
Victorian School of Forestry

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Certificate, but later an Associate Diploma of the School of Forestry, Creswick (A Dip For Cres) was awarded. In 1969 regulations were introduced to rename the award the Diploma of Forestry, Creswick (Dip For Cres). Earlier Associate Diploma qualifications were also upgraded in this process. Around the same time as Victoria split from the Australian Forestry School in Canberra in the 1930s, the Board of Examiners created a more senior award called the Diploma of Forestry, Victoria (Dip For Vic) targeted mostly for Associate Diploma graduates who, after serving for three years in the department, submitted an acceptable thesis on an approved forestry subject to the Board of Forestry Education. Also because of the Victorian Public Service Board (PSB) rules that prevailed at the time, many Associate Diploma holders employed by the Forests Commission held fears about jobs and promotions going to graduates with Degrees and their ability to work interstate. The Dip For Vic qualification was deemed by the Commission and PSB to be equivalent to a Degree for the purposes of promotion and 64 were granted between 1935 and 1983.
702:- 1939), an agreement was finally reached whereby the university took over the administration of VSF at the end of 1980, using both the Creswick and its main Parkville (Melbourne) campus. In 1978, a new Chairman of the commission was appointed and Alan Threader took a lead role in cementing the new arrangement. As part of the agreement, the Commission ceased offering its Diploma course on condition that the university taught two years of its four-year degree course at Creswick. In the transition period, twelve VSF students completed their first year of the Diploma course in 1979 then transferred to the second year of the Degree course at Melbourne University in 1980. But the era of vocational training in government institutions gave way to university education and the generous fully funded scholarships from the Forests Commission came to an end. 917: 436:, students from Creswick extended their studies at the University of Melbourne to gain a Bachelor of Forest Science after the university established its own Forestry School in 1938. The two institutions worked well together and eventually, the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Melbourne was created in 1973. The arrangement whereby Creswick diplomates could complete a degree with two years additional study at the university continued. Some VSF graduates continued their studies towards a master's degree or PhD research. By the late 1950s, Commission staff began to produce a stream of peer-reviewed research into the 366:, but co-operation between the states was hesitant. The leaders of the small state forest agencies met in 1911 and recommended that Australia needed to conserve sufficient forests and start plantations. Although they had already established forestry organisations as best they could, they needed better ways of recruiting and training foresters. Within a few months of each other, Victoria and South Australia started forestry schools but took paths that reflected their roots. Western Australia and NSW also started forestry schools at Ludlow and Narara in the 1920s but these schools only lasted for a few years. 613: 498: 406: 373:(AFS) was first mooted in 1916 and later established, initially in Adelaide in 1926, before moving to the Canberra suburb of Yarralumla in 1927 under the Commonwealth Department of National Development. Students undertaking the first two years of an appropriately designed science course at their (then sole) State University and then proceeding to Canberra to undertake a Diploma course over two years. The home university granted a Bachelor of Science in Forestry degree. Sixteen students representing all states, including 811: 31: 948: 552: 643: 354: 246: 892: 213: 790: 158: 314:), joined 22nd Australian Field Artillery Brigade but was killed in action in France on 31 December 1916. Reg was queuing with four other soldiers for rations when they were all killed by a direct shell landing in their midst, although it is often more colourfully reported that he was shot "when dashing out of his dugout to rescue a bottle of rum" on New Year's Eve. 587:, who studied at VSF from 1928 to 1930 and went on to become one of the school's most successful and respected graduates. A large collection of other artifacts, documents, glass slides and photos is housed at the school. A number of notable graduates from VSF Creswick made significant contributions towards understanding the ecology of Victoria's forests. 579:
considered to be one of the most significant sub-collections in the Creswick Collection. It is estimated that the herbarium contains 10,000 specimens, representing between 2,500 and 3,000 different species of plants, fungi and insects, collected over more than a century. Among the more important samples are the specimens prepared by Government Botanist
417:, the Second World War, the states’ suspicions of the Commonwealth, and the abrasive manner of the school's head, Charles Lane Poole, all acted to reduce the number of students being sent there; one year there were none and several times during the war years it was nearly closed. Upon Lane Poole's retirement in January 1945 Dr 865: 233:, and after getting married decided to emigrate to Victoria. He worked to establish Maddingley Park at Bacchus Marsh before being recruited to the Forests Department in 1898 by George Samuel Perrin. The School lacked trained foresters to teach specialised coursework, so teachers were recruited from the nearby 931:
Frank Moulds graduated from VSF in 1933 and went on to study a Bachelor of Science at the University of Melbourne. After several years as a field forester he was appointed Principal of VSF in 1951 but left at the end of 1956 to study a PhD at Yale on a Sterling Scholarship. Later becoming Chairman of
in 1934 on a Russell Grimwade prize. Upon his return, he was appointed Fire Protection Officer during a difficult period following the disastrous 1939 bushfires and set about developing a highly organised fire fighting force, including introducing modern equipment such as powered pumps, aircraft, and
In 1910, six students began classes at the Victorian School of Forestry. Pictured on the steps of Tremearne House in 1912 are the graduates. From left to right: Walter Henry Horn, Reginald Graham Lindsay, Henry O. Felstead (Nursery superintendent), Norman L. Boston (Nursery staff), J. Sampson, A. Ken
were established around 1900 and became part of the school demonstration forest. In the early years, practical training was completed under the direction of John Johnstone, Superintendent of State Plantations. Johnstone was born in Scotland in 1858 and served his gardening and forestry apprenticeship
VSF was then renamed the School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences but retained a basic degree structure, increased the variety of courses, again including diplomas, and greatly extending research, from honours and masters projects to PhDs and post-doctoral level.  Numerous international students
One of the unforeseen and long term consequences of the dispute with Charles Lane Pool in the 1930s, combined with the rebuff from the Institute of Foresters, was that VSF Diploma graduates tended to remain in Victoria throughout their careers while Canberra and Melbourne University graduates tended
in India after his inspection of Victorian forestry in 1887. It was then reiterated by George Samuel Perrin, the first Conservator of Forests, in 1890, that a training school was necessary because overseas forestry staff, if available, could not "adapt themselves to the new and strange conditions of
In addition to many historic buildings, museums, herbaria and other collections have long been present at the school. In 1912, only three years after the VSF opened, a botany laboratory and a geology museum were founded with a larger museum officially established in 1929. Today the VSF Herbarium is
The new Forest Act (1907) also recognised that effective management of forests required appropriately skilled staff, stipulating that no person could be appointed to a forestry position without completing a relevant course and passing a special examination, thus paving the way for the establishment
While the Forests Commission was responsible for the administration of the school and appointment of the Principal, a Board of Forestry Education was created in 1962 (replacing the earlier Board of Examiners) and was responsible for ensuring high academic standards. The new Board grew from 4 to 11
Until the 1980s a Forestry, Agriculture or an Earth Science qualification like geomorphology was the traditional tertiary pathway into a land management career. Over time, many VSF graduates left the Forests Commission and went on to establish notable careers in other fields with the National Park
was placed in charge of the forest land around Creswick in the late 1880s. He established a State nursery at nearby Sawpit Gully in 1888 to aid the revegetation of the forests around Creswick. Land rehabilitation and the need to create softwood resources meant that some of the first plantations of
Prior to 1967, VSF had been wholly funded by the Victorian Government through the Forests Commission which was responsible for its day-to-day administration. Commonwealth funding was then made available, but in 1975 the Commonwealth indicated that it was no longer prepared to continue funding for
Students generally entered the school on fully funded scholarships and were "bonded" to work for the Forests Commission for a period of three years upon completion of their Diplomas, in what often turned out to be “a-career-for-life”. VSF scholarships were keenly sought as they offered a tertiary
Bob Orr became Principal in 1981. He had been senior lecturer at VSF since 1969 and acted in the Principal's role when Dr Edgar was on assignment elsewhere. Active in the local community, particularly on the Board of the Creswick District Hospital and John Curtin Aged Care and later as a Hepburn
Edwin James Semmens was invited to become Principal of VSF during a difficult stage of its development. Principal for 23 years, E.J. as he was known introduced a broad curriculum for the three-year, residential course, set high standards and made himself available outside normal working hours to
The university and the (then) Victorian Department of Conservation and Natural Resources form a jointly-owned company, limited by guarantee, to carry forward the management of the Creswick School site. This arrangement survives until 2004, when the university assumes direct control of the site.
Between 1910 and 1980 a total of 592 students entered the VSF to undertake studies towards the Diploma of Forestry and of these 522 completed the course. In later years, most VSF Diploma graduates went on to further studies at Melbourne University and other tertiary institutes. Over the years,
While other states cautiously relinquished their fledgling forestry schools, Victoria continued with supporting the VSF Diploma course after the Commonwealth started its national Australian Forestry School in 1926, partly due to an acrimonious dispute with the Commonwealth Inspector-General of
In addition to rigorous academic study, VSF had a very strong focus on preparing students suited to Victorian conditions and on acquiring practical skills of forestry. Horsemanship was included in the curriculum at Creswick up until the 1960s and regular field work in the demonstration forest
The Victorian School of Forestry (VSF), also known locally as "The School on the Hill", was located at the former Creswick hospital which was built in 1863. The buildings and grounds were purchased for £1,163 7s 3d in 1909 by the Victorian Government and refurbished at the instigation of John
Meanwhile, there had been a long association, with some friendly academic and personal rivalries, between VSF, the Forests Commission and the University of Melbourne. So after a period of tumultuous negotiation between two strong minded intellectuals, Dr Frank Moulds, Chairman of the Forests
scholarship. Lecturer at the school from 1954 to 1966. Returned as Principal at the beginning of 1969. Considerable expertise in wood technology. Fellow of the Institute of Foresters (IFA). Oversaw a decade of significant changes to the school including the first women students in 1976 and
For seven decades from 1910 to 1980, small groups of young men, as few as 6 and up to 20, but usually 10–12, took three-year residential courses graduating with forestry diplomas. Over time the title of the qualifications conferred at Creswick evolved. Early students were granted a School
While there were many distinguished graduates of VSF, Alfred (Alf) John Leslie stands out as a true international forester. After graduation in 1941 and a short stint with the Forests Commission on the Toorongo Plateau near Noojee supervising the 1939 bushfire salvage, he served in the
who focussed solely on basic sciences. Mr Thomas Stephan Hart, formerly Professor of Geology and Mining, was appointed Senior Master in May 1913. The academic standard of the course was ensured by a Board of Examiners headed by the Professor of Botany at Melbourne University, Professor
Regulations were gazetted in September 1914 to enable trainees at the school to be paid £48 in their first year, £52 in the second year and £56 in the third, with £45 being deducted to cover board, lodging and tuition. Upon graduation, students were appointed as cadet foresters to the
The State Government opened the school on 29 October 1910, attended by a large delegation of dignitaries, Members of the Victorian Parliament, and their companions. The visitors toured the School, nursery, plantation and proposed Arboretum, and toasted the great endeavour.
Charles Earnest Carter became Senior Master, seconded from the Department of Public Instruction, where he was a high-school teacher. During his first few years at Creswick, Carter completed a Diploma in Education and a Degree in Agriculture at the University of Melbourne.
of the French forestry school, invited Hutchins to tour all Australian States and New Zealand. Hutchins reported in 1916 on the overall parlous state of forest management but wrote enthusiastically about both Victoria and the progress being made at the Forestry School.
Medal was awarded annually to the outstanding forestry student at the Australian Forestry School from 1928. However, Victoria withdrew from the arrangement in 1930 and instead continued to support the VSF at Creswick, thereby starting a rift within the recently formed
Government plantations at Creswick were established in the late 1800s to rehabilitate areas damaged by gold mining. Some formed part of the 1200 acre school demonstration forest. St Georges Lake "Govvy Dam" in foreground. Circa 1911. Source: State Library of
and served with distinction to produce timber for the war efforts. After the war, the first intake of ex-servicemen into the forestry school occurred. Twenty applications were received with four being selected. A further six were later enrolled in 1946–47.
In another development, the Forestry School added a Certificate of Applied Science course in 1977 for forest overseers already employed by the commission. Temporary accommodation huts were built at the rear of the school affectionately known as Siberia.
as a submariner where he was seriously wounded. After recuperating from his injuries and returning to Taggerty, Mansfield and then Beech Forest he completed a forestry degree at the University of Melbourne in 1948. He left the Commission in 1951 to join
The school also had a large "demonstration forest" of some 1200 acres set aside within a mile of the campus with native forests and softwood plantations which already exceed 800 acres, together with a large forest nursery established by
and unfortunately this had the effect of limiting the interchange of foresters across the State border. However, this undercurrent diminished over time as more Creswick foresters completed tertiary studies at Melbourne University.
1980 saw the graduation of the last group of VSF's three-year diplomates, bringing the total to 522 since the School's inception. Affiliation of the School moves from the FCV to Melbourne University. ‘Transition’ phase continues.
school classes began in the house built in 1881 for Dr John Tremearne, who had been the resident medical officer at the Creswick Hospital from 1872 to 1888, but later moved up the hill to the old hospital building.
It was a joint effort with the students. Significantly, it was decided by Mr Carter and the students that the institution at Creswick should be a School rather than a college. So it could have easily been VCF.
402:, over the standard of the Victorian foresters. The Institute of Foresters of Australia, founded in 1935, was also racked over its refusal to grant full membership to foresters holding the Victorian Diploma. 203:
VSF was a residential school having the old hospital wards available as classrooms, well equipped kitchen and nurses quarters and other rooms suitable for staff and student accommodation. Originally called
and planted in the grounds on 23 March 1975. The tree was the sole survivor of a group that had been cut down by Turkish soldiers to cover their trenches with the timber and branches during the ferocious
in 1969 he led negotiations with Dr John Harding Chinner from the University of Melbourne over the future tertiary training of foresters in Victoria. He was elected Fellow of the Institute of Foresters.
In the immediate postwar period VSF flourished as the Forests Commission increased its intake of graduates to meet the demands on Victoria's forest resources and the timber needs of the housing boom.
Appointed when Charles Earnest Carter transferred to the new Australian Forestry School (AFS) in Canberra. Ferguson later transferred to the University of Melbourne in 1944 as senior lecturer.
2254: 2036:
J. R. Poynter, 'Grimwade, Sir Wilfrid Russell (1879–1955)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, published first in hardcopy 1983
391: 532:(APM) in the Latrobe Valley to establish their new pulpwood plantations. Later taking up a position as senior lecturer at the University of Melbourne in 1958 he was recruited to the 1417:
Rob Youl, Brian Fry and Ron Hately (eds), Circumspice: One Hundred Year of Forestry Education Centred on Creswick, Victoria, South Melbourne: Forest Education Centenary Committee, 2010
From 1981 - University students now undertake the Second and Third Years, of the four-year degree course, at Creswick. School continues to be used for training by Victorian agencies.
under a system of supervised practical work or were appointed from work crews. Entrance to the school was by competitive examination for boys between fourteen and sixteen years of
Commission, (and ex Principal of VSF), and the Dean of the University Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Dr John Harding Chinner (who attended VSF and graduated as dux in 1931,
and was looked after by students as a popular picnic ground with walking trails. Other recreation sites were also constructed and maintained, particularly around St Georges Lake.
was appointed Principal, a position he held until 1959. The post war intake of students increased to between 15 and 30 with many from New Zealand until a school was opened at the
He was awarded an OBE in 1968 for his services to the forestry and the community together with honorary Doctorate of Forest Science from the University of Melbourne in 1977.
1741:"The N.W. Jolly Medal - the Institute of Foresters of Australia's highest and most prestigious honour for outstanding service to the profession of forestry in Australia" 966:. Served 41 years (1928-1969) lecturing students at VSF including 18 years as Principal. Made many modifications to the school grounds, arboretums and the swamp in 1968 740:
This information was provided in a letter dated March 1973 to the Principal at VSF, Alan Eddy by Sibley Elliott who was a student in 1916 when the emblem was designed.
of key eucalypt species, especially on germination, growth rates and other aspects of productivity. In the 1960s, academic research expanded into areas such as soils,
to commemorate soldiers who fought in WW1. A grove of trees was planted in 2009 in front of Tremearne House to honour a famous student from the 1940s, Alfred Leslie.
1709:"John Dargavel, 'Australia's Foresters', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, originally published 10 November 2015" 720:
The colours and emblem for the Victorian School of Forestry were designed in 1916 when Charlie Carter became the Principal. He remained Principal until 1926.
2372: 1281:
Alan Gregory, 'Peacock, Sir Alexander James (1861–1933)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University
VSF students - field work in the school demonstration forest. Brackenbury Road, overlooking St Georges Lake "Govvy Dam". Circa 1930. Source: FCRPA Museum.
L. T. Carron, 'Lane-Poole, Charles Edward (1885–1970)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University
925: 837: 511: 1823:"John Dargavel, 'Schlich medal (Australian Forestry School, ACT)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University" 510:
who graduated from Creswick in 1922, undertook forest assessment and mapping surveys in the red gum forests along the Murray River before studying at
Dr Squire was noted for his work in the FCV research branch studying the long-term productivity of pine plantations and silviculture of eucalyptus.
The school celebrated its centenary in 2010 and while the tempo has slowed the Creswick campus remains a major center of Australian forest science.
1975: 1772: 1543: 1727:
N. B. Lewis, 'Jolly, Norman William (1882–1954)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University
1979: 1776: 1621: 1547: 1263:
Andrew Spaull, 'McBride, Sir Peter (1867–1923)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University
swept through a large part of the demonstration forest and destroyed many fine old stands of timber established in the 1880s including a plot of
1245:"Margaret Vines, 'McLeod, Donald (1837–1923)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University" 727:
The motto Circumspice, which is Latin for “look around you”, was suggested by Mr Carter who believed that foresters should always be observant.
to become that institution's School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences. From 1910 to 1980, 522 students completed the Diploma of Forestry at VSF.
662:, in November 1942 to mark the centenary of the township of Creswick. The park was fenced to contain the koalas which had been relocated from 651:
performing thinning, road works, planting or raising seedlings in the nearby nursery were an important part of the Victorian diploma course.
2050:"Ian Ferguson, 'Leslie, Alfred John (Alf) (1921–2009)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University" 562:
Traditionally, VSF had been promoted as a "gateway to a man's career" with the first group of women entering the forestry school in 1976.
a statewide radio communications network. Alf Lawrence rose to become Chairman of the Forests Commission in 1956 and was later awarded an
studied at Creswick, other faculties and organisations also used the campus, and a timber trade training centre was established nearby.
The forests surrounding Creswick had been thoroughly cut over during the gold mining era from the 1850s until around 1900. The forester
1962:"Ian Ferguson, 'Chinner, John Harding (1915–2001)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University" 752:
of the Victorian School of Forestry, from the institution's opening in 1910 until its merger with the University of Melbourne in 1980.
541: 182: 2244:
Neville Collett (2010), ‘A history of forestry education in Victoria, 1910–980’, Australian Forestry, vol. 73, no. 1, 2010, pp. 34–40.
497: 1672:
The Swan Street Sappers 1860-1996 : a history of the Engineer Training Depot, Swan Street, Melbourne and of Sappers in Victoria
Creswick as a separate, single-discipline institution after 1978 and pointedly proposed an amalgamation with the rapidly expanding
249:"The School on the Hill" - Tremearne House and the old Creswick hospital building. Photo - 1915. Thomas Hart centre. Source: FCRPA. 555:
A group of VSF students from 1942 in school uniform consisting of riding breeches, leggings, tie and blazer. Source: Bert Semmens.
2436: 1999:"John Harding Chinner, Reader-in-Charge of Forestry, University of Melbourne. President of the Royal Society of Victoria 1965-66" 1589: 524: 2156: 1880:
Dargavel, John, The Zealous Conservator: a Life of Charles Lane Poole, Crawley, WA, University of Western Australia Press, 2008.
1338: 2421: 2138: 1527: 1891:"Jacobs, Maxwell Ralph (Max) (1905–1979)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University" 2411: 1791:"Gray, Hugh Richard (Dick) (1892–1979)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University" 916: 448:
and as well as fire research. Later in the 1970s, wildlife research, landscape management, economics and recreation demand.
The supply of professional staff was a paramount concern to Conservators of the early State Forests Department in Victoria.
2431: 2426: 1088: 452:
to occupy roles in other state forestry services. Not surprisingly, there were some lingering rivalries over the perceived
VSF graduate of 1948. Spent time at various field locations. Studied for a Masters of Forestry at California in 1958 on a
2190:"Creswick Campus Historical Collection, "Creswick Campus Tour and Arboretum Walk," Creswick Campus Historical Collection" 1759:"Carter, Charles Ernest (1885–1976)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University" 1294:
Dedication of Peacock Memorial - Forestry School, Creswick., Produced: 'Cine News - for the Victorian Forests Service'.
1206:"Perrin, George Samuel (1847–1900)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University" 310:
and one of the first graduates of the school, Reginald Graham Lindsay, (brother of famous Australian artist and writer,
1093: 281: 185:, (Minister of Forests, 1904–1909) together with Sir Peter McBride (Minister of Forests, 1909–1913) and the support of 2083: 734:(black wattle) the bark of which was used extensively as a source of tannin used in the leather industry at the time. 533: 2441: 2363:
McHugh, Peter. (2020). Forests and Bushfire History of Victoria : A compilation of short stories, Victoria. -
2289: 1314:
HISTORICAL FACTORS AND THE VICTORIAN SCHOOL OF FORESTRY Robert G. Orr (Written in 1978 as part of Dip. Ed. Studies)
in Canberra and it developed a four-year Bachelor of Science in Forestry degree and postgraduate research degrees.
1860: 1915:
Land and food : agricultural and related education in the Victorian colleges and the University of Melbourne
The Victorian School of Forestry was established in 1910 at the former Creswick Hospital which was built in 1863.
135:. The creation of VSF was one of the many recommendations of a Royal Commission held between 1897 and 1901 into 2416: 1922: 1679: 1651: 1484: 1228: 1166: 540:
in 1963 to lead forestry projects in Nigeria before ending up in Rome in 1968.  He also presided over the
426: 386: 2446: 1740: 474: 414: 566:
several students did not complete the Diploma course but also found employment with the Forests Commission.
The school was later officially opened at a ceremony on 26 May 1913 by Hugh Mackay, Conservator of Forests.
members and included distinguished academics from the University of Melbourne such as John Harding Chinner.
322: 2232:""HRH Prince Charles visiting Victorian School of Forestry - 1974," Creswick Campus Historical Collection" 933: 887: 516: 273: 266: 140: 100: 2123:
VSF students, John Donovan and Leo Teller working in the Museum, Creswick Campus Historical Collection.
in Christchurch. By 1965 the responsibilities of the Australian Forestry School were transferred to the
370: 326: 2304: 2272: 1428: 168:
Forestry training really began with the idea expressed by Conservator Frederick D'A. Vincent from the
VSF Students Association, “VSF roll of honour board 1914-19,” Creswick Campus Historical Collection.
from the University of Melbourne in 1994 in recognition for his services to international forestry.
399: 382: 338: 334: 295: 2031: 1674:. Oakleigh South, Vic. : Headquarters Logistic Support Force Engineers committee. p. 204. 1443: 1276: 622: 422: 234: 1359: 2217: 1804: 963: 433: 363: 146: 111: 2013: 1890: 691: 462: 1379: 709:
Later in 1982, saw the appointment of Ian Ferguson as Foundation Professor of Forest Science.
2154: 2049: 1790: 670: 627: 580: 507: 466: 374: 253:
The initial class of six students that commenced in October 1910 were already in training as
169: 1758: 1722: 2122: 1961: 1339:"The Creswick Campus Historical Collection - University of Melbourne Collections, Issue 15" 1205: 999:
Principal 1978–1981. Oversaw the initial transition of VSF to the University of Melbourne.
749: 590:
The school is set on 15 hectares of grounds with many unique specimen trees. A seedling of
418: 173:
forestry in this country". His suggestion was supported by numerous reports and inquiries.
128: 54: 2330: 2231: 2203: 2189: 2124: 2100: 1529: 8: 1258: 883: 602: 584: 190: 132: 2347: 2273:"Report of the Board of Inquiry into the Occurrence of Bush and Grass Fires in Victoria" 413:
However, the first twenty years of the Australian Forestry School proved difficult. The
1615: 1575: 1293: 1021: 699: 545: 239: 136: 124: 48: 1514: 1461: 1969: 1918: 1766: 1675: 1647: 1537: 1480: 1442:
Federation University Ballarat -, Ballarat and District Industrial Heritage Project.
1367: 1244: 1224: 1162: 981: 432:
From the mid-1940s, under the stewardship of the Chairman of the Forests Commission,
training in the 1950s. The forestry profession was not exempt and four students were
The Victorian School of Forestry was the first institution of its kind in Australia.
186: 381:, Charles Earnest Carter (ex Principal of VSF), Hugh Richard Gray and A. Rule while 2218:"Alf Leslie, Memorial Grove, grounds of the Victorian School of Forestry, Creswick" 1959: 606: 597: 529: 405: 189:, who was then the parliamentary representative for the seat of Creswick and later 1161:
Carron, L T (1985). A History of Forestry in Australia. Aust National University.
in France. Hutchins was then retired, but with considerable experience across the
A Fraternity of Foresters. A history of the Victorian State Foresters Association
674: 612: 481:
and Universities, local government, the private sector, interstate and overseas.
470: 358:(Nursery staff), Arthur H. Warren. Source: Creswick Campus Historical Collection. 2358: 1191: 810: 737:
The boomerang beneath the crown was incorporated as another Australian element.
551: 1940:
Institutional Continuity and Change in Victoria's Forests and Parks 1900 – 2010
1501:"FCRPA - Forests Commission Retired Personnel Association - formed in mid 1979" 678: 663: 636: 537: 453: 311: 294:
in both India and South Africa. Australia's first Inspector-General of Forests
291: 277: 220: 139:. The first tertiary forestry school in Australia, VSF was administered by the 30: 2063: 1295: 2405: 2387: 2374: 2364: 1756: 1561: 1459: 287: 230: 225: 1221:
The Dynamic Forest – A History of Forestry and Forest Industries in Victoria
1189: 947: 245: 2352: 592: 437: 378: 348: 318: 131:. It was located at the former Creswick Hospital, built in 1863 during the 2357:
FCRPA - Forests Commission Retired Personnel Association (Peter McHugh) -
2171: 1998: 1027:
Dip. For. (Oxon.), B.Sc. For. (Melb.), Dip. For (Cres), Dip. Ed. (Monash)
Formerly Professor of Geology and Mining at the Ballarat School of Mines.
stayed overnight at VSF during his visit on 28 October 1974 and planted a
659: 342: 307: 193:.  The school's main gates were dedicated to Sir Alexander in 1952. 864: 642: 441: 299: 445: 353: 60: 2204:"Pinus brutia (lone pine). ," Creswick Campus Historical Collection" 2101:"First women students 1976 ," Creswick Campus Historical Collection" 891: 409:
First senior master, Thomas Stephan Hart. Circa 1914. Source: FCRPA.
University of Melbourne - School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences.
1917:. Institute of Land & food Resources, University of Melbourne. 1822: 1358:
Creswick - A living History., Business & Tourism Creswick Inc.
Renamed - Victorian School of Forestry and Land Management (VSFLM)
254: 212: 181:
Johnstone, (Superintendent of State Plantations), the direction of
1912: 1500: 1057:
Ph.D. (Melb), M.F For (Melb), B.Sc. For.(Melb), Dip. For. (Cres.)
2068: 1426: 1300: 959: 684: 1708: 789: 544:(ITTO) and International Union of Foresters before receiving an 473:, teaching at tertiary institutions, consultancy, environmental 2038:. National Centre of Biography, Australian National University. 1836: 1811:. National Centre of Biography, Australian National University. 1729:. National Centre of Biography, Australian National University. 1283:. National Centre of Biography, Australian National University. 1265:. National Centre of Biography, Australian National University. 573: 519:
for his outstanding services to forestry and scouting in 1969.
from Victoria, were enrolled in 1926. Lecturing staff included
with some joining units deployed to the UK and other places as
met in Australia and among the many distinguished visitors was
157: 2311:. National Centre of Biography, Australian National University 1223:. Lynedoch Publications. Richmond, Australia. pp. 232pp. 317:
A number of VSF graduates volunteered for military service in
1562:"ROLL OF HONOUR - Reginald Graham Lindsay. Aust War Memorial" 655: 478: 2176:
National Centre of Biography, Australian National University
National Centre of Biography, Australian National University
1441: 996:
B. Sc. For, M.Sc. (US), PhD (U.Michigan), Dip. For. (Cres.)
Creswick Campus webpage on University of Melbourne website
1641: 1590:"Red Cross notes for 11867 Gunner Reginald Graham Lindsay" 1062:
Campus renamed - School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences.
The twentieth century had started optimistically with the
Australian Forestry, vol 65, no 1, March 2002, pp 68-69.
1357: 854:
Resumed position as Principal upon returning from Yale.
Relationship with other Australian tertiary institutions
1192:"Victorias Forestry Heritage - A History of Management" 2331:"The Swamp'. ," Creswick Campus Historical Collection" 2084:"Gateway to a Man's Career - FCV brochure, circa 1965" 903:
guide the study habits and interests of his students.
2290:"Alan Threader - obituary. Melbourne Age 19 May 2016" 840:
to study for the two-year Master of Forestry degree.
education for students from modest backgrounds, like
484: 306:
Nine VSF students are known to have enlisted in the
Forests Commission of Victoria - Annual Report 1977
1757:Australian Forestry, vol 40, no 2, 1977, pp 88-89. 1605: 1460:Ballarat and District Industrial Heritage Project. 654:A small park was set aside for the preservation of 501:
Brochure sent to prospective students of VSF - 1974
1190:Forests Commission Retired Personnel Association. 914:Dr Frank Robert Moulds, Imperial Service Order, AO 2353:The Creswick Campus Historical Collection website 757: 461:Service, Fisheries and Wildlife, Alpine Resorts, 2403: 1942:(MA thesis). Monash University. pp. 180 pp. 836:Appointed while Charles Earnest Carter attended 1462:"Federation University Australia - Thomas Hart" 1429:"100 Years at the Victorian School of Forestry" 985:certificate program for FCV forest overseers. 685:Merger with the University of Melbourne - 1980 2359: 977:M.F. (Calif.), B.Sc. For., Dip. For. (Cres.) 333:VSF students were also subject to compulsory 1974:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 1771:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 1542:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 946: 915: 890: 863: 809: 788: 574:VSF museum, grounds and demonstration forest 211: 2296: 2032:"Grimwade, Sir Wilfrid Russell (1879–1955)" 1913:Lindsay Falvey and Barrie Bardsley (1997). 1620:: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list ( 542:International Tropical Timbers Organisation 2365: 2014:"Lawrence, Alfred Oscar (Alf) (1904–1986)" 1978:) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list ( 1861:"Challenges of Change: Forestry Education" 1775:) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list ( 1546:) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list ( 1277:"Peacock, Sir Alexander James (1861–1933)" 631:(yellow gum) near the science laboratory. 145:until 1980, when VSF amalgamated with the 1336: 743: 596:was propagated from the original tree at 392:Institute of Foresters of Australia (IFA) 2169: 2011: 1858: 1837:"Institute of Foresters Australia (IFA)" 1805:"Lane-Poole, Charles Edward (1885–1970)" 1610:. Melbourne : F.W. Cheshire. p. 73. 641: 611: 550: 404: 352: 244: 156: 2157:"Creswick Campus Historical Collection" 1576:"Creswick Advertiser - 30 January 1917" 1427:Creswick Campus Historical Collection. 76:School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences 2404: 2302: 1993: 1991: 1989: 1937: 1752: 1750: 1703: 1701: 1699: 1697: 1695: 1693: 1691: 1474: 1455: 1453: 1413: 1411: 1409: 1218: 692:Ballarat College of Advanced Education 398:Forestry and Principal of the School, 259:sound health and good moral character. 1955: 1953: 1951: 1949: 1908: 1906: 1904: 1902: 1900: 1854: 1852: 1850: 1848: 1846: 1665: 1663: 1637: 1635: 1633: 1631: 1407: 1405: 1403: 1401: 1399: 1397: 1395: 1393: 1391: 1389: 1353: 1351: 1332: 1330: 1328: 1326: 1324: 1322: 1320: 1157: 1155: 1153: 1151: 1149: 1147: 1145: 1143: 1141: 1139: 1137: 1135: 1133: 1131: 1129: 2163: 1669: 1646:. Jim Crowe Press. pp. 149 pp. 1185: 1183: 1181: 1179: 1177: 1175: 1127: 1125: 1123: 1121: 1119: 1117: 1115: 1113: 1111: 1109: 1089:List of historic schools of forestry 385:acted as Principal. The prestigious 177:of the forestry school at Creswick. 2305:"Semmens, Edwin James (1886–1980)'" 2210: 2042: 2005: 1986: 1931: 1868:Institute of Foresters of Australia 1747: 1723:"Jolly, Norman William (1882–1954)" 1688: 1642:Gillespie J & Wright J (1993). 1606:Lindsay (1890-1976), Daryl (1965). 1493: 1468: 1450: 1212: 444:and pathogenic threats to forests, 123:was established in October 1910 at 13: 2309:Australian Dictionary of Biography 1946: 1897: 1843: 1660: 1628: 1515:"The Argus – Monday, May 26, 1913" 1477:A History of Forestry in Australia 1386: 1348: 1317: 1094:List of forestry technical schools 496: 485:Diploma of Forestry - 1910 to 1980 477:, research organisations like the 283:École nationale des eaux et forêts 121:Victorian School of Forestry (VSF) 14: 2458: 2341: 2125:"STUDENTS IN THE VSF MUSEUM 1953" 1172: 1106: 534:Food and Agriculture Organisation 142:Forests Commission Victoria (FCV) 1259:"McBride, Sir Peter (1867–1923)" 694:(formally the School of Mines). 658:by the Minister for Forests, Mr 605:. A plaque was also unveiled by 327:Royal Australian Engineers (RAE) 84:Circumspice - to look around you 29: 2323: 2303:Moulds, Francis Robert (2002). 2282: 2265: 2247: 2238: 2224: 2196: 2182: 2148: 2131: 2116: 2107: 2093: 2076: 2056: 2024: 1883: 1874: 1829: 1815: 1797: 1783: 1733: 1715: 1608:The leafy tree : my family 1599: 1582: 1568: 1554: 1521: 1507: 1435: 1420: 1031:Shire Councillor (Mayor 1997). 581:Baron Sir Ferdinand von Mueller 465:, Soil Conservation Authority, 2437:Technical schools in Australia 1308: 1296:"Alexander Peacock Gates 1952" 1287: 1269: 1251: 1237: 1198: 962:in Scotland. Studied B.Sc. at 748:The following table lists the 530:Australian Paper Manufacturers 427:Australian National University 394:that took many years to heal. 1: 2422:History of forestry education 1099: 715: 469:, Land Conservation Council, 127:, in the Australian state of 18:School in Victoria, Australia 2412:Victorian School of Forestry 2139:"Jim Willis's Gladstone bag" 1479:. Aust National University. 884:Dr Edwin James (E J) Semmens 24:Victorian School of Forestry 7: 2432:Schools in Victoria (state) 2427:History of Victoria (state) 1337:Faithfull (December 2014). 1082: 928:), B.Sc., Dip. For. (Cres) 730:The plant in the design is 508:Alfred (Alf) Oscar Lawrence 267:Forests Commission Victoria 101:Forests Commission Victoria 10: 2463: 1444:"Ballarat School of Mines" 955:B. Sc. (Hons.) (Forestry) 677:that had been planted for 371:Australian Forestry School 152: 1003: 989: 970: 941: 910: 879: 858: 844: 826: 804: 783: 771: 766: 763: 760: 400:Charles Edward Lane Poole 383:Charles Edward Lane Poole 296:Charles Edward Lane Poole 278:Sir David Ernest Hutchins 106: 96: 88: 80: 72: 67: 46: 42: 37: 28: 23: 899:B.Sc., Dip, Ed., F.L.S. 851:M.F. (Yale), B. Ag. Sc. 423:University of Canterbury 235:Ballarat School of Mines 2442:University of Melbourne 2255:"Centenary of Creswick" 2172:"Australia's Foresters" 2170:Dargavel, John (2015). 2012:Dargavel, John (2015). 945:William (Billo) Litster 872:M.A., B Sc. (Forestry) 434:Alfred Vernon Galbraith 364:Federation of Australia 170:Imperial Forest Service 147:University of Melbourne 112:University of Melbourne 2388:37.42236°S 143.89894°E 1859:Ferguson, Ian (2013). 1219:Moulds, F. R. (1991). 951: 920: 895: 868: 814: 808:Charles Earnest Carter 793: 744:Principals (1910-1981) 647: 618: 598:Lone Pine at Gallipoli 585:Dr James Hamlyn Willis 556: 502: 463:Country Fire Authority 410: 359: 250: 216: 162: 2417:Forestry in Australia 1020:Robert (Bob) G. Orr, 993:Dr James (Jim) Edgar 950: 919: 894: 867: 813: 792: 645: 628:Eucalyptus leucoxylon 615: 554: 525:Royal Australian Navy 500: 408: 356: 248: 215: 187:Sir Alexander Peacock 160: 2447:Australian foresters 2393:-37.42236; 143.89894 2064:"The Eternal Forest" 1938:Doolan, B V (2016). 1530:"VSF Roll of Honour" 1475:Carron, L T (1985). 964:Edinburgh University 639:in the late 1800s. 419:Maxwell Ralph Jacobs 379:Norman William Jolly 280:, a graduate of the 2384: /  2261:. 14 November 1942. 830:William Wilson Gay 818:B Ag. Sc., Dip. Ed 787:Thomas Stephan Hart 669:In February 1977 a 274:British Association 191:Premier of Victoria 110:1980 - Merged with 1870:. June 2013: 7–10. 1378:has generic name ( 952: 934:Forests Commission 921: 896: 869: 815: 794: 679:sailing ship masts 648: 619: 557: 546:honorary doctorate 503: 411: 360: 323:forestry companies 251: 240:Alfred James Ewart 217: 163: 137:forest degradation 2259:The Melbourne Age 1080: 1079: 862:Karl V M Ferguson 848:Charles E Carter 732:Acacia mollissima 117: 116: 2454: 2399: 2398: 2396: 2395: 2394: 2389: 2385: 2382: 2381: 2380: 2377: 2335: 2334: 2327: 2321: 2320: 2318: 2316: 2300: 2294: 2293: 2286: 2280: 2279: 2277: 2269: 2263: 2262: 2251: 2245: 2242: 2236: 2235: 2228: 2222: 2221: 2214: 2208: 2207: 2200: 2194: 2193: 2186: 2180: 2179: 2167: 2161: 2160: 2152: 2146: 2145: 2143: 2135: 2129: 2128: 2120: 2114: 2111: 2105: 2104: 2097: 2091: 2090: 2088: 2080: 2074: 2073: 2060: 2054: 2053: 2046: 2040: 2039: 2028: 2022: 2021: 2009: 2003: 2002: 1995: 1984: 1983: 1973: 1965: 1957: 1944: 1943: 1935: 1929: 1928: 1910: 1895: 1894: 1887: 1881: 1878: 1872: 1871: 1865: 1856: 1841: 1840: 1833: 1827: 1826: 1819: 1813: 1812: 1801: 1795: 1794: 1787: 1781: 1780: 1770: 1762: 1754: 1745: 1744: 1737: 1731: 1730: 1719: 1713: 1712: 1705: 1686: 1685: 1670:Youl, R (1995). 1667: 1658: 1657: 1639: 1626: 1625: 1619: 1611: 1603: 1597: 1596: 1594: 1586: 1580: 1579: 1572: 1566: 1565: 1558: 1552: 1551: 1541: 1533: 1525: 1519: 1518: 1511: 1505: 1504: 1497: 1491: 1490: 1472: 1466: 1465: 1457: 1448: 1447: 1439: 1433: 1432: 1424: 1418: 1415: 1384: 1383: 1377: 1373: 1371: 1363: 1360:"John La Gerche" 1355: 1346: 1345: 1343: 1334: 1315: 1312: 1306: 1305: 1291: 1285: 1284: 1273: 1267: 1266: 1255: 1249: 1248: 1241: 1235: 1234: 1216: 1210: 1209: 1202: 1196: 1195: 1187: 1170: 1159: 958:Originally from 755: 754: 415:Great Depression 335:national service 33: 21: 20: 2462: 2461: 2457: 2456: 2455: 2453: 2452: 2451: 2402: 2401: 2392: 2390: 2386: 2383: 2378: 2375: 2373: 2371: 2370: 2344: 2339: 2338: 2329: 2328: 2324: 2314: 2312: 2301: 2297: 2288: 2287: 2283: 2275: 2271: 2270: 2266: 2253: 2252: 2248: 2243: 2239: 2230: 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University 764:Qualifications 746: 718: 687: 576: 487: 471:Melbourne Water 351: 155: 63: 58: 57: 52: 51: 19: 12: 11: 5: 2460: 2450: 2449: 2444: 2439: 2434: 2429: 2424: 2419: 2414: 2368: 2367: 2361: 2355: 2350: 2343: 2342:External links 2340: 2337: 2336: 2322: 2295: 2281: 2264: 2246: 2237: 2223: 2209: 2195: 2181: 2162: 2147: 2130: 2115: 2106: 2092: 2075: 2055: 2041: 2023: 2004: 1985: 1945: 1930: 1923: 1896: 1882: 1873: 1842: 1828: 1814: 1796: 1782: 1746: 1732: 1714: 1687: 1680: 1659: 1652: 1627: 1598: 1581: 1567: 1553: 1520: 1506: 1492: 1485: 1467: 1449: 1434: 1419: 1385: 1347: 1316: 1307: 1286: 1268: 1250: 1236: 1229: 1211: 1197: 1171: 1104: 1103: 1101: 1098: 1097: 1096: 1091: 1084: 1081: 1078: 1077: 1073: 1071: 1069: 1065: 1064: 1058: 1055: 1052: 1048: 1047: 1044: 1042: 1040: 1036: 1035: 1028: 1025: 1018: 1014: 1013: 1009: 1007: 1005: 1001: 1000: 997: 994: 991: 987: 986: 978: 975: 972: 968: 967: 956: 953: 943: 939: 938: 929: 922: 912: 908: 907: 900: 897: 881: 877: 876: 873: 870: 860: 856: 855: 852: 849: 846: 842: 841: 834: 831: 828: 824: 823: 819: 816: 806: 802: 801: 798: 795: 785: 781: 780: 778: 776: 773: 769: 768: 765: 762: 759: 745: 742: 717: 714: 700:Rhodes Scholar 686: 683: 675:ponderosa pine 664:Phillip Island 637:John La Gerche 623:Prince Charles 603:battle in 1915 575: 572: 538:United Nations 486: 483: 454:class division 350: 347: 345:in the 1960s. 312:Norman Lindsay 292:British Empire 221:John La Gerche 154: 151: 115: 114: 108: 104: 103: 98: 94: 93: 90: 86: 85: 82: 78: 77: 74: 70: 69: 65: 64: 59: 53: 47: 44: 43: 40: 39: 35: 34: 26: 25: 17: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2459: 2448: 2445: 2443: 2440: 2438: 2435: 2433: 2430: 2428: 2425: 2423: 2420: 2418: 2415: 2413: 2410: 2409: 2407: 2400: 2397: 2366: 2362: 2360: 2356: 2354: 2351: 2349: 2346: 2345: 2332: 2326: 2310: 2306: 2299: 2291: 2285: 2274: 2268: 2260: 2256: 2250: 2241: 2233: 2227: 2219: 2213: 2205: 2199: 2191: 2185: 2177: 2173: 2166: 2158: 2151: 2140: 2134: 2126: 2119: 2110: 2102: 2096: 2085: 2079: 2071: 2070: 2065: 2059: 2051: 2045: 2037: 2033: 2027: 2019: 2015: 2008: 2000: 1994: 1992: 1990: 1981: 1977: 1971: 1963: 1956: 1954: 1952: 1950: 1941: 1934: 1926: 1920: 1916: 1909: 1907: 1905: 1903: 1901: 1892: 1886: 1877: 1869: 1862: 1855: 1853: 1851: 1849: 1847: 1838: 1832: 1824: 1818: 1810: 1806: 1800: 1792: 1786: 1778: 1774: 1768: 1760: 1753: 1751: 1742: 1736: 1728: 1724: 1718: 1710: 1704: 1702: 1700: 1698: 1696: 1694: 1692: 1683: 1677: 1673: 1666: 1664: 1655: 1649: 1645: 1638: 1636: 1634: 1632: 1623: 1617: 1609: 1602: 1591: 1585: 1577: 1571: 1563: 1557: 1549: 1545: 1539: 1531: 1524: 1516: 1510: 1502: 1496: 1488: 1482: 1478: 1471: 1463: 1456: 1454: 1445: 1438: 1430: 1423: 1414: 1412: 1410: 1408: 1406: 1404: 1402: 1400: 1398: 1396: 1394: 1392: 1390: 1381: 1369: 1361: 1354: 1352: 1340: 1333: 1331: 1329: 1327: 1325: 1323: 1321: 1311: 1303: 1302: 1297: 1290: 1282: 1278: 1272: 1264: 1260: 1254: 1246: 1240: 1232: 1226: 1222: 1215: 1207: 1201: 1193: 1186: 1184: 1182: 1180: 1178: 1176: 1168: 1164: 1158: 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468: 464: 458: 455: 449: 447: 443: 439: 435: 430: 428: 424: 420: 416: 407: 403: 401: 395: 393: 388: 384: 380: 376: 372: 367: 365: 355: 346: 344: 340: 336: 331: 328: 324: 320: 315: 313: 309: 304: 301: 297: 293: 289: 285: 284: 279: 275: 272:In 1914, the 270: 268: 262: 260: 256: 247: 243: 241: 236: 232: 231:Gordon Castle 227: 222: 214: 210: 207: 201: 198: 194: 192: 188: 184: 183:Donald McLeod 178: 174: 171: 166: 159: 150: 148: 144: 143: 138: 134: 130: 126: 122: 113: 109: 105: 102: 99: 95: 91: 87: 83: 79: 75: 71: 66: 62: 56: 50: 45: 41: 36: 32: 27: 22: 16: 2369: 2325: 2313:. Retrieved 2308: 2298: 2284: 2267: 2258: 2249: 2240: 2226: 2212: 2198: 2184: 2175: 2165: 2150: 2133: 2118: 2109: 2095: 2078: 2067: 2058: 2044: 2035: 2026: 2017: 2007: 1939: 1933: 1914: 1885: 1876: 1867: 1831: 1817: 1808: 1799: 1785: 1735: 1726: 1717: 1671: 1643: 1607: 1601: 1584: 1570: 1556: 1523: 1509: 1495: 1476: 1470: 1437: 1422: 1376:|first= 1310: 1299: 1289: 1280: 1271: 1262: 1253: 1239: 1220: 1214: 1200: 1061: 1032: 974:Alan R Eddy 904: 833:Dip. Ag. Sc 747: 739: 736: 731: 729: 726: 722: 719: 711: 708: 704: 696: 688: 668: 653: 649: 633: 626: 620: 593:Pinus brutia 591: 589: 583:in 1874 and 577: 568: 564: 561: 558: 521: 504: 492: 488: 459: 450: 438:silviculture 431: 412: 396: 375:Alf Lawrence 368: 361: 341:to serve in 332: 316: 305: 282: 271: 263: 258: 252: 242:(1872–1937). 226:radiata pine 218: 205: 202: 199: 195: 179: 175: 167: 164: 141: 120: 118: 15: 2391: / 2379:143°53′56″E 660:Albert Lind 339:conscripted 89:Established 68:Information 2406:Categories 2376:37°25′20″S 2278:. 1976–77. 1924:0732515564 1681:0646065912 1653:0646169289 1486:0080298745 1230:0646062654 1167:0080298745 1100:References 1068:1994-2004 761:Principal 750:Principals 716:VSF emblem 442:entomology 300:alma mater 206:"Pednolva" 73:Other name 1616:cite book 982:Fulbright 617:Victoria. 446:hydrology 308:Great War 255:foresters 133:gold rush 61:Australia 1970:cite web 1767:cite web 1538:cite web 1368:cite web 1083:See also 1017:1981-92 990:1978-81 971:1969-77 942:1957-69 911:1951-56 880:1928-51 845:1923-26 827:1920-22 805:1916-19 784:1913-15 772:1910-12 671:bushfire 467:LandCare 298:also an 129:Victoria 125:Creswick 55:Victoria 49:Creswick 38:Location 2315:2 April 2069:YouTube 1301:YouTube 960:Peebles 924:Ph.D. ( 775:Vacant 387:Schlich 343:Vietnam 325:in the 153:History 97:Founder 1921:  1678:  1650:  1483:  1227:  1165:  767:Notes 758:Dates 656:Koalas 607:Legacy 512:Oxford 107:Closed 2276:(PDF) 2142:(PDF) 2087:(PDF) 1864:(PDF) 1593:(PDF) 1342:(PDF) 1051:1992 1039:1984 1004:1980 859:1927 479:CSIRO 475:NGO's 288:Nancy 81:Motto 2317:2018 1980:link 1976:link 1919:ISBN 1777:link 1773:link 1676:ISBN 1648:ISBN 1622:link 1548:link 1544:link 1481:ISBN 1380:help 1225:ISBN 1163:ISBN 932:the 926:Yale 621:HRH 119:The 92:1910 1022:OAM 888:MBE 517:OBE 369:An 319:WW2 286:at 229:at 2408:: 2307:. 2257:. 2174:. 2066:. 2034:. 2016:. 1988:^ 1972:}} 1968:{{ 1948:^ 1899:^ 1866:. 1845:^ 1807:. 1769:}} 1765:{{ 1749:^ 1725:. 1690:^ 1662:^ 1630:^ 1618:}} 1614:{{ 1540:}} 1536:{{ 1452:^ 1388:^ 1372:: 1370:}} 1366:{{ 1350:^ 1319:^ 1298:. 1279:. 1261:. 1174:^ 1108:^ 1024:. 886:, 681:. 269:. 2333:. 2319:. 2292:. 2234:. 2220:. 2206:. 2192:. 2178:. 2159:. 2144:. 2127:. 2103:. 2089:. 2072:. 2052:. 2020:. 2001:. 1982:) 1964:. 1927:. 1893:. 1839:. 1825:. 1793:. 1779:) 1761:. 1743:. 1711:. 1684:. 1656:. 1624:) 1595:. 1578:. 1564:. 1550:) 1532:. 1517:. 1503:. 1489:. 1464:. 1446:. 1431:. 1382:) 1362:. 1344:. 1304:. 1247:. 1233:. 1208:. 1194:. 1169:.


Forests Commission Victoria
University of Melbourne
gold rush
forest degradation
Forests Commission Victoria (FCV)
University of Melbourne

Imperial Forest Service
Donald McLeod
Sir Alexander Peacock
Premier of Victoria

John La Gerche
radiata pine
Gordon Castle
Ballarat School of Mines
Alfred James Ewart

Forests Commission Victoria
British Association
Sir David Ernest Hutchins
École nationale des eaux et forêts

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.