memoirs 6562: 6557: 6449:National Medal of Science 6431:, and then served on the 6166:Gerald Loeb Special Award 4950:Foreign direct investment 4833:Libertarianism portal 4749:Outline of libertarianism 4647:American militia movement 4572:New Libertarian Manifesto 3174:Libertarianism portal 2083:Libertarianism portal 1916:Foreign exchange reserves 559: 554: 550: 539: 512:National Medal of Science 491: 478:Friedman's k-percent rule 410: 334: 294: 282: 262: 200: 190: 185: 181: 160: 135: 125: 88: 72: 53: 41: 34: 25522:American macroeconomists 25457:Economists from Illinois 25392:American Nobel laureates 25362:American anti-communists 25050:Democracy and Leadership 23520:Libertarian conservatism 22887:Workers' self-management 22787:Non-aggression principle 22380:Neo-classical liberalism 22345:Christian libertarianism 20628:Norman Foster Ramsey Jr. 20074:S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan 17705:Burrhus Frederic Skinner 16807:Daniel Carleton Gajdusek 15587:publications indexed by 15332:Steelman, Aaron (2008). 15312:Eastern Economic Journal 15256:Burns, Jennifer (2023). 15062:American Economic Review 15011:"Milton's Paradise Lost" 14339:SocioEconomic Challenges 13669:, debate, 1980, YouTube. 12458:American Economic Review 11911:Bernard Rostker (2006). 11888:. America's Drug Forum. 11882:Milton Friedman (1991). 11282:Milton Friedman (1969). 10559:Bush, George W. (2002). 10348:1982 edition preface of 10265:George W. Bush Institute 10247:Journal of Econometrics, 10119:Rose and Milton Friedman 9964:Philip Mirowski (2002). 9819:Mankiw, Gregory (1997). 9751:American Economic Review 9329:"Milton Friedman, Ph.D." 9055:January 3, 2007, at the 8756:. PBS. October 1, 2000. 8112:monetary quantity levels 7700: 7449:Friedman also supported 7377:environmental regulation 7288:, "poverty is in part a 6688:quantity theory of money 6627:The Machinery of Freedom 6605: 6501:Milton and Rose Friedman 6354:a lecture about a pencil 5926:, which argued that the 5696:, and opposition to the 5368:Authoritarian capitalism 5209:World Trade Organization 4940:Economic interdependence 4845:United States portal 4697:Libertarian conservatism 4600:Protection or Free Trade 4516:The Machinery of Freedom 4460:The Discovery of Freedom 3524:Non-aggression principle 3239:This article is part of 3092:Libertarian conservatism 2515:Workers' self-management 2415:Non-aggression principle 647:Economic interventionism 25090:Ideas Have Consequences 24884:The Heritage Foundation 24759:Libertarian Republicans 23904:G. H. W. Bush 23738:American exceptionalism 23535:Libertarian Republicans 22797:Participatory economics 22642:Expropriative anarchism 21638:Charles P. Kindleberger 21376:Emanuel A. Goldenweiser 19939:Cathleen Synge Morawetz 17857:George Ledyard Stebbins 17778:James Augustine Shannon 15298:Jones, Daniel Stedman. 14812:Pacific Economic Review 14764:Hill, Lewis E. (1968). 14191:Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 13922:Lyons, John F. (2013). 13635:"Free to Choose Vol. 5" 13416:The Wall Street Journal 13170:The Wall Street Journal 11865:April 13, 2015, at the 11832:Ruger, William (2013). 11554:New York Times Magazine 11386:(2007) 39#3 pp. 511–527 11227:. 10485:GlobeNewswire News Room 10407:. U. of Chicago Press. 9821:Principles of Economics 9359:Doherty, Brian (2007). 9184:April 11, 2010, at the 9135:The Wall Street Journal 8997:Encyclopedia Britannica 8361:excerpt and text search 8335:The Essence of Friedman 7726:to power and ended the 7683:The Wall Street Journal 7636:Institutional economist 7596:The Wall Street Journal 7356:economically regressive 7352:racially discriminatory 7164:Friedman receiving the 7013:Public policy positions 6948:and the concept of the 6827:floating exchange rates 6651:Scholarly contributions 6613:The Wall Street Journal 6519:(née Director), at the 6400:, was broadcast by the 6193:Friedman's counterpart 6140:University of Cambridge 6068:University of Minnesota 5930:was caused by a severe 5783:and graduated in 1932. 5682:floating exchange rates 5662:British prime minister 5378:Criticism of capitalism 4945:Economic liberalization 4821:Conservatism portal 4743:On Democracy in America 4607:Radicals for Capitalism 3107:Libertarian Republicans 2425:Participatory economics 2270:Expropriative anarchism 1901:Economic liberalization 1806:International economics 1632:George Mason University 1577:Part of a series on the 1316:Criticism of capitalism 545:IDEAS / RePEc 423:Floating exchange rates 243:University of Cambridge 25512:Libertarian economists 25507:Jewish anti-communists 24890:Mandate for Leadership 24844:Charles Koch Institute 24656:Conservative Democrats 24645:historically, factions 23802:Judeo-Christian values 23475:Conscientious objector 23370:The Market for Liberty 22802:Propaganda of the deed 22752:Individual reclamation 22747:Individualist feminism 22707:Freedom of information 22687:Freedom of association 22647:Federalism (anarchist) 22318:Libertarian capitalism 21926:John Bates Clark Medal 21543:John Kenneth Galbraith 20396:Joseph O. Hirschfelder 20383:Kenneth Sanborn Pitzer 19339:Harry George Drickamer 19285:Hans Wolfgang Liepmann 18959:M. Frederick Hawthorne 18833:John D. Baldeschwieler 18073:Daniel E. Koshland Jr. 17755:Earl W. Sutherland Jr. 16841:Nobel Prize recipients 16801:Baruch Samuel Blumberg 16793:Physiology or Medicine 15891:Capitalism and Freedom 15712:Free to Choose Network 15178:. St. Martin's Press. 15149:Bernanke, Ben (2004). 15009:Krugman, Paul (2012). 14861:Block, Walter (2013). 14547:Macroeconomic Dynamics 14333:Reichart Alexandre , ' 13609:The Hoover Institution 12941:"The Negro in America" 12901:Capitalism and Freedom 12271:Capitalism and Freedom 12244:Capitalism and Freedom 12228:Capitalism and Freedom 11941:Capitalism and Freedom 11645:June 11, 2015, at the 11626:June 11, 2015, at the 11297:Peter Galbács (2015). 10903:The Independent Review 10365:Capitalism and Freedom 10350:Capitalism and freedom 9787:, Routledge, p. xiii. 9711:. J. Bradford DeLong. 9410:, Chicago 1998, p. 22. 9332:Academy of Achievement 8500:Monetary/fiscal debate 8287:Capitalism and Freedom 8065:Federal Reserve System 8061:central banking system 7867:Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson 7831:Chile's unfree economy 7823:The Commanding Heights 7805:Capitalism and Freedom 7530: 7489: 7419:, and signed on to an 7323: 7313:; to set, as it were, 7277:Capitalism and Freedom 7268: 7173: 7120:Capitalism and Freedom 7099: 6941: 6903:" (1953) provided the 6819: 6788: 6746: 6631:as well as his unique 6419:Friedman served as an 6412:, was the bestselling 6389:Free to Choose Network 6361: 6327:Capitalism and Freedom 6322:Capitalism and Freedom 6309:Capitalism and Freedom 6301:Capitalism and Freedom 6242: 6130:John Bates Clark Medal 5997:, or other factors of 5673:Capitalism and Freedom 4707:Libertarian Republican 4544:The Market for Liberty 4523:Man, Economy and State 4502:The God of the Machine 4404:The Anarchist Cookbook 3554:Private defense agency 3514:Marriage privatization 3469:Freedom of association 3047:Conscientious objector 2430:Propaganda of the deed 2380:Individual reclamation 2375:Individualist feminism 2335:Freedom of information 2315:Freedom of association 2275:Federalism (anarchist) 1966:Open market operations 1670:Neoclassical economics 1346:Exploitation of labour 1057:Primitive accumulation 530:John Bates Clark Medal 443:Applied macroeconomics 25517:Libertarian theorists 25412:Cato Institute people 25382:American libertarians 25245:National conservatism 25210:Why Liberalism Failed 25150:A Conflict of Visions 25110:The Conservative Mind 24978:Witherspoon Institute 24918:James Madison Program 24693:Native American Party 23748:Christian nationalism 23530:Libertarian socialism 23525:Libertarian Democrats 23455:Austro-libertarianism 23308:Intellectual property 22872:Voluntary association 22697:Freedom of conscience 22552:Anti-authoritarianism 22547:Age of consent reform 22470:libertarian communism 22411:Libertarian socialism 21986:Hendrik S. Houthakker 20987:Sylvester James Gates 20373:William Alfred Fowler 20355:Robert Rathbun Wilson 20168:Robert Burns Woodward 18980:Geraldine L. Richmond 18728:Howard E. Simmons Jr. 18011:Rosalyn Sussman Yalow 17940:Vernon B. Mountcastle 17796:Sterling B. Hendricks 17613:Marshall W. Nirenberg 17608:Theodosius Dobzhansky 17456:William Julius Wilson 16200:James M. Buchanan Jr. 15483:University of Chicago 15392:Wood, John Cunningham 15344:. Thousand Oaks, CA: 15056:Tobin, James (1965). 14869:. 1(1):11–26: 13–14. 14827:Mäki, Uskali (2009). 14615:Colander, D. (1995). 13998:. November 17, 2006. 13322:"Dr. Milton Friedman" 13217:Dopfer, Kurt (1988). 13139:"The Great Liberator" 12332:(November 23, 2006). 11482:"Sequential Analysis" 11406:. February 14, 2010. 11368:"Charlie Rose Show". 10790:. November 23, 2006. 10592:. November 17, 2006. 9906:"Best of Both Worlds" 9763:10.1257/aer.107.4.967 9245:. November 23, 2006. 8927:"Best of Both Worlds" 8834:Mark Skousen (2009). 8820:May 29, 2009, at the 8637:. Nobel Prize. 1976. 8443:Libertarianism portal 8351:(with Rose Friedman) 8238:Selected bibliography 8232:collective bargaining 8161:is "highly dubious". 8158:The Great Contraction 8102:was to blame for the 7784:University of Chicago 7751:social market economy 7528: 7484: 7368:The Phil Donahue Show 7294: 7253: 7163: 7089: 6977:adaptive expectations 6973:Rational expectations 6939: 6867:University of Chicago 6855:adaptive expectations 6851:rational expectations 6814: 6812:made this statement: 6806:University of Chicago 6774: 6743:Milton Friedman, 1963 6736: 6730:, that the increased 6708:in the U.S. history. 6521:University of Chicago 6445:Reagan administration 6437:Reagan Administration 6366:University of Chicago 6351: 6294:liquidity constraints 6279:liquidity constraints 6259:consumption smoothing 6243: 6078:University of Chicago 5949:consumption smoothing 5914:The Great Contraction 5866:Franklin D. Roosevelt 5800:University of Chicago 5748:Friedman was born in 5708:led him to found the 5593:consumption smoothing 5563:rational expectations 5547:University of Chicago 5408:Capitalism portal 5388:Market fundamentalism 5164:European Central Bank 4995:Mundell–Fleming model 4975:Intellectual property 4809:Liberalism portal 4712:Libertarian socialism 4474:The Ethics of Liberty 4360:Liberty International 4244:Intellectual property 3732:Supply-side economics 3619:Voluntary association 3102:Libertarian socialism 3097:Libertarian Democrats 3027:Austro-libertarianism 2945:Historical background 2572:Intellectual property 2500:Voluntary association 2325:Freedom of conscience 2180:Anti-authoritarianism 2175:Age of consent reform 2069:Capitalism portal 1946:Intellectual property 1754:Comparative advantage 1524:Capitalism portal 1336:Culture of capitalism 1291:Capitalist propaganda 1047:Industrial Revolution 1037:Commercial Revolution 237:University of Chicago 106:University of Chicago 25612:Writers from Chicago 25482:Illinois Republicans 25432:Critics of socialism 25230:American nationalism 25130:A Choice Not an Echo 25070:Our Enemy, the State 25040:Democracy in America 24968:Sutherland Institute 24963:State Policy Network 24923:Leadership Institute 24786:Reactionary feminism 24582:Booker T. Washington 23753:Classical liberalism 23580:Technolibertarianism 23565:Public choice theory 23515:Green libertarianism 23470:Classical liberalism 23465:Civil libertarianism 23298:Foreign intervention 22782:Night-watchman state 22325:Right-libertarianism 22273:Age of Enlightenment 21596:Tjalling C. Koopmans 21209:Herbert J. Davenport 21119:Edwin R. A. Seligman 20958:Warren M. Washington 20922:Fay Ajzenberg-Selove 20831:Jeremiah P. Ostriker 20776:Martin Schwarzschild 20557:Solomon J. Buchsbaum 20549:J. Robert Schrieffer 20519:E. Margaret Burbidge 20363:Nicolaas Bloembergen 20340:Arie Jan Haagen-Smit 20219:Vladimir K. Zworykin 19971:John Griggs Thompson 19894:Martin David Kruskal 19734:Kurt Otto Friedrichs 19207:Erwin Wilhelm Müller 19161:Ralph Brazelton Peck 19116:Jack St. Clair Kilby 19043:John Robinson Pierce 19010:Engineering sciences 18941:Jacqueline K. Barton 18796:George M. Whitesides 18715:Dudley R. Herschbach 18653:Richard B. Bernstein 18622:Walter H. Stockmayer 18170:Elizabeth F. Neufeld 18101:G. Evelyn Hutchinson 17991:Stanley Norman Cohen 17978:Rita Levi-Montalcini 17814:Keith Roberts Porter 17677:Alfred H. Sturtevant 17672:Michael Heidelberger 17644:Fritz Albert Lipmann 17239:Julian Lincoln Simon 17217:Business and finance 17208:Frank H. Easterbrook 17127:Public choice school 17064:New social economics 17036:New economic history 16958:Henry Calvert Simons 16463:Oliver E. Williamson 16093:Tjalling C. Koopmans 15745:Tjalling C. Koopmans 15622:, November 20, 1994. 15352:. pp. 195–197. 13992:"An enduring legacy" 12992:"Minimum-Wage Rates" 12885:. Reason Foundation. 12520:The Yale Law Journal 12133:on February 16, 2015 11706:. January 30, 1999. 11372:. December 26, 2005. 10874:. November 5, 2013. 10651:May 2, 2012, at the 10455:"Bob Chitester, RIP" 9471:on December 17, 2022 9228:. 8(2). pp. 126–146. 9151:(January 29, 2007). 9138:. November 17, 2006. 8661:"The Chicago School" 8581:"APS Member History" 8146:, as defined by the 8023:Political scientist 7871:President of Iceland 7798:and to the eventual 7511:juvenile delinquency 7125:Nixon administration 7027:" that was labeled " 7005:Friedman criticised 6468:Philadelphia Society 6435:for the rest of the 6206: 6088:Princeton University 5932:monetary contraction 5589:mainstream economics 5528:stabilization policy 5518:for his research on 5420:Economics portal 5242:Adam Smith Institute 5237:World Economic Forum 5227:Mont Pelerin Society 4935:Economic integration 4764:Right-libertarianism 4702:Libertarian Democrat 4621:To Serve and Protect 4593:Progress and Poverty 4579:Our Enemy, the State 4439:Conceived in Liberty 4380:Students for Liberty 3652:Classical liberalism 3642:Age of Enlightenment 3579:Rugged Individualism 3564:Public choice theory 3404:Civil libertarianism 3252:in the United States 3186:Anarchism portal 3152:Technolibertarianism 3137:Public choice theory 3087:Green libertarianism 3042:Classical liberalism 3037:Civil libertarianism 2953:Age of Enlightenment 2562:Foreign intervention 2410:Night-watchman state 1936:Inflation adjustment 1892:Economic integration 1769:Economic rationalism 1499:Right-libertarianism 1429:Classical liberalism 1396:Venture philanthropy 1032:Capitalism and Islam 1027:Age of Enlightenment 622:Capital accumulation 25572:People from Chicago 25547:Monetary economists 25269:Conservatism portal 25200:The Benedict Option 25100:God and Man at Yale 24989:Historical factions 24928:Manhattan Institute 24879:Heartland Institute 24874:Gatestone Institute 24849:Claremont Institute 24749:Hispanic and Latino 23899:Adams (John Quincy) 23790:Gender essentialism 23490:Economic liberalism 23485:Cultural liberalism 23328:Political alliances 22817:Reproductive rights 22792:Non-interventionism 22732:Homestead principle 22712:Freedom of religion 22702:Freedom of contract 22682:Freedom of assembly 22617:Drug liberalization 22512:Libertarian Marxism 22418:Left-libertarianism 22390:Paleolibertarianism 22076:Lawrence H. Summers 22058:Sanford J. Grossman 22028:Martin S. Feldstein 21944:Kenneth E. Boulding 21811:Christopher A. Sims 21710:Arnold C. Harberger 21674:Thomas C. Schelling 21632:Charles L. Schultze 21519:Kenneth E. Boulding 21471:Theodore W. Schultz 21008:Shirley Ann Jackson 20927:Charles P. Slichter 20771:Marshall Rosenbluth 20763:Wallace S. Broecker 20716:Eugene M. Shoemaker 20477:Victor F. Weisskopf 20424:Herbert S. Gutowsky 20406:Edgar Bright Wilson 20247:George Kistiakowsky 19865:Stephen Cole Kleene 19376:George H. Heilmeier 19363:Mildred Dresselhaus 19254:Edward H. Heinemann 19184:Frederick E. Terman 19148:Richard T. Whitcomb 19069:Clarence L. Johnson 19030:Theodore von Kármán 18917:Stephen J. Benkovic 18896:Mostafa A. El-Sayed 18883:Marvin H. Caruthers 18838:Ralph F. Hirschmann 18778:Darleane C. Hoffman 18668:Harden M. McConnell 18609:Frank H. Westheimer 18421:Stanley B. Prusiner 18385:Robert J. Lefkowitz 18144:Howard Martin Temin 18001:Maurice R. Hilleman 17996:Joseph L. Goldstein 17935:Donald A. Henderson 17852:Earl Reece Stadtman 17837:Elizabeth C. Crosby 17801:Orville Alvin Vogel 17631:Donald D. Van Slyke 17580:Biological sciences 17155:William A. Niskanen 16491:Christopher A. Sims 16419:Thomas C. Schelling 16391:Robert F. Engle III 16292:Robert E. Lucas Jr. 16140:Theodore W. Schultz 14948:. November 21, 2003 14059:The Washington Post 13978:The Washington Post 13972:(October 8, 1980). 13641:on February 9, 2008 13324:. Opinion Journal. 13118:on January 20, 2014 12903:. pp. 179–181. 12739:on October 31, 2012 12109:Library of Congress 11982:on October 21, 2020 10926:Washington Examiner 10672:on August 27, 2013. 10621:The Washington Post 10209:10.1257/jep.15.3.23 8401:Conservatism portal 8045:Austrian economists 7948:The Financial Times 7869:, who later became 7744:University of Chile 7672:free market economy 7616:John Maynard Keynes 7487:only his abilities. 7363:environmental taxes 7319:negative income tax 7298:neighborhood effect 7075:balance of payments 7044:inflation targeting 6989:sequential sampling 6829:. His close friend 6732:general price level 6728:cost-push inflation 6696:School of Salamanca 6515:. He met his wife, 6378:Stanford University 6331:"classical liberal" 6045:Columbia University 5900:interfered with an 5831:Columbia University 5754:Carpathian Ruthenia 5732:John Maynard Keynes 5690:negative income tax 5639:in response to the 5432:Politics portal 5363:Alter-globalization 5096:Fiscal conservatism 4687:Left-libertarianism 4614:Seeing Like a State 3710:Fiscal conservatism 3705:Economic liberalism 3569:Restorative justice 3529:Non-interventionism 3484:Homestead principle 3474:Freedom of contract 3198:Politics portal 3062:Economic liberalism 3057:Cultural liberalism 2592:Political alliances 2445:Reproductive rights 2420:Non-interventionism 2360:Homestead principle 2340:Freedom of religion 2330:Freedom of contract 2310:Freedom of assembly 2245:Drug liberalization 2097:Politics portal 2055:Business portal 2016:Alter-globalization 1961:Negative income tax 1941:Inflation targeting 1536:Business portal 652:Economic liberalism 642:Competitive markets 418:Cost-push inflation 253:Stanford University 219:Columbia University 116:Columbia University 25577:Philosophy writers 25552:Monetary reformers 25357:American agnostics 25060:I'll Take My Stand 25020:Southern Agrarians 24958:Rockford Institute 24953:R Street Institute 24903:Hoover Institution 24791:Tea Party movement 24734:Dark Enlightenment 24671:Southern Democrats 24631:Anti-Masonic Party 24621:Constitution Party 23857:Right to bear arms 23817:Limited government 23795:Complementarianism 23288:Capital punishment 23278:Affirmative action 22827:Right to sexuality 22807:Property is theft! 22722:Freedom of thought 22335:Anarcho-capitalism 22034:Joseph E. Stiglitz 22016:Franklin M. Fisher 21525:William J. Fellner 21501:Joseph J. Spengler 21489:Gottfried Haberler 21459:George W. Stocking 21453:Morris A. Copeland 21340:Frederick C. Mills 21280:Matthew B. Hammond 21233:Wesley C. Mitchell 21215:Jacob H. Hollander 20880:G. Brent Dalrymple 20698:Arthur L. Schawlow 20605:James A. Van Allen 20496:Philip W. Anderson 20452:Richard P. Feynman 20378:Linus Carl Pauling 20013:Dennis P. Sullivan 19570:John B. Goodenough 19503:Edwin N. Lightfoot 19471:Yuan-Cheng B. Fung 19452:Kenneth N. Stevens 19220:Raymond D. Mindlin 19143:Harold E. Edgerton 18988:A. Paul Alivisatos 18867:Stephen J. Lippard 18846:Ernest R. Davidson 18783:Harold S. Johnston 18617:William S. Johnson 18581:George C. Pimentel 18416:Susan L. Lindquist 18398:Francis S. Collins 18292:Victor A. McKusick 18267:Francisco J. Ayala 18249:Nancy C. Andreasen 18199:Robert A. Weinberg 17973:Har Gobind Khorana 17958:Michael E. DeBakey 17945:George Emil Palade 17917:Wendell L. Roelofs 17907:Howard L. Bachrach 17737:Barbara McClintock 17639:Edward F. Knipling 17054:Robert M. Townsend 16407:Edward C. Prescott 16395:Clive W.J. Granger 16371:Joseph E. Stiglitz 16344:Daniel L. McFadden 16232:Harry M. Markowitz 15693:Commanding Heights 15556:The New York Times 15537:by Michael Hirsh, 15473:The New York Times 15307:McCloskey, Deirdre 15288:Econ Journal Watch 15243:, December 1, 2023 15076:– via JSTOR. 15016:The New York Times 14706:– via JSTOR. 14502:(April 25, 2013). 14027:The New York Times 13871:The New York Times 13615:on August 10, 2012 13355:on March 11, 2008. 13276:on October 3, 2014 13189:The New York Times 13143:The New York Times 13088:on January 5, 2014 12972:. December 5, 2016 12363:Friedman, Milton; 12338:The New York Times 12298:Friedman, Milton; 11973:Hoover Institution 11704:Hoover Institution 11454:Essential Scholars 11180:Friedman, Milton. 10763:Hoover Institution 10730:The New York Times 10433:Hoover Institution 10293:The New York Times 10030:Libertarian Papers 9606:. January 23, 2016 9226:Econ Journal Watch 9192:. Washington, D.C. 8794:. pp. 20–37. 8754:Commanding Heights 8665:Commanding Heights 8480:List of economists 8179:Economic historian 7531: 7482:, Friedman wrote: 7426:Eldred v. Ashcroft 7343:The New York Times 7282:welfare dependency 7257:technical monopoly 7174: 7108:volunteer military 7100: 6942: 6899:Friedman's essay " 6633:anarcho-capitalism 6528:Binyamin Appelbaum 6421:unofficial adviser 6374:Hoover Institution 6362: 6238: 6119:economic historian 6014:federal government 6008:, but encountered 5781:Rutgers University 5777:Rahway High School 5770:Rahway, New Jersey 5758:Kingdom of Hungary 5734:. Upon his death, 5704:. His support for 5678:volunteer military 5648:Emeritus professor 5358:Anti-globalization 4662:Dark Enlightenment 4432:Civil Disobedience 4340:Free State Project 4335:Federalist Society 4224:Capital punishment 3574:Right to bear arms 3504:Limited government 3281:Anarcho-capitalism 2552:Capital punishment 2542:Affirmative action 2455:Right to sexuality 2435:Property is theft! 2350:Freedom of thought 2026:Anti-globalization 1824:Monetary economics 1296:Capitalist realism 687:Goods and services 667:Fictitious capital 458:Volunteer military 313:David I. Meiselman 249:Hoover Institution 96:Rutgers University 67:New York City, U.S 25284: 25283: 25278: 25277: 25250:Southern strategy 24995:Bourbon Democrats 24590: 24589: 23763:Constitutionalism 23617: 23616: 23505:Geolibertarianism 23480:Constitutionalism 23435:Anti-collectivism 23333:Political parties 23200: 23199: 22882:Workers' councils 22877:Voluntary society 22862:Stateless society 22852:Spontaneous order 22717:Freedom of speech 22692:Freedom of choice 22592:Counter-economics 22587:Cognitive liberty 22525: 22524: 22223: 22222: 22040:A. Michael Spence 22010:Dale W. Jorgenson 22004:Marc Leon Nerlove 21974:Lawrence R. Klein 21938:Paul A. Samuelson 21892: 21891: 21847:Olivier Blanchard 21835:Robert J. Shiller 21805:Orley Ashenfelter 21781:Thomas J. Sargent 21728:Dale W. Jorgenson 21662:Joseph A. Pechman 21614:William J. Baumol 21584:Lawrence R. Klein 21578:Franco Modigliani 21495:George J. Stigler 21477:Paul A. Samuelson 21388:Joseph Schumpeter 21298:William Z. Ripley 21292:George E. Barnett 21256:Edwin W. Kemmerer 21179:Walter F. Willcox 21131:Jeremiah W. Jenks 21078:Charles F. Dunbar 21072:Francis A. Walker 21024: 21023: 21020: 21019: 21016: 21015: 20953:Esther M. Conwell 20893:Robert N. Clayton 20885:Riccardo Giacconi 20849:Raymond Davis Jr. 20737:Albert Overhauser 20680:Edwin M. McMillan 20641:Arnold O. Beckman 20618:Paul Ching-Wu Chu 20595:Paul C. Lauterbur 20572:Robert Hofstadter 20524:Maurice Goldhaber 20511:Charles H. Townes 20462:Edward M. Purcell 20429:Frederick Rossini 20283:Wolfgang Panofsky 20214:John H. Van Vleck 20130:Physical sciences 20120: 20119: 20116: 20115: 20082:Solomon W. Golomb 20042:Andrew J. Viterbi 20037:Leonard Kleinrock 19984:Calyampudi R. Rao 19952:Ronald R. Coifman 19860:George F. Carrier 19841:Donald C. Spencer 19836:Saunders Mac Lane 19771:Marshall H. Stone 19721:Shiing-Shen Chern 19628:Solomon Lefschetz 19590: 19589: 19586: 19585: 19527:David J. Wineland 19495:John M. Prausnitz 19436:C. Kumar N. Patel 19431:James L. Flanagan 19399:John Roy Whinnery 19386:H. Guyford Stever 19368:Nick Holonyak Jr. 19331:George W. Housner 19326:Willis M. Hawkins 19321:Daniel C. Drucker 19303:Robert Byron Bird 19295:Bernard M. Oliver 19202:Peter C. Goldmark 19189:Wernher von Braun 19135:George E. Mueller 19108:Nathan M. Newmark 19103:J. Presper Eckert 19082:Claude E. Shannon 19051:Charles S. Draper 19000: 18999: 18996: 18995: 18967:Judith P. Klinman 18851:Gábor A. Somorjai 18762:Isabella L. Karle 18749:George S. Hammond 18710:Gertrude B. Elion 18663:Rudolph A. Marcus 18514: 18513: 18510: 18509: 18440:Ralph L. Brinster 18359:Torsten N. Wiesel 18336:Norman E. Borlaug 18323:Solomon H. Snyder 18318:J. Michael Bishop 18277:Mario R. Capecchi 18157:Salome G. Waelsch 18088:E. Donnall Thomas 17963:Theodor O. Diener 17862:Paul Alfred Weiss 17690:Bernard B. Brodie 17626:George G. Simpson 17570: 17569: 17566: 17565: 17515:Michael I. Posner 17416:Eleanor J. Gibson 17368:George J. Stigler 17336:Neal Elgar Miller 17267: 17266: 17259:Lars Peter Hansen 17170:Law and economics 17135:James M. Buchanan 16905: 16904: 16818:Economic Sciences 16782:Samuel C. C. Ting 16656: 16655: 16555:Richard H. Thaler 16519:Robert J. Shiller 16515:Lars Peter Hansen 16487:Thomas J. Sargent 16475:Dale T. Mortensen 16367:A. Michael Spence 16363:George A. Akerlof 16332:Robert A. Mundell 16300:James A. Mirrlees 16268:Douglass C. North 16240:William F. Sharpe 16192:Franco Modigliani 16168:George J. Stigler 16152:Lawrence R. Klein 16041:Paul A. Samuelson 15975: 15974: 15960:David D. Friedman 15938:Friedman doctrine 15772: 15771: 15759:Succeeded by 15252: 15251: 14602:. (p. 14 of 13805:. Reason Magazine 13266:"Real Virtuality" 12920:Los Angeles Times 12899:Fredman, Milton. 12769:on April 10, 2013 12759:"Milton Friedman" 11450:"Milton Friedman" 10429:"Milton Friedman" 9998:"Milton Friedman" 9914:Reason Foundation 9461:"Milton Friedman" 9369:Reason Foundation 8993:"Milton Friedman" 8991:Caldwell, Bruce. 8750:"Milton Friedman" 8518:Explanatory notes 8470:David D. Friedman 8429:Liberalism portal 8302:Great Contraction 8208:economic policies 8204:Friedman doctrine 8182:Barry Eichengreen 8169:velocity of money 7995:second-tier banks 7951:the guinea pig". 7933:Margaret Thatcher 7911:, awarded by the 7857:Friedman visited 7810:political freedom 7721:military dictator 7668:Hong Kong economy 7470:same-sex marriage 7328:social safety net 7265:Milton Friedman, 7209:Libertarian Party 7148:were to become a 6782:Milton Friedman, 6762:Great Contraction 6706:economic activity 6673:Great Contraction 6622:David D. Friedman 6582: 6581: 6573:, August 14, 1998 6349: 6072:David D. Friedman 5987:Barriers to entry 5979:barriers to entry 5940:Robert J. Shiller 5664:Margaret Thatcher 5468: 5467: 5310:Yasuhiro Nakasone 5300:Margaret Thatcher 5290:James M. Buchanan 4920:Denationalization 4881: 4880: 4652:Boogaloo movement 4481:For a New Liberty 4370:Reason Foundation 4355:Libertarian Party 4264:Political parties 3662:Transcendentalism 3624:Voluntary society 3604:Stateless society 3599:Spontaneous order 3479:Freedom of speech 3414:Counter-economics 3409:Constitutionalism 3234: 3233: 3077:Geolibertarianism 3052:Constitutionalism 3007:Anti-collectivism 2912:National variants 2762:Friedman (Milton) 2597:Political parties 2510:Workers' councils 2505:Voluntary society 2490:Stateless society 2480:Spontaneous order 2345:Freedom of speech 2320:Freedom of choice 2220:Counter-economics 2215:Cognitive liberty 2134: 2133: 1877:Denationalization 1834:Quantity of money 1642:Reason Foundation 1572: 1571: 1391:Spontaneous order 1361:History of theory 1004:New institutional 974:Market monetarism 909:Economic theories 742:Supply and demand 677:Free price system 568: 567: 463:Friedman doctrine 168:David D. Friedman 76:November 16, 2006 16:(Redirected from 25624: 25487:Jewish agnostics 25270: 25266: 25215: 25205: 25195: 25185: 25175: 25165: 25155: 25145: 25135: 25125: 25115: 25105: 25095: 25085: 25075: 25065: 25055: 25045: 25031: 24908:Hudson Institute 24829:American Compass 24769:Patriot movement 24764:Militia movement 24683:Federalist Party 24666:Reagan Democrats 24641:Democratic Party 24626:Republican Party 24598: 24246:Kuehnelt-Leddihn 23884: 23883: 23879: 23827:Moral absolutism 23758:Communitarianism 23653: 23644: 23637: 23630: 23621: 23620: 23610: 23599: 23598: 23597: 23570:Small government 23415: 23405: 23395: 23385: 23375: 23365: 23313:Internal debates 22900: 22899: 22627:Economic freedom 22602:Decentralization 22597:Crypto-anarchism 22572:Artistic freedom 22542:Academic freedom 22421: 22413: 22328: 22320: 22313: 22312: 22260: 22250: 22243: 22236: 22227: 22226: 22154:Matthew Gentzkow 22052:Jerry A. Hausman 22046:James J. Heckman 21968:Kenneth J. Arrow 21919: 21912: 21905: 21896: 21895: 21823:William Nordhaus 21763:Martin Feldstein 21751:Robert Lucas Jr. 21608:Moses Abramovitz 21555:Walter W. Heller 21549:Kenneth J. Arrow 21531:Wassily Leontief 21429:Calvin B. Hoover 21417:John H. Williams 21316:Alvin S. Johnson 21286:Ernest L. Bogart 21203:Henry B. Gardner 21185:Thomas N. Carver 21096:Arthur T. Hadley 21051: 21044: 21037: 21028: 21027: 20836:Gilbert F. White 20781:George Wetherill 20675:Allan M. Cormack 20633:Jack Steinberger 20613:D. Allan Bromley 20562:H. Richard Crane 20539:Frederick Reines 20529:Helmut Landsberg 20444:George Uhlenbeck 20345:Vladimir Haensel 20307:Allan R. Sandage 20278:Herbert C. Brown 20260:Herbert Friedman 20186:Leon M. Lederman 20158:Julian Schwinger 20137: 20136: 20126: 20125: 20095:Alexandre Chorin 20069:Richard A. Tapia 20050:David B. Mumford 19878:Alberto Calderón 19823:Joseph B. Keller 19810:Michael Freedman 19779:Herman Goldstine 19633:H. Marston Morse 19607: 19606: 19596: 19595: 19535:Rudolf E. Kálmán 19519:Robert S. Langer 19511:Jan D. Achenbach 19344:Herbert E. Grier 19095:Igor I. Sikorsky 19056:Othmar H. Ammann 19017: 19016: 19006: 19005: 18972:Jerrold Meinwald 18741:Norman Hackerman 18720:Glenn T. Seaborg 18635:William O. Baker 18563:F. Albert Cotton 18531: 18530: 18520: 18519: 18497:Mary-Claire King 18390:Bert W. O'Malley 18346:Thomas E. Starzl 18341:Phillip A. Sharp 18328:Charles Yanofsky 18310:Evelyn M. Witkin 18305:James E. Darnell 18131:Paul C. Zamecnik 18096:Mary Ellen Avery 18068:Herbert W. Boyer 18063:Baruj Benacerraf 18034:Joshua Lederberg 18024:Viktor Hamburger 17986:Michael S. Brown 17832:Robert H. Burris 17587: 17586: 17576: 17575: 17523:Mortimer Mishkin 17448:William K. Estes 17432:Roger N. Shepard 17424:Robert K. Merton 17408:George A. Miller 17355:Herbert A. Simon 17323: 17322: 17312: 17311: 17294: 17287: 17280: 17271: 17270: 17145:Randall Holcombe 17107:Sudhir Venkatesh 17016:Allan H. Meltzer 17011:Harry G. Johnson 17006:Phillip D. Cagan 16968:Theodore Schultz 16932: 16925: 16918: 16909: 16908: 16843: 16708:William Lipscomb 16683: 16676: 16669: 16660: 16659: 16649: 16641: 16639:Philip H. Dybvig 16622: 16603: 16601:Robert B. Wilson 16588: 16578:Abhijit Banerjee 16569: 16563:William Nordhaus 16557: 16549: 16537: 16529: 16521: 16505: 16503:Lloyd S. Shapley 16493: 16481: 16471:Peter A. Diamond 16465: 16453: 16445: 16443:Roger B. Myerson 16429: 16427:Edmund S. Phelps 16421: 16415:Robert J. Aumann 16409: 16397: 16385: 16373: 16346: 16340:James J. Heckman 16334: 16326: 16318: 16316:Myron S. Scholes 16312:Robert C. Merton 16306: 16294: 16286: 16280:John F. Nash Jr. 16276:John C. Harsanyi 16270: 16258: 16250: 16242: 16236:Merton H. Miller 16226: 16218: 16210: 16202: 16194: 16186: 16178: 16170: 16162: 16154: 16146: 16144:Sir Arthur Lewis 16134: 16132:Herbert A. Simon 16126: 16114: 16095: 16083: 16071: 16069:Wassily Leontief 16063: 16061:Kenneth J. Arrow 16051: 16043: 16035: 16002: 15995: 15988: 15979: 15978: 15857:Miracle of Chile 15828:Decision theory 15798: 15791: 15784: 15775: 15774: 15738:Preceded by 15730: 15729: 15718: 15717: 15680: 15670: 15652:Internet Archive 15642:Internet Archive 15581: 15531: 15526:(2nd ed.). 15501:1976 lecture at 15419: 15387: 15328: 15295: 15279: 15234: 15233: 15222: 15221: 15212: 15200: 15189: 15168: 15135: 15134: 15132: 15130: 15116: 15105: 15104: 15084: 15078: 15077: 15053: 15047: 15046: 15044: 15042: 15037:. August 8, 2013 15027: 15021: 15020: 15006: 15000: 14999: 14997: 14995: 14981: 14975: 14964: 14958: 14957: 14955: 14953: 14938: 14932: 14931: 14913: 14907: 14906: 14904: 14902: 14887: 14881: 14880: 14878: 14858: 14852: 14845: 14839: 14825: 14819: 14808: 14802: 14801: 14761: 14755: 14754: 14714: 14708: 14707: 14667: 14661: 14660: 14658: 14656: 14642: 14634: 14628: 14613: 14607: 14596: 14594: 14592: 14586: 14571: 14543: 14534: 14528: 14527: 14525: 14523: 14507: 14500:Hendry, David F. 14496: 14490: 14489: 14487: 14485: 14479: 14472: 14459: 14453: 14452: 14432: 14426: 14425: 14423: 14421: 14405: 14399: 14398: 14396: 14394: 14375: 14369: 14348: 14342: 14331: 14325: 14324: 14322: 14320: 14300: 14294: 14293: 14291: 14289: 14270: 14264: 14263: 14261: 14259: 14239: 14233: 14232: 14230: 14228: 14213: 14207: 14206: 14204: 14202: 14182: 14176: 14175: 14173: 14171: 14151: 14145: 14144: 14142: 14140: 14120: 14114: 14113: 14111: 14109: 14090: 14084: 14083: 14081: 14079: 14049: 14043: 14042: 14040: 14038: 14018: 14012: 14011: 14009: 14007: 13988: 13982: 13981: 13966: 13960: 13946: 13940: 13939: 13919: 13913: 13912: 13910: 13908: 13893: 13887: 13886: 13884: 13882: 13862: 13856: 13855: 13853: 13851: 13836: 13830: 13829: 13821: 13815: 13814: 13812: 13810: 13794: 13788: 13787: 13785: 13783: 13768: 13762: 13761: 13759: 13757: 13742: 13736: 13735: 13733: 13731: 13716: 13710: 13707: 13701: 13695: 13689: 13676: 13670: 13657: 13651: 13650: 13648: 13646: 13637:. Archived from 13631: 13625: 13624: 13622: 13620: 13601: 13595: 13594: 13578: 13572: 13571: 13569: 13567: 13552: 13543: 13542: 13540: 13538: 13524: 13518: 13517: 13485: 13479: 13470: 13469: 13467: 13465: 13447: 13432: 13423: 13412: 13406: 13405: 13387: 13363: 13357: 13356: 13351:. Archived from 13344: 13338: 13337: 13335: 13333: 13317: 13311: 13310: 13292: 13286: 13285: 13283: 13281: 13272:. Archived from 13261: 13255: 13254: 13214: 13208: 13207: 13205: 13203: 13180: 13174: 13173: 13165: 13159: 13158: 13156: 13154: 13134: 13128: 13127: 13125: 13123: 13114:. Archived from 13104: 13098: 13097: 13095: 13093: 13078: 13072: 13071: 13060: 13054: 13053: 13038: 13032: 13031: 13013: 13007: 13006: 13004: 13002: 12988: 12982: 12981: 12979: 12977: 12962: 12956: 12955: 12953: 12951: 12937: 12931: 12930: 12928: 12926: 12911: 12905: 12904: 12896: 12887: 12886: 12872: 12866: 12865: 12859: 12850: 12844: 12843: 12841: 12839: 12817: 12804: 12803: 12785: 12779: 12778: 12776: 12774: 12755: 12749: 12748: 12746: 12744: 12729:"An open letter" 12725: 12719: 12716: 12710: 12709: 12707: 12705: 12700:on March 4, 2016 12690: 12684: 12683: 12681: 12679: 12674:on April 2, 2015 12663: 12657: 12656: 12654: 12652: 12647:on April 2, 2015 12646: 12639: 12631: 12625: 12624: 12622: 12620: 12609:Fraser Institute 12601: 12595: 12594: 12550: 12544: 12543: 12515: 12509: 12508: 12506: 12504: 12498: 12491: 12480: 12474: 12473: 12453: 12447: 12446: 12423:Friedman, Milton 12419: 12413: 12412: 12410: 12408: 12391: 12385: 12384: 12360: 12354: 12353: 12351: 12349: 12330:Frank, Robert H. 12326: 12320: 12319: 12295: 12286: 12285: 12265: 12259: 12258: 12238: 12232: 12223: 12217: 12216: 12214: 12212: 12189: 12183: 12182: 12176: 12168: 12166: 12164: 12149: 12143: 12142: 12140: 12138: 12129:. Archived from 12119: 12113: 12112: 12100: 12094: 12093: 12073: 12067: 12066: 12048: 12042: 12030:Matt Barganier; 12028: 12022: 12021: 12003: 11992: 11991: 11989: 11987: 11981: 11975:. Archived from 11970: 11961: 11955: 11954: 11936: 11927: 11926: 11908: 11902: 11901: 11899: 11897: 11885:The War on Drugs 11879: 11873: 11856: 11850: 11849: 11829: 11823: 11819: 11813: 11812: 11810: 11808: 11788: 11779: 11768: 11762: 11755: 11749: 11742: 11733: 11726: 11720: 11719: 11717: 11715: 11696: 11690: 11673: 11667: 11661: 11656: 11650: 11637: 11631: 11618: 11612: 11601: 11595: 11594: 11584: 11564: 11558: 11557: 11545: 11536: 11524:Doherty, Brian; 11522: 11516: 11515: 11513: 11511: 11499:Keir Armstrong. 11496: 11490: 11489: 11478: 11469: 11468: 11466: 11464: 11458:Fraser Institute 11445: 11439: 11433:Economic Review, 11429: 11420: 11419: 11417: 11415: 11396: 11387: 11380: 11374: 11373: 11365: 11359: 11358: 11356: 11354: 11348: 11341: 11330: 11321: 11320: 11294: 11288: 11287: 11279: 11273: 11272: 11250: 11241: 11240: 11238: 11236: 11221: 11215: 11209: 11200: 11199: 11191: 11185: 11178: 11172: 11171: 11155: 11145: 11139: 11138: 11122: 11116: 11109: 11103: 11102: 11100: 11098: 11078: 11072: 11071: 11069: 11067: 11047: 11041: 11040: 11027:Two Lucky People 11022: 11016: 11015: 11013: 11011: 10991: 10985: 10972: 10963: 10962: 10960: 10958: 10943: 10937: 10936: 10934: 10932: 10917: 10911: 10910: 10894: 10888: 10887: 10885: 10883: 10864: 10858: 10857: 10855: 10853: 10838: 10832: 10831: 10829: 10827: 10813: 10807: 10806: 10804: 10802: 10780: 10774: 10773: 10771: 10769: 10755: 10749: 10748: 10746: 10744: 10721: 10715: 10714: 10712: 10710: 10695: 10686: 10680: 10674: 10673: 10668:. Archived from 10662: 10656: 10643: 10637: 10636: 10634: 10632: 10612: 10606: 10605: 10603: 10601: 10582: 10576: 10575: 10573: 10571: 10556: 10550: 10549: 10529: 10523: 10522: 10520: 10518: 10503: 10497: 10496: 10494: 10492: 10476: 10470: 10469: 10467: 10465: 10450: 10444: 10443: 10441: 10439: 10425: 10419: 10418: 10398: 10392: 10391: 10389: 10387: 10378:. Archived from 10359: 10353: 10346: 10337: 10336: 10318: 10312: 10311: 10309: 10307: 10290: 10282: 10276: 10275: 10273: 10271: 10256: 10250: 10243: 10237: 10234: 10228: 10217: 10211: 10194: 10188: 10181: 10175: 10172: 10166: 10165: 10163: 10161: 10147: 10141: 10128: 10122: 10116: 10110: 10109: 10103: 10101: 10093:Hartford Courant 10083: 10077: 10074:National Review, 10070: 10064: 10063: 10061: 10059: 10044: 10038: 10037: 10027: 10019: 10013: 10012: 10010: 10008: 9994: 9988: 9987: 9971: 9961: 9955: 9954: 9939: 9930: 9929: 9927: 9925: 9901: 9895: 9894: 9878: 9868: 9859: 9858:, pp. 84–85 9853: 9847: 9841: 9835: 9834: 9816: 9810: 9804: 9795: 9781: 9775: 9774: 9746: 9740: 9734: 9728: 9727: 9725: 9723: 9717: 9710: 9702: 9696: 9690: 9684: 9683: 9681: 9679: 9668:The Boston Globe 9659: 9653: 9647: 9641: 9640: 9622: 9616: 9615: 9613: 9611: 9596: 9590: 9589: 9572: 9566: 9565: 9563: 9561: 9547: 9538: 9537: 9535: 9533: 9518: 9507: 9506: 9504: 9502: 9487: 9481: 9480: 9478: 9476: 9467:. Archived from 9457: 9451: 9450: 9432: 9426: 9425: 9417: 9411: 9404: 9398: 9397: 9379: 9373: 9372: 9356: 9343: 9342: 9340: 9338: 9325: 9314: 9313: 9295: 9289: 9288: 9286: 9284: 9270: 9259: 9258: 9256: 9254: 9235: 9229: 9211: 9205: 9199: 9193: 9175: 9169: 9168: 9166: 9164: 9155:. Archived from 9145: 9139: 9130: 9124: 9123: 9121: 9119: 9100: 9094: 9093: 9091: 9089: 9069: 9060: 9047: 9041: 9040: 9022: 9013: 9012: 9010: 9008: 8988: 8977: 8970:financial crisis 8955: 8949: 8948: 8946: 8944: 8925:(June 1, 1995). 8919: 8908: 8907: 8883: 8877: 8876: 8858: 8852: 8851: 8831: 8825: 8812: 8806: 8805: 8781: 8770: 8769: 8767: 8765: 8746: 8740: 8739: 8719: 8713: 8705: 8699: 8698: 8696: 8694: 8683: 8677: 8676: 8674: 8672: 8657: 8651: 8650: 8648: 8646: 8631: 8616: 8615: 8613: 8611: 8596: 8585: 8584: 8577: 8571: 8570: 8552: 8535: 8528: 8495:Ludwig von Mises 8459: 8454: 8453: 8445: 8440: 8439: 8438: 8431: 8426: 8425: 8417: 8415:Economics portal 8412: 8411: 8403: 8398: 8397: 8396: 8389: 8384: 8383: 8130:argued that the 8104:Great Depression 8077:Great Depression 8025:C. B. Macpherson 7941:Daily Telegraph, 7776:Sergio de Castro 7736:economic freedom 7732:Arnold Harberger 7724:Augusto Pinochet 7707:Miracle of Chile 7632:Augusto Pinochet 7584:Lawrence Summers 7554:Hernando de Soto 7529:Friedman in 1976 7406:economic freedom 7402:Fraser Institute 7266: 7213:Republican Party 7064:endogenous money 6975:, replacing the 6823:currency markets 6786: 6784:Two Lucky People 6758:Great Depression 6744: 6600:Two Lucky People 6567: 6566: 6555: 6554: 6495: 6486: 6352:Friedman giving 6350: 6247: 6245: 6244: 6239: 6237: 6236: 6224: 6223: 6158:Dennis Robertson 6053:Harold Hotelling 5928:Great Depression 5835:Harold Hotelling 5796:Brown University 5724:communist states 5720:Friedman's works 5712:, later renamed 5700:and support for 5686:medical licenses 5575:Robert Lucas Jr. 5513: 5512: 5511: 5510: 5503: 5500: 5499: 5496: 5493: 5490: 5487: 5484: 5481: 5460: 5453: 5446: 5430: 5429: 5418: 5417: 5406: 5405: 5330:Alberto Fujimori 5325:Hernando de Soto 5295:Augusto Pinochet 5270:Ludwig von Mises 5030:Supranationalism 4930:Economic freedom 4883: 4882: 4873: 4866: 4859: 4843: 4842: 4841: 4831: 4830: 4829: 4819: 4818: 4817: 4807: 4806: 4297:Come and take it 4249:Internal debates 3594:Small government 3559:Private property 3429:Economic freedom 3419:Decentralization 3399:Anti-imperialism 3331:Market anarchism 3306:Consequentialist 3263: 3253: 3236: 3235: 3226: 3219: 3212: 3196: 3195: 3184: 3183: 3182: 3172: 3171: 3170: 3142:Small government 2802:Friedman (David) 2577:Internal debates 2255:Economic freedom 2230:Decentralization 2225:Crypto-anarchism 2200:Artistic freedom 2170:Academic freedom 2136: 2135: 2126: 2119: 2112: 2099: 2095: 2094: 2085: 2081: 2080: 2079: 2071: 2067: 2066: 2057: 2053: 2052: 2033: 1971:Private property 1887:Economic freedom 1774:Efficient market 1574: 1573: 1564: 1557: 1550: 1534: 1533: 1522: 1521: 1326:Critique of work 1301:Capitalist state 984:Critique of work 867:Regulated market 769:Economic systems 722:Private property 672:Financial market 662:Entrepreneurship 657:Economic surplus 570: 569: 564: 428:Helicopter money 321:Miguel Sidrauski 309:Lester G. Telser 276: 154: 152: 79: 63: 61: 48:Friedman in 2004 46: 32: 31: 21: 25632: 25631: 25627: 25626: 25625: 25623: 25622: 25621: 25477:Friedman family 25297:Milton Friedman 25287: 25286: 25285: 25280: 25279: 25274: 25268: 25254: 25218: 25213: 25203: 25193: 25190:Hillbilly Elegy 25183: 25173: 25163: 25153: 25143: 25133: 25123: 25113: 25103: 25093: 25083: 25073: 25063: 25053: 25043: 25029: 25023: 24984: 24983: 24982: 24933:Mises Institute 24814:Acton Institute 24800: 24729:Christian right 24702: 24596: 24586: 24365: 24089: 23968: 23954:W. H. Taft 23909:G. W. Bush 23877: 23871: 23837:Ordered liberty 23726: 23655: 23651: 23648: 23618: 23613: 23606: 23595: 23593: 23584: 23418: 23413: 23403: 23393: 23383: 23373: 23363: 23347: 23338:Theories of law 23261: 23196: 23135: 22994: 22891: 22832:Self-governance 22812:Refusal of work 22577:Civil liberties 22557:Anti-capitalism 22521: 22507:Guild socialism 22465:insurrectionary 22415: 22414: 22409: 22404: 22395:Propertarianism 22322: 22321: 22316: 22304: 22283:Aristotelianism 22261: 22256: 22254: 22224: 22219: 22142:Amy Finkelstein 22094:Andrei Shleifer 22088:Kevin M. Murphy 22070:Paul R. Krugman 22022:Daniel McFadden 21980:Robert M. Solow 21950:Milton Friedman 21929: 21923: 21893: 21888: 21871:Christina Romer 21769:Daniel McFadden 21733: 21722:D. Gale Johnson 21716:Robert W. Fogel 21704:Anne O. Krueger 21698:Victor R. Fuchs 21680:William Vickrey 21644:Alice M. Rivlin 21626:W. Arthur Lewis 21602:Robert M. Solow 21566: 21561:R. Aaron Gordon 21513:Milton Friedman 21483:Edward S. Mason 21465:Arthur F. Burns 21423:Harold A. Innis 21405: 21394:Howard S. Ellis 21370:I. Leo Sharfman 21364:Joseph S. Davis 21358:Albert B. Wolfe 21352:Edwin G. Nourse 21346:Sumner Slichter 21304:Harry A. Millis 21262:Thomas S. Adams 21244: 21221:Henry R. Seager 21191:John R. Commons 21161:Frank A. Fetter 21155:Henry W. Farnam 21149:Edmund J. James 21137:Simon N. Patten 21107: 21060: 21055: 21025: 21012: 21000:Sean C. Solomon 20962: 20914:Daniel Kleppner 20906:Lonnie Thompson 20901:Ralph A. Alpher 20867:W. Jason Morgan 20854:Charles Keeling 20844:Marvin L. Cohen 20811: 20794:John N. Bahcall 20789:Don L. Anderson 20755:Peter Goldreich 20708:Steven Weinberg 20660: 20590:Walter Elsasser 20567:Herman Feshbach 20481: 20419:Samuel Goudsmit 20411:Chien-Shiung Wu 20350:Frederick Seitz 20317:John A. Wheeler 20302:Robert H. Dicke 20287: 20150:Luis W. Alvarez 20131: 20112: 20100:David Blackwell 20054: 20005:Carl R. de Boor 19976:Karen Uhlenbeck 19956: 19910:Louis Nirenberg 19845: 19818:Ralph E. Gomory 19756: 19752:Donald E. Knuth 19739:Hassler Whitney 19677: 19601: 19582: 19547: 19479:Andreas Acrivos 19456: 19444:Eli Ruckenstein 19423:Hermann A. Haus 19394:Calvin F. Quate 19381:Luna B. Leopold 19348: 19239: 19225:Robert N. Noyce 19215:Emmett N. Leith 19174:Manson Benedict 19156:Rudolf Kompfner 19120: 19074:Warren K. Lewis 19011: 18992: 18926: 18888:Peter B. Dervan 18859:John I. Brauman 18818: 18770:Norman Davidson 18697:John D. Roberts 18672: 18640:Konrad E. Bloch 18586:Richard N. Zare 18548: 18525: 18506: 18463:Sallie Chisholm 18445:Rudolf Jaenisch 18425: 18408:J. Craig Venter 18367:Rita R. Colwell 18234: 18220:David Baltimore 18111:Robert W. Kates 18083:David G. Nathan 18078:Edward B. Lewis 18048: 18044:Harland G. Wood 18039:Roger W. Sperry 17894:Glenn W. Burton 17866: 17842:Arthur Kornberg 17809:Roger Guillemin 17786:Hallowell Davis 17750:Daniel I. Arnon 17742:Albert B. Sabin 17722: 17695:Detlev W. Bronk 17667:Harry F. Harlow 17662:Kenneth S. Cole 17649:William C. Rose 17621:Francis P. Rous 17581: 17562: 17527: 17507:Gordon H. Bower 17468: 17464:Robert M. Solow 17380: 17376:Milton Friedman 17340: 17317: 17306: 17298: 17268: 17263: 17254:Campbell Harvey 17224:Harry Markowitz 17212: 17198:Richard Epstein 17164: 17121: 17097:Kevin M. Murphy 17058: 17030: 16991:Milton Friedman 16977: 16941: 16936: 16906: 16901: 16839: 16831: 16828:(United States) 16826:Milton Friedman 16812: 16809:(United States) 16803:(United States) 16787: 16784:(United States) 16778:(United States) 16762: 16757:Mairead Maguire 16737: 16734:(United States) 16713: 16710:(United States) 16694: 16687: 16657: 16652: 16644: 16635:Douglas Diamond 16625: 16606: 16591: 16572: 16560: 16552: 16547:Bengt Holmström 16540: 16532: 16524: 16508: 16496: 16484: 16468: 16456: 16448: 16432: 16424: 16412: 16403:Finn E. Kydland 16400: 16388: 16383:Vernon L. Smith 16379:Daniel Kahneman 16376: 16360: 16349: 16337: 16329: 16321: 16309: 16304:William Vickrey 16297: 16289: 16284:Reinhard Selten 16273: 16264:Robert W. Fogel 16261: 16253: 16248:Ronald H. Coase 16245: 16229: 16224:Trygve Haavelmo 16221: 16213: 16208:Robert M. Solow 16205: 16197: 16189: 16181: 16173: 16165: 16157: 16149: 16137: 16129: 16117: 16112:Milton Friedman 16109: 16098: 16086: 16074: 16066: 16054: 16046: 16038: 16026: 16015: 16006: 15976: 15971: 15942: 15926: 15868: 15812:Academic career 15807: 15805:Milton Friedman 15802: 15768: 15764: 15755: 15747: 15743: 15723: 15703:Milton Friedman 15689:Milton Friedman 15676: 15668: 15657:Milton Friedman 15620:Road to Serfdom 15585:Milton Friedman 15559:, July 31, 2010 15543:, July 17, 2009 15512: 15468:Milton Friedman 15426: 15408: 15368: 15282: 15268: 15231: 15225:External videos 15220: 15218:Further reading 15215: 15209: 15186: 15165: 15144: 15139: 15138: 15128: 15126: 15118: 15117: 15108: 15101: 15085: 15081: 15054: 15050: 15040: 15038: 15029: 15028: 15024: 15007: 15003: 14993: 14991: 14983: 14982: 14978: 14965: 14961: 14951: 14949: 14940: 14939: 14935: 14928: 14914: 14910: 14900: 14898: 14897:. July 24, 2008 14889: 14888: 14884: 14859: 14855: 14846: 14842: 14826: 14822: 14809: 14805: 14762: 14758: 14735:10.2307/1057529 14715: 14711: 14668: 14664: 14654: 14652: 14635: 14631: 14614: 14610: 14597: 14590: 14588: 14584: 14541: 14535: 14531: 14521: 14519: 14511:Financial Times 14497: 14493: 14483: 14481: 14477: 14470: 14460: 14456: 14449: 14433: 14429: 14419: 14417: 14406: 14402: 14392: 14390: 14377: 14376: 14372: 14366:Wayback Machine 14356: 14349: 14345: 14341:6(4), pp. 60–79 14332: 14328: 14318: 14316: 14301: 14297: 14287: 14285: 14272: 14271: 14267: 14257: 14255: 14240: 14236: 14226: 14224: 14222:The Daily Beast 14214: 14210: 14200: 14198: 14183: 14179: 14169: 14167: 14152: 14148: 14138: 14136: 14121: 14117: 14107: 14105: 14092: 14091: 14087: 14077: 14075: 14050: 14046: 14036: 14034: 14019: 14015: 14005: 14003: 13990: 13989: 13985: 13967: 13963: 13947: 13943: 13936: 13920: 13916: 13906: 13904: 13903:on May 15, 2006 13895: 13894: 13890: 13880: 13878: 13863: 13859: 13849: 13847: 13837: 13833: 13823: 13822: 13818: 13808: 13806: 13795: 13791: 13781: 13779: 13770: 13769: 13765: 13755: 13753: 13744: 13743: 13739: 13729: 13727: 13718: 13717: 13713: 13708: 13704: 13696: 13692: 13686:Wayback Machine 13677: 13673: 13667:Wayback Machine 13658: 13654: 13644: 13642: 13633: 13632: 13628: 13618: 13616: 13603: 13602: 13598: 13579: 13575: 13565: 13563: 13553: 13546: 13536: 13534: 13526: 13525: 13521: 13486: 13482: 13473: 13463: 13461: 13441: 13434: 13433: 13426: 13413: 13409: 13364: 13360: 13345: 13341: 13331: 13329: 13318: 13314: 13307: 13293: 13289: 13279: 13277: 13262: 13258: 13215: 13211: 13201: 13199: 13181: 13177: 13166: 13162: 13152: 13150: 13135: 13131: 13121: 13119: 13106: 13105: 13101: 13091: 13089: 13080: 13079: 13075: 13062: 13061: 13057: 13040: 13039: 13035: 13028: 13014: 13010: 13000: 12998: 12990: 12989: 12985: 12975: 12973: 12964: 12963: 12959: 12949: 12947: 12939: 12938: 12934: 12924: 12922: 12912: 12908: 12897: 12890: 12882:Reason Magazine 12873: 12869: 12857: 12851: 12847: 12837: 12835: 12818: 12807: 12800: 12786: 12782: 12772: 12770: 12757: 12756: 12752: 12742: 12740: 12727: 12726: 12722: 12717: 12713: 12703: 12701: 12692: 12691: 12687: 12677: 12675: 12664: 12660: 12650: 12648: 12644: 12637: 12633: 12632: 12628: 12618: 12616: 12603: 12602: 12598: 12551: 12547: 12516: 12512: 12502: 12500: 12496: 12489: 12481: 12477: 12454: 12450: 12443: 12420: 12416: 12406: 12404: 12392: 12388: 12381: 12361: 12357: 12347: 12345: 12327: 12323: 12316: 12296: 12289: 12282: 12266: 12262: 12255: 12239: 12235: 12224: 12220: 12210: 12208: 12206: 12190: 12186: 12170: 12169: 12162: 12160: 12150: 12146: 12136: 12134: 12121: 12120: 12116: 12101: 12097: 12090: 12074: 12070: 12063: 12049: 12045: 12039:Wayback Machine 12029: 12025: 12018: 12004: 11995: 11985: 11983: 11979: 11968: 11962: 11958: 11951: 11937: 11930: 11923: 11909: 11905: 11895: 11893: 11881: 11880: 11876: 11867:Wayback Machine 11857: 11853: 11846: 11835:Milton Friedman 11830: 11826: 11820: 11816: 11806: 11804: 11789: 11782: 11769: 11765: 11756: 11752: 11743: 11736: 11727: 11723: 11713: 11711: 11698: 11697: 11693: 11688:Wayback Machine 11674: 11670: 11659: 11657: 11653: 11647:Wayback Machine 11638: 11634: 11628:Wayback Machine 11619: 11615: 11602: 11598: 11565: 11561: 11546: 11539: 11533:Wayback Machine 11523: 11519: 11509: 11507: 11497: 11493: 11480: 11479: 11472: 11462: 11460: 11446: 11442: 11430: 11423: 11413: 11411: 11398: 11397: 11390: 11381: 11377: 11370:Nobel Laureates 11367: 11366: 11362: 11352: 11350: 11346: 11339: 11331: 11324: 11317: 11295: 11291: 11280: 11276: 11269: 11251: 11244: 11234: 11232: 11223: 11222: 11218: 11210: 11203: 11192: 11188: 11179: 11175: 11168: 11146: 11142: 11131:Chicago Unbound 11123: 11119: 11110: 11106: 11096: 11094: 11079: 11075: 11065: 11063: 11048: 11044: 11037: 11023: 11019: 11009: 11007: 10992: 10988: 10976:Milton Friedman 10973: 10966: 10956: 10954: 10944: 10940: 10930: 10928: 10918: 10914: 10895: 10891: 10881: 10879: 10866: 10865: 10861: 10851: 10849: 10839: 10835: 10825: 10823: 10815: 10814: 10810: 10800: 10798: 10782: 10781: 10777: 10767: 10765: 10757: 10756: 10752: 10742: 10740: 10722: 10718: 10708: 10706: 10705:. April 8, 2012 10697: 10696: 10689: 10685:. 10683:Milton Friedman 10681: 10677: 10664: 10663: 10659: 10653:Wayback Machine 10644: 10640: 10630: 10628: 10613: 10609: 10599: 10597: 10584: 10583: 10579: 10569: 10567: 10557: 10553: 10546: 10530: 10526: 10516: 10514: 10505: 10504: 10500: 10490: 10488: 10487:(Press release) 10477: 10473: 10463: 10461: 10451: 10447: 10437: 10435: 10427: 10426: 10422: 10415: 10399: 10395: 10385: 10383: 10382:on May 23, 2021 10376: 10360: 10356: 10347: 10340: 10333: 10319: 10315: 10305: 10303: 10283: 10279: 10269: 10267: 10257: 10253: 10244: 10240: 10235: 10231: 10218: 10214: 10195: 10191: 10182: 10178: 10173: 10169: 10159: 10157: 10149: 10148: 10144: 10138:Wayback Machine 10129: 10125: 10117: 10113: 10099: 10097: 10084: 10080: 10071: 10067: 10057: 10055: 10054:. July 22, 2017 10046: 10045: 10041: 10020: 10016: 10006: 10004: 9996: 9995: 9991: 9984: 9962: 9958: 9941: 9940: 9933: 9923: 9921: 9902: 9898: 9891: 9869: 9862: 9854: 9850: 9842: 9838: 9831: 9817: 9813: 9805: 9798: 9782: 9778: 9757:(4): 967–1004. 9747: 9743: 9735: 9731: 9721: 9719: 9715: 9708: 9704: 9703: 9699: 9691: 9687: 9677: 9675: 9660: 9656: 9650:Milton Friedman 9648: 9644: 9637: 9623: 9619: 9609: 9607: 9598: 9597: 9593: 9573: 9569: 9559: 9557: 9549: 9548: 9541: 9531: 9529: 9519: 9510: 9500: 9498: 9489: 9488: 9484: 9474: 9472: 9459: 9458: 9454: 9447: 9433: 9429: 9422:Milton Friedman 9418: 9414: 9405: 9401: 9394: 9380: 9376: 9357: 9346: 9336: 9334: 9327: 9326: 9317: 9310: 9296: 9292: 9282: 9280: 9272: 9271: 9262: 9252: 9250: 9237: 9236: 9232: 9222:Wayback Machine 9212: 9208: 9200: 9196: 9190:Reason Magazine 9186:Wayback Machine 9176: 9172: 9162: 9160: 9159:on July 2, 2007 9146: 9142: 9131: 9127: 9117: 9115: 9114:on May 23, 2021 9102: 9101: 9097: 9087: 9085: 9070: 9063: 9057:Wayback Machine 9048: 9044: 9037: 9023: 9016: 9006: 9004: 8989: 8980: 8966:Wayback Machine 8956: 8952: 8942: 8940: 8932:Reason Magazine 8920: 8911: 8904: 8884: 8880: 8873: 8859: 8855: 8848: 8832: 8828: 8822:Wayback Machine 8813: 8809: 8802: 8782: 8773: 8763: 8761: 8748: 8747: 8743: 8736: 8720: 8716: 8706: 8702: 8692: 8690: 8685: 8684: 8680: 8670: 8668: 8659: 8658: 8654: 8644: 8642: 8633: 8632: 8619: 8609: 8607: 8597: 8588: 8579: 8578: 8574: 8567: 8553: 8549: 8544: 8539: 8538: 8529: 8525: 8520: 8457:Politics portal 8455: 8448: 8441: 8436: 8434: 8427: 8420: 8413: 8406: 8399: 8394: 8392: 8387:Business portal 8385: 8378: 8375: 8274:Wayback Machine 8246: 8240: 8228:labor standards 8220:wage inequality 8196:Lawrence Mishel 8190:Federal Reserve 8138:cannot control 8122:determined, as 8100:Federal Reserve 8049:Murray Rothbard 8018:Monetary Trends 8012:Econometrician 7991:Nicholas Kaldor 7983: 7977: 7957: 7921: 7907:. Laar won the 7897:Soviet republic 7879: 7855: 7796:Pinochet's rule 7713: 7705:Main articles: 7703: 7660: 7648:Friedrich Hayek 7624: 7612:J. K. Galbraith 7523: 7498:Social Security 7447: 7384:school vouchers 7338:Robert H. Frank 7290:relative matter 7272:Social Security 7267: 7264: 7229: 7201:Murray Rothbard 7178:Barry Goldwater 7158: 7133:Lanny Ebenstein 7128:"monstrosity". 7084: 7046:instead of the 7020: 7015: 7003: 6985: 6979:Friedman used. 6934: 6905:epistemological 6787: 6781: 6745: 6742: 6680: 6675: 6653: 6608: 6564: 6558:External videos 6553: 6551:Religious views 6505: 6504: 6503: 6502: 6498: 6497: 6496: 6488: 6487: 6476: 6414:nonfiction book 6408:), also titled 6342: 6340: 6338:Post-retirement 6304: 6232: 6228: 6219: 6215: 6207: 6204: 6203: 6180: 6142: 6099:Arthur F. Burns 6080: 6049:W. Allen Wallis 6040: 6035: 6033:Academic career 6026:withholding tax 5995:work experience 5936:Federal Reserve 5862: 5854:W. Allen Wallis 5820:Friedrich Hayek 5746: 5694:school vouchers 5684:, abolition of 5654:U.S. president 5637:monetary policy 5633:Federal Reserve 5631:influenced the 5629:monetary theory 5617:monetary policy 5506: 5505: 5478: 5474: 5471:Milton Friedman 5464: 5424: 5412: 5400: 5393: 5392: 5353:Anti-capitalism 5348: 5340: 5339: 5285:Milton Friedman 5275:Walter Lippmann 5265:Friedrich Hayek 5260: 5252: 5251: 5222: 5214: 5213: 5174:Federal Reserve 5149: 5141: 5140: 5091: 5083: 5082: 5053:Austrian School 5048: 5040: 5039: 5010:School vouchers 4915:Balanced budget 4905: 4888:politics series 4877: 4839: 4837: 4827: 4825: 4815: 4813: 4801: 4794: 4793: 4642: 4634: 4633: 4398: 4390: 4389: 4365:Mises Institute 4325: 4317: 4316: 4292: 4284: 4283: 4279:Theories of law 4234:Foreign affairs 4214: 4206: 4205: 4141: 4133: 4132: 4068: 4060: 4059: 3745: 3737: 3736: 3700:Austrian School 3695: 3687: 3686: 3657:Anti-Federalism 3637: 3629: 3628: 3549:Polycentric law 3394: 3386: 3385: 3366:Propertarianism 3271: 3251: 3249: 3230: 3190: 3180: 3178: 3168: 3166: 3159: 3158: 3157: 3156: 2995: 2987: 2986: 2985: 2984: 2963:Aristotelianism 2946: 2938: 2937: 2913: 2905: 2904: 2845: 2837: 2836: 2622: 2614: 2613: 2612: 2611: 2602:Theories of law 2530: 2522: 2521: 2520: 2519: 2460:Self-governance 2440:Refusal of work 2205:Civil liberties 2185:Anti-capitalism 2158: 2130: 2089: 2088: 2077: 2075: 2074: 2061: 2060: 2047: 2046: 2039: 2038: 2037: 2031: 2021:Anti-capitalism 2010: 2002: 2001: 2000: 1981:School vouchers 1896:interdependence 1866: 1858: 1857: 1856: 1800:Homo economicus 1764:Economic growth 1748: 1740: 1739: 1738: 1714:Milton Friedman 1683: 1675: 1674: 1655: 1647: 1646: 1622: 1614: 1613: 1594: 1584: 1568: 1528: 1516: 1509: 1508: 1414: 1406: 1405: 1381:Post-capitalism 1286:Anti-capitalism 1281: 1273: 1272: 1168: 1160: 1159: 1080: 1072: 1071: 1022: 1014: 1013: 910: 902: 901: 892:State-sponsored 770: 762: 761: 627:Capital markets 592: 535: 487: 406: 327: 323: 319: 315: 311: 307: 305:Harry Markowitz 303: 296: 284: 274: 264: 258: 215: 186:Academic career 177: 156: 153: 1936) 148: 144: 126:Political party 121: 84: 81: 77: 68: 65: 59: 57: 49: 37: 36:Milton Friedman 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 25630: 25620: 25619: 25614: 25609: 25604: 25599: 25594: 25589: 25584: 25579: 25574: 25569: 25564: 25559: 25554: 25549: 25544: 25539: 25534: 25529: 25524: 25519: 25514: 25509: 25504: 25499: 25494: 25489: 25484: 25479: 25474: 25469: 25464: 25459: 25454: 25449: 25444: 25439: 25434: 25429: 25424: 25419: 25414: 25409: 25404: 25399: 25394: 25389: 25384: 25379: 25374: 25369: 25364: 25359: 25354: 25349: 25344: 25339: 25334: 25329: 25324: 25319: 25314: 25309: 25304: 25299: 25282: 25281: 25276: 25275: 25273: 25272: 25259: 25256: 25255: 25253: 25252: 25247: 25242: 25237: 25232: 25226: 25224: 25220: 25219: 25217: 25216: 25206: 25196: 25186: 25176: 25170:The Bell Curve 25166: 25156: 25146: 25136: 25126: 25116: 25106: 25096: 25086: 25076: 25066: 25056: 25046: 25035: 25033: 25025: 25024: 25022: 25017: 25012: 25007: 25002: 24997: 24992: 24990: 24986: 24985: 24981: 24980: 24975: 24973:Tax Foundation 24970: 24965: 24960: 24955: 24950: 24945: 24940: 24935: 24930: 24925: 24920: 24915: 24910: 24905: 24900: 24899: 24898: 24893: 24881: 24876: 24871: 24866: 24861: 24856: 24851: 24846: 24841: 24836: 24831: 24826: 24821: 24816: 24810: 24809: 24808: 24806: 24802: 24801: 24799: 24798: 24793: 24788: 24783: 24778: 24777: 24776: 24766: 24761: 24756: 24751: 24746: 24741: 24736: 24731: 24726: 24721: 24716: 24710: 24708: 24704: 24703: 24701: 24700: 24695: 24690: 24685: 24680: 24675: 24674: 24673: 24668: 24663: 24658: 24653: 24638: 24633: 24628: 24623: 24618: 24613: 24608: 24606:American Party 24602: 24600: 24592: 24591: 24588: 24587: 24585: 24584: 24579: 24577:Robert A. Taft 24574: 24569: 24564: 24559: 24554: 24549: 24544: 24539: 24534: 24529: 24524: 24519: 24514: 24509: 24504: 24499: 24494: 24489: 24484: 24479: 24474: 24469: 24464: 24459: 24454: 24449: 24444: 24439: 24434: 24429: 24424: 24419: 24414: 24409: 24404: 24399: 24394: 24389: 24384: 24379: 24373: 24371: 24367: 24366: 24364: 24363: 24358: 24353: 24348: 24343: 24338: 24333: 24328: 24323: 24318: 24313: 24308: 24303: 24298: 24293: 24288: 24283: 24278: 24273: 24268: 24263: 24258: 24253: 24248: 24243: 24238: 24233: 24228: 24223: 24218: 24213: 24208: 24203: 24198: 24193: 24188: 24183: 24178: 24173: 24168: 24163: 24158: 24153: 24148: 24143: 24138: 24133: 24128: 24123: 24118: 24113: 24108: 24103: 24097: 24095: 24091: 24090: 24088: 24087: 24082: 24077: 24072: 24067: 24062: 24057: 24052: 24047: 24042: 24037: 24032: 24027: 24022: 24017: 24012: 24007: 24002: 23997: 23992: 23987: 23982: 23976: 23974: 23970: 23969: 23967: 23966: 23961: 23956: 23951: 23946: 23941: 23936: 23931: 23926: 23921: 23916: 23911: 23906: 23901: 23896: 23890: 23888: 23881: 23873: 23872: 23870: 23869: 23864: 23859: 23854: 23849: 23844: 23839: 23834: 23829: 23824: 23819: 23814: 23809: 23804: 23799: 23798: 23797: 23787: 23786: 23785: 23783:States' rights 23775: 23770: 23765: 23760: 23755: 23750: 23745: 23743:Anti-communism 23740: 23734: 23732: 23728: 23727: 23725: 23724: 23722:Traditionalist 23719: 23714: 23709: 23704: 23699: 23694: 23689: 23684: 23679: 23674: 23669: 23663: 23661: 23657: 23656: 23647: 23646: 23639: 23632: 23624: 23615: 23614: 23612: 23611: 23604: 23589: 23586: 23585: 23583: 23582: 23577: 23572: 23567: 23562: 23557: 23552: 23547: 23542: 23537: 23532: 23527: 23522: 23517: 23512: 23507: 23502: 23497: 23492: 23487: 23482: 23477: 23472: 23467: 23462: 23457: 23452: 23450:Anti-socialism 23447: 23442: 23440:Anti-communism 23437: 23432: 23426: 23424: 23420: 23419: 23417: 23416: 23410:Free to Choose 23406: 23396: 23386: 23376: 23366: 23360:Atlas Shrugged 23355: 23353: 23349: 23348: 23346: 23345: 23340: 23335: 23330: 23325: 23320: 23315: 23310: 23305: 23300: 23295: 23290: 23285: 23280: 23275: 23269: 23267: 23263: 23262: 23260: 23259: 23254: 23249: 23244: 23239: 23234: 23229: 23224: 23219: 23214: 23208: 23206: 23202: 23201: 23198: 23197: 23195: 23194: 23189: 23184: 23179: 23174: 23169: 23164: 23159: 23154: 23149: 23143: 23141: 23137: 23136: 23134: 23133: 23128: 23123: 23118: 23113: 23108: 23103: 23098: 23093: 23088: 23083: 23078: 23073: 23068: 23063: 23058: 23053: 23048: 23043: 23038: 23033: 23028: 23023: 23018: 23013: 23008: 23002: 23000: 22996: 22995: 22993: 22992: 22987: 22982: 22977: 22972: 22967: 22962: 22957: 22952: 22947: 22942: 22937: 22932: 22927: 22922: 22917: 22912: 22906: 22904: 22897: 22893: 22892: 22890: 22889: 22884: 22879: 22874: 22869: 22867:Tax resistance 22864: 22859: 22854: 22849: 22847:Social ecology 22844: 22839: 22837:Self-ownership 22834: 22829: 22824: 22819: 22814: 22809: 22804: 22799: 22794: 22789: 22784: 22779: 22774: 22769: 22764: 22759: 22754: 22749: 22744: 22739: 22734: 22729: 22724: 22719: 22714: 22709: 22704: 22699: 22694: 22689: 22684: 22679: 22674: 22672:Free migration 22669: 22664: 22659: 22654: 22649: 22644: 22639: 22634: 22632:Egalitarianism 22629: 22624: 22619: 22614: 22609: 22604: 22599: 22594: 22589: 22584: 22582:Class struggle 22579: 22574: 22569: 22564: 22562:Antimilitarism 22559: 22554: 22549: 22544: 22539: 22533: 22531: 22527: 22526: 22523: 22522: 22520: 22519: 22514: 22509: 22504: 22499: 22494: 22493: 22492: 22487: 22482: 22477: 22472: 22467: 22462: 22457: 22452: 22451: 22450: 22440: 22435: 22424: 22422: 22406: 22405: 22403: 22402: 22397: 22392: 22387: 22382: 22377: 22372: 22367: 22362: 22357: 22352: 22347: 22342: 22337: 22331: 22329: 22310: 22306: 22305: 22303: 22302: 22301: 22300: 22295: 22285: 22280: 22275: 22269: 22267: 22263: 22262: 22258:Libertarianism 22253: 22252: 22245: 22238: 22230: 22221: 22220: 22218: 22217: 22214:Philipp Strack 22211: 22208:Gabriel Zucman 22205: 22199: 22196:Isaiah Andrews 22193: 22187: 22181: 22175: 22172:Dave Donaldson 22169: 22166:Yuliy Sannikov 22163: 22157: 22151: 22145: 22139: 22136:Jonathan Levin 22133: 22127: 22121: 22118:Susan C. Athey 22115: 22112:Daron Acemoglu 22109: 22103: 22097: 22091: 22085: 22079: 22073: 22067: 22064:David M. Kreps 22061: 22055: 22049: 22043: 22037: 22031: 22025: 22019: 22013: 22007: 22001: 21998:Gary S. Becker 21995: 21989: 21983: 21977: 21971: 21965: 21959: 21953: 21947: 21941: 21934: 21931: 21930: 21922: 21921: 21914: 21907: 21899: 21890: 21889: 21887: 21886: 21880: 21874: 21868: 21862: 21856: 21850: 21844: 21838: 21832: 21829:Richard Thaler 21826: 21820: 21817:Claudia Goldin 21814: 21808: 21802: 21796: 21790: 21784: 21778: 21775:George Akerlof 21772: 21766: 21760: 21754: 21748: 21741: 21739: 21735: 21734: 21732: 21731: 21725: 21719: 21713: 21707: 21701: 21695: 21689: 21683: 21677: 21671: 21665: 21659: 21653: 21650:Gary S. Becker 21647: 21641: 21635: 21629: 21623: 21620:Gardner Ackley 21617: 21611: 21605: 21599: 21593: 21590:Jacob Marschak 21587: 21581: 21574: 21572: 21568: 21567: 21565: 21564: 21558: 21552: 21546: 21540: 21534: 21528: 21522: 21516: 21510: 21504: 21498: 21492: 21486: 21480: 21474: 21468: 21462: 21456: 21450: 21447:Edwin E. Witte 21444: 21438: 21432: 21426: 21420: 21413: 21411: 21407: 21406: 21404: 21403: 21397: 21391: 21385: 21379: 21373: 21367: 21361: 21355: 21349: 21343: 21337: 21331: 21325: 21319: 21313: 21307: 21301: 21295: 21289: 21283: 21277: 21271: 21268:Fred M. Taylor 21265: 21259: 21252: 21250: 21246: 21245: 21243: 21242: 21239:Allyn A. Young 21236: 21230: 21224: 21218: 21212: 21206: 21200: 21194: 21188: 21182: 21176: 21170: 21164: 21158: 21152: 21146: 21143:Davis R. Dewey 21140: 21134: 21128: 21122: 21115: 21113: 21109: 21108: 21106: 21105: 21102:Richard T. Ely 21099: 21093: 21090:Henry C. Adams 21087: 21081: 21075: 21068: 21066: 21062: 21061: 21054: 21053: 21046: 21039: 21031: 21022: 21021: 21018: 21017: 21014: 21013: 21011: 21010: 21005: 21002: 20997: 20995:Burton Richter 20992: 20989: 20984: 20979: 20974: 20970: 20968: 20964: 20963: 20961: 20960: 20955: 20950: 20948:Yakir Aharonov 20945: 20942: 20937: 20932: 20929: 20924: 20919: 20916: 20911: 20908: 20903: 20898: 20895: 20890: 20887: 20882: 20877: 20874: 20869: 20864: 20862:Richard Garwin 20859: 20856: 20851: 20846: 20841: 20838: 20833: 20828: 20826:Willis E. Lamb 20823: 20819: 20817: 20813: 20812: 20810: 20809: 20804: 20799: 20796: 20791: 20786: 20783: 20778: 20773: 20768: 20765: 20760: 20757: 20752: 20747: 20744: 20739: 20734: 20731: 20726: 20721: 20718: 20713: 20710: 20705: 20700: 20695: 20692: 20687: 20682: 20677: 20672: 20668: 20666: 20662: 20661: 20659: 20658: 20653: 20648: 20643: 20638: 20635: 20630: 20625: 20620: 20615: 20610: 20607: 20602: 20597: 20592: 20587: 20585:Philip Abelson 20582: 20579: 20577:Chen-Ning Yang 20574: 20569: 20564: 20559: 20554: 20551: 20546: 20544:Bruno B. Rossi 20541: 20536: 20531: 20526: 20521: 20516: 20513: 20508: 20503: 20501:Yoichiro Nambu 20498: 20493: 20489: 20487: 20483: 20482: 20480: 20479: 20474: 20469: 20464: 20459: 20454: 20449: 20446: 20441: 20436: 20431: 20426: 20421: 20416: 20413: 20408: 20403: 20398: 20393: 20388: 20385: 20380: 20375: 20370: 20365: 20360: 20357: 20352: 20347: 20342: 20337: 20332: 20327: 20324: 20319: 20314: 20312:John C. Slater 20309: 20304: 20299: 20295: 20293: 20289: 20288: 20286: 20285: 20280: 20275: 20272: 20267: 20262: 20257: 20252: 20249: 20244: 20239: 20234: 20229: 20224: 20221: 20216: 20211: 20206: 20201: 20199:Jacob Bjerknes 20196: 20193: 20188: 20183: 20178: 20173: 20170: 20165: 20160: 20155: 20152: 20147: 20143: 20141: 20133: 20132: 20122: 20121: 20118: 20117: 20114: 20113: 20111: 20110: 20105: 20102: 20097: 20092: 20089: 20084: 20079: 20076: 20071: 20066: 20062: 20060: 20056: 20055: 20053: 20052: 20047: 20044: 20039: 20034: 20031: 20026: 20023: 20018: 20015: 20010: 20007: 20002: 19999: 19997:James G. Glimm 19994: 19991: 19989:Elias M. Stein 19986: 19981: 19978: 19973: 19968: 19964: 19962: 19958: 19957: 19955: 19954: 19949: 19944: 19941: 19936: 19933: 19931:Shing-Tung Yau 19928: 19925: 19920: 19915: 19912: 19907: 19904: 19899: 19896: 19891: 19888: 19883: 19880: 19875: 19872: 19867: 19862: 19857: 19853: 19851: 19847: 19846: 19844: 19843: 19838: 19833: 19828: 19825: 19820: 19815: 19812: 19807: 19802: 19799: 19797:Antoni Zygmund 19794: 19789: 19786: 19784:Isadore Singer 19781: 19776: 19773: 19768: 19764: 19762: 19758: 19757: 19755: 19754: 19749: 19747:Joseph L. Doob 19744: 19741: 19736: 19731: 19728: 19726:George Dantzig 19723: 19718: 19716:John W. Backus 19713: 19710: 19705: 19702: 19697: 19694: 19692:Richard Brauer 19689: 19685: 19683: 19679: 19678: 19676: 19675: 19673:William Feller 19670: 19667: 19662: 19659: 19654: 19651: 19646: 19643: 19638: 19635: 19630: 19625: 19622: 19620:Norbert Wiener 19617: 19613: 19611: 19603: 19602: 19592: 19591: 19588: 19587: 19584: 19583: 19581: 19580: 19578:Thomas Kailath 19575: 19572: 19567: 19564: 19559: 19555: 19553: 19549: 19548: 19546: 19545: 19540: 19537: 19532: 19529: 19524: 19521: 19516: 19513: 19508: 19505: 19500: 19497: 19492: 19489: 19484: 19481: 19476: 19473: 19468: 19464: 19462: 19458: 19457: 19455: 19454: 19449: 19446: 19441: 19438: 19433: 19428: 19425: 19420: 19417: 19412: 19409: 19404: 19401: 19396: 19391: 19388: 19383: 19378: 19373: 19370: 19365: 19360: 19356: 19354: 19350: 19349: 19347: 19346: 19341: 19336: 19333: 19328: 19323: 19318: 19315: 19310: 19308:H. Bolton Seed 19305: 19300: 19297: 19292: 19287: 19282: 19279: 19274: 19269: 19264: 19261: 19259:Donald L. Katz 19256: 19251: 19247: 19245: 19241: 19240: 19238: 19237: 19232: 19230:Earl R. Parker 19227: 19222: 19217: 19212: 19209: 19204: 19199: 19194: 19191: 19186: 19181: 19176: 19171: 19168: 19163: 19158: 19153: 19150: 19145: 19140: 19137: 19132: 19128: 19126: 19122: 19121: 19119: 19118: 19113: 19110: 19105: 19100: 19097: 19092: 19087: 19084: 19079: 19076: 19071: 19066: 19064:Hugh L. Dryden 19061: 19058: 19053: 19048: 19045: 19040: 19035: 19032: 19027: 19023: 19021: 19013: 19012: 19002: 19001: 18998: 18997: 18994: 18993: 18991: 18990: 18985: 18982: 18977: 18974: 18969: 18964: 18961: 18956: 18951: 18948: 18946:Peter J. Stang 18943: 18938: 18934: 18932: 18928: 18927: 18925: 18924: 18922:Marye Anne Fox 18919: 18914: 18911: 18906: 18901: 18898: 18893: 18890: 18885: 18880: 18877: 18875:Tobin J. Marks 18872: 18869: 18864: 18861: 18856: 18853: 18848: 18843: 18840: 18835: 18830: 18826: 18824: 18820: 18819: 18817: 18816: 18811: 18806: 18804:Stuart A. Rice 18801: 18798: 18793: 18788: 18785: 18780: 18775: 18772: 18767: 18764: 18759: 18754: 18751: 18746: 18743: 18738: 18736:Donald J. Cram 18733: 18730: 18725: 18722: 18717: 18712: 18707: 18705:Ronald Breslow 18702: 18699: 18694: 18689: 18684: 18680: 18678: 18674: 18673: 18671: 18670: 18665: 18660: 18655: 18650: 18647: 18645:Elias J. Corey 18642: 18637: 18632: 18629: 18624: 18619: 18614: 18611: 18606: 18604:Carl S. Marvel 18601: 18596: 18591: 18588: 18583: 18578: 18576:Roald Hoffmann 18573: 18570: 18565: 18560: 18556: 18554: 18550: 18549: 18547: 18546: 18541: 18537: 18535: 18527: 18526: 18516: 18515: 18512: 18511: 18508: 18507: 18505: 18504: 18499: 18494: 18492:Stanley Falkow 18489: 18486: 18484:Rakesh K. Jain 18481: 18478: 18473: 18468: 18465: 18460: 18455: 18450: 18447: 18442: 18437: 18433: 18431: 18427: 18426: 18424: 18423: 18418: 18413: 18410: 18405: 18400: 18395: 18392: 18387: 18382: 18379: 18374: 18369: 18364: 18361: 18356: 18351: 18348: 18343: 18338: 18333: 18330: 18325: 18320: 18315: 18312: 18307: 18302: 18299: 18294: 18289: 18287:Gene E. Likens 18284: 18279: 18274: 18272:George F. Bass 18269: 18264: 18261: 18256: 18254:Peter H. Raven 18251: 18246: 18242: 18240: 18236: 18235: 18233: 18232: 18227: 18222: 18217: 18214: 18209: 18204: 18201: 18196: 18191: 18188: 18183: 18180: 18178:Alexander Rich 18175: 18172: 18167: 18162: 18159: 18154: 18152:Daniel Nathans 18149: 18146: 18141: 18136: 18133: 18128: 18126:Folke K. Skoog 18123: 18118: 18116:Salvador Luria 18113: 18108: 18106:Elvin A. Kabat 18103: 18098: 18093: 18090: 18085: 18080: 18075: 18070: 18065: 18060: 18056: 18054: 18050: 18049: 18047: 18046: 18041: 18036: 18031: 18026: 18021: 18019:Katherine Esau 18016: 18013: 18008: 18006:Eric R. Kandel 18003: 17998: 17993: 17988: 17983: 17980: 17975: 17970: 17965: 17960: 17955: 17952: 17950:Joan A. Steitz 17947: 17942: 17937: 17932: 17927: 17924: 17922:Berta Scharrer 17919: 17914: 17909: 17904: 17901: 17896: 17891: 17889:Seymour Benzer 17886: 17883: 17881:Philip Handler 17878: 17874: 17872: 17868: 17867: 17865: 17864: 17859: 17854: 17849: 17844: 17839: 17834: 17829: 17826: 17821: 17816: 17811: 17806: 17803: 17798: 17793: 17788: 17783: 17780: 17775: 17770: 17768:Erwin Chargaff 17765: 17763:Britton Chance 17760: 17757: 17752: 17747: 17744: 17739: 17734: 17730: 17728: 17724: 17723: 17721: 17720: 17715: 17713:Robert Huebner 17710: 17707: 17702: 17697: 17692: 17687: 17682: 17679: 17674: 17669: 17664: 17659: 17656: 17651: 17646: 17641: 17636: 17633: 17628: 17623: 17618: 17615: 17610: 17605: 17602: 17600:C. B. van Niel 17597: 17593: 17591: 17583: 17582: 17572: 17571: 17568: 17567: 17564: 17563: 17561: 17560: 17558:Albert Bandura 17555: 17552: 17550:Robert Axelrod 17547: 17544: 17539: 17535: 17533: 17529: 17528: 17526: 17525: 17520: 17517: 17512: 17509: 17504: 17501: 17496: 17493: 17491:R. Duncan Luce 17488: 17485: 17480: 17476: 17474: 17470: 17469: 17467: 17466: 17461: 17458: 17453: 17450: 17445: 17442: 17440:Paul Samuelson 17437: 17434: 17429: 17426: 17421: 17418: 17413: 17410: 17405: 17402: 17400:Patrick Suppes 17397: 17395:Leonid Hurwicz 17392: 17388: 17386: 17382: 17381: 17379: 17378: 17373: 17370: 17365: 17360: 17357: 17352: 17348: 17346: 17342: 17341: 17339: 17338: 17333: 17329: 17327: 17319: 17318: 17308: 17307: 17297: 17296: 17289: 17282: 17274: 17265: 17264: 17262: 17261: 17256: 17251: 17249:Kenneth French 17246: 17241: 17236: 17231: 17226: 17220: 17218: 17214: 17213: 17211: 17210: 17205: 17200: 17195: 17193:Richard Posner 17190: 17188:William Landes 17185: 17183:Aaron Director 17180: 17174: 17172: 17166: 17165: 17163: 17162: 17157: 17152: 17147: 17142: 17140:Gordon Tullock 17137: 17131: 17129: 17123: 17122: 17120: 17119: 17114: 17109: 17104: 17099: 17094: 17089: 17084: 17079: 17074: 17068: 17066: 17060: 17059: 17057: 17056: 17051: 17046: 17044:Douglass North 17040: 17038: 17032: 17031: 17029: 17028: 17023: 17018: 17013: 17008: 17003: 16998: 16993: 16987: 16985: 16979: 16978: 16976: 16975: 16973:George Stigler 16970: 16965: 16960: 16955: 16949: 16947: 16943: 16942: 16935: 16934: 16927: 16920: 16912: 16903: 16902: 16900: 16899: 16894: 16889: 16884: 16879: 16874: 16869: 16864: 16859: 16854: 16849: 16844: 16836: 16833: 16832: 16830: 16829: 16822: 16820: 16814: 16813: 16811: 16810: 16804: 16797: 16795: 16789: 16788: 16786: 16785: 16779: 16776:Burton Richter 16772: 16770: 16764: 16763: 16761: 16760: 16754: 16751:Betty Williams 16747: 16745: 16739: 16738: 16736: 16735: 16728: 16726: 16715: 16714: 16712: 16711: 16704: 16702: 16696: 16695: 16686: 16685: 16678: 16671: 16663: 16654: 16653: 16651: 16650: 16647:Claudia Goldin 16642: 16623: 16616:Joshua Angrist 16604: 16589: 16586:Michael Kremer 16570: 16558: 16550: 16538: 16530: 16522: 16511:Eugene F. Fama 16506: 16494: 16482: 16466: 16454: 16446: 16439:Eric S. Maskin 16435:Leonid Hurwicz 16430: 16422: 16410: 16398: 16386: 16374: 16357: 16355: 16351: 16350: 16348: 16347: 16335: 16327: 16319: 16307: 16295: 16287: 16271: 16259: 16256:Gary S. Becker 16251: 16243: 16227: 16219: 16216:Maurice Allais 16211: 16203: 16195: 16187: 16179: 16171: 16163: 16155: 16147: 16135: 16127: 16124:James E. Meade 16115: 16106: 16104: 16100: 16099: 16097: 16096: 16084: 16072: 16064: 16052: 16044: 16036: 16023: 16021: 16017: 16016: 16005: 16004: 15997: 15990: 15982: 15973: 15972: 15970: 15969: 15966:Patri Friedman 15963: 15957: 15950: 15948: 15944: 15943: 15941: 15940: 15934: 15932: 15928: 15927: 15925: 15924: 15919: 15915:Free to Choose 15911: 15903: 15895: 15887: 15878: 15876: 15870: 15869: 15867: 15866: 15865: 15864: 15859: 15854: 15849: 15844: 15836: 15835: 15834: 15826: 15825: 15824: 15815: 15813: 15809: 15808: 15801: 15800: 15793: 15786: 15778: 15770: 15769: 15766:James E. Meade 15760: 15757: 15748: 15739: 15735: 15734: 15728: 15725: 15724: 15715: 15714: 15709: 15707:Cato Institute 15700: 15686: 15678:Free to Choose 15673: 15665: 15654: 15644: 15634: 15633: 15632: 15624: 15602: 15601: 15597: 15596: 15591: 15589:Google Scholar 15582: 15560: 15551:David Stockman 15544: 15532: 15510: 15505: 15496: 15493:Milton Fridman 15490: 15485: 15476: 15465: 15451: 15442: 15433: 15425: 15424:External links 15422: 15421: 15420: 15406: 15388: 15367:978-1412965804 15366: 15350:Cato Institute 15338:Hamowy, Ronald 15329: 15319:(1): 143–146. 15303: 15302:(2nd ed. 2014) 15296: 15294:(2). May 2013. 15280: 15266: 15250: 15249: 15227: 15226: 15219: 15216: 15214: 15213: 15208:978-0226264158 15207: 15190: 15185:978-0230603455 15184: 15169: 15164:978-0691118208 15163: 15145: 15143: 15140: 15137: 15136: 15106: 15100:978-0195064315 15099: 15090:Golden Fetters 15079: 15068:(3): 464–485. 15048: 15035:New York Times 15022: 15001: 14976: 14959: 14946:Cato Institute 14933: 14926: 14908: 14882: 14853: 14840: 14820: 14803: 14776:(3): 259–266. 14756: 14729:(2): 366–374. 14709: 14662: 14629: 14608: 14529: 14491: 14454: 14448:978-0521022644 14447: 14427: 14400: 14370: 14343: 14326: 14295: 14265: 14234: 14208: 14177: 14146: 14115: 14085: 14044: 14013: 13983: 13970:Galbraith, J K 13961: 13941: 13935:978-1137376800 13934: 13914: 13888: 13857: 13831: 13816: 13789: 13763: 13737: 13711: 13702: 13690: 13671: 13652: 13626: 13596: 13591:10211.3/105425 13573: 13561:Slate Magazine 13544: 13519: 13480: 13471: 13424: 13407: 13378:(1): 139–159. 13358: 13339: 13312: 13306:978-0156334600 13305: 13287: 13256: 13229:(1): 227–231. 13209: 13175: 13172:. p. A13. 13160: 13129: 13112:Cato Institute 13099: 13073: 13055: 13033: 13027:978-0230604094 13026: 13008: 12983: 12957: 12932: 12906: 12888: 12867: 12845: 12805: 12799:978-0230604094 12798: 12780: 12750: 12720: 12718:Friedman, 2001 12711: 12685: 12658: 12626: 12596: 12575:10.1086/447510 12545: 12532:10.2307/795126 12510: 12475: 12448: 12442:978-0156334600 12441: 12427:Friedman, Rose 12414: 12386: 12380:978-0156334600 12379: 12365:Friedman, Rose 12355: 12321: 12315:978-0156334600 12314: 12300:Friedman, Rose 12287: 12281:978-0226264219 12280: 12260: 12254:978-0226264219 12253: 12233: 12218: 12205:978-0817920340 12204: 12184: 12144: 12114: 12095: 12089:978-1139501712 12088: 12068: 12062:978-0230604094 12061: 12043: 12023: 12017:978-0230604094 12016: 11993: 11956: 11949: 11928: 11922:978-0833038951 11921: 11903: 11874: 11851: 11845:978-1623566173 11844: 11824: 11814: 11780: 11763: 11750: 11734: 11721: 11691: 11668: 11651: 11632: 11613: 11596: 11559: 11537: 11517: 11491: 11470: 11440: 11421: 11388: 11375: 11360: 11322: 11316:978-3319175782 11315: 11289: 11274: 11268:978-0691137940 11267: 11242: 11216: 11201: 11186: 11173: 11167:978-0333107799 11166: 11140: 11117: 11104: 11073: 11042: 11035: 11017: 10986: 10964: 10938: 10912: 10889: 10859: 10833: 10808: 10775: 10750: 10716: 10703:The Daily Bell 10687: 10675: 10657: 10638: 10607: 10577: 10551: 10545:978-0547539751 10544: 10524: 10498: 10471: 10445: 10420: 10414:978-0226264189 10413: 10393: 10375:978-0226264189 10374: 10354: 10338: 10332:978-0230604094 10331: 10313: 10277: 10251: 10238: 10229: 10212: 10189: 10176: 10167: 10142: 10123: 10121:. 10111: 10078: 10065: 10039: 10014: 9989: 9983:978-0521775267 9982: 9956: 9931: 9896: 9890:978-0226264158 9889: 9860: 9848: 9836: 9829: 9811: 9796: 9776: 9741: 9729: 9697: 9685: 9654: 9642: 9636:978-0230604094 9635: 9617: 9591: 9567: 9539: 9508: 9482: 9465:Rutgers Alumni 9452: 9446:978-0230604094 9445: 9427: 9412: 9399: 9393:978-0230604094 9392: 9374: 9344: 9315: 9309:978-0230604094 9308: 9290: 9260: 9230: 9206: 9194: 9170: 9140: 9125: 9095: 9061: 9042: 9036:978-0230604094 9035: 9014: 8978: 8950: 8923:Doherty, Brian 8909: 8903:978-0393312928 8902: 8896:. p. 43. 8878: 8872:978-0333594520 8871: 8853: 8847:978-0765622273 8846: 8826: 8807: 8801:978-0691188485 8800: 8771: 8741: 8735:978-1572846494 8734: 8714: 8700: 8678: 8652: 8617: 8586: 8572: 8566:978-0230604094 8565: 8546: 8545: 8543: 8540: 8537: 8536: 8522: 8521: 8519: 8516: 8515: 8514: 8507: 8505:Patri Friedman 8502: 8497: 8492: 8487: 8482: 8477: 8472: 8467: 8461: 8460: 8446: 8432: 8418: 8404: 8390: 8374: 8371: 8370: 8369: 8363: 8346: 8332: 8324: 8312: 8305: 8291: 8283: 8261: 8242:Main article: 8239: 8236: 8216:disempowerment 8132:2008 recession 8092:Cato Institute 7987:Post-Keynesian 7976: 7973: 7956: 7953: 7920: 7919:United Kingdom 7917: 7913:Cato Institute 7888:Free to Choose 7878: 7875: 7854: 7851: 7815:Free to Choose 7702: 7699: 7685:, criticizing 7659: 7656: 7623: 7620: 7608:post-Keynesian 7566:Aaron Director 7562:Yon Goicoechea 7542:Cato Institute 7534:George H. Nash 7522: 7519: 7479:Free to Choose 7446: 7443: 7398:Michael Walker 7373:Free to Choose 7333:Free to Choose 7262: 7249:legal monopoly 7228: 7225: 7157: 7154: 7090:Friedman with 7083: 7082:Foreign policy 7080: 7048:k-percent rule 7019: 7016: 7014: 7011: 7002: 6999: 6984: 6981: 6969:Robert Lucas's 6946:Phillips curve 6933: 6930: 6918:Leonard Savage 6890:Windfall gains 6847:Phillips curve 6831:George Stigler 6779: 6740: 6679: 6676: 6652: 6649: 6637:Chicago School 6607: 6604: 6580: 6579: 6560: 6559: 6552: 6549: 6500: 6499: 6490: 6489: 6481: 6480: 6479: 6478: 6477: 6475: 6472: 6410:Free To Choose 6397:Free to Choose 6358:Free to Choose 6339: 6336: 6334:intervention. 6314:Wabash College 6303: 6298: 6235: 6231: 6227: 6222: 6218: 6214: 6211: 6179: 6174: 6170:Paul Samuelson 6141: 6138: 6111:business cycle 6079: 6076: 6039: 6036: 6034: 6031: 5898:price controls 5861: 5860:Public service 5858: 5850:George Stigler 5745: 5742: 5601:Phillips curve 5549:that rejected 5532:George Stigler 5466: 5465: 5463: 5462: 5455: 5448: 5440: 5437: 5436: 5435: 5434: 5422: 5410: 5395: 5394: 5391: 5390: 5385: 5380: 5375: 5370: 5365: 5360: 5355: 5349: 5347:Related topics 5346: 5345: 5342: 5341: 5338: 5337: 5332: 5327: 5322: 5320:Alan Greenspan 5317: 5312: 5307: 5302: 5297: 5292: 5287: 5282: 5277: 5272: 5267: 5261: 5258: 5257: 5254: 5253: 5250: 5249: 5244: 5239: 5234: 5229: 5223: 5220: 5219: 5216: 5215: 5212: 5211: 5206: 5201: 5196: 5191: 5186: 5181: 5176: 5171: 5169:European Union 5166: 5161: 5156: 5150: 5147: 5146: 5143: 5142: 5139: 5138: 5133: 5128: 5123: 5118: 5113: 5108: 5103: 5098: 5092: 5089: 5088: 5085: 5084: 5081: 5080: 5075: 5070: 5065: 5060: 5058:Chicago School 5055: 5049: 5046: 5045: 5042: 5041: 5038: 5037: 5032: 5027: 5022: 5017: 5012: 5007: 5002: 4997: 4992: 4990:Market economy 4987: 4982: 4977: 4972: 4967: 4957: 4952: 4947: 4942: 4937: 4932: 4927: 4922: 4917: 4912: 4906: 4903: 4902: 4899: 4898: 4892: 4891: 4879: 4878: 4876: 4875: 4868: 4861: 4853: 4850: 4849: 4848: 4847: 4835: 4823: 4811: 4796: 4795: 4792: 4791: 4786: 4781: 4776: 4771: 4766: 4761: 4756: 4751: 4746: 4739: 4734: 4729: 4724: 4719: 4714: 4709: 4704: 4699: 4694: 4689: 4684: 4679: 4677:Koch (Charles) 4674: 4669: 4664: 4659: 4654: 4649: 4643: 4640: 4639: 4636: 4635: 4632: 4631: 4624: 4617: 4610: 4603: 4596: 4589: 4582: 4575: 4568: 4561: 4558:No, They Can't 4554: 4547: 4540: 4533: 4526: 4519: 4512: 4505: 4498: 4491: 4488:Free to Choose 4484: 4477: 4470: 4463: 4456: 4449: 4442: 4435: 4428: 4421: 4414: 4407: 4399: 4396: 4395: 4392: 4391: 4388: 4387: 4382: 4377: 4372: 4367: 4362: 4357: 4352: 4347: 4342: 4337: 4332: 4330:Cato Institute 4326: 4323: 4322: 4319: 4318: 4315: 4314: 4309: 4304: 4299: 4293: 4290: 4289: 4286: 4285: 4282: 4281: 4276: 4271: 4266: 4261: 4256: 4251: 4246: 4241: 4236: 4231: 4226: 4221: 4215: 4212: 4211: 4208: 4207: 4204: 4203: 4198: 4193: 4188: 4183: 4178: 4173: 4168: 4163: 4158: 4153: 4148: 4142: 4139: 4138: 4135: 4134: 4131: 4130: 4125: 4120: 4115: 4110: 4105: 4100: 4095: 4090: 4085: 4080: 4075: 4069: 4066: 4065: 4062: 4061: 4058: 4057: 4052: 4047: 4042: 4037: 4032: 4027: 4022: 4017: 4012: 4007: 4002: 3997: 3992: 3987: 3982: 3977: 3972: 3967: 3962: 3957: 3952: 3947: 3942: 3937: 3932: 3927: 3922: 3917: 3912: 3907: 3902: 3897: 3892: 3887: 3882: 3877: 3872: 3867: 3862: 3857: 3852: 3847: 3842: 3837: 3832: 3827: 3822: 3817: 3812: 3807: 3802: 3797: 3792: 3787: 3782: 3777: 3772: 3767: 3762: 3757: 3752: 3746: 3743: 3742: 3739: 3738: 3735: 3734: 3729: 3724: 3717: 3712: 3707: 3702: 3696: 3693: 3692: 3689: 3688: 3685: 3684: 3682:Freedom School 3679: 3674: 3669: 3664: 3659: 3654: 3649: 3644: 3638: 3635: 3634: 3631: 3630: 3627: 3626: 3621: 3616: 3611: 3609:Tax resistance 3606: 3601: 3596: 3591: 3586: 3584:Self-ownership 3581: 3576: 3571: 3566: 3561: 3556: 3551: 3546: 3541: 3536: 3531: 3526: 3521: 3516: 3511: 3506: 3501: 3496: 3491: 3486: 3481: 3476: 3471: 3466: 3461: 3456: 3454:Free migration 3451: 3446: 3441: 3436: 3431: 3426: 3421: 3416: 3411: 3406: 3401: 3395: 3392: 3391: 3388: 3387: 3384: 3383: 3378: 3373: 3368: 3363: 3358: 3353: 3348: 3343: 3341:Natural-rights 3338: 3333: 3328: 3323: 3318: 3313: 3308: 3303: 3298: 3296:Bleeding-heart 3293: 3288: 3283: 3278: 3272: 3269: 3268: 3265: 3264: 3256: 3255: 3250:Libertarianism 3245: 3244: 3232: 3231: 3229: 3228: 3221: 3214: 3206: 3203: 3202: 3201: 3200: 3188: 3176: 3161: 3160: 3155: 3154: 3149: 3144: 3139: 3134: 3129: 3124: 3119: 3114: 3109: 3104: 3099: 3094: 3089: 3084: 3079: 3074: 3069: 3064: 3059: 3054: 3049: 3044: 3039: 3034: 3029: 3024: 3022:Anti-socialism 3019: 3014: 3012:Anti-communism 3009: 3004: 2998: 2997: 2996: 2994:Related topics 2993: 2992: 2989: 2988: 2983: 2982: 2981: 2980: 2975: 2965: 2960: 2955: 2949: 2948: 2947: 2944: 2943: 2940: 2939: 2936: 2935: 2930: 2928:United Kingdom 2925: 2920: 2914: 2911: 2910: 2907: 2906: 2903: 2902: 2897: 2892: 2887: 2882: 2877: 2872: 2867: 2862: 2857: 2852: 2846: 2843: 2842: 2839: 2838: 2835: 2834: 2829: 2824: 2819: 2814: 2809: 2804: 2799: 2794: 2789: 2784: 2779: 2774: 2769: 2764: 2759: 2754: 2749: 2744: 2739: 2734: 2729: 2724: 2719: 2714: 2709: 2704: 2699: 2694: 2689: 2684: 2679: 2674: 2669: 2664: 2659: 2654: 2649: 2644: 2639: 2634: 2629: 2623: 2620: 2619: 2616: 2615: 2610: 2609: 2604: 2599: 2594: 2589: 2584: 2579: 2574: 2569: 2564: 2559: 2554: 2549: 2544: 2539: 2533: 2532: 2531: 2528: 2527: 2524: 2523: 2518: 2517: 2512: 2507: 2502: 2497: 2495:Tax resistance 2492: 2487: 2482: 2477: 2475:Social ecology 2472: 2467: 2465:Self-ownership 2462: 2457: 2452: 2447: 2442: 2437: 2432: 2427: 2422: 2417: 2412: 2407: 2402: 2397: 2392: 2387: 2382: 2377: 2372: 2367: 2362: 2357: 2352: 2347: 2342: 2337: 2332: 2327: 2322: 2317: 2312: 2307: 2302: 2300:Free migration 2297: 2292: 2287: 2282: 2277: 2272: 2267: 2262: 2260:Egalitarianism 2257: 2252: 2247: 2242: 2237: 2232: 2227: 2222: 2217: 2212: 2210:Class struggle 2207: 2202: 2197: 2192: 2190:Antimilitarism 2187: 2182: 2177: 2172: 2167: 2161: 2160: 2159: 2156: 2155: 2152: 2151: 2149:Libertarianism 2145: 2144: 2132: 2131: 2129: 2128: 2121: 2114: 2106: 2103: 2102: 2101: 2100: 2086: 2072: 2058: 2041: 2040: 2036: 2035: 2028: 2023: 2018: 2012: 2011: 2009:Related topics 2008: 2007: 2004: 2003: 1999: 1998: 1993: 1988: 1983: 1978: 1973: 1968: 1963: 1958: 1953: 1948: 1943: 1938: 1933: 1928: 1923: 1918: 1913: 1908: 1903: 1898: 1889: 1884: 1879: 1874: 1868: 1867: 1864: 1863: 1860: 1859: 1855: 1854: 1849: 1839:Rational agent 1836: 1831: 1826: 1821: 1816: 1803: 1796: 1791: 1786: 1784:k-percent rule 1781: 1776: 1771: 1766: 1761: 1756: 1750: 1749: 1746: 1745: 1742: 1741: 1737: 1736: 1731: 1726: 1721: 1716: 1711: 1709:David Friedman 1706: 1701: 1696: 1691: 1685: 1684: 1681: 1680: 1677: 1676: 1673: 1672: 1667: 1662: 1656: 1653: 1652: 1649: 1648: 1645: 1644: 1639: 1634: 1629: 1627:Cato Institute 1623: 1620: 1619: 1616: 1615: 1612: 1611: 1606: 1601: 1599:Libertarianism 1595: 1592: 1591: 1588: 1587: 1583:Chicago school 1579: 1578: 1570: 1569: 1567: 1566: 1559: 1552: 1544: 1541: 1540: 1539: 1538: 1526: 1511: 1510: 1507: 1506: 1501: 1496: 1491: 1489:Ordoliberalism 1486: 1481: 1476: 1471: 1466: 1461: 1456: 1451: 1446: 1441: 1436: 1431: 1426: 1421: 1415: 1412: 1411: 1408: 1407: 1404: 1403: 1398: 1393: 1388: 1383: 1378: 1373: 1368: 1366:Market economy 1363: 1358: 1353: 1348: 1343: 1338: 1333: 1328: 1323: 1318: 1313: 1308: 1303: 1298: 1293: 1288: 1282: 1280:Related topics 1279: 1278: 1275: 1274: 1271: 1270: 1265: 1260: 1255: 1250: 1245: 1240: 1235: 1230: 1225: 1220: 1215: 1210: 1205: 1200: 1195: 1190: 1185: 1180: 1175: 1169: 1166: 1165: 1162: 1161: 1158: 1157: 1152: 1150:State monopoly 1147: 1142: 1137: 1132: 1127: 1122: 1117: 1112: 1107: 1102: 1097: 1092: 1087: 1081: 1078: 1077: 1074: 1073: 1070: 1069: 1064: 1059: 1054: 1049: 1044: 1039: 1034: 1029: 1023: 1020: 1019: 1016: 1015: 1012: 1011: 1006: 1001: 996: 991: 986: 981: 976: 971: 970: 969: 964: 959: 949: 944: 939: 934: 933: 932: 922: 917: 911: 908: 907: 904: 903: 900: 899: 894: 889: 884: 879: 874: 869: 864: 859: 854: 849: 844: 839: 834: 829: 824: 819: 814: 809: 802: 797: 792: 787: 782: 777: 771: 768: 767: 764: 763: 760: 759: 754: 749: 744: 739: 734: 729: 724: 719: 714: 709: 707:Liberalization 704: 699: 697:Invisible hand 694: 689: 684: 679: 674: 669: 664: 659: 654: 649: 644: 639: 634: 629: 624: 619: 614: 612:Businessperson 609: 607:Business cycle 604: 599: 593: 590: 589: 586: 585: 579: 578: 566: 565: 557: 556: 552: 551: 548: 547: 537: 536: 534: 533: 527: 521: 515: 509: 503: 495: 493: 489: 488: 486: 485: 480: 475: 470: 465: 460: 455: 450: 445: 440: 435: 430: 425: 420: 414: 412: 408: 407: 405: 404: 399: 394: 389: 384: 379: 374: 369: 364: 359: 354: 349: 344: 338: 336: 332: 331: 325:Edgar L. Feige 298: 292: 291: 286: 280: 279: 269:Chicago School 266: 263:School or 260: 259: 257: 256: 246: 240: 234: 228: 222: 216: 210: 208: 204: 202: 198: 197: 195:Macroeconomics 192: 188: 187: 183: 182: 179: 178: 176: 175: 170: 164: 162: 158: 157: 146: 140: 139: 137: 133: 132: 127: 123: 122: 120: 119: 113: 103: 92: 90: 86: 85: 82: 80:(aged 94) 74: 70: 69: 66: 55: 51: 50: 47: 39: 38: 35: 26: 18:Milton Fredman 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 25629: 25618: 25615: 25613: 25610: 25608: 25605: 25603: 25600: 25598: 25595: 25593: 25590: 25588: 25585: 25583: 25580: 25578: 25575: 25573: 25570: 25568: 25565: 25563: 25560: 25558: 25555: 25553: 25550: 25548: 25545: 25543: 25540: 25538: 25535: 25533: 25530: 25528: 25525: 25523: 25520: 25518: 25515: 25513: 25510: 25508: 25505: 25503: 25500: 25498: 25495: 25493: 25490: 25488: 25485: 25483: 25480: 25478: 25475: 25473: 25470: 25468: 25465: 25463: 25460: 25458: 25455: 25453: 25450: 25448: 25445: 25443: 25440: 25438: 25435: 25433: 25430: 25428: 25425: 25423: 25420: 25418: 25415: 25413: 25410: 25408: 25405: 25403: 25400: 25398: 25395: 25393: 25390: 25388: 25385: 25383: 25380: 25378: 25375: 25373: 25370: 25368: 25365: 25363: 25360: 25358: 25355: 25353: 25350: 25348: 25345: 25343: 25340: 25338: 25335: 25333: 25330: 25328: 25325: 25323: 25320: 25318: 25315: 25313: 25310: 25308: 25305: 25303: 25300: 25298: 25295: 25294: 25292: 25271: 25265: 25261: 25260: 25257: 25251: 25248: 25246: 25243: 25241: 25238: 25236: 25233: 25231: 25228: 25227: 25225: 25221: 25212: 25211: 25207: 25202: 25201: 25197: 25192: 25191: 25187: 25182: 25181: 25177: 25172: 25171: 25167: 25162: 25161: 25157: 25152: 25151: 25147: 25142: 25141: 25140:Losing Ground 25137: 25132: 25131: 25127: 25122: 25121: 25117: 25112: 25111: 25107: 25102: 25101: 25097: 25092: 25091: 25087: 25082: 25081: 25077: 25072: 25071: 25067: 25062: 25061: 25057: 25052: 25051: 25047: 25042: 25041: 25037: 25036: 25034: 25032: 25026: 25021: 25018: 25016: 25013: 25011: 25008: 25006: 25003: 25001: 24998: 24996: 24993: 24991: 24987: 24979: 24976: 24974: 24971: 24969: 24966: 24964: 24961: 24959: 24956: 24954: 24951: 24949: 24948:Ripon Society 24946: 24944: 24941: 24939: 24936: 24934: 24931: 24929: 24926: 24924: 24921: 24919: 24916: 24914: 24911: 24909: 24906: 24904: 24901: 24897: 24894: 24892: 24891: 24887: 24886: 24885: 24882: 24880: 24877: 24875: 24872: 24870: 24867: 24865: 24862: 24860: 24857: 24855: 24852: 24850: 24847: 24845: 24842: 24840: 24837: 24835: 24832: 24830: 24827: 24825: 24822: 24820: 24817: 24815: 24812: 24811: 24807: 24803: 24797: 24794: 24792: 24789: 24787: 24784: 24782: 24781:Radical Right 24779: 24775: 24772: 24771: 24770: 24767: 24765: 24762: 24760: 24757: 24755: 24752: 24750: 24747: 24745: 24742: 24740: 24737: 24735: 24732: 24730: 24727: 24725: 24722: 24720: 24717: 24715: 24712: 24711: 24709: 24705: 24699: 24696: 24694: 24691: 24689: 24686: 24684: 24681: 24679: 24676: 24672: 24669: 24667: 24664: 24662: 24659: 24657: 24654: 24652: 24649: 24648: 24646: 24642: 24639: 24637: 24634: 24632: 24629: 24627: 24624: 24622: 24619: 24617: 24614: 24612: 24609: 24607: 24604: 24603: 24601: 24599: 24593: 24583: 24580: 24578: 24575: 24573: 24570: 24568: 24565: 24563: 24560: 24558: 24555: 24553: 24550: 24548: 24545: 24543: 24540: 24538: 24535: 24533: 24530: 24528: 24525: 24523: 24520: 24518: 24515: 24513: 24510: 24508: 24505: 24503: 24500: 24498: 24495: 24493: 24490: 24488: 24485: 24483: 24480: 24478: 24475: 24473: 24470: 24468: 24465: 24463: 24460: 24458: 24455: 24453: 24450: 24448: 24445: 24443: 24440: 24438: 24435: 24433: 24430: 24428: 24425: 24423: 24420: 24418: 24415: 24413: 24410: 24408: 24405: 24403: 24400: 24398: 24395: 24393: 24390: 24388: 24385: 24383: 24380: 24378: 24375: 24374: 24372: 24370:Other figures 24368: 24362: 24359: 24357: 24354: 24352: 24349: 24347: 24344: 24342: 24339: 24337: 24334: 24332: 24329: 24327: 24324: 24322: 24319: 24317: 24314: 24312: 24309: 24307: 24304: 24302: 24299: 24297: 24294: 24292: 24289: 24287: 24284: 24282: 24279: 24277: 24274: 24272: 24269: 24267: 24264: 24262: 24259: 24257: 24254: 24252: 24249: 24247: 24244: 24242: 24239: 24237: 24234: 24232: 24229: 24227: 24224: 24222: 24219: 24217: 24214: 24212: 24209: 24207: 24204: 24202: 24199: 24197: 24194: 24192: 24189: 24187: 24184: 24182: 24179: 24177: 24174: 24172: 24169: 24167: 24164: 24162: 24159: 24157: 24154: 24152: 24149: 24147: 24144: 24142: 24139: 24137: 24134: 24132: 24129: 24127: 24124: 24122: 24119: 24117: 24114: 24112: 24109: 24107: 24104: 24102: 24099: 24098: 24096: 24094:Intellectuals 24092: 24086: 24083: 24081: 24078: 24076: 24073: 24071: 24068: 24066: 24063: 24061: 24058: 24056: 24053: 24051: 24048: 24046: 24043: 24041: 24038: 24036: 24033: 24031: 24028: 24026: 24023: 24021: 24018: 24016: 24013: 24011: 24008: 24006: 24003: 24001: 23998: 23996: 23993: 23991: 23988: 23986: 23983: 23981: 23978: 23977: 23975: 23971: 23965: 23962: 23960: 23957: 23955: 23952: 23950: 23947: 23945: 23942: 23940: 23937: 23935: 23932: 23930: 23927: 23925: 23922: 23920: 23917: 23915: 23912: 23910: 23907: 23905: 23902: 23900: 23897: 23895: 23892: 23891: 23889: 23885: 23882: 23880: 23874: 23868: 23865: 23863: 23860: 23858: 23855: 23853: 23852:Republicanism 23850: 23848: 23847:Protectionism 23845: 23843: 23840: 23838: 23835: 23833: 23830: 23828: 23825: 23823: 23820: 23818: 23815: 23813: 23812:Law and order 23810: 23808: 23807:Individualism 23805: 23803: 23800: 23796: 23793: 23792: 23791: 23788: 23784: 23781: 23780: 23779: 23776: 23774: 23773:Family values 23771: 23769: 23766: 23764: 23761: 23759: 23756: 23754: 23751: 23749: 23746: 23744: 23741: 23739: 23736: 23735: 23733: 23729: 23723: 23720: 23718: 23715: 23713: 23710: 23708: 23705: 23703: 23700: 23698: 23695: 23693: 23690: 23688: 23685: 23683: 23680: 23678: 23675: 23673: 23670: 23668: 23667:Compassionate 23665: 23664: 23662: 23658: 23654: 23645: 23640: 23638: 23633: 23631: 23626: 23625: 23622: 23609: 23605: 23603: 23602: 23591: 23590: 23587: 23581: 23578: 23576: 23573: 23571: 23568: 23566: 23563: 23561: 23558: 23556: 23553: 23551: 23548: 23546: 23543: 23541: 23538: 23536: 23533: 23531: 23528: 23526: 23523: 23521: 23518: 23516: 23513: 23511: 23508: 23506: 23503: 23501: 23498: 23496: 23493: 23491: 23488: 23486: 23483: 23481: 23478: 23476: 23473: 23471: 23468: 23466: 23463: 23461: 23458: 23456: 23453: 23451: 23448: 23446: 23443: 23441: 23438: 23436: 23433: 23431: 23428: 23427: 23425: 23421: 23412: 23411: 23407: 23402: 23401: 23397: 23392: 23391: 23387: 23382: 23381: 23377: 23372: 23371: 23367: 23362: 23361: 23357: 23356: 23354: 23350: 23344: 23341: 23339: 23336: 23334: 23331: 23329: 23326: 23324: 23321: 23319: 23316: 23314: 23311: 23309: 23306: 23304: 23301: 23299: 23296: 23294: 23291: 23289: 23286: 23284: 23281: 23279: 23276: 23274: 23271: 23270: 23268: 23264: 23258: 23255: 23253: 23250: 23248: 23245: 23243: 23240: 23238: 23235: 23233: 23230: 23228: 23225: 23223: 23220: 23218: 23215: 23213: 23210: 23209: 23207: 23203: 23193: 23190: 23188: 23185: 23183: 23180: 23178: 23175: 23173: 23170: 23168: 23165: 23163: 23160: 23158: 23155: 23153: 23150: 23148: 23145: 23144: 23142: 23138: 23132: 23129: 23127: 23124: 23122: 23119: 23117: 23114: 23112: 23109: 23107: 23104: 23102: 23099: 23097: 23094: 23092: 23089: 23087: 23084: 23082: 23079: 23077: 23074: 23072: 23069: 23067: 23064: 23062: 23059: 23057: 23054: 23052: 23049: 23047: 23044: 23042: 23039: 23037: 23034: 23032: 23029: 23027: 23024: 23022: 23019: 23017: 23014: 23012: 23009: 23007: 23004: 23003: 23001: 22997: 22991: 22988: 22986: 22983: 22981: 22978: 22976: 22973: 22971: 22968: 22966: 22963: 22961: 22958: 22956: 22953: 22951: 22948: 22946: 22943: 22941: 22938: 22936: 22933: 22931: 22928: 22926: 22923: 22921: 22918: 22916: 22913: 22911: 22908: 22907: 22905: 22901: 22898: 22894: 22888: 22885: 22883: 22880: 22878: 22875: 22873: 22870: 22868: 22865: 22863: 22860: 22858: 22855: 22853: 22850: 22848: 22845: 22843: 22840: 22838: 22835: 22833: 22830: 22828: 22825: 22823: 22820: 22818: 22815: 22813: 22810: 22808: 22805: 22803: 22800: 22798: 22795: 22793: 22790: 22788: 22785: 22783: 22780: 22778: 22775: 22773: 22770: 22768: 22765: 22763: 22760: 22758: 22755: 22753: 22750: 22748: 22745: 22743: 22742:Individualism 22740: 22738: 22735: 22733: 22730: 22728: 22725: 22723: 22720: 22718: 22715: 22713: 22710: 22708: 22705: 22703: 22700: 22698: 22695: 22693: 22690: 22688: 22685: 22683: 22680: 22678: 22675: 22673: 22670: 22668: 22665: 22663: 22660: 22658: 22655: 22653: 22650: 22648: 22645: 22643: 22640: 22638: 22635: 22633: 22630: 22628: 22625: 22623: 22622:Direct action 22620: 22618: 22615: 22613: 22610: 22608: 22605: 22603: 22600: 22598: 22595: 22593: 22590: 22588: 22585: 22583: 22580: 22578: 22575: 22573: 22570: 22568: 22565: 22563: 22560: 22558: 22555: 22553: 22550: 22548: 22545: 22543: 22540: 22538: 22535: 22534: 22532: 22528: 22518: 22515: 22513: 22510: 22508: 22505: 22503: 22500: 22498: 22495: 22491: 22488: 22486: 22483: 22481: 22480:philosophical 22478: 22476: 22473: 22471: 22468: 22466: 22463: 22461: 22460:individualist 22458: 22456: 22453: 22449: 22446: 22445: 22444: 22441: 22439: 22436: 22434: 22431: 22430: 22429: 22426: 22425: 22423: 22419: 22412: 22407: 22401: 22398: 22396: 22393: 22391: 22388: 22386: 22383: 22381: 22378: 22376: 22373: 22371: 22368: 22366: 22363: 22361: 22358: 22356: 22353: 22351: 22348: 22346: 22343: 22341: 22338: 22336: 22333: 22332: 22330: 22326: 22319: 22314: 22311: 22307: 22299: 22296: 22294: 22291: 22290: 22289: 22286: 22284: 22281: 22279: 22276: 22274: 22271: 22270: 22268: 22264: 22259: 22251: 22246: 22244: 22239: 22237: 22232: 22231: 22228: 22215: 22212: 22209: 22206: 22203: 22202:Oleg Itskhoki 22200: 22197: 22194: 22191: 22188: 22185: 22182: 22179: 22176: 22173: 22170: 22167: 22164: 22161: 22158: 22155: 22152: 22149: 22146: 22143: 22140: 22137: 22134: 22131: 22128: 22125: 22124:Emmanuel Saez 22122: 22119: 22116: 22113: 22110: 22107: 22106:Steven Levitt 22104: 22101: 22100:Matthew Rabin 22098: 22095: 22092: 22089: 22086: 22083: 22080: 22077: 22074: 22071: 22068: 22065: 22062: 22059: 22056: 22053: 22050: 22047: 22044: 22041: 22038: 22035: 22032: 22029: 22026: 22023: 22020: 22017: 22014: 22011: 22008: 22005: 22002: 21999: 21996: 21993: 21992:Zvi Griliches 21990: 21987: 21984: 21981: 21978: 21975: 21972: 21969: 21966: 21963: 21960: 21957: 21954: 21951: 21948: 21945: 21942: 21939: 21936: 21935: 21932: 21927: 21920: 21915: 21913: 21908: 21906: 21901: 21900: 21897: 21884: 21881: 21878: 21875: 21872: 21869: 21866: 21863: 21860: 21857: 21854: 21851: 21848: 21845: 21842: 21841:Alvin E. Roth 21839: 21836: 21833: 21830: 21827: 21824: 21821: 21818: 21815: 21812: 21809: 21806: 21803: 21800: 21797: 21794: 21791: 21788: 21787:Avinash Dixit 21785: 21782: 21779: 21776: 21773: 21770: 21767: 21764: 21761: 21758: 21757:Peter Diamond 21755: 21752: 21749: 21746: 21745:Sherwin Rosen 21743: 21742: 21740: 21736: 21729: 21726: 21723: 21720: 21717: 21714: 21711: 21708: 21705: 21702: 21699: 21696: 21693: 21690: 21687: 21686:Zvi Griliches 21684: 21681: 21678: 21675: 21672: 21669: 21668:Gérard Debreu 21666: 21663: 21660: 21657: 21656:Robert Eisner 21654: 21651: 21648: 21645: 21642: 21639: 21636: 21633: 21630: 21627: 21624: 21621: 21618: 21615: 21612: 21609: 21606: 21603: 21600: 21597: 21594: 21591: 21588: 21585: 21582: 21579: 21576: 21575: 21573: 21569: 21562: 21559: 21556: 21553: 21550: 21547: 21544: 21541: 21538: 21535: 21532: 21529: 21526: 21523: 21520: 21517: 21514: 21511: 21508: 21507:Fritz Machlup 21505: 21502: 21499: 21496: 21493: 21490: 21487: 21484: 21481: 21478: 21475: 21472: 21469: 21466: 21463: 21460: 21457: 21454: 21451: 21448: 21445: 21442: 21441:John D. Black 21439: 21436: 21435:Simon Kuznets 21433: 21430: 21427: 21424: 21421: 21418: 21415: 21414: 21412: 21408: 21401: 21398: 21395: 21392: 21389: 21386: 21383: 21380: 21377: 21374: 21371: 21368: 21365: 21362: 21359: 21356: 21353: 21350: 21347: 21344: 21341: 21338: 21335: 21332: 21329: 21326: 21323: 21320: 21317: 21314: 21311: 21310:John M. Clark 21308: 21305: 21302: 21299: 21296: 21293: 21290: 21287: 21284: 21281: 21278: 21275: 21272: 21269: 21266: 21263: 21260: 21257: 21254: 21253: 21251: 21247: 21240: 21237: 21234: 21231: 21228: 21227:Carl C. Plehn 21225: 21222: 21219: 21216: 21213: 21210: 21207: 21204: 21201: 21198: 21197:Irving Fisher 21195: 21192: 21189: 21186: 21183: 21180: 21177: 21174: 21171: 21168: 21165: 21162: 21159: 21156: 21153: 21150: 21147: 21144: 21141: 21138: 21135: 21132: 21129: 21126: 21125:F. W. Taussig 21123: 21120: 21117: 21116: 21114: 21110: 21103: 21100: 21097: 21094: 21091: 21088: 21085: 21084:John B. Clark 21082: 21079: 21076: 21073: 21070: 21069: 21067: 21063: 21059: 21052: 21047: 21045: 21040: 21038: 21033: 21032: 21029: 21009: 21006: 21003: 21001: 20998: 20996: 20993: 20990: 20988: 20985: 20983: 20980: 20978: 20975: 20972: 20971: 20969: 20965: 20959: 20956: 20954: 20951: 20949: 20946: 20943: 20941: 20940:James E. Gunn 20938: 20936: 20933: 20930: 20928: 20925: 20923: 20920: 20917: 20915: 20912: 20909: 20907: 20904: 20902: 20899: 20896: 20894: 20891: 20888: 20886: 20883: 20881: 20878: 20875: 20873: 20872:Edward Witten 20870: 20868: 20865: 20863: 20860: 20857: 20855: 20852: 20850: 20847: 20845: 20842: 20839: 20837: 20834: 20832: 20829: 20827: 20824: 20821: 20820: 20818: 20814: 20808: 20805: 20803: 20800: 20797: 20795: 20792: 20790: 20787: 20784: 20782: 20779: 20777: 20774: 20772: 20769: 20766: 20764: 20761: 20758: 20756: 20753: 20751: 20748: 20745: 20743: 20740: 20738: 20735: 20732: 20730: 20727: 20725: 20722: 20719: 20717: 20714: 20711: 20709: 20706: 20704: 20701: 20699: 20696: 20693: 20691: 20690:Roger Revelle 20688: 20686: 20683: 20681: 20678: 20676: 20673: 20670: 20669: 20667: 20663: 20657: 20656:Henry Stommel 20654: 20652: 20649: 20647: 20646:Eugene Parker 20644: 20642: 20639: 20636: 20634: 20631: 20629: 20626: 20624: 20621: 20619: 20616: 20614: 20611: 20608: 20606: 20603: 20601: 20598: 20596: 20593: 20591: 20588: 20586: 20583: 20580: 20578: 20575: 20573: 20570: 20568: 20565: 20563: 20560: 20558: 20555: 20552: 20550: 20547: 20545: 20542: 20540: 20537: 20535: 20532: 20530: 20527: 20525: 20522: 20520: 20517: 20514: 20512: 20509: 20507: 20506:Edward Teller 20504: 20502: 20499: 20497: 20494: 20491: 20490: 20488: 20484: 20478: 20475: 20473: 20472:Lyman Spitzer 20470: 20468: 20465: 20463: 20460: 20458: 20455: 20453: 20450: 20447: 20445: 20442: 20440: 20437: 20435: 20432: 20430: 20427: 20425: 20422: 20420: 20417: 20414: 20412: 20409: 20407: 20404: 20402: 20399: 20397: 20394: 20392: 20391:Hans A. Bethe 20389: 20386: 20384: 20381: 20379: 20376: 20374: 20371: 20369: 20366: 20364: 20361: 20358: 20356: 20353: 20351: 20348: 20346: 20343: 20341: 20338: 20336: 20335:Maurice Ewing 20333: 20331: 20330:Carl Djerassi 20328: 20325: 20323: 20322:Saul Winstein 20320: 20318: 20315: 20313: 20310: 20308: 20305: 20303: 20300: 20297: 20296: 20294: 20290: 20284: 20281: 20279: 20276: 20273: 20271: 20270:Eugene Wigner 20268: 20266: 20263: 20261: 20258: 20256: 20255:Paul Bartlett 20253: 20250: 20248: 20245: 20243: 20242:Louis Hammett 20240: 20238: 20237:Gregory Breit 20235: 20233: 20232:Francis Birch 20230: 20228: 20225: 20222: 20220: 20217: 20215: 20212: 20210: 20207: 20205: 20202: 20200: 20197: 20194: 20192: 20191:William Rubey 20189: 20187: 20184: 20182: 20179: 20177: 20174: 20171: 20169: 20166: 20164: 20161: 20159: 20156: 20153: 20151: 20148: 20145: 20144: 20142: 20138: 20134: 20127: 20123: 20109: 20108:Michael Artin 20106: 20103: 20101: 20098: 20096: 20093: 20090: 20088: 20085: 20083: 20080: 20077: 20075: 20072: 20070: 20067: 20064: 20063: 20061: 20057: 20051: 20048: 20045: 20043: 20040: 20038: 20035: 20032: 20030: 20027: 20024: 20022: 20021:Bradley Efron 20019: 20016: 20014: 20011: 20008: 20006: 20003: 20000: 19998: 19995: 19992: 19990: 19987: 19985: 19982: 19979: 19977: 19974: 19972: 19969: 19966: 19965: 19963: 19959: 19953: 19950: 19948: 19947:Felix Browder 19945: 19942: 19940: 19937: 19934: 19932: 19929: 19926: 19924: 19923:Stephen Smale 19921: 19919: 19916: 19913: 19911: 19908: 19905: 19903: 19900: 19897: 19895: 19892: 19889: 19887: 19884: 19881: 19879: 19876: 19873: 19871: 19870:John McCarthy 19868: 19866: 19863: 19861: 19858: 19855: 19854: 19852: 19848: 19842: 19839: 19837: 19834: 19832: 19831:Samuel Karlin 19829: 19826: 19824: 19821: 19819: 19816: 19813: 19811: 19808: 19806: 19803: 19800: 19798: 19795: 19793: 19790: 19787: 19785: 19782: 19780: 19777: 19774: 19772: 19769: 19766: 19765: 19763: 19759: 19753: 19750: 19748: 19745: 19742: 19740: 19737: 19735: 19732: 19729: 19727: 19724: 19722: 19719: 19717: 19714: 19711: 19709: 19706: 19703: 19701: 19698: 19695: 19693: 19690: 19687: 19686: 19684: 19680: 19674: 19671: 19668: 19666: 19663: 19660: 19658: 19655: 19652: 19650: 19647: 19644: 19642: 19641:Oscar Zariski 19639: 19636: 19634: 19631: 19629: 19626: 19623: 19621: 19618: 19615: 19614: 19612: 19608: 19604: 19597: 19593: 19579: 19576: 19573: 19571: 19568: 19565: 19563: 19560: 19557: 19556: 19554: 19550: 19544: 19541: 19538: 19536: 19533: 19530: 19528: 19525: 19522: 19520: 19517: 19514: 19512: 19509: 19506: 19504: 19501: 19498: 19496: 19493: 19490: 19488: 19485: 19482: 19480: 19477: 19474: 19472: 19469: 19466: 19465: 19463: 19459: 19453: 19450: 19447: 19445: 19442: 19439: 19437: 19434: 19432: 19429: 19426: 19424: 19421: 19418: 19416: 19415:Ray W. Clough 19413: 19410: 19408: 19407:Alfred Y. Cho 19405: 19402: 19400: 19397: 19395: 19392: 19389: 19387: 19384: 19382: 19379: 19377: 19374: 19371: 19369: 19366: 19364: 19361: 19358: 19357: 19355: 19351: 19345: 19342: 19340: 19337: 19334: 19332: 19329: 19327: 19324: 19322: 19319: 19316: 19314: 19311: 19309: 19306: 19304: 19301: 19298: 19296: 19293: 19291: 19288: 19286: 19283: 19280: 19278: 19277:John G. Trump 19275: 19273: 19270: 19268: 19265: 19262: 19260: 19257: 19255: 19252: 19249: 19248: 19246: 19242: 19236: 19233: 19231: 19228: 19226: 19223: 19221: 19218: 19216: 19213: 19210: 19208: 19205: 19203: 19200: 19198: 19195: 19192: 19190: 19187: 19185: 19182: 19180: 19177: 19175: 19172: 19169: 19167: 19164: 19162: 19159: 19157: 19154: 19151: 19149: 19146: 19144: 19141: 19138: 19136: 19133: 19130: 19129: 19127: 19123: 19117: 19114: 19111: 19109: 19106: 19104: 19101: 19098: 19096: 19093: 19091: 19090:Edwin H. Land 19088: 19085: 19083: 19080: 19077: 19075: 19072: 19070: 19067: 19065: 19062: 19059: 19057: 19054: 19052: 19049: 19046: 19044: 19041: 19039: 19038:Vannevar Bush 19036: 19033: 19031: 19028: 19025: 19024: 19022: 19018: 19014: 19007: 19003: 18989: 18986: 18983: 18981: 18978: 18975: 18973: 18970: 18968: 18965: 18962: 18960: 18957: 18955: 18954:Allen J. Bard 18952: 18949: 18947: 18944: 18942: 18939: 18936: 18935: 18933: 18929: 18923: 18920: 18918: 18915: 18912: 18910: 18909:JoAnne Stubbe 18907: 18905: 18904:Joanna Fowler 18902: 18899: 18897: 18894: 18891: 18889: 18886: 18884: 18881: 18878: 18876: 18873: 18870: 18868: 18865: 18862: 18860: 18857: 18854: 18852: 18849: 18847: 18844: 18841: 18839: 18836: 18834: 18831: 18828: 18827: 18825: 18821: 18815: 18814:Susan Solomon 18812: 18810: 18807: 18805: 18802: 18799: 18797: 18794: 18792: 18789: 18786: 18784: 18781: 18779: 18776: 18773: 18771: 18768: 18765: 18763: 18760: 18758: 18755: 18752: 18750: 18747: 18744: 18742: 18739: 18737: 18734: 18731: 18729: 18726: 18723: 18721: 18718: 18716: 18713: 18711: 18708: 18706: 18703: 18700: 18698: 18695: 18693: 18690: 18688: 18685: 18682: 18681: 18679: 18675: 18669: 18666: 18664: 18661: 18659: 18658:Melvin Calvin 18656: 18654: 18651: 18648: 18646: 18643: 18641: 18638: 18636: 18633: 18630: 18628: 18625: 18623: 18620: 18618: 18615: 18612: 18610: 18607: 18605: 18602: 18600: 18599:Yuan Tseh Lee 18597: 18595: 18594:Harry B. Gray 18592: 18589: 18587: 18584: 18582: 18579: 18577: 18574: 18571: 18569: 18568:Gilbert Stork 18566: 18564: 18561: 18558: 18557: 18555: 18551: 18545: 18542: 18539: 18538: 18536: 18532: 18528: 18521: 18517: 18503: 18500: 18498: 18495: 18493: 18490: 18487: 18485: 18482: 18479: 18477: 18476:Bruce Alberts 18474: 18472: 18471:May Berenbaum 18469: 18466: 18464: 18461: 18459: 18456: 18454: 18451: 18448: 18446: 18443: 18441: 18438: 18435: 18434: 18432: 18428: 18422: 18419: 18417: 18414: 18411: 18409: 18406: 18404: 18401: 18399: 18396: 18393: 18391: 18388: 18386: 18383: 18380: 18378: 18377:Lubert Stryer 18375: 18373: 18372:Nina Fedoroff 18370: 18368: 18365: 18362: 18360: 18357: 18355: 18354:Anthony Fauci 18352: 18349: 18347: 18344: 18342: 18339: 18337: 18334: 18331: 18329: 18326: 18324: 18321: 18319: 18316: 18313: 18311: 18308: 18306: 18303: 18300: 18298: 18297:Harold Varmus 18295: 18293: 18290: 18288: 18285: 18283: 18280: 18278: 18275: 18273: 18270: 18268: 18265: 18262: 18260: 18257: 18255: 18252: 18250: 18247: 18244: 18243: 18241: 18237: 18231: 18230:Lynn Margulis 18228: 18226: 18225:Jared Diamond 18223: 18221: 18218: 18215: 18213: 18210: 18208: 18205: 18202: 18200: 18197: 18195: 18192: 18189: 18187: 18184: 18181: 18179: 18176: 18173: 18171: 18168: 18166: 18165:Thomas Eisner 18163: 18160: 18158: 18155: 18153: 18150: 18147: 18145: 18142: 18140: 18139:Maxine Singer 18137: 18134: 18132: 18129: 18127: 18124: 18122: 18121:Paul A. Marks 18119: 18117: 18114: 18112: 18109: 18107: 18104: 18102: 18099: 18097: 18094: 18091: 18089: 18086: 18084: 18081: 18079: 18076: 18074: 18071: 18069: 18066: 18064: 18061: 18058: 18057: 18055: 18051: 18045: 18042: 18040: 18037: 18035: 18032: 18030: 18027: 18025: 18022: 18020: 18017: 18014: 18012: 18009: 18007: 18004: 18002: 17999: 17997: 17994: 17992: 17989: 17987: 17984: 17981: 17979: 17976: 17974: 17971: 17969: 17966: 17964: 17961: 17959: 17956: 17953: 17951: 17948: 17946: 17943: 17941: 17938: 17936: 17933: 17931: 17930:Stanley Cohen 17928: 17925: 17923: 17920: 17918: 17915: 17913: 17910: 17908: 17905: 17902: 17900: 17897: 17895: 17892: 17890: 17887: 17884: 17882: 17879: 17876: 17875: 17873: 17869: 17863: 17860: 17858: 17855: 17853: 17850: 17848: 17845: 17843: 17840: 17838: 17835: 17833: 17830: 17827: 17825: 17822: 17820: 17819:Efraim Racker 17817: 17815: 17812: 17810: 17807: 17804: 17802: 17799: 17797: 17794: 17792: 17789: 17787: 17784: 17781: 17779: 17776: 17774: 17773:James V. Neel 17771: 17769: 17766: 17764: 17761: 17758: 17756: 17753: 17751: 17748: 17745: 17743: 17740: 17738: 17735: 17732: 17731: 17729: 17725: 17719: 17716: 17714: 17711: 17708: 17706: 17703: 17701: 17698: 17696: 17693: 17691: 17688: 17686: 17685:Horace Barker 17683: 17680: 17678: 17675: 17673: 17670: 17668: 17665: 17663: 17660: 17657: 17655: 17654:Sewall Wright 17652: 17650: 17647: 17645: 17642: 17640: 17637: 17634: 17632: 17629: 17627: 17624: 17622: 17619: 17616: 17614: 17611: 17609: 17606: 17603: 17601: 17598: 17595: 17594: 17592: 17588: 17584: 17577: 17573: 17559: 17556: 17553: 17551: 17548: 17545: 17543: 17542:Anne Treisman 17540: 17537: 17536: 17534: 17530: 17524: 17521: 17518: 17516: 17513: 17510: 17508: 17505: 17502: 17500: 17499:Kenneth Arrow 17497: 17494: 17492: 17489: 17486: 17484: 17481: 17478: 17477: 17475: 17471: 17465: 17462: 17459: 17457: 17454: 17451: 17449: 17446: 17443: 17441: 17438: 17435: 17433: 17430: 17427: 17425: 17422: 17419: 17417: 17414: 17411: 17409: 17406: 17403: 17401: 17398: 17396: 17393: 17390: 17389: 17387: 17383: 17377: 17374: 17371: 17369: 17366: 17364: 17363:Anne Anastasi 17361: 17358: 17356: 17353: 17350: 17349: 17347: 17343: 17337: 17334: 17331: 17330: 17328: 17324: 17320: 17313: 17309: 17305: 17302: 17295: 17290: 17288: 17283: 17281: 17276: 17275: 17272: 17260: 17257: 17255: 17252: 17250: 17247: 17245: 17242: 17240: 17237: 17235: 17234:Merton Miller 17232: 17230: 17229:Myron Scholes 17227: 17225: 17222: 17221: 17219: 17215: 17209: 17206: 17204: 17201: 17199: 17196: 17194: 17191: 17189: 17186: 17184: 17181: 17179: 17176: 17175: 17173: 17171: 17167: 17161: 17158: 17156: 17153: 17151: 17150:Anthony Downs 17148: 17146: 17143: 17141: 17138: 17136: 17133: 17132: 17130: 17128: 17124: 17118: 17115: 17113: 17112:Steven Levitt 17110: 17108: 17105: 17103: 17100: 17098: 17095: 17093: 17092:Sherwin Rosen 17090: 17088: 17087:Thomas Sowell 17085: 17083: 17082:James Heckman 17080: 17078: 17075: 17073: 17070: 17069: 17067: 17065: 17061: 17055: 17052: 17050: 17047: 17045: 17042: 17041: 17039: 17037: 17033: 17027: 17024: 17022: 17021:David Laidler 17019: 17017: 17014: 17012: 17009: 17007: 17004: 17002: 16999: 16997: 16996:Anna Schwartz 16994: 16992: 16989: 16988: 16986: 16984: 16980: 16974: 16971: 16969: 16966: 16964: 16961: 16959: 16956: 16954: 16951: 16950: 16948: 16944: 16940: 16933: 16928: 16926: 16921: 16919: 16914: 16913: 16910: 16898: 16895: 16893: 16890: 16888: 16885: 16883: 16880: 16878: 16875: 16873: 16870: 16868: 16865: 16863: 16860: 16858: 16855: 16853: 16850: 16848: 16845: 16842: 16838: 16837: 16834: 16827: 16824: 16823: 16821: 16819: 16815: 16808: 16805: 16802: 16799: 16798: 16796: 16794: 16790: 16783: 16780: 16777: 16774: 16773: 16771: 16769: 16765: 16758: 16755: 16752: 16749: 16748: 16746: 16744: 16740: 16733: 16730: 16729: 16727: 16724: 16720: 16716: 16709: 16706: 16705: 16703: 16701: 16697: 16692: 16684: 16679: 16677: 16672: 16670: 16665: 16664: 16661: 16648: 16643: 16640: 16636: 16632: 16628: 16624: 16621: 16617: 16613: 16609: 16605: 16602: 16598: 16594: 16590: 16587: 16583: 16579: 16575: 16571: 16568: 16564: 16559: 16556: 16551: 16548: 16544: 16539: 16536: 16531: 16528: 16523: 16520: 16516: 16512: 16507: 16504: 16500: 16499:Alvin E. Roth 16495: 16492: 16488: 16483: 16480: 16476: 16472: 16467: 16464: 16460: 16459:Elinor Ostrom 16455: 16452: 16447: 16444: 16440: 16436: 16431: 16428: 16423: 16420: 16416: 16411: 16408: 16404: 16399: 16396: 16392: 16387: 16384: 16380: 16375: 16372: 16368: 16364: 16359: 16358: 16356: 16352: 16345: 16341: 16336: 16333: 16328: 16325: 16320: 16317: 16313: 16308: 16305: 16301: 16296: 16293: 16288: 16285: 16281: 16277: 16272: 16269: 16265: 16260: 16257: 16252: 16249: 16244: 16241: 16237: 16233: 16228: 16225: 16220: 16217: 16212: 16209: 16204: 16201: 16196: 16193: 16188: 16185: 16184:Richard Stone 16180: 16177: 16176:Gérard Debreu 16172: 16169: 16164: 16161: 16156: 16153: 16148: 16145: 16141: 16136: 16133: 16128: 16125: 16121: 16116: 16113: 16108: 16107: 16105: 16101: 16094: 16090: 16085: 16082: 16078: 16077:Gunnar Myrdal 16073: 16070: 16065: 16062: 16058: 16057:John R. Hicks 16053: 16050: 16049:Simon Kuznets 16045: 16042: 16037: 16034: 16033:Jan Tinbergen 16030: 16029:Ragnar Frisch 16025: 16024: 16022: 16018: 16014: 16010: 16003: 15998: 15996: 15991: 15989: 15984: 15983: 15980: 15967: 15964: 15961: 15958: 15955: 15954:Rose Friedman 15952: 15951: 15949: 15945: 15939: 15936: 15935: 15933: 15929: 15923: 15920: 15917: 15916: 15912: 15909: 15908: 15904: 15901: 15900: 15896: 15893: 15892: 15888: 15885: 15884: 15880: 15879: 15877: 15875: 15871: 15863: 15860: 15858: 15855: 15853: 15850: 15848: 15847:Friedman rule 15845: 15843: 15840: 15839: 15837: 15833: 15830: 15829: 15827: 15823: 15822:Friedman test 15820: 15819: 15817: 15816: 15814: 15810: 15806: 15799: 15794: 15792: 15787: 15785: 15780: 15779: 15776: 15767: 15763: 15754: 15753: 15746: 15742: 15736: 15731: 15726: 15719: 15713: 15710: 15708: 15704: 15701: 15698: 15694: 15690: 15687: 15685: 15681: 15679: 15674: 15672: 15666: 15664: 15663: 15658: 15655: 15653: 15649: 15645: 15643: 15639: 15635: 15631: 15629: 15625: 15623: 15621: 15617: 15613: 15612: 15611: 15607: 15604: 15603: 15599: 15598: 15595: 15592: 15590: 15586: 15583: 15579: 15575: 15574: 15569: 15565: 15564:Roberts, Russ 15561: 15558: 15557: 15552: 15548: 15545: 15542: 15541: 15536: 15533: 15529: 15525: 15521: 15520: 15515: 15511: 15509: 15506: 15504: 15500: 15497: 15494: 15491: 15489: 15486: 15484: 15480: 15477: 15475: 15474: 15469: 15466: 15463: 15459: 15455: 15452: 15450: 15446: 15443: 15441: 15437: 15434: 15431: 15428: 15427: 15417: 15413: 15409: 15407:9780415020053 15403: 15399: 15398: 15393: 15389: 15385: 15381: 15377: 15373: 15369: 15363: 15359: 15355: 15351: 15347: 15343: 15339: 15335: 15330: 15326: 15322: 15318: 15314: 15313: 15308: 15304: 15301: 15297: 15293: 15289: 15285: 15281: 15277: 15273: 15269: 15267:9780374601140 15263: 15259: 15254: 15253: 15248: 15244: 15242: 15238: 15228: 15223: 15210: 15204: 15199: 15198: 15191: 15187: 15181: 15177: 15176: 15170: 15166: 15160: 15156: 15152: 15147: 15146: 15125: 15121: 15115: 15113: 15111: 15102: 15096: 15092: 15091: 15083: 15075: 15071: 15067: 15063: 15059: 15052: 15036: 15032: 15026: 15018: 15017: 15012: 15005: 14990: 14986: 14980: 14973: 14969: 14963: 14947: 14943: 14937: 14929: 14923: 14919: 14912: 14896: 14892: 14886: 14877: 14872: 14868: 14864: 14857: 14850: 14844: 14838: 14834: 14830: 14824: 14818:(2), 180–201. 14817: 14813: 14807: 14799: 14795: 14791: 14787: 14783: 14779: 14775: 14771: 14767: 14760: 14752: 14748: 14744: 14740: 14736: 14732: 14728: 14724: 14720: 14713: 14705: 14701: 14697: 14693: 14689: 14685: 14681: 14677: 14673: 14666: 14655:September 25, 14650: 14646: 14641: 14633: 14627:(1), 105–122. 14626: 14622: 14618: 14612: 14605: 14601: 14583: 14579: 14575: 14570: 14565: 14561: 14557: 14554:(1): 76–116. 14553: 14549: 14548: 14540: 14533: 14517: 14513: 14512: 14506: 14501: 14495: 14476: 14469: 14467: 14458: 14450: 14444: 14440: 14439: 14431: 14415: 14411: 14404: 14388: 14384: 14380: 14374: 14367: 14363: 14360: 14354: 14347: 14340: 14336: 14330: 14319:September 25, 14314: 14310: 14306: 14299: 14288:September 25, 14283: 14279: 14275: 14269: 14258:September 25, 14253: 14249: 14245: 14238: 14227:September 25, 14223: 14219: 14212: 14201:September 25, 14196: 14192: 14188: 14181: 14170:September 25, 14165: 14161: 14157: 14150: 14139:September 25, 14134: 14130: 14126: 14119: 14108:September 25, 14103: 14099: 14095: 14089: 14078:September 25, 14073: 14069: 14065: 14061: 14060: 14055: 14048: 14032: 14028: 14024: 14017: 14006:September 25, 14001: 13997: 13996:The Economist 13993: 13987: 13979: 13975: 13971: 13965: 13959: 13955: 13952:. Continuum. 13951: 13945: 13937: 13931: 13927: 13926: 13918: 13902: 13898: 13892: 13876: 13872: 13868: 13861: 13846: 13842: 13835: 13827: 13820: 13804: 13800: 13793: 13777: 13773: 13767: 13751: 13747: 13741: 13725: 13721: 13715: 13706: 13700:, pp. 600–601 13699: 13698:Friedman 1999 13694: 13687: 13683: 13680: 13675: 13668: 13664: 13661: 13656: 13640: 13636: 13630: 13614: 13610: 13606: 13600: 13592: 13588: 13584: 13577: 13562: 13558: 13551: 13549: 13533: 13529: 13523: 13515: 13511: 13507: 13503: 13499: 13495: 13491: 13484: 13478: 13476: 13459: 13455: 13451: 13445: 13440: 13439: 13431: 13429: 13421: 13417: 13411: 13403: 13399: 13395: 13391: 13386: 13381: 13377: 13373: 13369: 13362: 13354: 13350: 13343: 13327: 13323: 13316: 13308: 13302: 13298: 13291: 13275: 13271: 13267: 13260: 13252: 13248: 13244: 13240: 13236: 13232: 13228: 13224: 13220: 13213: 13198: 13194: 13190: 13186: 13179: 13171: 13164: 13148: 13144: 13140: 13133: 13117: 13113: 13109: 13103: 13087: 13083: 13077: 13069: 13065: 13059: 13051: 13047: 13043: 13037: 13029: 13023: 13019: 13012: 12997: 12993: 12987: 12971: 12967: 12961: 12946: 12942: 12936: 12921: 12917: 12910: 12902: 12895: 12893: 12884: 12883: 12878: 12871: 12863: 12856: 12849: 12833: 12829: 12828: 12823: 12816: 12814: 12812: 12810: 12801: 12795: 12791: 12784: 12768: 12764: 12760: 12754: 12738: 12734: 12730: 12724: 12715: 12699: 12695: 12689: 12673: 12669: 12662: 12643: 12636: 12630: 12614: 12610: 12606: 12600: 12592: 12588: 12584: 12580: 12576: 12572: 12568: 12564: 12560: 12556: 12549: 12541: 12537: 12533: 12529: 12525: 12521: 12514: 12495: 12488: 12487: 12479: 12471: 12467: 12463: 12459: 12452: 12444: 12438: 12434: 12433: 12428: 12424: 12418: 12403: 12402: 12397: 12390: 12382: 12376: 12372: 12371: 12366: 12359: 12343: 12339: 12335: 12331: 12325: 12317: 12311: 12307: 12306: 12301: 12294: 12292: 12283: 12277: 12273: 12272: 12264: 12256: 12250: 12246: 12245: 12237: 12230: 12229: 12222: 12207: 12201: 12197: 12196: 12188: 12180: 12174: 12159: 12155: 12148: 12132: 12128: 12126: 12118: 12110: 12106: 12099: 12091: 12085: 12081: 12080: 12072: 12064: 12058: 12054: 12047: 12040: 12036: 12033: 12027: 12019: 12013: 12009: 12002: 12000: 11998: 11978: 11974: 11967: 11960: 11952: 11946: 11942: 11935: 11933: 11924: 11918: 11914: 11907: 11891: 11887: 11886: 11878: 11872: 11868: 11864: 11861: 11855: 11847: 11841: 11837: 11836: 11828: 11818: 11807:September 22, 11802: 11798: 11794: 11787: 11785: 11778:(5), 550–566. 11777: 11773: 11767: 11760: 11754: 11747: 11741: 11739: 11731: 11725: 11714:September 22, 11709: 11705: 11701: 11695: 11689: 11685: 11682: 11678: 11672: 11666: 11662: 11655: 11648: 11644: 11641: 11636: 11629: 11625: 11622: 11617: 11610: 11606: 11600: 11592: 11588: 11583: 11578: 11574: 11570: 11563: 11555: 11551: 11544: 11542: 11534: 11530: 11527: 11521: 11506: 11502: 11495: 11487: 11483: 11477: 11475: 11459: 11455: 11451: 11444: 11437: 11434: 11428: 11426: 11409: 11405: 11401: 11395: 11393: 11385: 11379: 11371: 11364: 11345: 11338: 11337: 11329: 11327: 11318: 11312: 11308: 11304: 11300: 11293: 11285: 11278: 11270: 11264: 11260: 11256: 11249: 11247: 11230: 11226: 11220: 11214: 11208: 11206: 11197: 11190: 11183: 11177: 11169: 11163: 11159: 11154: 11153: 11144: 11136: 11132: 11128: 11125:Harrod, Roy. 11121: 11114: 11108: 11092: 11088: 11084: 11077: 11061: 11057: 11053: 11046: 11038: 11032: 11028: 11021: 11005: 11001: 10997: 10990: 10983: 10982: 10977: 10971: 10969: 10953: 10949: 10942: 10927: 10923: 10916: 10908: 10904: 10900: 10893: 10877: 10873: 10869: 10863: 10848: 10844: 10837: 10822: 10818: 10812: 10797: 10793: 10789: 10788:The Economist 10785: 10779: 10764: 10760: 10754: 10739: 10735: 10731: 10727: 10720: 10704: 10700: 10694: 10692: 10684: 10679: 10671: 10667: 10661: 10654: 10650: 10647: 10642: 10626: 10622: 10618: 10611: 10595: 10591: 10590:The Economist 10587: 10581: 10566: 10562: 10555: 10547: 10541: 10537: 10536: 10528: 10512: 10508: 10502: 10486: 10482: 10475: 10460: 10456: 10449: 10434: 10430: 10424: 10416: 10410: 10406: 10405: 10397: 10381: 10377: 10371: 10367: 10366: 10358: 10351: 10345: 10343: 10334: 10328: 10324: 10317: 10302: 10298: 10294: 10289: 10281: 10266: 10262: 10255: 10248: 10242: 10233: 10226: 10222: 10216: 10210: 10206: 10202: 10198: 10193: 10186: 10180: 10171: 10156: 10152: 10146: 10139: 10135: 10132: 10127: 10120: 10115: 10107: 10095: 10094: 10089: 10082: 10075: 10069: 10053: 10049: 10043: 10035: 10031: 10026: 10018: 10003: 9999: 9993: 9985: 9979: 9975: 9970: 9969: 9960: 9952: 9948: 9944: 9938: 9936: 9919: 9915: 9911: 9907: 9900: 9892: 9886: 9882: 9877: 9876: 9867: 9865: 9857: 9856:Friedman 1999 9852: 9845: 9844:Friedman 1999 9840: 9832: 9826: 9822: 9815: 9808: 9803: 9801: 9794: 9790: 9786: 9780: 9772: 9768: 9764: 9760: 9756: 9752: 9745: 9738: 9737:Bernanke 2004 9733: 9714: 9707: 9701: 9694: 9693:Friedman 1999 9689: 9673: 9669: 9665: 9658: 9651: 9646: 9638: 9632: 9628: 9621: 9605: 9601: 9595: 9588: 9584: 9583: 9578: 9571: 9556: 9552: 9546: 9544: 9528: 9524: 9517: 9515: 9513: 9496: 9492: 9486: 9470: 9466: 9462: 9456: 9448: 9442: 9438: 9431: 9423: 9416: 9409: 9403: 9395: 9389: 9385: 9378: 9370: 9366: 9362: 9355: 9353: 9351: 9349: 9333: 9330: 9324: 9322: 9320: 9311: 9305: 9301: 9294: 9279: 9275: 9269: 9267: 9265: 9248: 9244: 9243:The Economist 9240: 9234: 9227: 9223: 9219: 9216: 9210: 9203: 9202:Friedman 1999 9198: 9191: 9187: 9183: 9180: 9174: 9158: 9154: 9150: 9144: 9137: 9136: 9129: 9113: 9109: 9108:Atlas Network 9105: 9099: 9088:September 14, 9083: 9079: 9075: 9068: 9066: 9058: 9054: 9051: 9046: 9038: 9032: 9028: 9021: 9019: 9002: 8998: 8994: 8987: 8985: 8983: 8975: 8971: 8967: 8963: 8960: 8954: 8938: 8934: 8933: 8928: 8924: 8918: 8916: 8914: 8905: 8899: 8895: 8891: 8890: 8882: 8874: 8868: 8864: 8857: 8849: 8843: 8839: 8838: 8830: 8823: 8819: 8816: 8811: 8803: 8797: 8793: 8789: 8788: 8780: 8778: 8776: 8764:September 19, 8759: 8755: 8751: 8745: 8737: 8731: 8727: 8726: 8718: 8712: 8709: 8704: 8688: 8682: 8666: 8662: 8656: 8640: 8636: 8630: 8628: 8626: 8624: 8622: 8606: 8602: 8595: 8593: 8591: 8582: 8576: 8568: 8562: 8558: 8551: 8547: 8533: 8527: 8523: 8512: 8508: 8506: 8503: 8501: 8498: 8496: 8493: 8491: 8488: 8486: 8483: 8481: 8478: 8476: 8473: 8471: 8468: 8466: 8463: 8462: 8458: 8452: 8447: 8444: 8433: 8430: 8424: 8419: 8416: 8410: 8405: 8402: 8391: 8388: 8382: 8377: 8367: 8364: 8362: 8358: 8354: 8350: 8347: 8344: 8340: 8336: 8333: 8330: 8329: 8325: 8323: 8319: 8318: 8313: 8310: 8306: 8304: 8303: 8297: 8296: 8292: 8289: 8288: 8284: 8282: 8278: 8275: 8271: 8267: 8266: 8262: 8259: 8255: 8251: 8248: 8247: 8245: 8235: 8233: 8229: 8225: 8224:globalization 8221: 8217: 8213: 8212:wealthy elite 8209: 8205: 8201: 8197: 8193: 8191: 8187: 8186:gold standard 8183: 8180: 8176: 8174: 8170: 8166: 8162: 8160: 8159: 8153: 8149: 8145: 8141: 8137: 8133: 8129: 8125: 8121: 8117: 8113: 8109: 8105: 8101: 8097: 8093: 8088: 8086: 8082: 8078: 8074: 8073:gold standard 8070: 8066: 8062: 8058: 8054: 8050: 8046: 8041: 8039: 8035: 8032:. Friedman's 8031: 8026: 8021: 8019: 8015: 8010: 8008: 8004: 8000: 7996: 7992: 7988: 7982: 7972: 7970: 7966: 7962: 7955:United States 7952: 7949: 7945: 7942: 7938: 7934: 7930: 7926: 7916: 7914: 7910: 7906: 7902: 7898: 7894: 7890: 7889: 7884: 7874: 7872: 7868: 7864: 7860: 7850: 7848: 7844: 7838: 7834: 7832: 7828: 7824: 7819: 7817: 7816: 7811: 7807: 7806: 7801: 7797: 7791: 7789: 7785: 7781: 7777: 7773: 7770: 7766: 7761: 7756: 7752: 7747: 7745: 7741: 7737: 7733: 7729: 7725: 7722: 7719:that brought 7718: 7717:military coup 7712: 7708: 7698: 7696: 7692: 7688: 7684: 7680: 7679:Cowperthwaite 7675: 7673: 7669: 7665: 7655: 7653: 7649: 7645: 7641: 7640:Gunnar Myrdal 7637: 7633: 7629: 7619: 7617: 7613: 7609: 7604: 7602: 7598: 7597: 7592: 7591:Stephen Moore 7588: 7585: 7580: 7578: 7573: 7571: 7567: 7563: 7559: 7555: 7551: 7547: 7543: 7539: 7535: 7527: 7518: 7514: 7512: 7507: 7501: 7499: 7495: 7488: 7483: 7481: 7480: 7473: 7471: 7467: 7462: 7460: 7456: 7452: 7445:Social issues 7442: 7438: 7434: 7432: 7428: 7427: 7422: 7418: 7413: 7411: 7407: 7403: 7399: 7395: 7393: 7389: 7388:school choice 7385: 7380: 7378: 7374: 7370: 7369: 7364: 7359: 7357: 7353: 7350:due to their 7349: 7345: 7344: 7340:, writing in 7339: 7335: 7334: 7329: 7322: 7320: 7316: 7312: 7307: 7305: 7299: 7293: 7291: 7287: 7283: 7279: 7278: 7273: 7261: 7258: 7252: 7250: 7245: 7240: 7238: 7234: 7224: 7220: 7218: 7214: 7210: 7206: 7202: 7198: 7193: 7191: 7187: 7183: 7179: 7171: 7170:Ronald Reagan 7167: 7162: 7153: 7151: 7147: 7143: 7139: 7134: 7129: 7126: 7122: 7121: 7115: 7113: 7109: 7105: 7097: 7096:George Shultz 7093: 7092:Richard Nixon 7088: 7079: 7076: 7072: 7071:Bretton-Woods 7067: 7065: 7060: 7056: 7051: 7049: 7045: 7041: 7036: 7034: 7030: 7026: 7025:Volcker shock 7010: 7008: 6998: 6996: 6995: 6990: 6980: 6978: 6974: 6970: 6965: 6962: 6961:Philips curve 6957: 6955: 6954:Edmund Phelps 6951: 6947: 6938: 6929: 6925: 6923: 6922:Ronald Fisher 6919: 6915: 6910: 6906: 6902: 6897: 6895: 6891: 6887: 6886:human capital 6883: 6878: 6876: 6875:new classical 6872: 6868: 6864: 6860: 6859:new classical 6856: 6852: 6848: 6844: 6840: 6836: 6832: 6828: 6824: 6818: 6813: 6811: 6807: 6803: 6799: 6795: 6794: 6785: 6778: 6773: 6771: 6767: 6763: 6759: 6755: 6752:as a tool of 6751: 6750:fiscal policy 6739: 6735: 6733: 6729: 6724: 6722: 6718: 6717:monetary base 6714: 6709: 6707: 6703: 6702: 6697: 6693: 6689: 6685: 6674: 6670: 6669:Friedman test 6666: 6662: 6661:Friedman rule 6658: 6648: 6646: 6642: 6638: 6634: 6630: 6628: 6623: 6619: 6618:Rose Friedman 6615: 6614: 6603: 6601: 6597: 6593: 6589: 6588: 6578: 6574: 6572: 6561: 6556: 6548: 6546: 6542: 6537: 6535: 6534:Rose Friedman 6531: 6529: 6524: 6522: 6518: 6517:Rose Friedman 6514: 6510: 6494: 6485: 6474:Personal life 6471: 6469: 6465: 6461: 6456: 6454: 6450: 6446: 6442: 6438: 6434: 6430: 6426: 6425:Ronald Reagan 6422: 6417: 6415: 6411: 6407: 6406:Rose Friedman 6403: 6399: 6398: 6392: 6390: 6386: 6385:Bob Chitester 6381: 6379: 6375: 6371: 6367: 6359: 6355: 6335: 6332: 6328: 6323: 6319: 6315: 6311: 6310: 6302: 6297: 6295: 6291: 6287: 6282: 6280: 6276: 6272: 6268: 6264: 6260: 6255: 6251: 6233: 6229: 6225: 6220: 6216: 6212: 6209: 6201: 6196: 6191: 6189: 6185: 6178: 6173: 6171: 6167: 6163: 6159: 6155: 6151: 6150:Joan Robinson 6147: 6137: 6135: 6131: 6126: 6124: 6120: 6116: 6115:Anna Schwartz 6112: 6108: 6104: 6100: 6097:At the time, 6095: 6093: 6089: 6085: 6075: 6073: 6069: 6065: 6060: 6058: 6054: 6050: 6046: 6030: 6027: 6023: 6019: 6015: 6011: 6010:anti semitism 6007: 6002: 6000: 5999:human capital 5996: 5992: 5988: 5984: 5980: 5976: 5972: 5970: 5966: 5962: 5961:Simon Kuznets 5958: 5954: 5950: 5946: 5941: 5937: 5933: 5929: 5925: 5924: 5919: 5918:Anna Schwartz 5915: 5911: 5907: 5903: 5899: 5895: 5891: 5887: 5883: 5879: 5875: 5871: 5867: 5857: 5855: 5851: 5846: 5844: 5840: 5839:Henry Schultz 5836: 5832: 5828: 5823: 5821: 5817: 5816:Rose Director 5813: 5809: 5805: 5801: 5797: 5793: 5789: 5784: 5782: 5778: 5773: 5771: 5767: 5763: 5759: 5755: 5751: 5741: 5739: 5738: 5737:The Economist 5733: 5729: 5725: 5721: 5717: 5715: 5711: 5707: 5706:school choice 5703: 5699: 5695: 5691: 5687: 5683: 5679: 5675: 5674: 5669: 5665: 5661: 5657: 5656:Ronald Reagan 5653: 5649: 5644: 5642: 5638: 5634: 5630: 5626: 5622: 5621:privatization 5618: 5614: 5610: 5606: 5602: 5598: 5594: 5590: 5586: 5582: 5577: 5576: 5572: 5568: 5564: 5560: 5556: 5552: 5548: 5544: 5541: 5537: 5533: 5529: 5525: 5521: 5517: 5509: 5502: 5472: 5461: 5456: 5454: 5449: 5447: 5442: 5441: 5439: 5438: 5433: 5428: 5423: 5421: 5416: 5411: 5409: 5404: 5399: 5398: 5397: 5396: 5389: 5386: 5384: 5381: 5379: 5376: 5374: 5371: 5369: 5366: 5364: 5361: 5359: 5356: 5354: 5351: 5350: 5344: 5343: 5336: 5333: 5331: 5328: 5326: 5323: 5321: 5318: 5316: 5315:Roger Douglas 5313: 5311: 5308: 5306: 5305:Ronald Reagan 5303: 5301: 5298: 5296: 5293: 5291: 5288: 5286: 5283: 5281: 5280:Louis Rougier 5278: 5276: 5273: 5271: 5268: 5266: 5263: 5262: 5256: 5255: 5248: 5245: 5243: 5240: 5238: 5235: 5233: 5230: 5228: 5225: 5224: 5221:Organizations 5218: 5217: 5210: 5207: 5205: 5202: 5200: 5197: 5195: 5192: 5190: 5187: 5185: 5182: 5180: 5177: 5175: 5172: 5170: 5167: 5165: 5162: 5160: 5157: 5155: 5152: 5151: 5145: 5144: 5137: 5134: 5132: 5129: 5127: 5124: 5122: 5119: 5117: 5116:New Democrats 5114: 5112: 5109: 5107: 5104: 5102: 5099: 5097: 5094: 5093: 5087: 5086: 5079: 5076: 5074: 5071: 5069: 5066: 5064: 5061: 5059: 5056: 5054: 5051: 5050: 5044: 5043: 5036: 5033: 5031: 5028: 5026: 5023: 5021: 5020:Single market 5018: 5016: 5015:Shock therapy 5013: 5011: 5008: 5006: 5003: 5001: 5000:Privatization 4998: 4996: 4993: 4991: 4988: 4986: 4985:Marketization 4983: 4981: 4978: 4976: 4973: 4971: 4970:Globalization 4968: 4965: 4961: 4958: 4956: 4953: 4951: 4948: 4946: 4943: 4941: 4938: 4936: 4933: 4931: 4928: 4926: 4923: 4921: 4918: 4916: 4913: 4911: 4908: 4907: 4901: 4900: 4897: 4896:Neoliberalism 4894: 4893: 4889: 4885: 4884: 4874: 4869: 4867: 4862: 4860: 4855: 4854: 4852: 4851: 4846: 4836: 4834: 4824: 4822: 4812: 4810: 4805: 4800: 4799: 4798: 4797: 4790: 4787: 4785: 4782: 4780: 4777: 4775: 4772: 4770: 4767: 4765: 4762: 4760: 4757: 4755: 4752: 4750: 4747: 4745: 4744: 4740: 4738: 4735: 4733: 4730: 4728: 4725: 4723: 4720: 4718: 4715: 4713: 4710: 4708: 4705: 4703: 4700: 4698: 4695: 4693: 4690: 4688: 4685: 4683: 4680: 4678: 4675: 4673: 4670: 4668: 4665: 4663: 4660: 4658: 4655: 4653: 4650: 4648: 4645: 4644: 4638: 4637: 4630: 4629: 4625: 4623: 4622: 4618: 4616: 4615: 4611: 4609: 4608: 4604: 4602: 4601: 4597: 4595: 4594: 4590: 4588: 4587: 4583: 4581: 4580: 4576: 4574: 4573: 4569: 4567: 4566: 4562: 4560: 4559: 4555: 4553: 4552: 4548: 4546: 4545: 4541: 4539: 4538: 4534: 4532: 4531: 4527: 4525: 4524: 4520: 4518: 4517: 4513: 4511: 4510: 4506: 4504: 4503: 4499: 4497: 4496: 4492: 4490: 4489: 4485: 4483: 4482: 4478: 4476: 4475: 4471: 4469: 4468: 4464: 4462: 4461: 4457: 4455: 4454: 4450: 4448: 4447: 4443: 4441: 4440: 4436: 4434: 4433: 4429: 4427: 4426: 4422: 4420: 4419: 4415: 4413: 4412: 4408: 4406: 4405: 4401: 4400: 4394: 4393: 4386: 4383: 4381: 4378: 4376: 4373: 4371: 4368: 4366: 4363: 4361: 4358: 4356: 4353: 4351: 4348: 4346: 4343: 4341: 4338: 4336: 4333: 4331: 4328: 4327: 4324:Organizations 4321: 4320: 4313: 4310: 4308: 4305: 4303: 4300: 4298: 4295: 4294: 4288: 4287: 4280: 4277: 4275: 4272: 4270: 4267: 4265: 4262: 4260: 4257: 4255: 4252: 4250: 4247: 4245: 4242: 4240: 4237: 4235: 4232: 4230: 4227: 4225: 4222: 4220: 4217: 4216: 4210: 4209: 4202: 4199: 4197: 4194: 4192: 4189: 4187: 4184: 4182: 4179: 4177: 4174: 4172: 4169: 4167: 4164: 4162: 4159: 4157: 4154: 4152: 4149: 4147: 4144: 4143: 4137: 4136: 4129: 4126: 4124: 4121: 4119: 4116: 4114: 4111: 4109: 4106: 4104: 4101: 4099: 4096: 4094: 4091: 4089: 4086: 4084: 4081: 4079: 4076: 4074: 4071: 4070: 4064: 4063: 4056: 4053: 4051: 4048: 4046: 4043: 4041: 4038: 4036: 4033: 4031: 4028: 4026: 4023: 4021: 4018: 4016: 4013: 4011: 4008: 4006: 4003: 4001: 3998: 3996: 3993: 3991: 3988: 3986: 3983: 3981: 3978: 3976: 3973: 3971: 3968: 3966: 3963: 3961: 3958: 3956: 3953: 3951: 3948: 3946: 3943: 3941: 3938: 3936: 3933: 3931: 3928: 3926: 3923: 3921: 3918: 3916: 3913: 3911: 3908: 3906: 3903: 3901: 3898: 3896: 3893: 3891: 3888: 3886: 3883: 3881: 3878: 3876: 3873: 3871: 3868: 3866: 3863: 3861: 3858: 3856: 3853: 3851: 3848: 3846: 3843: 3841: 3838: 3836: 3833: 3831: 3828: 3826: 3823: 3821: 3818: 3816: 3813: 3811: 3808: 3806: 3803: 3801: 3798: 3796: 3793: 3791: 3788: 3786: 3783: 3781: 3778: 3776: 3773: 3771: 3768: 3766: 3763: 3761: 3758: 3756: 3753: 3751: 3748: 3747: 3744:Intellectuals 3741: 3740: 3733: 3730: 3728: 3727:Neoliberalism 3725: 3723: 3722: 3721:Laissez-faire 3718: 3716: 3713: 3711: 3708: 3706: 3703: 3701: 3698: 3697: 3691: 3690: 3683: 3680: 3678: 3675: 3673: 3670: 3668: 3665: 3663: 3660: 3658: 3655: 3653: 3650: 3648: 3645: 3643: 3640: 3639: 3633: 3632: 3625: 3622: 3620: 3617: 3615: 3612: 3610: 3607: 3605: 3602: 3600: 3597: 3595: 3592: 3590: 3587: 3585: 3582: 3580: 3577: 3575: 3572: 3570: 3567: 3565: 3562: 3560: 3557: 3555: 3552: 3550: 3547: 3545: 3542: 3540: 3537: 3535: 3532: 3530: 3527: 3525: 3522: 3520: 3517: 3515: 3512: 3510: 3507: 3505: 3502: 3500: 3497: 3495: 3494:Individualism 3492: 3490: 3489:Individuality 3487: 3485: 3482: 3480: 3477: 3475: 3472: 3470: 3467: 3465: 3462: 3460: 3457: 3455: 3452: 3450: 3447: 3445: 3442: 3440: 3437: 3435: 3432: 3430: 3427: 3425: 3422: 3420: 3417: 3415: 3412: 3410: 3407: 3405: 3402: 3400: 3397: 3396: 3390: 3389: 3382: 3379: 3377: 3376:Transhumanist 3374: 3372: 3369: 3367: 3364: 3362: 3359: 3357: 3354: 3352: 3349: 3347: 3344: 3342: 3339: 3337: 3334: 3332: 3329: 3327: 3324: 3322: 3319: 3317: 3314: 3312: 3309: 3307: 3304: 3302: 3299: 3297: 3294: 3292: 3289: 3287: 3284: 3282: 3279: 3277: 3274: 3273: 3267: 3266: 3262: 3258: 3257: 3254: 3247: 3246: 3242: 3238: 3237: 3227: 3222: 3220: 3215: 3213: 3208: 3207: 3205: 3204: 3199: 3194: 3189: 3187: 3177: 3175: 3165: 3164: 3163: 3162: 3153: 3150: 3148: 3145: 3143: 3140: 3138: 3135: 3133: 3130: 3128: 3125: 3123: 3120: 3118: 3115: 3113: 3110: 3108: 3105: 3103: 3100: 3098: 3095: 3093: 3090: 3088: 3085: 3083: 3080: 3078: 3075: 3073: 3070: 3068: 3065: 3063: 3060: 3058: 3055: 3053: 3050: 3048: 3045: 3043: 3040: 3038: 3035: 3033: 3030: 3028: 3025: 3023: 3020: 3018: 3015: 3013: 3010: 3008: 3005: 3003: 3000: 2999: 2991: 2990: 2979: 2976: 2974: 2971: 2970: 2969: 2966: 2964: 2961: 2959: 2956: 2954: 2951: 2950: 2942: 2941: 2934: 2933:United States 2931: 2929: 2926: 2924: 2921: 2919: 2916: 2915: 2909: 2908: 2901: 2898: 2896: 2893: 2891: 2888: 2886: 2883: 2881: 2878: 2876: 2873: 2871: 2868: 2866: 2863: 2861: 2858: 2856: 2853: 2851: 2848: 2847: 2841: 2840: 2833: 2830: 2828: 2825: 2823: 2820: 2818: 2815: 2813: 2810: 2808: 2805: 2803: 2800: 2798: 2795: 2793: 2790: 2788: 2785: 2783: 2780: 2778: 2775: 2773: 2770: 2768: 2765: 2763: 2760: 2758: 2755: 2753: 2750: 2748: 2745: 2743: 2740: 2738: 2735: 2733: 2730: 2728: 2725: 2723: 2720: 2718: 2715: 2713: 2710: 2708: 2705: 2703: 2700: 2698: 2695: 2693: 2690: 2688: 2685: 2683: 2680: 2678: 2675: 2673: 2670: 2668: 2665: 2663: 2660: 2658: 2655: 2653: 2650: 2648: 2645: 2643: 2640: 2638: 2635: 2633: 2630: 2628: 2625: 2624: 2618: 2617: 2608: 2605: 2603: 2600: 2598: 2595: 2593: 2590: 2588: 2585: 2583: 2580: 2578: 2575: 2573: 2570: 2568: 2565: 2563: 2560: 2558: 2555: 2553: 2550: 2548: 2545: 2543: 2540: 2538: 2535: 2534: 2526: 2525: 2516: 2513: 2511: 2508: 2506: 2503: 2501: 2498: 2496: 2493: 2491: 2488: 2486: 2483: 2481: 2478: 2476: 2473: 2471: 2468: 2466: 2463: 2461: 2458: 2456: 2453: 2451: 2448: 2446: 2443: 2441: 2438: 2436: 2433: 2431: 2428: 2426: 2423: 2421: 2418: 2416: 2413: 2411: 2408: 2406: 2403: 2401: 2398: 2396: 2393: 2391: 2388: 2386: 2383: 2381: 2378: 2376: 2373: 2371: 2370:Individualism 2368: 2366: 2363: 2361: 2358: 2356: 2353: 2351: 2348: 2346: 2343: 2341: 2338: 2336: 2333: 2331: 2328: 2326: 2323: 2321: 2318: 2316: 2313: 2311: 2308: 2306: 2303: 2301: 2298: 2296: 2293: 2291: 2288: 2286: 2283: 2281: 2278: 2276: 2273: 2271: 2268: 2266: 2263: 2261: 2258: 2256: 2253: 2251: 2250:Direct action 2248: 2246: 2243: 2241: 2238: 2236: 2233: 2231: 2228: 2226: 2223: 2221: 2218: 2216: 2213: 2211: 2208: 2206: 2203: 2201: 2198: 2196: 2193: 2191: 2188: 2186: 2183: 2181: 2178: 2176: 2173: 2171: 2168: 2166: 2163: 2162: 2154: 2153: 2150: 2147: 2146: 2142: 2138: 2137: 2127: 2122: 2120: 2115: 2113: 2108: 2107: 2105: 2104: 2098: 2093: 2087: 2084: 2073: 2070: 2065: 2059: 2056: 2051: 2045: 2044: 2043: 2042: 2034: 2029: 2027: 2024: 2022: 2019: 2017: 2014: 2013: 2006: 2005: 1997: 1994: 1992: 1989: 1987: 1986:Single market 1984: 1982: 1979: 1977: 1976:Privatization 1974: 1972: 1969: 1967: 1964: 1962: 1959: 1957: 1956:Marketization 1954: 1952: 1951:Laissez-faire 1949: 1947: 1944: 1942: 1939: 1937: 1934: 1932: 1931:Globalization 1929: 1927: 1924: 1922: 1919: 1917: 1914: 1912: 1909: 1907: 1906:Exchange rate 1904: 1902: 1899: 1897: 1893: 1890: 1888: 1885: 1883: 1880: 1878: 1875: 1873: 1872:Central banks 1870: 1869: 1862: 1861: 1853: 1850: 1848: 1844: 1840: 1837: 1835: 1832: 1830: 1829:Public choice 1827: 1825: 1822: 1820: 1817: 1815: 1811: 1807: 1804: 1802: 1801: 1797: 1795: 1792: 1790: 1787: 1785: 1782: 1780: 1779:Friedman rule 1777: 1775: 1772: 1770: 1767: 1765: 1762: 1760: 1757: 1755: 1752: 1751: 1744: 1743: 1735: 1732: 1730: 1727: 1725: 1722: 1720: 1717: 1715: 1712: 1710: 1707: 1705: 1702: 1700: 1697: 1695: 1692: 1690: 1687: 1686: 1679: 1678: 1671: 1668: 1666: 1663: 1661: 1658: 1657: 1651: 1650: 1643: 1640: 1638: 1635: 1633: 1630: 1628: 1625: 1624: 1621:Organizations 1618: 1617: 1610: 1607: 1605: 1604:Neoliberalism 1602: 1600: 1597: 1596: 1590: 1589: 1586: 1581: 1580: 1576: 1575: 1565: 1560: 1558: 1553: 1551: 1546: 1545: 1543: 1542: 1537: 1532: 1527: 1525: 1520: 1515: 1514: 1513: 1512: 1505: 1502: 1500: 1497: 1495: 1492: 1490: 1487: 1485: 1482: 1480: 1479:Neoliberalism 1477: 1475: 1472: 1470: 1467: 1465: 1462: 1460: 1457: 1455: 1452: 1450: 1447: 1445: 1442: 1440: 1437: 1435: 1432: 1430: 1427: 1425: 1424:Authoritarian 1422: 1420: 1417: 1416: 1410: 1409: 1402: 1399: 1397: 1394: 1392: 1389: 1387: 1384: 1382: 1379: 1377: 1374: 1372: 1369: 1367: 1364: 1362: 1359: 1357: 1354: 1352: 1351:Globalization 1349: 1347: 1344: 1342: 1339: 1337: 1334: 1332: 1329: 1327: 1324: 1322: 1319: 1317: 1314: 1312: 1311:Crisis theory 1309: 1307: 1304: 1302: 1299: 1297: 1294: 1292: 1289: 1287: 1284: 1283: 1277: 1276: 1269: 1266: 1264: 1261: 1259: 1256: 1254: 1251: 1249: 1246: 1244: 1241: 1239: 1236: 1234: 1231: 1229: 1226: 1224: 1221: 1219: 1216: 1214: 1211: 1209: 1206: 1204: 1201: 1199: 1196: 1194: 1191: 1189: 1186: 1184: 1181: 1179: 1176: 1174: 1171: 1170: 1167:Intellectuals 1164: 1163: 1156: 1155:Technological 1153: 1151: 1148: 1146: 1143: 1141: 1138: 1136: 1133: 1131: 1128: 1126: 1123: 1121: 1118: 1116: 1113: 1111: 1108: 1106: 1103: 1101: 1098: 1096: 1093: 1091: 1088: 1086: 1083: 1082: 1076: 1075: 1068: 1065: 1063: 1060: 1058: 1055: 1053: 1050: 1048: 1045: 1043: 1040: 1038: 1035: 1033: 1030: 1028: 1025: 1024: 1018: 1017: 1010: 1007: 1005: 1002: 1000: 997: 995: 992: 990: 987: 985: 982: 980: 977: 975: 972: 968: 965: 963: 960: 958: 955: 954: 953: 950: 948: 947:Institutional 945: 943: 940: 938: 935: 931: 928: 927: 926: 923: 921: 918: 916: 913: 912: 906: 905: 898: 895: 893: 890: 888: 885: 883: 880: 878: 875: 873: 870: 868: 865: 863: 860: 858: 855: 853: 850: 848: 845: 843: 840: 838: 835: 833: 830: 828: 825: 823: 820: 818: 815: 813: 810: 808: 807: 806:Laissez-faire 803: 801: 798: 796: 793: 791: 788: 786: 783: 781: 780:Authoritarian 778: 776: 773: 772: 766: 765: 758: 755: 753: 750: 748: 747:Surplus value 745: 743: 740: 738: 735: 733: 730: 728: 727:Privatization 725: 723: 720: 718: 715: 713: 710: 708: 705: 703: 700: 698: 695: 693: 690: 688: 685: 683: 680: 678: 675: 673: 670: 668: 665: 663: 660: 658: 655: 653: 650: 648: 645: 643: 640: 638: 635: 633: 630: 628: 625: 623: 620: 618: 615: 613: 610: 608: 605: 603: 600: 598: 595: 594: 588: 587: 584: 581: 580: 576: 572: 571: 563: 558: 553: 549: 546: 542: 538: 531: 528: 525: 522: 519: 516: 513: 510: 507: 504: 501: 497: 496: 494: 490: 484: 481: 479: 476: 474: 473:Friedman test 471: 469: 468:Friedman rule 466: 464: 461: 459: 456: 454: 451: 449: 446: 444: 441: 439: 436: 434: 431: 429: 426: 424: 421: 419: 416: 415: 413: 411:Contributions 409: 403: 400: 398: 395: 393: 390: 388: 385: 383: 380: 378: 375: 373: 370: 368: 365: 363: 360: 358: 355: 353: 350: 348: 345: 343: 340: 339: 337: 333: 330: 329:Thomas Sowell 326: 322: 318: 314: 310: 306: 302: 301:Phillip Cagan 299: 293: 290: 289:Simon Kuznets 287: 281: 278: 270: 267: 261: 254: 250: 247: 244: 241: 238: 235: 232: 229: 226: 223: 220: 217: 213: 209: 206: 205: 203: 199: 196: 193: 189: 184: 180: 174: 171: 169: 166: 165: 163: 159: 143: 142:Rose Friedman 138: 134: 131: 128: 124: 117: 114: 111: 107: 104: 101: 97: 94: 93: 91: 87: 75: 71: 64:July 31, 1912 56: 52: 45: 40: 33: 30: 19: 25208: 25198: 25188: 25178: 25168: 25158: 25148: 25138: 25128: 25118: 25108: 25098: 25088: 25078: 25068: 25058: 25048: 25038: 24896:Project 2025 24888: 24651:Boll weevils 24644: 23924:T. Roosevelt 23894:Adams (John) 23592: 23445:Anti-fascism 23430:Abolitionism 23408: 23398: 23388: 23378: 23368: 23358: 23343:War on Drugs 23242:Korwin-Mikke 23162:de La Boétie 23066:Korwin-Mikke 23030: 22896:Philosophers 22822:Right to die 22727:Gift economy 22567:Anti-statism 22433:collectivist 22400:Voluntaryism 22190:Melissa Dell 22184:Emi Nakamura 22178:Parag Pathak 22160:Roland Fryer 22130:Esther Duflo 21955: 21949: 21883:Janet Currie 21859:Janet Yellen 21853:Ben Bernanke 21793:Angus Deaton 21738:2001–present 21512: 21400:Frank Knight 21382:Paul Douglas 21328:Alvin Hansen 21274:Edwin F. Gay 21173:John H. Gray 21167:David Kinley 20982:Sandra Faber 20977:Sidney Drell 20807:Leo Kadanoff 20802:James Cronin 20750:Hans Dehmelt 20685:Robert Pound 20651:Robert Sharp 20467:John Sinfelt 20434:Verner Suomi 20401:Lewis Sarett 20265:Lars Onsager 20209:Henry Eyring 20176:John Bardeen 19918:Richard Karp 19886:Allen Newell 19665:Jerzy Neyman 19290:Tung-Yen Lin 19267:Bill Hewlett 19197:Morris Cohen 18791:John W. Cahn 18692:Karl Folkers 18453:Lucy Shapiro 18403:Elaine Fuchs 18282:Ann Graybiel 18212:Janet Rowley 18194:James Watson 18186:Ruth Patrick 18029:Philip Leder 17899:Mildred Cohn 17847:Severo Ochoa 17824:E. O. Wilson 17375: 17178:Ronald Coase 17160:Bryan Caplan 17117:Roland Fryer 17102:John A. List 17072:Jacob Mincer 17049:Robert Fogel 17026:Scott Sumner 17001:Karl Brunner 16990: 16953:Frank Knight 16871: 16825: 16631:Ben Bernanke 16620:Guido Imbens 16597:Paul Milgrom 16582:Esther Duflo 16535:Angus Deaton 16451:Paul Krugman 16354:2001–present 16120:Bertil Ohlin 16111: 15913: 15905: 15899:Price Theory 15897: 15889: 15881: 15804: 15762:Bertil Ohlin 15750: 15692: 15677: 15662:Charlie Rose 15661: 15646:A film clip 15636:A film clip 15627: 15619: 15615: 15571: 15554: 15538: 15528:Liberty Fund 15517: 15471: 15396: 15341: 15316: 15310: 15299: 15291: 15287: 15257: 15240: 15236: 15196: 15174: 15150: 15127:. Retrieved 15123: 15089: 15082: 15065: 15061: 15051: 15039:. Retrieved 15034: 15025: 15014: 15004: 14992:. Retrieved 14988: 14979: 14971: 14967: 14962: 14950:. Retrieved 14945: 14936: 14917: 14911: 14899:. Retrieved 14894: 14885: 14867:MEST Journal 14866: 14856: 14848: 14843: 14828: 14823: 14815: 14811: 14806: 14773: 14769: 14759: 14726: 14722: 14712: 14679: 14675: 14665: 14653:. Retrieved 14644: 14632: 14624: 14620: 14611: 14603: 14599: 14589:. Retrieved 14551: 14545: 14532: 14520:. Retrieved 14509: 14494: 14482:. Retrieved 14465: 14457: 14437: 14430: 14418:. Retrieved 14403: 14393:February 16, 14391:. Retrieved 14382: 14373: 14352: 14346: 14338: 14329: 14317:. Retrieved 14309:The Atlantic 14308: 14298: 14286:. Retrieved 14277: 14268: 14256:. Retrieved 14247: 14237: 14225:. Retrieved 14221: 14211: 14199:. Retrieved 14190: 14180: 14168:. Retrieved 14159: 14149: 14137:. Retrieved 14129:The Guardian 14128: 14118: 14106:. Retrieved 14097: 14088: 14076:. Retrieved 14057: 14047: 14037:September 5, 14035:. Retrieved 14026: 14016: 14004:. Retrieved 13995: 13986: 13977: 13964: 13949: 13944: 13924: 13917: 13907:February 20, 13905:. Retrieved 13901:the original 13891: 13881:September 5, 13879:. Retrieved 13870: 13860: 13848:. Retrieved 13844: 13834: 13825: 13819: 13807:. Retrieved 13802: 13792: 13782:February 20, 13780:. Retrieved 13766: 13756:December 29, 13754:. Retrieved 13740: 13730:February 20, 13728:. Retrieved 13714: 13705: 13693: 13674: 13655: 13645:February 20, 13643:. Retrieved 13639:the original 13629: 13617:. Retrieved 13613:the original 13608: 13599: 13582: 13576: 13564:. Retrieved 13560: 13535:. Retrieved 13531: 13522: 13497: 13493: 13483: 13462:. Retrieved 13437: 13419: 13415: 13410: 13375: 13371: 13361: 13353:the original 13342: 13332:February 20, 13330:. Retrieved 13315: 13296: 13290: 13280:February 20, 13278:. Retrieved 13274:the original 13270:The American 13269: 13259: 13226: 13222: 13212: 13200:. Retrieved 13188: 13178: 13169: 13163: 13153:September 5, 13151:. Retrieved 13142: 13132: 13120:. Retrieved 13116:the original 13102: 13090:. Retrieved 13086:the original 13076: 13058: 13045: 13036: 13017: 13011: 12999:. Retrieved 12995: 12986: 12974:. Retrieved 12969: 12960: 12948:. Retrieved 12944: 12935: 12923:. Retrieved 12919: 12909: 12900: 12880: 12870: 12861: 12848: 12836:. Retrieved 12825: 12789: 12783: 12773:February 19, 12771:. Retrieved 12767:the original 12762: 12753: 12741:. Retrieved 12737:the original 12732: 12723: 12714: 12704:February 16, 12702:. Retrieved 12698:the original 12688: 12676:. Retrieved 12672:the original 12661: 12651:February 20, 12649:. Retrieved 12642:the original 12629: 12619:February 16, 12617:. Retrieved 12608: 12599: 12562: 12558: 12548: 12523: 12519: 12513: 12503:February 12, 12501:. Retrieved 12485: 12478: 12461: 12457: 12451: 12431: 12422: 12417: 12405:. Retrieved 12399: 12389: 12369: 12358: 12348:September 5, 12346:. Retrieved 12337: 12324: 12304: 12270: 12263: 12243: 12236: 12226: 12221: 12209:. Retrieved 12194: 12187: 12161:. Retrieved 12157: 12147: 12135:. Retrieved 12131:the original 12124: 12117: 12108: 12098: 12078: 12071: 12052: 12046: 12026: 12007: 11984:. Retrieved 11977:the original 11972: 11959: 11940: 11912: 11906: 11894:. Retrieved 11884: 11877: 11854: 11834: 11827: 11817: 11805:. Retrieved 11796: 11775: 11771: 11766: 11758: 11753: 11745: 11729: 11724: 11712:. Retrieved 11703: 11700:"Mr. Market" 11694: 11676: 11671: 11654: 11635: 11616: 11608: 11604: 11599: 11572: 11562: 11553: 11520: 11508:. Retrieved 11504: 11494: 11485: 11461:. Retrieved 11453: 11443: 11432: 11412:. Retrieved 11403: 11383: 11378: 11369: 11363: 11353:December 15, 11351:. Retrieved 11335: 11298: 11292: 11283: 11277: 11258: 11233:. Retrieved 11219: 11211:FRB Speech: 11195: 11189: 11181: 11176: 11151: 11143: 11134: 11130: 11120: 11112: 11107: 11097:December 13, 11095:. Retrieved 11086: 11076: 11066:February 20, 11064:. Retrieved 11055: 11045: 11026: 11020: 11008:. Retrieved 10999: 10989: 10979: 10955:. Retrieved 10951: 10941: 10929:. Retrieved 10925: 10915: 10906: 10902: 10892: 10880:. Retrieved 10871: 10862: 10850:. Retrieved 10846: 10836: 10824:. Retrieved 10820: 10811: 10799:. Retrieved 10787: 10778: 10766:. Retrieved 10762: 10753: 10743:September 5, 10741:. Retrieved 10729: 10719: 10707:. Retrieved 10702: 10678: 10670:the original 10660: 10641: 10631:February 20, 10629:. Retrieved 10620: 10610: 10600:February 20, 10598:. Retrieved 10589: 10580: 10568:. Retrieved 10564: 10554: 10534: 10527: 10515:. Retrieved 10510: 10501: 10489:. Retrieved 10484: 10474: 10462:. Retrieved 10458: 10448: 10436:. Retrieved 10432: 10423: 10403: 10396: 10384:. Retrieved 10380:the original 10364: 10357: 10349: 10322: 10316: 10304:. Retrieved 10292: 10280: 10268:. Retrieved 10264: 10254: 10246: 10241: 10232: 10224: 10220: 10215: 10200: 10192: 10184: 10179: 10170: 10158:. Retrieved 10154: 10145: 10126: 10114: 10104:– via 10098:. Retrieved 10091: 10081: 10073: 10068: 10056:. Retrieved 10051: 10042: 10033: 10029: 10017: 10005:. Retrieved 10001: 9992: 9967: 9959: 9946: 9922:. Retrieved 9909: 9899: 9874: 9851: 9846:, p. 42 9839: 9820: 9814: 9806: 9784: 9779: 9754: 9750: 9744: 9732: 9722:February 20, 9720:. Retrieved 9700: 9695:, p. 59 9688: 9678:February 20, 9676:. Retrieved 9667: 9657: 9645: 9626: 9620: 9608:. Retrieved 9603: 9594: 9586: 9580: 9570: 9558:. Retrieved 9554: 9530:. Retrieved 9526: 9499:. Retrieved 9485: 9473:. Retrieved 9469:the original 9464: 9455: 9436: 9430: 9421: 9415: 9407: 9402: 9383: 9377: 9364: 9335:. Retrieved 9331: 9299: 9293: 9281:. Retrieved 9277: 9253:February 20, 9251:. Retrieved 9242: 9233: 9225: 9209: 9197: 9189: 9173: 9161:. Retrieved 9157:the original 9149:Václav Klaus 9143: 9133: 9128: 9116:. Retrieved 9112:the original 9107: 9098: 9086:. Retrieved 9077: 9045: 9026: 9005:. Retrieved 8996: 8973: 8953: 8941:. Retrieved 8930: 8894:W. W. Norton 8892:. New York: 8888: 8881: 8862: 8856: 8836: 8829: 8810: 8786: 8762:. Retrieved 8753: 8744: 8724: 8717: 8707: 8703: 8691:. Retrieved 8687:"Our Legacy" 8681: 8669:. Retrieved 8664: 8655: 8645:February 20, 8643:. Retrieved 8608:. Retrieved 8604: 8575: 8556: 8550: 8526: 8365: 8348: 8334: 8326: 8315: 8308: 8299: 8293: 8285: 8263: 8249: 8194: 8177: 8172: 8163: 8156: 8152:money supply 8136:central bank 8128:Paul Krugman 8123: 8118:rather than 8095: 8089: 8085:money supply 8081:deflationary 8053:Walter Block 8047:, including 8042: 8022: 8017: 8014:David Hendry 8011: 8006: 7984: 7969:Scott Sumner 7965:conservative 7958: 7947: 7943: 7940: 7937:Keith Joseph 7929:Conservative 7922: 7901:Baltic Tiger 7886: 7880: 7862: 7856: 7839: 7835: 7822: 7820: 7813: 7803: 7792: 7788:Chicago Boys 7774: 7759: 7754: 7748: 7714: 7711:Chicago Boys 7687:Donald Tsang 7682: 7676: 7661: 7625: 7605: 7594: 7589: 7581: 7574: 7532: 7515: 7502: 7494:Bryan Caplan 7490: 7485: 7477: 7474: 7463: 7448: 7439: 7435: 7424: 7421:amicus brief 7414: 7409: 7396: 7381: 7372: 7366: 7360: 7341: 7331: 7324: 7303: 7295: 7275: 7274:in his book 7269: 7254: 7244:public goods 7241: 7230: 7221: 7196: 7194: 7175: 7130: 7118: 7116: 7101: 7068: 7055:Chicago plan 7052: 7037: 7021: 7004: 6992: 6986: 6966: 6958: 6943: 6926: 6914:Jerzy Neyman 6908: 6898: 6879: 6863:Neil Wallace 6839:Robert Lucas 6820: 6815: 6810:Ben Bernanke 6797: 6791: 6789: 6783: 6775: 6770:money supply 6747: 6737: 6725: 6710: 6699: 6684:money supply 6681: 6625: 6624:, known for 6611: 6609: 6599: 6585: 6583: 6570: 6545:Russian Hill 6538: 6532: 6525: 6506: 6457: 6418: 6409: 6395: 6393: 6382: 6363: 6357: 6326: 6321: 6307: 6305: 6300: 6283: 6266: 6253: 6249: 6192: 6183: 6181: 6176: 6161: 6154:Richard Kahn 6143: 6127: 6122: 6105:, and later 6096: 6081: 6063: 6061: 6057:World War II 6041: 6003: 5974: 5973: 5964: 5944: 5921: 5909: 5863: 5847: 5842: 5824: 5812:Henry Simons 5808:Frank Knight 5785: 5774: 5747: 5735: 5718: 5698:war on drugs 5671: 5660:Conservative 5645: 5625:deregulation 5619:, taxation, 5613:money supply 5578: 5571:Robert Fogel 5553:in favor of 5551:Keynesianism 5540:neoclassical 5470: 5469: 5335:Bill Clinton 5284: 5232:Chicago boys 5078:Trickle-down 5068:Neoclassical 4980:Laffer curve 4955:Free markets 4925:Deregulation 4886:Part of the 4741: 4682:Koch (David) 4626: 4619: 4612: 4605: 4598: 4591: 4584: 4577: 4570: 4563: 4556: 4549: 4542: 4535: 4528: 4521: 4514: 4507: 4500: 4493: 4486: 4479: 4472: 4465: 4458: 4451: 4444: 4437: 4430: 4423: 4416: 4409: 4402: 4302:Gadsden flag 4067:Commentators 3809: 3719: 3534:Non-politics 3439:Free banking 3381:Voluntaryism 3017:Anti-fascism 3002:Abolitionism 2918:South Africa 2885:Korwin-Mikke 2761: 2621:Philosophers 2607:War on Drugs 2450:Right to die 2355:Gift economy 2195:Anti-statism 1921:Free markets 1882:Deregulation 1847:expectations 1819:Laffer curve 1798: 1713: 1585:of economics 1401:Wage slavery 1341:Evergreening 1202: 1052:Mercantilism 999:Neoclassical 827:Mercantilist 804: 737:Rent seeking 702:Visible hand 433:Price theory 317:Neil Wallace 78:(2006-11-16) 29: 25542:Monetarists 25307:2006 deaths 25302:1912 births 25044:(1835–1840) 24805:Think tanks 24231:Kirkpatrick 23862:Rule of law 23832:Natural law 23768:Familialism 23712:Progressive 23707:Postliberal 23682:Libertarian 23560:Objectivism 23394:(1973–1979) 23323:Objectivism 23318:LGBT rights 23303:Immigration 23205:Politicians 23086:de Molinari 23031:M. Friedman 23026:D. Friedman 22772:Natural law 22662:Free market 22637:Evictionism 22612:Departurism 22517:Syndicalism 22502:Communalism 22490:syndicalist 22443:free-market 21962:James Tobin 21877:Susan Athey 21799:Robert Hall 21692:Amartya Sen 21537:James Tobin 21334:Jacob Viner 20935:Berni Alder 20742:Frank Press 20623:Walter Kohn 20600:George Pake 20534:Walter Munk 20457:Herman Mark 20439:Henry Taube 20227:Jesse Beams 20181:Peter Debye 20163:Harold Urey 20087:Barry Mazur 19649:John Milnor 19543:Amnon Yariv 19487:Leo Beranek 19313:Ernst Weber 19166:Abel Wolman 18757:Thomas Cech 18687:Elkan Blout 18627:Max Tishler 18544:Roger Adams 18502:Simon Levin 17968:Harry Eagle 17791:Paul Gyorgy 17483:Gary Becker 17244:Eugene Fama 17203:Robert Bork 17077:Gary Becker 16963:Jacob Viner 16732:Saul Bellow 16691:Nobel Prize 16543:Oliver Hart 16527:Jean Tirole 16324:Amartya Sen 16160:James Tobin 15818:Statistics 15606:Appearances 15495:at Scarlett 15237:After Words 15129:January 11, 14901:February 7, 14412:. YouTube. 13897:"Mart Laar" 13500:: 105–132. 13444:Flash Video 13001:January 11, 12976:January 11, 12950:January 11, 12925:January 11, 12743:November 9, 12569:: 309–337. 12137:January 20, 11986:October 24, 11681:pp. 107–150 11611:(1), 37–62. 11438:. pp. 4–13. 10270:October 29, 10249:pp. 195–196 9739:, p. 7 9585:. Jacobin. 9560:February 3, 8943:October 24, 8165:James Tobin 8140:broad money 8120:exogenously 8108:Peter Temin 8069:money stock 8057:"socialist" 8038:Uskali Mäki 7931:politician 7885:, his book 7843:Zhao Ziyang 7693:before the 7644:Nobel Prize 7550:Peter Bauer 7451:libertarian 7233:A. V. Dicey 7131:Biographer 6427:during his 6084:Jacob Viner 6047:(headed by 6038:Early years 5804:Jacob Viner 5668:free market 5605:stagflation 5585:consumption 5567:Gary Becker 5520:consumption 5373:Blatcherism 5131:Rogernomics 5126:Reaganomics 5106:Thatcherism 5073:Supply-side 4737:Objectivism 4467:End the Fed 4312:Ron Swanson 4259:Objectivism 4254:LGBT rights 4239:Immigration 4140:Politicians 4073:Chamberlain 3820:R. Friedman 3815:P. Friedman 3810:M. Friedman 3805:D. Friedman 3544:Open border 3444:Free market 3434:Evictionism 3424:Departurism 3361:Paternalist 3132:Objectivism 2844:Politicians 2587:Objectivism 2582:LGBT rights 2567:Immigration 2400:Natural law 2290:Free market 2265:Evictionism 2240:Departurism 1789:Game theory 1484:Objectivism 1469:Libertarian 1386:Speculation 1306:Consumerism 1140:Progressive 1079:Development 1062:Physiocracy 1009:Supply-side 817:Libertarian 795:Free-market 775:Anglo-Saxon 757:Wage labour 712:Marginalism 682:Free market 637:Corporation 541:Information 387:H.C. Simons 255:(1977–2006) 245:(1954–1955) 239:(1946–1977) 233:(1941–1943) 214:(1937–1940) 201:Institution 25291:Categories 25030:Literature 25000:Dixiecrats 24698:Whig Party 24661:Dixiecrats 24351:Washington 24065:Sutherland 23964:Washington 23887:Presidents 23842:Patriotism 23822:Militarism 23778:Federalism 23731:Principles 23157:Konkin III 22999:Right-wing 22842:Single tax 22737:Illegalism 22677:Free trade 22537:Abstention 22497:Autonomism 22370:Minarchism 22340:Autarchism 22288:Liberalism 22148:Raj Chetty 22082:David Card 21928:recipients 21865:David Card 20729:Vera Rubin 20368:Paul Flory 20029:Hyman Bass 19902:John Cocke 19805:Raoul Bott 19708:Kurt Gödel 19700:John Tukey 19657:Paul Cohen 19272:George Low 19235:Simon Ramo 18458:Leroy Hood 18259:Carl Woese 18207:Bruce Ames 17718:Ernst Mayr 16983:Monetarism 16719:Literature 16612:David Card 16567:Paul Romer 15968:(grandson) 15931:Philosophy 15842:Monetarism 15838:Economics 15376:2008009151 15276:1355021202 14927:0226065936 14569:10016/2573 14248:Noahpinion 13958:0826484840 13809:October 8, 13122:January 5, 13092:January 4, 11950:0226264211 11797:Noahpinion 11414:January 8, 11036:0226264157 10981:Commentary 10666:"Trustees" 9830:0030270871 9793:1135994293 9163:August 22, 8542:References 8357:0226264149 8343:0817986626 8281:0823203719 8258:1614278121 8116:endogenous 7999:households 7989:economist 7979:See also: 7944:The Times, 7863:status quo 7825:(based on 7691:Alan Leong 7664:capitalism 7610:economist 7601:Adam Smith 7466:gay rights 7431:no-brainer 7033:securities 7029:monetarist 6983:Statistics 6871:monetarism 6713:monetarist 6692:Monetarism 6655:See also: 6645:Jan Martel 6587:Commentary 6460:editorials 5991:fixed cost 5827:fellowship 5792:depression 5744:Early life 5652:Republican 5609:monetarism 5555:monetarism 5522:analysis, 5204:World Bank 5148:Governance 5101:Fujimorism 5063:Monetarism 4960:Free trade 4759:Napolitano 4565:No Treason 4397:Literature 3589:Single tax 3539:Non-voting 3459:Free trade 3393:Principles 3356:Panarchism 3336:Minarchism 3291:Autarchism 2968:Liberalism 2470:Single tax 2365:Illegalism 2305:Free trade 2165:Abstention 1996:Tax reform 1926:Free trade 1911:Fiat money 1665:Monetarism 1464:Liberalism 1449:Humanistic 1434:Democratic 1413:Ideologies 1248:Schumpeter 994:Monetarist 925:Chartalism 872:Regulatory 847:Neoliberal 800:Humanistic 583:Capitalism 498:Member of 438:Monetarism 335:Influences 277:Liberalism 173:Jan Martel 130:Republican 60:1912-07-31 25015:Redeemers 25010:Old Right 25005:Loyalists 24774:Christian 24714:Alt-right 24707:Movements 24512:Rand Paul 24492:McConnell 24477:Lovecraft 24467:Lindbergh 24447:Goldwater 24392:Breitbart 24326:Santayana 24276:Mansfield 24261:Lovecraft 24186:Gottfried 24045:Rehnquist 24025:Kavanaugh 24020:Harlan II 24010:Goldsmith 23914:Cleveland 23867:Tradition 23500:Fusionism 23293:Criticism 23237:Jorgensen 23212:Cleveland 23081:von Mises 23036:Goldwater 22965:Kropotkin 22903:Left-wing 22857:Squatting 22657:Free love 22475:mutualism 22438:communist 22428:Anarchism 22360:Fusionism 22293:classical 22278:Anarchism 21571:1976–2000 21410:1951–1975 21249:1926–1950 21112:1901–1925 21065:1886–1900 20724:Val Fitch 19792:Peter Lax 19562:Shu Chien 18809:John Ross 18524:Chemistry 17912:Paul Berg 17304:laureates 16759:(Ireland) 16753:(Ireland) 16700:Chemistry 16693:laureates 16103:1976–2000 16020:1969–1975 16009:Laureates 15616:Booknotes 15384:750831024 14790:0002-9246 14743:0038-4038 14704:154470384 14591:August 1, 14578:154353317 14484:August 2, 14420:April 22, 14357:See also 14068:0190-8286 13514:214507780 13450:Reykjavík 13402:252743251 13243:0021-3624 13197:0362-4331 12591:145007866 12429:(1990) . 12407:March 20, 12367:(1990) . 12302:(1990) . 12211:March 29, 11896:August 4, 11591:1479-2443 11235:April 22, 11010:August 2, 10984:, p. 286. 10796:0013-0613 10738:0362-4331 10301:0362-4331 10227:(1): 1–55 10100:March 20, 9771:0002-8282 9501:March 12, 9204:, p. 506. 9007:August 2, 8610:March 29, 8226:, eroded 8003:companies 7893:Mart Laar 7681:say?" in 7658:Hong Kong 7606:Although 7558:Mart Laar 7556:in 2004, 7423:filed in 7358:effects. 7104:Walter Oi 6877:schools. 6861:adherent 6678:Economics 6598:, titled 6441:Ebenstein 6416:of 1980. 6329:with his 6306:His book 6290:Keynesian 6022:Keynesian 5766:dry goods 5680:, freely 5581:Keynesian 5247:Third Way 5111:Third Way 5090:Movements 5047:Economics 4910:Austerity 4732:New Right 4229:Criticism 4171:Jorgensen 4156:Cleveland 4078:Gillespie 3985:Sciabarra 3960:Robertson 3885:Jefferson 3694:Economics 3672:Old Right 3464:Free will 3316:Fusionism 3301:Christian 3072:Fusionism 2973:classical 2958:Anarchism 2875:Goldwater 2865:Cleveland 2855:Gladstone 2727:De Cleyre 2652:Jefferson 2627:La Boétie 2557:Criticism 2485:Squatting 2285:Free love 1724:Lucas Jr. 1593:Movements 1504:Third Way 1494:Privatism 1454:Inclusive 1439:Dirigisme 1233:von Mises 1120:Illiberal 1100:Corporate 1095:Community 1042:Feudalism 952:Keynesian 942:Classical 785:Corporate 597:Austerity 555:Signature 362:Hotelling 273:Classical 265:tradition 89:Education 25223:See also 24796:Trumpism 24562:Schlafly 24557:Sessions 24547:Rumsfeld 24517:Ron Paul 24502:O'Reilly 24487:McCarthy 24462:Limbaugh 24457:Ingraham 24442:Giuliani 24437:Gingrich 24417:DeSantis 24346:Voegelin 24306:O'Connor 24181:Genovese 24161:Conquest 24156:Chambers 24136:Boorstin 24116:Bacevich 24080:Vermeule 24060:Sessions 24035:O'Connor 23939:McKinley 23919:Coolidge 23692:Movement 23687:Moderate 23510:Georgism 23273:Abortion 23217:Coolidge 23116:Rothbard 23101:Paterson 23061:Kinsella 23056:Jillette 22980:Proudhon 22960:Hodgskin 22935:Déjacque 22915:Bookchin 22767:Localism 22530:Concepts 21956:No Award 20703:Ed Stone 17700:Jay Lush 16946:Founders 15628:In Depth 15573:EconTalk 15540:Newsweek 15416:20296405 15325:40326463 14649:Archived 14582:Archived 14516:Archived 14475:Archived 14414:Archived 14387:Archived 14362:Archived 14313:Archived 14282:Archived 14252:Archived 14195:Archived 14164:Archived 14133:Archived 14102:Archived 14072:Archived 14031:Archived 14000:Archived 13875:Archived 13776:Archived 13750:Archived 13724:Archived 13682:Archived 13663:Archived 13619:June 20, 13464:June 27, 13458:Archived 13326:Archived 13147:Archived 12838:July 19, 12832:Archived 12827:The Week 12678:April 2, 12613:Archived 12494:Archived 12342:Archived 12173:cite web 12035:Archived 11890:Archived 11863:Archived 11801:Archived 11708:Archived 11684:Archived 11643:Archived 11624:Archived 11575:: 1–27. 11529:Archived 11408:Archived 11344:Archived 11229:Archived 11091:Archived 11060:Archived 11004:Archived 11000:Fox News 10876:Archived 10649:Archived 10625:Archived 10594:Archived 10134:Archived 10007:March 7, 9924:July 28, 9918:Archived 9713:Archived 9672:Archived 9532:March 7, 9495:Archived 9247:Archived 9218:Archived 9182:Archived 9082:Archived 9053:Archived 9001:Archived 8962:Archived 8937:Archived 8818:Archived 8758:Archived 8639:Archived 8373:See also 8270:Archived 8144:M3 money 7961:post-war 7905:flat tax 7899:to the " 7827:the book 7782:and the 7765:monetary 7742:and the 7654:itself. 7646:partner 7506:liberals 7392:EdChoice 7304:provided 7263:—  7205:Ayn Rand 7188:and the 7142:Iraq War 7140:and the 7138:Gulf War 6971:idea of 6780:—  6741:—  6387:and the 6162:Newsweek 5951:and the 5892:and the 5870:New Deal 5762:Berehove 5750:Brooklyn 5714:EdChoice 5524:monetary 5189:MERCOSUR 5035:Tax cuts 4672:Jillette 4641:See also 4269:Politics 4219:Abortion 4161:Coolidge 4045:Williams 3980:Schulman 3970:Rothbard 3965:Rockwell 3945:Paterson 3895:Kinsella 3890:Kauffman 3860:Heinlein 3825:Galambos 3800:Franklin 3785:Chodorov 3780:Chartier 3715:Georgism 3677:New Left 3509:Localism 3311:Feminist 3241:a series 3082:Georgism 2870:Coolidge 2822:Lottieri 2777:Rothbard 2767:Bookchin 2747:Paterson 2692:Proudhon 2667:Hodgskin 2637:Franklin 2537:Abortion 2395:Localism 2157:Concepts 2141:a series 2139:Part of 1991:Tax cuts 1747:Theories 1331:Cronyism 1243:Rothbard 1218:Marshall 1203:Friedman 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