
Strasbourg Cathedral

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3146: 3158: 760: 2098: 2564: 2238: 2040: 1693: 2938: 3127: 2552: 1290: 1603: 1917: 903: 3037: 2140: 1877: 772: 946: 2836: 1128: 2753: 2485: 1988: 927: 1905: 2950: 1929: 2684: 1893: 2004: 3025: 1313: 2074: 1791: 205: 2875: 3181: 3199:, or Museum of the Work of Notre-Dame, is located in a medieval and Renaissance building not far from the cathedral, and displays a collection of some of the most delicate original works of sculpture and art from Cathedral, moved there to protect them from environmental damage. These include some of the original statues from the portals and façade dating from the 13th century, including the statues of "The Church" and "The Synagogue" from the portal of the south transept. The statue of the "Synagogue" is blindfolded, since Jews did not recognise the divinity of Christ. It also preserves the earliest plans of the cathedral, as well as paintings and tapestries and other objects. 3002: 2860: 1403: 1275: 1496: 1729: 1627: 2415: 2729: 1256: 1092: 1779: 2128: 2028: 3291: 1615: 2403: 3072: 2962: 1827: 2427: 2199: 784: 2086: 915: 1116: 2741: 2164: 1717: 2974: 2387: 2660: 1391: 1104: 1140: 2152: 109: 2226: 2848: 876: 854:, which were stronger and shifted the thrust of the weight outwards, reducing the need for massive pillars in the interior. This was then carried out in the south transept. The next major step toward Gothic took place with the raising of the vaults of the south transept, creating thinner walls and more space for high windows. The Gothic style also appeared in the statuary, particularly the Pillar of the Angels, and in the tympanums over the double portals on the south transept, which showed the influence of the sculpture in French Gothic cathedrals. 5591: 1520: 1803: 1639: 3280: 3055:, formed by the intersection of rounded barrel vaults, and supported by massive cruciform pillars and cylindrical columns with palm leaf decoration on their capitals. Some of the capitals also have sculpted monsters and lions on the corners. The larger crypt has three naves, of equal size, divided by slender columns. There are three stairways down to the crypt, the oldest, from the apse, dates to about 1150. The pilasters between the stairways are older, from 1015. Further modifications were made to the crypts in the 12th century. 2540: 2211: 2187:
Gothic or Rayonnant Gothic three levels; large arcades below, with windows on the collateral aisles; a narrow triforium, or gallery, also with windows, for passing along the walls; and above that, of equal height with the arcades the upper windows which reach up into the vaults. The upper windows at Strasbourg fill the entire space between the triforium and the vaults. An additional element of decoration is given by the small sculpted, painted, and gilded heads on the keystones of the vaults, where the ribs meet.
1705: 2765: 2576: 2461: 891: 2672: 2473: 1331:. The Director of public works of Strasbourg, Gérold, quickly took down and protected the statues of the portal, but 215 statues of the voussures over the portals were smashed with hammers, as were the angels atop the gables on the facade, and the crowns and sceptres of the statues of the kings. The sculpture over the central tympanum and over the south portal of the transept was saved because it was covered with wooden planks with the revolutionary motto "Liberté-Égalité-Fraternité," 1556: 2445:. It is reached by a stairway with a curling sculpted design called "butterfly wings". The pulpit itself, in the form of a very ornate corbeille or basket, is entirely covered with colonettes, gables, pinnacles, and niches filled with sculpture, including images of Christ on the cross, a crowned Virgin Mary, Apostles, the Crucifixion, and well as Kings and doctors of the Church. A statue on the west side of the pillar represents a famed preacher contemporary with the cathedral; 1815: 3064: 971:. The design called for a west front taller and wider than the nave behind it. By the use of buttresses and a double wall, the outer wall decorative with wide spaces, and the inner wall bearing the weight and having large windows, the interior of the cathedral could have more light. At the same time, the planned two spires on either side of the facade would reach an extraordinary height of 122 meters. Erwin von Steinbach's son Johannes von Steinbach served as 1532: 1544: 2016: 6575: 5716: 5704: 2785:, located in the south transept, is one of the most famous features of the cathedral. The first astronomical clock was installed in the cathedral from 1352–54 until 1500. It was called the Dreikönigsuhr ("three-king clock"), and was located at the opposite wall from where today's clock is. At noon, a group of three mechanical kings would prostrate themselves before the infant Jesus, while the chimes of the clock sounded the hour. 6587: 1504:
of the rose window above them, and the top level, with a balustrade. The rose window, with a rayonnant Gothic design, is fourteen metres in diameter and was finished in 1345. The pointed gable over the central portal, decorated with a sculpture of the Virgin Mary and child, reaches up into the space in front of the rose window. A gallery of statues of the Apostles, each in his own arch, is placed above the rose window.
since. Rays of yellow glass radiate outwards like a sun, surrounded mosaic-like pieces of green and blue and by small oculi with red floral designs. The tracery and decoration of the interior are very much like of that exterior, with blind galleries and delicate parallel vertical lines, like the strings of a harp. A pointed arch frames the window, and a row of blind arches at the lower level completes the decoration.
212: 831: 1947:
side, side, divided by clusters of columns. Above this are blind arcades, an ornate cornice, and then a pointed roof with a pair of dormer or skylight windows, a small window above a large one, on each side, which brought light to the choir below. The medieval crossing dome's aspect was altered several times over the centuries. The currently visible, much higher crossing dome was designed in grand
36: 983:), who has been identified as Erwin's grandson Johannes Gerlach von Steinbach. He completed the installation of the rose window, and above it twelve statues of the apostles. In 1372 the work was taken over by a master Conrad, also known as Kuntze, about whom little is known, until 1382. He was followed by a Michael von Freiburg (also known as Michael von Gmünd, or Michael Parler, from the 2797:
several planets. The lower part of the massive base of the clock has statues of Apollo and the Goddess Diana presenting a circular calendar of the liturgical year, whose revolving face with a globe points to the dates of major religious festivals and events. This part of the clock is surrounded by painted figures representing the ancient empires – Greece, Assyria, Persia, and Rome.
3111:, and were made to accompany a painting there, "The Vow of Louis XIII". They were manufactured between 1638 and 1657 in Paris by Pierre Damour. They were purchased by the Chapter of Strasbourg Cathedral in 1739, and were an example of the importation of the French style of that period into Alsace. They are traditionally hung in the arcades of the nave during 2698:. A pointed arch, a tribune for singers, and a balustrade were added in the 15th century. A sculpture of a head, wearing the hat of an architect or magistrate, gazes from the balustrade at the pillar of angels. Under the balustrade is a large painting on wood illustrating the Nativity, in a sweeping landscape. It also dates from the 15th century. 810:, one of his Henry's rivals, Hermann of Germany, raided Strasbourg and burned down the cathedral. The Bishop appealed to the new Emperor, who granted one eighth of his revenues in the province toward the construction of a new Cathedral. In 1015, bishop Werner laid the first stone of a new cathedral on the foundations of the 818:
century. The chevet, or east end, probably also had a tower, and was flanked by two chapels. The transept of the cathedral was 55 meters long, the same length as the nave and choir. The nave and choir were composed of three vessels, each with two traverses. The central vessel was higher than the two collaterals.
5408: 2820:. Above this is a globe, with painted figures of the Church and the Antichrist confronting each other. This mechanism displays the phases of the moon. Above this are two levels of animated mechanical figures, above that a figure of Christ and the four Evangelists, under a dome formed by crossed arches. 3083:
During the French Revolution nine bells were taken out and melted down to make cannon, but the "Totonglock" and a second bell, the "Zehrnerglock" (1.58 meters, 2.225 tons), made in Mathieu Edel in 1786, were preserved to ring the hours and serve as alarm bells for the city. More recently, a group of
The Chapel of Saint Andrew is on the southeast side, to the right of the apse. It is also a very early part of the cathedral, built shortly after 1150, with nine crossings and three naves of slightly different sizes, covered by Romanesque groin vaults. The chapel is devoted to memorials to six canons
On the south side of the nave, the upper walls have windows depicting female saints, including local saints from Alsace or Strasbourg. They wear diadems and have flowers in their hair, and carry twigs of the tree of life, or fruit. On the south side, the upper windows depict soldiers, popes, bishops,
The portal of the infancy of Christ (left) depicts angels, bishops and saints in the voussures, and figures representing the virtues, carrying spears, prod the figures representing the vices. In the portal of the Last Judgement, (right) Christ sits on his throne sorting the virtuous from the wicked.
The west front takes its distinctive appearance and sense of verticality from the dense network of lacelike pointed gables, pinnacles and tall, slender columns that cover it. The columns are purely decorative, and are so thin they are compared to the strings of a harp. The visual effect of the façade
The west front or façade, the main entrance of the cathedral, is a relatively late addition, constructed between 1275 and 1399. The façade is supported and divided vertically by four narrow buttresses, each decorated with sculpture. It rises in three levels; the portals on the ground level; the level
The next major step was the reconstruction of the nave into the Gothic style, which took place between 1240 and 1274. Thanks to the installation of rib vaults, the nave was raised in height to 27 meters, and the upper walls were filled with stained glass windows. The first traverses were made in what
was kept and expanded westwards. The architects of the rebuilding began to include Gothic elements, following the style that had appeared in northern France in the 12th century, while still preserving the existing Romanesque features. Between 1200 and 1228, the Romanesque vaults of the north transept
The new building, with its wooden roof beams, was unfortunately prone to fire; it suffered from fires in 1136, 1140,1150, and 1176. The church was repaired after each fire, and reconstructions and modifications made, but it retained its essentially Romanesque form, with thick walls, small windows and
of the cathedral, the hemispherical vault behind the altar on the northeast end, features Romanesque and Gothic architecture overlaid with 19th-century Neo-Romanesque decoration, The paintings on the half-dome and walls were made by Édouard Steinlé in 1877–79, in the style of a Byzantine mosaic. The
Animated characters launch into movement at different hours of the day. One angel sounds the bell while a second turns over an hourglass. Different characters, representing the ages of life (from a child to an old man) parade in front of Death. On the last level are the Apostles, passing in front of
4136: 3079:
In 1519 Strasbourg Cathedral commissioned Jerg von Speyer to create what was said to be the largest bell in Europe; 2.74 meters in diameter and weighing twenty tons. This enormous bell was installed but cracked shortly afterwards. Its place as the bourdon, or largest and deepest-sounding bell, was
or late baroque style, which had been damaged in a fire in 1759 and then ruined during the French Revolution. The altar was recreated in 1809 by the architect Pierre-Valentin Boudhors, who discovered the old central medallion of the original altar and combined it with white and black marble panels.
The nave is the section of the cathedral between the narthex and the choir where ordinary parishioners are seated and worship. At Strasbourg it is 61.5 metres (202 ft) long and 16 metres (52 ft) wide, not counting the two collateral aisles, which are each 10.41 metres (34.2 ft) wide.
The narthex is the portion of the cathedral just inside the west front, beneath the tower. It is separated from the nave by two massive pillars, 8.5 by 5 meters, which support the tower above. The primary decorative element is the rose window, added between 1320 and 1340, and substantially restored
In 1903, the architect Johann Knauth discovered cracks on the first pillar of the northern side of the nave. In 1905 he began taking measures to consolidate and strengthen the north side of the west facade, which supports the spire. After trying several temporary measures, in 1915, during the First
The cathedral was not returned to church control until July 15, 1801, along with confiscated property that had not been destroyed. The sculpture of the portals was returned to its place or restored between 1811 and 1827. However, the official ownership of the structure was given, and belongs today,
style, with two levels of quadripartite windows, traversed by a narrow passageway. However, between 1250 and 1255 they decided to become more ambitious, and used what was called the "Parisian style"; this created three levels with a total height of 32 meters from the floor to the vaults. The Gothic
5397: 2639:
The north transept connects with the Chapel of Saint John, entered through a pointed Gothic arch containing a rounded Romanesque arch. The central art work of the North Transept is a large statue of Christ on the cross, over a sculptural landscape depicting the Mount of Olives, crowded with carved
and King David on the left. The two rose windows above are later, from the 14th century, with vegetal designs. On the east wall, the windows depict Christ in Majesty, Saint Lawrence, a Virgin and Child, and John the Baptist. The capitals of the columns are decorated with dragons and other mythical
is placed over the meeting point of the transept and the choir, and, like the bell tower, has eight sides. It was constructed beginning in about 1330, following the rebuilding of the transept. Its base is topped by a gallery with pointed arches, beneath a level with large arched bays, two on each
The eight-sided tower is three times higher than wide, more elongated than other Gothic towers of the 14th century. It is surrounded and supported by four more slender towers containing circular stairways. The walls of the tower have tall lancet openings, which show the bells and bring light into
architecture and decoration, including three interlocking arches over the doors, containing a statue of the Saint during his martyrdom. The supporting buttresses on either side also have very expressive sculpture representing the Virgin Mary and the three Magi on one side, and a group of Saints on
Unlike the sculpture of earlier cathedrals, the Strasbourg statues clearly show emotions; the prophets look severe, the Virgins appear serene, the Virtues look noble, and the frivolous Virgins appear foolish. The statues in the portals are all standing upon realistically carved capitals decorated
from 1837 to 1888. This included rebuilding the crypt and the addition of new stained-glass windows. The choir was given its multicolour painted decoration, by Édouard Steinlé and Charles Auguste Steinheil, finished in 1879. Construction of the Neo-Romanessque dome over the transept was begun, and
The four bells in the octagon tower are rung on the hour. These include an old bell made by Jean Rosier and Cesar Bonbon (1691). Another two old bells by Mathieu Edel (1787) ring on the quarter hours. An even older bell, by Jean Jacques-Miller (1595), repeats the sounding of the hours one minute
All the parts of the clock together are 18 m (59 ft) high. The clock shows much more than the official time; it also indicates solar time, the day of the week (each represented by a god of mythology), the month, the year, the sign of the zodiac, the phase of the moon and the position of
In 1547 a new clock was begun by Christian Herlin and others, but the construction was interrupted when the cathedral was handed over to the Roman Catholic Church. Construction was resumed in 1571 by Conrad Dasypodius and the Habrecht brothers, and this clock was given a more ambitious program of
The five lower bays on the north side contain some of the oldest stained glass of the cathedral, installed in the old Romanesque cathedral in about 1180. When the nave was rebuilt in Gothic style in the 13th century, the old windows were reinstalled in random locations. In 1877, architect Gustave
of the cathedral. It is the least decorated side of the cathedral. A large arched bay occupies the central portion, just below a balustrade. Above that are three narrow windows and then a triangular gable with a small circular oculus window and blind arches. The face is flanked by two cylindrical
The transept and the apse were built atop the Romanesque crypt, making them a little higher than the nave; they are reached by a short stairway, giving the impression that the choir and apse are the stage of a theater. The crossing of the transept and the choir is topped by the central cupola or
The mid-level of the transept over the portal, built in about 1230, has lancet windows and a statue of Virgin, flanked by Saint Peter and Saint Lawrence. Above this is a colourful clock with the signs of the zodiac. Above this is a flamboyant Gothic balustrade with an original sundial from about
The south portal, or Portal of the Virgin, dates to about the 1220s, the same time as the Pillar of the Angels and the Astronomic clock in the interior. Decrees of the Emperor rendering justice were traditionally read out in front of this doorway. The rounded arches of tympanum over the doorway
The new church was exceptionally large, just ten meters shorter than the present cathedral, and just ten meters narrower on its west front. The west front was also exceptional because it was flanked by two towers, the "harmonic" style which became common in Gothic cathedrals during the following
occupies the upper level over the chapel. The chapel contains the tomb of Bishop Conrad de Lichtenberg, made between 1310 and 1320, and now framed by flamboyant tripe arch. It also contains the tomb of Conrad de Bussnang, a prominent member of the chapter, whose image is portrayed in sculpture
The Romanesque north transept has four traverses, which were the first in the cathedral to receive Gothic rib vaults. The vaults are supported by a circular pillar with modest decorative stone rings. The two lower lancet windows were put together in the 19th century out of glass from different
The grand organ, located high on the wall of the north side of the nave, is recorded as existing in 1260. It was rebuilt 1298, in 1324–1327, in 1384, 1430, and 1489 and finally in 1716 by André Silbermann. It was hoisted up to its present position in 1327. The ornate and colourful decoration of
The nave is dominated by the two rows of massive pillars. Each pillar bundles sixteen smaller columns, of which five reach upward to support the vaults overhead. The meeting points between the columns and the vault ribs is decorated with vegetal sculpture. The elevation has the traditional High
is credited for major contributions from 1277 to his death in 1318, and beyond through his son Johannes von Steinbach, and his grandson Gerlach von Steinbach, who succeeded him as chief architects. The Steinbachs’ plans for the completion of the cathedral were not followed through by the chief
2705:, a massive supporting pillar for the ceiling. It is composed of an octagonal pillar surrounded by four engaged columns, which reach upwards to support the vaults, and four slender colonettes. It is decorated with four vertical groups of statue-columns, depicting scenes from Christ and the 2917:
The chapel of St. Catherine is located in the southwest end of the cathedral, between the gift shop and the astrological clock. Enter through a gate across from the chapel of Saint John the Baptist. It was constructed between 1830-1839 by Bishop Berthold the II. Within the chapel are many
The tower is one of the first to rely substantially on craftsmanship, with the final appearance being one with a high degree of linearity captured in stone. While previous façades were certainly drawn prior to construction, Strasbourg has one of the earliest façades whose construction is
1653:, was added to the north transept between 1495 and 1505 by Jacob von (or Jacques de) Landshut, with sculptures by Hans von Aachen (aka Johan von Ach, or Jean d'Aix-la-Chapelle) and Conrad Sifer. The original statues were replaced by copies in the 20th century and are today kept in the 2594:
Formerly the floor of the crossing was filled with tombs of notable religious figures, but they were moved in later reconstructions. Only the names remain carved on the walls. There are two altars fixed to west pillars of the crossing, both from the 16th century; one devoted to Saint
The level above displays a group of mechanical chariots, with allegorical figures representing the days of the week, which move daily to bring to the front the current day of the week. Figures of two reclining women hold a cadran (clock face) between them which tells the minutes.
The rose windows of the west transept facade were made between 1230 and 1235, Above the rose are smaller round oculi from the same period, depicting Biblical symbols; the Alpha and Omega, the Candelabra of the Ancient Alliance, and others which combine floral and geometric designs.
The Chapel of Saint John the Baptist is located just to the left of the apse, at the northeast end of the cathedral. It is one of the oldest parts of the cathedral, constructed in about 1170 and then rebuilt in Gothic style in 1230, with the same height as the adjoining nave. The
1011:(top). Ensingen worked on the cathedral from 1399 to 1419, taking over from Claus von Lohre, and Hültz from 1419 to 1439, completing the building at last. The building of the second tower was often discussed, and was seriously proposed when Alsace became part of Germany after the 991:
in 1383–1387, who was then succeeded by Claus von Lohre (1388−1399). The three men completed the bell tower over the central part of the façade, in a design that moved away from Gerlach von Steinbach's initial idea of a central tower and whose precise authorship is unknown.
over the doors of the central portal is crowded with sculpture, as are the voussures, the stone arches around the door. The central figures depict the entry of Christ into Jerusalem, and the Crucifixion and Passion of Christ, all with exceptional expression and detail.
979:(chief architect) from (at least) 1332 until his death in 1341. From 1341 until 1372 (or according to other sources: 1339–1371), the post of chief architect was held by a Master Gerlach (not to be confused with Erwin's other son, Gerlach von Steinbach, architect of the 3145: 2631:
The north transept also contains the two baptismal fonts, one circular and one octagonal, in their own architectural settings, They were made by Jost Dotzinger in 1453. The octagonal vault is covered with arches and lacelike interlaced sculpture in the late Gothic
pinnacle, spires, and sculpture Sculpture also hangs beneath the organ, including a moving figure of Samson opening the jaws of a lion. Other moving figures include a trumpet player carrying a banner and a pretzel vendor being offered flour, water, and salt by the
5405: 1571:. The portals are set forward from the front of the church by the network of slender columns, spires and arches which form an outer decorative wall. The sculpture largely dates to the late 13th century and is similar in theme and style to that of the sculpture of 2563: 5394: 2253:. Each holds a sceptre in his right hand and an orb in the left hand, symbols of their responsibility as both sovereigns and religious figures. Some of the windows were assembled with glass from different periods: in the windows devoted to the Emperors 1399:
World War, he launched a large-scale project to replace the entire foundation of the cathedral with concrete. This project was completed in 1926, after the end of the war. In 1918 Alsace and Strasbourg and Alscace were once again attached to France.
contain sculpture of the Virgin Mary dying, surrounded by the Twelve Apostles and being crowned by Christ. The original statue-columns of the Apostles from the 1220s which supported the tympanum were smashed in 1793 during the French Revolution.
3157: 1852:
The spire above the tower is composed of eight stages of elaborate octagonal structure, linked together by interlaced arches and pinnacles, which contain a stairway to the lantern at the top. Originally the lantern was topped by a statue of the
The cathedral has three portals, corresponding to the three vessels of the nave. Each has a particular theme of decoration; the left portal is dedicated to the infancy of Christ, the central portal to redemption, and the right portal to the
4320: 2893:
In 2004 the apse and choir received some of its historic furnishings; fifteen choir stalls made by Claude Burdy and Claude Bergerat in 1692, as well as a group of busts of the apostles originally placed there in the 18th century.
Seven church bells were removed and melted down to made into cannon, and gold and other precious objects in the interior confiscated and taken away, and in November 1793 the cathedral was formally proclaimed a "Temple of Reason."
2261:, the heads were made between 1250 and 1275, but in 1522 were remounted onto the bodies of other kings from earlier windows made in about 1180. The small circular windows above the Emperors depict scenes from the life of Christ. 2922:. The two vertical windows in the chapel of Sainte Catherine measure almost 9 m high by visual artist Véronique Ellena and master glassmaker Pierre-Alain Parot. Perhaps most curious to an unfamiliar visitor is the toe bone of 1928: 3961: 5960: 2139: 5580: 759: 2713:. The pillar was created in the middle of the 13th century, most probably by a group of sculptors from France or Burgundy. Other parts of the vaults are upheld by Atlantes, supports in the form of human figures. 3013:
who were entombed there between 1478 and 1681. The central decoration is sculptural work dedicated to the Virgin Mary donated by the de Barby brothers in 1521. A Romanesque portal opens to the cloister outside.
and other notable cathedral-restorers. It is in a Neo-Byzantine style, with Christ in a red frame in the center. The other vaults in the crossing were also intended to be painted, but funding was insufficient.
2507:, or effects and two thousand, two hundred forty-two pipes. It was electrified after 1807, and was restored and modified several times, most recently in 1934–35 and in 1975–81, giving it the current forty-seven 2237: 2097: 3080:
taken by an older bell, the "Totenglock", or "Death bell", which was traditionally used for mourning. It weighs 7.5 tons and 2.2 meters in diameter, and was cast in 1447 by Hans Gremp. It is still in place.
2039: 675:, a municipal museum located in the Foundation's buildings, displays original works of art from the cathedral, such as sculptures and stained-glass, but also the surviving original medieval buildings plans. 2603:. The crossing is filled with statues and busts of saints set into niches as well as bas-reliefs of the Nativity and the Adoration of the Magi. Other scenes are painted onto the reverse of the bas-reliefs. 1338:
started planning to tear the spire down, on the grounds that it hurt the principle of equality. The tower was saved, however, when in May of the same year citizens of Strasbourg crowned it with a giant tin
5652: 1978:
Two chapels, devoted to Saint Andrew and Saint John the Baptist, were attached to the two sides of the apse. The Chapel of John the Baptist preserves its thick Romanesque walls and two Romanesque windows.
2003: 945: 2804:
Above this level is a celestial globe in a sky of painted stars which makes a complete revolution every 23 hours, fifty-six minutes and four seconds. As it turns, it shows the 1,022 stars identified by
the interior, and are decorated on the exterior with interlocking pointed gables. Between the lower tower and spire there is a balustrade, almost hidden by pinnacles and other architectural decoration.
4114: 4273: 3126: 1289: 552: 532: 1430:), stating he would "rest the weapons only when our beautiful colours fly again on Strasbourg's cathedral". During the war, the stained glass was removed in 74 cases. and stored in a salt mine near 3051:, the oldest parts of the cathedral. The more recent one is under the transept, from about 1150, and the older one, under the apse, was built in about 1110 to 1120. They are covered with Romanesque 2937: 2901:, which has headquarters in Strasbourg. It replaces the original window which was one of the few windows not put into safe storage before World War II; it was destroyed by Allied bombing in 1944. 5683: 5678: 5668: 4166: 1374:
of 1870–71, the city was under siege. The roof was set afire and the cross at the top of the spire was bent by a German artillery shell. After the French defeat, Alsace was ceded to the new
883:, a 1360s design for the west facade. The largest and most ornate surviving original architectural drawing of the cathedral. Height 405 cm (159 in), width 86 cm (34 in). 5612: 5555: 4078: 1966:
The chevet, at the northeast end of the cathedral, close to the transept, has vestiges that go back to the Romanesque cathedral, particularly at the lower levels. It looks over the former
5688: 5673: 2551: 5550: 4324: 3924: 1681:
the other, both sheltered beneath lacelike flamboyant sculpture and pinnacles. A balustrade crosses the face of the transept, and above is a wall of two bays filled with stained glass.
926: 1091: 1255: 2812:
The central tower is composed of three levels. On the bottom, figures of the Four Seasons surround a mechanical astrolabe, which indicates the location of the planets according to
5499: 3180: 3374:, the war periods of 1681, 1870 and 1940–1944, as well as changes in taste and liturgy, have taken a toll on some of Strasbourg Cathedral's most outstanding features such as the 1916: 6612: 6528: 4498: 3998: 2198: 6410: 3001: 2587:
dome, which is supported by four gigantic pillars, each wrapped in eight columns, which reach up to support the vaults under the cupola. The cupola itself rests upon four
2484: 2426: 4714: 1861:, or flower-shaped ornament. This is crowned by the cross, which is surrounded by four smaller crosses and images of the host and chalice, elements of the liturgy of the 1064:
Like the city of Strasbourg, the cathedral connects German and French cultural influences, while the eastern structures, e.g. the choir and south portal, still have very
4867: 3036: 2375:, between the upper and lower window, contain 19th-century reconstitutions of early windows depicting the ancestors of Christ, but little of the original glass remains. 3486: 1692: 902: 5913: 4544: 4021: 721:
and two of its tributaries. It became a major trading center for wine, grain, and later for textiles and luxury products. Christianity was first imposed in 313 by the
2859: 1892: 6523: 4153: 4053: 6226: 3410: 2752: 1904: 2961: 2835: 2591:, a base made of rounded arches, which make the connection between the Gothic and Romanesque elements. The columns are lavishly decorated with sculpted foliage. 2709:, as well as four angels carrying the instruments of the Passion, and above that, four more angels sounding trumpets. At the lower level are statues of the four 2683: 1876: 1026:
was completed). The planned south tower was never built and as a result, with its characteristic asymmetrical form, the cathedral is now the premier landmark of
4688: 1602: 1296: 6493: 1975:
towers with narrow lancet windows and pointed roofs. The walls are pierced with narrow slits, like a medieval fortress, giving it a very military appearance.
1127: 4570: 5841: 5492: 2694:
In the south transept, the lancet and oculus windows in the two large bays on the east, built in 1220–1227, are modelled after those in the lower choir of
1274: 3088:
between 1974 and 1976; they range from 1.7 meters to 0.9 meters in diameter, and from 3.9 to 5.7 tons in weight. Other two bells are from 1987 and 2006.
praying before the Virgin and child. It dates to the end of the 15th century. A door opens from the chapel to an adjoining cloister behind the cathedral.
5753: 1343:
of the kind the Enragés themselves wore. This artifact was later kept in the historical collections of the city until they were all destroyed during the
suggests that the design of the Strasbourg façade, while seeming almost random in its complexity, can be constructed using a series of rotated octagons.
mechanical figures. It was decorated with paintings by the Swiss painter Tobias Stimmer. This clock functioned until 1788, and can be seen today in the
6642: 6518: 705:
below and around the cathedral have been conducted in 1896–1897, 1907, 1923–1924, 1947–1948, between 1966 and 1972, and finally between 2012 and 2014.
6103: 2449:(d. 1510); a small sculpture along the railing of the stairs depicts Geiler's dog, mourning his master on steps of the pulpit where he once preached. 1790: 1378:
until 1918. Following the war, Klotz took German nationality so he could continue his work. He reconstructed the dome over the transept in a grander,
235: 204: 6154: 4085: 1837:
The cathedral was originally intended to have two towers on the west front, but only the north one was built. The octagon tower was begun in 1399 by
1626: 771: 2619:(The Genealogy of Christ) and the judgement of Solomon (right window) and the Virgin Mary with John the Baptist and John the Evangelist) as well as 783: 4170: 1666: 1441:
The cathedral was hit by British and American bombs during air raids on the centre of Strasbourg on 11 August 1944, which also heavily damaged the
The next major project was the rebuilding of the west front, or facade, in the Gothic style. The first stone was placed on May 25, 1277, by Bishop
845:, which was just being finished. Construction of the new cathedral began on the foundations of the preceding structures. The original Romanesque 5790: 2949: 2606:
The first overhead vault before the cupola features a 19th-century painting of the Last Judgement by Charles Auguste Steinheil, a collaborator of
5485: 3445: 2225: 1614: 1359: 697:
The history of Strasbourg's cathedral is well documented thanks to the archives of the Notre-Dame Foundation, the city of Strasbourg, and of the
614: 6647: 6062: 4779: 4424: 3095:
Under the roof of the Klotz tower are the six bells that ring the weekly masses but also the baptisms, marriages and deaths of parishioners.
3024: 3520: 6622: 2640:
figures in dramatic poses. It was originally made in 1498 by Nicolas Roder for the cemetery of Saint-Thomas, and was based on engravings by
2073: 6637: 6632: 3807: 3203: 2116:, including the creation of Adam and Eve, the original sin, the expulsion from Paradise, and Noah's ark. These windows date to about 1345. 1638: 2027: 6508: 6358: 2973: 2897:
The stained glass window in the axis of the apse depicts the Virgin of Alscace. The window was a gift to the Cathedral in 1956 from the
2847: 2127: 1327:, on 2 November 1789, all church property was seized by the French state and was soon vandalised by the most ardent revolutionaries, the 748:
church is believed to have had an apse flanked by two chapels and a nave covered with a wooden beamed roof, but no trace remains today.
6652: 6627: 6462: 1435: 121: 6031: 5980: 3785: 1716: 6057: 5975: 5867: 1312: 5785: 2740: 2513:
The current organists of Strasbourg Cathedral are Pascal Reber, Damien Simon, Guillaume Nussbaum, Arthur Skoric and Benoît Clavier.
2085: 6483: 6077: 5970: 5217: 2728: 890: 6006: 5746: 5637: 5632: 5575: 5013: 4991: 2874: 1802: 6457: 5421: 2402: 2151: 841:
Bishop Heinrich I von Hasenburg (1181 – March 25, 1190) decided to construct a new cathedral, to be more beautiful than that of
6544: 6323: 6261: 6144: 5862: 5836: 5826: 5800: 1482:
The restoration of the tower was completed in 2006, and in 2014 a new campaign of restoration was begun on the south transept.
1414:, who visited it on 28 June 1940, intended to transform the church into a "national sanctuary of the German people", or into a 606:. The construction of the cathedral, which had started in the year 1015 and had been relaunched in 1190, was finished in 1439. 6149: 5846: 5805: 5477: 2539: 1103: 6436: 6415: 6379: 6123: 6016: 5934: 5877: 5607: 5570: 5545: 5355: 5340: 5149: 2414: 1728: 622: 60: 4548: 4372: 4028: 1193:, on 30 September 1681, and a mass celebrated in the cathedral on 23 October 1681 in presence of the King and prince-bishop 1115: 1015:
in 1871, but was coldly received by the population of Strasbourg, who considered it would be a symbol of German occupation.
914: 610: 6617: 6128: 6036: 3680: 3383: 3187: 2890:
painted figures on the wall represent fathers of the church and founders of religious orders, depicted in Byzantine style.
2790: 1987: 1210: 1058: 17: 6394: 6195: 6098: 2386: 6559: 6467: 6374: 6343: 6292: 6282: 6180: 6093: 5929: 5893: 3538: 3405: 3382:(ca. 1500 and 1682), but many treasures remain inside the building; others, or fragments of them, being displayed in the 3202:
Other objects and works from the cathedral, including the mechanism of the original astronomical clock, are found in the
3196: 3137: 1760: 1654: 1446: 672: 6297: 4453: 3440: 1778: 1704: 6498: 6389: 6333: 6328: 6302: 6205: 6190: 6118: 6113: 5955: 5898: 5739: 5617: 5565: 6246: 6072: 1934:
The genuinely Romanesque chevet can only be seen from the courtyard of the adjacent complex of 18th-century buildings.
6441: 6420: 6348: 6256: 6241: 6200: 6159: 6021: 6011: 5990: 5985: 5872: 5622: 5325: 5311: 5289: 5275: 4692: 4356: 4261: 3548: 2460: 1476: 78: 6307: 2441:
The pulpit, attached to the fourth pillar of the north side of the nave, was sculpted in 1485 following a design by
1826: 6338: 6287: 6266: 6251: 6231: 6210: 6185: 5965: 5908: 5810: 5771: 5647: 5627: 5469: 4641: 2659: 2254: 2163: 1419: 1139: 1076:
together represent some of the earliest uses of architectural drawing. The work of Professor Robert O. Bork of the
968: 717:, twenty hectares in size, existed on the site since about 12 B.C., at a strategic point where bridges crossed the 3103:
The cathedral has a group of fourteen tapestries depicting the life of the Virgin Mary. They were commissioned by
Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist (3rd quarter of 12th century), left window of north transept
in order to reorganise the merchants' shops that used to settle around the building (and would do so until 1843).
6384: 6353: 6236: 6164: 6108: 6067: 6026: 5939: 5903: 5795: 5450: 3631: 2323: 2273: 1948: 1379: 1197:, the cathedral was returned to the Catholics and its inside redesigned according to the Catholic liturgy of the 1019: 803: 489: 3435: 6488: 6041: 5831: 4425:"Célébration Dans La Cathédrale de Notre-Dame À Strasbourg Homélie du Pape Jean-Paul II Samedi, 8 octobre 1988" 3395: 2764: 2249:
Klotz reconstituted the windows in their original arrangement. The windows are devoted to nine Emperors of the
1555: 4752: 3786:"Découverte majeure sous la cathédrale: un bassin antique serait la première piscine baptismale de Strasbourg" 2575: 6554: 3508: 3215: 2776: 2446: 2433: 2304: 2300: 2210: 1744:
1493, and above that are two small rose windows from the same period. Following their destruction during the
1159: 2918:
furnishings, including a sculpture of The Mother Mary cradling Christ, a contemporary stained glass window:
5560: 5457: 3504: 3415: 2319: 2315: 2296: 2277: 2258: 2015: 807: 725:. The first recorded bishop, Amand, participated in the Councils of Cologne and Sardique in 346 and 347. A 499: 228: 3808:"Des légionnaires romains aux bâtisseurs de la cathédrale: la fouille de la place du Château à Strasbourg" 1495: 1232:
of modest proportions was added north-east of the northern transept in 1744 by the city's chief architect
1194: 1150:
In the late Middle Ages, the city of Strasbourg had managed to liberate itself from the domination of the
In 1505, architect Jakob von Landshut and sculptor Hans von Aachen finished rebuilding the Saint-Lawrence
2472: 2364:
The upper windows of the nave depict eighty-four saints, added by various artists between 1250 and 1275.
2292: 2175:
In height to the vaults it is 32.616 metres (107.01 ft). It takes its reddish-brown color from the
1415: 1241: 640:
as a "sublimely towering, wide-spreading tree of God", the cathedral is visible far across the plains of
3295: 2671: 1587:
The wicked attempt, without success, to seduce the noble Virgins, but succeed with the foolish virgins.
tower with an elongated, octagonal crowning was built on the northern side of the west facade by master
6549: 3425: 3400: 2926:
encased in a wooden and red velvet box, which was placed in the chapel upon her beatification in 2016.
2923: 2288: 1519: 1402: 637: 5512: 3151:
Original statues of the Tempter, the foolish Virgins and the wise Virgins from the right façade portal
1531: 1240:
and between 1772 and 1778 architect Jean-Laurent Goetz surrounded the cathedral by a gallery in early
5762: 1454: 1151: 698: 138: 51: 4449: 3749:"Les récentes fouilles de Strasbourg (1947–1948), leurs résultats pour la chronologie d'Argentorate" 3290: 1543: 1460:
In October 1988, when the city celebrated its 2,000th anniversary (as the first official mention of
sculpture, was also demolished that year. Fragments can be seen in the Musée de l’Œuvre Notre-Dame.
686: 4219: 4022:"La Cathédrale de Strasbourg Cathédrale Française? Cathédrale Allemande? Éléments Pour Une Réponse" 3492: 2145:
The three levels of the nave; arcades and collateral aisles (bottom); triforium, and upper windows
style by the architect Gustave Klotz, after the original dome had been heavily damaged by Prussian
1442: 1175: 702: 4473: 2607: 5642: 3233: 2062:
and above it a blind rose, without glass, a miniature version of the large rose window above it.
The narthex of the cathedral and massive pillars supporting the tower, seen from the central nave
1940: 1658: 1579: 1358:
A series of major reconstructions and restorations were carried out in the second of the century
1301: 1065: 864: 575: 287: 133: 3598: 1472:
of Strasbourg had been elevated to the rank of archbishopric a few months before, in June 1988.
5507: 4783: 3364: 1858: 1163: 3748: 3725: 3268: 2356:), LUDEWICUS FILIUS LOTHARI VI (identification unclear), KAROLUS REX IUNIOR (identified with 1764: 1046: 964: 822:
massive columns. Work on the church was frequently interrupted by wars and political crises.
155: 3467: 3071: 5516: 3430: 3239: 1206: 1097:
Emperior Charles V visits the cathedral in 1552. Behind him is the portal of Saint Laurent.
1023: 980: 722: 618: 1390: 936: 8: 5708: 4619: 4499:"1371 à 1399 : Construction du beffroi - OND | Fondation de l'Œuvre Notre-Dame" 3379: 3245: 3108: 2357: 2059: 1956: 1814: 1371: 1344: 1218: 1198: 1190: 1012: 682: 586: 582: 408: 291: 282: 275: 108: 4934: 3702: 1457:
Biblical interpretation). Repairs to war damage were completed only in the early 1990s.
6579: 5720: 5209: 4804: 3540:
The Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories – D. H. Lawrence, Dieter Mehl – Google Livres
3171: 3104: 2782: 2695: 1952: 1155: 1077: 1049:(Portail Saint-Laurent) outside the northern transept in a markedly post-Gothic, early- 571: 5021: 4999: 1053:
style. As with the other portals of the cathedral, most of the statues now to be seen
875: 5590: 5434: 5418: 5351: 5336: 5321: 5307: 5285: 5271: 5135: 4352: 4257: 3544: 3463: 3368: 2898: 2641: 2353: 2250: 1745: 1671: 1662: 1450: 1324: 1281: 1266: 1073: 1030:. One can see 30 kilometers from the observation level, which provides a view of the 1018:
The north tower was the world's tallest building from 1647 (when the taller spire of
744:, the Bishop Remi consecrated the altar and built a funeral crypt in about 778. This 395: 46: 4348: 4342: 4295: 3925:"1340 à 1371 : Construction de la chapelle Sainte-Catherine et de la tour nord" 3279: 2824:
Christ. All these automata are put into operation daily at 12:30 pm except Sundays.
2645: 1842: 1004: 603: 5350:(in French). Paris: Monum, Éditions du Patrimoine, Centre des Monuments Nationaux. 3887: 3760: 3420: 2710: 2311: 2269: 1755:
As with all the other portals, several of the statues have been replaced by copies
made between 1250 and 1260, though the Strasbourg sculpture shows greater realism.
donated the famous choir window by Max Ingrand, the "Strasbourg Madonna" (see also
1364: 1035: 955: 645: 546: 4753:"Jubilé du demi-millénaire de la flèche de la cathédrale de Strasbourg. 1439-1939" 3221: 2904:
The main altar, in the form of a tomb, is a recreation of an earlier altar in the
During World War II, the cathedral was seen as a symbol for both warring parties.
837:, circa 1260. One of the oldest surviving architectural drawings of the cathedral. 590:
architects who took over after them, and instead of the originally envisioned two
5532: 5508: 5425: 5412: 5401: 4380: 3524: 3283: 2596: 2342: 2338: 2113: 2045:
Inside of west front doors, with blind rose window and column-statue of St. Peter
1838: 1572: 1237: 1222: 1050: 1000: 599: 556: 536: 519: 126: 4666:
Die Skulpturen am Südquerhausportal des Straßburger Münsters. Eine Baugeschichte
2793:. The present clock was built by Jean-Baptiste Schwilgué between 1837 and 1842. 2706: 2624: 2521: 2516:
In addition to the grand organ in nave, the cathedral has two smaller organs:
2330: 2109: 1971: 1749: 1748:, several of the sculptures have been replaced in the 19th century by works by 1650: 1568: 1262: 737: 726: 667:
The construction, and later maintenance, of the cathedral is supervised by the
5242: 6606: 6591: 5599: 4977: 3572: 3249: 2616: 2600: 2204:
A set of "Emperor" windows, (Otto I, Otto II, Otto III, Conrad II, Henry III)
1883: 1423: 1375: 1233: 1214: 1179: 984: 842: 250: 237: 5731: 3764: 5295: 4338: 3753:
Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
3375: 3255: 3227: 3052: 2620: 1960: 1767:, arguably the most famous statues of the cathedral, if not of Strasbourg. 1465: 1461: 1411: 1340: 1202: 1171: 1039: 967:. The new plan was inspired in part by French cathedrals, particularly the 714: 649: 4936:
Christian Iconography; or, The History of Christian Art in the Middle Ages
5430: 4115:"1439 à 1527: Strasbourg, loge suprême du Saint-Empire romain germanique" 3573:"Architecture et sculpture gothiques : cathédrale de Strasbourg (1)" 3063: 2442: 2393: 2334: 2217: 2055: 1854: 1167: 811: 745: 741: 633: 626: 5389: 1841:(chief architect until 1419), and crowned with a spire by his successor 1355:
to the French state, and it is administered by the Mayor of Strasbourg.
The first cathedral built on the present site was erected by the bishop
5520: 5373: 4664: 3371: 3085: 3007:
Statue of Virgin and a processional banner, in the Chapel of St. Andrew
The chapel as it appeared in the 14th century (19th-century engraving)
The sculptor Jacques Zimmer added the heads of cherubs made of bronze.
2813: 2633: 2497: 1677: 1183: 191: 148: 2054:
The reverse of the central doors of the portal has a column statue of
1857:, the patron saint of the cathedral, but in 1488 it was replaced by a 1335: 1328: 457: 2372: 2349: 2176: 2108:
The lower bay on the south has stained glass windows that depict the
1862: 1431: 851: 790: 657: 579: 567: 400: 160: 5384: 3653: 729:
church or cathedral is believed to have been founded by an edict of
in the world and the tallest extant structure built entirely in the
6574: 5715: 4274:"1906-1926 : Consolidation des fondations du pilier de la tou" 3660:. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization 2986: 2905: 2303:), the latter depicted together with an imperial prince who may be 1991:
Plan of cathedral – different colors indicate dates of construction
1967: 1959:. Klotz's dome was in turn heavily damaged by bombing raids during 1229: 1209:
towards the nave. Remains of the choir screen are displayed in the
859: 799: 730: 564: 5419:
Notre Dame Cathedral (original plans and contemporary photographs)
5150:"Unlock the secrets of the cathedral of strasbourg - Visit Alsace" 2352:), LUDEWICUS FILIUS LOTHARII VIII (identification unclear, may be 2112:, while the north bay windows illustrate twelve episodes from the 1434:, Germany. After the war, it was returned to the cathedral by the 5703: 3334: 3133: 2806: 2588: 2281: 1469: 1008: 996: 863:
pillars of the new section were copied exactly from those of the
595: 4079:"Les grandes dates de l'histoire de la Cathédrale de Strasbourg" 3488:
Goethe's Architectonic Bildung and Buildings in Classical Weimar
Canon Conrad de Bussnang praying to Virgin and Child. (15th c.)
Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saint Vladimir the Great of Paris
5524: 5299: 3349:
Copper-covered roof area: 4,900 m (53,000 sq ft)
3112: 3048: 2817: 2243:
Henry II of Bamberg, with head remounted on earlier body (1522)
2180: 1027: 679: 661: 641: 4622:. Fédération des sociétés d'histoire et d'archéologie d'Alsace 1068:
features, with more emphasis placed on walls than on windows.
830: 3346:
Main construction area: 6,044 m (65,060 sq ft)
Diameter of west façade rose window: 13.6 m (45 ft)
1031: 846: 718: 653: 591: 578:, it is widely considered to be among the finest examples of 376: 5282:
Bâtisseurs de Cathédrales. Strasbourg, mille ans de chantier
4220:"Strasbourg Cathedral and the French Revolution (1789–1802)" 2557:
Judgement of Solomon window in north transept (late 12th c.)
1594: 802:, a battle broke out between his potential successors. When 2886: 2231:
Emperors Philip of Swabia, Henry IV, Henry V, Frederick II
2190: 1943: 1676:(1765–1833). It presents a virtual theater of late Gothic 357: 5210:"Straßburger Münster, Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg" 5048: 5046: 4826: 4824: 4822: 4805:"Straßburger Münster, Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg" 4527: 4525: 4523: 3352:
Tile-covered roof area: 600 m (6,500 sq ft)
1178:. In 1524, the city council assigned the cathedral to the 613:, at 142 metres (466 feet), Strasbourg Cathedral was the 6524:
Maronite Catholic Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Paris
Notre-Dame de Strasbourg, Du génie humain à l’éclat divin
1247: 1158:. The outgoing 15th century was marked by the sermons of 574:, France. Although considerable parts of it are still in 3846: 3844: 3842: 3411:
List of tallest structures built before the 20th century
Slate-covered roof area: 47 m (510 sq ft)
Exterior width of west façade: 51.5 m (169 ft)
Exterior height of central nave: 40 m (130 ft)
2318:), REX HENRICUS CLAUDUS (Henry the lame = also possibly 1684: 685:
along with the historic centre of the city (called the "
from 1647 to 1874 (227 years), when it was surpassed by
5192: 5190: 5188: 5175: 5173: 5171: 5117: 5115: 5113: 5111: 5098: 5096: 5094: 5092: 5090: 5088: 5075: 5073: 5043: 5033: 5031: 4948: 4946: 4932: 4904: 4902: 4900: 4887: 4885: 4848: 4819: 4590: 4588: 4547:. Sculpture Musée de l'Œuvre Notre-Dame. Archived from 4520: 4510: 4508: 4184: 4182: 4180: 798:
In 1002, following the death of the Holy Roman Emperor
In 1988, the Strasbourg Cathedral was inscribed on the
15th-century Roman Catholic church buildings in France
Bengel, Sabine; Nohlen, Marie-José; Potier, Stéphane:
3829: 3827: 3825: 3614: 3612: 3610: 3608: 3330:
Inside height of lateral naves: 19 m (62 ft)
Inside height of central nave: 32 m (105 ft)
3174:, probably from the former main altar of the cathedral 3118: 2503:
The Silbermann organ had three keyboards, thirty-nine
Adolf Hitler triumphantly visits the cathedral in 1940
mountains gives the cathedral its distinctive colour.
Recht, Roland; Foessel, Georges; Klein, Jean-Pierre:
5014:"Orgue de Strasbourg, cathédrale Notre-Dame (Crypte)" 4992:"Orgue de Strasbourg, cathédrale Notre-Dame (Choeur)" 4252:
Recht, Roland; Foessel, Georges; Klein, Jean-Pierre:
3839: 3302:
The known dimensions of the building are as follows:
5185: 5168: 5108: 5085: 5070: 5058: 5028: 4958: 4943: 4914: 4897: 4882: 4836: 4600: 4585: 4505: 4479: 4234: 4177: 4095: 3979: 3868: 3856: 3599:"Prodige du gigantesque et du délicat (translation)" 3327:
Inside width of central nave: 16 m (52 ft)
new bronze doors were installed in 1879. During the
inconceivable without prior drawing. Strasbourg and
The Romanesque chevet of the cathedral, seen in 1671
733:, but its exact location and appearance is unknown. 671:("Foundation of Our Lady") since at least 1224. The 5260: 5243:"Straßburger Münster – Münster Unserer Lieben Frau" 4199: 4197: 3822: 3605: 3315:
Height of observation deck: 66 m (217 ft)
2929: 1644:
Original statues in the Musée de l'Œuvre Notre-Dame
1620:The portal of Saint-Laurent, on the north transept 1477:
Al-Qaeda plot to bomb the adjacent Christmas market
1057:are copies, the originals having been moved to the 689:") because of its outstanding Gothic architecture. 6519:Armenian Catholic Eparchy of Sainte-Croix-de-Paris 4715:"1399 à 1419 : Construction de la haute tour" 4691:. Musées de la ville de Strasbourg. Archived from 3075:The bourdon, the largest and deepest-sounding bell 2853:The apse, with the Virgin of Alsace window (1956) 2103:The creation of Adam and Eve (Narthex) (1280–1345) 1898:The Klotz designed crossing dome over the transept 1468:visited and celebrated mass in the cathedral. The 896:1277 plan for west front (Plan Riss B restitution) 825: 417:Official name: Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg 3294:The square and façade from the observation deck. 1922:Romanesque vaults beneath the Klotz crossing dome 870: 708: 6604: 5431:Historical Sketch of the Cathedral of Strasbourg 4738:Die Parler und der Schöne Stil 1350–1400, vol. 1 4402: 4194: 3948:Die Parler und der Schöne Stil 1350−1400, vol. 3 3911:Die Parler und der Schöne Stil 1350–1400, vol. 1 3726:"17. Johann Knauth, le sauveur de la cathédrale" 3679:Schnitzler, Bernadette; Waton, Marie-Dominique. 3318:Height of crossing dome: 58 m (190 ft) 3298:joins the square from the southwest in this view 2912: 999:north tower was the combined work of architects 5333:Notre-Dame de Strasbourg. Les façades gothiques 4387: 4208:. Cambridge University Press. pp. 171–172. 2490:Animated mechanical figure of Samson and a lion 2268:First Emperor Window: HENRICUS REX (presumably 1770: 1295:Strasbourg and the cathedral in 1869 (photo by 1182:, while the building suffered some damage from 1166:, represented in Strasbourg by figures such as 4740:. Museen der Stadt Köln. pp. 277 and 282. 4642:"L'histoire de la sculpture de saint Arbogast" 2979:Tomb of Bishop Conrad de Lichtenberg (1310–20) 1632:The three Kings with the Virgin Mary and child 1508:is enhanced by its unusual darkish red stone. 5761: 5747: 5493: 5237: 5235: 3945: 3309:Total length inside: 103 m (338 ft) 2809:, as viewed above the horizon of Strasbourg. 2746:Multiple faces of the clock -stars and hours 1205:(built in 1252) was broken out to expand the 56:Excessive number of images, images too large. 4750: 4054:"1419 à 1439 : Achèvement de la flèche" 4027:. Archived from 3999:"1371 à 1399 : Construction du beffroi" 3950:. Cologne: Museen der Stadt Köln. p. 9. 3723: 3446:St. Peter and St. Paul's Church, Wissembourg 2868:, by Eduard Steinle in the vault of the apse 636:as a "gigantic and delicate marvel", and by 442: 211: 98: 3678: 2920:the stained glass window of a hundred faces 2545:The baptismal font by Jost Dotzinger (1453) 2520:Choir pipe organ, north side of the choir, 2065: 1910:The crossing dome being built, 1878 or 1879 1868: 1808:The octagonal tower and spire (remote view) 1752:, Jean-Étienne Malade, and Jean Vallastre. 1479:was prevented by French and German police. 751: 5754: 5740: 5500: 5486: 5232: 4662: 4413:. Cambridge University Press. p. 164. 4398:. Cambridge University Press. p. 132. 3186:Parts of the original astronomical clock ( 2758:One face of the clock -signs of the zodiac 2689:The man on the balustrade (south transept) 1796:Lower portion of octagonal tower and spire 1722:Lintel decoration – Mary ascends to Heaven 1022:burnt down) until 1874 (when the tower of 170:Archbishop Pascal Michel Ghislain Delannoy 107: 6643:Roman Catholic churches completed in 1439 5976:Diocese of Grenoble–Vienne-les-Allobroges 4545:"Sculpture - Musée de l'Œuvre Notre-Dame" 4411:America and the return of Nazi contraband 4396:America and the return of Nazi contraband 4206:America and the return of Nazi contraband 3724:Schnitzler, Bernadette; Lefort, Nicolas. 3681:"Chronologie des fouilles archéologiques" 3312:Height of spire: 142 m (466 ft) 2993: 1595:Portal of Saint Lawrence (North transept) 1436:Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives section 79:Learn how and when to remove this message 5133: 4450:"Eglise catholique. Diocèse. Strasbourg" 4073: 4071: 3536: 3481: 3479: 3289: 3278: 3070: 3062: 3042:Capital of a crypt column, with monsters 2816:, and is surrounded by the signs of the 2191:Nave stained glass - The Emperor Windows 1986: 1494: 1401: 1389: 874: 829: 27:Cathedral located in Bas-Rhin, in France 5633:Saint-Pierre-le-Jeune Protestant Church 4777: 4759:. Bulletin Monumental. pp. 341–342 4331: 4019: 3703:"Crypte de la Cathédrale de Strasbourg" 3204:Musée des arts décoratifs de Strasbourg 1665:and replaced by a work by the sculptor 1261:Notre Dame of Strasbourg turned into a 952:Strasbourg Cathedral in the Middle Ages 644:and can be seen from as far off as the 156:Ecclesiastical or organizational status 14: 6605: 5345: 5304:Strasbourg – La grâce d'une cathédrale 5196: 5179: 5121: 5102: 5079: 5064: 5052: 5037: 4964: 4952: 4920: 4908: 4891: 4854: 4842: 4830: 4606: 4594: 4531: 4514: 4485: 4240: 4188: 4101: 3985: 3874: 3862: 3850: 3833: 3646: 3618: 3306:Total length: 112 m (367 ft) 1963:, and restored between 1988 and 1992. 1710:Portal of The Virgin (south transept) 1416:monument to the Unknown German Soldier 1248:The French Revolution and 19th century 908:The different stages of the completion 481:Tallest in the world from 1647 to 1874 6648:Roman Catholic churches in Strasbourg 5842:Diocese of Bayonne, Lescar and Oloron 5735: 5571:Saint-Pierre-le-Jeune Catholic Church 5481: 4735: 4408: 4393: 4203: 4068: 3913:. Museen der Stadt Köln. p. 282. 3908: 3654:"Strasbourg, Grande-Île and Neustadt" 3476: 3286:on the southern side of the cathedral 2720: 2310:Third Emperor Window: REX PHILIPPUS ( 2157:Side of the nave and collateral aisle 2021:Interior of the narthex, looking down 1685:Portal of the Virgin (South transept) 1280:Strasbourg cathedral in 1837 with an 6494:Diocese of Saint-Denis de La Réunion 5406:Interior of Notre-Dame de Strasbourg 5395:Exterior of Notre-Dame de Strasbourg 5134:Stanford, Charlotte (January 2007). 4337: 3746: 3470:, Ministère français de la Culture. 3188:Strasbourg Museum of Decorative Arts 2841:The choir and apse of the Cathedral 2791:Strasbourg Museum of Decorative Arts 2466:Musician angel decorating the organ 2314:), HENRICUS REX BABINBERG (possibly 1385: 1189:After the annexation of the city by 933:Construction of Strasbourg Cathedral 850:were replaced by the pointed Gothic 29: 6638:Roman Catholic cathedrals in France 6633:Monuments historiques of Strasbourg 5348:Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg 4868:"La tour de la croisée du transept" 4780:"Die Gewölbe wachsen in den Himmel" 3579:. L'Histoire des Arts en Hypokhâgne 3570: 3537:Lawrence, D. H. (6 February 1924). 3406:List of Gothic cathedrals in Europe 3119:Cathedral Art in Strasbourg Museums 3067:The hour bells visible in the tower 2436:, on the steps, mourning his master 2033:Interior of the narthex, looking up 1133:Interior of the cathedral (1625–30) 524:Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg 516:Cathedral of Our Lady of Strasbourg 100:Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg 24: 6155:Diocese of La Rochelle and Saintes 4978:"Organistes de chœur à Strasbourg" 4870:. Fondation de l'Oeuvre Notre-Dame 4717:. Fondation de l'Oeuvre Notre-Dame 4644:. Fondation de l'Oeuvre Notre-Dame 4573:. Fondation de l'Oeuvre Notre-Dame 4276:. Fondation de l'Oeuvre Notre-Dame 4117:. Fondation de l'Oeuvre Notre-Dame 4056:. Fondation de l'Oeuvre Notre-Dame 4001:. Fondation de l'Oeuvre Notre-Dame 3927:. Fondation de l'Oeuvre Notre-Dame 2452: 2264:The complete Emperor windows are: 1845:. The work was completed in 1439. 1347:in a massive fire in August 1870. 1109:Interior of the cathedral, c. 1617 969:Basilica of Saint-Urbain of Troyes 25: 6664: 6653:Romanesque architecture in France 6628:Gothic architecture in Strasbourg 5365: 5266:Baumann, Fabien; Muller, Claude: 5220:from the original on 9 March 2016 5136:"From Bishops Grave to Holy Tomb" 4474:France Convicts Islamic Militants 3634:. Fondation de l'Œuvre Notre-Dame 3047:The cathedral has two Romanesque 2651: 2531: 2322:), FRIDERICUS IMPATOR SUBMERSUS ( 2287:Second Emperor Window: OTTO REX ( 2133:The Nave, looking toward the apse 1561:The foolish Virgins (left portal) 1490: 806:supported the winning candidate, 6623:Former world's tallest buildings 6585: 6573: 6104:Diocese of Évry-Corbeil-Essonnes 5714: 5702: 5589: 5378:of the Cathédrale de Strasbourg 5261:Bibliography and further reading 4933:Adolphe Napoléon Didron (1851). 4778:Sobolla, Bernd (20 April 2013). 4454:Bibliothèque nationale de France 3209: 3179: 3156: 3144: 3125: 3035: 3023: 3000: 2972: 2960: 2948: 2936: 2930:Chapel of Saint John the Baptist 2873: 2858: 2846: 2834: 2763: 2751: 2739: 2727: 2701:The South Transept contains the 2682: 2670: 2658: 2574: 2562: 2550: 2538: 2483: 2471: 2459: 2425: 2413: 2401: 2385: 2341:), LUDEVICUS REX FILIUS KAROLI ( 2236: 2224: 2209: 2197: 2162: 2150: 2138: 2126: 2096: 2084: 2072: 2038: 2026: 2014: 2002: 1927: 1915: 1903: 1891: 1875: 1825: 1813: 1801: 1789: 1777: 1727: 1715: 1703: 1691: 1637: 1625: 1613: 1601: 1554: 1542: 1530: 1518: 1394:Tridentine Mass in the cathedral 1311: 1288: 1273: 1254: 1138: 1126: 1114: 1102: 1090: 1083: 944: 925: 913: 901: 889: 782: 770: 758: 352:32.6 metres (107 ft) (Nave) 210: 203: 34: 5245:(in German). 5202: 5142: 5127: 5006: 4984: 4970: 4926: 4860: 4797: 4771: 4751:Deshoulières, François (1939). 4744: 4729: 4707: 4681: 4656: 4634: 4612: 4563: 4537: 4491: 4467: 4442: 4417: 4365: 4313: 4288: 4266: 4246: 4212: 4159: 4147: 4129: 4107: 4046: 4013: 3991: 3954: 3946:Schock-Werner, Barbara (1978). 3939: 3917: 3902: 3880: 3800: 3778: 3740: 3717: 3695: 3672: 3505:"Strasbourg Cathedral Hangs On" 2079:The rose window in the narthex 1759:and are today displayed in the 1537:Tympanum of the central portal 1511: 1438:of the United States military. 1024:St. Nikolai's Church in Hamburg 826:The Romanesque-Gothic Cathedral 789:Romanesque pillars, vaults and 669:Fondation de l'Œuvre Notre-Dame 6499:Military Ordinariate of France 6063:Diocese of Carcassone-Narbonne 6012:Archdiocese of Aix-en-Provence 5791:Diocese of Belfort–Montbéliard 5294:Doré, Joseph; Jordan, Benoît; 4663:Roszkowski, Alexandra (2016). 3624: 3591: 3564: 3543:. Cambridge University Press. 3530: 3514: 3498: 3457: 3396:Gothic cathedrals and churches 2408:Detail of the pulpit sculpture 2368:and other masculine figures. 1591:with the signs of the zodiac. 1323:Following the outbreak of the 871:Rayonant additions (1277–1439) 709:Previous buildings on the site 609:Standing in the centre of the 541:Liebfrauenmünster zu Straßburg 13: 1: 6411:Archdiocese of Fort-de-France 5772:Bishops' Conference of France 5470:St. Nicholas' Church, Hamburg 4321:""Nazideutschland im Elsass"" 3509:The Christian Science Monitor 3451: 3441:St. George's Church, Sélestat 3359: 3274: 3216:Johann Geiler von Kaysersberg 3164: 3098: 3084:six modern bells was cast in 2924:Saint Alphonse-Marie Eppinger 2913:The Chapel of Saint Catherine 2777:Strasbourg astronomical clock 2447:Johann Geiler von Kaysersberg 2434:Johann Geiler von Kaysersberg 1549:Tympanum of the right portal 1160:Johann Geiler von Kaisersberg 1154:and to rise to the status of 1121:Exterior of cathedral in 1617 920:View of the cathedral in 1493 619:St. Nikolai's Church, Hamburg 6463:Diocese of Wallis and Futuna 6359:Diocese of Tarbes-et-Lourdes 5669:Ancienne église Saint-Martin 5451:St. Mary's Church, Stralsund 4137:"Alsace in the 17th century" 3658:UNESCO World Heritage Centre 3436:Saint-Thiébaut Church, Thann 3416:Episcopal Palace, Strasbourg 2276:), HENRICUS BABINBERGENSIS ( 1771:Octagon bell tower and spire 1698:The death of the Virgin Mary 1020:St. Mary's Church, Stralsund 987:of architects), recorded as 500:St. Nicholas Church, Hamburg 490:St. Mary's Church, Stralsund 7: 6618:Church buildings with domes 4347:. Verlagg Ulstein. p.  4156:, on The Cloisters database 3747:Hatt, Jean-Jacques (1949). 3728:. 3389: 3384:Musée de l’Œuvre Notre-Dame 3378:of 1252 and the successive 3258:, Kapellmeister (1783–1795) 3197:Musée de l'Œuvre Notre-Dame 3138:Musée de l'Œuvre Notre-Dame 2955:Detail of Virgin and Child 2770:Moving figures of the clock 2337:), REX BIPPINUS PR KAROLI ( 1982: 1761:Musée de l'Œuvre Notre-Dame 1655:Musée de l'Œuvre Notre-Dame 1485: 1211:Musée de l’Œuvre Notre-Dame 1059:Musée de l’Œuvre Notre-Dame 673:Musée de l'Œuvre Notre-Dame 54:. The specific problem is: 10: 6669: 6550:Apostolic Nuncio to France 6058:Archdiocese of Montpellier 5868:Diocese of Le Puy-en-Velay 4689:"L'Église et la Synagogue" 4409:Kurtz, Michael J. (2006). 4394:Kurtz, Michael J. (2006). 4204:Kurtz, Michael J. (2006). 3810:. 30 August 2012 3426:Parable of the Ten Virgins 3401:French Gothic architecture 3262: 3030:The larger crypt (12th c.) 2774: 2615:centuries. They feature a 2581:North transept rose window 2091:Detail of the rose window 1995: 1608:Martyrdom of Saint Laurent 713:A Roman settlement called 703:Archaeological excavations 692: 6568: 6555:France–Holy See relations 6537: 6507: 6484:Archdiocese of Strasbourg 6476: 6450: 6429: 6403: 6367: 6316: 6275: 6219: 6173: 6137: 6086: 6078:Diocese of Perpignan–Elne 6050: 5999: 5948: 5922: 5886: 5855: 5819: 5778: 5769: 5763:Catholic Church in France 5697: 5661: 5598: 5587: 5581:Église de l'Hôpital Civil 5531: 5466: 5464:142 metres (466 ft) 5458:World's tallest structure 5455: 5447: 5442: 4167:"Retable du maître-autel" 3788:. 17 March 2015 3337:: 42 m (138 ft) 2378: 1195:Franz Egon of Fürstenberg 652:on the other side of the 505: 495: 485: 480: 475: 468: 455: 450: 438: 430: 422: 415: 406: 394: 386: 375: 367: 356: 348: 340: 332: 327: 312: 297: 281: 271: 266: 227: 198: 187: 182: 174: 166: 154: 144: 139:Archdiocese of Strasbourg 132: 120: 115: 106: 95: 6032:Diocese of Fréjus–Toulon 6007:Archdiocese of Marseille 5981:Diocese of Saint-Étienne 5684:Chapelle des Diaconesses 5679:Chapelle de la Toussaint 5638:Old Saint Peter's Church 5576:Old Saint Peter's Church 5424:16 February 2008 at the 4296:"Personne:Johann Knauth" 4020:Pardoux, Pierre (1992). 3493:Johns Hopkins University 3058: 3016: 2478:The buffet of the organ 2432:The dog of the preacher 2066:Stained glass of narthex 1882:Photograph, circa 1850 ( 1869:Crossing dome and chevet 1763:. This is also true for 1464:dates from 12 BC), pope 1221:, a major work of early 1176:Jacob Sturm von Sturmeck 752:The Romanesque Cathedral 740:in about 550–575. Under 621:. Today it is the sixth- 615:world's tallest building 528:Cathédrale de Strasbourg 390:142 metres (466 ft) 344:112 metres (367 ft) 6477:Directly under Holy See 6324:Archdiocese of Toulouse 6262:Diocese of Saint-Brieuc 6145:Archdiocese of Poitiers 6051:Province of Montpellier 5961:Archdiocese of Chambéry 5863:Archdiocese of Clermont 5837:Diocese of Aire and Dax 5827:Archdiocese of Bordeaux 5801:Diocese of Saint-Claude 5786:Archdiocese of Besançon 5709:Christianity portal 5331:Sauvé, Jean-Sébastien: 3765:10.3406/crai.1949.78361 3234:Johann Conrad Dannhauer 2827: 2333:), KAROLUS MAGNUS REX ( 2119: 1447:Sainte-Madeleine Church 879:Gerlach von Steinbach: 865:Basilica of Saint Denis 576:Romanesque architecture 371:58 m (190 ft) 6580:Catholicism portal 6437:Archdiocese of Papeete 6416:Diocese of Basse-Terre 6404:Province of Martinique 6380:Archdiocese of Bourges 6124:Diocese of Saint-Denis 6017:Archdiocese of Avignon 5935:Archdiocese of Cambrai 5878:Diocese of Saint-Flour 5721:Catholicism portal 5608:Saint Aurelia's Church 5546:Saint Stephen's Church 5346:Villes, Alain (2016). 4784:Deutschlandfunk Kultur 4736:Recht, Roland (1978). 3909:Recht, Roland (1978). 3632:"Notre histoire – OND" 3299: 3287: 3242:, preacher (1663–1666) 3230:, preacher (1523–1550) 3224:, preacher (1518–1523) 3218:, preacher (1478–1510) 3076: 3068: 2994:Chapel of Saint Andrew 2734:The Astronomical Clock 2527:Crypt pipe organ, 1998 1992: 1500: 1407: 1395: 1236:according to plans by 1164:Protestant Reformation 884: 838: 611:Place de la Cathédrale 560: 540: 523: 460:.cathedrale-strasbourg 443: 229:Geographic coordinates 99: 6511:for Eastern Catholics 6458:Archdiocese of Nouméa 6227:Archdiocese of Rennes 6129:Diocese of Versailles 6037:Diocese of Gap-Embrun 6000:Province of Marseille 5971:Diocese of Belley–Ars 5689:Chapelle Saint-Erhard 5623:Saint Nicholas Church 4383:on 18 September 2007. 3890:. Deutsche Biographie 3888:"Erwin von Steinbach" 3293: 3282: 3269:Conrad de Lichtenberg 3136:of the façade in the 3107:for the Cathedral of 3074: 3066: 2665:Pillar of the angels 2608:Eugène Viollet-le-Duc 1990: 1765:Ecclesia and Synagoga 1661:was destroyed in the 1498: 1405: 1393: 1318:The cathedral in 1885 1184:iconoclastic assaults 1145:The cathedral in 1644 965:Conrad of Lichtenberg 878: 833: 6545:Cathedrals in France 6468:Diocese of Port-Vila 6375:Archdiocese of Tours 6344:Diocese of Montauban 6317:Province of Toulouse 6293:Diocese of Coutances 6283:Archdiocese of Rouen 6181:Archdiocese of Reims 6150:Diocese of Angoulême 6138:Province of Poitiers 6094:Archdiocese of Paris 5930:Archdiocese of Lille 5894:Archdiocese of Dijon 5856:Province of Clermont 5847:Diocese of Périgueux 5820:Province of Bordeaux 5806:Diocese of Saint-Dié 5779:Province of Besançon 5674:Chapelle de Garnison 5541:Strasbourg Cathedral 5390:Strasbourg Cathedral 5318:Connaître Strasbourg 4375:Le serment de Koufra 4327:on 19 February 2012. 4254:Connaître Strasbourg 4222:. 4091:on 17 November 2008. 3962:" La flèche" 3759:. 40–46. 3431:Sabina von Steinbach 3240:Philipp Jakob Spener 3236:, priest (1633–1666) 2677:Angel with a trumpet 2420:Detail of the pulpit 2299:), CONRADUS II REX ( 1297:Charles David Winter 1242:Gothic Revival style 1162:and by the emerging 981:Niederhaslach Church 723:Edict of Constantine 656:. The reddish-brown 512:Strasbourg Cathedral 251:48.58167°N 7.75083°E 96:Strasbourg Cathedral 61:improve this article 50:to meet Knowledge's 18:Strasbourg cathedral 6430:Province of Papeete 6390:Diocese of Chartres 6334:Archdiocese of Auch 6329:Archdiocese of Albi 6303:Diocese of Le Havre 6206:Diocese of Soissons 6191:Diocese of Beauvais 6119:Diocese of Pontoise 6114:Diocese of Nanterre 5956:Archdiocese of Lyon 5899:Archdiocese of Sens 5618:St William's Church 5411:10 May 2017 at the 5400:10 May 2017 at the 4980:. 23 November 2019. 4807:. Dombaumeister E.v 4551:on 13 February 2021 3571:Noussis, Emmanuel. 3246:Franz Xaver Richter 3109:Notre Dame de Paris 2371:The windows of the 2358:Charles of Provence 2272:), FRIDERICUS REX ( 2259:Henry II of Bamberg 2169:Northern collateral 2060:keys of the kingdom 1957:Siege of Strasbourg 1418:. On 1 March 1941, 1372:Franco-Prussian War 1345:Siege of Strasbourg 1334:In April 1794, the 1199:Counter-Reformation 1191:Louis XIV of France 1038:all the way to the 1013:Franco-Prussian War 808:Henry II of Germany 777:Vaults of the crypt 683:World Heritage List 602:and his successor, 587:Erwin von Steinbach 583:Gothic architecture 561:Straßburger Münster 409:Monument historique 368:Dome height (outer) 333:Direction of façade 247: /  219:Shown within France 6451:Province of Noumea 6442:Diocese of Taiohae 6421:Diocese of Cayenne 6395:Diocese of Orléans 6349:Diocese of Pamiers 6257:Diocese of Quimper 6242:Diocese of Le Mans 6220:Province of Rennes 6201:Diocese of Langres 6196:Diocese of Châlons 6160:Diocese of Limoges 6099:Diocese of Créteil 6022:Diocese of Ajaccio 5991:Diocese of Viviers 5986:Diocese of Valence 5873:Diocese of Moulins 5216:(in German). n.d. 5214:Dombaumeister E.v. 4695:on 5 February 2021 4034:on 8 February 2021 3521:"Art: France's 25" 3300: 3288: 3172:Nikolaus Hagenauer 3105:Cardinal Richelieu 3077: 3069: 2783:astronomical clock 2721:Astronomical clock 2696:Chartres Cathedral 1993: 1949:Romanesque Revival 1501: 1408: 1396: 1380:Romanesque Revival 1219:main or high altar 1156:Free Imperial City 1078:University of Iowa 885: 839: 572:Strasbourg, Alsace 6600: 6599: 6592:France portal 6368:Province of Tours 6339:Diocese of Cahors 6298:Diocese of Évreux 6288:Diocese of Bayeux 6276:Province of Rouen 6267:Diocese of Vannes 6252:Diocese of Nantes 6232:Diocese of Angers 6211:Diocese of Troyes 6186:Diocese of Amiens 6174:Province of Reims 6087:Province of Paris 5966:Diocese of Annecy 5923:Province of Lille 5914:Mission de France 5909:Diocese of Nevers 5887:Province of Dijon 5811:Diocese of Verdun 5729: 5728: 5648:St Thomas' Church 5628:St. Paul's Church 5476: 5475: 5467:Succeeded by 5435:Project Gutenberg 5415:on 5357:978-2-7577-0485-1 5341:978-3-939020-10-3 4857:, pp. 50–51. 4833:, pp. 42–43. 4534:, pp. 35–37. 4173:on 17 March 2016. 4154:Strasbourg Virgin 3705:. 3511:, 13 October 1991 3485:Susan Bernstein: 3333:Inside height of 3284:Flying buttresses 2899:Council of Europe 2642:Martin Schongauer 2599:and the other to 2354:Louis II of Italy 2295:), OTTO III REX ( 2251:Holy Roman Empire 1746:French Revolution 1663:French Revolution 1525:The west portals 1451:Council of Europe 1428:serment de Koufra 1386:20th-21st century 1325:French Revolution 1282:optical telegraph 1267:French Revolution 1228:A round, Baroque 1074:Cologne Cathedral 937:Théophile Schuler 858:was known as the 543:), also known as 509: 508: 256:48.58167; 7.75083 89: 88: 81: 52:quality standards 43:This article may 16:(Redirected from 6660: 6590: 6589: 6588: 6578: 6577: 6385:Diocese of Blois 6354:Diocese of Rodez 6247:Diocese of Luçon 6237:Diocese of Laval 6165:Diocese of Tulle 6109:Diocese of Meaux 6073:Diocese of Nîmes 6068:Diocese of Mende 6027:Diocese of Digne 5949:Province of Lyon 5940:Diocese of Arras 5904:Diocese of Autun 5796:Diocese of Nancy 5756: 5749: 5742: 5733: 5732: 5719: 5718: 5707: 5706: 5593: 5561:Sainte-Madeleine 5509:Church buildings 5502: 5495: 5488: 5479: 5478: 5448:Preceded by 5440: 5439: 5385:Œuvre Notre-Dame 5381: 5377: 5376: 5374:Official website 5361: 5255: 5254: 5252: 5250: 5239: 5230: 5229: 5227: 5225: 5206: 5200: 5194: 5183: 5177: 5166: 5165: 5163: 5161: 5146: 5140: 5139: 5131: 5125: 5119: 5106: 5100: 5083: 5077: 5068: 5062: 5056: 5055:, p. 72-73. 5050: 5041: 5035: 5026: 5025: 5024:on 2 April 2015. 5020:. Archived from 5010: 5004: 5003: 4998:. Archived from 4988: 4982: 4981: 4974: 4968: 4962: 4956: 4950: 4941: 4940: 4930: 4924: 4918: 4912: 4906: 4895: 4889: 4880: 4879: 4877: 4875: 4864: 4858: 4852: 4846: 4840: 4834: 4828: 4817: 4816: 4814: 4812: 4801: 4795: 4794: 4792: 4790: 4775: 4769: 4768: 4766: 4764: 4748: 4742: 4741: 4733: 4727: 4726: 4724: 4722: 4711: 4705: 4704: 4702: 4700: 4685: 4679: 4678: 4676: 4674: 4660: 4654: 4653: 4651: 4649: 4638: 4632: 4631: 4629: 4627: 4620:"GRASS Philippe" 4616: 4610: 4604: 4598: 4592: 4583: 4582: 4580: 4578: 4567: 4561: 4560: 4558: 4556: 4541: 4535: 4529: 4518: 4512: 4503: 4502: 4495: 4489: 4483: 4477: 4471: 4465: 4464: 4462: 4460: 4446: 4440: 4439: 4437: 4435: 4421: 4415: 4414: 4406: 4400: 4399: 4391: 4385: 4384: 4379:. Archived from 4369: 4363: 4362: 4339:Fest, Joachim C. 4335: 4329: 4328: 4323:. Archived from 4317: 4311: 4310: 4308: 4306: 4292: 4286: 4285: 4283: 4281: 4270: 4264: 4250: 4244: 4238: 4232: 4231: 4229: 4227: 4216: 4210: 4209: 4201: 4192: 4186: 4175: 4174: 4169:. Archived from 4163: 4157: 4151: 4145: 4144: 4133: 4127: 4126: 4124: 4122: 4111: 4105: 4099: 4093: 4092: 4090: 4084:. Archived from 4083: 4075: 4066: 4065: 4063: 4061: 4050: 4044: 4043: 4041: 4039: 4033: 4026: 4017: 4011: 4010: 4008: 4006: 3995: 3989: 3983: 3977: 3976: 3974: 3972: 3958: 3952: 3951: 3943: 3937: 3936: 3934: 3932: 3921: 3915: 3914: 3906: 3900: 3899: 3897: 3895: 3884: 3878: 3872: 3866: 3860: 3854: 3848: 3837: 3831: 3820: 3819: 3817: 3815: 3804: 3798: 3797: 3795: 3793: 3782: 3776: 3775: 3773: 3771: 3744: 3738: 3737: 3735: 3733: 3721: 3715: 3714: 3712: 3710: 3699: 3693: 3692: 3690: 3688: 3676: 3670: 3669: 3667: 3665: 3650: 3644: 3643: 3641: 3639: 3628: 3622: 3616: 3603: 3602: 3601:. 3595: 3589: 3588: 3586: 3584: 3568: 3562: 3561: 3559: 3557: 3534: 3528: 3518: 3512: 3502: 3496: 3483: 3474: 3473: 3461: 3421:Kammerzell House 3183: 3169: 3166: 3160: 3148: 3129: 3039: 3027: 3004: 2976: 2964: 2952: 2940: 2877: 2866:Crowning of Mary 2862: 2850: 2838: 2767: 2755: 2743: 2731: 2703:Pillar of Angels 2686: 2674: 2662: 2578: 2566: 2554: 2542: 2500:on the console. 2487: 2475: 2463: 2429: 2417: 2405: 2389: 2312:Philip of Swabia 2291:), OTTO II REX ( 2270:Henry the Fowler 2240: 2228: 2213: 2201: 2166: 2154: 2142: 2130: 2100: 2088: 2076: 2042: 2030: 2018: 2006: 1931: 1919: 1907: 1895: 1879: 1832:Top of the spire 1829: 1817: 1805: 1793: 1781: 1731: 1719: 1707: 1695: 1675: 1641: 1629: 1617: 1605: 1558: 1546: 1534: 1522: 1368: 1315: 1305: 1292: 1277: 1263:Temple of Reason 1258: 1180:Protestant faith 1142: 1130: 1118: 1106: 1094: 956:August von Bayer 948: 929: 917: 905: 893: 786: 774: 762: 646:Vosges Mountains 555: 535: 470:Building details 464: 461: 459: 446: 323: 321: 308: 306: 262: 261: 259: 258: 257: 252: 248: 245: 244: 243: 240: 214: 213: 207: 111: 102: 93: 92: 84: 77: 73: 70: 64: 38: 37: 30: 21: 6668: 6667: 6663: 6662: 6661: 6659: 6658: 6657: 6603: 6602: 6601: 6596: 6586: 6584: 6572: 6564: 6560:Former dioceses 6533: 6510: 6503: 6489:Diocese of Metz 6472: 6446: 6425: 6399: 6363: 6312: 6308:Diocese of Séez 6271: 6215: 6169: 6133: 6082: 6046: 6042:Diocese of Nice 5995: 5944: 5918: 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Strasbourg cathedral
quality standards
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Catholic Church
Archdiocese of Strasbourg
Ecclesiastical or organizational status
Strasbourg Cathedral is located in France
Geographic coordinates
48°34′54″N 7°45′03″E / 48.58167°N 7.75083°E / 48.58167; 7.75083
Monument historique
St. Mary's Church, Stralsund
St. Nicholas Church, Hamburg

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.