
Polistes fuscatus

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523: 493: 33: 655:
of their ovaries. Colony founding can be either independent or swarm founding. Independent founding consists of the founding of small, simple nests that are constructed without a paper envelope by a single or few foundresses with one or several inseminated egg-layers and no workers. Swarm founding includes the construction of large swarms and are founded by multiple foundresses with many workers. Nests are normally initiated by a single foundress during early May; however, if another foundress joins, the nest may be founded by several foundresses. In the early beginning of the founding of the nest, females exhibit much aggression in order to assert dominance to determine the hierarchical ranking; dominant females will exhibit oophagy and become foundresses.
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they could recognize their own individual eggs. It can be conjectured that subordinate egg layers could not lay eggs as quickly as dominant egg layers given the dominant egg layers’ greater supply of ova from the subordinate egg layers indicating that oophagy and oviposition occur close together. Previous studies have also shown that subordinate egg layers may no longer lay eggs after associating with the higher-ranking females after a certain period; this is probably due to the necessity of expending energy during foraging and inability to invest as much into their own eggs.
508: 58: 913:, and other wasps to help the development of their brood. Social wasps collect carbohydrates from nectar, sap, and fruits and may store them within the nest; some wasps may even steal or consume carbohydrates from other carbohydrate foraging or making arthropods. Although the foraging of social wasps is not as developed as some other arthropod species given its weakness in recruitment, the ability to communicate to nest mates of the location of a resource stronghold, it may impact the greater 817:
could be attributed to the foundress's location preference of being at the face of the nest, it was found that even normalizing for the preferred location, foundresses still encountered non-nest mates at a higher rate than expected. In addition, foundress wasps are much less tolerant of non-resident and returning nest mates compared to non-foundress nest mates; however, both the foundress and the colony members become less tolerant of non-resident wasps later on during the colony cycle.
variety of places to obtain it, such as puddles and ponds, or even drinking fountains and faucets. Wasps are able to obtain water by imbibing it and regurgitating it once they return to the nest and are able to use it for construction by mixing it with the masticated plant fibers. These plant fibers are collected from dead wood. By mixing the plant fibers with water, wasps are able to create pulp which is then used to help the construction of nests.
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of water, nectar, pulp, or prey from returned foragers,” while non-solicitations include, “antennation, lunging/bumping, chasing, grappling, and biting”. Foundresses spend substantially less time off the nest compared to workers. Workers vary significantly in time spent off the nest, which correlates with foraging efforts. More dominant workers spend less time off the nest compared with less dominant workers. Other eusocial insects, such as
1021:, when competition for mates is population wide, parents will evolve to invest equally in both sexes. However, in eusocial hierarchies, there is often conflict between the workers and the foundress to promote their genes within the colony. The foundress favors a 1:1 sex ratio, but the workers favor female progeny because they share approximately 75% (r=0.75) of their genes with their sisters, provided that the foundress only mated once. In 1025:, the sex ratio is usually 1:1 for several reasons. First, males generally leave the nest to scout for mates soon after they reach adulthood, promoting population competition for mates. Second, the number of workers within a colony is relatively small (generally less than 40) making it less likely for a worker to confront the foundress. Also, since colonies are annual and workers are reared by the foundress's 1912: 761:
speed necessary, the wasp attempts to approach the nest several times. Dominance relations also allow for members to recognize nest mates as each wasp is of a particular rank; when a non-resident arrives and has no dominance rank, it is conceived as being unfamiliar. Wasps that are not part of the colony are only accepted without aggression when a dominance hierarchy or conflict has not occurred.
responsive male will attempt to mount the female and begin performing abdominal stroking. Females will react aggressively in order to struggle free. If the female were to elude the male's hold, the male wasp would return to its position to attempt to copulate again. While copulating, the male exhibits several movements, such as
opportunity to bias the sex ratio, there are few male larvae present. Additionally, the males have usually completed part of their development, giving them a higher reproductive value than new eggs. Thus the costs of destroying male larvae or replacing the male larvae with their own eggs is not worth the investment.
The eggs capable of becoming foundresses are laid during the summer. Laying these eggs during the summer ensures that the larvae are well-fed due to the great environmental conditions and abundance of food. These eggs hatch before fall and the resulting offspring hibernate during fall and winter. The
that induces copulatory behavior in males. The continual release of the venom causes males to try to copulate with females when they are unreceptive on the nest, thus interrupting the activities of the colony. After mating has occurred, the foundress will lay an initial generation of infertile female
of these eggs by dominant female wasps will occur until two weeks after the first female eggs emerge. Prior to these two weeks, egg layers will continuously eat other female wasps’ eggs approximately eleven minutes post being laid; however, no egg layers would ever eat their own eggs, indicating that
The posture of wasps is very telling of which is dominant or subordinate. The dominant wasp generally sits higher than the subordinate, whereas the subordinates have a lower stance. For wasps of equal rank, it is not uncommon for them to continuously try to rise higher and begin to aggressively fight
of each individual wasp; those that are more dominant within the nest generally have the larger or more developed ovaries. The hierarchy is first formed in the pre-emergence period between foundresses in which they fight aggressively to establish dominance until the hierarchy is established, and only
Colony stages can be separated into three stages based on nest content: pre-emergence (nest initiation to first adult), emergence-enlargement (emergence of first adult to beginning brood decline), and post-enlargement (no further new cell addition). The total number of wasps in the colony can be well
The ability to recognize individuals may be used to reduce aggressive interaction between individuals of different dominance ranks, as well as to help foundresses determine and regulate the amount of resources each individual within the nest receives. One mechanism for this reduced aggression occurs
usually centered around one foundress. Although this species is classified as eusocial, its social organization is not as evolved as other eusocial organisms. Foundress-initiated interactions can be placed into two broad categories: solicitations and non-solicitations. Solicitations include “receipt
Prior to nest initiation, females come together post hibernation in clusters before separating and starting their own colonies in early spring. During this time, the wasps are particularly aggressive when other wasps encroach on their territory; this aggression may be associated with the development
into individual cells. The first generation is composed of infertile female workers. In the next generation, multiple foundresses are hatched with communal nests, but the other fertile females accept the dominance of a single female and raise offspring cooperatively. Later in summer, the next year's
prefers wooded areas for the readily available resources to build the nest, it also is often seen in areas which humans inhabit. Nests are produced using wood provided from their habitat, masticated with fluid produced by its mouth to create a pulp-like substance. However, a recently mutated form of
include foxes, rodents, and birds. Judd's study on the defensive behavior of colonies of the paper wasp indicated that the behavior of wasps was highly dependent on reproductive investment. Prior to the emergence of many adult wasps, the wasps acted much more aggressively; however, when the nest no
blotches, yellow abdominal dots, upper clypeus stripes, and combinations of both clypeus edge and tip colorations. Furthermore, some wasps have these facial and abdominal patterns in brown and black instead of yellow. These marking colors, however, are often influenced by the geographic location of
In the beginning of the pre-emergence stage, there are very few eggs in the nest. The mean of the pre-emergence stage is about 48 days long; it includes the egg, larval, and pupal stages and may also be affected by nutrition and temperature. The first eggs that are laid are all female workers that
animal proteins.” Water is used for the following processes: nest cooling, construction, and metabolism; plant fibers are used for construction, and carbohydrates and protein is used as food and energy. Water is a vital resource for wasps given its many capabilities, and many wasps will go to a
in colony defense is given to the foundress of the colony. Foundresses come into contact and interact with non-resident wasps and returning nest-mates more compared to other resident wasps and are the first to come into contact with the wasp intruders at a much higher rate. Although this finding
On occasion, however, resident wasps may mistake other resident wasps as non-resident wasps. This occurs when the mistaken wasp has just come back from foraging and is too full to obtain the velocity necessary to fly towards the nest as if it were a resident of the nest. Sometimes, to obtain the
rate of the dominant females. After the hatching of both male and female eggs, only female adults emerge, though eggs laid after the end of July no longer emerge and reach adulthood. The foundress disappears at the end of July, which is when both the number of laid eggs and the rate at which the
Foundresses may be less tolerant of intruders compared to other colony members due to the consequences of accepting non-nest mates into the colony. Often, female intruders that join the colony attempt to evict the previous foundress and usurp the position. Whereas this result is harmful for the
itself begins to decline towards late August, thus leading to the conclusion that brood declination occurs when reproduction no longer occurs. After reaching the post-enlargement behavior, brood destruction occurs in which wasps begin exhibiting abortive behavior by either throwing larva out or
Prior to hibernation, males and females will undergo mating; they will aggregate together in sunlit areas that are relatively higher in location. Males will sit out waiting to pursue females in order to mate. Once a female is spotted, unlike the usual passive male within the nest, the sexually
can recognize individual nest-mates through specific facial and abdominal markings. One study indicated that if the facial and abdominal markings of a wasp were modified with acrylic paints, reintroduction of the modified individual would cause it to receive increased aggression until it was
Members of a colony are able to recognize non-resident wasps by how they approach the nest and by their dominance behavior. Members of the colony approach the nest in a swift and purposeful fashion, whereas wasps that are not part of the colony hover by the nest and do not exhibit a specific
284:, is widely found in eastern North America, from southern Canada through the southern United States. It often nests around human development. However, it greatly prefers areas in which wood is readily available for use as nest material, therefore they are also found near and in woodlands and 832:
invests much in the nests. Nests provide locations that members of the colony can return to and act as a central location that can allow for more efficient work in reproduction and foraging behavior. Although nests can provide many benefits, it also has the disadvantage of concentrating all
foundresses likely mate with multiple males so that the relatedness of workers is less than if they all shared the same father's genes. Finally, in the second generation of the foundresses offspring, males are usually reared earlier than reproductive females. Thus when the workers have the
are highly dependent on the geographic location of its habitat. Throughout the United States, three color pattern trends represent different regions throughout the country. The male is identified by its darkened apical flagellomeres in addition to its darkened dorsal surface of the apical
new foundresses or co-foundresses emerge in the spring to begin new nests and lay eggs. After laying eggs that will later develop into new foundresses, the old foundresses die along with all accompanying workers and males. As opposed to other eusocial insects such as
direction. Oftentimes, they hover by the nest without landing. If spotted, members of the colony begin to act aggressively and alarm others of the possible intruder. Non-resident wasps are often chased out of the nest within the first five minutes of entering.
Arevalo, Elisabeth, Yong Zhu, James Carpenter, and Joan Strassmann. (2004). The Phylogeny of the Social Wasp Subfamily Polistinae: Evidencefrom Microsatellite Flanking Sequences, Mitochondrial COIsequence, and Morphological Characters. BMC
distribution along the eastern half of North America ranges from southern Canada to the United States. The most northern extent of its range is Chilcotin, British Columbia, and it reaches as far south as Texas and Florida. Although
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later formed among the workers of the colony such that they are integrated into the hierarchy. When the foundress is removed, the second highest ranking female then takes the foundress place in being the primary egg layer.
eventually emerge as abnormal adults. After this destruction, the adult wasps abandon the nests. Prior to hibernation, the wasps cluster together in aggregations to mate and then begin hibernation until the next season.
flagellomeres that is common to other species of wasps. Northern females on the other hand are easily identified by the blackening of their entire bodies which may or may not have markings of other colors. Many southern
have not been found to preferentially mate with their siblings or have sibling recognition mechanisms to aid in kin selection during reproduction. This is surprising since there are many advantages of inbreeding for
967:, and grasping of the female antennae. Antennas and antennal movement are important for copulation. Some studies have indicated that females without antenna and females who do not depress their antennae cannot 777:
and division of labor. Critically, the ability to recognize individuals also helps dictate how one wasp may treat another, whether it be to hold a dominant role or to act submissively within an interaction.
of males is above 13.0 mm (0.51 in), whereas females have a fore wing length above 11.0 mm (0.43 in). Both males and females have rather slender bodies and have a waist that connects the
foundress, other members of the nest are not negatively impacted; they would simply remain in the nest and serve the new foundress. Therefore, much of the defense of the colony is left up to the foundress.
is considered to be a generalist prey forager, but may also act as a specialist due to its habit of commonly returning to a specific location or to prey on the same species. They use the scavenged animal
on the other hand, have only workers and foundresses who defend the nest together. The foundress is the most aggressive defender of the nest since she has the most reproductive investment. In some cases,
can care for future reproductive females. After the first eggs are laid, both male and female eggs are laid until mid-September; the laying of male eggs has been shown to be correlated with increased
eats arthropod prey, animal proteins, carbohydrates and protein. They will eat caterpillars, flies, ants, termites, spiders, bees, and other wasps. Carbohydrates may include nectar, sap, and fruits.
Fishwild, Thomas, and George Gamboa. "Colony Defence against Conspecifics: Caste-specific Differences in Kin Recognition by Paper Wasps, Polistes Fuscatus." Animal Behavior (1991): 95–102. Print.
where colony members engage in social eavesdropping, where they observe the result of a dominance bout and infer their relative position in the hierarchy without engaging in a fight directly.
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investment in one area; this concentration allows for vertebrate predators to have the ability to destroy an entire nest and therefore destroy all investment. Vertebrate predators of
458:. The pain of its sting is commonly compared to being pricked with a large needle, such of that of a tattoo. Like coloration (below), length can also vary by season of emergence. 552: 327:
comprise four tribes, including Polistini, Epiponini, Mischocyttarini, and Ropalidiini. It is characterized by two major behaviors: colony founding and reproductive dominance.
foundresses are produced, and they mate with males. The newly mated foundresses hibernate in winter, while old founding foundresses, workers (sterile females), and males die.
748:, those who are higher on the dominance ranking make continuous darts at other lower-ranking wasps such that other wasps will not closely sit near the higher ranking wasp. 971:. It has also been proposed that antennal movements help copulation through assisting the attachment of genitals. In addition, research by Post and Jeanne has shown that 838:
longer contained any brood and, therefore, not much investment, the wasps were much more likely to flee rather than act aggressively against the vertebrate predator.
often ranges between 15 and 21 mm (0.59 and 0.83 in). The fore wing length ranges between 11.5 and 17.0 mm (0.45 and 0.67 in); in general, the
each other until they fall due to losing their foothold. This is often called the falling fight, though it is more common for one wasp to act as a subordinate.
reintegrated back into the colony (i.e. when the nest-mates felt familiar with that wasp). The study was able to indicate that recognition was specific to the
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Larch, Christine; George Gamboa (1981). "Investigation of Mating Preference for Nestmates in the Paper Wasp Polistes fuscatus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)".
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given that there was no relationship between specific markings and dominance rank, rather markings were purely used for individual recognition.
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Individual recognition is highly important in the formation of behavioral interactions between members of different castes within a nest of
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starts a new colony, building an umbrella-shaped nest made of a papery material and suspended from a single stalk. The foundress lays
Post, David; Robert Jeanne (1983). "Venom: Source of a Sex Pheromone in the Social Wasp Polistes fuscatus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)".
paper wasps live isolated, their anterior optic tubercle, the area responsible for processing visual colors, grows more relative to
2048: 1518:
Reeve, Hudson K.; George J. Gamboa (1987). "Queen Regulation of Worker Foraging in Paper Wasps: A Social Feedback Control System (
2087: 2177: 1893: 2092: 1248:
Buck, Matthias. (2008). Identification Atlas of the Vespidae (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) of the Northeastern Nearctic Region.
Noonan, Katherine (March 24, 1978). "Sex Ratio of Parental Investment in Colonies of the Social Wasp Polistes fuscatus".
1454: 2172: 1916: 744:
Dominance ranking may also affect the location females may be at within the nest and how far away wasps are spaced. In
1326: 987:
is during the spring and summer, after the nest has been abandoned. Venom is released by females that contains a sex
773:. The ability to recognize individuals is vital for the existence of a linear dominance hierarchy, which facilitates 323:, and the subfamily Polistinae, the second-largest subfamily within the Vespidae, of which all are social wasps. The 2118: 1715: 1395:
Gamboa, G.J.; Greig, E.I.; Thom, M.C. (2002). "The comparative biology of two sympatric paper wasps, the native
that is part of a complex society based around a single dominant foundress along with other cofoundresses and a
1996: 1987: 482: 2001: 1253: 386: 1675: 1346: 1341:
MacLean, Bonnie, Leland Chandler, and David Maclean. (1978). PHENOTYPIC EXPRESSION IN THE PAPER WASP.
1163: 189: 57: 846: 774: 2105: 1465: 1552:
Klahn, J. (May 19, 1988). "Intraspecific Comb Usurpation in the Social Wasp Polistes fuscatus".
2079: 1949: 699: 1938: 1018: 664:
growth of the nest declines, though other reproductive females may continue to lay eggs. The
172: 2144: 1651:
Gamboa, George J (1981). "Nest Sharing and Maintenance of Multiple Nests by the Paper Wasp,
2022: 1609: 992:
workers. Later on in the life of the nest, male and fertile female offspring are produced.
968: 381: 1208: 8: 617:
through indirect or exploitative competition, which was consistent with the finding that
357: 297: 1613: 470:
individuals, however, have additional markings and may resemble wasps of other species.
1866: 1836: 1793: 1625: 1577: 1569: 1420: 198: 52: 1789: 2167: 2139: 1889: 1828: 1697: 1633: 813: 713: 665: 633:
The lifecycle lasts about one year. In early spring, the new foundress emerging from
589: 375: 369: 363: 1840: 1797: 1581: 1191:
Metcalf, R.A.; Marlin, J.C.; Whitt, G.S. (1984). "Genetics of Speciation within the
Richter, M. Raveret. (2000). Social Wasp (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) Foraging Behavior.
is one of the five independent-founding groups. Older taxonomic concepts considered
1820: 1785: 1687: 1617: 1561: 1531: 1412: 1204: 581: 351: 345: 1621: 1424: 2126: 1377:
Tibbetts, Elizabeth A. (2002). Visual Signals Of Individual Identity In The Wasp
804:. Moreover, they lose the ability to recognize other paper wasps' colored faces. 801: 1029:
foundresses, the foundress can manipulate how much food they receive as larvae.
1972: 584:, and they commonly use areas surrounding them as a habitat to lay their eggs. 1692: 1416: 695: 561:
from Quebec with yellow abdominal stripes, lacking both spots and red markings
2161: 1772:
Post, David C.; Jeanne, Robert L. (1983). "Relatedness and mate selection in
1701: 1049: 1006: 863: 690: 1535: 1933: 1832: 1637: 890: 2131: 2100: 2061: 1981: 1026: 703: 660: 312: 293: 109: 1870: 2053: 2014: 1824: 1629: 1573: 1565: 964: 786: 638: 546:
from Quebec with yellow abdominal spots and stripes and no red markings
to have a much broader definition, treating several species, including
324: 280: 129: 1500:
Judd, T. M. (1998). Defensive Behavior of Colonies of the Paper Wasp,
1440: 1228:
The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Insects and Spiders.
females have no preference on mating with related or unrelated males.
from Virginia with brilliant red and yellow concentric abdominal spots
2066: 2035: 1466:"Like Humans, the Paper Wasp Has a Special Talent for Learning Faces" 988: 914: 867: 733: 729: 139: 89: 69: 1943: 1254:
2040: 2009: 1966: 1921: 1674:
Tibbetts, Elizabeth A.; Wong, Ellery; Bonello, Sarah (2020-08-03).
West-Eberhard, M.J. (1969). The social biology of polistine wasps.
1067: 997: 960: 902: 874: 686: 634: 478: 446: 385:, as varieties or subspecies of a single species. A study in which 320: 316: 285: 149: 119: 44: 1164:
1676:"Wasps Use Social Eavesdropping to Learn about Individual Rivals" 937: 906: 886: 455: 2027: 1911: 1883: 859: 670: 451: 99: 79: 824: 711:
has been shown to share nests with a closely related species,
the wasp has developed an attraction to colder lamps, such as
894: 855: 516:
from Illinois with a striped abdomen and red abdominal spots
1716:"Social wasps lose face recognition abilities in isolation" 910: 898: 870: 669:
feeding them to existing nest mates; if not aborted, these
Edwards indicated in his work that social wasps, “collect
1335: 389:
was conducted concluded that the narrower definition of
1504:, against Vertebrate Predators over the Colony Cycle." 1383:
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
The Social Wasps of the Americas Excluding the Vespinae
1244: 1242: 1240: 1238: 1236: 1068:"Distributional checklist of the species of the genus 477:
are highly variable, including a variety of different
1852: 1850: 1517: 531:
from Florida with a black solid abdomen and red spots
1752: 1673: 1595: 1593: 1591: 1233: 1884:Krebs, John; Nicholas Davies; Stuart West (2012). 1856: 1847: 1322: 1320: 1318: 1316: 1314: 1312: 1310: 1308: 1306: 1304: 1302: 1300: 1298: 1296: 1294: 1292: 1290: 1288: 1286: 1284: 1282: 1190: 1810: 1280: 1278: 1276: 1274: 1272: 1270: 1268: 1266: 1264: 1262: 1222: 1220: 1218: 963:, grasping the female abdomen, rhythmic antennal 2159: 1588: 331:is part of the Polistini tribe and in the genus 1394: 1373: 1371: 1369: 1367: 1365: 1363: 1361: 1359: 1357: 1355: 1072:(Hymenoptera: Vespidae; Polistinae, Polistini)" 1061: 1059: 1057: 1259: 1215: 889:from both vertebrates and arthropods such as: 1547: 1545: 1496: 1494: 1492: 1490: 1488: 1486: 1484: 1352: 1250:Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification 1054: 429:, all of which are the closest relatives of 1859:Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 1765: 1657:Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 1117: 1115: 1113: 1111: 1109: 1095: 1093: 825:Colony defense against vertebrate predators 566: 1771: 1745: 1743: 1741: 1739: 1737: 1735: 1154: 1152: 1150: 1148: 1146: 1144: 1142: 1140: 1138: 1136: 936:Egg laying by subordinate females and the 931: 454:to the abdomen. The female has a venomous 31: 1691: 1542: 1481: 1065: 764: 303: 1760:Social Wasps: Their Biology and Control. 1450: 1448: 1175: 1106: 1090: 845: 1732: 1436: 1434: 1184: 1169: 1133: 621:was significantly more productive than 405:includes separate species concepts for 2160: 1650: 1599: 1470: 1019:Fisher's theory of sex ratio selection 1948: 1947: 1886:An Introduction to Behavioral Ecology 1551: 1459: 1455:Polistes fuscatus on Animal Diversity 1445: 1209:10.1093/oxfordjournals.jhered.a109884 593:, has been recognized as a threat to 473:The facial and abdominal markings of 1431: 841: 481:, such as small dots, long stripes, 461:The physical characteristics of the 1554:Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 1180:. British Museum (Natural History). 751: 13: 944: 393:is part of the New World subgenus 14: 2189: 1905: 1103:Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1043: 1012: 807: 702:that specialize in nest defense. 689:organism that has a hierarchical 1939:Polistes fuscatus on Cirrusimage 1920: 1910: 1162:121-50. Web. 22 Sept. 2014. < 551: 536: 521: 506: 491: 56: 1888:(4 ed.). Wiley-Blackwell. 1877: 1804: 1708: 1667: 1644: 1511: 1388: 978: 645: 587:Another eusocial wasp species, 436: 1: 1790:10.1016/s0003-3472(83)80035-9 1762:Sussex, UK: Rentokil. 398 pp. 1622:10.1126/science.199.4335.1354 1037: 2178:Hymenoptera of North America 1508:197–208. Web. 22 Sept. 2014. 1345:2.2 Web. 21 Sept. 2014. < 1343:The Great Lakes Entomologist 1066:Carpenter, James M. (1996). 796:Researchers found that when 720: 628: 7: 1813:Journal of Chemical Ecology 1522:, Hymenoptera: Vespidae)". 1160:Annual Review of Entomology 677: 273:, whose common name is the 10: 2194: 1776:(Hymenoptera: Vespidae)". 1403:(Hymenoptera, Vespidae)". 2173:Insects described in 1793 1956: 1693:10.1016/j.cub.2020.05.053 1417:10.1007/s00040-002-8278-y 1331:Univ. Michigan 140, 1–101 1076:American Museum Novitates 949: 732:that revolves around the 204: 197: 178: 171: 53:Scientific classification 51: 39: 30: 23: 1252:Web. 21 Sept. 2014. < 1126:Web. 21 Sept. 2014. < 775:reproductive suppression 605:at many of the formerly 567:Distribution and habitat 1536:10.1163/156853986x00090 1197:The Journal of Heredity 1176:Richards, O.W. (1978). 932:Differential egg eating 920: 728:has a linear dominance 698:, have developed guard 311:is a part of the order 983:The mating season for 851: 812:A greater part in the 765:Individual recognition 304:Taxonomy and phylogeny 1919:at Wikimedia Commons 849: 613:was likely replacing 224:Polistes laurentianus 1686:(15): 3007–3010.e2. 1124:Evolutionary Biology 601:has been displacing 47:; dorsolateral view 1758:Edwards R. (1980). 1614:1978Sci...199.1354N 1608:(4335): 1354–1356. 1477:National Geographic 850:Foraging for fibres 572:Polistes fuscatus's 298:dominance hierarchy 232:Polistes pallidipes 216:Polistes fortunatus 1825:10.1007/bf00988043 1566:10.1007/bf00303051 1401:Polistes dominulus 1226:Milne, L. (1980). 1195:Species Complex". 1099:Evans, H. (1963). 957:abdominal stroking 852: 387:bootstrap analysis 2155: 2154: 2140:Open Tree of Life 1988:Polistes fuscatus 1958:Polistes fuscatus 1950:Taxon identifiers 1927:Polistes fuscatus 1917:Polistes fuscatus 1915:Media related to 1895:978-1-4051-1416-5 1774:Polistes fuscatus 1653:Polistes metricus 1520:Polistes fuscatus 1502:Polistes fuscatus 1399:and the invasive 1397:Polistes fuscatus 1379:Polistes fuscatus 1193:Polistes fuscatus 1031:Polistes fuscatus 1023:Polistes fuscatus 1002:Polistes fuscatus 985:Polistes fuscatus 973:Polistes fuscatus 926:Polistes fuscatus 882:Polistes fuscatus 842:Foraging behavior 830:Polistes fuscatus 814:division of labor 798:Polistes fuscatus 782:Polistes fuscatus 726:Polistes fuscatus 714:Polistes metricus 709:Polistes fuscatus 683:Polistes fuscatus 609:dominated areas. 590:Polistes dominula 582:fluorescent lamps 397:. In addition to 270:Polistes fuscatus 266: 265: 260: 252: 248:Polistes variatus 244: 240:Polistes pallipes 236: 228: 220: 212: 182:Polistes fuscatus 41:Polistes fuscatus 25:Polistes fuscatus 16:Species of insect 2185: 2148: 2147: 2135: 2134: 2122: 2121: 2109: 2108: 2096: 2095: 2083: 2082: 2070: 2069: 2057: 2056: 2044: 2043: 2031: 2030: 2018: 2017: 2005: 2004: 1992: 1991: 1990: 1977: 1976: 1975: 1945: 1944: 1925:Data related to 1924: 1914: 1900: 1899: 1881: 1875: 1874: 1854: 1845: 1844: 1808: 1802: 1801: 1784:(4): 1260–1261. 1778:Animal Behaviour 1769: 1763: 1756: 1750: 1747: 1730: 1729: 1727: 1726: 1712: 1706: 1705: 1695: 1671: 1665: 1664: 1648: 1642: 1641: 1597: 1586: 1585: 1549: 1540: 1539: 1530:(3–4): 147–167. 1515: 1509: 1506:Insectes Sociaux 1498: 1479: 1474: 1468: 1463: 1457: 1452: 1443: 1438: 1429: 1428: 1405:Insectes Sociaux 1392: 1386: 1385:1423-428. Print. 1375: 1350: 1339: 1333: 1324: 1257: 1246: 1231: 1230:New York: Knopf. 1224: 1213: 1212: 1188: 1182: 1181: 1173: 1167: 1156: 1131: 1119: 1104: 1097: 1088: 1087: 1085: 1083: 1063: 1052: 1047: 752:Nest recognition 696:soldier termites 555: 540: 525: 510: 495: 319:, the family of 258: 250: 243:Lepeletier, 1836 242: 235:Lepeletier, 1836 234: 226: 218: 210: 184: 164:P. fuscatus 61: 60: 35: 21: 20: 2193: 2192: 2188: 2187: 2186: 2184: 2183: 2182: 2158: 2157: 2156: 2151: 2143: 2138: 2130: 2125: 2117: 2112: 2104: 2099: 2091: 2086: 2078: 2073: 2065: 2060: 2052: 2047: 2039: 2034: 2026: 2021: 2013: 2008: 2000: 1995: 1986: 1985: 1980: 1971: 1970: 1965: 1952: 1929:at Wikispecies 1908: 1903: 1896: 1882: 1878: 1855: 1848: 1809: 1805: 1770: 1766: 1757: 1753: 1748: 1733: 1724: 1722: 1714: 1713: 1709: 1680:Current Biology 1672: 1668: 1649: 1645: 1598: 1589: 1550: 1543: 1516: 1512: 1499: 1482: 1475: 1471: 1464: 1460: 1453: 1446: 1439: 1432: 1393: 1389: 1376: 1353: 1340: 1336: 1329:Mis. Publ.Zool. 1325: 1260: 1247: 1234: 1225: 1216: 1189: 1185: 1174: 1170: 1157: 1134: 1120: 1107: 1098: 1091: 1081: 1079: 1064: 1055: 1048: 1044: 1040: 1015: 981: 959:, extrusion of 952: 947: 945:Sexual behavior 934: 923: 844: 827: 810: 767: 754: 723: 680: 648: 631: 569: 562: 556: 547: 541: 532: 526: 517: 511: 502: 496: 439: 315:, the suborder 306: 259:Fabricius, 1798 208:Polistes exilis 193: 186: 180: 167: 55: 17: 12: 11: 5: 2191: 2181: 2180: 2175: 2170: 2153: 2152: 2150: 2149: 2136: 2123: 2110: 2097: 2084: 2071: 2058: 2045: 2032: 2019: 2006: 1993: 1978: 1962: 1960: 1954: 1953: 1942: 1941: 1936: 1907: 1906:External links 1904: 1902: 1901: 1894: 1876: 1865:(4): 811–814. 1846: 1819:(2): 259–266. 1803: 1764: 1751: 1731: 1707: 1666: 1643: 1604:. New Series. 1587: 1541: 1510: 1480: 1469: 1458: 1444: 1430: 1387: 1351: 1334: 1258: 1232: 1214: 1203:(2): 117–120. 1183: 1168: 1132: 1105: 1089: 1053: 1050:Global species 1041: 1039: 1036: 1014: 1013:Sex allocation 1011: 980: 977: 951: 948: 946: 943: 933: 930: 922: 919: 843: 840: 826: 823: 809: 808:Colony defense 806: 766: 763: 753: 750: 722: 719: 679: 676: 647: 644: 630: 627: 568: 565: 564: 563: 557: 550: 548: 542: 535: 533: 527: 520: 518: 512: 505: 503: 497: 490: 441:The length of 438: 435: 382:P. rubiginosus 305: 302: 264: 263: 262: 261: 253: 245: 237: 229: 221: 213: 211:Saussure, 1853 202: 201: 195: 194: 187: 176: 175: 169: 168: 161: 159: 155: 154: 147: 143: 142: 137: 133: 132: 127: 123: 122: 117: 113: 112: 107: 103: 102: 97: 93: 92: 87: 83: 82: 77: 73: 72: 67: 63: 62: 49: 48: 37: 36: 28: 27: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2190: 2179: 2176: 2174: 2171: 2169: 2166: 2165: 2163: 2146: 2141: 2137: 2133: 2128: 2124: 2120: 2115: 2111: 2107: 2102: 2098: 2094: 2089: 2085: 2081: 2076: 2072: 2068: 2063: 2059: 2055: 2050: 2046: 2042: 2037: 2033: 2029: 2024: 2020: 2016: 2011: 2007: 2003: 1998: 1994: 1989: 1983: 1979: 1974: 1968: 1964: 1963: 1961: 1959: 1955: 1951: 1946: 1940: 1937: 1935: 1932: 1931: 1930: 1928: 1923: 1918: 1913: 1897: 1891: 1887: 1880: 1872: 1868: 1864: 1860: 1853: 1851: 1842: 1838: 1834: 1830: 1826: 1822: 1818: 1814: 1807: 1799: 1795: 1791: 1787: 1783: 1779: 1775: 1768: 1761: 1755: 1746: 1744: 1742: 1740: 1738: 1736: 1721: 1717: 1711: 1703: 1699: 1694: 1689: 1685: 1681: 1677: 1670: 1662: 1658: 1654: 1647: 1639: 1635: 1631: 1627: 1623: 1619: 1615: 1611: 1607: 1603: 1596: 1594: 1592: 1583: 1579: 1575: 1571: 1567: 1563: 1559: 1555: 1548: 1546: 1537: 1533: 1529: 1525: 1521: 1514: 1507: 1503: 1497: 1495: 1493: 1491: 1489: 1487: 1485: 1478: 1473: 1467: 1462: 1456: 1451: 1449: 1442: 1437: 1435: 1426: 1422: 1418: 1414: 1410: 1406: 1402: 1398: 1391: 1384: 1380: 1374: 1372: 1370: 1368: 1366: 1364: 1362: 1360: 1358: 1356: 1348: 1344: 1338: 1332: 1330: 1323: 1321: 1319: 1317: 1315: 1313: 1311: 1309: 1307: 1305: 1303: 1301: 1299: 1297: 1295: 1293: 1291: 1289: 1287: 1285: 1283: 1281: 1279: 1277: 1275: 1273: 1271: 1269: 1267: 1265: 1263: 1255: 1251: 1245: 1243: 1241: 1239: 1237: 1229: 1223: 1221: 1219: 1210: 1206: 1202: 1198: 1194: 1187: 1179: 1172: 1165: 1161: 1155: 1153: 1151: 1149: 1147: 1145: 1143: 1141: 1139: 1137: 1129: 1125: 1118: 1116: 1114: 1112: 1110: 1102: 1096: 1094: 1077: 1073: 1071: 1062: 1060: 1058: 1051: 1046: 1042: 1035: 1032: 1028: 1024: 1020: 1017:According to 1010: 1008: 1003: 999: 993: 990: 986: 976: 974: 970: 966: 962: 958: 942: 939: 929: 927: 918: 916: 912: 908: 904: 900: 896: 892: 888: 883: 879: 876: 872: 869: 865: 864:carbohydrates 861: 857: 848: 839: 836: 831: 822: 818: 815: 805: 803: 802:mushroom body 799: 794: 790: 788: 783: 779: 776: 772: 762: 758: 749: 747: 742: 738: 735: 731: 727: 718: 716: 715: 710: 705: 701: 697: 692: 691:social system 688: 684: 675: 672: 667: 662: 656: 652: 643: 640: 636: 626: 624: 620: 616: 612: 608: 604: 600: 596: 592: 591: 585: 583: 578: 573: 560: 554: 549: 545: 539: 534: 530: 524: 519: 515: 509: 504: 500: 494: 489: 488: 487: 484: 480: 476: 471: 469: 464: 459: 457: 453: 448: 444: 434: 432: 428: 424: 420: 416: 412: 408: 407:P. bellicosus 404: 403:Fuscopolistes 400: 396: 395:Fuscopolistes 392: 388: 384: 383: 378: 377: 372: 371: 366: 365: 360: 359: 358:P. bellicosus 354: 353: 348: 347: 342: 338: 334: 330: 326: 322: 318: 314: 310: 301: 299: 295: 291: 287: 283: 282: 276: 272: 271: 257: 254: 251:Cresson, 1872 249: 246: 241: 238: 233: 230: 227:Bequard, 1942 225: 222: 217: 214: 209: 206: 205: 203: 200: 196: 191: 185: 183: 177: 174: 173:Binomial name 170: 166: 165: 160: 157: 156: 153: 152: 148: 145: 144: 141: 138: 135: 134: 131: 128: 125: 124: 121: 118: 115: 114: 111: 108: 105: 104: 101: 98: 95: 94: 91: 88: 85: 84: 81: 78: 75: 74: 71: 68: 65: 64: 59: 54: 50: 46: 42: 38: 34: 29: 26: 22: 19: 1957: 1909: 1885: 1879: 1862: 1858: 1816: 1812: 1806: 1781: 1777: 1773: 1767: 1759: 1754: 1723:. Retrieved 1719: 1710: 1683: 1679: 1669: 1663:(1): 153–55. 1660: 1656: 1652: 1646: 1605: 1601: 1557: 1553: 1527: 1523: 1519: 1513: 1505: 1501: 1472: 1461: 1408: 1404: 1400: 1396: 1390: 1382: 1378: 1342: 1337: 1328: 1249: 1227: 1200: 1196: 1192: 1186: 1177: 1171: 1159: 1123: 1100: 1080:. Retrieved 1078:(3188): 1–39 1075: 1069: 1045: 1030: 1022: 1016: 1007:haplodiploid 1001: 998:vespid wasps 994: 984: 982: 979:Reproduction 972: 953: 935: 925: 924: 891:caterpillars 881: 880: 853: 834: 829: 828: 819: 811: 797: 795: 791: 781: 780: 770: 768: 759: 755: 745: 743: 739: 725: 724: 712: 708: 682: 681: 657: 653: 649: 646:Colony cycle 632: 622: 618: 614: 610: 607:P. fuscatus- 606: 603:P. fuscatus 602: 598: 594: 588: 586: 576: 571: 570: 558: 543: 528: 513: 498: 474: 472: 467: 462: 460: 442: 440: 430: 426: 422: 418: 414: 410: 406: 402: 398: 394: 390: 380: 374: 368: 362: 356: 350: 344: 340: 336: 332: 328: 308: 307: 289: 278: 274: 269: 268: 267: 256:Vespa nestor 255: 247: 239: 231: 223: 215: 207: 181: 179: 163: 162: 150: 40: 24: 18: 2101:NatureServe 2062:iNaturalist 1982:Wikispecies 1027:subordinate 1009:organisms. 866:, and hunt 835:P. fuscatus 771:P. fuscatus 746:P. fuscatus 704:Paper wasps 661:oviposition 623:P. fuscatus 619:P. dominula 615:P. fuscatus 611:P. dominula 599:P. dominula 595:P. fuscatus 577:P. fuscatus 559:P. fuscatus 544:P. fuscatus 529:P. fuscatus 514:P. fuscatus 499:P. fuscatus 475:P. fuscatus 468:P. fuscatus 463:P. fuscatus 443:P. fuscatus 437:Description 431:P. fuscatus 427:P. metricus 423:P. dorsalis 419:P. carolina 399:P. fuscatus 391:P. fuscatus 376:P. metricus 370:P. dorsalis 364:P. carolina 341:P. fuscatus 329:P. fuscatus 313:Hymenoptera 309:P. fuscatus 294:social wasp 290:P. fuscatus 126:Subfamily: 110:Hymenoptera 2162:Categories 1725:2021-04-15 1560:(1): 1–8. 1101:Wasp Farm. 1038:References 965:vibrations 787:individual 700:polymorphs 651:over 200. 486:the wasp. 415:P. aurifer 411:P. apachus 352:P. aurifer 346:P. apachus 325:Polistinae 281:paper wasp 219:Kirby 1884 130:Polistinae 90:Arthropoda 1702:0960-9822 1524:Behaviour 1411:: 45–49. 1082:27 August 989:pheromone 915:ecosystem 868:arthropod 734:fertility 730:hierarchy 721:Dominance 629:Lifecycle 447:fore wing 279:northern 190:Fabricius 158:Species: 140:Polistini 76:Kingdom: 70:Eukaryota 2168:Polistes 2106:2.744960 2080:10651245 2010:BugGuide 1973:Q7210116 1967:Wikidata 1871:25084240 1841:32612635 1833:24407344 1798:53158945 1638:17840788 1582:35340304 1441:Bugguide 1070:Polistes 969:copulate 961:genitals 903:termites 897:, alate 875:scavenge 858:, plant 687:eusocial 678:Behavior 635:diapause 479:patterns 337:Polistes 333:Polistes 321:Vespidae 317:Apocrita 286:savannas 199:Synonyms 151:Polistes 120:Vespidae 116:Family: 86:Phylum: 80:Animalia 66:Domain: 45:Virginia 2054:1310556 1630:1745395 1610:Bibcode 1602:Science 1574:4600179 938:oophagy 907:spiders 887:protein 483:clypeus 192:, 1793) 146:Genus: 136:Tribe: 106:Order: 100:Insecta 96:Class: 2145:550432 2132:191771 2093:154267 2041:POLEFU 2028:240113 1934:Biolib 1892:  1869:  1839:  1831:  1796:  1700:  1636:  1628:  1580:  1572:  1425:973811 1423:  950:Mating 862:, and 860:fibers 685:is an 671:larvae 452:thorax 425:, and 379:, and 2119:30207 2075:IRMNG 2067:52757 2015:14227 2002:22147 1867:JSTOR 1837:S2CID 1794:S2CID 1626:JSTOR 1578:S2CID 1570:JSTOR 1421:S2CID 1349:>. 1256:>. 1166:>. 1130:>. 895:flies 856:water 666:brood 456:sting 292:is a 43:from 2114:NCBI 2088:ITIS 2049:GBIF 2036:EPPO 1997:BOLD 1890:ISBN 1829:PMID 1698:ISSN 1634:PMID 1084:2020 921:Diet 911:bees 899:ants 871:prey 639:eggs 275:dark 2023:EoL 1821:doi 1786:doi 1688:doi 1655:". 1618:doi 1606:199 1562:doi 1532:doi 1528:102 1413:doi 1205:doi 873:or 277:or 2164:: 2142:: 2129:: 2116:: 2103:: 2090:: 2077:: 2064:: 2051:: 2038:: 2025:: 2012:: 1999:: 1984:: 1969:: 1863:54 1861:. 1849:^ 1835:. 1827:. 1815:. 1792:. 1782:31 1780:. 1734:^ 1718:. 1696:. 1684:30 1682:. 1678:. 1661:54 1659:. 1632:. 1624:. 1616:. 1590:^ 1576:. 1568:. 1558:23 1556:. 1544:^ 1526:. 1483:^ 1447:^ 1433:^ 1419:. 1409:49 1407:. 1381:. 1354:^ 1261:^ 1235:^ 1217:^ 1201:75 1199:. 1135:^ 1108:^ 1092:^ 1074:. 1056:^ 1000:, 917:. 909:, 905:, 901:, 893:, 717:. 625:. 597:. 433:. 421:, 417:, 413:, 409:, 401:, 373:, 367:, 361:, 355:, 349:, 335:. 300:. 288:. 1898:. 1873:. 1843:. 1823:: 1817:9 1800:. 1788:: 1728:. 1704:. 1690:: 1640:. 1620:: 1612:: 1584:. 1564:: 1538:. 1534:: 1427:. 1415:: 1211:. 1207:: 1086:. 188:(


Scientific classification
Edit this classification
Binomial name
paper wasp
social wasp
dominance hierarchy
P. apachus
P. aurifer
P. bellicosus
P. carolina
P. dorsalis
P. metricus

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