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aggression is the means of maintaining social status. However, humans have multiple ways of obtaining status. This could explain why some studies find a link between testosterone and pro-social behaviour, if pro-social behaviour is rewarded with social status. Thus the link between testosterone and aggression and violence is due to these being rewarded with social status. The relationship may also be one of a "permissive effect" whereby testosterone does elevate aggression levels, but only in the sense of allowing average aggression levels to be maintained; chemically or physically castrating the individual will reduce aggression levels (though not eliminate them) but the individual only needs a small-level of pre-castration testosterone to have aggression levels to return to normal, which they will remain at even if additional testosterone is added. Testosterone may also simply exaggerate or amplify existing aggression; for example, chimpanzees who receive testosterone increases become more aggressive to chimps lower than them in the social hierarchy, but will still be submissive to chimps higher than them. Testosterone thus does not make the chimpanzee indiscriminately aggressive, but instead amplifies his pre-existing aggression towards lower-ranked chimps.
2035:. Only the free amount of testosterone can bind to an androgenic receptor, which means it has biological activity. While a significant portion of testosterone is bound to SHBG, a small fraction of testosterone (1%-2%) is bound to albumin and the binding of testosterone to albumin is weak and can be reversed easily; as such, both albumin-bound and unbound testosterone are considered to be bioavailable testosterone. This binding plays an important role in regulating the transport, tissue delivery, bioactivity, and metabolism of testosterone. At the tissue level, testosterone dissociates from albumin and quickly diffuses into the tissues. The percentage of testosterone bound to SHBG is lower in men than in women. Both the free fraction and the one bound to albumin are available at the tissue level (their sum constitutes the bioavailable testosterone), while SHBG effectively and irreversibly inhibits the action of testosterone. The relationship between sex steroids and SHBG in physiological and pathological conditions is complex, as various factors may influence the levels of plasma SHBG, affecting bioavailability of testosterone. 4602: 4652: 1061:) effects, though these categorical descriptions are somewhat arbitrary, as there is a great deal of mutual overlap between them. The relative potency of these effects can depend on various factors and is a topic of ongoing research. Testosterone can either directly exert effects on target tissues or be metabolized by 5α-reductase into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or aromatized to estradiol (E2). Both testosterone and DHT bind to an androgen receptor; however, DHT has a stronger binding affinity than testosterone and may have more androgenic effect in certain tissues at lower levels. 1863:, paternal investment in offspring is beneficial to said offspring's survival because it allows the two parents to raise multiple children simultaneously. This increases the reproductive fitness of the parents because their offspring are more likely to survive and reproduce. Paternal care increases offspring survival due to increased access to higher quality food and reduced physical and immunological threats. This is particularly beneficial for humans since offspring are dependent on parents for extended periods of time and mothers have relatively short inter-birth intervals. 2897: 493: 380: 1847:
levels than single men with experience. It is suggested that these single men with prior experience are in a more competitive state than their non-experienced counterparts. Married men who engage in bond-maintenance activities such as spending the day with their spouse or child have no different testosterone levels compared to times when they do not engage in such activities. Collectively, these results suggest that the presence of competitive activities rather than bond-maintenance activities is more relevant to changes in testosterone levels.
167: 3585:. 6β-Hydroxylation and to a lesser extent 16β-hydroxylation are the major transformations. The 6β-hydroxylation of testosterone is catalyzed mainly by CYP3A4 and to a lesser extent CYP3A5 and is responsible for 75 to 80% of cytochrome P450-mediated testosterone metabolism. In addition to 6β- and 16β-hydroxytestosterone, 1β-, 2α/β-, 11β-, and 15β-hydroxytestosterone are also formed as minor metabolites. Certain cytochrome P450 enzymes such as CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 can also oxidize testosterone at the C17 position to form androstenedione. 3375: 3384: 4768:
student, Lemuel McGee, derived 20 mg of a substance from a supply of 40 pounds of bovine testicles that, when administered to castrated roosters, pigs and rats, re-masculinized them. The group of Ernst Laqueur at the University of Amsterdam purified testosterone from bovine testicles in a similar manner in 1934, but the isolation of the hormone from animal tissues in amounts permitting serious study in humans was not feasible until three European pharmaceutical giants –
4640: 1972:
offer, the less probable a refusal by the negotiating partner. If no agreement was reached, neither party earned anything. Test subjects with an artificially enhanced testosterone level generally made better, fairer offers than those who received placebos, thus reducing the risk of a rejection of their offer to a minimum. Two later studies have empirically confirmed these results. However men with high testosterone were significantly 27% less generous in an ultimatum game.
4734: 14874: 158: 2233: 14886: 47: 139: 836: 1702:. They recommend yearly evaluation regarding possible improvement and, if none, to discontinue testosterone; physicians should consider intramuscular treatments, rather than transdermal treatments, due to costs and since the effectiveness and harm of either method is similar. Testosterone treatment for reasons other than possible improvement of sexual dysfunction may not be recommended. 5695: 1940:
situations, and that the interacting roles of testosterone are the essential ingredient for aggressive behaviour in these situations. Testosterone mediates attraction to cruel and violent cues in men by promoting extended viewing of violent stimuli. Testosterone-specific structural brain characteristic can predict aggressive behaviour in individuals.
3628:, and the brain. As much as 90% of testosterone is converted into 5α-DHT in so-called androgenic tissues with high 5α-reductase expression, and due to the several-fold greater potency of 5α-DHT as an AR agonist relative to testosterone, it has been estimated that the effects of testosterone are potentiated 2- to 3-fold in such tissues. 3645:. Several professional medical groups have recommended that 350 ng/dL generally be considered the minimum normal level, which is consistent with previous findings. Levels of testosterone in men decline with age. In women, mean levels of total testosterone have been reported to be 32.6 ng/dL. In women with 5689: 3592:, are biologically important and can be formed both in the liver and in extrahepatic tissues. Approximately 5 to 7% of testosterone is converted by 5α-reductase into 5α-DHT, with circulating levels of 5α-DHT about 10% of those of testosterone, and approximately 0.3% of testosterone is converted into estradiol by 5307:
Southren AL, Gordon GG, Tochimoto S, Pinzon G, Lane DR, Stypulkowski W (May 1967). "Mean plasma concentration, metabolic clearance and basal plasma production rates of testosterone in normal young men and women using a constant infusion procedure: effect of time of day and plasma concentration on the
Like other androsteroids, testosterone is manufactured industrially from microbial fermentation of plant cholesterol (e.g., from soybean oil). In the early 2000s, the steroid market weighed around one million tonnes and was worth $ 10 billion, making it the 2nd largest biopharmaceutical market behind
The rise in testosterone during competition predicted aggression in males, but not in females. Subjects who interacted with handguns and an experimental game showed rise in testosterone and aggression. Natural selection might have evolved males to be more sensitive to competitive and status challenge
Androgens may modulate the physiology of vaginal tissue and contribute to female genital sexual arousal. Women's level of testosterone is higher when measured pre-intercourse vs. pre-cuddling, as well as post-intercourse vs. post-cuddling. There is a time lag effect when testosterone is administered,
Men who watch a sexually explicit movie have an average increase of 35% in testosterone, peaking at 60–90 minutes after the end of the film, but no increase is seen in men who watch sexually neutral films. Men who watch sexually explicit films also report increased motivation and competitiveness, and
theory, testosterone levels are shown to increase as a response to previously neutral stimuli when conditioned to become sexual in male rats. This reaction engages penile reflexes (such as erection and ejaculation) that aid in sperm competition when more than one male is present in mating encounters,
In 1927, the University of Chicago's Professor of Physiologic Chemistry, Fred C. Koch, established easy access to a large source of bovine testicles – the Chicago stockyards – and recruited students willing to endure the tedious work of extracting their isolates. In that year, Koch and his
Testosterone might encourage fair behavior. For one study, subjects took part in a behavioral experiment where the distribution of a real amount of money was decided. The rules allowed both fair and unfair offers. The negotiating partner could subsequently accept or decline the offer. The fairer the
of male aggression". Testosterone and other androgens have evolved to masculinize a brain to be competitive, even to the point of risking harm to the person and others. By doing so, individuals with masculinized brains as a result of pre-natal and adult life testosterone and androgens, enhance their
While the extent of paternal care varies between cultures, higher investment in direct child care has been seen to be correlated with lower average testosterone levels as well as temporary fluctuations. For instance, fluctuation in testosterone levels when a child is in distress has been found to be
In non-human primates, it may be that testosterone in puberty stimulates sexual arousal, which allows the primate to increasingly seek out sexual experiences with females and thus creates a sexual preference for females. Some research has also indicated that if testosterone is eliminated in an adult
Studies conducted in rats have indicated that their degree of sexual arousal is sensitive to reductions in testosterone. When testosterone-deprived rats were given medium levels of testosterone, their sexual behaviours (copulation, partner preference, etc.) resumed, but not when given low amounts of
6773: 2877:
of a steroid hormone refers to entry into the blood of the compound from all possible sources, including secretion from glands and conversion of prohormones into the steroid of interest. At steady state, the amount of hormone entering the blood from all sources will be equal to the rate at which it
When females have a higher baseline level of testosterone, they have higher increases in sexual arousal levels but smaller increases in testosterone, indicating a ceiling effect on testosterone levels in females. Sexual thoughts also change the level of testosterone but not the level of cortisol in
927:, and a wide range of behavioral characteristics. In addition, testosterone in both sexes is involved in health and well-being, where it has a significant effect on overall mood, cognition, social and sexual behavior, metabolism and energy output, the cardiovascular system, and in the prevention of 4863:
permitted the characterization of the hormone's effects, so that Kochakian and Murlin (1936) were able to show that testosterone raised nitrogen retention (a mechanism central to anabolism) in the dog, after which Allan Kenyon's group was able to demonstrate both anabolic and androgenic effects of
The relationship between testosterone and aggression may also function indirectly, as it has been proposed that testosterone does not amplify tendencies towards aggression, but rather amplifies whatever tendencies will allow an individual to maintain social status when challenged. In most animals,
Men who produce less testosterone are more likely to be in a relationship or married, and men who produce more testosterone are more likely to divorce. Marriage or commitment could cause a decrease in testosterone levels. Single men who have not had relationship experience have lower testosterone
Men who produce more testosterone are more likely to engage in extramarital sex. Testosterone levels do not rely on physical presence of a partner; testosterone levels of men engaging in same-city and long-distance relationships are similar. Physical presence may be required for women who are in
Both methods use chemical equilibrium to derive the concentration of bioavailable testosterone: in circulation, testosterone has two major binding partners, albumin (weakly bound) and sex hormone-binding globulin (strongly bound). These methods are described in detail in the accompanying figure.
which states that testosterone would increase during puberty, thus facilitating reproductive and competitive behavior which would include aggression. It is therefore the challenge of competition among males that facilitates aggression and violence. Studies conducted have found direct correlation
In measurements of testosterone in blood samples, different assay techniques can yield different results. Immunofluorescence assays exhibit considerable variability in quantifying testosterone concentrations in blood samples due to the cross-reaction of structurally similar steroids, leading to
is being cleared (metabolic clearance rate) multiplied by blood concentration (production rate = metabolic clearance rate × concentration). If there is little contribution of prohormone metabolism to the circulating pool of steroid, then the production rate will approximate the secretion rate."
Early infancy androgen effects are the least understood. In the first weeks of life for male infants, testosterone levels rise. The levels remain in a pubertal range for a few months, but usually reach the barely detectable levels of childhood by 4–7 months of age. The function of this rise in
has been linked with decreases in men's testosterone levels while mixed changes are reported for women's testosterone levels. There has been speculation that these changes in testosterone result in the temporary reduction of differences in behavior between the sexes. However, the testosterone
medicine for the use of testosterone in anti-aging therapies. Much of the literature, however, suggests a curvilinear or even quadratic relationship between spatial performance and circulating testosterone, where both hypo- and hypersecretion (deficient- and excessive-secretion) of circulating
Butenandt A, Hanisch G (1935). "Umwandlung des Dehydroandrosterons in Androstendiol und Testosterone; ein Weg zur Darstellung des Testosterons aus Cholestrin" [About Testosterone. Conversion of Dehydro-androsterons into androstendiol and testosterone; a way for the structure assignment of
formation. Specifically, testosterone, along with anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) promote growth of the Wolffian duct and degeneration of the Müllerian duct respectively. This period affects the femininization or masculinization of the fetus and can be a better predictor of feminine or masculine
In humans, testosterone appears more to promote status-seeking and social dominance than simply increasing physical aggression. When controlling for the effects of belief in having received testosterone, women who have received testosterone make fairer offers than women who have not received
David KG, Dingemanse E, Freud JL (May 1935). "Über krystallinisches mannliches Hormon aus Hoden (Testosteron) wirksamer als aus harn oder aus Cholesterin bereitetes Androsteron" [On crystalline male hormone from testicles (testosterone) effective as from urine or from cholesterol].
1475:. Nevertheless, maintaining normal testosterone levels in elderly men has been shown to improve many parameters that are thought to reduce cardiovascular disease risk, such as increased lean body mass, decreased visceral fat mass, decreased total cholesterol, and improved glycemic control. 3636:
Total levels of testosterone in the body have been reported as 264 to 916 ng/dL (nanograms per deciliter) in non-obese European and American men age 19 to 39 years, while mean testosterone levels in adult men have been reported as 630 ng/dL. Although commonly used as a
1907:. Many studies have been undertaken on the relationship between more general aggressive behavior, and feelings, and testosterone. About half of studies have found a relationship and about half, no relationship. Studies have found that testosterone facilitates aggression by modulating 1931:
resource acquiring abilities to survive, attract and copulate with mates as much as possible. The masculinization of the brain is not just mediated by testosterone levels at the adult stage, but also testosterone exposure in the womb. Higher pre-natal testosterone indicated by a low
2380: 997:. On average, in adult males, levels of testosterone are about seven to eight times as great as in adult females. As the metabolism of testosterone in males is more pronounced, the daily production is about 20 times greater in men. Females are also more sensitive to the hormone. 1943:
The Annual NY Academy of Sciences has found anabolic steroid use (which increases testosterone) to be higher in teenagers, and this was associated with increased violence. Studies have found administered testosterone to increase verbal aggression and anger in some participants.
that his vigor and feeling of well-being were markedly restored but the effects were transient, and Brown-Séquard's hopes for the compound were dashed. Suffering the ridicule of his colleagues, he abandoned his work on the mechanisms and effects of androgens in human beings.
of a steroid refers to the total secretion of the compound from a gland per unit time. Secretion rates have been assessed by sampling the venous effluent from a gland over time and subtracting out the arterial and peripheral venous hormone concentration. The
2373: 1898:
Most studies support a link between adult criminality and testosterone. Nearly all studies of juvenile delinquency and testosterone are not significant. Most studies have found testosterone to be associated with behaviors or personality traits linked with
Weight loss: Reduction in weight may result in an increase in testosterone levels. Fat cells synthesize the enzyme aromatase, which converts testosterone, the male sex hormone, into estradiol, the female sex hormone. However no clear association between
17225: 1867:
indicative of fathering styles. If a father's testosterone levels decrease in response to hearing their baby cry, it is an indication of empathizing with the baby. This is associated with increased nurturing behavior and better outcomes for the infant.
between testosterone and dominance, especially among the most violent criminals in prison who had the highest testosterone. The same research found fathers (outside competitive environments) had the lowest testosterone levels compared to other males.
In women, correlations may exist between positive orgasm experience and testosterone levels. Studies have shown small or inconsistent correlations between testosterone levels and male orgasm experience, as well as sexual assertiveness in both sexes.
2366: 2115:
Androgen receptors occur in many different vertebrate body system tissues, and both males and females respond similarly to similar levels. Greatly differing amounts of testosterone prenatally, at puberty, and throughout life account for a share of
13479:"Reference ranges for testosterone in men generated using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry in a community-based sample of healthy nonobese young men in the Framingham Heart Study and applied to three geographically distinct cohorts" 2092:. 5α-DHT binds to the same androgen receptor even more strongly than testosterone, so that its androgenic potency is about 5 times that of T. The T-receptor or DHT-receptor complex undergoes a structural change that allows it to move into the 25153: 6795: 2863:
of a steroid in the circulation is determined by the rate at which it is secreted from glands, the rate of metabolism of precursor or prehormones into the steroid, and the rate at which it is extracted by tissues and metabolized. The
Goldman D, Lappalainen J, Ozaki N. Direct analysis of candidate genes in impulsive disorders. In: Bock G, Goode J, eds. Genetics of Criminal and Antisocial Behaviour. Ciba Foundation Symposium 194. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons;
Testosterone levels play a major role in risk-taking during financial decisions. Higher testosterone levels in men reduce the risk of becoming or staying unemployed. Research has also found that heightened levels of testosterone and
Hines M, Brook C, Conway GS (February 2004). "Androgen and psychosexual development: core gender identity, sexual orientation and recalled childhood gender role behavior in women and men with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)".
Adult testosterone effects are more clearly demonstrable in males than in females, but are likely important to both sexes. Some of these effects may decline as testosterone levels might decrease in the later decades of adult life.
7230: 5961:
Dakin CL, Wilson CA, Kalló I, Coen CW, Davies DC (May 2008). "Neonatal stimulation of 5-HT(2) receptors reduces androgen receptor expression in the rat anteroventral periventricular nucleus and sexually dimorphic preoptic area".
3087: 2224:= 1,014 or 201 nM). However, the concentrations of testosterone required for binding the receptor are far above even total circulating concentrations of testosterone in adult males (which range between 10 and 35 nM). 7221:"Testosterone Products: Drug Safety Communication – FDA Cautions About Using Testosterone Products for Low Testosterone Due to Aging; Requires Labeling Change to Inform of Possible Increased Risk of Heart Attack And Stroke" 1935:
as well as adult testosterone levels increased risk of fouls or aggression among male players in a soccer game. Studies have found higher pre-natal testosterone or lower digit ratio to be correlated with higher aggression.
Attention, memory, and spatial ability are key cognitive functions affected by testosterone in humans. Preliminary evidence suggests that low testosterone levels may be a risk factor for cognitive decline and possibly for
effects begin to occur when androgen has been higher than normal adult female levels for months or years. In males, these are usual late pubertal effects, and occur in women after prolonged periods of heightened levels of
Gravanis A, Calogeropoulou T, Panoutsakopoulou V, Thermos K, Neophytou C, Charalampopoulos I (2012). "Neurosteroids and microneurotrophins signal through NGF receptors to induce prosurvival signaling in neuronal cells".
Qaseem A, Horwitch CA, Vijan S, Etxeandia-Ikobaltzeta I, Kansagara D (January 2020). "Testosterone Treatment in Adult Men With Age-Related Low Testosterone: A Clinical Guideline From the American College of Physicians".
Haddad RM, Kennedy CC, Caples SM, Tracz MJ, Boloña ER, Sideras K, et al. (January 2007). "Testosterone and cardiovascular risk in men: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials".
and conclusion of growth. In the central nervous system, testosterone is aromatized to estradiol. Estradiol rather than testosterone serves as the most important feedback signal to the hypothalamus (especially affecting
1563:, substitution therapy with testosterone results in a significant reduction of inflammatory markers. These effects are mediated by different mechanisms with synergistic action. In androgen-deficient men with concomitant 1188:
behaviours such as sex typed behaviour than an adult's own levels. Prenatal androgens apparently influence interests and engagement in gendered activities and have moderate effects on spatial abilities. Among women with
overestimating the results. In contrast, the liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry method is more desirable: it offers superior specificity and precision, making it a more suitable choice for this application.
Testosterone's bioavailable concentration is commonly determined using the Vermeulen calculation or more precisely using the modified Vermeulen method, which considers the dimeric form of sex hormone-binding globulin.
4856:), a solid polycyclic alcohol with a hydroxyl group at the 17th carbon atom. This also made it obvious that additional modifications on the synthesized testosterone could be made, i.e., esterification and alkylation. 277: 10231:
Soma KK, Sullivan KA, Tramontin AD, Saldanha CJ, Schlinger BA, Wingfield JC (2000). "Acute and chronic effects of an aromatase inhibitor on territorial aggression in breeding and nonbreeding male song sparrows".
8215: 4601: 12531:
Kumar V, Kural MR, Pereira BM, Roy P (December 2008). "Spearmint induced hypothalamic oxidative stress and testicular anti-androgenicity in male rats - altered levels of gene expression, enzymes and hormones".
931:. Insufficient levels of testosterone in men may lead to abnormalities including frailty, accumulation of adipose fat tissue within the body, anxiety and depression, sexual performance issues, and bone loss. 4864:
testosterone propionate in eunuchoidal men, boys, and women. The period of the early 1930s to the 1950s has been called "The Golden Age of Steroid Chemistry", and work during this period progressed quickly.
8945: 12000:
Hulmi JJ, Ahtiainen JP, Selänne H, Volek JS, Häkkinen K, Kovanen V, et al. (May 2008). "Androgen receptors and testosterone in men—effects of protein ingestion, resistance exercise and fiber type".
3080: 14310:
Butenandt A, Hanisch G (1935). "Uber die Umwandlung des Dehydroandrosterons in Androstenol-(17)-one-(3) (Testosterone); um Weg zur Darstellung des Testosterons auf Cholesterin (Vorlauf Mitteilung). ".
are associated with an increased risk of impulsive and violent criminal behavior. On the other hand, elevated testosterone in men may increase their generosity, primarily to attract a potential mate.
1667:(though a randomized trial found no evidence of major adverse cardiac events compared to placebo in men with low testosterone), and behavioral changes. Women and children who are exposed may develop 4840:(1887–1976) and A. Wettstein, published their synthesis of testosterone. These independent partial syntheses of testosterone from a cholesterol base earned both Butenandt and Ruzicka the joint 1939 10851:
Cunningham SK, Loughlin T, Culliton M, McKenna TJ (September 1985). "The relationship between sex steroids and sex-hormone-binding globulin in plasma in physiological and pathological conditions".
6724: 25053: 16017: 1951:
might play an important role in male aggression. Estradiol is known to correlate with aggression in male mice. Moreover, the conversion of testosterone to estradiol regulates male aggression in
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Southren AL, Tochimoto S, Carmody NC, Isurugi K (November 1965). "Plasma production rates of testosterone in normal adult men and women and in patients with the syndrome of feminizing testes".
3073: 1468:. In people who have undergone testosterone deprivation therapy, testosterone increases beyond the castrate level have been shown to increase the rate of spread of an existing prostate cancer. 4667:
Testosterone has been detected at variably higher and lower levels among men of various nations and from various backgrounds, explanations for the causes of this have been relatively diverse.
male human or other adult male primate's system, its sexual motivation decreases, but there is no corresponding decrease in ability to engage in sexual activity (mounting, ejaculating, etc.).
Kenyon AT, Knowlton K, Sandiford I, Koch FC, Lotwin, G (February 1940). "A comparative study of the metabolic effects of testosterone propionate in normal men and women and in eunuchoidism".
The Organon group in the Netherlands were the first to isolate the hormone, identified in a May 1935 paper "On Crystalline Male Hormone from Testicles (Testosterone)". They named the hormone
action was linked to circulating blood fractions – now understood to be a family of androgenic hormones – in the early work on castration and testicular transplantation in fowl by
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3523:, respectively. Subsequently, 3α-androstanediol and 3α-etiocholanediol are converted by 17β-HSD into androsterone and etiocholanolone, which is followed by their conjugation and excretion. 8753: 2031:. The part of the total hormone concentration that is not bound to its respective specific carrier protein is the free part. As a result, testosterone which is not bound to SHBG is called 24085: 7220: 1859:
Fatherhood decreases testosterone levels in men, suggesting that the emotions and behaviour tied to paternal care decrease testosterone levels. In humans and other species that utilize
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during breeding season. Rats who were given anabolic steroids that increase testosterone were also more physically aggressive to provocation as a result of "threat sensitivity".
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can also be formed in this pathway when 5α-DHT and 5β-DHT are acted upon by 3β-HSD instead of 3α-HSD, respectively, and they can then be transformed into
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in several steps from cholesterol and is converted in the liver to inactive metabolites. It exerts its action through binding to and activation of the
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the same hormone. Therefore, these mammals may provide a model for studying clinical populations among humans with sexual arousal deficits such as
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13906:"Impact of recent biochemical findings on the determination of free and bioavailable testosterone: evaluation and proposal for clinical use" 1408:) response under dominance challenge. Androgens including testosterone enhance muscle growth. Testosterone also regulates the population of 28031: 27909: 27808: 27594: 27483: 27283: 27243: 26991: 26910: 26772: 26713: 26675: 26620: 26615: 26605: 26479: 26474: 26444: 26419: 26414: 26404: 26290: 26209: 26148: 26076: 26055: 26040: 25993: 25646: 22813: 22664: 22584: 22381: 21683: 21467: 19966: 19961: 19746: 19522: 19512: 12044:
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of testosterone from cholesterol was achieved in August that year by Butenandt and Hanisch. Only a week later, the Ciba group in Zurich,
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1486:, weight gain, infertility, and sometimes even scalp hair loss. These effects are seen largely in women with polycystic ovary syndrome ( 28420: 27954: 27944: 27899: 27853: 27843: 27798: 27622: 27589: 27569: 27533: 27523: 27473: 27433: 26905: 26885: 26852: 26733: 26635: 26484: 25423: 25377: 25063: 25058: 24608: 24342: 24337: 24332: 24322: 24173: 22431: 22426: 22273: 22268: 20620: 20450: 20260: 20135: 20086: 19910: 19895: 19826: 19537: 19447: 18165: 18119: 15941: 6899:
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of the brain in male mice. In humans, masculinization of the fetal brain appears, by observation of gender preference in patients with
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account for most of the remainder. Testosterone is also synthesized in far smaller total quantities in women by the adrenal glands,
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Bribiescas RG, Ellison PT, Gray PB (December 2012). "Male Life History, Reproductive Effort, and the Evolution of the Genus Homo".
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Kohtz AS, Frye CA (2012). "Dissociating Behavioral, Autonomic, and Neuroendocrine Effects of Androgen Steroids in Animal Models".
2351:. Like most hormones, testosterone is supplied to target tissues in the blood where much of it is transported bound to a specific 26948: 26665: 22283: 20424: 18904: 15266: 8842:
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The first period occurs between 4 and 6 weeks of the gestation. Examples include genital virilisation such as midline fusion,
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Cumming DC, Wall SR (November 1985). "Non-sex hormone-binding globulin-bound testosterone as a marker for hyperandrogenism".
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6507: 6137: 6054: 5619: 5391: 5250: 5159: 5005: 4961: 4947: 3343: 1819:. There is no FDA-approved androgen preparation for the treatment of androgen insufficiency; however, it has been used as an 1617: 18499: 17245: 9777: 9498:
Bailey AA, Hurd PL (March 2005). "Finger length ratio (2D:4D) correlates with physical aggression in men but not in women".
5749:"Regulation of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) in males and the associations of serum AMH with the disorders of male fertility" 28010: 28006: 28002: 27998: 25551: 25535: 22756: 21252: 20730: 20409: 18405: 18114: 17059: 15190: 14035: 13432:"ISA, ISSAM, EAU, EAA and ASA recommendations: investigation, treatment and monitoring of late-onset hypogonadism in males" 11516:
Albayrak Y, Hashimoto K (2017). "Sigma-1 Receptor Agonists and Their Clinical Implications in Neuropsychiatric Disorders".
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Bennett NC, Gardiner RA, Hooper JD, Johnson DW, Gobe GC (2010). "Molecular cell biology of androgen receptor signalling".
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Dabbs Jr JM, Carr TS, Frady RL, Riad JK (May 1995). "Testosterone, crime, and misbehavior among 692 male prison inmates".
Dabbs JM, Jurkovic GJ, Frady RL (August 1991). "Salivary testosterone and cortisol among late adolescent male offenders".
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Roney JR, Mahler SV, Maestripieri D (2003). "Behavioral and hormonal responses of men to brief interactions with women".
7372: 4921: 1927: 90: 3000:
lowers testosterone levels but over-supplementation has no effect on serum testosterone. There is limited evidence that
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Hellhammer DH, Hubert W, Schürmeyer T (1985). "Changes in saliva testosterone after psychological stimulation in men".
6979: 4754: 3492:
similarly to testosterone. The conjugates of testosterone and its hepatic metabolites are released from the liver into
in older women. Testosterone may be a treatment for postmenopausal women as long as they are effectively estrogenized.
decreased exhaustion. A link has also been found between relaxation following sexual arousal and testosterone levels.
that may be due to different testosterone levels, one of them being size: the male human brain is, on average, larger.
18594: 14434:
Schwarz S, Onken D, Schubert A (July 1999). "The steroid story of Jenapharm: from the late 1940s to the early 1970s".
6246: 4822: 3481: 2301: 27683: 26802: 26362: 25973: 25401: 24832: 20763: 18823: 18400: 17193: 16167: 7252: 1761: 1329:
Increased muscle strength and mass, shoulders become broader and rib cage expands, deepening of voice, growth of the
507: 19606: 1771:
female. The reflexive testosterone increases in male mice is related to the male's initial level of sexual arousal.
disorders of androgen formation or androgen receptor function, to be associated with functional androgen receptors.
97: 76: 25631: 25575: 25566: 20779: 20005: 18910: 18873: 18703: 18668: 18093: 17399: 17379: 17300: 16579: 16298: 15611: 14956: 14951: 9895: 4611: 1808:
the female body, and hormonal contraceptives may affect the variation in testosterone response to sexual thoughts.
Every mammalian species examined demonstrated a marked increase in a male's testosterone level upon encountering a
21334: 20900: 18599: 17971: 16323: 10510:
van Honk J, Montoya ER, Bos PA, van Vugt M, Terburg D (May 2012). "New evidence on testosterone and cooperation".
increases testosterone levels acutely, however, in older men, that increase can be avoided by protein ingestion.
of a steroid is defined as the volume of blood that has been completely cleared of the hormone per unit time. The
The bones and the brain are two important tissues in humans where the primary effect of testosterone is by way of
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irregularities in both clinical populations and healthy women. There also can be effects in unusual hair growth,
1453: 1017: 896: 632: 20974: 20942: 15983: 11418:
Lazaridis I, Charalampopoulos I, Alexaki VI, Avlonitis N, Pediaditakis I, Efstathopoulos P, et al. (2011).
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Morgentaler A (May 2017). "Andrology: Testosterone reference ranges and diagnosis of testosterone deficiency".
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10888:"Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG) as an Early Biomarker and Therapeutic Target in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome" 4753:(1803–1861). Research on the action of testosterone received a brief boost in 1889, when the Harvard professor 4690:, have consistently been detected to have had significantly elevated levels of testosterone, while people from 2940: 1828: 1812: 1687: 1189: 19596: 5599: 104: 28258: 24352: 17852: 17664: 16875: 15732: 15200: 15175: 15039: 14976: 8166: 2164: 1123: 189: 35: 18265: 18245: 16293: 16238: 9953:"A testosterone-related structural brain phenotype predicts aggressive behavior from childhood to adulthood" 9535: 8967: 8709:
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Effects before birth are divided into two categories, classified in relation to the stages of development.
754: 450: 375: 22515: 20625: 20600: 19094: 18447: 18260: 16915: 16910: 16233: 1016:, testosterone is sometimes used in older men to counteract this deficiency. It is also used illicitly to 28430: 27673: 25121: 24232: 22771: 21013: 19311: 18673: 18275: 18029: 17554: 17308: 17133: 16393: 15271: 15251: 14142:"The effects produced on man by subcutaneous injections of liquid obtained from the testicles of animals" 14061: 10000:
McGinnis MY (December 2004). "Anabolic androgenic steroids and aggression: studies using animal models".
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Before puberty, effects of rising androgen levels occur in both boys and girls. These include adult-type
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significantly increase after masturbation in men and the testosterone levels correlate to those levels.
effects in both males and females, these are mostly dependent on the levels and duration of circulating
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6725:"Menstrual cycle irregularities are associated with testosterone levels in healthy premenopausal women" 3442: 3401: 2060: 786: 19601: 17035: 17030: 16706: 16701: 16696: 16691: 16162: 16099: 16094: 16002: 11873:"Late-onset hypogonadism: current concepts and controversies of pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment" 10147:
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Crystal Structure of the N-Terminal Laminin G-Like Domain of SHBG in Complex with Dihydrotestosterone
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Behavior: Dominance challenges can, in some cases, stimulate increased testosterone release in men.
loop act on the hypothalamus and pituitary to inhibit the release of GnRH and FSH/LH, respectively.
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There are two theories on the role of testosterone in aggression and competition. The first is the
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areas of the brain by estradiol derived from testosterone programs later male sexual behavior.
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Age: Testosterone levels gradually reduce as men age. This effect is sometimes referred to as
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Håkonsen LB, Thulstrup AM, Aggerholm AS, Olsen J, Bonde JP, Andersen CY, et al. (2011).
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Production rates, secretion rates, clearance rates, and blood levels of major sex hormones
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No immediate short term effects on mood or behavior were found from the administration of
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4901: 3540: 3230: 3134: 3063: 2914: 2198: 2179: 2137: 2085: 2016: 1491: 1169: 920: 763: 711: 691: 492: 379: 243: 20655: 14687: 14568: 14377: 13840: 13815: 11646: 10621: 10574: 10523: 10472: 10109: 10013: 9010: 8855: 8800: 8679: 7885: 7149: 6356: 5239:"Chapter 2: Testosterone: Biosynthesis, transport, metabolism and (non-genomic) actions" 2896: 2308:. In the final and rate limiting step, the C17 keto group androstenedione is reduced by 297: 253: 28395: 27096: 25449: 25229: 24892: 24790: 24447: 24080: 23452: 23054: 22726: 22510: 22391: 21973: 21587: 21247: 20905: 20822: 20767: 20610: 20570: 20560: 20500: 20469: 19166: 19029: 18989: 18967: 18900: 18803: 18776: 18744: 18577: 18467: 18319: 18184: 17963: 17925: 17394: 17329: 17285: 17275: 17250: 17178: 17153: 16663: 16659: 16589: 16499: 16484: 16469: 16398: 15233: 15075: 14999: 14986: 14845: 14818: 14734: 14699: 14631: 14588: 14532: 14497: 14459: 13995: 13968: 13503: 13478: 13459: 13377: 13257: 13232: 13210: 13032: 12849: 12824: 12592: 12513: 12470: 12336: 12309: 12290: 12264: 12151: 12026: 11982: 11899: 11872: 11701: 11498: 11446: 11419: 11303: 11278: 11218: 11175: 11127: 11100: 11011: 10963: 10938: 10914: 10887: 10828: 10803: 10774: 10749: 10691: 10664: 10640: 10605: 10586: 10561:
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of testosterone is 98.0 to 98.5%, with 1.5 to 2.0% free or unbound. It is bound 65% to
2993: 2978: 1699: 1652: 1625: 1540: 1536: 1516: 1446: 1050: 22314: 20590: 16905: 16900: 16574: 14447: 14385: 14201: 14184: 14157: 13231:
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In men, higher levels of testosterone are associated with periods of sexual activity.
allowing for more production of successful sperm and a higher chance of reproduction.
72: 27723: 25372: 25143: 25086: 25027: 24795: 24367: 23462: 23239: 23234: 22782: 22324: 22098: 21547: 20555: 20550: 20477: 20466: 20180: 19796: 19756: 19621: 19397: 19316: 19119: 19024: 18843: 18560: 18422: 18331: 18314: 18282: 18235: 18192: 18181: 18033: 17857: 17714: 17704: 17642: 17148: 17114: 16629: 16549: 16134: 16074: 15420: 15109: 14850: 14774: 14770: 14717:
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Testosterone is observed in most vertebrates. Testosterone and the classical nuclear
3397: 3389: 2974: 2324: 2157: 2145: 2081: 2056: 2048: 1952: 1779: 1629: 1590: 1046: 978: 924: 738: 715: 687: 25415: 20705: 16953: 16948: 16890: 16459: 14738: 14635: 14463: 13463: 13381: 13214: 13036: 12517: 12030: 11986: 11705: 11502: 11222: 11179: 11015: 10304: 10261: 10217: 10133: 10037: 9831: 9773: 9596: 9527: 9511: 9363: 9347: 9304: 9225: 8652: 8617: 8564: 8521: 8419: 8363: 8211: 8022: 7979: 7936: 7858: 7815: 7716: 7560: 7517: 7429: 6975: 6928: 6850: 6769: 6427: 6339:
Kelsey TW, Li LQ, Mitchell RT, Whelan A, Anderson RA, Wallace WH (October 8, 2014).
6114: 5991: 5877: 5540: 5424: 4908:. The presence of these ubiquitous steroids in a wide range of animals suggest that 3550:
In addition to conjugation and the 17-ketosteroid pathway, testosterone can also be
1889: 1319:
Completion of bone maturation and termination of growth. This occurs indirectly via
28141: 27273: 25048: 24714: 24201: 23978: 23948: 23880: 23787: 23457: 23337: 23229: 22941: 22931: 22574: 22043: 21008: 20755: 20640: 20580: 20575: 20565: 20545: 20505: 20066: 20046: 18994: 18858: 18417: 18255: 18215: 17975: 17906: 17229: 16815: 16731: 16604: 16599: 16594: 16554: 16519: 16504: 16494: 16489: 16479: 16474: 16383: 16152: 16069: 16059: 15387: 15382: 14966: 14878: 14840: 14830: 14766: 14726: 14691: 14619: 14615: 14592: 14572: 14527: 14509: 14443: 14416: 14381: 14346: 14319: 14284: 14254: 14230: 14226: 14196: 14153: 13990: 13980: 13917: 13876: 13835: 13827: 13580: 13498: 13490: 13443: 13404: 13361: 13252: 13244: 13194: 13016: 12981: 12844: 12836: 12693: 12619: 12576: 12541: 12497: 12474: 12454: 12409: 12372: 12331: 12321: 12274: 12227: 12188: 12133: 12092: 12053: 12010: 11966: 11931: 11894: 11884: 11823: 11788: 11728: 11685: 11650: 11593: 11521: 11482: 11441: 11431: 11387: 11335: 11298: 11290: 11241: 11202: 11159: 11122: 11112: 11073: 11038: 10995: 10958: 10950: 10909: 10899: 10860: 10823: 10815: 10769: 10761: 10686: 10678: 10635: 10625: 10590: 10578: 10547: 10527: 10496: 10476: 10430: 10410: 10341: 10331: 10284: 10241: 10197: 10160: 10113: 10060: 10017: 9972: 9968: 9964: 9910: 9861: 9811: 9753: 9711: 9668: 9631: 9623: 9576: 9507: 9470: 9462: 9431: 9400: 9343: 9284: 9205: 9178: 9104: 9061: 9024: 9014: 8900: 8890: 8879:"In and out of unemployment-Labour market transitions and the role of testosterone" 8859: 8814: 8804: 8718: 8683: 8640: 8595: 8587: 8548: 8544: 8501: 8474: 8447: 8397: 8393: 8389: 8347: 8343: 8301: 8291: 8249: 8189: 8181: 8139: 8116: 8094: 8086: 8049: 8002: 7959: 7916: 7889: 7838: 7795: 7772: 7752: 7696: 7673: 7653: 7618: 7583: 7540: 7495: 7487: 7452: 7407: 7337: 7293: 7192: 7113: 7072: 7064: 7030: 7010: 6955: 6908: 6873: 6830: 6747: 6739: 6695: 6685: 6646: 6611: 6575: 6540: 6495: 6462: 6458: 6454: 6443:"Evolving knowledge of sex differences in brain structure, function, and chemistry" 6407: 6370: 6360: 6313: 6276: 6230: 6176: 6166: 6094: 6021: 5971: 5935: 5900: 5857: 5819: 5811: 5770: 5760: 5660: 5611: 5607: 5520: 5352: 5317: 5279: 5206: 5147: 5114: 5104: 5065: 3646: 3458: 3421: 2217: 2074: 1729: 1594: 1337: 1312:, brow, chin, and nose and remodeling of facial bone contours, in conjunction with 935: 722: 623: 555: 20685: 19331: 16449: 14364:
Hoberman JM, Yesalis CE (February 1995). "The history of synthetic testosterone".
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can decrease the production of testosterone and this effect is greater in females.
changes observed do not seem to be maintained as relationships develop over time.
1214: 30:
This article is about testosterone as a hormone. For its use as a medication, see
28425: 25340: 25205: 25189: 25177: 25131: 25082: 24897: 24872: 24867: 24681: 24414: 24267: 23069: 23064: 22926: 22859: 22133: 21866: 21740: 21372: 21319: 21274: 21075: 19991: 19876: 19731: 19402: 19069: 19044: 18895: 18848: 18658: 18518: 17999: 17564: 17474: 17359: 17015: 16963: 16935: 16845: 16840: 16654: 16644: 16388: 16358: 16288: 16283: 16253: 15712: 15345: 15140: 14606:
Bryan MB, Scott AP, Li W (2008). "Sex steroids and their receptors in lampreys".
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Huhtaniemi IT (2014). "Andropause--lessons from the European Male Ageing Study".
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Aribas E, Kavousi M, Laven JS, Ikram MA, Roeters van Lennep JE (September 2021).
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Dreher JC, Dunne S, Pazderska A, Frodl T, Nolan JJ, O'Doherty JP (October 2016).
8687: 6579: 6365: 5284: 5267: 4893: 4837: 4812: 4780: – began full-scale steroid research and development programs in the 1930s. 4671: 3638: 3605: 3559: 3544: 3532: 3508:. Only a small fraction (2%) of testosterone is excreted unchanged in the urine. 3485: 3469: 3409: 3013: 2997: 2948: 2760: 2578: 2548: 2442: 2348: 2305: 2281: 2242: 1839: 1672: 1479: 1465: 1442: 1330: 1177: 1077: 947: 908: 731: 439: 21844: 21840: 21818: 14789: 14479: 12278: 12014: 11815: 10717: 10201: 9580: 9065: 8591: 8185: 8090: 7700: 7657: 7491: 7412: 7395: 6912: 6834: 6234: 5555: 5455: 4721:, the people group with the highest ever tested levels of testosterone were the 3477: 3473: 2089: 1494:
can be used to help lessen the effects of this increased level of testosterone.
Testosterone effects can also be classified by the age of usual occurrence. For
218:)-1-Hydroxy-9a,11a-dimethyl-1,2,3,3a,3b,4,5,8,9,9a,9b,10,11,11a-tetradecahydro-7 28327: 28248: 28190: 27884: 27733: 27728: 26842: 26837: 25483: 25473: 25468: 25352: 25181: 25090: 24957: 24952: 24376: 23264: 23169: 23044: 23009: 23004: 22890: 22855: 22604: 22366: 22238: 21667: 21387: 21359: 21351: 21190: 21095: 21085: 21030: 21025: 20927: 20745: 20645: 20435: 19836: 19661: 19636: 19264: 19240: 19213: 19109: 19034: 18937: 18722: 18693: 18550: 18493: 18432: 18427: 18150: 18087: 17983: 17945: 17933: 17892: 17729: 17538: 17530: 17522: 17494: 17479: 17424: 17240: 16978: 16958: 16820: 16524: 16248: 16187: 16079: 16036: 16027: 15864: 15833: 15805: 15750: 15362: 15293: 15070: 14994: 14890: 14019: 12413: 11935: 11294: 10864: 10414: 9914: 9846: 8999:
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have been found to have had significantly decreased levels of testosterone.
28347: 28317: 28056: 28046: 27939: 27838: 27693: 27513: 27363: 26670: 26509: 26504: 26424: 26374: 26188: 25942: 25923: 25902: 25873: 25596: 25591: 25220: 24962: 24912: 24882: 24827: 24785: 24780: 24775: 24765: 24760: 24689: 24312: 24307: 24277: 24226: 24153: 23845: 23835: 23607: 23602: 23592: 23587: 23517: 23342: 23332: 23224: 23184: 23149: 23129: 23114: 23099: 23034: 23029: 23014: 22984: 22979: 22964: 22910: 22900: 22386: 22358: 22334: 22203: 22128: 22038: 22033: 22023: 21826: 21792: 21782: 21778: 21713: 21707: 21639: 21135: 21125: 21100: 20964: 20917: 20771: 20240: 20170: 20071: 20061: 20026: 19996: 19930: 19905: 19856: 19811: 19776: 19751: 19696: 19651: 19487: 19269: 19186: 19074: 19004: 18979: 18927: 18917: 18863: 18710: 18643: 18528: 18523: 18506: 18457: 17989: 17877: 17784: 17769: 17759: 17754: 17744: 17699: 17694: 17633: 17600: 17586: 17572: 17484: 17449: 17414: 17404: 17369: 17314: 17265: 17260: 17086: 16973: 16968: 16920: 16865: 16855: 16850: 16736: 16686: 16258: 16109: 16104: 15992: 15657: 15593: 15578: 15541: 15488: 15195: 15162: 14854: 14627: 14584: 14541: 14455: 14296: 14031: 14004: 13890: 13849: 13592: 13512: 13455: 13416: 13373: 13365: 13266: 13028: 12858: 12631: 12588: 12553: 12509: 12466: 12458: 12421: 12386: 12345: 12326: 12286: 12241: 12147: 12138: 12121: 12106: 12065: 12022: 11978: 11943: 11908: 11845: 11697: 11543: 11494: 11455: 11401: 11357: 11312: 11263: 11171: 11136: 11085: 11050: 11007: 10972: 10923: 10837: 10783: 10700: 10649: 10539: 10488: 10422: 10355: 10296: 10288: 10253: 10209: 10165: 10148: 10072: 10029: 9986: 9922: 9823: 9765: 9723: 9680: 9645: 9588: 9519: 9484: 9355: 9217: 9073: 9038: 8914: 8828: 8730: 8695: 8609: 8556: 8513: 8411: 8355: 8315: 8296: 8261: 8203: 8151: 8108: 8063: 7764: 7756: 7708: 7665: 7595: 7544: 7509: 7349: 7305: 7206: 7127: 7086: 6967: 6920: 6885: 6842: 6761: 6709: 6658: 6623: 6587: 6552: 6517: 6476: 6419: 6411: 6384: 6290: 6281: 6264: 6242: 6190: 6106: 5983: 5869: 5833: 5784: 5733: 5674: 5567: 5532: 5293: 5169: 5128: 4675: 3642: 3609: 3465: 3001: 2944: 2910: 2805: 2344: 2285: 2270: 2206: 2195: 2093: 2024: 2004: 1912: 1744: 1740: 1668: 1656: 1528: 1397: 1246: 1202: 1168:
enlargement; although the role of testosterone is far smaller than that of
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Two methods for determining the concentration of bioavailable testosterone
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7326: 5665: 5648: 3484:, and 17β-HSD, in that order. Androsterone and etiocholanolone are then 1000:
In addition to its role as a natural hormone, testosterone is used as a
357: 28126: 28091: 28086: 28076: 28066: 27984: 27773: 27748: 27738: 27584: 27538: 27398: 27224: 27193: 27162: 27131: 27076: 27051: 27031: 27016: 27006: 26900: 26817: 26610: 26590: 26489: 26434: 26429: 26253: 26158: 26143: 25938: 25897: 25869: 25838: 25798: 25701: 25656: 25651: 25626: 25621: 25611: 25524: 25518: 25508: 25335: 25287: 25282: 25200: 25195: 25101: 25072: 25068: 24977: 24942: 24887: 24877: 24837: 24770: 24598: 24563: 24528: 24523: 24477: 24467: 24396: 24357: 24317: 24302: 24282: 24272: 24211: 24206: 24196: 24163: 24145: 24041: 23988: 23953: 23900: 23890: 23860: 23855: 23792: 23767: 23722: 23697: 23677: 23657: 23652: 23642: 23622: 23577: 23567: 23552: 23512: 23507: 23477: 23432: 23427: 23407: 23397: 23377: 23372: 23362: 23322: 23317: 23312: 23307: 23302: 23292: 23287: 23282: 23254: 23109: 23024: 23019: 22905: 22895: 22870: 22674: 22654: 22629: 22476: 22421: 22376: 22354: 22263: 22258: 22228: 22213: 22208: 22173: 22063: 22018: 21998: 21876: 21870: 21774: 21762: 21722: 21703: 21679: 21663: 21573: 21569: 21543: 21529: 21482: 21477: 21472: 21462: 21432: 21402: 21397: 21377: 21314: 21235: 21215: 21200: 21195: 21140: 21090: 20991: 20932: 20865: 20860: 20837: 20775: 20750: 20339: 20306: 20155: 20150: 20130: 20101: 20021: 19986: 19981: 19971: 19866: 19801: 19736: 19686: 19542: 19437: 19392: 19351: 19259: 19208: 19059: 19009: 18962: 18952: 18771: 18739: 18698: 18648: 18638: 18584: 18572: 18533: 18385: 18380: 18375: 18370: 18365: 18287: 18003: 17959: 17882: 17862: 17774: 17749: 17719: 17526: 17509: 17469: 17454: 17434: 17183: 17168: 17010: 16454: 15950: 15869: 15755: 15405: 15357: 15286: 15281: 15085: 15080: 14730: 11206: 10765: 10682: 9672: 9389:"The evolutionary neuroandrogenic theory of criminal behavior expanded" 9108: 8968:"Study shows that testosterone levels can have an impact on generosity" 8722: 7920: 7842: 7118: 7101: 6743: 5928:
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in women produce small increases in testosterone concentrations. The
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may lead to sub-optimal plasma testosterone levels. The secosteroid
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involves the oxidative cleavage of the side-chain of cholesterol by
Conflicting results have been obtained concerning the importance of
Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their
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lists it as S1 Anabolic agent substance "prohibited at all times".
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11-Dehydrocorticosterone (11-oxocorticosterone, 17-deoxycortisone)
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The region with the highest-ever tested levels of testosterone is
Dimeric sex hormone-binding globulin with its testosterone ligands
The largest amounts of testosterone (>95%) are produced by the
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Sigma Receptors: Their Role in Disease and as Therapeutic Targets
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hormones, including testosterone, are transported in water-based
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Testosterone deficiency is associated with an increased risk of
Testosterone does not appear to increase the risk of developing
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Plasma protein binding of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone
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The brain is also affected by this sexual differentiation; the
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During the second trimester, androgen level is associated with
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Andarine (acetamidoxolutamide, androxolutamide, GTx-007, S-4)
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Adrenosterone (11-ketoandrostenedione, 11-oxoandrostenedione)
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Two of the immediate metabolites of testosterone, 5α-DHT and
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group at positions three and seventeen respectively. It is
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Health & Drugs: Disease, Prescription & Medication
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occur by way of multiple mechanisms: by activation of the
that peaks early each day, regardless of sexual activity.
Testosterone is used as a medication for the treatment of
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not use the medication. It can cause harm if used during
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17α-Alkylated 5α-dihydro-19-nortestosterone derivatives:
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A few studies indicate that the testosterone derivative
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Principles and Practice of Endocrinology and Metabolism
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The partial synthesis in the 1930s of abundant, potent
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Testosterone may prove to be an effective treatment in
World Health Organization's list of essential medicines
and enters the male brain, whereas female fetuses have
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Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP)
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Epiestriol (16β-epiestriol, 16β-hydroxy-17β-estradiol)
5α-Dihydro-17α-ethynyl-19-nortestosterone derivatives:
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Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes
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doses of testosterone for 10 weeks on 43 healthy men.
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Advances in the Management of Testosterone Deficiency
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Heroes, rogues, and lovers: testosterone and behavior
Advances in the Management of Testosterone Deficiency
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and aromatase is highly expressed in adipose tissue,
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Androstanolone (stanolone, dihydrotestosterone, DHT)
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Testosterone and Aging: Clinical Research Directions
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humans is unknown. It has been theorized that brain
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Normethandrone (methylestrenolone, normethisterone)
Normethandrone (methylestrenolone, normethisterone)
Drostanolone propionate (dromostanolone propionate)
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Molecular Mechanisms of Hormone Actions on Behavior
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Many of these fall into the category of male 252: 21965:Tooltip Selective estrogen receptor modulators 21320:Furostilbestrol (diethylstilbestrol difuroate) 20681:16β,17α-Epiestriol (16β-hydroxy-17α-estradiol) 18605:11β-Methyl-19-nortestosterone dodecylcarbonate 17422:17α-Alkylated dihydrotestosterone derivatives: 16465:16β,17α-Epiestriol (16β-hydroxy-17α-estradiol) 14470: 14114: 14050: 13722: 13157: 13107:Estrogens, Estrogen Receptor and Breast Cancer 13080:Testosterone: Action, Deficiency, Substitution 13076: 13056:. Elsevier Health Sciences UK. pp. 695–. 12790:. Elsevier Health Sciences. pp. 468–469. 12733: 12731: 12729: 12727: 12725: 12723: 12721: 12719: 12717: 12715: 12648:Testosterone: Action, Deficiency, Substitution 11813: 11583: 11319: 11031:Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 9382: 9380: 9045: 7643: 7477: 6671: 5747:Xu HY, Zhang HX, Xiao Z, Qiao J, Li R (2019). 5453: 5243:Testosterone: Action, Deficiency, Substitution 3396:of testosterone in humans. 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For other uses, see 18:Testosterone (hormone) 28411:Hormones of the ovary 28278:T-cell growth factors 26535:Telisotuzumab vedotin 25819:Trastuzumab emtansine 22164:Miproxifene phosphate 21989:27-Hydroxycholesterol 21453:Triphenyliodoethylene 20997:Ethinylandrostenediol 20960:Estrogenic substances 20948:Polyestriol phosphate 20816:Cloxestradiol acetate 20118:-Desmethylapalutamide 19647:Chlormadinone acetate 19592:7α-Thiospironolactone 19463:LGD-2941 (LGD-122941) 19453:LG121071 (LGD-121071) 19327:3-Keto-5α-abiraterone 19307:6α-Methylprogesterone 19246:Norethisterone esters 19219:Levonorgestrel esters 19135:Ethinylandrostenediol 18985:Methyl-1-testosterone 18905:+esterified estrogens 18879:Methandriol diacetate 18544:Mesterolone cipionate 18226:4-Hydroxytestosterone 18014:chlormadinone acetate 17675:Chlormadinone acetate 17246:Androstanolone esters 17026:7α-Hydroxycholesterol 17006:Calcidiol/Calcifediol 16635:Estradiol 17β-sulfate 16615:Estradiol glucuronide 16535:27-Hydroxycholesterol 16143:5α-Dihydroaldosterone 15988:-Dihydroxycholesterol 15010:Testosterone caproate 14515:10.3390/plants9091144 13323:"Testosterone, total" 12698:10.1210/jcem-61-5-873 12569:Phytotherapy Research 12490:Phytotherapy Research 12437:Hormones and Behavior 12378:10.1093/humupd/dmp047 12098:10.1530/rep.0.1240173 11871:Huhtaniemi I (2014). 11328:Psychiatric Disorders 11283:Physiological Reviews 11118:10.3390/ijms150915412 10820:10.1210/er.2017-00025 10277:Hormones and Behavior 10246:10.1007/s003590000129 9804:Psychological Science 9569:Hormones and Behavior 9500:Biological Psychology 9467:10.3892/mmr.2013.1426 9054:Hormones and Behavior 8764:on September 30, 2020 8580:Hormones and Behavior 8174:Hormones and Behavior 8079:Hormones and Behavior 7735:Hormones and Behavior 7689:Hormones and Behavior 7646:Hormones and Behavior 7623:10.1677/joe.0.0700439 7533:Hormones and Behavior 7480:Hormones and Behavior 7457:10.1677/joe.0.0520051 7298:10.1056/NEJMoa2215025 7069:10.1210/js.2018-00186 6835:10.1385/ENDO:29:2:233 6447:Biological Psychiatry 6400:Hormones and Behavior 6047:Biological psychology 6027:10.15347/wjm/2014.005 5905:10.1210/jcem-37-1-148 5766:10.4103/aja.aja_83_18 5322:10.1210/jcem-27-5-686 4884:(jawed vertebrates). 4736: 4171:24.1–416.5 ng/dL 3300:  Pregnancy 3210:  Pregnancy 3004:may reduce total and 2943:) is released by the 2899: 2294:endoplasmic reticulum 2235: 2152:Neurosteroid activity 1894:Biosocial criminology 1106:) a deepening of the 952:male pattern baldness 739:first pass metabolism 190:Systematic IUPAC name 26863:EVT-901 (SAR-127963) 26596:Mecasermin rinfabate 25343:constituents (e.g., 25127:Deuterated etifoxine 24189:Neuroactive steroids 24159:Apronal (apronalide) 24011:constituents (e.g., 23628:N-Desalkylflurazepam 21478:WAY-204688 (SIM-688) 21290:ERB-196 (WAY-202196) 21241:Dienestrol diacetate 20980:Estrone methyl ether 20886:Esterified estrogens 20828:Conjugated estrogens 20721:17β-Dihydroequilenin 20696:17α-Dihydroequilenin 20636:15α-Hydroxyestradiol 20631:11β-Methoxyestradiol 20606:8,9-Dehydroestradiol 19807:Potassium canrenoate 19275:Quingestanol acetate 19085:Tetrahydrogestrinone 18973:Metenolone enanthate 18799:5α-Dihydrotrestolone 18794:5α-Dihydronandrolone 18782:Trestolone enanthate 18750:Trenbolone enanthate 18716:Norclostebol acetate 18325:Clostebol propionate 18026:gestonorone caproate 17834:Saw palmetto extract 17725:Potassium canrenoate 17320:Norclostebol acetate 17305:nandrolone decanoate 17159:Clostebol propionate 17001:7-Dehydrocholesterol 16861:Pregnenolone sulfate 16409:Testosterone sulfate 16369:Androsterone sulfate 14421:10.1210/Endo-26-1-26 14098:. October 13, 2021. 13923:10.1515/JLM.2006.050 13910:LaboratoriumsMedizin 13495:10.1210/jc.2010-3012 13448:10.1038/ijir.2008.41 13249:10.1210/jc.2016-2935 13021:10.1055/s-2002-35374 12624:10.1055/s-2002-34587 11277:McCarthy MM (2008). 10905:10.3390/ijms21218191 10369:Sapolsky RM (1998). 10318:Sapolsky RM (2018). 9845:Mcandrew FT (2009). 8633:Current Anthropology 6960:10.1212/WNL.62.2.188 6282:10.1093/qjmed/hci054 5722:Functional Neurology 5653:Recent Prog Horm Res 5492:on November 12, 2020 5482:"What is Prohibited" 4823:Technical University 4737:Nobel Prize winner, 4698:nations such as the 4582:250–1,100 ng/dL 4154:7.9–274.5 ng/dL 4137:0.3–232.8 ng/dL 3451:testosterone sulfate 2986:Vitamin A deficiency 2213:of these receptors. 2140:secretion). In many 1920:challenge hypothesis 1569:thyroid autoantibody 1371:, periareolar hair, 1314:human growth hormone 1209:, which crosses the 871:is the primary male 796:Biological half-life 716:subcutaneous pellets 25136:dihydroergocryptine 24448:Pyrazolopyrimidines 24106:5,6-Dihydroyangonin 24091:7,8-Dihydroyangonin 23278:3-Hydroxyphenazepam 23120:Methylphenobarbital 22645:Propylpyrazoletriol 22560:Diarylpropionitrile 21408:Propylpyrazoletriol 21265:Dimethylstilbestrol 21231:Diarylpropionitrile 21041:Etynodiol diacetate 20741:Abiraterone acetate 20651:16α-Fluoroestradiol 20330:Dihydrotestosterone 20325:Dehydroandrosterone 20176:Ralaniten (EPI-002) 20057:Inocoterone acetate 19782:Nomegestrol acetate 19682:Delmadinone acetate 19672:Cyproterone acetate 19617:Abiraterone acetate 19587:7α-Thioprogesterone 19197:Etynodiol diacetate 18401:Testosterone esters 18344:Dehydroandrosterone 18241:11-Ketotestosterone 18142:Biological activity 18018:cyproterone acetate 17926:prolactin releasers 17868:Cyproterone acetate 17850:Abiraterone acetate 17710:Nomegestrol acetate 17685:Delmadinone acetate 17680:Cyproterone acetate 17662:Abiraterone acetate 17194:Testosterone esters 17041:Cholesterol sulfate 16776:-Hydroxycholesterol 16668:estradiol palmitate 16650:Estriol glucuronide 16640:Estrone glucuronide 16610:Estradiol disulfate 16279:Dihydrotestosterone 16264:Dehydroandrosterone 16229:11-Ketotestosterone 16065:11-Ketoprogesterone 15979:-Hydroxycholesterol 15893:Natriuretic peptide 15211:Posterior pituitary 15196:Somatostatin (GHIH) 14688:2006InsSc..13..325D 14569:2009NYASA1163..154G 14477:de Kruif P (1945). 14378:1995SciAm.272b..76H 14366:Scientific American 13832:10.14341/probl13328 12823:Penning TM (2010). 12314:Reproductive Health 11647:1986Sci...234.1258Z 11393:10.1530/JME-16-0013 11037:(3 Suppl): S87–94. 10718:"Testosteron liber" 10622:2009PLoSO...4.8330Z 10583:10.1038/nature11137 10575:2012Natur.485E...5E 10532:10.1038/nature11136 10524:2012Natur.485E...4V 10481:10.1038/nature08711 10473:2010Natur.463..356E 10110:1996NYASA.794...82C 10014:2004NYASA1036..399M 9783:on January 26, 2016 9373:on January 9, 2016. 9011:2016PNAS..11311633D 9005:(41): 11633–11638. 8856:2008EHumB..29..384A 8801:2009PNAS..10615268S 8795:(36): 15268–15273. 8680:2015JHumE..84...16K 8479:10.1093/sf/77.1.315 8452:10.1093/sf/72.2.463 7886:2003EHumB..24..365R 7258:. WHO. April 2015. 6357:2014PLoSO...9j9346K 5666:10.1210/rp.57.1.411 5649:"Anabolic steroids" 5562:., Inc. 4902:11-ketotestosterone 4861:testosterone esters 4818:Chemisches Institut 4772:(Berlin, Germany), 4455: 4238:0.055–0.662 nmol/L 4235:1.6–19.1 ng/dL 4221:0.066–0.791 nmol/L 4218:1.9–22.8 ng/dL 4180:0.094–0.826 nmol/L 4177:2.7–23.8 ng/dL 4174:0.836–14.452 nmol/L 4163:0.087–0.652 nmol/L 4160:2.5–18.8 ng/dL 4146:0.038–0.541 nmol/L 4143:1.1–15.6 ng/dL 4129:0.014–0.670 nmol/L 4126:0.4–19.3 ng/dL 4120:0.2–14.8 ng/dL 4109:0.007–0.146 nmol/L 4092:0.007–0.045 nmol/L 4033:0.243–1.388 nmol/L 4016:0.347–1.873 nmol/L 3956:400–1080 ng/dL 3933:350–1080 ng/dL 3922:0.278–1.839 nmol/L 3899:0.278–1.423 nmol/L 3882:0.173–1.839 nmol/L 3876:0.173–21.480 nmol/L 3865:0.069–1.214 nmol/L 3821:Just before puberty 3816:0.035–0.416 nmol/L 3771:0.694–2.220 nmol/L 3765:2.602–13.877 nmol/L 3754:0.173–0.763 nmol/L 3737:0.173–0.555 nmol/L 3683:Total testosterone 3679: 3231:Dihydrotestosterone 3096: 2975:Resistance training 2915:luteinizing hormone 2389: 2199:nerve growth factor 2017:dihydrotestosterone 1976:Biological activity 1901:antisocial behavior 1778:In accordance with 1739:Sexual arousal and 1640:, or by ingestion. 1638:placed in the cheek 1601:. This is known as 1492:birth control pills 1211:blood–brain barrier 1170:dihydrotestosterone 1094:, particularly the 965:class containing a 801:30–45 minutes 591: g·mol 152: 28431:Neuroendocrinology 28029:Kinase inhibitors: 27892:Kinase inhibitors: 27791:Kinase inhibitors: 27466:Kinase inhibitors: 27281:Kinase inhibitors: 27241:Kinase inhibitors: 27222:Kinase inhibitors: 27191:Kinase inhibitors: 27160:Kinase inhibitors: 27129:Kinase inhibitors: 26989:Kinase inhibitors: 26603:Kinase inhibitors: 26397:Kinase inhibitors: 26186:Kinase inhibitors: 26179:Aprutumab ixadotin 25826:Kinase inhibitors: 25639:Kinase inhibitors: 25496:Kinase inhibitors: 25230:4-O-methylhonokiol 24893:Dichloralphenazone 24791:Methylmethaqualone 24368:Nonbenzodiazepines 24081:Desmethoxyyangonin 24076:11-Hydroxyyangonin 24071:11-Methoxyyangonin 24066:10-Methoxyyangonin 23453:Ethyl carfluzepate 23055:Cyclopentobarbital 22727:Diethylstilbestrol 22511:2-Methoxyestradiol 22442:TAS-108 (SR-16234) 22392:Methylepitiostanol 22330:EM-800 (SCH-57050) 22254:TAS-108 (SR-16234) 21974:2-Phenylbenzofuran 21588:8-prenylnaringenin 21248:Diethylstilbestrol 20906:Lipoidal estradiol 20881:ERA-63 (ORG-37663) 20823:Conjugated estriol 20768:methyltestosterone 20726:17β-Dihydroequilin 20701:17α-Dihydroequilin 20676:16β-Hydroxyestrone 20661:16α-Hydroxyestrone 20611:8,9-Dehydroestrone 20596:7α-Methylestradiol 20571:4-Methoxyestradiol 20561:4-Hydroxyestradiol 20536:3β-Hydroxytibolone 20531:3α-Hydroxytibolone 20501:2-Hydroxyestradiol 19167:Dihydroethisterone 19030:Dimethyltrienolone 18990:Methylepitiostanol 18968:Metenolone acetate 18901:Methyltestosterone 18804:19-Norandrosterone 18777:Trestolone acetate 18745:Trenbolone acetate 18689:-nitrosocarbamate) 18578:Stenbolone acetate 18468:Bolazine capronate 18320:Clostebol caproate 18098:Never to phase III 17964:diethylstilbestrol 17591:GnRH (gonadorelin) 17395:Methyltestosterone 17330:Trenbolone acetate 17286:Stenbolone acetate 17251:Bolazine capronate 17154:Clostebol caproate 16664:estradiol stearate 16660:Lipoidal estradiol 16590:2-Methoxyestradiol 16515:16β-Hydroxyestrone 16510:16α-Hydroxyestrone 16500:4-Methoxyestradiol 16485:4-Hydroxyestradiol 16470:2-Hydroxyestradiol 16399:Epietiocholanolone 16344:3β-Etiocholanediol 16339:3α-Etiocholanediol 16135:Mineralocorticoids 16120:5α-Dihydrocortisol 15234:Anterior pituitary 15076:Methyltestosterone 15000:Testosterone ester 14794:Nevada Law Journal 14731:10.1007/BF01946450 14649:Nelson RF (2005). 14312:Chemische Berichte 13869:Clinical Chemistry 13573:Endocrine Practice 12738:Becker KL (2001). 11380:J. Mol. Endocrinol 11207:10.1007/BF01734339 10766:10.1039/c8sc04397c 10683:10.1002/jbm4.10418 9673:10.1002/ajhb.22718 9109:10.1007/BF00919089 8723:10.1002/evan.21412 8048:(Suppl 4): S11–8. 7921:10.1007/BF01541140 7843:10.1007/BF01541869 7185:Reviews in Urology 7119:10.1111/jcpt.12987 6907:(11–12): 1633–39. 6744:10.1002/ajhb.20555 6252:on April 19, 2009. 5816:10.1111/cdep.12261 5694:. Nicolae Sfetcu. 5513:Annals of Medicine 5272:Clinical Chemistry 5110:10.2147/tcrm.s3025 5070:10.1210/edrv-8-1-1 4880:first appeared in 4834:chemical synthesis 4743: 4562:110–975 ng/dL 4511:<167 ng/dL 4453: 4379:109.3–551.7 pmol/L 4243:Free testosterone 4157:0.274–9.525 nmol/L 4140:0.010–8.082 nmol/L 4123:0.007–0.513 nmol/L 4106:0.2–4.2 ng/dL 4103:0.007–0.079 nmol/L 4100:0.2–2.3 ng/dL 4089:0.2–1.3 ng/dL 4086:0.007–0.045 nmol/L 4083:0.2–1.3 ng/dL 3993:12.15–24.98 nmol/L 3990:350–720 ng/dL 3976:12.15–30.88 nmol/L 3973:350–890 ng/dL 3959:13.88–37.48 nmol/L 3939:12.15–37.48 nmol/L 3907:200–970 ng/dL 3890:100–320 ng/dL 3859:0.035–1.666 nmol/L 3830:0.104–0.347 nmol/L 3748:1.284–6.871 nmol/L 3731:2.047–4.337 nmol/L 3652: 3537:epietiocholanolone 3529:3β-etiocholanediol 3521:3α-etiocholanediol 3390:metabolic pathways 3069: 2979:Endurance training 2907: 2752:<37–140 pmol/L 2712:<37–360 pmol/L 2540:<37–210 pmol/L 2362: 2319:in men, while the 2247: 2146:sexually dimorphic 2057:estrogen receptors 1829:sexual dysfunction 1747:levels of various 1700:sexual dysfunction 1626:generic medication 1541:interleukin 1 beta 1517:metabolic syndrome 1344:in face decreases. 1084:Androgenic effects 1068:include growth of 1051:androgen receptors 1032:Biological effects 1020:, for instance in 957:Testosterone is a 899:such as increased 857:Infobox references 150: 28363: 28362: 28357: 28356: 27963: 27962: 27724:N-Acetylserotonin 27623:ReN-1820 (TrkAd5) 27252: 27251: 26786: 26785: 26731:Binding proteins: 26390:Dihexa (PNB-0408) 26357: 26356: 25968: 25967: 25882:6 (neuroglycan C) 25602:EGF (urogastrone) 25580: 25413: 25412: 25373:MRK-409 (MK-0343) 25144:dihydroergotamine 25087:potassium bromide 25081:compounds (e.g., 25028:Trichloroethylene 24796:Nitromethaqualone 24715:Pyrazolopyridines 24217:3α-Androstanediol 24111:7,8-Dihydrokavain 23463:Ethyl loflazepate 23240:Thiotetrabarbital 22856:Ethanol (alcohol) 22780: 22779: 22772:List of estrogens 22740: 22739: 22485: 22484: 22325:Cytestrol acetate 21548:isoliquiritigenin 21490:Unknown/unsorted: 21176:β-LGND2 (GTx-878) 20756:Anabolic steroids 20666:16α-Iodoestradiol 20556:4-Fluoroestradiol 20551:4-Androstenedione 20541:3β-Androstanediol 20516:3α-Androstanediol 20467:Estrogen receptor 20433: 20432: 20393: 20392: 20363: 20356: 20349: 20342: 20274: 20273: 19797:Osaterone acetate 19757:Megestrol acetate 19622:Allyltestosterone 19398:Acetothiolutamide 19317:Megestrol acetate 19120:Vinyltestosterone 19025:Dimethyldienolone 18844:Ethyltestosterone 18772:Trestolone (MENT) 18704:Nandrolone esters 18685:-(2-chloroethyl)- 18561:Nisterime acetate 18438:3α-Androstanediol 18423:1-Androstenedione 18332:Cloxotestosterone 18315:Clostebol acetate 18236:5-Androstenedione 18182:Androgen receptor 18133: 18132: 18067: 18066: 18034:megestrol acetate 17907:Antigonadotropins 17901: 17900: 17858:Aminoglutethimide 17715:Osaterone acetate 17705:Megestrol acetate 17628: 17627: 17301:Nandrolone esters 17149:Clostebol acetate 17049: 17048: 16886:3α-Androstanediol 16755: 16754: 16630:Estradiol sulfate 16550:4-Androstenedione 16545:3β-Androstanediol 16540:3α-Androstanediol 16329:3β-Androstanediol 16319:3α-Androstanediol 16201: 16200: 16075:21-Deoxycortisone 15917: 15916: 15913: 15912: 15800: 15799: 15620: 15619: 15550: 15549: 15302: 15301: 15099: 15098: 14780:978-0-12-374939-0 14660:978-0-87893-617-5 14152:(3438): 105–107. 13938:"RCSB PDB - 1D2S" 13736:978-0-323-11246-8 13697:978-0-323-22592-2 13658:978-3-319-18371-8 13619:978-0-323-05405-8 13542:978-1-4511-7146-4 13409:10.1111/jsm.12546 13296:978-1-4557-5973-6 13171:978-1-61779-222-9 13144:978-0-08-091906-5 13117:978-0-9673355-4-4 13090:978-1-139-45221-2 13063:978-0-7020-3990-4 12958:978-0-387-08012-3 12947:Trager L (1977). 12933:978-1-4665-9788-4 12885:978-94-009-8195-9 12797:978-0-323-07575-6 12751:978-0-7817-1750-2 12658:978-1-107-01290-5 11837:978-0-309-09063-6 11765:978-0-9627422-7-9 11684:(Suppl 4): 5–10. 11641:(4781): 1258–61. 11598:10.1159/000182546 11570:978-3-642-30725-6 11535:978-3-319-50172-7 11349:978-1-61779-457-5 11255:978-0-12-709871-5 10949:(10): 2890–2900. 10380:978-0-684-83891-5 9710:(11): 1636–1639. 9544:. March 2, 2005. 9327:Archer J (2006). 9261:978-0-12-373612-3 8639:(S6): S424–S435. 7229:. March 3, 2015. 6509:978-3-8055-8622-1 6500:10.1159/000176054 6312:(11): 2742–2747. 6139:978-1-259-02753-6 6056:978-0-495-60300-9 6041:Kalat JW (2009). 5621:978-3-319-29195-6 5393:978-0-07-135739-5 5252:978-1-107-01290-5 5195:(16): 1118–1126. 5161:978-3-8055-8622-1 5152:10.1159/000176049 5058:Endocrine Reviews 5007:978-0-323-29738-7 4963:978-1-4398-5511-9 4956:. p. 3.304. 4952:(92nd ed.). 4878:androgen receptor 4596: 4595: 4545:25–912 ng/dL 4528:21–719 ng/dL 4491:<30 ng/dL 4451: 4450: 3913:6.94–33.66 nmol/L 3893:3.47–11.10 nmol/L 3836:<10 ng/dL 3762:75–400 ng/dL 3745:37–198 ng/dL 3728:59–125 ng/dL 3525:3β-Androstanediol 3517:3α-androstanediol 3459:sulfotransferases 3431: 3430: 3327: 3326: 3006:free testosterone 2889: 2888: 2852:Notes and sources 2810:Follicular phase 2797:1100–7300 pmol/L 2765:Follicular phase 2700:Follicular phase 2635:Follicular phase 2201:(NGF), with high 2161:3α-androstanediol 2158:active metabolite 2100:sequences of the 2082:androgen receptor 2067:Free testosterone 2049:androgen receptor 2033:free testosterone 1981:Free testosterone 1911:receptors in the 1861:allomaternal care 1780:sperm competition 1755:Mammalian studies 1630:transdermal patch 1591:male hypogonadism 1351:, development of 1301:and frequency of 1271:free testosterone 1136:free testosterone 1047:protein synthesis 979:androgen receptor 938:, higher risk of 925:courtship display 885:male reproductive 865:Chemical compound 863: 862: 644: 472:CompTox Dashboard 278:Interactive image 146: 145: 122: 16:(Redirected from 28448: 28169:Decoy receptors: 28142:Alacizumab pegol 27620:Decoy receptors: 27369: 27368: 27274:Stem cell factor 27215:Persephin (PSPN) 27153:Neurturin (NRTN) 27102: 27101: 26939:LEVI-04 (p75-Fc) 26936:Decoy receptors: 26550: 26549: 25979: 25978: 25578: 25572: 25571: 25440: 25433: 25426: 25417: 25416: 25132:Dihydroergolines 25049:3-Hydroxybutanal 24682:Piperidinediones 24415:Imidazopyridines 23949:6-Methylapigenin 23881:Hydroxyphenamate 23753:SH-053-R-CH3-2′F 23458:Ethyl dirazepate 23338:Chlordiazepoxide 23230:Thiobutabarbital 22942:Trifluoroethanol 22932:Trichloroethanol 22922:-Pentanol (2M2B) 22816: 22807: 22800: 22793: 22784: 22783: 22639:2,2',5'-PCB-4-OH 22575:Ethinylestradiol 22501: 22500: 22497: 22493: 22234:Rimostil (P-081) 22044:Chlorotrianisene 21966: 21962: 21741:Metalloestrogens 21520:-related (e.g., 21335:Hexestrol esters 21009:Ethinylestradiol 20901:Estradiol esters 20656:16α-Hydroxy-DHEA 20641:16-Ketoestradiol 20581:5-Androstenediol 20576:4-Methoxyestrone 20566:4-Hydroxyestrone 20546:4-Androstenediol 20506:2-Hydroxyestrone 20488: 20487: 20484: 20480: 20460: 20453: 20446: 20437: 20436: 20381: 20377: 20361: 20354: 20347: 20340: 20285: 20284: 20067:Ketodarolutamide 20047:Hydroxyflutamide 20004:(via metabolite 19373: 19369: 19324:Others/unsorted: 18995:Methylstenbolone 18859:Hydroxystenozole 18418:1-Androstenediol 18216:4-Androstenediol 18203: 18202: 18199: 18195: 18175: 18168: 18161: 18152: 18151: 18137: 18136: 18000:GnRH antagonists 17976:ethinylestradiol 17972:estradiol esters 17802: 17801: 17649: 17645: 17639: 17638: 17620: 17616: 17611: 17607: 17565:Progonadotropins 17230:Testoviron Depot 17121: 17117: 17111: 17110: 17106: 17102: 17076: 17069: 17062: 17053: 17052: 16816:Allopregnanolone 16732:Allopregnanediol 16605:4-Methoxyestriol 16600:2-Methoxyestriol 16595:2-Methoxyestrone 16580:16α-Hydroxy-DHEA 16555:5-Androstenediol 16520:16-Ketoestradiol 16505:4-Methoxyestrone 16495:4-Hydroxyestrone 16490:4-Hydroxyestriol 16480:2-Hydroxyestrone 16475:2-Hydroxyestriol 16384:Etiocholanedione 16349:Androstanetriols 16299:16α-Hydroxy-DHEA 16212: 16211: 16153:11-Deoxycortisol 16070:21-Deoxycortisol 16060:11-Deoxycortisol 16033: 16032: 15944: 15937: 15930: 15921: 15920: 15678: 15677: 15673:Digestive system 15629: 15628: 15444: 15443: 15383:Thyroid hormones 15159: 15158: 15148: 15147: 15126: 15119: 15112: 15103: 15102: 14921: 14914: 14907: 14898: 14897: 14889: 14888: 14877: 14876: 14875: 14868: 14858: 14848: 14838: 14813: 14811: 14809: 14788:Dowd NE (2013). 14784: 14743: 14742: 14714: 14708: 14707: 14671: 14665: 14664: 14646: 14640: 14639: 14603: 14597: 14596: 14552: 14546: 14545: 14535: 14517: 14493: 14487: 14486: 14484: 14481:The Male Hormone 14474: 14468: 14467: 14431: 14425: 14424: 14404: 14398: 14397: 14361: 14355: 14354: 14334: 14328: 14327: 14307: 14301: 14300: 14272: 14263: 14262: 14241: 14235: 14234: 14213: 14207: 14206: 14204: 14180: 14174: 14173: 14171: 14169: 14137: 14131: 14130: 14118: 14112: 14111: 14109: 14107: 14088: 14082: 14081: 14079: 14077: 14057: 14048: 14047: 14045: 14043: 14015: 14009: 14008: 13998: 13988: 13964: 13958: 13957: 13955: 13953: 13934: 13928: 13927: 13925: 13901: 13895: 13894: 13884: 13860: 13854: 13853: 13843: 13811: 13805: 13804: 13802: 13800: 13785: 13779: 13778: 13776: 13774: 13759: 13753: 13752: 13750: 13748: 13720: 13714: 13713: 13711: 13709: 13681: 13675: 13674: 13672: 13670: 13642: 13636: 13635: 13633: 13631: 13603: 13597: 13596: 13585:10.4158/EP.4.1.1 13568: 13559: 13558: 13556: 13554: 13526: 13517: 13516: 13506: 13489:(8): 2430–2439. 13474: 13468: 13467: 13427: 13421: 13420: 13403:(7): 1636–1645. 13392: 13386: 13385: 13349: 13343: 13342: 13340: 13338: 13319: 13313: 13312: 13310: 13308: 13280: 13271: 13270: 13260: 13243:(4): 1161–1173. 13228: 13219: 13218: 13182: 13176: 13175: 13155: 13149: 13148: 13128: 13122: 13121: 13104:Parl FF (2000). 13101: 13095: 13094: 13074: 13068: 13067: 13047: 13041: 13040: 13004: 12998: 12997: 12969: 12963: 12962: 12944: 12938: 12937: 12917: 12902: 12901: 12899: 12897: 12869: 12863: 12862: 12852: 12820: 12814: 12813: 12811: 12809: 12781: 12768: 12767: 12765: 12763: 12735: 12710: 12709: 12681: 12675: 12674: 12672: 12670: 12642: 12636: 12635: 12607: 12601: 12600: 12581:10.1002/ptr.2900 12564: 12558: 12557: 12528: 12522: 12521: 12502:10.1002/ptr.2074 12485: 12479: 12478: 12452: 12432: 12426: 12425: 12397: 12391: 12390: 12380: 12356: 12350: 12349: 12339: 12329: 12305: 12299: 12298: 12272: 12252: 12246: 12245: 12235: 12211: 12205: 12204: 12186: 12166: 12160: 12159: 12141: 12117: 12111: 12110: 12100: 12076: 12070: 12069: 12041: 12035: 12034: 11997: 11991: 11990: 11954: 11948: 11947: 11919: 11913: 11912: 11902: 11892: 11868: 11862: 11861: 11859: 11857: 11811: 11805: 11804: 11776: 11770: 11769: 11751: 11745: 11744: 11716: 11710: 11709: 11673: 11667: 11666: 11630: 11624: 11623: 11617: 11609: 11586:Hormone Research 11581: 11575: 11574: 11554: 11548: 11547: 11513: 11507: 11506: 11469: 11460: 11459: 11449: 11439: 11415: 11406: 11405: 11395: 11371: 11362: 11361: 11323: 11317: 11316: 11306: 11274: 11268: 11267: 11233: 11227: 11226: 11190: 11184: 11183: 11147: 11141: 11140: 11130: 11120: 11096: 11090: 11089: 11061: 11055: 11054: 11026: 11020: 11019: 10983: 10977: 10976: 10966: 10934: 10928: 10927: 10917: 10907: 10883: 10877: 10876: 10853:Ann Clin Biochem 10848: 10842: 10841: 10831: 10799: 10788: 10787: 10777: 10760:(6): 1607–1618. 10745: 10734: 10733: 10731: 10729: 10714: 10705: 10704: 10694: 10660: 10654: 10653: 10643: 10633: 10601: 10595: 10594: 10558: 10552: 10551: 10507: 10501: 10500: 10467:(7279): 356–59. 10456: 10450: 10449: 10447: 10445: 10439: 10400: 10391: 10385: 10384: 10366: 10360: 10359: 10349: 10339: 10315: 10309: 10308: 10272: 10266: 10265: 10228: 10222: 10221: 10185: 10179: 10178: 10168: 10144: 10138: 10137: 10093: 10087: 10083: 10077: 10076: 10048: 10042: 10041: 9997: 9991: 9990: 9980: 9948: 9942: 9941: 9939: 9937: 9931: 9900: 9891: 9885: 9884: 9882: 9880: 9874: 9851: 9842: 9836: 9835: 9799: 9793: 9792: 9790: 9788: 9782: 9776:. Archived from 9743: 9734: 9728: 9727: 9699: 9693: 9692: 9656: 9650: 9649: 9639: 9607: 9601: 9600: 9564: 9558: 9557: 9555: 9553: 9531: 9495: 9489: 9488: 9478: 9461:(6): 1733–1738. 9446: 9440: 9439: 9415: 9409: 9408: 9384: 9375: 9374: 9372: 9366:. Archived from 9333: 9324: 9309: 9308: 9272: 9266: 9265: 9249: 9239: 9230: 9229: 9193: 9187: 9186: 9166: 9160: 9159: 9157: 9155: 9144:Psychology Today 9135: 9129: 9128: 9092: 9086: 9085: 9049: 9043: 9042: 9032: 9022: 8990: 8984: 8983: 8981: 8979: 8964: 8958: 8957: 8955: 8953: 8933: 8927: 8926: 8908: 8898: 8874: 8868: 8867: 8839: 8833: 8832: 8822: 8812: 8780: 8774: 8773: 8771: 8769: 8760:. Archived from 8749: 8743: 8742: 8706: 8700: 8699: 8663: 8657: 8656: 8628: 8622: 8621: 8603: 8575: 8569: 8568: 8532: 8526: 8525: 8489: 8483: 8482: 8462: 8456: 8455: 8435: 8424: 8423: 8405: 8377: 8368: 8367: 8331: 8320: 8319: 8309: 8299: 8275: 8266: 8265: 8237: 8228: 8227: 8225: 8223: 8197: 8171: 8162: 8156: 8155: 8127: 8121: 8120: 8102: 8074: 8068: 8067: 8057: 8033: 8027: 8026: 7990: 7984: 7983: 7947: 7941: 7940: 7904: 7898: 7897: 7869: 7863: 7862: 7826: 7820: 7819: 7783: 7777: 7776: 7750: 7730: 7721: 7720: 7684: 7678: 7677: 7641: 7635: 7634: 7606: 7600: 7599: 7571: 7565: 7564: 7528: 7522: 7521: 7503: 7475: 7469: 7468: 7440: 7434: 7433: 7415: 7391: 7385: 7384: 7382: 7380: 7360: 7354: 7353: 7342:10.7326/M19-0882 7324: 7318: 7317: 7281: 7275: 7274: 7272: 7270: 7264: 7257: 7249: 7243: 7242: 7240: 7238: 7217: 7211: 7210: 7200: 7176: 7170: 7169: 7167: 7165: 7146: 7140: 7139: 7121: 7097: 7091: 7090: 7080: 7048: 7035: 7034: 6998: 6992: 6991: 6989: 6987: 6939: 6933: 6932: 6896: 6890: 6889: 6861: 6855: 6854: 6818: 6812: 6811: 6809: 6807: 6792: 6786: 6785: 6783: 6781: 6755: 6729: 6720: 6714: 6713: 6703: 6693: 6691:10.2147/CIA.S190 6669: 6663: 6662: 6634: 6628: 6627: 6598: 6592: 6591: 6568:European Urology 6563: 6557: 6556: 6528: 6522: 6521: 6487: 6481: 6480: 6470: 6438: 6432: 6431: 6395: 6389: 6388: 6378: 6368: 6336: 6330: 6329: 6301: 6295: 6294: 6284: 6260: 6254: 6253: 6251: 6245:. Archived from 6228: 6219:(6): 1078–1093. 6210: 6201: 6195: 6194: 6184: 6174: 6150: 6144: 6143: 6125: 6119: 6118: 6082: 6073: 6072: 6070: 6068: 6038: 6032: 6031: 6029: 6005: 5996: 5995: 5958: 5952: 5951: 5923: 5917: 5916: 5888: 5882: 5881: 5844: 5838: 5837: 5827: 5795: 5789: 5788: 5778: 5768: 5744: 5738: 5737: 5717: 5708: 5707: 5705: 5703: 5685: 5679: 5678: 5668: 5647:Kuhn CM (2002). 5644: 5638: 5637: 5635: 5633: 5604:Thyroid Diseases 5595: 5584: 5583: 5581: 5579: 5551: 5545: 5544: 5508: 5502: 5501: 5499: 5497: 5488:. Archived from 5478: 5472: 5471: 5469: 5467: 5451: 5445: 5444: 5442: 5440: 5421: 5398: 5397: 5385: 5375: 5369: 5368: 5340: 5334: 5333: 5304: 5298: 5297: 5287: 5263: 5257: 5256: 5234: 5225: 5224: 5214: 5204: 5180: 5174: 5173: 5139: 5133: 5132: 5122: 5112: 5088: 5082: 5081: 5053: 5042: 5041: 5039: 5037: 5018: 5012: 5011: 4991: 4968: 4967: 4943: 4692:Central European 4654: 4642: 4604: 4456: 4452: 4439:2.1–23.2 pmol/L 4422:2.8–31.9 pmol/L 4385:3.5–28.8 pmol/L 4368:3.5–21.5 pmol/L 4362:9.4–389.7 pmol/L 4351:2.1–19.4 pmol/L 4345:1.4–276.2 pmol/L 4334:0.3–10.1 pmol/L 4276: 4267: 4198: 4193: 4071: 4062: 4013:10–54 ng/dL 3942: 3936: 3916: 3910: 3873:5–619 ng/dL 3845: 3842:<0.347 nmol/L 3839: 3833: 3827: 3799: 3794: 3789: 3784: 3768:20–64 ng/dL 3716: 3707: 3680: 3673: 3666: 3659: 3651: 3647:hyperandrogenism 3606:seminal vesicles 3558:in the liver by 3392:involved in the 3386: 3385: 3377: 3360: 3353: 3346: 3334: 3130: 3126: 3119: 3115: 3097: 3090: 3083: 3076: 3068: 2938: 2904: 2903: 2883: 2777:700–3600 pmol/L 2732:699–1250 pmol/L 2597:3.1–12.2 nmol/L 2567:600–2500 pmol/L 2486:6.9–34.7 nmol/L 2433: 2426: 2406:production rate 2390: 2383: 2376: 2369: 2361: 2268: 2240: 2239: 2218:sigma-1 receptor 1730:circadian rhythm 1707:supraphysiologic 1595:gender dysphoria 1338:sebaceous glands 1178:seminal vesicles 1066:Anabolic effects 1057:and androgenic ( 936:hyperandrogenism 887:tissues such as 847: 841: 838: 837: 761: 757: 723:Pharmacokinetics 654: 643: 640: 626: 590: 575: 569: 563: 556:Chemical formula 496: 495: 480: 478: 462: 442: 431: 417: 390: 382: 371: 360: 340: 320: 300: 280: 256: 169: 160: 153: 149: 141: 140: 132: 129: 123: 121: 80: 49: 48: 41: 21: 28456: 28455: 28451: 28450: 28449: 28447: 28446: 28445: 28366: 28365: 28364: 28359: 28358: 28353: 28298:Midkine (NEGF2) 28176: 27959: 27858: 27627: 27565:ABT-110 (PG110) 27358: 27338: 27248: 27229: 27198: 27167: 27136: 27091: 26943: 26881:ABT-110 (PG110) 26782: 26719: 26681: 26539: 26353: 26334: 26274: 26271:(against FGF23) 26193: 26060: 25964: 25907: 25853: 25766: 25577: 25561: 25530: 25452: 25444: 25414: 25409: 25387: 25345:isovaleric acid 25308:Sulfonylalkanes 25206:Hopantenic acid 25190:tolfenamic acid 25178:flufenamic acid 25140:dihydroergosine 25083:lithium bromide 25042:Others/unsorted 25037: 24898:Dichloromethane 24873:Chloral hydrate 24868:Chloral betaine 24805: 24742: 24709: 24676: 24648: 24377:Cyclopyrrolones 24362: 24268:Etiocholanolone 24183: 24140: 24101:5-Hydroxykavain 24051: 24023: 23935: 23817: 23265:Benzodiazepines 23259: 23070:Ethallobarbital 23065:Enallylpropymal 22946: 22927:Tribromoethanol 22914:-Butanol (2M2P) 22860:alcoholic drink 22822: 22819: 22811: 22781: 22776: 22736: 22715: 22679: 22495: 22481: 22315:7β-Hydroxy-DHEA 22298: 22134:Levormeloxifene 21964: 21957: 21951: 21867:deoxymiroestrol 21735:-hinokiresinol) 21373:Methallenestril 21275:Doisynolic acid 21076:Methylestradiol 20591:7α-Hydroxy-DHEA 20482: 20472: 20464: 20434: 20429: 20389: 20379: 20270: 19992:Cyanonilutamide 19921:Bavdegalutamide 19732:Epitestosterone 19572: 19403:Acetoxolutamide 19371: 19361: 19070:Norethandrolone 19045:Methyldienolone 18849:Fluoxymesterone 18659:Dimethandrolone 18519:Epiandrosterone 18197: 18187: 18179: 18144: 18134: 18129: 18103: 18088:Clinical trials 18063: 18039: 17918: 17897: 17838: 17796: 17795:Steroidogenesis 17789: 17647: 17624: 17618: 17609: 17559: 17475:Norethandrolone 17360:Fluoxymesterone 17119: 17104: 17097: 17089: 17080: 17050: 17045: 17016:Cholecalciferol 16983: 16964:Androstadienone 16936:Etiocholanolone 16906:7β-Hydroxy-DHEA 16901:7α-Hydroxy-DHEA 16846:Isopregnanolone 16841:Epipregnanolone 16751: 16673: 16655:Estriol sulfate 16645:Estrone sulfate 16575:7α-Hydroxy-DHEA 16413: 16389:Etiocholanolone 16359:Androstenetriol 16289:Epitestosterone 16284:Epiandrosterone 16254:Androstenedione 16197: 16129: 16037:Glucocorticoids 16028:Corticosteroids 16022: 15956: 15948: 15918: 15909: 15879: 15846: 15828: 15796: 15765: 15737: 15699: 15667: 15616: 15588: 15546: 15513: 15470: 15433: 15415: 15399: 15391: 15369: 15353:Adrenal medulla 15346:Androstenedione 15298: 15228: 15205: 15153: 15142: 15135: 15130: 15100: 15095: 15059: 14981: 14930: 14925: 14895: 14883: 14873: 14871: 14863: 14861: 14807: 14805: 14781: 14752: 14750:Further reading 14747: 14746: 14715: 14711: 14672: 14668: 14661: 14647: 14643: 14604: 14600: 14553: 14549: 14494: 14490: 14475: 14471: 14432: 14428: 14405: 14401: 14362: 14358: 14335: 14331: 14308: 14304: 14273: 14266: 14242: 14238: 14225:(5–6): 281–83. 14214: 14210: 14181: 14177: 14167: 14165: 14138: 14134: 14119: 14115: 14105: 14103: 14090: 14089: 14085: 14075: 14073: 14058: 14051: 14041: 14039: 14016: 14012: 13965: 13961: 13951: 13949: 13936: 13935: 13931: 13902: 13898: 13861: 13857: 13812: 13808: 13798: 13796: 13787: 13786: 13782: 13772: 13770: 13761: 13760: 13756: 13746: 13744: 13737: 13721: 13717: 13707: 13705: 13698: 13682: 13678: 13668: 13666: 13659: 13643: 13639: 13629: 13627: 13620: 13604: 13600: 13569: 13562: 13552: 13550: 13543: 13527: 13520: 13475: 13471: 13428: 13424: 13393: 13389: 13350: 13346: 13336: 13334: 13321: 13320: 13316: 13306: 13304: 13297: 13281: 13274: 13229: 13222: 13183: 13179: 13172: 13156: 13152: 13145: 13129: 13125: 13118: 13102: 13098: 13091: 13075: 13071: 13064: 13048: 13044: 13005: 13001: 12970: 12966: 12959: 12945: 12941: 12934: 12918: 12905: 12895: 12893: 12886: 12870: 12866: 12821: 12817: 12807: 12805: 12798: 12782: 12771: 12761: 12759: 12752: 12736: 12713: 12682: 12678: 12668: 12666: 12659: 12643: 12639: 12608: 12604: 12565: 12561: 12540:(12): 3563–70. 12529: 12525: 12486: 12482: 12450: 12433: 12429: 12398: 12394: 12357: 12353: 12306: 12302: 12253: 12249: 12212: 12208: 12184: 12167: 12163: 12118: 12114: 12077: 12073: 12042: 12038: 12009:(1–2): 130–37. 11998: 11994: 11965:(12): 1037–53. 11959:Sports Medicine 11955: 11951: 11920: 11916: 11869: 11865: 11855: 11853: 11838: 11812: 11808: 11777: 11773: 11766: 11752: 11748: 11717: 11713: 11674: 11670: 11631: 11627: 11611: 11610: 11592:(5–6): 217–21. 11582: 11578: 11571: 11555: 11551: 11536: 11514: 11510: 11470: 11463: 11430:(4): e1001051. 11416: 11409: 11372: 11365: 11350: 11324: 11320: 11275: 11271: 11256: 11234: 11230: 11191: 11187: 11148: 11144: 11111:(9): 15412–25. 11097: 11093: 11062: 11058: 11027: 11023: 10984: 10980: 10935: 10931: 10884: 10880: 10849: 10845: 10800: 10791: 10746: 10737: 10727: 10725: 10716: 10715: 10708: 10661: 10657: 10602: 10598: 10569:(7399): E5–E6. 10559: 10555: 10508: 10504: 10457: 10453: 10443: 10441: 10437: 10398: 10392: 10388: 10381: 10367: 10363: 10316: 10312: 10273: 10269: 10240:(7–8): 759–69. 10229: 10225: 10186: 10182: 10145: 10141: 10094: 10090: 10084: 10080: 10049: 10045: 9998: 9994: 9949: 9945: 9935: 9933: 9929: 9898: 9892: 9888: 9878: 9876: 9872: 9849: 9843: 9839: 9800: 9796: 9786: 9784: 9780: 9741: 9735: 9731: 9700: 9696: 9657: 9653: 9608: 9604: 9565: 9561: 9551: 9549: 9534: 9532: 9496: 9492: 9447: 9443: 9416: 9412: 9385: 9378: 9370: 9331: 9325: 9312: 9273: 9269: 9262: 9240: 9233: 9194: 9190: 9167: 9163: 9153: 9151: 9136: 9132: 9093: 9089: 9050: 9046: 8991: 8987: 8977: 8975: 8966: 8965: 8961: 8951: 8949: 8934: 8930: 8875: 8871: 8840: 8836: 8781: 8777: 8767: 8765: 8750: 8746: 8707: 8703: 8664: 8660: 8629: 8625: 8576: 8572: 8533: 8529: 8490: 8486: 8463: 8459: 8436: 8427: 8378: 8371: 8332: 8323: 8276: 8269: 8238: 8231: 8221: 8219: 8169: 8163: 8159: 8128: 8124: 8075: 8071: 8034: 8030: 7991: 7987: 7948: 7944: 7905: 7901: 7870: 7866: 7827: 7823: 7784: 7780: 7731: 7724: 7685: 7681: 7642: 7638: 7607: 7603: 7572: 7568: 7529: 7525: 7476: 7472: 7441: 7437: 7392: 7388: 7378: 7376: 7361: 7357: 7325: 7321: 7282: 7278: 7268: 7266: 7262: 7255: 7251: 7250: 7246: 7236: 7234: 7219: 7218: 7214: 7177: 7173: 7163: 7161: 7148: 7147: 7143: 7098: 7094: 7049: 7038: 6999: 6995: 6985: 6983: 6940: 6936: 6897: 6893: 6872:(12): 1431–32. 6862: 6858: 6819: 6815: 6805: 6803: 6794: 6793: 6789: 6779: 6777: 6727: 6721: 6717: 6670: 6666: 6639:Atherosclerosis 6635: 6631: 6616:10.4065/82.1.29 6599: 6595: 6564: 6560: 6529: 6525: 6510: 6488: 6484: 6439: 6435: 6396: 6392: 6351:(10): e109346. 6337: 6333: 6302: 6298: 6261: 6257: 6249: 6226: 6208: 6202: 6198: 6165:(33): 25103–8. 6151: 6147: 6140: 6126: 6122: 6083: 6076: 6066: 6064: 6057: 6039: 6035: 6006: 5999: 5959: 5955: 5924: 5920: 5889: 5885: 5845: 5841: 5796: 5792: 5745: 5741: 5718: 5711: 5701: 5699: 5686: 5682: 5645: 5641: 5631: 5629: 5622: 5596: 5587: 5577: 5575: 5552: 5548: 5509: 5505: 5495: 5493: 5480: 5479: 5475: 5465: 5463: 5452: 5448: 5438: 5436: 5423: 5422: 5401: 5394: 5376: 5372: 5351:(11): 1441–50. 5341: 5337: 5305: 5301: 5264: 5260: 5253: 5235: 5228: 5202: 5181: 5177: 5162: 5140: 5136: 5089: 5085: 5054: 5045: 5035: 5033: 5020: 5019: 5015: 5008: 4992: 4971: 4964: 4944: 4940: 4935: 4918: 4894:androstenedione 4874: 4855: 4851: 4847: 4838:Leopold Ruzicka 4813:Adolf Butenandt 4739:Leopold Ruzicka 4731: 4672:Eurasian Steppe 4665: 4658: 4655: 4646: 4643: 4622: 4617: 4616: 4615: 4610: 4605: 4585:630 ng/dL 4565:550 ng/dL 4548:370 ng/dL 4531:190 ng/dL 4494:5.8 ng/dL 4359:2.7–112.3 pg/mL 4328:0.3–18.0 pmol/L 4314:0.3–5.6 pmol/L 4297:0.3–2.1 pmol/L 4030:7–40 ng/dL 3919:8–53 ng/dL 3896:8–41 ng/dL 3879:5–53 ng/dL 3862:2–35 ng/dL 3856:1–48 ng/dL 3824:3–10 ng/dL 3813:1–12 ng/dL 3751:5–22 ng/dL 3734:5–16 ng/dL 3677: 3639:reference range 3634: 3600:(including the 3560:cytochrome P450 3545:androstenedione 3533:epiandrosterone 3470:etiocholanolone 3463:17-ketosteroids 3427: 3426: 3425: 3410:glucuronidation 3398:transformations 3387: 3379: 3378: 3370: 3364: 3332: 3128: 3117: 3094: 3052: 3019:Miscellaneous: 3014:body mass index 2998:Zinc deficiency 2949:pituitary gland 2901: 2900: 2894: 2885: 2884: 2875:production rate 2855: 2853: 2800:400–2600 pg/mL 2780:250–1300 pg/mL 2761:Estrone sulfate 2667:310–660 pmol/L 2647:110–400 pmol/L 2622:0.7–2.8 nmol/L 2610: 2585: 2579:Androstenedione 2555: 2549:Estrone sulfate 2528: 2501: 2489:200–1000 ng/dL 2474: 2461:2.8–7.3 nmol/L 2449: 2443:Androstenedione 2416:clearance rate 2415: 2411:secretion rate 2410: 2405: 2400: 2387: 2349:spermatogenesis 2306:androstenedione 2299: 2282:cytochrome P450 2252: 2243:steroidogenesis 2237: 2236: 2230: 2223: 2172: 2154: 2041: 1983: 1978: 1969: 1896: 1886: 1873: 1857: 1840:Falling in love 1837: 1801: 1789: 1757: 1726: 1720: 1715: 1673:prostate cancer 1587: 1581: 1513: 1480:menstrual cycle 1466:prostate cancer 1462: 1452:There are some 1443:masculinization 1413: 1390: 1336:Enlargement of 1263: 1251:bone maturation 1245:(armpit hair), 1237:(appearance of 1223: 1203:masculinization 1198: 1144: 1078:bone maturation 1039: 1034: 948:prostate cancer 866: 859: 854: 853: 852:  ?) 843: 839: 835: 831: 810: 798: 775: 759: 753:97.0–99.5% (to 750: 748:Protein binding 734: 732:Bioavailability 668: 665: 657: 615: 588: 578: 572: 566: 558: 544: 541: 536: 535: 524: 521: 520: 517: 511: 510: 499: 481: 474: 465: 445: 432: 420: 400: 363: 343: 323: 303: 283: 270: 259: 246: 232: 224: 223: 184: 142: 138: 133: 127: 124: 81: 70: 66:primary sources 50: 46: 39: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 28454: 28444: 28443: 28438: 28436:Human hormones 28433: 28428: 28423: 28418: 28413: 28408: 28403: 28398: 28393: 28388: 28383: 28381:Cyclopentanols 28378: 28361: 28360: 28355: 28354: 28352: 28351: 28341: 28340: 28335: 28328:Thrombopoietin 28325: 28320: 28315: 28310: 28305: 28300: 28295: 28290: 28285: 28271: 28266: 28261: 28256: 28249:Erythropoietin 28246: 28208: 28203: 28193: 28191:Adrenomedullin 28184: 28182: 28178: 28177: 28175: 28174: 28165: 28164: 28159: 28154: 28149: 28144: 28135: 28134: 28129: 28124: 28119: 28114: 28109: 28104: 28099: 28094: 28089: 28084: 28079: 28074: 28069: 28064: 28059: 28054: 28049: 28044: 28039: 28034: 28025: 28024: 28015: 28014: 27992: 27987: 27982: 27973: 27971: 27965: 27964: 27961: 27960: 27958: 27957: 27952: 27947: 27942: 27937: 27932: 27927: 27922: 27917: 27912: 27907: 27902: 27897: 27888: 27887: 27882: 27877: 27868: 27866: 27860: 27859: 27857: 27856: 27851: 27846: 27841: 27836: 27831: 27826: 27821: 27816: 27811: 27806: 27801: 27796: 27787: 27786: 27777: 27776: 27771: 27766: 27757: 27756: 27751: 27746: 27741: 27736: 27731: 27726: 27721: 27716: 27711: 27706: 27701: 27696: 27691: 27686: 27681: 27676: 27671: 27666: 27661: 27656: 27654:4'-DMA-7,8-DHF 27651: 27646: 27637: 27635: 27629: 27628: 27626: 27625: 27616: 27615: 27603: 27602: 27597: 27592: 27587: 27582: 27577: 27572: 27567: 27548: 27547: 27541: 27536: 27531: 27526: 27521: 27516: 27511: 27506: 27501: 27496: 27491: 27486: 27481: 27476: 27471: 27462: 27461: 27452: 27451: 27446: 27441: 27436: 27427: 27426: 27421: 27416: 27414:Gambogic amide 27411: 27406: 27401: 27396: 27391: 27386: 27377: 27375: 27366: 27360: 27359: 27357: 27356: 27348: 27346: 27340: 27339: 27337: 27336: 27331: 27326: 27321: 27316: 27311: 27306: 27301: 27296: 27291: 27286: 27277: 27276: 27271: 27262: 27260: 27254: 27253: 27250: 27249: 27247: 27246: 27237: 27235: 27231: 27230: 27228: 27227: 27218: 27217: 27208: 27206: 27200: 27199: 27197: 27196: 27187: 27186: 27184:Artemin (ARTN) 27177: 27175: 27169: 27168: 27166: 27165: 27156: 27155: 27146: 27144: 27138: 27137: 27135: 27134: 27125: 27124: 27119: 27110: 27108: 27099: 27093: 27092: 27090: 27089: 27084: 27079: 27070: 27069: 27064: 27059: 27054: 27049: 27044: 27039: 27034: 27029: 27024: 27019: 27014: 27009: 27004: 26999: 26994: 26985: 26984: 26962: 26953: 26951: 26945: 26944: 26942: 26941: 26932: 26931: 26919: 26918: 26913: 26908: 26903: 26898: 26893: 26888: 26883: 26871: 26870: 26865: 26860: 26855: 26846: 26845: 26840: 26835: 26830: 26825: 26820: 26815: 26810: 26805: 26796: 26794: 26788: 26787: 26784: 26783: 26781: 26780: 26775: 26766: 26765: 26727: 26725: 26721: 26720: 26718: 26717: 26711: 26702: 26701: 26691: 26689: 26683: 26682: 26680: 26679: 26673: 26668: 26663: 26658: 26653: 26648: 26643: 26638: 26629: 26628: 26623: 26618: 26613: 26608: 26599: 26598: 26593: 26588: 26583: 26578: 26573: 26568: 26558: 26556: 26547: 26541: 26540: 26538: 26537: 26532: 26527: 26522: 26517: 26512: 26507: 26498: 26497: 26492: 26487: 26482: 26477: 26472: 26467: 26462: 26457: 26452: 26447: 26442: 26437: 26432: 26427: 26422: 26417: 26412: 26407: 26402: 26393: 26392: 26383: 26382: 26377: 26367: 26365: 26359: 26358: 26355: 26354: 26352: 26351: 26342: 26340: 26336: 26335: 26333: 26332: 26327: 26293: 26284: 26282: 26276: 26275: 26273: 26272: 26262: 26261: 26256: 26251: 26246: 26212: 26203: 26201: 26195: 26194: 26192: 26191: 26182: 26181: 26176: 26167: 26166: 26161: 26156: 26151: 26146: 26141: 26079: 26070: 26068: 26062: 26061: 26059: 26058: 26053: 26048: 26043: 26038: 25996: 25987: 25985: 25976: 25970: 25969: 25966: 25965: 25963: 25962: 25936: 25931: 25926: 25917: 25915: 25909: 25908: 25906: 25905: 25900: 25895: 25886: 25885: 25863: 25861: 25855: 25854: 25852: 25851: 25846: 25841: 25836: 25831: 25822: 25821: 25816: 25811: 25806: 25801: 25796: 25787: 25786: 25776: 25774: 25768: 25767: 25765: 25764: 25759: 25754: 25749: 25744: 25739: 25734: 25729: 25724: 25719: 25710: 25709: 25704: 25699: 25694: 25689: 25684: 25679: 25674: 25669: 25664: 25659: 25654: 25649: 25644: 25635: 25634: 25629: 25624: 25619: 25614: 25609: 25604: 25599: 25594: 25584: 25582: 25569: 25563: 25562: 25560: 25559: 25554: 25549: 25540: 25538: 25532: 25531: 25529: 25528: 25522: 25512: 25511: 25506: 25501: 25492: 25491: 25489:Angiopoietin 3 25486: 25484:Angiopoietin 2 25477: 25476: 25474:Angiopoietin 4 25471: 25469:Angiopoietin 1 25462: 25460: 25454: 25453: 25443: 25442: 25435: 25428: 25420: 25411: 25410: 25392: 25389: 25388: 25386: 25385: 25380: 25375: 25370: 25361: 25360: 25353:valerenic acid 25338: 25333: 25323: 25305: 25300: 25295: 25290: 25285: 25280: 25275: 25270: 25265: 25260: 25255: 25250: 25245: 25223: 25218: 25213: 25208: 25203: 25198: 25193: 25182:mefenamic acid 25171: 25166: 25161: 25156: 25151: 25129: 25124: 25119: 25114: 25109: 25104: 25099: 25094: 25091:sodium bromide 25076: 25066: 25061: 25056: 25051: 25045: 25043: 25039: 25038: 25036: 25035: 25030: 25025: 25020: 25015: 25010: 25005: 25000: 24995: 24990: 24985: 24980: 24975: 24970: 24965: 24960: 24958:Methoxypropane 24955: 24953:Methoxyflurane 24950: 24945: 24940: 24935: 24930: 24925: 24920: 24915: 24913:Ethyl chloride 24910: 24905: 24900: 24895: 24890: 24885: 24880: 24875: 24870: 24865: 24860: 24855: 24850: 24845: 24840: 24835: 24830: 24825: 24819: 24817: 24807: 24806: 24804: 24803: 24798: 24793: 24788: 24783: 24778: 24773: 24768: 24763: 24758: 24752: 24750: 24748:Quinazolinones 24744: 24743: 24741: 24740: 24735: 24730: 24725: 24719: 24717: 24711: 24710: 24708: 24707: 24702: 24697: 24692: 24686: 24684: 24678: 24677: 24675: 24674: 24669: 24664: 24658: 24656: 24650: 24649: 24647: 24646: 24641: 24636: 24631: 24626: 24621: 24616: 24611: 24606: 24601: 24596: 24591: 24586: 24581: 24576: 24571: 24566: 24561: 24556: 24551: 24546: 24541: 24536: 24531: 24526: 24521: 24516: 24511: 24506: 24501: 24491: 24490: 24485: 24480: 24475: 24470: 24465: 24460: 24455: 24443: 24442: 24437: 24432: 24427: 24422: 24410: 24409: 24404: 24399: 24394: 24389: 24384: 24372: 24370: 24364: 24363: 24361: 24360: 24355: 24350: 24345: 24340: 24335: 24330: 24325: 24320: 24315: 24310: 24305: 24300: 24295: 24290: 24285: 24280: 24275: 24270: 24265: 24260: 24255: 24250: 24245: 24240: 24235: 24229: 24224: 24219: 24214: 24209: 24204: 24199: 24193: 24191: 24185: 24184: 24182: 24181: 24176: 24171: 24166: 24161: 24156: 24150: 24148: 24142: 24141: 24139: 24138: 24133: 24128: 24123: 24118: 24113: 24108: 24103: 24098: 24093: 24088: 24083: 24078: 24073: 24068: 24062: 24060: 24053: 24052: 24050: 24049: 24044: 24039: 24033: 24031: 24025: 24024: 24022: 24021: 24016: 24006: 24001: 23996: 23991: 23986: 23981: 23976: 23971: 23966: 23961: 23956: 23951: 23945: 23943: 23937: 23936: 23934: 23933: 23928: 23923: 23918: 23913: 23908: 23903: 23898: 23893: 23888: 23883: 23878: 23873: 23868: 23863: 23858: 23853: 23848: 23843: 23838: 23833: 23827: 23825: 23819: 23818: 23816: 23815: 23810: 23805: 23800: 23795: 23790: 23785: 23780: 23775: 23770: 23765: 23760: 23755: 23750: 23745: 23740: 23735: 23730: 23725: 23720: 23715: 23710: 23705: 23700: 23695: 23690: 23685: 23680: 23675: 23670: 23665: 23660: 23655: 23650: 23645: 23640: 23635: 23630: 23625: 23620: 23615: 23610: 23605: 23600: 23595: 23590: 23585: 23580: 23575: 23570: 23565: 23560: 23555: 23550: 23545: 23540: 23535: 23530: 23525: 23520: 23515: 23510: 23505: 23500: 23495: 23490: 23485: 23480: 23475: 23470: 23465: 23460: 23455: 23450: 23445: 23440: 23435: 23430: 23425: 23420: 23415: 23410: 23405: 23400: 23395: 23390: 23385: 23380: 23375: 23370: 23365: 23360: 23355: 23350: 23345: 23340: 23335: 23330: 23325: 23320: 23315: 23310: 23305: 23300: 23295: 23290: 23285: 23280: 23275: 23269: 23267: 23261: 23260: 23258: 23257: 23252: 23247: 23242: 23237: 23232: 23227: 23222: 23217: 23212: 23207: 23202: 23197: 23192: 23187: 23182: 23177: 23172: 23170:Propylbarbital 23167: 23162: 23157: 23152: 23147: 23142: 23137: 23132: 23127: 23122: 23117: 23112: 23107: 23102: 23097: 23092: 23087: 23082: 23077: 23072: 23067: 23062: 23057: 23052: 23047: 23045:Crotylbarbital 23042: 23037: 23032: 23027: 23022: 23017: 23012: 23010:Brophebarbital 23007: 23005:Brallobarbital 23002: 22997: 22992: 22987: 22982: 22977: 22972: 22967: 22962: 22956: 22954: 22948: 22947: 22945: 22944: 22939: 22934: 22929: 22924: 22916: 22908: 22903: 22898: 22893: 22891:Methylpentynol 22888: 22883: 22878: 22873: 22868: 22863: 22853: 22848: 22843: 22838: 22832: 22830: 22824: 22823: 22817: 22810: 22809: 22802: 22795: 22787: 22778: 22777: 22775: 22774: 22769: 22764: 22759: 22754: 22749: 22745: 22742: 22741: 22738: 22737: 22735: 22734: 22729: 22723: 22721: 22717: 22716: 22714: 22713: 22708: 22703: 22698: 22693: 22687: 22685: 22681: 22680: 22678: 22677: 22672: 22667: 22662: 22657: 22652: 22647: 22642: 22632: 22627: 22622: 22617: 22612: 22607: 22605:Hydroxytyrosol 22602: 22597: 22592: 22587: 22582: 22577: 22572: 22567: 22562: 22557: 22543: 22538: 22533: 22528: 22523: 22518: 22513: 22507: 22505: 22498: 22487: 22486: 22483: 22482: 22480: 22479: 22470: 22469: 22460: 22459: 22454: 22449: 22444: 22439: 22434: 22429: 22424: 22419: 22414: 22409: 22404: 22399: 22394: 22389: 22384: 22379: 22374: 22352: 22347: 22342: 22337: 22332: 22327: 22322: 22320:Chloroindazole 22317: 22312: 22306: 22304: 22300: 22299: 22297: 22296: 22291: 22286: 22281: 22276: 22271: 22266: 22261: 22256: 22251: 22246: 22241: 22239:Spironolactone 22236: 22231: 22226: 22221: 22216: 22211: 22206: 22201: 22196: 22191: 22186: 22181: 22176: 22171: 22166: 22161: 22156: 22151: 22146: 22141: 22136: 22131: 22126: 22121: 22116: 22111: 22106: 22101: 22096: 22091: 22086: 22081: 22076: 22071: 22066: 22061: 22056: 22051: 22046: 22041: 22036: 22031: 22026: 22021: 22016: 22011: 22006: 22001: 21996: 21991: 21986: 21981: 21976: 21970: 21968: 21953: 21952: 21950: 21949: 21940:Others (e.g., 21938: 21888: 21874: 21860: 21830: 21812: 21790: 21748: 21738: 21716: 21711: 21668:liquiritigenin 21577: 21563: 21541: 21515:Xenoestrogens: 21511: 21510: 21505: 21500: 21495: 21486: 21485: 21480: 21475: 21470: 21465: 21460: 21455: 21450: 21445: 21440: 21435: 21430: 21425: 21420: 21415: 21410: 21405: 21400: 21395: 21390: 21388:Paroxypropione 21385: 21380: 21375: 21370: 21365: 21357: 21349: 21344: 21339: 21338: 21337: 21327: 21322: 21317: 21312: 21307: 21302: 21300:Estrobin (DBE) 21297: 21292: 21287: 21282: 21277: 21272: 21267: 21262: 21257: 21256: 21255: 21245: 21244: 21243: 21233: 21228: 21223: 21218: 21213: 21208: 21203: 21198: 21193: 21191:Allenolic acid 21188: 21183: 21178: 21173: 21168: 21163: 21158: 21149: 21148: 21143: 21138: 21133: 21128: 21123: 21118: 21113: 21108: 21103: 21098: 21096:Norethisterone 21093: 21088: 21086:Mytatrienediol 21083: 21078: 21073: 21068: 21063: 21058: 21053: 21048: 21043: 21038: 21033: 21031:Ethylestradiol 21028: 21026:Ethinylestriol 21023: 21022: 21021: 21016: 21006: 21005: 21004: 20994: 20989: 20988: 20987: 20982: 20977: 20975:Estrone esters 20967: 20962: 20957: 20952: 20951: 20950: 20945: 20943:Estriol esters 20935: 20930: 20928:Estrapronicate 20925: 20920: 20915: 20914: 20913: 20908: 20903: 20893: 20888: 20883: 20878: 20873: 20868: 20863: 20858: 20850: 20845: 20840: 20835: 20830: 20825: 20820: 20819: 20818: 20808: 20803: 20798: 20793: 20788: 20783: 20753: 20748: 20746:Alestramustine 20743: 20738: 20733: 20728: 20723: 20718: 20713: 20708: 20703: 20698: 20693: 20683: 20678: 20673: 20668: 20663: 20658: 20653: 20648: 20646:16-Ketoestrone 20643: 20638: 20633: 20628: 20623: 20618: 20613: 20608: 20603: 20598: 20593: 20588: 20583: 20578: 20573: 20568: 20563: 20558: 20553: 20548: 20543: 20538: 20533: 20528: 20523: 20518: 20513: 20508: 20503: 20494: 20492: 20485: 20474: 20473: 20463: 20462: 20455: 20448: 20440: 20431: 20430: 20428: 20427: 20422: 20417: 20412: 20407: 20402: 20398: 20395: 20394: 20391: 20390: 20388: 20387: 20382: 20372: 20367: 20343:-α-Amino acids 20337: 20332: 20327: 20322: 20291: 20289: 20282: 20276: 20275: 20272: 20271: 20269: 20268: 20263: 20258: 20253: 20248: 20243: 20238: 20233: 20228: 20223: 20218: 20213: 20208: 20203: 20198: 20193: 20188: 20183: 20178: 20173: 20168: 20163: 20158: 20153: 20148: 20143: 20138: 20133: 20128: 20120: 20112: 20104: 20099: 20094: 20089: 20084: 20079: 20074: 20069: 20064: 20059: 20054: 20049: 20044: 20039: 20034: 20029: 20024: 20019: 20014: 20009: 19999: 19994: 19989: 19984: 19979: 19974: 19969: 19964: 19959: 19933: 19928: 19923: 19918: 19913: 19908: 19903: 19898: 19893: 19888: 19883: 19870: 19869: 19864: 19859: 19854: 19849: 19844: 19839: 19837:Spironolactone 19834: 19829: 19824: 19819: 19814: 19809: 19804: 19799: 19794: 19789: 19784: 19779: 19774: 19769: 19764: 19759: 19754: 19749: 19744: 19739: 19734: 19729: 19724: 19719: 19714: 19709: 19704: 19699: 19694: 19689: 19684: 19679: 19674: 19669: 19664: 19662:Cyproheptadine 19659: 19654: 19649: 19644: 19639: 19637:Canrenoic acid 19634: 19629: 19624: 19619: 19614: 19609: 19604: 19599: 19594: 19589: 19580: 19578: 19574: 19573: 19571: 19570: 19565: 19560: 19555: 19546: 19545: 19540: 19535: 19530: 19525: 19520: 19515: 19510: 19505: 19500: 19495: 19490: 19485: 19480: 19475: 19470: 19465: 19460: 19455: 19450: 19445: 19440: 19435: 19430: 19425: 19420: 19415: 19410: 19405: 19400: 19395: 19390: 19385: 19376: 19374: 19363: 19362: 19360: 19359: 19354: 19349: 19344: 19339: 19334: 19329: 19320: 19319: 19314: 19309: 19300: 19299: 19294: 19285: 19284: 19279: 19278: 19277: 19267: 19265:Norgestrienone 19262: 19257: 19243: 19241:Norethisterone 19238: 19237: 19236: 19226: 19216: 19214:Levonorgestrel 19211: 19206: 19201: 19200: 19199: 19189: 19184: 19179: 19170: 19169: 19164: 19159: 19150: 19149: 19144: 19143: 19142: 19132: 19123: 19122: 19113: 19112: 19103: 19102: 19097: 19088: 19087: 19082: 19077: 19072: 19067: 19062: 19057: 19052: 19047: 19042: 19037: 19035:Ethyldienolone 19032: 19027: 19022: 19013: 19012: 19007: 19002: 18997: 18992: 18987: 18982: 18977: 18976: 18975: 18970: 18960: 18955: 18950: 18945: 18940: 18938:Androisoxazole 18931: 18930: 18925: 18920: 18915: 18914: 18913: 18898: 18893: 18892: 18891: 18886: 18881: 18876: 18866: 18861: 18856: 18851: 18846: 18841: 18836: 18831: 18826: 18821: 18816: 18807: 18806: 18801: 18796: 18787: 18786: 18785: 18784: 18779: 18769: 18764: 18763: 18762: 18757: 18752: 18747: 18737: 18736: 18735: 18725: 18720: 18719: 18718: 18708: 18707: 18706: 18696: 18691: 18678: 18677: 18676: 18671: 18666: 18656: 18651: 18646: 18641: 18636: 18635: 18634: 18624: 18619: 18614: 18609: 18608: 18607: 18597: 18588: 18587: 18582: 18581: 18580: 18570: 18565: 18564: 18563: 18553: 18551:Methyldiazinol 18548: 18547: 18546: 18536: 18531: 18526: 18521: 18516: 18515: 18514: 18504: 18503: 18502: 18487: 18482: 18477: 18472: 18471: 18470: 18460: 18455: 18450: 18445: 18440: 18435: 18433:1-Testosterone 18430: 18425: 18420: 18411: 18410: 18409: 18408: 18403: 18388: 18383: 18378: 18373: 18368: 18363: 18362: 18361: 18356: 18346: 18341: 18340: 18339: 18329: 18328: 18327: 18322: 18317: 18307: 18302: 18301: 18300: 18290: 18285: 18280: 18279: 18278: 18273: 18268: 18263: 18253: 18248: 18243: 18238: 18233: 18228: 18223: 18218: 18209: 18207: 18200: 18189: 18188: 18178: 18177: 18170: 18163: 18155: 18149: 18146: 18145: 18131: 18130: 18128: 18127: 18122: 18117: 18112: 18107: 18102: 18101: 18100: 18099: 18096: 18085: 18079: 18073: 18072: 18069: 18068: 18065: 18064: 18062: 18061: 18056: 18047: 18045: 18041: 18040: 18038: 18037: 18007: 17997: 17987: 17984:paroxypropione 17953: 17946:chlorpromazine 17934:metoclopramide 17916: 17911: 17909: 17903: 17902: 17899: 17898: 17896: 17895: 17893:Spironolactone 17890: 17885: 17880: 17875: 17870: 17865: 17860: 17855: 17846: 17844: 17840: 17839: 17837: 17836: 17831: 17826: 17821: 17816: 17810: 17808: 17799: 17791: 17790: 17788: 17787: 17782: 17777: 17772: 17767: 17762: 17757: 17752: 17747: 17742: 17733: 17732: 17730:Spironolactone 17727: 17722: 17717: 17712: 17707: 17702: 17697: 17692: 17687: 17682: 17677: 17672: 17667: 17655: 17653: 17636: 17630: 17629: 17626: 17625: 17623: 17622: 17598: 17584: 17569: 17567: 17561: 17560: 17558: 17557: 17548: 17547: 17542: 17539:norgestrienone 17523:levonorgestrel 17512: 17507: 17498: 17497: 17488: 17487: 17482: 17477: 17472: 17467: 17458: 17457: 17452: 17447: 17442: 17437: 17432: 17427: 17425:Androisoxazole 17418: 17417: 17412: 17407: 17402: 17397: 17392: 17387: 17382: 17377: 17372: 17367: 17362: 17357: 17352: 17347: 17338: 17337: 17332: 17327: 17322: 17317: 17312: 17298: 17289: 17288: 17283: 17278: 17273: 17268: 17263: 17258: 17253: 17248: 17243: 17234: 17233: 17191: 17186: 17181: 17176: 17171: 17166: 17161: 17156: 17151: 17146: 17141: 17136: 17127: 17125: 17108: 17091: 17090: 17079: 17078: 17071: 17064: 17056: 17047: 17046: 17044: 17043: 17038: 17033: 17028: 17019: 17018: 17013: 17008: 17003: 16991: 16989: 16985: 16984: 16982: 16981: 16979:Estratetraenol 16976: 16971: 16966: 16961: 16959:Androstadienol 16956: 16954:3β-Androstenol 16951: 16949:3α-Androstenol 16939: 16938: 16933: 16928: 16923: 16918: 16913: 16908: 16903: 16898: 16893: 16891:3α-Androstenol 16888: 16879: 16878: 16873: 16868: 16863: 16858: 16853: 16848: 16843: 16838: 16833: 16828: 16823: 16821:Corticosterone 16818: 16813: 16808: 16803: 16798: 16793: 16784: 16783: 16778: 16765: 16763: 16757: 16756: 16753: 16752: 16750: 16749: 16744: 16739: 16734: 16725: 16724: 16719: 16714: 16709: 16704: 16699: 16694: 16689: 16683: 16681: 16675: 16674: 16672: 16671: 16657: 16652: 16647: 16642: 16637: 16632: 16627: 16622: 16617: 16612: 16607: 16602: 16597: 16592: 16583: 16582: 16577: 16572: 16567: 16562: 16557: 16552: 16547: 16542: 16537: 16528: 16527: 16525:16-Ketoestrone 16522: 16517: 16512: 16507: 16502: 16497: 16492: 16487: 16482: 16477: 16472: 16467: 16462: 16457: 16452: 16447: 16442: 16437: 16432: 16423: 16421: 16415: 16414: 16412: 16411: 16406: 16401: 16396: 16391: 16386: 16381: 16376: 16371: 16366: 16361: 16356: 16351: 16346: 16341: 16336: 16331: 16326: 16321: 16312: 16311: 16306: 16301: 16296: 16291: 16286: 16281: 16276: 16271: 16266: 16261: 16256: 16251: 16249:Androstenediol 16246: 16241: 16236: 16231: 16226: 16220: 16218: 16209: 16203: 16202: 16199: 16198: 16196: 16195: 16190: 16188:Corticosterone 16185: 16180: 16175: 16170: 16165: 16160: 16155: 16150: 16145: 16139: 16137: 16131: 16130: 16128: 16127: 16122: 16113: 16112: 16107: 16102: 16097: 16092: 16087: 16082: 16080:Corticosterone 16077: 16072: 16067: 16062: 16057: 16052: 16047: 16041: 16039: 16030: 16024: 16023: 16021: 16020: 16015: 16010: 16005: 16000: 15995: 15990: 15981: 15972: 15966: 15964: 15958: 15957: 15947: 15946: 15939: 15932: 15924: 15915: 15914: 15911: 15910: 15908: 15907: 15906: 15905: 15900: 15889: 15887: 15881: 15880: 15878: 15877: 15872: 15867: 15862: 15856: 15854: 15848: 15847: 15845: 15844: 15838: 15836: 15830: 15829: 15827: 15826: 15821: 15816: 15810: 15808: 15806:Adipose tissue 15802: 15801: 15798: 15797: 15795: 15794: 15793: 15792: 15787: 15776: 15774: 15767: 15766: 15764: 15763: 15758: 15753: 15751:Enteroglucagon 15747: 15745: 15739: 15738: 15736: 15735: 15730: 15725: 15720: 15715: 15709: 15707: 15701: 15700: 15698: 15697: 15692: 15686: 15684: 15675: 15669: 15668: 15666: 15665: 15660: 15655: 15654: 15653: 15651:Beta thymosins 15648: 15637: 15635: 15626: 15622: 15621: 15618: 15617: 15615: 15614: 15609: 15604: 15598: 15596: 15590: 15589: 15587: 15586: 15581: 15576: 15571: 15566: 15560: 15558: 15552: 15551: 15548: 15547: 15545: 15544: 15539: 15534: 15529: 15523: 15521: 15515: 15514: 15512: 15511: 15506: 15501: 15496: 15491: 15486: 15480: 15478: 15472: 15471: 15469: 15468: 15463: 15458: 15452: 15450: 15441: 15435: 15434: 15432: 15431: 15425: 15423: 15417: 15416: 15414: 15413: 15408: 15403: 15402: 15401: 15397: 15393: 15389: 15379: 15377: 15371: 15370: 15368: 15367: 15366: 15365: 15363:Norepinephrine 15360: 15350: 15349: 15348: 15343: 15338: 15333: 15328: 15323: 15316:Adrenal cortex 15312: 15310: 15304: 15303: 15300: 15299: 15297: 15296: 15291: 15290: 15289: 15284: 15279: 15274: 15269: 15259: 15254: 15249: 15244: 15238: 15236: 15230: 15229: 15227: 15226: 15221: 15215: 15213: 15207: 15206: 15204: 15203: 15198: 15193: 15188: 15183: 15178: 15173: 15167: 15165: 15156: 15145: 15137: 15136: 15129: 15128: 15121: 15114: 15106: 15097: 15096: 15094: 15093: 15088: 15083: 15078: 15073: 15067: 15065: 15061: 15060: 15058: 15057: 15052: 15047: 15042: 15037: 15032: 15027: 15022: 15017: 15012: 15007: 15002: 14997: 14995:Androgen ester 14991: 14989: 14983: 14982: 14980: 14979: 14974: 14969: 14964: 14959: 14954: 14949: 14944: 14938: 14936: 14932: 14931: 14924: 14923: 14916: 14909: 14901: 14894: 14893: 14881: 14860: 14859: 14814: 14785: 14779: 14753: 14751: 14748: 14745: 14744: 14709: 14682:(5): 325–338. 14676:Insect Science 14666: 14659: 14641: 14598: 14547: 14488: 14469: 14426: 14399: 14356: 14329: 14318:(9): 1859–62. 14302: 14264: 14236: 14208: 14195:(2): 495–500. 14175: 14132: 14113: 14083: 14049: 14010: 13959: 13929: 13916:(6): 492–505. 13896: 13875:(9): 1777–84. 13855: 13826:(6): 102–108. 13822:(in Russian). 13806: 13780: 13754: 13735: 13715: 13696: 13676: 13657: 13637: 13618: 13598: 13560: 13541: 13518: 13469: 13422: 13387: 13360:(5): 263–264. 13344: 13314: 13295: 13272: 13220: 13193:(1–6): 253–7. 13177: 13170: 13150: 13143: 13123: 13116: 13096: 13089: 13069: 13062: 13042: 12999: 12964: 12957: 12939: 12932: 12903: 12884: 12864: 12815: 12796: 12769: 12750: 12711: 12676: 12657: 12637: 12602: 12559: 12523: 12480: 12427: 12392: 12371:(3): 293–311. 12351: 12300: 12247: 12206: 12177:(5): 344–348. 12161: 12132:(3): 223–225. 12112: 12091:(2): 173–180. 12071: 12036: 11992: 11949: 11914: 11883:(2): 192–202. 11863: 11836: 11828:10.17226/10852 11816:"Introduction" 11806: 11771: 11764: 11746: 11711: 11668: 11625: 11576: 11569: 11549: 11534: 11508: 11461: 11407: 11386:(3): R139–55. 11363: 11348: 11318: 11269: 11254: 11228: 11201:(16): 732–37. 11185: 11142: 11091: 11056: 11021: 10978: 10929: 10878: 10843: 10814:(4): 302–324. 10789: 10735: 10706: 10655: 10596: 10553: 10502: 10451: 10386: 10379: 10361: 10310: 10267: 10223: 10180: 10159:(8): 2433–38. 10139: 10088: 10078: 10043: 10008:(1): 399–415. 9992: 9943: 9909:(3): 304–312. 9886: 9860:(5): 330–335. 9837: 9810:(7): 568–571. 9794: 9729: 9694: 9667:(5): 620–627. 9651: 9622:(3): 771–782. 9602: 9575:(5): 558–564. 9559: 9506:(3): 215–222. 9490: 9441: 9410: 9376: 9342:(3): 319–345. 9310: 9267: 9260: 9231: 9188: 9177:(5): 627–633. 9161: 9130: 9087: 9044: 8985: 8959: 8928: 8869: 8834: 8775: 8744: 8701: 8658: 8645:10.1086/667538 8623: 8570: 8543:(9): 1153–62. 8527: 8484: 8457: 8425: 8369: 8321: 8267: 8248:(5): 399–408. 8229: 8157: 8122: 8069: 8028: 7985: 7942: 7899: 7864: 7821: 7778: 7748: 7722: 7679: 7636: 7601: 7566: 7539:(3): 354–366. 7523: 7486:(2): 206–213. 7470: 7435: 7386: 7355: 7336:(2): 126–133. 7319: 7292:(2): 107–117. 7276: 7244: 7212: 7191:(4): 216–226. 7171: 7141: 7112:(5): 742–749. 7092: 7036: 6993: 6934: 6891: 6856: 6813: 6787: 6715: 6664: 6629: 6593: 6558: 6539:(9): 2202–08. 6523: 6508: 6482: 6433: 6390: 6331: 6296: 6275:(5): 349–356. 6255: 6196: 6145: 6138: 6120: 6074: 6055: 6033: 5997: 5970:(9): 2473–80. 5953: 5918: 5883: 5839: 5790: 5759:(2): 109–114. 5739: 5709: 5680: 5639: 5620: 5585: 5546: 5519:(3): 181–186. 5503: 5473: 5456:"Introduction" 5446: 5425:"Testosterone" 5399: 5392: 5370: 5335: 5299: 5258: 5251: 5226: 5175: 5160: 5134: 5083: 5043: 5013: 5006: 4969: 4962: 4937: 4936: 4934: 4931: 4930: 4929: 4924: 4917: 4914: 4873: 4870: 4853: 4849: 4845: 4730: 4727: 4700:Czech Republic 4664: 4661: 4660: 4659: 4656: 4649: 4647: 4644: 4637: 4621: 4618: 4607: 4606: 4599: 4598: 4597: 4594: 4593: 4587: 4586: 4583: 4580: 4577: 4574: 4571: 4567: 4566: 4563: 4560: 4557: 4554: 4550: 4549: 4546: 4543: 4540: 4537: 4533: 4532: 4529: 4526: 4523: 4520: 4516: 4515: 4514:40 ng/dL 4512: 4509: 4506: 4503: 4500: 4496: 4495: 4492: 4489: 4486: 4483: 4480: 4476: 4475: 4472: 4469: 4466: 4463: 4460: 4449: 4448: 4447:See template. 4441: 4440: 4437: 4434: 4431: 4428: 4427:Postmenopausal 4424: 4423: 4420: 4417: 4414: 4411: 4407: 4406: 4403: 4400: 4399:153–847 pmol/L 4397: 4394: 4391: 4387: 4386: 4383: 4380: 4377: 4376:31.5–159 pg/mL 4374: 4370: 4369: 4366: 4363: 4360: 4357: 4353: 4352: 4349: 4346: 4343: 4342:0.4–79.6 pg/mL 4340: 4336: 4335: 4332: 4329: 4326: 4323: 4320: 4316: 4315: 4312: 4309: 4308:0.3–2.8 pmol/L 4306: 4303: 4299: 4298: 4295: 4292: 4291:0.3–2.1 pmol/L 4289: 4286: 4283: 4279: 4278: 4272: 4269: 4263: 4259: 4258: 4255: 4252: 4249: 4245: 4244: 4240: 4239: 4236: 4233: 4230: 4227: 4226:Postmenopausal 4223: 4222: 4219: 4216: 4213: 4210: 4206: 4205: 4202: 4199: 4194: 4189: 4186: 4182: 4181: 4178: 4175: 4172: 4169: 4165: 4164: 4161: 4158: 4155: 4152: 4148: 4147: 4144: 4141: 4138: 4135: 4131: 4130: 4127: 4124: 4121: 4118: 4115: 4111: 4110: 4107: 4104: 4101: 4098: 4094: 4093: 4090: 4087: 4084: 4081: 4078: 4074: 4073: 4067: 4064: 4058: 4054: 4053: 4050: 4047: 4044: 4040: 4039: 4035: 4034: 4031: 4028: 4025: 4022: 4021:Postmenopausal 4018: 4017: 4014: 4011: 4008: 4005: 4001: 4000: 3997: 3994: 3991: 3988: 3984: 3983: 3980: 3977: 3974: 3971: 3967: 3966: 3963: 3960: 3957: 3954: 3950: 3949: 3946: 3943: 3937: 3931: 3928: 3924: 3923: 3920: 3917: 3911: 3905: 3901: 3900: 3897: 3894: 3891: 3888: 3884: 3883: 3880: 3877: 3874: 3871: 3867: 3866: 3863: 3860: 3857: 3854: 3851: 3847: 3846: 3840: 3834: 3828: 3822: 3818: 3817: 3814: 3811: 3810:0–0.277 nmol/L 3808: 3807:0–8 ng/dL 3805: 3801: 3800: 3795: 3790: 3785: 3780: 3777: 3773: 3772: 3769: 3766: 3763: 3760: 3756: 3755: 3752: 3749: 3746: 3743: 3739: 3738: 3735: 3732: 3729: 3726: 3723: 3719: 3718: 3712: 3709: 3703: 3699: 3698: 3695: 3692: 3689: 3685: 3684: 3676: 3675: 3668: 3661: 3653: 3633: 3630: 3618:hair follicles 3602:prostate gland 3486:glucuronidated 3437:mainly in the 3429: 3428: 3381: 3380: 3372: 3371: 3363: 3362: 3355: 3348: 3340: 3339: 3338: 3337: 3331: 3328: 3325: 3324: 3323:See template. 3317: 3316: 3313: 3310: 3307: 3304: 3301: 3297: 3296: 3293: 3290: 3287: 3284: 3281: 3277: 3276: 3273: 3270: 3267: 3264: 3261: 3257: 3256: 3252: 3251: 3248: 3245: 3242: 3239: 3236: 3233: 3227: 3226: 3223: 3220: 3217: 3214: 3211: 3207: 3206: 3203: 3200: 3197: 3194: 3191: 3187: 3186: 3183: 3180: 3177: 3174: 3171: 3167: 3166: 3162: 3161: 3158: 3155: 3152: 3149: 3146: 3143: 3139: 3138: 3132: 3121: 3110: 3107: 3104: 3101: 3093: 3092: 3085: 3078: 3070: 3051: 3048: 3047: 3046: 3031: 3028: 3017: 3009: 3008:levels in men. 2982: 2971: 2893: 2890: 2887: 2886: 2866:secretion rate 2854: 2851: 2850: 2847: 2846: 2843: 2840: 2837: 2834: 2831: 2827: 2826: 2825:0.1–0.9 ng/mL 2823: 2820: 2817: 2814: 2811: 2808: 2802: 2801: 2798: 2795: 2792: 2791:Insignificant 2789: 2786: 2782: 2781: 2778: 2775: 2772: 2771:Insignificant 2769: 2766: 2763: 2757: 2756: 2753: 2750: 2747: 2746:Insignificant 2744: 2741: 2740:Postmenopause 2737: 2736: 2735:190–341 pg/mL 2733: 2730: 2727: 2724: 2721: 2717: 2716: 2713: 2710: 2707: 2704: 2701: 2698: 2692: 2691: 2688: 2687:22–230 pmol/L 2685: 2682: 2681:Insignificant 2679: 2676: 2675:Postmenopause 2672: 2671: 2668: 2665: 2662: 2659: 2656: 2652: 2651: 2648: 2645: 2642: 2639: 2636: 2633: 2627: 2626: 2623: 2620: 2617: 2614: 2611: 2608: 2606: 2602: 2601: 2598: 2595: 2592: 2589: 2586: 2583: 2581: 2576: 2572: 2571: 2570:200–900 pg/mL 2568: 2565: 2562: 2561:Insignificant 2559: 2556: 2553: 2551: 2545: 2544: 2541: 2538: 2535: 2532: 2529: 2526: 2524: 2518: 2517: 2514: 2513:37–250 pmol/L 2511: 2508: 2505: 2502: 2499: 2497: 2491: 2490: 2487: 2484: 2481: 2478: 2475: 2472: 2470: 2466: 2465: 2462: 2459: 2456: 2453: 2450: 2447: 2445: 2440: 2436: 2435: 2428: 2421: 2420: 2417: 2412: 2407: 2402: 2397: 2394: 2386: 2385: 2378: 2371: 2363: 2353:plasma protein 2331:, and, during 2321:adrenal glands 2297: 2251: 2248: 2229: 2226: 2221: 2170: 2163:, is a potent 2153: 2150: 2040: 2037: 1982: 1979: 1977: 1974: 1968: 1965: 1963:testosterone. 1885: 1882: 1872: 1869: 1856: 1853: 1836: 1833: 1800: 1797: 1788: 1785: 1770: 1756: 1753: 1719: 1718:Sexual arousal 1716: 1714: 1711: 1661:liver toxicity 1583:Main article: 1580: 1577: 1512: 1509: 1504:life extension 1461: 1460:Health effects 1458: 1417:megakaryocytes 1411: 1389: 1386: 1385: 1384: 1345: 1334: 1327: 1317: 1306: 1262: 1259: 1249:, accelerated 1222: 1221:Before puberty 1219: 1197: 1194: 1143: 1140: 1128: 1127: 1081: 1038: 1035: 1033: 1030: 975:biosynthesized 864: 861: 860: 855: 833: 832: 828:standard state 825: 822: 821: 811: 806: 803: 802: 799: 794: 791: 790: 776: 771: 768: 767: 751: 746: 743: 742: 735: 730: 727: 726: 719: 718: 669: 666:administration 662: 659: 658: 656: 655: 637: 635: 629: 628: 616: 611: 608: 607: 603: 602: 599: 593: 592: 586: 580: 579: 576: 570: 564: 559: 554: 551: 550: 546: 545: 543: 542: 539: 531: 530: 529: 526: 525: 523: 522: 518: 515: 514: 506: 505: 504: 501: 500: 498: 497: 484: 482: 470: 467: 466: 464: 463: 455: 453: 447: 446: 444: 443: 435: 433: 425: 422: 421: 419: 418: 410: 408: 402: 401: 399: 398: 394: 392: 384: 383: 373: 365: 364: 362: 361: 353: 351: 345: 344: 342: 341: 333: 331: 325: 324: 322: 321: 313: 311: 305: 304: 302: 301: 293: 291: 285: 284: 282: 281: 273: 271: 264: 261: 260: 258: 257: 249: 247: 242: 239: 238: 234: 233: 230: 226: 225: 193: 192: 186: 185: 182: 176: 175: 171: 170: 162: 161: 144: 143: 136: 134: 128:September 2023 87:"Testosterone" 53: 51: 44: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 28453: 28442: 28439: 28437: 28434: 28432: 28429: 28427: 28424: 28422: 28419: 28417: 28414: 28412: 28409: 28407: 28404: 28402: 28399: 28397: 28394: 28392: 28389: 28387: 28384: 28382: 28379: 28377: 28374: 28373: 28371: 28349: 28346: 28343: 28342: 28339: 28336: 28333: 28329: 28326: 28324: 28321: 28319: 28316: 28314: 28311: 28309: 28306: 28304: 28301: 28299: 28296: 28294: 28291: 28289: 28286: 28283: 28279: 28275: 28272: 28270: 28267: 28265: 28262: 28260: 28257: 28254: 28250: 28247: 28244: 28240: 28236: 28232: 28228: 28224: 28220: 28216: 28212: 28209: 28207: 28204: 28201: 28197: 28194: 28192: 28189: 28186: 28185: 28183: 28179: 28173: 28170: 28167: 28166: 28163: 28160: 28158: 28155: 28153: 28150: 28148: 28145: 28143: 28140: 28137: 28136: 28133: 28130: 28128: 28125: 28123: 28120: 28118: 28115: 28113: 28110: 28108: 28105: 28103: 28100: 28098: 28095: 28093: 28090: 28088: 28085: 28083: 28080: 28078: 28075: 28073: 28070: 28068: 28065: 28063: 28060: 28058: 28055: 28053: 28050: 28048: 28045: 28043: 28040: 28038: 28035: 28033: 28030: 28027: 28026: 28023: 28022:Cyclotraxin B 28020: 28017: 28016: 28012: 28008: 28004: 28000: 27996: 27993: 27991: 27988: 27986: 27983: 27981: 27978: 27975: 27974: 27972: 27970: 27966: 27956: 27953: 27951: 27948: 27946: 27943: 27941: 27938: 27936: 27935:Larotrectinib 27933: 27931: 27928: 27926: 27923: 27921: 27918: 27916: 27913: 27911: 27908: 27906: 27903: 27901: 27898: 27896: 27893: 27890: 27889: 27886: 27883: 27881: 27878: 27876: 27873: 27870: 27869: 27867: 27865: 27861: 27855: 27852: 27850: 27847: 27845: 27842: 27840: 27837: 27835: 27834:Larotrectinib 27832: 27830: 27827: 27825: 27822: 27820: 27817: 27815: 27812: 27810: 27807: 27805: 27802: 27800: 27797: 27795: 27792: 27789: 27788: 27785: 27782: 27779: 27778: 27775: 27772: 27770: 27769:Cyclotraxin B 27767: 27765: 27762: 27759: 27758: 27755: 27752: 27750: 27747: 27745: 27742: 27740: 27737: 27735: 27732: 27730: 27727: 27725: 27722: 27720: 27717: 27715: 27712: 27710: 27707: 27705: 27702: 27700: 27697: 27695: 27692: 27690: 27687: 27685: 27682: 27680: 27679:Amitriptyline 27677: 27675: 27672: 27670: 27667: 27665: 27662: 27660: 27657: 27655: 27652: 27650: 27647: 27645: 27642: 27639: 27638: 27636: 27634: 27630: 27624: 27621: 27618: 27617: 27614: 27611: 27608: 27605: 27604: 27601: 27598: 27596: 27593: 27591: 27588: 27586: 27583: 27581: 27578: 27576: 27573: 27571: 27568: 27566: 27563: 27559: 27556: 27555:Against TrkA: 27553: 27550: 27549: 27545: 27542: 27540: 27537: 27535: 27532: 27530: 27527: 27525: 27522: 27520: 27517: 27515: 27512: 27510: 27509:Larotrectinib 27507: 27505: 27502: 27500: 27497: 27495: 27492: 27490: 27487: 27485: 27482: 27480: 27477: 27475: 27472: 27470: 27467: 27464: 27463: 27460: 27457: 27454: 27453: 27450: 27447: 27445: 27442: 27440: 27439:Dexamethasone 27437: 27435: 27432: 27429: 27428: 27425: 27422: 27420: 27417: 27415: 27412: 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27023: 27020: 27018: 27015: 27013: 27010: 27008: 27005: 27003: 27000: 26998: 26995: 26993: 26990: 26987: 26986: 26982: 26978: 26974: 26970: 26966: 26963: 26961: 26958: 26955: 26954: 26952: 26950: 26946: 26940: 26937: 26934: 26933: 26930: 26927: 26924: 26921: 26920: 26917: 26914: 26912: 26909: 26907: 26904: 26902: 26899: 26897: 26894: 26892: 26889: 26887: 26884: 26882: 26879: 26876: 26873: 26872: 26869: 26866: 26864: 26861: 26859: 26858:Dexamethasone 26856: 26854: 26851: 26848: 26847: 26844: 26841: 26839: 26836: 26834: 26831: 26829: 26826: 26824: 26821: 26819: 26816: 26814: 26811: 26809: 26806: 26804: 26801: 26798: 26797: 26795: 26793: 26789: 26779: 26776: 26774: 26771: 26768: 26767: 26763: 26759: 26755: 26751: 26747: 26743: 26739: 26735: 26732: 26729: 26728: 26726: 26722: 26715: 26712: 26710: 26707: 26704: 26703: 26700: 26696: 26693: 26692: 26690: 26688: 26684: 26677: 26674: 26672: 26669: 26667: 26664: 26662: 26659: 26657: 26654: 26652: 26649: 26647: 26644: 26642: 26639: 26637: 26634: 26631: 26630: 26627: 26624: 26622: 26619: 26617: 26614: 26612: 26609: 26607: 26604: 26601: 26600: 26597: 26594: 26592: 26589: 26587: 26584: 26582: 26579: 26577: 26574: 26572: 26569: 26567: 26566:des(1-3)IGF-1 26563: 26560: 26559: 26557: 26555: 26551: 26548: 26546: 26542: 26536: 26533: 26531: 26530:Telisotuzumab 26528: 26526: 26523: 26521: 26518: 26516: 26513: 26511: 26508: 26506: 26503: 26500: 26499: 26496: 26493: 26491: 26488: 26486: 26483: 26481: 26478: 26476: 26473: 26471: 26468: 26466: 26463: 26461: 26458: 26456: 26453: 26451: 26448: 26446: 26443: 26441: 26438: 26436: 26433: 26431: 26428: 26426: 26423: 26421: 26418: 26416: 26413: 26411: 26408: 26406: 26403: 26401: 26398: 26395: 26394: 26391: 26388: 26387:Potentiators: 26385: 26384: 26381: 26378: 26376: 26372: 26369: 26368: 26366: 26364: 26360: 26350: 26347: 26344: 26343: 26341: 26337: 26331: 26328: 26325: 26321: 26317: 26313: 26309: 26305: 26301: 26297: 26294: 26292: 26289: 26286: 26285: 26283: 26281: 26277: 26270: 26267: 26264: 26263: 26260: 26257: 26255: 26252: 26250: 26249:Selpercatinib 26247: 26244: 26240: 26236: 26232: 26228: 26224: 26220: 26216: 26213: 26211: 26208: 26205: 26204: 26202: 26200: 26196: 26190: 26187: 26184: 26183: 26180: 26177: 26175: 26172: 26169: 26168: 26165: 26162: 26160: 26157: 26155: 26154:Selpercatinib 26152: 26150: 26147: 26145: 26142: 26139: 26135: 26131: 26127: 26123: 26119: 26115: 26111: 26107: 26103: 26099: 26095: 26091: 26087: 26083: 26080: 26078: 26075: 26072: 26071: 26069: 26067: 26063: 26057: 26054: 26052: 26049: 26047: 26046:Selpercatinib 26044: 26042: 26039: 26036: 26032: 26028: 26024: 26020: 26016: 26012: 26008: 26004: 26000: 25997: 25995: 25992: 25989: 25988: 25986: 25984: 25980: 25977: 25975: 25971: 25960: 25956: 25952: 25948: 25944: 25940: 25937: 25935: 25932: 25930: 25927: 25925: 25922: 25919: 25918: 25916: 25914: 25910: 25904: 25901: 25899: 25896: 25894: 25891: 25888: 25887: 25883: 25879: 25875: 25871: 25868: 25865: 25864: 25862: 25860: 25856: 25850: 25847: 25845: 25842: 25840: 25837: 25835: 25832: 25830: 25827: 25824: 25823: 25820: 25817: 25815: 25812: 25810: 25807: 25805: 25802: 25800: 25797: 25795: 25792: 25789: 25788: 25785: 25781: 25778: 25777: 25775: 25773: 25769: 25763: 25760: 25758: 25755: 25753: 25750: 25748: 25745: 25743: 25740: 25738: 25735: 25733: 25730: 25728: 25725: 25723: 25722:Depatuxizumab 25720: 25718: 25715: 25712: 25711: 25708: 25705: 25703: 25700: 25698: 25695: 25693: 25690: 25688: 25685: 25683: 25680: 25678: 25675: 25673: 25670: 25668: 25665: 25663: 25660: 25658: 25655: 25653: 25650: 25648: 25645: 25643: 25640: 25637: 25636: 25633: 25630: 25628: 25625: 25623: 25620: 25618: 25615: 25613: 25610: 25608: 25605: 25603: 25600: 25598: 25595: 25593: 25589: 25586: 25585: 25583: 25581: 25573: 25570: 25568: 25564: 25558: 25555: 25553: 25550: 25548: 25545: 25542: 25541: 25539: 25537: 25533: 25526: 25523: 25520: 25517: 25514: 25513: 25510: 25507: 25505: 25502: 25500: 25497: 25494: 25493: 25490: 25487: 25485: 25482: 25479: 25478: 25475: 25472: 25470: 25467: 25464: 25463: 25461: 25459: 25455: 25451: 25448: 25441: 25436: 25434: 25429: 25427: 25422: 25421: 25418: 25408: 25407: 25403: 25399: 25396: 25390: 25384: 25381: 25379: 25376: 25374: 25371: 25369: 25366: 25363: 25362: 25358: 25354: 25350: 25349:isovaleramide 25346: 25342: 25339: 25337: 25334: 25331: 25327: 25324: 25321: 25317: 25313: 25309: 25306: 25304: 25301: 25299: 25296: 25294: 25291: 25289: 25286: 25284: 25281: 25279: 25276: 25274: 25271: 25269: 25266: 25264: 25261: 25259: 25256: 25254: 25251: 25249: 25246: 25243: 25239: 25235: 25231: 25227: 25224: 25222: 25219: 25217: 25214: 25212: 25209: 25207: 25204: 25202: 25199: 25197: 25194: 25191: 25187: 25186:niflumic acid 25183: 25179: 25175: 25172: 25170: 25167: 25165: 25162: 25160: 25157: 25155: 25152: 25149: 25145: 25141: 25137: 25133: 25130: 25128: 25125: 25123: 25120: 25118: 25115: 25113: 25112:Clomethiazole 25110: 25108: 25107:Chlormezanone 25105: 25103: 25100: 25098: 25097:Carbamazepine 25095: 25092: 25088: 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24365: 24359: 24356: 24354: 24351: 24349: 24346: 24344: 24341: 24339: 24336: 24334: 24331: 24329: 24326: 24324: 24321: 24319: 24316: 24314: 24311: 24309: 24306: 24304: 24301: 24299: 24296: 24294: 24291: 24289: 24286: 24284: 24281: 24279: 24276: 24274: 24271: 24269: 24266: 24264: 24261: 24259: 24256: 24254: 24251: 24249: 24246: 24244: 24241: 24239: 24236: 24234: 24230: 24228: 24225: 24223: 24220: 24218: 24215: 24213: 24210: 24208: 24205: 24203: 24200: 24198: 24195: 24194: 24192: 24190: 24186: 24180: 24177: 24175: 24172: 24170: 24167: 24165: 24162: 24160: 24157: 24155: 24152: 24151: 24149: 24147: 24143: 24137: 24134: 24132: 24129: 24127: 24124: 24122: 24119: 24117: 24114: 24112: 24109: 24107: 24104: 24102: 24099: 24097: 24094: 24092: 24089: 24087: 24084: 24082: 24079: 24077: 24074: 24072: 24069: 24067: 24064: 24063: 24061: 24058: 24054: 24048: 24045: 24043: 24040: 24038: 24035: 24034: 24032: 24030: 24026: 24020: 24017: 24014: 24010: 24007: 24005: 24002: 24000: 23997: 23995: 23992: 23990: 23987: 23985: 23982: 23980: 23977: 23975: 23972: 23970: 23967: 23965: 23962: 23960: 23957: 23955: 23952: 23950: 23947: 23946: 23944: 23942: 23938: 23932: 23929: 23927: 23924: 23922: 23919: 23917: 23914: 23912: 23911:Phenprobamate 23909: 23907: 23904: 23902: 23899: 23897: 23894: 23892: 23889: 23887: 23884: 23882: 23879: 23877: 23876:Hexapropymate 23874: 23872: 23869: 23867: 23864: 23862: 23859: 23857: 23854: 23852: 23851:Difebarbamate 23849: 23847: 23844: 23842: 23839: 23837: 23834: 23832: 23829: 23828: 23826: 23824: 23820: 23814: 23811: 23809: 23806: 23804: 23801: 23799: 23796: 23794: 23791: 23789: 23786: 23784: 23781: 23779: 23776: 23774: 23771: 23769: 23766: 23764: 23761: 23759: 23756: 23754: 23751: 23749: 23746: 23744: 23741: 23739: 23736: 23734: 23731: 23729: 23726: 23724: 23721: 23719: 23716: 23714: 23711: 23709: 23706: 23704: 23701: 23699: 23696: 23694: 23691: 23689: 23686: 23684: 23681: 23679: 23676: 23674: 23671: 23669: 23666: 23664: 23663:Nortetrazepam 23661: 23659: 23656: 23654: 23651: 23649: 23646: 23644: 23641: 23639: 23636: 23634: 23631: 23629: 23626: 23624: 23621: 23619: 23616: 23614: 23611: 23609: 23606: 23604: 23601: 23599: 23596: 23594: 23591: 23589: 23586: 23584: 23581: 23579: 23576: 23574: 23571: 23569: 23566: 23564: 23561: 23559: 23556: 23554: 23551: 23549: 23546: 23544: 23541: 23539: 23536: 23534: 23531: 23529: 23526: 23524: 23523:Flutoprazepam 23521: 23519: 23516: 23514: 23511: 23509: 23506: 23504: 23503:Flunitrazolam 23501: 23499: 23498:Flunitrazepam 23496: 23494: 23491: 23489: 23488:Flubromazolam 23486: 23484: 23483:Flubromazepam 23481: 23479: 23476: 23474: 23471: 23469: 23466: 23464: 23461: 23459: 23456: 23454: 23451: 23449: 23446: 23444: 23441: 23439: 23436: 23434: 23431: 23429: 23426: 23424: 23421: 23419: 23416: 23414: 23411: 23409: 23406: 23404: 23401: 23399: 23396: 23394: 23391: 23389: 23386: 23384: 23383:Cloniprazepam 23381: 23379: 23376: 23374: 23371: 23369: 23366: 23364: 23361: 23359: 23356: 23354: 23351: 23349: 23346: 23344: 23341: 23339: 23336: 23334: 23331: 23329: 23326: 23324: 23321: 23319: 23316: 23314: 23311: 23309: 23306: 23304: 23301: 23299: 23296: 23294: 23291: 23289: 23286: 23284: 23281: 23279: 23276: 23274: 23273:2-Oxoquazepam 23271: 23270: 23268: 23266: 23262: 23256: 23253: 23251: 23248: 23246: 23243: 23241: 23238: 23236: 23233: 23231: 23228: 23226: 23223: 23221: 23218: 23216: 23215:Thialbarbital 23213: 23211: 23210:Tetrabarbital 23208: 23206: 23203: 23201: 23198: 23196: 23195:Spirobarbital 23193: 23191: 23188: 23186: 23183: 23181: 23178: 23176: 23175:Proxibarbital 23173: 23171: 23168: 23166: 23165:Propallylonal 23163: 23161: 23158: 23156: 23153: 23151: 23148: 23146: 23145:Phenobarbital 23143: 23141: 23138: 23136: 23135:Pentobarbital 23133: 23131: 23128: 23126: 23125:Narcobarbital 23123: 23121: 23118: 23116: 23113: 23111: 23108: 23106: 23103: 23101: 23098: 23096: 23093: 23091: 23090:Heptobarbital 23088: 23086: 23083: 23081: 23078: 23076: 23073: 23071: 23068: 23066: 23063: 23061: 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21488: 21487: 21484: 21481: 21479: 21476: 21474: 21471: 21469: 21466: 21464: 21461: 21459: 21456: 21454: 21451: 21449: 21446: 21444: 21441: 21439: 21436: 21434: 21431: 21429: 21426: 21424: 21421: 21419: 21416: 21414: 21411: 21409: 21406: 21404: 21401: 21399: 21396: 21394: 21393:Pentafluranol 21391: 21389: 21386: 21384: 21381: 21379: 21376: 21374: 21371: 21369: 21366: 21364: 21362: 21358: 21356: 21354: 21350: 21348: 21345: 21343: 21340: 21336: 21333: 21332: 21331: 21328: 21326: 21323: 21321: 21318: 21316: 21313: 21311: 21308: 21306: 21303: 21301: 21298: 21296: 21293: 21291: 21288: 21286: 21283: 21281: 21278: 21276: 21273: 21271: 21268: 21266: 21263: 21261: 21258: 21254: 21251: 21250: 21249: 21246: 21242: 21239: 21238: 21237: 21234: 21232: 21229: 21227: 21224: 21222: 21219: 21217: 21214: 21212: 21209: 21207: 21204: 21202: 21199: 21197: 21194: 21192: 21189: 21187: 21184: 21182: 21179: 21177: 21174: 21172: 21169: 21167: 21164: 21162: 21159: 21157: 21154: 21153:Nonsteroidal: 21151: 21150: 21147: 21144: 21142: 21139: 21137: 21134: 21132: 21129: 21127: 21124: 21122: 21119: 21117: 21114: 21112: 21109: 21107: 21104: 21102: 21099: 21097: 21094: 21092: 21089: 21087: 21084: 21082: 21079: 21077: 21074: 21072: 21069: 21067: 21064: 21062: 21059: 21057: 21054: 21052: 21049: 21047: 21044: 21042: 21039: 21037: 21034: 21032: 21029: 21027: 21024: 21020: 21017: 21015: 21012: 21011: 21010: 21007: 21003: 21002:Ethandrostate 21000: 20999: 20998: 20995: 20993: 20990: 20986: 20983: 20981: 20978: 20976: 20973: 20972: 20971: 20968: 20966: 20963: 20961: 20958: 20956: 20953: 20949: 20946: 20944: 20941: 20940: 20939: 20936: 20934: 20931: 20929: 20926: 20924: 20921: 20919: 20916: 20912: 20909: 20907: 20904: 20902: 20899: 20898: 20897: 20894: 20892: 20889: 20887: 20884: 20882: 20879: 20877: 20874: 20872: 20869: 20867: 20864: 20862: 20859: 20857: 20855: 20851: 20849: 20846: 20844: 20841: 20839: 20836: 20834: 20831: 20829: 20826: 20824: 20821: 20817: 20814: 20813: 20812: 20811:Cloxestradiol 20809: 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20416: 20413: 20411: 20408: 20406: 20403: 20400: 20399: 20396: 20386: 20383: 20378: 20373: 20371: 20368: 20365: 20358: 20351: 20344: 20338: 20336: 20333: 20331: 20328: 20326: 20323: 20320: 20316: 20312: 20308: 20304: 20300: 20296: 20293: 20292: 20290: 20286: 20283: 20281: 20277: 20267: 20264: 20262: 20259: 20257: 20254: 20252: 20249: 20247: 20246:Valproic acid 20244: 20242: 20239: 20237: 20234: 20232: 20229: 20227: 20224: 20222: 20219: 20217: 20214: 20212: 20209: 20207: 20204: 20202: 20199: 20197: 20194: 20192: 20191:Rezvilutamide 20189: 20187: 20184: 20182: 20179: 20177: 20174: 20172: 20169: 20167: 20166:Proxalutamide 20164: 20162: 20159: 20157: 20154: 20152: 20149: 20147: 20144: 20142: 20139: 20137: 20134: 20132: 20129: 20127: 20125: 20121: 20119: 20117: 20113: 20111: 20109: 20105: 20103: 20100: 20098: 20095: 20093: 20090: 20088: 20085: 20083: 20080: 20078: 20075: 20073: 20070: 20068: 20065: 20063: 20060: 20058: 20055: 20053: 20050: 20048: 20045: 20043: 20040: 20038: 20035: 20033: 20030: 20028: 20025: 20023: 20020: 20018: 20015: 20013: 20010: 20007: 20003: 20000: 19998: 19995: 19993: 19990: 19988: 19985: 19983: 19980: 19978: 19975: 19973: 19970: 19968: 19965: 19963: 19960: 19957: 19953: 19949: 19945: 19941: 19937: 19934: 19932: 19929: 19927: 19924: 19922: 19919: 19917: 19914: 19912: 19909: 19907: 19904: 19902: 19899: 19897: 19894: 19892: 19889: 19887: 19884: 19882: 19881:-Bicalutamide 19880: 19875: 19874:Nonsteroidal: 19872: 19871: 19868: 19865: 19863: 19860: 19858: 19855: 19853: 19850: 19848: 19845: 19843: 19840: 19838: 19835: 19833: 19830: 19828: 19825: 19823: 19820: 19818: 19815: 19813: 19810: 19808: 19805: 19803: 19800: 19798: 19795: 19793: 19790: 19788: 19785: 19783: 19780: 19778: 19775: 19773: 19770: 19768: 19765: 19763: 19760: 19758: 19755: 19753: 19750: 19748: 19745: 19743: 19742:Guggulsterone 19740: 19738: 19735: 19733: 19730: 19728: 19725: 19723: 19720: 19718: 19715: 19713: 19710: 19708: 19705: 19703: 19700: 19698: 19695: 19693: 19690: 19688: 19685: 19683: 19680: 19678: 19675: 19673: 19670: 19668: 19665: 19663: 19660: 19658: 19655: 19653: 19650: 19648: 19645: 19643: 19640: 19638: 19635: 19633: 19630: 19628: 19625: 19623: 19620: 19618: 19615: 19613: 19610: 19608: 19605: 19603: 19600: 19598: 19595: 19593: 19590: 19588: 19585: 19582: 19581: 19579: 19575: 19569: 19566: 19564: 19561: 19559: 19556: 19554: 19551: 19548: 19547: 19544: 19541: 19539: 19536: 19534: 19531: 19529: 19526: 19524: 19521: 19519: 19516: 19514: 19511: 19509: 19506: 19504: 19501: 19499: 19496: 19494: 19491: 19489: 19486: 19484: 19481: 19479: 19476: 19474: 19471: 19469: 19466: 19464: 19461: 19459: 19456: 19454: 19451: 19449: 19446: 19444: 19441: 19439: 19436: 19434: 19431: 19429: 19426: 19424: 19421: 19419: 19416: 19414: 19411: 19409: 19406: 19404: 19401: 19399: 19396: 19394: 19391: 19389: 19386: 19384: 19381: 19380:Nonsteroidal: 19378: 19377: 19375: 19370: 19364: 19358: 19355: 19353: 19350: 19348: 19345: 19343: 19340: 19338: 19335: 19333: 19332:5α-Androstane 19330: 19328: 19325: 19322: 19321: 19318: 19315: 19313: 19310: 19308: 19305: 19302: 19301: 19298: 19295: 19293: 19290: 19287: 19286: 19283: 19280: 19276: 19273: 19272: 19271: 19268: 19266: 19263: 19261: 19258: 19255: 19251: 19247: 19244: 19242: 19239: 19235: 19232: 19231: 19230: 19227: 19224: 19220: 19217: 19215: 19212: 19210: 19207: 19205: 19202: 19198: 19195: 19194: 19193: 19190: 19188: 19185: 19183: 19180: 19178: 19175: 19172: 19171: 19168: 19165: 19163: 19160: 19158: 19155: 19152: 19151: 19148: 19145: 19141: 19140:Ethandrostate 19138: 19137: 19136: 19133: 19131: 19128: 19125: 19124: 19121: 19118: 19115: 19114: 19111: 19108: 19105: 19104: 19101: 19098: 19096: 19093: 19090: 19089: 19086: 19083: 19081: 19078: 19076: 19073: 19071: 19068: 19066: 19063: 19061: 19058: 19056: 19053: 19051: 19048: 19046: 19043: 19041: 19040:Ethylestrenol 19038: 19036: 19033: 19031: 19028: 19026: 19023: 19021: 19018: 19015: 19014: 19011: 19008: 19006: 19003: 19001: 18998: 18996: 18993: 18991: 18988: 18986: 18983: 18981: 18978: 18974: 18971: 18969: 18966: 18965: 18964: 18961: 18959: 18956: 18954: 18951: 18949: 18946: 18944: 18941: 18939: 18936: 18933: 18932: 18929: 18926: 18924: 18921: 18919: 18916: 18912: 18909: 18908: 18906: 18902: 18899: 18897: 18894: 18890: 18887: 18885: 18882: 18880: 18877: 18875: 18872: 18871: 18870: 18867: 18865: 18862: 18860: 18857: 18855: 18852: 18850: 18847: 18845: 18842: 18840: 18837: 18835: 18832: 18830: 18827: 18825: 18822: 18820: 18817: 18815: 18812: 18809: 18808: 18805: 18802: 18800: 18797: 18795: 18792: 18789: 18788: 18783: 18780: 18778: 18775: 18774: 18773: 18770: 18768: 18765: 18761: 18758: 18756: 18753: 18751: 18748: 18746: 18743: 18742: 18741: 18738: 18734: 18731: 18730: 18729: 18726: 18724: 18721: 18717: 18714: 18713: 18712: 18709: 18705: 18702: 18701: 18700: 18697: 18695: 18692: 18690: 18688: 18684: 18679: 18675: 18672: 18670: 18667: 18665: 18662: 18661: 18660: 18657: 18655: 18652: 18650: 18647: 18645: 18642: 18640: 18637: 18633: 18630: 18629: 18628: 18625: 18623: 18620: 18618: 18615: 18613: 18610: 18606: 18603: 18602: 18601: 18598: 18596: 18593: 18590: 18589: 18586: 18583: 18579: 18576: 18575: 18574: 18571: 18569: 18566: 18562: 18559: 18558: 18557: 18554: 18552: 18549: 18545: 18542: 18541: 18540: 18537: 18535: 18532: 18530: 18527: 18525: 18522: 18520: 18517: 18513: 18510: 18509: 18508: 18505: 18501: 18498: 18497: 18495: 18491: 18488: 18486: 18483: 18481: 18478: 18476: 18473: 18469: 18466: 18465: 18464: 18461: 18459: 18456: 18454: 18451: 18449: 18446: 18444: 18441: 18439: 18436: 18434: 18431: 18429: 18426: 18424: 18421: 18419: 18416: 18413: 18412: 18407: 18404: 18402: 18399: 18398: 18396: 18392: 18389: 18387: 18384: 18382: 18379: 18377: 18374: 18372: 18369: 18367: 18364: 18360: 18357: 18355: 18352: 18351: 18350: 18347: 18345: 18342: 18338: 18335: 18334: 18333: 18330: 18326: 18323: 18321: 18318: 18316: 18313: 18312: 18311: 18308: 18306: 18303: 18299: 18296: 18295: 18294: 18291: 18289: 18286: 18284: 18281: 18277: 18274: 18272: 18269: 18267: 18264: 18262: 18259: 18258: 18257: 18254: 18252: 18249: 18247: 18244: 18242: 18239: 18237: 18234: 18232: 18229: 18227: 18224: 18222: 18219: 18217: 18214: 18211: 18210: 18208: 18204: 18201: 18196: 18190: 18186: 18183: 18176: 18171: 18169: 18164: 18162: 18157: 18156: 18153: 18147: 18143: 18138: 18126: 18123: 18121: 18118: 18116: 18113: 18111: 18108: 18105: 18104: 18097: 18095: 18092: 18091: 18089: 18086: 18083: 18080: 18078: 18075: 18074: 18070: 18060: 18057: 18055: 18052: 18049: 18048: 18046: 18042: 18035: 18031: 18027: 18023: 18019: 18015: 18011: 18008: 18005: 18001: 17998: 17995: 17991: 17990:GnRH agonists 17988: 17985: 17981: 17977: 17973: 17969: 17965: 17961: 17957: 17954: 17951: 17947: 17943: 17939: 17935: 17931: 17927: 17923: 17920: 17913: 17912: 17910: 17908: 17904: 17894: 17891: 17889: 17886: 17884: 17881: 17879: 17876: 17874: 17871: 17869: 17866: 17864: 17861: 17859: 17856: 17854: 17851: 17848: 17847: 17845: 17841: 17835: 17832: 17830: 17827: 17825: 17822: 17820: 17817: 17815: 17812: 17811: 17809: 17807: 17803: 17800: 17798: 17792: 17786: 17783: 17781: 17778: 17776: 17773: 17771: 17768: 17766: 17763: 17761: 17758: 17756: 17753: 17751: 17748: 17746: 17743: 17741: 17738: 17737:Nonsteroidal: 17735: 17734: 17731: 17728: 17726: 17723: 17721: 17718: 17716: 17713: 17711: 17708: 17706: 17703: 17701: 17698: 17696: 17693: 17691: 17688: 17686: 17683: 17681: 17678: 17676: 17673: 17671: 17668: 17666: 17663: 17660: 17657: 17656: 17654: 17652: 17646: 17640: 17637: 17635: 17634:Antiandrogens 17631: 17617: 17608: 17602: 17601:Gonadotropins 17599: 17596: 17592: 17588: 17587:GnRH agonists 17585: 17582: 17578: 17574: 17573:Antiestrogens 17571: 17570: 17568: 17566: 17562: 17556: 17553: 17550: 17549: 17546: 17543: 17540: 17536: 17532: 17528: 17524: 17520: 17516: 17513: 17511: 17508: 17506: 17503: 17500: 17499: 17496: 17493: 17490: 17489: 17486: 17483: 17481: 17478: 17476: 17473: 17471: 17468: 17466: 17465:Ethylestrenol 17463: 17460: 17459: 17456: 17453: 17451: 17448: 17446: 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17037: 17034: 17032: 17029: 17027: 17024: 17021: 17020: 17017: 17014: 17012: 17009: 17007: 17004: 17002: 16999: 16997: 16993: 16992: 16990: 16986: 16980: 16977: 16975: 16972: 16970: 16967: 16965: 16962: 16960: 16957: 16955: 16952: 16950: 16947: 16945: 16941: 16940: 16937: 16934: 16932: 16929: 16927: 16924: 16922: 16919: 16917: 16914: 16912: 16909: 16907: 16904: 16902: 16899: 16897: 16894: 16892: 16889: 16887: 16884: 16881: 16880: 16877: 16874: 16872: 16869: 16867: 16864: 16862: 16859: 16857: 16854: 16852: 16849: 16847: 16844: 16842: 16839: 16837: 16834: 16832: 16829: 16827: 16824: 16822: 16819: 16817: 16814: 16812: 16809: 16807: 16804: 16802: 16799: 16797: 16794: 16792: 16789: 16786: 16785: 16782: 16779: 16777: 16775: 16770: 16767: 16766: 16764: 16762: 16761:Neurosteroids 16758: 16748: 16747:Pregnanetriol 16745: 16743: 16740: 16738: 16735: 16733: 16730: 16727: 16726: 16723: 16720: 16718: 16715: 16713: 16710: 16708: 16705: 16703: 16700: 16698: 16695: 16693: 16690: 16688: 16685: 16684: 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15933: 15931: 15926: 15925: 15922: 15904: 15901: 15899: 15896: 15895: 15894: 15891: 15890: 15888: 15886: 15882: 15876: 15875:Prostaglandin 15873: 15871: 15868: 15866: 15863: 15861: 15858: 15857: 15855: 15853: 15849: 15843: 15840: 15839: 15837: 15835: 15831: 15825: 15822: 15820: 15817: 15815: 15812: 15811: 15809: 15807: 15803: 15791: 15788: 15786: 15783: 15782: 15781: 15778: 15777: 15775: 15772: 15768: 15762: 15759: 15757: 15754: 15752: 15749: 15748: 15746: 15744: 15740: 15734: 15731: 15729: 15726: 15724: 15721: 15719: 15716: 15714: 15711: 15710: 15708: 15706: 15702: 15696: 15693: 15691: 15688: 15687: 15685: 15683: 15679: 15676: 15674: 15670: 15664: 15661: 15659: 15656: 15652: 15649: 15647: 15644: 15643: 15642: 15639: 15638: 15636: 15634: 15630: 15627: 15623: 15613: 15610: 15608: 15605: 15603: 15600: 15599: 15597: 15595: 15591: 15585: 15582: 15580: 15577: 15575: 15572: 15570: 15567: 15565: 15562: 15561: 15559: 15557: 15553: 15543: 15540: 15538: 15535: 15533: 15530: 15528: 15525: 15524: 15522: 15520: 15516: 15510: 15507: 15505: 15502: 15500: 15497: 15495: 15492: 15490: 15487: 15485: 15482: 15481: 15479: 15477: 15473: 15467: 15464: 15462: 15459: 15457: 15454: 15453: 15451: 15449: 15445: 15442: 15440: 15436: 15430: 15427: 15426: 15424: 15422: 15418: 15412: 15409: 15407: 15404: 15400: 15394: 15392: 15386: 15385: 15384: 15381: 15380: 15378: 15376: 15372: 15364: 15361: 15359: 15356: 15355: 15354: 15351: 15347: 15344: 15342: 15339: 15337: 15334: 15332: 15329: 15327: 15324: 15322: 15319: 15318: 15317: 15314: 15313: 15311: 15309: 15305: 15295: 15292: 15288: 15285: 15283: 15280: 15278: 15275: 15273: 15270: 15268: 15265: 15264: 15263: 15260: 15258: 15255: 15253: 15250: 15248: 15245: 15243: 15240: 15239: 15237: 15235: 15231: 15225: 15222: 15220: 15217: 15216: 15214: 15212: 15208: 15202: 15199: 15197: 15194: 15192: 15189: 15187: 15184: 15182: 15179: 15177: 15174: 15172: 15169: 15168: 15166: 15164: 15160: 15157: 15155: 15152:Hypothalamic– 15149: 15146: 15144: 15138: 15134: 15127: 15122: 15120: 15115: 15113: 15108: 15107: 15104: 15092: 15089: 15087: 15084: 15082: 15079: 15077: 15074: 15072: 15069: 15068: 15066: 15062: 15056: 15053: 15051: 15048: 15046: 15043: 15041: 15038: 15036: 15033: 15031: 15028: 15026: 15023: 15021: 15018: 15016: 15013: 15011: 15008: 15006: 15003: 15001: 14998: 14996: 14993: 14992: 14990: 14988: 14984: 14978: 14975: 14973: 14970: 14968: 14965: 14963: 14960: 14958: 14955: 14953: 14950: 14948: 14945: 14943: 14940: 14939: 14937: 14933: 14929: 14922: 14917: 14915: 14910: 14908: 14903: 14902: 14899: 14892: 14887: 14882: 14880: 14870: 14869: 14866: 14856: 14852: 14847: 14842: 14837: 14832: 14828: 14824: 14820: 14815: 14803: 14799: 14795: 14791: 14786: 14782: 14776: 14772: 14768: 14764: 14760: 14755: 14754: 14740: 14736: 14732: 14728: 14725:(9): 942–44. 14724: 14720: 14713: 14705: 14701: 14697: 14693: 14689: 14685: 14681: 14677: 14670: 14662: 14656: 14652: 14645: 14637: 14633: 14629: 14625: 14621: 14617: 14613: 14609: 14602: 14594: 14590: 14586: 14582: 14578: 14574: 14570: 14566: 14563:(1): 154–68. 14562: 14558: 14551: 14543: 14539: 14534: 14529: 14525: 14521: 14516: 14511: 14507: 14503: 14499: 14492: 14483: 14482: 14473: 14465: 14461: 14457: 14453: 14449: 14445: 14442:(7): 439–45. 14441: 14437: 14430: 14422: 14418: 14414: 14410: 14409:Endocrinology 14403: 14395: 14391: 14387: 14383: 14379: 14375: 14371: 14367: 14360: 14352: 14348: 14344: 14341:(in German). 14340: 14333: 14325: 14321: 14317: 14314:(in German). 14313: 14306: 14298: 14294: 14290: 14286: 14283:(2): 371–73. 14282: 14278: 14271: 14269: 14260: 14256: 14252: 14249:(in German). 14248: 14240: 14232: 14228: 14224: 14221:(in German). 14220: 14212: 14203: 14198: 14194: 14190: 14189:J. Biol. Chem 14186: 14179: 14168:September 16, 14163: 14159: 14155: 14151: 14147: 14143: 14136: 14128: 14125:(in German). 14124: 14117: 14101: 14097: 14093: 14087: 14071: 14067: 14063: 14056: 14054: 14037: 14033: 14029: 14025: 14021: 14014: 14006: 14002: 13997: 13992: 13987: 13982: 13978: 13974: 13970: 13963: 13947: 13943: 13939: 13933: 13924: 13919: 13915: 13911: 13907: 13900: 13892: 13888: 13883: 13878: 13874: 13870: 13866: 13859: 13851: 13847: 13842: 13837: 13833: 13829: 13825: 13821: 13817: 13810: 13794: 13790: 13784: 13768: 13764: 13758: 13742: 13738: 13732: 13728: 13727: 13719: 13703: 13699: 13693: 13689: 13688: 13680: 13664: 13660: 13654: 13650: 13649: 13641: 13625: 13621: 13615: 13611: 13610: 13602: 13594: 13590: 13586: 13582: 13578: 13574: 13567: 13565: 13548: 13544: 13538: 13534: 13533: 13525: 13523: 13514: 13510: 13505: 13500: 13496: 13492: 13488: 13484: 13480: 13473: 13465: 13461: 13457: 13453: 13449: 13445: 13441: 13437: 13433: 13426: 13418: 13414: 13410: 13406: 13402: 13398: 13391: 13383: 13379: 13375: 13371: 13367: 13363: 13359: 13355: 13348: 13332: 13328: 13324: 13318: 13302: 13298: 13292: 13288: 13287: 13279: 13277: 13268: 13264: 13259: 13254: 13250: 13246: 13242: 13238: 13234: 13227: 13225: 13216: 13212: 13208: 13204: 13200: 13196: 13192: 13188: 13181: 13173: 13167: 13163: 13162: 13154: 13146: 13140: 13136: 13135: 13127: 13119: 13113: 13109: 13108: 13100: 13092: 13086: 13082: 13081: 13073: 13065: 13059: 13055: 13054: 13046: 13038: 13034: 13030: 13026: 13022: 13018: 13015:(3): 277–84. 13014: 13010: 13003: 12995: 12991: 12987: 12983: 12980:(2): 405–31. 12979: 12975: 12968: 12960: 12954: 12950: 12943: 12935: 12929: 12925: 12924: 12916: 12914: 12912: 12910: 12908: 12891: 12887: 12881: 12877: 12876: 12868: 12860: 12856: 12851: 12846: 12842: 12838: 12834: 12830: 12826: 12819: 12803: 12799: 12793: 12789: 12788: 12780: 12778: 12776: 12774: 12757: 12753: 12747: 12743: 12742: 12734: 12732: 12730: 12728: 12726: 12724: 12722: 12720: 12718: 12716: 12707: 12703: 12699: 12695: 12691: 12687: 12680: 12664: 12660: 12654: 12650: 12649: 12641: 12633: 12629: 12625: 12621: 12618:(6): 257–61. 12617: 12613: 12606: 12598: 12594: 12590: 12586: 12582: 12578: 12575:(2): 186–88. 12574: 12570: 12563: 12555: 12551: 12547: 12543: 12539: 12535: 12527: 12519: 12515: 12511: 12507: 12503: 12499: 12496:(5): 444–47. 12495: 12491: 12484: 12476: 12472: 12468: 12464: 12460: 12456: 12451: 12446: 12443:(3): 234–41. 12442: 12438: 12431: 12423: 12419: 12415: 12411: 12408:(5): 365–79. 12407: 12403: 12396: 12388: 12384: 12379: 12374: 12370: 12366: 12362: 12355: 12347: 12343: 12338: 12333: 12328: 12323: 12319: 12315: 12311: 12304: 12296: 12292: 12288: 12284: 12280: 12276: 12271: 12266: 12262: 12258: 12251: 12243: 12239: 12234: 12229: 12225: 12221: 12217: 12210: 12202: 12198: 12194: 12190: 12185: 12180: 12176: 12172: 12165: 12157: 12153: 12149: 12145: 12140: 12135: 12131: 12127: 12123: 12116: 12108: 12104: 12099: 12094: 12090: 12086: 12082: 12075: 12067: 12063: 12059: 12055: 12052:(2): 121–37. 12051: 12047: 12040: 12032: 12028: 12024: 12020: 12016: 12012: 12008: 12004: 11996: 11988: 11984: 11980: 11976: 11972: 11968: 11964: 11960: 11953: 11945: 11941: 11937: 11933: 11930:(2): 128–31. 11929: 11925: 11918: 11910: 11906: 11901: 11896: 11891: 11886: 11882: 11878: 11874: 11867: 11856:September 26, 11851: 11847: 11843: 11839: 11833: 11829: 11825: 11821: 11817: 11810: 11802: 11798: 11794: 11790: 11787:(2): 451–83. 11786: 11782: 11775: 11767: 11761: 11757: 11750: 11742: 11738: 11734: 11730: 11727:(3): 503–20. 11726: 11722: 11715: 11707: 11703: 11699: 11695: 11691: 11687: 11683: 11679: 11672: 11664: 11660: 11656: 11652: 11648: 11644: 11640: 11636: 11629: 11621: 11615: 11607: 11603: 11599: 11595: 11591: 11587: 11580: 11572: 11566: 11562: 11561: 11553: 11545: 11541: 11537: 11531: 11527: 11523: 11519: 11512: 11504: 11500: 11496: 11492: 11488: 11484: 11480: 11476: 11468: 11466: 11457: 11453: 11448: 11443: 11438: 11433: 11429: 11425: 11421: 11414: 11412: 11403: 11399: 11394: 11389: 11385: 11381: 11377: 11370: 11368: 11359: 11355: 11351: 11345: 11341: 11337: 11333: 11329: 11322: 11314: 11310: 11305: 11300: 11296: 11292: 11289:(1): 91–124. 11288: 11284: 11280: 11273: 11265: 11261: 11257: 11251: 11247: 11243: 11239: 11232: 11224: 11220: 11216: 11212: 11208: 11204: 11200: 11196: 11189: 11181: 11177: 11173: 11169: 11165: 11161: 11158:(8): 951–63. 11157: 11153: 11146: 11138: 11134: 11129: 11124: 11119: 11114: 11110: 11106: 11105:Int J Mol Sci 11102: 11095: 11087: 11083: 11079: 11075: 11072:(6): 813–27. 11071: 11067: 11060: 11052: 11048: 11044: 11040: 11036: 11032: 11025: 11017: 11013: 11009: 11005: 11001: 10997: 10994:(8): 317–24. 10993: 10989: 10982: 10974: 10970: 10965: 10960: 10956: 10952: 10948: 10944: 10940: 10933: 10925: 10921: 10916: 10911: 10906: 10901: 10897: 10893: 10892:Int J Mol Sci 10889: 10882: 10874: 10870: 10866: 10862: 10859:(5): 489–97. 10858: 10854: 10847: 10839: 10835: 10830: 10825: 10821: 10817: 10813: 10809: 10805: 10798: 10796: 10794: 10785: 10781: 10776: 10771: 10767: 10763: 10759: 10755: 10751: 10744: 10742: 10740: 10723: 10719: 10713: 10711: 10702: 10698: 10693: 10688: 10684: 10680: 10677:(1): e10418. 10676: 10672: 10671: 10666: 10659: 10651: 10647: 10642: 10637: 10632: 10627: 10623: 10619: 10616:(12): e8330. 10615: 10611: 10607: 10600: 10592: 10588: 10584: 10580: 10576: 10572: 10568: 10564: 10557: 10549: 10545: 10541: 10537: 10533: 10529: 10525: 10521: 10517: 10513: 10506: 10498: 10494: 10490: 10486: 10482: 10478: 10474: 10470: 10466: 10462: 10455: 10436: 10432: 10428: 10424: 10420: 10416: 10412: 10409:(6): 263–71. 10408: 10404: 10397: 10390: 10382: 10376: 10372: 10365: 10357: 10353: 10348: 10343: 10338: 10333: 10329: 10325: 10321: 10314: 10306: 10302: 10298: 10294: 10290: 10286: 10283:(1): 101–10. 10282: 10278: 10271: 10263: 10259: 10255: 10251: 10247: 10243: 10239: 10235: 10227: 10219: 10215: 10211: 10207: 10203: 10199: 10196:(4): 476–89. 10195: 10191: 10184: 10176: 10172: 10167: 10162: 10158: 10154: 10150: 10143: 10135: 10131: 10127: 10123: 10119: 10115: 10111: 10107: 10103: 10099: 10092: 10082: 10074: 10070: 10066: 10062: 10059:(5): 518–26. 10058: 10054: 10047: 10039: 10035: 10031: 10027: 10023: 10019: 10015: 10011: 10007: 10003: 9996: 9988: 9984: 9979: 9974: 9970: 9966: 9962: 9958: 9954: 9947: 9928: 9924: 9920: 9916: 9912: 9908: 9904: 9897: 9890: 9871: 9867: 9863: 9859: 9855: 9848: 9841: 9833: 9829: 9825: 9821: 9817: 9813: 9809: 9805: 9798: 9779: 9775: 9771: 9767: 9763: 9759: 9755: 9751: 9747: 9740: 9733: 9725: 9721: 9717: 9713: 9709: 9705: 9698: 9690: 9686: 9682: 9678: 9674: 9670: 9666: 9662: 9655: 9647: 9643: 9638: 9633: 9629: 9625: 9621: 9617: 9613: 9606: 9598: 9594: 9590: 9586: 9582: 9578: 9574: 9570: 9563: 9547: 9543: 9542: 9537: 9533:Lay summary: 9529: 9525: 9521: 9517: 9513: 9509: 9505: 9501: 9494: 9486: 9482: 9477: 9472: 9468: 9464: 9460: 9456: 9452: 9445: 9437: 9433: 9429: 9425: 9421: 9414: 9406: 9402: 9398: 9394: 9390: 9383: 9381: 9369: 9365: 9361: 9357: 9353: 9349: 9345: 9341: 9337: 9330: 9323: 9321: 9319: 9317: 9315: 9306: 9302: 9298: 9294: 9290: 9286: 9282: 9278: 9271: 9263: 9257: 9253: 9248: 9247: 9238: 9236: 9227: 9223: 9219: 9215: 9211: 9207: 9203: 9199: 9192: 9184: 9180: 9176: 9172: 9165: 9149: 9145: 9141: 9134: 9126: 9122: 9118: 9114: 9110: 9106: 9103:(4): 469–78. 9102: 9098: 9091: 9083: 9079: 9075: 9071: 9067: 9063: 9059: 9055: 9048: 9040: 9036: 9031: 9026: 9021: 9016: 9012: 9008: 9004: 9000: 8996: 8989: 8973: 8969: 8963: 8947: 8943: 8939: 8932: 8924: 8920: 8916: 8912: 8907: 8902: 8897: 8892: 8888: 8884: 8880: 8873: 8865: 8861: 8857: 8853: 8850:(6): 384–90. 8849: 8845: 8838: 8830: 8826: 8821: 8816: 8811: 8806: 8802: 8798: 8794: 8790: 8786: 8779: 8763: 8759: 8758:Psych Central 8755: 8748: 8740: 8736: 8732: 8728: 8724: 8720: 8717:(4): 146–60. 8716: 8712: 8705: 8697: 8693: 8689: 8685: 8681: 8677: 8673: 8669: 8662: 8654: 8650: 8646: 8642: 8638: 8634: 8627: 8619: 8615: 8611: 8607: 8602: 8601:2027.42/83915 8597: 8593: 8589: 8586:(2): 286–91. 8585: 8581: 8574: 8566: 8562: 8558: 8554: 8550: 8546: 8542: 8538: 8531: 8523: 8519: 8515: 8511: 8507: 8503: 8500:(2): 119–31. 8499: 8495: 8488: 8480: 8476: 8473:(1): 315–30. 8472: 8468: 8467:Social Forces 8461: 8453: 8449: 8446:(2): 463–77. 8445: 8441: 8440:Social Forces 8434: 8432: 8430: 8421: 8417: 8413: 8409: 8404: 8403:2027.42/83924 8399: 8395: 8391: 8388:(6): 715–23. 8387: 8383: 8376: 8374: 8365: 8361: 8357: 8353: 8349: 8345: 8342:(7): 931–36. 8341: 8337: 8330: 8328: 8326: 8317: 8313: 8308: 8303: 8298: 8293: 8289: 8285: 8281: 8274: 8272: 8263: 8259: 8255: 8251: 8247: 8243: 8236: 8234: 8222:September 23, 8217: 8213: 8209: 8205: 8201: 8196: 8195:2027.42/83874 8191: 8187: 8183: 8180:(5): 754–64. 8179: 8175: 8168: 8161: 8153: 8149: 8145: 8141: 8137: 8133: 8126: 8118: 8114: 8110: 8106: 8101: 8100:2027.42/83880 8096: 8092: 8088: 8085:(4): 477–82. 8084: 8080: 8073: 8065: 8061: 8056: 8051: 8047: 8043: 8039: 8032: 8024: 8020: 8016: 8012: 8008: 8004: 8001:(2): 149–58. 8000: 7996: 7989: 7981: 7977: 7973: 7969: 7965: 7961: 7957: 7953: 7946: 7938: 7934: 7930: 7926: 7922: 7918: 7915:(6): 577–84. 7914: 7910: 7903: 7895: 7891: 7887: 7883: 7880:(6): 365–75. 7879: 7875: 7868: 7860: 7856: 7852: 7848: 7844: 7840: 7837:(2): 125–32. 7836: 7832: 7825: 7817: 7813: 7809: 7805: 7801: 7797: 7794:(6): 823–27. 7793: 7789: 7782: 7774: 7770: 7766: 7762: 7758: 7754: 7749: 7744: 7741:(2): 339–57. 7740: 7736: 7729: 7727: 7718: 7714: 7710: 7706: 7702: 7698: 7695:(3): 424–31. 7694: 7690: 7683: 7675: 7671: 7667: 7663: 7659: 7655: 7652:(5): 666–73. 7651: 7647: 7640: 7632: 7628: 7624: 7620: 7617:(3): 439–44. 7616: 7612: 7605: 7597: 7593: 7589: 7585: 7582:(3): 280–89. 7581: 7577: 7570: 7562: 7558: 7554: 7550: 7546: 7542: 7538: 7534: 7527: 7519: 7515: 7511: 7507: 7502: 7501:2027.42/83876 7497: 7493: 7489: 7485: 7481: 7474: 7466: 7462: 7458: 7454: 7450: 7446: 7439: 7431: 7427: 7423: 7419: 7414: 7409: 7405: 7401: 7397: 7390: 7374: 7370: 7366: 7359: 7351: 7347: 7343: 7339: 7335: 7331: 7323: 7315: 7311: 7307: 7303: 7299: 7295: 7291: 7287: 7280: 7261: 7254: 7248: 7232: 7228: 7227: 7222: 7216: 7208: 7204: 7199: 7194: 7190: 7186: 7182: 7175: 7159: 7155: 7151: 7145: 7137: 7133: 7129: 7125: 7120: 7115: 7111: 7107: 7103: 7096: 7088: 7084: 7079: 7074: 7070: 7066: 7063:(1): 91–107. 7062: 7058: 7054: 7047: 7045: 7043: 7041: 7032: 7028: 7024: 7020: 7016: 7012: 7009:(3): 323–37. 7008: 7004: 6997: 6981: 6977: 6973: 6969: 6965: 6961: 6957: 6954:(2): 188–93. 6953: 6949: 6945: 6938: 6930: 6926: 6922: 6918: 6914: 6910: 6906: 6902: 6895: 6887: 6883: 6879: 6875: 6871: 6867: 6860: 6852: 6848: 6844: 6840: 6836: 6832: 6829:(2): 233–41. 6828: 6824: 6817: 6801: 6797: 6791: 6775: 6771: 6767: 6763: 6759: 6754: 6753:2027.42/83925 6749: 6745: 6741: 6738:(6): 841–44. 6737: 6733: 6726: 6719: 6711: 6707: 6702: 6697: 6692: 6687: 6683: 6679: 6675: 6668: 6660: 6656: 6652: 6648: 6645:(2): 318–27. 6644: 6640: 6633: 6625: 6621: 6617: 6613: 6609: 6605: 6597: 6589: 6585: 6581: 6577: 6574:(2): 310–20. 6573: 6569: 6562: 6554: 6550: 6546: 6542: 6538: 6534: 6527: 6519: 6515: 6511: 6505: 6501: 6497: 6493: 6486: 6478: 6474: 6469: 6464: 6460: 6456: 6453:(8): 847–55. 6452: 6448: 6444: 6437: 6429: 6425: 6421: 6417: 6413: 6409: 6406:(2): 358–66. 6405: 6401: 6394: 6386: 6382: 6377: 6372: 6367: 6362: 6358: 6354: 6350: 6346: 6342: 6335: 6327: 6323: 6319: 6315: 6311: 6307: 6300: 6292: 6288: 6283: 6278: 6274: 6270: 6266: 6259: 6248: 6244: 6240: 6236: 6232: 6227: 6222: 6218: 6214: 6207: 6200: 6192: 6188: 6183: 6178: 6173: 6168: 6164: 6160: 6156: 6149: 6141: 6135: 6131: 6124: 6116: 6112: 6108: 6104: 6100: 6096: 6092: 6088: 6081: 6079: 6062: 6058: 6052: 6048: 6044: 6037: 6028: 6023: 6019: 6015: 6011: 6004: 6002: 5993: 5989: 5985: 5981: 5977: 5973: 5969: 5965: 5957: 5949: 5945: 5941: 5937: 5934:(2): 127–31. 5933: 5929: 5922: 5914: 5910: 5906: 5902: 5899:(1): 148–51. 5898: 5894: 5887: 5879: 5875: 5871: 5867: 5863: 5859: 5855: 5851: 5843: 5835: 5831: 5826: 5821: 5817: 5813: 5809: 5805: 5801: 5794: 5786: 5782: 5777: 5772: 5767: 5762: 5758: 5754: 5750: 5743: 5735: 5731: 5727: 5723: 5716: 5714: 5697: 5693: 5692: 5684: 5676: 5672: 5667: 5662: 5658: 5654: 5650: 5643: 5627: 5623: 5617: 5613: 5609: 5605: 5601: 5594: 5592: 5590: 5573: 5569: 5565: 5561: 5557: 5550: 5542: 5538: 5534: 5530: 5526: 5522: 5518: 5514: 5507: 5491: 5487: 5483: 5477: 5466:September 26, 5461: 5457: 5450: 5434: 5430: 5426: 5420: 5418: 5416: 5414: 5412: 5410: 5408: 5406: 5404: 5395: 5389: 5384: 5383: 5374: 5366: 5362: 5358: 5354: 5350: 5346: 5339: 5331: 5327: 5323: 5319: 5316:(5): 686–94. 5315: 5311: 5303: 5295: 5291: 5286: 5281: 5277: 5273: 5269: 5262: 5254: 5248: 5244: 5240: 5233: 5231: 5222: 5218: 5213: 5208: 5203: 5198: 5194: 5190: 5186: 5179: 5171: 5167: 5163: 5157: 5153: 5149: 5145: 5138: 5130: 5126: 5121: 5116: 5111: 5106: 5103:(3): 427–48. 5102: 5098: 5094: 5087: 5079: 5075: 5071: 5067: 5063: 5059: 5052: 5050: 5048: 5031: 5027: 5023: 5017: 5009: 5003: 4999: 4998: 4990: 4988: 4986: 4984: 4982: 4980: 4978: 4976: 4974: 4965: 4959: 4955: 4951: 4950: 4942: 4938: 4928: 4925: 4923: 4920: 4919: 4913: 4911: 4907: 4903: 4899: 4895: 4891: 4887: 4883: 4879: 4872:Other species 4869: 4868:antibiotics. 4865: 4862: 4857: 4843: 4839: 4835: 4830: 4828: 4824: 4820: 4819: 4814: 4810: 4809: 4804: 4800: 4799: 4794: 4790: 4786: 4781: 4779: 4775: 4771: 4765: 4762: 4761: 4756: 4752: 4748: 4740: 4735: 4726: 4724: 4720: 4719:Chita, Russia 4715: 4713: 4709: 4705: 4701: 4697: 4693: 4689: 4685: 4681: 4677: 4673: 4668: 4653: 4648: 4641: 4636: 4635: 4634: 4630: 4626: 4613: 4609: 4603: 4592: 4588: 4584: 4581: 4578: 4575: 4572: 4569: 4568: 4564: 4561: 4558: 4555: 4552: 4551: 4547: 4544: 4541: 4538: 4535: 4534: 4530: 4527: 4524: 4521: 4518: 4517: 4513: 4510: 4507: 4504: 4501: 4497: 4493: 4490: 4487: 4484: 4481: 4478: 4477: 4473: 4470: 4467: 4464: 4461: 4458: 4457: 4446: 4442: 4438: 4436:0.6–6.7 pg/mL 4435: 4432: 4429: 4426: 4425: 4421: 4419:0.8–9.2 pg/mL 4418: 4415: 4412: 4410:Premenopausal 4409: 4408: 4404: 4401: 4398: 4395: 4392: 4388: 4384: 4382:1.0–8.3 pg/mL 4381: 4378: 4375: 4372: 4371: 4367: 4365:1.0–6.2 pg/mL 4364: 4361: 4358: 4355: 4354: 4350: 4348:0.6–5.6 pg/mL 4347: 4344: 4341: 4338: 4337: 4333: 4331:0.1–2.9 pg/mL 4330: 4327: 4325:0.1–5.2 pg/mL 4324: 4321: 4317: 4313: 4311:0.1–1.6 pg/mL 4310: 4307: 4305:0.1–0.8 pg/mL 4304: 4301: 4300: 4296: 4294:0.1–0.6 pg/mL 4293: 4290: 4288:0.1–0.6 pg/mL 4287: 4284: 4280: 4273: 4270: 4264: 4261: 4260: 4246: 4241: 4237: 4234: 4231: 4228: 4225: 4224: 4220: 4217: 4214: 4211: 4209:Premenopausal 4208: 4207: 4203: 4200: 4195: 4190: 4187: 4183: 4179: 4176: 4173: 4170: 4167: 4166: 4162: 4159: 4156: 4153: 4150: 4149: 4145: 4142: 4139: 4136: 4133: 4132: 4128: 4125: 4122: 4119: 4116: 4112: 4108: 4105: 4102: 4099: 4096: 4095: 4091: 4088: 4085: 4082: 4079: 4075: 4068: 4065: 4059: 4056: 4055: 4041: 4036: 4032: 4029: 4026: 4023: 4020: 4019: 4015: 4012: 4009: 4006: 4004:Premenopausal 4003: 4002: 3998: 3995: 3992: 3989: 3986: 3985: 3981: 3978: 3975: 3972: 3969: 3968: 3964: 3961: 3958: 3955: 3952: 3951: 3947: 3944: 3938: 3932: 3929: 3925: 3921: 3918: 3912: 3906: 3903: 3902: 3898: 3895: 3892: 3889: 3886: 3885: 3881: 3878: 3875: 3872: 3869: 3868: 3864: 3861: 3858: 3855: 3852: 3848: 3841: 3835: 3829: 3823: 3820: 3819: 3815: 3812: 3809: 3806: 3803: 3802: 3796: 3791: 3786: 3781: 3778: 3774: 3770: 3767: 3764: 3761: 3758: 3757: 3753: 3750: 3747: 3744: 3741: 3740: 3736: 3733: 3730: 3727: 3724: 3720: 3713: 3710: 3704: 3701: 3700: 3686: 3681: 3674: 3669: 3667: 3662: 3660: 3655: 3654: 3650: 3648: 3644: 3640: 3629: 3627: 3623: 3619: 3615: 3611: 3607: 3603: 3599: 3595: 3591: 3586: 3584: 3580: 3576: 3572: 3568: 3564: 3561: 3557: 3553: 3548: 3546: 3542: 3538: 3534: 3530: 3526: 3522: 3518: 3514: 3509: 3507: 3503: 3499: 3495: 3491: 3487: 3483: 3479: 3478:5β-reductases 3475: 3471: 3467: 3464: 3460: 3456: 3452: 3448: 3444: 3440: 3436: 3423: 3419: 3415: 3411: 3407: 3403: 3399: 3395: 3391: 3376: 3368: 3365:Testosterone 3361: 3356: 3354: 3349: 3347: 3342: 3341: 3336: 3335: 3322: 3318: 3314: 3311: 3308: 3305: 3302: 3299: 3298: 3294: 3291: 3288: 3285: 3282: 3279: 3278: 3274: 3271: 3268: 3265: 3262: 3259: 3258: 3253: 3249: 3246: 3243: 3240: 3237: 3234: 3232: 3228: 3224: 3221: 3218: 3215: 3212: 3209: 3208: 3204: 3201: 3198: 3195: 3192: 3189: 3188: 3184: 3181: 3178: 3175: 3172: 3169: 3168: 3163: 3159: 3156: 3153: 3150: 3147: 3144: 3140: 3136: 3133: 3127: 3122: 3116: 3111: 3108: 3105: 3102: 3099: 3098: 3091: 3086: 3084: 3079: 3077: 3072: 3071: 3067: 3065: 3061: 3057: 3044: 3040: 3036: 3035:antiandrogens 3032: 3029: 3026: 3022: 3018: 3015: 3010: 3007: 3003: 3002:low-fat diets 2999: 2995: 2991: 2987: 2983: 2980: 2976: 2972: 2969: 2965: 2961: 2960: 2959: 2956: 2954: 2950: 2946: 2942: 2936: 2931: 2926: 2924: 2920: 2916: 2912: 2898: 2882:See template. 2881: 2876: 2872: 2867: 2862: 2861:concentration 2858: 2848: 2844: 2842:19–45 nmol/L 2841: 2838: 2835: 2832: 2830:Luteal phase 2829: 2828: 2824: 2822:0.3–3 nmol/L 2821: 2818: 2815: 2812: 2809: 2807: 2803: 2799: 2796: 2793: 2790: 2787: 2785:Luteal phase 2784: 2783: 2779: 2776: 2773: 2770: 2767: 2764: 2762: 2758: 2754: 2751: 2748: 2745: 2742: 2739: 2738: 2734: 2731: 2728: 2725: 2722: 2720:Luteal phase 2719: 2718: 2714: 2711: 2708: 2705: 2702: 2699: 2697: 2693: 2689: 2686: 2683: 2680: 2677: 2674: 2673: 2670:80–180 pg/mL 2669: 2666: 2663: 2660: 2657: 2655:Luteal phase 2654: 2653: 2650:30–110 pg/mL 2649: 2646: 2643: 2640: 2637: 2634: 2632: 2628: 2624: 2621: 2618: 2615: 2612: 2607: 2605:Testosterone 2604: 2603: 2600:89–350 ng/dL 2599: 2596: 2593: 2590: 2587: 2582: 2580: 2577: 2573: 2569: 2566: 2563: 2560: 2557: 2552: 2550: 2547: 2546: 2542: 2539: 2536: 2533: 2530: 2525: 2523: 2520: 2519: 2515: 2512: 2509: 2506: 2503: 2498: 2496: 2493: 2492: 2488: 2485: 2482: 2479: 2476: 2471: 2469:Testosterone 2468: 2467: 2464:80–210 ng/dL 2463: 2460: 2457: 2454: 2451: 2446: 2444: 2441: 2437: 2429: 2423: 2422: 2391: 2384: 2379: 2377: 2372: 2370: 2365: 2364: 2360: 2358: 2354: 2350: 2346: 2345:Sertoli cells 2342: 2338: 2334: 2330: 2326: 2322: 2318: 2313: 2311: 2307: 2303: 2295: 2291: 2287: 2283: 2280: 2279:mitochondrial 2276: 2272: 2266: 2261: 2257: 2244: 2234: 2225: 2219: 2214: 2212: 2208: 2204: 2200: 2197: 2193: 2189: 2185: 2181: 2176: 2174: 2166: 2162: 2159: 2149: 2147: 2143: 2139: 2134: 2130: 2126: 2125:aromatization 2121: 2119: 2113: 2111: 2107: 2103: 2099: 2095: 2091: 2087: 2083: 2079: 2076: 2072: 2068: 2064: 2062: 2058: 2054: 2050: 2046: 2036: 2034: 2030: 2026: 2022: 2018: 2014: 2010: 2006: 2002: 1998: 1994: 1990: 1987: 1973: 1964: 1960: 1956: 1954: 1950: 1945: 1941: 1937: 1934: 1929: 1924: 1921: 1916: 1914: 1910: 1906: 1902: 1895: 1891: 1881: 1879: 1868: 1864: 1862: 1852: 1848: 1844: 1841: 1832: 1830: 1826: 1823:to treat low 1822: 1821:off-label use 1818: 1814: 1809: 1805: 1796: 1792: 1784: 1781: 1776: 1772: 1768: 1765: 1763: 1752: 1750: 1746: 1742: 1737: 1733: 1731: 1725: 1710: 1708: 1703: 1701: 1697: 1693: 1689: 1684: 1682: 1681:breastfeeding 1678: 1674: 1670: 1666: 1665:heart disease 1662: 1658: 1654: 1650: 1646: 1641: 1639: 1635: 1631: 1627: 1623: 1622:health system 1619: 1614: 1612: 1608: 1604: 1600: 1599:breast cancer 1596: 1592: 1586: 1576: 1574: 1570: 1566: 1562: 1561:meta-analysis 1558: 1554: 1550: 1546: 1545:interleukin 6 1542: 1538: 1534: 1530: 1526: 1522: 1518: 1508: 1505: 1501: 1495: 1493: 1489: 1485: 1481: 1476: 1474: 1469: 1467: 1457: 1455: 1450: 1448: 1444: 1440: 1436: 1433: 1428: 1424: 1422: 1418: 1415:receptors on 1414: 1410:thromboxane A 1407: 1403: 1402:spermatogonia 1399: 1398:Sertoli cells 1395: 1382: 1378: 1374: 1370: 1366: 1362: 1358: 1354: 1350: 1346: 1343: 1339: 1335: 1332: 1328: 1325: 1322: 1318: 1315: 1311: 1307: 1304: 1300: 1296: 1292: 1288: 1284: 1283:spermatogenic 1280: 1279: 1278: 1276: 1272: 1267: 1258: 1256: 1252: 1248: 1244: 1243:axillary hair 1240: 1236: 1232: 1228: 1218: 1216: 1215:α-fetoprotein 1212: 1208: 1204: 1196:Early infancy 1193: 1191: 1186: 1181: 1179: 1175: 1171: 1167: 1163: 1160:thinning and 1159: 1155: 1152: 1147: 1139: 1137: 1133: 1125: 1121: 1117: 1114:(such as the 1113: 1109: 1105: 1101: 1097: 1093: 1089: 1085: 1082: 1079: 1075: 1071: 1067: 1064: 1063: 1062: 1060: 1056: 1052: 1048: 1044: 1029: 1027: 1023: 1019: 1015: 1011: 1010:breast cancer 1007: 1003: 998: 996: 992: 988: 984: 980: 976: 972: 968: 964: 960: 955: 953: 949: 945: 941: 940:heart failure 937: 932: 930: 926: 922: 918: 914: 910: 906: 902: 898: 894: 890: 886: 882: 878: 874: 870: 858: 851: 846: 829: 823: 819: 815: 812: 809: 805: 804: 800: 797: 793: 792: 788: 784: 780: 777: 774: 770: 769: 765: 758: 752: 749: 745: 744: 740: 736: 733: 729: 728: 724: 720: 717: 713: 709: 705: 701: 697: 693: 689: 685: 681: 677: 673: 670: 667: 661: 660: 653: 648: 639: 638: 636: 634: 631: 630: 625: 620: 617: 614: 610: 609: 606:Pharmacology 604: 600: 598: 597:Melting point 595: 594: 587: 585: 582: 581: 560: 557: 553: 552: 547: 538: 537: 534: 527: 513: 512: 509: 502: 494: 490: 489:DTXSID8022371 486: 485: 483: 473: 469: 468: 461: 457: 456: 454: 452: 449: 448: 441: 437: 436: 434: 428: 424: 423: 416: 412: 411: 409: 407: 404: 403: 396: 395: 393: 391: 386: 385: 381: 377: 374: 372: 370:ECHA InfoCard 367: 366: 359: 355: 354: 352: 350: 347: 346: 339: 335: 334: 332: 330: 327: 326: 319: 315: 314: 312: 310: 307: 306: 299: 295: 294: 292: 290: 287: 286: 279: 275: 274: 272: 268: 263: 262: 255: 251: 250: 248: 245: 241: 240: 235: 227: 221: 217: 213: 209: 205: 201: 197: 191: 187: 181: 177: 172: 168: 163: 159: 154: 151:Testosterone 148: 135: 131: 120: 117: 113: 110: 106: 103: 99: 96: 92: 89: –  88: 84: 83:Find sources: 78: 74: 68: 67: 63: 59: 54:This article 52: 43: 42: 37: 33: 19: 28441:Sex hormones 28376:Testosterone 28348:Cerebrolysin 28344: 28318:Pleiotrophin 28274:Interleukins 28187: 28168: 28138: 28057:Fruquintinib 28047:Cabozantinib 28028: 28018: 27976: 27940:Lestaurtinib 27891: 27871: 27839:Lestaurtinib 27790: 27780: 27761:Antagonists: 27760: 27694:Deoxygedunin 27649:3,7,8,2'-THF 27640: 27619: 27610:Against NGF: 27609: 27606: 27562:Against NGF: 27561: 27554: 27551: 27514:Lestaurtinib 27465: 27455: 27449:Testosterone 27448: 27431:Antagonists: 27430: 27380: 27280: 27265: 27240: 27221: 27211: 27190: 27180: 27159: 27149: 27128: 27113: 27073: 26988: 26956: 26935: 26926:Against NGF: 26925: 26922: 26878:Against NGF: 26877: 26874: 26868:Testosterone 26867: 26850:Antagonists: 26849: 26799: 26769: 26730: 26705: 26694: 26671:Teprotumumab 26632: 26602: 26561: 26510:Ficlatuzumab 26505:Emibetuzumab 26501: 26455:JNJ-38877605 26425:Cabozantinib 26396: 26386: 26375:Fosgonimeton 26370: 26345: 26287: 26265: 26206: 26189:Infigratinib 26185: 26170: 26073: 25990: 25924:Betacellulin 25920: 25903:Seribantumab 25889: 25866: 25825: 25790: 25784:Unknown/none 25783: 25779: 25713: 25638: 25597:Betacellulin 25592:Amphiregulin 25587: 25579:(ErbB1/HER1) 25543: 25515: 25495: 25481:Antagonists: 25480: 25465: 25458:Angiopoietin 25394: 25393: 25364: 25221:Lavender oil 24963:Nitric oxide 24883:Cryofluorane 24828:Acetophenone 24786:Methaqualone 24781:Mecloqualone 24776:Mebroqualone 24766:Diproqualone 24761:Cloroqualone 24690:Glutethimide 24494: 24446: 24413: 24375: 24348:Testosterone 24347: 24313:Progesterone 24278:Hydroxydione 24227:Androsterone 24154:Acecarbromal 24059:constituents 23846:Cyclarbamate 23836:Carisoprodol 23608:Metaclazepam 23603:Menitrazepam 23593:Meclonazepam 23588:Lormetazepam 23518:Flutemazepam 23343:Ciclotizolam 23333:Carburazepam 23225:Thiobarbital 23185:Secobarbital 23150:Phetharbital 23130:Nealbarbital 23115:Methohexital 23100:Hexobarbital 23035:Butallylonal 23030:Butobarbital 22985:Barbexaclone 22980:Aprobarbital 22965:Allobarbital 22952:Barbiturates 22919: 22911: 22901:Petrichloral 22473: 22463: 22387:Mepitiostane 22335:Epitiostanol 22204:Ormeloxifene 22129:Lasofoxifene 22039:Camizestrant 22034:Broparestrol 22024:Bazedoxifene 21946:rotundifuran 21895:alkylphenols 21845:β-zearalenol 21841:α-zearalenol 21827:stigmasterol 21819:β-sitosterol 21815:Phytosterols 21783:triclocarban 21779:methoxychlor 21732: 21714:Lavender oil 21708:tectorigenin 21640:formononetin 21514: 21489: 21360: 21352: 21152: 21136:Quinestradol 21126:Promestriene 21101:Noretynodrel 20965:Estromustine 20918:Estramustine 20853: 20760:testosterone 20759: 20497: 20385:Testosterone 20384: 20171:Pyrilutamide 20123: 20115: 20107: 20072:Lavender oil 20062:Ketoconazole 20027:Enzalutamide 19997:Darolutamide 19931:Bicalutamide 19906:Atraric acid 19878: 19873: 19857:Trimegestone 19812:Promegestone 19777:Mifepristone 19752:Medrogestone 19697:Drospirenone 19652:Clascoterone 19583: 19549: 19493:JNJ-37654032 19488:JNJ-28330835 19483:JNJ-26146900 19379: 19323: 19303: 19288: 19270:Quingestanol 19187:Etonogestrel 19173: 19153: 19126: 19116: 19106: 19091: 19075:Propetandrol 19016: 19005:Oxymetholone 18980:Methasterone 18934: 18928:Tiomesterone 18918:Oxymesterone 18810: 18790: 18711:Norclostebol 18686: 18682: 18591: 18529:Mepitiostane 18524:Epitiostanol 18507:Drostanolone 18458:Androsterone 18414: 18395:+dutasteride 18391:Testosterone 18359:DHEA sulfate 18212: 18050: 18010:Progestogens 17878:Ketoconazole 17806:5α-Reductase 17770:Ketoconazole 17760:Enzalutamide 17755:Darolutamide 17745:Bicalutamide 17736: 17700:Medrogestone 17695:Drospirenone 17658: 17551: 17501: 17491: 17461: 17450:Oxymetholone 17421: 17405:Oxymesterone 17341: 17315:Norclostebol 17292: 17266:Mepitiostane 17261:Epitiostanol 17237: 17189:Testosterone 17130: 17022: 16994: 16974:Androsterone 16969:Androstenone 16942: 16931:DHEA sulfate 16921:Androsterone 16883:Androstanes: 16882: 16866:Progesterone 16856:Pregnenolone 16851:Pregnanolone 16787: 16773: 16769:Cholestanes: 16768: 16737:Pregnanediol 16729:Metabolites: 16728: 16687:Progesterone 16679:Progestogens 16587:Metabolites: 16586: 16565:DHEA sulfate 16531: 16426: 16316:Metabolites: 16315: 16309:Testosterone 16308: 16274:DHEA sulfate 16259:Androsterone 16207:Sex steroids 16117:Metabolites: 16116: 16110:Progesterone 16105:Pregnenolone 15993:Pregnenolone 15985: 15976: 15658:Thymopoietin 15594:Pineal gland 15579:Somatostatin 15542:Progesterone 15489:Progesterone 15456:Testosterone 15455: 15439:Gonadal axis 15411:Thyroid axis 15308:Adrenal axis 15163:Hypothalamus 14941: 14928:Testosterone 14927: 14826: 14822: 14808:December 10, 14806:. Retrieved 14797: 14793: 14762: 14722: 14718: 14712: 14679: 14675: 14669: 14650: 14644: 14611: 14607: 14601: 14560: 14556: 14550: 14505: 14501: 14491: 14480: 14472: 14439: 14435: 14429: 14415:(1): 26–45. 14412: 14408: 14402: 14372:(2): 76–81. 14369: 14365: 14359: 14342: 14338: 14332: 14315: 14311: 14305: 14280: 14276: 14253:(2): 89–97. 14250: 14246: 14239: 14222: 14218: 14211: 14192: 14188: 14178: 14166:. Retrieved 14149: 14145: 14135: 14126: 14122: 14116: 14104:. Retrieved 14095: 14086: 14074:. Retrieved 14065: 14040:. Retrieved 14023: 14013: 13976: 13972: 13962: 13952:February 19, 13950:. Retrieved 13941: 13932: 13913: 13909: 13899: 13872: 13868: 13858: 13823: 13819: 13809: 13799:February 20, 13797:. Retrieved 13783: 13773:February 20, 13771:. Retrieved 13757: 13745:. Retrieved 13725: 13718: 13706:. Retrieved 13686: 13679: 13667:. Retrieved 13647: 13640: 13628:. Retrieved 13608: 13601: 13576: 13572: 13551:. Retrieved 13531: 13486: 13482: 13472: 13439: 13435: 13425: 13400: 13396: 13390: 13357: 13353: 13347: 13337:December 20, 13335:. Retrieved 13326: 13317: 13305:. Retrieved 13285: 13240: 13236: 13190: 13186: 13180: 13160: 13153: 13133: 13126: 13106: 13099: 13079: 13072: 13052: 13045: 13012: 13008: 13002: 12977: 12973: 12967: 12948: 12942: 12922: 12894:. Retrieved 12874: 12867: 12835:(3): 233–9. 12832: 12828: 12818: 12806:. Retrieved 12786: 12760:. Retrieved 12740: 12692:(5): 873–6. 12689: 12685: 12679: 12667:. Retrieved 12647: 12640: 12615: 12611: 12605: 12572: 12568: 12562: 12537: 12533: 12526: 12493: 12489: 12483: 12440: 12436: 12430: 12405: 12401: 12395: 12368: 12364: 12354: 12317: 12313: 12303: 12260: 12256: 12250: 12226:(1): 65–70. 12223: 12219: 12209: 12174: 12170: 12164: 12129: 12125: 12115: 12088: 12085:Reproduction 12084: 12074: 12049: 12045: 12039: 12006: 12002: 11995: 11962: 11958: 11952: 11927: 11923: 11917: 11880: 11876: 11866: 11854:. Retrieved 11819: 11809: 11784: 11780: 11774: 11755: 11749: 11724: 11720: 11714: 11681: 11677: 11671: 11638: 11634: 11628: 11614:cite journal 11589: 11585: 11579: 11559: 11552: 11517: 11511: 11481:(246): pt8. 11478: 11474: 11427: 11423: 11383: 11379: 11327: 11321: 11286: 11282: 11272: 11237: 11231: 11198: 11194: 11188: 11155: 11151: 11145: 11108: 11104: 11094: 11069: 11065: 11059: 11034: 11030: 11024: 10991: 10987: 10981: 10946: 10942: 10932: 10898:(21): 8191. 10895: 10891: 10881: 10856: 10852: 10846: 10811: 10807: 10757: 10753: 10726:. Retrieved 10674: 10668: 10658: 10613: 10609: 10599: 10566: 10562: 10556: 10515: 10511: 10505: 10464: 10460: 10454: 10444:December 22, 10442:. Retrieved 10406: 10402: 10389: 10370: 10364: 10327: 10323: 10313: 10280: 10276: 10270: 10237: 10233: 10226: 10193: 10189: 10183: 10156: 10152: 10142: 10104:(1): 82–89. 10101: 10097: 10091: 10081: 10056: 10052: 10046: 10005: 10001: 9995: 9960: 9956: 9946: 9934:. Retrieved 9906: 9902: 9889: 9879:December 30, 9877:. Retrieved 9857: 9853: 9840: 9807: 9803: 9797: 9787:December 30, 9785:. Retrieved 9778:the original 9749: 9746:Neuroscience 9745: 9732: 9707: 9703: 9697: 9664: 9660: 9654: 9619: 9615: 9605: 9572: 9568: 9562: 9552:December 30, 9550:. Retrieved 9539: 9503: 9499: 9493: 9458: 9454: 9444: 9430:(1): 54–73. 9427: 9423: 9413: 9396: 9392: 9368:the original 9339: 9335: 9280: 9276: 9270: 9245: 9201: 9197: 9191: 9174: 9170: 9164: 9152:. Retrieved 9143: 9133: 9100: 9096: 9090: 9057: 9053: 9047: 9002: 8998: 8988: 8976:. Retrieved 8962: 8950:. Retrieved 8941: 8931: 8906:10419/267153 8886: 8882: 8872: 8847: 8843: 8837: 8792: 8788: 8778: 8766:. Retrieved 8762:the original 8757: 8747: 8714: 8710: 8704: 8671: 8667: 8661: 8636: 8632: 8626: 8583: 8579: 8573: 8540: 8536: 8530: 8497: 8494:Human Nature 8493: 8487: 8470: 8466: 8460: 8443: 8439: 8385: 8381: 8339: 8335: 8290:(21): 4224. 8287: 8283: 8245: 8241: 8220:. Retrieved 8177: 8173: 8160: 8135: 8131: 8125: 8082: 8078: 8072: 8045: 8041: 8031: 7998: 7994: 7988: 7958:(1): 77–81. 7955: 7951: 7945: 7912: 7908: 7902: 7877: 7873: 7867: 7834: 7830: 7824: 7791: 7787: 7781: 7738: 7734: 7692: 7688: 7682: 7649: 7645: 7639: 7614: 7610: 7604: 7579: 7575: 7569: 7536: 7532: 7526: 7483: 7479: 7473: 7448: 7444: 7438: 7403: 7399: 7389: 7377:. Retrieved 7368: 7358: 7333: 7329: 7322: 7289: 7285: 7279: 7267:. Retrieved 7247: 7235:. Retrieved 7224: 7215: 7188: 7184: 7174: 7162:. Retrieved 7153: 7144: 7109: 7105: 7095: 7060: 7056: 7006: 7002: 6996: 6984:. Retrieved 6951: 6947: 6937: 6904: 6900: 6894: 6869: 6865: 6859: 6826: 6822: 6816: 6804:. Retrieved 6799: 6790: 6778:. Retrieved 6735: 6731: 6718: 6684:(1): 25–44. 6681: 6677: 6667: 6642: 6638: 6632: 6610:(1): 29–39. 6607: 6603: 6596: 6571: 6567: 6561: 6536: 6532: 6526: 6491: 6485: 6450: 6446: 6436: 6403: 6399: 6393: 6348: 6344: 6334: 6309: 6305: 6299: 6272: 6268: 6258: 6247:the original 6216: 6212: 6199: 6162: 6158: 6148: 6129: 6123: 6093:(2): 75–82. 6090: 6086: 6065:. Retrieved 6046: 6036: 6017: 6013: 5967: 5963: 5956: 5931: 5927: 5921: 5896: 5892: 5886: 5856:(1): 75–81. 5853: 5849: 5842: 5810:(1): 58–64. 5807: 5803: 5793: 5756: 5752: 5742: 5728:(1): 17–28. 5725: 5721: 5702:November 21, 5700:. Retrieved 5690: 5683: 5656: 5652: 5642: 5630:. Retrieved 5603: 5578:November 11, 5576:. Retrieved 5559: 5549: 5516: 5512: 5506: 5494:. Retrieved 5490:the original 5485: 5476: 5464:. Retrieved 5449: 5439:September 3, 5437:. Retrieved 5428: 5381: 5373: 5348: 5344: 5338: 5313: 5309: 5302: 5275: 5271: 5261: 5242: 5192: 5188: 5178: 5143: 5137: 5100: 5096: 5086: 5061: 5057: 5036:December 30, 5034:. Retrieved 5025: 5016: 4996: 4948: 4941: 4910:sex hormones 4882:gnathostomes 4875: 4866: 4858: 4831: 4817: 4806: 4796: 4792: 4785:testosterone 4784: 4782: 4766: 4758: 4744: 4716: 4676:Central Asia 4669: 4666: 4663:Distribution 4631: 4627: 4623: 4590: 4485:<10 years 4474:Mean levels 4471:Levels range 4462:Tanner stage 4444: 4396:44–244 pg/mL 3643:hypogonadism 3635: 3610:epididymides 3587: 3565:, including 3552:hydroxylated 3549: 3547:by 17β-HSD. 3510: 3466:androsterone 3432: 3320: 3255:Adult women 3165:Adult women 3142:Testosterone 3053: 3050:Distribution 3020: 2957: 2945:hypothalamus 2927: 2911:Leydig cells 2908: 2879: 2874: 2870: 2865: 2860: 2856: 2806:Progesterone 2755:10–38 pg/mL 2715:10–98 pg/mL 2625:20–81 ng/dL 2543:10–57 pg/mL 2516:10–70 pg/mL 2399:Reproductive 2396:Sex hormone 2341:Leydig cells 2325:thecal cells 2314: 2286:pregnenolone 2271:biosynthesis 2253: 2250:Biosynthesis 2228:Biochemistry 2215: 2207:DHEA sulfate 2196:neurotrophin 2177: 2155: 2122: 2114: 2094:cell nucleus 2090:5α-reductase 2065: 2042: 2032: 2025:sex steroids 2023:, and other 2005:blood plasma 1991:(soluble in 1984: 1970: 1961: 1957: 1946: 1942: 1938: 1925: 1917: 1913:hypothalamus 1897: 1874: 1865: 1858: 1849: 1845: 1838: 1817:dermal patch 1810: 1806: 1802: 1793: 1790: 1777: 1773: 1766: 1758: 1741:masturbation 1738: 1734: 1727: 1704: 1692:testosterone 1685: 1669:virilization 1645:side effects 1642: 1615: 1588: 1575:(SPINA-GT). 1529:inflammation 1514: 1496: 1477: 1470: 1463: 1451: 1429: 1425: 1391: 1331:Adam's apple 1264: 1247:growth spurt 1224: 1199: 1182: 1148: 1145: 1142:Before birth 1129: 1110:, growth of 1083: 1074:bone density 1065: 1041:In general, 1040: 1006:hypogonadism 999: 956: 946:in men with 942:, increased 933: 929:osteoporosis 869:Testosterone 868: 867: 700:in the cheek 633:License data 318:ChEMBL386630 237:Identifiers 229:Other names 219: 215: 211: 207: 203: 199: 195: 147: 125: 115: 108: 101: 94: 82: 62:verification 55: 28391:Androstanes 28308:Oncomodulin 28172:Aflibercept 28162:Ranibizumab 28157:Ramucirumab 28147:Bevacizumab 28139:Antibodies: 28097:Regorafenib 28037:Altiratinib 27950:ONO-5390556 27920:Entrectinib 27895:Altiratinib 27849:ONO-5390556 27819:Entrectinib 27794:Altiratinib 27580:Frunevetmab 27552:Antibodies: 27529:ONO-5390556 27494:Entrectinib 27469:Altiratinib 27424:Tavilermide 27319:Quizartinib 27258:SCF (c-Kit) 27082:Ramucirumab 27074:Antibodies: 27047:Quizartinib 26997:Avapritinib 26960:Becaplermin 26896:Frunevetmab 26875:Antibodies: 26778:Trofinetide 26709:Dusigitumab 26706:Antibodies: 26661:Robatumumab 26651:Figitumumab 26646:Dalotuzumab 26641:Cixutumumab 26633:Antibodies: 26525:Rilotumumab 26520:Onartuzumab 26515:Flanvotumab 26502:Antibodies: 26470:PF-04217903 26400:Altiratinib 26363:HGF (c-Met) 26266:Antibodies: 26171:Antibodies: 25893:Duligotumab 25890:Antibodies: 25804:Trastuzumab 25794:Ertumaxomab 25791:Antibodies: 25762:Zalutumumab 25757:Panitumumab 25752:Nimotuzumab 25747:Necitumumab 25737:Imgatuzumab 25714:Antibodies: 25697:Osimertinib 25662:Dacomitinib 25557:Dapiclermin 25516:Antibodies: 25499:Altiratinib 25303:Stiripentol 25298:Seproxetine 25268:Niacinamide 25248:Loreclezole 25069:Avermectins 25033:Vinyl ether 25003:Sevoflurane 24983:Paraldehyde 24933:Halopropane 24756:Afloqualone 24738:Tracazolate 24733:ICI-190,622 24723:Cartazolate 24700:Piperidione 24695:Methyprylon 24662:Fospropofol 24584:Pipequaline 24392:Pazinaclone 24382:Eszopiclone 24238:Cholesterol 24222:Androstenol 24146:Monoureides 24126:Methysticin 23926:Tetrabamate 23906:Pentabamate 23896:Meprobamate 23866:Febarbamate 23831:Carisbamate 23783:Triflubazam 23773:Tolufazepam 23733:Rilmazafone 23728:Remimazolam 23703:Proflazepam 23688:Pivoxazepam 23648:Nitrazepate 23638:Nimetazepam 23573:Lopirazepam 23543:Haloxazolam 23493:Fludiazepam 23438:Doxefazepam 23413:Delorazepam 23393:Clotiazepam 23388:Clorazepate 23353:Cinolazepam 23250:Vinbarbital 23205:Tetrabamate 23160:Probarbital 23140:Phenallymal 23105:Metharbital 23080:Febarbamate 22975:Amobarbital 22876:Isopropanol 22846:Chloralodol 22732:Zearalenone 22684:Antagonists 22660:Resveratrol 22625:Nonylphenol 22620:Niacinamide 22536:Bisphenol A 22526:Aldosterone 22355:Glyceollins 22303:Antagonists 22294:Zuclomifene 22289:Zindoxifene 22199:NNC 45-1506 22194:NNC 45-0781 22189:NNC 45-0320 22184:NNC 45-0095 22179:Nitromifene 22159:Miproxifene 22109:Fispemifene 22084:Enclomifene 22079:Droloxifene 22059:CN-55945-27 22004:Afimoxifene 21994:Acefluranol 21885:rhaponticin 21881:resveratrol 21877:Stilbenoids 21849:zearalenone 21837:zearalanone 21823:campesterol 21755:alternariol 21688:pinocembrin 21632:epicatechin 21604:biochanin A 21544:Chalconoids 21438:Terfluranol 21413:Quadrosilan 21285:Elacestrant 21186:Allenestrol 21061:Lynestrenol 20985:Estropipate 20955:Estrofurate 20806:Clomestrone 20786:Atrimustine 20736:Abiraterone 20690:alfatradiol 20370:Osteocalcin 20251:Vinclozolin 20236:Thalidomide 20231:Seviteronel 20161:Procymidone 20097:Masofaniten 20052:Inocoterone 19956:bisphenol S 19952:bisphenol F 19948:bisphenol A 19926:BAY-1024767 19901:Apalutamide 19847:Spiroxasone 19842:Spirorenone 19822:Rosterolone 19762:Mespirenone 19707:Edogestrone 19677:Delanterone 19667:Cyproterone 19657:Clometerone 19627:Benorterone 19612:Abiraterone 19577:Antagonists 19508:PF-06260414 19413:BMS-564,929 19337:Alternariol 19229:Lynestrenol 19182:Desogestrel 19065:Norboletone 19055:Metribolone 19000:Oxandrolone 18958:Mestanolone 18923:Penmesterol 18854:Formebolone 18819:Calusterone 18814:Bolasterone 18568:Prostanozol 18539:Mesterolone 18084:from market 17994:leuprorelin 17942:haloperidol 17938:risperidone 17930:domperidone 17922:antagonists 17888:Seviteronel 17829:Finasteride 17824:Epristeride 17819:Dutasteride 17814:Alfatradiol 17780:Seviteronel 17740:Apalutamide 17651:antagonists 17595:leuprorelin 17535:lynestrenol 17445:Oxandrolone 17440:Mestanolone 17410:Penmesterol 17365:Formebolone 17350:Calusterone 17345:Bolasterone 17271:Mesterolone 17218:Deposterona 16896:7-Keto-DHEA 16781:Cholesterol 16570:7-Keto-DHEA 16183:Aldosterone 15970:Cholesterol 15842:Osteocalcin 15819:Adiponectin 15646:Thymosin α1 15421:Parathyroid 15321:Aldosterone 15224:Vasopressin 14614:(1): 1–12. 14508:(9): 1144. 14345:: 1264–75. 13579:(1): 1–10. 12896:November 5, 12808:November 3, 12762:November 3, 11756:Leydig Cell 9963:: 109–118. 9752:: 171–186. 9541:LiveScience 9424:Criminology 9283:(1): 25–9. 8768:December 9, 7451:(1): 51–8. 6306:Circulation 5064:(1): 1–28. 5026:Mayo Clinic 4787:, from the 4620:Measurement 4556:13–17 years 4542:14–15 years 4539:13–17 years 4525:13–14 years 4522:12–16 years 4505:10–14 years 4373:16–17 years 4356:14–15 years 4339:12–13 years 4322:10–11 years 4168:16–17 years 4151:14–15 years 4134:12–13 years 4117:10–11 years 3970:40–59 years 3953:20–39 years 3904:16–17 years 3887:14–15 years 3870:12–13 years 3853:10–11 years 3494:circulation 3443:conjugation 3435:metabolized 3414:metabolites 3402:conjugation 2984:Nutrients: 2845:6–14 ng/mL 2839:2100 L/day 2819:2100 L/day 2816:1.7 mg/day 2788:180 μg/day 2768:100 μg/day 2729:1200 L/day 2726:240 μg/day 2723:250 μg/day 2709:1200 L/day 2690:6–60 pg/mL 2684:1610 L/day 2664:2200 L/day 2661:150 μg/day 2658:260 μg/day 2644:2200 L/day 2638:110 μg/day 2613:190 μg/day 2594:2000 L/day 2591:2.8 mg/day 2588:3.2 mg/day 2537:1600 L/day 2510:2050 L/day 2507:110 μg/day 2504:150 μg/day 2480:6.2 mg/day 2477:6.5 mg/day 2458:2200 L/day 2455:1.6 mg/day 2452:2.8 mg/day 2304:to produce 2260:cholesterol 2254:Like other 2102:chromosomal 2045:vertebrates 1999:), such as 1995:but not in 1933:digit ratio 1909:vasopressin 1579:Medical use 1381:armpit hair 1353:facial hair 1324:metabolites 1255:facial hair 1112:facial hair 1070:muscle mass 983:vertebrates 873:sex hormone 787:conjugation 672:Transdermal 549:Properties 376:100.000.336 298:CHEBI:17347 56:needs more 28370:Categories 28127:Vandetanib 28092:Rebastinib 28087:Pegaptanib 28077:Nintedanib 28067:Lenvatinib 28032:Agerafenib 27985:Ripretinib 27910:CH-7057288 27809:CH-7057288 27674:7,8,3'-THF 27669:7,8,2'-THF 27595:Ranevetmab 27585:Fulranumab 27539:Rebastinib 27484:CH-7057288 27399:Cenegermin 27284:Agerafenib 27244:Agerafenib 27225:Vandetanib 27194:Vandetanib 27163:Vandetanib 27132:Vandetanib 27077:Olaratumab 27052:Ripretinib 27032:Nintedanib 27017:Lenvatinib 27007:Crenolanib 26992:Agerafenib 26911:Ranevetmab 26901:Fulranumab 26818:Cenegermin 26792:LNGF (p75) 26714:Xentuzumab 26676:Xentuzumab 26621:NVP-AEW541 26616:NVP-ADW742 26611:Linsitinib 26606:BMS-754807 26591:Mecasermin 26490:Tivantinib 26480:PHA-665752 26475:PF-2341066 26445:Golvatinib 26435:Crizotinib 26430:Capmatinib 26420:BMS-777607 26415:Amuvatinib 26291:Ersofermin 26254:Sprifermin 26210:Ersofermin 26159:Sprifermin 26149:Repifermin 26144:Palifermin 26077:Ersofermin 26056:Velafermin 26041:Repifermin 25994:Ersofermin 25913:ErbB4/HER4 25898:Patritumab 25859:ErbB3/HER3 25839:Mubritinib 25799:Pertuzumab 25772:ErbB2/HER2 25702:Vandetanib 25657:Canertinib 25652:Brigatinib 25647:Agerafenib 25627:Nepidermin 25622:Murodermin 25612:Epiregulin 25567:EGF (ErbB) 25525:Nesvacumab 25519:Evinacumab 25509:Rebastinib 25450:modulators 25336:Topiramate 25326:Terpenoids 25283:Propanidid 25273:Org 25,435 25201:Flupirtine 25196:Fluoxetine 25102:Chloralose 25073:ivermectin 24978:Norflurane 24943:Isoflurane 24888:Desflurane 24878:Chloroform 24838:Aliflurane 24771:Etaqualone 24599:SB-205,384 24529:CP-615,003 24524:CL-218,872 24478:Panadiplon 24468:Lorediplon 24397:Suproclone 24358:Zuranolone 24318:Renanolone 24303:Posovolone 24283:Minaxolone 24273:Ganaxolone 24212:Alfaxalone 24207:Alfadolone 24197:Acebrochol 24164:Bromisoval 24042:Metomidate 24029:Imidazoles 23989:Hispidulin 23941:Flavonoids 23901:Nisobamate 23891:Mebutamate 23861:Ethinamate 23856:Emylcamate 23823:Carbamates 23793:Tuclazepam 23768:Tetrazepam 23723:Reclazepam 23698:Premazepam 23678:Phenazepam 23658:Nordazepam 23653:Nitrazolam 23643:Nitrazepam 23623:Motrazepam 23578:Loprazolam 23568:Lofendazam 23553:Imidazenil 23513:Flutazolam 23508:Flurazepam 23478:Fletazepam 23433:Dimdazenil 23428:Diclazepam 23408:Cyprazepam 23398:Cloxazolam 23378:Clonazolam 23373:Clonazepam 23363:Climazolam 23323:Brotizolam 23318:Bromazolam 23313:Bromazepam 23308:Bretazenil 23303:Bentazepam 23293:Arfendazam 23288:Alprazolam 23283:Adinazolam 23255:Vinylbital 23235:Thiopental 23110:Methitural 23025:Buthalital 23020:Butalbital 22871:Isobutanol 22675:Tectoridin 22655:Raloxifene 22630:Oleuropein 22477:Trilostane 22422:Prochloraz 22382:MDL-101906 22377:ICI-164384 22264:Trioxifene 22259:Toremifene 22229:Raloxifene 22214:Panomifene 22209:Ospemifene 22174:Nafoxidine 22064:Cyclofenil 22019:Arzoxifene 21999:Acolbifene 21931:phthalates 21899:bisphenols 21871:miroestrol 21775:methiocarb 21763:endosulfan 21751:Pesticides 21723:enterodiol 21704:tectoridin 21684:penduletin 21680:naringenin 21664:kaempferol 21580:Flavonoids 21574:psoralidin 21570:coumestrol 21566:Coumestans 21530:dianethole 21483:WAY-214156 21473:WAY-200070 21468:WAY-169916 21463:WAY-166818 21433:SKF-82,958 21398:Phenestrol 21378:Methestrol 21363:-Hexestrol 21355:-Butestrol 21236:Dienestrol 21216:Carbestrol 21201:Bifluranol 21196:Benzestrol 21141:Quinestrol 21091:Nilestriol 20933:Estrazinol 20866:Epimestrol 20856:-Estradiol 20838:Cyclotriol 20776:nandrolone 20751:Almestrone 20586:7-Oxo-DHEA 20498:Steroidal: 20470:modulators 20364:-ornithine 20307:gadolinium 20156:Prochloraz 20151:Phenothrin 20131:Nilutamide 20102:Methiocarb 20022:Endosulfan 19987:Cioteronel 19982:Cimetidine 19972:BMS-641988 19967:BMS-570511 19962:BMS-501949 19936:Bisphenols 19891:Antarlides 19867:Zanoterone 19802:Oxendolone 19747:Ludaterone 19737:Galeterone 19687:Dicirenone 19584:Steroidal: 19550:Steroidal: 19543:Vosilasarm 19438:GSK2881078 19393:AC-262,536 19352:Trilostane 19260:Norgestrel 19209:Gestrinone 19177:Δ-Tibolone 19060:Mibolerone 19010:Stanozolol 18963:Metenolone 18740:Trenbolone 18699:Nandrolone 18649:Dienedione 18573:Stenbolone 18534:Mesabolone 18386:Silandrone 18381:Quinbolone 18376:Plomestane 18371:Formestane 18366:Exemestane 18288:Atamestane 18185:modulators 18004:cetrorelix 17960:bifluranol 17883:Nilutamide 17863:Bifluranol 17853:+niraparib 17797:inhibitors 17775:Nilutamide 17750:Cimetidine 17720:Oxendolone 17665:+niraparib 17659:Steroidal: 17527:norgestrel 17515:Progestins 17510:Gestrinone 17470:Mibolerone 17455:Stanozolol 17184:Quinbolone 17011:Calcitriol 16944:Pheromones 16788:Pregnanes: 15962:Precursors 15951:Endogenous 15870:Calcitriol 15756:Peptide YY 15406:Calcitonin 15358:Adrenaline 15287:Lipotropin 15282:Endorphins 14024:StatPearls 13442:(1): 1–8. 12270:2204.00007 12263:: 105878. 11475:Sci Signal 10808:Endocr Rev 9060:: 105260. 8889:: 101123. 7406:(1): 1–7. 7379:January 7, 6780:August 29, 6067:October 8, 5659:: 411–34. 4933:References 4801:, and the 4760:The Lancet 4747:testicular 4688:Uzbekistan 4684:Kyrgyzstan 4678:, such as 4459:Life stage 3541:reversibly 3394:metabolism 3367:metabolism 3330:Metabolism 3106:Level (nM) 3037:including 2973:Exercise: 2964:andropause 2892:Regulation 2836:24 mg/day 2833:25 mg/day 2794:146 L/day 2774:146 L/day 2749:910 L/day 2706:80 μg/day 2703:90 μg/day 2678:40 μg/day 2641:80 μg/day 2619:500 L/day 2616:60 μg/day 2564:167 L/day 2558:80 μg/day 2534:50 μg/day 2531:60 μg/day 2483:950 L/day 2180:antagonist 2098:nucleotide 2073:of target 1986:Lipophilic 1905:alcoholism 1888:See also: 1871:Motivation 1855:Fatherhood 1722:See also: 1533:biomarkers 1447:congenital 1369:chest hair 1308:Growth of 1281:Growth of 1239:pubic hair 1176:gland and 1092:sex organs 1088:maturation 1059:virilising 1002:medication 963:androstane 913:aggression 773:Metabolism 704:intranasal 584:Molar mass 460:3XMK78S47O 329:ChemSpider 265:3D model ( 244:CAS Number 180:IUPAC name 98:newspapers 28396:Estrogens 28152:Icrucumab 28132:WHI-P 154 28122:Tivozanib 28117:Toceranib 28112:Sunitinib 28107:Sorafenib 28102:Semaxanib 28082:Pazopanib 28072:Motesanib 28062:Lapatinib 28052:Cediranib 27990:Telbermin 27977:Agonists: 27925:GZ-389988 27905:CE-245677 27872:Agonists: 27824:GZ-389988 27804:CE-245677 27704:Diosmetin 27641:Agonists: 27607:Aptamers: 27600:Tanezumab 27575:Fasinumab 27519:Milciclib 27499:GZ-389988 27479:CE-245677 27381:Agonists: 27334:Toceranib 27329:Sunitinib 27324:Sorafenib 27314:Pazopanib 27309:Nilotinib 27304:Masitinib 27294:Dasatinib 27266:Agonists: 27212:Agonists: 27181:Agonists: 27150:Agonists: 27122:Liatermin 27114:Agonists: 27097:RET (GFL) 27087:Tovetumab 27067:Toceranib 27062:Sorafenib 27057:Sunitinib 27042:Radotinib 27037:Pazopanib 27027:Motesanib 27022:Masitinib 26957:Agonists: 26923:Aptamers: 26916:Tanezumab 26891:Fasinumab 26800:Agonists: 26656:Ganitumab 26576:IGF-1 LR3 26495:Volitinib 26450:INCB28060 26440:Foretinib 26346:Agonists: 26330:Trafermin 26288:Agonists: 26269:Burosumab 26259:Trafermin 26207:Agonists: 26174:Aprutumab 26164:Trafermin 26126:10 (KGF2) 26074:Agonists: 26051:Trafermin 26031:10 (KGF2) 25991:Agonists: 25921:Agonists: 25867:Agonists: 25849:Tucatinib 25844:Neratinib 25834:Lapatinib 25742:Matuzumab 25732:Futuximab 25717:Cetuximab 25707:WHI-P 154 25692:Neratinib 25687:Lapatinib 25677:Grandinin 25672:Gefitinib 25667:Erlotinib 25544:Agonists: 25504:CE-245677 25466:Agonists: 25395:See also: 25357:valerenol 25278:Phenytoin 25258:Monastrol 25216:Lanthanum 25211:KRM-II-81 25174:Fenamates 25169:Etifoxine 25164:Etazepine 25159:Efavirenz 25117:Darigabat 25013:Teflurane 24998:Roflurane 24993:Propylene 24938:Halothane 24923:Fluroxene 24908:Enflurane 24811:Volatiles 24728:Etazolate 24639:Viqualine 24594:RWJ-51204 24559:L-838,417 24549:Imepitoin 24519:CGS-20625 24514:CGS-13767 24499:Adipiplon 24473:Ocinaplon 24435:Saripidem 24430:Necopidem 24407:Zopiclone 24402:Suriclone 24387:Pagoclone 24293:ORG-21465 24288:ORG-20599 24179:Ectylurea 24169:Carbromal 24047:Propoxate 24037:Etomidate 23964:Baicalein 23921:Styramate 23916:Procymate 23886:Lorbamate 23871:Felbamate 23841:Clocental 23813:Zomebazam 23808:Zolazepam 23803:Zapizolam 23798:Uldazepam 23778:Triazolam 23763:Temazepam 23758:Sulazepam 23748:Ro48-8684 23743:Ro48-6791 23738:Ripazepam 23708:Pyrazolam 23683:Pinazepam 23633:Nifoxipam 23618:Midazolam 23613:Mexazolam 23598:Medazepam 23583:Lorazepam 23563:Ketazolam 23558:Irazepine 23548:Iclazepam 23538:Halazepam 23533:Gidazepam 23528:Fosazepam 23448:Estazolam 23443:Elfazepam 23418:Demoxepam 23348:Cinazepam 23328:Camazepam 23298:Avizafone 23220:Thiamylal 23155:Primidone 23085:Heptabarb 23075:Eterobarb 23040:Carbubarb 22937:Triclofos 22836:Brometone 22670:Tamoxifen 22650:Quercetin 22590:Genistein 22570:Estradiol 22554:o',p'-DDE 22457:ZK-191703 22452:ZK-164015 22412:Phenytoin 22310:(R,R)-THC 22249:Tamoxifen 22224:Promensil 22149:LY-117018 22124:Idoxifene 22119:ICI-55548 22104:Femarelle 22089:Endoxifen 22049:Clomifene 21805:diosgenin 21801:digitalis 21797:digitoxin 21787:triclosan 21767:fenarimol 21700:quercetin 21676:myricetin 21672:mirificin 21660:glycitein 21652:genistein 21648:glabridin 21608:calycosin 21596:baicalein 21552:phloretin 21508:ZK-283197 21368:Mestilbol 21330:Hexestrol 21305:Fenestrel 21280:Efavirenz 21211:Butestrol 21166:2,8-DHHHC 21161:(S,S)-THC 21156:(R,R)-THC 21111:Pentolame 21106:Orestrate 21081:Moxestrol 21071:Mestranol 21036:Etynodiol 20896:Estradiol 20871:Equilenin 20833:Cyclodiol 20791:Bolandiol 20350:-arginine 20335:Estradiol 20315:strontium 20311:magnesium 20299:aluminium 20266:YM-175735 20201:Ro 5-2537 20196:Ro 2-7239 20146:PF-998425 20141:Pentomone 20082:LG-120907 20042:Flutamide 20037:Fenarimol 19977:CH5137291 19916:Bakuchiol 19852:Topterone 19817:Prorenone 19792:Osaterone 19787:Nordinone 19772:Mexrenone 19692:Dienogest 19642:Canrenone 19563:TFM-4AS-1 19503:ORM-11984 19443:GSK-4336A 19433:GLPG-0492 19357:ZM-182345 19204:Gestodene 19192:Etynodiol 18948:Furazabol 18839:Enestebol 18767:Trendione 18728:Oxabolone 18654:Dienolone 18627:Bolandiol 18556:Nisterime 18310:Clostebol 18293:Boldenone 18094:Phase III 18082:Withdrawn 17968:estradiol 17956:Estrogens 17950:sulpiride 17928:) (e.g., 17873:Flutamide 17765:Flutamide 17690:Dienogest 17670:Canrenone 17581:clomifene 17577:tamoxifen 17430:Furazabol 17144:Clostebol 17095:Androgens 17083:Androgens 16996:Vitamin D 16435:Estradiol 16427:Estranes: 16419:Estrogens 16216:Androgens 16090:Cortisone 15641:Thymosins 15602:Melatonin 15484:Estradiol 15331:Cortisone 15257:Prolactin 15154:pituitary 15141:Endocrine 15091:Estradiol 14879:Chemistry 14704:221810929 14524:2223-7747 13747:March 25, 13708:March 25, 13669:March 25, 13630:March 25, 13307:March 25, 12669:March 23, 12597:206425734 12445:CiteSeerX 12320:(1): 24. 12295:232246357 12179:CiteSeerX 12171:Nutrition 12156:206315145 11424:PLOS Biol 10728:March 30, 10670:JBMR Plus 9689:205303673 9399:: 61–74. 9204:: 230–6. 9082:252285821 8952:August 9, 8923:245383323 8674:: 16–24. 7743:CiteSeerX 7314:259176370 7136:184487697 6948:Neurology 6823:Endocrine 6221:CiteSeerX 5560:Endotext 5197:CiteSeerX 4954:CRC Press 4886:Agnathans 4815:, at the 4576:≥18 years 4519:Stage III 4465:Age range 4393:≥18 years 4302:7–9 years 4285:1–6 years 4251:Age range 4188:≥18 years 4097:7–9 years 4080:1–6 years 4046:Age range 3987:≥60 years 3930:≥18 years 3804:7–9 years 3779:1–6 years 3691:Age range 3594:aromatase 3590:estradiol 3406:sulfation 3369:in humans 3235:Adult men 3145:Adult men 3039:spearmint 3025:REM sleep 2990:vitamin D 2917:(LH) and 2813:2 mg/day 2743:6 μg/day 2696:Estradiol 2522:Estradiol 2414:Metabolic 2335:, by the 2333:pregnancy 2192:receptors 2133:epiphyses 2129:estradiol 2071:cytoplasm 2053:estradiol 2021:estradiol 1949:estradiol 1698:who have 1677:pregnancy 1557:leukocyte 1553:endotoxin 1549:TNF alpha 1525:mortality 1439:estradiol 1435:aromatase 1421:platelets 1365:moustache 1357:sideburns 1349:umbilicus 1321:estradiol 1287:fertility 1227:body odor 1207:estradiol 1132:postnatal 1043:androgens 1004:to treat 987:testicles 961:from the 944:mortality 921:dominance 917:sex drive 909:body hair 889:testicles 808:Excretion 783:reduction 664:Routes of 397:200-370-5 389:EC Number 28334:instead) 28323:Renalase 28284:instead) 28255:instead) 28202:instead) 28042:Axitinib 28011:D (FIGF) 27955:PLX-7486 27945:ONO-4474 27900:AZD-6918 27854:PLX-7486 27844:ONO-4474 27799:AZD-6918 27781:Ligands: 27699:Deprenyl 27659:7,3'-DHF 27590:MEDI-578 27570:ASP-6294 27534:PLX-7486 27524:ONO-4474 27474:AZD-6918 27434:ALE-0540 27355:instead. 27299:Imatinib 27289:Axitinib 27269:Ancestim 27234:Unsorted 27012:Imatinib 27002:Axitinib 26906:MEDI-578 26886:ASP-6294 26853:ALE-0540 26695:Agonists 26636:AVE-1642 26562:Agonists 26485:SU-11274 26371:Agonists 26349:FGF15/19 26339:Unsorted 26304:2 (bFGF) 26223:2 (bFGF) 26090:2 (bFGF) 26007:2 (bFGF) 25829:Afatinib 25780:Agonists 25682:Icotinib 25642:Afatinib 25588:Agonists 25383:TCS-1205 25378:TCS-1105 25368:α-Pinene 25341:Valerian 25316:tetronal 25293:Safranal 25242:obovatol 25238:magnolol 25234:honokiol 25064:Alogabat 25059:AA-29504 25008:Synthane 24968:Nitrogen 24948:Kerosine 24928:Gasoline 24918:Ethylene 24858:Centalun 24853:Butylene 24667:Propofol 24629:U-89843A 24609:TGSC01AA 24579:NS-11394 24544:GBLD-345 24509:CGS-9896 24504:CGS-8216 24488:Zaleplon 24483:Taniplon 24463:Indiplon 24458:Fasiplon 24453:Divaplon 24440:Zolpidem 24343:SAGE-872 24338:SAGE-689 24333:SAGE-516 24328:SAGE-324 24323:SAGE-105 24231:Certain 24174:Capuride 24136:Yangonin 24013:baicalin 24009:Skullcap 23999:Luteolin 23974:Catechin 23969:Baicalin 23959:Apigenin 23931:Tybamate 23718:Quazepam 23713:QH-II-66 23693:Prazepam 23673:Oxazolam 23668:Oxazepam 23468:Etizolam 23423:Diazepam 23403:CP-1414S 23368:Clobazam 23358:Clazolam 23245:Valofane 23200:Talbutal 23190:Sigmodal 23095:Hexethal 22990:Barbital 22970:Alphenal 22960:(-)-DMBB 22906:Propanol 22896:Pentanol 22886:Methanol 22828:Alcohols 22748:See also 22550:p,p'-DDT 22541:Daidzein 22531:Atrazine 22504:Agonists 22432:RU-58668 22427:RU-39411 22274:U-11555A 22269:TZE-5323 22014:Anordrin 22009:Anordiol 21942:agnuside 21919:parabens 21759:dieldrin 21731:nyasol ( 21696:puerarin 21692:prunetin 21656:genistin 21644:glabrene 21616:daidzein 21612:catechin 21600:baicalin 21592:apigenin 21522:anethole 21310:FERb 033 21146:Tibolone 21131:RU-16117 21116:Prodiame 21051:Hippulin 21046:Hexolame 20891:Estetrol 20801:Butolame 20491:Agonists 20401:See also 20288:Agonists 20261:YM-92088 20226:RU-58841 20221:RU-58642 20216:RU-57073 20211:RU-56187 20206:RU-22930 20136:ONC1-13B 20087:LGD-1331 20012:Dieldrin 20006:p,p’-DDE 19911:AZD-3514 19896:Arabilin 19827:RU-15328 19767:Metogest 19702:DU-41165 19538:S-101479 19518:RU-59063 19473:LGD-4033 19468:LGD-3303 19458:LGD-2226 19448:GSK-8698 19347:Drupanol 19342:Cl-4AS-1 19282:Tibolone 18463:Bolazine 18206:Agonists 18106:See also 18012:(incl., 17919:receptor 17545:Tibolone 17226:Sustanon 17222:Omnadren 17123:agonists 16722:5α-DHDOC 16430:Estetrol 16193:Cortisol 16085:Cortisol 15954:steroids 15834:Skeleton 15824:Resistin 15723:Secretin 15705:Duodenum 15663:Thymulin 15564:Glucagon 15556:Pancreas 15537:Estrogen 15519:Placenta 15326:Cortisol 15219:Oxytocin 15181:Dopamine 15133:Hormones 14855:25741229 14802:Archived 14800:(2): 8. 14739:31950471 14636:33753909 14628:17931674 14608:Steroids 14585:19456336 14542:32899410 14464:40156824 14456:10443899 14436:Steroids 14297:11176375 14162:Archived 14129:: 42–46. 14106:March 3, 14100:Archived 14076:March 3, 14070:Archived 14042:March 3, 14036:Archived 14032:30252384 14005:32063884 13946:Archived 13891:16793931 13850:38311999 13841:10848187 13793:Archived 13767:Archived 13741:Archived 13702:Archived 13663:Archived 13624:Archived 13593:15251757 13547:Archived 13513:21697255 13464:30430279 13456:18923415 13417:24797325 13382:29122481 13374:28266512 13331:Archived 13301:Archived 13267:28324103 13215:32619627 13134:Hormones 13037:25407830 13029:12428207 12890:Archived 12859:20186052 12802:Archived 12756:Archived 12663:Archived 12632:12373628 12589:19585478 12554:18804513 12518:21961390 12510:17310494 12467:10603287 12422:18519168 12387:19889752 12346:21849026 12287:33741447 12242:17882141 12148:21154195 12107:12141930 12066:16268050 12031:26280370 12023:18455389 11987:11683565 11979:21058750 11944:24793989 11909:24407185 11850:Archived 11846:25009850 11706:34863608 11698:15507105 11544:28315270 11503:26914550 11495:23074265 11456:21541365 11402:26908835 11358:22231829 11313:18195084 11264:16112267 11223:34846760 11180:23918273 11172:23746222 11137:25257522 11086:19931639 11051:11511858 11016:23385663 11008:18406296 10973:34197576 10924:33139661 10838:28673039 10784:30842823 10754:Chem Sci 10722:Archived 10701:33553985 10650:20016825 10610:PLOS ONE 10540:22622587 10489:19997098 10435:Archived 10423:21616702 10356:30619017 10330:: 2625. 10305:29969145 10297:11863388 10262:23990605 10254:11016791 10218:32650274 10210:18280561 10134:33226665 10073:12380846 10038:36368056 10030:15817752 9987:26431805 9927:Archived 9923:24367977 9870:Archived 9832:33952211 9824:16866740 9774:32112035 9766:25463514 9724:23972912 9681:25824265 9646:22781854 9597:17464657 9589:15555497 9546:Archived 9528:16606349 9520:15620791 9485:23588344 9364:26405251 9356:16483890 9305:23870320 9226:23683791 9218:24631306 9148:Archived 9074:36122515 9039:27671627 8978:April 2, 8972:Archived 8946:Archived 8915:35338911 8829:19706398 8731:25116846 8696:25843884 8653:83046141 8618:30710035 8610:17196592 8565:18107730 8557:15219639 8522:33812118 8514:26190409 8420:22477678 8412:16621328 8364:24651931 8356:15177709 8316:31683520 8262:15889125 8216:Archived 8212:18691358 8204:21185838 8152:10665617 8109:17320881 8064:12007897 8023:35309934 7980:41819670 7937:43495791 7859:38283107 7816:42155431 7765:11534996 7717:36436418 7709:16828762 7666:20920505 7596:10367606 7561:40567580 7518:14588630 7510:19409392 7430:73721690 7373:Archived 7350:31905405 7306:37326322 7260:Archived 7237:March 5, 7231:Archived 7207:16985841 7158:Archived 7128:31183891 7087:30582096 6986:April 1, 6980:Archived 6976:10302839 6968:14745052 6929:24803152 6921:15582279 6886:15383512 6851:13852805 6843:16785599 6774:Archived 6770:32023452 6762:17039468 6710:18488876 6659:19464009 6624:17285783 6588:18838208 6553:18638000 6518:19011298 6477:17544382 6428:20480423 6420:11534997 6385:25295520 6345:PLOS ONE 6291:15820970 6243:18505319 6191:20501658 6115:28274693 6107:15815567 6061:Archived 5992:23978105 5984:18445234 5878:33519930 5870:15216426 5834:29736184 5785:30381580 5734:19403051 5696:Archived 5675:12017555 5632:April 6, 5626:Archived 5572:Archived 5568:25905231 5541:32366484 5533:10821325 5496:July 18, 5460:Archived 5433:Archived 5294:14981046 5170:19011293 5129:19707253 5030:Archived 4916:See also 4906:ecdysone 4890:lampreys 4793:testicle 4770:Schering 4704:Slovakia 4680:Mongolia 4591:Sources: 4559:15 years 4536:Stage IV 4508:12 years 4502:Stage II 4468:Mean age 4445:Sources: 3556:oxidized 3498:excreted 3490:sulfated 3418:hydroxyl 3321:Sources: 3109:Free (%) 3100:Compound 3043:Licorice 2953:feedback 2935:Figure 2 2902:Figure 2 2880:Sources: 2359:(SHBG). 2337:placenta 2265:Figure 1 2241:: Human 2238:Figure 1 2211:agonists 2203:affinity 2194:for the 2173:receptor 2009:proteins 1989:hormones 1967:Fairness 1953:sparrows 1878:cortisol 1749:steroids 1653:swelling 1500:dementia 1377:leg hair 1373:perianal 1303:erection 1295:clitoris 1266:Pubertal 1261:Pubertal 1235:pubarche 1174:prostate 1162:rugation 1086:include 1055:anabolic 1022:athletes 1012:. Since 971:hydroxyl 893:prostate 877:androgen 781:(mainly 692:by mouth 684:solution 627:) 613:ATC code 349:DrugBank 28211:Ephrins 27915:DS-6051 27814:DS-6051 27719:LM22A-4 27709:DMAQ-B1 27664:7,8-DHF 27644:3,7-DHF 27613:RBM-004 27558:GBR-900 27489:DS-6051 27459:VM-902A 26929:RBM-004 26626:OSl-906 26586:Insulin 26465:MK-2461 26410:AMG-458 25547:Axokine 25330:borneol 25328:(e.g., 25320:trional 25310:(e.g., 25228:(e.g., 25226:Lignans 25176:(e.g., 25134:(e.g., 25079:Bromide 25071:(e.g., 25054:α-EMTBL 25018:Toluene 24988:Propane 24863:Chloral 24843:Benzene 24823:Acetone 24654:Phenols 24644:Y-23684 24634:U-90042 24619:TPA-023 24604:SX-3228 24589:ROD-188 24574:NS-2710 24569:NS-2664 24554:JM-1232 24539:ELB-139 24534:CTP-354 24420:Alpidem 24019:Wogonin 23994:Linarin 23473:FG-8205 23180:Reposal 22881:Menthol 22841:Butanol 22720:Unknown 22696:Estriol 22600:GPER-L2 22595:GPER-L1 22279:U-11634 22154:Menerba 22144:LN-2299 22139:LN-1643 22114:GW-7604 22069:D-15413 21901:(e.g., 21893:(e.g., 21879:(e.g., 21863:Steroid 21835:(e.g., 21817:(e.g., 21795:(e.g., 21753:(e.g., 21745:cadmium 21743:(e.g., 21721:(e.g., 21719:Lignans 21620:daidzin 21584:7,8-DHF 21582:(incl. 21568:(e.g., 21546:(e.g., 21428:SERBA-2 21423:SC-4289 21418:SC-3296 21325:GTx-758 21221:D-15414 21171:β-LGND1 21121:Prolame 20970:Estrone 20938:Estriol 20876:Equilin 20758:(e.g., 20671:16α-LE2 20357:-lysine 20345:(incl. 20303:calcium 20297:(incl. 20295:Cations 20092:Linuron 20032:EPI-001 19938:(e.g., 19727:EM-6537 19722:EM-5855 19717:EM-5854 19712:EM-4350 19558:MK-0773 19553:EM-9017 19533:S-40503 19388:ACP-105 19383:198RL26 19248:(e.g., 19221:(e.g., 19130:Danazol 19080:RU-2309 19020:Bolenol 18002:(e.g., 17992:(e.g., 17958:(e.g., 17603:(e.g., 17589:(e.g., 17575:(e.g., 17517:(e.g., 17505:Danazol 17303:(e.g., 17196:(e.g., 17098:(incl. 17023:Others: 16662:(e.g., 16532:Others: 16445:Estriol 16440:Estrone 15728:Motilin 15695:Ghrelin 15690:Gastrin 15682:Stomach 15569:Insulin 15504:Relaxin 15499:Inhibin 15494:Activin 15466:Inhibin 15375:Thyroid 15064:Related 14891:Biology 14865:Portals 14846:4330791 14684:Bibcode 14593:5790990 14565:Bibcode 14533:7570361 14394:7817189 14374:Bibcode 13996:6966696 13979:: 916. 13553:May 19, 13504:3146796 13327:LabCorp 13258:5460736 13207:7626464 12994:8092979 12850:3206266 12706:4044776 12475:6002474 12337:3177768 12201:8875519 11900:3955328 11801:1377467 11663:3535074 11643:Bibcode 11635:Science 11606:1307739 11447:3082517 11304:2754262 11215:3762019 11128:4200746 10964:8475196 10915:7663738 10873:4062218 10829:6287254 10775:6371759 10692:7839820 10641:2789942 10618:Bibcode 10591:4413138 10571:Bibcode 10548:4383859 10520:Bibcode 10497:1305527 10469:Bibcode 10431:9554219 10347:6306482 10175:9253313 10126:8853594 10106:Bibcode 10010:Bibcode 9978:4695305 9637:4247331 9476:3694562 9297:8804638 9154:May 19, 9117:1757712 9030:5068300 9007:Bibcode 8852:Bibcode 8820:2741240 8797:Bibcode 8676:Bibcode 8307:6861983 8117:5718960 8015:3602262 7972:4001279 7929:4429441 7882:Bibcode 7851:1275688 7808:6665072 7773:2214664 7674:1577450 7553:7490010 7465:5061159 7422:8637535 7269:May 10, 7198:1508369 7078:6299269 7031:7135870 7023:8817730 6806:May 14, 6701:2544367 6468:2711771 6376:4190174 6353:Bibcode 6326:7758179 6182:2919071 5948:1379488 5913:4715291 5825:5935256 5776:6413543 5365:5843701 5330:6025472 5221:8757191 5120:2701485 5078:3549275 4774:Organon 4712:Estonia 4553:Stage V 4499:Puberty 4482:Stage I 4319:Puberty 4257:Female 4114:Puberty 4052:Female 3850:Puberty 3759:Newborn 3697:Female 3579:CYP2C19 3563:enzymes 3500:in the 3135:Albumin 3064:albumin 2631:Estrone 2495:Estrone 2409:Gonadal 2329:ovaries 2327:of the 2290:CYP17A1 2256:steroid 2182:of the 2167:of the 2142:mammals 2029:albumin 2001:steroid 1799:Females 1643:Common 1316:occurs. 1273:in the 1166:phallic 1158:scrotal 1154:urethra 1151:phallic 1104:puberty 1100:scrotum 1090:of the 995:females 991:ovaries 959:hormone 850:what is 848: ( 816:(90%), 764:albumin 706:(gel), 649::  621: ( 619:G03BA03 589:288.431 427:PubChem 358:DB00624 254:58-22-0 112:scholar 77:removed 28426:Enones 28181:Others 27875:BNN-20 27764:ANA-12 27689:BNN-20 27409:DHEA-S 27394:BNN-27 27389:BNN-20 26828:DHEA-S 26813:BNN-27 26808:BNN-20 26724:Others 25929:Epigen 25607:Epigen 25263:Niacin 24848:Butane 24801:SL-164 24672:Thymol 24614:TP-003 24495:Others 24298:P1-185 24258:5β-DHP 24253:5α-DHP 24248:3α-DHP 24096:Kavain 24004:Rc-OMe 22615:Niacin 22610:Kepone 22467:ERX-11 22437:SS1020 22345:ERB-88 22340:ERA-90 22244:SS1010 22169:MRL-37 21534:dianol 21503:ERB-79 21498:ERA-45 21493:ERB-26 21226:DCW234 21181:AC-186 20848:DHEA-S 20780:esters 20764:esters 20616:8β-VE2 20280:GPRC6A 20256:YM-580 20186:RD-162 20077:LG-105 19428:FTBU-1 18077:WHO-EM 18044:Others 17843:Others 16988:Others 15984:20α,22 15852:Kidney 15814:Leptin 15773:/other 15633:Thymus 15574:Amylin 15448:Testis 15341:DHEA-S 15143:glands 14987:Esters 14935:Topics 14853:  14843:  14829:: 12. 14777:  14737:  14702:  14657:  14634:  14626:  14591:  14583:  14540:  14530:  14522:  14502:Plants 14462:  14454:  14392:  14295:  14146:Lancet 14030:  14003:  13993:  13889:  13848:  13838:  13733:  13694:  13655:  13616:  13591:  13539:  13511:  13501:  13462:  13454:  13415:  13380:  13372:  13293:  13265:  13255:  13213:  13205:  13168:  13141:  13114:  13087:  13060:  13035:  13027:  12992:  12955:  12930:  12882:  12857:  12847:  12794:  12748:  12704:  12655:  12630:  12595:  12587:  12552:  12516:  12508:  12473:  12465:  12447:  12420:  12385:  12344:  12334:  12293:  12285:  12240:  12199:  12181:  12154:  12146:  12105:  12064:  12029:  12021:  11985:  11977:  11942:  11907:  11897:  11844:  11834:  11799:  11762:  11739:  11704:  11696:  11661:  11604:  11567:  11542:  11532:  11501:  11493:  11454:  11444:  11400:  11356:  11346:  11311:  11301:  11262:  11252:  11221:  11213:  11178:  11170:  11135:  11125:  11084:  11049:  11014:  11006:  10971:  10961:  10922:  10912:  10871:  10836:  10826:  10782:  10772:  10699:  10689:  10648:  10638:  10589:  10563:Nature 10546:  10538:  10512:Nature 10495:  10487:  10461:Nature 10429:  10421:  10377:  10354:  10344:  10303:  10295:  10260:  10252:  10216:  10208:  10173:  10132:  10124:  10071:  10036:  10028:  9985:  9975:  9936:May 2, 9921:  9830:  9822:  9772:  9764:  9722:  9704:Injury 9687:  9679:  9644:  9634:  9595:  9587:  9526:  9518:  9483:  9473:  9362:  9354:  9303:  9295:  9258:  9224:  9216:  9125:647349 9123:  9115:  9080:  9072:  9037:  9027:  8921:  8913:  8827:  8817:  8739:438574 8737:  8729:  8694:  8651:  8616:  8608:  8563:  8555:  8520:  8512:  8418:  8410:  8362:  8354:  8314:  8304:  8260:  8210:  8202:  8150:  8115:  8107:  8062:  8021:  8013:  7978:  7970:  7935:  7927:  7857:  7849:  7814:  7806:  7771:  7763:  7745:  7715:  7707:  7672:  7664:  7631:135817 7629:  7594:  7559:  7551:  7516:  7508:  7463:  7428:  7420:  7348:  7312:  7304:  7205:  7195:  7164:May 6, 7134:  7126:  7085:  7075:  7029:  7021:  6974:  6966:  6927:  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