
Secular humanism

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3550: 2995: 594: 2673:, nor does it present humans as being superior to nature. Rather, the humanist life stance emphasizes the unique responsibility facing humanity and the ethical consequences of human decisions. Fundamental to the concept of secular humanism is the strongly held viewpoint that ideology—be it religious or political—must be thoroughly examined by each individual and not simply accepted or rejected on faith. Along with this, an essential part of secular humanism is a continually adapting search for truth, primarily through 5544:
materials. It has also carried on militant pro-atheist propaganda campaigns as part of the official ideology of the state, in an effort to establish a "new Soviet man" committed to the ideals of Communist society. Mikhail Gorbachev is dismantling such policies by permitting greater freedom of religious conscience. If his reforms proceed unabated, they could have dramatic implications for the entire Communist world, for the Russians may be moving from militant atheism to tolerant humanism.
2572: 3604: 2560: 10294: 8199: 959: 10321: 8189: 3773: 5575:
they think, are totally implausible, unbelievable, disreputable, and controvertible, for they go beyond the bounds of reason. Militant atheists can find no value at all to any religious beliefs or institutions. They resist any effort to engage in inquiry or debate. Madalyn Murray O'Hair is as arrogant in her rejection of religion as is the true believer in his or her profession of faith. This form of atheism thus becomes mere dogma.
3700:. European humanists may often emphasise the fact that human beings have found reasons to celebrate at these times in the Northern Hemisphere for thousands of years before the arrival of Christianity. Humanists may also identify culturally with religious traditions and holidays celebrated in their family in the community. For example, humanists with a Jewish identity will often celebrate most Jewish holidays in a secular manner. 2767:, was reported as warning that the "Christian tradition... was in danger of being undermined by a 'Secular Humanism' which hoped to retain Christian values without Christian faith." During the 1960s and 1970s the term was embraced by some humanists who considered themselves anti-religious, as well as those who, although not critical of religion in its various guises, preferred a non-religious approach. The release in 1980 of 5314:: "science must be limited to using just natural forces in its explanations.This is sometimes referred to as the principle of methodological materialism in science ... Scientists use only methodological materialism because it is logical, but primarily because it works. We don't need to use supernatural forces to explain nature, and we get farther in our understanding of nature by relying on natural causes." 3395:" (which encompasses both humanist views and religious outlooks) has defused this conflict. Most humanist organisations identify with "humanism" without a pre-modifier (such a "secular" or "ethical") and assert humanism as a non-religious philosophy or approach to life. Generally speaking, all humanists, including religious humanists, reject deference to supernatural beliefs; promote the practical, 3169: 10333: 10281: 3675:
greatest tragedies of twentieth century movementology, perpetrated by second-class minds and perpetuated by third-class polemicists and village atheists. The attempt to sever humanism from the religious and the spiritual was a flatfooted, largely American way of taking on the religious right. It lacked finesse, subtlety, and the European sense of history."
3738:, and other rituals. In countries like Scotland and Norway, these are extremely popular. In Scotland, more people have a humanist wedding than are married by any religious denomination, including Scotland's largest churches; over 20% of Scottish weddings are humanist. In Norway, over 20% of young people choose humanist coming-of-age ceremonies every year. 4069:, 515 U.S. 1173 (1995). In this case, a science teacher argued that, by requiring him to teach evolution, his school district was forcing him to teach the "religion" of secular humanism. The Court responded, "We reject this claim because neither the Supreme Court, nor this circuit, has ever held that evolutionism or Secular Humanism are 'religions' for 2829:, which is consistent with IHEU's general practice and recommendations for promoting a unified Humanist identity. To further promote Humanist identity, these words are also free of any adjectives, as recommended by prominent members of IHEU. Such usage is not universal among IHEU member organizations, though most of them do observe these conventions. 3087:
ritual and ceremony, for those who would otherwise be divided by creeds. Although the organisation was overwhelmingly made up of (and entirely led by) atheists, and were many of the same people as in the secular movement, Ethical organisations at that time publicly avoided debate about religious beliefs, publicly advocating neither
3432:. Some believe that universal moral standards are required for the proper functioning of society. However, they believe such necessary universality can and should be achieved by developing a richer notion of morality through reason, experience and scientific inquiry rather than through faith in a supernatural realm or source. 3387:, in the tradition of the earliest humanist organizations in the UK and US, attempts to fulfil the traditional social role of religion. Contemporary use of the word "religious" did not have the same connotations as its today. Secular humanism considers all forms of religion, including religious humanism, to be superseded. 4110:
has pointed out: "Moreover, the debate is not between secularists and the religious. The debate is believers and non-believers on the one side debating believers and non-believers on the other side. You've got citizens who are of faith who believe in the separation of church and state and you have a
could propose a definition of what would constitute a "course of instruction the substance of which is Secular Humanism". So, this determination was left up to local school boards. The provision provoked a storm of controversy which within a year led Senator Hatch to propose, and Congress to pass, an
There have been fundamental and irreconcilable differences between humanists and atheists, particularly Marxist-Leninists. The defining characteristic of humanism is its commitment to human freedom and democracy; the kind of atheism practiced in the Soviet Union has consistently violated basic human
This book quotes the constitution of the Humanistic Religious Association of London, founded in 1853, as saying, "In forming ourselves into a progressive religious body, we have adopted the name 'Humanistic Religious Association' to convey the idea that Religion is a principle inherent in man and is
unanimously reversed him, with Judge Frank stating that Hand held a "misconception of the relationship between church and state mandated by the establishment clause," commenting also that the textbooks did not show "an attitude antagonistic to theistic belief. The message conveyed by these textbooks
25% of people specify that they have 'No religion' up from 15% in 2001 and in Australia, around 30% of the population specifies "No Religion" in the national census. In the US, the decennial census does not inquire about religious affiliation or its lack; surveys report the figure at roughly 13%. In
Secular humanists affirm that with the present state of scientific knowledge, dogmatic belief in an absolutist moral or ethical system (e.g. Kantian, Islamic, Christian) is unreasonable. However, it affirms that individuals engaging in rational moral/ethical deliberations can discover some universal
systems, and ethical theories, and to make them an independent force in personal life and social relations." Adler was also particularly critical of the religious emphasis on creed, believing it to be the source of sectarian bigotry. He therefore attempted to provide a universal fellowship devoid of
does not stand for the proposition that humanism, no matter in what form and no matter how practiced, amounts to a religion under the First Amendment. The Court offered no test for determining what system of beliefs qualified as a "religion" under the First Amendment. The most one may read into the
under Congreve's direction. There they introduced sacraments of the Religion of Humanity and published a co-operative translation of Comte's Positive Polity. When Congreve repudiated their Paris co-religionists in 1878, Beesly, Harrison, Bridges, and others formed their own positivist society, with
This requires careful thought. Sometimes, we might find we've settled into ways of thinking that mean we're applying rules, even if those are own rules. We need to challenge ourselves – not just acting on what seems like instinct or intuition but going back to thinking carefully about consequences
Every time we have to make a difficult moral choice, there will be something new and different about it. So applying the same rule every time is not going to work. It doesn't mean our values have changed. It's more that the situations in which we apply them are different – and so we make different
a group of plaintiffs brought a case alleging that the school system was teaching the tenets of an anti-religious religion called "secular humanism" in violation of the Establishment Clause. The complainants asked that 44 different elementary through high school level textbooks (including books on
Humanism is a democratic and ethical life stance, which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. It stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethic based on human and other natural values in the spirit of reason and
Ranged against the true believer are the militant atheists, who adamantly reject the faith as false stupid, and reactionary. They consider all religious believers to be gullible fools and claim that they are given to accepting gross exaggerations and untenable premises. Historic religious claims,
Humanism, as a term which describes a person's non-religious views, comes with no obligation to celebrate or revere specific days in the year as a religion would. As a result, individual humanists choose of their own accord whether to take part in prevailing national holidays where they live. For
have decried the over-association of Humanism with affirmations of non-belief and atheism. Jones cites a lack of new ideas being presented or debated outside of secularism, while Hoffmann is unequivocal: "I regard the use of the term 'humanism' to mean secular humanism or atheism to be one of the
Accounts of humanism are also careful not to treat secular humanism analogously with religions, which implies a community who strictly attempt to adhere to the same obligations or beliefs. Holding a secular humanist philosophy does not prescribe a specific theory of morality or code of ethics. As
was issued in 1980 by the Council for Secular Humanism's predecessor, CODESH. It lays out ten ideals: Free inquiry as opposed to censorship and imposition of belief; separation of church and state; the ideal of freedom from religious control and from jingoistic government control; ethics based on
critical intelligence rather than that deduced from religious belief; moral education; religious skepticism; reason; a belief in science and technology as the best way of understanding the world; evolution; and education as the essential method of building humane, free, and democratic societies.
The first ethical society along these lines in Britain was founded in 1886. By 1896 the four London societies formed the Union of Ethical Societies, and between 1905 and 1910 there were over fifty societies in Great Britain, seventeen of which were affiliated with the Union. The Union of Ethical
Secular humanist organizations are found in all parts of the world. Those who call themselves humanists are estimated to number between four and five million people worldwide in 31 countries, but there is uncertainty because of the lack of universal definition throughout censuses. Humanism is a
In the past, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union waged unremitting warfare against religion. It persecuted religious believers, confiscated church properties, executed or exiled tens of thousands of clerics, and prohibited believers to engage in religious instruction or publish religious
origin for ethics. The case involved denial of the Society's application for tax exemption as a religious organization. The U.S. Court of Appeals reversed the Tax Court's ruling, defined the Society as a religious organization, and granted its tax exemption. The Society terms its practice
The issue of whether and in what sense secular humanism might be considered a religion, and what the implications of this would be, has become the subject of legal maneuvering and political debate in the United States. The first reference to "secular humanism" in a US legal context was in
assert that faith and knowledge are required for a hopeful vision for the future. Manifesto II references a section on religion and states traditional religion renders a disservice to humanity. Manifesto II recognizes the following groups to be part of their naturalistic philosophy:
3199:. Because, in their view, traditional religions were failing to meet the needs of their day, the signers of 1933 declared it a necessity to establish a religion that was a dynamic force to meet the needs of the day. However, this "religion" did not profess a belief in any god. Since then 3139:
As an organised movement in its own right, humanism emerged from vibrant non-religious movements of the 18th and 19th centuries such as the Owenites, Ethical Culture, the freethinkers, secularists, and positivists, as well as a few non-religious radical Unitarian congregations. The first
3041:. Today Conway Hall explicitly identifies itself as a humanist organisation, albeit one primarily focused on concerts, events, and the maintenance of its humanist library and archives. It bills itself as "The landmark of London's independent intellectual, political and cultural life." 3622:
The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) is the worldwide umbrella organization for those adhering to the Humanist life stance. It represents the views of over three million Humanists organized in over 100 national organizations in 30 countries. Originally based in the
However, distinctions between "ethical" and "secular" humanists are for the most part historical, and practically meaningless in the present day or to contemporary individuals who identify with humanism. Since the mid-20th century, the development of new concepts such as the
2861: 5484:, ghosts, or supernatural powers. Although strictly speaking an atheist could believe in any of these things and still remain an atheist... the arguments and ideas that sustain atheism tend naturally to rule out other beliefs in the supernatural or transcendental. 4610:
Secular Humanism is an outgrowth of eighteenth century enlightenment rationalism and nineteenth century freethought... A decidedly anti-theistic version of secular humanism, however, is developed by Adolf Grünbaum, 'In Defense of Secular Humanism' (1995), in his
2982:. The American version of the "Church of Humanity" was largely modeled on the English church. Like the English version, it was not atheistic and had sermons and sacramental rites. At times the services included readings from conventional religious works like the 3888:
amendment to delete from the statute all reference to secular humanism. While this episode did not dissuade fundamentalists from continuing to object to what they regarded as the "teaching of Secular Humanism", it did point out the vagueness of the claim.
tacked onto the proposed exclusionary subsection the words "or for any course of instruction the substance of which is Secular Humanism". Implementation of this provision ran into practical problems because neither the Senator's staff, nor the Senate's
In the 1930s, "humanism" was generally used in a religious sense by the Ethical movement in the United States, and not much favoured among the non-religious in Britain. Yet "it was from the Ethical movement that the non-religious philosophical sense of
included a section, Section 20 U.S.C.A. 4059, which initially read: "Grants under this subchapter may not be used for consultants, for transportation or for any activity which does not augment academic improvement." With no public notice, Senator
2844:. These writings were lost to European societies until Renaissance scholars rediscovered them through Muslim sources and translated them from Arabic into European languages. Thus the term humanist can mean a humanities scholar, as well as refer to 4984: 3478:, propose that a distinctive aspect of humanist morality is its recognition that every moral situation is in some sense unique, and so potentially calls for different approach than the last (i.e. the ability to vacillate situationally between 3457:
have demonstrated that it is possible to have a universal morality without God. Contrary to what the fundamentalists would have us believe, then, what our society really needs is not more religion but a richer notion of the nature of
and in 2015 both ceased separate operations, becoming CFI programs) gave secular humanism an organisational identity within the United States; but no overall organisation involved currently uses a name featuring "secular humanism".
Fundamentalists correctly perceive that universal moral standards are required for the proper functioning of society. But they erroneously believe that God is the only possible source of such standards. Philosophers as diverse as
a means of developing his being towards greater perfection. We have emancipated ourselves from the ancient compulsory dogmas, myths and ceremonies borrowed of old from Asia and still pervading the ruling churches of our age".
3650:, an American theologian based in Switzerland, seizing upon the exclusion of the divine from most humanist writings, argued that rampant secular humanism would lead to moral relativism and ethical bankruptcy in his book 2742:
The term itself is not uncontested. "Secular humanism" is not a universally used phrase, and is most prevalent in the United States. Most member organisations of Humanists International, for example, use simply the term
Neither atheism nor agnosticism is a full belief system, because they have no fundamental philosophy or lifestyle requirements. These forms of thought are simply the absence of belief in, or denial of, the existence of
is as precious to the humanist as are the rights of the believers". Greg M. Epstein states that, "modern, organized Humanism began, in the minds of its founders, as nothing more nor less than a religion without a God".
3719:(23 December) as official days of humanist celebration, though none are yet a public holiday. Humanist organisations typically organise events around these dates which draw attention to their programmes of activities. 5628:
rights. Humanists believe first and foremost in the freedom of conscience, the free mind, and the right of dissent. The defense of religious liberty is as precious to the humanist as are the rights of the believers.
the court decisions turned not so much on the particular beliefs of practitioners as on the function and form of the practice being similar to the function and form of the practices in other religious institutions.
preaching in North America. Toumey (1993) found that secular humanism is typically portrayed as a vast evil conspiracy, deceitful and immoral, responsible for feminism, pornography, abortion, homosexuality, and
3037:, one of the first women to campaign for feminism at public meetings in England, who spoke in 1829 on "rights of women". In later decades, the chapel changed its name to the South Place Ethical Society, now the 4025:. Though Ethical Culture is based on a humanist philosophy, it is regarded by some as a type of religious humanism. Hence, it would seem most accurate to say that this case affirmed that a religion need not be 2938:
Although Comte's religious movement was unsuccessful in France, the positivist philosophy of science itself played a major role in the proliferation of secular organizations in the 19th century in England.
4982: 3525:
is the latter's commitment to "human freedom and democracy" while stating that the militant atheism of the Soviet Union consistently violated basic human rights. Kurtz also stated that the "defense of
cases turn on whether the ideas or symbols involved are inherently religious. An organization can function like a church while advocating beliefs that are not necessarily inherently religious. Author
5691: 2817:, is quite recent. The American Humanist Association began to adopt this view in 1973, and the IHEU formally endorsed the position in 1989. In 2002 the IHEU General Assembly unanimously adopted the 4784:"Capitalization is not mandatory... It is recommended usage and the normal usage within IHEU"—Jeremy Webbs, IHEU webmaster, from a response to a Knowledge editor inquiry, dated 2 March 2006. 5765: 6246: 4055:, who have made the argument that teaching evolution amounts to teaching a religious idea. The claim that secular humanism could be considered a religion for legal purposes was examined by the 3654:(1976). Schaeffer portrayed secular humanism as pernicious and diabolical, and warned it would undermine the moral and spiritual tablet of America. His themes have been very widely repeated in 2778: 3321:) and a commitment to making it meaningful through better understanding of ourselves, our history, our intellectual and artistic achievements, and the outlooks of those who differ from us. 3954:, a 1957 case in which an organization of humanists sought a tax exemption on the ground that they used their property "solely and exclusively for religious worship." Despite the group's 3581:. Many national censuses contentiously define Humanism as a further sub-category of the sub-category "No Religion", which typically includes atheist, rationalist and agnostic thought. In 3144:
announced the humanist movement by that name to the public in 1933, following work at the University of Chicago across the 1920s. The American Humanist Association was incorporated as an
2138: 3667:. Many Humanists see religions as superstitious, repressive and closed-minded, while religious fundamentalists may see Humanists as a threat to the values set out in their sacred texts. 3299: – A commitment to the use of critical reason, factual evidence and scientific method of inquiry in seeking solutions to human problems and answers to important human questions. 2809:, consider that the unmodified but capitalized word Humanism should be used. The endorsement by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) of the capitalization of the word 3329: – A search for viable individual, social and political principles of ethical conduct, judging them on their ability to enhance human well-being and individual responsibility. 3290: – A conviction that dogmas, ideologies and traditions, whether religious, political or social, must be weighed and tested by each individual and not simply accepted by faith. 3424:
We are opposed to absolutist morality, yet we maintain that objective standards emerge, and ethical values and principles may be discovered, in the course of ethical deliberation.
3403:. The result is an approach to issues in a secular way. Humanism addresses ethics without reference to the supernatural as well, attesting that ethics is a human enterprise (see 3980:. Nonetheless, this case was cited by Justice Black to justify the inclusion of secular humanism in the list of religions in his note. Presumably Justice Black added the word 4359: 3341: – A conviction that with reason, an open exchange of ideas, good will, and tolerance, progress can be made in building a better world for ourselves and our children. 2872:
coined the term "secularism" to describe "a form of opinion which concerns itself only with questions, the issues of which can be tested by the experience of this life".
3880: 3383:
In the 20th and 21st centuries, members of Humanist organizations have disagreed as to whether Humanism is a religion. They categorize themselves in one of three ways.
According to the Council for Secular Humanism, within the United States, the term "secular humanism" describes a world view with the following elements and principles:
slightly broadened by academic ethics. This kind of 'hyphenated humanism' easily becomes more about the adjective than its referent". Adherents of this view, including
5428: 3260:
All Humanists, nationally and internationally, should always use the one word Humanism as the name of Humanism: no added adjective, and the initial letter capital (by
3026: 4016:
functions much like a church, but regards itself as a non-theistic religious institution, honoring the importance of ethical living without mandating a belief in a
non-profit organization in 1943. The International Humanist and Ethical Union was founded in 1952, when a gathering of world Humanists met under the leadership of
In effect, the movement responded to the religious crisis of the time by replacing theology with unadulterated morality. It aimed to "disentangle moral ideas from
4126: 4116: 4093:
footnote is the idea that a particular non-theistic group calling itself the "Fellowship of Humanity" qualified as a religious organization under California law.
All Humanists, nationally and internationally, should use a clear, recognizable and uniform symbol on their publications and elsewhere: our Humanist symbol the "
4685:, 25 May 1935, p. 18: citing the comments of Rev. W.G. Peck, rector of St. John the Baptist, Hulme Manchester, concerning "The modern age of secular humanism". 5743: 5695: 5594:
Paul Kurtz, considered by many the father of the secular humanist movement, is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the State University of New York at Buffalo.
5327: 4349: 4008: 5097: 6581: 4056: 3570: 350: 5197: 1902: 5228: 4593: 3311: – A constant search for objective truth, with the understanding that new knowledge and experience constantly alter our imperfect perception of it. 5769: 4339: 3627:, the IHEU now operates from London. Some regional groups that adhere to variants of the Humanist life stance, such as the humanist subgroup of the 2747:" to refer to this concept, with some commentators remarking that "'hyphenated humanism' easily becomes more about the adjective than its referent". 3062:
The affirmation that new moral problems have arisen in modern industrial society which have not been adequately dealt with by the world's religions;
7115: 6763: 6707: 4736: 484: 3590:
census, 37% stated they had no religion up from 28% in 2001. One of the largest Humanist organizations in the world (relative to population) is
3513:, and agnosticism, but being atheist or agnostic does not automatically make one a humanist. Nevertheless, humanism is diametrically opposed to 4051:
The implication in Justice Black's footnote that secular humanism is a religion has been seized upon by religious opponents of the teaching of
spirituality. In certain areas of the world, Humanism finds itself in conflict with religious fundamentalism, especially over the issue of the
3521:, considered by some to be the founder of the American secular humanist movement, one of the differences between Marxist–Leninist atheists and 4862: 4264: 1927: 1897: 2797:
has been "demonized by the religious right... All too often secular humanism is reduced to a sterile outlook consisting of little more than
5014:""Women's Politics in Britain 1780–1870: Claiming Citizenship" by Jane Rendall, esp. "72. The religious backgrounds of feminist activists"" 4563: 3565:
non-theistic belief system and, as such, it could be a sub-category of "Religion" only if that term is defined to mean "Religion and (any)
2602: 1979: 560: 6091: 8235: 3950: 3870: 5254: 4764: 4379: 2821:, which represents the official defining statement of World Humanism for Humanists. This declaration makes exclusive use of capitalized 2739:" is recognized as the official symbol of humanism internationally, used by secular humanist organizations in every part of the world. 9078: 4889: 9356: 8162: 3415:
Secular Humanism is not so much a specific morality as it is a method for the explanation and discovery of rational moral principles.
To promote and unify "Humanist" identity, prominent members of the IHEU have endorsed the following statements on Humanist identity:
1932: 1052: 8173: 4249: 4239: 3615: 3232: 2322: 6040: 1912: 635: 3918:
commented in a footnote, "Among religions in this country which do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the
7156: 3837: 3274:
All Humanists, nationally and internationally, should seek to establish recognition of the fact that Humanism is a life stance.
2401: 807: 9993: 5989: 5791: 5653: 5620: 5567: 5536: 4374: 4344: 3809: 2446: 2240: 2019: 5610: 5557: 5526: 6756: 6345: 5827: 4195: 4061: 3049: 2272: 2133: 2081: 2076: 5013: 4029:
to qualify as a religion under the law, rather than asserting that it established generic secular humanism as a religion.
gradually emerged in Britain, and it was from the convergence of the Ethical and Rationalist movements that this sense of
4922: 4304: 2389: 2101: 1952: 1554: 792: 3816: 3600:, which had over 86,000 members out of a population of around 4.6 million in 2013 – approximately 2% of the population. 8562: 7048: 7031: 6304: 6290: 6276: 6181: 4899: 3628: 2951:
and was heavily influenced by his positivist system. He founded the London Positivist Society in 1867, which attracted
2312: 2210: 2158: 2096: 2091: 2029: 925: 9619: 5149: 5123: 5027: 4534: 9644: 7575: 6070: 5505: 5461: 5362: 4654: 4006:
footnote, and said by some to have established secular humanism as a religion under the law, is the 1957 tax case of
3856: 3790: 2317: 1942: 1697: 430: 5331: 2759:
has evolved over time. The phrase has been used since at least the 1930s by Anglican priests, and in 1943, the then
10176: 6682: 6655: 4639:
1 a rationalistic system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters.
4269: 4207: 3305: – A primary concern with fulfillment, growth and creativity for both the individual and humankind in general. 2595: 2352: 553: 459: 17: 5875: 4102:
Decisions about tax status have been based on whether an organization functions like a church. On the other hand,
3823: 3335: – an interest in securing justice and fairness in society and in eliminating discrimination and intolerance. 10206: 8228: 8202: 7860: 7773: 6749: 6721: 6477: 5587: 5101: 4294: 4289: 4244: 4125:
ruled for the plaintiffs agreeing that the books promoted secular humanism, which he ruled to be a religion. The
2379: 1284: 534: 507: 159: 9814: 6972: 6208: 4130:
is one of neutrality: the textbooks neither endorse theistic religion as a system of belief, nor discredit it".
10232: 9392: 6672: 6430: 4410: 4329: 4165: 3794: 3735: 3664: 3611: 3346: 3107:
Societies would later incorporate as the Ethical Union, a registered charity, in 1928. Under the leadership of
George Holyoake coined the term "secularism" and led the secular movement in Britain from the mid-19th century.
2769: 1747: 1316: 802: 449: 121: 6012: 5205: 4513: 8806: 8391: 8152: 7985: 7778: 7637: 7488: 6667: 6487: 6482: 5853: 5813: 5312:
Eugenie C. Scott, National Centre for Science and Education, "Science and Religion, Methodology and Humanism"
5232: 4597: 4219: 3805: 3557: 3366: 2806: 2225: 2205: 782: 444: 192: 187: 4520: 2260: 10211: 10116: 9764: 8481: 8127: 6616: 6565: 4259: 4189: 3632: 3153: 2774: 385: 10015: 9729: 8358: 7539: 7496: 7026: 7016: 5717: 3904: 3038: 3010: 2764: 2588: 2250: 1827: 1294: 1188: 546: 5379: 3156:
took that name in 1967, but had developed from the Union of Ethical Societies which had been founded by
intellectuals, and those who have agreement with the pre-Socratics, as distinct from secular humanists.
1717: 10311: 9882: 9551: 8857: 8633: 8221: 7501: 7166: 7131: 6927: 5669: 4384: 3025:, and in the early nineteenth century was known as "a radical gathering-place". At that point it was a 2302: 1967: 1752: 1434: 1279: 8267: 5901: 5255:"Humanism and Its Aspirations – Humanist Manifesto III, a successor to the Humanist Manifesto of 1933" 4740: 3586:
the 2001 Canadian census, 16.5% of the populace reported having no religious affiliation. In the 2011
3549: 10353: 10088: 8300: 8290: 7720: 7181: 6555: 6134: 4719: 4454: 4299: 4279: 4139: 3396: 3029:
chapel, and that movement, like Quakers, supported female equality. Under the leadership of Reverend
2944: 2880: 2413: 2307: 1917: 1707: 1387: 1373: 797: 686: 318: 2923:", toward a fully rational "positivist" society. In later life, Comte had attempted to introduce a " 10191: 9754: 9004: 8844: 8841: 8567: 8401: 8386: 7838: 7768: 7589: 7354: 7283: 7278: 6977: 6726: 6702: 6630: 6338: 5473: 4866: 4394: 4369: 4274: 2932: 2884: 2760: 2639: 2200: 2185: 2051: 1947: 1198: 1005: 512: 479: 399: 3635:
is also separate from the IHEU, the two organisations work together and share an agreed protocol.
1802: 1687: 9769: 9710: 9663: 9521: 9484: 8852: 8767: 8757: 8681: 8547: 8519: 8035: 7750: 7690: 7682: 7379: 7374: 7161: 7146: 7011: 6697: 6687: 6588: 6447: 5311: 4309: 3783: 3400: 3261: 3203:
were written to replace the first. In the Preface of Humanist Manifesto II, in 1973, the authors
3173: 3045: 2841: 2802: 2700: 2505: 2384: 2327: 2215: 2180: 2039: 1994: 1907: 1742: 1132: 1097: 978: 777: 746: 474: 464: 357: 154: 4567: 1584: 9902: 9834: 8914: 8752: 8330: 8305: 8295: 7632: 7451: 7068: 7063: 6772: 6168:
Redefining the First Freedom: The Supreme Court and the Consolidation of State Power, 1980–1990
5692:"American humanist association – Publications – Chapter eight: The Development of Organization" 4459: 3325: 2986:. It was not as significant as the church in England, but did include several educated people. 2418: 2394: 2362: 2332: 2297: 2292: 2267: 2128: 2046: 1922: 1892: 1117: 918: 772: 5468:
The atheist's rejection of belief in God is usually accompanied by a broader rejection of any
4797: 3830: 3688:, but as secular holidays rather than Christian festivals. Other humanists choose to mark the 2975:
Beesly as president, and opened a rival centre, Newton Hall, in a courtyard off Fleet Street.
10139: 10078: 10058: 9892: 9804: 9784: 9774: 9407: 9256: 8889: 8821: 8729: 8696: 8524: 8504: 8310: 8167: 8122: 8060: 8050: 7389: 7253: 7098: 7088: 7073: 7021: 6637: 6380: 6173: 6166: 5258: 4761: 4159: 4121:
home economics, social science and literature) be removed from the curriculum. Federal judge
3884: 3225: 3034: 2956: 2818: 2539: 2461: 2436: 2408: 2367: 2347: 2337: 2282: 2220: 2195: 2111: 2106: 2071: 2056: 2009: 2004: 1999: 1989: 1984: 1937: 1832: 1807: 1797: 1702: 1534: 1519: 1419: 1361: 871: 866: 406: 73: 4615:(edited by Thomas Kupka), vol. I, New York: Oxford University Press 2013, ch. 6 (pp. 115–48) 3052:
in 1877. By 1886, similar societies had sprouted up in Philadelphia, Chicago and St. Louis.
1677: 10156: 10111: 10073: 10020: 9949: 9705: 9501: 9412: 9235: 9205: 8946: 8474: 8320: 8315: 8157: 7602: 7534: 7477: 7461: 7446: 7426: 7384: 7258: 7103: 7093: 7078: 7043: 7038: 7006: 6623: 6472: 6452: 6390: 4802: 4405: 4153: 4122: 4103: 4070: 3647: 3429: 3192: 2964: 2924: 2527: 2342: 2287: 2277: 2255: 2235: 2230: 2190: 2175: 2153: 2116: 2066: 2024: 2014: 1974: 1494: 1459: 1368: 1321: 1166: 1040: 1035: 1030: 973: 876: 856: 716: 681: 630: 392: 229: 164: 83: 7800: 5937: 2994: 1484: 958: 8: 10297: 10252: 10242: 10201: 10149: 10134: 10063: 10043: 10025: 9857: 9824: 9685: 9672: 9479: 9276: 9187: 9142: 9048: 8934: 8747: 8595: 8142: 7843: 7715: 7594: 7263: 7186: 7176: 7053: 6937: 6932: 6644: 6331: 4827: 3596: 3574: 3538: 3491: 3450: 3404: 3079: 3030: 2912: 2694: 2690: 2522: 2170: 2143: 2086: 2034: 1817: 1589: 1529: 1479: 1252: 1171: 1112: 1045: 1015: 1010: 983: 942: 890: 671: 413: 36: 9009: 5902:"Norway – Members of philosophical2 communities outside the Church of Norway. 1990–2013" 4940:
Harp, Gillis J. (1991). ""The Church of Humanity": New York's Worshipping Positivists".
The establishment of republican rather than monarchical governance of Ethical societies;
10247: 10216: 10196: 10144: 10126: 10101: 10096: 10048: 10035: 10002: 9897: 9799: 9734: 9690: 9634: 9474: 9303: 9197: 9105: 8909: 8788: 8779: 8742: 8737: 8643: 8638: 8615: 8534: 8348: 8275: 8132: 8090: 8000: 7965: 7740: 7705: 7607: 7549: 7511: 7506: 7342: 7332: 7136: 7108: 7058: 6849: 6809: 6677: 6514: 6457: 6405: 6048: 5476:
reality. For example, an atheist does not usually believe in the existence of immortal
4965: 4957: 4697:"Free Church ministers in Anglican pulpits. Dr Temple's call: the South India Scheme." 4424: 4354: 4234: 3989: 3909: 3723: 3704: 3671: 3534: 3384: 3361: 3200: 3196: 3185: 3141: 3014: 2971: 2782: 2686: 2245: 2148: 2061: 1857: 1792: 1692: 1247: 1227: 1064: 817: 721: 691: 676: 648: 640: 454: 262: 149: 96: 7895: 7848: 1509: 10337: 10285: 10186: 10181: 10166: 10106: 10068: 10053: 10010: 9581: 9541: 9459: 9387: 9370: 9348: 8976: 8951: 8762: 8582: 8325: 8192: 8188: 8070: 8055: 7725: 7672: 7652: 7554: 7544: 7471: 7300: 7290: 7083: 6871: 6791: 6662: 6574: 6550: 6545: 6300: 6286: 6272: 6177: 5828:"Statistics Canada – Population by religion, by province and territory (2001 Census)" 5807: 5649: 5642: 5616: 5563: 5532: 5501: 5457: 5358: 4969: 4895: 4334: 4214: 3684:
example, humanists in Europe and North America typically celebrate holidays, such as
3582: 3526: 3295: 3149: 2960: 2952: 2928: 2876: 2845: 2564: 1837: 1594: 1524: 1499: 1489: 1469: 1289: 1176: 1107: 1069: 911: 901: 895: 751: 736: 598: 577: 439: 343: 313: 308: 287: 169: 7695: 6117: 6092:"I'm a humanist who loves Christmas – for me, it's much more than a religious event" 27:
Life stance that embraces human reason, secular ethics, and philosophical naturalism
10237: 10171: 10161: 9862: 9809: 9759: 9739: 9700: 9695: 9536: 9464: 9182: 9093: 8984: 8956: 8941: 8904: 8610: 8590: 8557: 8462: 8424: 8095: 7958: 7928: 7918: 7913: 7810: 7795: 7441: 7171: 6991: 6962: 6901: 6839: 6609: 6602: 6595: 6524: 6519: 6492: 6375: 6213: 4949: 4814: 4479: 4449: 4389: 4319: 3919: 3712: 3510: 3479: 3446: 3006: 2940: 2773:
by the newly formed Council for Democratic and Secular Humanism (CODESH, later the
2728: 2720: 2480: 2473: 1812: 1762: 1727: 1672: 1579: 1564: 1539: 1474: 1444: 1262: 1237: 1220: 1215: 1149: 1074: 1000: 988: 861: 812: 696: 378: 371: 364: 272: 267: 235: 68: 6241:
Summer 1993, Vol. 61 Issue 2, pp. 275–301, focused on fundamentalist attacks.
There are numerous Humanist Manifestos and Declarations, including the following:
3392: 3103:, instead stressing "deed without creed" and a "purely human basis" for morality. 1732: 10325: 9943: 9912: 9877: 9842: 9720: 9571: 9469: 9427: 9338: 9326: 9311: 9286: 9261: 9031: 8899: 8894: 8811: 8796: 8469: 8353: 8102: 8085: 8040: 8030: 7975: 7948: 7885: 7880: 7865: 7790: 7526: 7516: 7151: 7141: 6942: 6819: 6395: 6096: 4988: 4768: 4284: 4254: 4022: 3931: 3731: 3693: 3689: 3643: 3639: 3208: 3108: 3018: 2869: 2661:
Secular humanism posits that human beings are capable of being ethical and moral
2647: 2576: 1872: 1862: 1847: 1767: 1757: 1737: 1629: 1609: 1569: 1544: 1454: 1348: 1336: 1326: 1267: 1127: 1122: 993: 88: 9083: 5831: 3988:
and distinguish their brand of humanism from that associated with, for example,
9852: 9847: 9715: 9680: 9612: 9586: 9422: 9271: 9210: 9123: 8966: 8862: 8605: 8285: 8075: 8065: 8005: 7953: 7890: 7785: 7710: 7667: 7647: 7436: 7312: 7273: 6967: 6957: 6952: 6876: 6731: 6425: 6209:"Tom Flynn on 'Secular Humanism'", The Religious Studies Project Podcast Series 5449: 4810: 4107: 3655: 3495: 3471: 3378: 3022: 2983: 2708: 2682: 2635: 2544: 2517: 2512: 2485: 2441: 1787: 1722: 1574: 1549: 1514: 1464: 1404: 1331: 1232: 1193: 1183: 1057: 1025: 731: 517: 116: 9293: 9068: 5054:
Toward Common Ground: The Story of the Ethical Societies in the United States.
began to use the phrase "secular humanist monthly" on its front page masthead.
4192:: Humanist Manifesto III, a Successor to the Humanist Manifesto of 1933 (2003) 1777: 1599: 10347: 9907: 9819: 9749: 9491: 9281: 9215: 9172: 9041: 8666: 8452: 8434: 8045: 7970: 7853: 7833: 7745: 7700: 6911: 6462: 6410: 6087: 5792:"Top Twenty Religions in the United States, 2001 (self-identification, ARIS)" 5406: 4991:, City of London page on Finsbury Circus Conservation Area Character Summary. 4499: 3962:, which included weekly Sunday meetings, were analogous to the activities of 3514: 3483: 3467: 3463: 3442: 2978:
The New York City version of the church was established by English immigrant
2948: 2900: 2704: 2670: 2500: 1822: 1782: 1712: 1682: 1649: 1644: 1624: 1504: 1429: 1341: 1204: 1020: 741: 603: 593: 202: 101: 6207:
Coleman, T. J. III, (interviewer), Tom Flynn (interviewee) (2014, January),
set of believers who do not believe in the separation of church and state."
How Should We Then Live: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture
3212:"scientific", "ethical", "democratic", "religious", and "Marxist" humanism. 3111:, it renamed itself the British Humanist Association in 1967. It became the 9938: 9928: 9887: 9867: 9639: 9602: 9561: 9447: 9397: 9058: 9036: 9014: 8961: 8929: 8801: 8661: 8572: 8368: 7990: 7980: 7943: 7933: 7923: 7815: 7730: 7662: 7559: 7223: 6947: 6896: 6692: 6370: 5879: 5469: 5153: 5127: 5031: 4806: 4681: 4494: 4444: 4434: 4314: 4017: 3955: 3607: 3506: 3487: 3249: 3157: 3112: 2837: 2651: 2534: 1867: 1842: 1772: 1619: 1449: 1439: 1242: 851: 843: 838: 787: 469: 63: 4658: 2840:(reflected in some current academic usage), is related to the writings of 9933: 9872: 9744: 9724: 9629: 9566: 9526: 9506: 9432: 9402: 9063: 8999: 8691: 8676: 8552: 8542: 8491: 8457: 8396: 8010: 7995: 7875: 7870: 7416: 7349: 7268: 7233: 7213: 6881: 6741: 6506: 6467: 6385: 5915: 4863:"Secularism 101: Defining Secularism: Origins with George Jacob Holyoake" 4474: 4469: 4439: 3875: 3752: 3624: 3566: 3553: 3268: 3177: 3133: 3096: 3083: 2998: 2979: 2920: 2916: 2849: 2736: 2732: 2712: 2623: 1852: 1654: 1639: 1614: 1409: 1394: 1301: 1154: 1102: 706: 701: 252: 197: 78: 6802: 3903:
The phrase "secular humanism" became prominent after it was used in the
2883:, dates from 1851. Similar regional societies came together to form the 2571: 9779: 9607: 9556: 9546: 9417: 9321: 9266: 9073: 9053: 8919: 8686: 8600: 8429: 8376: 8340: 8244: 7938: 7735: 7657: 7642: 7431: 7401: 7364: 7322: 7317: 7248: 6886: 6497: 6420: 6415: 6362: 6354: 6247:
Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress
4961: 4484: 4429: 4364: 4324: 4229: 3915: 3797: in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 3727: 3716: 3708: 3518: 3454: 3204: 2904: 2896: 2798: 2724: 2681:. Many secular humanists derive their moral codes from a philosophy of 2678: 2662: 2619: 2490: 2456: 2451: 2121: 1634: 1424: 1399: 1306: 1159: 1139: 950: 220: 111: 106: 53: 44: 5429:"Kristen Bell Drops Some Ethical Gems She Learned On 'The Good Place'" 4527: 3603: 3068:
The belief that self-reform should go in lock step with social reform;
9794: 9789: 9649: 9576: 9511: 9382: 9316: 9128: 9118: 9113: 9088: 8884: 8444: 8406: 8080: 7805: 7627: 7456: 7421: 7406: 7369: 6786: 6529: 5608: 5555: 5524: 5481: 4539: 4464: 4052: 3995: 3685: 3522: 3318: 2927:" in light of growing anti-religious sentiment and social malaise in 2908: 2559: 2357: 1559: 1079: 711: 277: 9019: 5935: 5768:. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 26 September 2017. Archived from 4953: 3772: 3228:
which represents the official defining statement of World Humanism.
10320: 9624: 9531: 9496: 9454: 9442: 9230: 9024: 8924: 8867: 8671: 8625: 8509: 8147: 8137: 7622: 7617: 7612: 7564: 7411: 7327: 7295: 7208: 7200: 6891: 6866: 6834: 6829: 6018: 4489: 4399: 4180:
Humanist Manifesto 2000: A Call for a New Planetary Humanism (2000)
4026: 3972: 3963: 3923: 3587: 3145: 2789:
However, many adherents of the approach reject the use of the word
2744: 2655: 2495: 2468: 2372: 2163: 1414: 1257: 585: 3065:
The duty to engage in philanthropy in the advancement of morality;
9251: 9225: 9220: 9162: 9157: 8989: 8877: 8872: 8831: 8653: 8499: 8381: 7396: 7307: 7228: 7218: 6861: 6814: 6440: 6232:
The Devil and Secular Humanism: The Children of the Enlightenment
6151: 6148: 5322: 5320: 4224: 3697: 3660: 3502: 3088: 3074:
The agreement that educating the young is the most important aim.
2716: 2674: 2669:. It does not, however, assume that humans are either inherently 1604: 1210: 1144: 137: 6071:""A humanist discussion of… Religious Festivals and Ceremonies"" 5854:"Scotland's Census - Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion" 5226: 4702: 4686: 9516: 9437: 9167: 8826: 8816: 8514: 8416: 7466: 7359: 7238: 5644:
Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe
3927: 3591: 3245: 3092: 2627: 1274: 6269:
The Humanist Way: An introduction to ethical humanist religion
5317: 3937: 3372: 3055:
These societies all adopted the same statement of principles:
and their intellectual circle. The first secular society, the
9332: 8994: 8280: 8213: 7243: 6796: 6323: 5721: 5609:
Paul Kurtz; Vern L. Bullough; Tim Madigan (19 October 2009).
Paul Kurtz; Vern L. Bullough; Tim Madigan (19 October 2009).
Paul Kurtz; Vern L. Bullough; Tim Madigan (19 October 2009).
5175: 4828:"Islamic political philosophy: Al-Farabi, Avicenna, Averroes" 3438: 3100: 2666: 2643: 2631: 4360:
Philippine Atheism, Agnosticism, and Secularism Incorporated
In recent years, humanists such as Dwight Gilbert Jones and
began using the term "secular humanism" in hostile fashion.
2860: 6824: 5744:"Census 2011 – Ethnicity and religion in England and Wales" 5477: 3221: 3215: 3168: 5152:. International Humanist and Ethical Union. Archived from 9177: 6906: 6237:
Toumey, Christopher P. "Evolution and secular humanism",
Christopher P. Toumey, "Evolution and secular humanism,"
5794:. Archived from the original on 8 May 1999 5198:"The Affirmations of Humanism: A Statement of Principles" 4073:
purposes." The Supreme Court refused to review the case.
beliefs, the court determined that the activities of the
as obfuscating and confusing, and consider that the term
5916:"International Humanist and Ethical Union - Our members" 5612:
Toward a New Enlightenment: the Philosophy of Paul Kurtz
Toward a New Enlightenment: the Philosophy of Paul Kurtz
Toward a New Enlightenment: the Philosophy of Paul Kurtz
4625: 4623: 4561: 3533:
Many humanists address ethics from the point of view of
2935:, cohesive role that supernatural religion once served. 2890: 2711:, is the world union of more than one hundred humanist, 4183:
The Affirmations of Humanism: A Statement of Principles
Smith v. Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County
4044: 3505:, and by definition usually entails at least a form of 2875:
The modern secular movement coalesced around Holyoake,
HUMANISM: Why, What, and What For, in 882 Words (1996)
3741: 10309: 4865:. 2 September 2011. Archived from 4620: 4350:
New Zealand Association of Rationalists and Humanists
A general outline of Humanism is also set out in the
3180:" symbol, based on a 1965 design by Denis Barrington. 6223:
Pfeffer, Leo. "The 'Religion' of Secular Humanism",
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
The belief that morality is independent of theology;
2911:. Comte believed human history would progress in a " 5720:. 25 June 1997. Archived from 5377: 5330:. 29 July 2005. Archived from 4679:See "Unemployed at service: church and the world", 3244:free inquiry through human capabilities. It is not 3044:In America, the ethical movement was propounded by 1903:
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party
6165: 5641: 5231:. the Council for Secular Humanism. Archived from 5204:. The Council for Secular Humanism. Archived from 4587: 4585: 4009:Washington Ethical Society v. District of Columbia 3997:Washington Ethical Society v. District of Columbia 3317: – A concern for this life (as opposed to an 5456:. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 3–4. 4649: 4647: 4340:Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers 10345: 6297:Out of Step: An Unquiet Life in the 20th century 5279: 4657:. Institute for Humanist Studies. Archived from 3966:churches and thus entitled to an exemption. The 3354: 6708:Brazilian Association of Atheists and Agnostics 6130: 6128: 5830:. 25 January 2005. Archived from 4596:. American Humanist Association. Archived from 4582: 3278: 485:Brazilian Association of Atheists and Agnostics 6227:Summer 1987, Vol. 29 Issue 3, pp. 495–507 5549: 4976: 4855: 4739:. Council for Secular Humanism. Archived from 4644: 3399:of science; and largely endorse the stance of 3188:, in attempts to unify the Humanist identity. 3163: 2735:organizations in more than 40 countries. The " 8229: 6757: 6339: 6086: 5500:. New York: DK Publishing, Inc. p. 299. 5400: 4591: 4265:Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations 3618:, at the World Humanist Congress 2011 in Oslo 2931:. This religion would necessarily fulfil the 2596: 1928:International Alliance of Libertarian Parties 1898:Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe 919: 554: 6239:Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 6125: 5977:Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 4717:. Haywards Heath: Charles Clarke Ltd. Also, 3984:to emphasize the non-theistic nature of the 3638:Starting in the mid-20th century, religious 3411:stated by the Council for Secular Humanism, 2813:, and the dropping of any adjective such as 6119:Fellowship of Humanity v. County of Alameda 5301:. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. p. 8. 5296: 5087:London: RPA/BHA/Secular Society Ltd, p. 43. 5066: 5064: 5062: 4792: 4790: 3951:Fellowship of Humanity v. County of Alameda 3939:Fellowship of Humanity v. County of Alameda 3871:Education for Economic Security Act of 1984 3373:Ethics and relationship to religious belief 8236: 8222: 6771: 6764: 6750: 6346: 6332: 6122:, 153 Cal.App.2d 673, 315 P.2d 394 (1957). 5936:International Humanist and Ethical Union. 5178:. International Humanist and Ethical Union 3751:, although church-state separation lawyer 3631:, do not belong to the IHEU. Although the 3033:, it lent its pulpit to activists such as 2603: 2589: 926: 912: 561: 547: 8163:Relationship between religion and science 5979:Summer 1993, Vol. 61 Issue 2, pp. 275–301 5604: 5602: 5518: 5227:the Council for Secular Humanism (1980). 4174:IHEU Minimum Statement on Humanism (1996) 3857:Learn how and when to remove this message 3224:General Assembly unanimously adopted the 2642:, while specifically rejecting religious 1933:International Federation of Liberal Youth 230:Relationship between atheism and religion 5580: 5059: 4787: 4250:Council of Australian Humanist Societies 4240:City Congregation for Humanistic Judaism 4201: 3678: 3616:International Humanist and Ethical Union 3602: 3548: 3235:are required by bylaw 5.1 to accept the 3233:International Humanist and Ethical Union 3216:International Humanist and Ethical Union 3167: 2993: 2859: 6045:posted 7 July 2012 on "@Humanism" blog" 5639: 5592:. Center for Inquiry. 19 October 2009. 5495: 5448: 5401:Copson, Andrew; Roberts, Alice (2020). 5380:"Morality Requires God ... or Does It?" 5124:"British Humanist Association: History" 5056:New York: Fredrick Unger Publishing Co. 4548: 4171:A Declaration of Interdependence (1988) 3748: 3428:Many humanists adopt principles of the 1913:Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats 14: 10346: 7089:Proper basis and Reformed epistemology 5694:. Archived from 5672:. Center for Inquiry. 7 September 2010 5599: 5352: 5257:. Archived from 5100:. Archived from 4731: 4729: 4655:"Definitions of humanism (subsection)" 3881:Committee on Labor and Human Resources 808:Icelandic Ethical Humanist Association 9975: 8717: 8255: 8217: 6745: 6327: 6163: 6010: 4778: 4703:Guardian and Observer Digital Archive 4687:Guardian and Observer Digital Archive 4375:Romanian Secular-Humanist Association 4345:National Center for Science Education 4012:, 249 F.2d 127 (D.C. Cir. 1957). The 3896: 3755:had referred to it in his 1958 book, 2970:In 1878, the Society established the 2891:Positivism and the Church of Humanity 6014:Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 5589:The New Atheism and Secular Humanism 5378:Theodore Schick, Jr (29 July 2005). 4939: 4887: 4850:The Origin and Nature of Secularism. 4755: 4196:Alternatives to the Ten Commandments 4133: 4062:Peloza v. Capistrano School District 4046:Peloza v. Capistrano School District 3795:adding citations to reliable sources 3766: 3184:Humanists have put together various 3132:eventually prevailed throughout the 3050:New York Society for Ethical Culture 3005:Another important precursor was the 6139:(US D.C. Appeals No. 98-5485, 2000) 5940:IHEU and EHF agree revised protocol 5426: 5299:Living Without Religion: Eupraxophy 5282:The Genesis of a Humanist Manifesto 5030:. Archived from 4888:Harp, Gillis J. (1 November 2010). 4726: 4715:An Introduction to Secular Humanism 4305:Humanistischer Verband Deutschlands 4076:The decision in a subsequent case, 3742:Legal mentions in the United States 3195:of 1933, declared themselves to be 3118: 2989: 2838:Historical use of the term humanism 1953:Liberal South East European Network 793:Humanistischer Verband Deutschlands 24: 6254: 6202:The Humanist Tradition in the West 6194: 5746:. 27 March 2011 5454:Atheism: A Very Short Introduction 5072:Towards a Sociology of Irreligion. 4798:Humanism is Eight Letters, No More 3762: 3629:Unitarian Universalist Association 3610:, former Secretary General of the 25: 10365: 6136:Ben Kalka v Kathleen Hawk, et al. 5126:. Archived from 4633:. Oxford University Press. 2007. 4631:Compact Oxford English dictionary 4564:"10 Myths About Secular Humanism" 3934:, Secular Humanism, and others." 3730:services for weddings, funerals, 3703:Humanists International endorses 3544: 1943:Liberal Network for Latin America 1376:(contributions to liberal theory) 431:List of irreligious organizations 10331: 10319: 10293: 10292: 10279: 8198: 8197: 8187: 6683:Freedom From Religion Foundation 5328:"A Secular Humanist Declaration" 5229:"A Secular Humanist Declaration" 4270:Freedom From Religion Foundation 4208:List of secularist organizations 3771: 3486:). In the book, they quote from 3231:All member organisations of the 2943:visited Paris shortly after the 2570: 2558: 957: 592: 460:Freedom From Religion Foundation 6218:Felix Adler and Ethical Culture 6204:(1985), by a leading historian. 6157: 6142: 6111: 6080: 6063: 6033: 6004: 5982: 5969: 5956: 5929: 5908: 5894: 5868: 5846: 5820: 5784: 5758: 5736: 5710: 5684: 5662: 5633: 5489: 5442: 5427:Yam, Kimberly (9 August 2018). 5420: 5394: 5371: 5346: 5305: 5290: 5273: 5247: 5220: 5190: 5168: 5142: 5116: 5090: 5077: 5046: 5020: 5006: 4994: 4933: 4915: 4881: 4852:London: Watts & Co., p. 50. 4842: 4820: 4771:By Edd Doerr. Published in the 4535:Developing A Universal Religion 4295:Humanist Society of New Zealand 4290:Humanist Association of Ireland 4245:Committee for Skeptical Inquiry 4065:, 37 F.3d 517 (9th Cir. 1994), 4002:Another case alluded to in the 3782:needs additional citations for 3385:Religious (or ethical) humanism 3303:Fulfillment, growth, creativity 8243: 6673:Atheist Alliance International 6431:Separation of church and state 6353: 6172:. Transaction Books. pp.  6017:. Vol. 17. Archived from 5964:Encyclopedia of Evangelicalism 5856:. 2017 5284:. Amherst, NY: Humanist Press. 5098:"Text of Humanist Manifesto I" 5028:"Ethical Society history page" 4707: 4691: 4673: 4562:Council for Secular Humanism. 4555: 4411:Society for Humanistic Judaism 4330:Institute for Humanist Studies 4166:A Secular Humanist Declaration 4097: 3914:In the 1961 decision, Justice 3665:separation of church and state 3612:Norwegian Humanist Association 3560:, speaks at a 2012 conference. 3347:A Secular Humanist Declaration 2770:A Secular Humanist Declaration 2750: 1317:Separation of church and state 803:Norwegian Humanist Association 450:Atheist Alliance International 122:Separation of church and state 13: 1: 9976: 6668:American Humanist Association 6262:An Ethical Philosophy of Life 5496:Winston, Robert, ed. (2004). 5085:Humanism: what's in the word? 4220:American Humanist Association 4144: 3976:but did not mention the term 3558:American Humanist Association 3537:, and some support an actual 3367:American Humanist Association 3355:American Humanist Association 3237:Minimum Statement on Humanism 2855: 2807:American Humanist Association 783:American Humanist Association 608: 445:American Humanist Association 9765:Ordinary language philosophy 8256: 8128:Desacralization of knowledge 6617:Letter to a Christian Nation 6234:(1990) – a favorable account 6225:Journal of Church and State, 5150:"Amsterdam Declaration 2002" 4506: 4260:European Humanist Federation 4190:Humanism and Its Aspirations 4186:Amsterdam Declaration (2002) 3633:European Humanist Federation 3614:and former president of the 3501:Humanism is compatible with 3279:Council for Secular Humanism 3191:The original signers of the 3154:British Humanist Association 2775:Council for Secular Humanism 386:Letter to a Christian Nation 7: 9815:Contemporary utilitarianism 9730:Internalism and externalism 7540:Best of all possible worlds 7497:Eschatological verification 7054:Fine-tuning of the universe 5648:. New York: HarperCollins. 5403:The Little Book of Humanism 4737:"What Is Secular Humanism?" 4514:Thinking And Moral Problems 4417: 4080:, offered this commentary: 4038:Washington Ethical Society, 3905:United States Supreme Court 3891: 3569:". This is the case in the 3476:The Little Book of Humanism 3164:Manifestos and declarations 3039:Conway Hall Ethical Society 3013:was founded in 1793 as the 3011:South Place Ethical Society 2899:was strongly influenced by 2781:in 1991 jointly formed the 10: 10370: 9079:Svatantrika and Prasangika 8718: 6478:Discrimination/Persecution 5003:, by Carole Patema. p. 160 4521:Religions And Their Source 4385:Secular Party of Australia 4205: 4137: 4014:Washington Ethical Society 3376: 3226:Amsterdam Declaration 2002 2832: 2755:The meaning of the phrase 160:Discrimination/Persecution 10273: 10225: 10125: 10087: 10034: 10001: 9992: 9988: 9971: 9921: 9833: 9671: 9662: 9595: 9378: 9369: 9347: 9302: 9244: 9196: 9150: 9141: 9104: 8975: 8840: 8787: 8778: 8728: 8724: 8713: 8652: 8624: 8581: 8533: 8490: 8443: 8415: 8367: 8339: 8301:Philosophy of mathematics 8291:Philosophy of information 8266: 8262: 8251: 8183: 8115: 8019: 7904: 7824: 7759: 7681: 7588: 7573: 7525: 7487: 7199: 7124: 6999: 6990: 6920: 6857: 6848: 6779: 6715: 6654: 6564: 6538: 6505: 6439: 6361: 6154:(17:44), 3 February 2006. 6043:Humanism – What it isn't, 5812:: CS1 maint: unfit URL ( 5670:"The Science of Morality" 5640:Esptein, Greg M. (2010). 5280:Wilson, Edwin H. (1995). 4455:Morality without religion 4300:Humanist Society Scotland 4280:Giordano Bruno Foundation 4140:List of secular humanists 4084:The Court's statement in 4032:In the cases of both the 3397:methodological naturalism 3248:, and it does not accept 3201:two additional Manifestos 3009:of the 19th century. The 2945:French Revolution of 1848 2881:Leicester Secular Society 2842:pre-Socratic philosophers 2540:Sexually liberal feminism 2447:Bias in American academia 1918:European Democratic Party 1374:List of liberal theorists 798:Humanist Society Scotland 7769:Friedrich Schleiermacher 7355:Theories about religions 7157:Inconsistent revelations 6727:Disestablishmentarianism 6703:Recovering from Religion 6631:Why I Am Not a Christian 6318:Why I Am Not a Christian 5353:Norman, Richard (2004). 5083:Walter, Nicolas (1997). 5074:London: MacMillan Press. 5052:Howard B. Radest. 1969. 4848:Holyoake, G. J. (1896). 4775:(November/December 2002) 4395:Secular Student Alliance 3970:case itself referred to 3736:coming of age ceremonies 3193:first Humanist Manifesto 2885:National Secular Society 2761:Archbishop of Canterbury 2640:philosophical naturalism 1199:Labor theory of property 513:Disestablishmentarianism 480:Recovering from Religion 400:Why I Am Not a Christian 9770:Postanalytic philosophy 9711:Experimental philosophy 6722:Countries by irreligion 6698:Rational Response Squad 6688:Humanists International 6589:The Demon-Haunted World 6283:The Case for Modern Man 5766:"RELIGION IN AUSTRALIA" 5357:. New York: Routledge. 4923:"A Positivist Festival" 4310:Humanists International 3420:"objective standards". 3401:metaphysical naturalism 3339:Building a better world 3262:life stance orthography 3174:Humanists International 2803:Humanists International 2701:Humanists International 1908:Arab Liberal Federation 1098:Consent of the governed 778:Humanists International 508:Countries by irreligion 475:Rational Response Squad 465:Humanists International 358:The Demon-Haunted World 9903:Social constructionism 8915:Hellenistic philosophy 8331:Theoretical philosophy 8306:Philosophy of religion 8296:Philosophy of language 7633:Gaunilo of Marmoutiers 6773:Philosophy of religion 6011:Jones, Dwight (2009). 5992:. 5070:Colin Campbell. 1971. 4713:See Mouat, Kit (1972) 4592:Edwords, Fred (1989). 4460:Naturalistic pantheism 4127:Eleventh Circuit Court 4095: 4034:Fellowship of Humanity 3986:Fellowship of Humanity 3968:Fellowship of Humanity 3960:Fellowship of Humanity 3619: 3561: 3460: 3426: 3417: 3254: 3181: 3048:, who established the 3002: 2865: 2693:, and some advocate a 1923:European Liberal Youth 1893:Africa Liberal Network 1118:Economic globalization 773:Humanist International 10286:Philosophy portal 9805:Scientific skepticism 9785:Reformed epistemology 8311:Philosophy of science 8168:Faith and rationality 8123:Criticism of religion 8061:Robert Merrihew Adams 8051:Nicholas Wolterstorff 7254:Divine command theory 6638:Why I Am Not a Muslim 6488:Negative and positive 6483:Implicit and explicit 6381:Criticism of religion 6250:(2018), Penguin Books 6041:"R. Joseph Hoffmann, 5876:"Human-Etisk Forbund" 5615:. Transaction Books. 5562:. Transaction Books. 5531:. Transaction Books. 5382:. 4202:Related organizations 4160:Humanist Manifesto II 4138:Further information: 4082: 3885:Department of Justice 3757:Creeds in Competition 3726:(officiants) perform 3679:Humanist celebrations 3606: 3552: 3434: 3422: 3413: 3241: 3171: 3021:, on the edge of the 2997: 2957:Edward Spencer Beesly 2863: 2819:Amsterdam Declaration 2658:and decision-making. 2565:Liberalism portal 2437:Anti-authoritarianism 1938:Liberal International 872:Humanistic capitalism 867:Humanistic psychology 535:Irreligion by country 407:Why I Am Not a Muslim 193:Negative and positive 188:Implicit and explicit 74:Criticism of religion 9706:Critical rationalism 9413:Edo neo-Confucianism 9257:Acintya bheda abheda 9236:Renaissance humanism 8947:School of the Sextii 8321:Practical philosophy 8316:Political philosophy 8158:Religious philosophy 7638:Pico della Mirandola 7603:Anselm of Canterbury 7535:Augustinian theodicy 7447:Religious skepticism 6780:Concepts in religion 6624:The System of Nature 6391:Organized secularism 6164:Ivers, Greg (1992). 6090:(25 December 2017). 6051:on 26 September 2018 5772:on 20 September 2017 5412:choices in practice. 5297:Kurtz, Paul (1995). 4987:4 March 2016 at the 4894:. Penn State Press. 4869:on 22 September 2006 4803:Harold John Blackham 4743:on 15 September 2011 4701:, 26 May 1943, p. 6 4549:Notes and references 4406:The Skeptics Society 4154:Humanist Manifesto I 4123:William Brevard Hand 4114:In the 1987 case of 4104:Establishment Clause 4078:Kalka v. Hawk et al. 4071:Establishment Clause 3791:improve this article 3648:Francis A. Schaeffer 3575:freedom of religion 3333:Justice and fairness 3288:Need to test beliefs 2965:James Cotter Morison 2929:revolutionary France 2925:religion of humanity 2626:that embraces human 2622:, belief system, or 1369:Age of Enlightenment 1322:Separation of powers 877:Humanistic economics 857:Religion of Humanity 631:Renaissance humanism 393:The System of Nature 179:Forms and variations 84:Organized secularism 9277:Nimbarka Sampradaya 9188:Korean Confucianism 8935:Academic Skepticism 8143:History of religion 7844:Friedrich Nietzsche 7721:Gottfried W Leibniz 7716:Nicolas Malebranche 7648:King James VI and I 6928:Abrahamic religions 6645:Why I Am an Atheist 6316:Russell, Bertrand. 6311:Essay of a Humanist 6267:Ericson, Edward L. 6021:on 22 February 2014 5942:, 24 February 2009" 5130:on 24 November 2012 5001:The Sexual Contract 4891:Positivist Republic 4801:—endorsed by 4762:Humanism Unmodified 4594:"What Is Humanism?" 3724:humanist celebrants 3722:In many countries, 3597:Human-Etisk Forbund 3556:, president of the 3539:science of morality 3492:moral particularism 3472:casual introduction 3451:George Edward Moore 3405:naturalistic ethics 3197:religious humanists 3186:Humanist Manifestos 3172:Organizations like 3080:religious doctrines 3031:William Johnson Fox 2913:law of three stages 2695:science of morality 2691:evolutionary ethics 2577:Politics portal 1280:Civil and political 1253:Popular sovereignty 1113:Economic liberalism 414:Why I Am an Atheist 9898:Post-structuralism 9800:Scientific realism 9755:Quinean naturalism 9735:Logical positivism 9691:Analytical Marxism 8910:Peripatetic school 8822:Chinese naturalism 8349:Aesthetic response 8276:Applied philosophy 8153:Religious language 8133:Ethics in religion 8091:William Lane Craig 7966:Charles Hartshorne 7706:Desiderius Erasmus 7608:Augustine of Hippo 7550:Inconsistent triad 7512:Apophatic theology 7507:Logical positivism 7489:Religious language 7109:Watchmaker analogy 7074:Necessary existent 6850:Conceptions of God 6810:Intelligent design 6678:Center for Inquiry 6582:Breaking the Spell 6406:Secular liberalism 6281:Frankel, Charles. 6230:Radest, Howard B. 5834:on 9 February 2006 5724:on 4 February 2012 5415:and virtues again. 5409:. pp. 94–95. 5104:on 7 November 2011 5034:on 18 January 2000 4929:. 16 January 1881. 4927:The New York Times 4767:5 May 2008 at the 4661:on 18 January 2007 4600:on 30 January 2010 4538:, four parts of a 4425:Effective altruism 4380:Sapiens Foundation 4355:Party of Humanists 4235:Center for Inquiry 4004:Torcaso v. Watkins 3990:Christian humanism 3946:Torcaso v. Watkins 3910:Torcaso v. Watkins 3898:Torcaso v. Watkins 3806:"Secular humanism" 3715:(10 December) and 3705:World Humanist Day 3696:solstices and the 3672:R. Joseph Hoffmann 3620: 3562: 3535:ethical naturalism 3362:Humanist Manifesto 3294:Reason, evidence, 3252:views of reality. 3182: 3142:Humanist Manifesto 3015:South Place Chapel 3003: 2972:Church of Humanity 2866: 2783:Center for Inquiry 2687:ethical naturalism 1248:Permissive society 1228:Limited government 818:Center for Inquiry 649:Humanist Manifesto 636:in Northern Europe 455:Center for Inquiry 351:Breaking the Spell 97:Secular liberalism 10307: 10306: 10269: 10268: 10265: 10264: 10261: 10260: 9967: 9966: 9963: 9962: 9959: 9958: 9686:Analytic feminism 9658: 9657: 9620:Kierkegaardianism 9582:Transcendentalism 9542:Neo-scholasticism 9388:Classical Realism 9365: 9364: 9137: 9136: 8952:Neopythagoreanism 8709: 8708: 8705: 8704: 8326:Social philosophy 8211: 8210: 8111: 8110: 8071:Peter van Inwagen 8056:Richard Swinburne 8001:George I Mavrodes 7861:Vladimir Solovyov 7801:Søren Kierkegaard 7726:William Wollaston 7673:William of Ockham 7653:Marcion of Sinope 7555:Irenaean theodicy 7545:Euthyphro dilemma 7472:Transcendentalism 7301:Womanist theology 7291:Feminist theology 7195: 7194: 6986: 6985: 6872:Divine simplicity 6792:Euthyphro dilemma 6739: 6738: 6663:American Atheists 6575:The Age of Reason 6214:Friess, Horace L. 5655:978-0-06-167011-4 5622:978-1-56000-118-8 5569:978-1-56000-118-8 5538:978-1-56000-118-8 5334:on 17 August 2008 5235:on 17 August 2008 4335:Internet Infidels 4215:American Atheists 4134:Notable humanists 3867: 3866: 3859: 3841: 3527:religious liberty 3296:scientific method 3150:Sir Julian Huxley 2961:Vernon Lushington 2953:Frederic Harrison 2903:, the founder of 2877:Charles Bradlaugh 2846:The Enlightenment 2613: 2612: 2452:Bias in the media 1968:Regional variants 1285:Natural and legal 936: 935: 902:Philosophy portal 599:Leonardo da Vinci 571: 570: 440:American Atheists 344:The Age of Reason 288:List of agnostics 243: 242: 170:Lists of atheists 16:(Redirected from 10361: 10354:Secular humanism 10336: 10335: 10334: 10324: 10323: 10315: 10296: 10295: 10284: 10283: 10282: 9999: 9998: 9990: 9989: 9973: 9972: 9863:Frankfurt School 9810:Transactionalism 9760:Normative ethics 9740:Legal positivism 9716:Falsificationism 9701:Consequentialism 9696:Communitarianism 9669: 9668: 9537:New Confucianism 9376: 9375: 9183:Neo-Confucianism 9148: 9147: 8957:Second Sophistic 8942:Middle Platonism 8785: 8784: 8726: 8725: 8715: 8714: 8558:Epiphenomenalism 8425:Consequentialism 8359:Institutionalism 8264: 8263: 8253: 8252: 8238: 8231: 8224: 8215: 8214: 8201: 8200: 8191: 8096:Ali Akbar Rashad 7959:Reinhold Niebuhr 7919:Bertrand Russell 7914:George Santayana 7811:Albrecht Ritschl 7796:Ludwig Feuerbach 7586: 7585: 7582:(by date active) 7442:Process theology 7187:Russell's teapot 6997: 6996: 6992:Existence of God 6902:Process theology 6855: 6854: 6840:Theological veto 6803:religious belief 6766: 6759: 6752: 6743: 6742: 6610:God Is Not Great 6603:The God Delusion 6596:The End of Faith 6525:Agnostic atheism 6493:Existence of God 6401:Secular humanism 6376:Anti-clericalism 6348: 6341: 6334: 6325: 6324: 6309:Huxley, Julian. 6188: 6187: 6171: 6161: 6155: 6149:Point of Inquiry 6146: 6140: 6132: 6123: 6115: 6109: 6108: 6106: 6104: 6084: 6078: 6077: 6075: 6067: 6061: 6060: 6058: 6056: 6047:. Archived from 6037: 6031: 6030: 6028: 6026: 6008: 6002: 6001: 5999: 5997: 5990:"IslamWay Radio" 5986: 5980: 5973: 5967: 5962:Randall Balmer, 5960: 5954: 5953: 5951: 5949: 5933: 5927: 5926: 5924: 5922: 5912: 5906: 5905: 5898: 5892: 5891: 5889: 5887: 5882:on 23 March 2016 5878:. Archived from 5872: 5866: 5865: 5863: 5861: 5850: 5844: 5843: 5841: 5839: 5824: 5818: 5817: 5811: 5803: 5801: 5799: 5788: 5782: 5781: 5779: 5777: 5762: 5756: 5755: 5753: 5751: 5740: 5734: 5733: 5731: 5729: 5718:"India humanist" 5714: 5708: 5707: 5705: 5703: 5688: 5682: 5681: 5679: 5677: 5666: 5660: 5659: 5647: 5637: 5631: 5630: 5606: 5597: 5596: 5584: 5578: 5577: 5553: 5547: 5546: 5522: 5516: 5515: 5493: 5487: 5486: 5482:life after death 5446: 5440: 5439: 5437: 5435: 5424: 5418: 5417: 5398: 5392: 5391: 5389: 5387: 5375: 5369: 5368: 5350: 5344: 5343: 5341: 5339: 5324: 5315: 5309: 5303: 5302: 5294: 5288: 5285: 5277: 5271: 5270: 5268: 5266: 5261:on 9 August 2007 5251: 5245: 5244: 5242: 5240: 5224: 5218: 5217: 5215: 5213: 5194: 5188: 5187: 5185: 5183: 5172: 5166: 5165: 5163: 5161: 5146: 5140: 5139: 5137: 5135: 5120: 5114: 5113: 5111: 5109: 5094: 5088: 5081: 5075: 5068: 5057: 5050: 5044: 5043: 5041: 5039: 5024: 5018: 5017: 5010: 5004: 4998: 4992: 4980: 4974: 4973: 4937: 4931: 4930: 4919: 4913: 4912: 4910: 4908: 4885: 4879: 4878: 4876: 4874: 4859: 4853: 4846: 4840: 4839: 4837: 4835: 4824: 4818: 4817:and Rob Tielman. 4815:Harry Stopes-Roe 4794: 4785: 4782: 4776: 4759: 4753: 4752: 4750: 4748: 4733: 4724: 4711: 4705: 4695: 4689: 4677: 4671: 4670: 4668: 4666: 4651: 4642: 4641: 4627: 4618: 4617: 4607: 4605: 4589: 4580: 4579: 4577: 4575: 4566:. Archived from 4559: 4480:Secular religion 4450:Marxist humanism 4390:Scouting for All 4320:Humanists Sweden 3978:secular humanism 3944:The footnote in 3920:existence of God 3862: 3855: 3851: 3848: 3842: 3840: 3799: 3775: 3767: 3713:Human Rights Day 3511:agnostic atheism 3494:as developed by 3480:consequentialism 3447:John Stuart Mill 3365:prepared by the 3309:Search for truth 3119:Secular humanism 3007:ethical movement 2990:Ethical movement 2967:amongst others. 2941:Richard Congreve 2795:secular humanism 2757:secular humanism 2663:without religion 2654:as the basis of 2616:Secular humanism 2605: 2598: 2591: 2575: 2574: 2563: 2562: 2481:Economic freedom 2474:Radical centrism 1312:Secular humanism 1238:Natural monopoly 1189:Internationalism 1006:Internationalist 961: 938: 937: 928: 921: 914: 862:Ethical movement 813:Humanists Sweden 613: 610: 596: 573: 572: 563: 556: 549: 379:God Is Not Great 372:The God Delusion 365:The End of Faith 273:Agnostic atheism 236:Existence of God 232: 143: 142: 93:Secular humanism 69:Anti-clericalism 32: 31: 21: 18:Secular Humanism 10369: 10368: 10364: 10363: 10362: 10360: 10359: 10358: 10344: 10343: 10342: 10332: 10330: 10318: 10310: 10308: 10303: 10280: 10278: 10257: 10221: 10121: 10083: 10030: 9984: 9983: 9955: 9944:Russian cosmism 9917: 9913:Western Marxism 9878:New Historicism 9843:Critical theory 9829: 9825:Wittgensteinian 9721:Foundationalism 9654: 9591: 9572:Social contract 9428:Foundationalism 9361: 9343: 9327:Illuminationism 9312:Aristotelianism 9298: 9287:Vishishtadvaita 9240: 9192: 9133: 9100: 8971: 8900:Megarian school 8895:Eretrian school 8836: 8797:Agriculturalism 8774: 8720: 8701: 8648: 8620: 8577: 8529: 8486: 8470:Incompatibilism 8439: 8411: 8363: 8335: 8258: 8247: 8242: 8212: 8207: 8179: 8107: 8103:Alexander Pruss 8086:Jean-Luc Marion 8041:Alvin Plantinga 8036:Dewi Z Phillips 8023: 8021: 8015: 7986:Walter Kaufmann 7976:Frithjof Schuon 7949:Rudolf Bultmann 7906: 7900: 7896:Joseph Maréchal 7886:Pavel Florensky 7881:Sergei Bulgakov 7866:Ernst Troeltsch 7849:Harald Høffding 7826: 7820: 7791:William Whewell 7779:Georg W F Hegel 7774:Karl C F Krause 7761: 7755: 7751:Johann G Herder 7741:Baron d'Holbach 7691:Augustin Calmet 7677: 7593: 7581: 7580: 7577: 7569: 7527:Problem of evil 7521: 7517:Verificationism 7483: 7191: 7137:Atheist's Wager 7120: 6982: 6916: 6844: 6820:Problem of evil 6775: 6770: 6740: 6735: 6711: 6650: 6560: 6534: 6501: 6435: 6396:Parody religion 6357: 6352: 6257: 6255:Primary sources 6244:Pinker, Steven 6200:Bullock, Alan. 6197: 6195:Further reading 6192: 6191: 6184: 6162: 6158: 6147: 6143: 6133: 6126: 6116: 6112: 6102: 6100: 6097:The Independent 6085: 6081: 6073: 6069: 6068: 6064: 6054: 6052: 6039: 6038: 6034: 6024: 6022: 6009: 6005: 5995: 5993: 5988: 5987: 5983: 5974: 5970: 5961: 5957: 5947: 5945: 5934: 5930: 5920: 5918: 5914: 5913: 5909: 5900: 5899: 5895: 5885: 5883: 5874: 5873: 5869: 5859: 5857: 5852: 5851: 5847: 5837: 5835: 5826: 5825: 5821: 5805: 5804: 5797: 5795: 5790: 5789: 5785: 5775: 5773: 5764: 5763: 5759: 5749: 5747: 5742: 5741: 5737: 5727: 5725: 5716: 5715: 5711: 5701: 5699: 5690: 5689: 5685: 5675: 5673: 5668: 5667: 5663: 5656: 5638: 5634: 5623: 5607: 5600: 5586: 5585: 5581: 5570: 5554: 5550: 5539: 5523: 5519: 5508: 5494: 5490: 5464: 5450:Baggini, Julian 5447: 5443: 5433: 5431: 5425: 5421: 5413: 5399: 5395: 5385: 5383: 5376: 5372: 5365: 5351: 5347: 5337: 5335: 5326: 5325: 5318: 5310: 5306: 5295: 5291: 5278: 5274: 5264: 5262: 5253: 5252: 5248: 5238: 5236: 5225: 5221: 5211: 5209: 5196: 5195: 5191: 5181: 5179: 5176:"IHEU's Bylaws" 5174: 5173: 5169: 5159: 5157: 5148: 5147: 5143: 5133: 5131: 5122: 5121: 5117: 5107: 5105: 5096: 5095: 5091: 5082: 5078: 5069: 5060: 5051: 5047: 5037: 5035: 5026: 5025: 5021: 5012: 5011: 5007: 4999: 4995: 4989:Wayback Machine 4981: 4977: 4954:10.2307/3169031 4938: 4934: 4921: 4920: 4916: 4906: 4904: 4902: 4886: 4882: 4872: 4870: 4861: 4860: 4856: 4847: 4843: 4833: 4831: 4826: 4825: 4821: 4795: 4788: 4783: 4779: 4769:Wayback Machine 4760: 4756: 4746: 4744: 4735: 4734: 4727: 4720:The Freethinker 4712: 4708: 4696: 4692: 4678: 4674: 4664: 4662: 4653: 4652: 4645: 4629: 4628: 4621: 4613:Collected Works 4603: 4601: 4590: 4583: 4573: 4571: 4560: 4556: 4551: 4545: 4509: 4504: 4420: 4415: 4285:Humanist Canada 4255:Ethical Culture 4210: 4204: 4147: 4142: 4136: 4100: 4049: 4023:Ethical Culture 4000: 3942: 3932:Ethical Culture 3901: 3894: 3863: 3852: 3846: 3843: 3800: 3798: 3788: 3776: 3765: 3763:Hatch amendment 3744: 3711:(12 February), 3681: 3644:religious right 3640:fundamentalists 3547: 3517:. According to 3490:'s advocacy of 3381: 3375: 3357: 3281: 3218: 3209:Edwin H. Wilson 3166: 3121: 3109:Harold Blackham 3019:Finsbury Square 2992: 2919:phase, to the " 2893: 2870:George Holyoake 2858: 2835: 2753: 2729:Ethical Culture 2715:, irreligious, 2665:or belief in a 2648:supernaturalism 2609: 2569: 2557: 2550: 2549: 2432: 2424: 2423: 2226:North Macedonia 1970: 1960: 1959: 1958: 1957: 1948:Liberal parties 1886: 1878: 1877: 1668: 1660: 1659: 1390: 1380: 1379: 1364: 1354: 1353: 1349:State of nature 1337:Social services 1327:Social contract 1290:To own property 1093: 1085: 1084: 969: 932: 900: 882: 881: 848: 833: 832: 823: 822: 768: 767: 758: 757: 756: 666: 665: 656: 655: 654: 625: 624: 615: 611: 567: 527: 526: 525: 524: 523: 500: 492: 491: 490: 489: 433: 423: 422: 421: 420: 419: 335: 327: 326: 325: 324: 323: 301: 293: 292: 284: 283: 282: 255: 245: 244: 228: 225: 207: 174: 140: 130: 129: 128: 127: 126: 89:Parody religion 56: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 10367: 10357: 10356: 10341: 10340: 10328: 10305: 10304: 10302: 10301: 10289: 10274: 10271: 10270: 10267: 10266: 10263: 10262: 10259: 10258: 10256: 10255: 10250: 10245: 10240: 10235: 10229: 10227: 10223: 10222: 10220: 10219: 10214: 10209: 10204: 10199: 10194: 10189: 10184: 10179: 10174: 10169: 10164: 10159: 10154: 10153: 10152: 10142: 10137: 10131: 10129: 10123: 10122: 10120: 10119: 10114: 10109: 10104: 10099: 10093: 10091: 10089:Middle Eastern 10085: 10084: 10082: 10081: 10076: 10071: 10066: 10061: 10056: 10051: 10046: 10040: 10038: 10032: 10031: 10029: 10028: 10023: 10018: 10013: 10007: 10005: 9996: 9986: 9985: 9982: 9981: 9977: 9969: 9968: 9965: 9964: 9961: 9960: 9957: 9956: 9954: 9953: 9946: 9941: 9936: 9931: 9925: 9923: 9919: 9918: 9916: 9915: 9910: 9905: 9900: 9895: 9890: 9885: 9880: 9875: 9870: 9865: 9860: 9855: 9853:Existentialism 9850: 9848:Deconstruction 9845: 9839: 9837: 9831: 9830: 9828: 9827: 9822: 9817: 9812: 9807: 9802: 9797: 9792: 9787: 9782: 9777: 9772: 9767: 9762: 9757: 9752: 9747: 9742: 9737: 9732: 9727: 9718: 9713: 9708: 9703: 9698: 9693: 9688: 9683: 9681:Applied ethics 9677: 9675: 9666: 9660: 9659: 9656: 9655: 9653: 9652: 9647: 9645:Nietzscheanism 9642: 9637: 9632: 9627: 9622: 9617: 9616: 9615: 9605: 9599: 9597: 9593: 9592: 9590: 9589: 9587:Utilitarianism 9584: 9579: 9574: 9569: 9564: 9559: 9554: 9549: 9544: 9539: 9534: 9529: 9524: 9519: 9514: 9509: 9504: 9499: 9494: 9489: 9488: 9487: 9485:Transcendental 9482: 9477: 9472: 9467: 9462: 9452: 9451: 9450: 9440: 9435: 9430: 9425: 9423:Existentialism 9420: 9415: 9410: 9405: 9400: 9395: 9390: 9385: 9379: 9373: 9367: 9366: 9363: 9362: 9360: 9359: 9353: 9351: 9345: 9344: 9342: 9341: 9336: 9329: 9324: 9319: 9314: 9308: 9306: 9300: 9299: 9297: 9296: 9291: 9290: 9289: 9284: 9279: 9274: 9269: 9264: 9259: 9248: 9246: 9242: 9241: 9239: 9238: 9233: 9228: 9223: 9218: 9213: 9211:Augustinianism 9208: 9202: 9200: 9194: 9193: 9191: 9190: 9185: 9180: 9175: 9170: 9165: 9160: 9154: 9152: 9145: 9139: 9138: 9135: 9134: 9132: 9131: 9126: 9124:Zoroastrianism 9121: 9116: 9110: 9108: 9102: 9101: 9099: 9098: 9097: 9096: 9091: 9086: 9081: 9076: 9071: 9066: 9061: 9056: 9046: 9045: 9044: 9039: 9029: 9028: 9027: 9022: 9017: 9012: 9007: 9002: 8997: 8992: 8981: 8979: 8973: 8972: 8970: 8969: 8967:Church Fathers 8964: 8959: 8954: 8949: 8944: 8939: 8938: 8937: 8932: 8927: 8922: 8912: 8907: 8902: 8897: 8892: 8887: 8882: 8881: 8880: 8875: 8870: 8865: 8860: 8849: 8847: 8838: 8837: 8835: 8834: 8829: 8824: 8819: 8814: 8809: 8804: 8799: 8793: 8791: 8782: 8776: 8775: 8773: 8772: 8771: 8770: 8765: 8760: 8755: 8750: 8740: 8734: 8732: 8722: 8721: 8711: 8710: 8707: 8706: 8703: 8702: 8700: 8699: 8694: 8689: 8684: 8679: 8674: 8669: 8664: 8658: 8656: 8650: 8649: 8647: 8646: 8641: 8636: 8630: 8628: 8622: 8621: 8619: 8618: 8613: 8608: 8603: 8598: 8593: 8587: 8585: 8579: 8578: 8576: 8575: 8570: 8565: 8560: 8555: 8550: 8545: 8539: 8537: 8531: 8530: 8528: 8527: 8522: 8517: 8512: 8507: 8502: 8496: 8494: 8488: 8487: 8485: 8484: 8482:Libertarianism 8479: 8478: 8477: 8467: 8466: 8465: 8455: 8449: 8447: 8441: 8440: 8438: 8437: 8432: 8427: 8421: 8419: 8413: 8412: 8410: 8409: 8404: 8399: 8394: 8389: 8384: 8379: 8373: 8371: 8365: 8364: 8362: 8361: 8356: 8351: 8345: 8343: 8337: 8336: 8334: 8333: 8328: 8323: 8318: 8313: 8308: 8303: 8298: 8293: 8288: 8286:Metaphilosophy 8283: 8278: 8272: 8270: 8260: 8259: 8249: 8248: 8241: 8240: 8233: 8226: 8218: 8209: 8208: 8206: 8205: 8195: 8184: 8181: 8180: 8178: 8177: 8170: 8165: 8160: 8155: 8150: 8145: 8140: 8135: 8130: 8125: 8119: 8117: 8116:Related topics 8113: 8112: 8109: 8108: 8106: 8105: 8099: 8098: 8093: 8088: 8083: 8078: 8076:Daniel Dennett 8073: 8068: 8066:Ravi Zacharias 8063: 8058: 8053: 8048: 8043: 8038: 8033: 8031:William L Rowe 8027: 8025: 8017: 8016: 8014: 8013: 8008: 8006:William Alston 8003: 7998: 7993: 7988: 7983: 7978: 7973: 7968: 7962: 7961: 7956: 7954:Gabriel Marcel 7951: 7946: 7941: 7936: 7931: 7926: 7921: 7916: 7910: 7908: 7902: 7901: 7899: 7898: 7893: 7891:Ernst Cassirer 7888: 7883: 7878: 7873: 7868: 7863: 7857: 7856: 7851: 7846: 7841: 7836: 7830: 7828: 7822: 7821: 7819: 7818: 7813: 7808: 7803: 7798: 7793: 7788: 7786:Thomas Carlyle 7782: 7781: 7776: 7771: 7765: 7763: 7757: 7756: 7754: 7753: 7748: 7743: 7738: 7733: 7728: 7723: 7718: 7713: 7711:Baruch Spinoza 7708: 7703: 7698: 7696:René Descartes 7693: 7687: 7685: 7679: 7678: 7676: 7675: 7670: 7668:Thomas Aquinas 7665: 7660: 7655: 7650: 7645: 7640: 7635: 7630: 7625: 7620: 7615: 7610: 7605: 7599: 7597: 7583: 7574: 7571: 7570: 7568: 7567: 7562: 7557: 7552: 7547: 7542: 7537: 7531: 7529: 7523: 7522: 7520: 7519: 7514: 7509: 7504: 7499: 7493: 7491: 7485: 7484: 7482: 7481: 7474: 7469: 7464: 7459: 7454: 7449: 7444: 7439: 7437:Possibilianism 7434: 7429: 7424: 7419: 7414: 7409: 7404: 7399: 7394: 7393: 7392: 7387: 7382: 7372: 7367: 7362: 7357: 7352: 7347: 7346: 7345: 7340: 7335: 7325: 7320: 7315: 7313:Fundamentalism 7310: 7305: 7304: 7303: 7298: 7288: 7287: 7286: 7281: 7274:Existentialism 7271: 7266: 7261: 7256: 7251: 7246: 7241: 7236: 7231: 7226: 7221: 7216: 7211: 7205: 7203: 7197: 7196: 7193: 7192: 7190: 7189: 7184: 7179: 7174: 7169: 7167:Noncognitivism 7164: 7159: 7154: 7149: 7144: 7139: 7134: 7128: 7126: 7122: 7121: 7119: 7118: 7116:Transcendental 7113: 7112: 7111: 7106: 7096: 7091: 7086: 7084:Pascal's wager 7081: 7076: 7071: 7066: 7061: 7056: 7051: 7046: 7041: 7036: 7035: 7034: 7029: 7019: 7014: 7012:Christological 7009: 7003: 7001: 6994: 6988: 6987: 6984: 6983: 6981: 6980: 6975: 6970: 6965: 6960: 6955: 6950: 6945: 6940: 6935: 6930: 6924: 6922: 6918: 6917: 6915: 6914: 6909: 6904: 6899: 6894: 6889: 6884: 6879: 6874: 6869: 6864: 6858: 6852: 6846: 6845: 6843: 6842: 6837: 6832: 6827: 6822: 6817: 6812: 6807: 6806: 6805: 6794: 6789: 6783: 6781: 6777: 6776: 6769: 6768: 6761: 6754: 6746: 6737: 6736: 6734: 6732:Secular ethics 6729: 6724: 6719: 6717: 6716:Related topics 6713: 6712: 6710: 6705: 6700: 6695: 6690: 6685: 6680: 6675: 6670: 6665: 6660: 6658: 6652: 6651: 6649: 6648: 6641: 6634: 6627: 6620: 6613: 6606: 6599: 6592: 6585: 6578: 6570: 6568: 6562: 6561: 6559: 6558: 6553: 6548: 6542: 6540: 6536: 6535: 6533: 6532: 6527: 6522: 6517: 6511: 6509: 6503: 6502: 6500: 6495: 6490: 6485: 6480: 6475: 6470: 6465: 6460: 6455: 6450: 6445: 6443: 6437: 6436: 6434: 6433: 6428: 6426:Secularization 6423: 6418: 6413: 6408: 6403: 6398: 6393: 6388: 6383: 6378: 6373: 6367: 6365: 6359: 6358: 6351: 6350: 6343: 6336: 6328: 6322: 6321: 6314: 6307: 6305:978-0060156329 6295:Hook, Sidney. 6293: 6291:978-1199637154 6279: 6277:978-0804421768 6265: 6260:Adler, Felix. 6256: 6253: 6252: 6251: 6242: 6235: 6228: 6221: 6211: 6205: 6196: 6193: 6190: 6189: 6183:978-1560000549 6182: 6156: 6141: 6124: 6110: 6079: 6062: 6032: 6003: 5981: 5968: 5955: 5928: 5907: 5893: 5867: 5845: 5819: 5783: 5757: 5735: 5709: 5698:on 4 June 2011 5683: 5661: 5654: 5632: 5621: 5598: 5579: 5568: 5548: 5537: 5517: 5506: 5488: 5474:transcendental 5462: 5441: 5419: 5393: 5370: 5363: 5345: 5316: 5304: 5289: 5272: 5246: 5219: 5208:on 9 June 2012 5189: 5167: 5141: 5115: 5089: 5076: 5058: 5045: 5019: 5005: 4993: 4975: 4948:(4): 508–523. 4942:Church History 4932: 4914: 4901:978-0271039909 4900: 4880: 4854: 4841: 4819: 4811:Corliss Lamont 4786: 4777: 4754: 4725: 4706: 4690: 4672: 4643: 4619: 4581: 4570:on 12 May 2015 4553: 4552: 4550: 4547: 4543: 4542: 4531: 4524: 4517: 4508: 4505: 4503: 4502: 4497: 4492: 4487: 4482: 4477: 4472: 4467: 4462: 4457: 4452: 4447: 4442: 4437: 4432: 4427: 4421: 4419: 4416: 4414: 4413: 4408: 4403: 4397: 4392: 4387: 4382: 4377: 4372: 4367: 4362: 4357: 4352: 4347: 4342: 4337: 4332: 4327: 4322: 4317: 4312: 4307: 4302: 4297: 4292: 4287: 4282: 4277: 4272: 4267: 4262: 4257: 4252: 4247: 4242: 4237: 4232: 4227: 4222: 4217: 4211: 4203: 4200: 4199: 4198: 4193: 4187: 4184: 4181: 4178: 4175: 4172: 4169: 4163: 4157: 4146: 4143: 4135: 4132: 4108:Marci Hamilton 4099: 4096: 4048: 4043: 3999: 3994: 3941: 3936: 3900: 3895: 3893: 3890: 3865: 3864: 3779: 3777: 3770: 3764: 3761: 3743: 3740: 3680: 3677: 3656:Fundamentalist 3583:England, Wales 3546: 3545:Modern context 3543: 3496:Jonathan Dancy 3379:Secular ethics 3374: 3371: 3356: 3353: 3343: 3342: 3336: 3330: 3322: 3312: 3306: 3300: 3291: 3280: 3277: 3276: 3275: 3272: 3265: 3217: 3214: 3165: 3162: 3120: 3117: 3076: 3075: 3072: 3069: 3066: 3063: 3060: 3023:City of London 2991: 2988: 2984:Book of Isaiah 2907:and of modern 2892: 2889: 2857: 2854: 2834: 2831: 2765:William Temple 2752: 2749: 2709:Jaap van Praag 2683:utilitarianism 2636:secular ethics 2611: 2610: 2608: 2607: 2600: 2593: 2585: 2582: 2581: 2580: 2579: 2567: 2552: 2551: 2548: 2547: 2545:Utilitarianism 2542: 2537: 2532: 2531: 2530: 2525: 2518:Libertarianism 2515: 2513:Land value tax 2510: 2509: 2508: 2498: 2493: 2488: 2486:Egalitarianism 2483: 2478: 2477: 2476: 2466: 2465: 2464: 2454: 2449: 2444: 2442:Anti-communism 2439: 2433: 2431:Related topics 2430: 2429: 2426: 2425: 2422: 2421: 2416: 2411: 2406: 2405: 2404: 2399: 2398: 2397: 2387: 2385:Arizona School 2377: 2376: 2375: 2370: 2365: 2360: 2353:United Kingdom 2350: 2345: 2340: 2335: 2330: 2325: 2320: 2315: 2310: 2305: 2300: 2295: 2290: 2285: 2280: 2275: 2270: 2265: 2264: 2263: 2253: 2248: 2243: 2238: 2233: 2228: 2223: 2218: 2213: 2208: 2203: 2198: 2193: 2188: 2183: 2178: 2173: 2168: 2167: 2166: 2156: 2151: 2146: 2141: 2136: 2131: 2126: 2125: 2124: 2114: 2109: 2104: 2099: 2094: 2089: 2084: 2079: 2074: 2069: 2064: 2059: 2054: 2049: 2044: 2043: 2042: 2032: 2027: 2022: 2017: 2012: 2007: 2002: 1997: 1992: 1987: 1982: 1977: 1971: 1966: 1965: 1962: 1961: 1956: 1955: 1950: 1945: 1940: 1935: 1930: 1925: 1920: 1915: 1910: 1905: 1900: 1895: 1889: 1888: 1887: 1884: 1883: 1880: 1879: 1876: 1875: 1870: 1865: 1860: 1855: 1850: 1845: 1840: 1835: 1830: 1825: 1820: 1815: 1810: 1805: 1800: 1795: 1790: 1785: 1780: 1775: 1770: 1765: 1760: 1755: 1750: 1745: 1740: 1735: 1730: 1725: 1720: 1715: 1710: 1705: 1700: 1695: 1690: 1685: 1680: 1675: 1669: 1666: 1665: 1662: 1661: 1658: 1657: 1652: 1647: 1642: 1637: 1632: 1627: 1622: 1617: 1612: 1607: 1602: 1597: 1592: 1587: 1582: 1577: 1572: 1567: 1562: 1557: 1552: 1547: 1542: 1537: 1532: 1527: 1522: 1517: 1512: 1507: 1502: 1497: 1492: 1487: 1482: 1480:Wollstonecraft 1477: 1472: 1467: 1462: 1457: 1452: 1447: 1442: 1437: 1432: 1427: 1422: 1417: 1412: 1407: 1402: 1397: 1391: 1386: 1385: 1382: 1381: 1378: 1377: 1371: 1365: 1360: 1359: 1356: 1355: 1352: 1351: 1346: 1345: 1344: 1339: 1332:Social justice 1329: 1324: 1319: 1314: 1309: 1304: 1299: 1298: 1297: 1292: 1287: 1282: 1272: 1271: 1270: 1265: 1255: 1250: 1245: 1240: 1235: 1233:Market economy 1230: 1225: 1224: 1223: 1218: 1208: 1201: 1196: 1194:Invisible hand 1191: 1186: 1184:Harm principle 1181: 1180: 1179: 1174: 1169: 1164: 1163: 1162: 1157: 1142: 1137: 1136: 1135: 1130: 1120: 1115: 1110: 1105: 1100: 1094: 1091: 1090: 1087: 1086: 1083: 1082: 1077: 1072: 1067: 1062: 1061: 1060: 1055: 1050: 1049: 1048: 1033: 1028: 1023: 1018: 1013: 1008: 1003: 998: 997: 996: 986: 981: 976: 970: 967: 966: 963: 962: 954: 953: 947: 946: 934: 933: 931: 930: 923: 916: 908: 905: 904: 899: 898: 893: 887: 884: 883: 880: 879: 874: 869: 864: 859: 854: 847: 846: 841: 835: 834: 830: 829: 828: 825: 824: 821: 820: 815: 810: 805: 800: 795: 790: 785: 780: 775: 769: 765: 764: 763: 760: 759: 755: 754: 749: 747:Transcendental 744: 739: 734: 729: 724: 719: 714: 709: 704: 699: 694: 689: 684: 679: 674: 668: 667: 663: 662: 661: 658: 657: 653: 652: 645: 644: 643: 638: 627: 626: 622: 621: 620: 617: 616: 597: 589: 588: 582: 581: 569: 568: 566: 565: 558: 551: 543: 540: 539: 538: 537: 529: 528: 521: 520: 518:Secular ethics 515: 510: 504: 503: 502: 501: 499:Related topics 498: 497: 494: 493: 488: 487: 482: 477: 472: 467: 462: 457: 452: 447: 442: 436: 435: 434: 429: 428: 425: 424: 418: 417: 410: 403: 396: 389: 382: 375: 368: 361: 354: 347: 339: 338: 337: 336: 333: 332: 329: 328: 322: 321: 316: 311: 305: 304: 303: 302: 299: 298: 295: 294: 291: 290: 281: 280: 275: 270: 265: 259: 258: 257: 256: 251: 250: 247: 246: 241: 240: 239: 238: 233: 224: 223: 217: 214: 213: 209: 208: 206: 205: 200: 195: 190: 184: 181: 180: 176: 175: 173: 172: 167: 162: 157: 152: 146: 141: 136: 135: 132: 131: 125: 124: 119: 117:Secularization 114: 109: 104: 99: 94: 91: 86: 81: 76: 71: 66: 60: 59: 58: 57: 52: 51: 48: 47: 41: 40: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 10366: 10355: 10352: 10351: 10349: 10339: 10329: 10327: 10322: 10317: 10316: 10313: 10300: 10299: 10290: 10288: 10287: 10276: 10275: 10272: 10254: 10251: 10249: 10246: 10244: 10241: 10239: 10236: 10234: 10231: 10230: 10228: 10226:Miscellaneous 10224: 10218: 10215: 10213: 10210: 10208: 10205: 10203: 10200: 10198: 10195: 10193: 10190: 10188: 10185: 10183: 10180: 10178: 10175: 10173: 10170: 10168: 10165: 10163: 10160: 10158: 10155: 10151: 10148: 10147: 10146: 10143: 10141: 10138: 10136: 10133: 10132: 10130: 10128: 10124: 10118: 10115: 10113: 10110: 10108: 10105: 10103: 10100: 10098: 10095: 10094: 10092: 10090: 10086: 10080: 10077: 10075: 10072: 10070: 10067: 10065: 10062: 10060: 10057: 10055: 10052: 10050: 10047: 10045: 10042: 10041: 10039: 10037: 10033: 10027: 10024: 10022: 10019: 10017: 10014: 10012: 10009: 10008: 10006: 10004: 10000: 9997: 9995: 9991: 9987: 9979: 9978: 9974: 9970: 9952: 9951: 9947: 9945: 9942: 9940: 9937: 9935: 9932: 9930: 9927: 9926: 9924: 9922:Miscellaneous 9920: 9914: 9911: 9909: 9908:Structuralism 9906: 9904: 9901: 9899: 9896: 9894: 9893:Postmodernism 9891: 9889: 9886: 9884: 9883:Phenomenology 9881: 9879: 9876: 9874: 9871: 9869: 9866: 9864: 9861: 9859: 9856: 9854: 9851: 9849: 9846: 9844: 9841: 9840: 9838: 9836: 9832: 9826: 9823: 9821: 9820:Vienna Circle 9818: 9816: 9813: 9811: 9808: 9806: 9803: 9801: 9798: 9796: 9793: 9791: 9788: 9786: 9783: 9781: 9778: 9776: 9773: 9771: 9768: 9766: 9763: 9761: 9758: 9756: 9753: 9751: 9750:Moral realism 9748: 9746: 9743: 9741: 9738: 9736: 9733: 9731: 9728: 9726: 9722: 9719: 9717: 9714: 9712: 9709: 9707: 9704: 9702: 9699: 9697: 9694: 9692: 9689: 9687: 9684: 9682: 9679: 9678: 9676: 9674: 9670: 9667: 9665: 9661: 9651: 9648: 9646: 9643: 9641: 9638: 9636: 9633: 9631: 9628: 9626: 9623: 9621: 9618: 9614: 9611: 9610: 9609: 9606: 9604: 9601: 9600: 9598: 9594: 9588: 9585: 9583: 9580: 9578: 9575: 9573: 9570: 9568: 9565: 9563: 9560: 9558: 9555: 9553: 9552:Phenomenology 9550: 9548: 9545: 9543: 9540: 9538: 9535: 9533: 9530: 9528: 9525: 9523: 9520: 9518: 9515: 9513: 9510: 9508: 9505: 9503: 9500: 9498: 9495: 9493: 9492:Individualism 9490: 9486: 9483: 9481: 9478: 9476: 9473: 9471: 9468: 9466: 9463: 9461: 9458: 9457: 9456: 9453: 9449: 9446: 9445: 9444: 9441: 9439: 9436: 9434: 9431: 9429: 9426: 9424: 9421: 9419: 9416: 9414: 9411: 9409: 9406: 9404: 9401: 9399: 9396: 9394: 9391: 9389: 9386: 9384: 9381: 9380: 9377: 9374: 9372: 9368: 9358: 9357:Judeo-Islamic 9355: 9354: 9352: 9350: 9346: 9340: 9337: 9335: 9334: 9333:ʿIlm al-Kalām 9330: 9328: 9325: 9323: 9320: 9318: 9315: 9313: 9310: 9309: 9307: 9305: 9301: 9295: 9292: 9288: 9285: 9283: 9282:Shuddhadvaita 9280: 9278: 9275: 9273: 9270: 9268: 9265: 9263: 9260: 9258: 9255: 9254: 9253: 9250: 9249: 9247: 9243: 9237: 9234: 9232: 9229: 9227: 9224: 9222: 9219: 9217: 9216:Scholasticism 9214: 9212: 9209: 9207: 9204: 9203: 9201: 9199: 9195: 9189: 9186: 9184: 9181: 9179: 9176: 9174: 9171: 9169: 9166: 9164: 9161: 9159: 9156: 9155: 9153: 9149: 9146: 9144: 9140: 9130: 9127: 9125: 9122: 9120: 9117: 9115: 9112: 9111: 9109: 9107: 9103: 9095: 9092: 9090: 9087: 9085: 9082: 9080: 9077: 9075: 9072: 9070: 9067: 9065: 9062: 9060: 9057: 9055: 9052: 9051: 9050: 9047: 9043: 9040: 9038: 9035: 9034: 9033: 9030: 9026: 9023: 9021: 9018: 9016: 9013: 9011: 9008: 9006: 9003: 9001: 8998: 8996: 8993: 8991: 8988: 8987: 8986: 8983: 8982: 8980: 8978: 8974: 8968: 8965: 8963: 8960: 8958: 8955: 8953: 8950: 8948: 8945: 8943: 8940: 8936: 8933: 8931: 8928: 8926: 8923: 8921: 8918: 8917: 8916: 8913: 8911: 8908: 8906: 8903: 8901: 8898: 8896: 8893: 8891: 8888: 8886: 8883: 8879: 8876: 8874: 8871: 8869: 8866: 8864: 8861: 8859: 8856: 8855: 8854: 8851: 8850: 8848: 8846: 8843: 8839: 8833: 8830: 8828: 8825: 8823: 8820: 8818: 8815: 8813: 8810: 8808: 8805: 8803: 8800: 8798: 8795: 8794: 8792: 8790: 8786: 8783: 8781: 8777: 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1335: 1334: 1333: 1330: 1328: 1325: 1323: 1320: 1318: 1315: 1313: 1310: 1308: 1305: 1303: 1300: 1296: 1293: 1291: 1288: 1286: 1283: 1281: 1278: 1277: 1276: 1273: 1269: 1266: 1264: 1261: 1260: 1259: 1256: 1254: 1251: 1249: 1246: 1244: 1241: 1239: 1236: 1234: 1231: 1229: 1226: 1222: 1219: 1217: 1214: 1213: 1212: 1209: 1207: 1206: 1205:Laissez-faire 1202: 1200: 1197: 1195: 1192: 1190: 1187: 1185: 1182: 1178: 1175: 1173: 1170: 1168: 1165: 1161: 1158: 1156: 1153: 1152: 1151: 1148: 1147: 1146: 1143: 1141: 1138: 1134: 1131: 1129: 1126: 1125: 1124: 1121: 1119: 1116: 1114: 1111: 1109: 1106: 1104: 1101: 1099: 1096: 1095: 1089: 1088: 1081: 1078: 1076: 1073: 1071: 1068: 1066: 1063: 1059: 1056: 1054: 1051: 1047: 1044: 1043: 1042: 1039: 1038: 1037: 1034: 1032: 1029: 1027: 1024: 1022: 1019: 1017: 1014: 1012: 1009: 1007: 1004: 1002: 999: 995: 992: 991: 990: 987: 985: 982: 980: 977: 975: 972: 971: 965: 964: 960: 956: 955: 952: 949: 948: 944: 940: 939: 929: 924: 922: 917: 915: 910: 909: 907: 906: 903: 897: 894: 892: 889: 888: 886: 885: 878: 875: 873: 870: 868: 865: 863: 860: 858: 855: 853: 850: 849: 845: 842: 840: 837: 836: 827: 826: 819: 816: 814: 811: 809: 806: 804: 801: 799: 796: 794: 791: 789: 786: 784: 781: 779: 776: 774: 771: 770: 766:Organizations 762: 761: 753: 750: 748: 745: 743: 740: 738: 735: 733: 730: 728: 725: 723: 720: 718: 715: 713: 710: 708: 705: 703: 700: 698: 695: 693: 690: 688: 685: 683: 680: 678: 675: 673: 670: 669: 660: 659: 651: 650: 646: 642: 639: 637: 634: 633: 632: 629: 628: 619: 618: 606: 605: 604:Vitruvian Man 600: 595: 591: 590: 587: 584: 583: 579: 575: 574: 564: 559: 557: 552: 550: 545: 544: 542: 541: 536: 533: 532: 531: 530: 519: 516: 514: 511: 509: 506: 505: 496: 495: 486: 483: 481: 478: 476: 473: 471: 468: 466: 463: 461: 458: 456: 453: 451: 448: 446: 443: 441: 438: 437: 432: 427: 426: 416: 415: 411: 409: 408: 404: 402: 401: 397: 395: 394: 390: 388: 387: 383: 381: 380: 376: 374: 373: 369: 367: 366: 362: 360: 359: 355: 353: 352: 348: 346: 345: 341: 340: 331: 330: 320: 317: 315: 312: 310: 307: 306: 297: 296: 289: 286: 285: 279: 276: 274: 271: 269: 266: 264: 261: 260: 254: 249: 248: 237: 234: 231: 227: 226: 222: 219: 218: 216: 215: 211: 210: 204: 201: 199: 196: 194: 191: 189: 186: 185: 183: 182: 178: 177: 171: 168: 166: 163: 161: 158: 156: 153: 151: 148: 147: 145: 144: 139: 134: 133: 123: 120: 118: 115: 113: 110: 108: 105: 103: 102:Secular state 100: 98: 95: 92: 90: 87: 85: 82: 80: 77: 75: 72: 70: 67: 65: 62: 61: 55: 50: 49: 46: 43: 42: 38: 34: 33: 30: 19: 10291: 10277: 9948: 9939:Postcritique 9929:Kyoto School 9888:Posthumanism 9868:Hermeneutics 9723: / 9664:Contemporary 9640:Newtonianism 9603:Cartesianism 9562:Reductionism 9398:Conservatism 9393:Collectivism 9331: 9059:Sarvāstivadā 9037:Anekantavada 8962:Neoplatonism 8930:Epicureanism 8863:Pythagoreans 8802:Confucianism 8768:Contemporary 8758:Early modern 8662:Anti-realism 8616:Universalism 8573:Subjectivism 8369:Epistemology 8172: 7991:Martin Lings 7944:Emil Brunner 7934:Paul Tillich 7924:Martin Buber 7839:W K Clifford 7816:Afrikan Spir 7731:Thomas Chubb 7683:Early modern 7663:Adi Shankara 7576:Philosophers 7560:Natural evil 7476: 7452:Spiritualism 7427:Perennialism 7380:Metaphysical 7337: 7224:Antireligion 7099:Teleological 7022:Cosmological 6973:Baháʼí Faith 6938:Christianity 6897:Personal god 6693:Humanists UK 6643: 6636: 6629: 6622: 6615: 6608: 6601: 6594: 6587: 6580: 6573: 6448:Demographics 6400: 6371:Antireligion 6317: 6310: 6296: 6282: 6268: 6261: 6245: 6238: 6231: 6224: 6217: 6201: 6167: 6159: 6144: 6135: 6118: 6113: 6101:. Retrieved 6095: 6082: 6065: 6053:. Retrieved 6049:the original 6042: 6035: 6023:. Retrieved 6019:the original 6013: 6006: 5994:. Retrieved 5984: 5976: 5971: 5963: 5958: 5946:. Retrieved 5939: 5931: 5919:. Retrieved 5910: 5896: 5884:. Retrieved 5880:the original 5870: 5858:. Retrieved 5848: 5836:. Retrieved 5832:the original 5822: 5796:. Retrieved 5786: 5774:. Retrieved 5770:the original 5760: 5748:. Retrieved 5738: 5726:. Retrieved 5722:the original 5712: 5700:. Retrieved 5696:the original 5686: 5674:. Retrieved 5664: 5643: 5635: 5626: 5611: 5593: 5588: 5582: 5573: 5558: 5551: 5542: 5527: 5520: 5511: 5497: 5491: 5470:supernatural 5467: 5453: 5444: 5432:. Retrieved 5422: 5410: 5402: 5396: 5384:. Retrieved 5373: 5354: 5348: 5336:. Retrieved 5332:the original 5307: 5298: 5292: 5281: 5275: 5263:. Retrieved 5259:the original 5249: 5237:. Retrieved 5233:the original 5222: 5210:. Retrieved 5206:the original 5201: 5192: 5180:. Retrieved 5170: 5158:. Retrieved 5154:the original 5144: 5132:. Retrieved 5128:the original 5118: 5106:. Retrieved 5102:the original 5092: 5084: 5079: 5071: 5053: 5048: 5038:29 September 5036:. Retrieved 5032:the original 5022: 5008: 5000: 4996: 4978: 4945: 4941: 4935: 4926: 4917: 4905:. Retrieved 4890: 4883: 4871:. Retrieved 4867:the original 4857: 4849: 4844: 4832:. Retrieved 4822: 4807:Levi Fragell 4796: 4780: 4772: 4757: 4745:. Retrieved 4741:the original 4718: 4714: 4709: 4699:The Guardian 4698: 4693: 4682:The Guardian 4680: 4675: 4663:. Retrieved 4659:the original 4636: 4634: 4630: 4612: 4609: 4602:. Retrieved 4598:the original 4572:. Retrieved 4568:the original 4557: 4544: 4533: 4526: 4519: 4512: 4495:Summum bonum 4445:Extropianism 4435:Epicureanism 4370:Reason Party 4315:Humanists UK 4275:Fusion Party 4148: 4115: 4113: 4101: 4090: 4085: 4083: 4077: 4075: 4067:cert. denied 4066: 4060: 4050: 4045: 4037: 4033: 4031: 4018:supernatural 4013: 4007: 4003: 4001: 3996: 3985: 3981: 3977: 3971: 3967: 3959: 3956:non-theistic 3949: 3945: 3943: 3938: 3908: 3902: 3897: 3868: 3853: 3844: 3834: 3827: 3820: 3813: 3801: 3789:Please help 3784:verification 3781: 3756: 3745: 3721: 3702: 3682: 3669: 3651: 3637: 3621: 3608:Levi Fragell 3595: 3576: 3563: 3532: 3500: 3488:Kristen Bell 3475: 3474:to humanism 3461: 3435: 3427: 3423: 3418: 3414: 3409: 3389: 3382: 3360: 3358: 3345: 3344: 3338: 3332: 3324: 3314: 3308: 3302: 3293: 3287: 3282: 3255: 3250:supernatural 3242: 3236: 3230: 3219: 3190: 3183: 3158:Stanton Coit 3138: 3129: 3125: 3122: 3113:Humanists UK 3105: 3084:metaphysical 3077: 3054: 3043: 3035:Anna Wheeler 3004: 2977: 2969: 2937: 2921:metaphysical 2894: 2874: 2867: 2836: 2826: 2822: 2814: 2810: 2794: 2790: 2788: 2768: 2756: 2754: 2741: 2699: 2671:good or evil 2660: 2652:superstition 2615: 2614: 2535:Pirate Party 2395:Jeffersonian 2303:South Africa 1793:Lloyd George 1388:Philosophers 1311: 1295:To bear arms 1243:Open society 1203: 979:Conservative 852:Confucianism 844:Posthumanism 839:Antihumanism 788:Humanists UK 726: 647: 602: 470:Humanists UK 412: 405: 398: 391: 384: 377: 370: 363: 356: 349: 342: 155:Demographics 64:Antireligion 29: 9934:Objectivism 9873:Neo-Marxism 9835:Continental 9745:Meta-ethics 9725:Coherentism 9630:Hegelianism 9567:Rationalism 9527:Natural law 9507:Materialism 9433:Historicism 9403:Determinism 9294:Navya-Nyāya 9069:Sautrāntika 9064:Pudgalavada 9000:Vaisheshika 8853:Presocratic 8753:Renaissance 8692:Physicalism 8677:Materialism 8583:Normativity 8568:Objectivism 8553:Emergentism 8543:Behaviorism 8492:Metaphysics 8458:Determinism 8397:Rationalism 8011:Antony Flew 7996:Peter Geach 7929:René Guénon 7876:Lev Shestov 7871:Rudolf Otto 7578:of religion 7417:Panentheism 7350:Inclusivism 7269:Exclusivism 7264:Esotericism 7234:Creationism 7214:Agnosticism 7182:Poor design 7177:Omnipotence 7104:Natural law 7079:Ontological 7032:Contingency 6882:Holy Spirit 6507:Agnosticism 6386:Freethought 5996:13 November 5966:2002 p. 516 5948:13 November 5838:13 November 5798:13 November 5750:13 November 5728:13 November 5702:13 November 5386:12 December 5355:On Humanism 5338:13 November 5265:13 November 5239:27 November 5134:13 November 5108:13 November 4873:13 November 4834:13 November 4475:Rationalism 4470:Objectivism 4440:Eupraxsophy 4098:Controversy 3948:referenced 3876:Orrin Hatch 3753:Leo Pfeffer 3707:(21 June), 3625:Netherlands 3554:David Niose 3470:, in their 3430:Golden Rule 3393:life stance 3269:Happy Human 3178:Happy Human 3136:movement". 3134:Freethought 3097:agnosticism 3046:Felix Adler 2999:Conway Hall 2980:Henry Edger 2917:theological 2895:Holyoake's 2850:Renaissance 2751:Terminology 2737:Happy Human 2733:freethought 2713:rationalist 2624:life stance 2363:Gladstonian 2323:Switzerland 2308:South Korea 2251:Philippines 2211:New Zealand 2206:Netherlands 1863:Verhofstadt 1858:Balcerowicz 1667:Politicians 1595:Collingwood 1535:Tocqueville 1410:Montesquieu 1302:Rule of law 1103:Due process 717:Rationalist 682:Existential 612: 1490 253:Agnosticism 79:Freethought 10338:Philosophy 10233:Amerindian 10140:Australian 10079:Vietnamese 10059:Indonesian 9608:Kantianism 9557:Positivism 9547:Pragmatism 9522:Naturalism 9502:Liberalism 9480:Subjective 9418:Empiricism 9322:Avicennism 9267:Bhedabheda 9151:East Asian 9074:Madhyamaka 9054:Abhidharma 8920:Pyrrhonism 8687:Nominalism 8682:Naturalism 8611:Skepticism 8601:Relativism 8591:Absolutism 8520:Naturalism 8430:Deontology 8402:Skepticism 8387:Naturalism 8377:Empiricism 8341:Aesthetics 8245:Philosophy 7981:J L Mackie 7939:Karl Barth 7736:David Hume 7658:Maimonides 7643:Heraclitus 7432:Polytheism 7402:Nondualism 7390:Humanistic 7375:Naturalism 7365:Monotheism 7323:Henotheism 7318:Gnosticism 7249:Demonology 7132:747 gambit 7049:Experience 6887:Misotheism 6498:Antitheism 6421:Secularity 6416:Secularism 6363:Irreligion 6355:Irreligion 6103:4 November 5944:. 5776:16 October 5434:1 February 4665:16 January 4485:Skepticism 4430:Empiricism 4365:Quackwatch 4230:Camp Quest 4206:See also: 4145:Manifestos 3916:Hugo Black 3883:, nor the 3817:newspapers 3728:celebrancy 3717:HumanLight 3709:Darwin Day 3519:Paul Kurtz 3462:Humanists 3455:John Rawls 3377:See also: 3205:Paul Kurtz 2933:functional 2905:positivism 2897:secularism 2856:Secularism 2799:secularism 2679:philosophy 2620:philosophy 2491:Empiricism 2462:Democratic 2457:Capitalism 2368:Manchester 2201:Montenegro 2186:Luxembourg 2122:Venizelism 2052:Costa Rica 1307:Secularism 1140:Federalism 1092:Principles 951:Liberalism 221:Antitheism 112:Secularity 107:Secularism 54:Irreligion 45:Irreligion 10112:Pakistani 10074:Taiwanese 10021:Ethiopian 9994:By region 9980:By region 9795:Scientism 9790:Systemics 9650:Spinozism 9577:Socialism 9512:Modernism 9475:Objective 9383:Anarchism 9317:Averroism 9206:Christian 9158:Neotaoism 9129:Zurvanism 9119:Mithraism 9114:Mazdakism 8885:Cyrenaics 8812:Logicians 8445:Free will 8407:Solipsism 8354:Formalism 8081:Loyal Rue 7806:Karl Marx 7628:Gaudapada 7457:Shamanism 7422:Pantheism 7407:Nontheism 7385:Religious 7370:Mysticism 7343:Christian 7333:Religious 7284:Atheistic 7279:Christian 7162:Nonbelief 7147:Free will 6963:Mormonism 6787:Afterlife 6556:Humanists 6551:Agnostics 6530:Apatheism 6473:Criticism 4970:162304255 4747:2 October 4635:humanism 4604:19 August 4507:Wikibooks 4465:Nontheism 4402:(Iceland) 4325:Humanity+ 4053:evolution 3847:June 2020 3698:equinoxes 3686:Christmas 3523:humanists 3458:morality. 3319:afterlife 3315:This life 3176:use the " 3160:in 1896. 3115:in 2017. 3027:Unitarian 3001:in London 2915:" from a 2909:sociology 2887:in 1866. 2506:Anarchist 2414:Venezuela 2390:Classical 2358:Cobdenism 2261:Cracovian 2216:Nicaragua 2181:Lithuania 2040:Hong Kong 1995:Australia 1833:Roosevelt 1803:Ståhlberg 1798:Venizelos 1753:Sarmiento 1743:Gladstone 1703:Lamartine 1673:Jefferson 1525:Martineau 1475:De Gouges 1460:Condorcet 1445:Priestley 1108:Democracy 1080:Third Way 1041:Christian 1036:Religious 974:Classical 752:Universal 722:Religious 712:Personism 677:Christian 641:in France 319:Humanists 314:Agnostics 278:Apatheism 165:Criticism 10348:Category 10326:Religion 10298:Category 10253:Yugoslav 10243:Romanian 10150:Scottish 10135:American 10064:Japanese 10044:Buddhist 10026:Africana 10016:Egyptian 9858:Feminist 9780:Rawlsian 9775:Quietism 9673:Analytic 9625:Krausism 9532:Nihilism 9497:Kokugaku 9460:Absolute 9455:Idealism 9443:Humanism 9231:Occamism 9198:European 9143:Medieval 9089:Yogacara 9049:Buddhist 9042:Syādvāda 8925:Stoicism 8890:Cynicism 8878:Sophists 8873:Atomists 8868:Eleatics 8807:Legalism 8748:Medieval 8672:Idealism 8626:Ontology 8606:Nihilism 8510:Idealism 8268:Branches 8257:Branches 8203:Category 8148:Religion 8138:Exegesis 7623:Boethius 7618:Averroes 7613:Avicenna 7595:medieval 7565:Theodicy 7412:Pandeism 7328:Humanism 7296:Thealogy 7239:Dharmism 7209:Acosmism 7201:Theology 7069:Morality 7064:Miracles 6943:Hinduism 6933:Buddhism 6892:Pandeism 6867:Demiurge 6835:Theodicy 6546:Atheists 6453:Religion 6299:(1987). 6285:(1956). 6271:(1988). 5808:cite web 5513:deities. 5452:(2003). 4985:Archived 4773:Humanist 4765:Archived 4540:Wikibook 4490:Stoicism 4418:See also 4400:Sidmennt 4036:and the 4027:theistic 3973:Humanism 3964:theistic 3924:Buddhism 3892:Case law 3642:and the 3588:Scottish 3246:theistic 3146:Illinois 3130:Humanism 3126:Humanism 2868:In 1851 2827:Humanism 2823:Humanist 2811:Humanism 2805:and the 2745:humanism 2656:morality 2496:Humanism 2469:Centrism 2419:Zimbabwe 2373:Whiggism 2333:Thailand 2298:Slovenia 2293:Slovakia 2268:Portugal 2241:Paraguay 2164:Liberism 2129:Honduras 2047:Colombia 2020:Bulgaria 1813:Rathenau 1788:Milyukov 1708:Macaulay 1678:Kołłątaj 1650:Kymlicka 1630:Friedman 1575:Cassirer 1565:Hobhouse 1500:Constant 1495:Humboldt 1455:Beccaria 1420:Rousseau 1415:Voltaire 1258:Property 1221:Positive 1216:Negative 1172:Religion 1150:Economic 1123:Equality 1046:Catholic 1016:National 1011:Muscular 989:Feminist 984:Cultural 943:a series 941:Part of 896:Category 831:See also 737:Theistic 687:Integral 672:Buddhist 586:Humanism 578:a series 576:Part of 309:Atheists 37:a series 35:Part of 10312:Portals 10248:Russian 10217:Spanish 10212:Slovene 10202:Maltese 10197:Italian 10177:Finland 10145:British 10127:Western 10117:Turkish 10102:Islamic 10097:Iranian 10049:Chinese 10036:Eastern 10003:African 9950:more... 9635:Marxism 9465:British 9408:Dualism 9304:Islamic 9262:Advaita 9252:Vedanta 9226:Scotism 9221:Thomism 9163:Tiantai 9106:Persian 9094:Tibetan 9084:Śūnyatā 9025:Cārvāka 9015:Ājīvika 9010:Mīmāṃsā 8990:Samkhya 8905:Academy 8858:Ionians 8832:Yangism 8789:Chinese 8780:Ancient 8743:Western 8738:Ancient 8697:Realism 8654:Reality 8644:Process 8525:Realism 8505:Dualism 8500:Atomism 8382:Fideism 8174:more... 7907:postwar 7590:Ancient 7478:more... 7397:New Age 7338:Secular 7308:Fideism 7259:Dualism 7229:Atheism 7219:Animism 7125:Against 6968:Sikhism 6958:Judaism 6953:Jainism 6862:Brahman 6815:Miracle 6458:History 6441:Atheism 6320:(1957). 6313:(1964). 6264:(1918). 6220:(1981). 6152:podcast 5921:12 June 5886:12 June 5676:12 June 5407:Piaktus 4962:3169031 4907:12 June 4574:12 June 4528:Purpose 4225:Brights 4091:Torcaso 4086:Torcaso 3982:secular 3831:scholar 3661:New Age 3579:beliefs 3503:atheism 3089:atheism 2833:History 2815:secular 2791:secular 2725:secular 2717:atheist 2675:science 2409:Uruguay 2348:Ukraine 2338:Tunisia 2283:Senegal 2273:Romania 2221:Nigeria 2196:Moldova 2139:Iceland 2134:Hungary 2112:Germany 2107:Georgia 2097:Finland 2092:Estonia 2082:Ecuador 2077:Denmark 2072:Czechia 2057:Croatia 2010:Bolivia 2005:Belgium 2000:Austria 1990:Armenia 1985:Albania 1853:Jenkins 1848:Kennedy 1838:Pearson 1823:Einaudi 1808:Gokhale 1768:Itagaki 1763:Naoroji 1758:Mommsen 1738:Lincoln 1728:Mazzini 1713:Kossuth 1698:Broglie 1693:Bolívar 1688:Artigas 1683:Madison 1545:Spencer 1530:Emerson 1520:Bastiat 1505:Ricardo 1465:Bentham 1405:Spinoza 1362:History 1263:Private 1211:Liberty 1145:Freedom 1065:Secular 1053:Islamic 1031:Radical 968:Schools 891:Outline 727:Secular 697:Marxist 623:History 212:Aspects 150:History 138:Atheism 10207:Polish 10187:German 10182:French 10167:Danish 10157:Canada 10107:Jewish 10069:Korean 10054:Indian 9596:People 9517:Monism 9470:German 9438:Holism 9371:Modern 9349:Jewish 9272:Dvaita 9245:Indian 9168:Huayan 9020:Ajñana 8977:Indian 8842:Greco- 8827:Taoism 8817:Mohism 8763:Modern 8730:By era 8719:By era 8634:Action 8515:Monism 8435:Virtue 8417:Ethics 8193:Portal 7467:Theism 7360:Monism 7094:Reason 7044:Desire 7039:Degree 7007:Beauty 6921:God in 6877:Egoism 6830:Spirit 6539:People 6515:Strong 6303:  6289:  6275:  6180:  6055:6 July 6025:7 July 5860:26 May 5652:  5619:  5566:  5535:  5504:  5460:  5361:  5212:28 May 5182:5 July 5160:5 July 4968:  4960:  4898:  4168:(1980) 4162:(1973) 4156:(1933) 3928:Taoism 3833:  3826:  3819:  3812:  3804:  3694:summer 3690:winter 3592:Norway 3453:, and 3326:Ethics 3152:. 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Secular Humanism
a series
Criticism of religion
Organized secularism
Parody religion
Secular liberalism
Secular state
Separation of church and state
Lists of atheists
Implicit and explicit
Negative and positive
Relationship between atheism and religion
Existence of God

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