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1913: 2740: 1569:
exhibits a certain amount of "edge", with more of a vocal quality than is usual elsewhere, and the Buffet bassoon is no exception. This sound has been utilised effectively in writing for Buffet bassoon, but is less inclined to blend than the tone of the Heckel bassoon. As with all bassoons, the tone varies considerably, depending on individual instrument, reed, and performer. In the hands of a lesser player, the Heckel bassoon can sound flat and woody, but good players succeed in producing a vibrant, singing tone. Conversely, a poorly played Buffet can sound buzzy and nasal, but good players succeed in producing a warm, expressive sound.
although there is also a machine that can perform this function. Other adjustments with the reed knife may be necessary, depending on the hardness, the profile of the cane, and the requirements of the player. The reed opening may also need to be adjusted by squeezing either the first or second wire with the pliers. Additional material may be removed from the sides (the "channels") or tip to balance the reed. Additionally, if the "e" in the bass clef staff is sagging in pitch, it may be necessary to "clip" the reed by removing 1–2 mm (0.039–0.079 in) from its length using a pair of very sharp scissors or the equivalent.
1152: 2748: 1687:, and much higher with the French instrument. Technological advances also caused the bassoon's tenor register sound to become more resonant, and playing in this register grew in popularity, especially in the Austro-Germanic musical world. Pedagogues such as Josef Frohlich instructed students to practice scales, thirds, and fourths as vocal students would. In 1829, he wrote that the bassoon was capable of expressing "the worthy, the virile, the solemn, the great, the sublime, composure, mildness, intimacy, emotion, longing, heartfulness, reverence, and soulful ardour." In G.F. Brandt's performance of 1264:(which sometimes has been heated in a flame) is quickly inserted in between the blades. Using a special pair of pliers, the reed maker presses down the cane, making it conform to the shape of the mandrel. (The steam generated by the heated mandrel causes the cane to permanently assume the shape of the mandrel.) The upper portion of the cavity thus created is called the "throat", and its shape has an influence on the final playing characteristics of the reed. The lower, mostly cylindrical portion will be reamed out with a special tool called a reamer, allowing the reed to fit on the bocal. 3316:, and harmonics. In the case of the bassoon, flutter-tonguing may be accomplished by "gargling" in the back of the throat as well as by the conventional method of rolling Rs. Multiphonics on the bassoon are plentiful, and can be achieved by using particular alternative fingerings, but are generally heavily influenced by embouchure position. Also, again using certain fingerings, notes may be produced on the instrument that sound lower pitches than the actual range of the instrument. These notes tend to sound very gravelly and out of tune, but technically sound below the low B 2698:, and reed profile. Players can also use alternate fingerings to adjust the pitch of many notes. Similar to other woodwind instruments, the length of the bassoon can be increased to lower pitch or decreased to raise pitch. On the bassoon, this is done preferably by changing the bocal to one of a different length, (lengths are denoted by a number on the bocal, usually starting at 0 for the shortest length, and 3 for the longest, but there are some manufacturers who will use other numbers) but it is possible to push the bocal in or out slightly to grossly adjust the pitch. 2732: 307:, and sometimes in the treble. There are two forms of modern bassoon: the Buffet (or French) and Heckel (or German) systems. It is typically played while sitting using a seat strap, but can be played while standing if the player has a harness to hold the instrument. Sound is produced by rolling both lips over the reed and blowing direct air pressure to cause the reed to vibrate. Its fingering system can be quite complex when compared to those of other instruments. Appearing in its modern form in the 19th century, the bassoon figures prominently in 946:. Notes higher than this are possible, but seldom written, as they are difficult to produce (often requiring specific reed design features to ensure reliability), and at any rate are quite homogeneous in timbre to the same pitches on cor anglais, which can produce them with relative ease. French bassoon has greater facility in the extreme high register, and so repertoire written for it is somewhat likelier to include very high notes, although repertoire for French system can be executed on German system without alterations and vice versa. 3794: 1182:
coverage by the fingers of the average adult hand. Playing is facilitated by closing the distance between the widely spaced holes with a complex system of key work, which extends throughout nearly the entire length of the instrument. The overall height of the bassoon stretches to 1.34 m (4 ft 5 in) tall, but the total sounding length is 2.54 m (8 ft 4 in) considering that the tube is doubled back on itself. There are also short-reach bassoons made for the benefit of young or petite players.
3862: 3806: 2337: 964: 1928:
the same Austro-Germanic tradition throughout most Western countries. It mostly appeared in solo, chamber, and symphonic settings. By the mid-1900s, broadcasting and recording grew in popularity, allowing for new opportunities for bassoonists, and leading to a slow decline of live performances. Much of the new music for bassoon in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, often included extended techniques and was written for solo or chamber settings. One piece that included extended techniques was
conversely, there is a great variety of superior, but generally more complicated, fingerings for them. Typically, the simpler fingerings for such notes are used as alternate or trill fingerings, and the bassoonist will use as "full fingering" one or several of the more complex executions possible, for optimal sound quality. The fingerings used are at the discretion of the bassoonist, and, for particular passages, he or she may experiment to find new alternate fingerings that are thus idiomatic to the player.
1271:-based cement such as Duco may be used) and then wrapped with thread to ensure both that no air leaks out through the bottom of the reed and that the reed maintains its shape. The wrapping itself is often sealed with Duco or clear nail varnish (polish). Electrical tape can also be used as a wrapping for amateur reed makers. The bulge in the wrapping is sometimes referred to as the "Turk's head"—it serves as a convenient handle when inserting the reed on the bocal. Alternatively, hot glue, 2630: 2327: 1230: 1096: 2121: 36: 1088: 1839:
play three octaves, a variety of different trills, and maintained stable intonation across all registers and dynamic levels. The pedagogy among bassoonists varied among different countries, and so the overall instrument itself played a variety of roles. As was a common theme in previous eras, the bassoon was valued by composers for its unique voice, and its use rose higher in pitch. A famous example of this is the beginning of
across the chair seat prior to sitting down, or a neck strap or shoulder harness attached to the top of the boot joint. Occasionally a spike similar to those used for the cello or the bass clarinet is attached to the bottom of the boot joint and rests on the floor. It is possible to play while standing up if the player uses a neck strap or similar harness, or if the seat strap is tied to the belt. Sometimes a device called a
199: 1256:, by removing material from the bark side. This can be done by hand with a file; more frequently it is done with a machine or tool designed for the purpose. After the profiled cane has soaked once again it is folded over in the middle. Prior to soaking, the reed maker will have lightly scored the bark with parallel lines with a knife; this ensures that the cane will assume a cylindrical shape during the forming stage. 1219: 1293: 1433: 5083: 1511: 142: 1374:. An alternate view maintains Hotteterre was one of several craftsmen responsible for the development of the early bassoon. These may have included additional members of the Hotteterre family, as well as other French makers active around the same time. No original French bassoon from this period survives, but if it did, it would most likely resemble the earliest extant bassoons of 2711:
in single reeds, only being substantially employed in the very high register. However, double reed students often "bite" the reed with these muscles because the control and tone of the labial and other muscles is still developing, but this generally makes the sound sharp and "choked" as it contracts the aperture of the reed and stifles the vibration of its blades.
grossly controls intonation and harmonic excitement, and thus must be constantly modulated with every change of note. How far along the reed the lips are placed affects both tone (with less reed in the mouth making the sound more edged or "reedy", and more reed making it smooth and less projectile) and the way the reed will respond to pressure.
require that reeds be customized to best suit their respective bassoonist. Advanced players usually make their own reeds to this end. With regards to commercially made reeds, many companies and individuals offer pre-made reeds for sale, but players often find that such reeds still require adjustments to suit their particular playing style.
problems as a bassoon with an ordinary A extension, and a bassoon must be constructed specifically to accommodate one, making the extension option far less complicated. Extending the bassoon's range even lower than the A, though possible, would have even stronger effects on pitch and make the instrument effectively unusable.
3179:, in place of the top thumb key on the front of the boot joint; this key comes from the oboe, and some bassoons do not have it because the thumb fingering is practically universal. The smallest finger operates three keys. The backmost one, closest to the bassoonist, is held down throughout most of the bass register. F 3395:
The complex fingering system and the expense and lack of access to quality bassoon reeds can make the bassoon more of a challenge to learn than some of the other woodwind instruments. Cost is another factor in a person's decision to pursue the bassoon. Prices may range from US$ 7,000 to over $ 45,000
The musculature employed in a bassoon embouchure is primarily around the lips, which pressure the reed into the shapes needed for the desired sound. The jaw is raised or lowered to adjust the oral cavity for better reed control, but the jaw muscles are used much less for upward vertical pressure than
The bassoon is played with both hands in a stationary position, the left above the right, with five main finger holes on the front of the instrument (nearest the audience) plus a sixth that is activated by an open-standing key. Five additional keys on the front are controlled by the little fingers of
to be the forerunner of the modern bassoon, as the two instruments share many characteristics: a double reed fitted to a metal crook, obliquely drilled tone holes and a conical bore that doubles back on itself. The origins of the dulcian are obscure, but by the mid-16th century it was available in as
On the bark portion, the reed maker binds on one, two, or three coils or loops of brass wire to aid in the final forming process. The exact placement of these loops can vary somewhat depending on the reed maker. The bound reed blank is then wrapped with thick cotton or linen thread to protect it, and
cane, are often made by the players themselves, although beginner bassoonists tend to buy their reeds from professional reed makers or use reeds made by their teachers. Reeds begin with a length of tube cane that is split into three or four pieces using a tool called a cane splitter. The cane is then
The art of reed-making has been practiced for several hundred years, some of the earliest known reeds having been made for the dulcian, a predecessor of the bassoon. Current methods of reed-making consist of a set of basic methods; however, individual bassoonists' playing styles vary greatly and thus
Attacking a note on the bassoon with imprecise amounts of muscle or air pressure for the desired pitch will result in poor intonation, cracking or multiphonics, accidentally producing the incorrect partial, or the reed not speaking at all. These problems are compounded by the individual qualities of
that happens without the use of this technique. Alternatively, a similar method is called "venting", which requires that the register key be used as part of the full fingering as opposed to being open momentarily at the start of the note. This is sometimes called the "European style"; venting raises
To stabilize the right hand, many bassoonists use an adjustable comma-shaped apparatus called a "crutch", or a hand rest, which mounts to the boot joint. The crutch is secured with a thumb screw, which also allows the distance that it protrudes from the bassoon to be adjusted. Players rest the curve
The bassoon is held diagonally in front of the player, but unlike the flute, oboe and clarinet, it cannot be easily supported by the player's hands alone. Some means of additional support is usually required; the most common ones are a seat strap attached to the base of the boot joint, which is laid
At this point in time, the development of the bassoon slowed. Rather than making large leaps in technological improvements, tiny imperfections in the instrument's function were corrected. The instrument became quite versatile throughout the twentieth century; the instrument was at this point able to
Students in America often begin to pursue the study of bassoon performance and technique in the middle years of their music education, often in association with their school band program. Students are often provided with a school instrument and encouraged to pursue lessons with private instructors.
by extending the length of bell. This can be achieved by inserting a specially made "low A extension" into the bell, but may also be achieved with a small paper or rubber tube or a clarinet/cor anglais bell sitting inside the bassoon bell (although the note may tend sharp). The effect of this is to
These elements have resulted in both "full" and alternate fingerings differing extensively between bassoonists, and are further informed by factors such as cultural difference in what sound is sought, how reeds are made, and regional variation in tuning frequencies (necessitating sharper or flatter
In the twentieth century, the bassoon was less of a concerto soloist, and when it was, the accompanying ensemble was made softer and quieter. In addition, it was no longer used in marching bands, though still existed in concert bands with one or two of them. Orchestral repertoire remained very much
It was common for there to be only two bassoons in German orchestras. Austrian and British military bands also only carried two bassoons, and were mainly used for accompaniment and offbeat playing. In France, Hector Berlioz also made it fashionable to use more than two bassoons; he often scored for
utilized all aspects of the bassoon's expressiveness with its contrasts in register, staccato playing, and expressive sound, and was especially noted for its singing quality in the second movement. This concerto is often considered one of the most important works in all of the bassoon's repertoire,
Though the United Kingdom once favored the French system, Buffet-system instruments are no longer made there and the last prominent British player of the French system retired in the 1980s. However, with continued use in some regions and its distinctive tone, the Buffet continues to have a place in
To finish the reed, the end of the reed blank, originally at the center of the unfolded piece of cane, is cut off, creating an opening. The blades above the first wire are now roughly 27–30 mm (1.1–1.2 in) long. For the reed to play, a slight bevel must be created at the tip with a knife,
came to be known as fagotto in Italy. However, the usual etymology that equates fagotto with "bundle of sticks" is somewhat misleading, as the latter term did not come into general use until later. However an early English variation, "faget", was used as early as 1450 to refer to firewood, which is
Apart from the embouchure proper, students must also develop substantial muscle tone and control in the diaphragm, throat, neck and upper chest, which are all employed to increase and direct air pressure. Air pressure is a very important aspect of the tone, intonation and projection of double reed
right below middle C and lower, the whisper key is pressed with the left thumb and held for the duration of the note. This prevents cracking, as low notes can sometimes crack into a higher octave. Both flicking and using the whisper key is especially important to ensure notes speak properly during
compared the use of vibrato on the bassoon to that of singers, and Luigi Orselli wrote that the bassoon blended well with human voice. He also noted the function of the bassoon in the French orchestra at the time, which served to support the sound of the viola, reinforce staccato sound, and double
varied between a role as a supportive bass instrument and a role as a virtuosic, expressive, solo instrument. In fact, it was very much considered an instrument that could be used in almost any circumstance. The comparison of the bassoon's sound to the human voice continued on during this time, as
and key work, the development of the Buffet system consisted primarily of incremental improvements to the key work. This minimalist approach of the Buffet deprived it of improved consistency of intonation, ease of operation, and increased power, which is found in Heckel bassoons, but the Buffet is
Increasing demands on capabilities of instruments and players in the 19th century—particularly larger concert halls requiring greater volume and the rise of virtuoso composer-performers—spurred further refinement. Increased sophistication, both in manufacturing techniques and acoustical knowledge,
are precision-machined, and each instrument is finished by hand for proper tuning. The walls of the bassoon are thicker at various points along the bore; here, the tone holes are drilled at an angle to the axis of the bore, which reduces the distance between the holes on the exterior. This ensures
Compared to the Heckel bassoon, Buffet system bassoons have a narrower bore and simpler mechanism, requiring different, and often more complex fingerings for many notes. Switching between Heckel and Buffet, or vice versa, requires extensive retraining. French woodwind instruments' tone in general
The fingering technique of the bassoon varies more between players, by a wide margin, than that of any other orchestral woodwind. The complex mechanism and acoustics mean the bassoon lacks simple fingerings of good sound quality or intonation for some notes (especially in the higher range), but,
The bassoon embouchure is a very important aspect of producing a full, round, and rich sound on the instrument. The lips are both rolled over the teeth, often with the upper lip further along in an "overbite". The lips provide micromuscular pressure on the entire circumference of the reed, which
Heckel and two generations of descendants continued to refine the bassoon, and their instruments became the standard, with other makers following. Because of their superior singing tone quality (an improvement upon one of the main drawbacks of the Almenräder instruments), the Heckel instruments
Some bassoons have been specially made to allow bassoonists to realize similar passages. These bassoons are made with a "Wagner bell" which is an extended bell with a key for both the low A and the low B-flat, but they are not widespread; bassoons with Wagner bells suffer similar intonational
trill, albeit sharp on D). The middle finger remains stationary over the hole with a ring around it, and this ring and other pads are lifted when the smallest finger on the right hand pushes a lever. The ring finger typically remains stationary on the lower ring-finger key. However, the upper
and others; and, presumably for reasons of interchangeability, repertoire from this time is very unlikely to go beyond the smaller compass of the dulcian. The man most likely responsible for developing the true bassoon was Martin Hotteterre (d.1712), who may also have invented the three-piece
where it plays a rather technical part alongside the strings. He also wrote for the bassoon to change its timbre depending on which instrument it was paired with; warmer with clarinets, hollow with flutes, and dark and dignified with violins. In Germany and Scandinavian countries, orchestras
1895:'s philosophy on musical phrasing. Vibrato began to be used in ensemble playing, depending on the phrasing of the music. The bassoon was, and currently is, expected to be fluent with other woodwinds in terms of virtuosity and technique. Examples of this include the cadenza for bassoons in 1522:
manufacture, the Heckel concern has produced instruments continuously to the present day. Heckel bassoons are considered by many to be the best, although a range of Heckel-style instruments is available from several other manufacturers, all with slightly different playing characteristics.
fingerings). Regional enclaves of bassoonists tend to have some uniformity in technique, but on a global scale, technique differs such that two given bassoonists may share no fingerings for certain notes. Owing to these factors, ubiquitous bassoon technique can only be partially notated.
and the atelier Ducasse (Romainville, France). The Selmer Company stopped fabrication of French system bassoons around the year 2012. Some players, for example the late Gerald Corey in Canada, have learned to play both types and will alternate between them depending on the repertoire.
family, which plays in the tenor and bass ranges. It is composed of six pieces, and is usually made of wood. It is known for its distinctive tone color, wide range, versatility, and virtuosity. It is a non-transposing instrument and typically its music is written in the bass and tenor
1361:). Some historians believe that sometime in the 1650s, Hotteterre conceived the bassoon in four sections (bell, bass joint, boot and wing joint), an arrangement that allowed greater accuracy in machining the bore compared to the one-piece dulcian. He also extended the compass down to 1530:
began to develop what he called the "logical bassoon", which aimed to improve intonation and evenness of tone through use of an electrically activated mechanism, making possible key combinations too complex for the human hand to manage. Brindley's logical bassoon was never marketed.
Coming into the 20th century, the Heckel-style German model of bassoon dominated the field. Heckel himself had made over 1,100 instruments by the turn of the 20th century (serial numbers begin at 3,000), and the British makers' instruments were no longer desirable for the changing
key (pancake key) to mute the sound (this being written with Buffet system in mind; the G fingering on which involves the Bb key – sometimes called "French" G on Heckel). The next key operated by the right thumb is known as the "spatula key": its primary use is to produce
In conjunction with the use of electronic pickups and amplification, the instrument began to be used more somewhat in jazz and rock settings. However, the bassoon is still quite rare as a regular member of rock bands. Several 1960s pop music hits feature the bassoon, including
1662:"), in which the bassoon plays in F-sharp minor. Following with these advances, composers also began to exploit the bassoon for its unique color, flexibility, and virtuosic ability, rather than for its perfunctory ability to double the bass line. Those who did this include 1732:, bassoonists were found in wind bands that gave public performances. By 1800, there was at least one bassoon in the United States Marine Band. In South America, the bassoon also appeared in small orchestras, bands, and military musique (similar to Harmonie ensembles). 1539:
The Buffet system bassoon achieved its basic acoustical properties somewhat earlier than the Heckel. Thereafter, it continued to develop in a more conservative manner. While the early history of the Heckel bassoon included a complete overhaul of the instrument in both
wrote two concertos for solo bassoon, and it also appeared in more supportive roles such as accompanying church choirs after the Puritan revolution destroyed most church organs. In the American colonies, the bassoon was typically seen in a chamber setting. After the
The modern bassoon exists in two distinct primary forms, the Buffet (or "French") system and the Heckel ("German") system. Most of the world plays the Heckel system, while the Buffet system is primarily played in France, Belgium, and parts of
1033: 886:
100 years before the earliest recorded use of the dulcian (1550). Further citation is needed to prove the lack of relation between the meaning "bundle of sticks" and "fagotto" (Italian) or variants. Some think that it may resemble the Roman
3348:, who wanted to extend the range of the bassoon. Many passages in his later operas require the low A as well as the B-flat immediately above it; this is possible on a normal bassoon using an extension which also flattens low B to B 2646:
is used when playing in a standing position. This is installed between the instrument and the neck strap, and shifts the point of support closer to the center of gravity, adjusting the distribution of weight between the two hands.
2609: 2492: 2438: 3354:, but all extensions to the bell have significant effects on intonation and sound quality in the bottom register of the instrument, and passages such as this are more often realised with comparative ease by the contrabassoon. 1682:
The bassoon's similarity to the human voice, in addition to its newfound virtuosic ability, was another quality many composers took advantage of during the classical era. After 1730, the German bassoon's range expended up to
1424:. Owing to the ubiquity of the Heckel system in English-speaking countries, references in English to the contemporary bassoon always mean the Heckel system, with the Buffet system being explicitly qualified where it appears. 1707:
The role of the bassoon in the orchestra varied depending on the country. In the Viennese orchestra the instrument offered a three-dimensional sound to the ensemble by doubling other instruments such as violins, as heard in
2570: 2474: 2510: 1695:
it was also likened to the human voice. In France, Pierre Cugnier described the bassoon's role as encompassing not only the bass part, but also to accompany the voice and harp, play in pairs with clarinets and horns in
1153: 2552: 2384: 241: 2722:
The muscle requirements and variability of reeds mean it takes some time for bassoonists (and oboists) to develop an embouchure that exhibits consistent control across all reeds, dynamics and playing environments.
3029:, also serving for trills in the lower register. Its main assignment is the upper tone hole. This hole can be closed fully, or partially by rolling down the finger. This half-holing technique is used to overblow F 2591: 1723:
typically featured only two bassoons. But in France, orchestras increased the number to four in the latter half of the nineteenth century. In England, the bassoonist's role varied depending on the ensemble.
1031: 982: 2655:
of the right hand where the thumb joins the palm against the crutch. The crutch also keeps the right hand from tiring and enables the player to keep the finger pads flat on the finger holes and keys.
At this point, composers expected bassoons to be as virtuosic as the other wind instruments, as they often wrote solos challenging the range and technique of the instrument. Examples of this include
2607: 2490: 1275:, or heat shrink wrap may be used to seal the tube of the reed. The thread wrapping (commonly known as a "Turban" due to the criss-crossing fabric) is still more common in commercially sold reeds. 1007: 2436: 2216:
makes heavy use of the instrument throughout; their principal songwriter, Jack Barnett, claimed repeatedly to be "writing a lot of music for bassoon" in the run-up to its recording. The rock band
3835:. "Its direct ancestor is the dulcian, a hairpin-shaped instrument with a long, folded bore and a single key; developed in the first half of the 16th century, it remained in use until the 17th." 2568: 1340:
bassoon was a newly invented instrument, rather than a simple modification of the old dulcian. The dulcian was not immediately supplanted, but continued to be used well into the 18th century by
2472: 2508: 2550: 1604:. However, its use in concert orchestras was sporadic until the late 17th century when double reeds began to make their way into standard instrumentation. Increasing use of the dulcian as a 890:, a standard of bound sticks with an axe. A further discrepancy lies in the fact that the dulcian was carved out of a single block of wood—in other words, a single "stick" and not a bundle. 2382: 239: 2589: 1032: 2287:. Played by UK bassoonist Louise Watson, the bassoon is heard in the tracks "Cold" and "Mr Skeng" as a complement to the electronic synthesizer bass lines typically found in this genre. 4409: 3338:
into a lower note, almost always A natural; this broadly lowers the pitch of the instrument (most noticeably in the lower register) and will often accordingly convert the lowest B to B
the bass, clarinet, flute, and oboe. Emphasis also began to be placed on the unique sound of the bassoon's staccato, which might be described as quite short and aggressive, such as in
980: 2608: 2491: 2437: 1938:, which called for microtonal fingerings, glissandos, and timbral trills. Double and triple tonguing, flutter tonguing, multiphonics, quarter-tones, and singing are all utilized in 1650:
While the bassoon was still often used to give clarity to the bassline due to its sonorous low register, the capabilities of wind instruments grew as technology advanced during the
to suit the need. Otherwise, dulcian technique was rather primitive, with eight finger holes and two keys, indicating that it could play in only a limited number of key signatures.
1005: 4008: 2569: 2473: 2509: 1399:, was added during the first half of the 18th century. Notable makers of the 4-key and 5-key baroque bassoon include J.H. Eichentopf (c. 1678–1769), J. Poerschmann (1680–1757), 2551: 2383: 2012:, and a few other session appearances. The next few decades saw the instrument used only sporadically, as symphonic jazz fell out of favor, but the 1960s saw artists such as 1820:. Wagner also used the bassoon for its staccato ability in his work, and often wrote his three bassoon parts in thirds to evoke a darker sound with noticeable tone color. In 240: 2590: 2077: 2879:
is created. The whisper key may also be used at certain points throughout the instrument's high register, along with other fingerings, to alter sound quality as desired.
While bassoons are usually critically tuned at the factory, the player nonetheless has a great degree of flexibility of pitch control through the use of breath support,
2101: 1451:, he developed the 17-key bassoon with a range spanning four octaves. Almenräder's improvements to the bassoon began with an 1823 treatise describing ways of improving 981: 3066:
key above the tone hole, predominantly for trills, but many do not. The smallest finger operates two side keys on the bass joint. The lower key is typically used for C
to great bass. A full consort of dulcians was a rarity; its primary function seems to have been to provide the bass in the typical wind band of the time, either loud (
In orchestral settings, most orchestras from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present have three or four bassoonists, with the fourth typically covering
3292:"); some techniques use one as standard for both octaves and the other for utility, but others use the thumb key for the lower and the fourth finger for the higher. 1006: 4021: 3396:
for a high-quality instrument. In North America, schoolchildren may take up bassoon only after starting on another reed instrument, such as clarinet or saxophone.
The extensive high register of the bassoon and its frequent role as a lyric tenor have meant that tenor clef is very commonly employed in its literature after the
each hand. The back of the instrument (nearest the player) has twelve or more keys to be controlled by the thumbs, the exact number varying depending on model.
2093: 2105: 4123: 2109: 826: 3209:(the latter three employing solely it to flatten and stabilise the pitch). The lowest key for the smallest finger on the right hand is primarily used for A 2061: 1467:
himself requested one of the newly made instruments after hearing of the papers. In 1831, Almenräder left Schott to start his own factory with a partner,
4066: 2230:
in which the author comments that listening to an annoyingly talkative person is still "better than Ezra learning how to play the bassoon", referring to
Despite the logistic difficulties of the note, Wagner was not the only composer to write the low A. Another composer who has required the bassoon to be
features a bassoon in episode 6 entitled "Lullaby in Frogland", where the main character is encouraged to play the bassoon to impress a group of frogs.
1455:, response, and technical ease of playing by augmenting and rearranging the keywork. Subsequent articles further developed his ideas. His employment at 1252:
to the desired thickness, leaving the bark attached. After soaking, the gouged cane is cut to the proper shape and milled to the desired thickness, or
3776: 1267:
After the reed has dried, the wires are tightened around the reed, which has shrunk after drying, or replaced completely. The lower part is sealed (a
1700:, and to play in "nearly all types of music," including concerti, which were much more common than the sonatas of the previous era. Both Cugnier and 3025:
The four fingers of the left hand can each be used in two different positions. The key normally operated by the index finger is primarily used for E
Although the primary tone hole pitches are a pitched perfect 5th lower than other non-transposing Western woodwinds (effectively an octave beneath
Because its mechanism is primitive compared to most modern woodwinds, makers have occasionally attempted to "reinvent" the bassoon. In the 1960s,
2149: 3636: 2097: 2069: 1210:, primarily for student and outdoor use. Metal bassoons were made in the past but have not been produced by any major manufacturer since 1889. 1024: 3985: 2065: 1553:. The modern Buffet system has 22 keys with its range being the same as the Heckel; although Buffet instruments have greater facility in the 1177:, and the two adjoining bores of the boot joint are connected at the bottom of the instrument with a U-shaped metal connector. Both bore and 2813:
and certain other notes; it can be omitted, but the pitch will destabilise. Additional notes can be created with the left thumb keys; the D
2026:(1960) which features bassoon as part of a 6-man horn section, including a few solos) while Corea employed the bassoon in combination with 2020:
incorporate bassoon into their recordings. Lateef's diverse and eclectic instrumentation saw the bassoon as a natural addition (see, e.g.,
1972:, which required the bassoonist to be both a musician and an actor. The bassoon quartet became prominent at this time, with pieces such as 2670:
keys at the beginning of certain notes in the middle octave to achieve a clean slur from a lower note. This eliminates cracking, or brief
3492: 3881: 819: 2600: 2483: 2675:
the intonation of the notes slightly, and it can be advantageous when tuning to higher frequencies. Some bassoonists flick A and B
3744: 2393: 4418: 4102: 4954: 3658: 319:
literature, and is occasionally heard in pop, rock, and jazz settings as well. One who plays a bassoon is called a bassoonist.
The four fingers of the right hand have at least one assignment each. The index finger stays over one hole, except that when E
4455: 4367: 4311: 3915: 3600: 1891:
as well. Greater emphasis on the use of timbre, vibrato, and phrasing began to appear in bassoon pedagogy, and many followed
3690: 2561: 2447: 1777: 812: 1573:
modern bassoon playing, particularly in France, where it originated. Buffet-model bassoons are currently made in Paris by
4025: 3963: 2501: 1491:
system, but it failed to catch on. Other attempts to improve the instrument included a 24-keyed model and a single-reed
4049: 1459:
gave him the freedom to construct and test instruments according to these new designs, and he published the results in
100: 4281: 4273: 3949: 3720: 3614: 3428: 2519: 2212: 119: 72: 2349: 4119: 1912: 5255: 3051:. The middle finger typically stays on the centre hole on the tenor joint. It can also move to a lever used for E 2634: 2579: 1622:. Meanwhile, as the dulcian advanced technologically and was able to achieve more virtuosity, composers such as 1463:, Schott's house journal. Almenräder continued publishing and building instruments until his death in 1846, and 2246: 1803: 1798: 1549:
lamented in 1934 the dominance of the Heckel-style bassoon, considering them too homogeneous in sound with the
1015: 79: 57: 4073: 1756: 3280:; on many bassoons this key operates a different tone hole to the thumb key and produces a slightly flatter F 1326: 699: 2934:. The large circular key, otherwise known as the "pancake key", is held down for all the lowest notes from E 1830:, the bassoons play fortissimo alongside other bass instruments in order to evoke "the voice of the Devil." 5250: 4850: 3765: 2314: 1420:. A number of other types of bassoons have been constructed by various instrument makers, such as the rare 2681:
when tongued, for clarity of articulation, but flicking (or venting) is practically ubiquitous for slurs.
3433: 2180: 2161: 2022: 1623: 86: 3060:, also a trill key. The ring finger operates, on most models, one key. Some bassoons have an alternate E 2947:. It is also used, like the whisper key, in additional fingerings for muting the sound. For example, in 4947: 2739: 1729: 989: 973: 17: 2684:
While flicking is used to slur up to higher notes, the whisper key is used for lower notes. From the A
4448: 1861: 1671: 2112:
have both recorded jazz, exploiting the flexibility of the Buffet system instrument to good effect.
68: 4390:
Weaver, Robert L. (1986). "The Consolidation of the Main Elements of the Orchestra: 1470–1768". In
3075:, but can be used for muting or flattening notes in the tenor register. The upper key is used for E 1692: 1651: 53: 4377:
Stauffer, George B. (1986). "The Modern Orchestra: A Creation of the Late Eighteenth Century". In
3992: 3139:
and is the standard fingering for it in many places that tune to lower Hertz levels such as A440.
4306:(Thesis). Studia musicologica Universitatis Helsingiensis. Vol. 26. University of Helsinki. 4164:
An Exploration into the Validity and Treatment of the Bassoon in Duet Repertoire from 1960 - 2016
Third Octave – Alternate Fingering Chart for Heckel-System Bassoon – The Woodwind Fingering Guide
2747: 2157: 1816:, which required the bassoonist to triple tongue and also play up to the top of its range at an E 1793: 1709: 1675: 1659: 1375: 1170: 998: 485: 46: 1853:. Composers also wrote for the bassoon's middle register, such as in Stravinsky's "Berceuse" in 3908:
An Exploration into the Validity and Treatment of the Bassoon in Duet Repertoire from 1960–2016
3384: 3362: 1826: 1719: 1714: 1631: 1601: 1387: 1076: 3488: 1133:, at the bottom of the instrument and folding over on itself; the wing joint (or tenor joint) 5209: 4940: 4188: 4098: 3478: 2268: 1952: 1766: 1724: 1627: 1492: 1391: 1379: 1362: 1341: 5047: 4428: 2800:, and the whisper key. The whisper key should be held down for notes between and including F 2719:
reeds, which are categorically inconsistent in behaviour for inherent and exherent reasons.
began incorporating the bassoon in his performances. Specific calls for its use occurred in
1812: 4977: 4711: 4441: 3885: 2301: 2133: 1688: 1663: 1464: 1443:
The design of the modern bassoon owes a great deal to the performer, teacher, and composer
159: 2731: 1606: 8: 5032: 4870: 4761: 4501: 3826: 3413: 2280: 2125: 1619: 1195: 750: 733: 344: 152: 1667: 4551: 3630: 3423: 3375: 3309: 2250: 2207: 2196: 1906: 1901: 1881: 1845: 1634:
and Georg Philipp Telemann wrote demanding solo and ensemble music for the instrument.
1480: 1468: 1452: 1436: 1305: 938: 335: 295: 249: 4751: 4586: 3741: 2841:. The same bottom tenor-joint key is also used, with additional fingering, to create E 1444: 5245: 4982: 4781: 4771: 4721: 4363: 4317: 4307: 3955: 3945: 3911: 3606: 3596: 2169: 2052:
have both doubled on bassoon in addition to their saxophone performances. Bassoonist
1821: 1488: 1222: 1118: 548: 479: 93: 4304:
Bassoon Playing in Perspective: Character and Performance Practice from 1800 to 1850
3650: 1946:
There were also a variety of concerti and bassoon and piano pieces written, such as
used the instrument's lyrical, singing voice to evoke emotion in pieces such as his
957:, and, beginning in the 20th century, treble clef is also seen for similar reasons. 5176: 5012: 4566: 4197: 3484: 3305: 2667: 2663: 2242: 2238: 2226: 2221: 2217: 2184: 2141: 2037: 1939: 1877: 1869: 1554: 1371: 1330: 1040: 414: 174: 2715:
instruments, affecting these qualities as much, or more than the embouchure does.
2662:. It involves the left hand thumb momentarily pressing, or "flicking" the high A, 1868:. They also continued to highlight the staccato sound of the bassoon, as heard in 4776: 4571: 4536: 4511: 4173: 4053: 3748: 3370: 2296: 2192: 2153: 2081: 1965: 1892: 1849:
in which the bassoon plays in its highest register in order to mimic the Russian
1840: 1751: 1666:
in his three Duos for Clarinet and Bassoon (WoO 27) for clarinet and bassoon and
1635: 1615: 1448: 1400: 1383: 933: 3680: 3344:(and render the neighbouring C very flat). The idea of using low A was begun by 1957: 1350: 5204: 5151: 5136: 5099: 5062: 5007: 4921: 4649: 4639: 4475: 3418: 3345: 3151:
is played a side key at the top of the boot is used (this key also provides a C
A collection of samples demonstrating the bassoon's range, abilities, and tone.
2188: 2165: 2085: 2049: 1997: 1807: 1761: 1746: 1574: 1527: 1268: 1199: 745: 4746: 3387:, op. 43, which includes an optional low A for the final cadence of the work. 3022:), in a manner that avoids sliding the right fourth finger from another note. 2743:
Holes and keys operated by fingers on left hand (above) and right hand (below)
1701: 1545:
considered by some to have a more vocal and expressive quality. The conductor
1095: 869:, in Spanish, Dutch, Danish, Czech, Polish, Serbo-Croatian and Romanian it is 5239: 5141: 5052: 5027: 5017: 4987: 4890: 4855: 4556: 4346: 4321: 4201: 4011:
International Double Reed Society. The Double Reed, Vol. 12, No. 2 Fall 1989.
3959: 3910:. Ann Arbor: University of Maryland, College Park, 2017. Order No. 10269497. 3610: 3366: 2633:
Close-up of a hand rest attached to a bassoon, viewed from behind. See also:
2176: 2005: 2001: 1947: 1929: 1896: 1888: 1865: 1504: 1500: 1417: 1225:
are usually around 5.5 cm (2.2 in) in length and wrapped in thread.
1203: 765: 709: 421: 361: 316: 264: 190: 2183:" features the bassoon. In the 1970s it was played, in the British medieval/ 1704:
emphasized the importance of the bassoon's similarity to the singing voice.
5186: 5146: 5109: 5072: 4963: 4875: 4664: 4576: 4496: 4046: 3380: 2671: 2200: 2137: 2045: 2013: 1973: 1934: 1854: 1741: 1655: 1519: 1476: 1456: 1421: 1403:. (1668–1734), G.H. Scherer (1703–1778), and Prudent Thieriot (1732–1786). 1382:) was added, and it was for this type of instrument that composers such as 1243: 1072: 638: 312: 4433: 3712: 3590: 2882:
The right thumb operates four keys. The uppermost key is used to produce B
2629: 1775:
utilized the staccato to depict the image of two brooms coming to life in
663: 5166: 5114: 5037: 5002: 4997: 4809: 4561: 4526: 4516: 4464: 4391: 4378: 3685: 3400:
Students typically receive instruction in proper posture, hand position,
3301: 2658:
An aspect of bassoon technique not found on any other woodwind is called
2263: 2257: 2253: 2089: 2053: 2030: 2017: 2009: 1916: 1550: 1546: 1484: 1100: 954: 760: 538: 506: 496: 441: 366: 269: 167: 5156: 4900: 4766: 4614: 4423: 3401: 2695: 2621: 2231: 1772: 1229: 1052: 913: 740: 715: 683: 653: 606: 563: 451: 446: 436: 381: 4845: 3262:. The frontmost key is used, in addition to the thumb key, to create G 1292: 5219: 5161: 5126: 5119: 5104: 5042: 4992: 4731: 4619: 4581: 4521: 3939: 2249:
features the bassoon playing of Chloe Herrington, who also plays for
2172: 2120: 2057: 2041: 1993: 1850: 1654:. This allowed the instrument to play in more keys than the dulcian. 1541: 1378:
and Richard Haka from the 1680s. Sometime around 1700, a fourth key (
1178: 1174: 780: 755: 720: 704: 673: 613: 431: 396: 308: 170: 4865: 4171:
Kopp, James B. (1999). "The Emergence of the Late Baroque Bassoon".
3766:"The Importance of Cane Selection in Historical Bassoon Reed-Making" 2952: 1487:. F.W. Kruspe implemented a latecomer attempt in 1893 to reform the 1202:
preferred. Less-expensive models are also made of materials such as
35: 5214: 5181: 5171: 5131: 5057: 4916: 4860: 4814: 4644: 4629: 4624: 4609: 4541: 4531: 4479: 3313: 2027: 1697: 1639: 1358: 924:). However, most writing for bassoon rarely calls for notes above C 688: 648: 623: 568: 558: 456: 371: 351: 299: 259: 4330:
The Bassoon: Its History, Construction, Makers, Players, and Music
Many extended techniques can be performed on the bassoon, such as
1600:. It was used to reinforce the bass line in wind ensembles called 1412:
made possible great improvements in the instrument's playability.
4880: 4786: 4726: 4685: 4659: 4634: 4186:
Lange, H. J.; Thomson, J. M. (July 1979). "The Baroque Bassoon".
2326: 2284: 2145: 2104:
are also currently using the bassoon in jazz. French bassoonists
1597: 1495:, but both these had adverse effects on tone and were abandoned. 1337: 1318: 1313: 1297: 1261: 1218: 1207: 1087: 950: 882: 693: 658: 633: 628: 583: 578: 543: 461: 391: 274: 3941:
The Bassoon Its History, Construction, Makers, Players and Music
2195:, where it was played by drummer Burleigh Drummond. The Belgian 1785:
three or four, and at time wrote for up to eight such as in his
Like other woodwind instruments, the lowest note is fixed, but A
198: 5224: 4932: 4885: 4840: 4799: 4756: 4690: 4654: 2986:. The lowermost key is used less often: it is used to produce A 2073: 1503:
requirements of the symphony orchestra, remaining primarily in
1432: 1110: 917: 887: 798: 775: 593: 533: 516: 426: 401: 4741: 1145:, a crooked metal tube that attaches the wing joint to a reed 881:. Fagot is an Old French word meaning a bundle of sticks. The 4895: 4835: 4819: 4804: 4794: 4716: 4695: 4669: 4604: 3325:
The bassoonist may also produce lower notes than the bottom B
2963:, but Ravel directs that the player should also depress the E 2948: 2870:
are used with slightly altered fingering on the boot joint, B
1611: 1510: 1479:-style bassoon, and a completely keyed instrument devised by 1322: 1272: 1191: 1138: 1117:
The bassoon disassembles into six main pieces, including the
770: 678: 668: 573: 528: 511: 501: 491: 376: 141: 3986:"Review of the CD "FAAA." International Double Reed Society" 2266:
featured the bassoon in the opening track of her 2004 album
is possible with a special extension to the instrument—see "
Renard Artist model 220 bassoon by Fox, front and side views
5067: 4506: 2751:
Keys operated by left thumb (above) and right thumb (below)
2309: 1989: 1475:
competed for prominence with the reformed Wiener system, a
643: 618: 588: 553: 466: 386: 304: 279: 2817:
and bottom key above the whisper key on the tenor joint (C
4736: 3681:"Check out the translation for "bassoon" on SpanishDict!" 2959:. This is easy to perform with the normal fingering for G 2484:
Articulations (staccato, legato, legato+vibrato, slurred)
2060:, is one of the few jazz musicians to play only bassoon; 1596:
Prior to 1760, the early ancestor of the bassoon was the
of the bassoon is conical, like that of the oboe and the
5082: 3838: 3824: 1884:, the part of the grandfather is played by the bassoon. 1638:
brought it to prominence by featuring it in thirty-nine
863:). However, the Italian name for the same instrument is 3833:. San Francisco: Hal Leonard Corporation. p. 1154. 1129:, connecting the bell and the boot; the boot (or butt) 4022:""Charles Sirad" at International Double Reed Society" 1796:'s bassoon solo and cadenza following the clarinet in 1745:
much of the pedagogy surrounded emulating this sound.
1586: 1390:
wrote their demanding music. A fifth key, for the low
1079:, meaning that notes sounded match the written pitch. 4362:(Rev. ed.). Evanston, IL: Summy-Birchard Comp. 4358:
Spencer, William G.; Mueller, Frederick A. (1969) .
2191:, by Brian Gulland, as well as by the American band 1125:, extending upward; the bass joint (or long joint) 60:. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 2866:. When the two keys on the tenor joint to create A 2701: 1833: 4247:A Bundle of Joy: A Practical Handbook for Bassoon 4220:The Bassoon Reed Manual: Lou Skinner's Techniques 2955:", the bassoon is asked to play the ostinato on G 1905:and the multi-finger trills used in Stravinsky's 1610:instrument meant that it began to be included in 1190:A modern beginner's bassoon is generally made of 5237: 4301: 3850: 3483:. Oxford Music Online. Oxford University Press. 2164:". From 1974 to 1978, the bassoon was played by 1693:Concerto for Bassoon in F Major, Op. 75 (J. 127) 4351:The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments 2275:In 2016, the bassoon was featured on the album 1964:. There were also "performance" pieces such as 1658:took advantage of this in his Symphony No. 45 ( 1565:with far greater ease and less air resistance. 1518:Except for a brief 1940s wartime conversion to 4357: 4235: 3800: 1996:. It first began appearing in the 1920s, when 4948: 4449: 4229:An Analysis of the Bassoon and Its Literature 4047:Music – Review of These New Puritans – Hidden 2124:The contemporary quintet Edmund Wayne at the 1447:. Assisted by the German acoustic researcher 870: 864: 858: 852: 846: 820: 4185: 3844: 3751:. Retrieved on 2012-05-25. 3161:ring-finger key can be used, typically for B 1670:in his duets for violin and bassoon. In his 1137:, which extends from boot to bocal; and the 920:, roughly to the G above the treble staff (G 876: 840: 4463: 2290: 1336:Circumstantial evidence indicates that the 1329:), indicating a remarkable ability to vary 4955: 4941: 4456: 4442: 4396:The Orchestra: Origins and Transformations 4385:. Charles Scribner's Sons. pp. 41–72. 4383:The Orchestra: Origins and Transformations 4253: 3635:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 3476: 3188:may be created with this key, as well as G 2203:is also known for its use of the bassoon. 827: 813: 4398:. Charles Scribner's Sons. pp. 7–40. 4231:(MS thesis). Eastern Illinois University. 3831:Classical Music: The Listener's Companion 3379:. Some works have optional low As, as in 2691:slurring between high and low registers. 2140:(the bassoonist was Charles R. Sirard), " 1534: 1427: 120:Learn how and when to remove this message 4376: 4208: 3868: 3759: 3757: 2746: 2738: 2735:Diagram describing the keys on a bassoon 2730: 2628: 2119: 1911: 1672:Bassoon Concerto in B-flat major, K. 191 1509: 1431: 1312:Music historians generally consider the 1291: 1228: 1217: 1094: 1086: 1065: 4254:Waterhouse, William (2001). "Bassoon". 4240:(3rd ed.). Charles Double Reed Co. 4226: 4109:, vol. XLVIII, no. 7, July 1932, p. 12. 3489:10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.02276 3390: 1406: 14: 5238: 4389: 4292: 4236:Popkin, Mark; Glickman, Loren (2007). 4126:from the original on 20 September 2020 4009:Review of the LP "Palisander's Night." 3584: 3582: 3580: 3578: 3576: 3574: 3572: 3570: 3568: 3566: 3564: 3562: 3560: 3558: 3556: 3554: 3552: 3550: 3548: 3546: 3544: 3542: 3540: 3538: 3536: 3534: 3532: 3530: 3373:also calls for the low A in his opera 3295: 2080:plays the bassoon in the ensembles of 1988:The bassoon is infrequently used as a 1862:Symphony No. 5 in E-flat major, Op. 82 1614:orchestras, in works such as those by 1233:Detail of binding around base of reed. 1039:Four-bassoon ensemble performing from 4936: 4478:and sextuple reeds; does not include 4437: 4345: 4332:, Uitgeverij F. Knuf, 1978. 5 volumes 4217: 4166:(DMA thesis). University of Maryland. 3933: 3931: 3929: 3927: 3925: 3923: 3812: 3754: 3723:from the original on 12 December 2019 3693:from the original on 12 December 2019 3528: 3526: 3524: 3522: 3520: 3518: 3516: 3514: 3512: 3510: 1194:, with medium-hardness types such as 4335: 4295:Musical Instruments Through the Ages 4244: 4170: 4161: 3937: 3856: 3588: 3472: 3470: 3468: 3466: 3464: 3462: 3460: 3458: 3456: 3454: 2763:The left thumb operates nine keys: B 2156:, and the oompah bassoon underlying 1514:Two views of a Fox model 220 bassoon 1317:many as eight different sizes, from 903:The range of the bassoon begins at B 58:adding citations to reliable sources 29: 3404:, repertoire, and tone production. 2726: 1740:The role of the bassoon during the 1587:Ensembles prior to the 20th century 1581: 839:The word bassoon comes from French 24: 4263: 3966:from the original on 3 August 2024 3920: 3782:from the original on 29 March 2019 3763: 3507: 2796:), two keys when combined create A 2620:Problems playing these files? See 2335: 2325: 2220:took their name from a passage in 1051:Problems playing these files? See 962: 893: 197: 25: 5267: 4403: 4282:International Double Reed Society 3451: 3429:International Double Reed Society 2308:The character Jan Bellows in the 5081: 4962: 4342:– 297 pages; a scholarly history 4302:Domínguez Moreno, Áurea (2013). 4285:(1972–1999, in 2000 merged with 4120:"Buying a Bassoon for a Student" 4097:Benjamin Kohon (solo bassoon of 3661:from the original on 14 May 2012 3617:from the original on 5 June 2023 3495:from the original on 5 June 2023 2605: 2587: 2566: 2548: 2506: 2488: 2470: 2434: 2380: 2138:Smokey Robinson and the Miracles 2115: 1992:instrument and rarely seen in a 1029: 1003: 978: 916:) and extends upward over three 237: 140: 34: 4419:Internet Contrabassoon Resource 4227:Mettler, Larry Charles (1960). 4138: 4112: 4091: 4059: 4056:. BBC. Retrieved on 2012-05-25. 4040: 4014: 4002: 3978: 3900: 3874: 3818: 2702:Embouchure and sound production 1834:20th and 21st century ensembles 1735: 1645: 1213: 1082: 160:Hornbostel–Sachs classification 45:needs additional citations for 27:Double-reed woodwind instrument 4209:Langwill, Lyndesay G. (1965). 3735: 3705: 3673: 3643: 3245:) but can be used to improve D 2318:is a professional bassoonist. 1241:Modern bassoon reeds, made of 265:Contrabassoon (double bassoon) 13: 1: 4293:Baines, Anthony, ed. (1961). 4218:McKay, James R., ed. (2001). 4211:The Bassoon and Contrabassoon 4122:. Band Director Media Group. 3439: 857:with the augmentative suffix 4249:. FagotAielier Maarten Vonk. 4103:"A few notes on the bassoon" 3477:Waterhouse, William (2001). 3444: 2321: 2315:Only Murders in the Building 1962:Sonata for bassoon and piano 1185: 1164: 953:, partly to avoid excessive 322: 7: 4412:The Production of a Bassoon 4222:. Indiana University Press. 4067:"Bassoon Intonation Issues" 3434:British Double Reed Society 3407: 2823:key) together create both C 2181:The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins 2092:, the Brazilian bassoonist 2023:The Centaur and the Phoenix 1624:Joseph Bodin de Boismortier 1591: 10: 5272: 4517:Cor anglais (English horn) 4474:(also includes those with 4429:A Guide to Bassoon Keywork 4360:The art of Bassoon playing 4258:. Oxford University Press. 4155: 3801:Popkin & Glickman 2007 2072:, an American resident in 1282: 5195: 5090: 5079: 4970: 4909: 4828: 4704: 4678: 4595: 4487: 4472: 4349:, ed. (2001). "Bassoon". 4148:, Houghton Mifflin, p. 70 3882:"Instruments / Clarinets" 2064:, the Spanish bassoonist 1778:The Sorcerer's Apprentice 1287: 1043:'s "Magnus es tu, Domine" 912:(the first one below the 255: 248: 196: 189: 181: 158: 151: 139: 4424:Bassoon Fingering Charts 4340:. Yale University Press. 4289:), I.D.R.S. Publications 3884:. Selmer. Archived from 3845:Lange & Thomson 1979 2291:Appearance in Television 1439:system bassoon from 1870 898: 4336:Kopp, James B. (2012). 4272:(published quarterly), 3589:Kopp, James B. (2012). 2158:The New Vaudeville Band 2150:59th Street Bridge Song 1983: 1794:Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov 1771:in the fifth movement. 1376:Johann Christoph Denner 1013:From Rimsky-Korsakov's 5256:Orchestral instruments 4245:Vonk, Maarten (2007). 4202:10.1093/earlyj/7.3.346 4162:Hall, Ronn K. (2017). 4144:Elsa Z. Powell (1950) 2900:, and may be used in B 2752: 2744: 2736: 2638: 2580:Bassoon reed alone or 2394:Tone across octaves (B 2340: 2330: 2277:Gang Signs and Prayers 2128: 2076:, Norway, are others. 2004:'s group, the unusual 1978:It Takes Four to Tango 1924: 1921:L'Orchestre de L'Opera 1827:Night on Bald Mountain 1715:The Marriage of Figaro 1632:Johann Friedrich Fasch 1535:Buffet (French) system 1515: 1440: 1428:Heckel (German) system 1388:Georg Philipp Telemann 1309: 1234: 1226: 1114: 1092: 967: 877: 871: 865: 859: 853: 847: 841: 202: 5210:Low-frequency effects 4414:by Francois de Rudder 4099:New York Philharmonic 4052:3 August 2024 at the 3938:Will, Jansen (1978). 3825:Morin, Alexander J.; 3713:"Definition of fagot" 2750: 2742: 2734: 2635:viewed from the front 2632: 2339: 2329: 2269:Extraordinary Machine 2123: 1915: 1767:Symphonie fantastique 1725:Johann Christian Bach 1628:Johann Ernst Galliard 1513: 1435: 1295: 1232: 1221: 1098: 1090: 1075:) the bassoon is non- 966: 201: 4978:Acoustic bass guitar 4910:American traditional 4829:European traditional 4146:This Is an Orchestra 3747:10 July 2009 at the 3391:Learning the bassoon 2302:Over the Garden Wall 2162:Winchester Cathedral 2134:The Tears of a Clown 2106:Jean-Jacques Decreux 1689:Carl Maria von Weber 1664:Ludwig van Beethoven 1465:Ludwig van Beethoven 1407:Modern configuration 1091:Parts of the bassoon 1025:Tu pauperum refugium 54:improve this article 5251:Baroque instruments 5033:Contrabass trombone 4679:African traditional 4502:Piccolo heckelphone 4238:Bassoon Reed Making 3998:on 30 October 2008. 3888:on 27 February 2012 3827:Harold C. Schonberg 3414:List of bassoonists 3332:convert the lower B 3296:Extended techniques 2126:Treefort Music Fest 2110:Alexandre Ouzounoff 1620:Jean-Baptiste Lully 1066:Extended techniques 936:'s opening solo in 751:Electronic keyboard 336:Musical instruments 330:Part of a series on 250:Related instruments 153:Woodwind instrument 136: 4596:European classical 4552:Semi-contrabassoon 4488:European classical 4256:Grove Music Online 4028:on 2 February 2014 3424:Bassoon repertoire 3310:circular breathing 2753: 2745: 2737: 2639: 2562:Embouchure bending 2448:Chromatic scale (B 2341: 2331: 2208:These New Puritans 2197:Rock in Opposition 2129: 2094:Alexandre Silvério 2062:Michael Rabinowitz 1970:Sonata Abassoonata 1925: 1902:Rapsodie espagnole 1882:Peter and the Wolf 1660:"Farewell Symphony 1516: 1481:Charles-Joseph Sax 1469:Johann Adam Heckel 1441: 1401:Thomas Stanesby Jr 1310: 1306:Michael Praetorius 1235: 1227: 1115: 1103:of the bassoon's B 1093: 968: 939:The Rite of Spring 480:String instruments 296:musical instrument 203: 185:Early 18th century 134: 5233: 5232: 4983:Bass (voice type) 4930: 4929: 4705:Asian traditional 4369:978-0-87487-073-2 4313:978-952-10-9443-9 4105:. Reprinted from 3916:978-0-355-06208-3 3602:978-1-282-24182-4 3365:down to low A is 2857:together create C 2610: 2592: 2571: 2553: 2511: 2493: 2475: 2439: 2385: 2056:, a performer of 1953:Five Sacred Trees 1822:Modest Mussorgsky 1730:Revolutionary War 1347:flûte traversière 1034: 1008: 988:From Beethoven's 983: 942:only ascends to D 845:and from Italian 837: 836: 415:Brass instruments 288: 287: 242: 130: 129: 122: 104: 16:(Redirected from 5263: 5085: 5013:Bass synthesizer 4957: 4950: 4943: 4934: 4933: 4567:Contrabassophone 4458: 4451: 4444: 4435: 4434: 4399: 4386: 4373: 4354: 4341: 4325: 4298: 4297:. Penguin Books. 4259: 4250: 4241: 4232: 4223: 4214: 4205: 4182: 4167: 4149: 4142: 4136: 4135: 4133: 4131: 4116: 4110: 4095: 4089: 4088: 4086: 4084: 4078: 4072:. Archived from 4071: 4063: 4057: 4044: 4038: 4037: 4035: 4033: 4024:. Archived from 4018: 4012: 4006: 4000: 3999: 3997: 3991:. Archived from 3990: 3982: 3976: 3975: 3973: 3971: 3935: 3918: 3904: 3898: 3897: 3895: 3893: 3878: 3872: 3866: 3860: 3854: 3848: 3842: 3836: 3834: 3822: 3816: 3810: 3804: 3798: 3792: 3791: 3789: 3787: 3781: 3770: 3761: 3752: 3739: 3733: 3732: 3730: 3728: 3709: 3703: 3702: 3700: 3698: 3677: 3671: 3670: 3668: 3666: 3647: 3641: 3640: 3634: 3626: 3624: 3622: 3586: 3505: 3504: 3502: 3500: 3474: 3353: 3352: 3343: 3342: 3337: 3336: 3330: 3329: 3321: 3320: 3306:flutter-tonguing 3291: 3290: 3285: 3284: 3276: 3275: 3267: 3266: 3254: 3253: 3241: 3240: 3232: 3231: 3223: 3222: 3214: 3213: 3197: 3196: 3184: 3183: 3175: 3174: 3166: 3165: 3156: 3155: 3147: 3146: 3127: 3126: 3110: 3109: 3097: 3096: 3080: 3079: 3071: 3070: 3065: 3064: 3056: 3055: 3047: 3046: 3034: 3033: 3018: 3017: 3009: 3008: 3000: 2999: 2991: 2990: 2982: 2981: 2973: 2972: 2943: 2942: 2930: 2929: 2909: 2908: 2896: 2895: 2887: 2886: 2875: 2874: 2862: 2861: 2837: 2836: 2828: 2827: 2822: 2821: 2809: 2808: 2768: 2767: 2727:Modern fingering 2689: 2688: 2680: 2679: 2612: 2611: 2601:Flutter tonguing 2594: 2593: 2573: 2572: 2555: 2554: 2513: 2512: 2495: 2494: 2477: 2476: 2462: 2461: 2453: 2452: 2441: 2440: 2426: 2425: 2417: 2416: 2408: 2407: 2399: 2398: 2387: 2386: 2372: 2371: 2359: 2358: 2350:Playing Range (A 2338: 2299:animated series 2243:progressive rock 2227:A Moveable Feast 2222:Ernest Hemingway 2218:Better Than Ezra 2185:progressive rock 2170:avant-garde band 2142:Jennifer Juniper 2038:Illinois Jacquet 1940:Bruno Bartolozzi 1878:Sergei Prokofiev 1874:Humorous Scherzo 1870:Sergei Prokofiev 1752:Messa da Requiem 1668:Niccolo Paganini 1582:Use in ensembles 1397: 1396: 1368: 1367: 1351:transverse flute 1302:Syntagma musicum 1260:a conical steel 1160: 1159: 1158: 1156: 1148: 1144: 1136: 1132: 1128: 1124: 1108: 1107: 1041:Josquin des Prez 1036: 1035: 1010: 1009: 985: 984: 965: 908: 907: 880: 875:, and in German 874: 868: 862: 856: 850: 844: 829: 822: 815: 327: 326: 244: 243: 230: 229: 216: 215: 144: 137: 133: 125: 118: 114: 111: 105: 103: 62: 38: 30: 21: 5271: 5270: 5266: 5265: 5264: 5262: 5261: 5260: 5236: 5235: 5234: 5229: 5197: 5191: 5092: 5086: 5077: 4966: 4961: 4931: 4926: 4905: 4824: 4700: 4674: 4597: 4591: 4572:Reed contrabass 4537:Contrabass oboe 4489: 4483: 4468: 4462: 4406: 4370: 4314: 4287:The Double Reed 4280:Journal of the 4270:The Double Reed 4266: 4264:Further reading 4213:. W. W. Norton. 4174:The Double Reed 4158: 4153: 4152: 4143: 4139: 4129: 4127: 4118: 4117: 4113: 4096: 4092: 4082: 4080: 4079:on 30 July 2014 4076: 4069: 4065: 4064: 4060: 4054:Wayback Machine 4045: 4041: 4031: 4029: 4020: 4019: 4015: 4007: 4003: 3995: 3988: 3984: 3983: 3979: 3969: 3967: 3952: 3936: 3921: 3905: 3901: 3891: 3889: 3880: 3879: 3875: 3867: 3863: 3855: 3851: 3843: 3839: 3823: 3819: 3811: 3807: 3799: 3795: 3785: 3783: 3779: 3768: 3764:Rachor, David. 3762: 3755: 3749:Wayback Machine 3740: 3736: 3726: 3724: 3711: 3710: 3706: 3696: 3694: 3679: 3678: 3674: 3664: 3662: 3655:Merriam-Webster 3649: 3648: 3644: 3628: 3627: 3620: 3618: 3603: 3587: 3508: 3498: 3496: 3475: 3452: 3447: 3442: 3410: 3393: 3371:Richard Strauss 3350: 3349: 3340: 3339: 3334: 3333: 3327: 3326: 3318: 3317: 3314:double tonguing 3298: 3288: 3287: 3282: 3281: 3279: 3273: 3272: 3270: 3264: 3263: 3261: 3257: 3251: 3250: 3248: 3244: 3238: 3237: 3235: 3229: 3228: 3226: 3220: 3219: 3217: 3211: 3210: 3208: 3204: 3200: 3194: 3193: 3191: 3187: 3181: 3180: 3178: 3172: 3171: 3169: 3163: 3162: 3159: 3153: 3152: 3150: 3144: 3143: 3138: 3135:; 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Frits Knuf. 3919: 3906:HALL, Ronn K. 3899: 3873: 3861: 3849: 3837: 3817: 3805: 3793: 3753: 3734: 3704: 3672: 3642: 3601: 3506: 3449: 3448: 3446: 3443: 3441: 3438: 3437: 3436: 3431: 3426: 3421: 3419:Bassoon makers 3416: 3409: 3406: 3392: 3389: 3346:Richard Wagner 3297: 3294: 3286:("duplicated F 3277: 3268: 3259: 3255: 3246: 3242: 3233: 3224: 3215: 3206: 3202: 3198: 3189: 3185: 3176: 3167: 3157: 3148: 3136: 3132: 3128: 3119: 3115: 3111: 3102: 3098: 3089: 3085: 3081: 3072: 3057: 3048: 3039: 3035: 3026: 3019: 3010: 3001: 2992: 2983: 2974: 2964: 2960: 2956: 2944: 2935: 2931: 2922: 2918: 2914: 2910: 2901: 2897: 2888: 2876: 2867: 2863: 2854: 2850: 2846: 2842: 2838: 2829: 2814: 2810: 2801: 2797: 2793: 2789: 2785: 2781: 2777: 2773: 2769: 2728: 2725: 2703: 2700: 2644:balance hanger 2617: 2604: 2599: 2598: 2586: 2578: 2577: 2565: 2560: 2559: 2547: 2541: 2537: 2533: 2529: 2525: 2521: 2518: 2517: 2505: 2500: 2499: 2487: 2482: 2481: 2469: 2463: 2454: 2446: 2445: 2433: 2427: 2418: 2409: 2400: 2392: 2391: 2379: 2373: 2364: 2360: 2351: 2348: 2347: 2344: 2343: 2334: 2333: 2332: 2323: 2320: 2292: 2289: 2210:'s 2010 album 2166:Lindsay Cooper 2117: 2114: 2086:Lindsay Cooper 2050:Marshall Allen 1998:Garvin Bushell 1985: 1982: 1944:Concertazioni. 1846:Rite of Spring 1835: 1832: 1817: 1808:Richard Wagner 1762:Hector Berlioz 1747:Giuseppe Verdi 1737: 1734: 1684: 1647: 1644: 1607:basso continuo 1593: 1590: 1588: 1585: 1583: 1580: 1575:Buffet Crampon 1562: 1558: 1536: 1533: 1528:Giles Brindley 1429: 1426: 1408: 1405: 1370:by adding two 1289: 1286: 1284: 1281: 1269:nitrocellulose 1215: 1212: 1196:sycamore maple 1187: 1184: 1166: 1163: 1084: 1081: 1061: 1048: 1038: 1028: 1023: 1022: 1012: 1002: 997: 996: 992:, 1st movement 990:Symphony No. 4 987: 977: 972: 971: 970: 961: 960: 959: 943: 929: 925: 921: 909: 900: 897: 895: 892: 835: 834: 832: 831: 824: 817: 809: 806: 805: 802: 801: 795: 792: 791: 788: 787: 784: 783: 778: 773: 768: 763: 758: 753: 748: 746:Clavicytherium 743: 737: 732: 731: 728: 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5101: 5098: 5097: 5095: 5089: 5084: 5074: 5071: 5069: 5066: 5064: 5061: 5059: 5056: 5054: 5053:Keyboard bass 5051: 5049: 5046: 5044: 5041: 5039: 5036: 5034: 5031: 5029: 5028:Contrabassoon 5026: 5024: 5021: 5019: 5018:Bass trombone 5016: 5014: 5011: 5009: 5006: 5004: 5001: 4999: 4996: 4994: 4991: 4989: 4988:Bass clarinet 4986: 4984: 4981: 4979: 4976: 4975: 4973: 4969: 4965: 4958: 4953: 4951: 4946: 4944: 4939: 4938: 4935: 4923: 4920: 4918: 4915: 4914: 4912: 4908: 4902: 4899: 4897: 4894: 4892: 4889: 4887: 4884: 4882: 4879: 4877: 4874: 4872: 4869: 4867: 4864: 4862: 4859: 4857: 4856:Catalan shawm 4854: 4852: 4849: 4847: 4844: 4842: 4839: 4837: 4834: 4833: 4831: 4827: 4821: 4818: 4816: 4813: 4811: 4808: 4806: 4803: 4801: 4798: 4796: 4793: 4790: 4788: 4785: 4783: 4780: 4778: 4775: 4773: 4770: 4768: 4765: 4763: 4760: 4758: 4755: 4753: 4750: 4748: 4745: 4743: 4740: 4738: 4735: 4733: 4730: 4728: 4725: 4723: 4720: 4718: 4715: 4713: 4710: 4709: 4707: 4703: 4697: 4694: 4692: 4689: 4687: 4684: 4683: 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The bell 1101:spectrogram 1077:transposing 761:Harpsichord 539:Bass guitar 507:Hurdy-gurdy 497:Double bass 442:French horn 367:Cor anglais 270:Contraforte 5240:Categories 5157:Partimento 4901:Surma-horn 4767:Nadaswaram 4752:Kèn đám ma 4615:Bassanello 4130:24 January 4083:5 November 3813:McKay 2001 3440:References 3402:embouchure 3376:Intermezzo 2696:embouchure 2622:media help 2256:orchestra 2247:Knifeworld 2232:Ezra Pound 1813:Tannhäuser 1773:Paul Dukas 1493:mouthpiece 1453:intonation 1353:) and the 1179:tone holes 1053:media help 934:Stravinsky 914:bass staff 741:Clavichord 716:Vibraphone 712:aka Chimes 684:Snare drum 654:Lithophone 607:Percussion 452:Tenor horn 447:Mellophone 437:Flugelhorn 382:Nadaswaram 309:orchestral 164:422.112–71 80:newspapers 18:Bassoonist 5220:Subwoofer 5177:Slap bass 5162:Jazz bass 5127:Bass note 5120:Fuzz bass 5105:Bass clef 5048:Guitarrón 5043:Euphonium 4993:Bass drum 4732:Hichiriki 4620:Cornamuse 4582:Rothphone 4522:Bass oboe 4476:quadruple 4322:0787-4294 3960:470056072 3857:Kopp 1999 3651:"Bassoon" 3631:cite book 3611:817797348 3445:Citations 3363:chromatic 2938:down to B 2520:Trills (B 2322:Technique 2173:Henry Cow 2058:free jazz 2042:Ray Pizzi 1851:Dentsivka 1542:acoustics 1489:fingering 1327:recorders 1186:Materials 1175:saxophone 1165:Structure 1068:" below. 781:Virginals 756:Harmonium 734:Keyboards 721:Xylophone 705:Tubaphone 674:Mridangam 664:Marímbula 614:Bass drum 432:Euphonium 397:Saxophone 345:Woodwinds 323:Etymology 182:Developed 171:aerophone 69:"Bassoon" 5246:Bassoons 5215:Sub-bass 5182:Walkdown 5172:Ostinato 5132:Bassline 5093:notation 5058:Octobass 4917:Chirimía 4891:Tárogató 4861:Dulzaina 4815:Tangmuri 4645:Kortholt 4630:Crumhorn 4625:Cromorne 4587:Tromboon 4542:Tenoroon 4532:Lupophon 4490:(modern) 4480:bagpipes 4274:I.D.R.S. 4124:Archived 4050:Archived 3970:30 April 3964:Archived 3829:(2002). 3786:28 March 3777:Archived 3745:Archived 3721:Archived 3691:Archived 3659:Archived 3621:30 April 3615:Archived 3499:30 April 3493:Archived 3408:See also 3351:♭ 3341:♭ 3335:♭ 3328:♭ 3319:♭ 3289:♯ 3283:♯ 3274:♭ 3265:♭ 3252:♭ 3239:♯ 3230:♭ 3221:♯ 3212:♭ 3195:♭ 3182:♯ 3173:♭ 3164:♭ 3154:♯ 3145:♭ 3125:♯ 3108:♭ 3095:♯ 3078:♭ 3069:♯ 3063:♭ 3054:♭ 3045:♯ 3032:♯ 3016:♯ 3007:♭ 2998:♯ 2989:♭ 2980:♯ 2971:♯ 2941:♭ 2928:♭ 2907:♯ 2894:♭ 2885:♭ 2873:♭ 2860:♯ 2835:♯ 2826:♯ 2820:♯ 2807:♯ 2766:♭ 2687:♭ 2678:♭ 2660:flicking 2502:Dynamics 2460:♭ 2451:♭ 2424:♭ 2415:♭ 2406:♭ 2397:♭ 2370:♭ 2357:♭ 2237:British 2193:Ambrosia 2028:flautist 1923:, (1868) 1857:Firebird 1769:, Op. 14 1710:Mozart's 1698:Harmonie 1640:concerti 1602:consorts 1592:Pre-1760 1461:Caecilia 1395:♭ 1366:♭ 1355:hautbois 1331:dynamics 1298:racketts 1254:profiled 1109:in four 1106:♭ 906:♭ 700:Triangle 689:Steelpan 649:Handbell 624:Carillon 569:Shamisen 559:Mandolin 457:Trombone 372:Clarinet 352:Bagpipes 300:woodwind 260:Tenoroon 228:♭ 214:♭ 5023:Bassoon 4881:Piffero 4876:Musette 4851:Bombard 4846:Birbynė 4791:Sundari 4787:Shehnai 4747:Kèn bầu 4727:Gyaling 4712:Balaban 4686:Algaita 4660:Rackett 4635:Dulcian 4547:Bassoon 4394:(ed.). 4381:(ed.). 4156:Sources 3480:Bassoon 3258:, and F 3227:) and A 3205:, and C 3131:, and D 3004:) and A 2925:, and E 2792:(also B 2582:crowing 2312:series 2285:Stormzy 2283:artist 2281:"grime" 2189:Gryphon 2146:Donovan 1806:and in 1598:dulcian 1338:baroque 1319:soprano 1314:dulcian 1283:History 1262:mandrel 1208:ebonite 1111:octaves 951:Baroque 932:; even 918:octaves 883:dulcian 866:fagotto 848:bassone 694:Timpani 659:Marimba 634:Cymbals 629:Celesta 584:Ukulele 579:Tambura 544:Guzheng 523:Plucked 462:Trumpet 392:Piccolo 357:Bassoon 298:in the 292:bassoon 275:Dulcian 135:Bassoon 94:scholar 5225:Woofer 5142:Burden 4886:Sopila 4871:Gralla 4866:Graïle 4841:Bifora 4800:Sralai 4762:Mizmar 4757:Kuzhal 4691:Rhaita 4655:Pommer 4366:  4320:  4310:  3958:  3948:  3914:  3892:7 June 3665:26 May 3609:  3599:  2953:Boléro 2279:by UK 2213:Hidden 2199:-band 2179:song " 2175:. 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Woodwind instrument
Hornbostel–Sachs classification
Playing range

Related instruments
Contrabassoon (double bassoon)
musical instrument

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