
Reflective practice

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thinking about 'what's next' rather than 'what just happened' can constrain an educator's reflective process. The concept of reflection is difficult as beginning teachers are stuck between "the conflicting values of schools and universities" and "the contradictory values at work within schools and within university faculties and with the increasing influence of factors external to school and universities such as policy makers". Conflicting opinions make it difficult to direct the reflection process, as it is hard to establish what values you are trying to align with. It is important to acknowledge reflective practice "follows a twisting path that involves false starts and detours". Meaning once you reflect on an issue it cannot be set aside as many assume. Newman refers to Gilroy's assertion that "the 'knowledge' produced by reflection can only be recognized by further reflection, which in turn requires reflection to recognize it as knowledge". In turn, reflective practice cannot hold one meaning, it is contextual based on the practitioner. It is argued that the term 'reflection' shouldn't be used as there are associations to it being "more of a hindrance than a help". It is suggested the term is referred to 'critical practice' or 'practical philosophy' to "suggest an approach which practitioners can adopt in the different social context in which they find themselves". Meanwhile, Oluwatoyin discusses some disadvantages and barriers to reflective practice as, feeling stress by reflecting on negative issues and frustration from not being able to solve those identified issues, and time constraints. With reflection often taking place independently, educators lack the motivation and assistance in tackling these difficult problems. It is suggested that teachers communicate with one another, or have an indicated individual to talk to, this way there is external informed feedback. Overall, before engaging in reflective practice it is important to be aware of the challenges.
manifests as narratives of reality without any multilateral accounts and analyses to bring forward a change in individual perspective. Dialogic reflection, just below water surface, represents the interdependence and correlations of experiences through iterative self- questioning cycles seeking reasons for an action. After identifying these reasons, this process can provide the reflectors with alternative interpretations. Following repeated cycles of dialogic reflection, transformative reflection allows the reflective practitioners to revisit issues with alternative solutions that may create more transformative and welcomed outcomes compared to those in the past. Critical reflection, the deepest level of reflection, goes beyond the reflection-on-action process by looking at what, why, and how an incident or series of incidents happened through an ecological well-rounded lens inclusive of social, historical, political, and cultural factors. It is important to note that not all reflective practices are able to reach all four layers as the depth of reflection is subjective to reflectors' cognitive, metacognitive ability as well as their sociocultural background.
640:, indicating there is broad consensus that teaching effectively requires a reflective approach. Attard & Armour explain that "teachers who are reflective systematically collect evidence from their practice, allowing them to rethink and potentially open themselves to new interpretations". Teaching and learning are complex processes, and there is not one right approach. Reflecting on different approaches to teaching, and reshaping the understanding of past and current experiences, can lead to improvement in teaching practices. Schön's reflection-in-action can help teachers explicitly incorporate into their decision-making the professional knowledge that they gain from their experience in the classroom. 815:. There is some criticism that traditional environmental management, which simply focuses on the problem at hand, fails to integrate into the decision making the wider systems within which an environment is situated. While research and science must inform the process of environmental management, it is up to the practitioner to integrate those results within these wider systems. In order to deal with this and to reaffirm the utility of environmental management, Bryant and Wilson propose that a "more reflective approach is required that seeks to rethink the basic premises of environmental management as a process". This style of approach has been found to be successful in 644:
a process of reflective practice teachers will be able to move themselves, and their schools, beyond existing theories in practice. Larrivee concludes that teachers should "resist establishing a classroom culture of control and become a reflective practitioner, continuously engaging in a critical reflection, consequently remaining fluid in the dynamic environment of the classroom". It is important to note that, "the reflective process should eventually help the teacher to change, adapt and modify his/her teaching to the particular context. This does not happen in stages, but is a continuum of reflection, leading to change ... and further reflection".
effectiveness of their efforts, and plan for improvement. Rolheiser and et al. (2000) assert that "Reflection is linked to elements that are fundamental to meaningful learning and cognitive development: the development of metacognition – the capacity for students to improve their ability to think about their thinking; the ability to self-evaluate - the capacity for students to judge the quality of their work based on evidence and explicit criteria for the purpose of doing better work; the development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making; and the enhancement of teacher understanding of the learner." (p 31-32)
6273: 616:" – they organize instruction and classroom practice so that students are the producers, not just the consumers, of knowledge. Rolheiser and colleagues (2000) state that "When students develop their capacity to understand their own thinking processes, they are better equipped to employ the necessary cognitive skills to complete a task or achieve a goal. Students who have acquired metacognitive skills are better able to compensate for both low ability and insufficient information." (p. 34) 561: 599:
educational meanings, intentions, beliefs, decisions, actions, or products by focusing on the process of achieving them … The primary purpose of this action is to structure, adjust, generate, refine, restructure, or alter knowledge and actions that inform practice. Microreflection gives meaning to or informs day-to-day practice, and macroreflection gives meaning to or informs practice over time". Reflection is the key to successful learning for teachers and for learners.
264:? Through this analysis, a description of a situation is given which then leads into the scrutiny of the situation and the construction of knowledge that has been learnt through the experience. Subsequently, practitioners reflect on ways in which they can personally improve and the consequences of their response to the experience. Borton's model was later adapted by practitioners outside the field of education, such as the field of nursing and the helping professions. 539:. Seeing ourselves through learners' eyes, we may discover that learners are interpreting our actions in the way that we mean them. But often we are surprised by the diversity of meanings people read into our words and actions. A cardinal principle of seeing ourselves through learners' eyes is that of ensuring the anonymity of their critical opinions. We have to make learners feel safe. Seeing our practice through learners' eyes helps us teach more responsively. 696:
way to teach, but should also explain why they have chosen a particular approach whilst doing so, by reference to theory; this implies that teacher educators need to be aware of their own tacit theories of teaching and able to connect them overtly to public theory. However, some teacher educators do not always "teach as they preach"; they base their teaching decisions on "common sense" more than on public theory and struggle with modelling reflective practice.
practices; addressing students' perceptions of self-assessment; engaging in discussion and dialogue about why self-assessment is important; allowing time to learn self-assessment and reflection skills; providing many opportunities to practice different aspects of the self-assessment and reflection process; and ensuring that parents/guardians understand that self-assessment is only one of a variety of assessment strategies that is utilized for student learning.
teachers may complete their initial teacher education with "a muddled and negative view of what reflection is and how it might contribute to their professional learning". For Russell, these problems result from the fact that teacher educators have not sufficiently explored how theories of reflective practice relate to their own teaching, and so have not made the necessary "paradigmatic changes" which they expect their students to make.
theoretical, philosophical and research literature. Reviewing practice through these lenses makes us more aware of the power dynamics that infuse all practice settings. It also helps us detect hegemonic assumptions—assumptions that we think are in our own best interests, but actually work against us in the long run. Brookfield argued that these four lenses will reflect back to us starkly different pictures of who we are and what we do.
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and transformative learning. Adults have acquired a body of experience throughout their life, as well as habits of mind that define their world. Coaching programs support the process of questioning and potentially rebuilding these pre-determined habits of mind. The goal is for leaders to maximize their professional potential, and in order to do this, there must be a process of critical reflection on current assumptions.
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existing thoughts, feelings, and actions; and to explore how the practice situation may be approached differently. In the field of nursing there is concern that actions may run the risk of habitualisation, thus dehumanizing patients and their needs. In using reflective practice, nurses are able to plan their actions and consciously monitor the action to ensure it is beneficial to their patient.
88:. According to one definition it involves "paying critical attention to the practical values and theories which inform everyday actions, by examining practice reflectively and reflexively. This leads to developmental insight". A key rationale for reflective practice is that experience alone does not necessarily lead to learning; deliberate 533:. Our autobiography is an important source of insight into practice. As we talk to each other about critical events in our practice, we start to realize that individual crises are usually collectively experienced dilemmas. Analyzing our autobiographies allows us to draw insight and meanings for practice on a deep visceral emotional level. 692:
competences. However, Janet Dyment and Timothy O'Connell, in a small-scale study of experienced teacher educators, noted that the teacher educators they studied had received no training in using reflection themselves, and that they in turn did not give such training to their students; all parties were expected to know how to reflect.
reflection" and "need explicitly to facilitate the process of reflection and make transparent the metacognitive process it entails". Larrivee noted that (student) teachers require "carefully constructed guidance" and "multifaceted and strategically constructed interventions" if they are to reflect effectively on their practice.
201:; however, it can be difficult to put emotions, events, and thoughts into a coherent sequence of events. When a person rethinks or retells events, it is possible to categorize events, emotions, ideas, etc., and to compare the intended purpose of a past action with the results of the action. Stepping back from the action permits 577:
and emotions, gives value to self-awareness and critical thinking of personal perception. Monitoring emotions as well as feelings aims to be a tool for observing and developing mental well-being, stress management, growth of emotional intelligence, critical thinking, as well as professional and personal development.
Franke, Andreas G.; Gränsmark, Patrik; Agricola, Alexandra; Schühle, Kai; Rommel, Thilo; Sebastian, Alexandra; Balló, Harald E.; Gorbulev, Stanislav; Gerdes, Christer; Frank, Björn; Ruckes, Christian; Tüscher, Oliver; Lieb, Klaus (1 March 2017). "Methylphenidate, modafinil, and caffeine for cognitive
Neville Hatton and David Smith, in a brief literature review, concluded that teacher education programs do use a wide range of strategies with the aim of encouraging students teachers to reflect (e.g. action research, case studies, video-recording or supervised practicum experiences), but that "there
The GGN reflective practice model is based on a revision of the original Gibbs'cycle model. Differently from the previous one, a step has been inserted in the cycle, dedicated to emotions, their perception, and their contextualization. The GGN model, through the clear differentiation between feelings
professor David Boud and his colleagues explained: "Reflection is an important human activity in which people recapture their experience, think about it, mull it over and evaluate it. It is this working with experience that is important in learning." When a person is experiencing something, he or she
and improvement. It is also an important way to bring together theory and practice; through reflection a person is able to see and label forms of thought and theory within the context of his or her work. A person who reflects throughout his or her practice is not just looking back on past actions and
Adrienne Price explained that there are several reasons why a healthcare practitioner would engage in reflective practice: to further understand one's motives, perceptions, attitudes, values, and feelings associated with client care; to provide a fresh outlook to practice situations and to challenge
Reflective practice is viewed as an important strategy for health professionals who embrace lifelong learning. Due to the ever-changing context of healthcare and the continual growth of medical knowledge, there is a high level of demand on healthcare professionals' expertise. Due to this complex and
Many writers advocate for teacher educators themselves to act as models of reflective practice. This implies that the way that teacher educators teach their students needs to be congruent with the approaches they expect their students to adopt with pupils; teacher educators should not only model the
As professor of education Barbara Larrivee argues, reflective practice moves teachers from their knowledge base of distinct skills to a stage in their careers where they are able to modify their skills to suit specific contexts and situations, and eventually to invent new strategies. In implementing
When teachers teach metacognitive skills, it promotes student self-monitoring and self-regulation that can lead to intellectual growth, increase academic achievement, and support transfer of skills so that students are able to use any strategy at any time and for any purpose. Guiding students in the
brings about a way of thinking that questions and frames situations as "problems". Through careful planning and systematic elimination of other possible problems, doubt is settled, and people are able to affirm their knowledge of the situation. Then people are able to think about possible situations
programs for their emerging and established leaders. Leaders frequently engage in self-limiting behaviours because of their over-reliance on their preferred ways of reacting and responding. Coaching can help support the establishment of new behaviours, as it encourages reflection, critical thinking
The implication of all this is that teacher educators must also be highly skilled in reflective practice. Andrea Gelfuso and Danielle Dennis, in a report on a formative experiment with student teachers, suggested that teaching how to reflect requires teacher educators to possess and deploy specific
However, Mary Ryan has noted that students are often asked to "reflect" without being taught how to do so, or without being taught that different types of reflection are possible; they may not even receive a clear definition or rationale for reflective practice. Many new teachers do not know how to
Johns highlights the importance of experienced knowledge and the ability of a practitioner to access, understand and put into practice information that has been acquired through empirical means. Reflection occurs through "looking in" on one's thoughts and emotions and "looking out" at the situation
Activities to promote reflection are now being incorporated into undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing medical education across a variety of health professions. Professor of medical education Karen Mann and her colleagues found through a 2009 literature review that in practicing professionals
Tom Russell, in a reflective article looking back on 35 years as teacher educator, concurred that teacher educators rarely model reflective practice, fail to link reflection clearly and directly to professional learning, and rarely explain what they mean by reflection, with the result that student
For students to acquire necessary skills in reflection, their teachers need to be able to teach and model reflective practice (see above); similarly, teachers themselves need to have been taught reflective practice during their initial teacher education, and to continue to develop their reflective
Reflection is not linear, uniform, and homogeneous. Nguyen Nhat Quang (2022) adopts Fleck (2012)'s classification of reflective practices into an iceberg of reflection. That is, reflection consists of different layers representing four stages. Descriptive reflection is the tip of the iceberg as it
Reflective practice can also help improve cultural sensitivity of healthcare workers. Equality diversity and inclusion reflective practice groups have been shown to be beneficial for improving mental health professionals reflexivity and awareness of equality diversity and inclusion related issues
Reflective practice "is a term that carries diverse meaning" and about which there is not complete consensus. Professor Tim Fletcher of Brock University argues forward-thinking is a professional habit, but we must reflect on the past to inform how it translates into the present and future. Always
Without reflection, teachers are not able to look objectively at their actions or take into account the emotions, experience, or consequences of actions to improve their practice. It is argued that, through the process of reflection, teachers are held accountable to the standards of practice for
proposed that critically reflective practitioners constantly research their assumptions by seeing practice through four complementary lenses: the lens of their autobiography as learners of reflective practice, the lens of other learners' eyes, the lens of colleagues' experiences, and the lens of
Reflective practice has been described as an unstructured or semi-structured approach directing learning, and a self-regulated process commonly used in health and teaching professions, though applicable to all professions. Reflective practice is a learning process taught to professionals from a
Professor of nursing Christopher Johns designed a structured mode of reflection that provides a practitioner with a guide to gain greater understanding of his or her practice. It is designed to be carried out through the act of sharing with a colleague or mentor, which enables the experience to
Reflective practice can help any individual to develop personally, and is useful for professions other than those discussed above. It allows professionals to continually update their skills and knowledge and consider new ways to interact with their colleagues. David Somerville and June Keeling
The concept of reflective practice has found wide application in the field of education, for learners, teachers and those who teach teachers (teacher educators). Tsangaridou & O'Sullivan (1997) define reflection in education as "the act of thinking about, analyzing, assessing, or altering
Schön advocated two types of reflective practice. Firstly, reflection-on-action, which involves reflecting on an experience that you have already had, or an action that you have already taken, and considering what could have been done differently, as well as looking at the positives from that
in 1978. Single-loop learning is when a practitioner or organisation, even after an error has occurred and a correction is made, continues to rely on current strategies, techniques or policies when a situation again comes to light. Double-loop learning involves the modification of objectives,
The Ontario Ministry of Education (2007) describes many ways in which educators can help students acquire the skills required for effective reflection and self-assessment, including: modelling and/or intentionally teaching critical thinking skills necessary for reflection and self-assessment
Students can benefit from engaging in reflective practice as it can foster the critical thinking and decision making necessary for continuous learning and improvement. When students are engaged in reflection, they are thinking about how their work meets established criteria; they analyze the
the process of reflection appears to include a number of different aspects, and practicing professionals vary in their tendency and ability to reflect. They noted that the evidence to support curricular interventions and innovations promoting reflective practice remains largely theoretical.
The act of reflection is seen as a way of promoting the development of autonomous, qualified and self-directed professionals, as well as a way of developing more effective healthcare teams. Engaging in reflective practice is associated with improved quality of care, stimulating personal and
Reflective practice provides a development opportunity for those in leadership positions. Managing a team of people requires a delicate balance between people skills and technical expertise, and success in this type of role does not come easily. Reflective practice provides leaders with an
Some writers have advocated that reflective practice needs to be taught explicitly to student teachers because it is not an intuitive act; it is not enough for teacher educators to provide student teachers with "opportunities" to reflect: they must explicitly "teach reflection and types of
and is centered on the transformation of information into knowledge. This takes place after a situation has occurred, and entails a practitioner reflecting on the experience, gaining a general understanding of the concepts encountered during the experience, and then testing these general
Central to the development of reflective theory was interest in the integration of theory and practice, the cyclic pattern of experience and the conscious application of lessons learned from experience. Since the 1970s, there has been a growing literature and focus around
892:'s) actions. Relevant considerations could include ethical values, environmental impacts and efficiency and could be determinants of one's choice of activity or work during lifetime. Reflective capacities could be strengthened by education and possibly other means. 819:
projects where participants appreciated and enjoyed the educational aspect of utilizing reflective practice throughout. However, the authors noted the challenges with melding the "circularity" of reflective practice theory with the "doing" of sustainability.
656:. Overall, through reflective practice, teachers look back on their practice and reflect on how they have supported students by treating them "equitably and with respect and are sensitive to factors that influence individual student learning". 335:
Schön claimed to derive the notions of "reflection-on-action, reflection-in-action, responding to problematic situations, problem framing, problem solving, and the priority of practical knowledge over abstract theory" from the writings of
introduced the "theory of action", which emerged out of their previous research on relationship between people and organizations. This theory defines learning as detection and correction of error. It included the distinction between
545:. Our colleagues serve as critical mirrors reflecting back to us images of our actions. Talking to colleagues about problems and gaining their perspective increases our chance of finding some information that can help our situation. 509:
are incorporated into the guided reflection: the aesthetic, personal, ethical, empirical and reflexive aspects of the situation. Johns' model is comprehensive and allows for reflection that touches on many important elements.
Gibbs' suggestions are often cited as "Gibbs' reflective cycle" or "Gibbs' model of reflection", and simplified into the following six distinct stages to assist in structuring reflection on learning experiences:
interaction. The other type of reflection Schön notes is reflection-in-action, or reflecting on your actions as you are doing them, and considering issues like best practice throughout the process.
understandings in a new situation. In this way, the knowledge that is formed from a situation is continuously applied and reapplied, building on a practitioner's prior experiences and knowledge.
1920: 84:
is the ability to reflect on one's actions so as to take a critical stance or attitude towards one's own practice and that of one's peers, engaging in a process of continuous adaptation and
are recognizing the importance of reflective practice and require practitioners to prepare reflective portfolios as a requirement to be licensed, and for yearly quality assurance purposes.
events, but is taking a conscious look at emotions, experiences, actions, and responses, and using that information to add to his or her existing knowledge base and reach a higher level of
Graber, Mark L.; Kissam, Stephanie; Payne, Velma L.; Meyer, Ashley N. D.; Sorensen, Asta; Lenfestey, Nancy; Tant, Elizabeth; Henriksen, Kerm; LaBresh, Kenneth; Singh, Hardeep (July 2012).
4356: 4047: 2828:
Williams, Ruth; Grudnoff, Lexie (June 2011). "Making sense of reflection: a comparison of beginning and experienced teachers' perceptions of reflection for practice".
340:, although education professor Harvey Shapiro has argued that Dewey's writings offer "more expansive, more integrated notions of professional growth" than do Schön's. 2900:
Lane, Rod; McMaster, Heather; Adnum, Judy; Cavanagh, Michael (July 2014). "Quality reflective practice in teacher education: a journey towards shared understanding".
4083: 2384: 3818: 163:
were developing relevant theories of human learning and development. Some scholars have claimed to find precursors of reflective practice in ancient texts such as
was among the first to write about reflective practice with his exploration of experience, interaction and reflection. Soon thereafter, other researchers such as
5416: 2237:
Galli, F. and New, K.J. (2022). Gibbs’ Cycle review. Emotions as a Part of the Cycle. e-Motion: Revista de Educación, Motricidad e Investigación, 19(19). doi:
and many programs of initial teacher education claim to espouse it. Education professor Hope Hartman has described reflective practice in education as teacher
variety of disciplines, with the aim of enhancing abilities to communicate and making informed and balanced decisions. Professional associations such as the
Hendricks, Joyce; Mooney, Deborah; Berry, Catherine (April 1996). "A practical strategy approach to use of reflective practice in critical care nursing".
Gelfuso A., Dennis D. (2014). "Getting reflection off the page: the challenges of developing support structures for pre-service teacher reflection".
1092: 3275: 3223: 3127: 2989:
Dyment J.E., O'Connell T.S. (2014). "When the Ink Runs Dry: Implications for Theory and Practice When Educators Stop Keeping Reflective Journals".
2631: 2420: 2369: 2337: 4376: 2300:
Tsangaridou, N., & O'Sullivan, M. (1997). "The role of reflection in shaping physical education teachers' educational values and practices".
652:: commitment to students and student learning, professional knowledge, professional practice, leadership in learning communities, and ongoing 2793:
Hébert, Cristyne (May 2015). "Knowing and/or experiencing: a critical examination of the reflective models of John Dewey and Donald Schön".
1323: 224:
about action. However, they are not without their criticisms, and need to be understood within the context within which they were written.
3571: 1409:
Suibhne, Seamus Mac (September 2009). "'Wrestle to be the man philosophy wished to make you': Marcus Aurelius, reflective practitioner".
587: 2681:
Fien, John; Rawling, Richard (April 1996). "Reflective practice: a case study of professional development for environmental education".
5254: 5232: 3240:
Smagorinsky, P., Shelton, S. A., & Moore, C. (2015). "The role of reflection in developing eupraxis in learning to teach English".
2112: 347:
For Schön, professional growth really begins when a person starts to view things with a critical lens, by doubting his or her actions.
Jones, Jennifer L.; Jones, Karrie A. (January 2013). "Teaching reflective practice: implementation in the teacher-education setting".
6158: 1876: 151:
that is improved through practice. However, the concepts underlying reflective practice are much older. Earlier in the 20th century,
Cochran-Smith, Marilyn; Lytle, Susan L. (January 1999). "Relationships of knowledge and practice: teacher learning in communities".
6002: 5564: 4684: 6183: 506: 4048:"Putting the 'development' in professional development: understanding and overturning educational leaders' immunities to change" 2068:
Johns, Christopher (August 1995). "Framing learning through reflection within Carper's fundamental ways of knowing in nursing".
professional growth and closing the gap between theory and practice. Medical practitioners can combine reflective practice with
6054: 5500: 4828: 4823: 4818: 4813: 4808: 4798: 4152: 1683: 1658: 551:. Theory can help us "name" our practice by illuminating the general elements of what we think are idiosyncratic experiences. 6352: 6059: 4952: 4434: 2435: 96: 2596:
Attard, K. & Armour, K. M. (2005). "Learning to become a learning professional: Reflections on one year of teaching".
Hatton, Neville; Smith, David (January 1995). "Reflection in teacher education: towards definition and implementation".
Hatton, Neville; Smith, David (January 1995). "Reflection in teacher education: towards definition and implementation".
3509: 2477: 1889: 1810: 1711: 1622: 1464: 1293: 974: 6296: 5471: 5259: 5227: 3546: 3343: 2001: 1958: 1747: 1064: 505:
experienced. Johns draws on the work of Barbara Carper to expand on the notion of "looking out" at a situation. Five
68: 50: 6281: 676:
Rod Lane and colleagues listed strategies by which teacher educators can promote a habit of reflective practice in
Swennen A., Lunenberg M., Korthagen F. (2008). "Preach what you teach! Teacher educators and congruent teaching".
6291: 5371: 4330: 925:
Previously published online from 2011 in a series of webpages by the Geography Discipline Network, hosted by the
680:, such as discussions of a teaching situation, reflective interviews or essays about one's teaching experiences, 653: 718:
continually changing environment, healthcare professionals could benefit from a program of reflective practice.
6362: 6301: 6064: 5436: 5388: 4659: 4607: 3453: 2259: 1192: 35: 6347: 6337: 6152: 6044: 5456: 5009: 926: 677: 6233: 5406: 4462: 2758: 734:
within both direct clinical work with patients, families and systems, as well as professional supervision.
1123: 6218: 5431: 3782: 2725: 2070: 1702:; Fry, Ronald E. (1975). "Towards an applied theory of experiential learning". In Cooper, Cary L. (ed.). 829:
opportunity to critically review what has been successful in the past and where improvement can be made.
434:"What can be concluded, in a general sense, from these experiences and the analyses you have undertaken?" 4115: 2721: 6367: 6147: 6029: 5505: 4962: 4654: 4562: 4055: 3999: 2461: 4380: 2528:
Cochran-Smith, Marilyn (January 2003). "Learning and unlearning: the education of teacher educators".
6357: 6342: 6311: 6306: 6127: 5801: 5712: 5591: 3623: 1676:
Frameworks for Advanced Nursing Practice and Research: Philosophies, Theories, Models, and Taxonomies
4019: 2863:
Nagle, James F. (December 2008). "Becoming a reflective practitioner in the age of accountability".
1506: 1337: 1321:(2005). "Learning styles and learning spaces: enhancing experiential learning in higher education". 6316: 6286: 5977: 5779: 5538: 5495: 5461: 4967: 4957: 4639: 4427: 1706:. Wiley series on individuals, groups, and organizations. London; New York: Wiley. pp. 33–58. 802: 633: 418:"What sense can you make of the situation? Bring in ideas from outside the experience to help you." 108: 1370:"Buddhism and action research: towards an appropriate model of inquiry for the caring professions" 6243: 6122: 6024: 5962: 5774: 5401: 5288: 5222: 5140: 3579: 2154:"Rating reflection on experience: A case study of teachers' and tutors' reflection around images" 816: 332:
strategies or policies so that when a similar situation arises a new framing system is employed.
46: 3954: 3878: 6097: 6049: 6019: 5856: 5824: 5814: 5631: 5616: 5596: 5478: 5249: 5244: 4524: 4014: 3817:
Fazey, Ioan; Fazey, John A.; Salisbury, Janet G.; Lindenmayer, David B.; Dovers, Steve (2006).
1501: 1332: 906: 444:"What can be concluded about your own specific, unique, personal situation or way of working?" 6039: 6034: 5972: 5917: 5866: 5488: 5024: 4997: 4669: 4597: 3269: 3217: 3121: 2865: 2625: 2331: 1456: 1056: 885: 297: 186: 89: 42: 4142: 2135: 6107: 5883: 5836: 5656: 5651: 5426: 5421: 5396: 5336: 5180: 5117: 4987: 4902: 4740: 3833: 3451:
Walker, Susan (January 1996). "Reflective practice in the accident and emergency setting".
Price, Adrienne (August 2004). "Encouraging reflection and critical thinking in practice".
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How we think: a restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process
Keep a journal: Record your thoughts, feelings and future plans; look for emerging patterns
View experiences objectively: Imagine the situation is on stage and you are in the audience
327: 4344: 3624:"Evaluating the experiences of a staff equality, diversity and inclusion reflective space" 3141:
Lunenberg M., Korthagen F.A.J. (2003). "Teacher educators and student-directed learning".
Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization: Developments in Theory and Practice
8: 6012: 6007: 5945: 5893: 5611: 5579: 5569: 5451: 5441: 4972: 4793: 4773: 4694: 4614: 4592: 4572: 4420: 3664:"Reflection and reflective practice in health professions education: a systematic review" 1929: 1190:
McBrien, Barry (July 2007). "Learning from practice—reflections on a critical incident".
811: 612:
habits of reflection requires teachers to approach their role as that of "facilitator of
202: 4068: 3837: 2694: 2083: 669:
transfer the reflection strategies they learned in college to their classroom teaching.
6112: 6076: 5940: 5829: 5809: 5682: 5646: 5533: 5515: 5446: 5087: 4947: 4927: 4882: 4783: 4768: 4360: 4266: 4209: 3977: 3859: 3799: 3780:
Bryant, Raymond L.; Wilson, Geo A. (June 1998). "Rethinking environmental management".
3734: 3691: 3604: 3430: 3257: 3186:
Lunenberg M., Korthagen F., Swennen A. (2007). "The teacher educator as a role model".
3168: 3109: 3006: 2917: 2882: 2845: 2810: 2775: 2613: 2575: 2414: 2363: 2282: 2220: 2192: 2108: 2050: 1857: 1614: 1560: 1519: 1426: 1391: 1350: 1259: 1232:"Enhancing skills of critical reflection to evidence learning in professional practice" 1172: 1164: 1115: 1029: 901: 871:
Create your own future: Combine the virtues of the dreamer, the realist, and the critic
522: 388:"What happened? Don't make judgements yet or try to draw conclusions; simply describe." 104: 16:
Ability to reflect on one's actions so as to engage in a process of continuous learning
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Terry Borton's reflective model (1970), as adapted by Gary Rolfe and colleagues (2001)
settings where people learn from their own professional experiences, rather than from
6223: 6203: 5935: 5900: 5732: 5626: 5606: 5525: 5378: 5313: 4992: 4942: 4917: 4877: 4872: 4803: 4649: 4309: 4301: 4270: 4258: 4250: 4201: 4193: 4148: 4097: 3981: 3901: 3803: 3759: 3726: 3683: 3641: 3596: 3552: 3542: 3515: 3505: 3470: 3422: 3418: 3384: 3349: 3339: 3327: 3172: 3113: 3010: 2948: 2921: 2886: 2849: 2814: 2617: 2579: 2514: 2483: 2473: 2224: 2212: 2173: 2087: 2042: 2038: 2007: 1997: 1964: 1954: 1895: 1885: 1861: 1816: 1806: 1795: 1765:"Chris Argyris: theories of action, double-loop learning and organizational learning" 1743: 1717: 1707: 1679: 1654: 1628: 1618: 1591: 1580: 1564: 1489: 1470: 1460: 1430: 1395: 1299: 1289: 1251: 1231: 1209: 1176: 1070: 1060: 1052: 1033: 1021: 980: 970: 853:
Ask yourself "What have I learnt today?" and ask others "What have you learnt today?"
806: 629: 352:
and their outcomes, and deliberate about whether they carried out the right actions.
198: 4213: 4189: 3738: 3434: 3261: 2054: 1354: 1263: 398:"What were your reactions and feelings? Again don't move on to analysing these yet." 6193: 5982: 5950: 5910: 5905: 5702: 5692: 5510: 5341: 5298: 5271: 5266: 5125: 5092: 5082: 4932: 4860: 4664: 4602: 4582: 4567: 4293: 4240: 4185: 4144:
Creating a Culture of Reflective Practice: Building Capacity for Schoolwide Success
4064: 4024: 3969: 3935: 3893: 3863: 3849: 3841: 3791: 3722: 3718: 3695: 3675: 3663: 3631: 3608: 3588: 3538: 3497: 3462: 3414: 3376: 3331: 3302: 3249: 3203: 3195: 3158: 3150: 3101: 3072: 3036: 2998: 2971: 2944: 2909: 2874: 2837: 2802: 2779: 2767: 2698: 2661: 2605: 2567: 2537: 2510: 2465: 2317: 2309: 2286: 2274: 2204: 2165: 2127: 2079: 2034: 1989: 1847: 1550: 1523: 1511: 1418: 1381: 1342: 1285: 1243: 1201: 1156: 1119: 1107: 1011: 741:
Samantha Davies identified benefits as well as limitations to reflective practice:
3920: 3897: 3636: 3253: 2806: 2702: 2407:
Learning and leading with habits of mind: 16 essential characteristics for success
Supervising the Reflective Practitioner: An Essential Guide to Theory and Practice
Plan for the future: Plan changes in behavior based on the patterns you identified
has been seen as another form of reflection on experience in a technological age.
6253: 6188: 5997: 5967: 5955: 5819: 5717: 5584: 4922: 4689: 4492: 4467: 4457: 4245: 4228: 3955:"Know thyself: coaching for leadership using Kolb's experiential learning theory" 3939: 3493: 2913: 2841: 2771: 2571: 2169: 2025:
Carper, Barbara A. (October 1978). "Fundamental patterns of knowing in nursing".
1983: 1950: 1944: 1539:"Rethinking reflective practice: John Boyd's OODA loop as an alternative to Kolb" 1515: 681: 518: 249: 193: 178: 147:
which explain how professionals meet the challenges of their work with a kind of
100: 4377:"Experiential learning cycles: overview of 9 experiential learning cycle models" 3239: 2469: 2456:
Hartman, Hope J. (2001). "Teaching Metacognitively". In Hartman, Hope J. (ed.).
1790: 1111: 1093:"Effective reflective practice: in search of meaning in learning about teaching" 958: 856:
Value personal strengths: Identify positive accomplishments and areas for growth
317: 132: 6238: 5987: 5888: 5841: 5543: 5356: 5351: 5346: 5202: 5135: 4892: 4850: 4534: 4502: 4297: 3973: 3795: 3199: 3040: 2975: 2750: 2153: 1802: 1555: 1538: 1346: 1247: 1205: 881: 846:
suggested eight simple ways that professionals can practice more reflectively:
Identification of personal and professional strengths and areas for improvement
613: 373: 245: 3845: 3819:"The nature and role of experiential knowledge for environmental conservation" 3679: 3592: 3307: 3290: 3105: 3002: 2878: 2666: 2649: 2609: 1422: 1386: 1369: 1160: 1016: 999: 6331: 6213: 6132: 6117: 6102: 5873: 5851: 5757: 5641: 5574: 5548: 5483: 5326: 5283: 5278: 5130: 5014: 4912: 4634: 4487: 4472: 4305: 4254: 4197: 4088: 3645: 3556: 3353: 2216: 2177: 2011: 1968: 1820: 1786: 1699: 1318: 1074: 1025: 930: 637: 424:"Were different people's experiences similar or different in important ways?" 313: 281: 148: 113: 3763: 3753: 3519: 2487: 2260:"Transforming teaching practice: becoming the critically reflective teacher" 1899: 1764: 1632: 1474: 1303: 688:
is little research evidence to show that this is actually being achieved".
560: 6248: 6228: 6208: 6198: 6173: 5927: 5762: 5742: 5727: 5697: 5687: 5466: 5321: 5303: 5239: 5217: 5175: 5165: 5067: 5057: 5029: 4760: 4750: 4577: 4517: 4313: 4262: 4205: 4101: 4043: 3995: 3905: 3730: 3687: 3600: 3426: 2131: 1721: 1611:
Critical reflection for nursing and the helping professions: a user's guide
1255: 1213: 984: 454:"What are you going to do differently in this type of situation next time?" 3752:
Salafsky, Nick Redford; Margoluis, Richard; Redford, Kent Hubbard (2001).
3501: 3474: 3388: 3335: 2238: 2091: 1993: 1985:
Guided reflection: a narrative approach to advancing professional practice
1595: 628:
The concept of reflective practice is now widely employed in the field of
5861: 5784: 5752: 5212: 5160: 4778: 4735: 4710: 4679: 4674: 4629: 4554: 4544: 4529: 4482: 2458:
Metacognition in learning and instruction: theory, research, and practice
2409:. Alexandria, VA: Association for supervision and Curriculum Development. 2358:. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. 2299: 2046: 1587: 966: 862:
Empathize: Say out loud what you imagine the other person is experiencing
289: 169: 160: 4357:"Reflective practice: an approach for expanding your learning frontiers" 3572:"Cognitive interventions to reduce diagnostic error: a narrative review" 3061:"Has Reflective Practice Done More Harm than Good in Teacher Education?" 2751:"The pedagogical balancing act: teaching reflection in higher education" 2313: 457:"What steps are you going to take on the basis of what you have learnt?" 376:. Gibbs presents the stages of a full structured debriefing as follows: 6071: 5878: 5791: 5769: 5737: 5636: 5621: 5601: 5366: 5331: 5293: 5207: 5170: 5107: 5102: 5097: 5062: 5019: 5004: 4982: 4907: 4745: 4725: 4644: 4512: 4507: 4477: 4443: 4355:
McDowell, Ceasar; Canepa, Claudia; Ferriera, Sebastiao (January 2007).
3879:"Delivering sustainability therapy in sustainable development projects" 1452: 1277: 1168: 369: 337: 309: 293: 285: 156: 152: 3854: 3208: 3185: 3163: 3091: 3077: 3060: 2322: 2278: 1852: 1835: 1490:"Weblogs as instruments for reflection on action in teacher education" 6258: 6178: 5992: 5677: 5036: 4937: 4897: 4867: 4788: 4624: 4587: 4284:
Tate, Sylvina (1 October 2003). "Educating for Reflective Practice".
4028: 2902:
Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives
The Portfolio Organizer: Succeeding with Portfolios in your Classroom
Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives
2208: 1488:
Wopereis, Iwan G.J.H.; Sloep, Peter B.; Poortman, Sybilla H. (2010).
Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives
889: 789:
May have confusion as to which situations/experiences to reflect upon
727: 221: 4176:
enhancement in chess: A double-blind, randomised controlled trial".
4084:"A practical approach to promote reflective practice within nursing" 3919:
Avolio, Bruce J.; Avey, James B.; Quisenberry, David (August 2010).
53:. Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. 6092: 5155: 5145: 5077: 5072: 5041: 4887: 4842: 4720: 4715: 4619: 4497: 3537:. Nursing and health care practice series (2nd ed.). Andover: 833: 492: 408:"What was good or bad about the experience? Make value judgements." 209: 174: 164: 124: 85: 3709:
Davies, Samantha (January 2012). "Embracing reflective practice".
2650:"Action research and reflective practice: towards a holistic view" 2460:. Neuropsychology and cognition. Vol. 19. Dordrecht; Boston: 2353: 2193:"Postlesson affordance-based reflective discussion in ELT classes" 1000:"Action research and reflective practice: towards a holistic view" 360: 272: 232: 5722: 5672: 5411: 5361: 5150: 4855: 4539: 1928:(Technical report). Practice-based Professional Learning Centre, 850:
Seek feedback: Ask "Can you give me some feedback on what I did?"
649: 555: 368:
Learning researcher Graham Gibbs discussed the use of structured
Loughran J., Berry A. (2005). "Modelling by teacher educators".
become learnt knowledge at a faster rate than reflection alone.
5846: 5194: 4838: 2988: 1582:
Reach, touch, and teach: student concerns and process education
4174: 3816: 3140: 2595: 963:
The reflective practitioner: how professionals think in action
796: 783:
May feel uncomfortable challenging and evaluating own practice
292:. Kolb's reflective model, which also draws from the works of 220:
Many models of reflective practice have been created to guide
5707: 4412: 2433: 2382: 372:
to facilitate the reflection involved in Kolb's experiential
348: 1737: 189:
and the development and application of reflective practice.
5747: 5190: 1878:
Learning by doing: a guide to teaching and learning methods
Easterby-Smith, Mark; Araujo, Luis; Burgoyne, John (1999).
Not all practitioners may understand the reflective process
Encouragement of self-motivation and self-directed learning
571: 284:
was highly influenced by the earlier research conducted by
Turesky, Elizabeth Fisher; Gallagher, Dennis (June 2011).
Adaptive management: a tool for conservation practitioners
Mann, Karen; Gordon, Jill; MacLeod, Anna (November 2007).
Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Capacity Building Series
1836:"John Dewey's reception in 'Schönian' reflective practice" 763:
Further understanding of own beliefs, attitudes and values
4730: 4227:
Bryan, Charles S.; Babelay, Allison M. (September 2009).
2899: 2120:
Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions
Reflective practice: writing and professional development
Possible improvements of personal and clinical confidence
3921:"Estimating return on leadership development investment" 3751: 252:
composed of three questions which ask the practitioner:
4041: 2385:"Connecting Practice and Research: Metacognition Guide" 1988:(2nd ed.). Chichester, UK; Ames, Iowa: Blackwell. 1797:
Organizational learning: a theory of action perspective
Rolfe, Gary; Freshwater, Dawn; Jasper, Melanie (2001).
List of countries by rate of fatal workplace accidents
4354: 3569: 2591: 2589: 2404: 1801:. Addison-Wesley OD series. Vol. 1. Reading, MA: 1678:. New York: Springer Publishing Company. p. 103. 1674:
Utley, Rose; Henry, Kristina; Smith, Lucretia (2017).
The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
4229:"Building Character: A Model for Reflective Practice" 3918: 3235: 3233: 3026: 2961: 2392:
Connecting Practice and Research: Metacognition Guide
1608: 1487: 888:, and include considering the impacts of one's (or a 880:
Reflective practices can also be applied to areas of
875: 3366: 1447:
Boud, David; Keogh, Rosemary; Walker, David (1985).
2586: 2436:"Capacity Building Series: Student Self Assessment" 832:Reflective learning organizations have invested in 4082:Somerville, David; Keeling, June (24 March 2004). 3230: 1794: 1579: 1225: 1223: 1146: 748:Increased learning from an experience or situation 107:. It may be the most important source of personal 4081: 4007:New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education 3661: 3291:"Constructing and critiquing reflective practice" 2103: 2101: 1543:The International Journal of Management Education 6329: 3952: 3758:. Washington, DC: Biodiversity Support Program. 3622:Bolster, Alexander; Jameel, Leila (2024-01-31). 3324:Reflective practice and professional development 2827: 2253: 2251: 2249: 2247: 1613:. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York: 1230:Paterson, Colin; Chapman, Judith (August 2013). 792:May not be adequate to resolve clinical problems 95:Reflective practice can be an important tool in 1673: 1446: 1229: 1220: 730:(when appropriate) to reduce diagnostic error. 3775: 3773: 2643: 2641: 2098: 556:Nguyen Nhat Quang's iceberg of reflection 2022 4428: 4141:Hall, Pete; Simeral, Alisa (29 August 2017). 4000:"Transformative learning: theory to practice" 3621: 3446: 3444: 3400: 3398: 2648:Leitch, Ruth; Day, Christopher (March 2000). 2527: 2244: 1537:Ryder, Mike; Downs, Carolyn (November 2022). 998:Leitch, Ruth; Day, Christopher (March 2000). 4226: 3779: 3274:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 3222:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 3126:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 2630:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 2419:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 2368:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 2336:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 1949:(4th ed.). Chichester, UK; Ames, Iowa: 1785: 1449:Reflection, turning experience into learning 1324:Academy of Management Learning and Education 776:Limitations to reflective practice include: 4140: 3770: 2934: 2680: 2638: 2500: 2354:Rolheiser, C. Bower, B. Stevahn, L (2000). 1943:Johns, Christopher; Burnie, Sally (2013) . 1942: 1653:. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 26–27. 797:Environmental management and sustainability 588:American Association of Nurse Practitioners 4435: 4421: 3441: 3395: 3288: 3094:Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 2716: 2714: 2712: 2557: 2107: 1536: 1086: 1084: 931: 6159:Comprehensive Employment and Training Act 4244: 4018: 3876: 3853: 3635: 3490:Developing the reflective healthcare team 3306: 3207: 3162: 3134: 3076: 3058: 2665: 2647: 2321: 2302:Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 1851: 1554: 1505: 1385: 1336: 1015: 997: 744:Benefits to reflective practice include: 304: 119: 69:Learn how and when to remove this message 6003:Job losses caused by the Great Recession 4685:Simultaneous recruiting of new graduates 4400:. The encyclopedia of informal education 3022: 3020: 2553: 2551: 2257: 1767:. The encyclopedia of informal education 1316: 1090: 572:Gibbs' cycle review Galli-New (GGN) 2022 559: 496:Adaptation of the Johns reflective model 491: 364:Adaptation of the Gibbs reflective model 359: 271: 231: 123: 6184:Credentialism and educational inflation 3994: 3657: 3655: 3321: 3085: 3054: 3052: 3050: 2955: 2744: 2742: 2709: 2455: 2239: 1833: 1827: 1698: 1442: 1440: 1408: 1189: 1081: 953: 951: 949: 823: 760:Acquisition of new knowledge and skills 712: 6330: 6055:List of countries by unemployment rate 3708: 3532: 3450: 3179: 2982: 2928: 2792: 2786: 2683:The Journal of Environmental Education 2434:Ontario Ministry of Education (2007). 2383:Ontario Ministry of Education (2008). 2190: 2024: 1918: 1648: 1577: 1367: 1046: 531:Lens 1: Our autobiography as a learner 208:The emergence in more recent years of 4416: 4374: 3668:Advances in Health Sciences Education 3487: 3404: 3017: 2862: 2856: 2598:European Journal of Teacher Education 2548: 2349: 2347: 2151: 2067: 1981: 1874: 1762: 1733: 1731: 1644: 1642: 1276: 957: 276:Adaptation of Kolb's reflective model 4953:Practice-based professional learning 4283: 3877:Bell, Simon; Morse, Stephen (2005). 3652: 3047: 2893: 2821: 2748: 2739: 1437: 946: 840: 659: 267: 97:practice-based professional learning 18: 5501:Workers' right to access the toilet 4069:10.17763/haer.78.3.888l759g1qm54660 3886:Journal of Environmental Management 3369:Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 2084:10.1046/j.1365-2648.1995.22020226.x 1922:Reflecting on 'reflective practice' 757:Identification of educational needs 543:Lens 3: Our colleagues' experiences 13: 4046:; Lahey, Lisa Laskow (Fall 2008). 2344: 1946:Becoming a reflective practitioner 1884:, London: Further Education Unit, 1728: 1639: 1091:Loughran, J. John (January 2002). 876:Human activity and work in general 801:The use of reflective practice in 513: 14: 6379: 4395: 4375:Neill, James (14 November 2010). 4324: 4042:Helsing, Deborah; Howell, Annie; 2191:Nguyen, Quang Nhat (2022-09-27). 1982:Johns, Christopher, ed. (2010) . 1494:Interactive Learning Environments 769:Could act as a source of feedback 6272: 6271: 5565:Corporate collapses and scandals 4178:European Neuropsychopharmacology 3419:10.7748/ns2004. 2152:Fleck, Rowanne (November 2012). 2113:"Critically reflective practice" 2039:10.1097/00012272-197810000-00004 665:skills throughout their career. 23: 4379:. Archived from 4277: 4220: 4190:10.1016/j.euroneuro.2017.01.006 4168: 4134: 4108: 4075: 4035: 3988: 3946: 3912: 3870: 3810: 3745: 3702: 3615: 3563: 3526: 3481: 3360: 3315: 3282: 2674: 2521: 2494: 2449: 2427: 2405:Costa, A., Kallick, B. (2008). 2398: 2376: 2293: 2231: 2184: 2145: 2061: 2018: 1975: 1936: 1912: 1868: 1779: 1756: 1692: 1667: 1602: 1571: 1530: 1481: 1402: 1361: 1149:Review of Research in Education 919: 6065:Employment-to-population ratio 5437:Occupational health psychology 4442: 3723:10.1080/14739879.2012.11494064 3454:Accident and Emergency Nursing 3188:Teaching and Teacher Education 3143:Teaching and Teacher Education 3029:Teaching and Teacher Education 2964:Teaching and Teacher Education 2937:Teaching and Teacher Education 2530:Teaching and Teacher Education 2503:Teaching and Teacher Education 1919:Finlay, Linda (January 2008). 1368:Winter, Richard (March 2003). 1310: 1270: 1193:Accident and Emergency Nursing 1183: 1140: 1040: 991: 580: 549:Lens 4: Theoretical literature 227: 1: 6153:Works Progress Administration 6045:Unemployment Convention, 1919 5457:Personal protective equipment 5010:Occupational Outlook Handbook 3898:10.1016/j.jenvman.2004.11.006 3637:10.1080/14623943.2024.2309882 3535:Beginning reflective practice 3467:10.1016/S0965-2302(96)90034-X 3381:10.1016/S0964-3397(96)81042-1 3254:10.1080/1554480X.2015.1067146 3155:10.1016/s0742-051x(02)00092-6 2807:10.1080/14623943.2015.1023281 2703:10.1080/00958964.1996.9941462 2542:10.1016/S0742-051X(02)00091-4 1742:. London: SAGE. p. 160. 1051:(3rd ed.). Los Angeles: 939: 927:University of Gloucestershire 703: 684:, or journaling or blogging. 678:pre-service teacher education 487: 355: 6234:Psychopathy in the workplace 5407:Human factors and ergonomics 4246:10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181b6a79c 3940:10.1016/j.leaqua.2010.06.006 2949:10.1016/0742-051X(94)00012-U 2914:10.1080/14623943.2014.900022 2842:10.1080/14623943.2011.571861 2772:10.1080/13562517.2012.694104 2759:Teaching in Higher Education 2749:Ryan, Mary (February 2013). 2572:10.1080/08878730.2012.740153 2515:10.1016/0742-051X(94)00012-U 2170:10.1016/j.intcom.2012.07.003 1516:10.1080/10494820.2010.500530 1100:Journal of Teacher Education 593: 296:, highlights the concept of 139:introduced concepts such as 92:on experience is essential. 7: 6353:Learning theory (education) 6219:Narcissism in the workplace 5432:Occupational exposure limit 3783:Progress in Human Geography 3295:Educational Action Research 2726:Ontario College of Teachers 2654:Educational Action Research 2470:10.1007/978-94-017-2243-8_8 2071:Journal of Advanced Nursing 2027:Advances in Nursing Science 1932:. p. 8. PBPL paper 52. 1704:Theories of group processes 1374:Educational Action Research 1112:10.1177/0022487102053001004 1004:Educational Action Research 895: 648:teaching, such as those in 623: 602: 421:"What was really going on?" 137:The Reflective Practitioner 49:the claims made and adding 10: 6384: 6148:Civil Works Administration 6030:Technological unemployment 5506:Workplace health promotion 4963:Professional certification 4660:Personality–job fit theory 4298:10.1089/107555303322524634 4056:Harvard Educational Review 3974:10.53841/bpstcp.2011.7.1.5 3826:Environmental Conservation 3796:10.1191/030913298672031592 3711:Education for Primary Care 3200:10.1016/j.tate.2006.11.001 3041:10.1016/j.tate.2004.12.005 2976:10.1016/j.tate.2013.10.012 2462:Kluwer Academic Publishers 2258:Larrivee, Barbara (2000). 2158:Interacting with Computers 1556:10.1016/j.ijme.2022.100703 1347:10.5465/AMLE.2005.17268566 1248:10.1016/j.ptsp.2013.03.004 1206:10.1016/j.aaen.2007.03.004 751:Promotion of deep learning 537:Lens 2: Our learners' eyes 6267: 6166: 6128:Guaranteed minimum income 6085: 5926: 5800: 5713:Organizational commitment 5665: 5557: 5524: 5387: 5312: 5189: 5116: 5050: 4837: 4759: 4703: 4553: 4450: 4345:Resources in your library 3962:The Coaching Psychologist 3846:10.1017/S037689290600275X 3680:10.1007/s10459-007-9090-2 3593:10.1136/bmjqs-2011-000149 3533:Jasper, Melanie (2013) . 3308:10.1080/09650799900200081 3106:10.1080/13540600802571387 3003:10.1007/s10755-014-9291-6 2879:10.1080/00131720802539697 2667:10.1080/09650790000200108 2610:10.1080/02619760500093321 1423:10.1080/14623940903138266 1387:10.1080/09650790300200208 1236:Physical Therapy in Sport 1161:10.3102/0091732X024001249 1017:10.1080/09650790000200108 240:Terry Borton's 1970 book 215: 205:on a sequence of events. 6297:Aspects of organizations 5978:Involuntary unemployment 5539:Equal pay for equal work 5462:Repetitive strain injury 4968:Professional development 4958:Professional association 4640:Letter of recommendation 3928:The Leadership Quarterly 3580:BMJ Quality & Safety 1834:Shapiro, Harvey (2010). 1763:Smith, Mark K. (2013) . 1047:Bolton, Gillie (2010) . 912: 803:environmental management 634:professional development 109:professional development 6282:Aspects of corporations 6244:Slow movement (culture) 6123:Employer of last resort 6025:Structural unemployment 5963:Frictional unemployment 5402:Epilepsy and employment 5289:Performance-related pay 5223:National average salary 5141:996 working hour system 3322:Tarrant, Peter (2013). 2722:"Standards of practice" 1840:Philosophy of Education 817:sustainable development 786:Could be time-consuming 242:Reach, Touch, and Teach 6292:Aspects of occupations 6098:Unemployment insurance 6050:Unemployment extension 6020:Reserve army of labour 5825:Constructive dismissal 5632:Sleeping while on duty 5597:Exploitation of labour 5479:Sick building syndrome 4655:Person–environment fit 4525:Independent contractor 3492:. Oxford; Malden, MA: 2132:10.1002/chp.1340180402 2109:Brookfield, Stephen D. 1875:Gibbs, Graham (1988), 1649:Scaife, Joyce (2010). 1578:Borton, Terry (1970). 907:Video-based reflection 564: 497: 440:Conclusions (specific) 365: 305:Argyris and Schön 1978 277: 237: 129: 120:History and background 6363:Experiential learning 6302:Aspects of workplaces 6040:Unemployment benefits 6035:Types of unemployment 5973:Graduate unemployment 5867:Letter of resignation 5496:Workers' compensation 5489:Occupational fatality 4998:Vocational university 4598:Employment counsellor 4398:"Reflective practice" 4116:"Reflective Practice" 3502:10.1002/9780470774694 3336:10.4135/9781526402318 3326:. Thousand Oaks, CA: 2866:The Educational Forum 1994:10.1002/9781444324969 654:professional learning 563: 495: 450:Personal action plans 430:Conclusions (general) 363: 298:experiential learning 275: 244:popularized a simple 235: 187:experiential learning 127: 6348:Vocational education 6338:Personal development 6108:Job creation program 5884:Mandatory retirement 5837:Employee offboarding 5657:Workplace incivility 5652:Workplace harassment 5427:Occupational disease 5422:Occupational burnout 5337:Disability insurance 5181:Workweek and weekend 4988:Vocational education 4903:Continuing education 4741:Permanent employment 4147:. ASCD. p. 10. 3488:Ghaye, Tony (2005). 2560:The Teacher Educator 2464:. pp. 149–172. 1451:. London; New York: 824:Leadership positions 713:Health professionals 380:(Initial experience) 328:double-loop learning 323:single-loop learning 145:reflection-in-action 141:reflection-on-action 82:Reflective practice 6013:Recession-proof job 6008:Lists of recessions 5946:Economic depression 5894:Retirement planning 5775:Work–life interface 5612:Employee monitoring 5580:Corporate behaviour 5570:Accounting scandals 5452:Occupational stress 5442:Occupational injury 4978:Reflective practice 4973:Professional school 4695:Work-at-home scheme 4615:Induction programme 4593:Employment contract 4573:Business networking 4336:reflective practice 3838:2006EnvCo..33....1F 3628:Reflective Practice 3289:Newman, S. (1999). 2695:1996JEnEd..27c..11F 2314:10.1123/jtpe.17.1.2 1930:The Open University 1455:; Nichols. p.  812:adaptive management 507:patterns of knowing 203:critical reflection 199:implicitly learning 6276:See also templates 6113:Job creation index 6077:Youth unemployment 5941:Discouraged worker 5830:Wrongful dismissal 5810:At-will employment 5683:Civil conscription 5647:Workplace bullying 5534:Affirmative action 5516:Workplace wellness 5447:Occupational noise 5088:Long service leave 4948:Overspecialization 4928:Induction training 4883:Career development 4361:MIT OpenCourseWare 3330:. pp. 42–46. 3059:Russell T (2013). 1617:. pp. 26–35. 902:Moral intelligence 809:, is often called 565: 523:Stephen Brookfield 498: 366: 280:Learning theorist 278: 238: 167:teachings and the 130: 105:knowledge transfer 34:possibly contains 6368:Nursing education 6325: 6324: 6224:Post-work society 6204:Kiss up kick down 5936:Barriers to entry 5901:Severance package 5733:Human trafficking 5627:Sexual harassment 5607:Employee handbook 5526:Equal opportunity 5389:Safety and health 5379:Take-home vehicle 4993:Vocational school 4943:Lifelong learning 4918:Further education 4878:Career counseling 4873:Career assessment 4650:Overqualification 4331:Library resources 4233:Academic Medicine 4154:978-1-4166-2444-8 3328:SAGE Publications 3078:10.7202/1015641ar 2445:. Queens Printer. 2394:. Queens Printer. 2279:10.1080/713693162 1853:10.47925/2010.311 1685:978-0-8261-3322-9 1660:978-0-415-47957-8 1053:SAGE Publications 841:Other professions 807:system monitoring 660:Teacher educators 630:teacher education 268:Kolb and Fry 1975 79: 78: 71: 36:original research 6375: 6358:Learning methods 6343:Education theory 6312:Critique of work 6307:Corporate titles 6275: 6274: 6194:Evil corporation 6060:Employment rates 5983:Jobless recovery 5951:Great Depression 5911:Golden parachute 5906:Golden handshake 5703:Job satisfaction 5693:Critique of work 5511:Workplace phobia 5342:Health insurance 5299:Wage compression 5267:Progressive wage 5126:35-hour workweek 5093:No call, no show 5083:Leave of absence 4933:Knowledge worker 4861:Master craftsman 4665:Personality hire 4603:Executive search 4583:Curriculum vitae 4568:Background check 4437: 4430: 4423: 4414: 4413: 4409: 4407: 4405: 4392: 4390: 4388: 4371: 4369: 4367: 4318: 4317: 4281: 4275: 4274: 4248: 4239:(9): 1283–1288. 4224: 4218: 4217: 4172: 4166: 4165: 4163: 4161: 4138: 4132: 4131: 4129: 4127: 4112: 4106: 4105: 4079: 4073: 4072: 4052: 4039: 4033: 4032: 4029:10.1002/ace.7401 4022: 4004: 3992: 3986: 3985: 3959: 3950: 3944: 3943: 3925: 3916: 3910: 3909: 3883: 3874: 3868: 3867: 3857: 3823: 3814: 3808: 3807: 3777: 3768: 3767: 3749: 3743: 3742: 3706: 3700: 3699: 3659: 3650: 3649: 3639: 3619: 3613: 3612: 3576: 3567: 3561: 3560: 3539:Cengage Learning 3530: 3524: 3523: 3485: 3479: 3478: 3448: 3439: 3438: 3407:Nursing Standard 3402: 3393: 3392: 3364: 3358: 3357: 3319: 3313: 3312: 3310: 3286: 3280: 3279: 3273: 3265: 3237: 3228: 3227: 3221: 3213: 3211: 3183: 3177: 3176: 3166: 3138: 3132: 3131: 3125: 3117: 3089: 3083: 3082: 3080: 3056: 3045: 3044: 3024: 3015: 3014: 2991:Innovation in HE 2986: 2980: 2979: 2959: 2953: 2952: 2932: 2926: 2925: 2897: 2891: 2890: 2860: 2854: 2853: 2825: 2819: 2818: 2790: 2784: 2783: 2755: 2746: 2737: 2736: 2734: 2732: 2718: 2707: 2706: 2678: 2672: 2671: 2669: 2645: 2636: 2635: 2629: 2621: 2593: 2584: 2583: 2555: 2546: 2545: 2525: 2519: 2518: 2498: 2492: 2491: 2453: 2447: 2446: 2440: 2431: 2425: 2424: 2418: 2410: 2402: 2396: 2395: 2389: 2380: 2374: 2373: 2367: 2359: 2351: 2342: 2341: 2335: 2327: 2325: 2297: 2291: 2290: 2264: 2255: 2242: 2235: 2229: 2228: 2209:10.1002/tesj.677 2188: 2182: 2181: 2149: 2143: 2142: 2140: 2134:. Archived from 2117: 2105: 2096: 2095: 2065: 2059: 2058: 2022: 2016: 2015: 1979: 1973: 1972: 1940: 1934: 1933: 1927: 1916: 1910: 1909: 1908: 1906: 1883: 1872: 1866: 1865: 1855: 1831: 1825: 1824: 1800: 1791:Schön, Donald A. 1783: 1777: 1776: 1774: 1772: 1760: 1754: 1753: 1735: 1726: 1725: 1696: 1690: 1689: 1671: 1665: 1664: 1646: 1637: 1636: 1606: 1600: 1599: 1585: 1575: 1569: 1568: 1558: 1534: 1528: 1527: 1509: 1485: 1479: 1478: 1444: 1435: 1434: 1406: 1400: 1399: 1389: 1365: 1359: 1358: 1340: 1317:Kolb, Alice Y.; 1314: 1308: 1307: 1286:Houghton Mifflin 1274: 1268: 1267: 1227: 1218: 1217: 1187: 1181: 1180: 1144: 1138: 1137: 1135: 1134: 1128: 1122:. Archived from 1097: 1088: 1079: 1078: 1044: 1038: 1037: 1019: 995: 989: 988: 959:Schön, Donald A. 955: 933: 923: 884:, in particular 805:, combined with 74: 67: 63: 60: 54: 51:inline citations 27: 26: 19: 6383: 6382: 6378: 6377: 6376: 6374: 6373: 6372: 6328: 6327: 6326: 6321: 6317:Organized labor 6287:Aspects of jobs 6263: 6254:Toxic workplace 6189:Emotional labor 6162: 6086:Public programs 6081: 5998:Great Recession 5968:Full employment 5956:Long Depression 5922: 5820:Banishment room 5796: 5718:Refusal of work 5661: 5585:Corporate crime 5553: 5520: 5383: 5308: 5185: 5112: 5046: 4923:Graduate school 4833: 4755: 4699: 4690:Underemployment 4549: 4493:Self-employment 4468:Contingent work 4458:Academic tenure 4451:Classifications 4446: 4441: 4403: 4401: 4396:Smith, Mark K. 4386: 4384: 4365: 4363: 4351: 4350: 4349: 4339: 4338: 4334: 4327: 4322: 4321: 4282: 4278: 4225: 4221: 4173: 4169: 4159: 4157: 4155: 4139: 4135: 4125: 4123: 4114: 4113: 4109: 4080: 4076: 4050: 4040: 4036: 4020: 4002: 3998:(Summer 1997). 3993: 3989: 3957: 3951: 3947: 3923: 3917: 3913: 3881: 3875: 3871: 3821: 3815: 3811: 3778: 3771: 3750: 3746: 3707: 3703: 3660: 3653: 3620: 3616: 3574: 3568: 3564: 3549: 3531: 3527: 3512: 3486: 3482: 3449: 3442: 3403: 3396: 3365: 3361: 3346: 3320: 3316: 3287: 3283: 3267: 3266: 3238: 3231: 3215: 3214: 3184: 3180: 3139: 3135: 3119: 3118: 3090: 3086: 3057: 3048: 3025: 3018: 2987: 2983: 2960: 2956: 2933: 2929: 2908:(4): 481–494 . 2898: 2894: 2861: 2857: 2826: 2822: 2791: 2787: 2753: 2747: 2740: 2730: 2728: 2720: 2719: 2710: 2679: 2675: 2646: 2639: 2623: 2622: 2594: 2587: 2556: 2549: 2526: 2522: 2499: 2495: 2480: 2454: 2450: 2438: 2432: 2428: 2412: 2411: 2403: 2399: 2387: 2381: 2377: 2361: 2360: 2352: 2345: 2329: 2328: 2298: 2294: 2262: 2256: 2245: 2236: 2232: 2189: 2185: 2150: 2146: 2138: 2115: 2111:(Autumn 1998). 2106: 2099: 2066: 2062: 2023: 2019: 2004: 1980: 1976: 1961: 1951:Wiley-Blackwell 1941: 1937: 1925: 1917: 1913: 1904: 1902: 1892: 1881: 1873: 1869: 1832: 1828: 1813: 1784: 1780: 1770: 1768: 1761: 1757: 1750: 1736: 1729: 1714: 1697: 1693: 1686: 1672: 1668: 1661: 1647: 1640: 1625: 1607: 1603: 1576: 1572: 1535: 1531: 1507: 1486: 1482: 1467: 1445: 1438: 1407: 1403: 1366: 1362: 1338: 1315: 1311: 1296: 1275: 1271: 1228: 1221: 1188: 1184: 1145: 1141: 1132: 1130: 1126: 1095: 1089: 1082: 1067: 1045: 1041: 996: 992: 977: 956: 947: 942: 937: 936: 924: 920: 915: 898: 878: 843: 826: 799: 715: 706: 682:action research 662: 626: 605: 596: 583: 574: 558: 519:Adult education 516: 514:Brookfield 1998 490: 358: 307: 270: 250:Gestalt therapy 230: 218: 194:adult education 179:Marcus Aurelius 122: 101:formal learning 75: 64: 58: 55: 40: 28: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 6381: 6371: 6370: 6365: 6360: 6355: 6350: 6345: 6340: 6323: 6322: 6320: 6319: 6314: 6309: 6304: 6299: 6294: 6289: 6284: 6278: 6277: 6268: 6265: 6264: 6262: 6261: 6256: 6251: 6246: 6241: 6239:Sunday scaries 6236: 6231: 6226: 6221: 6216: 6211: 6206: 6201: 6196: 6191: 6186: 6181: 6176: 6170: 6168: 6164: 6163: 6156: 6155: 6150: 6145: 6140: 6135: 6130: 6125: 6120: 6115: 6110: 6105: 6100: 6095: 6089: 6087: 6083: 6082: 6080: 6079: 6074: 6069: 6068: 6067: 6062: 6052: 6047: 6042: 6037: 6032: 6027: 6022: 6017: 6016: 6015: 6010: 6005: 6000: 5990: 5988:Phillips curve 5985: 5980: 5975: 5970: 5965: 5960: 5959: 5958: 5953: 5943: 5938: 5932: 5930: 5924: 5923: 5921: 5920: 5915: 5914: 5913: 5908: 5898: 5897: 5896: 5891: 5889:Retirement age 5886: 5876: 5871: 5870: 5869: 5859: 5854: 5849: 5844: 5842:Exit interview 5839: 5834: 5833: 5832: 5827: 5822: 5812: 5806: 5804: 5798: 5797: 5795: 5794: 5789: 5788: 5787: 5782: 5772: 5767: 5766: 5765: 5760: 5755: 5750: 5745: 5740: 5735: 5730: 5720: 5715: 5710: 5705: 5700: 5695: 5690: 5685: 5680: 5675: 5669: 5667: 5663: 5662: 5660: 5659: 5654: 5649: 5644: 5639: 5634: 5629: 5624: 5619: 5614: 5609: 5604: 5599: 5594: 5592:Discrimination 5589: 5588: 5587: 5582: 5577: 5572: 5561: 5559: 5555: 5554: 5552: 5551: 5546: 5544:Gender pay gap 5541: 5536: 5530: 5528: 5522: 5521: 5519: 5518: 5513: 5508: 5503: 5498: 5493: 5492: 5491: 5481: 5476: 5475: 5474: 5464: 5459: 5454: 5449: 5444: 5439: 5434: 5429: 5424: 5419: 5414: 5409: 5404: 5399: 5393: 5391: 5385: 5384: 5382: 5381: 5376: 5375: 5374: 5364: 5359: 5357:Parental leave 5354: 5352:Marriage leave 5349: 5347:Life insurance 5344: 5339: 5334: 5329: 5324: 5318: 5316: 5310: 5309: 5307: 5306: 5301: 5296: 5291: 5286: 5281: 5276: 5275: 5274: 5264: 5263: 5262: 5257: 5252: 5247: 5237: 5236: 5235: 5230: 5220: 5215: 5210: 5205: 5203:Income bracket 5199: 5197: 5187: 5186: 5184: 5183: 5178: 5173: 5168: 5163: 5158: 5153: 5148: 5143: 5138: 5136:Eight-hour day 5133: 5128: 5122: 5120: 5114: 5113: 5111: 5110: 5105: 5100: 5095: 5090: 5085: 5080: 5075: 5070: 5065: 5060: 5054: 5052: 5048: 5047: 5045: 5044: 5039: 5034: 5033: 5032: 5027: 5017: 5012: 5007: 5002: 5001: 5000: 4995: 4990: 4985: 4980: 4975: 4970: 4965: 4960: 4955: 4950: 4945: 4940: 4935: 4930: 4925: 4920: 4915: 4910: 4905: 4895: 4893:Creative class 4890: 4885: 4880: 4875: 4870: 4865: 4864: 4863: 4853: 4851:Apprenticeship 4847: 4845: 4835: 4834: 4832: 4831: 4826: 4821: 4819:Scarlet-collar 4816: 4811: 4806: 4801: 4796: 4791: 4786: 4781: 4776: 4771: 4765: 4763: 4757: 4756: 4754: 4753: 4748: 4743: 4738: 4733: 4728: 4723: 4718: 4713: 4707: 4705: 4701: 4700: 4698: 4697: 4692: 4687: 4682: 4677: 4672: 4667: 4662: 4657: 4652: 4647: 4642: 4637: 4632: 4627: 4622: 4617: 4612: 4611: 4610: 4600: 4595: 4590: 4585: 4580: 4575: 4570: 4565: 4559: 4557: 4551: 4550: 4548: 4547: 4542: 4537: 4535:Temporary work 4532: 4527: 4522: 4521: 4520: 4515: 4510: 4503:Skilled worker 4500: 4495: 4490: 4485: 4480: 4475: 4470: 4465: 4460: 4454: 4452: 4448: 4447: 4440: 4439: 4432: 4425: 4417: 4411: 4410: 4393: 4372: 4348: 4347: 4341: 4340: 4329: 4328: 4326: 4325:External links 4323: 4320: 4319: 4292:(5): 773–777. 4276: 4219: 4184:(3): 248–260. 4167: 4153: 4133: 4122:. 28 July 2015 4107: 4074: 4063:(3): 437–465. 4034: 3987: 3945: 3934:(4): 633–644. 3911: 3869: 3809: 3790:(3): 321–343. 3769: 3744: 3701: 3674:(4): 595–621. 3651: 3614: 3587:(7): 535–557. 3562: 3547: 3525: 3511:978-1405105910 3510: 3480: 3440: 3394: 3359: 3344: 3314: 3301:(1): 145–163. 3281: 3248:(4): 285–308. 3229: 3194:(5): 586–601. 3178: 3133: 3100:(5): 531–542. 3084: 3046: 3035:(2): 193–203. 3016: 2997:(5): 417–429. 2981: 2954: 2927: 2892: 2855: 2836:(3): 281–291. 2820: 2801:(3): 361–371. 2785: 2766:(2): 144–155. 2738: 2708: 2673: 2660:(1): 179–193. 2637: 2604:(2): 195–207. 2585: 2547: 2520: 2493: 2479:978-0792368380 2478: 2448: 2426: 2397: 2375: 2343: 2292: 2273:(3): 293–307. 2243: 2230: 2183: 2164:(6): 439–449. 2144: 2141:on 2015-04-02. 2126:(4): 197–205. 2097: 2078:(2): 226–234. 2060: 2017: 2002: 1974: 1959: 1935: 1911: 1891:978-1853380716 1890: 1867: 1826: 1812:978-0201001747 1811: 1803:Addison-Wesley 1787:Argyris, Chris 1778: 1755: 1748: 1727: 1713:978-0471171171 1712: 1700:Kolb, David A. 1691: 1684: 1666: 1659: 1638: 1624:978-0333777954 1623: 1601: 1570: 1529: 1500:(3): 245–261. 1480: 1466:978-0893972028 1465: 1436: 1417:(4): 429–436. 1401: 1380:(1): 141–160. 1360: 1331:(2): 193–212. 1319:Kolb, David A. 1309: 1295:978-0395897546 1294: 1269: 1242:(3): 133–138. 1219: 1200:(3): 128–133. 1182: 1155:(1): 249–305. 1139: 1080: 1065: 1039: 1010:(1): 179–193. 990: 976:978-0465068746 975: 944: 943: 941: 938: 935: 934: 917: 916: 914: 911: 910: 909: 904: 897: 894: 882:human activity 877: 874: 873: 872: 869: 866: 863: 860: 857: 854: 851: 842: 839: 825: 822: 798: 795: 794: 793: 790: 787: 784: 781: 774: 773: 770: 767: 764: 761: 758: 755: 752: 749: 714: 711: 705: 702: 661: 658: 625: 622: 614:meaning-making 604: 601: 595: 592: 582: 579: 573: 570: 557: 554: 553: 552: 546: 540: 534: 515: 512: 489: 486: 485: 484: 481: 478: 475: 472: 469: 461: 460: 459: 458: 455: 447: 446: 445: 437: 436: 435: 427: 426: 425: 422: 419: 411: 410: 409: 401: 400: 399: 391: 390: 389: 381: 374:learning cycle 357: 354: 306: 303: 269: 266: 246:learning cycle 229: 226: 217: 214: 121: 118: 77: 76: 31: 29: 22: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 6380: 6369: 6366: 6364: 6361: 6359: 6356: 6354: 6351: 6349: 6346: 6344: 6341: 6339: 6336: 6335: 6333: 6318: 6315: 6313: 6310: 6308: 6305: 6303: 6300: 6298: 6295: 6293: 6290: 6288: 6285: 6283: 6280: 6279: 6270: 6269: 6266: 6260: 6257: 6255: 6252: 6250: 6247: 6245: 6242: 6240: 6237: 6235: 6232: 6230: 6227: 6225: 6222: 6220: 6217: 6215: 6214:Make-work job 6212: 6210: 6207: 6205: 6202: 6200: 6197: 6195: 6192: 6190: 6187: 6185: 6182: 6180: 6177: 6175: 6172: 6171: 6169: 6165: 6161: 6160: 6154: 6151: 6149: 6146: 6144: 6141: 6139: 6136: 6134: 6133:Right to work 6131: 6129: 6126: 6124: 6121: 6119: 6118:Job guarantee 6116: 6114: 6111: 6109: 6106: 6104: 6103:Make-work job 6101: 6099: 6096: 6094: 6091: 6090: 6088: 6084: 6078: 6075: 6073: 6070: 6066: 6063: 6061: 6058: 6057: 6056: 6053: 6051: 6048: 6046: 6043: 6041: 6038: 6036: 6033: 6031: 6028: 6026: 6023: 6021: 6018: 6014: 6011: 6009: 6006: 6004: 6001: 5999: 5996: 5995: 5994: 5991: 5989: 5986: 5984: 5981: 5979: 5976: 5974: 5971: 5969: 5966: 5964: 5961: 5957: 5954: 5952: 5949: 5948: 5947: 5944: 5942: 5939: 5937: 5934: 5933: 5931: 5929: 5925: 5919: 5916: 5912: 5909: 5907: 5904: 5903: 5902: 5899: 5895: 5892: 5890: 5887: 5885: 5882: 5881: 5880: 5877: 5875: 5874:Restructuring 5872: 5868: 5865: 5864: 5863: 5860: 5858: 5855: 5853: 5852:Notice period 5850: 5848: 5845: 5843: 5840: 5838: 5835: 5831: 5828: 5826: 5823: 5821: 5818: 5817: 5816: 5813: 5811: 5808: 5807: 5805: 5803: 5799: 5793: 5790: 5786: 5783: 5781: 5778: 5777: 5776: 5773: 5771: 5768: 5764: 5761: 5759: 5758:Unfree labour 5756: 5754: 5751: 5749: 5746: 5744: 5741: 5739: 5736: 5734: 5731: 5729: 5728:Bonded labour 5726: 5725: 5724: 5721: 5719: 5716: 5714: 5711: 5709: 5706: 5704: 5701: 5699: 5696: 5694: 5691: 5689: 5686: 5684: 5681: 5679: 5676: 5674: 5671: 5670: 5668: 5664: 5658: 5655: 5653: 5650: 5648: 5645: 5643: 5642:Whistleblower 5640: 5638: 5635: 5633: 5630: 5628: 5625: 5623: 5620: 5618: 5615: 5613: 5610: 5608: 5605: 5603: 5600: 5598: 5595: 5593: 5590: 5586: 5583: 5581: 5578: 5576: 5575:Control fraud 5573: 5571: 5568: 5567: 5566: 5563: 5562: 5560: 5556: 5550: 5549:Glass ceiling 5547: 5545: 5542: 5540: 5537: 5535: 5532: 5531: 5529: 5527: 5523: 5517: 5514: 5512: 5509: 5507: 5504: 5502: 5499: 5497: 5494: 5490: 5487: 5486: 5485: 5484:Work accident 5482: 5480: 5477: 5473: 5472:United States 5470: 5469: 5468: 5465: 5463: 5460: 5458: 5455: 5453: 5450: 5448: 5445: 5443: 5440: 5438: 5435: 5433: 5430: 5428: 5425: 5423: 5420: 5418: 5415: 5413: 5410: 5408: 5405: 5403: 5400: 5398: 5395: 5394: 5392: 5390: 5386: 5380: 5377: 5373: 5372:United States 5370: 5369: 5368: 5365: 5363: 5360: 5358: 5355: 5353: 5350: 5348: 5345: 5343: 5340: 5338: 5335: 5333: 5330: 5328: 5327:Casual Friday 5325: 5323: 5320: 5319: 5317: 5315: 5311: 5305: 5302: 5300: 5297: 5295: 5292: 5290: 5287: 5285: 5284:Paid time off 5282: 5280: 5279:Overtime rate 5277: 5273: 5270: 5269: 5268: 5265: 5261: 5260:United States 5258: 5256: 5253: 5251: 5248: 5246: 5243: 5242: 5241: 5238: 5234: 5231: 5229: 5226: 5225: 5224: 5221: 5219: 5216: 5214: 5211: 5209: 5206: 5204: 5201: 5200: 5198: 5196: 5192: 5188: 5182: 5179: 5177: 5174: 5172: 5169: 5167: 5164: 5162: 5159: 5157: 5154: 5152: 5149: 5147: 5144: 5142: 5139: 5137: 5134: 5132: 5131:Four-day week 5129: 5127: 5124: 5123: 5121: 5119: 5115: 5109: 5106: 5104: 5101: 5099: 5096: 5094: 5091: 5089: 5086: 5084: 5081: 5079: 5076: 5074: 5071: 5069: 5066: 5064: 5061: 5059: 5056: 5055: 5053: 5049: 5043: 5040: 5038: 5035: 5031: 5028: 5026: 5023: 5022: 5021: 5018: 5016: 5015:Practice firm 5013: 5011: 5008: 5006: 5003: 4999: 4996: 4994: 4991: 4989: 4986: 4984: 4981: 4979: 4976: 4974: 4971: 4969: 4966: 4964: 4961: 4959: 4956: 4954: 4951: 4949: 4946: 4944: 4941: 4939: 4936: 4934: 4931: 4929: 4926: 4924: 4921: 4919: 4916: 4914: 4913:Employability 4911: 4909: 4906: 4904: 4901: 4900: 4899: 4896: 4894: 4891: 4889: 4886: 4884: 4881: 4879: 4876: 4874: 4871: 4869: 4866: 4862: 4859: 4858: 4857: 4854: 4852: 4849: 4848: 4846: 4844: 4840: 4836: 4830: 4827: 4825: 4822: 4820: 4817: 4815: 4814:Orange-collar 4812: 4810: 4807: 4805: 4802: 4800: 4797: 4795: 4792: 4790: 4787: 4785: 4782: 4780: 4777: 4775: 4772: 4770: 4767: 4766: 4764: 4762: 4761:Working class 4758: 4752: 4749: 4747: 4744: 4742: 4739: 4737: 4734: 4732: 4729: 4727: 4724: 4722: 4719: 4717: 4714: 4712: 4709: 4708: 4706: 4702: 4696: 4693: 4691: 4688: 4686: 4683: 4681: 4678: 4676: 4673: 4671: 4668: 4666: 4663: 4661: 4658: 4656: 4653: 4651: 4648: 4646: 4643: 4641: 4638: 4636: 4635:Job interview 4633: 4631: 4628: 4626: 4623: 4621: 4618: 4616: 4613: 4609: 4606: 4605: 4604: 4601: 4599: 4596: 4594: 4591: 4589: 4586: 4584: 4581: 4579: 4576: 4574: 4571: 4569: 4566: 4564: 4561: 4560: 4558: 4556: 4552: 4546: 4543: 4541: 4538: 4536: 4533: 4531: 4528: 4526: 4523: 4519: 4516: 4514: 4511: 4509: 4506: 4505: 4504: 4501: 4499: 4496: 4494: 4491: 4489: 4488:Part-time job 4486: 4484: 4481: 4479: 4476: 4474: 4473:Full-time job 4471: 4469: 4466: 4464: 4461: 4459: 4456: 4455: 4453: 4449: 4445: 4438: 4433: 4431: 4426: 4424: 4419: 4418: 4415: 4399: 4394: 4383:on 2015-03-19 4382: 4378: 4373: 4362: 4358: 4353: 4352: 4346: 4343: 4342: 4337: 4332: 4315: 4311: 4307: 4303: 4299: 4295: 4291: 4287: 4280: 4272: 4268: 4264: 4260: 4256: 4252: 4247: 4242: 4238: 4234: 4230: 4223: 4215: 4211: 4207: 4203: 4199: 4195: 4191: 4187: 4183: 4179: 4171: 4156: 4150: 4146: 4145: 4137: 4121: 4117: 4111: 4103: 4099: 4096:(12): 42–45. 4095: 4091: 4090: 4089:Nursing Times 4085: 4078: 4070: 4066: 4062: 4058: 4057: 4049: 4045: 4044:Kegan, Robert 4038: 4030: 4026: 4021: 4016: 4012: 4008: 4001: 3997: 3996:Mezirow, Jack 3991: 3983: 3979: 3975: 3971: 3967: 3963: 3956: 3949: 3941: 3937: 3933: 3929: 3922: 3915: 3907: 3903: 3899: 3895: 3891: 3887: 3880: 3873: 3865: 3861: 3856: 3851: 3847: 3843: 3839: 3835: 3831: 3827: 3820: 3813: 3805: 3801: 3797: 3793: 3789: 3785: 3784: 3776: 3774: 3765: 3761: 3757: 3756: 3748: 3740: 3736: 3732: 3728: 3724: 3720: 3716: 3712: 3705: 3697: 3693: 3689: 3685: 3681: 3677: 3673: 3669: 3665: 3658: 3656: 3647: 3643: 3638: 3633: 3629: 3625: 3618: 3610: 3606: 3602: 3598: 3594: 3590: 3586: 3582: 3581: 3573: 3566: 3558: 3554: 3550: 3548:9781408075265 3544: 3540: 3536: 3529: 3521: 3517: 3513: 3507: 3503: 3499: 3495: 3491: 3484: 3476: 3472: 3468: 3464: 3460: 3456: 3455: 3447: 3445: 3436: 3432: 3428: 3424: 3420: 3416: 3413:(47): 46–52. 3412: 3408: 3401: 3399: 3390: 3386: 3382: 3378: 3375:(2): 97–101. 3374: 3370: 3363: 3355: 3351: 3347: 3345:9781446249505 3341: 3337: 3333: 3329: 3325: 3318: 3309: 3304: 3300: 3296: 3292: 3285: 3277: 3271: 3263: 3259: 3255: 3251: 3247: 3243: 3236: 3234: 3225: 3219: 3210: 3205: 3201: 3197: 3193: 3189: 3182: 3174: 3170: 3165: 3160: 3156: 3152: 3148: 3144: 3137: 3129: 3123: 3115: 3111: 3107: 3103: 3099: 3095: 3088: 3079: 3074: 3070: 3066: 3062: 3055: 3053: 3051: 3042: 3038: 3034: 3030: 3023: 3021: 3012: 3008: 3004: 3000: 2996: 2992: 2985: 2977: 2973: 2969: 2965: 2958: 2950: 2946: 2943:(1): 33–49 . 2942: 2938: 2931: 2923: 2919: 2915: 2911: 2907: 2903: 2896: 2888: 2884: 2880: 2876: 2872: 2868: 2867: 2859: 2851: 2847: 2843: 2839: 2835: 2831: 2824: 2816: 2812: 2808: 2804: 2800: 2796: 2789: 2781: 2777: 2773: 2769: 2765: 2761: 2760: 2752: 2745: 2743: 2727: 2723: 2717: 2715: 2713: 2704: 2700: 2696: 2692: 2688: 2684: 2677: 2668: 2663: 2659: 2655: 2651: 2644: 2642: 2633: 2627: 2619: 2615: 2611: 2607: 2603: 2599: 2592: 2590: 2581: 2577: 2573: 2569: 2565: 2561: 2554: 2552: 2543: 2539: 2535: 2531: 2524: 2516: 2512: 2508: 2504: 2497: 2489: 2485: 2481: 2475: 2471: 2467: 2463: 2459: 2452: 2444: 2437: 2430: 2422: 2416: 2408: 2401: 2393: 2386: 2379: 2371: 2365: 2357: 2350: 2348: 2339: 2333: 2324: 2319: 2315: 2311: 2307: 2303: 2296: 2288: 2284: 2280: 2276: 2272: 2268: 2261: 2254: 2252: 2250: 2248: 2240: 2234: 2226: 2222: 2218: 2214: 2210: 2206: 2202: 2198: 2197:TESOL Journal 2194: 2187: 2179: 2175: 2171: 2167: 2163: 2159: 2155: 2148: 2137: 2133: 2129: 2125: 2121: 2114: 2110: 2104: 2102: 2093: 2089: 2085: 2081: 2077: 2073: 2072: 2064: 2056: 2052: 2048: 2044: 2040: 2036: 2032: 2028: 2021: 2013: 2009: 2005: 2003:9781405185684 1999: 1995: 1991: 1987: 1986: 1978: 1970: 1966: 1962: 1960:9780470674260 1956: 1952: 1948: 1947: 1939: 1931: 1924: 1923: 1915: 1901: 1897: 1893: 1887: 1880: 1879: 1871: 1863: 1859: 1854: 1849: 1845: 1841: 1837: 1830: 1822: 1818: 1814: 1808: 1804: 1799: 1798: 1792: 1788: 1782: 1766: 1759: 1751: 1749:0-7619-5915-7 1745: 1741: 1734: 1732: 1723: 1719: 1715: 1709: 1705: 1701: 1695: 1687: 1681: 1677: 1670: 1662: 1656: 1652: 1645: 1643: 1634: 1630: 1626: 1620: 1616: 1612: 1605: 1597: 1593: 1589: 1584: 1583: 1574: 1566: 1562: 1557: 1552: 1549:(3): 100703. 1548: 1544: 1540: 1533: 1525: 1521: 1517: 1513: 1508: 1503: 1499: 1495: 1491: 1484: 1476: 1472: 1468: 1462: 1458: 1454: 1450: 1443: 1441: 1432: 1428: 1424: 1420: 1416: 1412: 1405: 1397: 1393: 1388: 1383: 1379: 1375: 1371: 1364: 1356: 1352: 1348: 1344: 1339: 1334: 1330: 1326: 1325: 1320: 1313: 1305: 1301: 1297: 1291: 1287: 1283: 1279: 1273: 1265: 1261: 1257: 1253: 1249: 1245: 1241: 1237: 1233: 1226: 1224: 1215: 1211: 1207: 1203: 1199: 1195: 1194: 1186: 1178: 1174: 1170: 1166: 1162: 1158: 1154: 1150: 1143: 1129:on 2017-12-15 1125: 1121: 1117: 1113: 1109: 1105: 1101: 1094: 1087: 1085: 1076: 1072: 1068: 1066:9781848602113 1062: 1058: 1054: 1050: 1043: 1035: 1031: 1027: 1023: 1018: 1013: 1009: 1005: 1001: 994: 986: 982: 978: 972: 968: 964: 960: 954: 952: 950: 945: 932: 928: 922: 918: 908: 905: 903: 900: 899: 893: 891: 887: 883: 870: 867: 864: 861: 858: 855: 852: 849: 848: 847: 838: 835: 830: 821: 818: 814: 813: 808: 804: 791: 788: 785: 782: 779: 778: 777: 771: 768: 765: 762: 759: 756: 753: 750: 747: 746: 745: 742: 739: 735: 731: 729: 723: 719: 710: 701: 697: 693: 689: 685: 683: 679: 674: 670: 666: 657: 655: 651: 645: 641: 639: 638:metacognition 635: 631: 621: 617: 615: 609: 600: 591: 589: 578: 569: 562: 550: 547: 544: 541: 538: 535: 532: 529: 528: 527: 524: 520: 511: 508: 502: 494: 482: 479: 476: 473: 470: 467: 466: 465: 456: 453: 452: 451: 448: 443: 442: 441: 438: 433: 432: 431: 428: 423: 420: 417: 416: 415: 412: 407: 406: 405: 402: 397: 396: 395: 392: 387: 386: 385: 382: 379: 378: 377: 375: 371: 362: 353: 350: 345: 341: 339: 333: 330: 329: 324: 319: 315: 314:Chris Argyris 311: 302: 299: 295: 291: 287: 283: 282:David A. Kolb 274: 265: 263: 259: 255: 251: 247: 243: 234: 225: 223: 213: 211: 206: 204: 200: 195: 190: 188: 182: 180: 176: 172: 171: 166: 162: 158: 154: 150: 149:improvisation 146: 142: 138: 135:'s 1983 book 134: 126: 117: 115: 114:understanding 110: 106: 102: 98: 93: 91: 87: 83: 73: 70: 62: 59:December 2015 52: 48: 44: 38: 37: 32:This article 30: 21: 20: 6249:Toxic leader 6229:Presenteeism 6209:Labor rights 6199:Going postal 6174:Bullshit job 6157: 6142: 6137: 5928:Unemployment 5780:Downshifting 5763:Wage slavery 5743:Penal labour 5698:Dead-end job 5688:Conscription 5467:Right to sit 5322:Annual leave 5304:Working poor 5240:Minimum wage 5218:Maximum wage 5176:Working time 5166:Six-hour day 5068:Career break 5030:Professional 4977: 4824:Black-collar 4794:White-collar 4774:Green-collar 4751:Volunteering 4588:Drug testing 4578:Cover letter 4518:Tradesperson 4402:. Retrieved 4385:. Retrieved 4381:the original 4364:. Retrieved 4335: 4289: 4285: 4279: 4236: 4232: 4222: 4181: 4177: 4170: 4158:. Retrieved 4143: 4136: 4124:. Retrieved 4119: 4110: 4093: 4087: 4077: 4060: 4054: 4037: 4013:(74): 5–12. 4010: 4006: 3990: 3965: 3961: 3948: 3931: 3927: 3914: 3892:(1): 37–51. 3889: 3885: 3872: 3829: 3825: 3812: 3787: 3781: 3754: 3747: 3714: 3710: 3704: 3671: 3667: 3627: 3617: 3584: 3578: 3565: 3534: 3528: 3489: 3483: 3461:(1): 27–30. 3458: 3452: 3410: 3406: 3372: 3368: 3362: 3323: 3317: 3298: 3294: 3284: 3270:cite journal 3245: 3241: 3218:cite journal 3191: 3187: 3181: 3146: 3142: 3136: 3122:cite journal 3097: 3093: 3087: 3071:(1): 80–88. 3068: 3064: 3032: 3028: 2994: 2990: 2984: 2967: 2963: 2957: 2940: 2936: 2930: 2905: 2901: 2895: 2873:(1): 76–86. 2870: 2864: 2858: 2833: 2829: 2823: 2798: 2794: 2788: 2763: 2757: 2729:. Retrieved 2689:(3): 11–20. 2686: 2682: 2676: 2657: 2653: 2626:cite journal 2601: 2597: 2566:(1): 73–85. 2563: 2559: 2533: 2529: 2523: 2509:(1): 33–49. 2506: 2502: 2496: 2457: 2451: 2442: 2429: 2406: 2400: 2391: 2378: 2355: 2332:cite journal 2305: 2301: 2295: 2270: 2266: 2233: 2200: 2196: 2186: 2161: 2157: 2147: 2136:the original 2123: 2119: 2075: 2069: 2063: 2033:(1): 13–24. 2030: 2026: 2020: 1984: 1977: 1945: 1938: 1921: 1914: 1903:, retrieved 1877: 1870: 1846:: 311–319 . 1843: 1839: 1829: 1796: 1781: 1769:. Retrieved 1758: 1739: 1703: 1694: 1675: 1669: 1650: 1610: 1604: 1586:. New York: 1581: 1573: 1546: 1542: 1532: 1497: 1493: 1483: 1448: 1414: 1410: 1404: 1377: 1373: 1363: 1328: 1322: 1312: 1281: 1272: 1239: 1235: 1197: 1191: 1185: 1152: 1148: 1142: 1131:. Retrieved 1124:the original 1106:(1): 33–43. 1103: 1099: 1048: 1042: 1007: 1003: 993: 965:. New York: 962: 921: 879: 844: 831: 827: 810: 800: 775: 743: 740: 736: 732: 724: 720: 716: 707: 698: 694: 690: 686: 675: 671: 667: 663: 646: 642: 632:and teacher 627: 618: 610: 606: 597: 584: 575: 566: 548: 542: 536: 530: 517: 503: 499: 462: 449: 439: 429: 413: 403: 393: 383: 367: 346: 342: 334: 326: 322: 318:Donald Schön 312:researchers 308: 279: 261: 257: 253: 248:inspired by 241: 239: 219: 207: 191: 183: 177:philosopher 168: 144: 140: 136: 133:Donald Schön 131: 128:Donald Schön 94: 81: 80: 65: 56: 33: 6138:Historical: 5862:Resignation 5802:Termination 5785:Slow living 5753:Truck wages 5738:Labour camp 5666:Willingness 5558:Infractions 5213:Living wage 5161:Remote work 4829:Gold-collar 4784:Pink-collar 4779:Grey-collar 4769:Blue-collar 4736:Labour hire 4711:Cooperative 4675:Recruitment 4630:Job hunting 4563:Application 4545:Wage labour 4530:Labour hire 4483:Job sharing 4160:12 November 4126:12 November 3968:(1): 5–14. 3832:(1): 1–10. 3717:(1): 9–12. 2536:(1): 5–28. 2308:(1): 2–25. 1771:29 November 1588:McGraw-Hill 1278:Dewey, John 967:Basic Books 581:Application 483:Action plan 480:Conclusions 468:Description 384:Description 290:Jean Piaget 228:Borton 1970 170:Meditations 161:Jean Piaget 6332:Categories 6072:Wage curve 5879:Retirement 5792:Workaholic 5770:Work ethic 5637:Wage theft 5622:Labour law 5617:Evaluation 5602:Dress code 5367:Sick leave 5332:Child care 5294:Salary cap 5208:Income tax 5171:Shift work 5108:Time clock 5103:Sick leave 5098:Sabbatical 5063:Break room 5051:Attendance 5020:Profession 5005:Mentorship 4983:Retraining 4908:E-learning 4804:New-collar 4799:Red-collar 4746:Supervisor 4726:Internship 4645:Onboarding 4513:Technician 4508:Journeyman 4478:Gig worker 4444:Employment 3855:10023/1629 3242:Pedagogies 3209:1874/25945 3164:1874/29452 2323:10344/3198 1905:9 February 1453:Kogan Page 1284:. Boston: 1133:2015-03-11 1055:. p.  940:References 728:checklists 704:Challenges 488:Johns 1995 474:Evaluation 404:Evaluation 370:debriefing 356:Gibbs 1988 338:John Dewey 310:Management 294:Kurt Lewin 286:John Dewey 157:Kurt Lewin 153:John Dewey 90:reflection 43:improve it 6259:Workhouse 6179:Busy work 5993:Recession 5857:Pink slip 5815:Dismissal 5678:Careerism 5272:Singapore 5250:Hong Kong 5118:Schedules 5037:Tradesman 4938:Licensure 4898:Education 4868:Avocation 4809:No-collar 4789:Precariat 4670:Probation 4625:Job fraud 4306:1075-5535 4271:205441486 4255:1040-2446 4198:0924-977X 4015:CiteSeerX 3982:145248370 3804:144287484 3646:1462-3943 3557:823552537 3494:Blackwell 3354:811731533 3173:145630820 3149:: 29–44. 3114:143451470 3065:Phronesis 3011:144710894 2922:144633292 2887:144769910 2850:145546314 2815:143905447 2618:144772074 2580:144270140 2415:cite book 2364:cite book 2225:252577644 2217:1056-7941 2178:0953-5438 2012:502392750 1969:823139850 1862:170646884 1821:503599388 1793:(1996) . 1565:252152374 1502:CiteSeerX 1431:219711815 1396:143841582 1333:CiteSeerX 1280:(1998) . 1177:143929745 1075:458734364 1034:145226800 1026:0965-0792 890:workforce 594:Education 222:reasoning 47:verifying 6167:See also 6093:Workfare 5918:Turnover 5314:Benefits 5195:salaries 5156:Overtime 5146:Flextime 5078:Gap year 5073:Furlough 5042:Vocation 5025:Operator 4888:Coaching 4843:training 4721:Employer 4716:Employee 4620:Job fair 4498:Side job 4404:10 March 4387:19 March 4366:10 March 4314:14629856 4263:19707072 4214:37276131 4206:28119083 4102:15067912 3906:15748802 3764:48381963 3739:13001378 3731:22306139 3688:18034364 3630:: 1–24. 3601:22543420 3520:58478682 3435:23958787 3427:15357553 3262:55764529 2970:: 1–11. 2731:10 March 2488:45655382 2055:36893665 1900:19809667 1633:46984997 1615:Palgrave 1475:11030218 1355:14372230 1304:38878663 1264:46254192 1256:23643448 1214:17540574 961:(1983). 896:See also 834:coaching 624:Teachers 603:Students 521:scholar 477:Analysis 471:Feelings 414:Analysis 394:Feelings 262:Now what 210:blogging 165:Buddhist 86:learning 6143:U.S.A.: 5748:Peonage 5723:Slavery 5673:Boreout 5412:Karoshi 5362:Pension 5151:On-call 4856:Artisan 4540:Laborer 3864:3831420 3834:Bibcode 3696:3034983 3609:5830467 3475:8696852 3389:8845631 2780:3519550 2691:Bibcode 2287:3786888 2092:7593941 1722:1103318 1524:2844509 1169:1167272 1120:6370058 985:8709452 650:Ontario 258:So what 197:may be 41:Please 5847:Layoff 5397:Crunch 5255:Europe 5245:Canada 5233:Europe 4839:Career 4680:RĂ©sumĂ© 4555:Hiring 4463:Casual 4333:about 4312:  4304:  4269:  4261:  4253:  4212:  4204:  4196:  4151:  4100:  4017:  3980:  3904:  3862:  3802:  3762:  3737:  3729:  3694:  3686:  3644:  3607:  3599:  3555:  3545:  3518:  3508:  3473:  3433:  3425:  3387:  3352:  3342:  3260:  3171:  3112:  3009:  2920:  2885:  2848:  2813:  2778:  2616:  2578:  2486:  2476:  2285:  2223:  2215:  2176:  2090:  2053:  2047:110216 2045:  2010:  2000:  1967:  1957:  1898:  1888:  1860:  1819:  1809:  1746:  1720:  1710:  1682:  1657:  1631:  1621:  1596:178000 1594:  1563:  1522:  1504:  1473:  1463:  1429:  1394:  1353:  1335:  1302:  1292:  1262:  1254:  1212:  1175:  1167:  1118:  1073:  1063:  1032:  1024:  983:  973:  260:, and 216:Models 5708:McJob 5228:World 5191:Wages 5058:Break 4704:Roles 4267:S2CID 4210:S2CID 4051:(PDF) 4003:(PDF) 3978:S2CID 3958:(PDF) 3924:(PDF) 3882:(PDF) 3860:S2CID 3822:(PDF) 3800:S2CID 3735:S2CID 3692:S2CID 3605:S2CID 3575:(PDF) 3431:S2CID 3258:S2CID 3169:S2CID 3110:S2CID 3007:S2CID 2918:S2CID 2883:S2CID 2846:S2CID 2811:S2CID 2776:S2CID 2754:(PDF) 2614:S2CID 2576:S2CID 2439:(PDF) 2388:(PDF) 2283:S2CID 2263:(PDF) 2221:S2CID 2203:(4). 2139:(PDF) 2116:(PDF) 2051:S2CID 1926:(PDF) 1882:(PDF) 1858:S2CID 1561:S2CID 1520:S2CID 1427:S2CID 1392:S2CID 1351:S2CID 1260:S2CID 1173:S2CID 1165:JSTOR 1127:(PDF) 1116:S2CID 1096:(PDF) 1030:S2CID 913:Notes 349:Doubt 175:Stoic 5193:and 4841:and 4608:list 4406:2015 4389:2015 4368:2015 4310:PMID 4302:ISSN 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