
Death by sawing

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for his chief carpenter and asked if his saws were capable of sawing a man in two. The carpenter answered "Sure enough". He was then given the grisly task, and before he left, he asked him whether Melec should be sawn across or along the length. The emperor said the sawing should proceed lengthwise, from the head downwards. He told Boachasra's sons they should follow the carpenter and decide for themselves how best to take revenge upon the murderer (i.e., Melec) of their father. Taking with him eight of the public executioner's assistants, the master carpenter went to the prison where Melec was held, two of his brand new saws packed in cloth, in order to keep from Melec information of the intended manner of execution. Melec was now placed on a mule, bound with an iron chain, and led to the public square, where some 4000 of his relatives and members of his tribe were assembled. These made a "terrifying" spectacle through screaming, and clawing their faces in a public display of grief. Melec, on the other hand, seemed unperturbed, calmly smoking from his tobacco pipe. When taken down from the mule, Melec's clothes were removed and damning letters "proving" his treason were cast into the fire.
216:, whose work "Attic Nights" is partially preserved, states that death by the saw was mentioned for some offenses in the tables, but that the use of which was so infrequent that no one could remember ever having seen it done. Of the retained laws in the Twelve Tables, the following concerning how creditors should proceed with debtors is found in Table 3, article 6: "On the third market-day they shall cut pieces. If they shall have cut more or less , it shall be with impunity." The translator notes the ambiguity of the original text, but says that later Roman writers understood this to mean that creditors were allowed to cut their shares from the body of the debtor. If true, that would constitute dismemberment, rather than sawing. 675:, decided to free their liege lord as well as Baldwin II. Dressed as monks and pedlars, they gained entry in the town where the two nobles were held captive, and managed, through massacre, to take control of the castle. Joscelin slipped out in order to raise a force, while Baldwin II and his nephew Galeran remained behind to hold the castle. Apprised of the capture of the castle, Balac sent quickly a force to recapture it, and Baldwin II saw no possibility of holding it. Graciously, Balac took Baldwin and his nephew merely prisoners. Not so merciful was he towards the Armenians: Several of them were flayed, others buried up to the neck and used as target practice, the rest were sawn apart. 319: 530:, they pulled out the saw in order to commence from the other side. Melec is said to have been still conscious, asking for some water. His friends, though, thought it best to hasten his demise and shorten his sufferings, and the executioners went on, sawing him from skull to navel so he fell apart. In the process, chunks of flesh were ripped out by the saw's teeth, causing blood to splatter everywhere, thus making the execution quite unbearable to watch. 71:, the person is explicitly described as being hanged upside-down and sawn apart vertically through the middle, starting at the groin, with no mention of fastenings or support boards around the person, in the manner depicted in illustrations. In other cases where details about the method beyond the mere sawing act are explicitly supplied, the condemned person was apparently fastened to either one or two boards prior to sawing. 939: 1238:
under the gifted instruction of the priests, succeeded in representing every sight that is terrible to the eye or revolting to the senses. In the recess at Mongha beforementioned, a few of these choice subjects were displayed with an edifying effect. The presumed existence of a place of torment brings a revenue into the coffers of the priest, who is assumed to have the power of appeasing the wrath of the judges.
22: 556:, and one of the crimes imputed to him was to have spent time in Christian kingdoms without his emperor's leave. Furthermore, he had been found guilty of defiling himself with Christian women, and often drunk alcohol. In short, he was charged as an apostate and unbeliever, in addition to being charged with having invited the "Spaniards" to invade 637:, eventually leading to Haitian independence. In the process, some 4,000 white planters and their family members were massacred. One of the victims was a carpenter by trade, Robert. The rebels decided he "should die in the way of his occupation" and accordingly fastened him between two boards and sawed him apart. 525:
Then, he was strapped onto a board, and placed upon a saw-bench, his arms and legs fastened. The executioner's team then sought to start by sawing him from the head downwards, but Boucasra's sons intervened, and demanded that one began between Melec's legs instead, because otherwise, he would die too
Sylvula Politico-Historica Lustwäldlin Allerhand Politischer Gnomen und Historien: Auß vielen Glaubwürdigen Scribenten meistes Auß dem Latein- vnnd Frantzösischen Inns Deütsche transferiret, Vnd Summarisch ohn allen ornat also verfasset Daß es in Täglicher Conversation Discoursen vnd Gesprächen Fug-
At a Buddhist temple in Canton, at certain seasons of the year, the court is set round with pictures, which pourtray in a fearful manner the sufferings of the dead. Some are sawn asunder; some are gored with pitchforks; some are thrown into a cauldron of boiling water; others are burnt. The artists,
560:(i.e., treason). They brought him to one of the gates in the city, fastened him between two boards, and sawed him in two, from the skull downwards. After his death, Mulay Ishmael pardoned him, so that his body could be picked up and given a decent burial at least, instead of being eaten by the dogs. 739:
They no sooner found themselves masters of it, than they began to exercise On the inhabitants the most unremitting barbarities, destroying them by every method of ingenious cruelty. Some they roasted alive on spits, others they starved, some they flayed alive, and left them in that horrid manner to
Melec was judged as the chief rebel to be punished in a rebellion instigated by one of the Sultan's sons, Mulay Muhammad. In particular, according to Busnot, the Sultaness was incensed that Melec had personally beheaded one of her cousins, Ali Bouchasra. In September/October 1705, Mulay Ismail sent
Lempriere's universal biography:containing a critical and historical account of the lives, characters, and labours of eminent persons, in all ages and countries. Together with selections of foreign biography from Watkin's dictionary, recently published, and about eight hundred original articles of
The movement of a saw may cause a body to sway back and forth making the process difficult for the executioners. The Chinese overcame this problem by securing the victim in an upright position between two boards firmly fixed between stakes driven deep into the ground. Two executioners, one at each
wrote: "Bossu's books contain a lot of tall tales, so one needs to be cautious about relying on him." Bossu claims that being "sawed asunder" was a traditional Swiss military punishment, and alleges that one Swiss mutineer actually committed suicide to avoid that punishment. Therefore, the one who
In the Spanish rebellion of 1808 against the occupying French forces, reports exist that some French officers were sawn in two. In one of those reports, it is colonel Rene (or Frene) who met this fate. In another report, Rene was merely thrown into a kettle of boiling water, whereas the officers
in 1469/1470, and the governor Paolo Erizzo, is said to treacherously to have been ordered sawn in two, after have being promised his life would be spared. The sultan, Mehmed the Conqueror, is said to have cut off the head of Erizzo's daughter by his own hands, because she would not yield to his
865:, he was brought before the sultan who asked him what harm had been done to him that he performed such an evil deed? The young man answered that he simply wanted to harm the enemy of Christianity in some glorious way. The sultan is said to have ordered that Anthony should be sawn in two. 785:
In the following years, inhabitants in Greece under the Venetians fought several battles in the Morea. In 1464, for example, a small city is said to have been subdued, and 500 prisoners sent to Constantinople. There, they were put to the saw, according to one account.
I have to announce to you the death of two Tonquinese, who here shed their blood for the faith on the 12th of June, 1839. They were beheaded near the port of Cua-thuan-an, the principal port of Hue. Their bodies were first cut into five pieces and then cast into the
141:. Stateira's sister Roxana was the first of her siblings to be killed, by being sawn in half. When Darius II died, Parysatis moved quickly, and was able to have the new queen Stateira poisoned; Parysatis still remained a power to be reckoned with for years after. 1255:
Sunday) in hamlets and towns, well into the 19th century. The custom consisted of the boys running about to find the "oldest woman in the village", and then make a wooden effigy in her likeness. Then, the wooden figure was sawn across the middle. The folklorist
had one of the previous regime's strongest supporters, Chen, said to be viceroy of Canton, sawn in two. Growing more popular in his martyrdom, the new regime condemned Chen's execution, declared he was a holy man and erected a Canton pagoda in his memory.
280:(they had been promised they would be "shown favour" by Valens), he was captured. In 366, he was fastened to two trees bent down with force; when the trees were released, Procopius was ripped apart in the manner of the legendary execution of the bandit 978:
Several reports state that even in the 1820s, sawing criminals in two was an occasional punishment in Burma for "certain offences". The criminals were fastened between two planks prior to the sawing. This may have been conflated by reports of
195:, Ziselmius sawed several people to death and commanded their families to eat the flesh of their murdered relatives. The Thracians eventually rebelled, captured him and sought to inflict every conceivable torture upon him prior to his death. 3209:
Allgemeines Mythologisches Lexicon: Aus Original-Quellen bearbeitet. Welche die nicht altklassischen Mythologien, nämlich die heiligen Mythen und Fabeln, so wie die religiösen Ideen und Gebräuche der Sinesen, Japaner ... enthält, volume
486:, and abused his position to gain hold of wealth. He is even credited with having sawn people in two. Yates further supplies the detail: "This fellow has since been assassinated-report says, with sanction and approval of the Government" 1411:(2001): "Perhaps the prospect of getting to the spoils explains Thucydides VII, 29: 'For the Thracian race, like all the most bloodthirsty barbarians, are always particularly bloodthirsty when everything is going their own way", p.1 617:, Canada) shows that at that time, when two Frenchmen and a Swiss were executed, Swiss mercenary troops had been placed under French military law, rather than under Swiss. Furthermore, detailing the recorded executions in the Swiss 2754:
Geschichte der Halbinsel Morea während des Mittelalters: Bd. Morea, durch innere Kriege zwischen Franken und Byzantin verwüstet und von albanesischen Colonisten überschwemmt, wird endlich von den Türken erobert. Von 1250-1500 nach
133:; she instigated and became involved in a number of court intrigues, made several enemies, yet had an uncanny knack for dispatching them at an opportune time. At one point, she decided to have the siblings of her daughter-in-law 1016:, Augustin Huy, is reported by some sources to have been sawn in two. Others report that he was hacked to death, or cut in two. But, a letter from 1839, just three weeks after the execution 12 June, states that he was beheaded: 970:, along with several other prominent Sikhs, including their Guru, because the Guru was resisting the forceful conversion of Kashmiri Pandits into Islam. Bhai Mati Das was sawn in half, the others in different manners. 172:, was declared king. Hormizd was forced to watch his wife and one of his sons sawn in two, and the deposed king was then blinded. After a few days, the new king is said to have killed his father in a fit of rage. 1012:
summoned five hundred soldiers to a banquet to pressure them into trampling upon a cross in renunciation of Christianity. Most of the guests complied, but three Catholic soldiers refused. One of the
end of the saw, would saw downwards through the stabilized boards and enclosed victim. Whether sawing as an execution method actually existed, or that cases referred to are garbled accounts of the "
930:, for example, states that he was shot in the back. Yet others state that he was strangled. Some 19th century stories report that he was sawn in two. Finally, one source asserts he was beheaded. 589:. The last, a Swiss from the Karrer regiment, was nailed into a coffin-shaped wooden box which was sawn in two with a cross-cut saw. This claim was first made by the French captain and traveller 3687:
A journey to Mequinez, the residence of the present emperor of Fez and Morocco: On the occasion of Commodore Stewart's embassy thither for the redemption of the british captives in the year 1721
The history of the Turkish, or Ottoman Empire: from its foundation in 1300, to the peace of Belgrade in 1740. To which is prefixed An historical discourse on Mahomet and his successors, Volum 1
Ausführliches Heiligen-Lexicon: Darinn Das gottseelige Leben und der Tugend-Wandel, das standhaffte Leyden und Sterben, und die grossen Wunderwercke aller Heiligen Gottes... Beschrieben werden
1793:" Whatever the rights and wrongs of a particular case might be, the Swiss were not to be treated as an independent unit and their officers must be subordinate to the French commandant", at 3444:
Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon, oder Lebensgeschichten aller Heiligen, Seligen aller Orte und aller Jahrhunderte, deren Andenken in der katholischen Kirche gefeiert oder sonst geehrt Wird
perish; many were sawn asunder, and others torn to pieces by horses. Three days and nights was the city given to spoil, in which time the soldiers were licensed to commit every enormity
An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present; Compiled from Original Authors and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, Chronological and Other Tables, Volum 5
An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present; Compiled from Original Authors and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, Chronological and Other Tables, Volum 2
An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time to the Present; Compiled from Original Authors and Illustrated with Maps, Cuts, Notes, Chronological and Other Tables, Volum 6
260:, 240,000. Dio adds that many of the victims were sawn asunder, and that the Jews licked up the blood of the slain, and "twisted the entrails like a girdle about their bodies". 2980:
Geschichte der katholischen Missionen seit Jesus Christus bis auf die neueste Zeit: Für die Mitglieder der katholischen Missions-Vereine und alle Freunde der Missionen, Volum 3
1233:, and the priests knew how to make a visible spectacle of sufferings in the beyond, by commissioning artists to make paintings the populace were meant to see and reflect upon: 1169:
was a bitter struggle where atrocities were committed against others of different ethnicities and of different religious persuasions. A decidedly partisan pamphlet from 1850,
4159: 3061:
Annals of the propagation of the faith: a periodical collection of letters from the bishops and missionaries employed in the missions of the old and new word, volume 1
alive, and another report states that in addition to these, some other 20 chief conspirators had their arms and legs sawn off, and left to expire in the marketplace.
rather than lengthwise down the body. It is said that Caligula would watch such executions while he ate, stating that witnessing the suffering acted as an appetiser.
911:, at Constantinople. The other principal conspirators were said to be punished in various ways, some were burnt alive, others impaled, and yet others sawn asunder. 3426:
Das alte und neue Morgenland oder Erläuterungen der heiligen Schrift aus der natürlichen Beschaffenheit, den Sagen, Sitten und Gebräuchen des Morgenlandes, Volum 5
regards this as an odd spring ritual, in which the "old year"/winter is symbolically defeated. He also notes that a rather similar custom existed in his day among
is said to have had one of his high-ranking officers sawn in two, due to some act of disobedience, the person being fastened between two planks for that purpose.
from the Turks. They eventually surrendered, under promise of having their lives spared. Instead, according to some reports, they were sawn asunder. According to
110:. After 300 years of blessed reign, Jamshid forgot the blessings came from God, and began demanding that he be revered as a god himself. The people rebelled, and 1144:
had not exactly endeared itself to the local population. The peasant population is said to have become embittered, fanaticized, and even developed an effective
The Chinese as they are: their moral, social, and literary character. A new analysis of the language; with succinct views of their principal arts and sciences
1152:" lurked about, and both groups of Russians could be a deadly enemy to solitary French soldiers. Some of those unfortunates are said to have been sawn apart. 2718:
A compleat history of the canon and writers of the books of the Old and New Testament: by way of dissertation with useful remarks on that subject, Volume 1
On occasion, a confusion of reports may exist where, for example, performed post-mortem indignities are misinterpreted as the actual manner of execution:
703:, travelling the region around 1157 notes that the Assassins were reputed to saw in two the kings of other peoples, if they managed to capture them. 2818:
Book of Martyrs: A Universal History of Christian Martyrdom from the Birth of Our Blessed Saviour to the Latest Periods of Persecution, Volumes 1-2
922:(1760–1798) was an early Greek patriot, whose struggle for independence of Greece preceded with about 30 years the general uprising known as the 4092: 2546: 3893: 3833: 248:
occurred 115–117 AD, and was a rebellion by the Jews within the Roman Empire. Major revolts happened several places, and the main source by
3816: 2773:
Algemeine Historie von Spanien: Mit den Zusätzen der französischen Uebersetzung nebst der Fortsetzung bis auf gegenwärtige Zeit, Volume 10
3770: 2076: 1189:, committed heinous deeds against the Hungarians. Women, children and old men were mutilated, roasted over slow fires, some sawn apart. 927: 3097:
1901 Reprint: Der canton Zürich, historisch-geographisch-statistisch geschildert von den ältesten zeiten bis auf die gegenwart Volume 2
Several early Christians are credited with being martyred by means of a saw. The earliest, and most famous, is the obscure apostle of
Römisches Martyrologium, wie es von dem Papste Gregor dem Dreyzehnten eingerichtet, und von Benedikt dem Vierzehnten verbessert wurde
through the 15th-18th century, Gerold Meyer von Knonau records 1445 executions in total, none of them being through death by sawing.
with a large stone fastened to her. The six eldest sons were all killed by stab wounds, and the youngest, Eugenius, was sawn apart.
305:. One tradition states that he was put within a tree, and then sawn apart; another says he was sawn apart by means of a wooden saw. 168:
from AD 579 to 590. He was deeply resented by the nobility due to his cruelties. In 590, a palace coup was staged in which his son,
4164: 1095:, the descendants of Muslims and those who still were, in secret, adherents of Islam, felt increasingly persecuted. In 1568, the 3007:
Geschichte Napoleons von der Wiege bis zum Grabe: Für alle Völker deutschen Sinnes und deutscher Zunge in Wort und Bild, Volum 2
had actually promised to spare the heads of some 400 knights, and sawed them in half to keep his oath of not harming the heads.
was allegedly sawn in half had his punishment as governed by Swiss military law, rather than French. An incident from 1741 (in
421: 368:). When caught, he and his son were tortured by starvation and fire, and were finally put to the saw, praying while they died. 4139: 4169: 3079:
An account of the American Baptist mission to the Burman empire: in a series of letters, addressed to a gentleman in London
quickly. Under the terrible screams of Melec and his relatives, thus began his execution. Once they had sawn him up to the
1471: 1467: 1797: 342:, and that the express mode by which he was executed was to be hanged up by the feet, as in the woodcut illustration. 3569: 3542: 3490: 3190: 2943: 2916: 2799: 2599: 2458: 1724: 3182:"A Map within an Indian Painting?" in Cartographic Encounters: Perspectives on Native American Mapmaking and Map Use 1740: 3809: 3780: 183:
were regarded as warlike, ferocious, and bloodthirsty by Romans and Greeks. One of the most notorious was the king
134: 436:
Accused of practising witchcraft and causing the sickness of the wife of the ardently anti-Christian Persian king
4144: 3354:
Das Christenthum in Tonkin und Cochinchina, dem heutigen Annamreiche: von seiner Einführung bis auf die Gegenwart
394:(117–138). Refusing a command to pray at a heathen temple, Symphorosa was scourged, and then thrown in the river 777:
was seized by the Turks, and since he was regarded as a traitor and spy, he was sawn in half at Constantinople.
is the god of death. He determines the punishments to those who were wicked in life. Those guilty of robbing a
The new tablet of memory; or, Recorder of remarkable events, alphabetically arranged, from the earliest period
4087: 1096: 3282:
History of the war in the Peninsula and in the south of France: from the year 1807 to the year 1814, Volum 1
History of the war in the Peninsula and in the south of France: from the year 1807 to the year 1814, Volum 1
630: 1166: 482:(r.1801–1849), Abd-ur-Rahman Bey, who was said to be particularly cruel and avaricious. He was a renegade 4014: 3802: 1182: 878: 656: 60:, it is stated that the sawing was lengthwise, both from the groin upwards and from the skull downwards ( 1108: 757:
in 1460 switched allegiance to the Turks and gave them entry to Mystras, a tale grew up that the actual
4195: 4154: 1247:
In Italy and Spain, a curious tradition of "segare la vecchia" ("sawing the old woman") was upheld on
3851: 923: 907:. Dionysius was flayed alive, and his skin, stuffed with straw, was sent as a present to the sultan, 900: 378: 3764: 2070: 1049: 574: 510:(r. 1672–1727). The fullest description of this execution is found in Dominique Busnot's 1714 work 2997:
Armies of the Macedonian and Punic Wars 359 BC to 146 BC: Organisation, Tactics, Dress and Weapons
Christ-Catholische Hauß-Postill Oder Auslegung Deren Sonn- und Feyertäglichen Evangelien, Volume 2
2257: 1009: 853:
In 1473, a Sicilian called Anthony, is said to have managed set fire to the sultan's ships at the
was ordered sawn in two. This tale was "well known" in later centuries, whatever actual veracity.
3957: 2389: 903:
led an eventually unsuccessful revolt against the Ottomans, seeking to establish a power base at
660: 598: 323: 138: 3863: 2628: 1455: 1424: 1091:
In the aftermath of the destruction of the last Islamic kingdom in Spain, Granada in 1492, the
823: 750: 732: 137:
killed, and only relented from killing Stateira as well due to the desperate pleas of her son,
Different methods of death by sawing have been recorded. In cases related to the Roman Emperor
2434: 2419: 2374: 2359: 2284: 2242: 2227: 2219: 2204: 2197: 2171: 2125: 2095: 2038: 2023: 2006: 1975: 1960: 1945: 1930: 1888: 1858: 1782: 1767: 1752: 1701: 1686: 1632: 1617: 1531: 1516: 1501: 1351: 1336: 1318: 3984: 3972: 3846: 3043:
Annalen der Verbreitung des Glaubens: Monatsschr. D. Vereins der Glaubensverbreitung, Volum 8
2344: 2329: 2314: 2299: 2156: 2140: 2110: 2053: 1994: 1903: 1873: 1843: 1714: 1671: 1640: 1591: 1576: 1546: 1486: 1440: 1137: 942:
An artistic rendering of the execution of Bhai Mati Das by the Mughals. This image is from a
754: 479: 466:
and Egypt that monks were killed. One of them, Brother Conrad d'Elis Barthelemy, a native of
2404: 1915: 284:. The "favour" Valens showed to Agilonius and Gomoarius was to have them both sawn asunder. 4112: 3952: 3705:
The Modern History and Condition of Egypt, Its Climate, Diseases, and Capabilities, Volum 2
716: 8: 3989: 3977: 3906: 3744: 3728: 2612:
Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, and Barbary during the years 1806 and 1807, Volume 2
2182: 1814: 1651: 1602: 841: 795: 269: 774: 618: 360:, Conus went with his 7-year-old son into a desert. He destroyed several pagan idols in 276:. He was defeated in battle, and due to the treachery of his two generals Agilonius and 232:'s reign, when the condemned, including members of his own family, were sawn across the 4149: 4061: 3917: 3825: 3479: 3462:
A History of the most distinguished martyrs: in various ages and countries of the world
Das Leben des Blutdürstigen Tyrannen Muley-Ismael, jetztregierenden Kaysers von Marocco
2540: 1186: 1013: 889: 885: 854: 837: 700: 684: 590: 3565: 3538: 3486: 3186: 2939: 2912: 2795: 2634: 2595: 2454: 1720: 1230: 1217: 1145: 1061: 963: 874: 507: 408: 302: 281: 130: 699:, and were feared and loathed by Muslims and Christians alike. The Jewish traveller 4190: 3942: 3937: 3927: 3858: 609: 514:, although a brief notice of the event can be found in the January 1706 edition of 335: 318: 192: 153: 68: 49: 33: 4124: 3703: 3685: 3667: 3640: 3622: 3604: 3586: 3559: 3532: 3514: 3460: 3442: 3424: 3406: 3388: 3370: 3352: 3334: 3316: 3298: 3280: 3262: 3244: 3226: 3207: 3180: 3161: 3143: 3124: 3106: 3095: 3077: 3059: 3041: 3023: 3005: 2978: 2960: 2933: 2906: 2888: 2870: 2852: 2834: 2816: 2789: 2771: 2752: 2734: 2716: 2698: 2671: 2655:
Collins's Peerage of England; Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical, Volum 6
2653: 2610: 2573: 2555: 2523: 2505: 2487: 2469: 1819: 1801: 1561: 1393: 1366: 1208: 1069: 827: 672: 165: 2525:
Reisetagbuch:Ein Beitr. zur Kenntniß d. Juden in d. Diaspora während d. XII. Jhs
1141: 832: 301:
was, according to some traditional rabbinic texts, sawn apart on orders of King
4066: 3962: 3932: 3868: 3505: 3408:
The Present State of Europe, Or, The Historical and Political Mercury, Volum 17
1248: 980: 943: 807: 728: 712: 634: 586: 352: 61: 4184: 4117: 3967: 3774:. Vol. 23 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 239–240. 3759: 2791:
Travels Through that Part of North America Formerly Called Louisiana, Volum 1
2080:. Vol. 23 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 239–240. 2065: 1572: 959: 919: 692: 557: 467: 253: 213: 209: 1794: 3878: 1065: 989: 420:. There was nothing of material wealth there, and in their rage, the Arabs 225: 97: 3763: 3057: 2069: 1052:(r. 888–904) is said to have commanded one of his prisoners sawn asunder. 4107: 3947: 3922: 3912: 3873: 1744: 1261: 1257: 1100: 582: 578: 417: 249: 4071: 4035: 4029: 4024: 4019: 4009: 2836:
Geschichte des Krieges auf der pyrenäischen Halbinsel unter Napoleon, 3
2638: 1804:, excerpted from Greer (1976), "The Soldiers of Isle Royale, 1720-1745" 1795:
The Administration Of Justice At The Fortress Of Louisbourg (1713-1758)
The mythologized death of Rhigas, the protomartyr of Greek independence
614: 534: 413: 383: 169: 149: 53: 2736:
The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British West Indies, Volum 3
2594:. University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press. 1104: 499:
One of the most notorious cases of sawing as execution is that of the
4129: 4102: 4004: 3794: 3534:
The Papacy and the Levant, 1204-1571: The Fifteenth Century, volume 2
Ungarns gutes recht:eine historische denkschrift von einem diplomaten
967: 858: 758: 695:
sect, had an independent kingdom in the Levant during the age of the
668: 553: 546: 437: 277: 245: 188: 180: 161: 126: 122: 102: 52:). This method is similar to the ancient Chinese execution method of 3372:
Travels in the Morea, Albania, and Other Parts of the Ottoman Empire
are said to have sawn persons in two, most of them said to occur in
552:, Larbe Shott was put to the saw. He had spent considerable time at 4134: 4046: 1739:
On French publication date and biographical details of Bossu, see:
1149: 904: 803: 696: 365: 357: 229: 184: 107: 45: 667:, Balac, and made prisoners at the castle at Quartapiert. Some 50 444:
was condemned and executed by being sawn in half in the year 345.
4056: 4051: 3999: 3994: 3883: 3841: 1229:
Sawing people asunder is one of the punishments said to occur in
1212: 1092: 1037: 951: 908: 881: 862: 762: 581:. Three of the mutineers were eventually captured and brought to 573:
In 1757, a French officer was executed by his men in a mutiny on
441: 425: 391: 224:
This method of execution was uncommon throughout the time of the
89: 57: 2872:
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volum 1
938: 416:"wild barbarians" decided to rob a community of monks living at 32:
is the act of sawing or cutting a living person in half, either
947: 811: 799: 688: 504: 478:
Writing in 1843, William Holt Yates speaks of a governor under
463: 395: 387: 298: 273: 257: 111: 3606:
A History of the Church in nine books, from A.D.324 to A.D.440
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: Exploring the French Revolution
for trial. After conviction, two of the mutineers died on the
518:. In the following, the tale as told by Busnot will be given. 4097: 1178: 549: 527: 483: 361: 331: 233: 2507:
Das Heil kommt nicht aus Oesterreich: Eine Stimme aus Bayern
129:(r. 423–405 BC) was the real power behind the throne of the 21: 1252: 664: 500: 470:
is said to have been sawn in two, from the head downwards.
339: 93: 4160:
Resolutions concerning death penalty at the United Nations
2521: 1181:, some 4,000 Serbians, spurred on by the preaching of the 1103:. The crushing of the revolt was extremely bloody, and at 74: 386:
was a widow with seven sons living in the age of emperor
1980. Lizenz für Nikol Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg.
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Rome and Persia in late antiquity: neighbours and rivals
A biographical, historical and chronological dictionary
More on this governor and his assassination in 1840 in
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926:. His actual manner of death has garnered many tales; 3108:
Life of Mrs. Ann H. Judson: late missionary to Burmah
2696: 1466:
Suet. Calig. 27: multos medios serra dissecuit - ,
were separately ambushed and surprised by a Turkish
3058:Institution for the Progation of the Faith (1840). 727:A number of cruel excesses against the populace of 3478: 892:was, by some reports, ordered to be sawn in half. 2938:. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America. 2769: 2658:. London: F. C. and J. Rivington, Otridge and son 2554:Bridgman, Elijah C.; Williams, Samuel W. (1841). 1177:) from 1850, states that in the struggles around 462:In the 1630s, there are several reports from the 4182: 3537:. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society. 3025:Travels in Sicily, Greece & Albania, Volum 2 2788:Forster, Johann R.; Bossu, Jean-Bernard (1771). 2697:Diodorus Seculus; Wurm, Julius F. (tr.) (1840). 2553: 2522:Benjamin of Tudela; Martinet, Adam (tr) (1858). 2018:11.000, by "traditional" count, see for example 1040:" method of execution remains an open question. 802:, sent several knights to aid in the defence of 256:, 220,000 Greeks were massacred by the Jews; in 3213:. Weimar: Verlag des Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs 3082:. London: J. Butterworth & Son and T. Clark 2503: 2485: 2001:For interview between Anthony and sultan, see: 1120:Caynier and Vaugien were the ones sawn in two. 48:, the sawing is said to be through the middle ( 3778: 2652:Collins, Arthur; Brydges, Sir Egerton (1812). 2651: 2626: 1111:states that one Morisco was sawn apart alive. 888:, of disputed magnitude, occurred. Archbishop 212:is the oldest extant law code for the Romans. 25:Sawing of three men, from a 15th-century print 3810: 3656: 3224: 3159: 3122: 2958: 2770:de Ferreras, Juan; Semler, Johann S. (1760). 2608: 3657:Webber, Christopher; McBride, Angus (2001). 3206:Majer, Friedrich; Gruber, Johann G. (1804). 3179:Lewis, G.Malcolm; Arnold, Morris S. (1998). 3111:. Philadelphia: American Sunday school union 2787: 2687: 1745:Encyclopedia of Arkansas History&Culture 1712: 781:1460-64 campaigns and slaughter in the Morea 731:is said to have happened in the wake of the 272:declared himself emperor, and moved against 3742: 3422: 3368: 3205: 3178: 3127:vnd Nutzlich kan gebraucht werden, Volume 1 2959:Günther, Johannes; Schulz, Otto A. (1856). 2750: 966:was in 1675 AD ordered executed by emperor 3817: 3803: 3441:Sadler, Johann E.; Heim, Franz J. (1858). 3440: 3225:Mignot, Vincent; Hawkins, A. (tr) (1787). 3039: 2758:. Stuttgart: J.G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung 2589: 2545:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 2451:Execution: A Guide To The Ultimate Penalty 36:(usually midsagittally), or transversely. 3620: 3458: 2994: 2911:. Göttingen: Dieterichsche Buchhandlung. 2688:Dignas, Beate; Winter, Engelbert (2007). 2467: 1663: 1661: 1659: 1506: 1310: 1308: 1306: 735:. according to one rendering of the tale: 545:19 July 1721, a noble descended from the 16:Act of cutting a living person with a saw 3758: 3726: 3659:The Thracians 700 BC-AD 46 (Men-at-Arms) 3588:Sketches from Venetian history, volume 2 3512: 3350: 3185:. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 3046:. Mainz: Kirchheim, Schott&Thielmann 2064: 937: 896:1611 revolt of Dionysius the Philosopher 428:, others by sawing them with dull saws. 317: 20: 4165:Capital punishment for drug trafficking 3638: 3602: 3584: 3332: 3314: 3296: 3160:Lempriere, John; Lord, Eleazar (1825). 3104: 2931: 2886: 2732: 1328: 1326: 1293: 1291: 595:Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes Occidentales 402:The 38 monks and martyrs on Mount Sinai 356:, after his wife's death in the age of 75:Ancient history and classical antiquity 4183: 3824: 3683: 3665: 3557: 3530: 3499: 3404: 3386: 3278: 3260: 3242: 3093: 3075: 3021: 2868: 2714: 2571: 2448: 1656: 1303: 1215:, are to be sawn apart while being in 1192: 338:. He is said to have been martyred in 3798: 3779:Suetonius; Rolfe, J.C. (tr.) (1914). 3701: 3476: 3369:Pouqueville, Francois C.H.L. (1813). 3003: 2904: 2850: 2669: 2633:. Princeton Univ. Dept. of Classics. 2609:Chateaubriand, François-Réné (1812). 2489:Asiatic Journal, volume 32 New series 2151:For eyewitness report disembowelment 984:, for which eyewitness reports exist. 711:A number of accounts exist where the 4170:Capital punishment for homosexuality 3669:Wigands Vierteljahrsschrift volume 1 2976: 2814: 1323: 1288: 1279: 1242: 308: 3624:Entwurf der Hebräischen Alterthümer 3141: 2832: 1197: 1008:In 1839, the governor of Vietnam's 533:Around 300 other conspirators were 287: 157: 13: 3708:. London: Smith, Elder and Company 3502:Die Geschichte der Gerichtsbarkeit 2875:. London: W. Strahan and T. Cadell 512:Histoire du règne de Mouley Ismael 187:, possibly only topped by his son 67:In only one case, the story about 14: 4207: 4093:Most recent executions by country 3781:"The Lives of the Twelve Caesars" 3485:. Merchant Book Company Limited. 2995:Head, Duncan; Heath, Ian (1982). 2590:Censer, Jack; Hunt, Lynn (2001). 2557:The Chinese Repository, Volume 10 1989:For dating and place of capture, 1175:The well-founded right of Hungary 1025: 790:1463 conquest of Mytilene, Lesbos 706: 503:(castellan/governor) Melec under 79: 2700:Historische Bibliothek, Volum 19 2504:von der Aurachl, Ph. S. (1859). 933: 818:1469/1470 conquest of Negroponte 606:A Map within an Indian Painting? 495:1705 The sawing of Alcaide Melec 4145:Religion and capital punishment 3621:Warnekros, Heinrich E. (1832). 3246:The Quarterly Review, volume 41 3123:von Kreckwitz, Abraham (1654). 2962:Handbuch für Autographensammler 2890:A Memoir on the Cotton of Egypt 2739:. London: G. and W.B. Whittaker 2560:. Canton: Bridgman and Williams 2442: 2424: 2409: 2394: 2379: 2364: 2349: 2334: 2319: 2304: 2289: 2274: 2262: 2247: 2232: 2209: 2187: 2176: 2161: 2145: 2130: 2115: 2100: 2084: 2058: 2043: 2028: 2012: 1980: 1965: 1950: 1935: 1920: 1908: 1893: 1878: 1863: 1848: 1836: 1824: 1807: 1787: 1772: 1757: 1733: 1706: 1691: 1676: 1645: 1622: 1607: 1596: 1581: 1566: 1551: 1536: 1521: 1491: 1476: 1460: 1445: 1429: 1414: 1099:broke out, under leadership of 1068:committed suicide in 1644, the 773:In 1460, the Hungarian general 723:1453 conquest of Constantinople 671:, bound by oath to Joscelin as 447: 198: 3745:"St. Domingo Nicolas Dat Dinh" 3279:Napier, William F. P. (1839). 3261:Napier, William F. P. (1862). 3100:. Zürich: Huber und compagnie. 3094:Knonau, Gerold M. von (1846). 2751:Fallmerayer, Jakob P. (1836). 2453:. Summersdale Publishers Ltd. 1741:Jean Bernard Bossu (1720–1792) 1470:"Many..had them sawn asunder" 1398: 1383: 1371: 1356: 1341: 1273: 1140:in September 1812, the French 962:, a follower of the 9th guru, 873:In 1480, the Ottomans, led by 849:1473 the arsonist at Gallipoli 541:1721 The sawing of Larbe Shott 376:According to the 16th-century 208:Promulgated about 451 BC, the 1: 4088:Enforcement or use by country 3609:. London: S. Bagster and Sons 2692:. Cambridge University Press. 2627:Coleman-Norton, P.R. (1948). 1435:For Gellius' statement, see, 1267: 597:, translated into English by 372:Symphorosa and her seven sons 100:, whose story is told in the 3564:. New Delhi: Hemkunt Press. 3513:Schmauss, Johann J. (1719). 3465:. Philadelphia: A. Salisbury 3423:Rosenmüller, E.F.K. (1820). 3164:American biography, Volume 1 2183:St. Domingo Nicolas Dat Dinh 1747:". On relevant excerpt, see 1167:Hungarian Revolution of 1848 928:Encyclopædia Britannica 1911 651:An episode from the Crusades 474:The renegade Coptic governor 175: 7: 4015:Hanged, drawn and quartered 3765:"Rhigas, Constantine"  3561:The Encyclopedia of Sikhism 3351:Pachtler, Georg M. (1861). 3040:Inderbitzi, Thomas (1840). 2983:. Cologne: DuMont-Schauberg 2887:Gliddon, George R. (1841). 2833:Foy, Maximilien S. (1827). 2821:. Philadelphia: E.C. Biddle 2071:"Rhigas, Constantine"  604:In a footnote to his essay 563: 458:The monk from Montepulciano 10: 4212: 3702:Yates, William H. (1843). 3645:. London: Richard Phillips 3531:Setton, Kenneth M (1978). 3387:Reider, William D (1841). 3339:. London: T. Osborne et al 3321:. London: T. Osborne et al 3303:. London: T. Osborne et al 3267:. New York: W.J. Widdleton 3105:Knowles, James D. (1830). 3022:Hughes, Thomas S. (1820). 2999:. Wargames Research Group. 2572:Busnot, Dominique (1716). 2510:. Berlin: Ferdinand Riegel 1155: 995: 877:, invaded mainland Italy, 861:. After being captured at 840:, was extinguished by the 489: 125:, wife and half-sister of 39: 4080: 3892: 3832: 3500:Schild, Wolfgang (1997). 3357:. Paderborn: F. Schöningh 2715:Du Pin, Louis E. (1699). 2703:. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler 1719:. McFarland. p. 20. 1148:. In addition, the "wild 1123: 1076: 1001:Martyrdom of Augustin Huy 924:Greek War of Independence 901:Dionysius the Philosopher 645: 3834:Current judicial methods 3783:. Loeb Classical Library 3591:. New York: J, J. Harper 3585:Smedley, Edward (1832). 3285:. Paris: Charles Hingray 3148:. London: W. Ball and Co 2486:Asiatic Journal (1840). 1183:Metropolitan of Karlovci 1109:Luis del Marmol Carvajal 1081: 973: 869:1480 invasion of Otranto 452: 326:of St. Simon sawn in two 3771:Encyclopædia Britannica 3519:. Cologne and Frankfurt 3393:. London: John Clements 3375:. London: Henry Colburn 3167:. New York: R. Lockwood 3142:Lay, George T. (1841). 3076:Judson, Ann H. (1823). 3004:Heyne, Carl T. (1840). 2977:Hahn, Heinrich (1860). 2869:Gibbon, Edward (1776). 2733:Edwards, Bryan (1819). 2077:Encyclopædia Britannica 1107:in 1569, the historian 745:1460 Capture of Mystras 640: 599:Johann Reinhold Forster 516:Present state of Europe 324:Lucas Cranach the Elder 228:, though common during 164:, was the twenty-first 3672:. Leipzig: Otto Wigand 3639:Watkins, John (1806). 3459:Salisbury, A. (1830). 3429:. Leipzig: Baumgärtner 3411:. London: Henry Rhodes 3405:Rhodes, Henry (1706). 2965:. Leipzig: O.A. Schulz 2676:. Munich: Daisenberger 2578:. Hamburg: von Wiering 2492:. London: Allen&co 1240: 1023: 955: 824:Triarchy of Negroponte 742: 719:'s reign (1451–1481). 412:, during the reign of 379:Foxe's Book of Martyrs 327: 114:had him sawn asunder. 26: 3684:Windus, John (1725). 3666:Wigand, Otto (1844). 2932:Grumeza, Ion (2010). 2905:Grimm, Jacob (1835). 2794:. London: T. Davies. 2670:Deinl, Franz (1830). 1713:Cuevas, John (2011). 1577:Catholic Encyclopedia 1280:Held, Robert (1985). 1235: 1018: 941: 836:under control of the 769:1460 Michael Szilágyi 755:Demetrios Palaiologos 737: 687:, a misnomer for the 657:Joscelin de Courtenay 409:Martyrologium Romanum 321: 85:The legend of Jamshid 24: 3661:. Osprey Publishing. 3558:Singha, H.S (2000). 3481:A History Of Torture 3477:Scott, G.R. (1995). 3333:Osborne, T. (1747). 3315:Osborne, T. (1744). 3297:Osborne, T. (1742). 3010:. Chemnitz: Goedsche 2851:Geyer, J.K. (1738). 2839:. Stuttgart: Francky 2615:. London: h. Colburn 2474:. London: W.M. Watts 988:The Burmese general 808:Kenneth Meyer Setton 798:, then stationed at 796:Knights Hospitallers 717:Mehmed the Conqueror 422:slaughtered them all 3978:Republican marriage 3907:Damnatio ad bestias 3690:. London: J. Tonson 3249:. London: J. Murray 3028:. London: J. Mawman 2908:Deutsche Mythologie 2893:. London: J. Madden 2815:Foxe, John (1840). 2721:. London: H. Rhodes 2449:Abbott, G. (2004). 1652:fr:Dominique Busnot 1193:Cultural references 1171:Ungarns gutes recht 1115:La Mancha rebellion 842:capture of the city 4150:Wrongful execution 4062:Suffocation in ash 3918:Blowing from a gun 3826:Capital punishment 3627:. Weimar: Hoffmann 3243:Murray, J (1829). 3231:. Exeter: R. Thorn 2468:Anonymous (1850). 2090:See, for example: 1870:Benjamin of Tudela 1800:2012-02-09 at the 1768:footnote 11, p.200 1014:Vietnamese Martyrs 956: 946:near the towns of 890:Stefano Pendinelli 855:Sanjak of Gelibolu 838:Republic of Venice 733:taking of the city 701:Benjamin of Tudela 631:great slave revolt 629:In August 1791, a 625:Haitian revolution 591:Jean Bernard Bossu 328: 56:. In the cases of 27: 4196:Execution methods 4178: 4177: 4155:Botched execution 3743:catholic Online. 3064:. London: Andrews 2630:The Twelve Tables 2239:Inst. Prop. Faith 1743:at the website: " 1641:p.70-72, footnote 1487:Appendix, p.lxxvi 1456:The Twelve Tables 1243:Segare la vecchia 1225:Chinese mythology 1010:Nam Định Province 964:Guru Tegh Bahadur 954:in Punjab, India. 875:Gedik Ahmed Pasha 761:at the castle of 569:Cat Island mutiny 406:According to the 350:According to the 346:Conus and his son 309:Christian martyrs 303:Manasseh of Judah 204:The Twelve Tables 131:Achaemenid Empire 4203: 3864:Nitrogen hypoxia 3859:Lethal injection 3819: 3812: 3805: 3796: 3795: 3791: 3789: 3788: 3775: 3767: 3755: 3753: 3752: 3739: 3737: 3736: 3716: 3714: 3713: 3698: 3696: 3695: 3680: 3678: 3677: 3662: 3653: 3651: 3650: 3635: 3633: 3632: 3617: 3615: 3614: 3603:Sozomen (1846). 3599: 3597: 3596: 3581: 3579: 3578: 3554: 3552: 3551: 3527: 3525: 3524: 3509: 3496: 3484: 3473: 3471: 3470: 3455: 3453: 3452: 3437: 3435: 3434: 3419: 3417: 3416: 3401: 3399: 3398: 3383: 3381: 3380: 3365: 3363: 3362: 3347: 3345: 3344: 3329: 3327: 3326: 3311: 3309: 3308: 3293: 3291: 3290: 3275: 3273: 3272: 3257: 3255: 3254: 3239: 3237: 3236: 3221: 3219: 3218: 3202: 3200: 3199: 3175: 3173: 3172: 3156: 3154: 3153: 3138: 3136: 3135: 3130:. Leipzig: Riese 3119: 3117: 3116: 3101: 3090: 3088: 3087: 3072: 3070: 3069: 3054: 3052: 3051: 3036: 3034: 3033: 3018: 3016: 3015: 3000: 2991: 2989: 2988: 2973: 2971: 2970: 2955: 2953: 2952: 2928: 2926: 2925: 2901: 2899: 2898: 2883: 2881: 2880: 2865: 2863: 2862: 2847: 2845: 2844: 2829: 2827: 2826: 2811: 2809: 2808: 2784: 2782: 2781: 2776:. Halle: Gebauer 2766: 2764: 2763: 2747: 2745: 2744: 2729: 2727: 2726: 2711: 2709: 2708: 2693: 2684: 2682: 2681: 2666: 2664: 2663: 2648: 2646: 2645: 2623: 2621: 2620: 2605: 2586: 2584: 2583: 2568: 2566: 2565: 2550: 2544: 2536: 2534: 2533: 2518: 2516: 2515: 2500: 2498: 2497: 2482: 2480: 2479: 2464: 2437: 2428: 2422: 2413: 2407: 2398: 2392: 2383: 2377: 2368: 2362: 2353: 2347: 2338: 2332: 2323: 2317: 2308: 2302: 2293: 2287: 2278: 2272: 2266: 2260: 2251: 2245: 2236: 2230: 2213: 2207: 2191: 2185: 2180: 2174: 2165: 2159: 2149: 2143: 2134: 2128: 2119: 2113: 2104: 2098: 2088: 2082: 2081: 2073: 2062: 2056: 2047: 2041: 2032: 2026: 2016: 2010: 1984: 1978: 1969: 1963: 1954: 1948: 1939: 1933: 1924: 1918: 1914:Grumeza (2010), 1912: 1906: 1897: 1891: 1882: 1876: 1867: 1861: 1852: 1846: 1842:Edwards (1819), 1840: 1834: 1828: 1822: 1811: 1805: 1791: 1785: 1776: 1770: 1761: 1755: 1737: 1731: 1730: 1710: 1704: 1695: 1689: 1680: 1674: 1665: 1654: 1649: 1643: 1626: 1620: 1611: 1605: 1600: 1594: 1585: 1579: 1570: 1564: 1555: 1549: 1540: 1534: 1525: 1519: 1510: 1504: 1495: 1489: 1480: 1474: 1472:Life of Caligula 1464: 1458: 1449: 1443: 1433: 1427: 1421:Diodorus Seculus 1418: 1412: 1402: 1396: 1387: 1381: 1375: 1369: 1360: 1354: 1345: 1339: 1330: 1321: 1312: 1301: 1295: 1286: 1285: 1277: 1198:Tortures in Hell 1050:Zhaozong of Tang 886:general massacre 775:Michael Szilágyi 619:Canton of Zürich 610:Morris S. Arnold 336:Simon the Zealot 322:Illustration by 314:Simon the Zealot 288:Jewish tradition 193:Diodorus Siculus 159: 92:was a legendary 69:Simon the Zealot 4211: 4210: 4206: 4205: 4204: 4202: 4201: 4200: 4181: 4180: 4179: 4174: 4140:List of methods 4125:Final statement 4076: 3897: 3895: 3888: 3828: 3823: 3786: 3784: 3750: 3748: 3734: 3732: 3711: 3709: 3693: 3691: 3675: 3673: 3648: 3646: 3630: 3628: 3612: 3610: 3594: 3592: 3576: 3574: 3572: 3549: 3547: 3545: 3522: 3520: 3493: 3468: 3466: 3450: 3448: 3447:. 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According to 178: 82: 77: 42: 30:Death by sawing 17: 12: 11: 5: 4209: 4199: 4198: 4193: 4176: 4175: 4173: 4172: 4167: 4162: 4157: 4152: 4147: 4142: 4137: 4132: 4127: 4122: 4121: 4120: 4115: 4105: 4100: 4095: 4090: 4084: 4082: 4081:Related topics 4078: 4077: 4075: 4074: 4069: 4067:Upright jerker 4064: 4059: 4054: 4049: 4044: 4039: 4032: 4027: 4022: 4017: 4012: 4007: 4002: 3997: 3992: 3987: 3982: 3981: 3980: 3970: 3965: 3963:Disembowelment 3960: 3955: 3950: 3945: 3940: 3935: 3933:Breaking wheel 3930: 3925: 3920: 3915: 3910: 3902: 3900: 3896:post-classical 3890: 3889: 3887: 3886: 3881: 3876: 3871: 3866: 3861: 3856: 3855: 3854: 3844: 3838: 3836: 3830: 3829: 3822: 3821: 3814: 3807: 3799: 3793: 3792: 3776: 3762:, ed. (1911). 3760:Chisholm, Hugh 3756: 3747:. 3740: 3731:. 3723: 3722: 3718: 3717: 3699: 3681: 3663: 3654: 3636: 3618: 3600: 3582: 3570: 3555: 3543: 3528: 3510: 3506:Callwey Verlag 3497: 3491: 3474: 3456: 3438: 3420: 3402: 3384: 3366: 3348: 3330: 3312: 3294: 3276: 3258: 3240: 3222: 3203: 3191: 3176: 3157: 3139: 3120: 3102: 3091: 3073: 3055: 3037: 3019: 3001: 2992: 2974: 2956: 2944: 2929: 2917: 2902: 2884: 2866: 2857:. Passau: Lang 2848: 2830: 2812: 2800: 2785: 2767: 2748: 2730: 2712: 2694: 2685: 2667: 2649: 2624: 2606: 2600: 2587: 2569: 2551: 2519: 2501: 2483: 2465: 2459: 2444: 2441: 2439: 2438: 2423: 2408: 2393: 2378: 2363: 2348: 2333: 2318: 2303: 2288: 2273: 2261: 2246: 2231: 2208: 2186: 2175: 2160: 2144: 2129: 2114: 2099: 2083: 2068:, ed. (1911). 2066:Chisholm, Hugh 2057: 2042: 2027: 2011: 1979: 1964: 1949: 1934: 1919: 1907: 1892: 1877: 1862: 1847: 1835: 1823: 1806: 1786: 1771: 1756: 1732: 1725: 1705: 1690: 1675: 1655: 1644: 1621: 1606: 1595: 1580: 1565: 1550: 1535: 1520: 1505: 1490: 1475: 1468:Vita Caligulae 1459: 1452:Coleman-Norton 1444: 1428: 1413: 1397: 1382: 1378:Dignas; Winter 1370: 1355: 1340: 1322: 1302: 1287: 1271: 1269: 1266: 1262:Southern Slavs 1249:Laetare Sunday 1244: 1241: 1227: 1226: 1205: 1204: 1199: 1196: 1194: 1191: 1163: 1162: 1157: 1154: 1138:Fire of Moscow 1134: 1133: 1125: 1122: 1117: 1116: 1097:Morisco revolt 1089: 1088: 1087:Morisco revolt 1083: 1080: 1078: 1075: 1058: 1057: 1046: 1045: 1033: 1032: 1027: 1026:Imperial China 1024: 1003: 1002: 997: 994: 981:disembowelment 975: 972: 944:Sikh Ajaibghar 935: 932: 917: 916: 898: 897: 871: 870: 851: 850: 828:Crusader state 820: 819: 792: 791: 783: 782: 771: 770: 747: 746: 729:Constantinople 725: 724: 708: 707:Ottoman Empire 705: 681: 680: 653: 652: 647: 644: 642: 639: 635:Saint-Domingue 627: 626: 587:breaking wheel 571: 570: 565: 562: 543: 542: 508:Moulay Ishmael 497: 496: 491: 488: 476: 475: 460: 459: 454: 451: 449: 446: 434: 433: 404: 403: 374: 373: 364:, Asia Minor ( 353:Acta Sanctorum 348: 347: 316: 315: 310: 307: 295: 294: 289: 286: 266: 265: 242: 241: 222: 221: 206: 205: 200: 197: 177: 174: 166:King of Persia 147: 146: 120: 119: 87: 86: 81: 80:Ancient Persia 78: 76: 73: 54:waist chopping 41: 38: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 4208: 4197: 4194: 4192: 4189: 4188: 4186: 4171: 4168: 4166: 4163: 4161: 4158: 4156: 4153: 4151: 4148: 4146: 4143: 4141: 4138: 4136: 4133: 4131: 4128: 4126: 4123: 4119: 4118:Scharfrichter 4116: 4114: 4111: 4110: 4109: 4106: 4104: 4101: 4099: 4096: 4094: 4091: 4089: 4086: 4085: 4083: 4079: 4073: 4070: 4068: 4065: 4063: 4060: 4058: 4055: 4053: 4050: 4048: 4045: 4043: 4040: 4038: 4037: 4033: 4031: 4028: 4026: 4023: 4021: 4018: 4016: 4013: 4011: 4008: 4006: 4003: 4001: 3998: 3996: 3993: 3991: 3988: 3986: 3983: 3979: 3976: 3975: 3974: 3971: 3969: 3968:Dismemberment 3966: 3964: 3961: 3959: 3956: 3954: 3951: 3949: 3946: 3944: 3941: 3939: 3936: 3934: 3931: 3929: 3926: 3924: 3921: 3919: 3916: 3914: 3911: 3909: 3908: 3904: 3903: 3901: 3899: 3891: 3885: 3882: 3880: 3877: 3875: 3872: 3870: 3869:Electrocution 3867: 3865: 3862: 3860: 3857: 3853: 3850: 3849: 3848: 3845: 3843: 3840: 3839: 3837: 3835: 3831: 3827: 3820: 3815: 3813: 3808: 3806: 3801: 3800: 3797: 3782: 3777: 3773: 3772: 3766: 3761: 3757: 3746: 3741: 3730: 3729:"St. Tarbula" 3725: 3724: 3721:Web resources 3720: 3719: 3707: 3706: 3700: 3689: 3688: 3682: 3671: 3670: 3664: 3660: 3655: 3644: 3643: 3637: 3626: 3625: 3619: 3608: 3607: 3601: 3590: 3589: 3583: 3573: 3571:9788170103011 3567: 3563: 3562: 3556: 3546: 3544:9780871691279 3540: 3536: 3535: 3529: 3518: 3517: 3511: 3507: 3503: 3498: 3494: 3492:1-85958-174-9 3488: 3483: 3482: 3475: 3464: 3463: 3457: 3446: 3445: 3439: 3428: 3427: 3421: 3410: 3409: 3403: 3392: 3391: 3385: 3374: 3373: 3367: 3356: 3355: 3349: 3338: 3337: 3331: 3320: 3319: 3313: 3302: 3301: 3295: 3284: 3283: 3277: 3266: 3265: 3259: 3248: 3247: 3241: 3230: 3229: 3223: 3212: 3211: 3204: 3194: 3192:9780226476940 3188: 3184: 3183: 3177: 3166: 3165: 3158: 3147: 3146: 3140: 3129: 3128: 3121: 3110: 3109: 3103: 3099: 3098: 3092: 3081: 3080: 3074: 3063: 3062: 3056: 3045: 3044: 3038: 3027: 3026: 3020: 3009: 3008: 3002: 2998: 2993: 2982: 2981: 2975: 2964: 2963: 2957: 2947: 2945:9780761851356 2941: 2937: 2936: 2930: 2920: 2918:9783598509902 2914: 2910: 2909: 2903: 2892: 2891: 2885: 2874: 2873: 2867: 2856: 2855: 2849: 2838: 2837: 2831: 2820: 2819: 2813: 2803: 2801:9780608438306 2797: 2793: 2792: 2786: 2775: 2774: 2768: 2757: 2756: 2749: 2738: 2737: 2731: 2720: 2719: 2713: 2702: 2701: 2695: 2691: 2686: 2675: 2674: 2668: 2657: 2656: 2650: 2640: 2636: 2632: 2631: 2625: 2614: 2613: 2607: 2603: 2601:0-271-02088-1 2597: 2593: 2588: 2577: 2576: 2570: 2559: 2558: 2552: 2548: 2542: 2527: 2526: 2520: 2509: 2508: 2502: 2491: 2490: 2484: 2473: 2472: 2466: 2462: 2460:1-84024-433-X 2456: 2452: 2447: 2446: 2436: 2432: 2427: 2421: 2417: 2412: 2406: 2402: 2397: 2391: 2387: 2382: 2376: 2372: 2367: 2361: 2357: 2352: 2346: 2342: 2337: 2331: 2327: 2322: 2316: 2312: 2307: 2301: 2297: 2292: 2286: 2282: 2277: 2270: 2265: 2259: 2255: 2254:Asiat. 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waist chopping
Simon the Zealot
Darius II
Achaemenid Empire
Artaxerxes II
Hormizd IV
Khosrow I
King of Persia
Khosrow II
Diodorus Siculus
Twelve Tables
Aulus Gellius

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