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1967: 3927:, the soul will give birth to another rarer entity and will resemble the life on this earth in the sense that this entity will bear a similar relationship to the soul as the soul bears relationship with the human existence on earth. On earth, if a person leads a righteous life and submits to the will of God, his or her tastes become attuned to enjoying spiritual pleasures as opposed to carnal desires. With this, an "embryonic soul" begins to take shape. Different tastes are said to be born which a person given to carnal passions finds no enjoyment. For example, sacrifice of one's own rights over that of others becomes enjoyable, or that forgiveness becomes second nature. In such a state a person finds contentment and peace at heart and at this stage, according to Ahmadiyya beliefs, it can be said that a soul within the soul has begun to take shape. 5238:
large study, researchers also tested the validity of conscious experiences for the first time using objective markers, to determine whether claims of awareness compatible with out-of-body experiences correspond with real or hallucinatory events. The results revealed that 40% of those who survived a cardiac arrest were aware during the time that they were clinically dead and before their hearts were restarted. One patient also had a verified out-of-body experience (over 80% of patients did not survive their cardiac arrest or were too sick to be interviewed), but his cardiac arrest occurred in a room without markers. Dr. Parnia in the interview stated, "The evidence thus far suggests that in the first few minutes after death, consciousness is not annihilated." The AWARE study drew the following primary conclusions:
2141: 3732:
is one of the fundamental beliefs of Seventh-day Adventism. Adventists believe that death is an unconscious state (a "sleep"). This is based on Matt. 9:24; Mark 5:39; John 11:11–14; 1 Cor. 15:51, 52; 1 Thess. 4:13–17; 2 Peter 3:4; Eccl. 9:5, 6, 10. At death, all consciousness ends. The dead person does not know anything and does not do anything. They believe that death is a decreation, or an undoing of what was created. This is described in Ecclesiastes 12:7: "When a person dies, the body turns to dust again, and the spirit goes back to God, who gave it." The spirit of every person who dies—whether saved or unsaved—returns to God at death. The spirit that returns to God at death is the breath of life.
briefing about the intermediate state in the former life. Others only used to follow their basic instincts like animals. And some have fear, which results from foul deeds in the former life or from insistent haughtiness. In the intermediate state the awareness is very flexible, so it is important to be virtuous, adopt a positive attitude, and avoid negative ideas. Ideas which are rising from subconsciousness can cause extreme tempers and cowing visions. In this situation they have to understand, that these manifestations are just reflections of the inner thoughts. No one can really hurt them, because they have no more material body. The deceased get help from different
2390: 4734:: that all souls will ultimately be saved and that there are no torments of hell. Unitarian Universalists differ widely in their theology hence there is no exact same stance on the issue. Although Unitarians historically believed in a literal hell, and Universalists historically believed that everyone goes to heaven, modern Unitarian Universalists can be categorized into those believing in a heaven, reincarnation and oblivion. Most Unitarian Universalists believe that heaven and hell are symbolic places of consciousness and the faith is largely focused on the worldly life rather than any possible afterlife. 2635:. The Elysian Fields were for the ones that lived pure lives. It consisted of green fields, valleys and mountains, everyone there was peaceful and contented, and the Sun always shone there. Tartarus was for the people that blasphemed against the gods or were rebellious and consciously evil. In Tartarus, the soul would be punished by being burned in lava or stretched on racks. The Asphodel Fields were for a varied selection of human souls including those whose sins equaled their goodness, those who were indecisive in their lives, and those who were not judged. 8070:"When the body becomes weak and goes into oblivion as it were, the Atman departs, and following it, the vital breath departs ... he becomes a pure consciousness, and with this consciousness, he proceeds. His past learning and deeds as well subtle memory accompany him. Just as a worm upon reaching the tip of a blade of grass, reaches out towards another blade of grass by way of support, so also does this Jiva end this body, becomes imperceptible, and then obtains another body by way of support, and pulls itself together." – Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 4.4 2945:. Most do not enter the world to come immediately, but experience a period of reflection of their earthly actions and are made aware of what they have done wrong. Some view this period as being a "re-schooling", with the soul gaining wisdom as one's errors are reviewed. Others view this period to include spiritual discomfort for past wrongs. At the end of this period, not longer than one year, the soul then takes its place in the world to come. Although discomforts are made part of certain Jewish conceptions of the afterlife, the concept of eternal 1975: 4482:
human form is the closet form to God if the Guru is read and understood, and the best opportunity for a human being to attain salvation and merge back with God and fully understand Him. Sikh Gurus said that nothing dies, nothing is born, everything is ever present, and it just changes forms. Like standing in front of a wardrobe, you pick up a dress and wear it and then you discard it. You wear another one. Thus, in the view of Sikhism, your soul is never born and never dies. Your soul is a part of God and hence lives forever.
3525:. In the Catholic Church, all those who die in God's grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation; but after death they undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven or the final purification of the elect, which is entirely different from the punishment of the damned. The tradition of the church, by reference to certain texts of scripture, speaks of a "cleansing fire" although it is not always called purgatory. 5532:"One should note there was a near consensus among Muslim theologians of the later periods that punishment for Muslim grave sinners would only be temporary; eventually after a purgatory sojourn in hell's top layer they would be admitted into paradise." Prior to that, theologians of the Kharijite and Mu'tazilite schools insisted that the "sinful" and "unrepentant" should be punished even if they were believers, but this position has been "lastingly defeated and erased" by mainstream Islam. 2379: 3724: 3288: 13664: 12292: 14705: 12282: 2075: 13674: 4766: 4405: 4181: 4030: 2738: 3137: 57: 112: 4746:. Here, souls rest, recuperate from life, and reflect on the experiences they had during their lives. After a period of rest, the souls are reincarnated, and the memory of their previous lives is erased. Many Wiccans see The Summerland as a place to reflect on their life actions. It is not a place of reward, but rather the end of a life journey at an end point of incarnations. 4346:, a famous Hindu scripture, says that just as a man discards his old clothes and wears new ones; similarly the Atman discards the old body and takes on a new one. In Hinduism, the belief is that the body is nothing but a shell, the consciousness inside is immutable and indestructible and takes on different lives in a cycle of birth and death. The end of this cycle is called 2991:
commandments and stories, are known and understood. The classic work of Jewish mysticism, the Zohar, is quoted liberally in all Jewish learning; in the Zohar the idea of reincarnation is mentioned repeatedly. Trugman states that in the last five centuries the concept of reincarnation, which until then had been a much hidden tradition within Judaism, was given open exposure.
is the place prepared for those who have "received the testimony of Jesus" and been "made perfect through Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, who wrought out this perfect atonement through the shedding of his own blood" (Doctrine and Covenants, 76:51, 69). To inherit this gift, we must receive the ordinances of salvation, keep the commandments, and repent of our sins."
3715:, are given no hope of an afterlife. However, they believe that after Armageddon there will be a bodily resurrection of "both righteous and unrighteous" dead (but not the "wicked"). Survivors of Armageddon and those who are resurrected are then to gradually restore earth to a paradise. After Armageddon, unrepentant sinners are punished with eternal death (non-existence). 2873:, is a place of darkness (Job x. 21, 22) to which all the dead go, both the righteous and the unrighteous, regardless of the moral choices made in life (Gen. xxxvii. 35; Ezek. xxxii.; Isa. xiv.; Job xxx. 23), a place of stillness (Ps. lxxxviii. 13, xciv. 17; Eccl. ix. 10), at the longest possible distance from heaven (Job xi. 8; Amos ix. 2; Ps. cxxxix. 8). 5216:, instead saying reality is composed of living experiences (occasions of experience). According to Hartshorne people do not experience subjective (or personal) immortality in the afterlife, but they do have objective immortality because their experiences live on forever in God, who contains all that was. However other process philosophers such as 3568:(325 AD), Orthodoxy does not teach much else in any definitive manner. Unlike Western forms of Christianity, however, Orthodoxy is traditionally non-dualist and does not teach that there are two separate literal locations of heaven and hell, but instead acknowledges that "the 'location' of one's final destiny—heaven or hell—as being figurative." 4705:, "he belief that the dead come back into life and are reborn into their families is given concrete expression in the personal names that are given to children....What is reincarnated are some of the dominant characteristics of the ancestor and not his soul. For each soul remains distinct and each birth represents a new soul." The Yoruba, 4462:
framework without necessarily establishing a belief in the afterlife. Thus while it is also acknowledged that living the life of a householder is above the metaphysical truth, Sikhism can be considered agnostic to the question of an afterlife. Some scholars also interpret the mention of reincarnation to be naturalistic akin to the
4718:, and again during biological death after which they become ancestors. However, some Mende also believe that after people are created by God they live ten consecutive lives, each in progressively descending worlds. One cross-cultural theme is that the ancestors are part of the world of the living, interacting with it regularly. 4958:"departed the body" upon death. MacDougall weighed dying patients in an attempt to prove that the soul was material, tangible and thus measurable. Although MacDougall's results varied considerably from "21 grams", for some people this figure has become synonymous with the measure of a soul's mass. The title of the 2003 movie 2901:(roughly 500 BC – 70 AD) a more diverse set of ideas developed. In some texts, Sheol is considered to be the home of both the righteous and the wicked, separated into respective compartments; in others, it was considered a place of punishment, meant for the wicked dead alone. When the Hebrew scriptures were translated into 3004:, a righteous convert and authoritative commentator of the same period, explained the verse, "Let Reuben live and not die ..." (Deuteronomy 33:6) to mean that Reuben should merit the World to Come directly, and not have to die again as a result of being reincarnated. Torah scholar, commentator and kabbalist, 8514:
But Kokora Kouassi, an old friend and respected Master of the Earth in the village of Asagbé, came to our compound early one morning to describe the dream he had just had: he had been visited by the revered and ancient founder of his matriclan, Denju, who confided that Nathaniel was his reincarnation
However, the mechanism of rebirth with Kamma is not deterministic. It depends on various levels of kamma. The most important moment that determines where a person is reborn into is the last thought moment. At that moment, heavy kamma would ripen if there were performed. If not, near death kamma would
In 2008, a large-scale study conducted by the University of Southampton involving 2,060 patients from 15 hospitals in the United Kingdom, United States and Austria was launched. The AWARE (AWAreness during REsuscitation) study examined the broad range of mental experiences in relation to death. In a
The Seventh-day Adventist Church's beliefs regarding the afterlife differ from other Christian churches. Rather than ascend to Heaven or descend to Hell, Adventists believe the dead "remain unconscious until the return of Christ in judgement". The concept that the dead remain dead until resurrection
is believed to have been the first king on earth to rule, as well as the first man to die. Inside of Yima's realm, the spirits live a shadowy existence, and are dependent on their own descendants which are still living on Earth. Their descendants are to satisfy their hunger and clothe them, through
The Baháʼí scriptures also state there are distinctions between souls in the afterlife, and that souls will recognize the worth of their own deeds and understand the consequences of their actions. It is explained that those souls that have turned toward God will experience gladness, while those who
as the intermediate realm or "isthmus". It is between the world of corporeal bodies and the world of spirits, and is a means of contact between the two worlds. Without it, there would be no contact between the two and both would cease to exist. He described it as simple and luminous, like the world
coexists with the temporal world. Mainstream Islam teaches the continued existence of the soul and a transformed physical existence after death. The resurrection that will take place on the Last Day is physical, and is explained by suggesting that God will re-create the decayed body ("Have they not
Straightforward crimes/sins against other people are also grounds for going to hell: the murder of a believer, usury (Q.2:275), devouring the property of an orphan , and slander , particularly of a chaste woman. However, it is a common belief among Muslims that whatever crimes/sins Muslims may have
will dwell in a land infested with thousands of serpents and scorpions; be "burnt" by "scorching fire" and when "their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins" to repeat the process forever ; they will have nothing to drink but "boiling water and running sores"; their cries
The Celestial Kingdom is believed to be a place where the righteous can live eternally with their families. Progression does not end once one has entered the Celestial Kingdom, but extends eternally. According to "True to the Faith" (a handbook on doctrines in the LDS faith), "The celestial kingdom
who show them the path to the bright light. The ones who do not follow the path after all will get hints for a better reincarnation. They have to release the things and beings on which or whom they still hang from the life before. It is recommended to choose a family where the parents trust in the
doctrine of some mainstream Christian faiths. Both Spirit Prison and Paradise are temporary according to Latter-day Saint beliefs. After the resurrection, spirits are assigned "permanently" to three degrees of heavenly glory, determined by how they lived – Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial. (1
presents an elaborate vision of the afterlife. It is revealed as the scene of an extensive missionary effort by righteous spirits in paradise to redeem those still in darkness—a spirit prison or "hell" where the spirits of the dead remain until judgment. It is divided into two parts: Spirit Prison
Orthodoxy therefore uses the description of Jesus' judgment in John 3:19–21 as their model: "19 And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. 20 For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and
4140:. It is believed that each Buddha has their own pure land, created out of their merits for the sake of sentient beings who recall them mindfully to be able to be reborn in their pure land and train to become a Buddha there. Thus the main practice of pure land Buddhism is to chant a Buddha's name. 4481:
as non-true man made ideas, so from that it can be concluded that Sikhism does not believe in the existence of heaven and hell; however, heaven and hell are created to temporarily reward and punish, and one will then take birth again until one merges in God. According to the Sikh scriptures, the
Although there is no reference to reincarnation in the Talmud or any prior writings, according to rabbis such as Avraham Arieh Trugman, reincarnation is recognized as being part and parcel of Jewish tradition. Trugman explains that it is through oral tradition that the meanings of the Torah, its
explains the intermediate state of humans between death and reincarnation. The deceased will find the bright light of wisdom, which shows a straightforward path to move upward and leave the cycle of reincarnation. There are various reasons why the deceased do not follow that light. Some had no
The Quran teaches that the purpose of Man's creation is to worship God and God alone. Those it describes as being punished in hell are "most typically" unbelievers, including those who worship others besides Allah, those who deny the divine origin of the Quran , or the coming of Judgement Day.
3629:, it is no less a teaching of the Orthodox Church than its rejection. As Met. Kallistos Ware explains, "It is heretical to say that all must be saved, for this is to deny free will; but, it is legitimate to hope that all may be saved," as insisting on torment without end also denies free will. 3571:
Instead, Orthodoxy teaches that the final judgment is one's uniform encounter with divine love and mercy, but this encounter is experienced multifariously depending on the extent to which one has been transformed, partaken of divinity, and is therefore compatible or incompatible with God. "The
writes, "t is precisely the presence of God's mercy and love which cause the torment of the wicked. God does not punish; he forgives... . In a word, God has mercy on all, whether all like it or not. If we like it, it is paradise; if we do not, it is hell. Every knee will bend before the Lord.
is to experience the divine through simple living, meditation, and contemplation while being alive. Sikhism also has the belief of being in union with God while living. Accounts of afterlife are considered to be aimed at the popular prevailing views of the time so as to provide a referential
that "those who are punished in Gehenna, are scourged by the scourge of love. ... The power of love works in two ways: it torments sinners ... bitter regret. But love inebriates the souls of the sons of Heaven by its delectability." In this sense, the divine action is always, immutably, and
Ancient Egyptian civilization was based on religion. The belief in the rebirth after death became the driving force behind funeral practices; for them, death was a temporary interruption rather than complete cessation of life. Eternal life could be ensured by means like piety to the gods,
Buddhism, there are 31 realms of existence that one can be reborn into. According to these, 31 existences comprise 20 existences of supreme deities (Brahmas); 6 existences of deities (Devas); the human existence (Manussa); and, lastly, 4 existences of deprivation or unhappiness (Apaya).
who holds the scales of justice. If the good deeds of the person outweigh the bad, the soul is worthy of paradise. If the bad deeds outweigh the good, the bridge narrows down to the width of a blade-edge, and a horrid hag pulls the soul in her arms, and takes it down to hell with her.
in heaven (there are none), the after-death awakening process in the World of Spirits (a place halfway between Heaven and Hell and where people first wake up after death), the allowance of a free will choice between Heaven or Hell (as opposed to being sent to either one by God), the
9299: 4390:
also believes in the afterlife. They believe that the soul takes on a body form based on previous karmas or actions performed by that soul through eternity. Jains believe the soul is eternal and that the freedom from the cycle of reincarnation is the means to attain eternal bliss.
4838:. Zoroastrianism states that for the righteous souls, a beautiful maiden, which is the personification of the soul's good thoughts, words and deeds, appears. For a wicked person, a very old, ugly, naked hag appears. After three nights, the soul of the wicked is taken by the demon 3076:(reincarnation). While rebutting reincarnation, Saadia Gaon further states that Jews who hold to reincarnation have adopted non-Jewish beliefs. By no means do all Jews today believe in reincarnation, but belief in reincarnation is not uncommon among many Jews, including Orthodox. 5188:, using an example of a person ceasing to exist in one place while an exact replica appears in another. If the replica had all the same experiences, traits, and physical appearances of the first person, we would all attribute the same identity to the second, according to Hick. 2692:, travels to the underworld to see his father. By the River Styx, he sees the souls of those not given a proper burial, forced to wait by the river until someone buries them. While down there, along with the dead, he is shown the place where the wrongly convicted reside, the 3613:(553 AD) affirmed the orthodoxy of Gregory of Nyssa while simultaneously condemning Origen's brand of universalism because it taught the restoration back to our pre-existent state, which Orthodoxy does not teach. It is also a teaching of such eminent Orthodox theologians as 3988:
have lived in error will become aware of the opportunities they have lost. Also, in the Baháʼí view, souls will be able to recognize the accomplishments of the souls that have reached the same level as themselves, but not those that have achieved a rank higher than them.
Everything will be subject to Him. God in Christ will indeed be "all and in all," with boundless mercy and unconditional pardon. But not all will rejoice in God's gift of forgiveness, and that choice will be judgment, the self-inflicted source of their sorrow and pain."
monadic, immutable, and ceaseless object of eschatological encounter is therefore the love and mercy of God, his glory which infuses the heavenly temple, and it is the subjective human reaction which engenders multiplicity or any division of experience." For instance,
and so should be given his name. The following morning a small ritual was held, and Nathaniel was officially announced to the world not only as Denju but as N'zri Denju—Grandfather Denju—an honorific that came to be used even by Nathaniel's closest playing companions.
and LoDagoa have eschatological ideas similar to Abrahamic religions, "but in most African societies, there is a marked absence of such clear-cut notions of heaven and hell, although there are notions of God judging the soul after death." In some societies like the
3277:, the merely virtuous who await their reward, the wicked who await punishment, and the wicked who have already been punished and will not be resurrected on Judgment Day. The Book of Enoch is considered apocryphal by most denominations of Christianity and Judaism. 2696:
where those who committed suicide and now regret it reside, including Aeneas' former lover, the warriors and shades, Tartarus (where the titans and powerful non-mortal enemies of the Olympians reside) where he can hear the groans of the imprisoned, the palace of
often depict a hell as an intermediary period between incarnations. Typically, these traditions locate hell in another dimension or under the Earth's surface and often include entrances to hell from the land of the living. Other afterlife destinations include
3984:. In Baháʼí belief, souls in the afterlife will continue to retain their individuality and consciousness and will be able to recognize and communicate spiritually with other souls whom they have made deep profound friendships with, such as their spouses. 4294:, the cosmic intelligence officer. He is counseled about his life, achievements and failures and is shown a mirror in which his entire life is reflected. Philosophically, these three men are projections of one's mind. Yama sends him to a heavenly realm ( 3954:
of spirits, but also able to take on many different forms just like the world of corporeal bodies can. In broader terms Barzakh, "is anything that separates two things". It has been called the dream world in which the dreamer is in both life and death.
However, medical experts and practitioners do not agree that the past life memories gained from past life regressions are truly from past lives; experts generally regard claims of recovered memories of past lives as fantasies or delusions or a type of
The Orthodox Church is intentionally reticent on the afterlife, as it acknowledges the mystery especially of things that have not yet occurred. Beyond the second coming of Jesus, bodily resurrection, and final judgment, all of which is affirmed in the
4094:, and links to one's ancestors, was once an important component of early Buddhism, but became less relevant already before the formation of the different Buddhist streams. The concepts and importance of afterlife vary among modern Buddhist teachings. 3029:. Among a few kabbalists, it was posited that some human souls could end up being reincarnated into non-human bodies. These ideas were found in a number of Kabbalistic works from the 13th century, and also among many mystics in the late 16th century. 3587:
does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. 21 But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God." As a characteristically Orthodox understanding, then, Fr.
in the Fields of Yalu and accompany the Sun on its daily ride. Due to the dangers the afterlife posed, the Book of the Dead was placed in the tomb with the body as well as food, jewelry, and 'curses'. They also used the "opening of the mouth".
5555: 9266: 8607:
The ancestors are of people, whereas God is external to creation. They are of this world and close to the living. The Yombe believe that the afterlife of the ancestors lies in this world and that they are a spiritual and moral force within
was founded in 1882 with the express intention of investigating phenomena relating to Spiritualism and the afterlife. Its members continue to conduct scientific research on the paranormal to this day. Some of the earliest attempts to apply
4830:, the disembodied spirit, lingers on earth for three days before departing downward to the kingdom of the dead that is ruled by Yima. For the three days that it rests on Earth, righteous souls sit at the head of their body, chanting the 3008:(Ramban 1195–1270), attributed Job's suffering to reincarnation, as hinted in Job's saying "God does all these things twice or three times with a man, to bring back his soul from the pit to... the light of the living' (Job 33:29, 30)." 3762:) from the dead and evaluate their worldly actions. The resurrected will be judged according to their deeds, records of which are kept on two books compiled for every human being—one for their good deeds and one for their evil ones. 3896:
committed, their punishment in hell will be temporary. Only unbelievers will reside in hell permanently. Thus Jahannam combines both the concept of an eternal hell (for unbelievers), and what is known in Christian Catholicism as
2611:, also known as the ferry-man, would take the soul across the river to Hades, if the soul had gold: Upon burial, the family of the dead soul would put coins under the deceased's tongue. Once crossed, the soul would be judged by 3684:, which is called Outer Darkness, where they shall live in misery and agony forever. However, according to the beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, most persons lack the amount of knowledge to commit the 6873: 7788: 3437:
defined hell not as punishment imposed on the sinner but rather as the sinner's self-exclusion from God. Unlike other Christian groups, the Catholic Church teaches that those who die in a state of grace, but still carry
4266:), which flows through all the physical changes of the body and at the death of the physical body, flows on into another physical body. The two components that transmigrate are the subtle body and the causal body. 5005:. While the practice gained popularity in Europe and North America in the 19th century, evidence of mediumship dates back thousands of years in Asia. Mediums who claim to have contact with deceased people include 1813:, likely with no memory of what they have done in the past. In this latter view, such rebirths and deaths may take place over and over again continuously until the individual gains entry to a spiritual realm or 8461:
The belief in the ancestors remains a strong and active spiritual and moral force in the daily lives of the Yombe; the ancestors are thought to intervene in the affairs of the living.... The afterlife is this
Misvan Gatu is the "place of the mixed ones" where the souls lead a gray existence, lacking both joy and sorrow. A soul goes here if his/her good deeds and bad deeds are equal, and Rashnu's scale is equal.
4323:), a human (manuṣya) an animal (tiryak)—but it is generally taught that the spiritual evolution takes place from lower to higher species. In certain cases of traumatic death a person can take the form of a 5120:. The technique used during past-life regression involves the subject answering a series of questions while hypnotized to reveal identity and events of alleged past lives, a method similar to that used in 4550:
from the heavenly realm into entering the physical bodies of humans. They viewed the purpose of life as a way to escape the constant cycle of spiritual incarnations by letting go of worldly attachments.
3255:(in a context relating to who one's spouse would be if one had been married several times in life), Jesus said that marriage will be irrelevant after the resurrection as the resurrected will be like the 3817:). The gardens of Jannah have cool shade, adorned couchs and cushions, rich carpets spread out, cups full of wine, and every meat and fruit. Men will be provided with perpetually youthful, beautiful 9346: 3368:
Pope Gregory I repeats the concept, articulated over a century earlier by Gregory of Nyssa that the saved suffer purification after death, in connection with which he wrote of "purgatorial flames".
8315: 3266:, and all who were in the tombs would come out; those who have heard His " and believes in the one who sent " to the resurrection of life, but those who do not to the resurrection of condemnation. 2798:, the oldest sources for information on the Norse concept of the afterlife, vary in their description of the several realms that are described as falling under this topic. The most well-known are: 3652: 4856:
Rituals which are done on the first three days are vital and important, as they protect the soul from evil powers and give it strength to reach the underworld. After three days, the soul crosses
over the pit of hell; when the condemned attempt to they will be made to fall off into hellfire below, while the righteous will have no trouble and continue on to their eternal abode of heaven.
2705:, which the dead must drink to forget their life and begin anew. Lastly, his father shows him all of the future heroes of Rome who will live if Aeneas fulfills his destiny in founding the city. 5256:(NDE). Experiencers commonly report being transported to a different "realm" or "plane of existence" and they have been shown to display a lasting positive aftereffect on most experiencers. 1990:
do not believe that individuals reincarnate, particular groups within these religions do refer to reincarnation; these groups include the mainstream historical and contemporary followers of
The entire process of death and burial is simple, without elaborate rituals and beliefs in an afterlife. The social and spiritual existence of the person ends with the burial of the corpse.
is reserved for a far smaller group of malicious and evil leaders, either whose very evil deeds go way beyond norms, or who lead large groups of people to utmost evil. This is also part of
is a reference to MacDougall's findings. His results have never been reproduced, and are generally regarded either as meaningless or considered to have had little if any scientific merit.
Afterlife in Buddhism consists of intermediated spirit realm that's beyond spatial means, which includes the six realms of existence, the 31 planes of existence, Naraka, Tengoku and the
2601:, the messenger of the gods, would take the dead soul of a person to the underworld (sometimes called Hades or the House of Hades). Hermes would leave the soul on the banks of the River 8049: 6973: 6907: 6870: 6412:"soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Jewish Thought (6/12) Section – Question 12.8: What do Jews say happens when a person dies? Do Jews believe in reincarnation? In hell or heaven? Purgatory?" 4658:
views life as an illusion and death as a transformation into immortality. Taoists believe that immortality of the soul can be achieved by living a virtuous life in harmony with the
4109:). For example, if a person has committed harmful actions by body, speech and mind based on greed, hate and delusion, would have his/her rebirth in a lower realm, i.e. an animal, a 8089: 3094:
Among the many volumes of Yitzchak Luria, most of which come down from the pen of his primary disciple, Chaim Vital, are insights explaining issues related to reincarnation. His
or hungry ghost – and remains in an earth-bound state interminably – until certain ceremonies are done to liberate them. This mythological part is extensively elaborated in the
2971:. According to Maimonides, an afterlife continues for the soul of every human being, a soul now separated from the body in which it was "housed" during its earthly existence. 2507:(an ancient Egyptian "coffin" carved with complex symbols and designs, as well as pictures and hieroglyphs) was the only way to have an afterlife. What are referred to as the 7116: 9370: 6777: 9320: 1911:) go through a sequence of human and animal forms. Traditional Hinduism teaches that each life helps the soul (jivas) learn until the soul becomes purified to the point of 2279:. There are seven positive regions the soul can go to after death and seven negative regions. After completing its stay in the respective region, the soul is subjected to 4469:
But if one analyses the Sikh Scriptures carefully, one may find that on many occasions the afterlife and the existence of heaven and hell are mentioned and criticised in
ripen, and if not death kamma, then habitual kamma would ripen. Finally if none of the above happened, then residual kamma from previous actions can ripen. According to
6807: 5866: 9160: 7264: 7204: 1790:
continues to exist after the death of their physical body. The surviving essential aspect varies between belief systems; it may be some partial element, or the entire
Death represents a transition from corporeal to incorporeal life in the religious heritage of Africa and the incorporeal life is taken to be as real as the corporeal.
generally believe some afterlife awaits people when they die. Members of some generally non-theistic religions believe in an afterlife without reference to a deity.
state that the nature of the afterlife is beyond the understanding of those living, just as an unborn fetus cannot understand the nature of the world outside of the
who wrote some 18 theological works which describe in detail the nature of the afterlife according to his claimed spiritual experiences, the most famous of which is
8019: 6557: 1761: 8189: 3583:
uniformly love and if one experiences this love negatively, the experience is then one of self-condemnation because of free will rather than condemnation by God.
have their own interpretations of the idea of reincarnation. The human idea of reincarnation is found in many diverse ancient cultures, and a belief in rebirth/
offers several thoughts relating to the afterlife. After death, the soul is brought for judgment. Those who have led pristine lives enter immediately into the
8224: 7078: 3375:(Latin: place of cleansing) is used for the first time to describe a state of painful purification of the saved after life. The same word in adjectival form ( 3107:
notes that "Many ideas that originate in other religions and belief systems have been popularized in the media and are taken for granted by unassuming Jews."
Arriving at one's reward in afterlife was a demanding ordeal, requiring a sin-free heart and the ability to recite the spells, passwords, and formulae of the
6349: 3284:
gives a clear account of the dead awaiting a future resurrection and judgment in addition to prayers and offerings for the dead to remove the burden of sin.
8475: 7828: 9342: 4290:– the cosmic accountant, he has a book which consists the history of the dead persons according to his/her mistakes the Yama decides the punishment is and 3000:
Yirmiyahu Ullman wrote that reincarnation is an "ancient, mainstream belief in Judaism". The Zohar makes frequent and lengthy references to reincarnation.
8307: 4631:, both good or evil of various spiritual manifestations. This spirit world is regarded as an external environment for spirits. The Spiritualism religious 4530:. It was believed that this spark could be released from the material world and enter into the heavenly spiritual world beyond it if special knowledge or 3667:
and Paradise. Together these are also known as the Spirit World (also Abraham's Bosom; see Luke 16:19–25). They believe that Christ visited spirit prison
Some heroes of Greek legend are allowed to visit the underworld. The Romans had a similar belief system about the afterlife, with Hades becoming known as
Psychological proposals for the origin of a belief in an afterlife include cognitive disposition, cultural learning, and as an intuitive religious idea.
3241: 6466: 6043: 5464:" ...Know that the life of this world is mere diversion and play, glamour and mutual vainglory among you and rivalry for wealth and children" (Q.57:20) 3158: 3151: 3091:, and many others. Reincarnation is cited by authoritative biblical commentators, including Ramban (Nachmanides), Menachem Recanti and Rabbenu Bachya. 4241:
There are two major views of an afterlife in Hinduism: mythical and philosophical. The philosophies of Hinduism consider each individual consists of
and in the possibility of "continuing to grow in holiness there", but Methodism does not officially affirm this belief and denies the possibility of
David Griffin, "The Possibility of Subjective Immortality in Whitehead's Philosophy," in The Modern Schoolman, LIII, November. 1975, pp. 39–51.
8676: 1966: 11208: 10856: 6415: 5245:
A number of NDErs may have vivid death experiences, but do not recall them due to the effects of brain injury or sedative drugs on memory circuits.
678: 9249: 9231: 5242:
In some cases of cardiac arrest, memories of visual awareness compatible with so called out-of-body experiences may correspond with actual events.
3776:. Those who die as martyrs go immediately to paradise. Others who have died and been buried will receive a taste of their eternal reward from the 14679: 4298:) if he has been exceptionally benevolent and beneficent for a period of rest and recreation. His period is limited in time by the weight of his 3663: 8164: 2551:
On 30 March 2010, a spokesman for the Egyptian Culture Ministry claimed it had unearthed a large red granite door in Luxor with inscriptions by
1885:, believe in reincarnation. In both cases, these religions hold that one's status in the afterlife is determined by their conduct during life. 7993: 6079: 5124:
and one that, similarly, often misrepresents memory as a faithful recording of previous events rather than a constructed set of recollections.
8041: 2954: 2511:, are inscribed on a coffin and serve as a guide for the challenges in the afterlife. The Coffin texts are more or less a duplication of the 7539: 6958: 6892: 5161:, that concludes that individual conscious experience is illusory, and because consciousness continues after death in all conscious beings, 4912:
to the study of phenomena relating to an afterlife were conducted by this organization. Its earliest members included noted scientists like
508: 13321: 9786: 4113:
or a hell realm, is to be expected. On the other hand, where a person has performed skillful actions based on generosity, loving-kindness (
1754: 6643: 9110: 8968: 8081: 7444: 6138:
90–92. For a recent scholarly treatment, see Douglas R. Campbell, "Plato's Theory of Reincarnation: Eschatology and Natural Philosophy,"
in spiritual terms, relegating the prophesied physical resurrection to the status of a future miracle, unrelated to the afterlife or the
2882:), entities without personality or strength. Under some circumstances they were thought to be able to be contacted by the living, as the 2548:. The Name and Shadow were also living entities. To enjoy the afterlife, all these elements had to be sustained and protected from harm. 8126: 2835:: (lit. "The Covered Hall"). Hel was the daughter of god Loki and her kingdom was located in downward and northward. Snorri Sturluson's 2481:
demanded work as restitution for the protection he provided. Statues were placed in the tombs to serve as substitutes for the deceased.
13637: 7234: 4839: 4575:(黄泉), a gloomy underground realm with a river separating the living from the dead mentioned in the legend of Izanami and Izanagi. This 3578: 2829:: (lit. "The Dark" or "Misty Hel"). Niflhel is believed to be a place of punishment, where the oathbreakers and other wicked people go. 644: 6726:, he gains knowledge of the difference between virtue and vice and finds that he is not able to partake of divinity until he has been 6190: 602: 12255: 7311: 3201: 1716: 6734: 6220: 2301:. Any place of existence, either of humans, souls or deities, outside the tangible world (heaven, hell, or other) is referred to as 12266: 9638: 7112: 6769: 3173: 1737: 9367: 7926: 5785: 3963: 12653: 9316: 3460:
Despite popular opinion, Limbo, which was elaborated upon by theologians beginning in the Middle Ages, was never recognized as a
1747: 8847: 7052: 3772:
Afterlife in Islam actually begins before the Last Day. After death, humans will be questioned about their faith by two angels,
14743: 11249: 6152: 2701:, and the fields of Elysium where the descendants of the divine and bravest heroes reside. He sees the river of forgetfulness, 2140: 749: 6706: 6606:"Biblical Eschatology and Qur'anic 'Ākhirāh: A Comparative Approach of the Concepts Afterlife, Death and the Day of Judgement" 3322:
in an epic battle at the end of times when all souls are judged. There is mention of ghostly bodies of past prophets, and the
3180: 12714: 12678: 10369: 9794: 9674: 9590: 9568: 9484: 9187: 9143: 9104: 9073: 9038: 8952: 8929: 8905: 8878: 8827: 8802: 8758: 8659: 8629: 8600: 8572: 8539: 8454: 8426: 7966: 7888: 7861: 7782: 7747: 7726: 7685: 7506: 7422: 7342: 6803: 6670: 6303: 5858: 5622: 4603:
in Shintoism as can be evidenced by how legendary individuals become enshrined after death. Perhaps the most famous would be
or soul passing from one form to another. The type of rebirth will be conditioned by the moral tone of the person's actions (
3638: 9164: 8530:
Opoku, Kofi Asare (1987). "Death and Immortality in the African Religious Heritage". In Badham, Paul; Badham, Linda (eds.).
7894: 7256: 7196: 6323: 3273:
describes Sheol as divided into four compartments for four types of the dead: the faithful saints who await resurrection in
2496:. If the heart was lighter than the feather, they could pass on, but if it were heavier they would be devoured by the demon 14112: 14087: 12648: 10849: 9807: 6535: 5808:
An important recent work discussing the mutual influence of ancient Greek and Indian philosophy regarding these matters is
1783: 8998: 5842: 5831: 5467:" ...Seek the abode of the Hereafter by means of what Allah has given you, while not forgetting your share of this world. 1899:
Reincarnation is the philosophical or religious concept that an aspect of a living being starts a new life in a different
14407: 12950: 9847: 9752: 9633: 9210:
Charles Hartshorne, Omnipotence and Other Theological Mistakes (Albany: State University of New York, 1984) p. 32–36
8015: 6862: 6553: 6385: 4302:. If he has been exceptionally malevolent and caused immense suffering to other beings, then he is sent to a hell realm ( 3379:, cleansing), which appears also in non-religious writing, was already used by Christians such as Augustine of Hippo and 2465:, and its belief system is one of the earliest known in recorded history. When the body died, parts of its soul known as 9495: 7947:
Dying, Death and the Afterlife in Dharma Traditions and Western Religions (pp.29–44) Deepak Heritage Books, January 2006
7146: 3492:. So they are generally seen as existing in a state of natural, but not supernatural, happiness, until the end of time. 3187: 14363: 13710: 12683: 11141: 11124: 9509: 9267:"Immortality of the Soul as an Intuitive Idea: Towards a Psychological Explanation of the Origins of Afterlife Beliefs" 8193: 7772: 5690: 4681:
have no particular belief in an afterlife, and the death of an individual is a straightforward end to their existence.
525: 503: 8945:
Spiritualism and the New Psychology, an Explanation of Spiritualist Phenomena and Beliefs in Terms of Modern Knowledge
4694: 4272:, hence Hinduism advises to be mindful of one's thoughts and cultivate positive wholesome thoughts – mantra chanting ( 2515:, which would serve as a guide for Egyptian pharaohs or queens in the afterlife. Only if the corpse had been properly 2324: 14275: 12658: 11668: 9717: 9646: 9611: 8776: 8677:"Unitarians: unitarian view of afterlife, unitarian universalist association uua, unitarian universalist association" 8620:
Bond, George C. (1992). "Living with Spirits: Death and Afterlife in African Religions". In Obayashi, Hiroshi (ed.).
Bond, George C. (1992). "Living with Spirits: Death and Afterlife in African Religions". In Obayashi, Hiroshi (ed.).
Bond, George C. (1992). "Living with Spirits: Death and Afterlife in African Religions". In Obayashi, Hiroshi (ed.).
Bond, George C. (1992). "Living with Spirits: Death and Afterlife in African Religions". In Obayashi, Hiroshi (ed.).
Bond, George C. (1992). "Living with Spirits: Death and Afterlife in African Religions". In Obayashi, Hiroshi (ed.).
8346: 8259: 7572: 6833: 6395: 5988: 5939: 5797: 5758: 5581: 5052: 4813: 4444: 4228: 4069: 3823:, "untouched beforehand by man or jinn", with large, beautiful eyes. (In recent years some have argued that the term 3544: 3500: 3220: 2777: 2117: 1877:
and various pagan belief systems, believe in the soul's existence in another world, while others, like many forms of
1131: 96: 41: 6752: 5888:
Somov, Alexey (2018). "Afterlife". In Hunter, David G.; van Geest, Paul J. J.; Lietaert Peerbolte, Bert Jan (eds.).
4795: 4210: 4117:), compassion and wisdom, rebirth in a happy realm, i.e. human or one of the many heavenly realms, can be expected. 3756:, also known by other names), on which the world will come to an end and God will raise all mankind (as well as the 2997:
commented that within the Bible itself, the idea is intimated in Deut. 25:5–10, Deut. 33:6 and Isaiah 22:14, 65:6.
14603: 10057: 8284: 8216: 7074: 6722:
He wrote that a person "may afterward in a quite different manner be very much interested in what is better, when,
6345: 3610: 3434: 3169: 2552: 1852:, the nature of the continued existence is determined directly by the actions of the individual in the ended life. 744: 6579: 6497: 14738: 14333: 13186: 12638: 12328: 12295: 11953: 11866: 10842: 8506: 6759:. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Columbia University Press., 2003. 6 June 2007. 5180:, in his argument regarding resurrection, notes that the materialist must have some sort of physical continuity. 3668: 2084: 2039: 1404: 1329: 137: 13927: 11065: 3981: 806: 597: 14671: 10743: 8401: 8376: 8366: 5031:
Research also includes the study of the near death experience. Scientists who have worked in this area include
4904: 4791: 4426: 4206: 4051: 3355:
their resurrection, rejoice at their future prospect, while the unrighteous are tormented at the sight of the "
3104: 3040:
Among well known (generally non-kabbalist or anti-kabbalist) rabbis who rejected the idea of reincarnation are
2759: 2373: 2347:
Traditions that do not conceive of the afterlife as a place of punishment or reward merely describe hell as an
2010:. The historical relations between these sects and the beliefs about reincarnation that were characteristic of 10357: 7474: 14468: 14463: 14202: 12734: 12412: 12245: 12078: 11871: 11730: 11581: 10467: 10080: 6470: 5717:
36 (2016): 1–18. Campbell, Douglas R. "Plato's Theory of Reincarnation: Eschatology and Natural Philosophy,"
The thought that occupies the mind at the time of death determines the quality of our rebirth (antim smaraṇa)
2536:, and the provision of statuary and other funerary equipment. Each human consisted of the physical body, the 1529: 1334: 1193: 704: 278: 10462: 6068:
F. P. Retief and L. Cilliers, "Burial customs, the afterlife and the pollution of death in ancient Greece",
6047: 5777: 5745: 4714:, multiple beliefs coexist. The Mende believe that people die twice: once during the process of joining the 4310:
However, the belief in rebirth was not a part of early Vedic religions and texts. It was later developed by
14402: 13212: 12756: 12663: 12630: 12220: 9667:
Conceptions of the Afterlife in Early Civilizations: Universalism, Constructivism and Near-Death Experience
9556: 5981:
Conceptions of the Afterlife in Early Civilizations: Universalism, Constructivism and Near-Death Experience
5810: 4670: 4526:
within them said to have been trapped in their bodies by the creator of the material universe known as the
4507: 3677: 3396: 2058: 37: 3100:, "The Gates of Reincarnation", is a book devoted exclusively to the subject of reincarnation in Judaism. 14586: 12668: 11632: 11589: 11119: 11109: 10798: 9946: 9024: 8680: 8155: 5420: 5277: 5001:
is not specific to one culture or religion; it can be identified in several belief systems, most notably
4936: 4620: 3468:, yet, at times, it has been a very popular theological theory within the Church. Limbo is a theory that 3116: 2215:, and earthly beings can ascend to heaven in the afterlife, or in exceptional cases, enter heaven alive. 2095: 1959:. It is found as well in many tribal societies around the world, in places such as Australia, East Asia, 497: 486: 325: 288: 6411: 3748:
usually translated as "this world") vis-a-vis the hereafter. A central doctrine of Islamic faith is the
3310:, which shows people in Hades awaiting the resurrection either in comfort or torment. The author of the 14651: 13922: 11594: 11259: 11224: 11020: 10723: 10047: 9760: 9246: 9228: 9061: 8893: 8280: 8251: 6454: 6371: 4951: 4787: 4422: 4202: 4047: 2755: 2184: 801: 764: 694: 45: 33: 9026:
The Skeptic's Dictionary: A Collection of Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions
at the time of death. In old Japanese legends, it is often claimed that the dead go to a place called
state that the soul is immortal and after death it will continue to progress until it finally attains
14553: 13035: 12905: 11813: 11274: 10052: 10042: 9701: 5229: 4376: 4087: 2805:: (lit. "Hall of the Slain" i.e. "the Chosen Ones") Half the warriors who die in battle join the god 2567:
is a 'door to the Afterlife'. According to the archaeologists, the door was reused in a structure in
2462: 2446: 2389: 1903:
or form after each death. This concept is also known as rebirth or transmigration and is part of the
1639: 1574: 1276: 1048: 776: 182: 17: 7985: 6076: 3977: 3417:(one could leave but would never want to), and that all angels or devils were once people on earth. 3194: 622: 14684: 14633: 14478: 14117: 11931: 11861: 11682: 11447: 11376: 11371: 11070: 10705: 10335: 9976: 8579:
The process of being born, dying, and moving to a lower level of earth continues through ten lives.
5121: 4776: 4191: 3707:
9:5 to preclude belief in an immortal soul. Individuals judged by God to be wicked, such as in the
3548: 3323: 3252: 3244:
include the phrase: "We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come."
3088: 2524: 2231: 1384: 1324: 1140: 952: 947: 858: 7040: 5032: 3703:
occasionally use terms such as "afterlife" to refer to any hope for the dead, but they understand
14618: 14563: 14422: 14319: 13838: 13513: 13508: 13436: 13358: 12643: 12128: 11843: 11783: 11775: 11472: 11467: 11254: 11239: 11104: 9840: 9583:
A Traveler's Guide to the Afterlife: Traditions and Beliefs on Death, Dying, and What Lies Beyond
9133: 7531: 7337:. Oxford paperback reference (1. issued as paperback ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 5002: 4932: 4780: 4636: 4415: 4195: 4040: 3789: 3496: 3330: 3233: 3147: 3126: 2748: 2727: 1584: 1438: 1315: 1306: 1246: 1237: 1031: 1021: 875: 759: 724: 469: 125: 9065: 9055: 7562: 5746:
Origins of the Druze People and Religion, with Extracts from their Sacred Writings (New Edition)
3626: 3400:. His report of life there covers a wide range of topics, such as marriage in heaven (where all 3390:, theologians and philosophers presented various philosophies and beliefs. A notable example is 2982:
not as a place of punishment for the wicked but as a place of spiritual purification for souls.
14368: 13703: 13548: 13441: 13181: 13087: 13052: 12673: 12484: 12400: 11725: 11544: 11161: 11156: 10865: 10616: 9912: 9387:
Greyson, Bruce (2003). "Near-Death Experiences in a Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic Population".
7853: 7845: 6605: 5713:
For Plato, see Kamtekar 2016 and Campbell 2022. Kamtekar, Rachana. "The Soul's (After-) Life,"
5313: 5253: 5205: 4727: 4682: 4624: 3749: 3700: 3642: 3122: 2668: 2211:, or live. According to the beliefs of some religions, heavenly beings can descend to earth or 2204: 2088: 1188: 1098: 617: 555: 550: 145: 120: 9090: 9030: 8965:"Near-death experience in survivors of cardiac arrest: a prospective study in the Netherlands" 8964: 8111: 7824: 7378: 5710: 5614: 14508: 14412: 14182: 14145: 14097: 13985: 13431: 13353: 13166: 13062: 12998: 12963: 12601: 12407: 12375: 12260: 12215: 12153: 12143: 11482: 11346: 11191: 11181: 11166: 11114: 10439: 10277: 9628: 9501: 8844:"Skeptical Odysseys: Personal Accounts by the World's Leading Paranormal Inquirers pp. 85–94" 8649: 6691: 6293: 5318: 5026: 4499: 4242: 3908:
realized that Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth, can ˹easily˺ re-create them?" ).
1701: 1686: 1609: 1599: 1088: 1026: 922: 719: 649: 634: 570: 491: 479: 9525:
Campbell, Douglas R. "Plato's Theory of Reincarnation: Eschatology and Natural Philosophy,"
7226: 5570: 4715: 4565:
It is common for families to participate in ceremonies for children at a shrine, yet have a
4006:, and related rites. These concepts started to significantly change after the period of the 2897:
While the Hebrew Bible appears to describe Sheol as the permanent place of the dead, in the
587: 14528: 14177: 13543: 13396: 13285: 13247: 13237: 13003: 12370: 12250: 11695: 11627: 11570: 11554: 11539: 11519: 11477: 11351: 11196: 11186: 11171: 11136: 11131: 11099: 10671: 9884: 7973:
Buddhists believe in karma and rebirth, and yet they deny the existence of permanent souls.
6967:, eds. Ted Grimsrud & Michael Hardin, 230–52 (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2011), 251" 6901:, eds. Ted Grimsrud & Michael Hardin, 230–52 (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2011), 245" 6182: 5248:
The recalled experience surrounding death merits a genuine investigation without prejudice.
5100: 4595:. Shinto tends to hold negative views on death and corpses as a source of pollution called 4463: 4019: 3827:
refers both to pure men and pure women, and/or that Quranic references to "immortal boys" (
and opened the gate for those who repent to cross over to Paradise. This is similar to the
3573: 3387: 3072:(Hebrew: "beliefs and opinions") concludes Section VI with a refutation of the doctrine of 2898: 1952: 1721: 1153: 1108: 1073: 1036: 927: 639: 592: 565: 520: 515: 464: 313: 11893: 10362: 9765: 7497:
Lange, Christian (2016). "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies". In Christian Lange (ed.).
7303: 5166: 3969: 2099: 1354: 560: 8: 14623: 14254: 14192: 14102: 14039: 13949: 13937: 13603: 13468: 12768: 12509: 12489: 12469: 12432: 12321: 12235: 11936: 11808: 11687: 11356: 11279: 11269: 11146: 11030: 11025: 10778: 10330: 9865: 9020: 7803: 6731: 6212: 5483: 5415: 5133: 4947: 4628: 3552: 3426: 3334: 3262:
Jesus also maintained that the time would come when the dead would hear the voice of the
2643: 2180: 2050: 1983: 1948: 1706: 1389: 1271: 1144: 932: 838: 811: 781: 769: 739: 612: 545: 535: 474: 172: 9779: 8157:
Sentence By Sentence English Translation & Transliteration of Siri Guru Granth Sahib
6320:"Tractate Sanhedrin: Interpolated Section: Those Who have no Share in the World to Come" 5909: 4306:) for his sins. After one has exhausted his karma, he takes birth again to continue his 4261: 14733: 14608: 14571: 14538: 14533: 14498: 14455: 14343: 14314: 14234: 14197: 13732: 13649: 13553: 13493: 13453: 13401: 13333: 13305: 13217: 13171: 12763: 12395: 12365: 12225: 12183: 12093: 12058: 11833: 11798: 11700: 11642: 11604: 11599: 11435: 11425: 11229: 11201: 11151: 10942: 10902: 10548: 10163: 10145: 10094: 9833: 8498: 8476:"Infants, Ancestors, and the Afterlife: Fieldwork's Family Values in Rural West Africa" 7920: 7753: 7647: 7512: 7099: 7044: 7036: 7024: 6830:"limbo – definition of limbo by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia" 6635: 6274: 5782: 5609:
Buddhism After Patriarchy: A Feminist History, Analysis, and Reconstruction of Buddhism
5383: 5260: 5209: 5201: 5154: 5136:
can tend to leave the subject particularly likely to hold distorted or false memories.
5022: 5010: 4986: 4686: 4560: 4129: 4098: 3920: 3804: 3391: 3340: 3311: 3291: 3084: 2856: 2714: 2608: 2015: 1829: 1691: 1649: 1569: 1544: 1509: 1296: 1261: 1158: 989: 984: 714: 699: 673: 659: 654: 540: 363: 332: 273: 187: 167: 11988: 11941: 8739:
David Fontana (2005): Is there an afterlife. A comprehensive overview of the evidence.
7757: 7516: 4834:
with joy, while a wicked person sits at the feet of the corpse, wails and recites the
3614: 1429: 1394: 14704: 14661: 14294: 14239: 14229: 14221: 14187: 14072: 14021: 13843: 13696: 13421: 13416: 13260: 13242: 12875: 12863: 12285: 12281: 12163: 12148: 11818: 11765: 11745: 11647: 11637: 11564: 11393: 11383: 11176: 10964: 10884: 10808: 10520: 10419: 10320: 10296: 10113: 10024: 9723: 9713: 9696: 9670: 9642: 9607: 9586: 9564: 9505: 9480: 9445: 9404: 9193: 9183: 9139: 9100: 9069: 9034: 8948: 8925: 8901: 8874: 8843: 8823: 8798: 8754: 8655: 8625: 8596: 8568: 8535: 8502: 8450: 8422: 8397: 8372: 8342: 8255: 7962: 7884: 7857: 7778: 7743: 7722: 7681: 7568: 7502: 7436: 7428: 7418: 7338: 7048: 7028: 6639: 6627: 6391: 6299: 6278: 5984: 5935: 5913: 5793: 5754: 5686: 5661: 5618: 5607: 5587: 5577: 5556:
Near-death experience expert says he’s proven there is an afterlife ‘without a doubt’
5217: 5177: 5150: 5076: 4997:
Mediums purportedly act as a vessel for communications from spirits in other realms.
4909: 4592: 4471: 4351: 4303: 4170: 4158: 4106: 3672: 3477: 3365:
discusses the long-before believed possibility of purification of souls after death.
3307: 2698: 2639: 2328: 1787: 1619: 1604: 1281: 1228: 1208: 1118: 959: 629: 575: 387: 318: 268: 11788: 7008: 6935:
trans. Dana Miller (Brookline, MA: Holy Transfiguration Monastery Press, 1984), 141.
6694:. A guide to understanding the Bible. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1956. p. 276. 6160: 5176:
Certain problems arise with the idea of a particular person continuing after death.
3601:, or the restoration of all things in the end. This has been taught most notably by 3480:, exist in neither Heaven nor Hell proper. Therefore, these souls neither merit the 3404:
are married), children in heaven (where they are raised by angel parents), time and
as well as the Indian religions have been the subject of recent scholarly research.
1251: 14513: 14373: 14325: 14244: 14062: 13677: 13630: 13528: 13343: 13338: 13295: 13072: 13067: 12853: 12719: 12709: 12611: 12596: 12581: 12532: 12385: 12188: 12051: 12021: 12011: 12006: 11903: 11888: 11534: 11430: 11264: 11084: 11055: 10994: 10932: 10643: 10472: 10457: 10340: 10234: 10214: 10105: 9812: 9624: 9532: 9497:
Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet's Legacy
9435: 9396: 9289: 9281: 8820:
The Physics of Immortality – Modern Cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the Dead
8490: 8362: 7639: 7410: 7406: 7020: 6703: 6666: 6617: 6266: 5905: 5901: 5815: 5651: 5409: 5308: 5113: 5088: 4580: 4566: 4299: 4144: 4102: 4091: 4003: 3997: 3919:
believe that the afterlife is not material but of a spiritual nature. According to
3773: 3651: 3646: 3622: 3606: 3484:, nor are subjected to any punishment, because they are not guilty of any personal 3429:, the righteous and free of sin enter Heaven. However, those who die in unrepented 3362: 3352: 3348: 3096: 3080: 3069: 3061: 3057: 2914: 2693: 2580: 2485: 2454: 2410: 2348: 1916: 1907:/karma doctrine of cyclic existence. Samsara refers to the process in which souls ( 1849: 1711: 1654: 1502: 1467: 1452: 1447: 1364: 1349: 1083: 994: 826: 664: 582: 446: 422: 392: 241: 78: 10648: 9803: 8341:. London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne: Cassell and Company, Ltd. p. 211. 5732:
Imagining Karma: Ethical Transformation in Amerindian, Buddhist, and Greek Rebirth
The Last Day has a number of other names. It is also called the Encompassing Day (
4270: 14708: 14613: 14543: 14299: 14249: 14067: 13954: 13618: 13583: 13533: 13488: 13463: 13102: 12973: 12832: 12704: 12699: 12616: 12566: 12559: 12547: 12457: 12195: 12178: 12133: 12123: 12068: 12041: 11978: 11973: 11958: 11883: 11619: 11609: 11244: 11234: 11035: 10912: 10396: 10345: 10264: 10254: 10206: 10123: 9775: 9747: 9474: 9440: 9423: 9374: 9343:"Consciousness after clinical death. The biggest ever scientific study published" 9253: 9235: 8871:
Skeptical Odysseys: Personal Accounts by the World's Leading Paranormal Inquirers
8545: 7878: 6877: 6866: 6756: 6738: 6710: 6083: 5846: 5835: 5789: 5680: 5491: 5458:"... but compared with the Hereafter the life of this world is but a enjoyment" 5328: 5060: 4982: 4970:
has argued that physics can explain immortality, although such arguments are not
4913: 4674: 4632: 4342:
are the first scriptures in Hinduism which explicitly mention the afterlife. The
4320: 4283: 3680:, or those who have known and seen God and deny it, will be sent to the realm of 3659: 3522: 3481: 3465: 3037:'s life includes several that refer to people reincarnating in successive lives. 2675:
traveling high above the Earth, looking down at the small planet, from far away.
2659: 2632: 2590: 2563:
who ruled between 1479 BC and 1458 BC, the longest of any woman. It believes the
1974: 1664: 1644: 1634: 1589: 1579: 1519: 1492: 1482: 1462: 1409: 1374: 1344: 1093: 843: 734: 729: 709: 372: 299: 283: 116: 9743: 8773: 6539: 6319: 4604: 4506:, so adherents believe that their ancestors become deified spirits after death. 3900:(for believers eventually destined for heaven after punishment for their sins). 2234:
or conditionally accessible by earthly beings according to various standards of
14473: 14140: 13964: 13959: 13932: 13801: 13667: 13391: 13222: 12983: 12918: 12751: 12729: 12606: 12554: 12314: 12168: 12158: 12098: 12046: 11983: 11878: 11803: 11760: 11740: 11529: 11405: 11366: 11060: 11050: 11045: 10969: 10663: 10574: 10566: 10510: 10449: 10196: 10075: 9951: 9400: 8990: 8940: 8143: 7594: 6270: 5839: 5828: 5551: 5403: 5348: 5080: 4985:
came to the conclusion that, according to her experiences, there is not enough
4971: 4917: 4898: 4868:
are present at the final judgment. The list is expanded sometimes, and include
4861: 4857: 4743: 3618: 3532: 3380: 3303: 3073: 3065: 3049: 3026: 2994: 2883: 2708:
Other eschatological views populate the ancient-Greek worldview. For instance,
2473:(personality) would go to the Kingdom of the Dead. While the soul dwelt in the 2176: 1936: 1659: 1614: 1549: 1497: 1424: 1339: 1266: 1223: 1203: 964: 942: 853: 848: 821: 263: 224: 72: 67: 13124: 9727: 8651:
African Religion Defined a Systematic Study of Ancestor Worship among the Akan
8494: 7414: 6948:, Sergius Bulgakov (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1988), xiii. 6855: 6448: 5656: 5639: 4527: 4307: 2921:
where Hades is both the underworld of the dead and the personification of the
1904: 14727: 14383: 14284: 13876: 13781: 13426: 13411: 13368: 13326: 13280: 13114: 13092: 12968: 12935: 12827: 12802: 12138: 12063: 11946: 11926: 11838: 11793: 11004: 10823: 10793: 10429: 9966: 9927: 9917: 9655: 9449: 9285: 9197: 8780: 7643: 7432: 7138: 7032: 6631: 5917: 5665: 5388: 5373: 5292: 5197: 5170: 5165:
do not die. This position has allegedly been supported by physicists such as
5129: 5117: 5084: 5072: 5068: 5048: 5044: 5036: 4921: 4698: 4539: 4375:
The (diverse) views of modern Hinduism in part differ significantly from the
4343: 4332: 3946: 3597: 3270: 3034: 2968: 2942: 2918: 2533: 2512: 2332: 2280: 2263: 2239: 2156: 2049:
period occurring immediately after death and before entering the afterlife's
1947:. It is also a common belief of various ancient and modern religions such as 1900: 1894: 1810: 1802: 1594: 1514: 1399: 1379: 1301: 1256: 530: 437: 432: 407: 214: 9692:
The Destiny of the Soul: A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
8549: 6854:
Ted Campbell, Methodist Doctrine: The Essentials (Abingdon 1999), quoted in
5591: 4588: 3792:", while those bound for heaven will find the grave "peaceful and blessed". 3473: 1848:
during life. In contrast, in systems of reincarnation, such as those in the
14598: 14503: 14493: 14393: 14358: 14338: 14279: 14207: 14092: 13995: 13942: 13642: 13523: 13406: 13290: 13207: 13131: 13119: 12978: 12885: 12822: 12817: 12812: 12807: 12740: 12591: 12571: 12514: 12499: 12390: 12083: 12073: 12036: 12026: 12016: 11908: 11823: 11755: 11652: 11316: 11040: 10989: 10315: 9994: 9971: 9922: 9904: 9537:
Beyond Death: Theological and Philosophical Reflections on Life after Death
9408: 9161:"I Look for the Resurrection of the Dead and the Life of the World to Come" 8917: 6622: 5303: 5282: 5267:
processes may exist beyond the physical body and persist even after death.
5158: 5064: 5056: 4967: 4755: 4731: 4711: 4706: 4690: 4678: 4523: 4503: 4477: 4148: 3704: 3588: 3565: 3489: 3356: 3237: 3030: 2870: 2837: 2616: 2556: 2508: 2450: 2035: 2023: 2011: 2007: 1870: 1798: 1534: 1524: 1487: 1472: 1457: 1369: 1286: 1218: 897: 816: 427: 417: 337: 10176: 9629:"Part II: Death and Immortality – The Individual Dimension of Eschatology" 9597:
Beyond the Threshold: Afterlife Beliefs and Experiences in World Religions
Solitary Wicca For Life: Complete Guide to Mastering the Craft on Your Own
4531: 4286:, the God of Death, for an exit interview. The panel consists of Yama and 3723: 2816: 2488:. In the Hall of Two Truths, the deceased's heart was weighed against the 2441:
is allowed to pass into the afterlife. If not, he is eaten by the waiting
2378: 14576: 14488: 14417: 14353: 14309: 14127: 14082: 14035: 13969: 13813: 13776: 13598: 13593: 13563: 13518: 13498: 13483: 13478: 13458: 13375: 13300: 13270: 13227: 13057: 12940: 12576: 12542: 12474: 12452: 12447: 12437: 12103: 12088: 11968: 11963: 11509: 11442: 11361: 11326: 11306: 10974: 10834: 10681: 10625: 10186: 6829: 6749: 5772: 5398: 5358: 5338: 5006: 4975: 4873: 4287: 4136:
believes in a special place apart from the 31 planes of existence called
Early Indian religions were characterized by the belief in an afterlife,
3858: 3708: 3685: 3536: 3287: 3281: 3053: 3045: 3041: 3018: 3005: 2832: 2791: 2568: 2504: 2259: 2212: 2054: 2046: 2019: 1863: 1822: 1818: 1624: 1564: 1554: 1539: 1419: 1414: 1063: 1001: 937: 907: 887: 831: 397: 177: 10895: 9999: 9294: 8276: 7922:
Feeding the ancestors: ancestor worship in ancient Hinduism and Buddhism
7651: 7618: 7604: 7597: 7288: 4279:
The mythical includes the philosophical but adds heaven and hell myths.
and to reincarnate with the will to care for the welfare of all beings.
3950: 3836: 3832: 3828: 3766: 3744:(the holy book of Islam) emphasizes the insignificance of worldly life ( 1782:
is a purported existence in which the essential part of an individual's
207: 14641: 14548: 14523: 14483: 14077: 13848: 13833: 13828: 13796: 13771: 13568: 13538: 13503: 13473: 13446: 13348: 13176: 13136: 12988: 12945: 12923: 12890: 12586: 12504: 12462: 12442: 12352: 12031: 11828: 11750: 11735: 11524: 11494: 11457: 11415: 11410: 11341: 10979: 10818: 10813: 10803: 10638: 10579: 10492: 10239: 9469:, London and Ithaca NY: I.B. Tauris and Cornell University Press, 2015. 6493: 5430: 5298: 5040: 4998: 4940: 4927:
Parapsychological investigation of the afterlife includes the study of
4702: 4600: 4519: 4429: in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 4339: 4153: 4054: in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 4007: 3942: 3884:, where the higher the level the better it is and the happier you are. 3712: 3439: 3430: 3344: 3263: 2960: 2906: 2902: 2795: 2762: in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 2594: 2564: 2560: 2320: 2302: 2227: 2027: 1940: 1841: 1814: 1559: 1477: 1291: 1213: 1198: 1183: 1078: 1011: 974: 969: 607: 402: 10633: 9825: 9265:
Pereira, Vera; Faísca, Luís; de Sá-Saraiva, Rodrigo (1 January 2012).
5640:"The African Origins of Greek Philosophy: Ancient Egypt in Retrospect" 4282:
When one leaves the physical body at death he appears in the court of
are thought to have different levels. Eight gates and eight levels in
1806: 14304: 14026: 13823: 13808: 13791: 13786: 13766: 13613: 13608: 13573: 13363: 13255: 12993: 12930: 12895: 12870: 12746: 12427: 12422: 12173: 11898: 11720: 11549: 11514: 11499: 11462: 10715: 10424: 10384: 10379: 10067: 10034: 9961: 9770: 9691: 7395:
Roads to Paradise: Eschatology and Concepts of the Hereafter in Islam
7009:"The Harrowing of Hell: Salvation for the Dead in Early Christianity" 5378: 5264: 5220:
have written that people may have subjective experience after death.
5181: 4662:. They are taught not to fear death, as it is simply part of nature. 4535: 4495: 4316:
s (sages) who challenged the idea of one's life as being simplistic.
4137: 4122: 4083: 3924: 3916: 3897: 3540: 3518: 3512: 3443: 3372: 3248: 2946: 2516: 2492:
feather of truth and justice taken from the headdress of the goddess
2337: 2255: 2160: 2031: 1995: 1845: 1629: 1359: 1178: 1103: 1068: 1053: 1016: 202: 13191: 7814:. Anqa Publishing. pp. 29n, 50n, 59, 64–68, 73, 75–78, 82, 102. 6959:"Andrew P. Klager, "Orthodox Eschatology and St. Gregory of Nyssa's 6893:"Andrew P. Klager, "Orthodox Eschatology and St. Gregory of Nyssa's 4765: 4404: 4180: 4114: 4029: 3625:. Although apokatastasis is not a dogma of the church but instead a 3136: 3087:, Talmud scholar Adin Steinsaltz, DovBer Pinson, David M. Wexelman, 2737: 111: 14656: 14289: 13871: 13818: 13719: 13588: 13558: 13109: 13097: 13030: 12858: 12527: 12494: 12380: 12360: 12240: 12230: 11715: 11710: 11705: 11657: 11504: 11420: 11388: 11301: 11293: 10984: 10959: 10927: 10922: 10728: 10589: 10307: 10249: 10244: 10181: 10128: 10009: 9956: 9889: 9096: 8474:
Gottlieb, Alma; Graham, Philip; Gottlieb-Graham, Nathaniel (1998).
7601: 7466: 6997:
Kallistos Ware, The Orthodox Church (New York: Penguin, 1997), 262.
5461:" ...The life of this world is nothing but the wares of delusion." 5363: 5109: 4960: 4928: 4608: 4133: 3888:
possess seven layers. Each layer more horrible than the one above.
3865: 3813: 3800: 3528: 3410: 3274: 2802: 2651: 2647: 2628: 2493: 2312: 2270: 2235: 2223: 2172: 1999: 1991: 1956: 1924: 1920: 1882: 1878: 1833: 1726: 1696: 1173: 1168: 1163: 1058: 979: 882: 412: 382: 308: 236: 154: 10597: 10191: 8716:
Searching for Spiritual Unity ... Can There Be Common Ground?
7440: 7007:
Paulsen, David L.; Cook, Roger D.; Christensen, Kendel J. (2010).
Pearson, Fred (1938). "Sheol and Hades in Old and New Testament".
5859:"Life After Death Revealed – What Really Happens in the Afterlife" 3632: 14646: 14348: 14259: 14107: 14054: 13990: 13884: 13625: 13265: 13232: 13077: 13025: 12786: 12724: 12537: 12417: 11489: 11400: 11321: 11311: 10954: 10907: 10733: 10653: 10484: 10374: 10219: 10153: 10019: 10004: 9876: 8654:(2nd ed.). Lanham: University Press of America. p. 26. 6554:"Where does the soul go? New course explores spiritual existence" 5514:, meaning "the Hour" signaled by the blowing of the horn/trumpet. 5353: 5343: 5252:
Studies have also been done on the widely reported phenomenon of
4865: 4849: 4584: 4458: 4387: 4359: 4328: 3854: 3841: 3807:
journey) – give vivid descriptions of the pleasures of paradise (
3469: 3022: 3001: 2979: 2949:
is not a tenet of the Jewish afterlife. According to the Talmud,
2878: 2826: 2624: 2520: 2438: 2402: 2398: 2394: 2316: 2297: 1960: 1932: 1928: 1043: 902: 892: 377: 197: 10350: 9710:
100 Places to See After You Die: A Travel Guide to the Afterlife
Life After Death: A History of the Afterlife in Western Religion
7961:. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. p. viii. 7738:
Lange, Christian (2016). "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies".
purged of the filthy contagion in his soul by the purifying fire
4583:; however, later myths include notions of resurrection and even 2437:, records the result. If his heart is lighter than the feather, 14594: 14157: 13744: 13578: 13275: 13045: 12913: 12837: 12479: 11559: 11452: 11331: 10788: 10773: 10502: 10434: 10414: 10409: 10224: 10171: 10014: 9544:
Is there an afterlife: a comprehensive overview of the evidence
John Renard The Handy Islam Answer Book Visible Ink Press 2015
7402: 7398: 6797: 6795: 5897: 5893: 5425: 5323: 5213: 5184:
also raises questions regarding personal identity in his book,
4881: 4877: 4869: 4831: 4655: 4364: 4295: 4291: 3936: 3808: 3796: 3602: 3401: 3319: 3256: 3013: 2950: 2934: 2887: 2820: 2810: 2689: 2684: 2679: 2664: 2612: 2598: 2478: 2430: 2418: 2414: 2291: 2275: 2251: 2219: 2208: 2168: 2152: 2131: 1912: 1860: 1113: 1006: 912: 192: 8042:"The Hindu Concept of Three Bodies – Body, Mind and Existence" 6370:
Maimonides' Introduction to Perek Helek, publ. and transl. by
4842:(Vīzarəša), to Chinvat bridge, and is made to go to darkness ( 14150: 14000: 13891: 13866: 13761: 13161: 13141: 13082: 12880: 12337: 11336: 10889: 10697: 10602: 10538: 10325: 10282: 10229: 10118: 9986: 9939: 9894: 9606:, Minneapolis, Minn.: Bethany House Publishers, 1984. 315 p. 9247:
A Whiteheadian Conception of Immortality by Forrest Wood, Jr.
8473: 8163:. Translated by Khalsa, Singh Sahib Sant Singh. p. 267. 7615: 7285: 7013:
Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture
5368: 5287: 4835: 4644: 4547: 4543: 4324: 4312: 4110: 3819: 3785: 3765:
Having been judged, the resurrected will cross the bridge of
3741: 3681: 3461: 3455: 3405: 3315: 2975: 2910: 2866: 2819:: (lit. "Field of the Host") The other half join the goddess 2712:
argued for reincarnation in several dialogues, including the
2709: 2702: 2620: 2586: 2497: 2442: 2426: 2356: 2352: 2341: 2285: 2247: 2243: 2200: 2192: 2188: 2061:, more akin to a final review or end report over one's life. 2003: 1987: 1944: 1874: 917: 219: 9476:
Modern Hebrew: The Past and Future of a Revitalized Language
8371:. Vol. 2 (5th ed.). US: Gale Group. p. 1463. 8306:
says, Ōmiya Hachiman-Schrein| Ways to Japan (16 July 2015).
6792: 6295:
Modern Hebrew: The Past and Future of a Revitalized Language
5523:"I have created the jinn and humankind only for My worship." 3337:
so that they might be "translated to a state of happiness".
2262:. Some believe in the possibility of a heaven on Earth in a 14378: 14161: 14031: 13688: 10917: 10756: 10751: 10556: 10533: 10528: 10404: 10272: 10133: 9934: 9561:
The Myth of an Afterlife: The Case against Life After Death
5393: 5333: 4955: 4843: 4571: 4273: 4257:) comprising subliminal stuff i.e. mental impressions etc. 3973: 3803:
who is believed to have visited heaven and hell during his
3758: 3688:
and are therefore incapable of becoming sons of perdition.
3605:, but also many other Church fathers and Saints, including 3414: 2922: 2891: 2806: 2672: 2602: 2474: 2434: 2422: 2406: 2383: 2308: 2196: 2164: 2135: 1908: 1837: 1791: 231: 9264: 6235: 3079:
Other well-known rabbis who are reincarnationists include
Egyptians also believed that being mummified and put in a
1840:) after death, as determined by their god, based on their 1794:
or spirit, which carries with it one's personal identity.
14518: 14005: 13905: 10999: 10783: 8797:. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. p. 90. 6871:
FAQ Belief: What happens immediately after a person dies?
6730:" (emphasis added)—Sermon on the Dead, AD 382, quoted in 6183:"Fólkvangr, Freyja welcomes you to the Field of the Host" 5576:(4th ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 4659: 3869:
of remorse and pleading for forgiveness will be in vain.
3485: 2894:, but such practices were forbidden (Deuteronomy 18:10). 1797:
In some views, this continued existence takes place in a
354: 12306: 9135:
I Am You: The Metaphysical Foundations for Global Ethics
Anomalistic Psychology (Palgrave Insights in Psychology)
Breaking the circle: death and the afterlife in Buddhism
7846:"burial, "death and afterlife", evil, evil spirits, sin" 7731: 7495:
Ghazālī, Iḥyāʾ, v.157, trans. Winter p.221-2; quoted in
6887: 6885: 7831:, ed. by US Baháʼí Publishing Trust, 1990, pp. 155–156. 7227:"From Life to Death: What Really Happens When You Die?" 6556:. Middletown, CT. West Hartford News. 14 October 2015. 5778:
The Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures (Collected Works)
There is a view based on the philosophical question of
3799:(reports of the words and deeds of the Islamic Prophet 3488:
although they have not received baptism, so still bear
3351:) as a place where the righteous dead, awaiting in the 8217:"Hachiman, Japanese God of War | History & Symbol" 7810:
Ibn Al-Arabi, Muhyiddin (2006). Angela Jaffray (ed.).
7006: 5705:
see Charles Taliaferro, Paul Draper, Philip L. Quinn,
sought to measure the weight lost by a human when the
Moreover, Orthodoxy includes a prevalent tradition of
The Catholic conception of the afterlife teaches that
2917:) was substituted for Sheol. This is reflected in the 2597:, a place where souls live after death. The Greek god 8112:"Concept of reincarnation in Guru Nanak's philosophy" 6963:: Transfiguration, Cosmic Unity, and Compassion," In 6897:: Transfiguration, Cosmic Unity, and Compassion," In 6882: 6599: 6597: 6469:. 17 December 2009. Archived from 4498:
did not directly discuss the afterlife. Nonetheless,
1817:. Major views on the afterlife derive from religion, 9817: 9618:
Death and Afterlife: Perspectives of World Religions
Brain & Belief: An Exploration of the Human Soul
Death and Afterlife: Perspectives of World Religions
Death and Afterlife: Perspectives of World Religions
Death and Afterlife: Perspectives of World Religions
Death and Afterlife: Perspectives of World Religions
Death and Afterlife: Perspectives of World Religions
2985: 2574: 9551:
The Islamic Understanding of Death and Resurrection
9317:"Results of world's largest Near Death Experiences" 8916:Nicola Holt, Christine Simmonds-Moore, David Luke, 8532:
Death and Immortality in the Religions of the World
Spiritualism - Its History, Phenomena, And Doctrine
7986:"The Buddhist Society: Kamma – Actions and Results" 7880:
Feeding the Dead: Ancestor Worship in Ancient India
7397:. Islamic History and Civilization. Vol. 136. 7231:
Seventh-day Adventist World Church Official Website
Seventh-day Adventist World Church Official Website
4935:of the deceased, instrumental trans-communication, 4742:The Wiccan afterlife is most commonly described as 3242:
English versions of the Nicene Creed in current use
2654:, the three-headed guard dog, as one of his tasks. 2218:Heaven is often described as a "higher place", the 7710:Lange, "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies", 2016 7698:Lange, "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies", 2016 6594: 5606: 5569: 4599:. However, death is also viewed as a path towards 3676:Cor 15:44–42; Doctrine and Covenants, Section 76) 2809:who rules over a majestic hall called Valhalla in 1982:Although the majority of denominations within the 1832:, hold that the dead go to a specific place (e.g. 32:Several terms redirect here. For other uses, see 7770: 7532:"Project Gutenberg's A Dictionary of Islam. Hell" 6933:The Ascetical Homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian, 5638:Anakwue, Nicholas Chukwudike (22 February 2018). 4245:: physical body compose of water and bio-matter ( 3503:or state of confinement in oblivion and neglect. 3446:where they undergo purification to enter Heaven. 2289:. This cycle can be broken after a soul achieves 14725: 7777:. Islam International Publications. p. 50. 7372: 7370: 5953:Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt 5932:Death and the afterlife: A Cultural Encyclopedia 5212:rejected the idea that the universe was made of 4665: 3472:but innocent souls, such as those of infants or 1855: 9182:. Westminster/J. Knox Press. pp. 279–294. 8046:Sanskriti – Hinduism and Indian Culture Website 6965:Compassionate Eschatology: The Future as Friend 6899:Compassionate Eschatology: The Future as Friend 5890:Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online 3664:the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 3633:The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1978:Aztec mask depicting transformation and rebirth 9229:What Is Process Theology? by Robert B. Mellert 8647: 8368:Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology 7393:. In Günther, Sebastian; Lawson, Todd (eds.). 6801: 6444: 6442: 6390:. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 177–180. 5734:. University of California Press, 2002, p. 15. 5613:. State University of New York Press. p.  4673:are diverse in their beliefs in an afterlife. 1809:and begin the life cycle over again, known as 1801:realm, while in others, the individual may be 13704: 12322: 10850: 9841: 9158: 9082: 7703: 7691: 7658: 7459: 7367: 7351: 7298: 7296: 6383: 6364: 6046:. 30 March 2010. Archived from 5604: 4981:After 25 years of parapsychological research 4643:where individual's awareness persists beyond 4260:The individual is a stream of consciousness ( 3535:tradition generally also hold to the belief. 3314:John, writes about God and the angels versus 1755: Catechism of the Catholic Church 9472: 9088: 8624:. New York: Greenwood Press. pp. 3–18. 8595:. New York: Greenwood Press. pp. 3–18. 8567:. New York: Greenwood Press. pp. 3–18. 8449:. New York: Greenwood Press. pp. 3–18. 8421:. New York: Greenwood Press. pp. 3–18. 8119:Understanding Sikhism – the Research Journal 7809: 6291: 6241: 5598: 5502:), as well as both the "Day of Separation" ( 4587:-like descriptions such as in the legend of 4249:), an energetic/psychic/mental/subtle body ( 2876:The inhabitants of Sheol were the "shades" ( 2367: 1939:was held by historic Greek figures, such as 68:texts from within a religion or faith system 7530:Hughes, Thomas Patrick (27 February 2020). 7197:"The State of the Dead: From Death to Life" 6439: 4794:. Unsourced material may be challenged and 4209:. Unsourced material may be challenged and 3359:" into which they are destined to be cast. 2841:tells of evil men going to Niflhel via Hel. 2650:had to travel to the underworld to capture 2351:, the grave, a neutral place (for example, 2283:in different living forms according to its 14170: 13711: 13697: 12329: 12315: 10864: 10857: 10843: 9848: 9834: 9795:Online searchable edition of Swedenborg's 9669:, New York & London, Continuum, 2009. 9368:AWARE STUDY INITIAL RESULTS ARE PUBLISHED! 9019: 8795:Superstition: Belief in the Age of Science 8534:. New York: Paragon House. pp. 9–23. 7852:. Oxford: Oneworld Publications. pp.  7850:A concise encyclopedia of the Baháʼí Faith 7829:Gleanings from the Writings of Baháʼu'lláh 7670: 7665:Thomassen, "Islamic Hell", Numen, 56, 2009 7564:Introducing the Qur'an: For Today's Reader 7523: 7379:"Beauty in the Garden: Aesthetics and the 7293: 6603: 6436:Saadia Gaon in Emunoth ve-Deoth Section vi 6044:"Door to Afterlife found in Egyptian tomb" 5678: 5112:to recover what practitioners believe are 4978:'s views, they do not qualify as science. 2532:preservation of the physical form through 2461:The afterlife played an important role in 2374:Ancient Egyptian religion § Afterlife 2098:. Please do not remove this message until 1828:Some belief systems, such as those in the 1762: 1748: 12351: 12256:Relationship between religion and science 9623: 9439: 9424:"Extended cognition and life after death" 9293: 9092:The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience 9053: 8525: 8523: 7914: 7912: 7839: 7837: 7630:Thomassen, Einar (2009). "Islamic Hell". 7623: 6621: 6518:Martin Buber, "Legende des Baalschem" in 6491: 5983:. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. p. 53. 5967:Ptah's Travels: Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt 5881: 5655: 4814:Learn how and when to remove this message 4721: 4445:Learn how and when to remove this message 4229:Learn how and when to remove this message 4070:Learn how and when to remove this message 3718: 3221:Learn how and when to remove this message 3052:, Yedayah Bedershi (early 14th century), 2778:Learn how and when to remove this message 2118:Learn how and when to remove this message 97:Learn how and when to remove this message 29:Purported continued existence after death 14454: 9804:Collection: Heaven, Hell, and Afterlives 9707: 9639:The Catholic University of America Press 9479:. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland. 9467:Afterlife: A History of Life after Death 9013: 8245: 7877:Sayers, Matthew R. (12 September 2013). 7376: 7332: 5749:. Columbia University Oriental Studies. 3722: 3650: 3558: 3286: 2388: 2377: 2139: 2094:Relevant discussion may be found on the 1973: 1965: 110: 9855: 9549:Jane Idelman Smith and Yazbeck Haddad, 9386: 9047: 8846:. 25 March 2002. 8308:"Ōmiya Hachiman-Shrine (大宮八幡宮) (Engl.)" 8274: 8080:Jhaveri, Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai. 8018:(in Chinese (China)). 24 January 2011. 7560: 7554: 6256: 5978: 5682:Encyclopedia of Reincarnation and Karma 5637: 5094: 3427:after the body dies, the soul is judged 2405:'s heart being weighed on the scale of 14: 14726: 13731: 11182:Proper basis and Reformed epistemology 9771:Judaism 101: Olam Ha-Ba: The Afterlife 9428:Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 9421: 8817: 8520: 8361: 8287:from the original on 23 September 2022 8214: 7956: 7929:from the original on 20 September 2022 7918: 7909: 7876: 7834: 7529: 7267:from the original on 28 September 2020 7237:from the original on 18 September 2020 7139:"Is Gehenna a Place of Fiery Torment?" 6931:St. Isaac the Syrian, "Homily 28," In 6604:Boulaouali, Tijani (3 November 2022). 6223:from the original on 18 September 2015 6193:from the original on 15 September 2017 5792:. Oceanside, California. 4th edition. 5016: 3695: 3420: 3383:to refer to an after-death cleansing. 3157:Please improve this section by adding 3033:'s early collection of stories of the 2845: 2642:. In the ancient Greek myth about the 2359:) located under the surface of Earth. 1970:The twelve nidanas in Buddhist artwork 14443: 13730: 13692: 12679:List of ways people dishonor the dead 12310: 10838: 9829: 9816: 9422:Spivey, Michael J (1 December 2023). 9131: 9113:from the original on 30 December 2023 8868: 8751:Spook – Science Tackles the Afterlife 8748: 8529: 8396:(First ed.). Boston: Shambhala. 8215:Lemmon, Cheyenne (12 February 2023). 8052:from the original on 20 November 2021 8022:from the original on 20 November 2021 7996:from the original on 20 November 2021 7897:from the original on 30 December 2023 7843: 7812:The Universal Tree and The Four Birds 7791:from the original on 30 December 2023 7737: 7149:from the original on 31 December 2014 7102:: The Miracle of Forgiveness, p. 123. 7055:from the original on 28 November 2022 6780:from the original on 21 February 2008 6536:"Reincarnation and the Holocaust FAQ" 6494:"Reincarnation " Ask! " Ohr Somayach" 6450:Reincarnation in the Jewish Tradition 6418:from the original on 12 February 2020 6252: 6250: 5887: 5863:Spiritual Science Research Foundation 5709:. John Wiley and Sons, 2010, p. 640, 5707:A Companion to Philosophy of Religion 5567: 5191: 4627:, is the world or realm inhabited by 4561:Shinto § Cosmology and afterlife 3788:). Those bound for hell will suffer " 3639:Plan of salvation (Latter Day Saints) 2823:in a great meadow known as Fólkvangr. 9808:University of Michigan Museum of Art 9349:from the original on 16 January 2019 9323:from the original on 16 January 2019 9305:from the original on 9 October 2022. 9177: 8792: 8703:The A to Z of Unitarian Universalism 8674: 8619: 8590: 8562: 8444: 8416: 8391: 8336: 8318:from the original on 30 October 2023 8305: 8227:from the original on 30 October 2023 8190:"Sikhism: What happens after death?" 8132:from the original on 9 October 2022. 8092:from the original on 26 October 2019 8086:Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur 7542:from the original on 30 January 2022 7314:from the original on 31 January 2022 7119:from the original on 12 January 2021 7075:"Doctrine and Covenants, Section 76" 6810:from the original on 8 December 2017 6352:from the original on 9 November 2016 6326:from the original on 20 October 2019 5950: 5768: 5766: 5442: 5144: 4792:adding citations to reliable sources 4759: 4427:adding citations to reliable sources 4398: 4207:adding citations to reliable sources 4174: 4052:adding citations to reliable sources 4023: 3861:, are the male equivalents of hur.) 3521:is associated particularly with the 3130: 2760:adding citations to reliable sources 2731: 2605:, the river between life and death. 2362: 2068: 1738:Philosophy of religion article index 635:Proper basis / Reformed epistemology 50: 9753:Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 9634:Eschatology: Death and Eternal Life 9057:Popular Psychology: An Encyclopedia 8679:. Archived from 8246:Rossbach, Stefan (7 August 2019) . 8079: 8016:"ORDER OF EFFECT | Dhamma Earth 法域" 7740:Locating Hell in Islamic Traditions 7499:Locating Hell in Islamic Traditions 7207:from the original on 12 August 2020 6770:"Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, 6724:after his departure out of the body 6646:from the original on 8 January 2023 6153:"Norse Mythology | The Nine Worlds" 5910:10.1163/2589-7993_EECO_SIM_00000067 5259:Under the theoretical framework of 3991: 2323:in the afterlife. Religions with a 24: 12684:List of ways people honor the dead 9788:Dictionary of the History of Ideas 9741: 9681: 9637:(2nd ed.). Washington, D.C.: 9563:, Rowman & Littlefield, 2015. 9001:from the original on 31 March 2009 8730:p. 162, Arin Murphy-Hiscock (2005) 7477:from the original on 22 April 2019 7447:from the original on 19 April 2023 7041:10.5406/jbookmormotheres.19.1.0056 7025:10.5406/jbookmormotheres.19.1.0056 6979:from the original on 25 March 2016 6913:from the original on 25 March 2016 6673:from the original on 2 August 2013 6247: 5132:, because the use of hypnosis and 4276:) is commonly practiced for this. 4101:takes place without an unchanging 2955:Maimonides' 13 principles of faith 2064: 25: 14755: 14276:Attributes of God in Christianity 12715:Gompertz–Makeham law of mortality 9781:Christian Doctrine of Immortality 9735: 9599:, Rowman & Littlefield, 2008. 8991:"Nurse writes book on near-death" 8971:from the original on 13 July 2014 8850:from the original on 6 April 2014 8170:from the original on 20 July 2022 7081:from the original on 13 July 2019 6944:Fr. Thomas Hopko, "Foreword," in 6560:from the original on 4 March 2016 6500:from the original on 9 March 2014 6492:Yirmiyahu, Rabbi (12 July 2003). 6031:Ancient Egypt's Myths and Beliefs 5869:from the original on 12 June 2018 5763: 4892: 4749: 4579:very closely resembles the Greek 4319:Rebirth can take place as a god ( 3655:Plan of Salvation in LDS Religion 2986:Reincarnation in Jewish tradition 2721: 2575:Ancient Greek and Roman religions 119:visiting Heaven and Hell from an 42:Life after death (disambiguation) 14703: 13672: 13663: 13662: 12291: 12290: 12280: 9818:Articles related to an afterlife 9415: 9380: 9361: 9335: 9309: 9274:Journal of Cognition and Culture 9258: 9240: 9222: 9213: 9204: 9171: 9152: 9125: 8983: 8957: 8934: 8910: 8887: 8862: 8836: 8811: 8786: 8767: 8742: 8733: 8721: 8708: 8695: 8668: 8648:Ephirim-Donkor, Anthony (2012). 8641: 8613: 8584: 8556: 8467: 8438: 8410: 8385: 8355: 8330: 8299: 8275:J. Mark, Joshua (2 April 2019). 8268: 8239: 8208: 8182: 8148: 8136: 8104: 8073: 8064: 8034: 8008: 7978: 7950: 7709: 7697: 7496: 6836:from the original on 15 May 2020 6213:"SHEOL -" 6003:Glennys Howarth, Oliver Leaman, 4764: 4611:the God of War after his death. 4403: 4179: 4028: 3964:Baháʼí Faith on life after death 3795:Islamic scripture—the Quran and 3611:Second Council of Constantinople 3435:Catechism of the Catholic Church 3135: 3103:Rabbi Naftali Silberberg of The 2928: 2736: 2073: 1888: 55: 14334:Great Architect of the Universe 13673: 9766:Islamic Guide: Life After Death 9535:and Christopher Lewis, (eds.), 9493: 9459: 8125:(1–2). IUS Canada: 52–9. 2011. 7941: 7919:Sayers, Matthew R. (May 2008). 7870: 7818: 7764: 7715: 7609: 7588: 7567:. Fortress Press. p. 233. 7489: 7357: 7333:Esposito, John L., ed. (2004). 7326: 7279: 7249: 7219: 7189: 7185:. Vol. 2. pp. 574–76. 7175: 7161: 7131: 7105: 7093: 7067: 7000: 6991: 6951: 6938: 6925: 6848: 6822: 6762: 6743: 6716: 6697: 6685: 6658: 6572: 6546: 6528: 6512: 6485: 6467:"Ask the Rabbi – Reincarnation" 6459: 6430: 6404: 6377: 6338: 6312: 6285: 6205: 6175: 6145: 6128: 6115: 6102: 6095:Social Studies School Service, 6089: 6062: 6036: 6023: 6010: 6005:Encyclopedia of death and dying 5997: 5972: 5959: 5944: 5924: 5851: 5821: 5802: 5526: 5517: 5482:), more commonly known as the " 5472: 5449: 4950:conducted in 1901 by physician 4826:Zoroastrianism states that the 4614: 4490: 4414:needs additional citations for 4358:) and staying finally with the 4039:needs additional citations for 3957: 3110: 2747:needs additional citations for 7664: 7629: 7335:The Oxford dictionary of Islam 6384:Paull Raphael, Simcha (2019). 6029:Fergus Fleming, Alan Lothian, 5737: 5724: 5699: 5672: 5631: 5561: 5545: 5510:), and is also referred to as 4905:Society for Psychical Research 4689:, including cultures like the 4502:has had a strong influence on 3555:any who may be in that state. 3433:go to hell. In the 1990s, the 3105:Rohr Jewish Learning Institute 2667:describes what seems to be an 1986:of Judaism, Christianity, and 13: 1: 14744:Religious belief and doctrine 14113:Trinity of the Church Fathers 12735:Maternal mortality in fiction 9494:Brown, Jonathan A.C. (2014). 9473:Berdichevsky, Norman (2014). 8967:. 8898:The Psychology of the Psychic 8394:The Shambhala guide to Taoism 7854:96–97, 118–19, 135–36, 322–23 7169:Reasoning From the Scriptures 6860:Managing Editor Robin Russell 6387:Jewish Views of the Afterlife 6292:Berdichevsky, Norman (2016). 5685:. McFarland. pp. 1–320. 5572:Dying, death, and bereavement 5437: 5139: 4992: 4671:Traditional African religions 4666:Traditional African religions 4513: 3903:The common belief holds that 3476:individuals who lived before 3170:"Afterlife" Christianity 3159:secondary or tertiary sources 2226:, in contrast to hell or the 1856:Different metaphysical models 75:that critically analyze them. 14444: 13718: 12649:Expressions related to death 12602:Medical declaration of death 12221:Desacralization of knowledge 9800:(Swedenborg Foundation 2000) 9559:and Keith Augustine (eds.), 9441:10.1016/j.cobeha.2023.101325 9029:. New York: Wiley. pp.  8783:– Reference Page (Soul man). 7774:An Elementary Study of Islam 6522:, Hellerau 1928, especially 6348:. 5811:The Shape of Ancient Thought 5783:The Riddle of Life and Death 5539: 4508:Ancestor veneration in China 3911: 3781: 3780:or "the grave" (compare the 3506: 3499:it has been described as an 3298:: a Christian vision of hell 2623:. The soul would be sent to 2555:, a powerful adviser to the 2449:such as these were a common 123:version of the Islamic text 38:After death (disambiguation) 7: 14364:Phenomenological definition 12669:Preventable causes of death 11633:Best of all possible worlds 11590:Eschatological verification 11147:Fine-tuning of the universe 9539:, Pelgrave-MacMillan, 1995. 9089:Linse P, Shermer M (2002). 7561:Kaltner, John, ed. (2011). 7257:"Are the Dead Really Dead?" 6414:. 8 August 2012. 5840:Life and Activity in Heaven 5829:Death and Life in Purgatory 5753:. London: Saqi. pp. 13–14. 5679:McClelland, Norman (2018). 5498:), and "Day of Reckoning" ( 5278:Allegory of the long spoons 5270: 4916:, and philosophers such as 4522:teachings humans contain a 4164: 4013: 3727:Creation and Death Equation 3117:Eternal life (Christianity) 2393:This detail scene from the 2187:place where beings such as 2100:conditions to do so are met 327:Best of all possible worlds 10: 14760: 9585:, Inner Traditions. 2016. 9401:10.1176/ 8793:Park, Robert Ezra (2010). 8675:Bond, Jon (13 June 2004). 8281:World History Encyclopedia 8252:Edinburgh University Press 7771:Mirza Tahir Ahmad (1997). 7467:"Are all 'houris' female?" 6524:Die niedergestiegene Seele 6372:Maimonides Heritage Center 6281:– via SAGE journals. 6271:10.1177/003463733803500304 5506:) and "Day of Gathering" ( 5227: 5223: 5098: 5020: 4937:electronic voice phenomena 4896: 4753: 4558: 4457:The essential doctrine of 4394: 4382: 4168: 4017: 3995: 3961: 3934: 3811:) and sufferings of hell ( 3636: 3510: 3453: 3120: 3114: 2854: 2850: 2725: 2578: 2371: 2315:traditions, is a place of 2273:, heaven is considered as 2207:are said to originate, be 2129: 2057:is broken), followed by a 1892: 226:Scripture (religious text) 46:Hereafter (disambiguation) 34:Afterlife (disambiguation) 31: 14701: 14670: 14632: 14585: 14562: 14450: 14439: 14392: 14268: 14220: 14126: 14053: 14014: 13978: 13915: 13904: 13857: 13752: 13743: 13739: 13726: 13658: 13384: 13314: 13200: 13154: 13036:Consciousness after death 13016: 12959: 12904: 12846: 12795: 12784: 12777: 12692: 12629: 12523: 12344: 12336: 12276: 12208: 12112: 11997: 11917: 11852: 11774: 11681: 11666: 11618: 11580: 11292: 11217: 11092: 11083: 11013: 10950: 10941: 10872: 10769: 10742: 10714: 10696: 10680: 10662: 10624: 10615: 10588: 10565: 10547: 10519: 10501: 10483: 10448: 10395: 10306: 10295: 10263: 10205: 10162: 10144: 10104: 10093: 10066: 10033: 9985: 9903: 9875: 9864: 9823: 9790:: "Death and Immortality" 9702:William Rounseville Alger 9095:. Santa Barbara, Calif.: 8818:Tipler, Franl J. (1997). 8753:. W. W. Norton & Co. 8495:10.1525/ahu.1998.23.2.121 8483:Anthropology and Humanism 7415:10.1163/9789004333154_014 7377:Rustomji, Nerina (2017). 7183:Insight on the Scriptures 6858:United Methodist Reporter 6832:. 6806:. Swedenborg Foundation. 6298:. McFarland. p. 23. 5979:Shushan, Gregory (2011). 5743:Hitti, Philip K (2007) . 5558:. Retrieved 1 Sept., 2023 5230:Consciousness after death 5204:and theology the writers 4989:for many of these cases. 4650: 4554: 4485: 4377:Historical Vedic religion 4369: 4355: 3930: 3357:lake of unquenchable fire 3333:speak of the efficacy of 2909:around 200 BC, the word " 2463:Ancient Egyptian religion 2368:Ancient Egyptian religion 2331:, while religions with a 2230:or the "low places", and 14118:Trinitarian universalism 13437:Personification of death 12659:People by cause of death 11862:Friedrich Schleiermacher 11448:Theories about religions 11250:Inconsistent revelations 9700:(Extensive 1878 text by 9616:Hiroshi Obayashi (ed.), 9595:Christopher M. Moreman, 9286:10.1163/156853712X633956 8714:Robyn E. Lebron (2012). 8337:Hill, J. Arthur (1918). 7957:Becker, Carl B. (1993). 7644:10.1163/156852709X405062 6667:"The New American Bible" 6520:Die Chassidischen Bücher 5568:Aiken, Lewis R. (2000). 5455:some of the verses are: 5122:recovered memory therapy 4864:of the soul. Rashnu and 4737: 4639:espoused a belief in an 4149:Tibetan Book of the Dead 4097:Buddhists maintain that 3735: 3549:resurrection of the dead 3449: 3308:Lazarus and the rich man 3253:resurrection of the dead 3236:professes belief in the 2861: 2382:Judgment of the Dead in 2327:often depict hell as an 2311:, in many religious and 2045:Rosicrucians speak of a 1869:Many religions, such as 1325:Friedrich Schleiermacher 1132:Philosophers of religion 14320:Godhead in Christianity 13514:Death-positive movement 13359:Post-mortem photography 12639:Causes of death by rate 12567:Death by natural causes 9604:Death and the Afterlife 9377:, Retrieved 8 July 2022 9252:5 December 2011 at the 8701:Mark W. Harris (2009). 6802:Swedenborg, E. (2000). 6704:Acts of Paul and Thecla 6108:Perry L. Westmoreland, 5951:Bard, Katheryn (1999). 5657:10.25159/2413-3086/2361 4853:rituals done on earth. 4728:Unitarian Universalists 3790:Punishment of the Grave 3497:Christian denominations 3442:, go to a place called 3331:Acts of Paul and Thecla 3247:When questioned by the 3234:Mainstream Christianity 3127:Christian views on Hell 3021:, and is found in much 2728:Death in Norse paganism 2181:religious, cosmological 2146:The 3 Roads to Eternity 1784:stream of consciousness 745:Incompatible properties 126:Stories of the Prophets 14739:Philosophy of religion 13549:Fascination with death 13187:Reincarnation research 13182:Out-of-body experience 12644:Notable deaths by year 12485:Immunogenic cell death 12401:Temporal lobe necrosis 11726:Gaunilo of Marmoutiers 10866:Philosophy of religion 9712:. New York: Scribner. 9708:Jennings, Ken (2023). 9529:75 (4): 643–665. 2022. 9234:9 January 2013 at the 9180:Death and eternal life 9132:Kolak, Daniel (2005). 8924:. Palgrave Macmillan. 7758:10.1163/j.ctt1w8h1w3.7 7517:10.1163/j.ctt1w8h1w3.7 6732:The Roots of Purgatory 6692:Fosdick, Harry Emerson 6623:10.15575/kt.v4i3.19851 6259:Review & Expositor 6142:75 (4): 643–665. 2022. 6112:, 2007, pp. 68–70 6099:, 2003, pp. 49–51 6082:6 October 2014 at the 5730:Gananath Obeyesekere, 5605:Rita M. Gross (1993). 5314:Exaltation (Mormonism) 5254:near death experiences 5206:Alfred North Whitehead 5186:Death and Eternal Life 5114:memories of past lives 5108:is a method that uses 4722:Unitarian Universalism 4677:societies such as the 4538:, for example, viewed 3864:In contrast, those in 3728: 3719:Seventh-day Adventists 3656: 3643:Exaltation (Mormonism) 3547:between death and the 3306:recounts the story of 3299: 3146:relies excessively on 3123:Heaven in Christianity 3011:Reincarnation, called 2951:extinction of the soul 2886:contacts the shade of 2669:out of body experience 2469:(body double) and the 2458: 2386: 2149: 1979: 1971: 1189:Gaunilo of Marmoutiers 146:Philosophy of religion 130: 121:illuminated manuscript 14146:Fate of the unlearned 14098:Shield of the Trinity 13354:Post-mortem chemistry 13167:Near-death experience 13063:Desecration of graves 12999:Postmortem caloricity 12964:Beating heart cadaver 12408:Programmed cell death 12376:Liquefactive necrosis 12261:Faith and rationality 12216:Criticism of religion 12154:Robert Merrihew Adams 12144:Nicholas Wolterstorff 11347:Divine command theory 9527:Review of Metaphysics 9502:Oneworld Publications 8512:on 18 February 2020. 7844:Smith, Peter (2000). 7742:. BRILL. p. 12. 7501:. BRILL. p. 14. 6776:. 6755:17 March 2007 at the 6140:Review of Metaphysics 6110:Ancient Greek Beliefs 5721:75 4 (2022): 643–665. 5719:Review of Metaphysics 5319:Fate of the unlearned 5033:Elisabeth Kübler-Ross 5027:Near death experience 4685:are found throughout 4607:who was enshrined as 4559:Further information: 4500:Chinese folk religion 4464:biogeochemical cycles 4253:) and a causal body ( 3968:The teachings of the 3726: 3654: 3559:Orthodox Christianity 3478:Jesus Christ was born 3290: 2392: 2381: 2325:linear divine history 2143: 2042:teach reincarnation. 1977: 1969: 1963:, and South America. 1702:Faith and rationality 1687:Criticism of religion 1610:Robert Merrihew Adams 1600:Nicholas Wolterstorff 1089:Secular Shrine Theory 923:Divine command theory 720:Fate of the unlearned 114: 71:without referring to 13544:Festival of the Dead 13442:Dying-and-rising god 13397:Chinese burial money 13286:Prohibition of dying 13238:Death-qualified jury 13004:Post-mortem interval 12664:Premature obituaries 12371:Coagulative necrosis 12251:Religious philosophy 11731:Pico della Mirandola 11696:Anselm of Canterbury 11628:Augustinian theodicy 11540:Religious skepticism 10873:Concepts in religion 10672:Happy hunting ground 10405:14 planetary systems 9578:, Aegis Press, 2004. 9389:Psychiatric Services 8900:. Prometheus Books. 8873:. Prometheus Books. 8869:Kurtz, Paul (2001). 8749:Roach, Mary (2005). 8082:"Death the Awakener" 7409:. pp. 297–307. 7145:: 31. 1 April 2011. 6876:13 June 2016 at the 6865:22 July 2011 at the 6322:. 5845:11 July 2006 at the 5834:11 July 2006 at the 5788:29 June 2010 at the 5134:suggestive questions 5106:Past life regression 5101:Past life regression 5095:Past life regression 4788:improve this section 4423:improve this article 4331:, especially in the 4308:spiritual evolution. 4203:improve this section 4048:improve this article 4020:Buddhist eschatology 3574:St. Isaac the Syrian 3388:Age of Enlightenment 3017:, became popular in 2899:Second Temple period 2756:improve this article 1722:Religious philosophy 1717:Religion and science 1707:History of religions 1194:Pico della Mirandola 1154:Anselm of Canterbury 876:Theories of religion 79:improve this article 14680:Slavic Native Faith 14103:Trinitarian formula 14040:Father of Greatness 13923:Abrahamic religions 13604:Philosophy of death 13469:Death from laughter 12769:Perinatal mortality 12510:Mitotic catastrophe 12490:Ischemic cell death 12433:Intrinsic apoptosis 12381:Gangrenous necrosis 12236:History of religion 11937:Friedrich Nietzsche 11814:Gottfried W Leibniz 11809:Nicolas Malebranche 11741:King James VI and I 11021:Abrahamic religions 10799:Mythological places 10048:Terrestrial Kingdom 9641:. pp. 67–163. 9373:8 July 2022 at the 9178:Hick, John (1994). 9159:Peter van Inwagen. 9060:. Westport, Conn.: 7360:Misquoting Muhammad 7113:"Kingdoms of Glory" 6946:The Orthodox Church 6856:Feature article by 6737:27 May 2007 at the 6709:6 June 2007 at the 5930:Richard P. Taylor, 5484:Day of Resurrection 5416:Suspended animation 5017:Near death research 3701:Jehovah's Witnesses 3696:Jehovah's Witnesses 3421:The Catholic Church 3335:prayer for the dead 2846:Abrahamic religions 2644:Labours of Heracles 2593:as the king of the 2401:(c. 1375 BC) shows 2329:eternal destination 2205:venerated ancestors 2087:of this article is 2051:planes of existence 1984:Abrahamic religions 1830:Abrahamic tradition 1390:Friedrich Nietzsche 1277:Gottfried W Leibniz 1272:Nicolas Malebranche 1204:King James VI and I 771:Omnipotence paradox 536:Fine-tuned universe 423:Process-theological 14642:Abrahamic prophecy 14572:Ayyavazhi theology 14344:Apophatic theology 13733:Conceptions of God 13650:Thanatosensitivity 13554:Hierarchy of death 13494:Death notification 13402:Coins for the dead 13334:Forensic pathology 13218:Capital punishment 13172:Near-death studies 12764:Mortality salience 12396:Fibrinoid necrosis 12366:Avascular necrosis 12246:Religious language 12226:Ethics in religion 12184:William Lane Craig 12059:Charles Hartshorne 11799:Desiderius Erasmus 11701:Augustine of Hippo 11643:Inconsistent triad 11605:Apophatic theology 11600:Logical positivism 11582:Religious language 11202:Watchmaker analogy 11167:Necessary existent 10943:Conceptions of God 10903:Intelligent design 10779:Existential planes 9662:, Doubleday, 2004. 9553:. Oxford UP, 2002. 9319:. 7 October 2014. 9099:. pp. 206–7. 9054:Cordón LA (2005). 8947:. Kennelly Press. 8918:Christopher French 8683:on 6 November 2015 8392:Wong, Eva (1997). 7171:. pp. 168–75. 7100:Spencer W. Kimball 6772:A Latin Dictionary 6610:Khazanah Theologia 6582:. 6580:"Matthew 22:23–33" 6075:(2), 2006, p. 45 ( 5965:Kathryn Demeritt, 5934:, ABC-CLIO, 2000, 5715:Ancient Philosophy 5261:extended cognition 5210:Charles Hartshorne 5202:process philosophy 5192:Process philosophy 5155:open individualism 5023:Near-death studies 5011:Pascal Voggenhuber 4987:empirical evidence 4910:scientific methods 4687:Sub-Saharan Africa 4637:nineteenth century 4542:as a trap made by 4534:was attained. The 4130:Pure Land Buddhism 3921:Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 3835:) or "young men" ( 3729: 3657: 3579:Ascetical Homilies 3545:intermediate state 3501:intermediate place 3392:Emanuel Swedenborg 3377:purgatorius -a -um 3341:Hippolytus of Rome 3329:The non-canonical 3312:Book of Revelation 3300: 3292:Domenico Beccafumi 3085:Abraham Isaac Kook 3068:. Saadia Gaon, in 2857:Jewish Eschatology 2519:and entombed in a 2459: 2387: 2150: 2144:Georgin François, 1980: 1972: 1692:Ethics in religion 1650:William Lane Craig 1570:J. L. Schellenberg 1510:Charles Hartshorne 1262:Desiderius Erasmus 1159:Augustine of Hippo 655:Intelligent design 571:Necessary existent 531:Existential choice 333:Inconsistent triad 279:Religious language 274:Logical positivism 188:Intelligent design 131: 44:, and 14721: 14720: 14715: 14714: 14697: 14696: 14693: 14692: 14435: 14434: 14431: 14430: 14326:Latter Day Saints 14295:Divine simplicity 14216: 14215: 14073:Consubstantiality 14049: 14048: 13900: 13899: 13844:Theistic finitism 13686: 13685: 13422:Death anniversary 13417:Death and culture 13261:Dying declaration 13243:Death certificate 13150: 13149: 13012: 13011: 12864:Neuropreservation 12654:Natural disasters 12625: 12624: 12304: 12303: 12204: 12203: 12164:Peter van Inwagen 12149:Richard Swinburne 12094:George I Mavrodes 11954:Vladimir Solovyov 11894:Søren Kierkegaard 11819:William Wollaston 11766:William of Ockham 11746:Marcion of Sinope 11648:Irenaean theodicy 11638:Euthyphro dilemma 11565:Transcendentalism 11394:Womanist theology 11384:Feminist theology 11288: 11287: 11079: 11078: 10965:Divine simplicity 10885:Euthyphro dilemma 10832: 10831: 10809:Spirits in prison 10765: 10764: 10689:Land without evil 10611: 10610: 10291: 10290: 10089: 10088: 10081:World of Darkness 10053:Telestial Kingdom 10043:Celestial Kingdom 10025:Sidrat al-Muntaha 9742:Hasker, William. 9697:Project Gutenberg 9675:978-0-8264-4073-0 9665:Gregory Shushan, 9625:Ratzinger, Joseph 9602:Robert A. Morey, 9591:978-1-62055-597-2 9569:978-0-8108-8677-3 9486:978-1-47662-629-1 9465:Philip C Almond, 9395:(12): 1649–1651. 9189:978-0-664-25509-1 9145:978-1-4020-2999-8 9106:978-1-57607-653-8 9075:978-0-313-32457-4 9040:978-0-471-27242-7 8953:978-1-4460-5651-6 8930:978-0-230-30150-4 8906:978-1-57392-798-7 8880:978-1-57392-884-7 8829:978-0-385-46799-5 8804:978-0-691-14597-6 8760:978-0-393-05962-5 8661:978-0-7618-6058-7 8631:978-0-313-27906-5 8602:978-0-313-27906-5 8574:978-0-313-27906-5 8541:978-0-913757-54-3 8456:978-0-313-27906-5 8428:978-0-313-27906-5 8363:Melton, J. Gordon 8196:on 7 January 2022 7968:978-0-585-03949-7 7925:(Thesis thesis). 7890:978-0-19-989643-1 7863:978-1-85168-184-6 7784:978-1-85372-562-3 7749:978-90-04-30121-4 7727:978-1-578-59544-0 7686:978-1-136-09954-0 7678:Religion Of Islam 7595:Surah Ash-Shu'ara 7508:978-90-04-30121-4 7424:978-90-04-33315-4 7344:978-0-19-512558-0 7233:. 30 March 2015. 7203:. 30 March 2015. 6804:"Heaven and Hell" 6305:978-1-4766-2629-1 6242:Berdichevsky 2016 6018:Tut's Deadly Tomb 5624:978-1-4384-0513-1 5443:Explanatory notes 5295:(Bridge of Dread) 5218:David Ray Griffin 5178:Peter van Inwagen 5167:Erwin Schrödinger 5151:personal identity 5145:Modern philosophy 5077:Michael Persinger 4952:Duncan MacDougall 4824: 4823: 4816: 4472:Guru Granth Sahib 4455: 4454: 4447: 4372:) or liberation. 4239: 4238: 4231: 4171:Hindu eschatology 4080: 4079: 4072: 3923:, founder of the 3857:and meals to the 3678:Sons of Perdition 3673:Harrowing of Hell 3669:(1 Peter 3:18–20) 3553:helping by prayer 3543:, believed in an 3539:, the founder of 3231: 3230: 3223: 3205: 3025:literature among 2788: 2787: 2780: 2455:books of the dead 2363:Ancient religions 2349:abode of the dead 2128: 2127: 2120: 1772: 1771: 1672: 1671: 1620:Peter van Inwagen 1605:Richard Swinburne 1545:George I Mavrodes 1405:Vladimir Solovyov 1355:Søren Kierkegaard 1282:William Wollaston 1229:William of Ockham 1209:Marcion of Sinope 1119:Transcendentalism 866: 865: 789: 788: 756:No limits fallacy 687:Arguments against 645:Responses to evil 561:Mystical idealism 345: 344: 269:Euthyphro dilemma 107: 106: 99: 73:secondary sources 16:(Redirected from 14751: 14707: 14452: 14451: 14441: 14440: 14328: 14168: 14167: 14063:Athanasian Creed 13913: 13912: 13750: 13749: 13741: 13740: 13728: 13727: 13713: 13706: 13699: 13690: 13689: 13676: 13675: 13666: 13665: 13646: 13631:Assisted suicide 13529:Death trajectory 13344:Mortuary science 13339:Funeral director 13330: 13296:Suspicious death 13068:Eternal oblivion 12854:Cryopreservation 12793: 12792: 12782: 12781: 12720:Infant mortality 12710:Excess mortality 12612:Terminal illness 12597:Lazarus syndrome 12582:End-of-life care 12533:Accidental death 12386:Caseous necrosis 12349: 12348: 12331: 12324: 12317: 12308: 12307: 12294: 12293: 12284: 12189:Ali Akbar Rashad 12052:Reinhold Niebuhr 12012:Bertrand Russell 12007:George Santayana 11904:Albrecht Ritschl 11889:Ludwig Feuerbach 11679: 11678: 11675:(by date active) 11535:Process theology 11280:Russell's teapot 11090: 11089: 11085:Existence of God 10995:Process theology 10948: 10947: 10933:Theological veto 10896:religious belief 10859: 10852: 10845: 10836: 10835: 10744:Ancient Egyptian 10644:Thirteen Heavens 10622: 10621: 10304: 10303: 10235:Asphodel Meadows 10102: 10101: 9873: 9872: 9850: 9843: 9836: 9827: 9826: 9814: 9813: 9757: 9748:Zalta, Edward N. 9731: 9699: 9652: 9620:, Praeger, 1991. 9581:Mark Mirabello, 9574:John J. McGraw, 9533:Dan Cohn-Sherbok 9522: 9520: 9518: 9490: 9454: 9453: 9443: 9419: 9413: 9412: 9384: 9378: 9365: 9359: 9358: 9356: 9354: 9339: 9333: 9332: 9330: 9328: 9313: 9307: 9306: 9304: 9297: 9271: 9262: 9256: 9244: 9238: 9226: 9220: 9217: 9211: 9208: 9202: 9201: 9175: 9169: 9168: 9167:on 10 June 2007. 9163:. Archived from 9156: 9150: 9149: 9129: 9123: 9122: 9120: 9118: 9086: 9080: 9079: 9051: 9045: 9044: 9017: 9011: 9010: 9008: 9006: 8997:. 19 June 2008. 8987: 8981: 8980: 8978: 8976: 8961: 8955: 8938: 8932: 8914: 8908: 8891: 8885: 8884: 8866: 8860: 8859: 8857: 8855: 8840: 8834: 8833: 8815: 8809: 8808: 8790: 8784: 8779:30 June 2014 at 8771: 8765: 8764: 8746: 8740: 8737: 8731: 8725: 8719: 8712: 8706: 8699: 8693: 8692: 8690: 8688: 8672: 8666: 8665: 8645: 8639: 8638: 8617: 8611: 8610: 8588: 8582: 8581: 8560: 8554: 8553: 8527: 8518: 8517: 8511: 8505:. Archived from 8480: 8471: 8465: 8464: 8442: 8436: 8435: 8414: 8408: 8407: 8389: 8383: 8382: 8359: 8353: 8352: 8334: 8328: 8327: 8325: 8323: 8303: 8297: 8296: 8294: 8292: 8272: 8266: 8265: 8243: 8237: 8236: 8234: 8232: 8212: 8206: 8205: 8203: 8201: 8192:. Archived from 8186: 8180: 8179: 8177: 8175: 8169: 8162: 8152: 8146: 8140: 8134: 8133: 8131: 8116: 8108: 8102: 8101: 8099: 8097: 8077: 8071: 8068: 8062: 8061: 8059: 8057: 8048:. 6 April 2016. 8038: 8032: 8031: 8029: 8027: 8012: 8006: 8005: 8003: 8001: 7982: 7976: 7975: 7954: 7948: 7945: 7939: 7938: 7936: 7934: 7916: 7907: 7906: 7904: 7902: 7874: 7868: 7867: 7841: 7832: 7822: 7816: 7815: 7807: 7801: 7800: 7798: 7796: 7768: 7762: 7761: 7735: 7729: 7719: 7713: 7707: 7701: 7695: 7689: 7674: 7668: 7662: 7656: 7655: 7638:(2–3): 401–416. 7627: 7621: 7613: 7607: 7592: 7586: 7585: 7583: 7581: 7558: 7552: 7551: 7549: 7547: 7527: 7521: 7520: 7493: 7487: 7486: 7484: 7482: 7463: 7457: 7456: 7454: 7452: 7407:Brill Publishers 7374: 7365: 7358:J. A. C. Brown, 7355: 7349: 7348: 7330: 7324: 7323: 7321: 7319: 7304:"Last Judgement" 7300: 7291: 7283: 7277: 7276: 7274: 7272: 7253: 7247: 7246: 7244: 7242: 7223: 7217: 7216: 7214: 7212: 7193: 7187: 7186: 7179: 7173: 7172: 7165: 7159: 7158: 7156: 7154: 7135: 7129: 7128: 7126: 7124: 7109: 7103: 7097: 7091: 7090: 7088: 7086: 7071: 7065: 7064: 7062: 7060: 7004: 6998: 6995: 6989: 6988: 6986: 6984: 6978: 6971: 6955: 6949: 6942: 6936: 6929: 6923: 6922: 6920: 6918: 6912: 6905: 6889: 6880: 6852: 6846: 6845: 6843: 6841: 6826: 6820: 6819: 6817: 6815: 6799: 6790: 6789: 6787: 6785: 6766: 6760: 6747: 6741: 6720: 6714: 6701: 6695: 6689: 6683: 6682: 6680: 6678: 6662: 6656: 6655: 6653: 6651: 6625: 6601: 6592: 6591: 6589: 6587: 6576: 6570: 6569: 6567: 6565: 6550: 6544: 6543: 6542:on 16 July 2011. 6538:. Archived from 6532: 6526: 6516: 6510: 6509: 6507: 6505: 6489: 6483: 6482: 6480: 6478: 6463: 6457: 6451: 6446: 6437: 6434: 6428: 6427: 6425: 6423: 6408: 6402: 6401: 6381: 6375: 6368: 6362: 6361: 6359: 6357: 6342: 6336: 6335: 6333: 6331: 6316: 6310: 6309: 6289: 6283: 6282: 6254: 6245: 6239: 6233: 6232: 6230: 6228: 6209: 6203: 6202: 6200: 6198: 6179: 6173: 6172: 6170: 6168: 6159:. Archived from 6149: 6143: 6132: 6126: 6119: 6113: 6106: 6100: 6093: 6087: 6066: 6060: 6059: 6057: 6055: 6040: 6034: 6027: 6021: 6014: 6008: 6001: 5995: 5994: 5976: 5970: 5963: 5957: 5956: 5948: 5942: 5928: 5922: 5921: 5902:Brill Publishers 5885: 5879: 5878: 5876: 5874: 5855: 5849: 5825: 5819: 5816:Thomas McEvilley 5806: 5800: 5770: 5761: 5741: 5735: 5728: 5722: 5703: 5697: 5696: 5676: 5670: 5669: 5659: 5635: 5629: 5628: 5612: 5602: 5596: 5595: 5575: 5565: 5559: 5549: 5533: 5530: 5524: 5521: 5515: 5480:al-yawm al-muḥīṭ 5476: 5470: 5453: 5309:Eternal oblivion 5263:, an organism's 5089:Walter van Laack 4832:Ustavaiti Gathas 4819: 4812: 4808: 4805: 4799: 4768: 4760: 4567:Buddhist funeral 4450: 4443: 4439: 4436: 4430: 4407: 4399: 4371: 4360:ultimate reality 4357: 4234: 4227: 4223: 4220: 4214: 4183: 4175: 4145:Tibetan Buddhism 4092:Ancestor worship 4086:after achieving 4075: 4068: 4064: 4061: 4055: 4032: 4024: 4004:Ancestor worship 3998:Indian religions 3992:Indian religions 3774:Munkar and Nakīr 3754:al-yawm al-ākhir 3647:Degrees of glory 3623:Hilarion Alfeyev 3607:Gregory of Nyssa 3576:observes in his 3363:Gregory of Nyssa 3353:bosom of Abraham 3226: 3219: 3215: 3212: 3206: 3204: 3163: 3139: 3131: 3097:Shaar HaGilgulim 3089:Zalman Schachter 3081:Yonassan Gershom 3070:Emunoth ve-Deoth 3058:Abraham ibn Daud 2915:Greek underworld 2783: 2776: 2772: 2769: 2763: 2740: 2732: 2694:fields of sorrow 2581:Greek underworld 2486:Book of the Dead 2411:feather of truth 2123: 2116: 2112: 2109: 2103: 2077: 2076: 2069: 2040:Charles Fillmore 2038:and its founder 1917:Indian religions 1850:Indian religions 1780:life after death 1764: 1757: 1750: 1712:Natural theology 1655:Ali Akbar Rashad 1503:Reinhold Niebuhr 1453:Bertrand Russell 1448:George Santayana 1365:Albrecht Ritschl 1350:Ludwig Feuerbach 1137: 1136: 782:Russell's teapot 772: 752: 740:Hitchens's razor 583:Nyayakusumanjali 454: 453: 393:Form of the Good 360: 359: 328: 258: 257: 242:Theological veto 227: 210: 209:Religious belief 133: 132: 102: 95: 91: 88: 82: 59: 58: 51: 21: 14759: 14758: 14754: 14753: 14752: 14750: 14749: 14748: 14724: 14723: 14722: 14717: 14716: 14711: 14709:Religion portal 14689: 14666: 14628: 14609:Holy Scriptures 14581: 14558: 14446: 14427: 14388: 14324: 14300:Divine presence 14264: 14212: 14166: 14122: 14068:Comma Johanneum 14045: 14010: 13974: 13908: 13896: 13853: 13735: 13722: 13717: 13687: 13682: 13654: 13640: 13584:Museum of Death 13534:Dignified death 13489:Death messenger 13464:Death education 13380: 13324: 13310: 13248:Declared death 13196: 13146: 13103:Online mourning 13008: 12974:Cadaveric spasm 12955: 12900: 12842: 12833:Skeletonization 12773: 12705:Child mortality 12700:Birthday effect 12688: 12621: 12617:Unnatural death 12548:Brainstem death 12519: 12458:Pseudoapoptosis 12340: 12335: 12305: 12300: 12272: 12200: 12196:Alexander Pruss 12179:Jean-Luc Marion 12134:Alvin Plantinga 12129:Dewi Z Phillips 12116: 12114: 12108: 12079:Walter Kaufmann 12069:Frithjof Schuon 12042:Rudolf Bultmann 11999: 11993: 11989:Joseph Maréchal 11979:Pavel Florensky 11974:Sergei Bulgakov 11959:Ernst Troeltsch 11942:Harald Høffding 11919: 11913: 11884:William Whewell 11872:Georg W F Hegel 11867:Karl C F Krause 11854: 11848: 11844:Johann G Herder 11834:Baron d'Holbach 11784:Augustin Calmet 11770: 11686: 11674: 11673: 11670: 11662: 11620:Problem of evil 11614: 11610:Verificationism 11576: 11284: 11230:Atheist's Wager 11213: 11075: 11009: 10937: 10913:Problem of evil 10868: 10863: 10833: 10828: 10761: 10738: 10710: 10692: 10676: 10658: 10607: 10584: 10561: 10543: 10515: 10497: 10479: 10444: 10391: 10298: 10287: 10259: 10255:Fortunate Isles 10201: 10158: 10140: 10096: 10085: 10062: 10029: 9981: 9899: 9867: 9860: 9854: 9819: 9797:Heaven and Hell 9776:Stewart Salmond 9738: 9720: 9689: 9684: 9682:Further reading 9649: 9546:, O Books 2005. 9542:David Fontana, 9516: 9514: 9512: 9487: 9462: 9457: 9420: 9416: 9385: 9381: 9375:Wayback Machine 9366: 9362: 9352: 9350: 9341: 9340: 9336: 9326: 9324: 9315: 9314: 9310: 9302: 9269: 9263: 9259: 9254:Wayback Machine 9245: 9241: 9236:Wayback Machine 9227: 9223: 9218: 9214: 9209: 9205: 9190: 9176: 9172: 9157: 9153: 9146: 9130: 9126: 9116: 9114: 9107: 9087: 9083: 9076: 9062:Greenwood Press 9052: 9048: 9041: 9018: 9014: 9004: 9002: 8989: 8988: 8984: 8974: 8972: 8963: 8962: 8958: 8939: 8935: 8915: 8911: 8892: 8888: 8881: 8867: 8863: 8853: 8851: 8842: 8841: 8837: 8830: 8816: 8812: 8805: 8791: 8787: 8772: 8768: 8761: 8747: 8743: 8738: 8734: 8726: 8722: 8713: 8709: 8700: 8696: 8686: 8684: 8673: 8669: 8662: 8646: 8642: 8632: 8618: 8614: 8603: 8589: 8585: 8575: 8561: 8557: 8542: 8528: 8521: 8509: 8478: 8472: 8468: 8457: 8443: 8439: 8429: 8415: 8411: 8404: 8390: 8386: 8379: 8360: 8356: 8349: 8335: 8331: 8321: 8319: 8304: 8300: 8290: 8288: 8273: 8269: 8262: 8244: 8240: 8230: 8228: 8213: 8209: 8199: 8197: 8188: 8187: 8183: 8173: 8171: 8167: 8160: 8154: 8153: 8149: 8141: 8137: 8129: 8114: 8110: 8109: 8105: 8095: 8093: 8078: 8074: 8069: 8065: 8055: 8053: 8040: 8039: 8035: 8025: 8023: 8014: 8013: 8009: 7999: 7997: 7984: 7983: 7979: 7969: 7955: 7951: 7946: 7942: 7932: 7930: 7917: 7910: 7900: 7898: 7891: 7875: 7871: 7864: 7842: 7835: 7823: 7819: 7808: 7804: 7794: 7792: 7785: 7769: 7765: 7750: 7736: 7732: 7720: 7716: 7708: 7704: 7696: 7692: 7680:Routledge 2013 7675: 7671: 7663: 7659: 7628: 7624: 7614: 7610: 7593: 7589: 7579: 7577: 7575: 7559: 7555: 7545: 7543: 7528: 7524: 7509: 7494: 7490: 7480: 7478: 7473:. 9 June 2011. 7465: 7464: 7460: 7450: 7448: 7425: 7375: 7368: 7356: 7352: 7345: 7331: 7327: 7317: 7315: 7302: 7301: 7294: 7284: 7280: 7270: 7268: 7255: 7254: 7250: 7240: 7238: 7225: 7224: 7220: 7210: 7208: 7195: 7194: 7190: 7181: 7180: 7176: 7167: 7166: 7162: 7152: 7150: 7137: 7136: 7132: 7122: 7120: 7111: 7110: 7106: 7098: 7094: 7084: 7082: 7073: 7072: 7068: 7058: 7056: 7005: 7001: 6996: 6992: 6982: 6980: 6976: 6969: 6957: 6956: 6952: 6943: 6939: 6930: 6926: 6916: 6914: 6910: 6903: 6891: 6890: 6883: 6878:Wayback Machine 6867:Wayback Machine 6853: 6849: 6839: 6837: 6828: 6827: 6823: 6813: 6811: 6800: 6793: 6783: 6781: 6768: 6767: 6763: 6757:Wayback Machine 6748: 6744: 6739:Wayback Machine 6721: 6717: 6711:Wayback Machine 6702: 6698: 6690: 6686: 6676: 6674: 6665: 6663: 6659: 6649: 6647: 6602: 6595: 6585: 6583: 6578: 6577: 6573: 6563: 6561: 6552: 6551: 6547: 6534: 6533: 6529: 6517: 6513: 6503: 6501: 6490: 6486: 6476: 6474: 6473:on 9 March 2014 6465: 6464: 6460: 6449: 6447: 6440: 6435: 6431: 6421: 6419: 6410: 6409: 6405: 6398: 6382: 6378: 6369: 6365: 6355: 6353: 6344: 6343: 6339: 6329: 6327: 6318: 6317: 6313: 6306: 6290: 6286: 6255: 6248: 6240: 6236: 6226: 6224: 6211: 6210: 6206: 6196: 6194: 6189:. 20 May 2016. 6181: 6180: 6176: 6166: 6164: 6151: 6150: 6146: 6133: 6129: 6120: 6116: 6107: 6103: 6094: 6090: 6084:Wayback Machine 6070:Acta Theologica 6067: 6063: 6053: 6051: 6042: 6041: 6037: 6028: 6024: 6016:Natalie Lunis, 6015: 6011: 6002: 5998: 5991: 5977: 5973: 5964: 5960: 5949: 5945: 5929: 5925: 5886: 5882: 5872: 5870: 5857: 5856: 5852: 5847:Wayback Machine 5836:Wayback Machine 5826: 5822: 5807: 5803: 5790:Wayback Machine 5771: 5764: 5742: 5738: 5729: 5725: 5704: 5700: 5693: 5677: 5673: 5636: 5632: 5625: 5603: 5599: 5584: 5566: 5562: 5550: 5546: 5542: 5537: 5536: 5531: 5527: 5522: 5518: 5492:Day of Judgment 5477: 5473: 5454: 5450: 5445: 5440: 5435: 5329:Rebecca Hensler 5273: 5232: 5226: 5194: 5147: 5142: 5103: 5097: 5061:Susan Blackmore 5029: 5019: 4995: 4983:Susan Blackmore 4914:William Crookes 4901: 4895: 4820: 4809: 4803: 4800: 4785: 4769: 4758: 4752: 4740: 4724: 4675:Hunter-gatherer 4668: 4653: 4623:, according to 4617: 4563: 4557: 4516: 4510:is widespread. 4493: 4488: 4451: 4440: 4434: 4431: 4420: 4408: 4397: 4385: 4235: 4224: 4218: 4215: 4200: 4184: 4173: 4167: 4076: 4065: 4059: 4056: 4045: 4033: 4022: 4016: 4000: 3994: 3978:Baháʼí writings 3966: 3960: 3939: 3933: 3914: 3805:Isra and Mi'raj 3738: 3721: 3698: 3660:Joseph F. Smith 3649: 3637:Main articles: 3635: 3617:, Metropolitan 3615:Olivier Clément 3561: 3523:Catholic Church 3515: 3509: 3482:beatific vision 3466:Catholic Church 3458: 3452: 3423: 3397:Heaven and Hell 3324:transfiguration 3227: 3216: 3210: 3207: 3164: 3162: 3156: 3152:primary sources 3140: 3129: 3119: 3113: 2988: 2931: 2925:it represents. 2864: 2859: 2853: 2848: 2784: 2773: 2767: 2764: 2753: 2741: 2730: 2724: 2660:Dream of Scipio 2633:Asphodel Fields 2591:Greek mythology 2583: 2577: 2525:dead live again 2376: 2370: 2365: 2155:, the heavens, 2138: 2130:Main articles: 2124: 2113: 2107: 2104: 2093: 2078: 2074: 2067: 2065:Heaven and Hell 1897: 1891: 1858: 1768: 1732: 1731: 1682: 1674: 1673: 1665:Alexander Pruss 1645:Jean-Luc Marion 1635:Herman Philipse 1590:Alvin Plantinga 1585:Dewi Z Phillips 1530:Walter Kaufmann 1520:Frithjof Schuon 1493:Rudolf Bultmann 1483:Pavel Florensky 1463:Sergei Bulgakov 1430:Joseph Maréchal 1410:Ernst Troeltsch 1395:Harald Høffding 1375:Usman dan Fodio 1345:William Whewell 1335:Georg W F Hegel 1330:Karl C F Krause 1307:Johann G Herder 1297:Baron d'Holbach 1247:Augustin Calmet 1134: 1124: 1123: 1094:Shendao shejiao 878: 868: 867: 770: 750: 730:God of the gaps 700:Atheist's wager 388:Divinely simple 373:Anthropopathism 357: 347: 346: 326: 300:Problem of evil 284:Verificationism 255: 247: 246: 225: 220:Religious faith 208: 158: 115:A depiction of 103: 92: 86: 83: 76: 60: 56: 49: 30: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 14757: 14747: 14746: 14741: 14736: 14719: 14718: 14713: 14712: 14702: 14699: 14698: 14695: 14694: 14691: 14690: 14688: 14687: 14682: 14676: 14674: 14668: 14667: 14665: 14664: 14659: 14654: 14649: 14644: 14638: 14636: 14630: 14629: 14627: 14626: 14621: 14619:Predestination 14616: 14611: 14606: 14601: 14591: 14589: 14583: 14582: 14580: 14579: 14574: 14568: 14566: 14560: 14559: 14557: 14556: 14551: 14546: 14541: 14536: 14531: 14526: 14521: 14516: 14511: 14506: 14501: 14496: 14491: 14486: 14481: 14476: 14474:Biblical canon 14471: 14466: 14460: 14458: 14448: 14447: 14437: 14436: 14433: 14432: 14429: 14428: 14426: 14425: 14420: 14415: 14410: 14405: 14399: 14397: 14390: 14389: 14387: 14386: 14381: 14376: 14371: 14366: 14361: 14356: 14351: 14346: 14341: 14336: 14331: 14330: 14329: 14317: 14312: 14307: 14302: 14297: 14292: 14287: 14282: 14272: 14270: 14269:Other concepts 14266: 14265: 14263: 14262: 14257: 14252: 14247: 14242: 14237: 14232: 14226: 14224: 14218: 14217: 14214: 14213: 14211: 14210: 14205: 14200: 14195: 14190: 14185: 14180: 14174: 14172: 14165: 14164: 14155: 14154: 14153: 14143: 14141:Apocalypticism 14138: 14132: 14130: 14124: 14123: 14121: 14120: 14115: 14110: 14105: 14100: 14095: 14090: 14085: 14080: 14075: 14070: 14065: 14059: 14057: 14055:Trinitarianism 14051: 14050: 14047: 14046: 14044: 14043: 14029: 14024: 14018: 14016: 14012: 14011: 14009: 14008: 14003: 13998: 13993: 13988: 13982: 13980: 13976: 13975: 13973: 13972: 13970:Zoroastrianism 13967: 13962: 13957: 13952: 13947: 13946: 13945: 13940: 13935: 13930: 13919: 13917: 13910: 13902: 13901: 13898: 13897: 13895: 13894: 13889: 13888: 13887: 13874: 13869: 13864: 13861: 13859: 13855: 13854: 13852: 13851: 13846: 13841: 13836: 13831: 13826: 13821: 13816: 13811: 13806: 13805: 13804: 13802:Urmonotheismus 13794: 13789: 13784: 13779: 13774: 13769: 13764: 13759: 13756: 13754: 13747: 13737: 13736: 13724: 13723: 13716: 13715: 13708: 13701: 13693: 13684: 13683: 13681: 13680: 13670: 13659: 13656: 13655: 13653: 13652: 13647: 13635: 13634: 13633: 13623: 13622: 13621: 13611: 13606: 13601: 13596: 13591: 13586: 13581: 13576: 13571: 13566: 13561: 13556: 13551: 13546: 13541: 13536: 13531: 13526: 13521: 13516: 13511: 13506: 13501: 13496: 13491: 13486: 13481: 13476: 13471: 13466: 13461: 13456: 13451: 13450: 13449: 13444: 13439: 13429: 13424: 13419: 13414: 13409: 13404: 13399: 13394: 13392:Apparent death 13388: 13386: 13382: 13381: 13379: 13378: 13373: 13372: 13371: 13361: 13356: 13351: 13346: 13341: 13336: 13331: 13318: 13316: 13312: 13311: 13309: 13308: 13303: 13298: 13293: 13288: 13283: 13278: 13273: 13268: 13263: 13258: 13253: 13245: 13240: 13235: 13230: 13225: 13223:Cause of death 13220: 13215: 13213:Administration 13210: 13204: 13202: 13198: 13197: 13195: 13194: 13189: 13184: 13179: 13174: 13169: 13164: 13158: 13156: 13152: 13151: 13148: 13147: 13145: 13144: 13139: 13134: 13129: 13128: 13127: 13122: 13112: 13107: 13106: 13105: 13095: 13090: 13085: 13080: 13075: 13070: 13065: 13060: 13055: 13050: 13049: 13048: 13043: 13033: 13028: 13022: 13020: 13014: 13013: 13010: 13009: 13007: 13006: 13001: 12996: 12991: 12986: 12984:Death erection 12981: 12976: 12971: 12966: 12960: 12957: 12956: 12954: 12953: 12948: 12943: 12938: 12933: 12928: 12927: 12926: 12921: 12919:Natural burial 12910: 12908: 12902: 12901: 12899: 12898: 12893: 12888: 12883: 12878: 12873: 12868: 12867: 12866: 12861: 12850: 12848: 12844: 12843: 12841: 12840: 12835: 12830: 12825: 12820: 12815: 12810: 12805: 12799: 12797: 12790: 12779: 12775: 12774: 12772: 12771: 12766: 12761: 12760: 12759: 12752:Mortality rate 12749: 12744: 12737: 12732: 12730:Maternal death 12727: 12722: 12717: 12712: 12707: 12702: 12696: 12694: 12690: 12689: 12687: 12686: 12681: 12676: 12674:Unusual deaths 12671: 12666: 12661: 12656: 12651: 12646: 12641: 12635: 12633: 12627: 12626: 12623: 12622: 12620: 12619: 12614: 12609: 12607:Organ donation 12604: 12599: 12594: 12589: 12584: 12579: 12574: 12569: 12564: 12563: 12562: 12555:Clinical death 12552: 12551: 12550: 12540: 12535: 12530: 12524: 12521: 12520: 12518: 12517: 12512: 12507: 12502: 12497: 12492: 12487: 12482: 12477: 12472: 12467: 12466: 12465: 12460: 12455: 12450: 12445: 12440: 12435: 12430: 12425: 12420: 12415: 12405: 12404: 12403: 12398: 12393: 12388: 12383: 12378: 12373: 12368: 12357: 12355: 12346: 12342: 12341: 12334: 12333: 12326: 12319: 12311: 12302: 12301: 12299: 12298: 12288: 12277: 12274: 12273: 12271: 12270: 12263: 12258: 12253: 12248: 12243: 12238: 12233: 12228: 12223: 12218: 12212: 12210: 12209:Related topics 12206: 12205: 12202: 12201: 12199: 12198: 12192: 12191: 12186: 12181: 12176: 12171: 12169:Daniel Dennett 12166: 12161: 12159:Ravi Zacharias 12156: 12151: 12146: 12141: 12136: 12131: 12126: 12124:William L Rowe 12120: 12118: 12110: 12109: 12107: 12106: 12101: 12099:William Alston 12096: 12091: 12086: 12081: 12076: 12071: 12066: 12061: 12055: 12054: 12049: 12047:Gabriel Marcel 12044: 12039: 12034: 12029: 12024: 12019: 12014: 12009: 12003: 12001: 11995: 11994: 11992: 11991: 11986: 11984:Ernst Cassirer 11981: 11976: 11971: 11966: 11961: 11956: 11950: 11949: 11944: 11939: 11934: 11929: 11923: 11921: 11915: 11914: 11912: 11911: 11906: 11901: 11896: 11891: 11886: 11881: 11879:Thomas Carlyle 11875: 11874: 11869: 11864: 11858: 11856: 11850: 11849: 11847: 11846: 11841: 11836: 11831: 11826: 11821: 11816: 11811: 11806: 11804:Baruch Spinoza 11801: 11796: 11791: 11789:René Descartes 11786: 11780: 11778: 11772: 11771: 11769: 11768: 11763: 11761:Thomas Aquinas 11758: 11753: 11748: 11743: 11738: 11733: 11728: 11723: 11718: 11713: 11708: 11703: 11698: 11692: 11690: 11676: 11667: 11664: 11663: 11661: 11660: 11655: 11650: 11645: 11640: 11635: 11630: 11624: 11622: 11616: 11615: 11613: 11612: 11607: 11602: 11597: 11592: 11586: 11584: 11578: 11577: 11575: 11574: 11567: 11562: 11557: 11552: 11547: 11542: 11537: 11532: 11530:Possibilianism 11527: 11522: 11517: 11512: 11507: 11502: 11497: 11492: 11487: 11486: 11485: 11480: 11475: 11465: 11460: 11455: 11450: 11445: 11440: 11439: 11438: 11433: 11428: 11418: 11413: 11408: 11406:Fundamentalism 11403: 11398: 11397: 11396: 11391: 11381: 11380: 11379: 11374: 11367:Existentialism 11364: 11359: 11354: 11349: 11344: 11339: 11334: 11329: 11324: 11319: 11314: 11309: 11304: 11298: 11296: 11290: 11289: 11286: 11285: 11283: 11282: 11277: 11272: 11267: 11262: 11260:Noncognitivism 11257: 11252: 11247: 11242: 11237: 11232: 11227: 11221: 11219: 11215: 11214: 11212: 11211: 11209:Transcendental 11206: 11205: 11204: 11199: 11189: 11184: 11179: 11177:Pascal's wager 11174: 11169: 11164: 11159: 11154: 11149: 11144: 11139: 11134: 11129: 11128: 11127: 11122: 11112: 11107: 11105:Christological 11102: 11096: 11094: 11087: 11081: 11080: 11077: 11076: 11074: 11073: 11068: 11063: 11058: 11053: 11048: 11043: 11038: 11033: 11028: 11023: 11017: 11015: 11011: 11010: 11008: 11007: 11002: 10997: 10992: 10987: 10982: 10977: 10972: 10967: 10962: 10957: 10951: 10945: 10939: 10938: 10936: 10935: 10930: 10925: 10920: 10915: 10910: 10905: 10900: 10899: 10898: 10887: 10882: 10876: 10874: 10870: 10869: 10862: 10861: 10854: 10847: 10839: 10830: 10829: 10827: 10826: 10821: 10816: 10811: 10806: 10801: 10796: 10791: 10786: 10781: 10776: 10770: 10767: 10766: 10763: 10762: 10760: 10759: 10754: 10748: 10746: 10740: 10739: 10737: 10736: 10731: 10726: 10720: 10718: 10712: 10711: 10709: 10708: 10706:The Summerland 10702: 10700: 10694: 10693: 10691: 10690: 10686: 10684: 10678: 10677: 10675: 10674: 10668: 10666: 10664:Plains Indians 10660: 10659: 10657: 10656: 10651: 10646: 10641: 10636: 10630: 10628: 10619: 10613: 10612: 10609: 10608: 10606: 10605: 10600: 10594: 10592: 10586: 10585: 10583: 10582: 10577: 10575:Chinvat Bridge 10571: 10569: 10567:Zoroastrianism 10563: 10562: 10560: 10559: 10553: 10551: 10545: 10544: 10542: 10541: 10536: 10531: 10525: 10523: 10517: 10516: 10514: 10513: 10511:Grotto-heavens 10507: 10505: 10499: 10498: 10496: 10495: 10489: 10487: 10481: 10480: 10478: 10477: 10476: 10475: 10470: 10465: 10454: 10452: 10446: 10445: 10443: 10442: 10437: 10432: 10427: 10422: 10417: 10412: 10407: 10401: 10399: 10393: 10392: 10390: 10389: 10388: 10387: 10377: 10372: 10370:Formless Realm 10367: 10366: 10365: 10355: 10354: 10353: 10348: 10343: 10338: 10333: 10328: 10323: 10312: 10310: 10301: 10293: 10292: 10289: 10288: 10286: 10285: 10280: 10275: 10269: 10267: 10261: 10260: 10258: 10257: 10252: 10247: 10242: 10237: 10232: 10227: 10222: 10217: 10211: 10209: 10203: 10202: 10200: 10199: 10194: 10189: 10184: 10179: 10174: 10168: 10166: 10160: 10159: 10157: 10156: 10150: 10148: 10142: 10141: 10139: 10138: 10137: 10136: 10131: 10126: 10121: 10110: 10108: 10099: 10091: 10090: 10087: 10086: 10084: 10083: 10078: 10076:World of Light 10072: 10070: 10064: 10063: 10061: 10060: 10055: 10050: 10045: 10039: 10037: 10031: 10030: 10028: 10027: 10022: 10017: 10012: 10007: 10002: 9997: 9991: 9989: 9983: 9982: 9980: 9979: 9974: 9969: 9964: 9959: 9954: 9952:Garden of Eden 9949: 9947:Kingdom of God 9944: 9943: 9942: 9932: 9931: 9930: 9925: 9920: 9909: 9907: 9901: 9900: 9898: 9897: 9892: 9887: 9881: 9879: 9870: 9862: 9861: 9853: 9852: 9845: 9838: 9830: 9824: 9821: 9820: 9811: 9810: 9801: 9792: 9784: 9773: 9768: 9763: 9758: 9737: 9736:External links 9734: 9733: 9732: 9718: 9705: 9687: 9683: 9680: 9679: 9678: 9663: 9653: 9647: 9621: 9614: 9600: 9593: 9579: 9572: 9557:Michael Martin 9554: 9547: 9540: 9530: 9523: 9511:978-1780744209 9510: 9491: 9485: 9470: 9461: 9458: 9456: 9455: 9414: 9379: 9360: 9334: 9308: 9257: 9239: 9221: 9212: 9203: 9188: 9170: 9151: 9144: 9124: 9105: 9081: 9074: 9046: 9039: 9012: 8982: 8956: 8941:Millais Culpin 8933: 8909: 8886: 8879: 8861: 8835: 8828: 8810: 8803: 8785: 8766: 8759: 8741: 8732: 8720: 8707: 8694: 8667: 8660: 8640: 8630: 8612: 8601: 8583: 8573: 8555: 8540: 8519: 8466: 8455: 8437: 8427: 8409: 8402: 8384: 8377: 8365:, ed. (2001). 8354: 8347: 8329: 8298: 8267: 8260: 8254:. p. 49. 8238: 8207: 8181: 8147: 8144:God in Sikhism 8135: 8103: 8072: 8063: 8033: 8007: 7977: 7967: 7949: 7940: 7908: 7889: 7869: 7862: 7833: 7817: 7802: 7783: 7763: 7748: 7730: 7714: 7702: 7690: 7669: 7657: 7622: 7608: 7602:Surah Fussilat 7587: 7573: 7553: 7522: 7507: 7488: 7458: 7423: 7366: 7350: 7343: 7325: 7292: 7278: 7248: 7218: 7188: 7174: 7160: 7143:The Watchtower 7130: 7104: 7092: 7066: 6999: 6990: 6961:De vita Moysis 6950: 6937: 6924: 6895:De vita Moysis 6881: 6847: 6821: 6791: 6761: 6742: 6715: 6696: 6684: 6669:. 6657: 6616:(3): 147–158. 6593: 6571: 6545: 6527: 6511: 6484: 6458: 6438: 6429: 6403: 6396: 6376: 6363: 6337: 6311: 6304: 6284: 6265:(3): 304–314. 6246: 6234: 6204: 6174: 6163:on 15 May 2016 6144: 6127: 6125:, 2010, p. 147 6123:Heaven Hell Or 6114: 6101: 6097:Ancient Greece 6088: 6061: 6050:on 6 July 2011 6035: 6022: 6009: 6007:, 2001, p. 238 5996: 5989: 5971: 5958: 5943: 5923: 5880: 5850: 5820: 5801: 5762: 5736: 5723: 5698: 5692:978-0786456758 5691: 5671: 5630: 5623: 5597: 5582: 5560: 5552:Microsoft News 5543: 5541: 5538: 5535: 5534: 5525: 5516: 5488:yawm al-qiyāma 5471: 5469: 5468: 5465: 5462: 5459: 5447: 5446: 5444: 5441: 5439: 5436: 5434: 5433: 5428: 5423: 5418: 5413: 5406: 5404:Soul retrieval 5401: 5396: 5391: 5386: 5381: 5376: 5371: 5366: 5361: 5356: 5351: 5349:Mind uploading 5346: 5341: 5336: 5331: 5326: 5321: 5316: 5311: 5306: 5301: 5296: 5290: 5285: 5280: 5274: 5272: 5269: 5250: 5249: 5246: 5243: 5228:Main article: 5225: 5222: 5193: 5190: 5146: 5143: 5141: 5138: 5099:Main article: 5096: 5093: 5091:among others. 5081:Pim van Lommel 5018: 5015: 4994: 4991: 4918:Henry Sidgwick 4899:Parapsychology 4897:Main article: 4894: 4893:Parapsychology 4891: 4862:Final Judgment 4858:Chinvat bridge 4822: 4821: 4772: 4770: 4763: 4754:Main article: 4751: 4750:Zoroastrianism 4748: 4744:The Summerland 4739: 4736: 4723: 4720: 4716:secret society 4683:Ancestor cults 4667: 4664: 4652: 4649: 4616: 4613: 4556: 4553: 4546:, who tricked 4515: 4512: 4492: 4489: 4487: 4484: 4453: 4452: 4411: 4409: 4402: 4396: 4393: 4384: 4381: 4237: 4236: 4187: 4185: 4178: 4169:Main article: 4166: 4163: 4107:kamma or karma 4078: 4077: 4036: 4034: 4027: 4018:Main article: 4015: 4012: 3996:Main article: 3993: 3990: 3982:God's presence 3962:Main article: 3959: 3956: 3935:Main article: 3932: 3929: 3917:Ahmadi Muslims 3913: 3910: 3872:Traditionally 3782:Jewish concept 3746:ḥayāt ad-dunyā 3737: 3734: 3720: 3717: 3697: 3694: 3634: 3631: 3627:theologoumenon 3619:Kallistos Ware 3560: 3557: 3533:Anglo-Catholic 3517:The notion of 3511:Main article: 3508: 3505: 3454:Main article: 3451: 3448: 3422: 3419: 3381:Pope Gregory I 3302:The author of 3229: 3228: 3143: 3141: 3134: 3115:Main article: 3112: 3109: 3074:metempsychosis 3066:Leon de Modena 3050:Hasdai Crescas 3027:Ashkenazi Jews 2995:Shraga Simmons 2987: 2984: 2963:describes the 2930: 2927: 2884:Witch of Endor 2863: 2860: 2855:Main article: 2852: 2849: 2847: 2844: 2843: 2842: 2830: 2824: 2814: 2786: 2785: 2744: 2742: 2735: 2726:Main article: 2723: 2722:Norse religion 2720: 2678:In Book VI of 2585:The Greek god 2579:Main article: 2576: 2573: 2475:Fields of Aaru 2372:Main article: 2369: 2366: 2364: 2361: 2333:cyclic history 2179:, is a common 2177:the Summerland 2126: 2125: 2081: 2079: 2072: 2066: 2063: 1937:metempsychosis 1893:Main article: 1890: 1887: 1857: 1854: 1770: 1769: 1767: 1766: 1759: 1752: 1744: 1741: 1740: 1734: 1733: 1730: 1729: 1724: 1719: 1714: 1709: 1704: 1699: 1694: 1689: 1683: 1681:Related topics 1680: 1679: 1676: 1675: 1670: 1669: 1668: 1667: 1662: 1660:Yujin Nagasawa 1657: 1652: 1647: 1642: 1637: 1632: 1627: 1622: 1617: 1615:Ravi Zacharias 1612: 1607: 1602: 1597: 1592: 1587: 1582: 1580:William L Rowe 1577: 1572: 1567: 1562: 1557: 1552: 1550:William Alston 1547: 1542: 1537: 1532: 1527: 1522: 1517: 1512: 1506: 1505: 1500: 1498:Gabriel Marcel 1495: 1490: 1485: 1480: 1475: 1470: 1465: 1460: 1455: 1450: 1442: 1441: 1435: 1434: 1433: 1432: 1427: 1425:Ernst Cassirer 1422: 1417: 1412: 1407: 1402: 1397: 1392: 1387: 1382: 1377: 1372: 1367: 1362: 1357: 1352: 1347: 1342: 1340:Thomas Carlyle 1337: 1332: 1327: 1319: 1318: 1312: 1311: 1310: 1309: 1304: 1299: 1294: 1289: 1284: 1279: 1274: 1269: 1267:Baruch Spinoza 1264: 1259: 1254: 1252:René Descartes 1249: 1241: 1240: 1234: 1233: 1232: 1231: 1226: 1224:Thomas Aquinas 1221: 1216: 1211: 1206: 1201: 1196: 1191: 1186: 1181: 1176: 1171: 1166: 1161: 1156: 1148: 1147: 1135: 1130: 1129: 1126: 1125: 1122: 1121: 1116: 1111: 1106: 1101: 1096: 1091: 1086: 1081: 1076: 1071: 1066: 1061: 1056: 1051: 1046: 1041: 1040: 1039: 1034: 1029: 1019: 1014: 1009: 1004: 999: 998: 997: 992: 987: 977: 972: 967: 965:Fundamentalism 962: 957: 956: 955: 950: 943:Existentialism 940: 935: 930: 925: 920: 915: 910: 905: 900: 895: 890: 885: 879: 874: 873: 870: 869: 864: 863: 862: 861: 856: 851: 846: 841: 836: 835: 834: 829: 824: 819: 814: 809: 796: 795: 791: 790: 787: 786: 785: 784: 779: 774: 767: 765:Noncognitivism 762: 757: 754: 747: 742: 737: 732: 727: 722: 717: 712: 707: 705:Creator of God 702: 697: 689: 688: 684: 683: 682: 681: 679:Transcendental 676: 671: 670: 669: 668: 667: 657: 647: 642: 637: 632: 630:Pascal's wager 627: 626: 625: 620: 615: 610: 605: 600: 590: 585: 580: 579: 578: 568: 563: 558: 553: 548: 543: 538: 533: 528: 523: 518: 513: 512: 511: 506: 501: 489: 484: 483: 482: 477: 470:Christological 467: 459: 458: 450: 449: 443: 442: 441: 440: 435: 430: 425: 420: 415: 410: 405: 400: 395: 390: 385: 380: 375: 367: 366: 358: 353: 352: 349: 348: 343: 342: 341: 340: 335: 330: 323: 322: 321: 316: 303: 302: 296: 295: 294: 293: 292: 291: 289:eschatological 281: 276: 271: 266: 264:Ethical egoism 256: 253: 252: 249: 248: 245: 244: 239: 234: 229: 222: 217: 212: 205: 200: 195: 190: 185: 180: 175: 170: 165: 159: 153: 152: 149: 148: 142: 141: 105: 104: 87:September 2021 63: 61: 54: 28: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 14756: 14745: 14742: 14740: 14737: 14735: 14732: 14731: 14729: 14710: 14706: 14700: 14686: 14683: 14681: 14678: 14677: 14675: 14673: 14669: 14663: 14660: 14658: 14655: 14653: 14652:Denominations 14650: 14648: 14645: 14643: 14640: 14639: 14637: 14635: 14631: 14625: 14624:Last Judgment 14622: 14620: 14617: 14615: 14612: 14610: 14607: 14605: 14602: 14600: 14596: 14593: 14592: 14590: 14588: 14584: 14578: 14575: 14573: 14570: 14569: 14567: 14565: 14561: 14555: 14552: 14550: 14547: 14545: 14542: 14540: 14537: 14535: 14532: 14530: 14527: 14525: 14522: 14520: 14517: 14515: 14512: 14510: 14507: 14505: 14502: 14500: 14497: 14495: 14492: 14490: 14487: 14485: 14482: 14480: 14477: 14475: 14472: 14470: 14467: 14465: 14462: 14461: 14459: 14457: 14453: 14449: 14442: 14438: 14424: 14421: 14419: 14416: 14414: 14411: 14409: 14406: 14404: 14401: 14400: 14398: 14395: 14391: 14385: 14384:Unmoved mover 14382: 14380: 14377: 14375: 14372: 14370: 14367: 14365: 14362: 14360: 14357: 14355: 14352: 14350: 14347: 14345: 14342: 14340: 14337: 14335: 14332: 14327: 14323: 14322: 14321: 14318: 14316: 14313: 14311: 14308: 14306: 14303: 14301: 14298: 14296: 14293: 14291: 14288: 14286: 14285:Binitarianism 14283: 14281: 14277: 14274: 14273: 14271: 14267: 14261: 14258: 14256: 14253: 14251: 14248: 14246: 14243: 14241: 14238: 14236: 14233: 14231: 14228: 14227: 14225: 14223: 14219: 14209: 14206: 14204: 14201: 14199: 14196: 14194: 14191: 14189: 14186: 14184: 14181: 14179: 14176: 14175: 14173: 14169: 14163: 14159: 14156: 14152: 14149: 14148: 14147: 14144: 14142: 14139: 14137: 14134: 14133: 14131: 14129: 14125: 14119: 14116: 14114: 14111: 14109: 14106: 14104: 14101: 14099: 14096: 14094: 14091: 14089: 14086: 14084: 14081: 14079: 14076: 14074: 14071: 14069: 14066: 14064: 14061: 14060: 14058: 14056: 14052: 14041: 14037: 14033: 14030: 14028: 14025: 14023: 14020: 14019: 14017: 14013: 14007: 14006:Supreme Being 14004: 14002: 13999: 13997: 13994: 13992: 13989: 13987: 13984: 13983: 13981: 13977: 13971: 13968: 13966: 13963: 13961: 13958: 13956: 13953: 13951: 13948: 13944: 13941: 13939: 13936: 13934: 13931: 13929: 13926: 13925: 13924: 13921: 13920: 13918: 13914: 13911: 13907: 13903: 13893: 13890: 13886: 13883: 13882: 13881: 13878: 13877:Gender of God 13875: 13873: 13870: 13868: 13865: 13863: 13862: 13860: 13856: 13850: 13847: 13845: 13842: 13840: 13837: 13835: 13832: 13830: 13827: 13825: 13822: 13820: 13817: 13815: 13812: 13810: 13807: 13803: 13800: 13799: 13798: 13795: 13793: 13790: 13788: 13785: 13783: 13782:Kathenotheism 13780: 13778: 13775: 13773: 13770: 13768: 13765: 13763: 13760: 13758: 13757: 13755: 13751: 13748: 13746: 13742: 13738: 13734: 13729: 13725: 13721: 13714: 13709: 13707: 13702: 13700: 13695: 13694: 13691: 13679: 13671: 13669: 13661: 13660: 13657: 13651: 13648: 13644: 13639: 13636: 13632: 13629: 13628: 13627: 13624: 13620: 13617: 13616: 13615: 13612: 13610: 13607: 13605: 13602: 13600: 13597: 13595: 13592: 13590: 13587: 13585: 13582: 13580: 13577: 13575: 13572: 13570: 13567: 13565: 13562: 13560: 13557: 13555: 13552: 13550: 13547: 13545: 13542: 13540: 13537: 13535: 13532: 13530: 13527: 13525: 13522: 13520: 13517: 13515: 13512: 13510: 13507: 13505: 13502: 13500: 13497: 13495: 13492: 13490: 13487: 13485: 13482: 13480: 13477: 13475: 13472: 13470: 13467: 13465: 13462: 13460: 13457: 13455: 13452: 13448: 13445: 13443: 13440: 13438: 13435: 13434: 13433: 13430: 13428: 13427:Death anxiety 13425: 13423: 13420: 13418: 13415: 13413: 13412:Darwin Awards 13410: 13408: 13405: 13403: 13400: 13398: 13395: 13393: 13390: 13389: 13387: 13383: 13377: 13374: 13370: 13369:Biostratinomy 13367: 13366: 13365: 13362: 13360: 13357: 13355: 13352: 13350: 13347: 13345: 13342: 13340: 13337: 13335: 13332: 13328: 13323: 13320: 13319: 13317: 13313: 13307: 13304: 13302: 13299: 13297: 13294: 13292: 13289: 13287: 13284: 13282: 13281:Necropolitics 13279: 13277: 13274: 13272: 13269: 13267: 13264: 13262: 13259: 13257: 13254: 13252: 13251: 13246: 13244: 13241: 13239: 13236: 13234: 13231: 13229: 13226: 13224: 13221: 13219: 13216: 13214: 13211: 13209: 13206: 13205: 13203: 13199: 13193: 13190: 13188: 13185: 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12845: 12839: 12838:Fossilization 12836: 12834: 12831: 12829: 12828:Decomposition 12826: 12824: 12821: 12819: 12816: 12814: 12811: 12809: 12806: 12804: 12803:Pallor mortis 12801: 12800: 12798: 12794: 12791: 12789: 12788: 12783: 12780: 12776: 12770: 12767: 12765: 12762: 12758: 12755: 12754: 12753: 12750: 12748: 12745: 12743: 12742: 12738: 12736: 12733: 12731: 12728: 12726: 12723: 12721: 12718: 12716: 12713: 12711: 12708: 12706: 12703: 12701: 12698: 12697: 12695: 12691: 12685: 12682: 12680: 12677: 12675: 12672: 12670: 12667: 12665: 12662: 12660: 12657: 12655: 12652: 12650: 12647: 12645: 12642: 12640: 12637: 12636: 12634: 12632: 12628: 12618: 12615: 12613: 12610: 12608: 12605: 12603: 12600: 12598: 12595: 12593: 12590: 12588: 12585: 12583: 12580: 12578: 12575: 12573: 12570: 12568: 12565: 12561: 12558: 12557: 12556: 12553: 12549: 12546: 12545: 12544: 12541: 12539: 12536: 12534: 12531: 12529: 12526: 12525: 12522: 12516: 12513: 12511: 12508: 12506: 12503: 12501: 12498: 12496: 12493: 12491: 12488: 12486: 12483: 12481: 12478: 12476: 12473: 12471: 12468: 12464: 12461: 12459: 12456: 12454: 12451: 12449: 12446: 12444: 12441: 12439: 12436: 12434: 12431: 12429: 12426: 12424: 12421: 12419: 12416: 12414: 12411: 12410: 12409: 12406: 12402: 12399: 12397: 12394: 12392: 12389: 12387: 12384: 12382: 12379: 12377: 12374: 12372: 12369: 12367: 12364: 12363: 12362: 12359: 12358: 12356: 12354: 12350: 12347: 12343: 12339: 12332: 12327: 12325: 12320: 12318: 12313: 12312: 12309: 12297: 12289: 12287: 12283: 12279: 12278: 12275: 12269: 12268: 12264: 12262: 12259: 12257: 12254: 12252: 12249: 12247: 12244: 12242: 12239: 12237: 12234: 12232: 12229: 12227: 12224: 12222: 12219: 12217: 12214: 12213: 12211: 12207: 12197: 12194: 12193: 12190: 12187: 12185: 12182: 12180: 12177: 12175: 12172: 12170: 12167: 12165: 12162: 12160: 12157: 12155: 12152: 12150: 12147: 12145: 12142: 12140: 12139:Anthony Kenny 12137: 12135: 12132: 12130: 12127: 12125: 12122: 12121: 12119: 12111: 12105: 12102: 12100: 12097: 12095: 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11754: 11752: 11749: 11747: 11744: 11742: 11739: 11737: 11734: 11732: 11729: 11727: 11724: 11722: 11719: 11717: 11714: 11712: 11709: 11707: 11704: 11702: 11699: 11697: 11694: 11693: 11691: 11689: 11684: 11680: 11677: 11672: 11665: 11659: 11656: 11654: 11651: 11649: 11646: 11644: 11641: 11639: 11636: 11634: 11631: 11629: 11626: 11625: 11623: 11621: 11617: 11611: 11608: 11606: 11603: 11601: 11598: 11596: 11595:Language game 11593: 11591: 11588: 11587: 11585: 11583: 11579: 11573: 11572: 11568: 11566: 11563: 11561: 11558: 11556: 11553: 11551: 11548: 11546: 11543: 11541: 11538: 11536: 11533: 11531: 11528: 11526: 11523: 11521: 11518: 11516: 11513: 11511: 11508: 11506: 11503: 11501: 11498: 11496: 11493: 11491: 11488: 11484: 11481: 11479: 11476: 11474: 11471: 11470: 11469: 11466: 11464: 11461: 11459: 11456: 11454: 11451: 11449: 11446: 11444: 11441: 11437: 11434: 11432: 11429: 11427: 11424: 11423: 11422: 11419: 11417: 11414: 11412: 11409: 11407: 11404: 11402: 11399: 11395: 11392: 11390: 11387: 11386: 11385: 11382: 11378: 11375: 11373: 11370: 11369: 11368: 11365: 11363: 11360: 11358: 11355: 11353: 11350: 11348: 11345: 11343: 11340: 11338: 11335: 11333: 11330: 11328: 11325: 11323: 11320: 11318: 11315: 11313: 11310: 11308: 11305: 11303: 11300: 11299: 11297: 11295: 11291: 11281: 11278: 11276: 11273: 11271: 11268: 11266: 11265:Occam's razor 11263: 11261: 11258: 11256: 11253: 11251: 11248: 11246: 11243: 11241: 11238: 11236: 11233: 11231: 11228: 11226: 11223: 11222: 11220: 11216: 11210: 11207: 11203: 11200: 11198: 11195: 11194: 11193: 11190: 11188: 11185: 11183: 11180: 11178: 11175: 11173: 11170: 11168: 11165: 11163: 11160: 11158: 11155: 11153: 11150: 11148: 11145: 11143: 11140: 11138: 11135: 11133: 11130: 11126: 11123: 11121: 11118: 11117: 11116: 11113: 11111: 11110:Consciousness 11108: 11106: 11103: 11101: 11098: 11097: 11095: 11091: 11088: 11086: 11082: 11072: 11069: 11067: 11064: 11062: 11059: 11057: 11054: 11052: 11049: 11047: 11044: 11042: 11039: 11037: 11034: 11032: 11029: 11027: 11024: 11022: 11019: 11018: 11016: 11012: 11006: 11005:Unmoved mover 11003: 11001: 11000:Supreme Being 10998: 10996: 10993: 10991: 10988: 10986: 10983: 10981: 10978: 10976: 10973: 10971: 10968: 10966: 10963: 10961: 10958: 10956: 10953: 10952: 10949: 10946: 10944: 10940: 10934: 10931: 10929: 10926: 10924: 10921: 10919: 10916: 10914: 10911: 10909: 10906: 10904: 10901: 10897: 10893: 10892: 10891: 10888: 10886: 10883: 10881: 10878: 10877: 10875: 10871: 10867: 10860: 10855: 10853: 10848: 10846: 10841: 10840: 10837: 10825: 10824:Well of Souls 10822: 10820: 10817: 10815: 10812: 10810: 10807: 10805: 10802: 10800: 10797: 10795: 10794:Millennialism 10792: 10790: 10787: 10785: 10782: 10780: 10777: 10775: 10772: 10771: 10768: 10758: 10755: 10753: 10750: 10749: 10747: 10745: 10741: 10735: 10732: 10730: 10727: 10725: 10722: 10721: 10719: 10717: 10713: 10707: 10704: 10703: 10701: 10699: 10695: 10688: 10687: 10685: 10683: 10679: 10673: 10670: 10669: 10667: 10665: 10661: 10655: 10652: 10650: 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8831: 8825: 8821: 8814: 8806: 8800: 8796: 8789: 8782: 8778: 8775: 8774:Urban Legends 8770: 8762: 8756: 8752: 8745: 8736: 8729: 8724: 8717: 8711: 8704: 8698: 8682: 8678: 8671: 8663: 8657: 8653: 8652: 8644: 8637: 8633: 8627: 8623: 8616: 8609: 8604: 8598: 8594: 8587: 8580: 8576: 8570: 8566: 8559: 8551: 8547: 8543: 8537: 8533: 8526: 8524: 8516: 8508: 8504: 8500: 8496: 8492: 8488: 8484: 8477: 8470: 8463: 8458: 8452: 8448: 8441: 8434: 8430: 8424: 8420: 8413: 8405: 8399: 8395: 8388: 8380: 8374: 8370: 8369: 8364: 8358: 8350: 8348:1-4067-0162-9 8344: 8340: 8333: 8317: 8313: 8312:Ways to Japan 8309: 8302: 8286: 8282: 8278: 8271: 8263: 8261:9781474472180 8257: 8253: 8249: 8242: 8226: 8222: 8218: 8211: 8195: 8191: 8185: 8166: 8159: 8158: 8151: 8145: 8139: 8128: 8124: 8120: 8113: 8107: 8091: 8087: 8083: 8076: 8067: 8051: 8047: 8043: 8037: 8021: 8017: 8011: 7995: 7991: 7987: 7981: 7974: 7970: 7964: 7960: 7953: 7944: 7928: 7924: 7923: 7915: 7913: 7896: 7892: 7886: 7882: 7881: 7873: 7865: 7859: 7855: 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6875: 6872: 6868: 6864: 6861: 6859: 6851: 6835: 6831: 6825: 6809: 6805: 6798: 6796: 6779: 6775: 6773: 6765: 6758: 6754: 6751: 6746: 6740: 6736: 6733: 6729: 6725: 6719: 6712: 6708: 6705: 6700: 6693: 6688: 6672: 6668: 6661: 6645: 6641: 6637: 6633: 6629: 6624: 6619: 6615: 6611: 6607: 6600: 6598: 6581: 6575: 6559: 6555: 6549: 6541: 6537: 6531: 6525: 6521: 6515: 6499: 6495: 6488: 6472: 6468: 6462: 6456: 6452: 6445: 6443: 6433: 6417: 6413: 6407: 6399: 6397:9781538103463 6393: 6389: 6388: 6380: 6373: 6367: 6351: 6347: 6341: 6325: 6321: 6315: 6307: 6301: 6297: 6296: 6288: 6280: 6276: 6272: 6268: 6264: 6260: 6253: 6251: 6244:, p. 22. 6243: 6238: 6222: 6218: 6214: 6208: 6192: 6188: 6184: 6178: 6162: 6158: 6154: 6148: 6141: 6137: 6131: 6124: 6118: 6111: 6105: 6098: 6092: 6085: 6081: 6078: 6074: 6071: 6065: 6049: 6045: 6039: 6033:, 2011, p. 96 6032: 6026: 6020:, 2010, p. 11 6019: 6013: 6006: 6000: 5992: 5990:9781441130884 5986: 5982: 5975: 5969:, 2005, p. 82 5968: 5962: 5954: 5947: 5941: 5940:0-87436-939-8 5937: 5933: 5927: 5919: 5915: 5911: 5907: 5903: 5899: 5895: 5891: 5884: 5868: 5864: 5860: 5854: 5848: 5844: 5841: 5837: 5833: 5830: 5827:Max Heindel, 5824: 5817: 5813: 5812: 5805: 5799: 5798:0-911274-84-7 5795: 5791: 5787: 5784: 5780: 5779: 5774: 5769: 5767: 5760: 5759:0-86356-690-1 5756: 5752: 5748: 5747: 5740: 5733: 5727: 5720: 5716: 5712: 5708: 5702: 5694: 5688: 5684: 5683: 5675: 5667: 5663: 5658: 5653: 5649: 5645: 5641: 5634: 5626: 5620: 5616: 5611: 5610: 5601: 5593: 5589: 5585: 5583:0-585-30171-9 5579: 5574: 5573: 5564: 5557: 5553: 5548: 5544: 5529: 5520: 5513: 5509: 5505: 5501: 5500:yawm al-ḥisāb 5497: 5493: 5489: 5485: 5481: 5475: 5466: 5463: 5460: 5457: 5456: 5452: 5448: 5432: 5429: 5427: 5424: 5422: 5419: 5417: 5414: 5412: 5411: 5407: 5405: 5402: 5400: 5397: 5395: 5392: 5390: 5389:Reincarnation 5387: 5385: 5382: 5380: 5377: 5375: 5374:Pre-existence 5372: 5370: 5367: 5365: 5362: 5360: 5357: 5355: 5352: 5350: 5347: 5345: 5342: 5340: 5337: 5335: 5332: 5330: 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4208: 4204: 4198: 4197: 4193: 4188:This section 4186: 4182: 4177: 4176: 4172: 4162: 4160: 4155: 4150: 4146: 4141: 4139: 4135: 4131: 4127: 4124: 4118: 4116: 4112: 4108: 4104: 4100: 4095: 4093: 4089: 4088:enlightenment 4085: 4074: 4071: 4063: 4060:November 2014 4053: 4049: 4043: 4042: 4037:This section 4035: 4031: 4026: 4025: 4021: 4011: 4009: 4005: 3999: 3989: 3985: 3983: 3979: 3975: 3971: 3965: 3955: 3952: 3948: 3944: 3938: 3928: 3926: 3922: 3918: 3909: 3906: 3901: 3899: 3893: 3889: 3887: 3883: 3879: 3875: 3870: 3867: 3862: 3860: 3856: 3852: 3848: 3844: 3843: 3838: 3834: 3830: 3826: 3822: 3821: 3816: 3815: 3810: 3806: 3802: 3798: 3793: 3791: 3787: 3783: 3779: 3775: 3770: 3768: 3763: 3761: 3760: 3755: 3751: 3750:Judgement Day 3747: 3743: 3733: 3725: 3716: 3714: 3710: 3706: 3702: 3693: 3689: 3687: 3683: 3679: 3674: 3670: 3665: 3661: 3653: 3648: 3644: 3640: 3630: 3628: 3624: 3621:, and Bishop 3620: 3616: 3612: 3608: 3604: 3600: 3599: 3598:apokatastasis 3593: 3590: 3584: 3581: 3580: 3575: 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2969:Messianic era 2966: 2962: 2958: 2956: 2952: 2948: 2944: 2943:world to come 2940: 2936: 2929:World to Come 2926: 2924: 2920: 2919:New Testament 2916: 2912: 2908: 2904: 2900: 2895: 2893: 2889: 2885: 2881: 2880: 2874: 2872: 2868: 2858: 2840: 2839: 2834: 2831: 2828: 2825: 2822: 2818: 2815: 2812: 2808: 2804: 2801: 2800: 2799: 2797: 2793: 2782: 2779: 2771: 2761: 2757: 2751: 2750: 2745:This section 2743: 2739: 2734: 2733: 2729: 2719: 2717: 2716: 2711: 2706: 2704: 2700: 2695: 2691: 2687: 2686: 2681: 2676: 2674: 2670: 2666: 2662: 2661: 2655: 2653: 2649: 2645: 2641: 2636: 2634: 2630: 2626: 2622: 2618: 2614: 2610: 2606: 2604: 2600: 2596: 2592: 2588: 2582: 2572: 2570: 2566: 2562: 2558: 2554: 2549: 2547: 2543: 2539: 2535: 2534:mummification 2529: 2526: 2522: 2518: 2514: 2513:Pyramid Texts 2510: 2506: 2501: 2499: 2495: 2491: 2487: 2482: 2480: 2476: 2472: 2468: 2464: 2456: 2452: 2448: 2444: 2440: 2436: 2432: 2428: 2424: 2420: 2416: 2412: 2408: 2404: 2400: 2396: 2391: 2385: 2380: 2375: 2360: 2358: 2354: 2350: 2345: 2343: 2339: 2334: 2330: 2326: 2322: 2318: 2314: 2310: 2306: 2304: 2300: 2299: 2294: 2293: 2288: 2287: 2282: 2278: 2277: 2272: 2267: 2265: 2264:world to come 2261: 2257: 2256:right beliefs 2253: 2249: 2245: 2241: 2237: 2233: 2229: 2225: 2221: 2216: 2214: 2210: 2206: 2202: 2198: 2194: 2190: 2186: 2182: 2178: 2174: 2170: 2166: 2162: 2158: 2157:Seven Heavens 2154: 2147: 2142: 2137: 2133: 2122: 2119: 2111: 2101: 2097: 2091: 2090: 2086: 2080: 2071: 2070: 2062: 2060: 2056: 2052: 2048: 2043: 2041: 2037: 2033: 2029: 2025: 2021: 2017: 2013: 2009: 2005: 2001: 1997: 1993: 1989: 1985: 1976: 1968: 1964: 1962: 1958: 1954: 1950: 1946: 1942: 1938: 1934: 1930: 1926: 1922: 1918: 1914: 1910: 1906: 1902: 1901:physical body 1896: 1895:Reincarnation 1889:Reincarnation 1886: 1884: 1880: 1876: 1872: 1867: 1865: 1862: 1853: 1851: 1847: 1843: 1839: 1835: 1831: 1826: 1824: 1820: 1816: 1812: 1811:reincarnation 1808: 1804: 1800: 1795: 1793: 1789: 1785: 1781: 1777: 1765: 1760: 1758: 1753: 1751: 1746: 1745: 1743: 1742: 1739: 1736: 1735: 1728: 1725: 1723: 1720: 1718: 1715: 1713: 1710: 1708: 1705: 1703: 1700: 1698: 1695: 1693: 1690: 1688: 1685: 1684: 1678: 1677: 1666: 1663: 1661: 1658: 1656: 1653: 1651: 1648: 1646: 1643: 1641: 1638: 1636: 1633: 1631: 1628: 1626: 1623: 1621: 1618: 1616: 1613: 1611: 1608: 1606: 1603: 1601: 1598: 1596: 1595:Anthony Kenny 1593: 1591: 1588: 1586: 1583: 1581: 1578: 1576: 1573: 1571: 1568: 1566: 1563: 1561: 1558: 1556: 1553: 1551: 1548: 1546: 1543: 1541: 1538: 1536: 1533: 1531: 1528: 1526: 1523: 1521: 1518: 1516: 1515:Mircea Eliade 1513: 1511: 1508: 1507: 1504: 1501: 1499: 1496: 1494: 1491: 1489: 1486: 1484: 1481: 1479: 1476: 1474: 1471: 1469: 1466: 1464: 1461: 1459: 1456: 1454: 1451: 1449: 1446: 1445: 1444: 1443: 1440: 1437: 1436: 1431: 1428: 1426: 1423: 1421: 1418: 1416: 1413: 1411: 1408: 1406: 1403: 1401: 1400:William James 1398: 1396: 1393: 1391: 1388: 1386: 1383: 1381: 1380:Ernst Haeckel 1378: 1376: 1373: 1371: 1368: 1366: 1363: 1361: 1358: 1356: 1353: 1351: 1348: 1346: 1343: 1341: 1338: 1336: 1333: 1331: 1328: 1326: 1323: 1322: 1321: 1320: 1317: 1314: 1313: 1308: 1305: 1303: 1302:Immanuel Kant 1300: 1298: 1295: 1293: 1290: 1288: 1285: 1283: 1280: 1278: 1275: 1273: 1270: 1268: 1265: 1263: 1260: 1258: 1257:Blaise Pascal 1255: 1253: 1250: 1248: 1245: 1244: 1243: 1242: 1239: 1236: 1235: 1230: 1227: 1225: 1222: 1220: 1217: 1215: 1212: 1210: 1207: 1205: 1202: 1200: 1197: 1195: 1192: 1190: 1187: 1185: 1182: 1180: 1177: 1175: 1172: 1170: 1167: 1165: 1162: 1160: 1157: 1155: 1152: 1151: 1150: 1149: 1146: 1142: 1139: 1138: 1133: 1128: 1127: 1120: 1117: 1115: 1112: 1110: 1107: 1105: 1102: 1100: 1097: 1095: 1092: 1090: 1087: 1085: 1082: 1080: 1077: 1075: 1072: 1070: 1067: 1065: 1062: 1060: 1057: 1055: 1052: 1050: 1047: 1045: 1042: 1038: 1035: 1033: 1030: 1028: 1025: 1024: 1023: 1020: 1018: 1015: 1013: 1010: 1008: 1005: 1003: 1000: 996: 993: 991: 988: 986: 983: 982: 981: 978: 976: 973: 971: 968: 966: 963: 961: 958: 954: 951: 949: 946: 945: 944: 941: 939: 936: 934: 931: 929: 926: 924: 921: 919: 916: 914: 911: 909: 906: 904: 901: 899: 896: 894: 891: 889: 886: 884: 881: 880: 877: 872: 871: 860: 857: 855: 852: 850: 847: 845: 842: 840: 837: 833: 830: 828: 825: 823: 820: 818: 815: 813: 810: 808: 805: 804: 803: 800: 799: 798: 797: 793: 792: 783: 780: 778: 775: 773: 768: 766: 763: 761: 758: 755: 753: 751:Inconsistency 748: 746: 743: 741: 738: 736: 733: 731: 728: 726: 723: 721: 718: 716: 713: 711: 708: 706: 703: 701: 698: 696: 693: 692: 691: 690: 686: 685: 680: 677: 675: 672: 666: 663: 662: 661: 658: 656: 653: 652: 651: 648: 646: 643: 641: 638: 636: 633: 631: 628: 624: 621: 619: 616: 614: 611: 609: 606: 604: 601: 599: 596: 595: 594: 591: 589: 588:Occam's Razor 586: 584: 581: 577: 574: 573: 572: 569: 567: 564: 562: 559: 557: 554: 552: 549: 547: 544: 542: 539: 537: 534: 532: 529: 527: 524: 522: 519: 517: 514: 510: 507: 505: 502: 500: 499: 495: 494: 493: 490: 488: 487:Consciousness 485: 481: 478: 476: 473: 472: 471: 468: 466: 463: 462: 461: 460: 457:Arguments for 456: 455: 452: 451: 448: 445: 444: 439: 438:Unmoved mover 436: 434: 433:Supreme Being 431: 429: 426: 424: 421: 419: 416: 414: 411: 409: 408:Occasionalism 406: 404: 401: 399: 396: 394: 391: 389: 386: 384: 381: 379: 376: 374: 371: 370: 369: 368: 365: 362: 361: 356: 351: 350: 339: 336: 334: 331: 329: 324: 320: 317: 315: 312: 311: 310: 307: 306: 305: 304: 301: 298: 297: 290: 287: 286: 285: 282: 280: 277: 275: 272: 270: 267: 265: 262: 261: 260: 259: 251: 250: 243: 240: 238: 235: 233: 230: 228: 223: 221: 218: 216: 215:Reincarnation 213: 211: 206: 204: 201: 199: 196: 194: 191: 189: 186: 184: 183:Enlightenment 181: 179: 176: 174: 171: 169: 166: 164: 161: 160: 156: 151: 150: 147: 144: 143: 139: 135: 134: 128: 127: 122: 118: 113: 109: 101: 98: 90: 80: 74: 70: 69: 64:This article 62: 53: 52: 47: 43: 39: 35: 27: 19: 14519:Hamartiology 14504:Ecclesiology 14494:Pneumatology 14403:Christianity 14394:Names of God 14369:Philo's view 14359:Personal god 14339:Great Spirit 14278: / 14235:Christianity 14135: 14093:Perichoresis 13996:Emanationism 13938:Christianity 13928:Baháʼí Faith 13906:Singular god 13879: 13839:Spiritualism 13524:Death threat 13407:Dark tourism 13349:Necrobiology 13291:Right to die 13249: 13208:Abortion law 13132:Resurrection 13120:Palingenesis 13040: 13017: 12979:Coffin birth 12886:Plastination 12847:Preservation 12823:Putrefaction 12818:Rigor mortis 12813:Algor mortis 12808:Livor mortis 12785: 12741:Memento mori 12739: 12592:Lazarus sign 12572:Death rattle 12515:Suicide gene 12500:Karyorrhexis 12391:Fat necrosis 12265: 12084:Martin Lings 12037:Emil Brunner 12027:Paul Tillich 12017:Martin Buber 11932:W K Clifford 11909:Afrikan Spir 11824:Thomas Chubb 11776:Early modern 11756:Adi Shankara 11669:Philosophers 11653:Natural evil 11569: 11545:Spiritualism 11520:Perennialism 11473:Metaphysical 11317:Antireligion 11192:Teleological 11115:Cosmological 11066:Baháʼí Faith 11031:Christianity 10990:Personal god 10879: 10626:Mesoamerican 10458:Three Worlds 10331:Animal world 10316:Desire Realm 10058:Spirit world 9972:Pearly gates 9923:Third Heaven 9905:Christianity 9856: 9796: 9787: 9780: 9751: 9709: 9690: 9666: 9659: 9632: 9617: 9603: 9596: 9582: 9575: 9560: 9550: 9543: 9536: 9526: 9515:. Retrieved 9496: 9475: 9466: 9460:Bibliography 9431: 9427: 9417: 9392: 9388: 9382: 9363: 9351:. Retrieved 9337: 9325:. Retrieved 9311: 9295:10400.1/4894 9277: 9273: 9260: 9242: 9224: 9215: 9206: 9179: 9173: 9165:the original 9154: 9138:. Springer. 9134: 9127: 9115:. Retrieved 9091: 9084: 9056: 9049: 9025: 9015: 9003:. Retrieved 8994: 8985: 8973:. Retrieved 8959: 8944: 8936: 8921: 8912: 8897: 8889: 8870: 8864: 8852:. Retrieved 8838: 8819: 8813: 8794: 8788: 8769: 8750: 8744: 8735: 8727: 8723: 8715: 8710: 8702: 8697: 8685:. Retrieved 8681:the original 8670: 8650: 8643: 8635: 8621: 8615: 8606: 8592: 8586: 8578: 8564: 8558: 8531: 8513: 8507:the original 8486: 8482: 8469: 8460: 8446: 8440: 8432: 8418: 8412: 8393: 8387: 8367: 8357: 8338: 8332: 8320:. Retrieved 8311: 8301: 8291:23 September 8289:. Retrieved 8270: 8248:Gnostic Wars 8247: 8241: 8229:. Retrieved 8220: 8210: 8198:. Retrieved 8194:the original 8184: 8172:. Retrieved 8156: 8150: 8138: 8122: 8118: 8106: 8094:. Retrieved 8085: 8075: 8066: 8054:. Retrieved 8045: 8036: 8024:. Retrieved 8010: 7998:. Retrieved 7989: 7980: 7972: 7958: 7952: 7943: 7933:16 September 7931:. Retrieved 7921: 7901:16 September 7899:. Retrieved 7879: 7872: 7849: 7820: 7811: 7805: 7793:. Retrieved 7773: 7766: 7739: 7733: 7717: 7705: 7693: 7677: 7672: 7660: 7635: 7631: 7625: 7611: 7590: 7578:. Retrieved 7563: 7556: 7544:. Retrieved 7535: 7525: 7498: 7491: 7479:. Retrieved 7470: 7461: 7449:. Retrieved 7394: 7388: 7384: 7380: 7359: 7353: 7334: 7328: 7316:. Retrieved 7307: 7281: 7269:. Retrieved 7260: 7251: 7239:. Retrieved 7230: 7221: 7209:. Retrieved 7200: 7191: 7182: 7177: 7168: 7163: 7151:. Retrieved 7142: 7133: 7121:. Retrieved 7107: 7095: 7083:. Retrieved 7069: 7057:. Retrieved 7019:(1): 56–77. 7016: 7012: 7002: 6993: 6981:. Retrieved 6964: 6960: 6953: 6945: 6940: 6932: 6927: 6915:. Retrieved 6898: 6894: 6857: 6850: 6838:. Retrieved 6824: 6812:. Retrieved 6782:. Retrieved 6771: 6764: 6745: 6727: 6723: 6718: 6699: 6687: 6675:. Retrieved 6660: 6648:. Retrieved 6613: 6609: 6584:. Retrieved 6574: 6562:. Retrieved 6548: 6540:the original 6530: 6523: 6519: 6514: 6502:. Retrieved 6487: 6475:. Retrieved 6471:the original 6461: 6432: 6420:. Retrieved 6406: 6386: 6379: 6366: 6354:. Retrieved 6340: 6328:. Retrieved 6314: 6294: 6287: 6262: 6258: 6237: 6225:. Retrieved 6216: 6207: 6195:. Retrieved 6186: 6177: 6165:. Retrieved 6161:the original 6156: 6147: 6139: 6135: 6130: 6122: 6117: 6109: 6104: 6096: 6091: 6072: 6069: 6064: 6054:30 September 6052:. Retrieved 6048:the original 6038: 6030: 6025: 6017: 6012: 6004: 5999: 5980: 5974: 5966: 5961: 5955:. Routledge. 5952: 5946: 5931: 5926: 5889: 5883: 5871:. Retrieved 5862: 5853: 5823: 5809: 5804: 5776: 5773:Heindel, Max 5750: 5744: 5739: 5731: 5726: 5718: 5714: 5711:Google Books 5706: 5701: 5681: 5674: 5647: 5643: 5633: 5608: 5600: 5571: 5563: 5547: 5528: 5519: 5511: 5508:yawm al-jamʿ 5507: 5504:yawm al-faṣl 5503: 5499: 5495: 5487: 5479: 5474: 5451: 5421:Spirit World 5408: 5304:Epistemology 5283:Astral plane 5258: 5251: 5236: 5233: 5195: 5185: 5175: 5162: 5159:Daniel Kolak 5148: 5126: 5118:incarnations 5105: 5104: 5065:Charles Tart 5057:Jeffrey Long 5030: 5003:Spiritualism 4996: 4980: 4968:Frank Tipler 4966: 4959: 4945: 4926: 4902: 4887: 4855: 4848: 4827: 4825: 4810: 4801: 4786:Please help 4774: 4756:Frashokereti 4741: 4732:universalism 4725: 4669: 4654: 4640: 4625:spiritualism 4621:spirit world 4618: 4615:Spiritualism 4605:Emperor Ōjin 4596: 4576: 4570: 4564: 4524:divine spark 4517: 4504:Confucianism 4494: 4491:Confucianism 4478:Dasam Granth 4476: 4470: 4468: 4456: 4441: 4432: 4421:Please help 4416:verification 4413: 4386: 4374: 4363: 4347: 4337: 4318: 4311: 4281: 4278: 4268: 4262: 4259: 4254: 4250: 4246: 4243:three bodies 4240: 4225: 4216: 4201:Please help 4189: 4142: 4128: 4119: 4111:hungry ghost 4096: 4081: 4066: 4057: 4046:Please help 4041:verification 4038: 4001: 3986: 3970:Baháʼí Faith 3967: 3958:Baháʼí Faith 3940: 3915: 3904: 3902: 3894: 3890: 3885: 3881: 3877: 3873: 3871: 3863: 3853:) who serve 3850: 3846: 3840: 3824: 3818: 3812: 3794: 3777: 3771: 3764: 3757: 3753: 3745: 3739: 3730: 3705:Ecclesiastes 3699: 3690: 3658: 3596: 3594: 3589:Thomas Hopko 3585: 3577: 3570: 3566:Nicene Creed 3562: 3527: 3516: 3494: 3490:original sin 3459: 3424: 3395: 3385: 3376: 3370: 3367: 3361: 3339: 3328: 3301: 3295: 3280:The book of 3279: 3268: 3261: 3246: 3238:Nicene Creed 3232: 3217: 3208: 3198: 3191: 3184: 3177: 3165: 3145: 3111:Christianity 3102: 3095: 3093: 3078: 3039: 3031:Martin Buber 3012: 3010: 2999: 2993: 2989: 2973: 2964: 2959: 2938: 2932: 2896: 2877: 2875: 2871:Hebrew Bible 2865: 2838:Gylfaginning 2836: 2789: 2774: 2765: 2754:Please help 2749:verification 2746: 2713: 2707: 2688:, the hero, 2683: 2677: 2658: 2656: 2637: 2617:Rhadamanthus 2607: 2589:is known in 2584: 2557:18th Dynasty 2550: 2545: 2541: 2537: 2530: 2523:, could the 2509:Coffin Texts 2502: 2489: 2483: 2470: 2466: 2460: 2453:in Egyptian 2451:illustration 2409:against the 2346: 2307: 2296: 2290: 2284: 2274: 2268: 2217: 2185:transcendent 2151: 2145: 2114: 2105: 2083: 2053:(before the 2044: 2036:Unity Church 2024:Manicheanism 2012:neoplatonism 2008:Rosicrucians 1981: 1915:. All major 1898: 1871:Christianity 1868: 1864:immortalists 1859: 1827: 1796: 1779: 1775: 1773: 1535:Martin Lings 1525:J. L. Mackie 1488:Emil Brunner 1473:Paul Tillich 1458:Martin Buber 1439:Contemporary 1385:W K Clifford 1370:Afrikan Spir 1316:19th-century 1287:Thomas Chubb 1238:Early modern 1219:Adi Shankara 1099:Spiritualism 1074:Perennialism 1032:metaphysical 898:Antireligion 812:Christianity 650:Teleological 509:metaphysical 496: 492:Cosmological 480:Resurrection 428:Summum bonum 338:Natural evil 162: 124: 108: 93: 84: 77:Please help 65: 26: 14577:Krishnology 14554:Soteriology 14509:Eschatology 14489:Christology 14354:Open theism 14310:Exotheology 14208:Zoroastrian 14171:By religion 14128:Eschatology 14083:Homoiousian 14036:Ahura Mazda 13814:Panentheism 13777:Hermeticism 13641: [ 13599:Necrophobia 13594:Necrophilia 13564:Immortality 13519:Death squad 13499:Death panel 13484:Death march 13479:Death knell 13459:Death drive 13432:Death deity 13376:Thanatology 13325: [ 13271:Legal death 13250:in absentia 13228:Civil death 13073:Examination 13058:Crematorium 12941:Excarnation 12778:After death 12577:Dysthanasia 12543:Brain death 12475:Autoschizis 12453:Phenoptosis 12448:Parthanatos 12438:Necroptosis 12345:In medicine 12104:Antony Flew 12089:Peter Geach 12022:René Guénon 11969:Lev Shestov 11964:Rudolf Otto 11671:of religion 11510:Panentheism 11443:Inclusivism 11362:Exclusivism 11357:Esotericism 11327:Creationism 11307:Agnosticism 11275:Poor design 11270:Omnipotence 11197:Natural law 11172:Ontological 11125:Contingency 10975:Holy Spirit 10468:Madhya Loka 10463:Urdhva Loka 10336:Human world 10187:Neorxnawang 10097:mythologies 9744:"Afterlife" 9117:15 November 9064:. pp.  8894:David Marks 8200:19 December 8056:20 November 8026:20 November 8000:20 November 7883:. OUP USA. 7825:Baháʼu'lláh 7153:31 December 7059:28 December 6814:12 December 6750:"purgatory" 6496:. 6374:, p. 22-23. 6346:"Jehoiakim" 6187:Spangenhelm 5650:: 167–180. 5496:yawm ad-dīn 5399:Soul flight 5359:Omega Point 5339:Immortality 5007:Tyler Henry 4976:Karl Popper 4972:falsifiable 4933:apparitions 4730:believe in 4368:(Sanskrit: 4362:forever is 4288:Chitragupta 4219:August 2021 3943:Sufi Muslim 3709:Great Flood 3686:Eternal sin 3537:John Wesley 3386:During the 3282:2 Maccabees 3259:in heaven. 3054:Joseph Albo 3046:David Kimhi 3042:Saadia Gaon 3019:folk belief 3006:Nachmanides 2905:in ancient 2796:Prose Eddas 2646:, the hero 2569:Roman Egypt 2505:sarcophagus 2276:Svarga loka 2260:will of God 2232:universally 2055:silver cord 2047:life review 2020:Hermeticism 1823:metaphysics 1819:esotericism 1640:Kai Nielsen 1625:Cornel West 1575:Paul Draper 1565:Graham Oppy 1555:Antony Flew 1540:Peter Geach 1468:René Guénon 1420:Lev Shestov 1415:Rudolf Otto 1064:Panentheism 1002:Inclusivism 938:Exclusivism 933:Esotericism 908:Creationism 888:Agnosticism 794:By religion 777:Poor design 618:Mulla Sadra 593:Ontological 566:Natural law 546:Mathematics 504:contingency 398:Holy Spirit 364:Conceptions 314:Augustinian 178:Eschatology 173:Cataphatism 14728:Categories 14662:Philosophy 14549:Sophiology 14529:Philosophy 14524:Messianism 14484:Paterology 14088:Hypostasis 14078:Homoousian 13909:theologies 13849:Theopanism 13834:Polytheism 13797:Monotheism 13772:Henotheism 13569:Last rites 13539:Extinction 13509:Death pose 13504:Death poem 13474:Death hoax 13454:Death camp 13447:Psychopomp 13322:Death tech 13177:Necromancy 13155:Paranormal 13137:Underworld 12989:Dissection 12951:Resomation 12946:Promession 12924:Sky burial 12891:Prosection 12876:Maceration 12587:Euthanasia 12505:Karyolysis 12463:Pyroptosis 12443:Paraptosis 12353:Cell death 12074:J L Mackie 12032:Karl Barth 11829:David Hume 11751:Maimonides 11736:Heraclitus 11525:Polytheism 11495:Nondualism 11483:Humanistic 11468:Naturalism 11458:Monotheism 11416:Henotheism 11411:Gnosticism 11342:Demonology 11225:747 gambit 11142:Experience 10980:Misotheism 10819:Utopianism 10814:Underworld 10804:Otherworld 10724:Summerland 10639:Tamoanchan 10580:Hamistagan 10493:Sach Khand 10440:Akshardham 10358:Form Realm 10240:Myth of Er 10134:Tech Duinn 10124:Tír na nÓg 10114:Otherworld 9728:1347430851 9434:: 101325. 9353:16 January 9327:16 January 9280:(1): 121. 9021:Carroll RT 8943:. (1920). 8920:. (2012). 8896:. (2000). 8822:. Anchor. 8489:(2): 121. 8403:1570621691 8378:0810394898 8322:30 October 8231:30 October 8096:21 January 7795:15 October 7676:A F Klein 7546:30 January 7451:2 December 7441:2016047258 7318:31 January 7308:Britannica 6564:18 October 6227:8 December 6121:N. Sabir, 5438:References 5431:Underworld 5299:Empiricism 5140:Philosophy 5041:Sam Parnia 5021:See also: 4999:Mediumship 4993:Mediumship 4941:mediumship 4601:apotheosis 4589:Ōkuninushi 4514:Gnosticism 4340:Upanishads 4300:good deeds 4008:Upanishads 3947:Ibn 'Arabi 3713:Armageddon 3470:unbaptized 3440:venial sin 3431:mortal sin 3345:underworld 3264:Son of God 3251:about the 3181:newspapers 3148:references 3121:See also: 2978:describes 2961:Maimonides 2907:Alexandria 2595:underworld 2565:false door 2561:Hatshepsut 2544:, and the 2321:punishment 2303:otherworld 2228:underworld 2161:pure lands 2085:neutrality 2028:Gnosticism 2006:, and the 1941:Pythagoras 1913:liberation 1815:otherworld 1807:this world 1560:Kurt Godel 1478:Karl Barth 1292:David Hume 1214:Maimonides 1199:Heraclitus 1184:Al-Ghazali 1079:Polytheism 1049:Nondualism 1027:humanistic 1022:Naturalism 1012:Monotheism 975:Henotheism 970:Gnosticism 695:747 gambit 660:Watchmaker 613:Meinongian 526:Experience 254:Challenges 193:Liberation 168:Apophatism 14734:Afterlife 14539:Practical 14534:Political 14499:Cosmology 14456:Christian 14315:Holocaust 14305:Egotheism 14260:Goddesses 14255:Mormonism 14183:Christian 14136:Afterlife 14022:Sustainer 13829:Polydeism 13824:Pantheism 13809:Mysticism 13792:Monolatry 13787:Nontheism 13767:Dystheism 13614:Sacrifice 13609:Predation 13574:Longevity 13364:Taphonomy 13301:Trust law 13256:Death row 13041:Afterlife 12994:Gibbeting 12931:Cremation 12896:Taxidermy 12871:Embalming 12747:Micromort 12693:Mortality 12470:Autolysis 12428:Autophagy 12423:Apoptosis 12174:Loyal Rue 11899:Karl Marx 11721:Gaudapada 11550:Shamanism 11515:Pantheism 11500:Nontheism 11478:Religious 11463:Mysticism 11436:Christian 11426:Religious 11377:Atheistic 11372:Christian 11255:Nonbelief 11240:Free will 11056:Mormonism 10880:Afterlife 10716:Theosophy 10473:Adho Loka 10425:Vaikuntha 10385:Sukhavati 10380:Pure land 10326:Pretaloka 10299:religions 10177:Fólkvangr 10068:Mandaeism 10035:Mormonism 9962:Purgatory 9868:religions 9866:Abrahamic 9859:locations 9857:Afterlife 9806:from the 9627:(1988) . 9450:2352-1546 9198:878755693 8550:25695134M 8503:154032549 8277:"Cathars" 7598:26:96-102 7433:0929-2403 7049:171733241 7033:1948-7487 6664:John 5:24 6650:8 January 6640:255287161 6632:2715-9701 6279:147690674 5918:2589-7993 5666:2413-3086 5644:Phronimon 5540:Citations 5410:Spiritism 5379:Purgatory 5265:cognitive 5214:substance 5200:model of 5182:John Hick 5153:, termed 4775:does not 4641:afterlife 4496:Confucius 4190:does not 4138:Pure Land 4123:Theravada 4084:pure land 3925:Ahmadiyya 3912:Ahmadiyya 3898:purgatory 3541:Methodism 3529:Anglicans 3519:purgatory 3513:Purgatory 3507:Purgatory 3495:In other 3444:Purgatory 3371:The noun 3249:Sadducees 3211:July 2017 2965:Olam Haba 2947:damnation 2939:Olam Haba 2869:, in the 2817:Fólkvangr 2768:July 2017 2671:, of the 2619:and King 2447:Vignettes 2413:, by the 2338:purgatory 2313:folkloric 2250:or other 2222:place, a 2213:incarnate 2209:enthroned 2108:June 2023 2096:talk page 2032:Roman era 1953:theosophy 1949:Spiritism 1919:, namely 1799:spiritual 1776:afterlife 1630:Loyal Rue 1360:Karl Marx 1179:Gaudapada 1104:Shamanism 1069:Pantheism 1054:Nontheism 1037:religious 1017:Mysticism 990:religious 985:Christian 953:Christian 832:Mandaeism 827:Mormonism 802:Abrahamic 760:Nonbelief 725:Free will 674:Trademark 447:Existence 403:Maltheist 203:Mysticism 163:Afterlife 155:Religious 18:Hereafter 14657:Kabbalah 14604:Prophets 14479:Glossary 14445:By faith 14408:Hinduism 14290:Demiurge 14280:in Islam 14240:Hinduism 14230:Buddhism 14222:Feminist 14178:Buddhist 13986:Absolute 13979:Concepts 13955:Hinduism 13950:Buddhism 13916:By faith 13880:and gods 13872:Divinity 13858:Concepts 13819:Pandeism 13720:Theology 13668:Category 13638:Thanabot 13589:Necronym 13559:Homicide 13110:Obituary 13098:Mourning 13088:Internet 13031:Cemetery 12906:Disposal 12859:Cryonics 12528:Abortion 12495:Pyknosis 12361:Necrosis 12296:Category 12241:Religion 12231:Exegesis 11716:Boethius 11711:Averroes 11706:Avicenna 11688:medieval 11658:Theodicy 11505:Pandeism 11421:Humanism 11389:Thealogy 11332:Dharmism 11302:Acosmism 11294:Theology 11162:Morality 11157:Miracles 11036:Hinduism 11026:Buddhism 10985:Pandeism 10960:Demiurge 10928:Theodicy 10729:Devachan 10649:Tlālōcān 10590:Tengrism 10549:Japanese 10410:Ādi Śeṣa 10397:Hinduism 10308:Buddhism 10250:Tartarus 10245:Empyrean 10182:Valhalla 10164:Germanic 10129:Mag Mell 10095:European 10010:Jahannam 10000:As-Sirāt 9957:Paradise 9890:Gehinnom 9885:Gan Eden 9409:14645808 9371:Archived 9347:Archived 9321:Archived 9300:Archived 9250:Archived 9232:Archived 9111:Archived 9097:ABC-CLIO 9023:(2003). 9005:6 August 8999:Archived 8995:BBC News 8969:Archived 8848:Archived 8777:Archived 8705:. p. 147 8316:Archived 8285:Archived 8225:Archived 8165:Archived 8127:Archived 8090:Archived 8050:Archived 8020:Archived 7994:Archived 7927:Archived 7895:Archived 7789:Archived 7652:27793798 7540:Archived 7481:22 April 7475:Archived 7445:Archived 7312:Archived 7271:4 August 7265:Archived 7241:4 August 7235:Archived 7211:4 August 7205:Archived 7147:Archived 7117:Archived 7079:Archived 7053:Archived 6974:Archived 6908:Archived 6874:Archived 6863:Archived 6834:Archived 6808:Archived 6778:Archived 6753:Archived 6735:Archived 6707:Archived 6671:Archived 6644:Archived 6558:Archived 6498:Archived 6416:Archived 6350:Archived 6324:Archived 6221:Archived 6191:Archived 6080:Archived 5867:Archived 5843:Archived 5832:Archived 5786:Archived 5775:(1985) 5592:45729833 5512:as-Sāʿah 5364:Paradise 5271:See also 5110:hypnosis 4974:and, in 4961:21 Grams 4929:haunting 4840:Vizaresa 4633:movement 4609:Hachiman 4528:Demiurge 4352:Sanskrit 4165:Hinduism 4134:Mahayana 4014:Buddhism 3949:defined 3945:scholar 3905:Jahannam 3886:Jahannam 3878:Jahannam 3866:Jahannam 3814:Jahannam 3801:Muhammad 3767:As-Sirāt 3474:virtuous 3411:eternity 3275:Paradise 2803:Valhalla 2652:Cerberus 2648:Heracles 2629:Tartarus 2517:embalmed 2425:-headed 2417:-headed 2271:Hinduism 2240:goodness 2236:divinity 2224:paradise 2173:Valhalla 2089:disputed 2059:judgment 2000:Alawites 1992:Kabbalah 1957:Eckankar 1925:Hinduism 1921:Buddhism 1883:Buddhism 1879:Hinduism 1834:paradise 1788:identity 1727:Theology 1697:Exegesis 1174:Boethius 1169:Averroes 1164:Avicenna 1145:medieval 1059:Pandeism 980:Humanism 960:Feminist 913:Dharmism 883:Acosmism 844:Hinduism 839:Buddhism 715:Evil God 665:Junkyard 576:Seddiqin 556:Morality 551:Miracles 475:Trilemma 418:Personal 413:Pandeist 383:Demiurge 319:Irenaean 309:Theodicy 157:concepts 138:a series 136:Part of 14647:Aggadah 14595:Oneness 14587:Islamic 14469:Outline 14464:History 14423:Judaism 14418:Jainism 14374:Process 14349:Olelbis 14250:Judaism 14193:Islamic 14108:Trinity 13991:Brahman 13965:Sikhism 13960:Jainism 13933:Judaism 13885:Goddess 13678:Outline 13626:Suicide 13266:Inquest 13233:Coroner 13125:Saṃsāra 13093:Midwife 13078:Funeral 13053:Customs 13026:Carrion 12725:Karoshi 12538:Autopsy 12418:Anoikis 12267:more... 12000:postwar 11683:Ancient 11571:more... 11490:New Age 11431:Secular 11401:Fideism 11352:Dualism 11322:Atheism 11312:Animism 11218:Against 11061:Sikhism 11051:Judaism 11046:Jainism 10955:Brahman 10908:Miracle 10734:Nirvana 10654:Xibalba 10634:Mictlān 10521:Chinese 10485:Sikhism 10450:Jainism 10430:Kailash 10375:Nirvana 10220:Elysium 10154:Tuonela 10020:Malakut 10005:Barzakh 9877:Judaism 9750:(ed.). 8975:8 March 8854:8 March 8718:p. 582, 8687:8 March 7688:page 92 7667:: p.405 7385:Ghilmān 7364:: p. 46 7123:15 July 7085:15 July 6869:and in 6840:8 March 6784:8 March 6677:8 March 6586:8 March 6504:8 March 6477:8 March 6455:YouTube 6422:8 March 6356:8 March 6330:8 March 6197:10 July 6136:Timaeus 5873:9 March 5384:Rebirth 5354:Nirvana 5344:Mictlan 5224:Science 5196:In the 4880:is the 4866:Sraosha 4796:removed 4781:sources 4635:in the 4629:spirits 4593:Susanoo 4585:Elysium 4536:Cathars 4520:Gnostic 4475:and in 4459:Sikhism 4395:Sikhism 4388:Jainism 4383:Jainism 4329:Puranas 4211:removed 4196:sources 4154:Buddhas 4099:rebirth 3951:Barzakh 3859:blessed 3842:ghilmān 3778:al-qabr 3531:of the 3464:of the 3296:Inferno 3195:scholar 3023:Yiddish 3002:Onkelos 2980:Gehenna 2913:" (the 2879:rephaim 2851:Judaism 2827:Niflhel 2715:Timaeus 2625:Elysium 2521:mastaba 2439:Hunefer 2433:of the 2403:Hunefer 2399:Hunefer 2395:Papyrus 2317:torment 2298:Nirvana 2281:rebirth 2258:or the 2252:virtues 2220:holiest 2030:of the 2016:Orphism 1996:Cathars 1961:Siberia 1933:Sikhism 1929:Jainism 1905:Saṃsāra 1846:beliefs 1842:actions 1141:Ancient 1084:Process 1044:New Age 995:secular 948:atheist 928:Dualism 903:Atheism 893:Animism 854:Sikhism 849:Jainism 822:Judaism 623:Spinoza 378:Brahman 198:Miracle 14685:Wiccan 14634:Jewish 14614:Angels 14544:Public 14514:Ethics 14203:Taoist 14198:Jewish 14158:Heaven 14015:God as 13745:Theism 13579:Martyr 13315:Fields 13276:Murder 13192:Séance 13162:Ghosts 13046:Tukdam 12914:Burial 12796:Stages 12480:Eschar 12286:Portal 11560:Theism 11453:Monism 11187:Reason 11137:Desire 11132:Degree 11100:Beauty 11014:God in 10970:Egoism 10923:Spirit 10789:Heaven 10774:Avalon 10617:Others 10503:Taoism 10435:Goloka 10420:Naraka 10415:Svarga 10346:Heaven 10265:Slavic 10225:Erebus 10172:Asgard 10146:Finnic 10106:Celtic 10015:Jannah 9913:Heaven 9726:  9716:  9673:  9645:  9610:  9589:  9567:  9517:4 June 9508:  9483:  9448:  9407:  9196:  9186:  9142:  9103:  9072:  9037:  8951:  8928:  8904:  8877:  8826:  8801:  8757:  8658:  8628:  8599:  8571:  8548:  8538:  8501:  8462:world. 8453:  8425:  8400:  8375:  8345:  8258:  7965:  7887:  7860:  7781:  7756:  7746:  7725:  7684:  7650:  7571:  7515:  7505:  7439:  7431:  7421:  7403:Boston 7399:Leiden 7387:, and 7381:Wildān 7362:, 2014 7341:  7047:  7039:  7031:  6638:  6630:  6394:  6302:  6277:  6167:11 May 5987:  5938:  5916:  5898:Boston 5894:Leiden 5796:  5757:  5689:  5664:  5621:  5590:  5580:  5426:Undead 5324:Heaven 4939:, and 4882:yazata 4878:Rashnu 4874:Ormazd 4870:Vahman 4699:Yoruba 4656:Taoism 4651:Taoism 4597:kegare 4555:Shinto 4548:angels 4532:gnosis 4486:Others 4365:moksha 4356:मुक्ति 4304:Naraka 4296:Svarga 4292:Varuna 4159:Dharma 3976:. The 3937:Sufism 3931:Sufism 3882:Jannah 3874:Jannah 3849:, and 3847:wildān 3809:Jannah 3797:hadith 3711:or at 3645:, and 3609:. The 3603:Origen 3402:angels 3320:demons 3257:angels 3240:, and 3197:  3190:  3183:  3176:  3168:  3060:, the 3014:gilgul 2935:Talmud 2888:Samuel 2821:Freyja 2811:Asgard 2792:Poetic 2690:Aeneas 2685:Aeneid 2680:Virgil 2665:Cicero 2613:Aeacus 2609:Charon 2599:Hermes 2559:Queen 2540:, the 2479:Osiris 2431:scribe 2421:. The 2419:Anubis 2415:jackal 2292:Moksha 2201:saints 2193:angels 2169:Jannah 2153:Heaven 2148:, 1825 2132:Heaven 2026:, and 2002:, the 1994:, the 1955:, and 1931:, and 1861:Theist 1803:reborn 1114:Theism 1007:Monism 807:Baháʼí 640:Reason 608:Anselm 521:Desire 516:Degree 465:Beauty 237:Spirit 140:on the 129:(1577) 40:, 36:, 14672:Pagan 14564:Hindu 14413:Islam 14245:Islam 14188:Hindu 14151:Fitra 14001:Logos 13943:Islam 13892:Numen 13867:Deity 13762:Deism 13753:Forms 13645:] 13619:human 13385:Other 13329:] 13201:Legal 13142:Vigil 13083:Grief 12631:Lists 12338:Death 11555:Taoic 11337:Deism 11120:Kalam 11071:Wicca 11041:Islam 10890:Faith 10698:Wicca 10603:Tamağ 10598:Uçmag 10539:Youdu 10341:Asura 10283:Vyraj 10230:Orcus 10215:Hades 10207:Greek 10192:Gimlé 10119:Annwn 9987:Islam 9977:Hades 9940:Limbo 9895:Sheol 9746:. 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