
Pennyworth (TV series)

Source πŸ“

him the impetus to leave for Gotham to confront him, taking his gun. Prime Minister Aziz hires Alfred to act as security for Zahra Khin, the rebel leader of the former British colony Kalpoor who is in London for the summit but is not backed officially by the British government. After thwarting an assassination attempt on her life, Alfred takes her to his bar, where they unveil that her head of security was a traitor and deliver him bound and gagged to the Kalpoor president. Bet Sykes tracks down Mrs. Gaunt, now working as a doctor. Gaunt tries to dissuade Bet from revenge, and offers to take the baby from her, but Bet refuses. Mrs. Gaunt still tells her where she can find John Salt, but asks her to minimize the bloodshed. Mrs. Pennyworth reconnects with Roger, her date from last time, and they meet and dance together. Daveboy attends a new art exhibition event at Sally's request, organized by Francis Foulkes, where paint is poured on empty canvases and the guests. Sally convinces Daveboy to take a drug with her that she says will "link their dreams". It is revealed that Dr. Glubb works for Foulkes, who is the man in the V mask, and gave out the Lullaby State drug to select guests at the party for an undisclosed reason. Glubb warns him that without giving the subjects concrete instructions, it is not known how the drug will take effect, which is something Foulkes wants. Alfred accompanies Zahra to her hotel room and they talk and have sex, with her revealing that she is in London because she received information that her father who was supposedly assassinated 10 years ago is still alive. Alfred goes back to the pub and tells a still hallucinating Daveboy that it was them who kidnapped Zahra's father. Meanwhile, Bet Sykes tracks down and shoots an unfazed Salt multiple times, who rises back again, revealing he is now a cyborg as Bet is taken captive.
Patrick who is alerted to Martha knowing about the CIA's involvement in Operation Lullaby State. Feeling responsible for Jessica's death, Daveboy attends her funeral, causing a scene when trying to make a speech while drunk, but impressing an attending Sally Prufrock. Alfred finds Gully in a betting shop, and manages to mollify him, then disable him with a killswitch on the back of his armor. However, the patrons, angry at losing a bet, attack them to try and sell Gully's armor. Lucius arrives, giving Alfred the time to disarm them. Gully reveals he is still in love with Melanie, and wants to escape and find her. Alfred finds out his mum lied to him and went on a date. While at a playground with Mrs. P. and Samantha, Martha is approached by Dr. Glubb. He tells her he wants to work for MI5 in return for money and protection from the Americans. He also reveals he tried to make the same deal with the Thistles, who were murdered before he could complete it. Before leaving abruptly to escape the CIA, he warns Martha that Patrick Wayne is not the one she should worry about. Virginia, revealed to be a CIA agent, sees Martha leaving and authorizes an operation to tie up loose ends. While talking with Thomas, she drugs him and then operatives carry him away, to the impotent protests of Patrick. Alfred visits Sandra and comforts her. Thomas returns seemingly unaware of anything happening, however during dinner he gets a phone call that starts playing Sandra's song to him. Thomas hallucinates that Martha is a sadistic prison warden, and attacks and stabs her, but Mrs. P. knocks him out before he could kill her.
in the hospital, Daveboy confronts and kills a CIA agent who was trying to kidnap her. The fake nanny, a hired actress, visits Alfred's agency, having been stabbed on the way, revealing Americans hired her. Alfred and Daveboy move Jessica to Sandra's penthouse for safekeeping. Mrs. P. answers an advertisement in the papers seeking companionship, but leaves insulted when the man suggests they go to a hotel to have sex. Following up a clue about incense on the dead CIA agent's clothes, Martha infiltrates Sister Susie's ashram and questions her. She tells her that she was paid by the CIA to help run drug tests on her commune, but never saw any results. CIA agents show up and kill Sister Susie, but Alfred and Daveboy shoot them before they could kill Martha, who finds a hidden Waynetech camera behind a false mirror. Patrick talks to Thomas, and tells him the details - Dr. Glubb created psychotropic drugs for the CIA as part of Operation Lullaby State, which is developing mind control. Martha and Alfred realize Jessica killed her parents under the influence of the drugs, and something was used to trigger her - at the same time, when one of Sandra's songs is played at her flat, Jessica goes into a trance and starts to kill the partying people with a knife. She is shot at the last second by Daveboy before she could kill Sandra.
the influence of a mind control drug, to no avail. Dr. Glubb, unable to make contact with Martha, is offered a deal by a mysterious person via a phone booth. Using a grappling hook gun and automatic lockpick developed by Lucius, Alfred and Daveboy break Thomas out of the Tower, becoming fugitives, but Aziz intercedes so that no charges are pressed. Daveboy attends a gallery exhibition at Sally's request, with whom he had a wild night of sex, meeting the flamboyant artist Francis Foulkes. Alfred takes Thomas to his home, disrupting an awkward date his mum was having. As Thomas refuses to leave the country without his family, Alfred confronts Patrick Wayne, soon finding out when Thomas bursts in that Virginia is his CIA handler, a rogue agent wanting to develop the mind control drugs further. She pulls a gun on them and Patrick reveals Virginia sent agents to kill Martha, but then the police burst in to arrest everyone, as Alfred called them in advance. The CIA agents find Aziz and the police waiting for them at the hospital, where Martha has safely pulled through the operation. Alfred is released and goes to his office, finding Sandra there, and they end up sleeping together. Meanwhile, a tied up Dr. Glubb meets
Bet's sister who runs an S&M sex toy shop. The Queen listens to the candidates' speeches, with Ripper proposing to free criminals and use them in their army, while Aziz tries to appeal to the democratic and moral values of people. Aziz gets elected as prime minister. Alfred and Troy successfully rob the Lord Mayor's coach, stealing the hidden gold he carried. During the celebration, Alfred gets angry at seeing Troy abuse his wife, and they nearly come to blows, but then he agrees to do one last job with him. Alfred secretly kisses Mrs. Troy though. Thomas and Martha work together as Martha proves to Patricia the fashion designer's infidelity by tying him up as he was trying to seduce her while naked, and Patricia terminates the engagement. Thomas and Martha reconcile and have sex. Lord Harwood starts showing signs of mental imbalance, starting to consider using the poison gas, and is shown to be medicated by Salt. Salt subtly suggests to Mrs. Gaunt to reach out to Aziz and try to begin peace talks. The Raven leadership attends a demonstration of Stormcloud and is shown how capable it is of quickly and efficiently killing prisoners. Unknowingly, they are being filmed by an undercover Lucius Fox.
Crowley seduces the Archbishop to the ways of the flesh and releases incriminating photos of him involved in an orgy, which causes Potter to resign and commit suicide. Martha, realizing from a comment by Alfred that it was Thomas who hired Crowley, confronts him and is deeply disappointed. Bet and Katie take refuge at the home of a teacher of the latter, and Bet finally gets in contact with Lord Harwood. Despite both Mrs. Gaunt and Salt trying to talk him out of saving her, Harwood orders Salt to bring back Bet alive, but Salt's policemen open fire at the house. Daveboy realizes he once drunkenly bragged to someone about the money, which prompts Alfred to notice a 500Β£ ring on the finger of one of his waitresses, Sheri. She reveals it was given to her by Vic Dobson, a small time crook. They track Vic to his home at the carnival caravan, and he and Alfred fight in the hall of mirrors, where Alfred mortally wounds him in self defense. Sheri grabs the money and tries to escape in a car, but drives into fuel barrels, with the explosion killing her and destroying the money. Bazza is mortally wounded by the explosion and makes Alfred and Daveboy swear to not give up and make it to America as he dies.
girl. They find her in the ashram of Sister Susie, a hippie drug dealer, and extract her to return her to her parents. Meanwhile, Patrick Wayne, Thomas's father, whom he hasn't seen in years, shows up to reconnect with his family, alongside his girlfriend Virginia Devereaux. Martha suspects there is more to this visit. Bet Sykes is still on the trail of John Salt, who escaped from prison and is missing. She tracks down a former Raven leader and takes her and her husband hostage in their home, and when they resist, kills them and takes their baby, also finding a ledger with coded messages. The next day, Patrick asks Thomas' help in locating a Waynetech employee, Doctor Glubb, who ran away with priceless company secrets. Patrick asks for Martha's help, revealing to Thomas (who was unaware) that she is on active MI5 duty. Virginia chastises Patrick and threatens him to use more direct methods. When receiving a call that "the girl is in position", she gives the order to go ahead. The next morning, Jessica stabs her parents to death with a knife, then in a daze, walks to Alfred's home and collapses in the door.
does not try to excuse himself for his actions, but reassures Thomas that he loves him. Alfred confronts Aziz, aware that 10 years ago they kidnapped Zahra's father for MI6, and thus British intelligence would have him today, but Aziz denies knowing about any plot. Alfred threatens to break ties with him after this last job. Meanwhile, Bet is interrogated by Salt who reveals he too developed a supersoldier like Captain Blighty. After threatening the baby, he learns Francis Gaunt betrayed him, and orders Bet executed, but she escapes. Daveboy, still hallucinating, eats a letter Sandra gave him to deliver to Alfred. Alfred goes home for his spare gun and finds his mum and Roger together, which surprises him. After finding a room full of babies all belonging to Salt, Bet finds her baby, but is stabbed in the back by Salt. She triggers his extending spike implant through his heart, seemingly killing him. Alfred and Zahra meet with the contact, who tells her that her father is on a secret island prison at the
despite the League's surrender. Martha says yes to Thomas and Aziz marries them on the spot. Having second thoughts about letting his family die for his cause, Mr Pennyworth tells Alfred Stormcloud was smuggled into London inside Lord Harwood's coffin. Alfred and Daveboy locate the bomb and Lucius tries to deactivate it. Meanwhile, Salt is attacked by the Sykes sisters in his penthouse and beaten up, but manages to get the detonator and trigger it. Alfred offers to swallow the capsule, but Gully volunteers β€” the detonation is averted, but he turns blue and dies. Mr Pennyworth says goodbye to his wife and then unplugs his life support to pass away. Six months later, the New Raven Alliance, led by Frances Gaunt, assaults London, while Martha gives birth to a baby girl. Alfred leads the counterattack with Daveboy, Bet and Katie, and are joined by a revived Gully, who now has life-draining powers.
2590:, and if she'd give the name of all her major supporters to the Kalpoor president, the British government would release him. Alfred disagrees, saying this is a trap and she was manipulated. The contact recognizes Alfred by his voice, and tells Zahra how it was Alfred who kidnapped her father, something Alfred admits. After a tense standoff, Zahra shoots the contact instead, but then breaks up with Alfred, telling him she never wants to see him again. A dying Bet leaves the baby on a bus to be sent to her sister Peggy, as she succumbs to her wounds. As the drug wears off, Daveboy realizes he cannot remember the last 2 days' events, as Alfred tells him they will go to the Hebrides to perform a prison break. In Gotham, Patrick Wayne leaves a bar, and a masked figure shoots him dead in an alley. The figure is revealed to be Thomas Wayne. 2138:
stay in England. Thomas decides to go to medical school. Meanwhile, Alfred is approached by Gully with a job offer, but declines. Gully, suspicious of him, attacks Melanie and tries to kill her, but she wounds him and escapes to Alfred. He buys her a ticket as well, but in the end decides to stay in England and fight, his mother and Daveboy staying with him. Melanie boards the plane to America with Patricia Wayne. In Harwood manor, Bet and Peg Sykes overpower the guards and try to rescue Lord Harwood, but get surrounded by the army. Realizing that with him dead, Salt will not have the legitimacy to lead the Raven Union, Lord Harwood pretends he wants to surrender to Salt directly, but then draws his weapon on him calling him a traitor and gets shot dead, distracting the army for the Sykes sisters to escape.
from Lucius Fox asking to be extracted. Katie learns all the terrible things Bet has done, but still decides to stick by her and try to help her change. Alfred learns from Thomas that the tickets to America cost more than he assumed, making it necessary for them to work with Gully Troy again. They plan to rob a fixed wrestling match and make off with the winnings, however due to the fighters getting into a squabble, the match ends sooner than expected. An unmasked Banjo, one of Gully's men, kills several civilians in the chaos following the explosion heard from the safe being blown up. Alfred's mother realizes where he got the money from and expels him from her house. Alfred gives in to the advances of Gully's wife, Melanie, and they have sex. Meanwhile, Gully takes Banjo to the woods and executes him.
League council member β€” to kidnap Salt, a supposedly minor Raven Union functionary. He is collecting money to leave the country for the US. Meanwhile, Martha Kane has risen to lieutenant position in the League, and meets with a returning Thomas Wayne, now named CIA section leader, who tells her that the US will remain neutral in the conflict, and that he is engaged to be married. Bet Sykes now works as a captain in an interrogation center of the Raven Union, and unhappy with her job, kills her superior and escapes with an art student prisoner. Salt is sprung from Aziz's team by Gully, Alfred's old SAS captain, and is revealed to have been working with him. It is also shown that Salt is working on project Stormcloud, a poison gas weapon.
Alfred, Daveboy and Martha spring Lucius Fox from the Raven Union though it is a bloodbath. Alfred's mum reconciles with him and agrees to accompany him to America, if he abstains from further violence there. Lucius tells Thomas that Stormcloud is ready within a week and could kill everyone in London via a fear-induced chemical attack, but Thomas can do little but warn CIA upper management. Martha is revealed to be pregnant with Thomas' child. Meanwhile, Aziz manipulates Ripper (who wants his position) and Aleister Crowley against each other, which ends with Ripper confronting Crowley to threaten him, but ends up with Ripper drugged and institutionalized as he has terrifying hallucinations and cannot tell fantasy from reality.
Vikki to arrange a meeting with Salt. Alfred manages to secure Stormcloud and escape but not before Salt captures them. Salt sends Mr. Pennyworth to talk with Alfred to his disbelief. Alfred refuses his offer to join the Raven Union. Meanwhile, Bet and Peg locate and free Mrs. Gaunt. While escaping, Bet runs into Alfred and releases them before parting ways. Alfred and the team fail to escape and get trapped again. Salt grants Mr. Pennyworth another chance to persuade Alfred to join the Union. Mr. Pennyworth betrays the Union as Alfred kills the guards and they steal Stormcloud before leaving the Raven Union compound. On the way out, Alfred calls Aziz to inform him about their success.
goes to visit Gully and resolve things, but his gang ambushes him. Gully leads Alfred to the woods, stabs him then hunts him. While wounded, Alfred gets the upper hand after creating a trap from branches, however he refuses to kill Gully. Delirious from his wound, he swears to an apparition of Bazza that he wants to make a difference and serve a higher purpose. Daveboy and Mrs. Pennyworth arrive and save Alfred. Meanwhile, the Raven Union high council elects Salt as Chancellor, and it’s revealed that Alfred's father is alive, bound to a life-support wheelchair.
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conflicted over leaving Sandra behind and gets into arguments with his mum, who wants to stay. Mrs. Gaunt learns about Stormcloud and seemingly talks Harwood out of using the poison gas. Amateur criminals kidnap Alfred's mother on the behest of a masked "Mr X" in return for the money, but it is revealed it was Lt. Aziz who set up the whole thing and shows up as Alfred frees his mum, resulting in the kidnappers getting away with the money. Meanwhile, Bet and Katie stay in hiding as Bet realizes she cannot contact Lord Harwood.
2798: 3043:, Sam Barsanti gives the program a C, noting: " would almost be more entertaining if you changed some of the names and jettisoned the comic book connection entirelyβ€”at least then there'd be no distracting questions about why Thomas Wayne has a sister and why he's secretly working for the government instead of becoming a rich doctor back home. As it stands, though, the show is as entertaining as it is frustrating, feeling sort of like an adaptation of a comic based on 9575: 6156: 5993: 44: 813:, an American agent for the No Name League, and later its successor the English League, who hires Alfred to assist her on dangerous missions. She develops a crush on Alfred during their missions and a budding friendship with Thomas, later leading to a relationship with the latter and eventual marriage. She later gives birth to a daughter, 2479:
Thomas is arrested and imprisoned in the Tower of London, while Martha undergoes surgery to save her life. Patrick Wayne hires Alfred to break his son out and send him back to the US, without Virginia's knowledge, offering to pay a million pounds. Alfred tries to explain to Aziz that Thomas was under
Aziz questions Alfred about the murder, and it is revealed the nanny who hired him was a fake. Thomas confronts Martha about her working as a field agent, but she lies that her job is not dangerous. Thomas asks Alfred to work for his father and find Dr. Glubb. While watching over the comatose Jessica
Thomas, Martha and Lucius approach Alfred for assistance in breaking into the Raven Union to steal Stormcloud much to Mrs. Pennyworth’s disapproval. Alfred finds Sandra and makes love with her before embarking on the mission. Martha seemingly agrees to Thomas’s proposal of marriage. Bet and Peg force
Mrs. Gaunt meets with Prime Minister Aziz and warns him in vain to surrender or risk Stormcloud being deployed in London. Salt tells Lord Harwood about Gaunt's secret meeting, who, no longer trusting her, has her imprisoned. Martha and Thomas deepen their relationship, while Thomas receives a message
as Captain Gulliver "Gully" Troy / Captain Blighty (seasons 2–3), Alfred's former SAS captain and the leader of a crew of criminals consisting of former soldiers. He later becomes the first P.W.E. and serves the government as the enhanced super-soldier Captain Blighty after consuming and merging with
The CIA forbids Thomas and Lucius to alert the League about Stormcloud β€” as long as the US government doesn't know about a chemical weapon, they won't intervene and they want the conflict resolved quickly. Against their orders, they go to Martha and give the footage to Aziz, both of them deciding to
A doctor slashes the throat of a man with a scalpel and runs away. MI5 identifies the man as a CIA agent, but the Americans do not come forward, meaning the business he was in was top secret. A young woman named Jessica Thistle runs away from home, and her nanny hires Alfred to look for the missing
With the powers of Gully, now called Captain Blighty, the League wins the civil war. Five years later, Alfred's security agency has expanded (including Daveboy and Bet Sykes), and several new people with powers emerge, whom they capture for MI5 Science branch - for whom Martha Wayne now works as an
In a flashback, we see how Zahra's father was kidnapped, with a close friend of his betraying him to Alfred. In the present, Alfred and Zahra get ready to meet with the man who offers information about her father's whereabouts. In Gotham, Thomas arrives in Wayne manor and confronts his father, who
Thomas' and Martha's relationship is strained due to the mind control assassination attempt, and they sleep in separate rooms. Patricia, Thomas' sister arrives unexpectedly, lodging up with the Waynes, and after Thomas tells her the events and how he feels about their father's behavior, this gives
After Lord Harwood's funeral in London, Salt demands the unconditional surrender of the Queen, threatening to unleash Stormcloud. Martha tells Thomas she is pregnant, but refuses when he wishes to marry her. Bet and Peg kidnap Vikki, Salt's mistress, but Katie talks Bet out of hurting her. Alfred
At Bazza's funeral, Gully Troy shows up and Alfred agrees to do a robbery with him. Thomas visits Martha, asking for her help as his sister Patricia is in love with a seductive fashion designer, who proposes to her at a party. Meanwhile, Bet Sykes and Katie smuggle themselves into London and find
Alfred buys three tickets to America from the money gained in the robbery. He tells Sandra he is leaving and breaks up with her. Prime Minister Aziz and the Queen recruit him for one last job against his will by blackmailing him with their knowledge that he had a fling with Melanie (Mrs. Gully).
After a strange dream involving his father, Alfred gets the idea that it was Captain Gully who stole their money. He gets his whereabouts from his wife, and confronts him, but Gully swears on his honor it wasn't him, and invites Alfred to do a robbery with his crew, which he declines. Meanwhile,
The CIA tasks Thomas Wayne to find dirt on Archbishop Potter, as he is an open opponent of nuclear warfare. He meets with Aleister Crowley who agrees to ruin the Archbishop's reputation for a kiss. Alfred and his friends get ready to leave the country with the money they accumulated. Alfie feels
Below the fake MI5 front, Lucius visits the people with special abilities kept there. Gully, feeling down and caged, escapes using Fox to open the elevator for him with the retinal scanner. Alfred is contacted by MI5 to bring him back. Martha and Thomas exchange information, and Thomas talks to
Mrs. Pennyworth learns her husband is still alive. While everyone celebrates at the League HQ, Gully storms in looking for Alfred and accidentally breaks the capsule, revealing it to be inactive. Salt reveals Stormcloud is already in London and arrests General Thursday, intending to detonate it
In the Raven Union, Salt manipulates an eager young lieutenant to speak up for Mrs. Gaunt, while also further drugging and manipulating Harwood, who makes him a baronet and names him chief advisor. Under the influence of the drugs, Lord Harwood has a mental breakdown and beats the lieutenant to
Several months passed since the last season. Lord Harwood escaped and his Raven Union has the British Army's backing, having taken over most of the UK. The Queen and what remain of the League are besieged in London. Alfred runs a bar and does side jobs for both sides, being paid by Aziz β€” now a
as Bet Sykes, a sadistic sociopath who initially works as an enforcer for the Raven Society and later a captain in the Raven Union. She becomes attached to Alfred's girlfriend Esme while holding her hostage. After her death, she later becomes a P.W.E. (person with enhancements) when she's
imposed on that world. It was very much the parochial, familiar world of England transformed into something dark. That's what we've tried to do, and what did so brilliantly with the visuals, particularly in this season. It's England with this shadow across its face." –
2325:, who is babysat by Mrs. Pennyworth. Apparently, a nuclear crisis between Russia and the US has just been averted (where Kyiv and Miami have been destroyed). Aziz is still prime minister of England. Sandra has gone on to have a career as a famous pop singer. 3026:, the first season has an approval rating of 73% based on 30 reviews, with an average rating of 7.30/10. The website's critical consensus reads: "While intriguing characters and impressive set-pieces make for an engaging spy-thriller, 1091:
as Francis Foulkes (season 3), a flamboyant artist hoping to change the world by using the mind control drug Lullaby State in an attempt to control the minds of his followers, and later the population of London. A predecessor to
for its third season, although it would still continue to air on Epix in addition. The third season premiered on October 6, 2022, and concluded on November 24, 2022. In February 2023, the series was canceled after three seasons.
889:(season 3; recurring season 2), a young scientist who works for the CIA to infiltrate the Raven Union, later becoming a member of the English League. The character is a younger version of the iteration previously portrayed by 3098:
A tie-in comic of the titular character, set after the events of the third season during the Cold War, was released in August 2021. The story is written by Scott Bryan Wilson with interior art duties handled by Juan Gedeon.
as Sandra Onslow (seasons 2–3; recurring season 1), the daughter of Sid Onslow and a bartender who is romantically interested in Alfred. She later becomes a professional singer at Alfred's club and is pregnant with his
3713: 4474: 3927: 1822:
from the Sykes sisters. Lord Harwood, Francis Gaunt, and the Sykes are arrested. Alfred is pardoned, but finds himself trying to stop his father from assassinating the Queen and Prime Minister.
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While Thomas and Martha visit Crowley's mansion seeking Patricia, Alfred closes in on Esme's killer, Captain Curzon. Arthur Pennyworth actively participates at a Raven Society meeting.
4759: 4388: 5009: 4431: 4271: 1192:
Chi Lewis-Parry as Kevin / Blue Raven (season 3), a P.W.E. who is the Raven Union's attempt to create an enhanced super-soldier like Captain Blighty, and exhibits similar abilities.
in the Raven Union who develops the experimental chemical weapon, Stormcloud. He later becomes a P.W.E. after replacing parts of his body with cybernetic ones to keep himself alive.
4560: 4175: 5052: 1180:
as Zahra Khin (season 3), the daughter of a prominent politician from the fictional island nation of Kalpoor and the leader of the separatist movement, the Kalpoor Freedom Party,
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as Lord James Harwood (seasons 1–2), the former leader of the Raven Society and later its successor the Raven Union, who is conspiring to take control of the British government.
Richard Clothier as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (season 1), the Head of Government for the UK who works to keep the No Name League and the Raven Society in check.
9660: 3699: 699:. Caine's portrayal includes a previous background as a member of the British SAS. Despite this, the character is a younger version of the iteration previously portrayed by 9558: 3478: 3836: 1041:(season 3), a high-ranking CIA official who travels with Patrick Wayne to England. She is later revealed to be a P.W.E who can alter her appearance to copy someone else. 4603: 4681: 7673: 7211: 6250: 4902: 4348: 5088: 4454: 3756: 3204: 9655: 3796: 4218: 1008:
Sally Tatum as Miss Dixon (season 2; guest season 3), the secretary for the Raven Union. She later has a young daughter, Julie, who is "adopted" by Bet Sykes.
9610: 9605: 9578: 8098: 7715: 3559: 872:
Jessye Romeo as Katie Browning (season 2), an art student whose life is changed by the Raven Union, who later develops a close relationship with Bet Sykes.
731:, working undercover in the No Name League before returning to being a doctor. The character is a younger version of the iteration previously portrayed by 685:
club while starting up his own security firm, Pennyworth Security, and later runs his own club, The Delaney. The character was specifically developed from
was able to confirm the crossover to us, but refused to give up any further details. "I can't tell you what because then we'd be giving it away," he said.
9640: 6077: 4722: 4308: 6705: 4795: 3909: 3152: 9705: 9382: 8178: 7123: 6194: 3992: 2846:'s annual winter press tour held in February, the series was confirmed to premiere in June 2019. The premiere date was revised to July 28, 2019, on 1082:
Loreece Harrison as Celia (season 3), a P.W.E. whose eyes force others into a hypnotic trance, so she's forced to wear a pair of cybernetic goggles.
9620: 3883: 3438: 9615: 7314: 6796: 6588: 4497: 4132: 776:. After his presumed death during an assassination attempt on the Queen, he is kept alive by a life-support wheelchair built by the Raven Union. 3317:, we were like "that is much a very 80's 90's kind of show, what would it be in the 60's?' What kind of world would be have to create, like in 3278: 4640: 4047: 7204: 7134: 6852: 6082: 4374: 3248: 1031:
for the Raven Union. He later becomes the leader of Level-7, a secret government operation that works to create and control P.W.E. in London.
4745: 9665: 9630: 9625: 6539: 5152: 4995: 4411: 2339: 4241: 9690: 9670: 6859: 4155: 4540: 1606:
In the wake of Esme's murder, Alfred is slowly pulled out of his depression by Ripper, who insists that an enemy of Alfred killed her.
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The first episode was made available on July 21, 2019, to subscribers of Epix Now, and the second and third episodes on July 28, 2019.
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the series has a weighted average score of 60 out of 100 based on reviews from nine critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews".
9680: 7197: 6029: 4079: 1174:
Amanda Dahl as Jessica Thistle (season 3), the missing daughter of Lord and Lady Thistle who is affected by the Lullaby State drug.
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season one received its UK premiere on StarzPlay on Friday, October 25. Starting with its third season, the series would move to
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were later introduced in the series' third season, set five years after the first two seasons, with Heller confirming a direct
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as Wallace "Daveboy" MacDougal, another longtime friend of Alfred who has a drinking problem and served with him in the army.
17: 4583: 8877: 4663: 849: 7720: 4888: 4334: 979:
Charlie Woodward as Captain John Curzon (season 1), a retired military Captain who has a personal vendetta against Alfred.
9645: 8947: 8707: 6761: 6227: 5902: 3670: 3371: 2974:(2005), was later cast in the second and third seasons of the series as Captain Gulliver "Gully" Troy / Captain Blighty. 1776:
Alfred is offered a way out of prison as the Prime Minister plots against both the Raven Society and the No Name League.
5074: 3736: 627:
Raven Society, a group conspiring to take over the British government, working against them with American agents of the
572:. The second season premiered on December 13, 2020. In October 2021, it was announced that the series would premiere on 8697: 8118: 7769: 7242: 7144: 6726: 6642: 6475: 5727: 5452: 4973: 3782: 3307:"The arcing story this season is about a civil war that is brewing, and that came from a conversation from myself and 3186: 1072:(season 3), the young daughter of Thomas and Martha Wayne. She is often cared for by Mary Pennyworth, who acts as her 9635: 7129: 6845: 6094: 4198: 1085:
Claudia Jolly as Sally Prufrock (season 3), a rich socialite who befriends Daveboy and is one of Francis' followers.
as Mary Pennyworth, Alfred's mother who supports her son in his pursuits whilst remaining concerned for his safety.
8190: 8164: 7666: 6740: 6519: 6180: 5145: 2838:, both of whom are also showrunners and executive producers. Production companies involved with the series include 9600: 9551: 9412: 9352: 8857: 8213: 7757: 7538: 6754: 6670: 6649: 6635: 5691: 5459: 2983: 3529: 926:
as the Queen of England (seasons 1–2), the head of state for England and later the leader of the English League.
as Deon "Bazza" Bashford (seasons 1–2), a playboy and longtime friend of Alfred who served with him in the army.
9483: 8797: 8419: 8323: 6880: 6873: 6831: 6582: 6560: 5330: 5189: 4968: 3069: 2843: 1028: 8457: 7932: 7690: 7338: 7306: 7043: 5677: 5516: 5309: 4704: 4294: 8787: 8677: 8497: 7621: 7458: 7290: 6969: 6628: 6526: 6022: 5755: 5720: 5379: 5288: 5239: 3142: 1566: 832:
Paetz also portrays Virginia Devereaux (season 3), who uses Martha's appearance to trick Thomas and Alfred.
and the new leader of the Raven Society and later a high-ranking member of its successor, the Raven Union.
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Ripper sends Alfred to a witch who gives him clues to find Esme's killer. Lord Harwood's memory returns.
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Alfred's side job as a security consultant brings him to the attention of local crime lord John Ripper.
1448: 671: 589: 486: 3420: 1189:
Liran Nathan as Win (season 3), Head of Security to the Khins and member of the Kalpoor Freedom Party.
644: 9453: 9218: 9017: 8827: 8737: 8727: 8477: 8048: 7962: 7785: 7330: 7005: 6930: 6719: 6547: 6368: 6331: 6243: 6234: 5881: 5635: 5199: 4102: 2839: 324: 1451:
becomes caught up in the conflict between American agent Thomas Wayne and the shadowy Raven Society.
9332: 9322: 9168: 9057: 8967: 8607: 8384: 8253: 7652: 7274: 7020: 6512: 6505: 6423: 6338: 5916: 5762: 5663: 5509: 5466: 5365: 5351: 5337: 5316: 4035: 2987: 2821: 1561: 1141: 1131: 866: 855: 494: 203: 4626: 3002:
as the home and neighbourhood of one of the series lead characters. Various scenes were filmed at
gave the production a series order for the first season consisting of ten episodes in May 2018, a
as Sid Onslow (seasons 1–2), Sandra Onslow's father and the landlord of the Severed Arms, a local
as Esme Winikus (season 1), a nightclub dancer and aspiring actress who falls in love with Alfred.
9700: 9473: 9392: 9312: 9198: 9098: 8977: 8374: 8333: 8187: 7700: 7581: 7573: 7530: 7498: 7450: 7442: 7370: 7076: 7048: 7025: 6782: 6691: 6324: 6263: 6160: 6015: 5769: 5642: 5628: 5614: 5551: 5537: 5424: 5372: 5358: 5214: 3612: 1048: 340: 334: 841: 568:
The second season began filming in January 2020, but the filming was paused in March due to the
9178: 9027: 8887: 8757: 8747: 8647: 8353: 8303: 8028: 8010: 7972: 7565: 7015: 7010: 6656: 6610: 6568: 5438: 5323: 4170: 2920: 2899:
Season two began filming in January 2020; it premiered December 13, 2020. On February 1, 2023,
2547: 1127: 1104: 742: 534: 158: 4069: 1061:
as Dr. Robert Glubb (season 3), a former employee of Wayne Enterprises and the creator of the
who is impressed with Alfred's skills and later hires him. Wayne was secretly an agent of the
9067: 8997: 8777: 8767: 8223: 7942: 7902: 7410: 7386: 7177: 7093: 6775: 6663: 6457: 6072: 5909: 5853: 5572: 5565: 5431: 5417: 5274: 3631: 2970: 2296: 1963: 1584: 453: 58: 4674:
goes to the sexy, psychedelic 70s and even Gotham: Jack Bannon and Ben Aldridge on season 3"
While Lord Harwood stages a coup, Alfred, Bazza, and Dave Boy help Thomas and Martha rescue
American No Name League agent Martha Kane hires Alfred to assist her on a dangerous mission.
as Margaret "Peggy" Sykes, Bet's sister who is the matriarch of the Sykes family and one of
9252: 8867: 8807: 8657: 8597: 8293: 8263: 8068: 7490: 7482: 7474: 7282: 7103: 7053: 7000: 6951: 6905: 6310: 6056: 5888: 5846: 5184: 4754: 3962: 3603: 3433: 3366: 2498: 1024: 956:
as Jason Ripper (season 1), John Ripper's nephew who works for his uncle's crime syndicate.
818: 522: 1079:
Tachia Newall as Jez (season 3), a P.W.E. who has a cybernetic arm with a mind of its own.
Sharon Ballard as Ruby Carmichael (season 2), a high-ranking member of The English League.
8: 9208: 9037: 8088: 7882: 7825: 7750: 7426: 7402: 7394: 7378: 7266: 7258: 7162: 6995: 6937: 6866: 6824: 6789: 5867: 5832: 5825: 5410: 5179: 5124: 2893: 886: 845: 840:
as Detective Inspector / Prime Minister Victor Aziz (seasons 2–3; recurring season 1), a
769: 720: 675: 610:, which combines aspects of the mid-1960s with invented events and practices inspired by 593: 466: 173: 3056:
On Rotten Tomatoes, the second season has an approval rating of 60% based on 5 reviews.
As Alfred hunts down Curzon with help from Bet, Lord Harwood plots his return to power.
Tristram Wymark as General Nelson Thursday (seasons 2–3), the commander-in-chief of the
as Melanie Troy (season 2), Gulliver Troy's estranged wife who takes a liking to Alfred.
9342: 9262: 9188: 8667: 8627: 8429: 8313: 8233: 8038: 7982: 7795: 7628: 7614: 7557: 7354: 7250: 6400: 6374: 6257: 6221: 6206: 5874: 5748: 5670: 5649: 5558: 5530: 5480: 5295: 5267: 5162: 5047: 4781: 4598: 4555: 4512: 4469: 4465:: Ryan Fletcher & Hainsley Lloyd Bennett Set As Regulars In Batman Prequel On Epix" 4426: 4383: 4266: 4127: 4007: 3922: 3870:
Goes to an Alternate '60s, Takes a Cue from Christopher Nolan Films [TCA 2019]"
3831: 3751: 3319: 3147: 2826: 2322: 2116: 1826: 1069: 1034: 935: 814: 705: 598: 499: 432: 3510:, but with comic books you have to find a throughline, and that's very political ." – 9463: 9282: 8557: 8343: 8273: 7851: 7514: 7346: 6747: 6596: 6383: 5734: 5544: 5473: 5344: 5281: 5119: 3577: 2873: 2737: 1062: 1052: 696: 607: 603: 569: 470: 95: 4852: 3950: 916:
Ben Wiggins as "Spanish" (season 1), a SAS officer and friend of Alfred who died in
9302: 8987: 8927: 8837: 8547: 8108: 8078: 8000: 7815: 7506: 7109: 7070: 6733: 5951: 5895: 5860: 4924: 4817: 4790: 4074: 3708: 3003: 2931:
had been cast in series regular roles in October 2018, with Bannon starring as the
2782: 2647: 1556:
Martha enlists Alfred to help get the name of the new leader of the Raven Society.
1145: 1017:
Suzanne Boreel as Rita (season 2), a member of Gulliver's Troy's crew of criminals.
999: 976:
Steve Edwin as Mr. Spicer (season 1), Mrs. Spicer's husband who serves Peggy Sykes.
754: 617: 542: 329: 168: 82: 3396:
did so well was to create a version of England that felt like England. It wasn't
2797: 1103:
Oliver Ryan as Roger Hammond (season 3), a kind divorcee who meets Mary through a
9372: 7872: 6976: 6944: 6450: 6359: 6288: 6283: 6278: 6273: 6268: 6141: 5931: 5811: 5784: 5684: 5587: 5390: 5253: 5223: 4933: 4826: 3635: 3023: 2949: 2889: 2851: 2485: 1195:
Alexis Rodney as Darren Thompson (season 3), a P.W.E. with electrokinesis powers.
1097: 1058: 1044: 1011: 992: 982: 947: 939: 923: 732: 624: 2876:
depicted in the series' first season eventually leading to the formation of the
1165: 9514: 9128: 9007: 8937: 8507: 8243: 7743: 6482: 6416: 6409: 6351: 6039: 5741: 5260: 5246: 5232: 4938: 4831: 3590: 3493: 3390: 3313: 3086: 2864: 2321:
agent alongside Lucius Fox. Thomas and Martha have a 5-year old daughter named
1696: 1610: 1158: 917: 882: 691: 612: 513: 221: 104: 72: 3657: 3349: 3235: 1117:
SalΓ³me GunnarsdΓ³ttir as Patricia Wayne, Thomas Wayne's sister and an American
821:. The character is a younger version of the iteration previously portrayed by 489:, a younger version of the iteration of the character previously portrayed by 43: 9594: 9493: 9138: 9108: 8847: 8587: 8567: 8394: 7087: 6712: 6554: 6443: 6102: 5523: 5083: 4897: 4343: 3627: 3199: 3039: 2965: 2961: 2928: 2916: 2885: 2481: 2441: 1186:
as Zeya Khin (season 3), Zahra's father and a former politician from Kalpoor.
1093: 953: 929: 875: 837: 822: 786: 748: 686: 562: 558: 538: 216: 198: 183: 163: 7735: 3014:
in the 1960s. Principal photography for the series wrapped on May 24, 2019.
as Mr. Chadley, the manager for Pennyworth Security and later Alfred's club.
Stormcloud. Purefoy is billed as "special guest star" for the second season.
8817: 8617: 8527: 8156: 7149: 6810: 6107: 5804: 4959: 4866: 3639: 3511: 3402: 3397: 3345: 3328: 3308: 3231: 2999: 2957: 2953: 2939: 2924: 2912: 2835: 2831: 2776: 2731: 2692: 2686: 2641: 2618: 2594: 2541: 2492: 2435: 2384: 2333: 2301: 1894: 1889: 1819: 1670: 1429: 1424: 1135: 810: 792: 779: 716: 712: 700: 636: 632: 554: 550: 530: 490: 478: 474: 188: 178: 153: 118: 114: 9047: 8717: 8637: 8577: 8283: 8146: 7952: 7219: 7155: 7098: 6172: 5194: 3623: 3044: 3011: 2600: 2411: 2390: 1738: 1652: 1500: 943: 907: 890: 862: 724: 240: 208: 100: 77: 5113: 4003:: Emma Paetz & Jessica Ellerby Cast In Epix's Batman Prequel Series" 3787:: Exclusive Season 3 Trailer Reveals Title Change for DC HBO Max Series" 3394:
world conceptually β€” it's where this world may or may not end up. What
Melissa Knatchbull as Clarissa Harwood (season 1), James Harwood's wife.
9362: 9292: 9088: 8917: 7705: 7695: 7322: 6051: 5656: 4861: 3607: 3599: 3507: 3031: 2982:
Principal photography for the series commenced on October 22, 2018, at
2945: 1780: 806: 800: 796: 546: 526: 518: 473:. The series was developed for television and is executive produced by 456:, is an American television series that premiered on July 28, 2019, on 193: 9422: 8687: 8537: 8487: 7892: 7117: 6603: 6115: 3554: 3491:"One of the few stories that have been told in this kind of world is 3080:
with Epix receiving a second-run window. The third season, subtitled
2932: 2877: 2779: 2734: 2689: 2644: 2597: 2544: 2495: 2438: 2387: 2336: 1183: 1177: 1118: 1088: 986: 959: 461: 4379:: Jack Bannon To Star In Title Alfred Role On Epix's Batman Prequel" 3610:) will somehow factor into the new season β€” perhaps in the same way 772:
as Arthur Pennyworth (seasons 1–2), Alfred's father, who works as a
9118: 8907: 7434: 6898: 3618: 3585: 3473: 3323:
there would eventually be Batman in this there would eventually be
2587: 1149: 1038: 995:
as Undine Thwaite (season 1), the new leader of the No Name League.
761: 4070:"Shows A-Z - Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman's Butler on hbo max" 9544: 8467: 6007: 5445: 4893:
feels like a comic book, just not the one it's actually based on"
4213: 3682: 3499: 3383: 3260: 3077: 2991: 2900: 2859: 2817: 1369: 969:
Jennie Goossens as Mrs. Spicer (season 1), Mr. Spicer's wife who
678: 573: 504: 394: 4199:"New Batman Prequel Series Arrives at Epix Ahead of Fox's Final 3064:
In the United States, the series premiered on July 28, 2019, on
9537: 6203: 4303: 3581: 2995: 773: 682: 640: 4422:: Ben Aldridge To Play Thomas Wayne In Batman Prequel On Epix" 9696:
Television productions suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic
7766: 3580:, going on to tease a giant step toward a world inhabited by 1155:
Rosa Coduri as Sheri (season 2), a waitress at Alfred's club.
1073: 1020:
Faisal Mohammed as Monty (season 2), a member of Troy's crew.
Panel – Jack Bannon, Ben Aldridge, Paloma Faith – MCM London
3327:. So we took that brewing civil war as a stepping stone." – 588:
explores the early life of the titular Wayne family butler,
3065: 3007: 2847: 2813: 1264: 1047:
as Patrick Wayne (season 3), Thomas Wayne's father and the
764:(season 3), who uses Mary's appearance to trick the Waynes. 457: 359: 3626:
a few years back. Fans immediately made the connection to
Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam and Burt
Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam and Burt
5130: 3791: 3694: 3692: 2942:
had joined the cast in a recurring capacity in December.
as Dallas (season 2), Thomas Wayne's superior in the CIA.
Jessica Claire as Vikki Dufrench (season 2), John Salt's
963: 628: 623:
In the first two seasons, Alfred becomes a target of the
5939: 4166:
Boss Sets New Batman Prequel Series at Epix (Exclusive)"
920:. He appears to Alfred in flashbacks and hallucinations. 4299:
Batman Pre-Prequel Gets Epix Premiere Date, New Teaser"
3689: 3143:"'Pennyworth' Canceled After Three Seasons at HBO Max" 1171:
Ed Sayer as Banjo (season 2), a member of Troy's crew.
as Dr. Frances Gaunt (seasons 1–2; guest season 3), a
Live-action TV series based on DC Comics publications
643:, to whom is born his older future-long-lost sister, 9661:
Television series by Warner Bros. Television Studios
3638:. Co-creator, co-showrunner, and executive producer 3572:"There's all sorts going on in this season," echoed 3072:
on September 4, six weeks behind the Epix schedule.
movies (with all of the Britishness that implies)."
death, and is locked up, allowing Salt to take over.
1096:, he and his followers hide their identities behind 3634:trailer showed off a number of individuals wearing 3030:doesn't add much to the greater Batman mythos." On 783:
resurrected, giving her enhanced physical strength.
4627:"The Truth About James Purefoy's Decision To Quit 4594:: Polly Walker To Recur In Batman Prequel On Epix" 3116: 3114: 3112: 1695:The episode title refers to 1960s British actress 9383:Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts 7124:Bat-Manga!: The Secret History of Batman in Japan 5043:Moves From Epix To HBO Max With Season 3 Renewal" 1825:The episode title refers to 1960s British singer 1779:The episode title refers to 1960s British singer 1737:The episode title refers to 1960s British singer 1651:The episode title refers to 1960s British singer 1609:The episode title refers to 1960s British singer 1270: 1210: 9592: 7315:Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman 6797:Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold 4239: 3584:. "We visit Gotham, there's an early version of 3469:Season Two Secrets: What's It All About, Alfie?" 2994:. Additionally, a number of shots were taken in 803:. She is also an enforcer for the Raven Society. 3986: 3984: 3816: 3814: 3239:Season Two Cast & Producer Interview – EPIX 3109: 2745: 2700: 2655: 2608: 2555: 2506: 2449: 2398: 2347: 2286: 2213: 2178: 2143: 2106: 2067: 2032: 1990: 1953: 1918: 1879: 1788: 9656:Television series by Warner Horizon Television 4746:"London What's Filming: Batman Prequel Series 3903: 3901: 1746: 1704: 1660: 1618: 1574: 1559:The episode title refers to British mid-1960s 1526: 1490: 1456: 1414: 8172: 7765: 7751: 7205: 7135:List of Batman television series cast members 6188: 6023: 5146: 4446: 4286: 4252:EP Danny Cannon Teases Batman Prequel Series 3776: 3774: 3652: 3650: 1130:as General Malcolm (season 1), an honourable 9611:2020s American crime drama television series 9606:2010s American crime drama television series 9559:List of exclusive international distribution 8186: 5792: 3981: 3811: 3283:: Setting Up 60's DC London And The Road To 3090:, premiered on October 6, 2022, on HBO Max. 2998:, including selecting the landmark building 2964:, who was previously cast (and replaced) as 1152:who hosts lavish parties for London's elite. 4033: 3898: 942:(seasons 1–2), a local crime lord based in 616:, such as a modern civil war and televised 9641:American English-language television shows 8179: 8165: 7758: 7744: 7212: 7198: 6202: 6195: 6181: 6030: 6016: 5153: 5139: 5123: 4669:Pennyworth: The Origins of Batman's Butler 4240:D'Alessandro, Anthony (February 6, 2019). 3771: 3647: 3458: 3456: 3226: 3224: 3222: 2854:, on July 29, 2019, Cannon confirmed that 1213: 602:. He forms his own security company in an 503:(2014–2019), with the series serving as a 42: 4368: 4366: 4339:has a truly confounding comic book cameo" 3747:DC Series Eyes Move From Epix To HBO Max" 2903:canceled the series after three seasons. 966:frequented by Alfred, Daveboy, and Bazza. 449:Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman's Butler 55:Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman's Butler 9706:Depictions of Elizabeth II on television 9403:Glitch: The Rise & Fall of HQ Trivia 8099:The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair 4886: 4702: 4409: 4403: 4372: 4332: 4292: 4153: 4100: 3879: 3874: 3827:Canceled At HBO Max After Three Seasons" 3734: 3540:Actually Shared A Set With Matt Reeves' 3180: 3178: 3176: 3174: 3172: 3170: 3140: 2796: 1164:Lee McQueen as Vic Dobson (season 2), a 681:who worked as a bouncer at an exclusive 657:List of Gotham and Pennyworth characters 9621:2022 American television series endings 9273:On the Trail: Inside the 2020 Primaries 6818:Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4538: 4532: 4495: 3780: 3598:(the dystopian masterwork conceived by 3453: 3418: 3219: 1274: 14: 9616:2019 American television series debuts 9593: 9433:Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story 5012:from the original on November 15, 2020 4976:from the original on November 15, 2020 4905:from the original on November 15, 2020 4798:from the original on November 15, 2020 4743: 4624: 4606:from the original on November 15, 2020 4581: 4575: 4563:from the original on November 15, 2020 4520:from the original on November 15, 2020 4477:from the original on November 15, 2020 4452: 4391:from the original on November 15, 2020 4363: 4351:from the original on September 8, 2022 4293:Mitovich, Matt Webb (April 24, 2019). 4274:from the original on November 15, 2020 4221:from the original on November 15, 2020 4178:from the original on November 15, 2020 4135:from the original on November 15, 2020 4050:from the original on November 26, 2020 4015:from the original on November 15, 2020 3990: 3907: 3716:from the original on December 10, 2020 3673:from the original on November 15, 2020 3523: 3521: 3462: 3441:from the original on December 13, 2020 3419:Zachary, Brandon (December 13, 2020). 3414: 3412: 3374:from the original on December 14, 2020 3344: 3230: 2025: 1872: 865:as Colonel John Salt (seasons 2–3), a 650: 27:American crime drama television series 8160: 7739: 7193: 6176: 6011: 5134: 5055:from the original on October 16, 2021 5030: 4996:"StarzPlay Sets UK Premiere Date For 4661: 4489: 4410:Andreeva, Nellie (October 15, 2018). 4373:Andreeva, Nellie (October 15, 2018). 4328: 4326: 4082:from the original on October 25, 2022 3969:from the original on October 28, 2021 3948: 3857: 3839:from the original on February 1, 2023 3820: 3527: 3506:. God, I wouldn't hold us up against 3481:from the original on October 20, 2022 3340: 3338: 3276: 3251:from the original on October 12, 2020 3207:from the original on November 1, 2020 3191:" Series Confirmed Same Universe as " 3167: 3155:from the original on February 2, 2023 3068:. In Canada, the series premiered on 1836: 1334: 1281: 1229: 1207: 8314:Project Greenlight: A New Generation 4725:from the original on October 7, 2022 4703:Reinfuss, Wiktor (October 7, 2022). 4684:from the original on October 6, 2022 4655: 4508:Villainess In Epix's Batman Prequel" 4196: 3930:from the original on August 25, 2018 3851: 3799:from the original on August 10, 2022 3594:is in there as well." That's right! 3562:from the original on October 7, 2022 3463:Harper, Rachael (February 5, 2021). 3297:from the original on August 11, 2022 3184: 1338: 1233: 850:Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 9666:Television shows based on DC Comics 9631:American thriller television series 9626:Alternate history television series 5903:The Sinking Ship The Grand Applause 4762:from the original on March 27, 2019 4744:Steves, Ashley (January 30, 2019). 4696: 4582:Petski, Denise (December 4, 2018). 4539:Boucher, Geoff (October 30, 2018). 4496:Boucher, Geoff (October 19, 2018). 4453:Petski, Denise (October 16, 2018). 4333:Barsanti, Sam (September 8, 2022). 4311:from the original on April 24, 2019 4034:Frederiksen, Eric (July 20, 2019). 3886:from the original on April 30, 2021 3518: 3429:, & The War That Breaks London" 3409: 3272: 3270: 2830:. The pilot episode was written by 24: 9691:Television series set in the 1960s 9671:Television shows filmed in England 6476:Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 6037: 5728:These Delicate and Dark Obsessions 4618: 4498:"UK Pop Star Paloma Faith Cast As 4323: 3704:" Will Premiere December 13, 2020" 3360:, & The War That Breaks London 3335: 3141:Otterson, Joe (February 1, 2023). 2896:would take place in October 2022. 2250: 1378: 596:(SAS), years before the events of 592:, a former British soldier of the 25: 9717: 7130:List of Batman films cast members 5107: 5091:from the original on May 26, 2021 5031:White, Peter (October 16, 2021). 5006:; Releases Trailer & Key Art" 4643:from the original on June 7, 2021 4625:Pevens, Lane (December 5, 2020). 4434:from the original on June 3, 2019 4335:"Trailer for the third season of 4154:Goldberg, Lesley (May 16, 2018). 4101:Holloway, Daniel (May 16, 2018). 3991:Petski, Denise (March 20, 2019). 3858:Topel, Fred (February 10, 2019). 3821:White, Peter (February 1, 2023). 3010:, where the streets stood in for 817:, the future-long-lost sister of 689:'s portrayal of the character in 9574: 9573: 8708:Heaven's Gate: The Cult of Cults 6520:The Batman/Tarzan Adventure Hour 6155: 6154: 5992: 5991: 5699:The Gentle Art of Making Enemies 5075:"DC Comics To Publish Sequel To 4040:early with an EPIX 30-day trial" 3949:Mollo, Drew (February 7, 2019). 3781:Vejvoda, Jim (August 10, 2022). 3759:from the original on May 3, 2021 3735:Andreeva, Nellie (May 3, 2021). 3311:where we were considering doing 3267: 2775:The episode title refers to the 2730:The episode title refers to the 2685:The episode title refers to the 2640:The episode title refers to the 2593:The episode title refers to the 2540:The episode title refers to the 2491:The episode title refers to the 2434:The episode title refers to the 2383:The episode title refers to the 2332:The episode title refers to the 9681:Television shows shot in London 8858:The Not-Too-Late Show with Elmo 8214:Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake 7145:List of Batman children's books 5067: 5024: 4988: 4952: 4917: 4887:Barsanti, Sam (July 25, 2019). 4880: 4845: 4810: 4774: 4737: 4662:Catig, Gary (October 6, 2022). 4233: 4197:Maas, Jennifer (May 16, 2018). 4190: 4147: 4094: 4062: 4027: 3942: 3908:Petski, Denise (May 16, 2018). 3728: 3700:"EPIX Announces Season Two of " 3528:Weiss, Josh (October 6, 2022). 3425:: Bruno Heller Talks Season 2, 3093: 2984:Warner Bros. Studios, Leavesden 2868:as well as a direct prequel to 647:, in the second-season finale. 9686:Television shows set in London 9484:Aztec Batman: Clash of Empires 8324:The Sex Lives of College Girls 6881:Batman Ninja vs. Yakuza League 6874:Aztec Batman: Clash of Empires 4551:Adds Jason Flemyng As Villain" 3918:Duo Gets Series Order at Epix" 3356:: Bruno Heller Talks Season 2, 3277:Gomez, Manny (July 29, 2019). 3134: 2960:, respectively in March 2019. 2844:Television Critics Association 2808: 2265: 2258: 1851: 1844: 1393: 1386: 277: 266: 13: 1: 9676:Television shows shot in Kent 8458:Adventure Time: Distant Lands 6769:Return of the Caped Crusaders 5678:Beware the Green-Eyed Monster 5517:This Ball of Mud and Meanness 5310:What the Little Bird Told Him 3185:Kade, Leigh (July 19, 2019). 3127: 3082:The Origin of Batman's Butler 2792: 950:, who kills people for sport. 9651:HBO Max original programming 9353:Zack Snyder's Justice League 8498:Batman: The Audio Adventures 6970:Batman: The Audio Adventures 6860:The Doom That Came to Gotham 6527:The New Adventures of Batman 5721:How the Riddler Got His Name 5380:All Happy Families Are Alike 3059: 3017: 1804:September 29, 2019 1762:September 22, 2019 1720:September 15, 2019 1567:Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward 1565:television series character 1254:September 29, 2019 1168:who frequents Alfred's club. 901: 631:-affiliated No Name League, 606:London after serving in the 7: 7913:Belgravia: The Next Chapter 7711:List of unproduced projects 7691:DC Extended Universe series 5205:Jerome and Jeremiah Valeska 4123:Lands Series Order at Epix" 2952:were cast in the series as 2761:November 24, 2022 2716:November 17, 2022 2671:November 10, 2022 2006:December 27, 2020 1971:December 27, 2020 1934:December 20, 2020 1899:December 13, 2020 1678:September 8, 2019 1447:Former British SAS soldier 1359:November 24, 2022 1298:December 27, 2020 1288:December 13, 2020 1199: 719:, a wealthy young American 10: 9722: 8518:The Big Shot with Bethenny 7660:Legends of the Superheroes 7608:The Adventures of Superboy 7601:The Adventures of Superpup 7140:List of Batman video games 5819:They Who Hide Behind Masks 5608:Better to Reign in Hell... 5160: 3616:brought the characters of 2977: 2906: 2626:November 3, 2022 2571:October 27, 2022 2522:October 20, 2022 2482:his mysterious ally, a man 2465:October 13, 2022 654: 580: 471:character of the same name 9646:MGM+ original programming 9568: 9529: 9505: 9444: 9243: 9234: 9159:Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 9079: 9018:Tom and Jerry in New York 8478:Aquaman: King of Atlantis 8448: 8441: 8410: 8365: 8204: 8197: 8140: 7863: 7806:The Emperor of Ocean Park 7776: 7683: 7667:Justice League of America 7642: 7592: 7549: 7234: 7227: 7062: 7034: 6986: 6961: 6922: 6890: 6620: 6548:The New Batman Adventures 6497: 6467: 6433: 6393: 6350: 6213: 6150: 6126: 6093: 6065: 6047: 5987: 5969: 5942:Legend of the Dark Knight 5930: 5882:Pieces of a Broken Mirror 5783: 5708: 5595: 5586: 5490: 5398: 5389: 5222: 5213: 5170: 3955:TV Series Takes Place in 2840:Warner Horizon Television 2772: 2751: 2727: 2706: 2682: 2661: 2637: 2614: 2582: 2561: 2533: 2512: 2476: 2455: 2427: 2416:October 6, 2022 2404: 2376: 2365:October 6, 2022 2353: 2317: 2306:October 6, 2022 2292: 2281: 2278: 2275: 2272: 2264: 2257: 2240: 2219: 2205: 2184: 2170: 2149: 2135: 2112: 2094: 2073: 2059: 2038: 2017: 1996: 1982: 1959: 1945: 1924: 1910: 1885: 1867: 1864: 1861: 1858: 1850: 1843: 1815: 1794: 1773: 1752: 1731: 1710: 1689: 1666: 1645: 1634:August 25, 2019 1624: 1603: 1592:August 18, 2019 1580: 1553: 1542:August 11, 2019 1532: 1519: 1508:August 11, 2019 1496: 1483: 1463:"The Landlord's Daughter" 1462: 1445: 1420: 1409: 1406: 1403: 1400: 1392: 1385: 1368: 1349:October 6, 2022 1348: 1345: 1312: 1309: 1287: 1284: 1263: 1243: 1240: 1224: 1221: 1218: 493:in Heller's and Cannon's 430: 425: 400: 390: 365: 355: 350: 335:Warner Horizon Television 325:Primrose Hill Productions 317: 309: 292: 287: 276: 265: 257: 249: 230: 141: 124: 110: 91: 65: 50: 41: 34: 9636:Batman television series 9413:Turtles All the Way Down 8968:Stylish with Jenna Lyons 6853:Battle of the Super Sons 6513:The Batman/Superman Hour 6506:The Adventures of Batman 5917:Mandatory Brunch Meeting 5510:A Dead Man Feels No Cold 5467:A Bitter Pill to Swallow 5352:Everyone Has a Cobblepot 5338:The Blind Fortune Teller 5317:Welcome Back, Jim Gordon 3102: 2988:Leavesden, Hertfordshire 2850:. The day following the 2282:Original air date  2229:April 11, 2021 2159:March 28, 2021 2124:March 21, 2021 2083:March 14, 2021 1472:August 4, 2019 1323:April 11, 2021 1111: 940:John Ripper / The Ripper 848:, who later becomes the 639:, the future parents of 8978:Sweet Life: Los Angeles 8334:Tiny Toons Looniversity 7701:Warner Bros. Television 6783:Batman and Harley Quinn 6699:The Dark Knight Returns 6650:Mystery of the Batwoman 6435:The Dark Knight Trilogy 5643:Follow the White Rabbit 5373:The Anvil or the Hammer 3084:, and loosely adapting 2858:would serve as a loose 2801:Jack Bannon as a young 2194:April 4, 2021 2048:March 7, 2021 1434:July 28, 2019 1313:March 7, 2021 1244:July 28, 2019 811:Martha Wayne (nΓ©e Kane) 760:Atkinson also portrays 661: 341:Warner Bros. Television 9601:Pennyworth (TV series) 7243:Adventures of Superman 6988:Enemies in other media 6657:The Batman vs. Dracula 6583:The Brave and the Bold 6214:Live-action television 5692:Smile Like You Mean It 5453:Mommy's Little Monster 5324:The Fearsome Dr. Crane 5008:. September 11, 2019. 4964:: Schedule and Videos" 4171:The Hollywood Reporter 3576:, who plays the suave 2921:Hainsley Lloyd Bennett 2805: 842:high-ranking detective 743:Hainsley Lloyd Bennett 535:Hainsley Lloyd Bennett 159:Hainsley Lloyd Bennett 9068:Yabba Dabba Dinosaurs 8998:That Damn Michael Che 8778:Looney Tunes Cartoons 8254:Conan O'Brien Must Go 8224:And Just Like That... 7178:The Riddler: Year One 7094:Batman action figures 7035:Supporting characters 6776:The Lego Batman Movie 6706:DC Super Heroes Unite 6458:The Dark Knight Rises 6394:1989–1997 film series 6137:(2019–2022 TV series) 5910:One of My Three Soups 5854:Stop Hitting Yourself 5566:A Legion of Horribles 5493:Wrath of the Villains 4541:"Epix Batman Prequel 3348:(December 11, 2020). 2884:. Characters wearing 2800: 2150:"The Hangman's Noose" 1070:Samantha Thomas Wayne 1002:and a famous actress. 815:Samantha Thomas Wayne 695:trilogy, directed by 645:Samantha Thomas Wayne 18:Pennyworth (season 3) 8868:Our Flag Means Death 8808:The Last Movie Stars 8658:The Girls on the Bus 8598:The Flight Attendant 8294:Kite Man: Hell Yeah! 8191:original programming 8069:Perpetual Grace, LTD 7770:original programming 7721:DC Extended Universe 7104:Batman Total Justice 6952:Batman: Resurrection 6938:Enemies & Allies 6629:Mask of the Phantasm 6468:DC Extended Universe 6112:Adam Susan / Sutler 5889:A Beautiful Darkness 5847:A Day in the Narrows 5401:Rise of the Villains 4794:. October 28, 2019. 3712:. October 12, 2020. 3669:. October 25, 2019. 3622:into the mainstream 3434:Comic Book Resources 3234:(October 12, 2020). 2074:"The Rose and Thorn" 2039:"The Bleeding Heart" 1925:"The Burning Bridge" 1795:"Marianne Faithfull" 1132:high-ranking officer 1065:drug, Lullaby State. 867:high-ranking officer 318:Production companies 9038:The Truth About Jim 8878:Pretty Little Liars 7883:A Spy Among Friends 7826:Godfather of Harlem 7558:Superman & Lois 7539:Dead Boy Detectives 7395:Legends of Tomorrow 7267:The Secrets of Isis 7163:Holy Musical B@man! 7081:(unproduced series) 6913:Death in the Family 6867:Merry Little Batman 6790:Batman vs. Two-Face 6643:Return of the Joker 6534:The Animated Series 6498:Animated television 5868:Things That Go Boom 5756:Pretty Hate Machine 5460:Tonight's the Night 5411:Damned If You Do... 3630:after the official 3530:"NYCC: Season 3 Of 3497:conceptually, this 2220:"The Lion and Lamb" 1960:"The Belt and Welt" 846:Metropolitan Police 799:'s most successful 770:Ian Puleston-Davies 721:forensic accountant 674:, a former British 651:Cast and characters 594:Special Air Service 293:Executive producers 174:Ian Puleston-Davies 9263:An American Pickle 9189:Summer Camp Island 8668:Gordita Chronicles 8628:Gaming Wall Street 8420:Creature Commandos 6846:The Long Halloween 6839:Soul of the Dragon 6804:Gotham by Gaslight 6678:Under the Red Hood 6424:Batman & Robin 6238:OnStar commercials 6108:Eve "Evey" Hammond 5875:Queen Takes Knight 5749:All Will Be Judged 5481:Worse Than a Crime 5275:Penguin's Umbrella 5268:Spirit of the Goat 5048:Deadline Hollywood 4972:. August 5, 2019. 4715:Season 3 Premiere" 4599:Deadline Hollywood 4556:Deadline Hollywood 4513:Deadline Hollywood 4470:Deadline Hollywood 4427:Deadline Hollywood 4384:Deadline Hollywood 4267:Deadline Hollywood 4008:Deadline Hollywood 3923:Deadline Hollywood 3832:Deadline Hollywood 3752:Deadline Hollywood 3582:the Caped Crusader 2806: 2752:"Highland Wedding" 2513:"Rhyme 'n' Reason" 2153:Catherine Morshead 2117:Catherine Morshead 1837:Season 2 (2020–21) 1827:Marianne Faithfull 1039:Virginia Devereaux 1035:Lorraine Burroughs 946:and descendant of 762:Virginia Devereaux 9588: 9587: 9525: 9524: 9333:Let Them All Talk 9323:Superintelligence 9283:Class Action Park 9230: 9229: 8698:Head of the Class 8406: 8405: 8154: 8153: 8119:War of the Worlds 7933:Bridge and Tunnel 7733: 7732: 7638: 7637: 7187: 7186: 7071:Batman & Bill 6931:The Ultimate Evil 6762:Mechs vs. Mutants 6720:Assault on Arkham 6597:Beware the Batman 6493: 6492: 6352:Live-action films 6170: 6169: 6005: 6004: 5965: 5964: 5961: 5960: 5926: 5925: 5840:Hog Day Afternoon 5779: 5778: 5735:The Primal Riddle 5622:Look into My Eyes 5582: 5581: 5474:The Son of Gotham 5079:TV Show As Comic" 4719:The Cosmic Circus 2874:British Civil War 2803:Alfred Pennyworth 2790: 2789: 2248: 2247: 2113:"The Bloody Mary" 1886:"The Heavy Crown" 1868:Original air date 1834: 1833: 1449:Alfred Pennyworth 1410:Original air date 1375: 1374: 1166:funfair traveller 1148:(seasons 1–2), a 1107:newspaper advert. 1053:Wayne Enterprises 697:Christopher Nolan 672:Alfred Pennyworth 618:public executions 608:Malayan Emergency 604:alternate history 590:Alfred Pennyworth 570:COVID-19 pandemic 487:Alfred Pennyworth 439: 438: 414:November 24, 2022 258:Original language 250:Country of origin 96:Alfred Pennyworth 16:(Redirected from 9713: 9581: 9577: 9576: 9561: 9554: 9547: 9540: 9518: 9498: 9488: 9478: 9468: 9458: 9437: 9427: 9417: 9407: 9397: 9387: 9377: 9367: 9357: 9347: 9337: 9327: 9317: 9307: 9303:Charm City Kings 9297: 9287: 9277: 9267: 9257: 9241: 9240: 9223: 9213: 9203: 9193: 9183: 9173: 9163: 9153: 9143: 9133: 9123: 9113: 9103: 9093: 9072: 9062: 9052: 9042: 9032: 9022: 9012: 9002: 8992: 8988:Ten Year Old Tom 8982: 8972: 8962: 8952: 8942: 8932: 8928:Scavengers Reign 8922: 8912: 8902: 8898:Raised by Wolves 8892: 8882: 8872: 8862: 8852: 8842: 8832: 8822: 8812: 8802: 8792: 8788:Love & Death 8782: 8772: 8762: 8752: 8742: 8732: 8722: 8712: 8702: 8692: 8682: 8672: 8662: 8652: 8642: 8632: 8622: 8612: 8602: 8592: 8582: 8572: 8562: 8552: 8542: 8532: 8522: 8512: 8502: 8492: 8482: 8472: 8462: 8446: 8445: 8434: 8424: 8399: 8389: 8379: 8358: 8348: 8338: 8328: 8318: 8308: 8298: 8288: 8278: 8268: 8258: 8248: 8238: 8228: 8218: 8202: 8201: 8181: 8174: 8167: 8158: 8157: 8133: 8123: 8113: 8109:Unprotected Sets 8103: 8093: 8083: 8073: 8063: 8053: 8043: 8033: 8023: 8015: 8005: 8001:Elvis Goes There 7995: 7987: 7977: 7967: 7957: 7947: 7937: 7927: 7917: 7907: 7897: 7887: 7877: 7856: 7846: 7838: 7830: 7820: 7810: 7800: 7790: 7760: 7753: 7746: 7737: 7736: 7232: 7231: 7214: 7207: 7200: 7191: 7190: 7110:Batman Unlimited 7082: 6755:The Killing Joke 6734:Batman vs. Robin 6727:Animal Instincts 6391: 6390: 6369:Batman and Robin 6197: 6190: 6183: 6174: 6173: 6158: 6157: 6032: 6025: 6018: 6009: 6008: 5995: 5994: 5952:The Beginning... 5944: 5937: 5936: 5861:Let Them Eat Pie 5833:The Blade's Path 5826:The Demon's Head 5797: 5790: 5789: 5713: 5636:Anything for You 5600: 5593: 5592: 5495: 5403: 5396: 5395: 5220: 5219: 5200:Oswald Cobblepot 5155: 5148: 5141: 5132: 5131: 5127: 5101: 5100: 5098: 5096: 5087:. May 26, 2021. 5071: 5065: 5064: 5062: 5060: 5042: 5036: 5028: 5022: 5021: 5019: 5017: 5005: 4999: 4992: 4986: 4985: 4983: 4981: 4956: 4950: 4949: 4947: 4945: 4921: 4915: 4914: 4912: 4910: 4889:"Batman prequel 4884: 4878: 4877: 4875: 4873: 4849: 4843: 4842: 4840: 4838: 4814: 4808: 4807: 4805: 4803: 4791:Kent Film Office 4786:Series 1 (2019)" 4778: 4772: 4771: 4769: 4767: 4741: 4735: 4734: 4732: 4730: 4714: 4708: 4705:"Series Review: 4700: 4694: 4693: 4691: 4689: 4673: 4667: 4659: 4653: 4652: 4650: 4648: 4636: 4630: 4622: 4616: 4615: 4613: 4611: 4593: 4587: 4579: 4573: 4572: 4570: 4568: 4550: 4544: 4536: 4530: 4529: 4527: 4525: 4507: 4501: 4493: 4487: 4486: 4484: 4482: 4464: 4458: 4450: 4444: 4443: 4441: 4439: 4421: 4415: 4407: 4401: 4400: 4398: 4396: 4370: 4361: 4360: 4358: 4356: 4330: 4321: 4320: 4318: 4316: 4290: 4284: 4283: 4281: 4279: 4261: 4255: 4251: 4245: 4237: 4231: 4230: 4228: 4226: 4208: 4202: 4194: 4188: 4187: 4185: 4183: 4165: 4159: 4151: 4145: 4144: 4142: 4140: 4122: 4116: 4112: 4106: 4098: 4092: 4091: 4089: 4087: 4075:The Futon Critic 4066: 4060: 4059: 4057: 4055: 4031: 4025: 4024: 4022: 4020: 4002: 3996: 3988: 3979: 3978: 3976: 3974: 3946: 3940: 3939: 3937: 3935: 3910:"Batman Prequel 3905: 3896: 3895: 3893: 3891: 3869: 3863: 3860:"Batman Prequel 3855: 3849: 3848: 3846: 3844: 3818: 3809: 3808: 3806: 3804: 3778: 3769: 3768: 3766: 3764: 3746: 3740: 3732: 3726: 3725: 3723: 3721: 3709:The Futon Critic 3696: 3687: 3686: 3680: 3678: 3654: 3645: 3644: 3636:Guy Fawkes masks 3569: 3567: 3549: 3543: 3539: 3533: 3525: 3516: 3515: 3488: 3486: 3460: 3451: 3450: 3448: 3446: 3416: 3407: 3406: 3395: 3381: 3379: 3342: 3333: 3332: 3304: 3302: 3274: 3265: 3264: 3258: 3256: 3228: 3217: 3216: 3214: 3212: 3182: 3165: 3164: 3162: 3160: 3138: 3121: 3118: 3004:Chatham Dockyard 2834:and directed by 2783:Highland Wedding 2768: 2766: 2723: 2721: 2678: 2676: 2633: 2631: 2578: 2576: 2548:Rhyme 'n' Reason 2529: 2527: 2472: 2470: 2423: 2421: 2372: 2370: 2313: 2311: 2267: 2260: 2255: 2254: 2236: 2234: 2201: 2199: 2166: 2164: 2131: 2129: 2090: 2088: 2055: 2053: 2013: 2011: 1997:"The Hunted Fox" 1978: 1976: 1941: 1939: 1906: 1904: 1853: 1846: 1841: 1840: 1811: 1809: 1769: 1767: 1727: 1725: 1685: 1683: 1667:"Julie Christie" 1641: 1639: 1599: 1597: 1581:"Shirley Bassey" 1549: 1547: 1515: 1513: 1479: 1477: 1441: 1439: 1395: 1388: 1383: 1382: 1366: 1364: 1356: 1354: 1343: 1342: 1341: 1330: 1328: 1320: 1318: 1305: 1303: 1295: 1293: 1279: 1278: 1277: 1261: 1259: 1251: 1249: 1238: 1237: 1236: 1214:Originally aired 1205: 1204: 1146:Aleister Crowley 1098:Guy Fawkes masks 755:Dorothy Atkinson 723:and doctor from 543:Dorothy Atkinson 421: 419: 411: 409: 386: 384: 376: 374: 351:Original release 330:DC Entertainment 279: 268: 169:Dorothy Atkinson 46: 32: 31: 21: 9721: 9720: 9716: 9715: 9714: 9712: 9711: 9710: 9591: 9590: 9589: 9584: 9572: 9564: 9557: 9550: 9543: 9536: 9521: 9512: 9501: 9491: 9481: 9471: 9461: 9451: 9440: 9430: 9420: 9410: 9400: 9390: 9380: 9373:Women Is Losers 9370: 9360: 9350: 9340: 9330: 9320: 9310: 9300: 9290: 9280: 9270: 9260: 9250: 9226: 9216: 9206: 9196: 9186: 9176: 9166: 9156: 9146: 9136: 9126: 9116: 9106: 9096: 9086: 9075: 9065: 9055: 9045: 9035: 9025: 9015: 9005: 8995: 8985: 8975: 8965: 8955: 8945: 8935: 8925: 8915: 8905: 8895: 8885: 8875: 8865: 8855: 8845: 8835: 8825: 8815: 8805: 8795: 8785: 8775: 8765: 8755: 8745: 8735: 8725: 8715: 8705: 8695: 8685: 8675: 8665: 8655: 8645: 8635: 8625: 8615: 8605: 8595: 8585: 8575: 8565: 8555: 8545: 8535: 8525: 8515: 8505: 8495: 8485: 8475: 8465: 8455: 8437: 8427: 8417: 8402: 8392: 8382: 8372: 8361: 8351: 8341: 8331: 8321: 8311: 8301: 8291: 8281: 8271: 8261: 8251: 8244:#BringBackAlice 8241: 8231: 8221: 8211: 8193: 8185: 8155: 8150: 8136: 8129:The Winter King 8126: 8116: 8106: 8096: 8086: 8076: 8066: 8056: 8046: 8036: 8026: 8018: 8008: 7998: 7990: 7980: 7970: 7960: 7950: 7940: 7930: 7920: 7910: 7900: 7890: 7880: 7873:America Divided 7870: 7859: 7849: 7841: 7833: 7823: 7813: 7803: 7793: 7783: 7772: 7764: 7734: 7729: 7679: 7644: 7634: 7588: 7545: 7419:Black Lightning 7223: 7218: 7188: 7183: 7080: 7058: 7036: 7030: 6982: 6977:Batman Unburied 6957: 6945:Wayne of Gotham 6918: 6891:Animated shorts 6886: 6616: 6489: 6463: 6451:The Dark Knight 6429: 6389: 6346: 6209: 6207:franchise media 6201: 6171: 6166: 6146: 6142:Guy Fawkes mask 6122: 6089: 6061: 6043: 6036: 6006: 6001: 5983: 5957: 5940: 5922: 5812:The Fear Reaper 5793: 5775: 5763:Destiny Calling 5709: 5704: 5664:The Executioner 5596: 5578: 5491: 5486: 5399: 5385: 5366:Under the Knife 5303:Rogues' Gallery 5209: 5166: 5159: 5110: 5105: 5104: 5094: 5092: 5073: 5072: 5068: 5058: 5056: 5040: 5034: 5029: 5025: 5015: 5013: 5003: 4997: 4994: 4993: 4989: 4979: 4977: 4958: 4957: 4953: 4943: 4941: 4934:Rotten Tomatoes 4923: 4922: 4918: 4908: 4906: 4885: 4881: 4871: 4869: 4851: 4850: 4846: 4836: 4834: 4827:Rotten Tomatoes 4816: 4815: 4811: 4801: 4799: 4780: 4779: 4775: 4765: 4763: 4742: 4738: 4728: 4726: 4712: 4706: 4701: 4697: 4687: 4685: 4671: 4665: 4660: 4656: 4646: 4644: 4634: 4628: 4623: 4619: 4609: 4607: 4591: 4585: 4580: 4576: 4566: 4564: 4548: 4542: 4537: 4533: 4523: 4521: 4505: 4499: 4494: 4490: 4480: 4478: 4462: 4456: 4451: 4447: 4437: 4435: 4419: 4413: 4408: 4404: 4394: 4392: 4371: 4364: 4354: 4352: 4331: 4324: 4314: 4312: 4291: 4287: 4277: 4275: 4259: 4253: 4249: 4243: 4238: 4234: 4224: 4222: 4206: 4200: 4195: 4191: 4181: 4179: 4163: 4157: 4152: 4148: 4138: 4136: 4120: 4114: 4110: 4104: 4099: 4095: 4085: 4083: 4068: 4067: 4063: 4053: 4051: 4032: 4028: 4018: 4016: 4000: 3994: 3989: 3982: 3972: 3970: 3947: 3943: 3933: 3931: 3906: 3899: 3889: 3887: 3867: 3861: 3856: 3852: 3842: 3840: 3819: 3812: 3802: 3800: 3779: 3772: 3762: 3760: 3744: 3738: 3733: 3729: 3719: 3717: 3698: 3697: 3690: 3676: 3674: 3656: 3655: 3648: 3565: 3563: 3547: 3541: 3537: 3531: 3526: 3519: 3498: 3484: 3482: 3461: 3454: 3444: 3442: 3417: 3410: 3377: 3375: 3343: 3336: 3300: 3298: 3275: 3268: 3254: 3252: 3229: 3220: 3210: 3208: 3183: 3168: 3158: 3156: 3139: 3135: 3130: 3125: 3124: 3119: 3110: 3105: 3096: 3062: 3050:Sherlock Holmes 3024:Rotten Tomatoes 3020: 2980: 2950:Jessica Ellerby 2936:title character 2909: 2890:Guy Fawkes mask 2852:series premiere 2811: 2795: 2786: 2774: 2764: 2762: 2741: 2729: 2719: 2717: 2696: 2684: 2674: 2672: 2651: 2639: 2629: 2627: 2615:"Don't Push It" 2604: 2592: 2574: 2572: 2551: 2539: 2525: 2523: 2502: 2490: 2486:Guy Fawkes mask 2468: 2466: 2445: 2433: 2419: 2417: 2405:"Comply or Die" 2394: 2382: 2368: 2366: 2343: 2331: 2309: 2307: 2269: 2261: 2253: 2251:Season 3 (2022) 2244: 2232: 2230: 2209: 2197: 2195: 2185:"Paradise Lost" 2174: 2162: 2160: 2139: 2127: 2125: 2102: 2086: 2084: 2063: 2051: 2049: 2021: 2009: 2007: 1986: 1974: 1972: 1949: 1937: 1935: 1914: 1902: 1900: 1855: 1847: 1839: 1830: 1824: 1807: 1805: 1784: 1778: 1765: 1763: 1742: 1736: 1723: 1721: 1700: 1694: 1681: 1679: 1656: 1650: 1637: 1635: 1614: 1608: 1595: 1593: 1570: 1558: 1545: 1543: 1536:China Moo-Young 1533:"Lady Penelope" 1522: 1511: 1509: 1486: 1475: 1473: 1452: 1437: 1435: 1397: 1389: 1381: 1379:Season 1 (2019) 1376: 1362: 1360: 1352: 1350: 1337: 1336: 1335: 1326: 1324: 1316: 1314: 1301: 1299: 1291: 1289: 1273: 1272: 1271: 1257: 1255: 1247: 1245: 1232: 1231: 1230: 1202: 1114: 1105:"Lonely Hearts" 1068:Jayda Eyles as 1059:Paul Brightwell 1045:Richard Dillane 1012:Jessica De Gouw 993:Sarah Alexander 983:Anna Chancellor 948:Jack the Ripper 924:Jessica Ellerby 904: 733:Grayson McCouch 692:The Dark Knight 664: 659: 653: 583: 417: 415: 413: 407: 405: 382: 380: 378: 372: 370: 346: 305: 245: 226: 137: 117: 98: 87: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 9719: 9709: 9708: 9703: 9701:V for Vendetta 9698: 9693: 9688: 9683: 9678: 9673: 9668: 9663: 9658: 9653: 9648: 9643: 9638: 9633: 9628: 9623: 9618: 9613: 9608: 9603: 9586: 9585: 9583: 9582: 9569: 9566: 9565: 9563: 9562: 9555: 9548: 9541: 9533: 9531: 9527: 9526: 9523: 9522: 9520: 9519: 9509: 9507: 9503: 9502: 9500: 9499: 9489: 9479: 9469: 9459: 9448: 9446: 9442: 9441: 9439: 9438: 9428: 9418: 9408: 9398: 9388: 9378: 9368: 9358: 9348: 9338: 9328: 9318: 9308: 9298: 9288: 9278: 9268: 9258: 9247: 9245: 9238: 9232: 9231: 9228: 9227: 9225: 9224: 9214: 9204: 9194: 9184: 9174: 9164: 9154: 9144: 9134: 9129:Infinity Train 9124: 9114: 9109:Esme & Roy 9104: 9094: 9083: 9081: 9077: 9076: 9074: 9073: 9063: 9053: 9043: 9033: 9023: 9013: 9003: 8993: 8983: 8973: 8963: 8958:Station Eleven 8953: 8943: 8933: 8923: 8913: 8903: 8893: 8883: 8873: 8863: 8853: 8843: 8833: 8823: 8813: 8803: 8793: 8783: 8773: 8763: 8753: 8743: 8733: 8723: 8713: 8703: 8693: 8683: 8673: 8663: 8653: 8643: 8633: 8623: 8613: 8603: 8593: 8583: 8573: 8563: 8553: 8543: 8533: 8523: 8513: 8508:The Big Brunch 8503: 8493: 8483: 8473: 8463: 8452: 8450: 8443: 8439: 8438: 8436: 8435: 8425: 8414: 8412: 8408: 8407: 8404: 8403: 8401: 8400: 8390: 8380: 8369: 8367: 8363: 8362: 8360: 8359: 8349: 8339: 8329: 8319: 8309: 8299: 8289: 8279: 8269: 8259: 8249: 8239: 8229: 8219: 8208: 8206: 8199: 8195: 8194: 8184: 8183: 8176: 8169: 8161: 8152: 8151: 8144: 8142: 8138: 8137: 8135: 8134: 8124: 8114: 8104: 8094: 8084: 8074: 8064: 8054: 8044: 8034: 8024: 8016: 8006: 7996: 7992:The Eisen Hour 7988: 7978: 7968: 7958: 7948: 7938: 7928: 7923:Berlin Station 7918: 7908: 7898: 7888: 7878: 7867: 7865: 7861: 7860: 7858: 7857: 7847: 7839: 7831: 7821: 7811: 7801: 7791: 7780: 7778: 7774: 7773: 7763: 7762: 7755: 7748: 7740: 7731: 7730: 7728: 7727: 7726: 7725: 7724: 7723: 7708: 7703: 7698: 7693: 7687: 7685: 7681: 7680: 7678: 7677: 7670: 7663: 7656: 7648: 7646: 7640: 7639: 7636: 7635: 7633: 7632: 7625: 7618: 7611: 7604: 7596: 7594: 7590: 7589: 7587: 7586: 7578: 7570: 7562: 7553: 7551: 7547: 7546: 7544: 7543: 7535: 7527: 7523:Gotham Knights 7519: 7511: 7503: 7495: 7487: 7479: 7471: 7463: 7455: 7447: 7439: 7431: 7423: 7415: 7407: 7399: 7391: 7383: 7375: 7367: 7359: 7351: 7343: 7335: 7327: 7319: 7311: 7303: 7295: 7287: 7279: 7271: 7263: 7255: 7247: 7238: 7236: 7229: 7225: 7224: 7217: 7216: 7209: 7202: 7194: 7185: 7184: 7182: 7181: 7174: 7166: 7159: 7152: 7147: 7142: 7137: 7132: 7127: 7120: 7115: 7114: 7113: 7106: 7101: 7091: 7084: 7074: 7066: 7064: 7063:Related topics 7060: 7059: 7057: 7056: 7051: 7046: 7044:Barbara Gordon 7040: 7038: 7037:in other media 7032: 7031: 7029: 7028: 7023: 7018: 7013: 7008: 7003: 6998: 6992: 6990: 6984: 6983: 6981: 6980: 6973: 6965: 6963: 6959: 6958: 6956: 6955: 6948: 6941: 6934: 6926: 6924: 6920: 6919: 6917: 6916: 6909: 6902: 6894: 6892: 6888: 6887: 6885: 6884: 6877: 6870: 6863: 6856: 6849: 6842: 6835: 6832:Family Matters 6828: 6821: 6814: 6807: 6800: 6793: 6786: 6779: 6772: 6765: 6758: 6751: 6744: 6741:Monster Mayhem 6737: 6730: 6723: 6716: 6709: 6702: 6695: 6688: 6681: 6674: 6671:Public Enemies 6667: 6660: 6653: 6646: 6639: 6632: 6624: 6622: 6621:Animated films 6618: 6617: 6615: 6614: 6611:Caped Crusader 6607: 6600: 6593: 6592: 6591: 6579: 6578: 6577: 6565: 6564: 6563: 6551: 6544: 6543: 6542: 6530: 6523: 6516: 6509: 6501: 6499: 6495: 6494: 6491: 6490: 6488: 6487: 6479: 6471: 6469: 6465: 6464: 6462: 6461: 6454: 6447: 6439: 6437: 6431: 6430: 6428: 6427: 6420: 6417:Batman Forever 6413: 6410:Batman Returns 6406: 6397: 6395: 6388: 6387: 6380: 6372: 6365: 6356: 6354: 6348: 6347: 6345: 6344: 6343: 6342: 6335: 6321: 6318:Gotham Knights 6314: 6307: 6300: 6299: 6298: 6293: 6292: 6291: 6286: 6281: 6276: 6271: 6254: 6247: 6240: 6232: 6231: 6230: 6217: 6215: 6211: 6210: 6200: 6199: 6192: 6185: 6177: 6168: 6167: 6165: 6164: 6151: 6148: 6147: 6145: 6144: 6139: 6130: 6128: 6124: 6123: 6121: 6120: 6119: 6118: 6110: 6105: 6099: 6097: 6091: 6090: 6088: 6087: 6086: 6085: 6080: 6069: 6067: 6063: 6062: 6060: 6059: 6054: 6048: 6045: 6044: 6040:V for Vendetta 6035: 6034: 6027: 6020: 6012: 6003: 6002: 6000: 5999: 5988: 5985: 5984: 5982: 5981: 5973: 5971: 5967: 5966: 5963: 5962: 5959: 5958: 5956: 5955: 5947: 5945: 5934: 5928: 5927: 5924: 5923: 5921: 5920: 5913: 5906: 5899: 5892: 5885: 5878: 5871: 5864: 5857: 5850: 5843: 5836: 5829: 5822: 5815: 5808: 5800: 5798: 5787: 5781: 5780: 5777: 5776: 5774: 5773: 5770:Heavydirtysoul 5766: 5759: 5752: 5745: 5742:Light the Wick 5738: 5731: 5724: 5716: 5714: 5706: 5705: 5703: 5702: 5695: 5688: 5681: 5674: 5667: 5660: 5653: 5646: 5639: 5632: 5629:New Day Rising 5625: 5618: 5615:Burn the Witch 5611: 5603: 5601: 5590: 5584: 5583: 5580: 5579: 5577: 5576: 5569: 5562: 5555: 5548: 5541: 5538:Into the Woods 5534: 5527: 5520: 5513: 5506: 5498: 5496: 5488: 5487: 5485: 5484: 5477: 5470: 5463: 5456: 5449: 5442: 5435: 5428: 5425:The Last Laugh 5421: 5414: 5406: 5404: 5393: 5387: 5386: 5384: 5383: 5376: 5369: 5362: 5359:Beasts of Prey 5355: 5348: 5341: 5334: 5327: 5320: 5313: 5306: 5299: 5292: 5285: 5278: 5271: 5264: 5257: 5250: 5247:The Balloonman 5243: 5236: 5228: 5226: 5217: 5211: 5210: 5208: 5207: 5202: 5197: 5192: 5187: 5182: 5176: 5174: 5168: 5167: 5158: 5157: 5150: 5143: 5135: 5129: 5128: 5109: 5108:External links 5106: 5103: 5102: 5066: 5023: 4987: 4951: 4939:Fandango Media 4916: 4879: 4844: 4832:Fandango Media 4809: 4773: 4736: 4695: 4654: 4632:V For Vendetta 4617: 4574: 4531: 4488: 4445: 4402: 4362: 4322: 4285: 4232: 4189: 4146: 4093: 4061: 4026: 3980: 3941: 3897: 3850: 3810: 3770: 3727: 3688: 3646: 3613:Doomsday Clock 3596:V for Vendetta 3591:V for Vendetta 3578:Mr. Pennyworth 3517: 3504:V for Vendetta 3494:V for Vendetta 3452: 3427:V for Vendetta 3408: 3391:V for Vendetta 3358:V for Vendetta 3334: 3325:V for Vendetta 3314:V for Vendetta 3285:V for Vendetta 3266: 3218: 3166: 3132: 3131: 3129: 3126: 3123: 3122: 3107: 3106: 3104: 3101: 3095: 3092: 3087:V for Vendetta 3061: 3058: 3019: 3016: 2979: 2976: 2971:V for Vendetta 2908: 2905: 2882:V for Vendetta 2880:government of 2865:V for Vendetta 2842:. At the 2019 2810: 2807: 2794: 2791: 2788: 2787: 2773: 2770: 2769: 2759: 2756: 2753: 2750: 2747: 2743: 2742: 2728: 2725: 2724: 2714: 2711: 2708: 2705: 2702: 2698: 2697: 2683: 2680: 2679: 2669: 2666: 2665:Sheree Folkson 2663: 2662:"Red Marauder" 2660: 2657: 2653: 2652: 2638: 2635: 2634: 2624: 2621: 2616: 2613: 2610: 2606: 2605: 2583: 2580: 2579: 2569: 2566: 2565:Jill Robertson 2563: 2560: 2557: 2553: 2552: 2534: 2531: 2530: 2520: 2517: 2516:Jill Robertson 2514: 2511: 2508: 2504: 2503: 2477: 2474: 2473: 2463: 2460: 2457: 2456:"Silver Birch" 2454: 2451: 2447: 2446: 2428: 2425: 2424: 2414: 2409: 2406: 2403: 2400: 2396: 2395: 2377: 2374: 2373: 2363: 2358: 2355: 2352: 2349: 2345: 2344: 2318: 2315: 2314: 2304: 2299: 2294: 2291: 2288: 2284: 2283: 2280: 2277: 2274: 2271: 2263: 2252: 2249: 2246: 2245: 2241: 2238: 2237: 2227: 2224: 2221: 2218: 2215: 2211: 2210: 2206: 2203: 2202: 2192: 2189: 2186: 2183: 2180: 2176: 2175: 2171: 2168: 2167: 2157: 2154: 2151: 2148: 2145: 2141: 2140: 2136: 2133: 2132: 2122: 2119: 2114: 2111: 2108: 2104: 2103: 2095: 2092: 2091: 2081: 2078: 2075: 2072: 2069: 2065: 2064: 2060: 2057: 2056: 2046: 2043: 2040: 2037: 2034: 2030: 2029: 2023: 2022: 2018: 2015: 2014: 2004: 2001: 1998: 1995: 1992: 1988: 1987: 1983: 1980: 1979: 1969: 1966: 1961: 1958: 1955: 1951: 1950: 1946: 1943: 1942: 1932: 1929: 1926: 1923: 1920: 1916: 1915: 1911: 1908: 1907: 1897: 1892: 1887: 1884: 1881: 1877: 1876: 1870: 1869: 1866: 1863: 1860: 1857: 1849: 1838: 1835: 1832: 1831: 1816: 1813: 1812: 1802: 1799: 1796: 1793: 1790: 1786: 1785: 1774: 1771: 1770: 1760: 1757: 1754: 1751: 1748: 1744: 1743: 1732: 1729: 1728: 1718: 1715: 1712: 1709: 1706: 1702: 1701: 1697:Julie Christie 1690: 1687: 1686: 1676: 1673: 1668: 1665: 1662: 1658: 1657: 1646: 1643: 1642: 1632: 1629: 1626: 1623: 1620: 1616: 1615: 1611:Shirley Bassey 1604: 1601: 1600: 1590: 1587: 1582: 1579: 1576: 1572: 1571: 1554: 1551: 1550: 1540: 1537: 1534: 1531: 1528: 1524: 1523: 1520: 1517: 1516: 1506: 1503: 1498: 1495: 1492: 1488: 1487: 1484: 1481: 1480: 1470: 1467: 1464: 1461: 1458: 1454: 1453: 1446: 1443: 1442: 1432: 1427: 1422: 1419: 1416: 1412: 1411: 1408: 1405: 1402: 1399: 1391: 1380: 1377: 1373: 1372: 1367: 1357: 1347: 1344: 1332: 1331: 1321: 1311: 1307: 1306: 1296: 1286: 1283: 1280: 1268: 1267: 1262: 1252: 1242: 1239: 1227: 1226: 1223: 1220: 1216: 1215: 1212: 1209: 1203: 1201: 1198: 1197: 1196: 1193: 1190: 1187: 1181: 1175: 1172: 1169: 1162: 1159:Gretchen Egolf 1156: 1153: 1139: 1128:Peter Guinness 1125: 1122: 1113: 1110: 1109: 1108: 1101: 1086: 1083: 1080: 1077: 1066: 1063:psycho-kinetic 1056: 1042: 1032: 1021: 1018: 1015: 1009: 1006: 1003: 996: 990: 980: 977: 974: 967: 957: 951: 933: 927: 921: 914: 911: 903: 900: 899: 898: 883:Simon Manyonda 880: 873: 870: 860: 856:Harriet Slater 853: 844:in the London 835: 834: 833: 804: 790: 784: 777: 767: 766: 765: 752: 746: 740: 710: 663: 660: 655:Main article: 652: 649: 613:V for Vendetta 582: 579: 514:V for Vendetta 446:, marketed as 437: 436: 428: 427: 423: 422: 402: 398: 397: 392: 388: 387: 379:April 11, 2021 367: 363: 362: 357: 353: 352: 348: 347: 345: 344: 338: 332: 327: 321: 319: 315: 314: 311: 307: 306: 304: 303: 300: 296: 294: 290: 289: 285: 284: 281: 274: 273: 270: 263: 262: 259: 255: 254: 251: 247: 246: 244: 243: 238: 237:David E. Russo 234: 232: 228: 227: 225: 224: 222:Simon Manyonda 219: 214: 211: 206: 204:Harriet Slater 201: 196: 191: 186: 181: 176: 171: 166: 161: 156: 151: 145: 143: 139: 138: 136: 135: 132: 128: 126: 122: 121: 112: 108: 107: 105:Jerry Robinson 93: 89: 88: 86: 85: 80: 75: 69: 67: 63: 62: 52: 48: 47: 39: 38: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 9718: 9707: 9704: 9702: 9699: 9697: 9694: 9692: 9689: 9687: 9684: 9682: 9679: 9677: 9674: 9672: 9669: 9667: 9664: 9662: 9659: 9657: 9654: 9652: 9649: 9647: 9644: 9642: 9639: 9637: 9634: 9632: 9629: 9627: 9624: 9622: 9619: 9617: 9614: 9612: 9609: 9607: 9604: 9602: 9599: 9598: 9596: 9580: 9571: 9570: 9567: 9560: 9556: 9553: 9549: 9546: 9542: 9539: 9535: 9534: 9532: 9528: 9517: 9516: 9511: 9510: 9508: 9504: 9496: 9495: 9494:The Parenting 9490: 9486: 9485: 9480: 9476: 9475: 9470: 9466: 9465: 9460: 9456: 9455: 9450: 9449: 9447: 9443: 9435: 9434: 9429: 9425: 9424: 9419: 9415: 9414: 9409: 9405: 9404: 9399: 9395: 9394: 9389: 9385: 9384: 9379: 9375: 9374: 9369: 9365: 9364: 9359: 9355: 9354: 9349: 9345: 9344: 9339: 9335: 9334: 9329: 9325: 9324: 9319: 9315: 9314: 9309: 9305: 9304: 9299: 9295: 9294: 9289: 9285: 9284: 9279: 9275: 9274: 9269: 9265: 9264: 9259: 9255: 9254: 9253:On the Record 9249: 9248: 9246: 9242: 9239: 9237: 9233: 9221: 9220: 9219:Young Justice 9215: 9211: 9210: 9205: 9201: 9200: 9195: 9191: 9190: 9185: 9181: 9180: 9175: 9171: 9170: 9165: 9161: 9160: 9155: 9151: 9150: 9145: 9141: 9140: 9139:The Other Two 9135: 9131: 9130: 9125: 9121: 9120: 9115: 9111: 9110: 9105: 9101: 9100: 9095: 9091: 9090: 9085: 9084: 9082: 9080:Continuations 9078: 9070: 9069: 9064: 9060: 9059: 9054: 9050: 9049: 9044: 9040: 9039: 9034: 9030: 9029: 9024: 9020: 9019: 9014: 9010: 9009: 9004: 9000: 8999: 8994: 8990: 8989: 8984: 8980: 8979: 8974: 8970: 8969: 8964: 8960: 8959: 8954: 8950: 8949: 8948:The Staircase 8944: 8940: 8939: 8938:Selena + Chef 8934: 8930: 8929: 8924: 8920: 8919: 8914: 8910: 8909: 8904: 8900: 8899: 8894: 8890: 8889: 8884: 8880: 8879: 8874: 8870: 8869: 8864: 8860: 8859: 8854: 8850: 8849: 8848:Not So Pretty 8844: 8840: 8839: 8834: 8830: 8829: 8828:Made for Love 8824: 8820: 8819: 8814: 8810: 8809: 8804: 8800: 8799: 8794: 8790: 8789: 8784: 8780: 8779: 8774: 8770: 8769: 8764: 8760: 8759: 8754: 8750: 8749: 8744: 8740: 8739: 8734: 8730: 8729: 8724: 8720: 8719: 8714: 8710: 8709: 8704: 8700: 8699: 8694: 8690: 8689: 8684: 8680: 8679: 8674: 8670: 8669: 8664: 8660: 8659: 8654: 8650: 8649: 8644: 8640: 8639: 8634: 8630: 8629: 8624: 8620: 8619: 8614: 8610: 8609: 8604: 8600: 8599: 8594: 8590: 8589: 8588:Fired on Mars 8584: 8580: 8579: 8574: 8570: 8569: 8568:Expecting Amy 8564: 8560: 8559: 8554: 8550: 8549: 8544: 8540: 8539: 8534: 8530: 8529: 8524: 8520: 8519: 8514: 8510: 8509: 8504: 8500: 8499: 8494: 8490: 8489: 8484: 8480: 8479: 8474: 8470: 8469: 8464: 8460: 8459: 8454: 8453: 8451: 8447: 8444: 8440: 8432: 8431: 8426: 8422: 8421: 8416: 8415: 8413: 8409: 8397: 8396: 8395:Sesame Street 8391: 8387: 8386: 8381: 8377: 8376: 8371: 8370: 8368: 8366:Continuations 8364: 8356: 8355: 8350: 8346: 8345: 8340: 8336: 8335: 8330: 8326: 8325: 8320: 8316: 8315: 8310: 8306: 8305: 8300: 8296: 8295: 8290: 8286: 8285: 8280: 8276: 8275: 8270: 8266: 8265: 8260: 8256: 8255: 8250: 8246: 8245: 8240: 8236: 8235: 8230: 8226: 8225: 8220: 8216: 8215: 8210: 8209: 8207: 8203: 8200: 8196: 8192: 8189: 8182: 8177: 8175: 8170: 8168: 8163: 8162: 8159: 8149: 8148: 8143: 8139: 8131: 8130: 8125: 8121: 8120: 8115: 8111: 8110: 8105: 8101: 8100: 8095: 8091: 8090: 8085: 8081: 8080: 8075: 8071: 8070: 8065: 8061: 8060: 8055: 8051: 8050: 8049:Laurel Canyon 8045: 8041: 8040: 8035: 8031: 8030: 8025: 8021: 8017: 8013: 8012: 8007: 8003: 8002: 7997: 7993: 7989: 7985: 7984: 7979: 7975: 7974: 7969: 7965: 7964: 7963:The Contender 7959: 7955: 7954: 7949: 7945: 7944: 7939: 7935: 7934: 7929: 7925: 7924: 7919: 7915: 7914: 7909: 7905: 7904: 7899: 7895: 7894: 7889: 7885: 7884: 7879: 7875: 7874: 7869: 7868: 7866: 7862: 7854: 7853: 7848: 7844: 7840: 7836: 7835:Hotel Cocaine 7832: 7828: 7827: 7822: 7818: 7817: 7812: 7808: 7807: 7802: 7798: 7797: 7792: 7788: 7787: 7786:Billy the Kid 7782: 7781: 7779: 7775: 7771: 7768: 7761: 7756: 7754: 7749: 7747: 7742: 7741: 7738: 7722: 7719: 7718: 7717: 7714: 7713: 7712: 7709: 7707: 7704: 7702: 7699: 7697: 7694: 7692: 7689: 7688: 7686: 7682: 7676: 7675: 7671: 7669: 7668: 7664: 7662: 7661: 7657: 7655: 7654: 7650: 7649: 7647: 7641: 7631: 7630: 7626: 7624: 7623: 7619: 7617: 7616: 7612: 7610: 7609: 7605: 7603: 7602: 7598: 7597: 7595: 7593:Unsold pilots 7591: 7584: 7583: 7579: 7576: 7575: 7571: 7568: 7567: 7563: 7560: 7559: 7555: 7554: 7552: 7548: 7541: 7540: 7536: 7533: 7532: 7528: 7525: 7524: 7520: 7517: 7516: 7512: 7509: 7508: 7504: 7501: 7500: 7496: 7493: 7492: 7488: 7485: 7484: 7480: 7477: 7476: 7472: 7469: 7468: 7464: 7461: 7460: 7456: 7453: 7452: 7448: 7445: 7444: 7440: 7437: 7436: 7432: 7429: 7428: 7424: 7421: 7420: 7416: 7413: 7412: 7408: 7405: 7404: 7400: 7397: 7396: 7392: 7389: 7388: 7384: 7381: 7380: 7376: 7373: 7372: 7368: 7365: 7364: 7360: 7357: 7356: 7352: 7349: 7348: 7344: 7341: 7340: 7336: 7333: 7332: 7331:Birds of Prey 7328: 7325: 7324: 7320: 7317: 7316: 7312: 7309: 7308: 7304: 7301: 7300: 7296: 7293: 7292: 7288: 7285: 7284: 7280: 7277: 7276: 7272: 7269: 7268: 7264: 7261: 7260: 7256: 7253: 7252: 7248: 7245: 7244: 7240: 7239: 7237: 7233: 7230: 7226: 7222: 7215: 7210: 7208: 7203: 7201: 7196: 7195: 7192: 7180: 7179: 7175: 7173: 7171: 7167: 7165: 7164: 7160: 7158: 7157: 7153: 7151: 7148: 7146: 7143: 7141: 7138: 7136: 7133: 7131: 7128: 7126: 7125: 7121: 7119: 7116: 7112: 7111: 7107: 7105: 7102: 7100: 7097: 7096: 7095: 7092: 7090: 7089: 7088:Batkid Begins 7085: 7083: 7079: 7075: 7073: 7072: 7068: 7067: 7065: 7061: 7055: 7052: 7050: 7047: 7045: 7042: 7041: 7039: 7033: 7027: 7024: 7022: 7019: 7017: 7014: 7012: 7009: 7007: 7004: 7002: 6999: 6997: 6994: 6993: 6991: 6989: 6985: 6979: 6978: 6974: 6972: 6971: 6967: 6966: 6964: 6960: 6954: 6953: 6949: 6947: 6946: 6942: 6940: 6939: 6935: 6933: 6932: 6928: 6927: 6925: 6921: 6915: 6914: 6910: 6908: 6907: 6903: 6901: 6900: 6896: 6895: 6893: 6889: 6883: 6882: 6878: 6876: 6875: 6871: 6869: 6868: 6864: 6862: 6861: 6857: 6855: 6854: 6850: 6848: 6847: 6843: 6841: 6840: 6836: 6834: 6833: 6829: 6827: 6826: 6822: 6820: 6819: 6815: 6813: 6812: 6808: 6806: 6805: 6801: 6799: 6798: 6794: 6792: 6791: 6787: 6785: 6784: 6780: 6778: 6777: 6773: 6771: 6770: 6766: 6764: 6763: 6759: 6757: 6756: 6752: 6750: 6749: 6745: 6743: 6742: 6738: 6736: 6735: 6731: 6729: 6728: 6724: 6722: 6721: 6717: 6715: 6714: 6713:Son of Batman 6710: 6708: 6707: 6703: 6701: 6700: 6696: 6694: 6693: 6689: 6687: 6686: 6682: 6680: 6679: 6675: 6673: 6672: 6668: 6666: 6665: 6664:Gotham Knight 6661: 6659: 6658: 6654: 6652: 6651: 6647: 6645: 6644: 6640: 6638: 6637: 6633: 6631: 6630: 6626: 6625: 6623: 6619: 6613: 6612: 6608: 6606: 6605: 6601: 6599: 6598: 6594: 6590: 6587: 6586: 6585: 6584: 6580: 6576: 6573: 6572: 6571: 6570: 6566: 6562: 6559: 6558: 6557: 6556: 6555:Batman Beyond 6552: 6550: 6549: 6545: 6541: 6538: 6537: 6536: 6535: 6531: 6529: 6528: 6524: 6522: 6521: 6517: 6515: 6514: 6510: 6508: 6507: 6503: 6502: 6500: 6496: 6485: 6484: 6480: 6478: 6477: 6473: 6472: 6470: 6466: 6460: 6459: 6455: 6453: 6452: 6448: 6446: 6445: 6444:Batman Begins 6441: 6440: 6438: 6436: 6432: 6426: 6425: 6421: 6419: 6418: 6414: 6412: 6411: 6407: 6405: 6403: 6399: 6398: 6396: 6392: 6386: 6385: 6381: 6379: 6377: 6373: 6371: 6370: 6366: 6364: 6362: 6358: 6357: 6355: 6353: 6349: 6340: 6336: 6333: 6329: 6328: 6327: 6326: 6322: 6320: 6319: 6315: 6313: 6312: 6308: 6306: 6305: 6301: 6297: 6294: 6290: 6287: 6285: 6282: 6280: 6277: 6275: 6272: 6270: 6267: 6266: 6265: 6262: 6261: 6260: 6259: 6255: 6253: 6252: 6248: 6246: 6245: 6244:Birds of Prey 6241: 6239: 6237: 6233: 6229: 6226: 6225: 6224: 6223: 6219: 6218: 6216: 6212: 6208: 6205: 6198: 6193: 6191: 6186: 6184: 6179: 6178: 6175: 6163: 6162: 6153: 6152: 6149: 6143: 6140: 6138: 6136: 6132: 6131: 6129: 6125: 6117: 6114: 6113: 6111: 6109: 6106: 6104: 6101: 6100: 6098: 6096: 6092: 6084: 6081: 6079: 6076: 6075: 6074: 6071: 6070: 6068: 6064: 6058: 6055: 6053: 6050: 6049: 6046: 6042: 6041: 6033: 6028: 6026: 6021: 6019: 6014: 6013: 6010: 5998: 5990: 5989: 5986: 5980: 5979: 5975: 5974: 5972: 5968: 5953: 5949: 5948: 5946: 5943: 5938: 5935: 5933: 5929: 5918: 5914: 5911: 5907: 5904: 5900: 5897: 5893: 5890: 5886: 5883: 5879: 5876: 5872: 5869: 5865: 5862: 5858: 5855: 5851: 5848: 5844: 5841: 5837: 5834: 5830: 5827: 5823: 5820: 5816: 5813: 5809: 5806: 5802: 5801: 5799: 5796: 5795:A Dark Knight 5791: 5788: 5786: 5782: 5771: 5767: 5764: 5760: 5757: 5753: 5750: 5746: 5743: 5739: 5736: 5732: 5729: 5725: 5722: 5718: 5717: 5715: 5712: 5707: 5700: 5696: 5693: 5689: 5686: 5682: 5679: 5675: 5672: 5668: 5665: 5661: 5658: 5654: 5651: 5647: 5644: 5640: 5637: 5633: 5630: 5626: 5623: 5619: 5616: 5612: 5609: 5605: 5604: 5602: 5599: 5594: 5591: 5589: 5585: 5574: 5570: 5567: 5563: 5560: 5556: 5553: 5549: 5546: 5542: 5539: 5535: 5532: 5528: 5525: 5524:Mad Grey Dawn 5521: 5518: 5514: 5511: 5507: 5504: 5500: 5499: 5497: 5494: 5489: 5482: 5478: 5475: 5471: 5468: 5464: 5461: 5457: 5454: 5450: 5447: 5443: 5440: 5439:Scarification 5436: 5433: 5429: 5426: 5422: 5419: 5415: 5412: 5408: 5407: 5405: 5402: 5397: 5394: 5392: 5388: 5381: 5377: 5374: 5370: 5367: 5363: 5360: 5356: 5353: 5349: 5346: 5342: 5339: 5335: 5332: 5331:The Scarecrow 5328: 5325: 5321: 5318: 5314: 5311: 5307: 5304: 5300: 5297: 5293: 5290: 5286: 5283: 5279: 5276: 5272: 5269: 5265: 5262: 5258: 5255: 5251: 5248: 5244: 5241: 5237: 5234: 5230: 5229: 5227: 5225: 5221: 5218: 5216: 5212: 5206: 5203: 5201: 5198: 5196: 5193: 5191: 5188: 5186: 5183: 5181: 5178: 5177: 5175: 5173: 5169: 5165: 5164: 5156: 5151: 5149: 5144: 5142: 5137: 5136: 5133: 5126: 5121: 5117: 5116: 5112: 5111: 5090: 5086: 5085: 5084:Bleeding Cool 5080: 5078: 5070: 5054: 5050: 5049: 5044: 5039: 5027: 5011: 5007: 5002: 4991: 4980:September 18, 4975: 4971: 4970: 4965: 4963: 4955: 4940: 4936: 4935: 4930: 4928: 4920: 4904: 4900: 4899: 4898:The A.V. Club 4894: 4892: 4883: 4868: 4864: 4863: 4858: 4856: 4848: 4833: 4829: 4828: 4823: 4821: 4813: 4797: 4793: 4792: 4787: 4785: 4777: 4761: 4757: 4756: 4751: 4749: 4740: 4724: 4720: 4716: 4711: 4699: 4683: 4679: 4675: 4670: 4658: 4642: 4638: 4633: 4621: 4605: 4601: 4600: 4595: 4590: 4578: 4562: 4558: 4557: 4552: 4547: 4535: 4519: 4515: 4514: 4509: 4504: 4492: 4476: 4472: 4471: 4466: 4461: 4449: 4433: 4429: 4428: 4423: 4418: 4406: 4390: 4386: 4385: 4380: 4378: 4369: 4367: 4350: 4346: 4345: 4344:The A.V. Club 4340: 4338: 4329: 4327: 4310: 4306: 4305: 4300: 4298: 4289: 4273: 4269: 4268: 4263: 4258: 4248: 4236: 4220: 4216: 4215: 4210: 4205: 4193: 4177: 4173: 4172: 4167: 4162: 4150: 4134: 4130: 4129: 4124: 4119: 4109: 4097: 4081: 4077: 4076: 4071: 4065: 4049: 4045: 4041: 4039: 4030: 4014: 4010: 4009: 4004: 3999: 3987: 3985: 3968: 3964: 3960: 3958: 3954: 3945: 3929: 3925: 3924: 3919: 3917: 3913: 3904: 3902: 3885: 3881: 3877: 3876: 3871: 3866: 3854: 3838: 3834: 3833: 3828: 3826: 3817: 3815: 3798: 3794: 3793: 3788: 3786: 3777: 3775: 3758: 3754: 3753: 3748: 3743: 3731: 3715: 3711: 3710: 3705: 3703: 3695: 3693: 3684: 3672: 3668: 3664: 3663: 3660: 3653: 3651: 3643: 3641: 3637: 3633: 3629: 3625: 3621: 3620: 3615: 3614: 3609: 3605: 3601: 3597: 3593: 3592: 3587: 3583: 3579: 3575: 3561: 3557: 3556: 3551: 3546: 3536: 3524: 3522: 3514: 3513: 3509: 3505: 3501: 3496: 3495: 3480: 3476: 3475: 3470: 3468: 3459: 3457: 3440: 3436: 3435: 3430: 3428: 3424: 3415: 3413: 3405: 3404: 3399: 3393: 3392: 3385: 3373: 3369: 3368: 3363: 3362: 3359: 3355: 3351: 3347: 3346:Heller, Bruno 3341: 3339: 3331: 3330: 3326: 3322: 3321: 3316: 3315: 3310: 3296: 3292: 3288: 3286: 3282: 3273: 3271: 3262: 3250: 3246: 3242: 3241: 3238: 3233: 3232:Heller, Bruno 3227: 3225: 3223: 3206: 3202: 3201: 3200:Bleeding Cool 3196: 3194: 3190: 3181: 3179: 3177: 3175: 3173: 3171: 3154: 3150: 3149: 3144: 3137: 3133: 3117: 3115: 3113: 3108: 3100: 3091: 3089: 3088: 3083: 3079: 3075: 3071: 3067: 3057: 3054: 3052: 3051: 3046: 3042: 3041: 3040:The A.V. Club 3035: 3033: 3029: 3025: 3015: 3013: 3009: 3005: 3001: 2997: 2993: 2989: 2985: 2975: 2973: 2972: 2967: 2963: 2962:James Purefoy 2959: 2955: 2951: 2947: 2943: 2941: 2937: 2934: 2930: 2929:Jason Flemyng 2926: 2922: 2918: 2917:Ryan Fletcher 2914: 2911:Jack Bannon, 2904: 2902: 2897: 2895: 2891: 2887: 2883: 2879: 2875: 2871: 2867: 2866: 2861: 2857: 2853: 2849: 2845: 2841: 2837: 2833: 2829: 2828: 2823: 2819: 2815: 2804: 2799: 2784: 2781: 2778: 2771: 2760: 2757: 2754: 2748: 2744: 2739: 2736: 2733: 2726: 2715: 2712: 2709: 2703: 2699: 2694: 2691: 2688: 2681: 2670: 2668:Hannah Boschi 2667: 2664: 2658: 2654: 2649: 2648:Don't Push It 2646: 2643: 2636: 2625: 2623:John Stephens 2622: 2620: 2617: 2611: 2607: 2602: 2599: 2596: 2591: 2589: 2581: 2570: 2568:John Stephens 2567: 2564: 2562:"Hedgehunter" 2558: 2554: 2549: 2546: 2543: 2538: 2532: 2521: 2518: 2515: 2509: 2505: 2500: 2497: 2494: 2489: 2487: 2483: 2475: 2464: 2462:Hannah Boschi 2461: 2458: 2452: 2448: 2443: 2442:Comply or Die 2440: 2437: 2432: 2426: 2415: 2413: 2410: 2407: 2401: 2397: 2392: 2389: 2386: 2381: 2375: 2364: 2362: 2361:John Stephens 2359: 2356: 2354:"Many Clouds" 2350: 2346: 2341: 2338: 2335: 2330: 2326: 2324: 2316: 2305: 2303: 2300: 2298: 2295: 2289: 2285: 2256: 2239: 2228: 2225: 2222: 2216: 2212: 2204: 2193: 2191:Hannah Boschi 2190: 2187: 2181: 2177: 2169: 2158: 2156:Seth Sinclair 2155: 2152: 2146: 2142: 2134: 2123: 2121:Jimmy Dowdall 2120: 2118: 2115: 2109: 2105: 2099: 2093: 2082: 2079: 2076: 2070: 2066: 2058: 2047: 2045:Hannah Boschi 2044: 2041: 2035: 2031: 2028: 2024: 2016: 2005: 2003:Seth Sinclair 2002: 1999: 1993: 1989: 1981: 1970: 1968:Jimmy Dowdall 1967: 1965: 1962: 1956: 1952: 1944: 1933: 1930: 1927: 1921: 1917: 1909: 1898: 1896: 1893: 1891: 1888: 1882: 1878: 1875: 1871: 1842: 1828: 1823: 1821: 1814: 1803: 1800: 1797: 1791: 1787: 1782: 1777: 1772: 1761: 1758: 1755: 1749: 1745: 1740: 1735: 1730: 1719: 1716: 1713: 1711:"Sandie Shaw" 1707: 1703: 1698: 1693: 1688: 1677: 1675:Seth Sinclair 1674: 1672: 1669: 1663: 1659: 1654: 1649: 1644: 1633: 1630: 1627: 1625:"Cilla Black" 1621: 1617: 1612: 1607: 1602: 1591: 1588: 1586: 1583: 1577: 1573: 1568: 1564: 1563: 1557: 1552: 1541: 1538: 1535: 1529: 1525: 1518: 1507: 1504: 1502: 1499: 1497:"Martha Kane" 1493: 1489: 1482: 1471: 1468: 1465: 1459: 1455: 1450: 1444: 1433: 1431: 1428: 1426: 1423: 1417: 1413: 1384: 1371: 1358: 1340: 1333: 1322: 1308: 1297: 1276: 1269: 1266: 1253: 1235: 1228: 1217: 1206: 1194: 1191: 1188: 1185: 1182: 1179: 1176: 1173: 1170: 1167: 1163: 1160: 1157: 1154: 1151: 1147: 1143: 1142:Jonjo O'Neill 1140: 1137: 1133: 1129: 1126: 1123: 1120: 1116: 1115: 1106: 1102: 1099: 1095: 1090: 1087: 1084: 1081: 1078: 1075: 1071: 1067: 1064: 1060: 1057: 1054: 1050: 1046: 1043: 1040: 1036: 1033: 1030: 1029:Field Marshal 1026: 1022: 1019: 1016: 1013: 1010: 1007: 1004: 1001: 997: 994: 991: 988: 984: 981: 978: 975: 972: 968: 965: 961: 958: 955: 954:Freddy Carter 952: 949: 945: 941: 937: 934: 931: 930:Saikat Ahamed 928: 925: 922: 919: 915: 912: 909: 906: 905: 896: 892: 888: 884: 881: 877: 876:James Purefoy 874: 871: 868: 864: 861: 857: 854: 851: 847: 843: 839: 838:Ramon Tikaram 836: 831: 830: 828: 824: 823:Brette Taylor 820: 816: 812: 808: 805: 802: 798: 794: 791: 788: 787:Jason Flemyng 785: 781: 778: 775: 771: 768: 763: 759: 758: 756: 753: 750: 749:Ryan Fletcher 747: 744: 741: 738: 734: 730: 726: 722: 718: 714: 711: 708: 707: 702: 698: 694: 693: 688: 687:Michael Caine 684: 680: 677: 673: 669: 666: 665: 658: 648: 646: 642: 638: 634: 630: 626: 621: 619: 615: 614: 609: 605: 601: 600: 595: 591: 587: 578: 575: 571: 566: 564: 563:Jason Flemyng 560: 559:James Purefoy 556: 552: 548: 544: 540: 539:Ryan Fletcher 536: 532: 528: 524: 520: 516: 515: 510: 506: 502: 501: 496: 492: 488: 484: 480: 476: 472: 469: 468: 463: 459: 455: 451: 450: 445: 444: 435: 434: 429: 424: 403: 399: 396: 393: 389: 369:July 28, 2019 368: 364: 361: 358: 354: 349: 343:(seasons 2–3) 342: 339: 336: 333: 331: 328: 326: 323: 322: 320: 316: 313:47–71 minutes 312: 308: 301: 298: 297: 295: 291: 286: 282: 275: 271: 264: 260: 256: 253:United States 252: 248: 242: 239: 236: 235: 233: 229: 223: 220: 218: 217:James Purefoy 215: 212: 210: 207: 205: 202: 200: 199:Ramon Tikaram 197: 195: 192: 190: 187: 185: 184:Jason Flemyng 182: 180: 177: 175: 172: 170: 167: 165: 164:Ryan Fletcher 162: 160: 157: 155: 152: 150: 147: 146: 144: 140: 133: 130: 129: 127: 123: 120: 116: 113: 109: 106: 102: 97: 94: 90: 84: 81: 79: 76: 74: 71: 70: 68: 64: 60: 56: 53: 51:Also known as 49: 45: 40: 37: 33: 30: 19: 9513: 9492: 9482: 9472: 9462: 9454:'Salem's Lot 9452: 9431: 9421: 9411: 9401: 9391: 9381: 9371: 9361: 9351: 9341: 9331: 9321: 9311: 9301: 9291: 9281: 9271: 9261: 9251: 9217: 9207: 9197: 9187: 9177: 9169:Search Party 9167: 9157: 9148: 9147: 9137: 9127: 9117: 9107: 9097: 9087: 9066: 9058:The Way Down 9056: 9046: 9036: 9026: 9016: 9006: 8996: 8986: 8976: 8966: 8956: 8946: 8936: 8926: 8916: 8906: 8896: 8886: 8876: 8866: 8856: 8846: 8836: 8826: 8818:Little Ellen 8816: 8806: 8796: 8786: 8776: 8766: 8756: 8746: 8736: 8726: 8716: 8706: 8696: 8686: 8676: 8666: 8656: 8646: 8636: 8626: 8618:The Fungies! 8616: 8606: 8596: 8586: 8576: 8566: 8556: 8546: 8536: 8528:Close Enough 8526: 8516: 8506: 8496: 8486: 8476: 8466: 8456: 8428: 8418: 8398:(since 2020) 8393: 8388:(since 2022) 8385:Harley Quinn 8383: 8378:(since 2024) 8373: 8357:(since 2023) 8352: 8347:(since 2023) 8342: 8337:(since 2023) 8332: 8327:(since 2021) 8322: 8317:(since 2023) 8312: 8307:(since 2022) 8302: 8297:(since 2024) 8292: 8287:(since 2021) 8282: 8277:(since 2021) 8272: 8267:(since 2023) 8262: 8257:(since 2024) 8252: 8247:(since 2023) 8242: 8237:(since 2023) 8232: 8227:(since 2021) 8222: 8217:(since 2023) 8212: 8145: 8127: 8117: 8107: 8097: 8087: 8077: 8067: 8058: 8057: 8047: 8037: 8027: 8019: 8009: 7999: 7991: 7981: 7971: 7961: 7951: 7941: 7931: 7921: 7911: 7901: 7891: 7881: 7871: 7855:(since 2022) 7852:Rogue Heroes 7850: 7845:(since 2021) 7842: 7837:(since 2024) 7834: 7829:(since 2019) 7824: 7819:(since 2022) 7814: 7809:(since 2024) 7804: 7799:(since 2021) 7794: 7789:(since 2022) 7784: 7672: 7665: 7658: 7653:Wonder Woman 7651: 7643:TV films and 7627: 7622:Wonder Woman 7620: 7613: 7606: 7599: 7585:(since 2024) 7580: 7577:(since 2022) 7572: 7569:(since 2022) 7564: 7561:(since 2021) 7556: 7537: 7529: 7521: 7513: 7505: 7497: 7489: 7481: 7473: 7466: 7465: 7457: 7449: 7441: 7433: 7425: 7417: 7409: 7401: 7393: 7385: 7377: 7369: 7361: 7353: 7345: 7339:Human Target 7337: 7329: 7321: 7313: 7307:Human Target 7305: 7297: 7289: 7281: 7275:Wonder Woman 7273: 7265: 7257: 7249: 7241: 7176: 7172:(comic book) 7169: 7161: 7154: 7150:Batman music 7122: 7108: 7086: 7077: 7069: 6975: 6968: 6950: 6943: 6936: 6929: 6911: 6906:Strange Days 6904: 6897: 6879: 6872: 6865: 6858: 6851: 6844: 6837: 6830: 6823: 6816: 6811:Batman Ninja 6809: 6802: 6795: 6788: 6781: 6774: 6767: 6760: 6753: 6746: 6739: 6732: 6725: 6718: 6711: 6704: 6697: 6690: 6683: 6676: 6669: 6662: 6655: 6648: 6641: 6634: 6627: 6609: 6602: 6595: 6581: 6567: 6553: 6546: 6532: 6525: 6518: 6511: 6504: 6486:(unreleased) 6481: 6474: 6456: 6449: 6442: 6434: 6422: 6415: 6408: 6401: 6382: 6375: 6367: 6360: 6323: 6316: 6309: 6303: 6302: 6256: 6249: 6242: 6235: 6220: 6159: 6134: 6133: 6038: 5977: 5976: 5941: 5805:Pax Penguina 5794: 5710: 5597: 5573:Transference 5492: 5432:Strike Force 5418:Knock, Knock 5400: 5161: 5114: 5093:. Retrieved 5082: 5076: 5069: 5057:. Retrieved 5046: 5037: 5026: 5014:. Retrieved 5000: 4990: 4978:. Retrieved 4967: 4961: 4954: 4942:. Retrieved 4932: 4926: 4919: 4907:. Retrieved 4896: 4890: 4882: 4867:Fandom, Inc. 4860: 4854: 4847: 4835:. Retrieved 4825: 4819: 4812: 4802:December 12, 4800:. Retrieved 4789: 4783: 4776: 4764:. Retrieved 4753: 4747: 4739: 4727:. Retrieved 4718: 4709: 4698: 4686:. Retrieved 4677: 4668: 4657: 4645:. Retrieved 4631: 4620: 4608:. Retrieved 4597: 4588: 4577: 4565:. Retrieved 4554: 4545: 4534: 4522:. Retrieved 4511: 4502: 4491: 4479:. Retrieved 4468: 4459: 4448: 4436:. Retrieved 4425: 4416: 4405: 4393:. Retrieved 4382: 4376: 4355:September 8, 4353:. Retrieved 4342: 4336: 4313:. Retrieved 4302: 4296: 4288: 4276:. Retrieved 4265: 4256: 4246: 4235: 4223:. Retrieved 4212: 4203: 4192: 4180:. Retrieved 4169: 4160: 4149: 4137:. Retrieved 4126: 4117: 4107: 4096: 4084:. Retrieved 4073: 4064: 4052:. Retrieved 4043: 4037: 4029: 4017:. Retrieved 4006: 3997: 3971:. Retrieved 3956: 3952: 3944: 3932:. Retrieved 3921: 3915: 3911: 3888:. Retrieved 3873: 3864: 3853: 3841:. Retrieved 3830: 3824: 3801:. Retrieved 3790: 3784: 3761:. Retrieved 3750: 3741: 3730: 3718:. Retrieved 3707: 3701: 3681:– via 3675:. Retrieved 3666: 3662: 3658: 3640:Bruno Heller 3617: 3611: 3595: 3589: 3571: 3564:. Retrieved 3553: 3544: 3534: 3512:Bruno Heller 3503: 3492: 3490: 3483:. Retrieved 3472: 3466: 3445:December 13, 3443:. Retrieved 3432: 3426: 3422: 3403:Bruno Heller 3398:Nazi Germany 3389: 3387: 3382:– via 3378:December 11, 3376:. Retrieved 3367:CBR Presents 3365: 3361: 3357: 3353: 3350: 3329:Danny Cannon 3324: 3318: 3312: 3306: 3299:. Retrieved 3290: 3284: 3280: 3259:– via 3253:. Retrieved 3244: 3240: 3236: 3209:. Retrieved 3198: 3192: 3188: 3157:. Retrieved 3146: 3136: 3097: 3094:Tie-in comic 3085: 3081: 3073: 3063: 3055: 3048: 3038: 3037:Writing for 3036: 3027: 3021: 3000:Florin Court 2981: 2969: 2944: 2940:Polly Walker 2925:Paloma Faith 2913:Ben Aldridge 2910: 2898: 2881: 2869: 2863: 2855: 2836:Danny Cannon 2832:Bruno Heller 2825: 2812: 2777:Thoroughbred 2758:Bruno Heller 2732:Thoroughbred 2693:Red Marauder 2687:Thoroughbred 2642:Thoroughbred 2619:Danny Cannon 2595:Thoroughbred 2584: 2542:Thoroughbred 2535: 2499:Silver Birch 2493:Thoroughbred 2478: 2436:Thoroughbred 2429: 2385:Thoroughbred 2378: 2334:Thoroughbred 2327: 2319: 2302:Bruno Heller 2293:"Well to Do" 2226:Bruno Heller 2096: 2080:Bruno Heller 2026: 1931:Bruno Heller 1928:Danny Cannon 1895:Bruno Heller 1890:Danny Cannon 1873: 1817: 1801:Bruno Heller 1798:Danny Cannon 1775: 1759:Bruno Heller 1753:"Alma Cogan" 1733: 1717:Danny Cannon 1691: 1671:Clare Kilner 1647: 1631:Bruno Heller 1605: 1589:Bruno Heller 1562:Thunderbirds 1560: 1555: 1539:Bruno Heller 1505:Bruno Heller 1469:Bruno Heller 1466:Danny Cannon 1430:Bruno Heller 1425:Danny Cannon 1136:British Army 1025:British Army 973:Peggy Sykes. 894: 826: 801:dominatrixes 793:Polly Walker 780:Paloma Faith 736: 717:Thomas Wayne 713:Ben Aldridge 704: 701:Sean Pertwee 690: 633:Thomas Wayne 622: 611: 597: 585: 584: 567: 555:Polly Walker 551:Paloma Faith 531:Ben Aldridge 512: 508: 498: 491:Sean Pertwee 481:, and stars 479:Danny Cannon 475:Bruno Heller 465: 454:third season 448: 447: 442: 441: 440: 431: 310:Running time 302:Danny Cannon 299:Bruno Heller 213:Jessye Romeo 189:Polly Walker 179:Paloma Faith 154:Ben Aldridge 134:Danny Cannon 131:Bruno Heller 119:Danny Cannon 115:Bruno Heller 111:Developed by 54: 35: 29: 9552:DC Universe 9474:Sweethearts 9343:Locked Down 9313:The Witches 9099:Doom Patrol 9048:Wahl Street 9008:Tig n' Seek 8718:House of Ho 8678:Gossip Girl 8638:The Garcias 8608:Full Circle 8578:FBoy Island 8375:The Convict 8284:Jellystone! 8147:Spider-Noir 7953:Chapelwaite 7582:The Penguin 7574:The Sandman 7502:(2021–2024) 7499:Sweet Tooth 7494:(2020–2022) 7478:(2019–2022) 7470:(2019–2022) 7459:Swamp Thing 7454:(2019–2023) 7451:Doom Patrol 7446:(2018–2023) 7438:(2018–2020) 7430:(2018–2019) 7422:(2018–2021) 7406:(2016–2021) 7398:(2016–2022) 7390:(2015–2021) 7382:(2015–2019) 7374:(2014–2015) 7371:Constantine 7366:(2014–2023) 7358:(2014–2019) 7350:(2012–2020) 7342:(2010–2011) 7334:(2002–2003) 7326:(2001–2011) 7318:(1993–1997) 7302:(1990–1991) 7294:(1990–1993) 7291:Swamp Thing 7286:(1988–1992) 7278:(1975–1979) 7270:(1975–1977) 7262:(1974–1977) 7254:(1966–1968) 7246:(1952–1958) 7156:Batman Live 7099:Lego Batman 7078:Bruce Wayne 6332:After Hours 6325:The Penguin 6066:Adaptations 6057:David Lloyd 5711:Heroes Rise 5289:Harvey Dent 5240:Selina Kyle 5195:Fish Mooney 5190:Selina Kyle 5185:Bruce Wayne 5059:October 16, 4929:: Season 2" 4872:January 16, 4857:: Season 1" 4822:: Season 1" 4678:AIPT Comics 4610:December 4, 4567:October 30, 4524:October 19, 4481:October 16, 4438:October 16, 4395:October 16, 4278:February 7, 4086:October 15, 4044:Batman News 4036:"Check out 3973:October 14, 3843:February 1, 3720:October 12, 3677:October 26, 3659:Pennyworth 3624:DC Universe 3604:David Lloyd 3574:Jack Bannon 3485:February 5, 3421:"(Article) 3287:– SDCC2019" 3255:October 12, 3237:Pennyworth 3159:February 2, 3045:Guy Ritchie 3012:East London 2954:Martha Kane 2872:, with the 2809:Development 2713:Robert Hull 2707:"Rag Trade" 2601:Hedgehunter 2519:Robert Hull 2412:Robert Hull 2391:Many Clouds 2276:Directed by 1862:Directed by 1739:Sandie Shaw 1653:Cilla Black 1628:Bill Eagles 1501:Bill Eagles 1404:Directed by 1219:First aired 944:Whitechapel 908:Emma Corrin 891:Chris Chalk 863:Edward Hogg 819:Bruce Wayne 725:Gotham City 668:Jack Bannon 641:Bruce Wayne 637:Martha Kane 565:also star. 523:David Lloyd 483:Jack Bannon 460:, based on 280:of episodes 241:Lorne Balfe 209:Edward Hogg 149:Jack Bannon 125:Showrunners 101:Bill Finger 78:Crime drama 9595:Categories 9506:Unreleased 9464:Caddo Lake 9293:Unpregnant 9179:South Side 9149:Pennyworth 9089:Clone High 9028:Tokyo Vice 8918:Santa Inc. 8888:The Prince 8738:It's a Sin 8648:Generation 8354:Young Love 8304:Peacemaker 8059:Pennyworth 8029:Get Shorty 8011:Fall River 7973:Deep State 7706:Arrowverse 7696:DC Studios 7566:Peacemaker 7467:Pennyworth 7323:Smallville 7170:Batman '89 7006:Mr. Freeze 6685:Apocalypse 6569:The Batman 6384:The Batman 6339:Inside Man 6304:Pennyworth 6296:characters 6135:Pennyworth 6095:Characters 6083:soundtrack 6052:Alan Moore 5978:Pennyworth 5657:Blood Rush 5503:Mr. Freeze 5180:Jim Gordon 5172:Characters 5115:Pennyworth 5077:Pennyworth 5038:Pennyworth 5001:Pennyworth 4962:Pennyworth 4927:Pennyworth 4891:Pennyworth 4870:Retrieved 4862:Metacritic 4855:Pennyworth 4820:Pennyworth 4784:Pennyworth 4748:Pennyworth 4729:October 7, 4710:Pennyworth 4688:October 6, 4589:Pennyworth 4546:Pennyworth 4503:Pennyworth 4460:Pennyworth 4417:Pennyworth 4377:Pennyworth 4337:Pennyworth 4297:Pennyworth 4257:Pennyworth 4118:Pennyworth 4038:Pennyworth 3998:Pennyworth 3953:Pennyworth 3951:"When the 3912:Pennyworth 3865:Pennyworth 3825:Pennyworth 3803:August 10, 3785:Pennyworth 3742:Pennyworth 3702:Pennyworth 3608:Tony Weare 3600:Alan Moore 3566:October 6, 3545:The Batman 3535:Pennyworth 3508:Alan Moore 3467:Pennyworth 3423:Pennyworth 3354:Pennyworth 3281:Pennyworth 3189:Pennyworth 3128:References 3074:Pennyworth 3032:Metacritic 3028:Pennyworth 2946:Emma Paetz 2856:Pennyworth 2793:Production 2765:2022-11-24 2755:Rob Bailey 2720:2022-11-17 2710:Rob Bailey 2675:2022-11-10 2630:2022-11-03 2575:2022-10-27 2526:2022-10-20 2484:wearing a 2469:2022-10-13 2420:2022-10-06 2369:2022-10-06 2357:Rob Bailey 2340:Well to Do 2310:2022-10-06 2297:Rob Bailey 2279:Written by 2233:2021-04-11 2223:Rob Bailey 2198:2021-04-04 2188:Rob Bailey 2163:2021-03-28 2128:2021-03-21 2087:2021-03-14 2052:2021-03-07 2010:2020-12-27 2000:Rob Bailey 1975:2020-12-27 1964:Rob Bailey 1938:2020-12-20 1903:2020-12-13 1865:Written by 1808:2019-09-29 1781:Alma Cogan 1766:2019-09-22 1756:Rob Bailey 1724:2019-09-15 1682:2019-09-08 1638:2019-08-25 1596:2019-08-18 1585:Rob Bailey 1546:2019-08-11 1512:2019-08-11 1476:2019-08-04 1438:2019-07-28 1407:Written by 1363:2022-11-24 1353:2022-10-06 1327:2021-04-11 1317:2021-03-07 1302:2020-12-27 1292:2020-12-13 1258:2019-09-29 1248:2019-07-28 1222:Last aired 936:Danny Webb 887:Lucius Fox 807:Emma Paetz 797:Lancashire 586:Pennyworth 547:Emma Paetz 527:Tony Weare 519:Alan Moore 443:Pennyworth 418:2022-11-24 408:2022-10-06 383:2021-04-11 373:2019-07-28 337:(season 1) 288:Production 269:of seasons 194:Emma Paetz 36:Pennyworth 9393:Bama Rush 9222:(2021–22) 9202:(2021–23) 9192:(2020–21) 9182:(2021–22) 9172:(2020–22) 9142:(2021–23) 9132:(2020–21) 9112:(2020–21) 9102:(2020–23) 9092:(2023–24) 9071:(2021–22) 9061:(2021–22) 9051:(2021–22) 9031:(2022–24) 9011:(2020–22) 9001:(2021–22) 8991:(2021–23) 8981:(2021–22) 8961:(2021–22) 8941:(2020–22) 8911:(2022–23) 8901:(2020–22) 8881:(2022–24) 8871:(2022–23) 8861:(2020–21) 8831:(2021–22) 8821:(2021–22) 8801:(2020–21) 8798:Love Life 8781:(2020–24) 8771:(2020–22) 8768:Legendary 8751:(2022–23) 8731:(2021–22) 8721:(2020–22) 8688:Haute Dog 8681:(2021–23) 8621:(2020–21) 8601:(2020–22) 8581:(2021–22) 8541:(2020–21) 8538:Craftopia 8531:(2020–22) 8501:(2021–22) 8488:Baketopia 8461:(2020–21) 8122:(2020–22) 8112:(2018–22) 8089:Slow Burn 8062:(2019–21) 8042:(2016–17) 8032:(2017–19) 7986:(2021–23) 7976:(2018–19) 7946:(2020–22) 7943:Britannia 7936:(2021–22) 7926:(2016–19) 7903:Belgravia 7896:(2023–24) 7893:Beacon 23 7876:(2016–18) 7843:NFL Icons 7411:Powerless 7387:Supergirl 7363:The Flash 7299:The Flash 7228:TV series 7118:Bat phone 7021:Scarecrow 6748:Bad Blood 6604:Batwheels 6116:Norsefire 6078:accolades 6073:2005 Film 5671:Time Bomb 5650:Red Queen 5559:Unleashed 5531:Prisoners 5296:Lovecraft 4766:March 27, 4755:Backstage 4315:April 24, 4019:March 20, 3959:Timeline" 3890:April 30, 3555:Syfy Wire 3291:LRMonline 3060:Broadcast 3018:Reception 2958:The Queen 2894:crossover 2878:Norsefire 2780:racehorse 2738:Rag Trade 2735:racehorse 2690:racehorse 2645:racehorse 2598:racehorse 2545:racehorse 2496:racehorse 2439:racehorse 2388:racehorse 2337:racehorse 1820:the Queen 1184:David Yip 1178:Jing Lusi 1119:socialite 1089:Paul Kaye 987:physician 960:Simon Day 902:Recurring 462:DC Comics 404:October 6 231:Composers 9579:Category 9530:See also 9445:Upcoming 9423:Am I OK? 9244:Released 9119:Gen:Lock 8908:Rap Sh!t 8728:The Hype 8449:Original 8411:Upcoming 8264:Gremlins 8205:Original 8141:Upcoming 7684:See also 7645:specials 7491:Stargirl 7483:Watchmen 7475:Batwoman 7435:DC Daily 7283:Superboy 7049:Catwoman 7026:Two-Face 6962:Podcasts 6899:Chase Me 6692:Year One 6589:episodes 6575:episodes 6561:episodes 6540:episodes 6311:Batwoman 6269:season 1 6264:episodes 6228:episodes 6161:Category 5997:Category 5932:Season 5 5785:Season 4 5598:Mad City 5588:Season 3 5545:Pinewood 5391:Season 2 5345:Red Hood 5282:The Mask 5224:Season 1 5215:Episodes 5089:Archived 5053:Archived 5016:June 10, 5010:Archived 4974:Archived 4969:Showcase 4944:March 2, 4909:July 26, 4903:Archived 4837:March 1, 4796:Archived 4760:Archived 4723:Archived 4682:Archived 4641:Archived 4604:Archived 4561:Archived 4518:Archived 4475:Archived 4432:Archived 4389:Archived 4349:Archived 4309:Archived 4272:Archived 4219:Archived 4176:Archived 4133:Archived 4113:Prequel 4080:Archived 4054:July 29, 4048:Archived 4013:Archived 3967:Archived 3928:Archived 3884:Archived 3837:Archived 3797:Archived 3757:Archived 3714:Archived 3671:Archived 3667:Geektown 3632:Season 3 3619:Watchmen 3586:Clayface 3560:Archived 3479:Archived 3474:SciFiNow 3439:Archived 3372:Archived 3301:July 29, 3295:Archived 3279:"EPIX'S 3249:Archived 3245:Popverse 3211:July 19, 3205:Archived 3153:Archived 3070:Showcase 2588:Hebrides 2459:Jon East 2408:Jon East 2323:Samantha 2077:Jon East 2042:Jon East 1714:Jon East 1211:Episodes 1200:Episodes 1150:Satanist 1027:and the 1000:mistress 507:to both 452:for its 142:Starring 92:Based on 83:Thriller 59:season 3 9545:HBO Now 9515:Batgirl 9209:Warrior 8561:(2020) 8468:Amarres 8198:Current 7777:Current 7629:Scalped 7615:Aquaman 7550:Current 7427:Krypton 7403:Lucifer 7379:iZombie 7259:Shazam! 7016:Riddler 7011:Penguin 6636:SubZero 6483:Batgirl 6127:Related 5970:Related 5896:Reunion 5446:By Fire 5095:May 27, 4647:June 7, 4225:May 16, 4214:TheWrap 4209:Series" 4182:May 16, 4139:May 16, 4128:Variety 3934:May 16, 3683:YouTube 3500:prequel 3384:YouTube 3352:(Video) 3261:YouTube 3148:Variety 3078:HBO Max 2992:England 2978:Filming 2907:Casting 2901:HBO Max 2860:prequel 2824:series 2820:to the 2818:prequel 2763: ( 2718: ( 2673: ( 2628: ( 2573: ( 2524: ( 2467: ( 2418: ( 2367: ( 2308: ( 2262:overall 2231: ( 2196: ( 2161: ( 2126: ( 2085: ( 2050: ( 2008: ( 1973: ( 1936: ( 1901: ( 1848:overall 1806: ( 1764: ( 1722: ( 1680: ( 1636: ( 1594: ( 1544: ( 1510: ( 1474: ( 1436: ( 1421:"Pilot" 1390:overall 1370:HBO Max 1361: ( 1351: ( 1325: ( 1315: ( 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Pennyworth (season 3)

season 3
Crime drama
Alfred Pennyworth
Bill Finger
Jerry Robinson
Bruno Heller
Danny Cannon
Jack Bannon
Ben Aldridge
Hainsley Lloyd Bennett
Ryan Fletcher
Dorothy Atkinson
Ian Puleston-Davies
Paloma Faith
Jason Flemyng
Polly Walker
Emma Paetz
Ramon Tikaram
Harriet Slater
Edward Hogg
James Purefoy
Simon Manyonda
Lorne Balfe
Primrose Hill Productions
DC Entertainment
Warner Horizon Television

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
