
Psychohistory (fictional science)

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418:– after 500 years, the people of Foundation would be in a position to consider moving their capital from Terminus, safe at the edge of the Galaxy, to a point much closer to the centre. While this debate did occur, this Crisis was not, as the others had been, a focal point for the narrative, and is given in less detail. The debate is ostensibly about moving the capital for economic purposes but, five centuries after the creation of the Foundation, halfway through the 1,000 year long "Great Interregnum", the Foundation, now known as the Foundation Federation, is now in a position of great power. Therefore, there is an underlying debate about obeying Seldon's Plan (which predicted the capital would remain on Terminus, with 87.2% probability, and the Second Galactic Empire was still 500 years away) or following a different path – they directly controlled one third of the galaxy, spread out from Terminus at the edge. They had faced no other major galactic rivals since the defeat of the First Galactic Empire (under Riose), with the greatest threat in that time being internal enemies that could form if it expanded too recklessly. The Foundation's control over so much territory led to a push to move the capital closer to the center. Ultimately this was rejected and the capital remained on Terminus, as Seldon predicted. Moving the capital closer to the center of their own territories, and thus the galaxy as a whole, would only embolden the Foundation to consider beginning campaigns into the territory of the powerful Interior provinces that once formed the core of the Galactic Empire, which would carry significant risk. To ensure a stable absorption, the Foundation could only accumulate these territories gradually over the next five centuries. 390:– Two centuries into the Plan, the Foundation's growing trade hegemony in the Periphery would grow large enough that it would attract the direct attention of the Galactic Empire – mighty even in decay. While by that point the Empire only retained control over the inner third of the galaxy, these interior provinces had always been their core powerbase, controlling three-quarters of the galaxy's wealth and population (to the point that many in the Empire still didn't even notice it was in a decline). This happened as predicted: the last great general of the Empire, Bel Riose, serving its last great emperor, Cleon II, launched a campaign to conquer the Foundation. This time there was no masterstroke that the Foundation needed to win other than sheer tenacity, as the Empire was doomed to fail: a weak general was no threat to them, while a strong general under a weak emperor would rather conquer the centers of imperial power than the Foundation at its fringe. The only scenario that would result in an attack was a strong general under a strong emperor, but inherently, that emperor would see the general's growing conquests as a threat and eventually remove him – Cleon II ultimately had Bel Riose arrested on false charges of treason, after which the Empire experienced numerous civil wars and its rate of decline drastically increased. The strong general and emperor could never be the same person, because if the emperor went to conquer the fringes in person, usurpers would rise up in the central provinces. 396:– Three centuries into the Plan, the Foundation's sphere of influence would expand enough that Terminus was no longer the only center of economic power. The "Merchant Princes" on its border worlds, selling technology to barbarian kingdoms, would become powerful in their own right. Meanwhile, the central power of the Mayors of Terminus would grow increasingly corrupt, as wealth became concentrated. The independent traders would revolt against the central authority of the Mayor of Terminus, and although they would ultimately lose, the civil war would nonetheless result in key social and political reforms that would undo the corruption that instigated the crisis. In many ways the Foundation would experience the same problems (corruption and over-centralisation) that led to the decline of the Empire, although it would become stronger for doing so. The conditions for this Crisis to occur happened as predicted – the Mayor became a hereditary office, inherited by the incompetent descendant of once-competent predecessors, and the consortium of Independent Traders began talks where they mentioned rebellion. The crisis did not pass as predicted, the first of Seldon's Crises to fail to occur (with incredible accuracy) when predicted. Indeed, a hologram of Seldon appeared and discussed the Crisis, and how it would've been solved, before a large audience that was occupied by a different crisis. 384:– By about 150 years into the Plan (70 years after the second crisis), the religious infiltration of the Foundation into surrounding kingdoms would begin to wear off – due to a combination of time, recovering technological base in other parts of the galaxy, or simply that other barbarian kingdoms wised up to the prior strategy and refused to let Foundation missionaries into their borders. Seldon's own recording stated that a major reason religious/spiritual sway would eventually lose influence was due to a growing sense of regionalism/nationalism among the barbarian kingdoms, in which the prior rule of the Galactic Empire was beyond living memory (in contrast, Anacreon's population was willing to revolt against its leaders only eighty years after independence). By this point, however, the Foundation would become enough of an economic power (now ruling the territory of the Four Kingdoms and expanding beyond them), that it could wield this as a non-violent weapon. Through trade alone, barbarian kingdoms would become dependent on Foundation technology, and then could be blockaded into submission without firing a shot. This passed as predicted, using an economic blockade to defeat the Republic of Korell. 361:
into a Second Empire. It was possible, however, to use psychohistory to influence future events in such a way that this "Great Interregnum" was shortened from 30,000 years to a mere 1,000. To implement his plan, Seldon creates the Foundations – two groups of scientists and engineers settled at opposite ends of the galaxy – to preserve the spirit of science and civilization, and thus become the cornerstones of the new galactic empire. The First Foundation was located at Terminus, an isolated planet at the fringe of the galaxy, and was tasked with preserving and advancing scientific knowledge. As the outer provinces of the Galactic Empire fragmented politically and declined technologically, the First Foundation would maintain this advantage over them. Secretly, the Second Foundation was focused on psychohistory itself, updating Seldon's predictions as the generations passed and subtly influencing events to ensure that the Plan would succeed.
372:– the political fragmentation of the galaxy would begin at its outermost fringes, as the Periphery provinces split off into petty interstellar kingdoms, fifty years after the settlement of Terminus. When this came to pass, the region around Terminus itself broke up into the "Four Kingdoms", the most powerful of which was Anacreon. Each of the Four Kingdoms wanted to conquer Terminus to seize its advanced technology. The solution to this crisis was to play off each of the Four Kingdoms against each other, arranging treaties so that a direct invasion by any one of the kingdoms would be met with an immediate counterattack by the other three, ensuring the invading kingdom was defeated before they could make use of the Foundation's technology to defeat the other kingdoms. 378:– thirty years later, one of the surrounding barbarian kingdoms would aggregate enough power that even the threat of all its neighbors united against it could no longer deter it. When this came to pass, it was Anacreon. During the intervening time period, the neighboring kingdoms had pressured the Foundation to send them technological aide rather than face conquest – in turn, making them dependent on the Foundation, which actively encouraged the population of these kingdoms to revere their technology with religious awe. Thus when Anacreon attempted a direct attack on the Foundation, its own people revolted against it. 592:), though Asimov denied any direct influence. Arguably, Asimov's psychohistory departs significantly from Marx's general theory of history based on modes of production (as distinct from Marx's model of the capitalist economy, where "natural laws" work themselves out with "iron necessity") in that psychohistory is predictive (if only in the sense of involving precisely stated probabilities), and in that psychohistory is extrapolated from individual psychology and even from physics. Psychohistory also has echoes of 319:. Even robots technically fall under the umbrella of psychohistory, because humans built them, and they thus represent more or less a human "action", or at least, possess a thought-framework similar enough to that of their human creators that psychohistory can predict their actions. However, psychohistory cannot predict the actions of a sentient alien race; their psychology may differ so much from that of humans that normal psychohistory cannot understand or predict their actions. 518:... So I suggested we add the fact that a mathematical treatment existed whereby the future could be predicted in a statistical fashion, and I called it "psychohistory". Actually, it was a poor word and did not represent what I truly meant. I should have called it "psychosociology" (a word which the O.E.D. lists as having first been used in 1928). However, I was so intent on history, thanks to Gibbon, that I could think of nothing but psychohistory. 335:
and after the prolonged conflict with other races, would have developed an aggressive and expansionist mindset. In contrast, humans had never encountered another sentient species in the Milky Way Galaxy, so they never felt greatly compelled to expand to other galaxies, but instead to fight other humans over control of the Milky Way. Eventually, such an aggressive alien race would expand from galaxy to galaxy, and try to invade the Milky Way Galaxy.
development of psychic skills, such as those used by the Mule, had the ability to invalidate the assumptions underlying his models, though he did not (and could not) predict the appearance of the Mule himself. The Seldon methodology might therefore only work at a certain level of species-development, and would over time become less useful.
however, was eventually defeated by the Second Foundation, which was also focused on developing mentalic powers in order to guide Seldon's Plan with a firm hand, ensuring that either important events occur as predicted, or that the consequences of those events are managed such that the original event might as well have passed as predicted.
lest it alter their behaviors. Knowing that they were being influenced would be an additional (unmanaged) influence, i.e. during the final conflict against the warlord of Kalgan, the First Foundation was notably overconfident of victory because of the widespread belief that the Second Foundation would prevent them from ever losing.
the optimistic side. I think if we can somehow get across some of the problems that face us now, humanity has a glorious future, and that if we could use the tenets of psychohistory to guide ourselves we might avoid a great many troubles. But on the other hand, it might create troubles. It's impossible to tell in advance."
425:, there is a high likelihood neither the ninth or tenth Seldon Crisis occurred. Alternatively, given that Seldon was aware of Olivaw's plan for Galaxia, it is possible that the final two crises were actually dealing with it, or, with the inherent limits of psychohistory (i.e. war with extra-galactic aliens or transhumans). 236:– Useful for determining limits on future Speaker Red equations, using projections of events with regard to a very sketchy but still monumental Seldon Black scheme. A tool of the first three generations of Psychohistorians after Seldon, and by the 5th Century of the Plan a teaching tool at most. (Forward the Foundation) 437:, who had maintained Seldon's original plan with revisions and corrective actions where necessary, the specific goal for this Second Empire was to make it a "Federated Empire" – with more power shared with the provinces so that the central government wouldn't become corrupt and decline as Trantor once had. 984:
Booker, M. Keith. "Monsters, Mushroom Clouds, and the Cold War: American Science Fiction and the Roots of Postmodernism, 1946–1964". Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2001. pp. 34–38. "Numerous critics have noticed the parallels between Marx's and Seldon's visions of history." Critics whom
Asimov: "Well, I can't help but think it would be good, except that in my stories, I always have opposing views. In other words, people argue all possible... all possible... ways of looking at psychohistory and deciding whether it is good or bad. So you can't really tell. I happen to feel sort of on
was much taken with the idea, and said he didn't want it wasted on a short story. He wanted an open-ended series so it lasts forever, perhaps. And so I started doing that. In order to keep the story going from story to story, I was essentially writing future history, and I had to make it sufficiently
Seldon used psychohistory to predict that the Galactic Empire would fall: this was a generations-long process which had already begun, and was too far gone to stop. This would result in a subsequent 30,000 years of barbarism, before the various petty kingdoms of the galaxy eventually aggregated again
The Seldon Plan for the First Foundation focused on ten major crises that it would face over the next thousand years. Hari Seldon made a series of holographic recordings about each crisis, set to be revealed one at a time to the Foundation at the predicted time each one occurred. The general outline
galaxies, it appears probable (given this assumption) that only one sentient race would develop. However, statistically two or more alien races might evolve in the same galaxy, leading them into inevitable conflict. The fighting in this other galaxy would only end when one race emerged the victor,
A student in the Second Foundation destined for Speakerhood has to present an amendment to the plan. Five different boards then check the mathematics rigorously. Students have to defend their proposals against concerted and merciless attacks. After two years, the change gets reviewed again. If after
With the Mule defeated, The Second Foundation then essentially "fakes its own death", convincing the resurgent First Foundation that the Second Foundation had existed but was now destroyed, to fulfill the tenet of psychohistory that the target population must not be aware they are being influenced,
The Prime Radiant projects the equations onto walls in some unexplained manner, but it does not cast shadows, thus allowing workers easy interaction. As a tool of the Second Foundation, control operates through the power of the mind, allowing the user to zoom in to details of the equations, and to
There were two conditions that I had to set up in order to make it work, and they were not chosen carelessly. I picked them in order to make psychohistory more like kinetic theory. First, I had to deal with a large number of human beings, as kinetic theory worked with a large number of molecules.
Seldon's Plan was totally upset by the unpredicted appearance of the Mule, a mutant with the telepathic powers to control people's minds – 'mentalic' powers. The Mule conquered the Foundation, and the Independent Trader worlds, and swept aside the last remnants of the Galactic Empire. The Mule,
and an aberration. The fact that Seldon established a Second Foundation of mental-science adepts to oversee his Plan might suggest that even Seldon himself had doubts about the ultimate ability of a purely mathematical approach to predicting historical processes, and that he recognized that the
511:... In the case of "psychohistory", however, I suspected that the word was not in common use, and might even never have been used before. (Actually, the O.E.D. cites one example of its use as early as 1934.) I first used it in my story, "Foundation", which appeared in the May 1942 issue of 215:, produced deviations in the Seldon Plan in excess of .5 through 10 sigmas, and the resolution of this period required a full century of labour by members of the Second Foundation, often with dangerous interventions and uncertain likelihood of success, to return the Galaxy to the Plan. 712:, a branch of statistics which deals with death in biological organisms and failure in mechanical systems. This topic is called reliability theory or reliability analysis in engineering, and duration analysis or duration modeling in economics or event history analysis in sociology. 521:
I modeled my concept of psychohistory on the kinetic theory of gases... The molecules making up gases moved in an absolutely random fashion in any direction in three dimensions and in a wide range of speeds. Nevertheless, one could fairly describe what those motions would be
human beings. In other words, the presence of aliens with non-human intelligence might well bollix the works. This situation may actually develop in future books of the Foundation series, but so far I have stayed clear of non-human intelligences in my Galactic Empire
Neither would work for small numbers. It is for that reason that I had the Galactic Empire consist of twenty-five million worlds, each with an average population of four billion. That meant a total human population of one hundred quadrillion.
are the original Seldon Plan equations developed by Seldon and Amaryl during the first four decades of Seldon's work at the University of Streeling, and define Seldon Crises, the Plan's duration, and the eventuation of the Second Galactic
through genetic engineering, subsets of humanity could alter themselves so significantly from baseline humans that they could for all intents and purposes be considered "aliens". Specifically exemplifying this theory we find Asimov's
1,000 years after the creation of the Foundation, having survived 10 Seldon Crises, Seldon's Plan predicted that it would control and unify the entire galaxy, forming a Second Galactic Empire. According to the Second Foundation in
So I applied that notion to human beings. Each individual human being might have "free will", but a huge mob of them should behave with some sort of predictability, and the analysis of "mob behavior" was my psychohistory.
different from modern history to give it that science fictional touch. And so I assumed that the time would come when there would be a science in which things could be predicted on a probabilistic or statistical basis."
540:... Second, I had to retain the "randomness" factor. I couldn't expect human beings to behave as randomly as molecules, but they might approach such behavior if they had no idea as to what was expected of them. 543:... Much later in the game, I thought of a third condition that I didn't think of earlier simply because I had taken it so completely for granted. The kinetic theory assumes that gases are made up of nothing 565:, the Nobel laureate in Economics, mentioned Hari Seldon, a central character in Foundation who was a psychohistorian, as his inspiration to study Economics since it is the closest thing to Psychohistory. 572:
has a special section "Prediction and Its Limits". This section has articles on many mathematical techniques of predicting human behavior, and explicitly compares them to Asimov's psychohistory.
are observed deviations away from Psychohistorical projections with a deviation in excess of 1.5 standard deviation of predicted outcomes (1.5 σ). The Era of Deviations, at the rise of the
series: psychohistory only functions in a galaxy populated only by humans. In Asimov's Foundation series, humans form the only sentient race that developed in the entire
636:, application of probability models to analyze human (and other) interactions driven by strategic rationality (defined broadly), with the potential for predicting events 340: 470: 124:
the population should remain in ignorance of the results of the application of psychohistorical analyses because if it is aware, the group changes its behaviour.
In other words, although one couldn't possibly predict what a single molecule would do, one could accurately predict what umptillions of them would do.
The Radiant, as well as being interactive, employs a type of colour-coding to equations within itself for ready comprehension by Psychohistorians.
Seldon's Plan focuses on the actions of entire populations and is not designed to recognize the impact of a single person. Its failure to predict
1021: 474:
the second time, and I thought I might as well adapt it on a much larger scale to the Galactic Empire and get a story out of it. And my editor
877: 665:
which studies the sociology of mathematicians, their research, their published journals, their departments of learning and teaching, etc.)
1063: 307:
Psychohistory has one basic, underlying limitation which Asimov postulated for the first time on the last page of the final book in the
926: 17: 596:
and of work in the social sciences that by the 1960s would lead to attempts at large-scale social prediction and control such as
627: 1206: 813: 1232: 205:
are additions to the plan by Speakers (Senior Mentalic Psychohistorians of the Second Foundation) since the time of Seldon.
of sociology, the real sociology sub-field that applies statistical mathematics and other quantitative approaches such as
624:, the real economics sub-field trying to discover long-run trends in human behaviour (the equations of the Prime Radiant) 1002:
Angus Taylor. "Asimov, Popper, and the Fate of the Galaxy", Foundation: The Review of Science Fiction 42 (1988): 59–64.
Asimov: "Well, I wanted to write a short story about the fall of the Galactic Empire. I had just finished reading the
909: 89:
as applied to large groups of people could predict the general flow of future events. Asimov used the analogy of a
66:. It was first introduced in the four short stories (1942–1944) which would later be collected as the 1951 novel 1349: 1056: 265: 251:
and the science of psychology eventually being as predictable as organic chemistry, in a letter to the editor of
Psychohistory depends on the idea that, while one cannot foresee the actions of a particular individual, the
1344: 694:, the real (non-fictional) study of the psychological motivation of groups in historical and current events 106: 121:
the population whose behaviour was modelled should be sufficiently large to represent the entire society.
93:: An observer has great difficulty in predicting the motion of a single molecule in a gas, but with the 1339: 1049: 901: 895: 273:'s attempts to create the science based on careful observation of others, particularly of his daughter 253: 101:
of the gas to a high level of accuracy. Asimov applied this concept to the population of his fictional
86: 1094: 68: 245:
One year prior to the publication of his first story about psychohistory in 1942, Asimov alluded to
1284: 1076: 686: 102: 63: 45: 257:. In his later career, Asimov described some historical (pre-Seldon) origins of psychohistory. In 62:
to make general predictions about the future behavior of very large groups of people, such as the
1182: 1175: 1168: 697: 658: 247: 94: 59: 1031: 874: 547:
molecules, and psychohistory will only work if the hosts of intelligence are made up of nothing
1316: 1290: 1211: 1136: 589: 227: 504:"Psychohistory" is one of the three words (that I know of) that I get early-use credit for in 1262: 1129: 1101: 844: 450: 296: 279: 1041: 1161: 1154: 1122: 1115: 673: 593: 526:
and work out the gas laws from those average motions with an enormous degree of precision.
147: 180:
change them. One can make annotations, but by convention all amendments remain anonymous.
8: 1221: 986: 668: 767:"Learning from Foundation: Asimov's Psychohistory and the Limits of Organization Theory" 1237: 794: 649: 569: 495: 343:: humans evolved from an old Spacer world who had genetically modified themselves into 259: 98: 1108: 967: 905: 798: 786: 747: 709: 615: 212: 985:
Booker discusses regarding the connection between Marxism and psychohistory include
500:(which was published after his death) he writes about the origins of psychohistory: 184:
the second examination it still passes muster, the contribution becomes part of the
For the study of the psychological motivation of historical and current events, see
1267: 957: 778: 739: 621: 612:, the real area of research focused on mathematical modeling of historical dynamics 475: 327: 300: 284: 274: 700:, the real psychology sub-field that applies statistical mathematics to psychology 326:
sentient races actually very rarely develop, such that only humans evolved in the
Galaxy. Seldon developed psychohistory to predict the actions of large groups of
990: 962: 945: 881: 597: 581: 703: 645: 1333: 1252: 1189: 790: 766: 751: 691: 639: 344: 142: 31: 782: 484:
Gross: "Do you think that would be good if there really was such a science?"
Gross: "What did you have in mind when you coined the term and the concept?"
Other colours have been imagined by fans, and mentioned by Asimov, such as:
1308: 1257: 1247: 1072: 971: 731: 609: 562: 270: 41: 743: 1277: 1017: 853: 654: 633: 446: 348: 169: 165: 110: 679: 128: 732:"Il ritorno di Hari Seldon. Dalla psicostoriografia alla cliodinamica" 1272: 1025: 585: 455: 312: 173: 55: 630:, the study of theoretical interactions between cosmic civilizations 421:
This Seldon Crisis was not described. Following events occurring in
1242: 706:, the fictional study of the personalities of intelligent machines 508:. The other two, for the record, are "positronic" and "robotics". 299:
is in part due to this limitation, and also because the Mule is a
642:, the time for a system to become unpredictable after observation 287:, manipulated Seldon into practical application of this science. 226:– additions of pertinent scientific papers appended to findings ( 51: 1071: 114: 584:
have described Asimov's psychohistory as a reformulation of
At the 67th science-fiction world convention in Montreal,
90: 164:
Asimov presents the Prime Radiant, a device designed by
humans are the only sentient intelligence in the galaxy.
109:. The character responsible for the science's creation, 27:
Fictional science in Isaac Asimov's Foundation universe
764: 661:
to micro- and macro-social phenomena. (As opposed to
of the Seldon Plan can be inferred from the Crises:
263:(1983), which takes place thousands of years before 924: 445:On September 25, 1987, Asimov gave an interview to 135:
there would be no fundamental change in the society
814:"Psychology isn't an exact science-but it can be" 765:Phillips, Nelson; Zyglidopoulos, Stelios (1999). 322:The end of the series offered two possibilities: 138:human reactions to stimuli would remain constant. 1331: 944:Jasny, Barbara R.; Stone, Richard (3 Feb 2017). 283:(1988) suggests that one of Fastolfe's robots, 648:, the real economics sub-field that considers 459:. In it, Gross asked him about psychohistory: 1057: 176:showing the future development of humanity. 1064: 1050: 943: 497:Gold: The Final Science Fiction Collection 440: 961: 676:– the real sub-field, area of mathematics 618:– the interdisciplinary study of the mind 14: 1332: 893: 811: 729: 575: 1045: 428:This Seldon Crisis was not described. 412:This Seldon Crisis was not described. 409:This Seldon Crisis was not described. 925:Larissa MacFarquhar (1 March 2010). 842: 471:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 159: 836: 24: 900:. New York: HarperPrism. pp.  556: 172:, as storing the psychohistorical 25: 1361: 1030:. 12 minutes in. Archived from 269:(1951), he describes roboticist 185: 996: 978: 937: 918: 887: 868: 812:Asimov, Isaac (January 1941). 805: 758: 723: 355: 290: 240: 75: 13: 1: 1022:"Interview with Isaac Asimov" 1009: 843:Kaye, Don (October 1, 2021). 568:The 3 February 2017 issue of 506:The Oxford English Dictionary 963:10.1126/science.355.6324.468 7: 946:"Prediction and Its Limits" 682:, the study of human action 603: 10: 1366: 818:Astounding Science Fiction 513:Astounding Science Fiction 254:Astounding Science-Fiction 40:is a fictional science in 29: 1305: 1220: 1199: 1146: 1086: 80: 18:Psychohistory (fictional) 716: 687:The Psychotechnic League 50:universe which combines 1183:Psychohistorical Crisis 956:(6324). AAAS: 468–469. 783:10.1177/135050849964002 698:Quantitative psychology 659:social network analysis 441:Asimov on psychohistory 248:mathematical psychology 60:mathematical statistics 1350:Works about the future 1291:Encyclopedia Galactica 1137:Forward the Foundation 1020:(September 25, 1987). 894:Asimov, Isaac (1995). 884:, retrieved 2008-05-07 730:Cajani, Luigi (2016). 663:mathematical sociology 590:historical materialism 588:'s theory of history ( 554: 416:Relocating the Capital 228:Forward the Foundation 1130:Prelude to Foundation 1102:Foundation and Empire 993:, and Charles Elkins. 849:: Where Is the Mule?" 744:10.3280/hm2015-019009 502: 451:National Public Radio 388:Foundation and Empire 280:Prelude to Foundation 105:, which numbered one 1176:Foundation's Friends 1169:Foundation's Triumph 1162:Foundation and Chaos 1123:Foundation and Earth 685:Psychodynamics from 674:Operational calculus 594:modernization theory 148:Foundation and Earth 131:added these axioms: 1345:Foundation universe 669:Operations research 576:Literary influences 394:Independent Traders 927:"The Deflationist" 880:2004-04-14 at the 875:"Sound Recordings" 650:aggregate behavior 260:The Robots of Dawn 151:added this axiom: 113:, established two 87:laws of statistics 1340:Fictional science 1327: 1326: 1155:Foundation's Fear 1116:Foundation's Edge 1109:Second Foundation 736:Historia Magistra 710:Survival analysis 616:Cognitive science 435:Foundation's Edge 423:Foundation's Edge 234:Projection Purple 160:The Prime Radiant 16:(Redirected from 1357: 1268:R. Daneel Olivaw 1147:Others' writings 1066: 1059: 1052: 1043: 1042: 1038: 1037:on June 3, 2011. 1036: 1003: 1000: 994: 982: 976: 975: 965: 941: 935: 934: 922: 916: 915: 891: 885: 872: 866: 865: 863: 861: 840: 834: 833: 831: 829: 809: 803: 802: 762: 756: 755: 727: 628:Cosmic sociology 622:Economic history 582:literary critics 370:Balance of Power 328:Milky Way Galaxy 285:R. Daneel Olivaw 97:can predict the 21: 1365: 1364: 1360: 1359: 1358: 1356: 1355: 1354: 1330: 1329: 1328: 1323: 1301: 1285:Galactic Empire 1216: 1207:Radio programme 1195: 1142: 1087:Asimov writings 1082: 1070: 1034: 1015: 1012: 1007: 1006: 1001: 997: 991:Donald Wollheim 983: 979: 942: 938: 923: 919: 912: 892: 888: 882:Wayback Machine 873: 869: 859: 857: 841: 837: 827: 825: 810: 806: 763: 759: 728: 724: 719: 606: 598:Project Camelot 578: 559: 557:Outside fiction 443: 358: 293: 243: 162: 103:Galactic Empire 83: 78: 64:Galactic Empire 35: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 1363: 1353: 1352: 1347: 1342: 1325: 1324: 1306: 1303: 1302: 1300: 1299: 1294: 1287: 1282: 1281: 1280: 1275: 1270: 1265: 1260: 1255: 1250: 1245: 1240: 1229: 1227: 1218: 1217: 1215: 1214: 1209: 1203: 1201: 1197: 1196: 1194: 1193: 1186: 1179: 1172: 1165: 1158: 1150: 1148: 1144: 1143: 1141: 1140: 1133: 1126: 1119: 1112: 1105: 1098: 1090: 1088: 1084: 1083: 1069: 1068: 1061: 1054: 1046: 1040: 1039: 1011: 1008: 1005: 1004: 995: 977: 936: 931:The New Yorker 917: 910: 886: 867: 835: 804: 777:(4): 591–608. 757: 738:(19): 96–104. 721: 720: 718: 715: 714: 713: 707: 704:Robopsychology 701: 695: 689: 683: 677: 671: 666: 652: 646:Macroeconomics 643: 637: 631: 625: 619: 613: 605: 602: 577: 574: 558: 555: 524:on the average 492: 491: 486: 485: 481: 480: 465: 464: 442: 439: 430: 429: 426: 419: 413: 410: 407: 406: 405: 401: 391: 385: 379: 373: 357: 354: 353: 352: 351:mental powers. 345:hermaphrodites 336: 330:, and in most 292: 289: 242: 239: 238: 237: 231: 224:Notation Green 217: 216: 209:Deviation Blue 206: 200: 161: 158: 157: 156: 140: 139: 136: 126: 125: 122: 95:kinetic theory 82: 79: 77: 74: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 1362: 1351: 1348: 1346: 1343: 1341: 1338: 1337: 1335: 1322: 1320: 1314: 1312: 1307:Preceded by: 1304: 1298: 1297:Psychohistory 1295: 1293: 1292: 1288: 1286: 1283: 1279: 1276: 1274: 1271: 1269: 1266: 1264: 1261: 1259: 1256: 1254: 1253:Salvor Hardin 1251: 1249: 1246: 1244: 1241: 1239: 1236: 1235: 1234: 1231: 1230: 1228: 1226: 1224: 1219: 1213: 1210: 1208: 1205: 1204: 1202: 1198: 1192: 1191: 1190:The Originist 1187: 1185: 1184: 1180: 1178: 1177: 1173: 1171: 1170: 1166: 1164: 1163: 1159: 1157: 1156: 1152: 1151: 1149: 1145: 1139: 1138: 1134: 1132: 1131: 1127: 1125: 1124: 1120: 1118: 1117: 1113: 1111: 1110: 1106: 1104: 1103: 1099: 1097: 1096: 1092: 1091: 1089: 1085: 1081: 1079: 1074: 1067: 1062: 1060: 1055: 1053: 1048: 1047: 1044: 1033: 1029: 1028: 1023: 1019: 1014: 1013: 999: 992: 988: 981: 973: 969: 964: 959: 955: 951: 947: 940: 932: 928: 921: 913: 911:0-06-105206-X 907: 903: 899: 898: 890: 883: 879: 876: 871: 856: 855: 850: 848: 839: 823: 819: 815: 808: 800: 796: 792: 788: 784: 780: 776: 772: 768: 761: 753: 749: 745: 741: 737: 733: 726: 722: 711: 708: 705: 702: 699: 696: 693: 692:Psychohistory 690: 688: 684: 681: 678: 675: 672: 670: 667: 664: 660: 656: 653: 651: 647: 644: 641: 640:Lyapunov time 638: 635: 632: 629: 626: 623: 620: 617: 614: 611: 608: 607: 601: 599: 595: 591: 587: 583: 573: 571: 566: 564: 553: 550: 546: 541: 538: 534: 530: 527: 525: 519: 516: 514: 509: 507: 501: 499: 498: 488: 487: 483: 482: 477: 476:John Campbell 473: 472: 467: 466: 462: 461: 460: 458: 457: 452: 448: 438: 436: 427: 424: 420: 417: 414: 411: 408: 402: 398: 397: 395: 392: 389: 386: 383: 380: 377: 374: 371: 368: 367: 366: 362: 350: 346: 342: 337: 333: 329: 325: 324: 323: 320: 318: 314: 310: 305: 302: 298: 288: 286: 282: 281: 276: 272: 268: 267: 262: 261: 256: 255: 250: 249: 235: 232: 229: 225: 222: 221: 220: 214: 210: 207: 204: 201: 197: 194: 193: 192: 189: 187: 181: 177: 175: 171: 168:and built by 167: 154: 153: 152: 150: 149: 144: 143:Golan Trevize 137: 134: 133: 132: 130: 123: 120: 119: 118: 116: 112: 108: 104: 100: 96: 92: 88: 73: 71: 70: 65: 61: 57: 53: 49: 48: 43: 39: 38:Psychohistory 33: 32:psychohistory 19: 1318: 1310: 1296: 1289: 1258:Hober Mallow 1248:Gaal Dornick 1222: 1188: 1181: 1174: 1167: 1160: 1153: 1135: 1128: 1121: 1114: 1107: 1100: 1093: 1077: 1073:Isaac Asimov 1032:the original 1026: 998: 980: 953: 949: 939: 930: 920: 896: 889: 870: 858:. 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Psychohistory (fictional)
Isaac Asimov
mathematical statistics
Galactic Empire
laws of statistics
kinetic theory
mass action
Galactic Empire
Hari Seldon
Ebling Mis
Golan Trevize
Foundation and Earth
Hari Seldon
Yugo Amaryl
Seldon Plan
Forward the Foundation
mathematical psychology
Astounding Science-Fiction
The Robots of Dawn

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