
Papadic Octoechos

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1479:τοίνυν ψαλτικὴ ἐπιστήμη οὐ συνίσταται μόνον ἀπὸ παραλλαγῶν, ὡς τῶν νῦν τινες οἴονται, ἀλλὰ καὶ δι’ ἄλλων πολλῶν πρότων, οὕς αὐτίκα λέξω διὰ βραχέων. τὸ γὰρ τῆς παραλλαγῆς χρῆμα κατὰ τὴν ψαλτικὴν τὸ εὐτελέστερόν τε τῶν ἐν αὐτῇ πάντων καὶ εὐκολώτατον· κἂν εἴποι τις ὡς μέλος ἐποίησα καὶ κατὰ τὰς φωνάς ἐστιν ἀνενδεές, οὐδὲ μιᾶς ἀπούσης ἥνπερ ἔδει παρεῖναι καὶ τὸ ὀρθὸν εἶναι καὶ ὑγιὲς ὄντως ἀπὸ παραλλαγῶν, ἔχει ὥστε μὴ χρείαν εἶναι μηδεμίαν ἄλλην ἐν αὐτῷ ζητεῖν τελεότητα, κακῶς φρονεῖν τε καὶ λέγειν ἡγητέον τὸν τοιοῦτον καὶ ἔξω τοῦ τῆς ἐπιστήμης ὀρθοῦ λόγου· ἐπεὶ εἰ ὅπερ ὁ τοιοῦτος ὑπ’ ἀμαθίας ἴσως ἐρεῖ τὸ ὀρθὸν εἶχε μεθ’ ἑαυτοῦ, οὐδεμία ἦν ἄν χρεία οὐδ’ ἀνάγκη τοῦ τὸν μὲν Γλυκὺν Ἰωάννην πεποιηκέναι τὰς μεθόδους τῶν κατὰ τὴν ψαλτικὴν θέσεων, τὸν δὲ μαΐστορα Ἰωάννην μετ’ αὐτον τὴν ἑτέραν μέθοδον καὶ τὰ σημάδια ψαλτά, εἶτα μετ’ αὐτὸν πάλιν τὸν κορώνην τὰς ἐτέρας δύο μεθόδους τῶν κρατημάτων καὶ τὴν ἑτέραν τῶν στιχηρῶν· ἔδει γὰρ καὶ τούτου λοιπὸν καὶ τοὺς ἄλλους ἅπαντας ἀρκεῖσθαι ταῖς παραλλαγαῖς μόναις καὶ μηδέν τι περαιτέρω πολυπραγμονεῖν, μηδὲ περιεργάζεσθαι μήτε περὶ θέσεων, μήθ’ ὁδοῦ, μήτ’ ἄλλης ἡστινοσοῦν ἰδέας τεχνικῆς. 361:, but most papadikai also add a second version in the redaction of John Koukouzeles who was probably his student. These lists prefer the use of Byzantine round notation, which had developed during the late 12th century from the late diastematic Coislin type. The modal signatures were referred to the Hagiopolitan octoechos. Because the repertoire of signs was expanded under the influence of John Glykys' school, there was a scholarly discussion to make a distinction between Middle and Late Byzantine notation. The discussion decided more or less against this distinction, because the Papadic school did not invent new neume signs, it rather integrated signs known from other chant books and their local traditions, including the books of the Constantinopolitan cathedral rite as they had been used until the Western conquest of Constantinople. 3256: 1422:
a melos during performance. Concerning the tetraphonic or "trochos system" every chanter had to deal with discrepancies which existed during parallage with regard to octave equivalence. Within the practice of psaltic art, it was nothing more than the experience of how to change from one to another echos. Roughly it can be said that tetraphonia was the level of composition and of memorizing a certain model of traditional chant, while heptaphonia was the conventional level of the exposition of a certain echos and its melos—a kind of model which belonged to a certain echos. Chanters trained in psaltic art were already familiar with them, after they had reached the very basic level.
114: 6442: 2467:καὶ οὕτος ἕχει, ἀλλ οὐ συνίσταται πάντοτε εἰς τὸν πρῶτον ἦχον τὸ μέλος αὐτῆς, ἀλλὰ πολλάκις δεσμοῦσα καὶ τὸν τρίτον ποιεῖ τοῦτον νενανῶ, ὁμοίως καὶ τὸν τέταρτον· ἐνίοτε καὶ τὸν δεύτερον καὶ τὸν πλάγιον τετάρτου. πλὴν ἡ κατάληξις ταύτης γίνεται πάντοτε εἰς τὸν πλάγιον δευτέρου, κἂν εἰς ὁποῖον ἦχον καὶ τεθῇ, καθὼς διδάσκει καὶ ποιεῖ τοῦτο ὁ  ἀληθὴς εὐμουσώτατος διδάσκαλος μαΐστωρ Ἰωάννης εἰς τὸ "Μήποτε ὀργισθῆ κύριος" ἐν τῷ "Δουλεύσατε"· τετάρτου γὰρ ἤχου ὄντος ἐκεῖ ἀπὸ παραλλαγῶν, δεσμεῖ τοῦτον ἡ φθορὰ αὕτη καὶ ἀντὶ τοῦ κατελθεῖν πλάγιον πρώτου, κατέρχεταιεἰς τὸν πλάγιον δευτέρου. 3123: 2812: 749: 2571: 617: 1901: 1149: 3230:. His own transposition from the varys section on did no longer allow him to leave the labyrinth of the Octoechos and its various connections based on ambiguities of modal perception. Even if it was no longer perceived by the audience, it becomes evident during the study of the manuscripts that the protopsaltes got lost in the labyrinth without finding their back to the exit of the same transposition. Even skilled experts got easily lost in the very sophisticated 6800: 9244: 3445:), did not only sing in the churches the daily services, they also joined Sufi lodges, and sometimes even the Court as invited guests but also as paid musicians, and it is known from several musicians that Sufis and Christians went to the synagogue to listen to Jewish singers and vice versa. Among Jewish singers, the brotherhoods of the "Maftirim" (of Edirne, but also of Galata) were of particular interest, because they adapted classical Ottoman 7123: 4788: 4763: 682: 640:, Ps. 119–130) and the earliest examples can be found in manuscripts since the 14th century. The practice can be regarded as part of a synthesis between Hagiopolitan Octoechos and the Constantinopolitan cathedral rite which was another result of the Studite reform. These models followed the octoechos and showed close resemblance to the melismatic compositions of the cathedral rite, at least in the transmission of 1856:
all the echoi which the kalophonic melos had to pass through. Usually the disposition was simple and did not change by the use of transposition, but some more complex stichera did as well and the tetraphonic system allowed always a new disposition between plagios and kyrios of a certain echos. And one of this complex stichera which pass through the eight echoi of Octoechos, was chosen by Oliver Strunk (
1247:, each place of the wheel can be left in ascending as well as in descending direction. The five rings are another important innovation in comparison with the other memorial landscapes, the substitution of the kyrios by the plagios (passing from the outer to the most inner ring) and vice versa was frequently used by composers for the effect of a register change into the lower or higher pentachord. 4618:) have been published since the 18th century. Such are the theoretical works by Panagiotes Halaçoğlu (Συγκρίσις τῆς ἀραβοπερσικῆς μουσικῆς, manuscript dated 1728) and his student Kyrillos Marmarinos (manuscript dated 1747, stored as Ms. 305 in the archives of the Historical and Ethnological Society of Greece, Athens), but also printed publications by Ioannis Keïvelis and Spiridon Anastasiou ( 25: 1475:(μετροφωνία), and the establishment of the musical performance by the "thesis of the melos" (θέσις τοῦ μέλου) according to its traditional "method" (μέθοδος). According to him the seduction to confuse heptaphonia with tetraphonia only existed for those, who were so ignorant concerning psaltic art that they did not even understand the difference between parallage and melos. 3548:), despite the fact that he was never directly connected with the Patriarchate. Some of his heirmologic compositions like Πασᾶν τὴν ἐλπίδα μοῦ use several makam models for extravagant changes between different echoi, at least in the later transcriptions according to the New Method and its "exoteric phthorai". This early use corresponds to the early state of a 3572:"Mega Ison". An example is the edition of Panagiotes Keltzanides' "Methodical teaching of the theory and practice for the instruction and the dissemination of the genuine external music" which was published in 1881. The seventh chapter of Keltzanides' book contains an introduction into all the "exoteric phthorai" of the New Method used for more than 40 1514:" was the very level of a certain echos, tetraphonia became rather an instrument of transition. There was either a closed form, made up by patterns and conventions of a certain melos defined by one echos and the octave over its basic degree, or the form was opened by tetraphonia and the possibility to change to another 443: 1739:, and entered the level of a melos defined by one echos and one of the peripheral wheels, and on this level the tritos was always the octave on B flat or F, while the octave of B natural is always a devteros octave which can be reached by a transposition (μεταβολή κατὰ τόνον) which turns the protos on D into a 399:. Intonation formulas and psalmody for the eight modes of the octoechos system can both be found in the book "akolouthiai" and some sticheraria, and these late manuscripts are the only sources of Byzantine simple psalmody today. The new book akolouthiai replaced several books, the psaltikon, the asmatikon, the 3580:
and the Turkish fret name of the basis tone. The following "Makamlar kâr" memorizes each seyir with a text naming the makam of each section. This genre, called ἔντεχνον μάθημα, is very close to the "Mega Ison" and the use of modern Byzantine notation, which does not use the specific rhythmic notation
who dated it back to the 15th century. Because the Papadike as introduction of the new book akolouthiai was regarded as very representative, this manuscript with its focus on John Glykys' method seems to be a copy of an earlier version. The manuscript which Fleischer had published from the reliefs of
Please note that the modal signatures are here transcribed by the simple numerals as they are used within the Greek alphabet. The modal signature itself refer roughly to these numerals (except for the ligature abbreviating βαρύς), and add neumes on the top as they are used above the last syllable of
poetry, but also to Hebrew psalms, and these compositions had been organized as a cycle of the same makam, chosen as makam of the day. These inspiring exchanges developed other needs like the adaptation to a tone system which was common knowledge of all musicians of the Ottoman Empire, which allowed
and the disposition of the echoi through which a certain composition had to pass, can be studied by the kalophonic method of doing the thesis of the sticheraric melos. The psaltes skilled in the psaltic art usually opened his performance by an extended enechema which recapitulated the disposition of
by the formal function of a changing disposition, which allowed always to find a kyrios in the upper pentachord, if the phthongos was plagios, or a plagios in the lower pentachord, if the phthongos was kyrios. But plagios and kyrios on the level of metrophonia were only defined by the direction from
compilation contain a short explanation within octave equivalence which is usually not given by the authors of Papadikai. Instead the Papadike just contained systematic lists of signs and parallage diagrams, but it also offered useful exercises which aimed to teach different methods of how to create
The τροχὸς in the version of a late 18th-century manuscript of Papadike adds the aspect of the heptaphonic tone system to the peripheral wheels, dedicated to the diatonic kyrios and plagios of the four octaves. In fact, this hybrid form corresponds to the oldest source of the Koukouzelian wheel. The
The possibility of translating every style into an artistic experiment of psaltic art was based on the concept, that every step recognized by metrophonia was regarded as a degree of the mode as well as a mode (an echos) itself. The kalophonic method established a second method beside the traditional
as the centre of the upright tradition of the Constantinopolitan cathedral rite. A similar conservative attitude can be found in Greek monasteries of Italy and Holy Mount Athos which never used the book of the reform "akolouthiai" (τάξις τῶν ἀκολουθίων "order of services"). Already during the early
so that nothing is absent nor any other element needed for perfection', we must consider that such a person thinks and speaks wrongly and has deviated from the correct principles of science For, if he were right, as in his ignorance he would probably claim to be, there would have been no need for
The eighth section adds some didactic chants, among them the Mega Ison—a sung list of all the signs which was used to exercise the method of embellished (kalophonic) melos passing through all the eight modes of Octoechos (πρῶτος, δεύτερος, τρίτος, τέταρτος, πλάγιος τοῦ πρώτου, πλάγιος τοῦ δευτέρου,
which were obviously needed to transcribe the whole repertoire including the cathedral rite into Byzantine round notation and its medial signatures which all refer to the Hagiopolitan octoechos. This section proves the integrative use of this notation, its signatures and its phthorai, which made up
which were usually attached to it, the Papadike itself was rather based on lists and exercises with short verbal explanations. The composition of the Papadike can be illustrated by the Italian manuscript of Messina (Messina, Biblioteca Regionale Universitaria, Fondo SS. Salvatore, Messan. gr. 154),
Phanariotes, Armenian musicians as well as Danubian Boyars were the first, who invented different notation systems to transcribe the orally based music traditions of the Ottoman Empire, while Greek treatises still tended to reformulate passages taken from the Hagiopolites treatise. Even before the
of each phthongos constantly by the enechema of another echos, so each parallage defined the disposition of the intervals in another way, thus represented all possible transpositions as part of the outer nature. The inner nature was represented by the four peripheral wheels for protos (on the top
octave a fifth lower C—c, so that the seventh was big and not small. Both interpretations corrupted the tetraphonic or trochos system (σύστημα κατὰ τετραφωνίαν), but they were less an ignorant confusion between metrophonia and melos, as Manuel feared it, it was motivated by a certain universalism,
The octave equivalence of heptaphonia within the melos of a certain echos can be rather explained by another use which might be called "the heptaphonia of the plagios echos". The chanter moves up and down passing the pentachord and the higher tetrachord of the octave. It is only possible to ascend
Each direction within a half circle divides the wheel into an ascending (from twelve to half past four) and a descending hemisphere (from half past ten counter clockwise to six). While the ascending way of parallage is indicated by blue arrows and the descending one by black arrows, the spokes are
And this is the situation, but its melody does not always belong to the first mode for frequently, by binding the third mode also, it makes it nenano, likewise the fourth plagal mode. However, no matter in which mode it is used, its resolution takes place in the second plagal mode , just as the
Both possibilities were certainly well known in the time of the manuscript Ms. 319 of the Docheiarios Monastery, but if the ascription to Ioannis Plousiadinos is correct, it was already practice during the 15th century. There are some descriptions of the nenano phthora by Manuel Chrysaphes which
The idea of parallage here is not to create the octave species of a certain echos, but to explore a relation to its next neighbour which is echos devteros in case of the protos parallage, or echos varys in case of the devteros parallage. It is evident that the latter seems to be a rather distant
of the same octave species, but the connection between a change of direction as α'↔πλδ', β'↔πλα', γ'↔πλβ', and δ'↔υαρ. The horizontal axis reads the top line from the left to the right for the ascending direction, while the bottom line has to be read from the right to the left for the descending
Menaion (interrupted by hymns of the Triodion and Pentekostarion, and by an old sticherarion fragment) of a Sticherarion kalophonikon with compositions by Ioannes Glykys, John Koukouzelis, Ioannes Kladas, Xenos Korones, Manuel Chrysaphes, Gregorios Mpounes Alyates and some later composers (17th
on the top and on the bottom between two crosses meet within each rhomb. In its very particular shape, Plousiadinos' diagram less represents the correct order of one tone system like the Koukouzelian wheel and the trochos system, but it helps the singer to explore rather hidden paths which pass
tradition or without it as so-called "exoteric music" or "external music" (ἡ μουσική ἐξωτερική). Some signs of the former Byzantine notation were too specific concerning the own tradition, so that they were abandoned. Thus, the ornamentation became part of the oral transmission, whether it was
at the same time and without the use of any transposition. It does look for odd ways as well, how to change between the echoi (similar to the corrupted heptaphonia of the Koukouzelian wheel), but here the changes were rather based on more common combinations of different tetrachords mixing the
which referred to the eight modes of the Octoechos by an heptaphonic and monosyllabic solfeggio of just seven syllables ζω, νη, πα, βου, γα, δι, and κε—not unlike the Western solfeggio (Si, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, and La). But his concern was less the integration of the Western tone system which
2729:, the tonality of the new section. The beginning of this section emphasizes the tetraphonic melos of the diatonic echos varys, its characteristic is the tritone above the finalis within the tritos pentachord F, and the word "τετράφωνος" has the cadence formula of ἦχος βαρύς. At the sign 2716:
If this phthora is used in order to bind , it functions as follows: the first mode, frequently tetraphonos, becomes the second by melody this effected by the strength of phthora of the second mode . If a phthora were not placed in the first mode, the melody would enter its mesos , the
The inner and outer nature of whatever phthongos becomes evident by the difference between parallage and melos. The great wheel in the center rather represented all phthongoi as an element of a tone system, but by the solfeggio of parallage each phthongos was defined on the level of
1444:, despite its use within the practice of discant—for the very reason, that fifth equivalence excluded somehow octave equivalence. Nevertheless, it is remarkable that its practical use within the Greek octoechos was not only recognized, but also explained by the proper Greek terms. 1504:
Ioannes Glykys to have composed methods for the theseis in chanting and after him for the maïstor Ioannes to have composed another method and the chanted signs, and after him also for Korones to have composed the other two methods of the kratemata and the other for the stichera.
On the first sight it seems that the horizontal direction is ascending from left to the right and descending from the right to the left, but the intonations have to be sung on the same pitch during a horizontal transition, because in the contemporary notation practice diatonic
Psaltikon-Kontakarion (prokeimena, allelouiaria, kontakarion with integrated hypakoai, hypakoai anastasima, the complete Akathistos hymn, kontakia anastasima, stichera heothina, appendix with refrains of the allelouiaria in oktoechos order) written by monk Neophyte (mid 14th
truly most musically-accomplished teacher and maistor Ioannes teaches and writes in Μήποτε ὀργισθῆ κύριος in the Δουλεύσατε. For since the fourth mode is there by parallage , the phthora binds it, and instead of moving to the first plagal , it continues to the second plagal.
is expected three steps or phonai above, which is three lines higher, indicated by "Γ" (3) in the last column which counts the ascending steps. In the fourth column with modal signatures, the singer finds in the same line the transposition which turns the phthongos of echos
down to the lower octave starting from the same phthongos of each kyrios echos in every peripheral circle. In the center of the Dorian circle (on the left top) is written "heptaphonia of the first echos" (ἐπταφωνία τοῦ πρώτου ἤχου), and starting from the kyrios protos the
Complete Sticherarion with Byzantine Round notation of Cyprus (Menaion ff. 1r-139r; Triodion ff. 141r-179r; Ἀκολουθία τῶν παθῶν ff. 179r-196v; Pentekostarion ff. 196v-218r) and Oktoechos with stichera prosomoia (14th century with later palimpsests around the stichera
1125:, inserted sections using abstract syllables, complex structures were possible, a soloist could pass through several transpositions and was still able to find their way out—which meant back to the transposition of the first column and the echos of the main signature. 518:(πρῶτος, δεύτερος, τρίτος, τέταρτος, πλάγιος πρώτου, νενανῶ, βαρέως ἤχου) and two signs for a change of the tone system (μεταβολή κατὰ σύστημα)—ἡμίφωνον and εἰμίφθορον (obviously needed for a change into the triphonic system of phthora nana). The system of diatonic 4503:' realization which trapped him into the labyrinth, was due to another transition between the chromatic echos plagios devteros and echos varys. During the 13th and 14th century echos plagios devteros was always expected on β' (E), even if it had changed to the 4374:) studied mainly Papadikai for the Byzantine influence on Carolingian theory, despite the fact that this treatise type developed much later. Especially tetraphonia and a reflection and verdict against transposition are somehow present among Carolingian authors. 312:
system used for the composition of religious chant in Byzantine, Syriac, Armenian, Georgian, Latin and Slavic churches since the Middle Ages. In a modified form the octoechos is still regarded as the foundation of the tradition of monodic Orthodox chant today.
4206:) they originally belonged to the Octoechos section of the sticherarion and they became part of the written transmission since the reform Theodore Studites during the 10th century, when the earliest sticheraria were written. Nevertheless Christian Troelsgård ( 507:
Protheoria beginning with Ἀρχὴ σὺν Θεῷ ἁγίῳ τῶν σημαδίων τῆς ψαλτικῆς τέχνης ("The beginning with the Holy God of the signs used in the psaltic art..."). The signs are described and listed starting with ἴσον and the other signs which sound, including tempo
4771: 3840:) argument that the often in red ink written signs marked rather stylistic differences (kalophonic compositions marked those signs in red which were taken from another book and its local tradition), but they did not change basic principles of notation. 1281:
was only written in clockwise direction (see the way marked by the arrows). The psaltes start with the enechema of echos protos, which is descending and ascending stepwise the pentachord with its beginning and end on the kyrios finalis (the pentachord
Until now the version of Ms. vat. gr. 791 was not identical, but closer to Maria Alexandru's reconstruction (see the change of the melody indicated by the phonic signs in Ms. ottob. grec. 317 at "προσχές μάθητα"). This changes within the end of the
2711:Εἰ δὲ διὰ δεσμὸν τέθειται ἡ φθορὰ αὕτη, γίνεται οὕτως. ὁ πρῶτος ἦχος πολλάκις τετραφωνῶν γίνεται δεύτερος ἀπὸ μέλους. ποιεῖ δὲ τοῦτο ἡ τῆς δευτέρου ἤχου φθορᾶς δύναμις. εἰ γὰρ μὴ ἐτίθετο φθορὰ εἰς τὸν πρῶτον, κατήρχετο εἰς τὸν μέσον αὐτοῦ τὸν βαρύν. 1382:, that it was also called the "trochos system" (σύστημα τοῦ τροχοῦ, σύστημα κατὰ τετραφωνίαν). Nevertheless, according to tetraphonia the octave of plagios protos (e.g. D—d) does not go up to the phthongos of plagios protos, but to the phthongos of 4499:) did not succeed to reconstruct the untransposed original for the transition between the first to the second section from echos protos to echos devteros, because the manuscript showed too many variants, while the very particular transposition of 2963:
Petros Peloponnesios' version, as it was transcribed into the printed books by the beginning of the 19th century, is indeed closer to the rather odd interpretation of the scribe in Ms. ottob. gr. 317. But he introduced the interpretation of F as
which can be imagined as a repeating chain of tetrachords between Do—Fa. It has its finalis between a descending and an ascending tetrachord which are connected by the finalis—the crossing point. Here the complication is similar to those between
1145:(τροχὸς), which has four simple wheels at the margin, and a big one with five rings in the center which puzzles the four simple ones together. In fact, all these wheels look at the whole tone system through a small window of just one pentachord. 578:, which is very reduced in the 17th century redaction in comparison to earlier Papadikai—a troparion ἀνεβάς νεβὰν which memorizes always another echos with each verse, concludes the section. It does not only document the simple forms as used in 1848:(at the bottom right). Within these circles each phthongos became part of a certain melos and its echos, so its function was defined as a modal degree of an echos, e.g. a cadential or final degree, or a mobile degree attracted by the others. 1354:
neighbourhood. Thus, the heptaphonia of each echos emphasizes the difference between heptaphonia and tetraphonia. Since parallage in itself always follows tetraphonia and obeys fifth equivalence, it is impossible to create octave equivalence.
which is rather a model of modulation or transition between different echoi than an exposition of a proper melos that can be perceived as an own echos. Nevertheless, it was already used for Orthodox chant and not for compositions in Ottoman
one (second ring), into the tritos pentachord (third ring), and into the devteros pentachord (fourth ring). While the rings of the big wheel in the centre are representing the tone system and all its possible transitions (including all the
is the least significant of all techniques, and the easiest. If someone were to say, 'I have composed a melody which does not lack notes—not a single one is missing which ought to be there—and it is really correct and sound in its use of
Psaltikon (Prokeimena, Allelouiaria, Hypakoai, Anti-cherouvikon for the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts) and Kontakarion (menaion with integrated movable cycle) with Middle Byzantine round notation written in a monastic context (13th
1649:(from the inner to the outer ring) and vice versa (from the outer to the inner ring) was the most common form of transposition (μεταβολή κατὰ τόνον) and it explains the fifth ring in the center of the composed Koukouzelian wheel. 1170:
had been completed by a fifth one whose symbols are identical with the first column. Now they are all shaped as five rings and in comparison with the kanonion the order of them had been inverted, so that the second ring turns the
In the Papadike of the Codex Chrysander this circle can be found as a "crown" on the top of the Koukouzelian tree, and the four columns of tetraphonia were probably represented at the foot of the tree. For an understanding of the
3853:) Oliver Strunk based his studies of the older cathedral rite on homiletic writings by Symeon, Metropolit of Thessaloniki, who still refused about 1400 the Constantinopolitan reform of the 1260s and who regarded the Thessalonian 1349:
For the devteros circle (on the right top) the tetraphonic parallage even creates the augmented octave between echos devteros (b natural) and echos varys (B flat) as "heptaphonia of the devteros echos" (ἐπταφωνία τοῦ δευτέρου).
The left half of the same third cross means a completely different interval combination. Here the triphonia moves in ascending as well as in descending direction a middle tone and two great tones from a pitch which is a mesos
signature of the same echos with the soma ("spirit") neume for one descending step (ἀπόστροφος). This way the pentachord can be passed in ascending and descending direction clockwise as well as counterclockwise. From whatever
itself played a central role, as "destroyers" they marked a transition between the "internal" (ἐσωτερική) and "external music" (ἐξωτερική). This way Greek musicians could use the interval structure (διαστήματα) of a certain
was the only explanation and was adapted according to the Western perception of the modes as octave species. According to Chrysanthos the tritone B—F had become the tritos pentachord, while Oliver Strunk defined G—g as the
2602:. In order to understand them in practice, didactic chants or "exercises" (μαθήματα) were added as practical illustrations. Among them, there was probably no exercise which taught so many things at the same time than the 3473:, and thus, a new more universal notation was created which had been even used to notate primitive models of Western polyphony, despite it had been developed over centuries to notate very complex forms of monodic chant. 530:). It allowed notators to find each echos on every note just by changing its pitch class, so the diatonic phthorai had been used to indicate the exact place, where a transposition (μεταβολή κατὰ τόνον) would take place. 394:
treatises already followed the Studite reform and represent somehow an early form of papadike, so parts of it can later be found in the classical papadike manuscripts. The papadike itself had much in common with Latin
5636: 4336:(γ': F—B flat) and not at the one between kyrios and plagios devteros (β': b—E), it is simply caused by the tetraphonic parallage (the solfeggio within fifth equivalence). In the caption of this interpretation ( 5228:
Incomplete Greek Heirmologion in ode order (OdO, starts with the eighth odes of echos devteros, the notated part finishes at f. 144v, it follows an appendix with later additions) with Middle Byzantine notation
An Analysis of Stichera in the Deuteros Modes: The Stichera idiomela for the Month of September in the Modes Deuteros, Plagal Deuteros, and Nenano; transcribed from the Manuscript Sinai 1230 <A.D. 1365>
4969:Ἐν Ἄνθος τῆς καθ' ἡμᾶς Ἐκκλησιαστικῆς Μουσικῆς περιέχον τὴν Ἀκολουθίαν τοῦ Ἐσπερίνου, τοῦ Ὅρθρου καὶ τῆς Λειτουργίας μετὰ καλλοφωνικῶν Εἴρμων μελοποιηθὲν παρὰ διάφορων ἀρχαιῶν καὶ νεωτερῶν Μουσικόδιδασκαλων 2665:
could be different within the same traditional composition. In this respect Maria Alexandru's "approaches towards a critical edition" are quite helpful, because a comparison assumes that the didactic chant
In the history of the Byzantine rite the Hagiopolitan reform was described as a synthesis of the cathedral rite and the monastic rite. Nevertheless, the Hagiopolitan octoechos did not come into use at the
559:). The "methodos" is based on four columns which are also often organized in a circle. In this Papadike the circle form and the columns are illustrated by a parallage whose lines are shaped like a tree. 5531:
Maqam - Raga - Zeilenmelodik: Konzeptionen und Prinzipien der Musikproduktion. 1. Arbeitstagung der Study Group "maqām" Beim International Council for Traditional Music Vom 28. Juni Bis 2. Juli 1988 in
moves up to the finales of the kyrioi echoi. Because the solfeggio does not follow the basic structure of a notated chant, but just moves up the next pitch class, the solfeggio demonstrated here is not
and looks from there for its mesos on B natural. Such a transposition will cause a transition within the central wheel, which turns the phthongos of protos (α') on the top of the outer ring into the
6768: 5284:
Kontakarion-Psaltikon with Asmatikon (kontakia and hypakoai, allelouiaria, prokeimena, koinonika) with Middle Byzantine Round notation of the Archimandritate SS. Salvatore of Messina (13th century)
In practice the integrative process was not so controlled as the Papadic theory and its Hagiopolitan reformulations suggested it. Several liturgical compositions had been made entirely in certain
which passed through all the eight echoi of the octoechos, while the singers memorize the signs and studied their effect in chant composition. This chant or exercise (μάθημα) had been invented by
The Treatise of Manuel Chrysaphes, the Lampadarios: On the Theory of the Art of Chanting and on Certain Erroneous Views that some hold about it (Mount Athos, Iviron Monastery MS 1120, July 1458)
1326:) which is not heptaphonic at all, because the "octave" is now descending to the phthongos of plagios devteros according to the tetraphonia of parallage, not to the phthongos of plagios protos: 936:
corresponds to a simple reading from the left to the right, line by line, down the tree. This "method of parallage" has been already explained on page 13 of Codex Chrysander. Here, the way of
1751:(δ') in the second ring. From here the metrophonia might descend two steps clockwise to the plagios devteros (πλ β'). According to the trochos system Chrysanthos' adaptation to the Ottoman 7413: 991: 745:
direction. If these columns are organized in a circle like spokes of a wheel, the ascending direction becomes clockwise (blue arrows) and the descending counter clockwise (black arrows).
4344:' nomenclature, who called the devteros octave (E—b—e) "lydios". Indeed, also in this respect the 18th-century copy follows the Papadike of the Great Lavra Monastery (Ms. ε 173), where 3896:) about the elements of the papadike offers a description of its parts and an overview of the various manuscripts and their contents (especially the many methods of different schools). 2336:
which is ascribed to Ioannis Plousiadinos is used in combination with all the chromatic and enharmonic phthorai which can be used within all the eight diatonic modes of the octoechos.
rhomb, between the crosses at the bottom left and right, and as part of the fourth between the right part of cross at the bottom right, and the left part of the cross at the top left.
1162:) and the tetraphonic tone system and its transpositions in the center—Koukouzelian wheel in an 18th-century manuscript (manuscript of the private collection by Demetrios Kontogiorges) 2899:
happens not earlier than on its octave at "ἑπταφωναὶ δίπλασμος" (No. 64). It is a composed change of the tone system, which changes first from the tetraphonia ("πνεύματα τέσσαρα") of
2741:(ἦχος τρίτος) on F which opens the lower ambitus of the tritos octave on B flat. The critical edition of Maria Alexandru continues to the beginning of the following section on G as 776:
between them it is necessary to discover an additional protos signature which is written left to the left upper branch of the tree: echos protos as starting and final pitch class (
section starts rather in the triphonic melos of echos nana, which was not used during the varys section of the untransposed original version. At "(ἀνάπαυμα) σήμερον" (No. 56) the
to move up. Wherever these four elements were repeated, they always generated a pure fifth for the pentachord between the pair of a kyrios at the top and a plagios at the bottom.
5037:Μεθοδική διδασκαλία θεωρητική τὲ καὶ πρακτική πρὸς ἐκμάθησιν καὶ διάδοσιν τοῦ γνησίου ἐξωτερικοῦ μέλους τῆς καθ᾿ ἡμᾶς Ἑλληνικῆς Μουσικῆς κατ᾿ ἀντιπαράθεσιν πρὸς τὴν Ἀραβοπερσικήν 1117:
who was well skilled in the psaltic art, could use these memorial landscapes in order to find their way through the labyrinth of tonal relation- and kinships. Even in improvised
4403: 3420: 987:, neither within the tree nor by any additional example. There is just the wheel on the top which suggests a chain of plagioi intonations following the wheel counterclockwise. 9707: 8123: 4330:
Christian Troelsgård and Maria Alexandru do not discuss the difference between tetraphonia and heptaphonia, but they offer an explanation by pointing at the pentachord of the
712:(παραλλαγή), the distinction between the authentic echoi, called "kyrioi", and the plagal echoi, called "plagioi", was simply defined as a direction. The intonation formulas ( 2144:, if we come down from the right branch. Nevertheless, it has already turned to the tritos in the left or third cross, represented by the νανὰ intonation or its plagal form: 5362:
Fragment of a Mathematarion of Theotokia, but not organised in oktoechos order with five kalophonic compositions by Manuel Chrysaphes and Ioannes Lampadarios (17th century)
1916:) which connects the two branches on the left (or on the right side) of the cross. For the beginning it is enough to understand, that the four crosses are ascribed to the 3532:
After first attempts to transcribe traditional music, the earliest compositions of church music dealing partly with mele beyond the octoechos system are probably those by
2607: 1093:
as follows. If the untransposed column is the first with the parallage (here marked with arrows), the phthongos of protos or plagios protos is in the last line. The echos
358: 353:
signs which were taken from various chant books and their different notation systems. In the school of John Glykys this list had been organized as a didactic chant called
system, this mathema passed through all echoi of the octoechos, but at the same time it even demonstrated the changes to the other tone systems (μεταβολαὶ κατὰ σύστημα).
which correspond to the four peripheral circles of the Koukouzelian wheel. They can also be regarded from a different angle as four rhombs which connect two neighbouring
6836: 5482:
Tradition and Innovation in Late- and Postbyzantine Liturgical Chant II: Proceedings of the Congress held at Hernen Castle, the Netherlands, 30 October - 3 November 2008
Studie über die 'großen Zeichen' der byzantinischen musikalischen Notation unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Periode vom Ende des 12. bis Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts
shows that the oldest versions did not use any transpositions (μεταβολαὶ κατὰ τόνον), while the adaptation to the modern practice has to be studied by the exegesis of
1459:, there was obviously only a problem of ignorance, but not the Western one that the tetraphonic system excluded the heptaphonic and vice versa. The simple solution of 5090:Βιβλίον σὺν Θεῷ ἁγίῳ περιέχον τὴν ἄπασαν ἀκολουθίαν τῆς ἐκκλησιαστικῆς τάξεως συνταχθὲν παρὰ τοῦ μαΐστορος κυροῦ Ἰωάννου τοῦ Κουκουζέλη of Thessalonica (about 1400) 3585:, but memorizes the makamlar systematically without a cyclic form returning at the end to the tonality of the beginning. The composition starts with the diatonic 403:, and the typikon, it puzzled the soloist's, the domestikos', and the choir's part, and the rubrics of the typikon together. It contained several little books as 3494:
for a temporary change (ἡ ἐναλλαγή μερική) which was not at all a proper melos within the octoechos system, but rather a refined way of a transition between two
than the simplification of the former Byzantine notation, its Papadic tradition of teaching, essentially based on the many signs memorized by the didactic chant
1524: 471: 487: 8356: 667:), the more elaborated, kalophonic compositions were collected in separate parts of the akolouthiai, especially the poetic and musical compositions over the 6388: 6045:
Troelsgård, Christian (1997). Christian Troelsgård (ed.). "The Development of a Didactic Poem: Some Remarks on the Ἴσον, ὀλίγον, ὀξεῖα by Ioannes Glykys".
will be used which descends from the top of the branch γ῾, πλ β῾, πλ α', down to πλ δ῾, which is in the center of the right cross at the bottom—the one of
2394:(ἦχος πλάγιος τοῦ δευτέρου). If only this tetrachord is chromatic, it is connected to a second diatonic tetrachord between α' and δ', so the signature is 1071:
which passes through all the echoi of the octoechos, in the short realization of Petros Peleponnesios finds the echos tritos "on the wrong pitch". On the
came into use not earlier than in the mixed rite of Constantinople, after the patriarchate and the court had returned from their exile in Nikaia in 1261.
9283: 3413: 1436:, even the practice of its transposition was reflected as "absonia" to a certain degree. By the 11th century the so-called "Dasia system" was refused by 3568:) were already collected in the manuscript by Kyrillos Marmarinos and were later organized according to the Octoechos order like the great signs in the 6393: 5121:
Complete Menaion with Middle Byzantine notation (ff. 7r-326v) of the Sticherarion with various additions at the end and at the beginning (13th century)
By this example the use of Gabriel's kanonion as illustration of the Byzantine tonal system, as it can be found in same Papadikai, becomes evident. A
is illustrated on page 16: ἡ κυρία μετροφωνία while the exercise has its own text, each step of the neumes is explained by the modal signature of its
7336: 71: 6408: 2329:—a flat). It just depends which signature of the crossing point has been chosen by the psaltes and whether they took the left or the right branch. 1821:
melos had to follow after this resolution and needed a preparation by the change to another genos (μεταβολή κατὰ γένος). In a very similar way the
893:, the memorization of a pitch sequence notated in phonic neumes which is followed step by step by the intonation formula as a kind of pitch class ( 2011:
of tritos (γ'), passing through the tetrachord πλ δ῾, α῾, β῾, and finally γ῾ within three steps (τρεις φωναὶ, τριφωνία). The final note is always
7303: 6829: 5241:
Heirmologion mostly in canon order (KaO without first section of Heirmoi in echos protos) written near Saint Catherine's monastery (17th century)
405: 6152:
Actas del XV Congreso de la Sociedad Internacional de Musicología: Culturas Musicales del Mediterráneo y Sus Ramificaciones, Madrid/3-10/IV/1992
written in 1289. This proves again the integrating role of the Middle Byzantine Round notation, which had developed as the notation of the book
9789: 9232: 7586: 7487: 5529:
Brandl, Rudolf Maria (1989). Elsner, Jürgen (ed.). "Konstantinopolitanische Makamen des 19. Jahrhunderts in Neumen: die Musik der Fanarioten".
4949:, Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae - Corpus Scriptorum de Re Musica, vol. 1, Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 4930:, Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae - Corpus Scriptorum de Re Musica, vol. 5, Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 4892:, Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae - Corpus Scriptorum de Re Musica, vol. 2, Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 3485:
was just another demonstration of the integrative function, that Byzantine Round notation had already developed before the Papadic reform. The
3406: 3208:(G=a). This is the only justification for the modification of the traditional model which can be found at the beginning of the last section of 1637:(C—c, G—g). On the other hand, the trochos system allowed always a re-disposition and register change of the octoechos, so the conversion of a 1016:
The simplest and presumably earliest form which is also the closest to Ancient Greek science treatises, is the representation of the different
the manuscripts do not agree. In the Papadike Ottoboniano greco Ms. 317 (fol. 7r) of the Vatican Library (see example) it is the signature of
2398:. In the current tradition the sticheraric melos the tetrachord between α' and δ' is chromatic, so the attraction of νενανῶ moves towards the 1359: 1358:
two steps from the kyrios and then the octave has to be fulfilled by the octave of the plagios of each echos. This method follows exactly the
into the echos tritos. As long as they have localized this transposition, singers will always find their way back to the untransposed column.
8920: 7497: 7430: 6748: 3800: 1156:": The four peripheral wheels for the Octoechos (top left: protos echoi; top right: devteros echoi; bottom left: tritos echoi; bottom right: 1762:
by the reproduction of the plagios in the octave of the eighth phthongos. This practice separated the four octaves. Hence, the Hagiopolitan
than the integration of the Ottoman reception of the same system, which had become common to all musicians of the Empire, whether they were
7445: 7440: 6530: 1731:
which singers arrived at a certain phthongos. As a degree of a certain mode or echos like kyrios and plagios the psaltes left the level of
Complete Sticherarion with Menaion, Triodion, Pentekostarion and Oktoechos with Prosomoia of the Athonite Pantokrator Monastery (ca. 1400)
4594:) already pointed at the printed anthologies, which often tried to mediate patriotism during music lessons at Greek schools of the Empire. 4527:
of πλ α', now πλ β'. This convention forced Petros Peloponnesios to transpose ἦχος βαρύς on E flat, so that it could appear on the former
was a formal distinction between the musical structure written in notation, its recapitulation by the solfeggio or the use of tetraphonic
10182: 8521: 7507: 7482: 5668: 3864: 3860: 3807:
with the missing illumination of Mount Athos, Mone Koutloumousi, Ms. 475, fol. 1v). His students use cheironomic gestures for the neumes
which are written at the top of each cell (follow the blue arrows). This way each cell can be left in ascending or descending direction.
385:, as they are in use until today. But many places of the Byzantine Empire did never accept the reform of the Palaiologan Constantinople. 241: 5673:. Cantus planus: Papers read at the 9th meeting, Esztergom & Visegrád, 1998. Budapest: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. pp. 449–478. 5385:
Anthologia with Byzantine composers (Anastasimatarion, Ainoi, Pasapnoaria & Prokeimena, Sticherarion and Leitourgika) (17th century)
4189:. A critical edition which offers an overview over all Papadic redactions of the Koukouzeles-version, was published by Maria Alexandru ( 708:(τετραφωνία). These four elements were represented by the numerals πρῶτος, δεύτερος, τρίτος, and τέταρτος. According to the practice of 10197: 8872: 8855: 7512: 7492: 6822: 5433:
Anthology of the Papadike with methods, Kratematarion and Mathematarion written by Ioannes Trapezountios in Constantinople (about 1765)
Anthology of the Papadike with methods, Kratematarion and Mathematarion written by Ioannes Trapezountios in Constantinople (about 1765)
The following schedule describes the content of the Papadike of the Codex Chrysander and explains the difference to earlier Papadikai:
4657: 2661:
and Papadikai offer different solutions which had been found by various protopsaltes as a solution of the same problems, so that even
the "Holy God of signs" and allowed him to recreate the different traditions of Eastern chant within the psaltic art and its notation.
8571: 8417: 8389: 8033: 8025: 7502: 7435: 6296: 3441:. Greek musicians of the Ottoman Empire, especially those who lived in sea ports like Istanbul, in the Fener district in particular ( 2721:
This is exactly what happens here and it explains, why the end of this section finishes in the diatonic genus unlike the exegesis of
2112:). This sign used three steps above the phthongos γ῾ indicates, that here there will be the same cadence which usually closes on the 1872:
of Mr Ioannis Iereos Plousiadinos" (ἡ σοφωτάτη παραλλαγὴ κυρίου Ἰωάννου Ἰερέως τοῦ Πλουσιαδηνοῦ). It uses a crossing point and three
A Musicological Offering to Otto Kinkeldey Upon the Occasion of His 80th Anniversary — Journal of the American Musicological Society
8767: 8128: 6058:
Troelsgård, Christian (2007). "A New Source for the Early Octoechos? Papyrus Vindobonensis G 19.934 and its musical implications".
5428: 5196: 1912:
The diagram consist of 4 separated X-shaped chains or crosses, each of them have a major circle in the center for the pitch class (
always connected the echos plagios devteros on E with the echos protos on a—in both directions and bridged by the chromatic genos.
The "Occidental school" as Maria Alexandru liked to call it, went into the footsteps of Chrysanthos with their assumption that the
673:-Psalm developed as a new genre of psaltic art and the names of the protopsaltes or maistoroi were mentioned in these collections. 5133:
Incomplete Sticherarion (parts replaced later) with Menaion, Triodion with Prosomoia, Pentekostarion, and Oktoechos (13th century)
Akolouthiai with Papadike with methodoi, Anthology for Hesperinos, Orthros, and for the divine Liturgies, and Mathematarion (1453)
4673:) mentions a list of different compositions sung until today, which are less the Ottoman genres organized by some cyclic rhythms ( 2793:(σταυρός) which can be only find in a few manuscripts, but it mediates between the different versions by preparing the section of 2670:
had been originally untransposed, while there are enough later versions which need several transpositions (μεταβολαὶ κατὰ τόνον).
The representation of the Hagiopolitan Octoechos by a wheel with four spokes or by four columns are based on the four elements of
9276: 8616: 6181:
Ichos und Makam - Vergleichende Untersuchungen zum Tonsystem der griechisch-orthodoxen Kirchenmusik und der türkischen Kunstmusik
Until the 19th century the medium of written transmission had been chant manuscripts. This explains why several manuscripts like
singers will always find a diminished tritone on a slightly low intoned b natural, whenever they ascends three steps up from the
octave C—c and the tritos one B flat—b flat was separated by the use of b natural on the seventh phthongos in the heptaphonia of
for the descending parallage (δ'—υαρ—πλ β'—πλ α'). The chromatic alternative is tetraphonic and no longer part of this diagram.
According to the Papadic "method of parallage (solfeggio)", the logic of one column did not to represent the pentachord between
9096: 8621: 3200:
octave on C. Protopsaltes of the 18th century already used the lower alteration of the seventh degree of the mode, so that the
2981:(in a certain way the elegant way was simply a thesis of the papadic melos of this version). After the cadence in the diatonic 5709:
Joubran, Romanos Rabih (2009). "The Use of Eastern Musical Modes in Byzantine Compositions during the 19th and 20th Century".
2752:(ἦχος πλάγιος τοῦ τετάρτου), while the version indicated in blue follows the version of Vaticana greca Ms. 791, here the sign 9020: 7780: 7773: 7329: 6089: 5825:
Sources of 18th-century music : Panayiotes Chalathzoglou and Kyrillos Marmarinos' comparative treatises on secular music
5740: 5648: 5519: 5489: 5260:
Nižegorodsky Kondakar' of the Blagoveščensky Monastery, introduced, described and transcribed by Tatiana Shvets (about 1200)
4954: 4935: 4897: 4606:
who tend to regard this integration as a "Hellenic method", was one of them. But treatises concerned about Ottoman (Turkish)
1822: 124: 5452: 5409:
Papadike and the Anastasimatarion of Chrysaphes the New, and an incomplete Anthology for the Divine Liturgies (17th century)
5035: 1277:
tetraphonic parallage is written outside and just shows the pentachord of protos in the circle on the left top and here its
before the Papadic reform during the late 13th and the 14th century, after the patriarchate and the court had returned from
8772: 8631: 7919: 5832: 4573:, can be read and listened in the interpretation by Gregorios Stathis' Maistores Choir at the internet forum "Analogion" (" 1490:, as some of the present generation imagine, but includes other methods which I shall now mention briefly. The practice of 812:(about 4 and a half), the way which continues to move up, jumps back to the position of 12 o'clock, where the signature of 7763: 5618:
Studies of the Dark Continent in European Music History: Collected Essays on Traditions of Religious Chant in the Balkans
Alexandru, Maria; Christian Troelsgård (2013). "The Development of a Didactic Tradition – The Elements of the Papadike".
Kontakarion-Psaltikon (prokeimena, allelouiaria, hypakoai, kontakia) with Middle Byzantine Round notation (13th century)
For an overview on the manuscript sources transcribing makam music into Greek neume notation, see Kyriakos Kalaitzides (
In the later treatises about psaltic art (15th century), which offer further explanations to the Papadike like those by
10192: 9782: 9269: 9101: 8514: 6880: 5860: 4210:) assumed that simple psalmody was already part of the oral transmission in connection with the Hagiopolitan oktoechos. 382: 210: 6210:
Barys tetraphonos in John Koukouzeles' Mega Ison, sung by the Papadikis Maistores under direction of Gregorios Stathis
4967:(1896). Kyriazides, Agathangelos (ed.). "Τὸ Μέγα Ἴσον τῆς Παπαδικῆς μελισθὲν παρὰ Ἰωάννου Μαΐστορος τοῦ Κουκκουζέλη". 2598:, diagrams, and detailed explanations are hard to understand, especially for readers who were not well skilled in the 9993: 9202: 7768: 6188: 5625: 5595: 1250:
The four simplified circles at the margin have been derived from the transposition of the protos pentachord into the
Im Labyrinth des Oktōīchos – Über die Rekonstruktion mittelalterlicher Improvisationspraktiken in liturgischer Musik
1809:. Bound by the phthora nana, the melos could not change into any other echos before its resolution into the plagios 757: 694: 10207: 8265: 7322: 6183:. Orpheus-Schriftenreihe zu Grundfragen der Musik. Vol. 74. Bonn: Verlag für systematische Musikwissenschaft. 5201:
Triodion of the Old Sticherarion, partly damaged - Cod. 155 of Padre Martini's Manuscript Collection (16th century)
One of the earliest neume lists can be found in a 10th-century manuscript (Athos, Great Lavra Monastery, Ms. γ 67).
3311: 2886:
and its kyrios (ἦχος τέταρτος) on the fifth degree of the mode. In the original version, the transformation of the
octave unlike Chrysanthos and the living tradition as the point of reference of the "Greek school" who all set the
591:βαρύς, πλάγιος τοῦ τετάρτου, πρῶτος), sung by a soloist skilled in the psaltic art. Other didactic chants like the 5735:. Istanbuler Texte und Studien. Vol. 28. Kyriaki Koubaroulis, Dimitri Koubaroulis (trans.). Würzburg: Ergon. 10187: 9237: 9059: 7591: 7359: 7158: 6753: 4569:
The partition of this section according to Petros Peloponnesios who finished the plagios devteros section in the
octave on G which requires an f sharp as the seventh degree of the mode, nothing less than the alteration of the
2203:" is alternatively annotated as "echos varys" (υαρ), while the tritos in the crossing point has the signature of 369:
The so-called mixed rite which replaced the former tradition of the cathedral rite, resembled in large parts the
234: 5680: 5380: 647:
During the 13th and 14th century psalmody was used in rather elaborated form than in the simple one copied from
9207: 9197: 9069: 8990: 8808: 8676: 8248: 8192: 8113: 7980: 5404: 571:), but the exploration of the tone system by the use of the columns, circles, or its elaborated form as a tree. 150: 5177:
Complete Sticherarion with Menaion, Triodion, Pentekostarion, and Oktoechos with prosomoia (late 14th century)
4272: 9775: 9064: 9054: 8969: 8724: 8509: 6289: 6150:
Wolfram, Gerda (1993). "Erneuernde Tendenzen in der byzantinischen Kirchenmusik des 13. – 14. Jahrhunderts".
Papadike and Anthologia (Kekragarion, Doxologiai, Pasapnoarion, Cherouvikarion, Koinonikarion) (18th century)
5400: 5376: 3968: 3245: 1335: → νεαγίε (πλδ') → ἀανές (υαρ) → νεχεανές (πλβ') → ἀνέανες (πλα') → νεαγίε (πλδ') → ἀανές (υαρ) →  841:) the way following the descending direction jumps again to the position of half past 10 o'clock, the place ( 686: 621: 7944: 424:
But in this combination the papadike appears from the 14th century, while the earliest version introduced a
9138: 9106: 9010: 8719: 8691: 8499: 8038: 6780: 6240: 5540: 5781:"Sin 319 and Voskr 27 and the Triodion Cycle in the Liturgical Praxis in Russia during the Studite Period" 5718:. 1st International Conference of the ASBMH, 2007: Byzantine Musical Culture. Pittsburgh. pp. 530–553 4908: 4178: 4174: 4144: 2677:(ἦχος πλάγιος τοῦ δευτέρου) is the longest and most complex one and it has some medial signatures for the 2634:, and how they can be combined by different changes, can be illustrated by a short analysis of the end of 1803:
always bound the melos of echos tritos, so that it had to resolve in the enharmonic form of echos plagios
Thus, it simply demonstrates the fifth equivalence of tetraphonia. A rather interesting experiment is the
indicate a change of the dynamis (the pitch class) whatever is the frequency of its pitch. As example the
A systematic list of all ascending and descending combinations used as phonic signs (σώματα and πνεύματα).
9812: 9702: 8862: 8504: 8351: 8108: 7859: 6314: 5614:"Religious Chant in the late Ottoman Empire – Between Petros Bereketēs and Hamamîzade İsmail Dede Efendi" 5416: 4292: 4140: 4106: 4102: 4085: 4081: 4064: 4060: 4043: 4026: 4009: 4005: 3854: 3342: 3255: 1043:
which are written at the bottom of each cell (follow the red arrows), the last column shows the 8 steps (
9506: 5641:
Byzantine Chant between Constantinopole and the Danubian Principalities: Studies in Byzantine Musicology
4237:. The written out standard forms and their transcription can be studied at the medial signatures in the 3049:("γορθμός", No. 57). In Ms. ottob. gr. 317 the cadence on F which was marked by the medial signature of 2501:, are indicated in the right descending branch of the first cross. In the current practice in which the 1031:
The vertical directions are indicated by the first and last column. The first column shows the 8 steps (
957: 904:
moving through the pentachords between the finales of kyrios and plagios. Like the intonation formulas (
9182: 9128: 8867: 8739: 8729: 8429: 8309: 8187: 8118: 8006: 7975: 7818: 7758: 5678:
Husmann, Heinrich (1970). "Die oktomodalen Stichera und die Entwicklung des byzantinischen Oktoëchos".
925:. While this tree had been written on page 15 in red colour, there is another version of the ascending 227: 6047:
Byzantine Chant: Tradition and Reform — Acts of a Meeting Held at the Danish Institute at Athens, 1993
4318: 4238: 3675: 3116: 2108:(see the sign added in red ink in the picture below, beginning of the third row at the syllable ἀνάστα 976: 945: 9920: 9817: 9292: 9042: 8566: 8422: 8207: 8098: 7985: 6578: 5979: 3914: 1718:
claimed, when they used Chrysanthos' system to transcribe Western melodies and the makamlar as well.
1682: 5882: 5812: 5733:
Post-Byzantine music manuscripts as a source for Oriental secular music (15th to early 19th century)
Papadike and Anthologia (Anoixontarion, Anastasimatarion, Polyeleoi, and Leitourgika) (18th century)
5357: 5184: 2733:(ἐπέγερμα, Νο. 55) is already the end of the varys section. Concerning the medial signature at this 2525:(πλ α' on D), but is chromatic according to the description of the chromatic tetrachord division of 1378:(τετραφωνία)", the tone system which was so strongly identified with the Koukouzelian wheel and its 874:
marked by dark blue double arrows, because both directions, the ascending as well as the descending
8341: 8093: 7580: 7459: 6803: 6418: 6282: 3115:
of the 18th century it was memorized by the name "νανὰ", not by its former name "ἀνέανες" (see the
For the full octave another tone might be added, which is called ἐμμελῆς: "according to the melos".
1343: ← ἅγια (δ') ← ἀνεανές (γ') ← νεανές (β') ← ἀνανεανές (α') ← ἅγια (δ') ← ἀνεανές (γ') ←  655:) forms of elaboration were often named after their local secular tradition as Constantinopolitan ( 595:
by Chrysaphes the New made evident that this manuscript was written by the end of the 17th century.
can be studied by a new type of treatise called "Papadike" (ἡ παπαδικὴ). It included a list of all
342: 50: 5820: 4727:), the title does not refer precisely to music, but to μέλη (sg. μέλος) as a subcategory of echos. 4295:). The first line (p. 13) and the tree (p. 15) are not visible in the reproduction of these pages. 2339: 10161: 10133: 10112: 9930: 9862: 9247: 8671: 8397: 8217: 8103: 6845: 6368: 5780: 5440: 5340: 5236: 5016: 4997: 4258:, often represented by a tree, so that singers might move up and down like birds on its branches. 3874:
written in Italy, used Byzantine round notation and followed the synthesis of the Studite reform.
3669: 3613:). The earlier anthologies rather adapted Ottoman than Byzantine Papadic forms, for instance the 3536:(about 1665–1725), a protopsaltes who became very famous especially for his contributions to the 113: 6030:"Singing with the Angelic Choir: Anagogy, the Prototype of Orthodox Worship and the Psaltic Art" 5750:
Makris, Eustathios (2005). "The Chromatic Scales of the Deuteros Modes in Theory and Practice".
was already expected on γ' (F). According to the contemporary tradition of the 18th century the
once created it). And as well the following one of the fifth degree (c) which turns it into the
who was probably referring to a practice of Greek musicians. If he had done so for the diatonic
10202: 9877: 9172: 8762: 8604: 8048: 7854: 7828: 7823: 7596: 7572: 7568: 7535: 6732: 6691: 6605: 6600: 6358: 6224: 5255: 5097: 5069: 5057: 4993: 4523:(ἦχος πλάγιος τοῦ δευτέρου) had always a chromatic tetrachord based on its finalis D, once the 3642: 3638: 3577: 3434: 1868:
There is an alternative form of solfeggio which was called "the wisest or rather sophisticated
1653: 636:
The new book akolouthiai quoted simple psalmody usually in connection with the gradual psalms (
321: 305: 140: 67: 6142: 6125: 6108: 6004: 5899: 4473:) emphasized that this model rather proves the possibility of several flexible redispositions. 3301: 1775:
had an important function to bridge between the four octaves of protos, devteros, tritos, and
10048: 9423: 8890: 8744: 7934: 7844: 7808: 7693: 7423: 7418: 6921: 6763: 6712: 5799: 5140: 3062:, in Petros Peloponnesios' realization it is prepared by the formula of the cadence used for 2977:
in a more elegant way which was possible thanks to the triphonic tone system of the melos of
Cod. Ottob. gr. 317, fol. 5v-7v and—as variants written in blue—Cod. Vat. gr. 791, fol. 3v-5)
within the triphonic tone system has to be indicated by the use of the aphonic or great sign
1904:"ἡ σοφωτάτη παραλλαγὴ κυρίου Ἰωάννου Ἰερέως τοῦ Πλουσιαδηνοῦ" in an 18th-century manuscript ( 1631:(B flat—b flat, F—f) had to become an f sharp or b natural within the octave of the diatonic 6084:. Monumenta musicae byzantinae, Subsidia. Vol. 9. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press. 5058:"Athens, Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος [Ethnike Vivliotheke tes Hellados], Ms. 2458" 3987:
created by Palaiologan composers, used for the services of every Sunday and the cycle of 11
By the end of the 16th century is a more recent datation according to the current catalogue.
10096: 10079: 9798: 9681: 9376: 9133: 9116: 8937: 8696: 8661: 8544: 8481: 8476: 8011: 7954: 7178: 6933: 6727: 6573: 6441: 6373: 6353: 6328: 4964: 4869: 4500: 3270: 3219: 3218:
in certain Papadike manuscripts had been important milestones towards the transcription of
2651: 1441: 1430:
Within the Latin treatises the practical use of tetraphonia was plausible to the author of
listed in a 17th-century Papadike treatise—the intonations are followed by chant incipits (
285: 281: 195: 9511: 6029: 5145:
Complete Sticherarion with Menaion, Triodion, Pentekostarion, and Oktoechos (14th century)
8: 10088: 9909: 9358: 8043: 7959: 7949: 7813: 7576: 7564: 7451: 7151: 7127: 7006: 6999: 6951: 6508: 6487: 6348: 4648:
Even quotations from the manuscript of Kyrillos Marmarinos which still used conventional
3971:(from about 1655 to 1682) used the pseudonym Χρυσάφης ὁ Νέος, because he transcribed the 3749: 3285: 3214:
The comparison of different manuscript sources shows, that rather odd interpretations of
are not needed in the untransposed reconstruction of Alexandru's edition which finds the
170: 4702:
in this composition and the different use of phthorai in manuscripts of the New Method (
301: 10038: 9870: 9866: 9121: 9111: 8985: 8656: 8539: 8456: 8319: 7671: 7651: 7631: 7621: 7387: 6722: 6717: 6676: 6431: 6205: 6167: 5966: 5870: 5767: 5697: 5660:
Rhythm in Byzantine Chant – Acta of the Congress held at Hernen Castle in November 1986
5585: 4450: 2001:
was like as a permanent transposition of each tetrachord which always start on plagios
1432: 956:α (D)—πλδ' (C)—υαρ (B flat)—πλβ' (A)—πλα' (Γ)—β' (A)—γ' (B flat)—δ' (C)—α' (D)—β' (E) ( 784:) written in four rows shaped like a tree (its direction is indicated by blue arrows). 644:
in Middle Byzantine notation, from which the expression of psaltic art had been taken.
dedicated to the echos protos—a 17th-century redaction between Papadic and modern use (
200: 145: 76: 6260:
Biographies and Recordings of important Psaltes of the Constantinopolitan Patriarchate
5637:"Secular Music at the Romanian Princely Courts during the Phanariot Epoch (1711-1821)" 5503:. Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin. Vol. 22–23. Copenhague: Univ. 3791:), except that had an office as protopsaltes and that he is represented as teacher of 496:
Friedrich Chrysander, is in fact a late copy of the 17th century which introduced the
9948: 9944: 9307: 9243: 9177: 9082: 9015: 8995: 8963: 8895: 8882: 8803: 8798: 8549: 8314: 8164: 7683: 7636: 7626: 7616: 7283: 7167: 6908: 6774: 6482: 6461: 6424: 6184: 6085: 5856: 5828: 5771: 5736: 5644: 5621: 5591: 5515: 5485: 5353: 4950: 4931: 4893: 4540: 4341: 3976: 3716: 3696: 3498:. But developing its own architecture within a section sung over abstract syllables ( 3275: 1460: 523: 479: 378: 215: 185: 180: 160: 155: 6814: 5928:
Strunk, William Oliver (1945). "Intonations and Signatures of the Byzantine Modes".
mentions the possibility to resolve phthora nenano by the use of the other phthora (
The reference is evident in the representation of the tone system by a Persian lute
invention of the universal New Method and its various new phthorai used for certain
3122: 2031:
In fact the ascending right branch from the x at the bottom left continues from the
1721: 10028: 9971: 9905: 9886: 9741: 9047: 8840: 8788: 8734: 8701: 8651: 8444: 8434: 8212: 7900: 7792: 7715: 7698: 7676: 7661: 7646: 7560: 7345: 7268: 6466: 6398: 6343: 6338: 6159: 6138: 6121: 6104: 5958: 5937: 5916: 5895: 5855:. Spolia Berolinensi. Vol. 7. Hildesheim, Zurich: Weidmann. pp. 261–277. 5759: 5689: 5336: 5081: 4398: 4345: 4186: 3792: 3533: 3394: 3223: 3127: 2685:(χόρευμα, Νο. 39 & 40) which usually prepares a cadence before a transition to 2611: 2575: 1885: 1153: 346: 105: 6929: 6059: 5267: 5159: 5128: 5116: 2541:
as it was still described by Manuel Chrysaphes, has become common practice today.
and their ambitus had been separated, because an f or b flat as the octave of the
In the following four rows, shaped like branches of a tree, we find the ascending
10058: 10023: 10013: 10008: 9976: 9913: 9894: 9890: 9837: 9746: 9736: 9516: 9192: 9025: 9005: 9000: 8955: 8945: 8905: 8900: 8850: 8845: 8626: 8232: 8149: 8144: 7884: 7874: 7710: 7704: 7688: 7666: 7656: 7641: 7298: 7293: 7288: 7257: 7201: 7191: 6917: 6848: 6758: 6671: 6456: 6383: 6378: 6333: 6305: 5846:. Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae, Subsidia. Vol. 7. Copenhagen: E. Munksgaard. 5509: 4913:, Neumen-Studien, vol. 3, Berlin: Georg Reimer, pp. 15–50, fig. B3–B24 4856: 4284: 3647: 3593: 3384: 3363: 3332: 3135: 2583: 2080:
corresponds to a certain convention in the use of notation. Without any sign the
1942: 1900: 1437: 625: 492: 459: 374: 293: 268: 205: 175: 165: 4835: 4160:) based his study of intonations and signatures on the lists given in Papadikai. 2853:, the one of tritos at the fourth degree (b flat) which would correspond to the 2349:
Another example is the first cross on the left top with the modal signatures of
nor any other cathedral of the Byzantine Empire did abandon its habits, and the
10063: 10053: 10043: 9981: 9899: 9882: 9521: 9466: 9030: 8910: 8643: 8402: 8296: 8282: 8081: 7785: 7540: 7278: 7263: 7233: 7206: 7186: 7144: 7062: 6638: 6518: 5710: 4980:, Grottaferrata: Scuola Tipografica Italo Orientale "S. Nilo", pp. 151–163 3618: 3337: 2681:
which is resolved frequently, especially when it is used before the great sign
965:πλα' (D)—πλδ' (C)—υαρ (B flat)—πλβ' (A)—γ' (B flat)—δ' (C)—α' (D)—β' (E)—γ' (F) 534: 533:
The octoechos, the modal signatures (marytyriai) of the different echoi, their
390: 370: 338: 276: 258: 130: 5920: 5763: 5279: 4679:), but compositions for liturgical use ("internal music") composed in certain 3071:(ἦχος τέταρτος), but in the very end slightly modified towards the formula of 2811: 2614:, a protopsaltes of the next generation and probably a student of the former. 563:
is not the solfeggio as memorization of an existing melody (the latter called
10176: 10156: 10138: 10116: 10108: 10104: 10033: 10018: 10003: 9998: 9935: 9833: 9471: 8950: 8827: 8793: 8531: 8466: 8439: 8324: 7939: 7879: 7136: 6925: 6686: 6681: 6655: 6403: 6225:"Medieval Byzantine Chant: Speculative Reconstructions - Story in a Nutshell" 6082:
Byzantine neumes: A New Introduction to the Middle Byzantine Musical Notation
5304: 4710:
in the 18th-century Byzantine notation, for instance by Kyrillos Marmarinos (
4681: 3988: 3796: 3706: 3663: 3659: 3456: 3446: 3389: 3358: 3316: 3280: 2960:—a—b natural—c) as it was taught by the "parallage of Ioannes Plousiadinos". 2930:, the mode of the previous section. In a second step the lower octave on the 1686: 1265:
within the melos of a certain echos and within pentachord which connects the
190: 135: 40: 9261: 5941: 5172: 4122:
in the manuscript quoted by the critical edition of the dialogue treatises (
803:. If the clockwise ascending direction arrived at the intonation formula of 10148: 10100: 9986: 9925: 9852: 9845: 9824: 9756: 9613: 8711: 8686: 8666: 8471: 8449: 8304: 7552: 7547: 7381: 7273: 7243: 7228: 7223: 7216: 7196: 7041: 6696: 6622: 6615: 5511:
The critical nexus: Tone-System, Mode, and Notation in Early Medieval Music
5316: 5291: 5223: 4675: 4615: 4126:) and Ms. grec. 495 (15th century) of the Public Library at St. Petersburg. 3703:, ethnologist, geographer and musician of the Ottoman Empire (17th century) 3653: 3587: 3541: 3481:
and named after them, the traditional explanation for the transcription of
2780: 2687: 2211:(φθορά νανὰ) which can be found between two connected tetrachords: between 1800: 1765: 1366:, whose author probably referred to the opinion of an experienced psaltes: 1082: 748: 411: 334: 317: 309: 60: 7314: 4271:
within the wheel, which used the intonation formulas of the 19th century (
of the Bibliothèque nationale or the akolouthiai written in Thessaloniki (
2570: 970:πλβ' (E)—πλα' (D)—πλδ' (C)—υαρ (B flat)—δ' (C)—α' (D)—β' (E)—γ' (F)—δ' (G) 620:
Simple Psalmody according to the first section of the Anastasimatarion of
616: 10152: 10092: 9501: 9441: 9212: 9187: 8681: 8491: 8258: 7864: 7849: 7108: 7094: 7027: 6874: 6769:
Museum of Ancient Greek, Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Musical Instruments
6643: 6413: 5844:
Intonation Formulas and Modal Signatures in Byzantine Musical Manuscripts
5045: 4603: 3836:) decided to abandon this distinction because of Christian Troelsgård's ( 3683: 3442: 1905: 1715: 442: 400: 6171: 5561:"The Early Development of the Liturgical Eight-Mode System in Jerusalem" 4254:
of page 13. The usual combination is the circle followed by the notated
13th century, when this tradition was expelled from Constantinople, the
990: 409:(a collection of additional sections composed over abstract syllables), 10084: 9955: 9940: 9857: 9767: 9671: 9395: 8486: 8346: 8336: 8169: 8159: 7869: 7101: 7073: 7022: 7017: 6964: 6957: 6898: 6860: 6513: 5970: 5949:
Strunk, William Oliver (1956). "The Byzantine Office at Hagia Sophia".
5256:"Saint-Petersburg, Rossiyskaya natsional'naya biblioteka, Ms. Q.п.I.32" 5085: 3679: 2340:
The triphonia between phthora nenano and the echos protos or the echos
1674: 975:υαρ (F)—πλβ' (E)—πλα' (D)—πλδ' (C)—α' (D)—β' (E)—γ' (F)—δ' (G)—α' (a) ( 948:
and their neumes (here only represented by the modal signatures of the
Williams, Edvard V.; Troelsgård, Christian (2001). "Glykys, Joannes".
Strunk, William Oliver (1942). "The Tonal System of Byzantine Music".
5701: 5484:. Leuven, Paris, Walpole: Bredius Foundation, Peeters. pp. 1–57. 4656:(microtonal frets) of the tanbur, while Kyrillos was paraphrasing the 2654:
and its transcription into modern neumes according to the New Method.
2560:) display other possibilities which have been already discussed here. 2088:γ῾, δ῾, α῾, and finally β῾, as written within the chain of pitches or 1024:(also used in the translation by Boethius). This table is ascribed to 885:) and an own echos or mode makes it necessary to distinct two levels: 9751: 9697: 9676: 9623: 9572: 9408: 9366: 9035: 8915: 8407: 8275: 8222: 8154: 7248: 7068: 7012: 6979: 6903: 6588: 6552: 6547: 6535: 6503: 6163: 5613: 3870: 2658: 1842:
left), devteros (on the top right), tritos (at the bottom left), and
1068: 881:
The double meaning of each modal signature as a kind of pitch class (
669: 426: 417: 97: 5962: 5203:. Bologna: Museo internazionale e Biblioteca della musica di Bologna 5074:
Akolouthiai of the Hagia Sophia of Thessalonica (early 15th century)
Studii şi Cercetări de Istoria Artei. Teatru, Muzică, Cinematografie
D-a like in the untransposed version of Vat. gr. 791, so the former
9648: 9633: 9628: 9577: 9567: 9557: 9537: 9436: 9431: 9381: 9348: 9333: 8561: 8461: 8412: 8270: 8202: 7990: 7055: 6985: 6893: 6650: 6540: 6523: 5693: 5560: 5197:"Bologna, Biblioteca del Liceo Musicale, Ms. P.147 (olim Cod. 155)" 4928:
Die Erotapokriseis des Pseudo-Johannes Damaskenos zum Kirchengesang
4410:(published in theoretical introduction in 1843, and republished by 3720: 3079:("ἔναρχις", No. 60) was integrated by Petros Peloponnesios, but as 2699:(θέμα ἁπλοῦν, No. 49) which is finally resolved into its mesos the 2691:. But here, by the end of the plagios devteros section, there is a 2255: 1578: 1148: 995: 681: 538: 6274: 6116:
Williams, Edvard V.; Troelsgård, Christian (2001). "Akolouthiai".
5018:Απάνθισμα ή Μεδζμουαϊ μακαμάτ περιέχον μεν διάφορα τουρκικά άσματα 4857:"Tipuri de gramatici în manuscrise muzicale de tradiţie bizantină" 3138:
Ms. Ottob. gr. 317, fol. 5v-7v & Cod. Vat. gr. 791, fol. 3v-5)
2646:(ἦχος πλάγιος τοῦ τετάρτου). A comparison and critical edition of 1456: 1137:
and its passage through 8 steps through the tetraphonic system of
Papadike—κανώνιον καὶ ἡ παραλλαγή τοῦ Γαβρϊὴλ from the manuscript
849:(ἦχος βαρύς), and continues in counter clockwise direction to the 10128: 10123: 9829: 9643: 9638: 9552: 9446: 9413: 9371: 9343: 9315: 8927: 8813: 8754: 8253: 8227: 7905: 7211: 7122: 7087: 7048: 6913: 6867: 6568: 6099:
Troelsgård, Christian (2001). "Psalm, § III Byzantine Psalmody".
5086:"Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. theol. gr. 185" 4304:
Athos, Great Lavra Monastery, Ms. ε 173, fol. 7v was dated 1436 (
Reconstruction of the Papadic Octoechos and its transition models
10143: 9593: 9562: 9547: 9542: 9338: 8556: 8331: 8197: 6593: 6363: 6256:"Byzantine Music: Archon Cantors of the Great Church of Christ" 4511:
which originally was expected between α' (a) and πλ β' (E), so
4508: 3710: 3450: 3368: 3306: 2364: 2065:(γ') is written aside as an alternative annotation of the same 1860:) to find evidence for a fixed disposition of the eight echoi. 1771: 1752: 1678: 396: 5851:
Raasted, Jørgen (1995). Szendrej, Janka; Hiley, David (eds.).
within the pure fourth of a tetrachord, which must be b flat.
1295: → νεαγίε (πλδ') → ἀανές (υαρ) → νεχεανές (πλβ') →  1002: 555:("pitch class") is recognized by an echos and its intonation ( 511:
A list of the aphonic or "great signs" (Τὰ δὲ μεγάλα σημάδια).
9841: 9618: 9403: 7170: 6946: 6583: 6255: 4331: 3742: 3700: 3195: 3188: 3159: 3146: 3083:
in the soft chromatic genos which corrects the change to the
3065: 3052: 3043: 3019: 3008: 2992: 2982: 2971: 2939: 2913: 2906: 2889: 2877: 2844: 2803: 2796: 2788: 2772: 2769: 2745: 2742: 2618: 2592: 2554: 2546: 2535: 2527: 2519: 2511: 2503: 2495: 2487: 2479: 2442: 2436: 2430: 2421: 2418: 2411: 2405: 2399: 2388: 2380: 2372: 2362: 2353: 2350: 2341: 2300: 2294: 2288: 2281: 2267: 2257: 2243: 2237: 2226: 2216: 2213: 2205: 2196: 2193: 2186: 2178: 2167: 2145: 2139: 2128: 2121: 2114: 2098: 2067: 2060: 2054: 2047: 2040: 2033: 2021: 2018: 2012: 2002: 1983: 1977: 1964: 1958: 1944: 1925: 1874: 1843: 1816: 1810: 1804: 1794: 1788: 1782: 1776: 1746: 1740: 1708: 1702: 1644: 1638: 1632: 1626: 1620: 1614: 1603: 1595: 1588: 1582: 1571: 1563: 1555: 1547: 1535: 1528: 1515: 1509: 1498: 1491: 1485: 1465: 1401: 1395: 1389: 1383: 1251: 1237: 1231: 1225: 1218: 1210: 1200: 1194: 1188: 1183:(instead of into the devteros as in the second column of the 1178: 1172: 1157: 1101: 1094: 1076: 864: 835: 806: 350: 289: 262: 6061:
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the ASBMH
Koukouzeles' Revision of the Sticherarion and Sinai gr. 1230
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the ASBMH
and were certainly in no way "external music", and the used
1601:(b) without descending an augmented octave, but down to the 9712: 9325: 8835: 5890:
Raasted, Jørgen; Troelsgård, Christian (2001). "Papadikē".
5329: 5173:"Rome, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, Cod. Ottob. gr. 380" 3892:
Christian Troelsgård's and Maria Alexandru's contribution (
1837:. The four inner rings of the central wheel re-defined the 4907:
Fleischer, Oskar, ed. (1904), "Die Papadike von Messina",
4870:"Koukouzeles' Mega Ison: Ansätze einer kritischen Edition" 3234:
as it had been taught by the Papadike over the centuries.
1593:, he would probably have started in the same way from the 4947:
Gabriel Hieromonachus: Abhandlung über den Kirchengesang
the Greek letters transcribe a Turkish text referring to
4308:, 21-22, microfilm: 34, discussion of heptaphony: 35-36). 3609:
is taught in a second didactic chant "Makamlar semaïsi" (
of the "phthora" (nana), if F was still the phthongos of
In order to demonstrate the transitional function of the
1542: 1141:
is constructed another form of the Koukouzelian wheel or
In the wheel on the top the descending and the ascending
Despite longer theoretical explanations by authors like
5141:"Copenhagen, Det kongelige Bibliotek, Ms. NkS 4960, 4°" 4836:"Hiera Mone of Timios Prodromos (Skete) Veroias, Ms. 1" 3560:
During the 18th century, models dedicated to a certain
There is another possible point of view concerning the
2787:. Petros Peloponnesios follows here another great sign 2370:(φθορά νενανῶ). According to medieval signatures, this 1652:
The 19th-century reform according to the New Method of
Thus, the science of chanting does not consist only of
1303: ← ἅγια (δ') ← ἀνεανές (γ') ← νεανές (β') ←  522:
developed during the 14th century and was described by
Eight mode system used for religious chant compositions
Taxis ton akolouthion written in Constantinople (1336)
Middle Byzantine Chant manuscripts (13th–18th century)
See also Chrysanthos' way of ascending and descending
It is obviously meant to combine the diagram with the
called "Mega Ison", which was originally composed by
Section echos varys and echos plagios tou tetartou of
for the ascending direction (δ'—α'—β'—πλ δ'), and the
2280:—F). The signature at the crossing point abbreviates " 832:
takes the spoke down from 12 to 6 o'clock. From here (
The following section is dedicated to the practice of
6844: 5280:"Rome, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, Vat. gr. 1606" 4449:
See the kalophonic composition over the model of the
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds grec,
3913:). One akolouthiai was recently digitised in Vienna ( 3849:
In his essay "The Byzantine Office at Hagia Sophia" (
3713:, and rabbi of the Ottoman Empire (late 16th century) 2849:
octave based on its plagios. This version forces two
in the triphonic tone system, it becomes as well the
octave were separated by different degrees, e.g. the
explained the octave species. Thus, being within the
1236:("body") neume for one ascending step (ὀλίγον) and a 6206:"Is Barys Tetraphonos the same as maqam Bestenigar?" 5980:"The Latin Antiphons for the Octave of the Epiphany" 5305:"Rome, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, Vat. gr. 345" 5268:"Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds grec, ms. 397" 5160:"Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds grec, Ms. 261" 5129:"Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds grec, Ms. 265" 5117:"Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds grec, Ms. 355" 2956:
G as the connection between two tetrachords (D—E—F#—
within the tetrachord G—c today tends to choose the
2286:" (ἦχος λέγετος). If the intervall step between the 1081:, the echos tritos is introduced by the enechema of 5545:
Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Constantinople
5015:Anastasiou, Spiridon; Keïvelis, Ioannis G. (1856). 2725:by Petros Peloponnesios, and it continues with the 2703:. Manuel Chrysaphes wrote about this resolution of 1261:), the four small outer rings represent the simple 689:—4 columns which illustrate the Papadic "method of 364: 5317:"Sinai, Saint Catherine's Monastery, Ms. Gr. 1314" 5292:"Sinai, Saint Catherine's Monastery, Ms. Gr. 1280" 5224:"Sinai, Saint Catherine's Monastery, Ms. Gr. 1258" 4706:) have to be studied from the use of conventional 4402:and the Ottoman fret names which was also used by 3169:(μεταβολή κατὰ σύστημα), but as a change from the 1863: 1128: 791:has to move within a half circle described by the 327: 6005:"The Evolution of the Byzantine 'Divine Liturgy'" 4945:Hannick, Christian; Wolfram, Gerda, eds. (1985), 4926:Hannick, Christian; Wolfram, Gerda, eds. (1997), 4766:with the Greek poem which describes the ethos of 4590:The musical anthropologists Rudolf Maria Brandl ( 3672:—about all music traditions of the Ottoman Empire 1897:diatonic with the chromatic or enharmonic genus. 1833:(δύναμις) as an own echos according to a certain 979:transcr. on a:) α' πλδ' υαρ πλβ' πλα' β' γ' δ' α' 66:for phonetic transcriptions, with an appropriate 10174: 6049:. Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens. 5429:"Island of Syme, Archeio Demogerontias, Ms. 335" 5417:"Island of Syme, Archeio Demogerontias, Ms. 334" 4877:Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin 4828: 3686:)—ranks of psaltes in charge of the Patriarchate 1943:The triphonia of phthora nana at the tritos and 983:But there is no demonstration of the descending 897:) by the intonation formula of a certain echos. 4575:The History of Barys Tetraphonos and Bestenigar 7705:Spain (Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands) 7166: 6262:. Istanbul: Ecumenical Patriarchate. 2004–2009 5514:. Oxford, New York : Oxford University Press. 5369: 5098:"Athens, National Library of Greece, Ms. 2406" 5070:"Athens, National Library of Greece, Ms. 2061" 1089:(μεταβολή κατὰ τόνον) can be localized in the 9783: 9291: 9277: 7330: 7152: 6830: 6290: 6179:Zannos, Ioannis (1994). Vogel, Martin (ed.). 3414: 3028:. Hence, C and G are indeed perceived as the 2695:cadence marked by the name of the great sign 235: 4986: 4854: 4812:Spiridon Anastasiou & Ioannis Keïvelis ( 4519:was found between α' (D/a) and δ' (G/d) and 3502:etc.), it could soon develop its own proper 2819:according to the melos of the 18th century ( 1388:(the authentic fourth echos), the octave of 1075:which is expected as the pitch of the echos 828:(ἦχος πλάγιος τοῦ τετάρτου), the way of the 727: 720:were always used to move down, those of the 663:), or a monastic one like those from Athos ( 7344: 5453:"Bucharest, Stavropoleos Monastery, Ms. 52" 3237: 3091:("φθορά", No. 59) which was in fact as the 1425: 752:Papadike—Koukouzelian Tree and its Use for 453: 447: 9790: 9776: 9284: 9270: 7337: 7323: 7159: 7145: 6837: 6823: 6297: 6283: 5405:"London, British Library, Harley Ms. 5544" 5381:"London, British Library, Harley Ms. 1613" 5358:"London, British Library, Ms. Sloane 4087" 5352: 3815:, two of the first signs memorized in the 3650:—traditional music of the Byzantine Empire 3421: 3407: 3185:(ἦχος πλάγιος τοῦ τετάρτου) or better the 2882:octave on G, on the fourth degree (c) the 2272:on a low E which moves the middle tone (D— 1318:descends to the lower octave (for example 242: 228: 5441:"London, British Library, Ms. Add. 19456" 5341:"London, British Library, Ms. Add. 28821" 5237:"London, British Library, Ms. Add. 39611" 5185:"Cambridge, Trinity College, Ms. B.11.17" 4495:The critical edition by Maria Alexandru ( 3165:was obviously no longer interpreted as a 3111:in the current tradition. Already in the 1726:Manuel Chrysaphes separated the level of 388:These local differences explain, why the 308:"voice, sound") is the name of the eight 9797: 5330:Mathemataria and Sticheraria kalophonika 3909:" in the New Grove and the description ( 3121: 2810: 2569: 2256:The triphonia of echos legetos or mesos 1899: 1337: 1331: 1297: 1291: 1147: 989: 820:changes the direction and descends from 747: 680: 615: 441: 8593: 6239:Karanos, Grammenos (October 16, 2012). 6238: 6143:10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.11306 6126:10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.00384 6109:10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.48161 5900:10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.20844 5786:. Lissabon: Universidade Nova de Lisboa 5235: 3656:—the Sephardic tradition of the Levante 2827:In Ms. Ottob. grec. 317 the cadence of 676: 574:The seventh section is a collection of 10175: 5565:Saint Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 4823: 4383:See Conomos' edition and translation ( 1880:into four directions. What makes this 1665:abandoned during the 11th century the 600:one and it created new books like the 415:, and embellished compositions of the 9771: 9306: 9265: 9161: 8592: 8377: 8069: 7736: 7357: 7318: 7140: 6818: 6278: 6241:"A Brief Overview of the Psaltic Art" 4975: 4723:Translation according to Merıh Erol ( 3787:Nothing is known about John Glykys' ( 3719:—alias Ali Ufki, Polish musician and 3529:was not always specified explicitly. 3204:could have been mistaken for that of 3014:(νεἅγιε νανὰ) which turns the former 2764:(already at the cadence marked by an 2184:of the descending branch down to the 1758:Nearly every melos is related to the 1374:"Another" could mean "outside of the 275: 8378: 5541:"'External' music in Constantinople" 5335: 5278: 4976:Tardo, Lorenzo (1938), "Papadiche", 3075:. Even the diatonic phthora for the 2815:Petros Peloponnesios realization of 1939:between the different tone systems. 1660:based on the tetraphonic use of the 1166:Here, the four columns of Gabriel's 1035:) in descending direction using the 1028:and can be read in four directions. 685:Papadike of the Anastasimatarion of 18: 8080: 6304: 5303: 5084:; Korones, Xenos; Kladas, Ioannes. 5080: 4385:1983, pp. 38-41, lines 52-62, 69-75 3748:exists as well, but means the book 3723:at the Ottoman court (17th century) 2104:(ξηρὸν κλάσμα), like it is used in 1934:at the crossing point, because the 1888:is simply, that it can be used for 1815:, so even a change to the diatonic 1799:. Manuel Chrysaphes mentioned that 1755:frets was already a transposition. 1545:and to ascend seven steps with the 1527:was to establish a priority of the 1047:) in ascending direction using the 551:—a kind of solfeggio in which each 13: 10183:Classical and art music traditions 6881:List of New Testament lectionaries 6028:Terzopoulos, Konstantinos (2008). 5315: 5290: 5254: 5222: 5216: 5171: 5109: 4408:intervals described by Chrysanthos 4169:The Papadike of Codex Chrysander ( 3005:F is simply taken as the melos of 2779:cadence according to the melos of 2642:(ἦχος βαρύς) is resolved into the 2626:The use of the three tone systems 2313:), the diminished tritone (B flat— 1561:and to descend seven steps by the 960:transcr. on E:) β' πλα' πλδ' α' β' 929:on page 13, written in black ink. 611: 56:for transliterated languages, and 36:of its non-English content, using 14: 10219: 10198:Eastern Orthodox liturgical music 9203:Greek scholars in the Renaissance 6198: 5779:Poliakova, Svetlana (June 2009). 5620:. Rome: Aracne. pp. 81–110. 5559:Frøyshov, Stig Simeon R. (2007). 4660:about the "16 echoi of the Asma". 4469:On the contrary, Oliver Gerlach ( 4407: 2321:—a) becomes a tetrachord (B flat— 1656:replaced the former solfeggio or 1409: 1199:, and the inner finally into the 1133:Directly on the fundament of the 491:which was edited and referred by 9242: 7121: 6799: 6798: 6440: 6254: 5658:Hannick, Christian, ed. (1991). 5266: 5040:. Istanbul: Koromela & Sons. 5034:Keltzanides, Panagiotes (1881). 3934: 3930: 3917: 3254: 1577:which was a common method since 1208:The second coincidence with the 446:Intonations (ἐνηχήματα) for the 365:The mixed rite of Constantinople 112: 23: 7592:Decline of the Byzantine Empire 7414:Constantinian–Valentinianic era 6009:Orientalia Christiana Periodica 5978:Strunk, William Oliver (1960). 5823:; Şırlı, Adriana Ababi (2000). 5399: 5375: 5021:. Istanbul: Taddaios Tividesian 4806: 4781: 4756: 4743: 4730: 4717: 4688: 4663: 4642: 4629: 4622:), and Panagiotes Keltzanidis ( 4597: 4584: 4563: 4550: 4534: 4531:of πλ β' (E), now υαρ (E flat). 4489: 4476: 4463: 4443: 4430: 4417: 4390: 4377: 4364: 4351: 4324: 4311: 4298: 4278: 4261: 4244: 4226: 4213: 4196: 4163: 4150: 4129: 4112: 4091: 4070: 4049: 4032: 4015: 3994: 3962: 3953: 3940: 3923: 2783:(νεἅγιε νανὰ) at the following 2276:) very close to the small one ( 2059:(β'), but another signature of 2028:at the same time (γ' = πλ δ'). 1953:In this diagram the enharmonic 1864:Ioannis Plousiadinos' parallage 1541:(a) by the middle chord of the 1129:The Koukouzelian wheel (τροχὸς) 1011: 944:which mark the stations by the 861:(ἦχος πλάγιος τοῦ πρώτου), and 629: 537:, and their name sung with the 463: 328:Middle Byzantine Round notation 257:(here transcribed "Octoechos"; 8677:Great Palace of Constantinople 8418:Patriarchate of Constantinople 7737: 6080:Troelsgård, Christian (2011). 5731:Kalaitzidis, Kyriakos (2012). 5158: 5127: 5115: 5096: 5068: 5056: 5050: 4910:Die spätgriechische Tonschrift 4888:Conomos, Dimitri, ed. (1985), 3947: 3899: 3886: 3877: 3843: 3826: 3781: 3768: 3755: 3734: 3662:—whirling dervishes and their 3617:("Journal")—a kind of Ottoman 3591:and finishes in the chromatic 3152:, the medial signature of the 3040:turns finally into the one of 2429:. In fact, the melos of echos 2007:(πλ δ') and ascends until the 1020:(μεταβολαὶ κατὰ τόνον) by the 780:) of the ascending solfeggio ( 514:A list between seven and nine 322:Hagiopolitan eight mode system 72:multilingual support templates 1: 7069:Idiomela, Avtomela, Prosomoia 6248: 5662:. Hernen: Bredius Foundation. 5590:. Vol. 2. Berlin: Ison. 5508:Atkinson, Charles M. (2008). 5499:Amargianakis, George (1977). 5439: 5401:Panagiotes the New Chrysaphes 5377:Panagiotes the New Chrysaphes 5248: 4829:Papadikai (14th–18th century) 4404:Konstantinos the Protopsaltes 2416:, the diatonic melos follows 2045:(γ') in the center up to the 1609:(B natural). But the ancient 1394:(e.g. E—e) does go up to the 870:(ἦχος πλάγιος τοῦ τετάρτου). 857:(ἦχος πλάγιος τοῦ δευτέρου), 449:echoi plagios devteros, varys 9139:University of Constantinople 8720:Arch of Galerius and Rotunda 8070: 7870:Chartoularios tou vestiariou 7559:Byzantine successor states ( 6781:School of Ecclesiastic Music 6027: 5827:. Istanbul: Pan Yayıncılık. 5752:Plainsong and Medieval Music 5730: 5681:Archiv für Musikwissenschaft 5670:The 14th-Century Akolouthiae 5635:Gheorghiţă, Nicolae (2010). 5427: 5415: 5183: 5139: 5033: 5014: 4999:Θεωρητικὸν μεγὰ τῆς Μουσικῆς 4992: 4963: 4855:Alexandrescu, Ozana (2011). 4813: 4750: 4737: 4636: 4623: 4619: 4411: 4332: 4202:According to Oliver Strunk ( 4118:See as example the lists of 3979:(an octoechos collection of 3804: 3610: 3544:elaborated according to the 3196: 3189: 3160: 3147: 3126:Conclusion (ἦχος πρῶτος) of 3066: 3053: 3044: 3020: 3009: 2993: 2983: 2972: 2940: 2914: 2907: 2890: 2878: 2845: 2820: 2808:cadence on the phthongos G. 2804: 2797: 2789: 2773: 2770: 2746: 2743: 2619: 2593: 2590:The Papadikai, their signs, 2563: 2555: 2547: 2536: 2528: 2520: 2512: 2504: 2496: 2488: 2480: 2443: 2437: 2431: 2422: 2419: 2412: 2406: 2400: 2389: 2381: 2373: 2363: 2354: 2351: 2342: 2332:Nevertheless, the triphonic 2301: 2295: 2289: 2282: 2268: 2258: 2244: 2238: 2227: 2217: 2214: 2206: 2197: 2194: 2187: 2179: 2168: 2165:finds again the tritos at a 2146: 2140: 2129: 2122: 2115: 2099: 2068: 2061: 2055: 2048: 2041: 2034: 2022: 2019: 2013: 2003: 1984: 1978: 1965: 1959: 1957:can be found as part of the 1945: 1926: 1875: 1844: 1817: 1811: 1805: 1795: 1789: 1783: 1777: 1747: 1741: 1709: 1703: 1645: 1639: 1633: 1627: 1621: 1615: 1604: 1596: 1589: 1583: 1572: 1564: 1556: 1548: 1536: 1529: 1516: 1510: 1499: 1492: 1486: 1471:(παραλλαγή) which is called 1466: 1402: 1396: 1390: 1384: 1342: 1338: νεχεανές (πλβ')  1334: 1302: 1294: 1252: 1238: 1232: 1226: 1219: 1211: 1201: 1195: 1189: 1179: 1173: 1158: 1102: 1095: 1077: 1067:Θεαρχίῳ νεύματι, one of the 946:standard intonation formulas 865: 836: 807: 7: 8809:Saint Catherine's Monastery 7865:Chartoularios tou sakelliou 7860:Logothetes tou stratiotikou 7358: 5539:Erol, Merıh (25 May 2008). 5451: 5370:Anthologies of the Papadike 4978:L'antica melurgia bizantina 4863:. Serie novă. 49–50: 21–55. 4233:each intonation formula or 3969:Panagiotes the Protopsaltes 3632: 1920:at the crossing point like 1332: ἀνανεανές (α')  1298: ἀνέανες (πλα')  1292: ἀνανεανές (α')  932:The usual ascending way of 454: 448: 437: 125:Aristocracy and bureaucracy 10: 10224: 9198:Neo-Byzantine architecture 9162: 7819:Comes sacrarum largitionum 6204: 6178: 6154:. Revista de musicología. 6149: 6132: 6115: 6098: 6079: 6057: 6044: 6002: 5977: 5948: 5927: 5906: 5889: 5850: 5841: 5819: 5778: 5749: 5708: 5677: 5666: 5657: 5634: 5611: 5583: 5558: 5538: 5528: 5507: 5498: 5479: 5470: 5464: 5272:Kontakarion (13th century) 5195: 4944: 4925: 4906: 4887: 4867: 4724: 4711: 4703: 4670: 4591: 4574: 4557: 4544: 4521:echos plagios tou devterou 4496: 4483: 4470: 4457: 4437: 4424: 4384: 4371: 4358: 4337: 4305: 4288: 4220: 4207: 4203: 4190: 4170: 4157: 4136: 4124:Hannick & Wolfram 1997 4123: 4098: 4077: 4056: 4039: 4022: 4001: 3910: 3906: 3893: 3850: 3837: 3833: 3820: 3803:manuscript (see fig. 1 in 3788: 3775: 3762: 3743: 3625:and their concert cycles ( 3183:echos plagios tou tetartou 3107:, unlike the melos of the 2675:echos plagios tou devterou 2644:echos plagios tou tetartou 2390:echos plagios tou devterou 1857: 1452: 1448: 1025: 908:) of the authentic modes ( 826:echos plagios tou tetartou 760: 697: 527: 483: 476:Hannick & Wolfram 1985 475: 263: 95: 10193:Genres of Byzantine music 10072: 9964: 9805: 9729: 9690: 9664: 9657: 9606: 9586: 9530: 9494: 9487: 9480: 9459: 9422: 9394: 9357: 9324: 9299: 9293:Greek musical instruments 9225: 9168: 9157: 9078: 8978: 8936: 8881: 8826: 8781: 8768:Sant'Apollinare in Classe 8753: 8710: 8642: 8612: 8603: 8599: 8588: 8530: 8388: 8384: 8373: 8295: 8241: 8180: 8137: 8089: 8076: 8065: 8024: 7999: 7968: 7927: 7918: 7893: 7837: 7801: 7754: 7747: 7743: 7732: 7605: 7521: 7468: 7399: 7370: 7366: 7353: 7242: 7177: 7118: 7082: 7036: 6994: 6974: 6942: 6889: 6855: 6789: 6741: 6705: 6664: 6631: 6579:Byzantine Musical Symbols 6561: 6496: 6475: 6449: 6438: 6321: 6312: 6223: 5764:10.1017/S0961137104000075 5475:. Universität Kopenhagen. 5471:Alexandru, Maria (2000). 5459:. Stavropoleos Monastery. 4987:Theory of the Phanariotes 4868:Alexandru, Maria (1996). 4652:, were attributed to the 4610:and the cyclic rhythm of 4458:Gerlach 2009, pp. 319-380 3690: 3621:ordered according of the 3576:ordered according to the 3538:Heirmologion kalophonikon 3500:teretismata, nenanismata, 3469:or a certain melos of an 3460:within the system of the 3449:compositions not only to 3435:19th-century chant reform 2404:, and between δ' and the 2176:In the same way the last 1972:The simplest case is the 921:, but an illustration of 889:, the melody itself, and 657:agiosophitikon, politikon 606:heirmologion kalophonikon 602:sticherarion kalophonikon 8342:Droungarios of the Fleet 5842:Raasted, Jørgen (1966). 5612:Gerlach, Oliver (2011). 5584:Gerlach, Oliver (2009). 4749:Panagiotes Keltzanides ( 4736:Panagiotes Keltzanides ( 4712:Zannos 1994, pp. 182-183 4704:Gerlach 2011, pp. 98-108 4694:The transitional use of 3727: 3325:Languages and literature 3238:Music of the Phanariotes 3099:once separated from the 2821:Kyriazides 1896, 142-143 2628:heptaphonia, tetraphonia 2477:Both possibilities, the 2459:and transposed on γ' as 2134:of devteros. Hence, the 1922:protos, devteros, tritos 1426:History of its reception 434:since the 13th century. 10208:Ottoman classical music 8856:Early Byzantine mosaics 8218:Domestic of the Schools 7128:Christianity portal 6369:Joseph the Hymnographer 5921:10.1093/mq/XXVIII.2.190 4577:" in the discussion of 4545:Conomos 1985, pp. 64-65 4454:τῷ τριττῷ τῆς ἐρωτήσεως 4321:related to these names. 3670:Ottoman classical music 2936:heptaphonic tone system 2386:(ἦχος πρῶτος) with the 2153:Within the tetraphonic 2150:or "grave mode" (υαρ). 1997:. The simplest form of 845:) of the grave mode or 761:Codex Chrysander, p. 15 698:Codex Chrysander, p. 14 593:Nouthesia pros mathitas 528:Conomos 1985, pp. 55-65 500:of Chrysaphes the New. 316:Until 1204 neither the 10188:Byzantine music theory 9173:Byzantine commonwealth 7935:Praetorian prefectures 7855:Logothetes tou genikou 7829:Quaestor sacri palatii 7824:Comes rerum privatarum 7597:Fall of Constantinople 7536:Sack of Constantinople 7202:Ethiopian and Eritrean 6733:Thrasyvoulos Stanitsas 6606:Hagiopolitan Octoechos 6601:Neobyzantine Octoechos 6359:Theophanes the Branded 5821:Popescu-Judeţ, Eugenia 5807:Cite journal requires 5667:Harris, Simon (2001). 5002:, Triest: Michele Weis 4994:Chrysanthos of Madytos 4338:2013, p. 35, figs. 5-6 4273:Chrysanthos' Parallage 3643:Neobyzantine Octoechos 3139: 2824: 2719: 2713: 2587: 2475: 2469: 1909: 1884:wiser than the one of 1654:Chrysanthos of Madytos 1520:(μεταβολή κατὰ ἤχον). 1506: 1481: 1372: 1193:, the fourth into the 1187:), the third into the 1163: 999: 981: 972: 967: 962: 764: 701: 633: 467: 8873:Komnenian renaissance 8868:Macedonian period art 8773:Sant'Apollinare Nuovo 8745:Walls of Thessaloniki 7845:Logothetes tou dromou 7460:Twenty Years' Anarchy 7424:Valentinianic dynasty 7419:Constantinian dynasty 6764:Monastery of Stoudios 6713:Greek Byzantine Choir 6003:Taft, Robert (1977). 5951:Dumbarton Oaks Papers 5942:10.1093/mq/XXXI.3.339 5930:The Musical Quarterly 5909:The Musical Quarterly 5643:. Bucharest: Sophia. 4185:only in redaction of 3761:Stig S. R. Frøyshov ( 3597:. A relation between 3222:' realization of the 3167:metabole kata systema 3125: 2814: 2714: 2709: 2573: 2470: 2465: 1903: 1781:. The tritos and the 1525:Gabriel Hieromonachos 1482: 1477: 1449:Gabriel Hieromonachos 1417:The few words of the 1368: 1151: 1065:Doxastarion oktaechon 1026:Gabriel Hieromonachos 993: 973: 968: 963: 954: 816:can be found. If the 751: 684: 630:Harley 5544, fol. 13r 619: 472:Gabriel Hieromonachos 445: 288:"sound, mode" called 9799:Middle Eastern music 9070:Units of measurement 8804:Panagia Gorgoepikoos 8697:Pammakaristos Church 8545:Corpus Juris Civilis 8496:Missionary activity 7955:Exarchate of Ravenna 7781:Imperial bureaucracy 7168:Christian liturgical 6793:*also music theorist 6728:Konstantinos Pringos 6574:72 equal temperament 6374:Joseph the Confessor 6354:Theodore the Studite 6329:Romanos the Melodist 5337:Koukouzeles, Ioannes 5082:Koukouzeles, Ioannes 4965:Petros Peloponnesios 4501:Petros Peloponnesios 3799:in a picture of the 3220:Petros Peloponnesios 2652:Petros Peloponnesios 2552:) and fourth cross ( 2236:—b flat) or between 1457:Ioannis Plousiadinos 1442:Hermann of Reichenau 1259:metabolai kata tonon 1018:metabolai kata tonon 677:Octoechos as a wheel 488:Ioannis Plousiadinos 464:Harley 5544, fol. 8r 273:Greek pronunciation: 34:specify the language 32:This article should 8594:Culture and society 8457:Ecumenical councils 7960:Exarchate of Africa 7950:Quaestura exercitus 7814:Magister officiorum 7809:Praetorian prefects 7452:Byzantine Dark Ages 6349:Stephen the Sabaite 4824:Theoretical sources 4438:1942, p. 199, ex. 5 4239:first four examples 3778:" in the New Grove. 3709:—Sephardic mystic, 2952:, which places the 2934:G changes from the 2895:into the triphonic 2861:(as the great sign 2802:with an additional 2537:metabole kata tonon 2455:based on δ' as the 2136:triphonic parallage 1230:signature with the 1087:metabole kata tonon 1007:with transpositions 958:devteros intonation 383:Presanctified Gifts 277:[oxˈtóixos] 9011:Flags and insignia 8657:Baths of Zeuxippus 8540:Codex Theodosianus 8430:Oriental Orthodoxy 7388:Later Roman Empire 6723:Iakovos Nafpliotis 6718:Nikodimos Kabarnos 6677:Solon Hadjisolomos 6432:Janus Plousiadenos 6389:Nikephoros Ethikos 6135:Grove Music Online 6118:Grove Music Online 6101:Grove Music Online 6067:. pp. 668–679 5892:Grove Music Online 5447:. British Library. 5411:. British Library. 5354:Chrysaphes, Manuel 5243:. British Library. 4370:Charles Atkinson ( 3581:developed for the 3140: 3134:(transcription of 3087:of the great sign 3024:G into the one of 2825: 2588: 2582:(transcription of 2493:and ending as the 2451:point to a use of 1910: 1908:Ms. 319, fol. 18v) 1433:Musica enchiriadis 1164: 1000: 940:is interrupted by 765: 702: 687:Chrysaphes the New 659:), Thessalonican ( 634: 622:Chrysaphes the New 468: 269:Constantinopolitan 10170: 10169: 9931:Ottoman classical 9921:Iranian classical 9765: 9764: 9725: 9724: 9721: 9720: 9602: 9601: 9455: 9454: 9390: 9389: 9259: 9258: 9221: 9220: 9178:Byzantine studies 9153: 9152: 9149: 9148: 8964:Alexander Romance 8822: 8821: 8799:Nea Moni of Chios 8662:Blachernae Palace 8584: 8583: 8580: 8579: 8550:Code of Justinian 8398:Eastern Orthodoxy 8369: 8368: 8365: 8364: 8291: 8290: 8165:Scholae Palatinae 8061: 8060: 8057: 8056: 8026:Foreign relations 8020: 8019: 7914: 7913: 7728: 7727: 7724: 7723: 7527:(1204–1453) 7312: 7311: 7134: 7133: 6952:Canon of the Odes 6812: 6811: 6775:Only-begotten Son 6692:Miloš Velimirović 6611:Papadic Octoechos 6483:Paschal troparion 6462:George Pachymeres 6425:Manuel Chrysaphes 6315:List of composers 6091:978-87-635-3158-0 5742:978-3-89913-947-1 5650:978-973-136-227-4 5521:978-0-19-514888-6 5491:978-90-429-2748-3 5387:. British Library 4956:978-3-7001-0729-3 4937:978-3-7001-2520-4 4899:978-3-7001-0732-3 4774:with the poem of 4751:1881, pp. 166-199 4669:Romanos Joubran ( 4579:Varys tetraphonos 4541:Manuel Chrysaphes 4471:2009, pp. 147-154 4423:Maria Alexandru ( 4412:Keltzanides, 1881 4342:Manuel Chrysaphes 4097:Oskar Fleischer ( 3977:Manuel Chrysaphes 3905:See the article " 3832:Maria Alexandru ( 3774:See the article " 3717:Wojciech Bobowski 3697:Dimitrie Cantemir 3431: 3430: 3030:protos pentachord 2912:and arranges the 2768:) and prepares a 2663:medial signatures 2126:, instead of the 1669:in favour of the 1597:nete diezeugmenon 1461:Manuel Chrysaphes 1453:Manuel Chrysaphes 1360:Latin description 1347: 1346: 1307: 1306: 977:protos intonation 824:(ἦχος πρῶτος) to 584:mesos intonations 524:Manuel Chrysaphes 480:Manuel Chrysaphes 379:Basil of Caesarea 252: 251: 106:Byzantine culture 94: 93: 74:may also be used. 10215: 10120: 9990: 9952: 9917: 9903: 9874: 9849: 9821: 9792: 9785: 9778: 9769: 9768: 9742:Greek folk music 9662: 9661: 9492: 9491: 9485: 9484: 9322: 9321: 9304: 9303: 9286: 9279: 9272: 9263: 9262: 9246: 9159: 9158: 9102:Imperial Library 9048:Byzantine Greeks 8789:Daphni Monastery 8740:Panagia Chalkeon 8735:Hagios Demetrios 8702:Prison of Anemas 8652:Basilica Cistern 8610: 8609: 8601: 8600: 8590: 8589: 8445:West Syriac Rite 8435:Alexandrian Rite 8386: 8385: 8379:Religion and law 8375: 8374: 8310:Maritime themata 8266:Palaiologan army 8119:Military manuals 8087: 8086: 8078: 8077: 8067: 8066: 7925: 7924: 7901:Megas logothetes 7752: 7751: 7745: 7744: 7734: 7733: 7607:By modern region 7528: 7475: 7474:(717–1204) 7406: 7368: 7367: 7355: 7354: 7346:Byzantine Empire 7339: 7332: 7325: 7316: 7315: 7161: 7154: 7147: 7138: 7137: 7126: 7125: 6849:liturgical books 6846:Eastern Orthodox 6839: 6832: 6825: 6816: 6815: 6802: 6801: 6467:Manuel Bryennios 6444: 6428: 6399:John Koukouzelis 6394:Gregorios Glykys 6344:Cosmas of Maiuma 6339:John of Damascus 6299: 6292: 6285: 6276: 6275: 6271: 6269: 6267: 6244: 6235: 6233: 6231: 6220: 6218: 6216: 6194: 6175: 6164:10.2307/20795935 6146: 6129: 6112: 6095: 6076: 6074: 6072: 6066: 6054: 6041: 6024: 6022: 6020: 5999: 5997: 5995: 5974: 5945: 5924: 5903: 5886: 5880: 5876: 5874: 5866: 5847: 5838: 5834:978-975-843405-3 5816: 5810: 5805: 5803: 5795: 5793: 5791: 5785: 5775: 5746: 5727: 5725: 5723: 5717: 5705: 5674: 5663: 5654: 5631: 5608: 5606: 5604: 5580: 5578: 5576: 5555: 5553: 5551: 5535: 5525: 5504: 5495: 5476: 5460: 5448: 5436: 5424: 5412: 5396: 5394: 5392: 5365: 5349: 5325: 5312: 5300: 5287: 5275: 5263: 5244: 5232: 5212: 5210: 5208: 5192: 5180: 5168: 5155: 5153: 5151: 5136: 5124: 5105: 5093: 5077: 5065: 5041: 5030: 5028: 5026: 5010: 5009: 5007: 4981: 4972: 4959: 4940: 4921: 4920: 4918: 4902: 4884: 4874: 4864: 4851: 4849: 4847: 4817: 4810: 4804: 4801:usul yürek semaï 4785: 4779: 4760: 4754: 4747: 4741: 4738:1881, pp. 55-164 4734: 4728: 4721: 4715: 4692: 4686: 4667: 4661: 4646: 4640: 4633: 4627: 4601: 4595: 4588: 4582: 4567: 4561: 4554: 4548: 4538: 4532: 4493: 4487: 4480: 4474: 4467: 4461: 4447: 4441: 4434: 4428: 4421: 4415: 4394: 4388: 4381: 4375: 4368: 4362: 4355: 4349: 4346:John Koukouzeles 4340:) they point at 4335: 4328: 4322: 4315: 4309: 4302: 4296: 4282: 4276: 4265: 4259: 4248: 4242: 4241:of this article. 4230: 4224: 4217: 4211: 4200: 4194: 4187:John Koukouzeles 4167: 4161: 4154: 4148: 4133: 4127: 4116: 4110: 4095: 4089: 4074: 4068: 4053: 4047: 4036: 4030: 4019: 4013: 3998: 3992: 3973:Anastasimatarion 3966: 3960: 3957: 3951: 3944: 3938: 3927: 3921: 3903: 3897: 3890: 3884: 3881: 3875: 3847: 3841: 3830: 3824: 3805:Terzopoulos 2008 3793:John Koukouzeles 3785: 3779: 3772: 3766: 3759: 3753: 3746: 3745: 3740:The female form 3738: 3534:Petros Bereketis 3423: 3416: 3409: 3258: 3242: 3241: 3224:John Koukouzeles 3199: 3194:on G within the 3192: 3171:enharmonic genos 3163: 3150: 3128:John Koukouzeles 3101:enharmonic melos 3093:diatonic phthora 3069: 3056: 3047: 3023: 3012: 2996: 2986: 2975: 2943: 2917: 2910: 2893: 2881: 2848: 2807: 2800: 2792: 2778: 2776: 2751: 2749: 2622: 2612:John Koukouzeles 2596: 2576:John Koukouzeles 2558: 2550: 2548:legetos/devteros 2539: 2531: 2523: 2515: 2507: 2505:plagios devteros 2499: 2491: 2489:plagios devteros 2483: 2446: 2440: 2434: 2427: 2425: 2415: 2409: 2403: 2392: 2384: 2376: 2368: 2359: 2357: 2345: 2309:(like the Latin 2304: 2298: 2292: 2285: 2271: 2261: 2247: 2241: 2230: 2222: 2220: 2209: 2202: 2200: 2190: 2182: 2171: 2163:triphonic system 2149: 2143: 2132: 2125: 2118: 2102: 2071: 2064: 2058: 2051: 2044: 2037: 2027: 2025: 2016: 2006: 1987: 1981: 1979:plagios tetratos 1968: 1962: 1948: 1929: 1886:John Koukouzeles 1878: 1851:The practice of 1847: 1820: 1814: 1808: 1798: 1792: 1786: 1780: 1750: 1744: 1712: 1706: 1648: 1642: 1636: 1630: 1624: 1618: 1607: 1599: 1592: 1586: 1575: 1567: 1559: 1551: 1539: 1532: 1523:The solution of 1519: 1513: 1502: 1495: 1489: 1469: 1405: 1399: 1393: 1391:plagios devteros 1387: 1329: 1328: 1289: 1288: 1255: 1241: 1235: 1229: 1222: 1214: 1204: 1198: 1196:plagios devteros 1192: 1182: 1180:plagios tetartos 1176: 1161: 1154:John Koukouzeles 1105: 1098: 1080: 878:, are possible. 868: 855:plagios devteros 839: 810: 498:Anastasimatarion 457: 455:plagios tetartos 451: 347:John Koukouzeles 345:. The reform of 279: 274: 267:, pronounced in 266: 265: 244: 237: 230: 127: 116: 102: 101: 89: 86: 80: 65: 59: 55: 49: 45: 39: 27: 26: 19: 10223: 10222: 10218: 10217: 10216: 10214: 10213: 10212: 10173: 10172: 10171: 10166: 10082: 10068: 9984: 9960: 9938: 9897: 9880: 9860: 9827: 9815: 9801: 9796: 9766: 9761: 9747:Byzantine music 9737:Music of Greece 9717: 9686: 9653: 9598: 9582: 9526: 9517:Macedonian lyra 9476: 9451: 9418: 9386: 9353: 9320: 9295: 9290: 9260: 9255: 9252: 9217: 9193:Cyrillic script 9164: 9145: 9090: 9074: 8974: 8956:Digenes Akritas 8932: 8877: 8818: 8782:Other locations 8777: 8749: 8706: 8638: 8627:Cross-in-square 8595: 8576: 8526: 8380: 8361: 8287: 8237: 8233:Varangian Guard 8176: 8150:East Roman army 8145:Late Roman army 8133: 8072: 8053: 8016: 7995: 7964: 7910: 7889: 7885:Epi ton deeseon 7875:Epi tou eidikou 7833: 7797: 7739: 7720: 7707: 7610: 7608: 7601: 7587:Palaiologan era 7529: 7526: 7517: 7488:Nikephorian era 7476: 7473: 7464: 7407: 7405:(330–717) 7404: 7395: 7375: 7362: 7349: 7343: 7313: 7308: 7246: 7238: 7173: 7165: 7135: 7130: 7120: 7114: 7078: 7032: 6990: 6970: 6938: 6885: 6851: 6843: 6813: 6808: 6785: 6759:Cappella Romana 6737: 6701: 6672:Enrica Follieri 6660: 6627: 6557: 6492: 6471: 6457:Michael Psellos 6445: 6436: 6423: 6384:Constantine VII 6379:Leo VI the Wise 6334:Andrew of Crete 6317: 6308: 6306:Byzantine music 6303: 6265: 6263: 6251: 6229: 6227: 6214: 6212: 6201: 6191: 6092: 6070: 6068: 6064: 6018: 6016: 5993: 5991: 5963:10.2307/1291096 5878: 5877: 5868: 5867: 5863: 5835: 5808: 5806: 5797: 5796: 5789: 5787: 5783: 5743: 5721: 5719: 5715: 5651: 5628: 5602: 5600: 5598: 5574: 5572: 5549: 5547: 5522: 5492: 5467: 5390: 5388: 5372: 5332: 5251: 5219: 5217:Old Heirmologia 5206: 5204: 5149: 5147: 5112: 5110:Old Sticheraria 5053: 5048: 5024: 5022: 5005: 5003: 4989: 4957: 4938: 4916: 4914: 4900: 4872: 4845: 4843: 4840:Papadike (1796) 4834: 4831: 4826: 4821: 4820: 4811: 4807: 4786: 4782: 4776:makam suz-i dil 4761: 4757: 4748: 4744: 4735: 4731: 4722: 4718: 4693: 4689: 4668: 4664: 4647: 4643: 4634: 4630: 4602: 4598: 4589: 4585: 4571:chromatic genos 4568: 4564: 4558:1985, pp. 54-55 4555: 4551: 4539: 4535: 4505:chromatic genos 4494: 4490: 4484:1985, pp. 64-67 4481: 4477: 4468: 4464: 4448: 4444: 4436:Oliver Strunk ( 4435: 4431: 4425:2000, pp. 44-55 4422: 4418: 4406:to explain the 4395: 4391: 4382: 4378: 4369: 4365: 4356: 4352: 4329: 4325: 4316: 4312: 4303: 4299: 4285:Oskar Fleischer 4283: 4279: 4266: 4262: 4249: 4245: 4231: 4227: 4218: 4214: 4201: 4197: 4181:) contains the 4168: 4164: 4156:Oliver Strunk ( 4155: 4151: 4134: 4130: 4117: 4113: 4096: 4092: 4075: 4071: 4054: 4050: 4037: 4033: 4020: 4016: 3999: 3995: 3967: 3963: 3958: 3954: 3945: 3941: 3928: 3924: 3904: 3900: 3891: 3887: 3882: 3878: 3848: 3844: 3831: 3827: 3786: 3782: 3773: 3769: 3760: 3756: 3739: 3735: 3730: 3693: 3648:Byzantine Music 3635: 3594:makam suz-i dil 3427: 3333:Ottoman Turkish 3294:Performing arts 3247: 3240: 3117:tritos enechema 2867:kyrios devteros 2673:The section of 2610:and revised by 2568: 2347: 2263: 2161:on F. Only the 1951: 1866: 1724: 1694:systema teleion 1671:systema teleion 1619:also different 1611:systema teleion 1438:Guido of Arezzo 1428: 1415: 1385:kyrios tetartos 1131: 1014: 1009: 998:Ms. 53, fol. 3. 772:and the way of 734: 679: 661:thessalonikaion 651:. Traditional ( 614: 612:Simple psalmody 493:Oskar Fleischer 440: 375:John Chrysostom 367: 343:exile in Nicaea 330: 272: 248: 123: 100: 90: 84: 81: 75: 63: 57: 53: 51:transliteration 47: 43: 37: 28: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 10221: 10211: 10210: 10205: 10200: 10195: 10190: 10185: 10168: 10167: 10165: 10164: 10159: 10146: 10141: 10136: 10131: 10126: 10121: 10076: 10074: 10073:Related topics 10070: 10069: 10067: 10066: 10061: 10056: 10051: 10046: 10041: 10036: 10031: 10026: 10021: 10016: 10011: 10006: 10001: 9996: 9991: 9979: 9974: 9968: 9966: 9962: 9961: 9959: 9958: 9953: 9933: 9928: 9923: 9918: 9875: 9855: 9850: 9822: 9809: 9807: 9803: 9802: 9795: 9794: 9787: 9780: 9772: 9763: 9762: 9760: 9759: 9754: 9749: 9744: 9739: 9733: 9731: 9727: 9726: 9723: 9722: 9719: 9718: 9716: 9715: 9710: 9705: 9700: 9694: 9692: 9688: 9687: 9685: 9684: 9679: 9674: 9668: 9666: 9665:Membranophones 9659: 9655: 9654: 9652: 9651: 9646: 9641: 9636: 9631: 9626: 9621: 9616: 9610: 9608: 9604: 9603: 9600: 9599: 9597: 9596: 9590: 9588: 9584: 9583: 9581: 9580: 9575: 9570: 9565: 9560: 9555: 9550: 9545: 9540: 9534: 9532: 9528: 9527: 9525: 9524: 9522:Calabrian lira 9519: 9514: 9509: 9504: 9498: 9496: 9489: 9482: 9478: 9477: 9475: 9474: 9469: 9467:Byzantine lyra 9463: 9461: 9457: 9456: 9453: 9452: 9450: 9449: 9444: 9439: 9434: 9428: 9426: 9420: 9419: 9417: 9416: 9411: 9406: 9400: 9398: 9392: 9391: 9388: 9387: 9385: 9384: 9379: 9374: 9369: 9363: 9361: 9355: 9354: 9352: 9351: 9346: 9341: 9336: 9330: 9328: 9319: 9318: 9312: 9310: 9301: 9297: 9296: 9289: 9288: 9281: 9274: 9266: 9257: 9256: 9254: 9253: 9251: 9250: 9240: 9235: 9229: 9226: 9223: 9222: 9219: 9218: 9216: 9215: 9210: 9205: 9200: 9195: 9190: 9185: 9180: 9175: 9169: 9166: 9165: 9155: 9154: 9151: 9150: 9147: 9146: 9144: 9143: 9142: 9141: 9131: 9126: 9125: 9124: 9114: 9109: 9104: 9099: 9093: 9091: 9089: 9088: 9085: 9079: 9076: 9075: 9073: 9072: 9067: 9062: 9057: 9052: 9051: 9050: 9040: 9039: 9038: 9033: 9023: 9018: 9013: 9008: 9003: 8998: 8993: 8988: 8982: 8980: 8976: 8975: 8973: 8972: 8967: 8960: 8959: 8958: 8948: 8942: 8940: 8934: 8933: 8931: 8930: 8925: 8924: 8923: 8918: 8913: 8903: 8898: 8893: 8887: 8885: 8879: 8878: 8876: 8875: 8870: 8865: 8860: 8859: 8858: 8848: 8843: 8838: 8832: 8830: 8824: 8823: 8820: 8819: 8817: 8816: 8811: 8806: 8801: 8796: 8791: 8785: 8783: 8779: 8778: 8776: 8775: 8770: 8765: 8759: 8757: 8751: 8750: 8748: 8747: 8742: 8737: 8732: 8727: 8725:Byzantine Bath 8722: 8716: 8714: 8708: 8707: 8705: 8704: 8699: 8694: 8689: 8684: 8679: 8674: 8669: 8664: 8659: 8654: 8648: 8646: 8644:Constantinople 8640: 8639: 8637: 8636: 8635: 8634: 8629: 8619: 8613: 8607: 8597: 8596: 8586: 8585: 8582: 8581: 8578: 8577: 8575: 8574: 8569: 8564: 8559: 8554: 8553: 8552: 8542: 8536: 8534: 8528: 8527: 8525: 8524: 8519: 8518: 8517: 8512: 8507: 8502: 8494: 8489: 8484: 8479: 8474: 8469: 8464: 8459: 8454: 8453: 8452: 8447: 8442: 8437: 8427: 8426: 8425: 8420: 8415: 8410: 8405: 8403:Byzantine Rite 8394: 8392: 8382: 8381: 8371: 8370: 8367: 8366: 8363: 8362: 8360: 8359: 8354: 8349: 8344: 8339: 8334: 8329: 8328: 8327: 8322: 8317: 8307: 8301: 8299: 8293: 8292: 8289: 8288: 8286: 8285: 8283:Grand domestic 8280: 8279: 8278: 8273: 8263: 8262: 8261: 8256: 8249:Komnenian army 8245: 8243: 8239: 8238: 8236: 8235: 8230: 8225: 8220: 8215: 8210: 8205: 8200: 8195: 8190: 8184: 8182: 8178: 8177: 8175: 8174: 8173: 8172: 8167: 8162: 8157: 8147: 8141: 8139: 8135: 8134: 8132: 8131: 8126: 8124:Military units 8121: 8116: 8111: 8106: 8101: 8096: 8094:Battle tactics 8090: 8084: 8074: 8073: 8063: 8062: 8059: 8058: 8055: 8054: 8052: 8051: 8046: 8041: 8036: 8030: 8028: 8022: 8021: 8018: 8017: 8015: 8014: 8009: 8003: 8001: 7997: 7996: 7994: 7993: 7988: 7983: 7978: 7972: 7970: 7966: 7965: 7963: 7962: 7957: 7952: 7947: 7942: 7937: 7931: 7929: 7922: 7916: 7915: 7912: 7911: 7909: 7908: 7903: 7897: 7895: 7891: 7890: 7888: 7887: 7882: 7877: 7872: 7867: 7862: 7857: 7852: 7847: 7841: 7839: 7835: 7834: 7832: 7831: 7826: 7821: 7816: 7811: 7805: 7803: 7799: 7798: 7796: 7795: 7790: 7789: 7788: 7786:Medieval Greek 7778: 7777: 7776: 7771: 7766: 7755: 7749: 7741: 7740: 7730: 7729: 7726: 7725: 7722: 7721: 7719: 7718: 7713: 7708: 7703: 7701: 7696: 7691: 7686: 7681: 7680: 7679: 7674: 7664: 7659: 7654: 7649: 7644: 7639: 7634: 7629: 7624: 7619: 7613: 7611: 7606: 7603: 7602: 7600: 7599: 7594: 7589: 7584: 7557: 7556: 7555: 7545: 7544: 7543: 7541:Fourth Crusade 7532: 7530: 7522: 7519: 7518: 7516: 7515: 7510: 7505: 7500: 7498:Macedonian era 7495: 7490: 7485: 7479: 7477: 7469: 7466: 7465: 7463: 7462: 7457: 7456: 7455: 7443: 7438: 7433: 7431:Theodosian era 7428: 7427: 7426: 7421: 7410: 7408: 7400: 7397: 7396: 7394: 7393: 7392: 7391: 7378: 7376: 7371: 7364: 7363: 7351: 7350: 7342: 7341: 7334: 7327: 7319: 7310: 7309: 7307: 7306: 7301: 7296: 7291: 7286: 7281: 7276: 7271: 7266: 7261: 7254: 7252: 7240: 7239: 7237: 7236: 7231: 7226: 7221: 7220: 7219: 7209: 7204: 7199: 7194: 7189: 7183: 7181: 7175: 7174: 7164: 7163: 7156: 7149: 7141: 7132: 7131: 7119: 7116: 7115: 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