
Vamık Volkan

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Study of Mind and Human Interaction (CSMHI) at the School of Medicine, University of Virginia. CSMHI applied a growing theoretical and field-proven base of knowledge to issues such as ethnic tension, racism, large-group identity, terrorism, societal trauma, immigration, mourning, transgenerational transmissions, leader-follower relationships, and other aspects of national and international conflict. The CSMHI's faculty included experts in psychoanalysis, psychiatry, psychology, diplomacy, history, political science, and environmental policy. In 1987 the Soviet Duma signed a contract with the CSMHI to examine existing difficulties between the Soviet Union and United States. Later the CSMHI members worked in the Baltic Republics, Kuwait, Albania, former Yugoslavia, Georgia, South Ossetia, Turkey, Greece, and elsewhere. Volkan founded the CSMHI's journal, Mind & Human Interaction, which examined the relationship between psychoanalysis and history, political science and other fields.
International Society of Political Psychology, the Virginia Psychoanalytic Society, and the American College of Psychoanalysts. He was an Inaugural Yitzak Rabin Fellow, Rabin Center for Israeli Studies, Tel Aviv, Israel; a visiting professor of law, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts; a visiting professor of political science at the University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria and at Bahceșehir University, Istanbul, Turkey. He worked as a visiting professor of psychiatry at three universities in Turkey. In 2006, he was Fulbright/Sigmund Freud-Privatstiftung Visiting Scholar of Psychoanalysis in Vienna, Austria. In 2015, he became a visiting professor at El Bosque University, Bogota, Colombia.
disturbi della personalità in Milan, Italy; chairperson of the Select Advisory Commission of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Critical Incident Response Group that examined the 1993 Waco, Texas incident; a visiting professor of law, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts; a visiting professor of political science at the University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria and at Bahceșehir University, Istanbul, Turkey; a board member of the Freud Foundation in Vienna and a member of the Working Group on Terror and Terrorism, International Psychoanalytic Association.
452:(1997). Volkan, V. D., Bloodlines: From Ethnic Pride to Ethnic Terrorism. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. (German edition: Bluts-Grenzen: Die historischen Wurzeln und die psychologischen Mechanismen ethnischer Konflikte und ihre Bedeutung bei Friedensverhandlungen. (Bloodlines) Trans. K. Kochmann. Zurich: Scherz Verlag.2000; Japanese edition:. Tokyo: K.K. Kyod. 1998; and Turkish edition: Kanbağı: Etnik Gururdan Etnik Teröre. Istanbul: Bağlam Yayınevi. 2000). 333:
Vienna, Austria, in collaboration with the World Council of Psychotherapy and Mary S. Sigourney Award for 2015. The Sigourney Award was given to him because he was due to his being a seminal contributor "to the application of psychoanalytic thinking to conflicts between countries and cultures," and because "his clinical thinking about the use of object relations theory in primitive mental states has advanced our understanding of severe personality disorders."
530:(2015). Volkan, V. D., A Nazi Legacy: A Study of Depositing, Transgenerational Transmission, Dissociation and Remembering Through Action. (Foreword by Emily Kuriloff). London: Karnac. (Finnish edition: Natsismin Perintö: Tallentaminen, ylisukupolvisuus, disosiaatio ja toiminnan kautta muistaminen. Helsinki: Therapeia-säatiö; Turkish edition: Nazi Mirası: Depolama, Nesiller Arası Aktarım, Disosiasyon ve Eylem Yoluyla Hatırlama. Ankara: Pusula). 77: 434:(1993). Volkan, V. D. & Zintl, E., Life After Loss: Lessons of Grief. New York, NY: Charles Scribner's Sons. (German edition: Wege der Trauer: Leben mit Tod und Verlust Tr. A. Potts. Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag, 2000; Russian edition: Zhizn posle utraty: Psikhologiia gorevaniia. Moscow: Cogito-Centre, 2008; Turkish Edition: Gidenin Ardından. Trans. I. Vahip & M. Kocadere. Istanbul: Oa Publishing, 2010 and Serbian Edition, 2019) 443:(1994). Volkan, V. D. & Ast, G., Spektrum des Narzißmus: Eine klinische Studie des gesunden Narzißmus, des narzißtisch-masochistischen Charakters, der narzißtischen Persönlichkeitsorganisation, des malignen Narzißmus und des erfolgreichen Narzißmus. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. (Turkish edition: Özsevinin Dokusu Trans. by B. Özbaran & S. Pırıldar. Izmir, Turkey: Halime Odağ Psikoanaliz ve Psikoterapi Vakfı, 2007). 267: 455:(1997). Volkan, V. D. & Ast, G., Siblings in the Unconscious and Psychopathology: Womb Fantasies, Claustrophobias, Fear of Pregnancy, Murderous Rage, Animal Symbolism, Christmas and Easter "Neuroses" and Twinings or Identifications with Sisters and Brothers. Madison, CT: International Universities Press.(Turkish Edition: Bilinçdışında Kardeşler ve Psikopatoloji. Trans. A. G. Ceyhun and B. Ceyhun. Ankara: Novartis, 1998). 134: 36: 1012:(2008).Volkan, V. D., Traumas masivos causados por los "otros": Problemas de identitad en grandes grupos, transmisión generacional, "traumas elegidos" y sus consecuencias (Massive Traumas at the hand of "Others": Large-group identity issues, transgenerational transmissions, "chosen traumas" and their consequences). In Los Laberintos de la Violencia, ed. L. G. Fioroni, pp. 153–172. Buenos Aires: Lugar Editorial. 1289: 317:
Organization (WHO) in Albania and Macedonia. He had the honor to give the keynote address in Cape Town, South Africa in 2006, celebrating Archbishop Desmond Tutu's life of peaceful justice and the 10th anniversary of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's activities. He also was honored on several occasions by being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Letters of support were sent from 27 countries.
1006:(2008).Volkan, V. D., Kayba tutunup kalmak: Kronik yas tutan bireylerden hak iddiasinda bulunan ideojilere tutunan toplumlara (Fixation in mourning: From individuals suffering from perennial mourning to societies with entitlement ideologies). In Psikoanalitik Bakışlar III: Kayıp Nesne (Psychoanalytic Perspectives III: Lost Object), ed. N. Erdem, pp. 73–91. Istanbul, Turkey: PPPD Yayıınları. 509:(2010). Volkan, V. D., Psychoanalytic Technique Expanded: A Textbook on Psychoanalytic Treatment. Istanbul/London: Oa Press. (German Edition: Die Erweiterung der psycho-analytischen Behandlungstechnik: bei neurotischen, traumatisierten, narzisstischen und Borderline-Persönlichkeiitsorganisationen. Trans. G. Ast. Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag. 2012; Russian Edition: St. Petersburg: ECPP. 2012). 305:, Charlottesville, Virginia and an emeritus training and supervising analyst at the Washington Psychoanalytic Institute, Washington, D.C. During his 39 years at the University of Virginia Volkan was the medical director of the university's Blue Ridge Hospital for eighteen years. A year after his 2002 retirement, he became the Senior Erik Erikson Scholar at the Erikson Institute of the 380:(1979). Volkan, V.D., Cyprus – War and Adaptation: A Psychoanalytic History of Two Ethnic Groups in Conflict. Charlottesville, Virginia: University Press of Virginia. (Foreword by J. E. Mack). (Turkish Edition) Kıbrıs: Savaş ve Uyum: Çatışan İki Etnik Grubun Psikoanalitik Tarihi. Trans. B. Kılınçer. Istanbul: Everest Yayınları, 2008. Updated version: London: OA Press, 2011) 1159:(2018). Volkan, V. D., Mourning, large-group identity, and the refugee experience. In An Uncertain Safety: Integrative Health Care for the 21st Century Refugees. Eds. T. Wenzel and B. Drozdek, pp. 23–35. New York: Springer. Volkan, V. D. (2018). Refugees as the Other: Large-group identity, terrorism and border psychology. Group Analysis, 51: 343–358. 793:(1992).Volkan, V.D. Was der Holocaust für einen nichtjüdischen Psychoanalytiker ohne Nazi-Erfahrung bedeutet (What Holocaust means to a psychoanalyst who was not directly involved in it) in Die Bedeutung des Holocaust für nicht direkt Betroffene, ed. by Rafael Moses and Friedrick-Wilhelm Eickhoff, pp. 107–150, Stuttgart (Germany): Frommann-Holzboog. 883:(2000).Saunders, H. H.; Diamond L.; Herbert C.; Kelman, M., John; Montville, V.; and Volkan V.D., Interactive conflict resolution: A view for policymakers on making and building peace. In: International Conflict Resolution After the Cold War, In: (Eds.), P. C. Stern, and D. Druckman (Eds), pp. 251–293. Washington, DC.: National Academy Press. 506:(2010). Volkan, V. D. &. Itzkowitz, N., Atatürk/Anatürk: Mustafa Kemal’in Yaşamı, İç Dünyası, Yeni Türk Kimliğinin Yaratılışı ve Bugünkü Türkiye’deki Kimlik Sorunları (Father Turk/MotherTurk: The Life of Mustafa Kemal, His Internal World, the Creation of the New Turkish Identity and Identity Questions in Today's Turkey). Istanbul: Alfa. 1072:(2011). Volkan, V. D., Die Identität von Individuen von Großgruppen – was können wir aus der Arbeit mit Borderline-Patienten über internationale Verhandlungen lernen? Trans. C. Campisi, In Handbuch der Borderline-Störungen, eds. B. Dulz, S. C. Herpertz, O. F. Kernberg & U. Sachsse, pp. 235–250. Stuttgart, Germany: Schattauer. 428:(1992.) Volkan, V. D., & Ast, G., Eine Borderline-Therapie: Strukturelle und Objektbeziehungskonflikte in der Psychoanalyse der Borderline-Persönlichkeits Organisation (A Borderline Therapy: Structural and Object Relations Conflict in the Psychoanalysis of Borderline Personality Organization.) Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht. 485:(2004). Volkan, V. D., Blind Trust: Large Groups and Their Leaders in Times of Crises and Terror. Charlottesville, Va: Pitchstone Publishing.(German edition: Blindes Vertrauen: Grossgruppen und ihre Führer in Kriesezeiten. Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag. 2005; Turkish edition) Körü Körüne İnanç. Istanbul: OkuyanUs Yayınevi. 2005. 377:(1976). Volkan, V. D., Primitive Internalized Object Relations: A Clinical Study of Schizophrenic, Borderline and Narcissistic Patients. New York: International Universities Press. (Foreword by O.F. Kernberg). (Turkish Edition:Psikoterapide Nesne Ilişkileri. Trans. by A. A. Köşkdere. Bursa: Terapi Psikiyatri Merkezi, 2007). 699:(1981).Volkan, V .D., Transference and countertransference: An examination from the point of view of internalized object relations. In Object and Self: A Developmental Approach (Essays in Honor of Edith Jacobson), ed. by S. Tuttman, C. Kaye and M. Zimmerman, pp. 429–451. New York: International Universities Press. 476:(2003). Varvin, S. & Volkan, V. D. (Eds.), Violence or Dialogue: Psychoanalytic Insights on Terror and Terrorism. London: International Psychoanalytical Association. (Italian edition: Violenza o Dialogo? Insight psicoanalitico su terrore e terrorism. Rome: Edizioni Borla s.r.2006.; also in Spanish and in Portuguese). 1030:(2009). Volkan, V. D., Some psychoanalytic views on leaders with narcissistic personality organization and their roles in large-group processes. In Leadership in a Changing World: Dynamic Perspectives on Groups and Their Leaders, eds. R. H. Klein, C. A. Rice &V. L. Schermer. pp. 67–89. New York: Lexington. 988:(2007). Volkan, V. D., Şizofrenin oluşumu üzerine yazışlar 1: Infantil psikotik kendilik ve şizofrenin oluşumu (Essays on the development of schizophrenia 1: Infantile psychotic self and the development of schizophrenia). Trans. by A. A. Köşkdere. In Psikoanaliz ve Sinirbilim, ed. M. Özmen. Istanbul, Turkey: Turgut. 1108:(2014). Volkan, V. D., Father quest and linking objects: A story of the American World War II Orphans Network (AWON) and Palestinian orphans. In Healing in the Wake of Parental Loss: Clinical Applications and Therapeutic Strategies, eds. P. Cohen, M. Sossin & R. Ruth, pp. 283–300. New York: Jason Aronson. 1174:(2020). Volkan, V. D., (2020). A psychopolitical approach for the reduction of ethnic, national or religious large-group conflicts. In Dalekaité. G., Galinaityté, S. & Ignatavičius, E. (Eds.), Dealing with the Trauma of an Undigested Past, pp. 59–73. Vilnius, Lithuania: Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 708:(1982).Volkan, V. D., A young woman's inability to say no to needy people and her identification with the frustrator in the analytic situation. In Technical Factors in the Treatment of the Severely Disturbed Patient, ed. by Peter L. Giovacchini and L. Bryce Boyer, pp. 439–465, New York: Jason Aronson. 328:
Dr. Volkan was recognized by Natur och Kultur, Stockholm, Sweden for Outstanding Contributions to the Psychoanalytic Study of Societies. He was elected to Honorary Membership in the European Confederation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies (ECPP) as a Practitioner, a Training Analyst and a Supervisor.
Volkan has given hundreds of keynote addresses and lectures in Australia, Austria, Bosnia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Columbia, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Holland, Israel, India, Italy, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Northern Cyprus, Norway,
Volkan is the president emeritus of the International Dialogue Initiative (IDI) which he established in 2007. The IDI members are unofficial representatives from Turkey, Iran, Israel, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the West Bank. They meet twice a year to examine world
Volkan's research focuses on the application of psychoanalytic thinking between countries and cultures, individual and societal mourning, transgenerational transmissions of trauma and the therapeutic approach to primitive mental states. He developed unofficial diplomacy's "Tree Model," described
Among many awards he received are Nevitt Sanford Award, Elise M. Hayman Award, L. Bryce Boyer Award, Margaret Mahler Literature Prize, Hans H. Strupp Award, the American College of Psychoanalysts' Distinguished Officer Award for 2014. He also received the Sigmund Freud Award given by the city of
In the early 1980s Volkan was a member and later the chairman of the American Psychiatric Association's Committee on Psychiatry and Foreign Affairs. This committee brought influential Israelis, Egyptians and Palestinians for unofficial negotiations. In 1987, Volkan established the Center for the
He was a member of the International Advisory Board, Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel; an Inaugural Yitzak Rabin Fellow, Rabin Center for Israeli Studies, Tel Aviv, Israel; an honorary supervisor and consultant, Società per lo studio dei
Volkan was a member of the International Negotiation Network (INN) under the directorship of the former president Jimmy Carter (1989–2000) and also a member of the Working Group on Terror and Terrorism, International Psychoanalytic Association. He was a temporary consultant to the World Health
Volkan is the author, coauthor, editor or coeditor of over fifty psychoanalytic and psychopolitical books some of which has been translated into Turkish, German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Greek and Finnish. He has written hundreds of published papers and book chapters. He has served on the
784:(1992).Volkan, V. D., Nesne iliskileri kuramu ve psikosomatik Hastaliklar (Object relations theory and psychosomatic illnesses), in 1. Psikosomatik Sempozyum Bilimsel Yayinlari (Scientific Papers from the First Psychosomatic Symposium), ed. A. Çevik, pp. 1–44, Anatalya (Turkey): Roche. 320:
Volkan holds Honorary Doctorate degrees from Kuopio University (now called the University of Eastern Finland), Finland, from Ankara University, Turkey, and the Eastern European Psychoanalytic Institute, Russia. He was a former president of the Turkish-American Neuropsychiatric Society, the
1057:(2010).Volkan, V. D., Psychoanalysis and international relationships: Large-group identity, traumas at the hand of "others," and transgenerational transmission of trauma. In Psychoanalytic Perspectives on a Turbulent World, eds. H. Brunning & M. Perini, pp. 41–62. London: Karnac. 687:(1979).Volkan, V. D. and Akhtar, S., The symptoms of schizophrenia: Contributions of the structural theory and object relations theory. In Integrating Ego Psychology and Object Relations, ed. by L. Saretsky, G.D. Goldman and D.S. Milman, pp. 270–285. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt. 1033:(2009).Volkan, V. D., Kürt sorununun çözüm modeli (A model for resolving the Kurdish question). In Sürec: Kürt Sorununda 29 Temmuz Sonrası Tartıșmalar (The Process: Discussions on the Kurdish Question After July 29), ed. D. Sevimay, pp. 156–162. Istanbul, Turkey: Özgür Yayınları. 1144:(2016). Volkan, V. D., A Psychoanalytic Witness: Observations from North Carolina to Virginia. In The Key to the Door: Experiences of the Early African-American Graduates of the University of Virginia. Eds. M. Apprey and Shelli Poe. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press. 1120:(2014). Volkan, V. D., İkame çocukların psikolojisi ve Atatürk'ün yaratıcılığının temelindeki güdüleme (Psychology of replacement children and a main factor in Atatürk's creativity. In Kardeşi Anlatmak (On Siblings), ed. N. K. Bilen, pp. 37–52. Istanbul: Bilgi University Press. 494:(2009). Volkan, V. D. with J. C. Fowler, Searching for a Perfect Woman: The Story of a Complete Psychoanalysis. New York: Jason Aronson. (Finnish edition: Haussa täydellinen nainen. Therapeia-Säätiö, Vanta. 2005; Turkish Edition) Kusursuz Kadının Peșinde. Istanbul: OkuyanUs. 2013). 958:(2005). Volkan, V. D., Psychoanalyse in internationale Beiehungen und internationale Beziehungen in der Psychoanalyse. In WIR: Psychotheraputen uber sich und ihren "unmoglichen" Beruf, eds. O. F. Kernberg, B. Dulz and J. Eckert, pp. 545–562. Stuttgart, Germany: Schattauer. 1048:(2010).Volkan, V. D., Individual and large-group identities: Does working with borderline patients teach us anything about international negotiations? In The Psychoanalytic Therapy of Severe Disturbance: Psychoanalytic Ideas, ed. P. Williams, pp. 185–221. London: Karnac. 892:(2000).Volkan, V. D., Borderline-Psychopathologie und internationale Beziehungen (Borderline Psychopathology and International Relations). In Handbuch der Borderline-Störungen, ed. by Otto F. Kernberg, Birger Dulz, Ulrich Sachsse, pp. 819–828. Stuttgart: Schattauer Press. 1000:(2007). Volkan, V. D. & Greer, W. F., Sukupolvien perintö: sukupolvien psykologiset taakat. In Vieraiden ääniä: Suomen nuorisopsykiatrisen yhdistyksen 30-vuotisjuhlakirja, eds. Irja Kantanen and Veikko Aalberg. Helsinki, Finland: Suomen Nuorisopsykiatrinen Yhdistys Ry. 446:(1995). Volkan, V. D., The Infantile Psychotic Self: Understanding and Treating Schizophrenics and Other Difficult Patients. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson. (German Edition: Das infantile psychotische Selbst und seine weitere Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2004). 1024:(2009).Volkan, V. D., The next chapter: Consequences of societal trauma. In Memory, Narrative and Forgiveness: Perspectives of the Unfinished Journeys of the Past, eds. P. Gobodo-Madikizela & C. van der Merve, pp. 1–26. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 751:(1989).Zuckerman, R. and Volkan, V. D., Complicated mourning over a body defect: The making of a 'living linking object.' In The Problem of Loss and Mourning: New Psychoanalytic Perspective, ed. by D. Dietrich and P. Shabad, New York: International Universities Press. 886:(2000).Volkan, V.D., Layers upon layers: Politics, psychology, and language in a changing world. In Step-Mothertongue: From Nationalism to Multiculturalism: Literatures of Cyprus, Greece and Turkey, (ed.) N. Yashin, pp. 180–196. London: Middlesex University Press. 901:(2001). Volkan, V. D., Slike Neprijatelja–Male Razlike i Dehumanizacija (Enemy Images: Minor Differences and Dehumanization.) In Psihoanaliza i Rat (Psychoanalysis and War), eds Ž. Martinović & M. Martinović, pp. 113–123. Belgrade: Norveško Lekarsko Društvo. 389:(1984). Volkan, V. D. & Itzkowitz, N., The Immortal Atatürk: A Psychobiography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Greek edition: Atatoypk, tr. Kostas Zervos. Athens: Kostanidis, 2005;Turkish edition: Ölümsüz Atatürk: Istanbul: Bağlam Yayınevi, 1998, 2009). 518:(2013). Volkan, V. D., Enemies on the Couch: A Psychopolitical Journey Through War and Peace. Durham, NC: Pitchstone Publishing. (Turkish Edition:) Divandaki Düșmanlar: Bir Türk Psikoanalistin Siyaset Psikolojisi Serüveni. Trans. S. Erdoğan. Istanbul: Alfa. 2013). 357:
Linking objects – which may be actual objects, or actions, or some other form of identification with the dead – serve to tie mourners (often by way of a chance association) to the moment of their actual loss. Volkan's "re-grief therapy", building on the work of
1156:(2017). Volkan, V. D., From Earthquakes to ethnic cleansing: Societal responses to massive traumas. In Trauma, Trust, and Memory – Social Trauma and Reconciliation in Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy and Cultural Memory. A. Hamburger & D. Laub. London: Karnac. 913:(2001).Volkan, V. D., Slike Neprijatelja–Male Razlike i Dehumanizacija (Enemy Images: Minor Differences and Dehumanization.) (Eds.), Ž. Martinović, and M. Martinović. In Psihoanaliza i Rat (Psychoanalysis and War), 113–123. Belgrade: Norveško Lekarsko Društvo. 337:
editorial boards of sixteen national or international professional journals, including The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. Volkan was the Guest Editor of the Diamond Jubilee Special Issue of The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2015.
922:(2002). Volkan, V. D., Bosnia-Herzegovina: Chosen Trauma and Its Transgenerational Transmission. (Ed.), Maya Shatzmiller, In Islam and Bosnia: Conflict Resolution and Foreign Policy in Multi-Ethnic States, 86–97. Montreal: McGill-Quenn's University Press. 654:(1975).Volkan, V. D., Cilluffo, A.F. and Sarvay, T.L., Re-grief' therapy and the function of the linking object as a key to stimulate emotionality. In Emotional Flooding, ed. by Paul Olsen, Chapter 10, pp. 179–224. New York: Behavioral Publications. 985:(2006). Volkan, V. D., & Kayatekin, S. Extreme religious fundamentalism and violence: Some psychoanalytic and psychopolitical thoughts. In Social Dynamics of Global Terrorism and Preventive Policies, pp. 254–286. Ankara, Turkey: Sosyoloji Derneği. 488:(2006, 2019). Volkan, V.D., Killing in the Name of Identity: A Study of Bloody Conflicts. Charlottesville, VA: Pitchstone Publishing. (Turkish edition: Kimlik Adına Öldürmek: Kanlı Çatışmalar Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Trans. B. Büyükkal. Istanbul: Alfa. 2007). 904:(2001). Volkan, V. D., Getraumatiseerde Samenlevingen en Psychologische Zorg. In Over een Grens: Psychotherapie met Adolescenten, eds C.J.A. Roosen, A. Savenjie, A. Kolman & R. Beunderman, pp. 3–19. Assen, Netherlands: Koninklijke Van Gorcum. 964:(2006). Volkan, V. D., Grossgruppen und ihre politischen Fürer mit narzisstischer Personlichkeitsorganisation. In Narzissmus: Grunlagen-Stőrungsbilder –Therapie, eds. O. F. Kernberg & H-P. Hartmann, pp. 205–227. Stuttgart, Germany: Schattauer. 739:(1989).Volkan. V.D., The need to have enemies and nuclear weapons: A psychoanalytic perspective. In Psychoanalysis and the Nuclear Threat: Clinical and Theoretical Studies, ed. by H.B. Levine, D. Jacobs and L.J. Rubin, New York: The Analytic Press. 1078:(2011).Volkan, V. D., Psychoanalysis, Turkey and the IPA. In 100 Years of the IPA: The Centenary History of the International Psychoanalytic Association- Evolution and Change, eds. P. Loewenberg & N. L. Thomson, pp. 419–434. London: Karnac. 949:(2004).Volkan, V. D., Actualized unconscious fantasies and "therapeutic play" in adults' analyses: Further study of these concepts. In Power of Understanding: Essays in Honour of Veikko Tähkä, ed. Aira Laine, pp. 119–141. London: Karnac Books. 946:(2004).Volkan, V. D., From hope for a better life to broken spirits. In Broken Spirits: The Treatment of Traumatized Asylum Seekers, Refugees, War and Torture Victims, (Eds.), J. B. Wilson, and B.Drozdek, pp. 7–12. New York: Brunner-Routledge 1003:(2008).Volkan, V. D., On Kemal Atatűrk's psychoanalytic biography. In Identity and Identity Formation in the Ottoman World: A Volume of Essays in Honor of Norman Itzkowitz, eds. B. Tezcan & K. K. Babir. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. 937:(2003). Volkan, V. D., In Die Innere Welt des Fundamentalisten/Terroristen: Die "Ausbildung" Mittelostlicsher Selbtmordattentater, eds T. Auchter, C. Buttner, U. Schultz-Venrath & H-J Wirth, pp. 259–265. Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag. 955:(2004).Volkan, V. D., From hope for a better life to broken spirits. In Broken Spirits: The Treatment of Traumatized Asylum Seekers, Refugees, War and Torture Victims, ed. J. B. Wilson and B. Drozdek, pp. 7–12. New York: Brunner-Routledge. 464:(1999). Volkan, V. D., Das Versagen der Diplomatie: Zur Psychoanalyse Nationaler, Ethnischer und Religiöser Konflikte. (The Failure of Diplomacy: The Psychoanalysis of National, Ethnic and Religious Conflicts.) Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag. 757:(1990).Volkan, V. D., Eine modifizierte psychoanalytische Technik bei der Behandlung der Borderline-Struktur. In Herausforderungen für die Psychoanalyse, ed. Ulrich Streeck/Hans-Volker Werthmann, pp. 87–122, München, Germany: Pfeiffer. 732:(1988).Volkan, V. D., Six constellations of psychoanalytic psychotherapy of borderline patients. In The Borderline Patient, ed. by J.S. Grotstein, M. Solomon and J.A. Lang, Vol. 2, pp. 5–23, Hillsdale, New Jersey: The Analytic Press. 503:(2010). Volkan, V. D. & Atabey, N., Osmanlı’nın Yasından Atatürk’un Türkiye’sine: Onarıcı Liderlik ve Politik Psikoloji (From the Ottomans' Mourning to Atatürk's Turkey: Reparative Leadership and Political Psychology). Ankara: Kripto. 660:(1975).Volkan, V. D., Cosmic laughter: A study of primitive splitting. In Tactics and Techniques in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Vol. 2, ed. by P.L. Giovacchini, A. Flarsheim and L.B. Boyer, pp. 425–440. New York: Jason Aronson. 1135:(2015). Volkan, V. D., Großgruppenidentität, schweres Trauma und seine gesellschftchen und politischen Kosequenzen. In Identitäten, eds. Susanne Walz-Pawlita, Beate Unruh and Bernard Janta, pp. 111–130. Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag. 702:(1981).Volkan, V. D., The immortal Atatürk: Narcissism and creativity in a revolutionary leader. In Psychoanalytic Study of Society, Vol. 9, ed. by W. Muesterberger and L.B. Boyer, pp. 221–255. New York: The Psychohistory Press. 354:"Linking Objects" and "Linking Phenomena" of perennial mourners, observed "Chosen Traumas" and "Chosen Glories" of societies and theorized the evolution of "Infantile Psychotic Self" in persons whose mental functions remain undeveloped. 754:(1989).Volkan, V. D., The psychoanalytic psychotherapy of schizophrenia. In Master Clinicians on Treating the Regressed Patient, ed. by L.B. Boyer and P.L. Giovachini, Chapter 10, pp. 245–270, Northvale, New Jersey: Jason Aronson. 663:(1975).Volkan, V. D., Re-grief therapy. In Bereavement: Its Psycho-Social Aspects, ed. by B. Shoenbey, I. Gerber, A. Wiener, A.H. Kutsher, D. Peretz and A.C. Carry, Chapter 38, pp. 334–350. New York: Columbia University Press. 1168:(2019). Volkan, V. D., Large-group psychodynamics and massive violence. In Introduction to Conflict Resolution: Discourses and Dynamics, eds. S. Cobb, S. Federman & A. Castel, pp. 341–358. 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He was also elected to Honorary Membership in the Association for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Finland and Turku Psychotherapy Association, Finland.
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Peru, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Senegal, Slovenia, South Africa, South Ossetia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the U.S.
188: 778:(1991).Volkan, V. D., The impact of political psychology on east–west relationships. Mind and Human Interaction, 2: 105–107. 967:(2006). Volkan, V. D., Large-group identity, large-group regression and massive violence. Group-Analytic Contexts, 30:8–26. 814:(1993).Volkan, V. D. and Harris, Max, Rázva az Etnikum Sátrát: az Etnikai Terrorizmus Pszichodianamikája. Korunk, 4: 85–90. 745:(1989).Volkan, V. D., and Masri, A, The Development of female transsexualism. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 43:92–107. 994:(2007). Volkan, V. D. On Kemal Atatürk's psychoanalytic Biography. International Journal of Turkish Studies, Fall: 229-241 195: 826:(1995).Volkan, V. D., Totem and taboo in Romania: A psychopolitical diagnosis. Mind and Human Interaction, 6: 66–85. 642:(1973). Volkan, V. D. and Bhatti, T.H., Dreams of transsexuals awaiting surgery. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 14:269–279. 823:(1995).Volkan, V. D., Über die Notwendigkeit, Feinde und Verbündete zu haben, Die Zukunft Der Psychoanalyse. 3: 69–83 1408: 838:(1996).Volkan, V. D., Bosnia-Herzegovina: Ancient fuel of a modern inferno. Mind and Human Interaction, 7:110–127. 829:(1995).Volkan, V. D. and van Waning, A., Vamık Volkan talks to Adeline van Waning. Free Associations. 5: 3, 261–274. 253: 235: 115: 63: 805:(1993).Volkan, V. D., Immigrants and refugees: A psychodynamic perspective. Mind and Human Interaction, 4: 63–69. 639:
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449:(1996). Volkan, V. D. Psikoanaliz Öyküleri (Psychoanalytic Cases). Trans. B. Ceyhun. Ankara: Bilimsel Tıp Yayınevi. 345:
affairs primarily from a psychopolitical point of view. Volkan continues to lecture nationally and internationally.
620:(1972). Volkan, V. D., The recognition and prevention of pathological grief. Virginia Medical Monthly, 99: 535–540. 202: 1153:(2016). Volkan, V. & Fromm, M.G. We don't speak of fear". Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 28 Jan. 763:(1990).Volkan, V. D., Change, mourning, and reorganization in Moscow. Mind and Human Interaction, 2: 3–4, 19–20. 49: 1438: 1403: 844:(1998).Volkan, V. D., Ethnicity and nationalism: A psychoanalytic perspective. Applied Psychology, 47: 45–57. 802:(1992).Volkan, V. D., The dilemma of Moscow: To change or not to change. Mind and Human Interaction, 3: 49–52. 93: 862:(1999).Volkan, V. D., Nostalgia as a linking phenomenon. Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 1: 169–179. 760:(1990).Volkan, V. D., Living statues and political decision making. Mind and Human Interaction, 2: 3–4, 19–20. 723:(1985).Volkan, V. D., Complicated mourning. In Annual of Chicago Institute of Psychoanalysis, pp. 323–348. 1433: 1304: 560:(2023). Volkan, V. D. Volkan, V. D. (2023). İç Dünyamıza Bakış (A look at Our Internal World). Istanbul: Destek 86: 184: 1309: 17: 1039:(2010).Volkan, V. D., President's notes. American College of Psychoanalysts Newsletter. Spring Issue: 1–2. 796:(1992).Volkan, V. D., Ethnonationalistic rituals: An introduction. Mind and Human Interaction, 4: 3–19. 572:(1962). Volkan, V. D., Sleep – A bibliographical study. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 35:235–244. 497:(2009). Volkan, V. D., Fanustaki İnsanlar (People in Glass Bubbles). Trans. S. Erdogan. Istanbul: Everest. 551:(2022). Volkan, K. & Volkan. V. D. Schizophrenia: Science, Psychoanalysis, and Culture. UK: Phoenix. 1428: 1423: 1099:(2013). Volkan, V. D., My psychopolitical journey. The American Psychoanalyst, 47:2, pp. 9, 29–30. 1009:(2008).Volkan, V. D., Trauma, identity and search for a solution in Cyprus. Insight Turkey, 10: 95–110. 158: 1054:(2010).Volkan, V. D., Foreword. In Revenge or Restoration by T. Böhm & S. Kaplan. London: Karnac. 1042:(2010).Volkan, V. D., İntihar bombacıları (Suicide bombers). Akademik Orta Doğu, Vol 4- Number 2: 1–8. 633:
Volkan, V. D. (1973). Externalization among Cypriot Turks. World Journal of Psychosynthesis, 5: 24–30.
611:(1971). Volkan, V. D. and Hawkins, D R., The "Fieldwork" Method. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 12:103–115. 539:(2019). Volkan, V. D., A Study of Ghosts in the Human Psyche: Story of a Muslim Armenian. UK: Phoenix. 976:(2006). Volkan, V. D., Slobodan Milošević and the Serbian chosen trauma. Clio's Psyche, 13: 1, 19–22. 1138:(2015). Volkan, V. D., Not only Hitler was thinking of the new Turkey. Turkish Review, 5: 247–253. 769:(1990).Volkan, V. D., Interviews: Lithuanians in Finland. Mind and Human Interaction, 2: 16–17. 392:(1985). Volkan, V. D. (Ed.), Depressive States and Their Treatment. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson. 147: 309:, Stockbridge, Massachusetts, and he has spent three to six months there each year for ten years. 596:(1970). Volkan, V. D., Typical findings in pathological grief. Psychiatric Quarterly, 44:231–250. 584:(1966). Volkan, V. D., Normal pathological grief reactions. Virginia Medical Monthly, 93:651–656. 151: 775:(1991).Volkan, V. D., Interview with Valentin Berezhkov. Mind and Human Interaction, 2: 77–80. 1398: 302: 209: 1339: 666:(1975). Volkan, V. D. Tekrar matem tutma teadvisi. (Re-grief therapy.) Tip Dünyasi, 48:85–91. 623:(1972). Volkan, V. D.,. The birds of Cyprus. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 26: 378–383. 1393: 1360:"Prof. Vamık Volkan: Dünya liderlerinin 'virüs tehlikesi' hakkında konuşması barışı sağlar" 766:(1990).Volkan, V. D., (1990). Duelo Complicado (Complicated Grief), Gradiva, 4: 47–72. 97: 55: 8: 306: 1299: 1209: 651:(1975). Volkan, V. D., More on re-grief therapy. Journal of Thanatology, 3:77–91. 286: 173: 92:
It may require cleanup to comply with Knowledge's content policies, particularly
1239: 1204: 359: 781:(1991).Volkan, V. D., On 'Chosen Trauma.' Mind and Human Interaction, 3: 13. 1382: 1250: 1075:(2011). The psychology of politics. Refugee Transitions, 25:37-43, Australia. 470:(2002). Volkan, V. D., Kozmik Kahkaha (Cosmic Laughter). Istanbul: OkuyanUs. 290: 1267: 1320: 811:(1993).Volkan, V. D.,Ciprus—Háború és Alkalmazkodá. Korunk, 4: 59–63. 626:(1972) Volkan, V. D., 'The Linking Objects of Pathological Mourners', 278: 1214: 266: 1219: 1288: 282: 301:
Vamık D. Volkan is an emeritus professor of psychiatry at the
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1380: 1310:Claude Moore Library-Historical Collections 64:Learn how and when to remove these messages 1389:American people of Turkish Cypriot descent 165:about living persons that is unsourced or 254:Learn how and when to remove this message 236:Learn how and when to remove this message 116:Learn how and when to remove this message 265: 1300:International Dialogue Initiative (IDI) 14: 1414:Cypriot emigrants to the United States 1381: 565: 277:, M.D., DFLAPA, FACPsa, (born 1932 in 127: 70: 29: 24: 25: 1460: 1281: 1257:(Penguin 2009) p. 51 and p. 204-5 45:This article has multiple issues. 1444:American political psychologists 1287: 132: 96:. Please discuss further on the 75: 34: 365: 53:or discuss these issues on the 1449:Austen Riggs Center physicians 1419:University of Virginia faculty 1260: 1244: 1233: 628:Archives of General Psychiatry 13: 1: 1346:(in Polish). 28 December 2019 1226: 1272:The Year of Magical Thinking 296: 143:biography of a living person 7: 1366:(in Turkish). 29 March 2020 1197: 348: 170:must be removed immediately 10: 1465: 1409:American science writers 370: 1439:Group psychotherapists 1404:American psychiatrists 303:University of Virginia 271: 157:Please help by adding 1434:People from Famagusta 269: 94:neutral point of view 1340:"Leczenie królikiem" 1305:2015 Sigourney Award 1296:at Wikimedia Commons 270:Vamık Volkan in 2007 163:Contentious material 27:Turkish psychiatrist 1344:Tygodnik Powszechny 1274:(London 2005) p. 55 566:Articles (selected) 307:Austen Riggs Center 1315:About Vamik Volkan 1266:Volkan, quoted in 1240:About Vamik Volkan 272: 1429:Cypriot educators 1424:Cypriot academics 1292:Media related to 264: 263: 256: 246: 245: 238: 220: 146:needs additional 126: 125: 118: 89:with its subject. 68: 16:(Redirected from 1456: 1375: 1373: 1371: 1355: 1353: 1351: 1335: 1333: 1331: 1291: 1275: 1264: 1258: 1248: 1242: 1237: 259: 252: 241: 234: 230: 227: 221: 219: 178: 159:reliable sources 136: 135: 128: 121: 114: 110: 107: 101: 87:close connection 79: 78: 71: 60: 38: 37: 30: 21: 1464: 1463: 1459: 1458: 1457: 1455: 1454: 1453: 1379: 1378: 1369: 1367: 1358: 1349: 1347: 1338: 1329: 1327: 1319: 1284: 1279: 1278: 1265: 1261: 1249: 1245: 1238: 1234: 1229: 1224: 1210:Erik H. 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Retrieved 1363: 1348:. Retrieved 1343: 1328:. Retrieved 1324: 1294:Vamık Volkan 1271: 1262: 1254: 1246: 1235: 627: 366:Bibliography 356: 352: 343: 339: 335: 331: 327: 323: 319: 315: 311: 300: 291:psychiatrist 274: 273: 250: 232: 223: 213: 206: 199: 192: 180: 169: 152:verification 145: 112: 103: 84: 61: 54: 48: 47:Please help 44: 18:Vamik Volkan 1394:1932 births 1321:"Migration" 1268:Joan Didion 1383:Categories 1227:References 226:March 2023 196:newspapers 50:improve it 1215:Fetishism 736:Virginia. 297:Biography 148:citations 106:June 2021 98:talk page 56:talk page 1220:Mourning 1198:See also 349:Theories 174:libelous 1370:16 July 1350:16 July 1330:16 July 285:) is a 279:Lefkoşa 210:scholar 1325:Ferhat 283:Cyprus 212:  205:  198:  191:  183:  371:Books 217:JSTOR 203:books 141:This 1372:2023 1352:2023 1332:2023 189:news 150:for 1385:: 1362:. 1342:. 1323:. 1270:, 1253:, 281:, 161:. 59:. 1374:. 1364:- 1354:. 1334:. 257:) 251:( 239:) 233:( 228:) 224:( 214:· 207:· 200:· 193:· 176:. 155:. 119:) 113:( 108:) 104:( 100:. 66:) 62:( 20:)


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