
Ludwig Frank

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2312:", which amounted to a form of reserve militia and national parliamentarian, he had little reason to expect to be sent to the frontline immediately. Ludwig Frank, who just weeks before had campaigned for peace and mutual understanding between nations, now threw himself into the national pro-war frenzy of the moment. In his letters he wrote that he was looking forward to the war. But he was very conscious of strategic political opportunities. He believed firmly in German victory and in the scope for constitutional transformation that this would deliver. War was the lever which could finally provide deliverance from the political stagnation at Germany's heart. "Internationalism has for a long time been held back by the reality of a nationally focused labour movement. Instead of a general strike we are now conducting a war for 1447:. But the delegates at the Magdeburg conference were not to be persuaded. The resolution presented by the executive committee was passed with a large majority. There were those among the left-wing delegates who even saw Frank's appearance at the conference as a provocation in itself. He refused to rule out the possibility that SPD parliamentarians might again vote in support of a draft budget from the regional government at a future date. The left-wingers responded by introducing a resolution that would threaten party expulsions if SPD parliamentarians should again back a budget vote in the Ständeversammlung with their votes. This resolution also passed with a large majority. The possibility of a high-profile party scandal loomed as delegated from 298:" in Nonnenweier, an elementary school at which children from Christian and Jewish backgrounds were taught together, and which he attended for the next five years. There were no fixed ratios, but during Frank's time three of the course teachers at the school were identified as Christian and one as Jewish. In terms of religious affiliation Nonnenweier was a mixed community. Census data show that there were approximately 200 people identifying themselves as Jewish, and there is no indication that Frank encountered concrete race-based discrimination as he grew up, but he would have been conscious of the low-level background antisemitism that persisted across western Europe during the nineteenth century. 1922:. (Luxemburg had already reached the conclusion that there was no possibility of implementing socialist reforms in an imperialist class-bound state.) Frank's retort was that he had never represented a "Politik der Phrase", but always a "Politik der Tat" - in effect, he was content to be judged by his actions and not simply by empty rhetoric. Frank's proposal to force the dismantling of the Prussian three-class franchise using mass strikes certainly generated much intense debate within the party: those who assumed that he presented the idea on behalf of the parliamentary party, or even that it reflected the mood of a majority within the wider labour movement during the years before the 1839:
from a simple apportionment based on overall vote share. The impact of this democratic under-representation was repeatedly highlighted by decisions taken in state-level parliaments and municipal councils by decisions that contradicted SPD principles and policies and which, in the eyes of SPD leaders and other progressive elements in the liberal class, disadvantaged working class voters. This was reflected in an intensification of pressure to campaign effectively for a more democratic voting system on those reformist parliamentary representatives who had managed to jump through the necessary hoops to win a parliamentary voice. Nevertheless, during 1913 (and indeed till
2173:. The importance of arbitration as a device for resolving international differences was again stressed. The conference also proposed that two inter-parliamentary assemblies should be organised simultaneously, one to take place in Germany and the other in France. German and French parliamentarians should meet together on both the left and the right banks of the Rhine in order to demonstrate and emphasize their willingness to reach understandings together. In the summer of 1914, during the aftermath of the Bael conference Ludwig Frank on a number of occasions again expressed his own extreme confidence as to the outlook for Franco-German relations. A few weeks later 313:. While still a schoolboy, he joined the Lahr "Lessing Society" which a (Jewish) primary school teacher had established. A fellow member was Paul Engert, a lithographer and a committed Social Democrat who did his best to move the society in a socialist direction. Frank was strongly influenced by Engert and by one or two other politically like-minded society members. He was also influenced towards socialist ideas by Emil Hauth, the teacher and lodging house keeper from whom he was renting his room. The Social Democratic party was at this stage still outside Germany's political mainstream and was indeed till 1890, outlawed under 2486: 205: 1031:, but it was used in local government elections As part of the broader reconfiguration of local government, the SPD group in the Ständeversammlung pushed for the abolition of what many saw as an anti-democratic anachronism, but without success. Nevertheless, the three classes into which the electorate was divided for local elections were re-sized, so that the weighting allocated to the votes of the lowest class (defined according to the level of tax paid) was increased significantly. In many instances this translated into increased representation for 1806:) had long been disparaged by progressive commentators. It divided voters into three classes ranked in order by the amount of tax each voter paid, with total tax payments and the number of electors chosen the same in each class. The class containing those who paid the highest taxes had the fewest voters, and the class containing those who paid the least in taxes the most. This meant that a rich voter carried far more voting weight in elections than a poor voter. It was the poor voters who were most likely to vote for the 2582:". . . Der Parteitag erblickt deshalb in der Bewilligung des Budgets durch die Mehrheit der sozialdemokratischen Abgeordneten des badischen Landtages eine bewußt herbeigeführte grobe Mißachtung der wiederholt als Richtschnur für ihre parlamentarische Tätigkeit gefaßten Parteitagsbeschlüße und eine schwere Verfehlung gegen die Einheit der Partei . .. Der Parteitag spricht infolgedessen den sozialdemokratischen Abgeordneten, die im badischen Landtage das Budget bewilligt haben, die allerschärfste Mißbilligung aus . . .." 2027:- to signal their shared opposition to the surging tide of Franco-German re-armament. Politicians from other political parties should also be invited. Frank hoped that the conference he had in mind would become more than a way to highlight growing threat from war: it could also be the prelude to a sustained improvement in Franco-German relations. Frank's approach met with a positive response. Swiss socialist grabbed the idea, which Ludwig Frank had also shared with others who might be supportive, including 1959:, comrade-delegates were keen to avoid allowing opponents to depict them as a bunch of dangerous revolutionaries. Frank could only bemoan what looked, to him, like a lamentable absence of political backbone. It was not the only respect in which, at the Jena Party Conference, he found himself seriously out of line with the party mainstream. As a self-declared backer of political alliances with reformist elements in the "bourgeois parties" over issues on which objectives were aligned, as the leader of 31: 494:, accepted as a junior partner by Dr. Julius Loeb, whose law firm he already knew as a result of having been employed there during his legal apprenticeship. It was clear from the outset, however, that he was more interested in working as a journalist in support of socialism and democracy than in any challenges or opportunities that his work as a newly qualified lawyer might offer. According to one commentator his decision to make his base in Mannheim, the largest industrial city in 2395:, who had experienced a brief but intensive friendship with Ludwig Frank during (and possibly after) 1912, edited and published "Dem Andenken Ludwig Franks gefallen in Lothringen am 3. September 1914", a compilation of Frank's speeches, essays and letters. She included a lengthy introduction of her own, setting out what she saw as Frank's essential political philosophy and objectives. She is unreservedly supportive of her dead former friend. 2628:"Ich stehe an der Front wie jeder andere, ich werde von allen (Mannschaften wie Offizieren) mit größter Rücksicht (protzig ausgedrückt: Ehrerbietung!) behandelt. Aber ich weiß nicht, ob auch die französischen Kugeln meine parlamentarische Immunität achten. Ich habe den sehnlichen Wunsch, den Krieg zu überleben und dann am Innenausbau des Reiches mitzuschaffen. Aber jetzt ist für mich der einzig mögliche Platz in der Linie in Reih und Glied. 1005:
impoverished parents. The obligation to undertake years of compulsory schooling was also extended to girls. All school large enough to employ more than ten teachers were now required to appoint a school doctor. A strengthening of citizens' participation in local school activities was achieved through the requirement to set up a schools commission of between four and twenty persons in all municipal and rural local authority areas.
1308:, the party leader, delivered the key-note speech in which he demanded that the conference should vote on a resolution expressly denouncing the attitude of the south German comrades from Bavaria, Württemberg and Baden. Bebel made clear his judgement that by voting in support of regional government budgets the SPD parliamentarians in the south had shaken the credibility of the party's principles in the eyes of the working masses. 2452:. The statue quickly became the focus for political gatherings. Reichsbanner supporters found themselves having to organise protection for it because of concerns about the possibility of desecration by nationalist-populists. In May 1925 the monument was desecrated with a large quantity of red printers' ink and a few days later, after that had been removed, a large black swastika was drawn across it. However, in January 1933 the 244:. Ludwig Frank volunteered for military service on 5 August 1914 and was enrolled into the Imperial Army on 13 August 1914 as a member of the "Mannheim Landwehr Battalion". Despite his passionate attempts to avoid the outbreak of war, now that it was under way he became convinced that "the foundations for unforeseeable progress will be laid in this war", as he explained in a letter to his friend and political ally 1345:, joined the debate, repeating what was effectively the same point. But the northern delegates were in the majority and a resolution was passed by and overwhelming 258 votes to 119 supporting the proposal from the party executive committee condemning the action of parliamentarians in the German south who had voted in support of their regional budgets. The matter was not settled however. 66 delegates representing 6028: 697:. Together they now established an equivalent potentially national organisation, the "Verband junger Arbeiter Deutschland", with headquarters in Mannheim. Frank at once suggested the need for the organisation to produce its own magazine which should, he said, be called "Die junge Garde": he took responsibility for the publication's editorial direction. The first edition appeared in April 1906. 1001:. The NP was a broadly based party and Rebmann was a left-wing representative of it. During the parliamentary session between 1909 and 1913 he worked closely with Ludwig Frank. There were three themes that dominated the agenda for the SPD group in the second chamber of the Ständeversammlung: schools policy. income tax reform and the reform of the voting system used for local elections. 1610:, for the whole of Germany to move away from its federal structure, towards a centralised model closer to the system that seemed to have served France and Britain well for centuries, and with an arms-race across Europe gathering pace during the first decade of the twentieth century, tighter control was becoming a strategic priority. In 1911 the government's submission to the 1578:, especially with regard to social insurance. Here he called for a reduction in the age threshold for receiving state pensions, and he also called for the introduction of a national system of unemployment insurance. Turing to the taxation system, he urged reductions in indirect taxation (on expenditure) and compensating increases in direct taxation (on income). 1498:
Mannheim-Weinheim electoral district. During his seven years as a member of parliament Ludwig Frank nevertheless won increasing respect and influence. Scope for exercising his ability for hands-on political control remained limited, since at the level of the national parliament there was never any question, before 1918, of the
1050:, had outlined a programme of positive collaboration with the SPD agenda on 13 July 1910 that Ludwig Frank felt able to recommend his parliamentary colleagues to relent. On 14 July 1910 the budget was passed with SPD support, which was provided in contravention of a resolution passed (nationally) at a recent party conference. 584:. In that year's elections the SPD won only 43 of the 397 seats in the parliament despite receiving nearly 29% of votes counted and recorded. This was due to the uneven size of the electoral districts, which disadvantaged voters from densely populated industrial regions. Frank represented Electoral district "Baden: 11", the 351:. His thesis seems to have taken his listeners by surprise. He drew direct links from Lessing's writings to contemporary Social Democratic demands. It was not enough to join with Lessing in the search for truth: it was necessary to follow through with practical consequences. Those feeling a sense of obligation to 1365:, to state that the delegates from the southern German states were prepared to recognise the position adopted by the party conference. Issues affecting budget decisions in the individual states would nevertheless be determined at the discretion of the SPD parliamentary groups and their regional parties. 2137:. The extent of his confidence implies a curiously one-sided judgement of the event, however. He ignored the absence of parliamentarians from most of the German mainstream political parties: there was no reason to believe that the Franco-German arms race was about to be reversed by parliamentary means. 1460:
present a united front at the Magdeburg congress before it had opened. There was no lasting party split, but the events at the Magdeburg party conference, but fundamental differences over the possibilities and obligations affecting social democratic parliamentary work had been very publicly ventilated.
parliamentary question: "Wann wird die Bundesregierung initiativ werden, um die sieben Hindenburg-Kasernen, die Walter-Flex-Kaserne und die Langemarck-Kaserne umzubenennen, nachdem sie mit der Kasernenbenennung nach Wilhelm Frankl und Ludwig Frank eine neue Praxis der Namensgebung von Kasernenanlagen
The Social Democratic newspaper in Mannheim reported a storm of ovations that crowds of supporters gave Frank to mark his actual departure for the frontline on 31 August 1914. Three days later, on 3 September 1914, the forty year old was killed during a skirmish with the French military while serving
declared war on Serbia on 28 July 1914. (The Serbian army had already been mobilised in anticipation of war.) Russia ordered a partial mobilisation on 25 July and a general mobilisation in support of its Serbian ally on 30 July 1914. The German declaration of war in support of Germany's Austrian ally
and in the regional parliaments. The starting point was that SPD parliamentarians should not make it their business to vote in favour of budget proposals. An exception could be made only if the supporting a budget with SPD votes would avoid the threat of an alternative budget which would disadvantage
When it came to schools reform, Frank's demands included equal education opportunities for all citizens. He was unable to push through universal access to all the means of education, but was able to ensure that the obligation was placed on local authorities to provide school books for the children of
win more seats, with 26 (1905: 28). As the second-largest party in the chamber, the SPD increased its political influence, although the fragmented character of the overall result meant that cross-party support remained essential for any pieces of substantive legislation. The reason for the success of
on 4 August 1914 because, according to sources, they were persuaded that a defensive war against, primarily, Russian imperialism, had been justified. Ludwig Frank took a lead in persuading parliamentary colleagues to view matters in these terms. On 2 August 1914, faced with the strong possibility of
took a lead in calling for the preservation of peace. In Mannheim Frank addressed a peace rally at the end of June 1914. He still felt able to express the hope that despite the obvious dangers, there would be no major war. Tellingly, however, he added that of such a war could not be stopped, then he
With the effects of the Prussian three-class system subjected to increased scrutiny after 1912, Social Democrats noted that a succession of state-level and municipal elections the SPD was repeatedly disadvantaged by application of the voting system, receiving far fewer seats than would have resulted
The government had succeeded in winning the parliamentary vote on the Army Bill without any mention or discussion of how the army expansion in question might be financed. With the critical vote secured, however, the funding issue could no longer be sidestepped, and the government produced a proposal
delivered a speech to mark the fiftieth anniversary of his death, asserting that the history of regional politics in Baden of national politics in Germany, and the history of Social Democracy, becomes unthinkable, without the contribution of Ludwig Frank. So many of the ideas that later generations
followed the familiar party line: the party and the trades unions affiliated to it should focus on organisational consolidation. It was a view to which most of the delegates present were happy to be persuaded: the motion supporting Frank's advocacy of a mass strike was rejected by 333 votes to 142.
had been 84.5%. The size of the difference could not be imputed solely to the higher level of interest generated by national elections than by state-level elections. Many of those entitled to vote in the 1913 Prussian state election were reported to have stayed away because voting was public: there
announced a reform. However, the practical impact of the reform proposed would have been very modest. On the streets of Germany's booming cities the reform proposals triggered a series of demonstrations by protestors demanding the abolition of the three-class voting system. Ludwig Frank, addressing
in the Reichstag, that an inter-governmental understanding with France and Britain should be set up, in view of the 1911 crisis, and in order to ensure that any future such international crisis would not spill over into something even more serious. A series of Social Democratic peace demonstrations
the Education Ministry refused to provide the miscreant with his graduation certificate, relenting only after a large part of the press came out in support of the boy, and following a number of public protests. With the benefit of hindsight it becomes possible to see the speech he delivered when he
had, over many years, been calling for a switch away from indirect taxes (on spending) in favour of increased direct taxes (on income and wealth). It was believed, on the political left, that such a switch would make the German taxation system more socially fair. The position taken by the party in
had not seen the state as a "class state" but as an extant authority which might be open to improvements favouring workers in the here and now. A corresponding reform policy , should not be held back by a doctrinaire blanket ban on local SPD parliamentarians voting in support of regional budgets.
in the Reichstag budget debates. In his contributions Frank kept away from empty phrases conjuring up images of some future revolution, but he did spell out some necessary reforms. His wide-ranging speech on 15 February 1912 returned to the need for reform of the existing constituency boundaries
exercised over government. He criticised examples of "class-based" justice in Germany and was also, in particular, witheringly critical of government attempts to force journalists to disclose their sources. He also used his interventions in the chamber to draw attention to the damage done to the
successfully inserted several of its long-standing policy objectives into legislation. The pay of government employees was substantially increased. For Frank this was an obvious and necessary precursor to a more broadly based pay increase for public sector workers. On this basis he justified the
came from the possibility of a parliamentary coalition between centrists and conservatives. To try and avert this possibility Social Democrats, Liberals and National Liberals came to an agreement concerning the second "run-off" round of voting in the 1905 election. The outcome was that Baden did
309:, an hour's walk to the east, across the fields. His elder brother had already been a pupil at the school for several years. Ludwig Frank was not a particularly compliant pupil, but he nevertheless excelled at his school work. In order to avoid the daily trek from Nonnenweier he rented a room at 1404:
centre-left governing coalition, and they had accordingly helped to shape the budget. Under those circumstances it was critically important to take ownership of the budget by voting for it. Party members from the left-wing reacted by launching personal attacks against their comrades from Baden.
as a ""one year volunteer" between April 1894 and April 1895. He was able to do this while remaining in Freiburg, which according to some sources permitted him to pursue his academic studies in parallel with his military training. At Freiburg he was a co-founder of the Student Social-Scientific
in 1913 by comrades from the party's left-wing, because the idea had been presented by the government only as a device to fund military expansion. Frank nevertheless successfully defended the position taken by the parliamentary party in support of the property tax, and won a vote of conference
would depend on how future political constellations would play out there. He also thought it entirely that delegates from the north who most shrilly protested the approach of parliamentarian comrades in the southern states might, in a few years' time, find themselves voting to support regional
discussed boycotting the rest of the party conference. It took a major effort by Ludwig Frank himself to dissuade them from this course of action. That he succeeded is a reflection of his powerful position among the delegates from the southern German states, who had sworn between themselves to
In reacting to the resolution proposal, Frank deployed the arguments he had used two years earlier in replying to Kautsky. The Baden comrades had acted consistently. In passing, he added that it was not correct to read a Ständeversammlung vote in favour of the budget as any particular vote of
in Berlin, where National Liberals and Social Democrats faced each other as opponents. Differences were exacerbated nationally by the government Defence Bill which passed its third reading in the Reichstag at the end of June 1913. The "bourgeois parties" backed the conservatives in respect of
854:, formed the basis for a successful strategy in Baden in 1905. Due to differences in the electoral arithmetic this political constellation tailored for the situation in Baden differed significantly from those appropriate elsewhere. For Frank and his party colleagues, the biggest threat in the 235:
in order to progress the project by devising international criminal justice mechanisms that could contribute to the peaceful settlement of disputes between governments. The Bern conference was held in May 1913, but the outbreak of war in July 1914 demonstrated the near-term limitations of the
517:. This might be construed as professional progress. However, according to at least one source it came about only after Dr.Loeb, managing partner at the firm with which he had been working, proved reluctant to renew his contract, on account of concerns for his very active involvement with the 1826:. Rapid industrialisation during the second half of the nineteenth century brought massive increases in population and of sheer wealth, along with major population shifts, all of which intensified popular pressure for reform of Prussia's quasi-feudal voting arrangements. On 11 January 1910 1434:
who instigated the resolution presented to the conference by the party executive. The actions of the Baden parliamentarians were condemned as "a major deliberate disregarding" of previous conference resolutions, an act which imperilled the very unity of the party. Presumably it was in full
At the 1908 party conference held that year in Nuremberg, it became brutally apparent that party politics were far more polarised in the north of Germany - in Prussia and in Saxony - than in the predominantly catholic southern states. The conference dealt intensively with the question of
Das politische Klima im wilhelminischen Staat heizt sich nach 1890 zusehends auf. Dies schlägt sich zum einen in einer Politisierung nahezu aller Gesellschaftskreise nieder, zum anderen in der vermehrten Radikalisierung ihrer Agitation. In der Folge sieht sich die Reichsleitung in ihrem
2324:"... I do not know if the French artillery will also respect my parliamentary immunity. I have a burning wish to survive the war and then join in with the rebuilding from within of the German state. But for now the only possible place for me is in the front line with the rank and file". 1497:
the SPD gained 29%% of the votes cast but, due principally to the uneven size of the electoral districts, only 43 seats in the chamber. Those 43 seats represented approximately 11% of the total number of seats which was 397. One of the 43 seats was won by Ludwig Frank, representing the
would insist on strict rejection by SPD parliamentarians of government budget proposals, because the anti-democratic voting systems in northern Germany prevented Social Democrats from being fairly represented in the northern regional parliaments. Frank, in his speech, also referenced
and to "Liederkranz", a Jewish choral society. Through his involvement these and other local organisations and activities Ludwig Franz became a well-known member of the community, respected by many whose party loyalties did not necessarily lead them to vote for Social Democrats.
involving Britain and France - war was still winnable, whereas if Russia were to be given another few years to modernize and expand its military capabilities further, Russian expansion across the western half of Europe would become unstoppable. The assessment was one that
since the river was channelled. His father, Samuel Frank (1841–1915), was a businessman. His mother, born Fanny Frank (1837–1926), and both his grandmothers were all the daughters of rabbis. Religion played no significant part in his own childhood and upbringing, however.
336:. Sources are largely silent over how much his parents knew about the parallel curriculum that he pursued after school hours: it is a matter for speculation how they will have reacted when they discovered that their second son was growing into a "socialist intellectual". 1681:
Ludwig Frank - regarded by many as the most gifted of the country's SPD politicians in this period - was able to organise backing among his sometimes fractious colleagues for the 1911 constitution and electoral law, formally at a party plenary session on 26 May 1911.
2410:, who had been a friend, referenced Ludwig Frank in his memoires. and in several other works that he produced during his later years. With the death in 1914 of Ludwig Frank, Heuss wrote that Germany had lost one of its strongest and most necessary future leaders. 1581:
In an early contribution on the 1913 budget, Frank addressed the Reichstag on 4 December 1912. He emphasized the cultural and organisational accomplishments of the workers and called for improvements in legislative and financial protection and support for them.
843:, the idea of such a political strategy would have met with strong resistance at this stage, because the political mainstream and social conditions more generally in these parts of the evolving German federation were very much less liberal, at least until 1918. 3232:
Sylvia Neuschl-Marzahn: Ludwig Frank (1874–1914). In: Reinhold Weber, Ines Mayer (Hrsg.): Politische Köpfe aus Südwestdeutschland. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-17-018700-7 (Schriften zur politischen Landeskunde Baden-Württembergs. vol. 33), pp.
2481:. In 1950 the generic figure of a youth "as a memorial for Ludwig Frank and the dead of the First World War" was placed where the 1924 Ludwig Frank memorial had stood. It successfully recalled many of Frank's achievements and something of his spirit. 1502:
becoming involved in any government coalition. One area in respect of which he was, exceptionally, able to engage at a detailed level was the pressing matter of constitutional reform, which had featured as part of the political agenda ever since the
Mit dem Sozialistengesetz von 1878 wurden alle sozialdemokratischen Organisationen verboten. Die Arbeiterbewegung konnte dadurch aber nicht zerschlagen werden. Im Gegenteil: In der Illegalität setzte sie ihren Kampf fort und gewann an Kraft und
2542:. The building still stands, but it has been transformed, becoming the "Ludwig Frank Student Hall of Residence". Monthly rents range from €240,00 for one of the 502 single rooms in a shared apartment to €435,00 for the parent-child apartment. 1417:
more as a latter day religion than as a means of improving the lives of workers. Some sources hint, in addition, at an element of antisemitism in the attacks on Frank to which the increasingly bitter dispute between party comrades gave rise.
During subsequent decades Frank was commemorated through a succession of little memorialisation pieces, frequently published on an anniversary of his birth or of his death, sometimes accompanied by one of his own speeches. In September 1964
of the three-class voting system). On this theme Frank was in particularly close harmony with party comrades inside and beyond the Reichstag. The SPD had been calling for reforms to make the Prussian voting system more equal for many years.
and Frank both took part in the funeral celebrations and were sharply criticised by elements in the Social Democratic press for doing so. There had been a current of persistent republican sentiment on the political left across Germany since
689:. He followed through later in 1904 with the establishment of the "Verband junger Arbeiter Mannheims" which he ran himself During 1905 the example was followed with a number of other young workers' organisations set up in different parts of 1518:
in 1907 Frank was appointed as the SPD spokesman on Justice Policy. On several occasions he participated in parliamentary debates in order to call for judicial reforms. He liked to point out that the increasing among of work undertaken by
1324:, the socialist pioneer who had alarmed Prussian censors some decades earlier with his repeated assertions that moral primacy in society belonged in the first instance to the working class rather than the bourgeoisie. The founder of the 3165:
Karl Otto Watzinger: Ludwig Frank. Ein deutscher Politiker jüdischer Herkunft. Mit einer Edition Ludwig Frank im Spiegel neuer Quellen. Bearb. von Michael Caroli, Jörg Schadt und Beate Zerfaß. Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1995, ISBN
2235:, a cautious conservative instinctively loyal to the emperor who had appointed him, probably accepted, despite evidence of his personal reservations, at least with regard to anticipated future timelines. By portraying the 1988:, the domestic political agenda was driven by complementary foreign policy imperatives. A largely unspoken assumption was in place that another war was approaching. In Germany the government was preoccupied with expanding 807:, it became important for Frank and for the Social Democrats in the parliament that they should learn to work together effectively with the so-called "bourgeois parties". Commentators characterise the collaboration in the 2417:
produced a major study of Ludwig Frank. It set out the state of knowledge about Frank as a politician at the time, through a careful study both of the material already published, and of a number of previously unpublished
787:, and Frank took on the position of Kolb's parliamentary deputy in the lower house of the bicameral legislature. Frank turned out to be a skilful political strategist, and he played a key role in shaping developments in 1859:
was no secret ballot. Others made clear their conviction that the distortions created by the three-class voting system simply made voting a pointless exercise. On 12 June 1913 Ludwig Frank addressed a public meeting at
Gilbert Krebs (author of the article); Joseph Rovan (compiler of the book) (14 March 2018). "Le parti, les syndicats et la jeunesse : Les mouvements de jeunesse socialistes avant la Première Guerre mondiale".
Frank received but failed to listen to warnings that by volunteering for frontline army service he was endangering his life. He was called up on 13 August 1914. In a letter dated 23 August 1914, he wrote ruefully:
2619:"Ich reise morgen nach Berlin ab. Am Dienstag tritt der Reichstag zusammen. Ich werde unter allen Umständen durchzusetzen suchen, daß die Fraktion für die Kriegskredite stimmt. Im Notfall die Süddeutschen allein!" 5257: 1941:
Party Conference in 1913 it became clear that they were not about to change their position simply because the call for mass strikes came from Ludwig Frank, seen by many as a member of the party's reformist wing.
which still disproportionately reduced the of the votes from working class electors in the densely populated urban districts. He highlighted gaps in the framework of social welfare legislation inherited from
in south Germany. He was willing to work with liberal politicians in matters of shared concern, such as the need for improvements in state institutions and working conditions. The replacement of the infamous
6047: 5326:"Deutsches Kriegsziel im Osten u. Südosten .... "3: Der sozialdemokratische Reichstagsabgeordnete Ludwig Frank, der sich im August 1914 als Kriegsfreiwilliger gemeldet hatte, schrieb am 27. August 1914 ..."" 1950:, rejected Frank's proposal. For most of Frank's labour movement activist comrades, Prussia's voting system was, at most, a second tier issue. In turning down Ludwig Frank's general strike recommendation 750:
did not give up entirely on political organisation of young people, however. There were still local youth committees set up, and there was still a centralised co-ordination function provided quietly by a
1822:) described the three-class voting system as "the best bulwark of Prussian reaction". It enabled conservative traditionalist élites to dominate politics in Prussia, which was by far the largest state in 2510:
got together to form the so-called "Ludwig Frank committee". There were 37 of them, and they came from a complete cross-section of all the ranks, topped off with a three-star general. They submitted to
were at war. The arms race could not be stopped and the war fever on the streets of both countries could not be stilled. In France there was still a hunger for revenge following the loss in May 1871 of
Albert Grzesinski: Im Kampf um die deutsche Republik. Erinnerungen eines deutschen Sozialdemokraten. Compilerd and edited by Eberhard Kolb. Oldenbourg Verlag, München 2001, ISBN 3-486-56591-5, p. 303.
Irene Feldmann; Hansjoachim Henning; Uwe Sieg (2004). "Quellensammlung zur Geschichte der deutschen Sozialpolitik 1867 bis 1914: Das Jahr 1910". Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz.
3607: 3547: 2691: 2308:
Without resigning his Reichstag seat, Frank volunteered for military service. In this way he sought to back up his parliamentary vote with a public act of personal commitment. As a member of the "
At the start of August 1914 Frank gathered together group of SPD Reichstag members who thought as he did. They were prepared to vote in support of funding for the war even if the majority of the
with an Army Bill. The bill included a proposal to increase the number of full army officers by 3,900, the number of junior officers by 15,000 and the number of "simple soldiers" by 117,000. The
1155: 1142:, so that despite the underlying differences between them a number of hastily agreed run-off agreements for the second ballot came about. On this occasion, however, the momentum was against the 2239:
as the true aggressor in the event of any future war, the government were able to win the hearts of many instinctive socialist supporters who had long regarded imperial Russia as a bastion of
daily newspaper "Volksblatt". Frank asked his friend to enquire among Swiss comrades whether it would be possible to organise a conference of like-minded German and French parliamentarians in
provided powerful evidence that even members of the working class had valuable legal abilities. He also drew attention on various occasions to the highly restricted level of control that the
were renamed as the "Ludwig Frank barracks". At the renaming ceremony held on 24 May, which was one day after the centenary of Ludwig Frank's birth, an inauguration address was delivered by
2337: 961:
received 86,078 votes (1905: 50,431). The party was then able to improve its position further by renewing electoral pacts with other parties for the run-off polls. In the end there were 20
746:, but he accepted the new situation and set about disbanding the young workers' associations. "Die junge Garde", which by this time had approximately 9,000 subscribers, ceased publication. 5325: 1472:
governing coalition themselves. For Ludwig Frank the issue of voting for regional budgets in parliament was never a matter of high principle, but simply a question of political tactics.
665:, and resolved to use it as a model for comparable developments in Baden. He started out by publishing a couple of articles on the theme of Youth and Socialism. One of these appeared in 4971:
Zwischen Kriegsbegeisterung und Skepsis: Wie haben die Deutschen den Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs vor 100 Jahren erlebt? Wir zeigen deutsche Schicksale 1914. Diese Woche: Ludwig Frank
4313:. R. Oldenbourg Verlag München (Schriften des Historischen Kollegs im Auftrag der Stiftung Historisches Kolleg im Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft). pp. 37–48, 49–102. 1138:
were resolute in their opposition to the measure. When the main election took place, on 21 October 1913, there was evidence of increased voter support for the conservatives and for the
Frank himself died four years before the three-class franchise was eliminated as part of a wide-ranging series of constitutional reforms that became politically unavoidable after the
1653:. Ludwig Frank was a member of the 28 member parliamentary commission which scrutinised intensively the associated government proposals. Although the new law stopped short of turning 1081:, and all those positioned at any point on the political spectrum between the two of them. At the same time the power to achieve social progress of the Liberal-Socialist alliance in 5315:
Ludwig Frank to Gustav Mayer, in a letter dated 27 August 1914, quoted in "Ludwig Frank: Aufsätze, Reden und Briefe", selected and with an introduction by Hedwig Wachenheim, p. 358.
At the end of September 1906 the "Verband junger Arbeiter Deutschland" held their first General Meeting. 52 delegates attended, representing 37 local groups from places in southern
626:, and was accordingly well networked with the artists, poets and culturally inclined politicians in the area. Frank was a co-founder of Mannheim's "Gartenvorstadt-Genossenschaft" ( 3421: 932:
had its most important results in respect of school reforms and reforms to conditions of employment for government employees. There were two policy fields in respect of which the
on 19 February 1910, backed the street demonstrations, highlighting both the determination of the demonstrators and the resolutely peaceful character of the street campaigners.
was a particular priority, though he died before this democratic reform was enacted. Much of the reformist agenda that he backed was already considered relatively mainstream in
quarter, down by the rivers. He also maintained cordial links to Mannheim's "haute-bourgeoisie" and intellectuals, and was a frequent presence at the salon events arranged by
chamber. He hoped that the new electoral law for Elsaß-Lothringen would give a boost to demands for replacement of the stratified voting system in Prussia itself. Within the
5436:""Si j'avais dû n'évoquer qu'une des deux chambres allemandes, pour tracer un parallèle avec le Sénat, cela aurait été sans doute le Reichsrat....." [toutefois...]" 5640: 2561:. A number of schools, along with other institutions and pieces of infrastructure associated with public benefit also bear his name, including the local primary school in 603:
In Mannheim, described sometimes at that time as "The Stronghold of Social Democracy in Baden", Ludwig Frank's public and social involvement extended far beyond the local
3538:"Geck, Ernst Adolf .... sozialdemokratischer Politiker, * 9.2.1854 Offenburg, † 13.4.1942 Offenburg. (katholisch, dann altkatholisch, seit d. 80er Jahren konfessionslos)" 1850:, held on 16 May 1913, highlighted problems caused by the Prussian three-class voting system with particular force. Turnout was just 32.7%. A year earlier turnout across 5900:
Hier findest du hilfreiche Orte und Ausgehmöglichkeiten auf und in der Nähe von Ludwig-Frank-Str.: Parkplätze, Hotels, Restaurants und weitere Services wie Geldautomaten
quoted in Rolf Vogel: "Ein Stück von uns. Deutsche Juden in deutschen Armeen 1813–1976. Eine Dokumentation", Hase & Koehler, Mainz 1977, ISBN 3-7758-0920-1, p. 376.
Stefan Vogt: Nationaler Sozialismus und soziale Demokratie. Die sozialdemokratische Junge Rechte 1918–1945, J.H.W. Dietz Nachf., Bonn 2006, ISBN 3-8012-4161-0, p. 122.
nationally. He hoped, like many leading Social Democrats, that in return for this demonstration of loyalty to the fatherland for a greatly enhanced democratisation of
became part of a loose governing coalition, and thereby found itself expected to vote in favour of the government's draft budget proposals presented each June in the
4416: 4393:(in Russian). "Wikirouge" (translator). Правда/Pravda (1913) & Издательство «Прогресс»/Progress Publishers (English-language translation, 1971). pp. 256–257 1914:, who identified an incompatibility between Frank's willingness to co-operate in a government structure based on what she termed "bloc parties" in his home state of 6077: 5156: 2090:
was much larger. Of the 180 French delegates, there were 100 representing the traditional so-called "bourgeois parties". The French parliamentary group was led by
supported the reforms because middle earners suffered only modest tax increases, and those with lower incomes were also spared the worst effects of the increases.
1669:, Ludwig Frank regarded the new constitutional settlement for Elsaß-Lothringen as a decisive advance, especially with regard to the elective nature of the second 1396:, who that year had again voted in support of the government's budget. For Kautsky this action was a breach of party discipline and a betrayal. Ludwig Frank used 803:
The period was a formative one in respect of political institutions both at a devolved and at a national level. Given the way in which support was distributed in
6057: 5840:
Rolf Vogel: Ein Stück von uns. Deutsche Juden in deutschen Armeen 1813–1976. Eine Dokumentation, Hase & Koehler, Mainz 1977, ISBN 3-7758-0920-1, pp. 368–373.
mainstream. Less remarkable was the derision that his call immediately earned him from party comrades on the left-wing of the party. At the very same meeting at
1758: 1085:
was by this time being progressively curbed: the anti-Social-Democratic strategies and policies coming out of Berlin also cast their shadow in the south-west of
the SPD was in part down to national considerations. The 1909 election was held a few months after national financial reforms which had reduced support for the
6052: 5745: 2990: 2007:. On 26 March 1913 he sent a letter to his old friend Emil Hauth, who by this time had moved on from his life as a school teacher and lodging house keeper in 1725:
had been guilty of foolish over-reaction and gross lawlessness, and that the German government had felt unable to assert its authority over the military. But
1507:. Another - linked - issue, for which his legal mind-set was particularly well suited involved formulating an electoral law for the still far from integrated 1400:
for his rejoinder, insisting that the SPD parliamentarians had dealt with the budget vote in an entirely consistent manner. In Baden the SPD were part of the
4925:"Allein in Mannheim verhalfen die jüdischen Bürger der Stadt über Jahrhunderte zu Wohlstand und kultureller Blüte. .... Ludwig Frank (1874 – 1914, gefallen)" 1463:
For his part, Ludwig Frank evidently felt that time was on his side. He made it clear that any decision about the future voting strategy of the SPD group in
880:. It was the first time that a member of the "dangerously leftist" SPD had been elected to membership of the presidium to any of the regional parliaments in 607:. He was closely involved with institutions that contributed to the city's intellectual and cultural life. He was a member of the "Verein für Volksbildung" ( 1553:
on the city streets in Germany at this time illustrated the widespread popular desire for a peaceful understanding between Germany and neighbouring states.
5189: 2332:, a Hamburg-based weekly newspaper intended, primarily, for Jewish readers without regard for any religious proclivities they might or might not harbour.) 347:
he was given the honour of delivering the graduation speech on behalf of his cohort. This he did on 23 July 1893, taking as his subject "The importance of
3304: 1117:, as leaders of their respective parties, met together and sounded out one another's positions over possible electoral alliances. It became clear that in 1426:
Those journalistic skirmishes proved to be no more than the first act in a renewed display of verbal savagery at the party conference, held that year at
1093:. One example was the way in which Gymnastics and Fitness clubs oriented towards Social Democracy found themselves disadvantaged as against those with a 5641:
Theodor Heuss (main texts of the speeches reproduced here); Jutta Limbach (lengthy accompanying essay); Ernst Wolfgang Becker (compiler-editor) (2009).
In Mannheim there are a number of public institutions named pr renamed to commemorate and/or celebrate Ludwig Frank, including at least one street, one
2285:"Tomorrow I will travel to Berlin. On Tuesday the Reichstag comes together. In all the circumstance I will try to get the group to vote in support of 1902:
was particularly remarkable because it came from a member of the party leadership in the Reichstag who was widely presumed to be representative of the
in 1893, 1902 and 1912 which (eventually) led to universal suffrage, a general strike in Sweden in 1903 and in Italy in 1904. He also highlighted the
2298: 2269: 2211: 1486: 538: 518: 162: 129: 4307:
1. Die SPD und die preußischen Landtagswahlen 1893-1913, 2. Das Wahlrecht und die Wählerschaft der Sozialdemokratie im Königreich Sachsen 1867-1914*
3024: 5474: 3741: 2119: 2091: 1205:
who had stepped aside in the run-off poll. For its part, after 1913 the Baden government demonstrated an unconcealed propensity to marginalise the
716: 662: 550: 3177: 2523:
after Ludwig Frank. Despite the reportedly unprecedented circumstances, the request was agreed, and on 22 May 1974 the former "Liège barracks" in
as reactionary and took issue with the government over the unilateral and prejudicial assessment. It was in this context that on 26 June 1914 the
4365: 2149:
on 30 May 1914, albeit on a smaller scale than the meeting of the previous year. Sixteen parliamentarians attended from France and eighteen from
2099: 1468:
budgets should they, with or without a more equitable system for allocating seats according to the votes of the electorate, find themselves in a
had already laid down firm guidelines to be followed at party conferences at Lübeck in 1901 and at Dresden in 1903. These were applicable across
510:, was no accident. The growth of the industrial cities went hand in hand with that of the labour movement and of socialist awareness in Germany. 1670: 1666: 1634: 2790:"...Universal Peace Congresses - creation of the International Peace Bureau .... Pacifism against Nationalism: Efforts to stop the catastrophe" 1693:
that would have been unthinkable in 1911. Frank and others who thought like him were disappointed that the new constitutional arrangements for
2110:, a year later). The conference called for an understanding between the Germans and the French, and insisted on the primacy of diplomacy and, 1089:. The Baden government responded to the national currents during the four or five years directly before the war by distancing itself from the 5005: 4469: 3305:"Dr. Ludwig Frank: Representative in the Imperial German Legislature (Reichstag) and in the Legislature of his Home State (Baden). 1874—1914" 2539: 2043:, between them representing all the political parties represented in the Swiss parliament, to attend a "Conference of Mutual Understanding" ( 1042:
group in the chamber were not prepared to back the government in that year's important budget vote. It was only after the interior minister,
5126: 3448: 4303: 2858: 483:
During this period Frank also published poems, aphorisms, short stories and "folk tales" in the popular left-of-centre satirical magazine
Hannes Siegrist: Advokat, Bürger und Staat: Sozialgeschichte der Rechtsanwälte in Deutschland. Klostermann 1996, ISBN 3465026993, p. 639.
4048:"Landtagswahlen: Reichsland Elsass-Lothringen .... Entwicklung der Landesgesetzgebung und des Wahlrechts im Reichsland Elsass-Lothringen" 2297:
in the parliament abstained or voted in opposition to the motion. Frank believed it was vital to prove the absolute dependability of the
1918:(where, to be fair, the three-class franchise did not apply) and his advocacy of a mass strike to force a change in the voting system in 1863:: he called for a general strike, which he saw as the only way to compel the necessary democratisation of the voting system in Germany's 1008:
The significant extra cost of the schools reforms and of increasing the pay of government employees led to a reform of income taxes. The
5366: 3888:
Saly Grünebaum: Ludwig Frank. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung der deutschen Sozialdemokratie. Unterbadische Verlagsanstalt, Heidelberg 1924.
3630: 2226:
was inevitable. There was also a conviction within the military establishment that - notwithstanding Russia's international network of
of the centre-left. The extent to which the parties worked together in the Ständeversammlung was accepted as generally unremarkable by
5426: 2059:, who had initially opposed the whole idea of any cross-party conference, not just to attend the conference, but also to speak at it. 4150: 3598:"Fehrenbach, Konstantin: .... Reichskanzler, * 11.1.1852 Wellendingen bei Bonndorf (Baden), † 26.3.1926 Freiburg i. Br. (katholisch)" 2248: 1947: 355:
must also take cognizance of the sufferings of the disadvantaged and dedicate themselves to the welfare of all. They must serve the "
Karl Liebknechts Positionen: Sein Kampf gegen die Burgfriedenspolitik der Sozialdemokratie 1914-1916 anhand der Kriegskreditsdebatte
Ende Oktober 1913 stürzt die Zabern-Affäre das deutsche Kaiserreich in seine letzte große Krise vor dem Beginn des Ersten Weltkriegs
served only to emphasize the extent to which, at a national level, by 1913 he had become politically isolated within his own party.
1413:, describing the Baden parliamentarians as "cretins" and "petty bourgeois" - a favourite term of abuse among those inclined to view 3656: 1311:
Directly after the party leader had delivered his speech, it was Ludwig Frank's turn to address the conference. He disagreed with
Schriften des Historischen Kollegs im Auftrag. der Stiftung Historisches Kolleg im Stifterverhand für die Deutsche Wissenschaften
was confident that patriotic workers would fulfil their "duty to the nation" and get stuck into the war for the sake of Germany.
2158: 2071: 928:
In terms of practical progress, the strategy of political collaboration which Frank choreographed on behalf of SPD colleagues in
1504: 4477:. Ashgate Publishing Limited & Ashgate Publishing Company, Farnham England & Burlington VT. pp. 181–186, 177–192. 4177: 3311:. The Reform Advocate⁩⁩, Chicago (1914) & The National Library of Israel, Tel Aviv (2021). 21 November 1914. pp. 10–12 1548:
was permitted to decide on foreign treaties and agreements: its German counterpart was not. He also demanded, on behalf of the
1392:, a somewhat cerebral journal founded by himself some years earlier, to launch a renewed attack on SPD parliamentarians in the 1325: 3906:
Sozialdemokratische Parlamentarier in den deutschen Reichs- und Landtagen 1867-1933 .... Chronik: Februar 1867 - November 1918
3570: 742:(unless they served "national objectives"). Frank had spoken out strongly against the new legislation when it came before the 5273: 4742: 4482: 4103: 3751: 3693: 3477: 3061: 2752: 1197:, but the majority was now a very narrow one. The current in favour of reformist policies was much weakened. Many of the new 1101:
to vote against the government's budget in July 1912, a move that clearly attracted the sympathy of a number of members from
6082: 4543: 2682:"Frank, Ludwig: Politiker, * 23.5.1874 Nonnenweier bei Kehl (Baden), ⚔ 3.9.1914 bei Baccarat (Lothringen). (israelitisch)" 1493:
found itself shunned or at best marginalised by members representing the parties traditionally regarded as mainstream. In
confided to comrades that Ludwig Frank, who had once been his "darling" and his "Benjamin" was a terrible disappointment.
Vor 100 Jahren verabschiedeten die deutsche und die französische Sozialdemokratie ein Manifest gegen den Rüstungswahnsinn
Le SPD et le problème de la jeunesse .... Naissance et évolution des mouvements de jeunesse socialiste entre 1904 et 1908
Né le 21 mai 1874 à Monnenweier (Bade), mort le 3 septembre 1914 à Nonnencourt (Lorraine); parlementaire social-démocrate
1069:, an influential politician-philosopher of the liberal left, came out in favour of following the example of Baden in the 5926:
Die Ludwig-Frank-Straße in Lahr / Schwarzwald liegt im Postleitzahlengebiet 77933 und hat eine Länge von rund 566 Metern
5782: 5746:"Berichte zu jüdischen Personen des 19./20. Jahrhunderts (bis 1938) .... Schändung des Denkmals für Ludwig Frank (1925)" 4608:"""Je Eher, Desto Besser!' Innenpolitische Faktoren Für Die Präventivkriegsbereitschaft Des Deutschen Reiches 1913/14."" 4010: 1201:
members were aware that they had gained their seats as a result of run-off electoral alliances with candidates from the
248:, sent from the frontline on 31 August 1914. His first experience of battle came on 3 September 1914 in a skirmish near 6062: 5201: 4932:
Kantor Erwin Hirschs Mannheim: Die Anfänge der Jüdischen Gemeinde Mannheim. Wie und wann kamen die Juden nach Mannheim?
1. Bernhard Mann; 2. Gerhard A. Ritter; Gerhard A. Ritter & Elisabeth Müller-Luckner (co-compiler-editors) (1990).
4256: 4120: 2294: 2154: 2063: 2056: 1903: 1807: 1781: 1750: 1674: 1615: 1570: 1549: 1499: 1381: 1292: 1267: 1259: 1242: 1226: 1206: 1194: 1175: 1163: 1143: 1135: 1090: 1062: 1039: 1032: 1009: 962: 958: 938: 933: 870: 747: 670: 604: 593: 562: 237: 4966: 4730: 3248: 1284: 301:
He was then prepared for admission to secondary school by the local Lutheran minister, and in 1885 transferred to the
5719: 5656: 5571: 5502: 5435: 5071: 4924: 4907: 4688: 4560: 4318: 3966: 3831: 3342: 3187: 1847: 1113:
Well before the 1913 elections for the second chamber of the Ständeversammlung, scheduled for August 1913, Frank and
4868: 4451:
Negative Integration und revolutionärer Attentismus. Die deutsch Sozialdemokratie am Vorabend des Ersten Weltkrieges
3514: 2129:
Frank greeted the Bern Conference euphorically. He saw it as the start of an about-turn in the relationship between
2083: 1694: 1642: 5921: 5614: 4678: 2789: 2532: 2516: 2400: 2166: 1757:
on behalf of the party, opposing the Army Bill and calling on members to get together with their colleagues in the
1218: 1198: 1190: 1147: 1122: 1102: 1058: 994: 910: 885: 851: 180:
He was active as an organiser within the socialist youth movement, and emerged at an early stage as an advocate of
4305: 2900: 1464: 1393: 1288: 1263: 1238: 1186: 1159: 1098: 1054: 1028: 1013: 998: 954: 942: 929: 914: 877: 858: 808: 769: 569: 554: 166: 5947: 2797:
100 years of peace making: A history of the IPB and other international peace movement organisations and networks
682: 5497:. Salzwasser-Verlag GmbH, Paderborn ("Nachdruck des Originals von 1915 - "re-issued edition 2015). p. 120. 4731:
Walter Mülhausen (author); Detlev Mares (compiler-editor); Dieter Schott (compiler-editor) (30 September 2014).
1963:, Frank found that his attempts to rally the party behind a policy of mass strikes to force electoral reform in 1283:
defied this guideline and voted in favour of a budget, the next year, in 1908, SPD parliamentarians in both the
4648: 2825: 2313: 2115: 2040: 1899: 1799: 1020: 752: 186: 4467: 1166:
fell dramatically, from 20 in the previous session to 13. It was the first parliamentary election anywhere in
indeed avoid an absolute Catholic-Conservative majority in the Ständeversammlung through the entire 1905-1909
270: 54: 6032: 2445: 2426: 2232: 1742: 1726: 1718: 1713:
enjoyed the status only of a privileged colony, and wider constitutional progress was off the agenda. In the
1214: 1043: 398: 109: 2404:
were able to make real had already been conceptualised and powerfully advocated by Ludwig Frank before 1914.
397:), which combined social activities with intellectual debate. In the Autumn/Fall of 1895 he switched to the 4545:
The sense of sickness and the reconsolidation of the radicals .... The Final Alignment: Reunion on the Left
2651:. Tägliche Rundschau (Berlin) & ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft, Hamburg. 8 September 1914 2329: 1895: 1855: 1773: 1706: 1545: 1494: 1171: 646: 577: 76: 5895: 5873: 4279: 2957:
German politician: Born 23 May 1874 in Nonnenweier, Germany; Died 03 September 1914 in Nossoncourt, France
Völker, hört die Signale? Internationalismus und Nationalismus der SPD am Vorabend des Ersten Weltkrieges
3929:"Party Leadership and Mechanisms of Unity: The Crisis of German Social Democracy Reconsidered, 1910-1914" 3746:. Vol. 58. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn & J. H. W. Dietz Nachf., Bonn. pp. 145–162, 159. 3028: 1989: 1930: 1697:
failed to ignite moves for wider constitutional reform across Germany between 1911 and 1914. Instead the
1658: 1630: 1304:
parliamentary comrades voting in support of government budgets in the regional parliaments of the south.
1131: 989:, was elected to the presidium of the assembly, meaning that the party again had a representative in it. 3329: 1575: 783:, the leader of the SPD group in the assembly. Frank and Kolb were political soulmates, especially over 4208: 2441: 2219: 1876: 1827: 1730: 1702: 1599: 1444: 902: 657:
Frank had learned about the achievements of the Belgian young workers' movement in 1904 when he was in
4386: 4095:
Verfassungsentwicklungen Im Reichsland Elsaß-Lothringen 1871-1918: Integration Durch Verfassungsrecht?
after 1908. Arranging gatherings involving young people under 18 became a criminal offence throughout
612: 4842: 2498: 2352: 2265: 2067: 1832: 1770: 1754: 1746: 1714: 1678: 1650: 1626: 1611: 1562: 1561:
Plenary debates on the annual budget proposals were among the most important responsibilities of the
1541: 1524: 1515: 1490: 1275: 1126: 1070: 743: 581: 174: 5696: 5600: 5542: 5302: 5230: 5111: 4775: 4717: 4589: 4522: 4358: 3860: 3780: 3726: 3685:
Ludwig Marum. Ein Leben fuer Demokratie und soziale Gerechtigkiet .... Beginn der politischen Arbeit
3499: 3382: 3216: 3083: 2774: 2744:
Ludwig Frank und seine Bedeutung für die Sozialdemokratie und Friedensbewegung im späten Kaiserreich
2485: 2243:, and thereby a constant threat to progressive political developments in the west. According to the 1448: 1435:
expectation of the conversation being widely reported that immediately before the conference opened
1346: 1338: 1280: 5973: 5028: 4811: 4552: 4151:"The old pilot and the new captain of Germany .... The unhappy frontier lands of the Hohenzollerns" 3602: 3542: 2686: 2187: 1840: 1686: 1222: 352: 348: 5061: 3597: 3537: 3105: 2681: 2429:, a political organisation named after the flag of the German republic and dedicated to defending 4962: 2959:. Freie Universität Berlin: "1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War" 2952: 2364: 1891: 1883: 1793: 503: 236:
project. Over the next few weeks of the war Ludwig Frank emerged as a leading and uncompromising
5999: 1753:
were uncompromising in their rejection of this plan. On 9 April 1913 Ludwig Frank addressed the
1298: 4285:. Institut für Marxismus-Leninismusbeim Zentralkomitee der SED & Ditez Verlag, Berlin. 1966 2414: 2162: 1811: 1520: 1371: 1202: 1151: 1139: 1094: 971: 966: 922: 847: 731: 449: 429: 414: 373: 105: 5685: 5642: 5557: 5531: 5492: 5467: 5248: 5100: 4897: 4764: 4732: 4511: 4347: 4078: 3715: 3396: 3371: 3051: 2742: 2388:
published "Flügelmann Frank", an eighteen line three stanza poem on the death of Ludwig Frank.
as devices for conflict resolution. In addition, a standing committee under the leadership of
that on 23 November 1899 Ludwig Frank received his doctorate in return for a piece of work on
204: 5851: 4862: 3983: 3683: 3467: 2603: 2473:. The Reichsbanner organisation was soon outlawed. In June 1933 the Ludwig Frank memorial in 2174: 2130: 2087: 1981: 918: 704:. Between them they represented approximately 3,000 members. There were no delegates for the 410: 405:. While maintaining his focus on Jurisprudence he also found time to take part in classes on 220: 84: 4885: 1421: 1295:
under the leadership of had already voted in support of a Bavarian budget as early as 1891.
6072: 6067: 5757: 4468:
Stefan Berger (author); Stefan Braun (author); Matthew Jefferies (compiler-editor) (2015).
2528: 2470: 2191: 1997: 1915: 1819: 1602:, and during the subsequent four decades had in many ways remained a semi-detached part of 1595: 1452: 1358: 1350: 1118: 1082: 1024: 979: 888:
died on 28 September 1907. He had been widely respected as an ally of political reformism.
863: 855: 804: 788: 690: 631: 495: 437: 364:
was seventeen as the core of the political philosophy that would define his entire career.
194: 58: 5183: 2719: 2003:
Ludwig Frank pressed the need for urgent action in response to the intensifying danger of
An early prize from the strategy of political collaboration came with the election of the
245: 8: 4619: 4249:
Handbuch der Deutschen Geschichte Bd. 16: Von der Reichsgründung bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg
3452: 2950: 2607: 2494: 2273: 1330: 1074: 1065:
proved particularly attractive to those on the left of the liberal movement. During 1910
1047: 816: 730:
Frank's work with the young workers movement was heavily circumscribed by the pan-German
619: 461: 317: 302: 241: 4148: 3875: 3309:...Translated from the Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums, for the Reform-Advocate by J. H 3025:"... Ludwig Frank, Abiturientenrede am 20. Juli 1893: Bedeutung Lessings für seine Zeit" 2535:
charismatic deputy. In 1995 the "Ludwig Frank barracks" were closed down as part of the
2328:(Frank's letter was subsequently published as part of a public legacy or tribute in the 917:
who blocked Geck's re-election to the presidium of the chamber in 1907. Members elected
5673: 5588: 5519: 5290: 5218: 5088: 5029:"The Baltic States from 1914 to 1923: The First World War and the Wars of Independence" 4752: 4705: 4623: 4577: 4539: 4499: 4335: 3936: 3848: 3768: 3703: 3661:
Zwischen Protest und Pragmatusmus: die südwestdeutsche Sozialdemokratie um Kaisserreich
3487: 3359: 3204: 3071: 2762: 2438: 2360: 2244: 2079: 2070:
were represented at the Bern Conference. There were five members of the social-liberal
1964: 1919: 1864: 1815: 1607: 1529: 1456: 1354: 1342: 1321: 1316: 1253: 894: 836: 776: 705: 484: 80: 1245:
group in the Baden parliament voted aga8inst their government's budget for the state.
5715: 5652: 5648: 5567: 5563: 5498: 5455: 5431: 5269: 5197: 5067: 5001: 4903: 4838: 4738: 4684: 4556: 4478: 4417:"Sozialdemokratie zwischen Ausnahmegesetzen und Sozialreformen [1878 - 1914]" 4412: 4314: 4252: 4121:"Die Sozialdemokratie im Deutschen Kaiserreich in sozial geschichtlicher Perspektive" 4099: 4066: 3962: 3827: 3747: 3689: 3473: 3338: 3183: 3057: 2748: 2677: 2392: 2256: 2095: 1114: 1066: 990: 840: 812: 719:. An International Youth Conference was scheduled to run concurrently, Ludwig Frank, 314: 295: 5127:"Zum ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges ... Die arbeiterjugend und der Erste Weltkrieg" 4047: 3908:. Zentrum für Historische Sozialforschung, Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften 2145:
The standing committee created in 1913 convened a further meeting which was held in
5427: 5373:. landeskundliche Informationssystem für Baden-Württemberg (LEO-BW). pp. 89–92 5261: 2986: 2433:
against subversion from within and, from without, the extremism represented by the
2286: 2016: 1385: 1334: 828: 686: 623: 597: 526: 522: 469: 389: 344: 321: 318:"Anti-Socialist Laws ... against the public danger of Social Democratic endeavours" 95: 5852:"Die Benennung des Jagdgeschwaders 74 in Neuburg an der Donau nach Werner Mölders" 5789:. Lernort Zivilcourage & Widerstand e. V. (Projekts Lernort Kislau), Karlsruhe 4789: 1867:. In his speech Frank referenced previous strikes in other countries, such as the 1645:
constitutional reform initiatives which led to the 1911 legislation originated in
In October 1904 Ludwig Frank established the "Verband junger Arbeiter Mannheims" (
district. He had also, shortly before this, taken over leadership of the Mannheim
as a delegate. The next year, in August, he represented Baden Social Democrats in
4454: 4093: 3901: 3332: 2648: 2600: 2596: 2464: 2460: 2456: 2356: 2278: 2277:
a party split in the Reichstag, he wrote to his friend and close Reichstag ally,
2207: 2183: 2170: 1955:
Keen to demonstrate the party's respectability to the political power brokers of
1923: 1710: 1690: 1654: 1622: 1591: 1508: 1229:
reaching the end of their terms could never become "honorary local councillors" (
889: 792: 780: 720: 216: 5811: 3657:"Einigkeit macht stark: erste politische Erfolge nach dem Parteizusammanschluss" 2984: 1992:, while politics in France were dominated by government determination to expand 1618:
to contribute to shaping elements of Germany's future constitutional structure.
1469: 1401: 1210: 1182: 975: 820: 5631:
Theodor Heuss: Erinnerungen 1905–1933, Wunderlich, Tübingen 1963; Fischer 1965
5487: 5244: 4974: 4899:
The German Influence in France after 1870: The Formation of the French Republic
4603: 4446: 4382: 3823: 3283: 2592: 2453: 2430: 2260: 2255:
took place on 28 June 1914. After failing to obtain assurances sought from the
2236: 2227: 2223: 2107: 1911: 1887: 1566: 678: 576:
as one of 6 SPD members in the 63 seat assembly. Less than two years later, in
Vertiefung: Die proletarische Jugendbewegung als Reaktion auf soziale Notlagen
2929: 2103: 1794:
The Prussian three-class voting law and the appeal for a political mass strike
of a draft constitution and electoral law provided a rare opportunity for the
From time to time Frank also spoke out on foreign policy matters. He used the
workers even more. In 1907, however, SPD parliamentarians in the neighbouring
On 1903 Frank moved on and set himself up in his own legal business, still in
281:, on the strip of fertile flatlands that has paralleled the right-bank of the 6041: 5753: 5157:"Einleitung Vier Tage im August 1914 – bis zur Bewilligung der Kriegskredite" 3794: 3608:
Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (HiKo)
Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (HiKo)
Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (HiKo)
2407: 2302: 2178: 2150: 2134: 1985: 1851: 1823: 1698: 1603: 1537: 1410: 1397: 1389: 1362: 1299:
Disagreement at the 1908 Nuremberg SPD Party conference - north: south divide
1271: 1167: 1162:, the Liberals were in second place with 20. The number of seats left to the 1086: 906: 881: 873: 832: 739: 701: 666: 406: 377: 333: 320:. Nevertheless, long before he left school Ludwig Frank had studied works by 269:
Ludwig Frank, the second of his parents' four recorded children, was born at
253: 224: 209: 198: 158: 62: 30: 5393: 5265: 3275: 1641:, the lower house of which was an assembly of directly elected members. The 1372:
Renewed disagreement at the 1910 Magdeburg SPD Party conference - background
5488: 5258:
Kommission für Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien
Burgfrieden und Klassenkampf. Die deutsche Sozialdemokratie im 1. Weltkrieg
2854: 2599:
at this time, meaning that while western sources generally assert that the
2490: 2478: 2385: 2052: 2039:
socialist of his generation. Grimm succeeded in inviting 13 members of the
2028: 1993: 1956: 1951: 1943: 1443:
confidence in the regional government in Karlsruhe under the leadership of
1436: 1431: 1377: 1312: 1305: 1097:
orientation. That was the background to a decision by the SPD group in the
1078: 913:
funeral. That, in turn, drew criticism from the "bourgeois parties" in the
724: 674: 499: 422: 418: 329: 325: 5428:
Nicolas Patin (author), chargé de recherches, Institut historique allemand
5391: 5330:
Karl Liebknecht: Mitteilungen, Briefe und Notizen aus dem Zuchthaus Luckau
3337:. Monde germanophone. Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris. pp. 137–156. 2545:
Towns and cities with a Ludwig-Frank-Straße (Ludwig Frank Street) include
After the budget for 1913 had been approved, at the end of March 1913 the
1585: 5193: 3960: 2951:
Sarah Panter, Leibniz Institute of European History Mainz (7 July 2016).
2562: 2512: 2341: 2240: 2203: 2036: 2020: 2004: 1937:
had always rejected the idea of mass strikes as a political tool. At the
1907: 1860: 1662: 1509:
Reichsland of Elsaß-Lothringen (as Alsace Lorraine was known at the time)
Disagreement at the 1910 Magdeburg SPD Party conference - intensification
1406: 957:
took place in the Autumn/Fall of 1909. In the first round of polling the
693:. In February 1906 these associations met together for the first time at 630:) and sat as a member of its supervisory board. He belonged to the local 568:
In 1905 Ludwig Frank was elected to membership of the lower house of the
506:, a boom city thanks in particular, to the accelerating expansion of the 356: 249: 228: 4627: 4607: 541:
in 1900. In the Autumn/Fall of 1903 he attended the Party Conference at
Quelle: Straßennamenkartei FB 62 / Straßennamenkartei des Stadtarchives
4216: 3940: 3928: 3817: 3253:
Reichstags-Handbuch, Wahlperiode ..., Bd.: 1912 = 13. Legislaturperiode
2507: 2474: 2467: 2449: 2434: 2123: 1975: 1233:) because they were outside the circle defined by "shared objectives" ( 596:
branch following the death of the widely respected previous incumbent,
197:, his home region, but drew more concerted criticism in other parts of 35:
Ludwig Frank, probably at or shortly after his school graduation, 1893
Members of the Second Chamber of the Diet of the Grand Duchy of Baden
Baden 1918 bus 1945: Das Geschichtsportal des Projekts Lernort Kislau
4424:. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Deutsches Kaiserreich), Bonn 4149:
William Stearns Davis; William Anderson; Mason Whiting Tyler (1918).
3402:. Archiv der Arbeiterjugendbewegung, Oer-Erkenschwick. pp. 10–13 2554: 2546: 2309: 1960: 1766: 1631:
kingdoms, duchies, principalities and free cites in the German empire
1427: 784: 773: 712: 694: 658: 546: 473: 433: 381: 360: 219:
Frank tried to engineer an understanding between parliamentarians in
181: 170: 5440:
Le parlementarisme de guerre en France et en Europe : 1914-1918
5136:. Archiv der Arbeiterjugendbewegung, oer-erkenschwick. pp. 4–13 5059: 3445:
Henrik de Man en de Eerste Wereldoorlog als een politik laboratorium
2012: 1785:
the Reichstag was savagely attacked at the Party Conference held at
Disagreement at the 1908 Nuremberg SPD Party conference - background
758: 252:, a strategically located village in the hill-country south-east of 4185: 4045: 4036:
Ernest Hamburger: Juden im öffentlichen Leben Deutschlands, p. 451.
3681: 2558: 2536: 2524: 2520: 2422: 2345: 2252: 2126:
was created and mandated to prepare further meetings of the group.
2078:, along with one representative of the Danish-speaking minority in 1970: 1868: 986: 708:, where political associations of young people were not permitted. 616: 589: 585: 514: 491: 477: 417:
when he concluded his undergraduate studies by passing his Level I
Die Straße Ludwig-Frank-Straße liegt in Salzwedel (Sachsen-Anhalt)
5812:"7. Wahlperiode — 104. Sitzung. Bonn, Mittwoch, den 5. Juni 1974" 4596: 3282:. Éditions de l'Atelier (Le Maitron: Dictionnaire Biographique), 2368: 2024: 1879: 1872: 1722: 1569:. In 1912 Ludwig Frank was given the opportunity to lead for the 1414: 643: 542: 465: 385: 190: 5555: 4680:
Dr. Ludwig Frank– Idealist, Visionär und Kämpfer für den Frieden
3649: 1038:
Despite these partial parliamentary successes, in July 1910 the
6027: 5394:"Die Männer des Ersten Weltkriegs – Teil 685: Dr. Ludwig Frank" 5118: 2106:(who would be assassinated, apparently on account of his known 1843:), all attempts to achieve meaningful electoral reform failed. 1646: 898: 402: 340: 5806: 5804: 5392:
Peter Steil (compiler-publisher), Fernwald (19 January 2020).
3018: 3016: 3014: 3012: 1150:
who had benefitted disproportionately from them. Although the
5148: 3637:. Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart. pp. 545–549 3577:. Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart. pp. 168–169 2425:
Ludwig Frank became something of a cult icon with members of
2146: 2066:
attended. Only a few of the other parties with a presence in
282: 2717: 1780:
to finance the army expansion by levying taxes on property.
1315:. It was perfectly understandable thar SPD members from the 727:
worked together on the necessary planning and organisation.
5801: 4377: 4375: 4274: 4272: 4270: 4268: 3443:
Tommaso Milani (2013). "De metamorfose van een socialist".
3009: 2550: 2372: 2048: 2032: 2008: 1938: 1898:. Frank's advocacy of a mass strike to force an end to the 1786: 1540:
to denounce again the circumscribed political power of the
voted in favour of the annual budget proposals. In Bavaria
553:. Later that year, in October 1904, he joined the Mannheim 507: 480:
where he completed his legal training with two more firms.
457: 399:
Frederick William University (as it was known at that time)
310: 306: 278: 274: 232: 5332:. Wolfram Klein, Plochingen (Sozialistische Klassiker 2.0) 4091: 4008: 2289:. In extremis, simply the members from Southern Germany!". 2140: 2051:
on 11/12 May 1913. For his part Frank managed to persuade
1721:, following a realisation that the Prussian army units in 1475: 1213:. A particularly egregious example came in June 1914 when 231:
invited German and French counterparts to a conference in
5163:. Fernuniversität Hagen, Historisches Institut. p. 6 5060:
Stephan Brakensiek (editor-compiler) (12 November 2014).
4297: 2035:-based journalist-politicians widely seen as the leading 490:
In 1900 Ludwig Frank embarked on a career as a lawyer in
4372: 4265: 4219:, Berlin & Bundesausschuss Friedensratschlag, Kassel 3935:. 62 / 3 (3). The University of Chicago Press: 477–502. 1521:
Workers' Secretariats (legal advice centres for workers)
with a grade that placed him at the top of the list. As
5940: 5621:. J.H.W. Dietz Nachf., Hannover. pp. 148, 141–168. 5420: 5055: 5053: 5026: 4790:"Deutsch-französische Verständigungskonferenz in Basel" 3506: 1586:
Political reforms in Elsaß-Lothringen (Alsace-Lorraine)
652: 5992: 5966: 5914: 5783:"Ludwig-Frank-Denkmal im Unteren Luisenpark, Mannheim" 5124: 4996: 4994: 4992: 4534: 4532: 4405: 4046:
Valentin Schröder (author-compiler) (2 January 2011).
of the centre-left that had dominated politics in the
256:. He was shot in the head and died a few hours later. 167:
Baden Ständeversammlung (the Grand Duchy's parliament)
5888: 3022: 2448:
had a memorial statue to Frank erected in Mannheim's
2186:: in Germany the neighbour beyond the Rhine had been 1480: 1248: 1073:
in Berlin, to follow a political programme embracing
as part of the emergence of a new more broadly based
and - more critically - on Socialism. He was back at
380:. He also took the opportunity to attend lectures on 359:". Frank's speech created waves well beyond Lahr. In 5866: 5190:
de:Unternehmensgruppe SchwabenverlagThorbecke Verlan
mitteilungen des archivs der arbeiterjugendbewegung"
5050: 4961: 4112: 3981: 3515:"Korporierter Genosse: Ludwig Marum (1882 bis 1934)" 2781: 1976:
Bern Conference for agreement and understanding 1913
Bundesrat (the upper house of the German parliament)
In Autumn/Fall 1905 Ludwig Frank was elected to the
work with a succession of small-town legal firms in
5843: 5709: 5619:
Tätiger Geist. Gestalten aus Geschichte und Politik
4989: 4529: 4130:. Stiftung Historisches Kolleg, München. p. 72 3733: 3622: 3243: 3241: 3239: 2338:"Kaiser Wilhelm I" Baden Grenadier Regiment no. 110 1661:", and although the emperor continued to appoint a 953:Fresh elections to the second chamber of the Baden 791:during the politically eventful ten-year run-up to 476:where he remained for a year, before moving on the 5491:; Carl Busse (compiler-editor) (30 October 2016). 4830: 4538: 4175: 4157:. The Century Co., New York. pp. 213–248, 247 4011:"Autoritärer Staat und Demokratisierung 1890–1914" 3920: 3896: 3894: 2210:organised peace rallies across Europe. In Germany 2169:and two from the still semi-detached territory of 1021:"Dreiklassenwahlrecht" (three-class voting system) 673:during this period, and the second was printed by 339:At the end of his time at school Frank passed his 187:"Dreiklassenwahlrecht" (three-class voting system) 5750:Texte/Berichte zur jüdischen Geschichte der Stadt 5737: 5644:Anmerkingen zu den Seiten 90-91 .... footnote 165 4683:. Ferdiand Schöningh, Paderborn. pp. 33–47. 4441: 4439: 4200: 4118: 3954: 3663:. SPD-Landesverband Baden-Württemberg, Srtuttgart 2820: 2818: 2816: 2814: 2718:Jens Reimer Prüss (compiler) (11 November 2005). 1514:Almost immediately following his election to the 846:What amounted to a local electoral pact with the 759:Baden Ständeversammlung (parliament) in Karlsruhe 6039: 5776: 5774: 5481: 4882:The Linchpin: French–German Relations, 1950–1990 4804: 4280:"Geschichte der deutschen Artbeiterbewegung ..." 3902:".... 1910 (Sep. 18) SPD-Parteitag in Magdeburg" 3797:. Stiftung Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin 3236: 2832:. Stadt Mannheim (Rathaus E 5). 4 September 2014 2649:"Der Abgeordnete Ludwig Frank gefallen (115311)" 2378: 1971:Attempting to create Franco-German rapprochement 1776:secured a majority in support of the Army Bill. 1701:in 1913 suggested that, from the perspective of 1130:legislation that provided for a 21% increase in 6078:German military personnel killed in World War I 5854:. Arbeitskreis Militärgeschichte e.V., Chemnitz 4967:"Die Tragödie eines deutschen Sozialdemokraten" 4792:. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin. 30 May 2014 4724: 4246: 4142: 3990:. Matthias Cantow, i.A. "", Hamburg 3891: 3739: 3568: 3397:"Die Anfänge der Arbeiter-innen Jugendbewegung" 3297: 3053:Gesellschaften und Bünde: Ludwig-Frank-Stiftung 2747:. Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 98–120. 1948:General Trades Union Commission (umbrella body) 1237:). Frank immediately attacked this attitude in 1029:Ständeversammlung (Landtag / Diet / Parliament) 925:to take over the empty vice-presidential seat. 242:parliamentary truce for the duration of the war 6058:Social Democratic Party of Germany politicians 5849: 5364: 5243: 5000: 4895: 4676: 4461: 4436: 4411: 4381: 4092:Sophie Charlotte Preibusch (21 January 2010). 3926: 3809: 3787: 3682:Monika Pohl (author); Harald Denecken (2000). 3442: 3414: 3228: 3226: 3169: 2849: 2847: 2811: 2740: 2676: 2153:. Seven of the German delegates were from the 1707:relentlessly ever more conservative government 1174:in which the absolute number of votes for the 6053:Members of the Reichstag of the German Empire 5771: 5613: 5008:. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn 4922: 4251:. Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag. p. 246. 4085: 4018:. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn 3595: 3562: 3465: 3161: 3159: 3157: 3155: 3153: 3151: 3149: 3147: 3145: 3143: 2980: 2978: 2976: 2974: 2944: 2610:report that the war broke out in August 1914. 2092:Paul Henri Balluet d'Estournelles de Constant 1736: 1717:there was protest and a surge in mistrust of 1146:, and when the votes were counted it was the 5607: 5318: 5181: 4839:"The evolution of the Franco-German rivalry" 4169: 4009:Prof. Dr. Benjamin Ziemann (13 April 2016). 4002: 3675: 3512: 3436: 3323: 3273: 3175: 3141: 3139: 3137: 3135: 3133: 3131: 3129: 3127: 3125: 3123: 3103: 3049: 2853: 2787: 2641: 2359:. Ludwig Frank was the first. The other was 1890:, seen at the time as a core element in the 1189:majority due to a strong performance by the 5703: 5556:Renate Heuer; Andrea Boelke-Fabian (2008). 5494:Ludwig Frank: Gefallen am 7. September 1914 5360: 5358: 5356: 5020: 4836: 4672: 4670: 4655:. Assemblée nationale, Paris. 7 August 1913 4602: 4445: 4206: 4052:Wahlen-in-Deutschland: Deutschland vor 1918 4039: 3975: 3815: 3628: 3535: 3223: 3099: 3097: 3095: 3093: 2924: 2922: 2920: 2918: 2898: 2844: 2722:. Berliner vorwärts Verlagsgesellschaft mbH 2713: 2711: 2709: 1637:"Landtag des Reichslandes Elsaß-Lothringen" 985:One of his colleagues, the SPD member from 753:"Central Office of Germany's Young Workers" 669:, the principal theoretical journal of the 5780: 5385: 4916: 4641: 3179:Über die Entwicklung der Innungen in Baden 2971: 2894: 2892: 2890: 2888: 2886: 2884: 2882: 2880: 2799:. International Peace Bureau (IPB), Berlin 2672: 2670: 2668: 2666: 2272:were persuaded to accept what amounted to 294:In 1880 he was enrolled at the so-called " 29: 5549: 5473:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 4622:, Berlin & JSTOR, New York: 501–521. 4240: 4237:Haebler, In Memoriam Ludwig Frank, p. 40. 3878:. London: Swan Sonnenschein. p. 129. 3876:"German Socialism and Ferdinand Lassalle" 3459: 3449:Amsab-Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis 3267: 3120: 3043: 3027:. Scheffel-Gymnasium Lahr. Archived from 2734: 2606:at the end of July 1914, Russian sources 2506:In April 1972 a number of members of the 2499:Ludwig Frank Gymnasium (secondary school) 2355:were killed on the Front line during the 2249:Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 1361:joined to mandate the Bavarian delegate, 905:had done nothing to dampen. In Karlsruhe 395:"Sozialwissenschaftliche Studentenverein" 227:. At his instigation parliamentarians in 173:between 1905 and 1914, as well as in the 5353: 5154: 4955: 4782: 4667: 4391:Militant archives: Lenin Collected Works 4364:CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list ( 4016:Handlungsspielraum spürbar eingeschränkt 3589: 3529: 3090: 2915: 2903:. Gartenstadt-Genossenschaft Mannheim eG 2706: 2519:, a request that the army should name a 2484: 2206:, directly before war was declared, the 1606:. There was a perceived need, following 1193:and despite the weak performance of the 532: 203: 16:German lawyer and politician (1874–1914) 5634: 5442:. Le Sénat, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris 4737:. transcript Verlag. pp. 169–194. 3472:. Springer-Verlag. pp. 71–76, 73. 2991:""Ludwig Frank war seiner Zeit voraus"" 2877: 2663: 2141:Parliamentarians' meeting in Basel 1914 1998:three years military service obligation 1665:and member of the first chamber of the 1476:German Reichstag (parliament) in Berlin 640:"Mannheim Association of Young Workers" 157:(23 May 1874 – 3 September 1914) was a 6040: 5175: 4387:"Deputy Frank Favours the Mass Strike" 4176:Dr. Volker Ullrich (24 October 2013). 3873: 3255:. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München 2826:"Gedenkveranstaltung für Ludwig Frank" 974:and in Baden reduced the power of the 831:in the south of Germany. Elsewhere in 763: 452:loosely, "legal apprenticeship period" 273:, a village positioned to the west of 3056:. Books on Demand. pp. 166–167. 1894:which had forced the creation of the 628:loosely, "Garden suburb co-operative" 498:, and directly across the river from 409:unfolding palette of new and revised 5743: 3982:Dr. Martin Fehndrich (15 May 2003). 3635:Baden-Württembergische Biographien 6 2274:a parliamentary truce on war funding 2011:and become a journalist, working in 1926:, were probably incorrect, however. 1430:during September 1910. It was again 779:. He worked closely with his friend 653:Pioneer of the Youth Labour Movement 443: 421:in 1897. He would pass the Level II 5850:Heiner Möllers (5 September 2016). 4818:. CDU Kreisverband Waldshut-Tiengen 3389: 2218:By 1914 Germany's top generals and 1326:General German Workers' Association 1221:Interior Minister between 1907 and 557:literally, "... citizens committee" 521:- still perceived by many, even in 376:and embarked on a degree course in 165:). He represented his party in the 13: 5566:, München. pp. 387, 384–388. 5063:Dis Sozialdemokratie gibt sich auf 5006:"Auslösung und Beginn des Krieges" 3422:"Gastwirtschaft "Zur Bergstrasse"" 2932:. Ludwig-Frank-Gymnasium, Mannheim 2865:. Friedrich Ebert Stuftung, Berlin 2264:followed on 1 August 1914. In the 1800:Prussian three-class voting system 1765:in order to find a way out of the 1711:the Reichsland of Elsaß-Lothringen 1655:the Reichsland of Elsaß-Lothringen 1623:the Reichsland of Elsaß-Lothringen 1556: 1528:political interests of workers in 1481:Justice policy and Foreign affairs 1249:Controversies over budget approval 1053:The parliamentary alliance in the 14: 6094: 6021: 5822:Deutscher Bundestag. p. 6956 5125:Bodo Brücher; Dörte Hein (2014). 4677:Michael Berger (1 January 2011). 3927:Dieter K. Buse (September 1990). 3274:Jacques Droz (25 February 2020). 3182:. Antiquariat Bookfarm, Löbnitz. 3050:Günter Staub (29 December 2016). 2477:was destroyed by or on behalf of 2055:, the aging leader of the German 1848:Prussian House of Representatives 1663:"Statthalter" (regional governor) 1134:manpower by 31 October 1915. The 529:beyond the political mainstream. 448:In April 1897 he embarked on his 372:In 1893 Frank transferred to the 177:in Berlin between 1907 and 1914. 142:Samuel Frank (1841–1915) (father) 6026: 5948:"Ludwig-Frank-Straße, Salzwedel" 5874:"Studentensiedlung Ludwig Frank" 5834: 5432:Jean Garrigues (editor-compiler) 5027:Lt. Col. Andrew Parrott (2002). 4902:. UNC Press Books. p. 190. 4247:Karl Erich Born (January 1975). 4207:Nick Brauns (23 February 2013). 3819:1913: Das Schicksalsjahr der SPD 2384:In 1914 the popular poet-author 2351:Only two serving members of the 2336:as a foot soldier member of the 2072:"Fortschrittliche Volkspartei" ( 1810:(SPD). The journalist-historian 1594:had been part of France between 1183:"Großblock" centre-left alliance 1125:were taking their lead from the 941:group gave to the budget in the 903:disconcertingly quixotic emperor 717:International Socialist Congress 663:International Socialist Congress 642:), drawing inspiration from the 551:International Socialist Congress 240:proponent in the Reichstag of a 145:Fanny Frank (1837–1926) (mother) 5974:"Ludwig-Frank-Straße, Mannheim" 5896:"Ludwig-Frank-Straße, Nürnberg" 5728: 5625: 5411: 5344: 5309: 5237: 4946: 4934:. Alemannia Judaica, Plochingen 4889: 4874: 4856: 4612:Politische Vierteljahresschrift 4555:, Cambridge. pp. 276–284. 4231: 4030: 3882: 3867: 2622: 2613: 2585: 2576: 2363:of the conservative-federalist 2233:Chancellor von Bethmann Hollweg 1691:republican government structure 1635:bicameral regional parliament ( 1491:Imperial Parliament (Reichstag) 1044:Lord Heinrich von und zu Bodman 649:set up eighteen years earlier. 609:"League for People's Education" 175:Imperial Parliament (Reichstag) 5182:Ludwig Frank (2 August 1914). 4869:Deutsch-Französchen Institutes 4812:"Verständigungskonferenz 1914" 3466:Dietmar Kress (9 March 2013). 3424:. Stadt Mannheim (Rathaus E 5) 2741:Michael Berger (24 May 2016). 2190:since at least as far back as 1996:, which was to be linked to a 1900:Prussian three-class franchise 1592:Reichsland of Elsaß-Lothringen 1384:a self-appointed guardians of 1376:During the first part of 1910 1337:, delegates respectively from 1019:The Prussian-style stratified 993:took on the leadership of the 965:members in the assembly. Only 948: 798: 277:and short distance upriver of 1: 5559:Mayer, Gustav .... Footnote 6 3933:The Journal of Modern History 3517:. Lassalle-Kreis e.V., Sölden 2788:Rainer Santi (January 1991). 2635: 2427:Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold 2379:Commemoration and celebration 2353:German Parliament (Reichstag) 2222:were convinced that war with 1727:Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg 1487:Social Democratic Party group 1209:faction within the governing 772:, representing the important 580:, he was also elected to the 367: 341:"Abitur" (school final exams) 264: 5710:Karl Otto Watzinger (1995). 5367:"Detailseite: Frank, Ludwig" 5185:Ludwig Frank an Wilhelm Kolb 4837:Paul Hensel (January 1998). 2720:"Ludwig Frank (1874 - 1914)" 2330:Israelitisches Familienblatt 2245:Gregorian (western) calendar 2074:"Progressive People's Party" 1896:Russian Constitution of 1906 1687:Emperor's abdication in 1918 1625:sent representatives to the 425:three years later, in 1900. 259: 208:Portrait of Ludwig Frank by 7: 6083:Deaths by firearm in France 5922:"Ludwig-Frank-Straße, Lahr" 5876:. Studierendenwerk Mannheim 4457:, Berlin. pp. 477–503. 3023:Wilhelm Ulrich (compiler). 2985:Florian Würth (questions); 2565:, the village of his birth. 2461:quickly transformed Germany 2361:Hans von Meding (1868–1917) 2157:. There were four from the 1729:retained the confidence of 1695:Reichsland Elsaß-Lothringen 1643:Reichsland Elsaß-Lothringen 1633:. It also acquired its own 1465:the Baden Ständeversammlung 1235:"... an Gemeinsinn mangele" 1231:"ehrenamtliche Bezirksräte" 1108: 995:National Liberal Party (NP) 711:In 1907 it was the turn of 683:"proletarian-feminist" wing 647:"Jeunes gardes socialistes" 523:traditionally liberal Baden 215:During the build-up to the 10: 6099: 5980:. Oliver Brueckner, Erfurt 5954:. Oliver Brueckner, Erfurt 5928:. GmbH, Köln 5902:. GmbH, Köln 4119:Gerhard A. Ritter (1989). 3688:. Sonstige. pp. 18–. 2901:"Ludwig Frank (1874-1914)" 2863:Sozialistische Monatshefte 2442:counterparts of the "left" 1946:, deputy president of the 1910:he came under attack from 1737:Army bill controversy 1913 1285:Bavarian Ständeversammlung 1225:, shared his insight that 1160:Badische Ständeversammlung 687:social democratic movement 681:, produced by and for the 613:"Lesehalle" (Reading Club) 472:. In May 1898 he moved to 428:Meanwhile, it was also at 6063:Politicians from Mannheim 5371:Badische Biographien NF 2 4843:University of North Texas 4209:"Gegen nationalen Taumel" 3610:, München. pp. 51–52 3575:Badische Biographien NF 4 2045:"Verständigungskonferenz" 2041:Swiss national parliament 1745:government presented the 1733:, and therefore his job. 1495:the 1907 General Election 1158:, with 30 members in the 967:the Catholic Centre Party 706:Prussian north of Germany 570:Baden Ständeversammlung ( 289: 135: 125: 115: 101: 91: 69: 40: 28: 21: 5714:. Jan Thorbecke Verlag. 5651:, München. p. 137. 4553:Harvard University Press 4178:"Durchgreifen im Elsass" 3740:James Retallack (2018). 3631:"Rebmann, Edmund Eduard" 3603:Neue Deutsche Biographie 3543:Neue Deutsche Biographie 2830:Politik & Verwaltung 2687:Neue Deutsche Biographie 2569: 1790:delegates approving it. 1409:published his attack in 976:political bloc/coalition 886:The Grand Duke Frederick 850:, initially against the 813:"free thinking radicals" 349:Lessing in his own time" 5365:Heinrich Walle (1987). 4896:Allan Mitchell (2018). 4816:Carl Diez (1877 - 1969) 2987:Walter Caroli (answers) 2930:"Wer war Ludwig Frank?" 2446:Reichsbanner supporters 2365:German-Hanoverian Party 2295:Social Democratic group 2270:Social Democratic group 2116:Hague Arbitration Court 2100:French socialist leader 1616:SPD parliamentary group 1394:Baden Ständeversammlung 1289:Baden Ständeversammlung 1264:Baden Ständeversammlung 1187:Baden Ständeversammlung 1172:1881 Reichstag election 1099:Baden Ständeversammlung 1055:Baden Ständeversammlung 982:between 1905 and 1909. 945:vote on 2 August 1908. 876:as a vice-president of 817:Baden National Liberals 732:"Reichsvereinsgesetz" ( 161:lawyer and politician ( 4923:Susanne Reber (2020). 4863:Erbfeinde – Erbfreunde 4653:Histoire et patrimoine 3984:"Dreiklassenwahlrecht" 3596:Helga Grebing (1961). 3550:, München. p. 123 2859:"Ludwig Frank ist tot" 2694:, München. p. 343 2502: 2375:at the start of 1917. 2314:Prussian voting system 2197: 2086:. The delegation from 2023:- possibly another in 1961:South German reformism 1933:"Freie Gewerkschaften" 1804:"Dreiklassenwahlrecht" 1281:Kingdom of Württemberg 1258:Even before the Baden 897:which the presence in 677:'s bimonthly magazine 374:University of Freiburg 353:the Enlightenment icon 212: 55:Nonnenweier (Schwanau) 6035:at Wikimedia Commons 6000:"Ludwig-Frank-Schule" 5744:U.B. (24 July 1925). 5036:Baltic Defence Review 4415:(27 September 2012). 3569:Karl Otto Watzinger. 3176:Ludwig Frank (1997). 3104:René Gilbert (2016). 2997:. Lahrer Zeitung GmbH 2857:(10 September 1914). 2488: 1856:1912 General Election 1761:"Chambre des députés" 1689:opened the way for a 1550:Social Democrat group 1211:"Großblock" coalition 1140:Catholic Centre Party 1027:for elections to the 1023:was never adopted in 972:Catholic Centre Party 930:the Ständeversammlung 923:Catholic Centre Party 919:Constantin Fehrenbach 848:Catholic Centre Party 811:between the SPD, the 734:anti association law 549:as a delegate to the 533:Politics and Mannheim 207: 4963:Tillmann Bendikowski 4880:Julius Weis Friend: 4449:(1 September 1974). 4155:The roots of the war 3816:Bernd Appel (2010). 3536:Jörg Schadt (1964). 2899:Walter Pahl (2003). 2563:Schwanau-Nonnenweier 2529:Karl Wilhelm Berkhan 2517:Minister for Defence 2444:. In September 1924 2287:war funding measures 2188:the hereditary enemy 2068:the German Reichstag 1884:mass strikes of 1905 1814:(who grew up not in 1767:spiralling arms race 1659:federal German state 1388:, used the pages of 1293:SPD parliamentarians 1178:actually fell back. 611:) which supported a 419:government law exams 6006:. Gemeinde Schwanau 6004:Schulen in Schwanau 5489:Ludwig Thoma (poet) 5066:. Books on Demand. 4649:"Loi des trois ans" 3874:Dawson, WH (1891). 2495:Housing cooperative 2415:Karl Otto Watzinger 2241:Tsarist reactionism 1931:Free Trade Unions ( 1812:Rolf Gustav Haebler 1759:French parliament ( 1657:into "just another 1576:Chancellor Bismarck 1546:national parliament 1538:1911 Morocco Crisis 1276:national parliament 1071:Imperial Parliament 901:, since 1888, of a 785:political reformism 764:Bipartisan politics 632:Peace Society group 555:"Bürgerausschuss" ( 388:. He performed his 182:political reformism 92:Cause of death 5820:eingeleitet hat?" 5684:has generic name ( 5530:has generic name ( 5466:has generic name ( 5398:Geschichte hautnah 5268:. pp. 46–48. 5099:has generic name ( 4763:has generic name ( 4540:Carl Emil Schorske 4510:has generic name ( 4471:The SPD, 1890–1914 4346:has generic name ( 4077:has generic name ( 3714:has generic name ( 3513:Axel Bernd Kunze. 3370:has generic name ( 2989:(29 August 2014). 2503: 2257:Serbian government 2163:Catholic Centrists 2080:Schleswig-Holstein 1957:Wilhelmine Germany 1877:General strikes in 1875:during the 1840s, 1869:"Chartist strikes" 1861:Berlin-Wilmersdorf 1667:regional "Landtag" 1322:Ferdinand Lassalle 1035:on town councils. 864:parliamentary term 582:Imperial Reichstag 508:chemicals industry 411:social legislation 213: 81:Meurthe-et-Moselle 6031:Media related to 5758:Alemannia Judaica 5649:K. G. Saur Verlag 5564:K. G. Saur Verlag 5275:978-3-7700-5079-6 4744:978-3-8394-2787-3 4606:(December 1972). 4484:978-1-4094-3551-8 4105:978-3-8305-2047-4 3988:Wahlrechtslexikon 3753:978-3-8012-4250-3 3695:978-3-88190-250-2 3629:Michael Kitzing. 3479:978-3-322-95098-7 3455:). pp. 5–27. 3453:Brood & Rozen 3108:. Stadt Karlsruhe 3063:978-3-7386-8836-8 2754:978-3-8288-6448-1 2454:Hitler government 2393:Hedwig Wachenheim 2340:by the hamlet of 2096:Nobel Peace Prize 2017:Social Democratic 1846:Elections to the 1386:Marxist orthodoxy 1095:Catholic-Centrist 1067:Friedrich Naumann 1048:National Liberals 1014:Ständeversammlung 999:Ständeversammlung 955:Ständeversammlung 937:support that the 915:Ständeversammlung 909:stayed away from 859:Ständeversammlung 852:National Liberals 809:Ständeversammlung 770:Ständeversammlung 537:Frank joined the 450:"Referendariat" ( 444:Beyond university 152: 151: 6090: 6030: 6016: 6015: 6013: 6011: 5996: 5990: 5989: 5987: 5985: 5970: 5964: 5963: 5961: 5959: 5944: 5938: 5937: 5935: 5933: 5918: 5912: 5911: 5909: 5907: 5892: 5886: 5885: 5883: 5881: 5870: 5864: 5863: 5861: 5859: 5847: 5841: 5838: 5832: 5831: 5829: 5827: 5816: 5808: 5799: 5798: 5796: 5794: 5781:Andrea Hoffend. 5778: 5769: 5768: 5766: 5764: 5741: 5735: 5732: 5726: 5725: 5707: 5701: 5700: 5694: 5689: 5683: 5679: 5677: 5669: 5667: 5665: 5638: 5632: 5629: 5623: 5622: 5611: 5605: 5604: 5598: 5594: 5592: 5584: 5582: 5580: 5562:. Vol. 16. 5553: 5547: 5546: 5540: 5535: 5529: 5525: 5523: 5515: 5513: 5511: 5485: 5479: 5478: 5471: 5465: 5461: 5459: 5451: 5449: 5447: 5424: 5418: 5415: 5409: 5408: 5406: 5404: 5389: 5383: 5382: 5380: 5378: 5362: 5351: 5348: 5342: 5341: 5339: 5337: 5322: 5316: 5313: 5307: 5306: 5300: 5296: 5294: 5286: 5284: 5282: 5255: 5241: 5235: 5234: 5228: 5224: 5222: 5214: 5212: 5210: 5179: 5173: 5172: 5170: 5168: 5152: 5146: 5145: 5143: 5141: 5131: 5122: 5116: 5115: 5109: 5104: 5098: 5094: 5092: 5084: 5082: 5080: 5057: 5048: 5047: 5045: 5043: 5033: 5024: 5018: 5017: 5015: 5013: 4998: 4987: 4986: 4984: 4982: 4965:(4 April 2014). 4959: 4953: 4950: 4944: 4943: 4941: 4939: 4929: 4920: 4914: 4913: 4893: 4887: 4878: 4872: 4860: 4854: 4853: 4851: 4849: 4834: 4828: 4827: 4825: 4823: 4808: 4802: 4801: 4799: 4797: 4786: 4780: 4779: 4773: 4768: 4762: 4758: 4756: 4748: 4728: 4722: 4721: 4715: 4711: 4709: 4701: 4699: 4697: 4674: 4665: 4664: 4662: 4660: 4645: 4639: 4638: 4636: 4634: 4600: 4594: 4593: 4587: 4583: 4581: 4573: 4571: 4569: 4550: 4536: 4527: 4526: 4520: 4515: 4509: 4505: 4503: 4495: 4493: 4491: 4476: 4465: 4459: 4458: 4443: 4434: 4433: 4431: 4429: 4409: 4403: 4402: 4400: 4398: 4379: 4370: 4369: 4362: 4356: 4351: 4345: 4341: 4339: 4331: 4329: 4327: 4312: 4301: 4295: 4294: 4292: 4290: 4284: 4276: 4263: 4262: 4244: 4238: 4235: 4229: 4228: 4226: 4224: 4204: 4198: 4197: 4195: 4193: 4173: 4167: 4166: 4164: 4162: 4146: 4140: 4139: 4137: 4135: 4125: 4116: 4110: 4109: 4089: 4083: 4082: 4076: 4072: 4070: 4062: 4060: 4058: 4043: 4037: 4034: 4028: 4027: 4025: 4023: 4006: 4000: 3999: 3997: 3995: 3979: 3973: 3972: 3958: 3952: 3951: 3949: 3947: 3924: 3918: 3917: 3915: 3913: 3898: 3889: 3886: 3880: 3879: 3871: 3865: 3864: 3858: 3854: 3852: 3844: 3842: 3840: 3813: 3807: 3806: 3804: 3802: 3791: 3785: 3784: 3778: 3774: 3772: 3764: 3762: 3760: 3737: 3731: 3730: 3724: 3719: 3713: 3709: 3707: 3699: 3679: 3673: 3672: 3670: 3668: 3653: 3647: 3646: 3644: 3642: 3626: 3620: 3619: 3617: 3615: 3593: 3587: 3586: 3584: 3582: 3566: 3560: 3559: 3557: 3555: 3533: 3527: 3526: 3524: 3522: 3510: 3504: 3503: 3497: 3493: 3491: 3483: 3463: 3457: 3456: 3440: 3434: 3433: 3431: 3429: 3418: 3412: 3411: 3409: 3407: 3401: 3393: 3387: 3386: 3380: 3375: 3369: 3365: 3363: 3355: 3353: 3351: 3327: 3321: 3320: 3318: 3316: 3301: 3295: 3294: 3292: 3290: 3271: 3265: 3264: 3262: 3260: 3245: 3234: 3230: 3221: 3220: 3214: 3210: 3208: 3200: 3198: 3196: 3173: 3167: 3163: 3118: 3117: 3115: 3113: 3101: 3088: 3087: 3081: 3077: 3075: 3067: 3047: 3041: 3040: 3038: 3036: 3020: 3007: 3006: 3004: 3002: 2982: 2969: 2968: 2966: 2964: 2948: 2942: 2941: 2939: 2937: 2926: 2913: 2912: 2910: 2908: 2896: 2875: 2874: 2872: 2870: 2851: 2842: 2841: 2839: 2837: 2822: 2809: 2808: 2806: 2804: 2794: 2785: 2779: 2778: 2772: 2768: 2766: 2758: 2738: 2732: 2731: 2729: 2727: 2715: 2704: 2703: 2701: 2699: 2674: 2661: 2660: 2658: 2656: 2645: 2629: 2626: 2620: 2617: 2611: 2589: 2583: 2580: 2521:barracks complex 2508:West German army 2435:populist "right" 2431:German democracy 2367:, killed by the 2212:Social Democrats 2098:winner, and the 2064:Social Democrats 2057:Social Democrats 2047:) to be held in 1965:the German north 1871:in the north of 1824:imperial Germany 1808:Social Democrats 1782:Social Democrats 1751:Social Democrats 1743:Bethmann Hollweg 1544:. In France the 1485:Before 1914 the 1331:Karl Hildenbrand 1136:Social Democrats 1075:Ernst Bassermann 1033:Social Democrats 911:the Grand Duke's 829:social democrats 821:political bloc ( 598:August Dreesbach 565:representative. 527:radical movement 519:Social Democrats 390:Military service 322:Friedrich Engels 311:Dillingen (Lahr) 96:Killed in action 73:3 September 1914 50: 48: 33: 19: 18: 6098: 6097: 6093: 6092: 6091: 6089: 6088: 6087: 6038: 6037: 6024: 6019: 6009: 6007: 5998: 5997: 5993: 5983: 5981: 5972: 5971: 5967: 5957: 5955: 5946: 5945: 5941: 5931: 5929: 5920: 5919: 5915: 5905: 5903: 5894: 5893: 5889: 5879: 5877: 5872: 5871: 5867: 5857: 5855: 5848: 5844: 5839: 5835: 5825: 5823: 5814: 5810: 5809: 5802: 5792: 5790: 5779: 5772: 5762: 5760: 5756:, Berlin & 5742: 5738: 5733: 5729: 5722: 5708: 5704: 5692: 5691: 5681: 5680: 5671: 5670: 5663: 5661: 5659: 5639: 5635: 5630: 5626: 5612: 5608: 5596: 5595: 5586: 5585: 5578: 5576: 5574: 5554: 5550: 5538: 5537: 5527: 5526: 5517: 5516: 5509: 5507: 5505: 5486: 5482: 5472: 5463: 5462: 5453: 5452: 5445: 5443: 5425: 5421: 5416: 5412: 5402: 5400: 5390: 5386: 5376: 5374: 5363: 5354: 5349: 5345: 5335: 5333: 5324: 5323: 5319: 5314: 5310: 5298: 5297: 5288: 5287: 5280: 5278: 5276: 5260:, Berlin & 5253: 5242: 5238: 5226: 5225: 5216: 5215: 5208: 5206: 5204: 5196:. p. 164. 5180: 5176: 5166: 5164: 5153: 5149: 5139: 5137: 5129: 5123: 5119: 5107: 5106: 5096: 5095: 5086: 5085: 5078: 5076: 5074: 5058: 5051: 5041: 5039: 5031: 5025: 5021: 5011: 5009: 4999: 4990: 4980: 4978: 4960: 4956: 4951: 4947: 4937: 4935: 4927: 4921: 4917: 4910: 4894: 4890: 4879: 4875: 4861: 4857: 4847: 4845: 4835: 4831: 4821: 4819: 4810: 4809: 4805: 4795: 4793: 4788: 4787: 4783: 4771: 4770: 4760: 4759: 4750: 4749: 4745: 4729: 4725: 4713: 4712: 4703: 4702: 4695: 4693: 4691: 4675: 4668: 4658: 4656: 4647: 4646: 4642: 4632: 4630: 4620:Springer-Verlag 4601: 4597: 4585: 4584: 4575: 4574: 4567: 4565: 4563: 4548: 4537: 4530: 4518: 4517: 4507: 4506: 4497: 4496: 4489: 4487: 4485: 4474: 4466: 4462: 4455:Ullstein Verlag 4444: 4437: 4427: 4425: 4410: 4406: 4396: 4394: 4380: 4373: 4363: 4354: 4353: 4343: 4342: 4333: 4332: 4325: 4323: 4321: 4310: 4302: 4298: 4288: 4286: 4282: 4278: 4277: 4266: 4259: 4245: 4241: 4236: 4232: 4222: 4220: 4205: 4201: 4191: 4189: 4174: 4170: 4160: 4158: 4147: 4143: 4133: 4131: 4123: 4117: 4113: 4106: 4090: 4086: 4074: 4073: 4064: 4063: 4056: 4054: 4044: 4040: 4035: 4031: 4021: 4019: 4007: 4003: 3993: 3991: 3980: 3976: 3969: 3959: 3955: 3945: 3943: 3925: 3921: 3911: 3909: 3900: 3899: 3892: 3887: 3883: 3872: 3868: 3856: 3855: 3846: 3845: 3838: 3836: 3834: 3814: 3810: 3800: 3798: 3793: 3792: 3788: 3776: 3775: 3766: 3765: 3758: 3756: 3754: 3738: 3734: 3722: 3721: 3711: 3710: 3701: 3700: 3696: 3680: 3676: 3666: 3664: 3655: 3654: 3650: 3640: 3638: 3627: 3623: 3613: 3611: 3594: 3590: 3580: 3578: 3571:"Kolb, Wilhelm" 3567: 3563: 3553: 3551: 3534: 3530: 3520: 3518: 3511: 3507: 3495: 3494: 3485: 3484: 3480: 3464: 3460: 3441: 3437: 3427: 3425: 3420: 3419: 3415: 3405: 3403: 3399: 3395: 3394: 3390: 3378: 3377: 3367: 3366: 3357: 3356: 3349: 3347: 3345: 3328: 3324: 3314: 3312: 3303: 3302: 3298: 3288: 3286: 3276:"Frank, Ludwig" 3272: 3268: 3258: 3256: 3249:"Frank, Ludwig" 3247: 3246: 3237: 3231: 3224: 3212: 3211: 3202: 3201: 3194: 3192: 3190: 3174: 3170: 3164: 3121: 3111: 3109: 3102: 3091: 3079: 3078: 3069: 3068: 3064: 3048: 3044: 3034: 3032: 3021: 3010: 3000: 2998: 2983: 2972: 2962: 2960: 2953:"Frank, Ludwig" 2949: 2945: 2935: 2933: 2928: 2927: 2916: 2906: 2904: 2897: 2878: 2868: 2866: 2852: 2845: 2835: 2833: 2824: 2823: 2812: 2802: 2800: 2792: 2786: 2782: 2770: 2769: 2760: 2759: 2755: 2739: 2735: 2725: 2723: 2716: 2707: 2697: 2695: 2675: 2664: 2654: 2652: 2647: 2646: 2642: 2638: 2633: 2632: 2627: 2623: 2618: 2614: 2601:First World War 2597:Julian calendar 2595:still used the 2590: 2586: 2581: 2577: 2572: 2479:the authorities 2439:Moscow inspired 2408:President Heuss 2381: 2357:First World War 2228:quasi-alliances 2208:Labour movement 2200: 2184:Alsace-Lorraine 2165:, two from the 2143: 1978: 1973: 1924:First World War 1892:1905 revolution 1865:largest "state" 1796: 1739: 1588: 1559: 1557:Budget speeches 1483: 1478: 1424: 1374: 1368: 1301: 1256: 1251: 1227:Social Democrat 1207:Social Democrat 1185:maintained its 1111: 951: 871:Social Democrat 801: 766: 761: 721:Karl Liebknecht 691:the Grand Duchy 655: 535: 504:"Bavarian West" 485:Der wahre Jacob 446: 438:the Grand Duchy 370: 345:"Primus Omnium" 292: 267: 262: 217:First World War 148: 126:Political party 120: 108: 102:Alma mater 87: 74: 65: 52: 46: 44: 36: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 6096: 6086: 6085: 6080: 6075: 6070: 6065: 6060: 6055: 6050: 6023: 6022:External links 6020: 6018: 6017: 5991: 5965: 5939: 5913: 5887: 5865: 5842: 5833: 5800: 5770: 5736: 5727: 5720: 5702: 5682:|author3= 5657: 5633: 5624: 5606: 5572: 5548: 5528:|author2= 5503: 5480: 5464:|author1= 5419: 5410: 5384: 5352: 5343: 5317: 5308: 5274: 5245:Susanne Miller 5236: 5203:978-3799509022 5202: 5174: 5155:Rainer Proch. 5147: 5117: 5072: 5049: 5019: 5004:(6 May 2013). 5002:Wolfgang Kruse 4988: 4975:Deutsche Welle 4954: 4945: 4915: 4908: 4888: 4873: 4855: 4829: 4803: 4781: 4761:|author1= 4743: 4723: 4689: 4666: 4640: 4595: 4561: 4528: 4508:|author1= 4483: 4460: 4435: 4413:Wolfgang Kruse 4404: 4383:Vladimir Lenin 4371: 4344:|author3= 4319: 4296: 4264: 4258:978-3423042161 4257: 4239: 4230: 4199: 4168: 4141: 4111: 4104: 4098:. BWV Verlag. 4084: 4038: 4029: 4001: 3974: 3967: 3953: 3919: 3890: 3881: 3866: 3832: 3808: 3795:"Chronik 1913" 3786: 3752: 3732: 3712:|author1= 3694: 3674: 3648: 3621: 3588: 3561: 3528: 3505: 3478: 3458: 3435: 3413: 3388: 3368:|author1= 3343: 3322: 3296: 3284:Ivry-sur-Seine 3266: 3235: 3222: 3188: 3168: 3119: 3106:"Ludwig Frank" 3089: 3062: 3042: 3008: 2970: 2943: 2914: 2876: 2843: 2810: 2780: 2753: 2733: 2705: 2678:Erich Matthias 2662: 2639: 2637: 2634: 2631: 2630: 2621: 2612: 2608:and literature 2593:Russian empire 2584: 2574: 2573: 2571: 2568: 2567: 2566: 2543: 2501:pictured here. 2483: 2482: 2419: 2411: 2405: 2396: 2389: 2380: 2377: 2326: 2325: 2291: 2290: 2237:Russian empire 2199: 2196: 2142: 2139: 2120:d'Estournelles 2108:antimilitarism 2062:In the end 26 1977: 1974: 1972: 1969: 1912:Rosa Luxemburg 1888:Russian empire 1795: 1792: 1774:the government 1738: 1735: 1723:Zabern/Saverne 1719:the chancellor 1587: 1584: 1558: 1555: 1505:Bismarck years 1482: 1479: 1477: 1474: 1423: 1420: 1373: 1370: 1300: 1297: 1274:, both in the 1255: 1252: 1250: 1247: 1239:the parliament 1110: 1107: 991:Edmund Rebmann 950: 947: 878:the parliament 835:especially in 800: 797: 765: 762: 760: 757: 679:Die Gleichheit 654: 651: 534: 531: 445: 442: 369: 366: 296:Simultanschule 291: 288: 266: 263: 261: 258: 246:Albert Südekum 150: 149: 147: 146: 143: 139: 137: 133: 132: 127: 123: 122: 117: 113: 112: 103: 99: 98: 93: 89: 88: 75: 71: 67: 66: 53: 42: 38: 37: 34: 26: 25: 22: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 6095: 6084: 6081: 6079: 6076: 6074: 6071: 6069: 6066: 6064: 6061: 6059: 6056: 6054: 6051: 6049: 6046: 6045: 6043: 6036: 6034: 6029: 6005: 6001: 5995: 5979: 5975: 5969: 5953: 5949: 5943: 5927: 5923: 5917: 5901: 5897: 5891: 5875: 5869: 5853: 5846: 5837: 5821: 5813: 5807: 5805: 5788: 5784: 5777: 5775: 5759: 5755: 5751: 5747: 5740: 5731: 5723: 5721:9783799509022 5717: 5713: 5706: 5698: 5687: 5675: 5660: 5658:9783598117916 5654: 5650: 5646: 5645: 5637: 5628: 5620: 5616: 5615:Carlo Schmidt 5610: 5602: 5590: 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Retrieved 6003: 5994: 5984:10 September 5982:. Retrieved 5977: 5968: 5958:10 September 5956:. Retrieved 5951: 5942: 5932:10 September 5930:. Retrieved 5925: 5916: 5906:10 September 5904:. Retrieved 5899: 5890: 5880:10 September 5878:. Retrieved 5868: 5856:. Retrieved 5845: 5836: 5824:. Retrieved 5818: 5791:. Retrieved 5786: 5761:. Retrieved 5749: 5739: 5730: 5712:Ludwig Frank 5711: 5705: 5662:. Retrieved 5643: 5636: 5627: 5618: 5609: 5577:. Retrieved 5558: 5551: 5508:. Retrieved 5493: 5483: 5444:. Retrieved 5439: 5422: 5413: 5401:. Retrieved 5397: 5387: 5375:. Retrieved 5370: 5346: 5334:. Retrieved 5329: 5320: 5311: 5279:. Retrieved 5249: 5239: 5207:. Retrieved 5184: 5177: 5165:. Retrieved 5160: 5150: 5138:. Retrieved 5133: 5120: 5077:. Retrieved 5062: 5040:. Retrieved 5035: 5022: 5010:. Retrieved 4979:. Retrieved 4970: 4957: 4948: 4936:. Retrieved 4931: 4918: 4898: 4891: 4881: 4876: 4867:Website des 4866: 4858: 4846:. Retrieved 4832: 4820:. Retrieved 4815: 4806: 4794:. 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Retrieved 3279: 3269: 3257:. Retrieved 3252: 3193:. Retrieved 3178: 3171: 3110:. Retrieved 3052: 3045: 3033:. Retrieved 3029:the original 2999:. Retrieved 2994: 2961:. Retrieved 2956: 2946: 2934:. Retrieved 2905:. Retrieved 2867:. Retrieved 2862: 2855:Eduard David 2834:. Retrieved 2829: 2801:. Retrieved 2796: 2783: 2743: 2736: 2724:. Retrieved 2696:. Retrieved 2685: 2653:. Retrieved 2643: 2624: 2615: 2587: 2578: 2491:kindergarten 2471:dictatorship 2386:Ludwig Thoma 2350: 2334: 2327: 2318: 2307: 2292: 2279:Wilhelm Kolb 2217: 2201: 2144: 2128: 2111: 2094:, already a 2073: 2061: 2053:August Bebel 2044: 2029:Robert Grimm 2002: 1994:conscription 1979: 1944:Gustav Bauer 1932: 1928: 1845: 1837: 1803: 1797: 1778: 1760: 1740: 1684: 1636: 1620: 1589: 1580: 1560: 1535: 1513: 1484: 1462: 1441: 1437:August Bebel 1432:August Bebel 1425: 1378:Karl Kautsky 1375: 1367: 1317:German north 1310: 1306:August Bebel 1302: 1257: 1234: 1230: 1203:Centre Party 1180: 1152:Centre Party 1112: 1079:August Bebel 1057:between the 1052: 1037: 1018: 1007: 1003: 984: 952: 927: 868: 845: 822: 802: 781:Wilhelm Kolb 777:constituency 767: 733: 729: 725:Henri de Man 715:to host the 710: 699: 675:Clara Zetkin 656: 639: 637: 627: 608: 602: 578:January 1907 571: 567: 556: 536: 512: 500:Ludwigshafen 489: 482: 451: 447: 434:craft guilds 427: 394: 371: 338: 330:Karl Kautsky 326:August Bebel 300: 293: 268: 214: 179: 155:Ludwig Frank 154: 153: 23:Ludwig Frank 6073:1914 deaths 6068:1874 births 5858:9 September 5826:9 September 5793:9 September 5763:9 September 5693:|work= 5664:9 September 5597:|work= 5579:9 September 5539:|work= 5510:9 September 5446:9 September 5403:8 September 5377:8 September 5336:8 September 5299:|work= 5281:8 September 5227:|work= 5209:8 September 5194:Sigmaringen 5167:8 September 5140:8 September 5108:|work= 5079:8 September 5042:8 September 5012:8 September 4981:7 September 4938:7 September 4848:7 September 4772:|work= 4714:|work= 4604:Dieter Groh 4586:|work= 4519:|work= 4447:Dieter Groh 4355:|work= 3857:|work= 3826:, München. 3824:GRIN Verlag 3777:|work= 3743:Footnote 63 3723:|work= 3496:|work= 3379:|work= 3213:|work= 3080:|work= 2771:|work= 2513:Georg Leber 2342:Nossoncourt 2204:July Crisis 2202:During the 2112:in extremis 2104:Jean Jaurès 2021:Switzerland 1908:Wilmersdorf 1828:the Emperor 1731:the emperor 1703:the emperor 1608:unification 1470:"Großblock" 1449:Württemberg 1407:Paul Lensch 1402:"Großblock" 1382:the party's 1347:Württemberg 1339:Württemberg 980:Grand Duchy 949:1909 - 1913 823:"Großblock" 799:1905 - 1909 620:Neckarstadt 357:common good 303:"Gymnasium" 271:Nonnenweier 250:Nossoncourt 229:Switzerland 51:23 May 1874 6042:Categories 5754:CV-Zeitung 5266:Düsseldorf 4217:Junge Welt 2636:References 2533:Minister's 2457:took power 2450:Luisenpark 2437:and their 2124:Hugo Haase 1621:From 1911 1567:the empire 1563:parliament 1542:parliament 1217:, Baden's 1170:since the 874:Adolf Geck 617:the city's 572:parliament 368:University 315:Bismarck's 265:Provenance 121:Politician 47:1874-05-23 5695:ignored ( 5674:cite book 5599:ignored ( 5589:cite book 5541:ignored ( 5520:cite book 5301:ignored ( 5291:cite book 5229:ignored ( 5219:cite book 5110:ignored ( 5089:cite book 4774:ignored ( 4753:cite book 4716:ignored ( 4706:cite book 4588:ignored ( 4578:cite book 4521:ignored ( 4500:cite book 4357:ignored ( 4336:cite book 3859:ignored ( 3849:cite book 3779:ignored ( 3769:cite book 3725:ignored ( 3704:cite book 3498:ignored ( 3488:cite book 3381:ignored ( 3360:cite book 3215:ignored ( 3205:cite book 3082:ignored ( 3072:cite book 2995:interview 2773:ignored ( 2763:cite book 2604:broke out 2555:Salzwedel 2547:Nuremberg 2371:south of 2310:Landsturm 2266:Reichstag 2114:, of the 1833:Reichstag 1771:Reichstag 1769:. In the 1747:Reichstag 1715:Reichstag 1679:Reichstag 1675:SPD group 1671:"Landtag" 1651:Reichstag 1612:Reichstag 1525:Reichstag 1516:Reichstag 1428:Magdeburg 1380:, one of 1268:the party 1260:SPD group 1127:Reichstag 1105:members. 774:Karlsruhe 744:Reichstag 713:Stuttgart 695:Karlsruhe 659:Amsterdam 547:Amsterdam 474:Karlsruhe 407:Germany's 382:Sociology 361:Karlsruhe 260:Biography 171:Karlsruhe 5617:(1964). 5456:cite web 5247:(1974). 4628:24195777 4542:(1955). 4188:(online) 4186:Die Zeit 4067:cite web 2680:(1961). 2559:Mannheim 2540:dividend 2537:Glasnost 2525:Mannheim 2497:and the 2475:the park 2423:Mannheim 2418:sources. 2413:In 1995 2391:In 1924 2346:Baccarat 2253:Sarajevo 2161:, three 1990:the army 1980:In both 1705:and his 1590:Most of 1287:and the 1156:the list 1148:Liberals 1123:liberals 1109:>1913 1061:and the 987:Mannheim 815:and the 661:for the 590:Weinheim 586:Mannheim 515:Mannheim 492:Mannheim 478:Mannheim 470:Waldshut 430:Freiburg 415:Freiburg 106:Freiburg 77:Baccarat 4822:20 July 4796:20 July 4696:11 July 4659:10 July 4633:10 July 4568:10 July 4490:10 July 4428:10 July 4397:10 July 4326:10 July 4192:20 June 4161:20 June 4134:20 June 4057:20 June 4022:19 June 3994:19 June 3946:17 June 3941:1881174 3912:17 June 3839:15 June 3801:15 June 3759:14 June 3667:14 June 3641:13 June 3614:13 June 3581:13 June 3554:13 June 3521:13 June 3428:12 June 3406:12 June 3350:12 June 3315:12 June 3289:12 June 3259:12 June 3195:12 June 3112:11 June 3035:11 June 3001:11 June 2963:11 June 2936:11 June 2907:11 June 2869:11 June 2836:11 June 2803:12 June 2726:11 June 2698:11 June 2655:11 June 2463:into a 2303:Germany 2261:Austria 2179:Germany 2151:Germany 2135:Germany 2025:Belgium 2015:on the 1986:Germany 1920:Prussia 1886:in the 1880:Belgium 1873:England 1854:in the 1852:Germany 1818:but in 1816:Prussia 1755:chamber 1677:in the 1649:at the 1604:Germany 1530:Prussia 1489:in the 1457:Bavaria 1415:Marxism 1355:Bavaria 1343:Bavaria 1272:Germany 1168:Germany 1154:headed 1115:Rebmann 1087:Germany 1046:of the 921:of the 882:Germany 837:Prussia 833:Germany 793:the war 748:The SPD 740:Germany 702:Germany 685:of the 644:Belgian 543:Dresden 525:, as a 502:in the 466:Mosbach 462:Staufen 386:Zoology 225:Germany 199:Germany 191:Prussia 136:Parents 63:Germany 5718:  5655:  5570:  5501:  5272:  5200:  5070:  4977:, Bonn 4906:  4865:. 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Nonnenweier (Schwanau)
Killed in action
Baden Ständeversammlung (the Grand Duchy's parliament)
Imperial Parliament (Reichstag)
political reformism
"Dreiklassenwahlrecht" (three-class voting system)

Lovis Corinth
First World War
parliamentary truce for the duration of the war

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