
CIE 1931 color space

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6883: 394: 6436: 1756: 853: 2758: 2080: 8564: 3774: 6075: 1383: 2493: 5535: 5468: 5831:) for the "CIE standard photopic observer". The luminance function describes the variation of perceived brightness with wavelength. The fact that the luminance function could be constructed by a linear combination of the RGB color matching functions was not guaranteed by any means but might be expected to be nearly true due to the near-linear nature of human sight. Again, the main reason for this requirement was computational simplification. 4177: 133: 2729: 2668: 36: 1803: 6431:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\begin{bmatrix}X\\Y\\Z\end{bmatrix}}&={\begin{bmatrix}b_{11}&b_{12}&b_{13}\\b_{21}&b_{22}&b_{23}\\b_{31}&b_{32}&b_{33}\end{bmatrix}}{\begin{bmatrix}R\\G\\B\end{bmatrix}}\\&={\begin{bmatrix}0.490\,00&0.310\,00&0.200\,00\\0.176\,97&0.812\,40&0.010\,63\\0.000\,00&0.010\,00&0.990\,00\end{bmatrix}}{\begin{bmatrix}R\\G\\B\end{bmatrix}}\end{aligned}}} 3357: 861: 145: 1751:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\overline {x}}(\lambda )&=1.056\,g(\lambda ;599.8,0.0264,0.0323)+0.362\,g(\lambda ;442.0,0.0624,0.0374)\\&\quad -0.065\,g(\lambda ;501.1,0.0490,0.0382),\\{\overline {y}}(\lambda )&=0.821\,g(\lambda ;568.8,0.0213,0.0247)+0.286\,g(\lambda ;530.9,0.0613,0.0322),\\{\overline {z}}(\lambda )&=1.217\,g(\lambda ;437.0,0.0845,0.0278)+0.681\,g(\lambda ;459.0,0.0385,0.0725).\end{aligned}}} 4189: 5248: 218: 2210: 6820: 5693: 5519: 5452: 6617: 4091: 2075:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}X&=\int _{\lambda }L_{\mathrm {e} ,\Omega ,\lambda }(\lambda )\,{\overline {x}}(\lambda )\,d\lambda ,\\Y&=\int _{\lambda }L_{\mathrm {e} ,\Omega ,\lambda }(\lambda )\,{\overline {y}}(\lambda )\,d\lambda ,\\Z&=\int _{\lambda }L_{\mathrm {e} ,\Omega ,\lambda }(\lambda )\,{\overline {z}}(\lambda )\,d\lambda .\end{aligned}}} 3769:{\displaystyle x_{\mathrm {mix} }={\frac {{\dfrac {x_{1}}{y_{1}}}L_{1}+{\dfrac {x_{2}}{y_{2}}}L_{2}+\dots +{\dfrac {x_{n}}{y_{n}}}L_{n}}{{\dfrac {L_{1}}{y_{1}}}+{\dfrac {L_{2}}{y_{2}}}+\dots +{\dfrac {L_{n}}{y_{n}}}}}\quad ,\quad y_{\mathrm {mix} }={\frac {L_{1}+L_{2}+\dots +L_{n}}{{\dfrac {L_{1}}{y_{1}}}+{\dfrac {L_{2}}{y_{2}}}+\dots +{\dfrac {L_{n}}{y_{n}}}}}} 1276: 4315:) integrating the color matching functions with that spectral distribution will yield the intensities of the three primaries necessary to match it. The problem is that the three primaries can only produce colors which lie withinin their gamut - the triangle in color space formed by the primaries, which never touches the monochromatic locus nor the 2488:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}X&={\frac {K}{N}}\int _{\lambda }S(\lambda )\,I(\lambda )\,{\overline {x}}(\lambda )\,d\lambda ,\\Y&={\frac {K}{N}}\int _{\lambda }S(\lambda )\,I(\lambda )\,{\overline {y}}(\lambda )\,d\lambda ,\\Z&={\frac {K}{N}}\int _{\lambda }S(\lambda )\,I(\lambda )\,{\overline {z}}(\lambda )\,d\lambda ,\end{aligned}}} 5019: 4811:, but with a sensitivity that is many thousand times lower than for green light. These color matching functions define what is known as the "1931 CIE standard observer". Rather than specify the brightness of each primary, the curves are normalized to have constant area beneath them. This area is fixed to a particular value by specifying that 5540: 5539: 5536: 5473: 5472: 5469: 370:, "imaginary" primary colors and corresponding color-matching functions were formulated. The CIE 1931 color space defines the resulting tristimulus values, in which they are denoted by "X", "Y", and "Z". In XYZ space, all combinations of non-negative coordinates are meaningful, but many, such as the primary locations , , and , correspond to 6628: 5541: 5474: 4961: 5538: 5471: 277:", become effective. Thus, three parameters corresponding to levels of stimulus of the three kinds of cone cells, in principle describe any human color sensation. Weighting a total light power spectrum by the individual spectral sensitivities of the three kinds of cone cells renders three effective values of 6451: 5524: 5523: 5520: 5457: 5456: 5453: 6959:
and analogously for the following) is the XYZ-style color space defined using the CIE 1964 10° observer CMFs. The 3 CMFs are mainly derived from Stiles and Burch's RGB color-matching functions, which unlike the Wright–Guild functions (and the subsequent Judd–Vos corrections) are "directly
One might ask: "Why is it possible that Wright and Guild's results can be summarized using different primaries and different intensities from those actually used?" One might also ask: "What about the case when the test colors being matched are not monochromatic?" The answer to both of these questions
3829: 349:
because the spectral sensitivity curves of the three kinds overlap. Certain tristimulus values are thus physically impossible: e.g. LMS tristimulus values that are non-zero for the M component and zero for both the L and S components. Furthermore pure spectral colors would, in any normal trichromatic
to find a visual match to a second, pure color. The original experiments were conducted in the mid 1920s by William David Wright using ten observers and John Guild using seven observers. The experimental results were combined, creating the CIE RGB color space. The CIE XYZ color space was derived from
5525: 5458: 3177:, with wavelengths shown in nanometers. The chromaticity diagram is a tool to specify how the human eye will experience light with a given spectrum. It cannot specify colors of objects (or printing inks), since the chromaticity observed while looking at an object depends on the light source as well. 173:
are essential tools that provide the foundation for measuring color for industry, including inks, dyes, and paints, illumination, color imaging, etc. The CIE color spaces contributed to the development of color television, the creation of instruments for maintaining consistent color in manufacturing
The CIE 1931 RGB color matching functions normalized to equal areas under the curves. Multiplying the red and green curves by 72.0962 and 1.3791 respectively yields the actual color matching functions. The color matching functions are proportional to the intensities of primaries needed to match the
This article describes the development of the CIE1931 chromaticity coordinates and color-matching functions starting from the initial experimental data of W. D. Wright and J. Guild. Sufficient information is given to allow the reader to reproduce and verify the results obtained at each stage of the
will be negative. In each case, the remaining two color matching functions will be positive. It can be seen that the deviation of the RGB gamut from the complete gamut is rather small except between the blue and green primaries at 435.8 and 546.1 nm. In this wavelength band, rather large amounts of
Having developed an RGB model of human vision using the CIE RGB matching functions, the members of the special commission wished to develop another color space that would relate to the CIE RGB color space. It was assumed that Grassmann's law held, and the new space would be related to the CIE RGB
except at the three primaries. In other words, there is no monochromatic source that can be matched by a combination of the three primaries, except at the wavelengths of the three primaries themselves. However, by adding one of the primaries to the monochromatic test color, the test color can be
The experiments were conducted by using a circular split screen (a bipartite field) 2 degrees in diameter, which is the angular size of the human fovea. On one side a test color was projected while on the other an observer-adjustable color was projected. The adjustable color was a mixture of the
sensitivity curves can be measured with a reasonable accuracy. However, the overall luminosity curve (which in fact is a weighted sum of these three curves) is subjective, since it involves asking a test person whether two light sources have the same brightness, even if they are in completely
The integrals of the XYZ color matching functions must all be equal by requirement 3 above, and this is set by the integral of the photopic luminous efficiency function by requirement 2 above. The tabulated sensitivity curves have a certain amount of arbitrariness in them. The shapes of the
The CIE XYZ color space encompasses all color sensations that are visible to a person with average eyesight. That is why CIE XYZ tristimulus values are a device-invariant representation of color. It serves as a standard reference against which many other color spaces are defined. A set of
The trichromatic coefficients for ten observers agreed so closely with those of the seven observers examined at the National Physical Laboratory as to indicate that both groups must give results approximating more closely to 'normal' than might have been expected from the size of either
respectively, then a tabulation of these values at various λ will estimate three functions of wavelength. These are the RGB color-matching functions. Any spectral distribution can be thought of as a combination of a number of monochromatic sources at varying intensities, so that (by
The color matching functions and primaries were settled upon by a CIE special commission after considerable deliberation. The cut-offs at the short- and long-wavelength side of the diagram are chosen somewhat arbitrarily; the human eye can actually see light with wavelengths up to about
brought into the RGB gamut, allowing a match to be made. Adding a primary to the monochromatic test color is effectively the same as subtracting it from the adjustable color, which of course cannot be done since it is impossible to have a negative intensity for any of the primaries.
1024: 8014:
MATLAB toolbox for color science computation and accurate color reproduction (by Jesus Malo and Maria Jose Luque, Universitat de Valencia). It includes CIE standard tristimulus colorimetry and transformations to a number of non-linear color appearance models (CIE Lab, CIE CAM,
5522: 5455: 5243:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}R&=\int _{0}^{\infty }S(\lambda )\,{\overline {r}}(\lambda )\,d\lambda ,\\G&=\int _{0}^{\infty }S(\lambda )\,{\overline {g}}(\lambda )\,d\lambda ,\\B&=\int _{0}^{\infty }S(\lambda )\,{\overline {b}}(\lambda )\,d\lambda .\end{aligned}}} 1765:
color matching functions is less than the within-observer variance encountered in the experimental measurements used to form the CIE standards. It is also possible to use fewer gaussian functions, with one gaussian for each "lobe". CIE 1964 fits well with a one-lobe function.
2989: 6825:
The XYZ primaries will have XYZ coordinates , , and in XYZ space, so the columns of the inverse matrix above specify the XYZ primaries ( Cr, Cg and Cb) in RGB space. Dividing each column by its sum will give the coordinates of the XYZ primaries in rgb space which yields:
These formulas can be derived from the previously presented definitions of x and y chromaticity coordinates by taking advantage of the fact that the tristimulus values X, Y, and Z of the individual mixture components are directly additive. In place of the luminance values
6815:{\displaystyle {\begin{bmatrix}R\\G\\B\end{bmatrix}}\approx {\begin{bmatrix}2.364\,61385&-0.896\,54057&-0.468\,07328\\-0.515\,16621&1.426\,4081&0.088\,7581\\0.005\,2037&-0.014\,40816&1.009\,20446\end{bmatrix}}{\begin{bmatrix}X\\Y\\Z\end{bmatrix}}} 5436: 3274:
It can be seen that, given three real sources, these sources cannot cover the gamut of human vision. Geometrically stated, there are no three points within the gamut that form a triangle that includes the entire gamut; or more simply, the gamut of human vision is not a
wavelength, which in 1931 was difficult to reproduce as a monochromatic beam, was chosen because the eye's perception of color is rather unchanging at this wavelength, and therefore small errors in wavelength of this primary would have little effect on the results.
color spaces were developed, with the goal of achieving perceptual uniformity (have an equal distance in the color space correspond to equal differences in color). Although they were a distinct improvement over the CIE 1931 system, they were not completely free of
the red primary needed to be added to the test color, and it is in this band that the red color matching function has rather large negative values. In their regions of negative values, the green and blue matching functions have rather small negative values.
For the 10° experiments, the observers were instructed to ignore the central 2° spot. The 1964 Supplementary Standard Observer function is recommended when dealing with more than about a 4° field of view. Both standard observer functions are discretized at
4817: 4441:
Although Wright and Guild's experiments were carried out using various primaries at various intensities, and although they used a number of different observers, all of their results were summarized by the standardized CIE RGB color matching functions
760: 4168:
In the 1920s, two independent experiments on human color perception were conducted by W. David Wright with ten observers, and John Guild with seven observers. Their results laid the foundation for the trichromatic CIE XYZ color space specification.
In other words, the Z value is solely made up of the S cone response, the Y value a mix of L and M responses, and X value a mix of all three. This fact makes XYZ values analogous to, but different from, the LMS cone responses of the human eye.
3168: 6444:
While the above matrix is exactly specified in standards, the inverse is left unspecified so that it can be approximated to machine precision to reduce round-trip rounding errors. Its values can be computed precisely using rational numbers:
6612:{\displaystyle {\begin{bmatrix}R\\G\\B\end{bmatrix}}={\frac {1}{3400850}}{\begin{bmatrix}8041697&-3049000&-1591847\\-1752003&4851000&301853\\17697&-49000&3432153\end{bmatrix}}{\begin{bmatrix}X\\Y\\Z\end{bmatrix}}} 7914:
calculations and to analyze critically the procedures used. Unfortunately, some of the information required for the coordinate transformations was never published and the appended tables provide likely versions of that missing data.
4086:{\displaystyle {\frac {L_{1}}{L_{2}}}={\frac {y_{1}\left(x_{2}-x_{\mathrm {mix} }\right)}{y_{2}\left(x_{\mathrm {mix} }-x_{1}\right)}}={\frac {y_{1}\left(y_{2}-y_{\mathrm {mix} }\right)}{y_{2}\left(y_{\mathrm {mix} }-y_{1}\right)}}} 2801:. For example, the color white is a bright color, while the color grey is considered to be a less bright version of that same white. In other words, the chromaticity of white and grey are the same while their brightness differs. 2574: 3234:
If one chooses any two points of color on the chromaticity diagram, then all the colors that lie in a straight line between the two points can be formed by mixing these two colors. It follows that the gamut of colors must be
7573: 1388: 2732:
The CIE 1931 color space chromaticity diagram. The outer curved boundary is the spectral (or monochromatic) locus, with wavelengths shown in nanometers. The colors your screen displays in this image are specified using
503:), the physiological meaning of these values are known only much later. The Hunt-Pointer-Estevez matrix from the 1980s relates XYZ with LMS. When inverted, it shows how the three cone responses add up to XYZ functions: 6873:
sensitivity curve that has twice the amplitude. This new color space would have a different shape. The sensitivity curves in the CIE 1931 and 1964 XYZ color spaces are scaled to have equal areas under the curves.
5537: 5470: 1769:
The CIE XYZ color matching functions are nonnegative, and lead to nonnegative XYZ coordinates for all real colors (that is, for nonnegative light spectra). Other observers, such as for the CIE RGB space or other
1271:{\displaystyle g(x;\mu ,\tau _{1},\tau _{2})={\begin{cases}\exp {\bigl (}{-\tau _{1}^{2}(x-\mu )^{2}/2}{\bigr )},&x<\mu ,\\\exp {\bigl (}{-\tau _{2}^{2}(x-\mu )^{2}/2}{\bigr )},&x\geq \mu .\end{cases}}} 5302: 5024: 2846: 2215: 1808: 5780:
The new color matching functions were to be everywhere greater than or equal to zero. In 1931, computations were done by hand or slide rule, and the specification of positive values was a useful computational
1774:, are defined by other sets of three color-matching functions, not generally nonnegative, and lead to tristimulus values in those other spaces, which may include negative coordinates for some real colors. 6080: 3079: 3199:
and corresponds to monochromatic light (each point representing a pure hue of a single wavelength), with wavelengths listed in nanometers. The straight edge on the lower part of the gamut is called the
2841: 6890:
A few other XYZ-style color-matching functions have been available, correcting for known issues in the original 1931 color space. These functions imply their own XYZ-like and xyY-like color spaces.
5297: 7834: 5521: 5454: 554: 4562:(blue). The (un-normalized) color matching functions are the amounts of primaries needed to match the monochromatic test primary. These functions are shown in the plot on the right (CIE 1931). 6066:. The above described transformation is a linear transformation from the CIE RGB space to XYZ space. The standardized transformation settled upon by the CIE special commission was as follows: 4173:
three monochromatic primary colors, each with adjustable brightness. The observer would alter the brightness of each of the three primary beams until a match to the test color was observed.
3204:. These colors, although they are on the border of the gamut, have no counterpart in monochromatic light. Less saturated colors appear in the interior of the figure with white at the center. 6058:, and finally, the requirement that the gamut fill the space puts a second restriction on this line to be very close to the gamut in the green region, which specifies the location of C 6017: 5981: 5905: 5818: 5687: 5651: 5615: 4956:{\displaystyle \int _{0}^{\infty }{\overline {r}}(\lambda )\,d\lambda =\int _{0}^{\infty }{\overline {g}}(\lambda )\,d\lambda =\int _{0}^{\infty }{\overline {b}}(\lambda )\,d\lambda .} 4784: 4748: 4708: 4672: 4632: 4596: 4548: 4512: 4476: 977: 941: 905: 3239:
in shape. All colors that can be formed by mixing three sources are found inside the triangle formed by the source points on the chromaticity diagram (and so on for multiple sources).
3788:, etc.) one can alternatively use any other photometric quantity that is directly proportional to the tristimulus value Y (naturally meaning that Y itself can also be used as well). 3195:
of human vision. The gamut of all visible chromaticities on the CIE plot is the tongue-shaped or horseshoe-shaped figure shown in color. The curved edge of the gamut is called the
and calibration of your display device, the sRGB colors may not be displayed properly either. This diagram displays the maximally saturated bright colors that can be produced by a
Table lookup can become impractical for some computational tasks. Instead of referring to the published table, the CIE XYZ color matching functions can be approximated by a sum of
833:-interval dataset of CIE 1931 and CIE 1964 provided by Wyszecki 1982. A CIE publication in 1986 appears also to have a 1 nm dataset, probably using the same data. Like the regular 7569: 6926:
function on the blue end of the spectrum. The Judd (1951) and its following Vos (1978) corrections sought to correct for the issue without deviating from the original methodology.
4435: 4397: 4359: 4308: 4270: 4232: 509: 7941:
Wright, William David (2007). "Golden Jubilee of Colour in the CIE—The Historical and Experimental Background to the 1931 CIE System of Colorimetry". In Schanda, János (ed.).
The CIE 1931 color space chromaticity diagram rendered in terms of the colors of lower saturation and value than those displayed in the diagram above that can be produced by
281:; these three values compose a tristimulus specification of the objective color of the light spectrum. The three parameters, denoted "S", "M", and "L", are indicated using a 2646: 2149: 6924: 5011: 4974:
to reproduce the true color matching functions. By proposing that the primaries be standardized, the CIE established an international system of objective color notation.
3074: 1367: 1332: 323:. In some color spaces, including the LMS and XYZ spaces, the primary colors used are not real colors in the sense that they cannot be generated in any light spectrum. 2600: 2103: 7485: 374:
outside the space of possible LMS coordinates; imaginary colors do not correspond to any spectral distribution of wavelengths and therefore have no physical reality.
If the test color were simply a monochromatic color at wavelength λ, and if it could be matched by a combination of the three primaries at relative intensities
chromaticity axes which were determined by the above requirements. The requirement that the XYZ coordinates be non-negative means that the triangle formed by C
3246:. In more general terms, a distance on the CIE xy chromaticity diagram does not correspond to the degree of difference between two colors. In the early 1940s, 4128:
and vice versa, knowing just one or the other of them is enough for calculating the mixing ratio. In accordance with the remarks concerning the formulas for x
Consider two light sources composed of different mixtures of various wavelengths. Such light sources may appear to be the same color; this effect is called "
will lie on the straight line segment that connects these colors on the CIE xy chromaticity diagram. To calculate the mixing ratio of the component colors x
Stiles and Burch also published a set of 2° RGB color-matching functions; however, no XYZ space derived from them has been formally recognized by the CIE.
2504: 169:. The CIE color spaces are mathematical models that create a "standard observer", which attempts to predict the perception of unique hues of color. These 7818: 201:
The CIE 1931 XYZ color space is still widely used, even though it is not perceptually uniform in relation to human vision. In 1976 the CIE published the
5868:, it can be seen that the gamut of all colors will lie inside the triangle , , . It was required that the gamut fill this space practically completely. 8007:
Calculation from the original experimental data of the CIE 1931 RGB standard observer spectral chromaticity co-ordinates and color matching functions
7782: 7189: 4399:
will be negative. For wavelengths below the wavelength of the blue primary, or above the wavelength of the red primary, some green must be added and
300:, etc. to an objective description of color sensations registered in the human eye, typically in terms of tristimulus values, but not usually in the 7442:
The definitive data relating to standard colorimetric illuminants and observers are those given at 1 nm intervals in the appropriate CIE standards .
is the XYZ-style color space defined using the Stockman & Sharpe (2000) physiological 2° observer, which is in turn a linear combination of the
CIE 170-2:2015: Fundamental Chromaticity Diagram with Physiological Axes – Part 2: Spectral Luminous Efficiency Functions and Chromaticity Diagrams
983:(described above). They can be thought of as the spectral sensitivity curves of three linear light detectors yielding the CIE tristimulus values 2797:, a full plot of all visible colors is a three-dimensional figure. However, the concept of color can be divided into two parts: brightness and 17: 7870: 4157:
The first step in developing the CIE XYZ color space is the measurement of the CIE RGB color space. The CIE RGB color space is one of many
7699: 7423: 5983:
function be equal to the luminance function. This line is the line of zero luminance, and is called the alychne. The requirement that the
chromaticity coordinates are shown on the two axes in black, along with the gamut of the 1931 standard observer. Shown in red are the CIE
8543: 4323:
For wavelengths between the blue and green primaries, some red primary must be added to allow matching, resulting in negative values of
8162: 8109: 3191:
The diagram represents all of the chromaticities visible to the average person. These are shown in color and this region is called the
7989: 7985: 7638: 7621: 193:. The CIE color spaces were created using data from a series of experiments, where human test subjects adjusted red, green, and blue 7607: 8119: 7653: 7093: 2984:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}x&={\frac {X}{X+Y+Z}}\\y&={\frac {Y}{X+Y+Z}}\\z&={\frac {Z}{X+Y+Z}}=1-x-y\end{aligned}}} 815: 338:." Such light sources have the same apparent color to an observer when they produce the same tristimulus values, regardless of the 331:, but not restricted to non-negative sensitivities, associates physically produced light spectra with specific tristimulus values. 186: 154: 100: 72: 7397: 5431:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}r&={\frac {R}{R+G+B}},\\g&={\frac {G}{R+G+B}},\\b&={\frac {B}{R+G+B}}.\end{aligned}}} 269:) wavelengths. These cone cells underlie human color perception in conditions of medium and high brightness; in very dim light 7920:
Trezona, Pat W. (2001). "Derivation of the 1964 CIE 10° XYZ Colour-Matching Functions and Their Applicability in Photometry".
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character
while remaining within the bounds of experimental error. For computational simplicity, it was specified that this would be so.
8051: 7958: 7828: 2689: 209:
color spaces, which are derived from XYZ, and are intended to provide more uniform predictions relative to human perception.
53: 79: 8006: 6996:. The CMF data, along with the physiological 10° dataset, is available from the Colour & Vision Research laboratory of 2181:
The reflective and transmissive cases are very similar to the emissive case, with a few differences. The spectral radiance
7933: 7455: 786:. This angle was chosen owing to the belief that the color-sensitive cones resided within a 2° arc of the fovea. Thus the 366:
defined by the primary colors. To avoid these negative RGB values, and to have one component that describes the perceived
8071: 7248: 5270: 4312: 7895:
Broadbent, Arthur D. (August 2004). "A critical review of the development of the CIE1931 RGB color-matching functions".
The above matrix is balanced for the equi-energy stimulus: it has coordinates (1,1,1) in both RGB and XYZ coordinates.
7671: 6882: 86: 8421: 7335: 7279: 2715: 119: 7714: 2697: 7300: 4966:
The resulting normalized color matching functions are then scaled in the r:g:b ratio of 1:4.5907:0.0601 for source
lies in the (near) linearity of human color perception. This linearity is expressed in Grassmann's laws of color.
8338: 7966: 393: 68: 7856: 5581:
space by a linear transformation. The new space would be defined in terms of three new color matching functions
5986: 5950: 5874: 5787: 5656: 5620: 5584: 4753: 4717: 4677: 4641: 4601: 4565: 4517: 4481: 4445: 2693: 946: 910: 874: 57: 5700:
chromaticity space showing the construction of the triangle specifying the CIE XYZ color space. The triangle C
8464: 8099: 7378:
Speranskaya, N. I. (1959). "Determination of spectrum color co-ordinates for twenty seven normal observers".
1080: 7153:
Wright, William David (1928). "A re-determination of the trichromatic coefficients of the spectral colors".
The numbers in the conversion matrix below are exact, with the number of digits specified in CIE standards.
When two or more colors are additively mixed, the x and y chromaticity coordinates of the resulting color (x
755:{\displaystyle {\begin{bmatrix}X\\Y\\Z\end{bmatrix}}=\left{\begin{bmatrix}L\\M\\S\end{bmatrix}}_{\rm {HPE}}} 6897:
The most serious problem with the 1931 CIE XYZ color matching functions is the error in the photopic Y (or
7774: 7025:, the older CIE 1931 CMF exhibits metamerism failure (failure to predict when colors appear the same) for 4402: 4364: 4326: 4275: 4237: 4199: 8593: 7775:"XYZ Tristimulus Value (CIE 1931) / Tristimulus Value (CIE 1964) - Part IV - Precise Color Communication" 4982: 339: 5279:
The CIE RGB space can be used to define chromaticity in the usual way: The chromaticity coordinates are
8548: 8474: 8200: 7661: 7101: 6840:
The r and g coordinates of the XYZ primaries are indicated in the rg chromaticity space diagram above.
were chosen because they are easily reproducible monochromatic lines of a mercury vapor discharge. The
3018:, each represent a proportion of the whole and so their sum must be equal to one. Therefore, the value 499:
Since the XYZ values are defined much earlier than the characterization of cone cells in the 1950s (by
7594:(February 1997). "How the CIE 1931 Color-Matching Functions Were Derived from the Wright–Guild Data". 3279: 3030:, and consequently the latter two values are sufficient for describing the chromaticity of any color. 8044: 6997: 7072:, the definition of white point used by CIE and commonly shown in color space diagrams as E, D50 or 5689:
as described above. The new color space would be chosen to have the following desirable properties:
The chromaticity diagram illustrates a number of interesting properties of the CIE XYZ color space:
3163:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}X&={\frac {Y}{y}}x,\\Z&={\frac {Y}{y}}(1-x-y).\end{aligned}}} 8205: 2678: 2613: 2116: 93: 8568: 7351:
Stiles, W. S.; Birch, J. M. (1959). "N.P.L. Colour-matching Investigation: Final Report (1958)".
6900: 4987: 3173:
The figure on the right shows the related chromaticity diagram. The outer curved boundary is the
2682: 1337: 1302: 46: 7666:
The 1924 luminous efficiency function seriously underestimates sensitivity at wavelengths below
is the brightest white that a color display supports. In this case, the Y value is known as the
8086: 8024: 7691: 7570:"Understand color science to maximize success with LEDs – part 2 – LEDs Magazine, Issue 7/2012" 8018: 7747:
Vos, J.J. (Sep 1978). "Colorimetric and photometric properties of a 2° fundamental observer".
4790:, since in these cases the test color is one of the primaries. The primaries with wavelengths 2585: 2200:
of the object being measured, multiplied by the spectral power distribution of the illuminant
2088: 8195: 3242:
An equal mixture of two equally bright colors will not generally lie on the midpoint of that
Due to the distribution of cones in the eye, the tristimulus values depend on the observer's
278: 7622:"Erratum: How the CIE 1931 Color-Matching Functions Were Derived from the Wright–Guild Data" 8588: 8521: 8516: 8511: 8491: 8142: 8137: 8037: 7198: 7124: 3263: 3259: 2778: 2770: 242: 222: 8: 8531: 8506: 8496: 8469: 7115:
Smith, Thomas; Guild, John (1931–32). "The C.I.E. colorimetric standards and their use".
7069: 5915:
In geometrical terms, choosing the new color space amounts to choosing a new triangle in
5821: 493: 398: 397:
A comparison between a typical normalized M cone's spectral sensitivity and the CIE 1931
diminishes, and the low-brightness, monochromatic "night vision" receptors, denominated "
7202: 7128: 852: 818:. All corresponding values have been calculated from experimentally obtained data using 8536: 8366: 8147: 7617: 7591: 7216: 7064: 841: 477: 335: 7437: 3045:
is known as the CIE xyY color space and is widely used to specify colors in practice.
8411: 7954: 7824: 7515: 7401: 7331: 7275: 7166: 7136: 5441: 1788: 1004: 840:
The derivation of the CIE standard observer from color matching experiments is given
2569:{\displaystyle N=\int _{\lambda }I(\lambda )\,{\overline {y}}(\lambda )\,d\lambda ,} 189:, which has maintained and developed many of the standards in use today relating to 8406: 8371: 8180: 7946: 7929: 7904: 7756: 7633: 7603: 7480: 7475: 7360: 7323: 7206: 7162: 7132: 7059: 7026: 7017:
This space is based on the Stockman & Sharpe (2000) physiological 10° observer.
The normalized CIE RGB color matching functions, with primary wavelengths indicated
4158: 3251: 3181: 2746: 1771: 351: 175: 162: 8011: 6886:
XYZ color matching functions, CIE 1931 and Stockman & Sharpe 2006 (CIE 170-2).
778:. To eliminate this variable, the CIE defined a color-mapping function called the 8486: 8446: 8436: 8431: 8426: 8401: 8386: 8190: 8172: 7796:
Stiles, WS; Burch, JM (1959). "NPL colour-matching investigation: final report".
6993: 4316: 3255: 3201: 2774: 783: 402: 371: 328: 301: 286: 7670:, and has been supplemented with newer and more accurate luminosity curves; see 6869:
curves are arbitrary. Furthermore, one could define a valid color space with an
It is seen that all visible chromaticities correspond to non-negative values of
2757: 782:, to represent an average human's chromatic response within a 2° arc inside the 7073: 7022: 5939:
must encompass the entire gamut of the standard observer. The line connecting C
and can be thought of as a projection of an infinite-dimensional spectrum to a
5254: 4144:
may well be expressed in terms of other photometric quantities than luminance.
3302: 2750: 363: 317: 194: 7950: 7238: 4550:, obtained using three monochromatic primaries at standardized wavelengths of 2812:
of a color. The chromaticity is then specified by the two derived parameters
8582: 7994: 7519: 7041:
manuals recommend using the Judd-Vos correction by applying an offset to the
measured", freeing them from the reconstruction errors of the 1931 functions.
5258: 4361:. Likewise, between the green and red primaries, some blue must be added and 4162: 3247: 3180:
Mathematically the colors of the chromaticity diagram occupy a region of the
2603: 2193: 2106: 1761:
The squared differences between the above approximation and the measured CIE
819: 775: 500: 355: 313: 282: 8479: 7760: 7211: 7184: 5857: 3243: 2798: 2790: 438: 359: 296:
A color space maps a range of physically produced colors from mixed light,
290: 270: 166: 7327: 2651: 995:. Collectively, these three functions describe the CIE standard observer. 8501: 8396: 8076: 8060: 7639:
7054: 7042: 5835: 4978: 4180:
Gamut of the CIE RGB primaries and location of primaries on the CIE 1931
4161:, distinguished by a particular set of monochromatic (single-wavelength) 2742: 2189: 320: 190: 170: 149:
monochromatic test color at the wavelength shown on the horizontal scale.
Gamut of the CIE RGB primaries and location of primaries on the CIE 1931
7504:"Simple Analytic Approximations to the CIE XYZ Color Matching Functions" 7503: 3315:) may be calculated from the chromaticities of the mixture components (x 312:
associated with a color space can be conceptualized as amounts of three
8391: 7608:
different colors. Along the same lines, the relative magnitudes of the
3236: 3056:
tristimulus values can be calculated back from the chromaticity values
2794: 2607: 2110: 798:, which is derived from the work of Stiles and Burch, and Speranskaya. 367: 8000: 7908: 7456:"Objective evaluation of color variation in the sand-burrowing beetle 7364: 3791:
As already mentioned, when two colors are mixed, the resulting color x
color-matching functions, like the spectral sensitivity curves of the
8326: 8314: 8309: 8240: 8235: 7848: 7287: 7220: 4967: 2809: 2786: 1374: 414: 346: 305: 238: 234: 226: 2667: 35: 8381: 8376: 8304: 8299: 8258: 8250: 8230: 8225: 8220: 8157: 8094: 7260:
Tristimulus Value of Color: Device Independent Color Representation
4971: 4176: 2766: 425:
is a mix of the three CIE RGB curves chosen to be nonnegative (see
274: 212: 132: 7979: 7290:
of tripartite color models, and 54–7 for chromaticity coordinates.
Construction of the CIE XYZ color space from the Wright–Guild data
4188: 2820:, two of the three normalized values being functions of all three 2728: 8526: 8416: 7934:
Wyman, Chris; Sloan, Peter-Pike; Shirley, Peter (July 12, 2013).
7243: 2762: 860: 297: 144: 8215: 8152: 5692: 3267: 979:
are the numerical description of the chromatic response of the
289:", which is one of many color spaces devised to quantify human 217: 206: 202: 8029: 2804:
The CIE XYZ color space was deliberately designed so that the
2773:. The solid curve with dots on it, through the middle, is the 8350: 8345: 8333: 8321: 8294: 8275: 8270: 8210: 8104: 3192: 2738: 6039:. The requirement that the equal energy point be defined by 3303:
Mixing colors specified with the CIE xy chromaticity diagram
3006:, is divided by the sum of all three, the resulting values, 8287: 8185: 7038: 7030: 5551: 5484: 2734: 1264: 7658:
Commission internationale de l'éclairage proceedings, 1924
Commission internationale de l'Eclairage proceedings, 1931
dataset, this dataset is also derived from interpolation.
426: 8441: 8282: 8263: 7855:. Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London. 7698:. Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London. 1377:, we then approximate the 1931 color matching functions: 8561:
For the vision capacities of organisms or machines, see
7615: 7589: 7301:"Ragnar Granit - Sensory Structure of Retina and Vision" 7286:. See pgs. 39–46 for the basis in the physiology of the 4147: 6784: 6673: 6637: 6581: 6506: 6460: 6396: 6297: 6254: 6128: 6088: 5820:
color matching function would be exactly equal to the
temperatures that are indicated just above the x-axis.
The CIE XYZ standard observer color matching functions
710: 518: 433:
as luminance has the useful result that for any given
354:, imply negative values for at least one of the three 6903: 6631: 6454: 6078: 5989: 5953: 5877: 5790: 5659: 5623: 5587: 5300: 5022: 4990: 4977:
Given these scaled color matching functions, the RGB
4820: 4756: 4720: 4680: 4644: 4604: 4568: 4520: 4484: 4448: 4405: 4367: 4329: 4278: 4240: 4202: 3832: 3738: 3703: 3674: 3572: 3537: 3508: 3470: 3425: 3386: 3360: 3077: 2844: 2793:
of color sensors that respond to different ranges of
2616: 2588: 2507: 2213: 2119: 2091: 1806: 1386: 1340: 1305: 1027: 949: 913: 877: 512: 345:
Most wavelengths stimulate two or all three kinds of
and the visual sensation of specific colors by human
7789: 7438:"CIE 15: Technical Report: Colorimetry, 3rd edition" 2176: 7454:Harris, A. C.; Weatherall, I. L. (September 1990). 5919:chromaticity space. In the figure above-right, the 5907:color matching function could be set to zero above 1777: 1018:) denote a piecewise-Gaussian function, defined by 60:. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 7464:) by instrumental determination of CIE LAB values" 6918: 6814: 6611: 6430: 6011: 5975: 5899: 5812: 5731:is the alychne. The spectral locus passes through 5681: 5645: 5609: 5430: 5242: 5005: 4955: 4778: 4742: 4702: 4666: 4626: 4590: 4542: 4506: 4470: 4429: 4391: 4353: 4302: 4264: 4226: 4085: 3768: 3162: 2983: 2640: 2594: 2568: 2487: 2143: 2097: 2074: 1750: 1361: 1326: 1270: 971: 935: 899: 822:. The standard observer is characterized by three 754: 7501: 3254:, and summarized his results in the concept of a 794:. A more modern but less-used alternative is the 683: 682: 679: 678: 677: 671: 670: 667: 666: 665: 651: 650: 647: 646: 645: 632: 631: 628: 627: 626: 597: 596: 593: 592: 591: 575: 574: 571: 570: 569: 8580: 7672:Luminosity function#Improvements to the standard 7553:Digital Video and HD - Algorithms and Interfaces 7535:Digital Video and HD - Algorithms and Interfaces 7474:(3). The Royal Society of New Zealand: 253–259. 7453: 1797:are given in terms of the standard observer by: 213:Background: the human eye and tristimulus values 6031:must be tangent to the gamut in the region of K 2610:), and the standard limits of the integral are 864:The normalized CIE RGB color matching functions 3823:on this line segment, one can use the formula 2777:, with the dots corresponding to a few select 1369:to the right of the mean. With the wavelength 844:, after the description of the CIE RGB space. 437:value, the XZ plane will contain all possible 8045: 7185:"The colorimetric properties of the spectrum" 7114: 7029:displays containing narrowband emitters like 3282:in terms of wavelength (equal power in every 2994:That is, because each tristimulus parameter, 2741:are not displayed properly. Depending on the 1239: 1182: 1148: 1091: 304:defined by the spectral sensitivities of the 229:of short-, middle- and long-wavelength types. 8021:A Look at the Past and Future of LED Binning 7986:efg's Color Chromaticity Diagrams Lab Report 7706: 5558:) and visible gamut under D65 illumination ( 5491:) and visible gamut under D65 illumination ( 3250:studied the nature of visual sensitivity to 2582:is a scaling factor (usually 1 or 100), and 2113:), and customary limits of the integral are 427:§ Definition of the CIE XYZ color space 7813: 7811: 7795: 7468:Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 7377: 7350: 5562:) projected within the CIExyY color space. 5495:) projected within the CIEXYZ color space. 2696:. Unsourced material may be challenged and 1289:) resembles a bell curve with its peak at 998: 847: 198:CIE RGB in an effort to simplify the math. 8052: 8038: 7585: 7583: 7045:depending on the display technology used. 5860:and the requirement of positive values of 1787:The tristimulus values for a color with a 480:. The corresponding whitepoint values for 187:"Commission Internationale de l'éclairage" 161:which define the relationship between the 7894: 7637: 7497: 7495: 7479: 7274:(3rd ed.). England: Fountain Press. 7210: 6877: 6767: 6758: 6746: 6735: 6726: 6717: 6703: 6691: 6679: 6379: 6370: 6361: 6350: 6341: 6332: 6321: 6312: 6303: 6012:{\displaystyle {\overline {z}}(\lambda )} 5976:{\displaystyle {\overline {y}}(\lambda )} 5900:{\displaystyle {\overline {z}}(\lambda )} 5813:{\displaystyle {\overline {y}}(\lambda )} 5764:. Also, the equal energy point (E) is at 5723:chromaticity space. The line connecting C 5682:{\displaystyle {\overline {z}}(\lambda )} 5646:{\displaystyle {\overline {y}}(\lambda )} 5610:{\displaystyle {\overline {x}}(\lambda )} 5226: 5206: 5155: 5135: 5084: 5064: 4943: 4899: 4855: 4779:{\displaystyle {\overline {b}}(\lambda )} 4743:{\displaystyle {\overline {g}}(\lambda )} 4703:{\displaystyle {\overline {b}}(\lambda )} 4667:{\displaystyle {\overline {r}}(\lambda )} 4627:{\displaystyle {\overline {g}}(\lambda )} 4591:{\displaystyle {\overline {r}}(\lambda )} 4543:{\displaystyle {\overline {b}}(\lambda )} 4507:{\displaystyle {\overline {g}}(\lambda )} 4471:{\displaystyle {\overline {r}}(\lambda )} 3219:(and therefore to non-negative values of 2716:Learn how and when to remove this message 2556: 2536: 2471: 2451: 2438: 2382: 2362: 2349: 2293: 2273: 2260: 2058: 2038: 1971: 1951: 1884: 1864: 1710: 1673: 1606: 1569: 1502: 1457: 1420: 972:{\displaystyle {\overline {z}}(\lambda )} 936:{\displaystyle {\overline {y}}(\lambda )} 900:{\displaystyle {\overline {x}}(\lambda )} 692: 641: 622: 606: 587: 565: 421:is quasi-equal to blue (of CIE RGB), and 120:Learn how and when to remove this message 8132: 8003:, Andrew Stockman and Lindsay T. Sharpe. 7871:"Resolving Display Color Matching Issue" 7808: 7712: 7686: 7684: 7682: 7680: 7148: 7146: 6881: 6050:puts a restriction on the line joining C 5691: 4187: 4175: 2756: 2727: 859: 851: 769: 392: 377: 216: 155:International Commission on Illumination 143: 131: 7919: 7853:Colour & Vision Research Laboratory 7696:Colour & Vision Research Laboratory 7580: 7550: 7532: 7508:Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques 7317: 7178: 7176: 6894:Judd and Vos corrections for the 2° CMF 3339:) and their corresponding luminances (L 2821: 1334:to the left of the mean, and spread of 14: 8581: 7940: 7722:Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 7492: 7152: 7086: 6035:. This defines the location of point C 4152: 237:with normal vision has three kinds of 27:Color space defined by the CIE in 1931 8033: 7945:. Wiley Interscience. pp. 9–24. 7715:"Cone fundamentals and CIE standards" 7677: 7182: 7143: 5947:is fixed by the requirement that the 5822:photopic luminous efficiency function 4148:Definition of the CIE XYZ color space 3033:The derived color space specified by 2166:are bounded if the radiance spectrum 7269: 7173: 6830:Cr = {1.27496, -0.27777, 0.00280576} 6622:Which has these approximate values: 4430:{\displaystyle {\bar {g}}(\lambda )} 4392:{\displaystyle {\bar {b}}(\lambda )} 4354:{\displaystyle {\bar {r}}(\lambda )} 4303:{\displaystyle {\bar {b}}(\lambda )} 4265:{\displaystyle {\bar {g}}(\lambda )} 4227:{\displaystyle {\bar {r}}(\lambda )} 3258:. Based on the work of MacAdam, the 2694:adding citations to reliable sources 2661: 2602:is the wavelength of the equivalent 2105:is the wavelength of the equivalent 462:is often arbitrarily chosen so that 58:adding citations to reliable sources 29: 8026:Measuring Color in a world of light 7746: 7652: 7155:Transactions of the Optical Society 7117:Transactions of the Optical Society 7092: 6836:Cb = {-0.743104, 0.140911, 1.60219} 6833:Cg = {-1.7393, 2.76726, -0.0279521} 5264: 3286:interval) corresponds to the point 2808:parameter is also a measure of the 444:The unit of the tristimulus values 24: 8001:Annotated downloadable data tables 7888: 7859:from the original on Nov 19, 2023. 7837:from the original on Nov 19, 2023. 7785:from the original on Nov 19, 2023. 7713:Stockman, Andrew (December 2019). 7702:from the original on Nov 19, 2023. 7318:Schanda, János, ed. (2007-07-27). 5189: 5118: 5047: 4919: 4875: 4831: 4056: 4053: 4050: 4016: 4013: 4010: 3943: 3940: 3937: 3903: 3900: 3897: 3617: 3614: 3611: 3373: 3370: 3367: 2018: 2011: 1931: 1924: 1844: 1837: 746: 743: 740: 241:that sense light, having peaks of 25: 8605: 7973: 7424:"Chromaticity Diagrams Lab Repor" 7421: 7398:"CIE Free Documents for Download" 2737:, so the colors outside the sRGB 2177:Reflective and transmissive cases 1299:, a spread/standard deviation of 8563: 8562: 7897:Color Research & Application 7749:Color Research & Application 7576:from the original on 2017-11-11. 7488:from the original on 2017-03-08. 6023:means that the line connecting C 5533: 5517: 5466: 5450: 5271:Grassmann's laws (color science) 4970:and 72.0962:1.3791:1 for source 4124:is unambiguously determined by x 2666: 1782: 1778:Computing XYZ from spectral data 780:standard (colorimetric) observer 350:additive color space, e.g., the 174:processes, and other methods of 34: 8059: 7967:Society of Dyers and Colourists 7863: 7841: 7767: 7740: 7646: 7562: 7544: 7526: 7447: 7430: 7415: 7390: 7371: 7251:from the original on 2016-03-17 7000:down to 0.1 nm resolution. 5856:By virtue of the definition of 3604: 3600: 3351:) with the following formulas: 2769:. The color names are from the 1495: 492:can then be inferred using the 45:needs additional citations for 7980:Introduction to Colour Science 7922:Color Research and Application 7626:Color Research and Application 7616:Fairman, H. S.; Brill, M. H.; 7596:Color Research and Application 7590:Fairman, H. S.; Brill, M. H.; 7481:10.1080/03036758.1990.10416819 7344: 7311: 7293: 7263: 7231: 7108: 6913: 6907: 6006: 6000: 5970: 5964: 5894: 5888: 5807: 5801: 5676: 5670: 5640: 5634: 5604: 5598: 5223: 5217: 5203: 5197: 5152: 5146: 5132: 5126: 5081: 5075: 5061: 5055: 5000: 4994: 4940: 4934: 4896: 4890: 4852: 4846: 4773: 4767: 4737: 4731: 4697: 4691: 4661: 4655: 4621: 4615: 4585: 4579: 4537: 4531: 4501: 4495: 4465: 4459: 4424: 4418: 4412: 4386: 4380: 4374: 4348: 4342: 4336: 4297: 4291: 4285: 4259: 4253: 4247: 4221: 4215: 4209: 3150: 3132: 2635: 2623: 2553: 2547: 2533: 2527: 2468: 2462: 2448: 2442: 2435: 2429: 2379: 2373: 2359: 2353: 2346: 2340: 2290: 2284: 2270: 2264: 2257: 2251: 2138: 2126: 2055: 2049: 2035: 2029: 1968: 1962: 1948: 1942: 1881: 1875: 1861: 1855: 1738: 1714: 1701: 1677: 1660: 1654: 1634: 1610: 1597: 1573: 1556: 1550: 1530: 1506: 1485: 1461: 1448: 1424: 1407: 1401: 1219: 1206: 1128: 1115: 1069: 1031: 966: 960: 930: 924: 894: 888: 796:CIE 1964 10° Standard Observer 790:function is also known as the 18:Standard colorimetric observer 13: 1: 7965:(originally published by the 7079: 792:CIE 1931 2° Standard Observer 5995: 5959: 5883: 5796: 5665: 5629: 5593: 5212: 5141: 5070: 4929: 4885: 4841: 4762: 4726: 4686: 4650: 4610: 4574: 4526: 4490: 4454: 2641:{\displaystyle \lambda \in } 2542: 2457: 2368: 2279: 2188:is replaced by the spectral 2144:{\displaystyle \lambda \in } 2044: 1957: 1870: 1649: 1545: 1396: 955: 919: 883: 340:spectral power distributions 7: 8019:Precise color communication 7555:(2 ed.). p. 275. 7537:(2 ed.). p. 275. 7048: 7037:CMF is not affected. Older 6994:LMS cone response functions 6919:{\displaystyle V(\lambda )} 5006:{\displaystyle S(\lambda )} 4983:spectral power distribution 4100:is the luminance of color x 3815:that results in a certain x 2658:and the CIE xyY color space 1362:{\displaystyle 1/\tau _{2}} 1327:{\displaystyle 1/\tau _{1}} 401:for a standard observer in 10: 8610: 8475:Colour Index International 7662:Cambridge University Press 7167:10.1088/1475-4878/30/4/301 7137:10.1088/1475-4878/33/3/301 7102:Cambridge University Press 5268: 4981:values for a color with a 3022:can be deduced by knowing 806:wavelength intervals from 788:CIE 1931 Standard Observer 185:come from the French name 8559: 8455: 8359: 8249: 8171: 8118: 8085: 8067: 7951:10.1002/9780470175637.ch2 7551:Poynton, Charles (2012). 7533:Poynton, Charles (2012). 7462:Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae 6998:University College London 5570:are the horizontal axes; 5503:are the horizontal axes; 7458:Chaerodes trachyscelides 5834:For the constant energy 5717:= (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0) 5013:would then be given by: 4112:the luminance of color x 2765:, such as those used in 2595:{\displaystyle \lambda } 2098:{\displaystyle \lambda } 999:Analytical approximation 870:color matching functions 848:Color matching functions 824:color matching functions 7982:, William Andrew Steer. 7380:Optics and Spectroscopy 6019:function be zero above 5838:, it was required that 5259:three-dimensional color 814:and distributed by the 409:In the CIE 1931 model, 285:space denominated the " 7761:10.1002/col.5080030309 7212:10.1098/rsta.1932.0005 7033:, whereas the 2015 XYZ 6920: 6887: 6878:Subsequent refinements 6816: 6613: 6432: 6013: 5977: 5901: 5871:It was found that the 5814: 5776: 5683: 5647: 5611: 5432: 5244: 5007: 4957: 4780: 4744: 4704: 4668: 4628: 4592: 4544: 4508: 4472: 4431: 4393: 4355: 4304: 4266: 4228: 4193: 4185: 4087: 3770: 3164: 2985: 2782: 2754: 2642: 2596: 2570: 2489: 2145: 2099: 2076: 1752: 1363: 1328: 1272: 973: 937: 901: 865: 857: 756: 406: 230: 150: 141: 69:"CIE 1931 color space" 7328:10.1002/9780470175637 6921: 6885: 6817: 6614: 6433: 6014: 5978: 5902: 5815: 5695: 5684: 5648: 5612: 5574:is the vertical axis. 5507:is the vertical axis. 5433: 5245: 5008: 4958: 4781: 4745: 4705: 4669: 4629: 4593: 4545: 4509: 4473: 4432: 4394: 4356: 4305: 4267: 4229: 4191: 4184:chromaticity diagram. 4179: 4088: 3771: 3182:real projective plane 3165: 2986: 2760: 2731: 2643: 2597: 2571: 2490: 2146: 2100: 2077: 1753: 1364: 1329: 1273: 974: 938: 902: 863: 855: 770:CIE standard observer 757: 396: 362:would be outside the 220: 159:CIE 1931 color spaces 147: 140:chromaticity diagram. 135: 8492:Federal Standard 595 8072:List of color spaces 7270:Hunt, R. W. (1998). 7197:(681–693): 149–187. 6901: 6629: 6452: 6076: 5987: 5951: 5875: 5788: 5657: 5621: 5585: 5298: 5020: 4988: 4818: 4754: 4718: 4678: 4642: 4602: 4566: 4518: 4482: 4446: 4403: 4365: 4327: 4276: 4238: 4200: 4136:, the mixing ratio L 3830: 3358: 3075: 3068:tristimulus value: 2842: 2771:Munsell color system 2690:improve this section 2655:chromaticity diagram 2614: 2586: 2505: 2211: 2117: 2089: 1804: 1384: 1338: 1303: 1025: 947: 911: 875: 510: 494:standard illuminants 316:in a tri-chromatic, 243:spectral sensitivity 223:spectral sensitivity 157:(CIE) published the 54:improve this article 7203:1932RSPTA.230..149G 7129:1931TrOS...33...73S 7070:Standard illuminant 5193: 5122: 5051: 4923: 4879: 4835: 4153:CIE RGB color space 3280:flat power spectrum 2606:light (measured in 2109:light (measured in 1205: 1114: 441:at that luminance. 399:luminosity function 8594:1931 introductions 7969:, Bradford, 1981.) 7692:"CMF introduction" 7183:Guild, J. (1932). 7065:CIELAB color space 6916: 6888: 6812: 6806: 6773: 6659: 6609: 6603: 6570: 6482: 6428: 6426: 6418: 6385: 6276: 6243: 6110: 6009: 5973: 5897: 5810: 5777: 5679: 5643: 5607: 5428: 5426: 5240: 5238: 5179: 5108: 5037: 5003: 4953: 4909: 4865: 4821: 4776: 4740: 4700: 4664: 4624: 4588: 4540: 4504: 4468: 4427: 4389: 4351: 4300: 4262: 4224: 4194: 4186: 4083: 3766: 3761: 3726: 3697: 3595: 3560: 3531: 3493: 3448: 3409: 3160: 3158: 2981: 2979: 2822:tristimulus values 2783: 2755: 2638: 2592: 2566: 2485: 2483: 2141: 2095: 2072: 2070: 1748: 1746: 1359: 1324: 1268: 1263: 1191: 1100: 1005:Gaussian functions 969: 933: 897: 866: 858: 752: 732: 698: 540: 478:relative luminance 407: 310:tristimulus values 261:), and long ("L", 231: 151: 142: 8576: 8575: 7997:, Gernot Hoffmann 7960:978-0-470-04904-4 7909:10.1002/col.20020 7830:978-3-902842-05-3 7365:10.1080/713826267 6955:(also written XYZ 6499: 5998: 5962: 5886: 5799: 5668: 5632: 5596: 5542: 5526: 5475: 5459: 5419: 5378: 5337: 5215: 5144: 5073: 4932: 4888: 4844: 4765: 4729: 4689: 4653: 4613: 4577: 4529: 4493: 4457: 4415: 4377: 4339: 4288: 4250: 4212: 4081: 3968: 3855: 3764: 3760: 3725: 3696: 3598: 3594: 3559: 3530: 3492: 3447: 3408: 3252:color differences 3130: 3100: 2957: 2919: 2881: 2726: 2725: 2718: 2545: 2460: 2414: 2371: 2325: 2282: 2236: 2047: 1960: 1873: 1789:spectral radiance 1652: 1548: 1399: 958: 922: 886: 130: 129: 122: 104: 16:(Redirected from 8601: 8566: 8565: 8552: 8181:RGB color spaces 8054: 8047: 8040: 8031: 8030: 7964: 7937: 7916: 7882: 7881: 7875: 7867: 7861: 7860: 7845: 7839: 7838: 7815: 7806: 7805: 7793: 7787: 7786: 7771: 7765: 7764: 7744: 7738: 7737: 7735: 7733: 7719: 7710: 7704: 7703: 7688: 7675: 7669: 7665: 7650: 7644: 7643: 7641: 7618:Hemmendinger, H. 7611: 7592:Hemmendinger, H. 7587: 7578: 7577: 7566: 7560: 7559: 7548: 7542: 7541: 7530: 7524: 7523: 7499: 7490: 7489: 7483: 7451: 7445: 7444: 7434: 7428: 7427: 7419: 7413: 7412: 7410: 7409: 7400:. 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2187: 2179: 2172: 2118: 2115: 2114: 2090: 2087: 2086: 2069: 2068: 2039: 2010: 2009: 2005: 1999: 1995: 1988: 1982: 1981: 1952: 1923: 1922: 1918: 1912: 1908: 1901: 1895: 1894: 1865: 1836: 1835: 1831: 1825: 1821: 1814: 1807: 1805: 1802: 1801: 1796: 1785: 1780: 1745: 1744: 1663: 1644: 1641: 1640: 1559: 1540: 1537: 1536: 1489: 1488: 1410: 1391: 1387: 1385: 1382: 1381: 1353: 1349: 1344: 1339: 1336: 1335: 1318: 1314: 1309: 1304: 1301: 1300: 1290: 1262: 1261: 1247: 1238: 1237: 1228: 1222: 1218: 1200: 1195: 1187: 1181: 1180: 1171: 1170: 1156: 1147: 1146: 1137: 1131: 1127: 1109: 1104: 1096: 1090: 1089: 1076: 1075: 1063: 1059: 1050: 1046: 1026: 1023: 1022: 1001: 950: 948: 945: 944: 914: 912: 909: 908: 878: 876: 873: 872: 850: 834: 830: 811: 807: 803: 772: 739: 738: 731: 730: 724: 723: 717: 716: 706: 705: 704: 697: 696: 687: 680: 675: 668: 663: 657: 655: 648: 636: 629: 617: 611: 610: 601: 594: 582: 572: 560: 553: 549: 539: 538: 532: 531: 525: 524: 514: 513: 511: 508: 507: 487: 481: 470: 463: 457: 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Standard colorimetric observer

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International Commission on Illumination
visible spectrum
color vision
color spaces
color management
"Commission Internationale de l'éclairage"
primary colors

spectral sensitivity
cone cells
human eye
cone cells
spectral sensitivity

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