
Kingdom of Galicia

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3519: 4980:"Rodrigo Montero, cleric, priest and rector of the Fort of San Felipe ... declared that ... the armies of the King our Lord (Philip II), have stayed here in winter and summer in the seaport town of Ferrol ... have done great harms to the residents of the town of Ferrol ... as they (the Spanish troops) took the houses where Ferrol people lived and the troops forced them to leave it and look for others ... troops have removed and cut the vines and breaking civilian's walls ... also razed and felled the forests and wood in people's forests ... took by force the boats to the inhabitants of the said town of Ferrol and the troops forced them to recruit and work for them without payment ... these services didn't allow the Ferrol's men go fishing and feed their wives and children and ... the troops also ate and destroyed the fruits of their trees and cabbages, vegetables and turnips and more lelgumbres of their orchards ... stole them also wood tabals from the civilians houses got repairing their vessels and the benefit of the said vessels ... |- (Rodrigo Montero, September 2, 1603) 8439:"The grand master Davis had news few days ago of how the Duke of Lancaster had arrived with ships and militarymen at the town of Coruña in Galicia, the day of St. James, and how he took some ships of the king of Castile, and the military-men were 1500 lances and alike number of archers and all of them were good. And he brought with him his wife Constance, who was the daughter of king Peter and a daughter who had been born of her, who was called Catherine, and he brought other two daughters who the Duke had of another woman he married before, who was daughter of another Duke of Lancaster and Earl of Derby, the elder was called Philippa, who married the grand master of Davis, who was called king of Portugal, as further on we tell, and the other daughter was called Elisabeth, who married then a knight who come with the Duke, who was called John of Holland, who was son of the princess and Thomas of Holland, because the Duke of Lancaster made him his military chief." Ayala's Chronicles (J. L. Martín ed. 1991: 607). 3499: 3093:. Alfonso, supported by the Galician nobility and by the archbishop of Compostela Pedro Suárez de Deza, hastened to Santiago de Compostela carrying the remains of his father and proclaiming himself King there. Unlike his father, he dropped the title of "King of the Spains", preferring the use of "King of León" and "King of León and Galicia". Alfonso IX's long reign was characterized by his rivalry with Castile and Portugal, and by the promotion of the royal power at the expense of the church and nobility, whilst maintaining his father's urban development policies. He was one of the first European monarchs to call for a general council, summoning not only the nobility and the Church, but also the inhabitants of the towns and cities, presaging modern representative parliaments. The last years of his reign were also marked by the conquest of large areas of what is now 5852: 2186: 5787: 5810: 2758:, a soldier by nature who was immediately received as king in Castille and León, but not in Galicia. As part of the marriage settlement, any children born to the union were to have priority over Raymond's son Alfonso in the succession. In Galicia this union was rejected by the old party of count Raymond, now led by count Pedro Fróilaz, tutor of young Alfonso, although the partisans of Urraca also joined forces. With Leon and Castille quiet and under control, Alfonso moved on Galicia in 1110, and while he did not suffer any major defeat, he had little success, returning three months later to León. Probably as a consequence of this development, Pedro Froila drew Diego Gelmirez to his party. In 1111, the young Alfonso Raimúndez was crowned and anointed king in Compostela. 105: 2927: 5610: 5686: 4629: 2218: 5598: 4934: 5837: 5751: 2983:, whilst other nobles were killed, but bishop Gelmírez managed to escape, delivering his protégé, the young king, to his mother, who began acting against her new husband. From then until Alfonso VII came of age and Urraca died, the entire realm lived under a constant state of civil war, experiencing frequent seizures and shifting alliances between mother and child, and between Urraca and her Aragonese husband. This same civil war was evident in the kingdom of Galicia, where partisans of Diego Gelmirez, of Pedro Fróilaz, and of other nobles and warlords, found themselves battling each other as defenders of either Queen Urraca or King Alfonso VII, or under their own agenda, whilst Alfonso of Aragón and 5586: 3905:, direct dependencies of the king, and as such virtually autonomous republics under the direction of their elected councils—which placed them in direct conflict with their bishops, intent on maintaining their fiefs. This unrest was not new, as Compostela had known bloody conflicts between the bourgeois and the bishops since the first years of the 12th century, when the bishop Gelmirez himself was chased inside the city. In these conflicts, Don Felipe and the local nobility usually supported the councils' pretensions in opposition to the mighty and rich bishops, although most of the time the military and economic influence of the archbishop of Santiago proved determinative in the maintenance of the 4872: 5900: 443: 5626: 119: 2202: 2167: 4393: 1974: 5928: 5884: 2913: 694: 4693: 5872: 5642: 4258: 1139: 3875: 3699: 5041: 3789: 5662: 429: 5016:
Fernandes de Castro II, the Count of Monterrei, Gaspar de Zúñiga e Azevedo, and others. The war against England (1585–1604), motivated by the traditional English support of Portugal and Holland, also had disastrous consequences for the Kingdom of Galicia. This was due to both the disruption of trade relations with northern Europe, which since the Middle Ages had provided enormous wealth to the kingdom, and to England's constant operations in the region, staged in order to end Phillip's maritime expeditions, such as the
1391: 2767: 5724: 3479: 186: 5674: 3577: 2380:. Vague and conflicting historical records make it uncertain whether Alfonso Fróilaz reigned briefly as king of the entire kingdom, or simply held a remote part of Asturias. In Galicia, Sancho succeeded, being crowned in Santiago de Compostela and marrying a Galician noblewoman. After reigning for just three years he died childless. Alfonso IV then took control of an again-reunited Kingdom of León in 929; however, he was forced into a monastery by their youngest brother, Ramiro, two years later. 3419: 2478: 471: 3765:, or representative of the Crown, into the local government, later delivering the see of Compostela to a Castilian, after forcing Archbishop Gonsalvo Gomes to flee to France. This started a process that eventually led to the replacement of Galician bishops, abbots, and noblemen by Castilians during the 15th and successive centuries. Unlike his father, he usually favoured the bourgeois through the concession of numerous constitutional charters to new towns, angering the nobility. 3853: 3443: 5702: 1797: 10176: 503: 5335: 1835:, Lugo assumed the role of Braga, and the bishops of Lamego and Tui sought refuge in Iria, where they received generous territorial grants. During the 9th, 10th, and 11th centuries most of these bishoprics were re-established in their historical sees, but at this time the bishops of Lugo, Mondoñedo, and Iria became major political players—not just as religious figures, but also as wealthy, and sometimes mighty, secular powers. In particular, the bishops of Iria and 3463: 3949: 1151: 457: 4377: 2633:. While besieging this town in 1072, Sancho was assassinated, inducing Alfonso to return and claim the entire realm. García also returned in 1073 from his exile, either with the hope of re-establishing himself in Galicia, or simply having been misled by promises of safety from Alfonso, however, he was imprisoned by Alfonso for the rest of his life, dying in 1091. As an aftermath to these events, before 1088 Alfonso deposed the bishop of Compostela, 2646: 2751:, but he died in 1107, two years before King Alfonso, who was now in his seventies. The government of Galicia and their other possessions was retained by Alfonso's widow, Urraca, who styled herself Mistress and Empress of Galicia. King Alfonso, in a council held in León, asked the magnates of Galicia to swear an oath on the defense of the rights of his grandson, Alfonso Raimúndez, to the kingdom of Galicia, in case his mother Urraca remarried. 1355:"Not only the conversion of the Goths is found among the favors that we have received, but also the infinite multitude of the Sueves, whom with divine assistance we have subjected to our realm. Although led into heresy by others fault, with our diligence we have brought them to the origins of truth. Therefore, most holy fathers, these most noble nations gained by us, as a holy and atoning sacrifice, by your hands I offer to God eternal." King 404: 5092: 4369: 4136: 3180:'I, Alfonso, by the grace of God King of León and of Galicia, by this writing, which is to be forever valid (...) I grant and confirm to the town council of Bayona, that is, Erizana, the rights and 'foros' or customs for they to live, and to have, and to direct their town in justice, and so the small people with the greater one, and the greater people with the small one, there forever they may live in peace and quietly...' 5462: 3214: 3566: 3008:, the former metropolitan church of Lusitania, which was then under Muslim control without a bishop. Consequently, the bishops of Coimbra, Lamego, Viseu, or Salamanca, among others, were subjected to the rule of Compostela. Braga, metropolitan of the cities of Galicia other than Compostela, found itself limited by the jurisdiction of the latter, and became the centre of the movement for the independence of 4524: 3554: 1660: 1781: 4155: 1371: 1120: 810: 2723:, receiving lands in Castille. Both Burgundians were close allies in the affairs of the realm, ratifying a pact of friendship where Raymond promised his cousin the Kingdom of Toledo or the Kingdom of Galicia, together with a third of his treasure, in return for Henry's aid in acquiring the crown as successor of King Alfonso. However, by 1097 King Alfonso granted Henry the counties of 4338:(Parliament) sometime during the late 14th or early 15th centuries. In 1423, in the absence of the Galician cities, the city of Zamora (located in León, but historically linked to Galicia) asked to be treated as the capital of the Kingdom of Galicia, which was granted, with their deputies sitting next to the monarch at his right. Zamora represented the Kingdom of Galicia in the 3686:
language and even the Galician people, although public inscriptions in tombstones and foundations were still common during much of the 16th century. These developments led to the appearance of a series of literary and historical works, the goal of which was the vindication of Galician history, language, people and culture, most notably during the 17th and 18th centuries.
942:, who settled the eastern lands, and the Suebi, who established themselves in the coastal areas. As with most Germanic invasions, the number of the original Suebi is estimated to be relatively low, generally fewer than 100,000, and most often around 30,000 people. They settled mainly in the regions around modern northern Portugal and Western Galicia, in the towns of 8781:"O reino todo rebolto en guerras, e tantos roubos e mortes, e todos malos feitos; lebantarse grande chusma de comuneiros contra os cabaleiros e moitos cabaleiros contra el mismo Rey noso señor e outros señores da terra façer guerra contra outros e deitar por terra tantas casas e torres". Last Will of the Knight Fernan Garçia Barba de Figueroa, 1473. In 1815:, and later during Roman and Germanic rule, Southern Gallaecia—today north Portugal and south Galicia—was the more dynamic, urbanized, and richest area of Gallaecia. This role was assumed by the rural north during the Early and High Middle Ages, as a consequence not only of the Islamic invasion, but as the final result of a continent-wide urban crisis. 6709:"DCCXCVIII. Venit etiam et legatus Hadefonsi regis Galleciae et Asturiae, nomine Froia, papilionem mirae pulchritudinis praesentans. (...) Hadefonsus rex Galleciae et Asturiae praedata Olisipona ultima Hispaniae civitate insignia victoriae suae loricas, mulos captivosque Mauros domno regi per legatos suos Froiam et Basiliscum hiemis tempore misit.” 5416:(1745–1755). Economic themes were highlighted by other Galician aristocrats, such as Joseph Cornide Saavedra, Pedro Antonio Sánchez, and Lucas Labrada, as well as ecclesiastics like Francisco de Castro, and merchants like Antonio Raimundo Ibáñez. They were all authors of many works of vital importance to economic development, such as the 5536:, displayed lists of kingdoms and their royal symbols. In the case of Galicia, the prominence which the Kingdom had had for centuries saw it included in the early European armorials. However, the absence of an exclusive symbol for Galician kings, who were also kings of León since the 12th century, forced the medieval heraldists to use 4514:"The Kingdom is totally scrambled in war, with so many thieveries and deaths, and ill facts: to rise up a large mob of commoners against the knights; and many knights to rise up against the King himself, our Master; and other lords of the land to make war on each other; and to dash to the ground so many houses and towers". 1752:. This increased the political and military relevance of Galicia, and its noble families aspired to positions of power within the kingdom through either military force or by matrimonial alliance with the royal family. To the east, this southern expansion led the capital of the Christian kingdom to be moved to the city of 4973:. The Inquisition even went as far as proposing the closure of all Galician seaports to avoid religious contamination. Such measures eventually exceeded the patience of the inhabitants of cities like A Coruña, which requested the end of inquisitorial activity at the seaport in 1589 due to the effect on maritime traffic. 4302:, that is, protectors) over towns and cities, monasteries, bishoprics, and even over royal properties, towns and territories. Castles and mottes were used all over Galicia to hold and keep the noblemen's armies, and as raiding outposts. The noblemen frequently fought each other for the possession of these strongholds. 4421:. The armies of the brotherhood, directed by the lesser nobleman Roi Xordo, were finally defeated by the Andrades' armies by the gates of Compostela in 1431. Later, in 1453, the troops of the bishop of Ourense and that of the council of the city fought fiercely for the possession of the local castles, even using 3359:. While marriage of royals had resulted in the union of some of these states—for example between Navarre and Aragon, and Castile and León—subsequent divisions amongst heirs created a dynamic pattern of union and separation. However, the 12th century initiated a series of unions that would prove permanent. 3746:; and in the frontier with the Muslims, 'La Frontera'. During the 13th and the 14th centuries these positions were occupied either by local noblemen—such as Estevan Fernandes de Castro, Paio Gomes Chariño, Fernando José de Estrada, or Afonso Suares de Deza—or by members of the royal family, such as the 7384:
si Regina mater mea thoro viduitatis contenta maneret, totius Gallaeciae Regnum in manibus vestris & patrui mei Vienensis Archiespiscopi eius dominio subiugaretur. Si vero maritale foedus iniret, rediret ad me Regnum Gallaeciae... Tu autem quem ego prae omnibus huiusmodi hominibus amplector &
In Galicia the most important chartularies for the Early and High Middle Ages are those from the monasteries of Sobrado, with documents from the 8th–13th centuries, Celanova (9th–13th), Samos (8th–13th) ... And of the cathedrals of Santiago and Lugo, with documents dated from the 8th century. In
Thus, while conflicts against the Ottomans resulted in a devastating battle in the Rias Baixas in 1617, the unpopular war against Portugal (1640–1668) and the decades-long war against the Netherlands, both took a heavy toll on Galician peasants, sent to various fronts from the Atlantic seaports. Fray
In 1470, after the defeat of the Brotherhood, the noblemen, regaining their states and granting themselves sonorous titles ordered the reconstructions of a number of strongholds, usually using the rebels as labour force. This same year, the noblemen assigned a pact of mutual assistance, signaling the
Similar conflicts were frequent between the city councils and the Church, even occasioning the deaths of the bishop of Lugo in 1403 and the bishop of Ourense in 1419. All these wars, together with rampant banditry, created a climate of violence and insecurity throughout Galicia. The remoteness of the
We obey that letters (...) but regarding the fulfillment of what we are asked, we say that what these letters demand of us is very burdensome, and it would be impossible for us to accomplish it (...) There were not called the deputies of this Kingdom of Galicia, most notably those of the cities (...)
remained faithful to Portugal until 1373, whilst João Fernandes de Andeiro, exiled in England, entered negotiations for further support for the loyalist Galician party, at the same time laying the foundation of the secular alliance between England and Portugal. On July 10, 1372 a treaty was signed by
to seek English support, whilst at the same time internal enemies such as the archbishop of Compostela were assassinated or prosecuted. This same year, with Pedro abroad, a temporary truce permitted Henry to surface in Galicia, where he obtained the support of some important aristocrats, most notably
Throughout this century there was also a rapid growth of the rural population, resulting in a larger force of farm labor which consequently allowed the great monasteries to develop new agricultural lands. This, coupled with the improvement of farming equipment and techniques, such as the introduction
and eventually made himself undisputed ruler of the Leonese kingdom. Once in control, Bermudo lost many of his Galician and Portuguese supporters by repudiating his Galician wife in favor of a new marriage alliance with Castile. His later reign was marked by the ascension of a strong military leader,
circulation, largely as a result of the Muslim occupations in the early 8th century in the south Mediterranean. The Gallaecia were also affected, and Fructuosus of Braga denounced the general cultural decline and loss of the momentum from previous periods, causing some discontent in the Galician high
However, in 1621, circumstances turned in favor of Galicia. The Empire needed the political and financial cooperation of its kingdoms in order to wage another war, following the end of a twelve-year truce. The oligarchy and the Galician city councils were able to seize this opportunity, and, despite
in 1568, led by self-proclaimed king Muhammad ibn Umayya, Philip ordered the forced dispersal of 80,000 Granadian Muslims throughout the realm, and the introduction of Christians in their place. Thousands of Galician families were sent to Granada for that purpose between the years 1572–77, with many
The Inquisition was an instrument of cultural and religious repression without precedent, which began operating in Portugal from 1575, led by the Castilian Inquisitor Quijano del Mercado. The Inquisition's stated aim was to prevent the "contamination" of the Kingdom of Galicia by the reformist ideas
and Santiago de Compostela in 1467, in Lugo in 1468, and in Ourense in 1469. But in autumn of 1469 the exiled noblemen, joining forces, marched into Galicia: Pedro Alvares de Soutomaior entered from Portugal with gunmen and mercenaries; the archbishop Fonseca of Compostela from Zamora; and the Count
and his heirs should be granted the Kingdom of Galicia, where he counted on the strong support of Fernando Ruiz de Castro and other noblemen. In 1301, however, after losing the support of the King of Portugal, John was forced to abandon his claim to kingship in exchange for a number of minor titles,
took the lead of the nobility of the old Leonese crown, and with the support of the kings of Aragon and Portugal was proclaimed king of León and Galicia in 1296, which also included the Kingdom of Seville, a vassal of Galicia since the 11th century. Charinho was succeeded by Fernando Ruíz de Castro,
As king, Garcia aimed to restore the old episcopal sees of Tui, Lamego, and Braga, which had been dissolved due to Arab and Viking assaults. The death of two of his most notable supporters, bishops Cresconius of Compostela and Uistrarius of Lugo, left the young king in a weaker position, and in 1071
A year after the emperor's refusal, the Galician city councils tried another tack, resulting in a 1557 proposal to offer 20,000 ducats in exchange for restoring Galicia's vote in the Castilian Council. This proposal was put to successive meetings of the Galician assembly, until in 1599 the assembly
Quando eu non tibera a obrigaçon que o mundo save pola nobreça que en Vmd coñeço o fijera A esos meus señores seus fillos de Vmd e primos meus ueyjo infinitas ueçes as mans e deus os faga en to do seus fillos de Vmd e de miña señora Dona Costança. A quens garde noso señor como eu seu criado desejo.
in the North, the Soutomaiors and the Estradas in the South and West, and the Ulloas in central Galicia) each one directed by the heir of the lineage, not unusually a woman. The houses, and their minor knights and squires, tried to acquire every type of economic and jurisdictional title (usually as
of the Kingdom of Galicia as a family legacy; and to the Pimentels of Benavente. Some of these families, most notably the Osorios, would become during the 16th and 17th centuries the most influential defenders of Galician causes. But during the 15th century, in the absence of solid leadership, such
to support their succession. Alfonso died in 1230 in Sarria, while on pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela to thank the apostle for his help in the conquest of Extremadura, and his body was taken there for burial. Most of the Leonese nobility cleaved to Ferdinand, who also gained the support of the
Although Spain generally militarized in order to conduct its war against the Netherlands—used primarily to garner support for the Crown—Galicia was left relatively undefended, a result of the prior dismantling of the Galician strongholds. Thus, in 1580 the Board of the Kingdom of Galicia requested
introduced a series of foreign noble houses in Galicia as tenants of important fiefs. For example, the County of Trastámara, ancient dominion of the Traba and Castro houses, was given first to Pedro Eníquez de Castro, nephew of Henry II; later, in 1440, it was divided into two counties, Trastámara
Whilst the written use of Castilian in Galicia had been common since 1400, at least in the documents issued by the offices of foreigners established in the country, since 1500 the open substitution of Galician elites by Castilian officials led to the progressive discrimination against the Galician
Shipbuilders came from Genoa to Compostela, they presented themselves to the bishop and they reached an agreement for building two ships at a fixed price. It can be guessed the utility of the matter and the joy of the seashore dwellers, and even of all the Galicians, because of the freedom and the
From Galicia, Ordoño launched several successful raids on the Islamic south, returning with riches and Muslim serfs, and confirming himself as an able commander. At the death of García in 914, Ordoño also acquired León, and on his death in 924 his younger brother, Fruela, reunited Alfonso's realm.
officials or companions of the king or queen. The Galician nobility, however, were also frequently found as rebels, either as supporters of a different candidate to the throne, or aspiring to it themselves, or simply as disobedient to the king's orders and will. At the service of the noblemen were
For instance, the list of the rebels against Alfonso III include in Galicia noblemen such as count Froila Lemundi, who was briefly king; duke Uittiza in southern Galicia, who resisted for seven years; count Flacidio in Lugo; the brothers Aldreto and Flacencius again in Lugo; Oduarius in the east;
This corps, reinforced with mercenary troops and under the pretension of pacifying the country and getting rid of adventurers and thieves, was also used as field army at the service of the policies of the monarchs. As personal representatives, the Catholic Monarchs also sent a new plenipotentiary
Latinate Galician charters from the 8th century onward show that the local written Latin was heavily influenced by local spoken romance, yet not until the 12th century do we find evidence for the identification of the local language as a language different from Latin itself. During this same 12th
For several centuries after the defeat of the Goths, Galicia was united with other neighboring regions under the same monarchs, with only brief periods of separation under different kings. Along with the rest of the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, it was free of Arab presence from the mid-8th
The Bohemian nobleman Baron León Rosmithal, in his pilgrimage to Santiago in 1466, was a witness of these conflict-ridden times, when first he and his retinue were confronted by a group of some 100 peasants, armed with spears, swords and crossbows, after a boy had accidentally hit with a stone a
Not a few times I thought which was the reason why in Galicia has introduced the use or abuse of writing in Castilian, ... who have introduced it? ... Not the Galicians, but the Foreigners (Castilians) who in the early 16th century flooded the Kingdom of Galicia, not to cultivate their
As for other written uses of Galician, legal charters (last wills, hirings, sales, constitutional charters, city council books of acts, guild constitutions, books of possessions, and any type of public or private contracts and inventories) written in Galicia are to be found from 1230 to 1530—the
languages. The noble houses of both countries also encouraged literature in Galician-Portuguese, as being an author or bringing famous troubadours into one's home became a way of promoting social prestige; as a result many noblemen, businessmen and clergymen of the 13th and 14th centuries became
3232:, which would in time acquire a religious hue just to avoid being banned or punished in their patrimonies. These new burgs also allowed a number of minor noble houses to consolidate power by occupying the new administrative and political offices, in open competition with the new classes: mayors, 2962:
was led by Pedro Fróilaz de Traba, who had been Alfonso's mentor throughout his childhood. The coronation was intended to preserve the rights of the son of Raymond of Burgundy in Galicia, at a time when Urraca effectively delivered the kingdoms of Castile and León to her new husband, Alfonso the
5331:, and sciences such as physics, chemistry, and biology. Thus began a renewal of interest in the historical personality, as well as the cultural and economic diversity, of the Kingdom of Galicia, attributable to important local writers who knew Galicia as a distinct polity with particular needs. 5023:
The outcome of all this was the complete ruin of Galician villages such as Ferrol, where the civilians were driven from their homes by Philip's soldiers, who seized all their crops and property, and drove the fishermen into forced labor. Towns like A Coruña also suffered constant attacks by the
3498: 3168:
due to its walled circuits, attracted peasants, who could find better living conditions under the direct protection of the king than abroad under the authority of a bishop, a monastery or a nobleman; they also attracted foreigners, most notably artisans and merchants, who brought new trends and
The ceremony in Compostela was more symbolic than effective, and Diego Gelmírez, Pedro Fróilaz, and other Galician nobles headed first to Lugo, and later to the royal seat in León to enthrone Alfonso VII there. However, they were intercepted at Viadangos, near León, by the troops of Alfonso the
ruler of most of the kingdom, whilst leaving Bermudo to rule from his refuge in Galicia. Sancho's death the next year allowed Bermudo to regain not only the entire kingdom, but to briefly become overlord of Ferdinand's Castile. However, in 1037, the Castilian count killed Bermudo in battle, and
The Enlightenment writers were the first to denounce the Kingdom's contemporary problems, most of them arising from the harmful policies of the Catholic Monarchs and the Habsburgs. These writers began reporting on the state of roads, the unnecessary imports, the mass emigration, the linguistic
Despite claims to the contrary, the military campaign against Portugal was not carried out by professional soldiers billeted at A Coruña, Ferrol, or Baiona, and was not paid for by the crown, but was rather conducted by ill-equipped peasant troops, and paid for by Galician nobles such as Pedro
The triumph of the high nobility in Castile, as represented by the death of Peter I and crowning of their candidate, Henry II, was resented by the majority of Galician nobles, who had been forgiven by the new King. Under the leadership of Fernando de Castro, the Galician loyalist party and the
conflict lasted from 1354 to 1369, having its origin in the policies of Peter I, who tried to expand his royal power while leaning on the municipal councils; this would come at the expense of the high nobility, including Castilian families such as Pimentel, Ponce de León, Mendoza, Fernández de
Many of the noblemen acquired titles such as Viscount of Tui, Marshal of Baiona, Count of Altamira, Count of Monterrei. One notable exception was the Lord of Andrade, who refused to acquire a title for himself, declaring that 'he either would prefer to be a good knight, than a bad count'. Cf.
5137:, Afonso III da Fonseca, and the Counts of Benavente and Andrade complained about it during a celebration of the Castilian Council in the Galician capital, Compostela, but to no avail. These elites organized an assembly, headed by Alfonso and consisting of nobles and prelates, in the town of 4818:
had no direct role in law making, and was permitted little control in the Royal administration, but it could nevertheless rise armies, ships and taxes, conceding or denying the King's petitions on behalf of the local powers of the Kingdom, and it could also petition the King directly, being
initiated a gradual decline in the influence of Galicia in the politics of state, in which the aristocracy and the Galician city councils would lose power to the local bishops. Galicia found itself on the periphery of the enlarged kingdom, which was largely ruled from Toledo or Seville, and
lands, but to eat the best flesh and blood, and to receive the best jobs, such as ecclesiastical as civil, they have been, not knowing the Galician language, nor by word or in writing, have introduced the monstrosity of writing in Castilian, for a people that speaks just the pure Galician.
and the new official, endorsed by local supporters, worked jointly in harassing the largely-rebellious nobility, both economically and militarily. However, the resistance was ended with the death of its leader, the Count of Lemos, and the wars against Marshal Pardo de Cela and Count Pedro
2637:, who was charged "on trying to deliver the Kingdom of Galicia to the king of the English and of the Normans , while taking it away from the kings of the Spaniards". This reunion with the Kingdom of León would prove permanent, although both kingdoms maintained their separate personality. 6434: 2259:, who entered León, capital of the Kingdom of the Galicians, as an opponent (...) Until they decided to depose Sancho and to throw him from Leon, joining under the king Alfonso. Sancho then fled to the extreme of Galicia, where he was received and enthroned by the locals." Ibn Hayyan, 5578:
Thereafter, the purple lion of the former Galician-Leonese monarchy lost its representative character in favor of the better known canting arms, being then adopted exclusively by the Kingdom of León, whilst in Galicia the chalice would develop into the modern coat-of-arms of Galicia.
4479:('little brothers'), only to be slowly beaten back into Castile and Portugal; as described by a contemporary, 'the sparrows pursued the falcons'. For the rest of the year the armies of the Brotherhood marched all over Galicia, fighting the lords and demolishing tens of strongholds. 4774:
of the cities and towns of the Kingdom, and at the expenses of Church and nobility. From 1599 the composition of the assembly became fixed and reduced to just seven deputies, each one representing one of the Kingdom's provinces, and appointed by the local council of the province's
For in this Kingdom there is an archbishopric, four bishoprics, and other towns and places of our lord the Prince, and of three Counties, and of many other great knights; and it would be very accomplishing and very necessary for the King and for this Kingdom to invoke its deputies.
The first heraldic signs were used by kings as personal marks to identify themselves. Shortly after, they began to be shared by the upper social levels close to the royalty, and finally were used to represent the territory in which they exercised their jurisdiction, the kingdom.
Later Galician language would become a regional language, with just minor literary use up to the 19th century, when a thriving literature developed. As Galician had no official recognition, no legal Galician documents were issued again up to the last quarter of the 20th century.
3518: 4053: 3920:
near Santiago, where he had lured them for talks. While Berenger's forcefulness temporarily pacified the city, he still had to fight for another year just to take the rest of the fiefdom. However, twenty-five years later, the City Council of Compostela obtained the long-sought
5265:, the kingdom of Galicia could not avail itself of an independent policy due to being controlled strongly since 1486 by Castile, and Galicia was forced to provide military support to the suitor supported by the Castilian Crown, Philip V of Bourbon, who eventually won the war. 4196:
confirming his right to the Crown of Castile, he landed in Coruña with some 1500 archers, 1500 lancers and some 4000 other supporters, without fighting or attacking the city. Following negotiations it was agreed that the city would open its gates once the Duke was received in
5723: 1483:
The territorial and administrative organization inherited from the Suevi was incorporated into the new Provincial status, although Lugo was reduced again to the category of bishopric, and subjected to Braga. Meanwhile, the Suevi, Roman, and Galician cultural, religious, and
of Spain, but lost the title to Toledo, the old Visigoth capital. Later, however, he sought to have Compostela recognized as the metropolitan church of the Kingdom of Galicia, in opposition to the church of Braga, which had been the metropolitan since at least the days of
1472:, and Egitania continued to operate normally. During the reign of Liuvigild, new Arian bishops were raised among the Suebi in cities such as Lugo, Porto, Tui, and Viseu, alongside the cities' Catholic bishops. These Arian bishops returned to Catholicism in 589, when King 1160:
After a period of obscurity, with very little remaining information on the history of this area, or in fact Western Europe in general, the Suebi Kingdom reappears in European politics and history during the second half of the 6th century. This is following the arrival of
on Henry's side had a destabilising effect. In 1369 the new archbishop of Santiago, the loyalist Rodrigo de Moscoso, urgently ordered his knights to march to Andalusia and support the King and Fernando de Castro, but the call was ignored. The capture of Peter during the
During the 15th century, a time of social and economic crisis in Europe, a series of insurrections roiled the Kingdom, the result the brutal behavior of the bishops and the noblemen toward the churchmen, artisans and peasants. The insurgents were generally organized in
1628:, when he records that Wittiza relieved the oppression of the Jews (a fact unknown from his reign at Toledo after his father), may in fact refer to his reign at Lucas' hometown of Tui, where an oral tradition may have been preserved of the events of his Galician reign. 5060:
Felipe de la Gandara, official chronicler of the kingdom of Galicia, complained that during 25 years (1624–1659), "the kingdom of Galicia has served for now during the glorious reign of His Majesty until the year 1659 with more than 68,000 men and 18,001,000 ducats".
troops from Philip in order to defend the coast, just months after a recruitment drive had taken place. However, although Phillip assented, these troops were not used to protect Galicia, but instead to attack Portugal, in an attempt to add it to Phillip's empire.
4425:(cannons; lit., 'thunders'), and forcing the bishop into exile. In 1458 a brotherhood was established among some important noblemen (the House of Moscoso, the House of Estrada, and Sueiro Gomes de Soutomaior among others) and the cities and towns of Compostela, 3197:'We must also consider that there are five kingdoms among the Spaniards, namely that of Aragon, that of the Navarrese, and that of those who specifically are named Spaniards, which capital is Toledo, as well as those of the inhabitants of Galicia and Portugal' 5486:
shields of war, was forged in the battlefields of Europe after the middle decades of the 12th century, due to a confluence of different circumstances. One was the need to differentiate between allies and adversaries on the battlefield, as facial protection in
5396:, stood out for their enormous contributions to the language and culture of the kingdom. Montenegro was the first to denounce the misery of the Galician peasants, proposing changes in the administration of the kingdom. Sarmiento, with extensive knowledge of 4345:
Under these difficult circumstances, with constant wars and a broken judicial system, the cities of Galicia, which progressively acquired a leading role during this century, engaged in a tax revolt between 1430 and 1460. They refused to pay certain taxes to
and other cities with exclusionary voting at the Courts, the Crown bowed to military necessity, and in 1623 the kingdom of Galicia regained its Council vote, dependent upon paying 100,000 ducats to build a navy to defend its own coastline. The influence of
2617:, and in recognition of his solidified control adopted the title King of Galicia and Portugal. However, his brothers, Alfonso and Sancho, immediately turned on the victor, forcing García to flee, first to central Portugal and later—after defeating him near 7753:"Considerandum etiam quod, cum sint quinque regna in Ispaniorum, videlicet Arragonensium, Navarrorum et eorum qui specificato vocabulo Ispani dicuntur, quorum metropolis est Tolletum, item incholarum Galicie et Portugalensium". Cf. Bruno Meyer (2000): 2624:
This situation was inherently unstable, with Sancho's lands separated by Alfonso's León, and the two soon fought a war in which Sancho proved victorious, forcing Alfonso into exile and reuniting all of Ferdinand's kingdom except the autonomous city of
5851: 2148:—seen as long hair, with only a partial tonsure atop the head—was in use in Galicia up to 681, when it was forbidden at a council in Toledo. There were no known Muslim communities in Galicia and northern Portugal, other than Moor serfs. Records of 5750: 5287:
There was also a firm Bourbon policy aimed at standardizing culture and language within their Spanish territories. Explicit and stringent laws were designed to end linguistic diversity in Bourbon territories with non-Castilian native languages:
1697:, Ramiro went to the city of Lugo in Galicia, and there he reunited the army of the whole province. After a while he burst into Asturias. He was met by Nepotianus, who has reunited a group of Asturians and Basques, at the bridge over the river 3173:
of the previous centuries, and facilitating the development of fishing and pre-industrial mass production of some resources, especially salted and dried fish, fish oil, and wine, marketed through the seaports to England and the Mediterranean.
3604:) as an acknowledgement of the cultural and linguistic unity of Galicia and Portugal during the Middle Ages, as both linguistic varieties differed only in minor dialectal phenomena, and were considered by contemporaries as just one language. 4245:. In their 1388 peace treaty, the Duke of Lancaster and Constance of Castile renounced their claims to Castile in exchange for monetary compensation and a marriage alliance between their daughter and the son and heir of Henry II, the future 2904:«The king Don Alfonso, my grandparent, put the condition that in case the queen, my mother, was to stay as a widow, all the kingdom of Galicia would stay under her domain; but if she ever married, the kingdom of Galicia would return to me.» 2076:
inhabitants of Compostela, by this stage a fortified and strong city. Meanwhile, the City Council of Santiago for centuries had struggled against their bishops for the recognition of a number of liberties. In the country, most people were
1886:(Land of Saint James, the fief of the bishops of Iria-Compostela) each territory was administered by a bishop's vicar, while justice was administered by a council composed of representatives of the local churchmen, knights, and peasants. 4290:
as exercised in the past by the archbishop of Santiago or by the Counts of Trastámara, the Kingdom of Galicia was reduced to a set of semi-independent and rival fiefdoms, militarily important, but with little political influence abroad.
Personal names in Galicia and northern Portugal were chiefly of Germanic origin, although Christian, Roman, and Greek names were also common. Names were usually composed just of a single surname, although noblemen frequently also used a
1620:, the Visigothic capital, in the same year, and having such impact that the royal family, including Egica and Wittiza, fled. It has been suggested that this provided the occasion for sending Wittiza to rule the Kingdom of the Suevi from 8655:
In a letter to the King, the Council of Ourense accused the Kingdoms of León and of Castile of acting unfairly, charging on Galicia part of their own taxes, taking advantage on the absence of Galician deputies. Cf. López Carreira 2005,
reclaimed its rights to the Galician forests for the construction of warships. This led to the perverse situation of locals being arrested for collecting firewood to heat their houses, leading in turn to resentment against the Galician
4433:, against the archbishop of Santiago, who was taken prisoner, kept and paraded in a cage for two years, and then banished for ten years after his supporters paid a large ransom. Similar revolts were occurring all over the kingdom, in 5609: 4014:
of Galicia, who, after defecting from Henry's side in 1355, was playing the same role as the Traba family two hundred years before. Other notable supporters were Sueiro Eans Parada, Men Rodrigues de Sanabria, and the Moscoso family.
1682:"Alfonso king of Galicia and of Asturias, after having ravaged Lisbon, the last city of Spain, sent during the winter the insignias of his victory, breastplates, mules, and Moor prisoners, through his legates Froia and Basiliscus." 5685: 2469:, Sancho seized disputed border regions, formalizing the arrangement by including the lands in the dowry of Bermudo's sister, who was married to Ferdinand in 1032. Two years later, in 1034, Sancho took Bermudo's capital, becoming 6758:«Considerandum etiam quod, cum sint quinque regna in Ispaniorum, videlicet Arragonensium, Navarrorum et eorum qui specificato vocabulo Ispani dicuntur, quorum metropolis est Tolletum, item incholarum Galicie et Portugalensium»: 4116:, launched an offensive that forced Ferdinand I back to Portugal. Later, in 1371, with the Portuguese troops defending themselves from Henry's mercenaries, Fernando de Castro and his fellow nobles were defeated in the battle of 2825:
Several months later, in 1128, inspired by the shortcomings of Afonso Henriques, the Galician and Portuguese troops of Theresa and Fernando Perez de Trava entered Portugal, but the men of Afonso scored a decisive victory at the
in the south. Five of the attendant bishops used Germanic names, showing the integration of the different communities of the country. King Miro also promoted contention with the Arian Visigoths, who under the leadership of King
5899: 4018:
In 1366 Pedro was forced to flee into Andalusia, while Fernando de Castro returned to Galicia. After a dangerous journey through Portugal, King Pedro made it to Galicia, where an assembly of supporters decided to send him into
The queen hurried coming to Galicia to reconcile with the bishop; because she knew that through him she could keep or lose the kingdom of Galicia, because the bishop and the church of Compostela is capital and looking glass of
4354:, citing the many and onerous services the Kingdom rendered to the King; the lack of effective law enforcement, which had led to the economic destruction of the Kingdom; and the absence of Galician deputies in the Parliament. 6817:
The presence of Norman (Viking) raiders by the coasts of Galicia is constant during much of the 9th, 10th and 11th centuries; even a bishop, Sisenand II, was killed while fighting them, in the Battle of Fornelos, in 977. Cf.
6563::1 (Feb.), pp 31–32. Lucas' account has a large number of both detractors (Graetz, Katz, and Dahn) and supporters (Scherer, Ziegler, and Altamira) and even if true it is possible that Lucas' story is based on the minutes of 4827:
never consented on the petition of the assembly to meet at will, and from 1637 he decreed that the meetings of the assembly could only take place when in presence of a representative of the monarch, with voice, usually the
5571:). Following that time, different European armorials began to use the chalice as the emblem of the Kingdom of Galicia. In the mid-15th century, this symbol came to Galicia, where it was easily and readily accepted, as the 2217: 4672:
concluded around the same time; de Cela was beheaded in Mondoñedo in 1483, whilst Pedro was deposed in 1485 by his own son—Álvaro—in a desperate attempt to save the lineage of Soutomaior. The establishment in 1500 of the
5056:, the reigns of Philip IV and Charles II) witnessed a series of wars between the Habsburgs and Holland, England, France and especially Portugal, which collectively had a remarkable social and economic impact in Galicia. 5809: 4240:
decimated the English army in Galicia during 1386 and 1387. Later, in 1387, together with the Portuguese, he launched an unsuccessful assault into the dry terrain of Castile; finally, John was forced to negotiate with
2166: 3462: 5786: 4486:, directed by the city dwellers, whilst its armies—composed mostly of armed peasants—were commanded by sympathizing noblemen, as the veteran soldiers they were. General Councils of the Kingdom were later held in 1566:, the most important monastery of Gallaecia—founded by Martin of Braga in the 6th century—under Suebi rule. In 656 he was appointed bishop of Braga and metropolitan of Galicia, ostensibly against his own will. 3719:. The royal court abandoned Compostela and began a policy of centralization. Despite this, Galician nobles and bishops continued to exercise a degree of autonomy from the Castilian crown until the time of the 3032:
at least since 1152, had been as a child ward of the influential Count Fernando Peres de Trava, heir and son of Count Pedro Fróilaz, who in turn had been tutor of Alfonso VII. In 1158 the death of his brother
3004:. Calixtus II did not grant Gelmirez's claims, but finally decided to enlarge Compostela's jurisdiction in an anomalous fashion: instead of Galicia, Compostela was granted control over the old jurisdiction of 2160:. Muslim names and patronymics were rare amongst Galicians, as even serfs were frequently given a Germanic or Roman name, which is in contrast with the relative popularity of Muslim names amongst the Leonese. 5597: 5284:—replaced them. In addition, the Bourbons established a "provincial Intendance" on their territories according to the French model, including the kingdom of Galicia, under the command of a General Captain. 974:
is thought to have received the largest concentration of Germanic settlers, and Bracara Augusta—the modern city of Braga—became the capital of the Suebi, as it had previously been the capital of Gallaecia.
3398:. After clashes in León and Galicia, Alfonso IX's two former wives, Berengaria and Theresa, reached an agreement whereby Theresa induced Aldonza and Sancha to abandon their regal claims in exchange for an 4537:"The archbishop did a great service for the King when against the will of that whole Kingdom , being everyone in resistance, the archbishop received the Hermandad in Santiago; and in one day he made the 4328:
in 1486. This absence on the one hand transformed the King into a remote ideal of Justice, whilst on the other affirmed the sensation of impunity and defencelessness among the inhabitants of the Kingdom.
4101:, and liberalized trade between Galicia and Portugal, supplying grain and wine by sea to the war-weakened Galician populace. He also made provisions for the issuance of gold and silver coinage at Tui and 3754:, thus maintaining a state of fluid relations and communications between the Crown and the Kingdom, which would prove fruitful during the conquest and colonization of Seville and other Andalusian cities. 3020:, who were acting with absolute liberty in most of Galicia and Portugal, were defeated by Afonso Henriques, Theresa's son. This was the foundation of the future kingdom of Portugal. On his death in 1156, 1954:. War and pillaging against the thriving Al-Andalus was also a very important source for the acquisition of riches, exotic items, and Muslim serfs. Later, pilgrimage of Christians from all over Europe to 1818:
The old bishoprics of Braga, Ourense, Tui, Lamego, and others, were either discontinued, or re-established in the north, under the protection of Lugo—which was now a stronghold due to its Roman walls—and
Due to myths surrounding Galicia's history (especially during the era of the kingdom), the Kingdom has been referred to as "Terra Meiga" (land of the witches) or "Reino Meiga" (kingdom of the witches).
Oh shame! The Castilians need foreign forces and are protected by the audacity of the Galicians. What will become of these coward knights when the army of Galicia, their shield and protection, is gone?.
5883: 3897:
The beginning of the 14th century was characterized by the civil unrest in the cities of the kingdom, most notably in Lugo, Tui, Ourense and Compostela. The aspiration of their city councils to become
While the Castilian (Castile-Toledo) and Leonese (Galicia and León) crowns were linked in the person of the king, both crowns retained political peculiarities. Galicia and León retained the legal code
5927: 4609:; but Pedro's tenacity resulted in a draw. In 1479, the armies of Fonseca moved south again against Pedro Madruga, and, after a series of battles, forced the Count of Caminha into Portugal, although 5641: 4164:
The expulsion of Ferdinand I of Portugal, and the abandonment of his claim to Galicia, was followed a year later by the capture of Tui by Diego Sarmento on behalf of Henry II. However, the town of
In 1372, after Henry had defeated Men Rodrigues de Sanabria, Castilian rule was re-established over most of Galicia, although A Coruña, regularly supplied by Portuguese ships, held out until 1373.
3670:, usually commissioned by noblemen who desired to read these romances in their own language. Other genres include history books (either translations of Spanish ones, or original creations like the 3389:
To preserve the independence of his realm, Alfonso IX applied Galician-Leonese inheritance customs to nominate Aldonza as future queen of Galicia and Sancha as queen of León, enlisting their uncle
under siege by Castilian noblemen who were supporting an aristocratic candidate to the throne. Henry sent letters all around the realm, calling for the establishment of brotherhoods to defend the
The political result of this war was the establishment of a monarchy based in Castile, from where it attempted to impose uniform governance on the region. The culmination of this policy was the "
Egica associated Wittiza during his lifetime to the throne (for example, Egica and Wittiza are known to have issued coinage with the confronted effigies of both monarchs). In 701 an outbreak of
1134:, now in the Austrian National Library. The book was originally dedicated to King Miro with the header "To King Miro, the most glorious and calm, the pious, distinguished for his Catholic faith" 5292:
Finally, I command that the teaching of the first letters, Latin and rhetoric will only in Castilian language, taking care this compliance the Audiencias and the respective Courts. May 23, 1768
3382:, and Constance. The death of Alfonso IX's son from his first marriage, Ferdinand, in 1214 left the younger Ferdinand, from his second marriage, as heir to his father. When the Castilian king, 5280:
similar to that in Galicia 200 years before. Once the old crowns -Castile and Aragon- were dissolved in 1715, the "Crown of Spain", governed solely by the Castilian government—notably by the
One of these brotherhoods, established in Compostela in 1418, took advantage of the temporary absence of the archbishop, and violently overthrew the city council in 1422. Another one, called
Córdoba, and Alvarez de Toledo; and Galician ones such as Castro. As a result, in 1354 a coalition of nobles rose in defence of a pactual monarchy, although this coalition did not last long.
3418: 6157:' chronicles, the primary written source for the period, find that the essential temper of Galician culture was established in the blending of Ibero-Roman culture with that of the Suebi. Cf 1909:
perpetuated ancient Roman and Suevic foundations, and they were the base for the ecclesiastical organization, and for the economic production of the country, later evolving into the modern
1037:. Rechiar married a Visigothic princess, and was also the first Germanic king to mint coins in ancient Roman territories. Rechiar led further expansions to the east, marauding through the 3589:
century we can find full Galician sentences being inadvertently used inside Latin texts, whilst its first reckoned use as a literary language dates to the last years of the 12th century.
2185: 4120:, near Lugo, by Henry's men: Pedro Manrique, governor of Castile, and Pedro Rois Sarmento. Fernando de Castro fled to Portugal, but was later banished to Gascony under the terms of the 2583:, who had been educated in Galicia under the tutelage of bishop Cresconius of Compostela, received the western half of Bermudo's old kingdom as King of Galicia, along with the right to 1989:, and other high noblemen, who were frequently related by marriage with the monarch, and who usually claimed the most powerful positions in society, either as governors, bishops, or as 161: 4067:
to be their king, assuring him that the Galician nobles and citizens would "raise their voices for him ... and they hand him the cities and recognize as lord and will honor him".
3823:, John—who lived exiled in Granada—advanced to Badajoz to claim the throne of Castile, but negotiations with Ferdinand's party, together with the assassination of his closest ally the 4559:"It was then when the taming of Galicia began, because not just the local lords and knights, but all the people of that nation were the ones against the others very bold and warlike" 4070:
In his triumphant entrance Ferdinand was accompanied by many aristocratic Galician supporters, including Fernando de Castro, Count of Trastámara; Alvar Peres de Castro, the lord of
9180: 7987:("Rex Catelle et Toleti, Legionis et Gallecie"). Posterior monarchs would add their new acquired titles to this growing list: Seville, Granada, Aragon, Neaples, Sicilly, etcetera. 1921:, based mainly on the production of grain and beans, and notably in cattle breeding. Other valuable—though geographically restricted—products included fruits, salt, wine, honey, 4410:('brotherhoods'), groups of men who, in exceptional circumstances, and allegedly with the king's approval, armed themselves to act as policemen in defence of peace and justice. 5070:
The provisions of the Spanish monarchs against trading timber in the kingdom also deepened the crisis. With the imposition a new (and controversial) administrative figure, the
This attempted secession lasted five years amid great political and military instability due to opposition from many sectors of society, including the party of Sancho's widow
3780:. The creation in 1282 of a joint Brotherhood (league) of the Kingdoms of León and Galicia showed the existence of a grade of unrest in the old western kingdoms of the Crown. 1320:
of the Suebi, and of Galicia in general, was long marginalized in Spanish culture, with the first connected history of the Suebi in Galicia being written by a German scholar.
In the aftermath of Rechiar's death, multiple candidates for the throne appeared, finally grouping into two allegiances. The division between the two groups was marked by the
Adefonsus dei gratia hispaniarum imperator laudat et confirmat. Sanctius filius eius rex Castelle laudat et confirmat. Fernandus filius eius rex Galletie laudat et confirmat.
5625: 3808:, to rebel in a bid to secure the succession, which was ultimately successful. A similar pattern then followed Sancho's own death in 1295, with the reign of his juvenile son 4644:, to Galicia. It was soon criticised not only as an institution composed mostly of foreigners, but also as a heavy burden on the local economy, costing more than 6 million 4201:; being admitted there, John's troops, assisted by Galician exiles, took control of Pontevedra, Vigo, Baiona and Betanzos without a fight, whilst John himself proceeded to 5836: 5585: 2201: 4752:
was an assembly where representatives of the three states of the Kingdom (noblemen, churchmen, and the commoners) met, but it soon followed the evolution prompted by the
earliest one a document from the monastery of Melon, dated in 1231. Galician was by far the most-used language during the 13th to 15th centuries, in preference to Latin.
Aside from the lyric genres, Galicia also developed a minor tradition of literary prose, most notably translations of European popular series, such as those dealing with
2794:, which was in open competition with Braga, metropolitan church of Galicia—and the support for Theresa's rule north of the Minho brought about by her romantic union with 2297:
most of the realm, and thou were left the most disinherited and with less lands; and that's why I propose to take from king Don Garcia the land our father gave to him.'"
A number of authors consider that Diego Gelmírez and Pedro Fróilaz aspired to the full independence of the Kingdom. Cf, as an example, Villacañas Berlanga (2006) p. 362.
3839:, which was supported by the Castilian nobility, and the high Galician clergy. Faced with this resistance, King Denis of Portugal proposed to Queen Maria de Molina that 5871: 4006:. Meanwhile, Peter I drew his support from the municipalities and part of the nobility, most notably the Galician Castro family headed by Fernando Rodrigues de Castro, 3315:
and in Prateria's façade—demonstrating a prosperity also witnessed through the numerous surviving Romanesque buildings in Galicia. This period is also responsible for
The Suebi maintained their independence until 585, when Leovigild, on the pretext of conflict over the succession, invaded the Suebic kingdom and finally defeated it.
The conflict in the City of Compostela reached its zenith in September 1320, when, after forty years of autonomy and two years of war, the new archbishop, the French
The Kingdom of Galicia and the Junta continued to formally exist until the State Liberal Reform of 1833, at the time of the provincial division under the regency of
2085:, who could freely choose a patron, or buy and sell properties, although they frequently fell prey to the greed of the big owners, leading many of them to a life of 5345:
In the vast task of modernizing the kingdom to best leverage its human and natural resources, Galician societies and academies played a prominent role, such as the
Compostela, "capital and looking glass" of the Kingdom of Galicia, became a showcase of this thriving era, reflected in Master Matthew's work in the granite of the
passerby; whilst later he found the City of Santiago raised on arms against the bishop, who was a prisoner inside the Cathedral. Cf. ISBN 84-7154-909-3, pp. 32–40.
The number and amount of these donations, together with the correspondence interchanged by Diego Gelmírez and the Pope's representatives has been preserved in the
tended to obscure the combatants' faces, but also due to the high ornamental value of decorated shields with bright, crisp, and alternate shapes in the context of
3674:, by Rui Vasques), religious books, legal studies, and a treatise on horse breeding. Prose literary creation in Galician had stopped by the 16th century, when the 1533:) were restored to Lusitania. This same reform reduced the number of mints in Galicia from a few dozen to just three, those in the cities of Lugo, Braga, and Tui. 4590:, who had large interests in Portugal and in southern Galicia, sided with Joanna, and was accordingly rewarded by the king of Portugal with the title of Count of 1417:. Thus the kingdom of the Suebi, which incorporated large territories of the ancient Roman provinces of Gallaecia and Lusitania, became the sixth province of the 10464: 7025:'Ego Ansuario uobis domno nostro et serenissimus rex domnus Santius universe urbe Gallecie princeps, necnon et domina nostra, domestica uestra, Goto regina'. In 1874:, bishopric, or large monastery, although there existed some singularities. The bishopric of Lugo was divided into counties, each one under the government of an 6686:
Queen Elvira, first wife of Ordoño II, or queen Goto, wife of Garcia I Ordóñez, belonged to Galician noble families. Cf. Rodríguez Fermández (1997) pp. 40, 188.
3402:. As a result, Ferdinand III became successor to Alfonso's kingdoms of León and Galicia, bringing about a permanent union into what would come to be called the 3228:
In these cities and villages the emergence of an associative movement led to the creation of permanent city councils, and the organization of artisan guilds or
in local charters, which in the north were true continuations of the Suebic dioceses which frequently preserved old tribal divisions and denominations, such as
Battle between the naval fleets of Philip II of Habsburg (nicknamed the "Invincible Armada") and Elizabeth I of England in 1588, leaving the English victorious
4249:. The withdrawal of the English armies brought an end to Galicia's attempts, spearheaded by its nobles and town councils, to secede from the Crown of Castile. 3164:
villages (royal villages under direct royal political and economical control, and administered by their autonomous city councils), each one usually known as a
among others). In fact the struggle between these two suitors was also basically a struggle between two political conceptions: on the one hand the absolutist
broke the custom of appointing the archbishops of Santiago as governors of the Kingdom of Galicia in case of substitution or interim, and being Bishop of the
3478: 9897: 4680:(a permanent royal tribunal), and later the forced reformation and submission of the Galician monasteries to the Castilian ones, represented the integration 2621:—into exile in Seville in 1072. García's realm was divided, with Alfonso joining the county of Portugal to his Kingdom of León, while Sancho held the north. 5134: 9592: 3776:). Also, whilst the public charters within the kingdom of Galicia continued to be written in Galician, documents from the royal court were issued only in 1569:
During his later years the Visigothic monarchy suffered a pronounced decline, due in large part to a decrease in trade and therefore a sharp reduction in
4660:(Attorney general), together with a series of other officials and collection agents. They also appointed royal aldermen in some of the cities and towns. 4617:
and other towns and strongholds were still held by his people and their Portuguese allies. In 1480, a peace treaty recognised Isabella and Fernando, the
3742:), with even greater powers. These officials were established in each one of the three old Christian kingdoms (Galicia, León and Castile); in the vassal 3296:. The economic and social transformations led to profound changes in mindset. In the towns, it initiated a religious and intellectual renewal under the 3288:
that impacted the people's lifestyles. The distribution of this increased productivity between peasants and lords was regulated by the establishment of
6316: 1732:, while in Galicia, a similar impulse led to the conquest and re-population of the regions of Astorga, southern Galicia, and northern Portugal down to 185: 5063:
The war also affected the Galician economy. Trade was paralysed, as Galicia's traditional commercial partners were now enemy powers: England, France,
government of the Kingdom until Galicia was conquered by Napoleon in 1809. In an effort to broaden its representation, it briefly admitted churchmen (
was forced by his sons to abdicate in 910, his lands were partitioned, bringing about the first episode of a short-lived distinct kingdom of Galicia.
Historia de los vikingos en España : ataques e incursiones contra los reinos cristianos y musulmanes de la Península Ibérica en los siglos IX–XI
Historia de los vikingos en España : ataques e incursiones contra los reinos cristianos y musulmanes de la Península Ibérica en los siglos IX-XI
in León acted on behalf of Galicia in the assembly. However, in 1518 the Galician cities and towns began to demand their legitimate positions in the
5052:(1598–1621) was marked by a more conciliatory foreign policy and was more peaceful than that of his father, throughout the rest of the 17th century ( 3442: 8136:"E en el pleito avianle tratado e puesto de esta manera, que diesen luego al infante Don Juan todo el reino de Galicia, e que se llamase ende Rey", 7385:
ueneror, utpote Dmn. Meum, patronum meum, qui me fonte baptismatis regenerasti, & post nom longum tempus in Ecclesia S. Iacobi in Regem unxisti.
For instance, in the 10th century Saint Rudesind freed his Muslim governess, granting her a series of properties, together with 'Roman citizenship'.
The 42-year reign of Philip II was characterized from the beginning by wars of expansion—against the Netherlands, France, England, Portugal and the
4460:. From 1465 to 1467 local brotherhoods were organized all over Galicia, gaining the allegiance of churchmen, artisans, peasants, and some noblemen. 4225:—where the local Jews, most of them of Leonese extraction, apparently presented a fierce defence—was assaulted after a siege by troops commanded by 2774:
On the death of Henry in 1112, his widow Theresa succeeded him as head of the two Counties of Portugal and Coimbra, during the minority of her son,
10484: 5661: 3617:, meaning 'songs') have been preserved—a few hundred even with their musical score—in a series of collections, and belonging to four main genres: 2870:
The laws, the rights, the peace, the justice, called the Galician to arms; everything which is wrong threw the Aragonese into every kind of crime.
in 1152, while the consuetudinal "practices and customs" of Santiago de Compostela's townspeople had been approved by Count Raymond back in 1095.
4945:, the Catholic monarch prevented the participation of the Kingdom of Galicia in the three most important revolutionary processes of the age: the 6452: 3882:
After John's challenge, Ferdinand decided to send his brother Don Felipe to Galicia as Adelantado Mayor; he would later be granted the title of
3343:, it is a source of great significance for the understanding of contemporary events and Galician society in the first half of the 12th century. 7757: 7718: 7565: 6766: 2818:. Given this situation, King Alfonso VII marched on Portugal, taking first Tui and other territories north of the river Minho, later besieging 1172:
dedicated to converting the Suebi to Nicene Christianity and consequently into allegiance with the other Nicene Christian regional powers, the
For the first time we know of Jewish communities established in Galicia during the 12th and 13th centuries. Cf. González López (1978) pp. 288.
of the Lutherans, which arrived in Galicia via English, Dutch and French traders. This situation also had serious commercial consequences, as
2782:, and secondly the maintenance of their power with the aim that the heir to the county would be proclaimed king. The increasing importance of 104: 4293:
The 15th century was characterized by the rapacity of these and other local noble houses (among others, the Moscosos in western Galicia, the
knowledge. These burgs effected a revolution in the social structure of the time, leading to economic diversification, removing the dominant
990:. In the absence of competitors, the Suebi began a period of expansion, first inside Gallaecia, and later into other Roman provinces. In 438 8368:
Fernão Lopes, Crónica, ed. 966, p. 87. "Carregar em Lisboa navios e cevada e vinhos, que levassem todo a aquelle logar para seer bastecido".
7225:"quod Gallaecia Regnum prodere Regi Anglorum & Normannorum & auferre Regi Hispanorum satageret.", is Expaña Sagrada, XX, II.II. Cf. 693: 10469: 7486:
Adefonsus Ymperator, una cum coniuge sua dona Riga dominante regnante in tota Yspania. Sancius rex in Castella. Fredenandus rex in Galicia.
merchants—were rare and appreciated. Monetary circulation was scarce, composed mainly of old Suebi and Visigothic coinage known locally as
in 656, Fructuosus was appointed to the Metropolitan seat of Potamio after the renunciation of its previous occupier. At the same time the
796: 4605:, with an army composed of 200 lancers and 5000 infantrymen, while a Basque navy commanded by Ladrón de Guevara took Baiona and assaulted 1344:
were fighting each other for the control of the kingdom, Leovigild subjugated the Suebi and all of Galicia under the power of the Goths."
10302: 10046: 4739:
of the Kingdom from the 15th century, when it originated as a general assembly of all the powers of Galicia aimed at the constitution of
3840: 3828: 3813: 2814:
in 1102, and the major Portuguese aristocrats who were pursuing a larger territorial authority, gave support to the royal pretensions of
Parallel to the process of development and consolidation of European royal emblems from the late 13th century, collections of them, the
in 1120 through a steady flow of generous donations sent to Rome. Bishop Diego attempted to gain recognition for Compostela by becoming
9643: 4640:
This same year, and against the advice of the Galician nobility, the Catholic monarchs sent a Castilian police and military corps, the
and half-brother of Peter, took advantage of the dissatisfaction among the noblemen to launch a war against Peter, with the support of
1905:, centered on a church, and composed of one or more hamlets or villages, together with all its facilities, lands, and possessions. The 6290: 6161: 5673: 3073:
and improved the local economy through the expansion of commerce. He also contributed to the economic and artistic development of the
Galicia resisted central control and supported a series of alternative claimants, including John of León, Galicia and Seville (1296),
10459: 2543:
Ferdinand's death in 1065 led to another short-lived Galician state. In 1063 he had opted to partition his realm, giving the eastern
1562:), and each integrant of the congregation having signed a written pact with him. Fructuosus was later consecrated as abbot-bishop of 1507:
This continuity led to the persistence of Galicia as a differentiated province within the realm, as indicated by the acts of several
1085:. The Suebi in the north conquered Lugo, proceeding to use that city as their co-capital, while the Suebi in the south expanded into 3077:, at least after the death of bishop Martin in 1168, and under the rule of two of his closest subjects, bishops Pedro Gudesteiz and 1744:; the shrine constructed there became the religious center of the nation, as well as being the destination of a major international 578:. It was the first kingdom that officially adopted Catholicism. In 449, it minted its own currency. In 585, it became a part of the 10479: 5389: 1651:. The defeat was the end of Roderic and of the Visigothic rule, with profound consequences for the whole of the Iberian peninsula. 4471:. After an angry debate it was decided that noblemen should deliver all of their strongholds and castles to the officials of the 8989: 2399:, who was enthroned in Santiago de Compostela in 958. However, Sancho reclaimed the crown in 960 with support from his mother's 2140:
organizations are known to have survived during the High Middle Ages. However, there were still pagans and pagan shrines in the
9133: 4930:. Stretching across the Atlantic and northern Europe these wars had disastrous consequences for Galicia's society and economy. 2649:
Queen Urraca ruled Galicia with her husband, Raymond of Burgundy, until the death of her father Alfonso VI. Medieval portrait,
Political map of southwestern Europe around the year 600, which referred to three different areas under Visigothic government:
660: 118: 4961:, in the Kingdom of Galicia, after the failure of Charles V's attempts to do so due to the opposition of the Galician clergy. 4649: 10449: 9547: 9527: 9477: 9389: 9354: 9267: 9217: 9109: 8999: 8744: 8619: 8555: 8388: 8091: 7941: 7638: 7534: 7010: 6988: 4621:, as queen and king. Under the terms of the peace treaty with Portugal and Juana, all the enemies of Isabel, including Pedro 3386:, died in 1217 and Berengaria ceded her rights to her son, Ferdinand became King of Castile, against the will of his father. 2739:, thus limiting the powers of Raymond, who by this time was securing an important nucleus of partisans in Galicia, including 2387:, whose mother was Galician, reigned with their support. This was not the case when Ordoño was succeeded by his half-brother 7155:
Some Leonese and Castilian charters still claim Ramiro as king as late as 985, or even later. Cf. Gregorio del Ser Quijano,
3363: 1701:. Nepotianus was immediately left stranded by his own people, being captured when fleeing by two counts, Sonna and Scipio." 9858: 4530:, the chain which allegedly kept prisoner Marshal Pardo de Cela before his execution. Museo Arqueolóxico Provincial de Lugo 3584:. The inscription, in Galician, reads " lies Sueiro Gomes de Souto Maior, who died ": SUEIRO GOMES DE SOUTO MAIOR Q FALECEU 3024:
divided his domains under pressure from the Castilian and Galician nobles, bequeathing León and Galicia to his second son,
On June 30, 1109, King Alfonso VI died. He was succeeded by Queen Urraca, who was remarried in 1109 to the king of Aragon,
The independent Suebic kingdom of Galicia lasted from 409 to 585, having remained relatively stable for most of that time.
The reign of Alfonso X ended in civil war and political instability regarding the succession. The death of his eldest son
3160:, sited in good harbors along the Galician coastline, by the Miño river, or at major crossroads in the country. These new 1977:
Romanesque cathedral of San Martiño de Mondoñedo (9th–11th centuries); first construction dates from the 6th–7th centuries
986:. After a blockade alongside the Nervasian Mountains, the Suebi obtained Roman help, forcing the Vandals to flee into the 10444: 6374: 5729: 5506:. At the beginning of the 12th century he began timidly using a purple lion in accordance with its ancient symbolism, as 5433: 4226: 3411: 3308: 3074: 2926: 2920: 2227: 676: 166: 20: 6879:
During the High Middle Ages not unusually a king would refer to a Galician nobleman or to a noblewoman as uncle or aunt.
5652: 3832:
a kinsman of the house of Traba, whose wife also supported John and encouraged calls for a rapprochement with Portugal.
3078: 1273:
As with the Visigothic language, there are only traces of the Suebi tongue remaining, as they quickly adopted the local
511: 8509:"Pont Ferrat, fin d'Espage, commecemnt de Galice" (Itinerary of Senlis, c. 15th century). Cf. López Carreira 2005, 418. 2461:
independent—was assassinated in León in 1029, Sancho claimed the right to name the successor, giving it to his own son
1310: 10263: 5503: 4745:(brotherhood), and until 1834, when the Kingdom and its General Assembly were officially disbanded by a Royal decree. 4503:
beginning of a long war against the archbishop of Santiago—among which were Pedro Alvarez de Soutomaior, called Pedro
3489: 3021: 2951: 2779: 2462: 2006:; they were often found marching to war with their subalterns on behalf of a patron, or as vicars and administrators. 9580: 9562: 9509: 9494: 9457: 9439: 9416: 9371: 9336: 9318: 9300: 9282: 9236: 9202: 9170: 9152: 8458: 7819: 7399: 7275: 7236: 7140: 7061: 7036: 6964: 6829: 6657: 6631: 6597: 6523: 6499: 6416: 6273: 6057: 6019: 5994: 5967: 5210: 2407:, grew increasingly absolutist, alienating the Galician nobility who also resented the lack of Leonese help when the 1728:
The 9th century saw this state expand southward, with Castilian and Asturian noblemen acquiring most of the northern
in traditional and modern sources, although the precise historical details of these events have been obscured by the
10240: 8644:
Due to the decline of thy justice and thou not having remedied this (...) thou have a great burden in thy conscience
6721: 5048:
The death of Philip II in 1598 failed to effect a dramatic improvement in Galicia's fortunes. Although the reign of
4628: 2658: 2562: 2513: 4285:. In the South some important concessions were given to the Sarmento family, which, in time, would hold the job of 3878:
Sepulchre of Alvaro Paz Carneiro, church of St. Mary 'A Nova' in Noia, 'who died in the Mortality, August 15, 1348'
of Celtic, Roman and Suebi extraction, as no major Visigoth immigration occurred during the 6th and 7th centuries.
The government of the Visigoths in Galicia did not totally disrupt the society, and the Suevi Catholic dioceses of
789: 436: 10235: 6752:
Disertación sobre el poder que los reyes españoles ejercieron hasta el siglo duodecimo en la división de obispados
5488: 3469: 2548: 2529: 1418: 10039: 7256:
The charters he issued shows a man whose authority, although derived of that of his father-in-law, was absolute:
6914: 4824: 4819:
recognized as the voice and representative of the Kingdom and the depositary of its will, traditions and rights (
4753: 4714: 4229:. With the capture of Ferrol, the Duke controlled the whole Kingdom of Galicia, as reported in the chronicles of 2392: 2391:
in 956. Sancho proved unpopular and ineffectual and the Galician nobles grew fractious, forming a coalition with
2026: 1546:(military provincial governor), and was known for the many foundations he established throughout the west of the 1394: 770: 648: 339: 124: 5575:
was already a symbol widely spread over Europe and already present in Galician history and its deepest beliefs.
The recovery of their voting rights at the Council of Castile was a goal shared by the Galician aristocracy and
4933: 4871: 3557:
One of the oldest legal charters written in Galician, the constitutional charter of the Bo Burgo (Good Burg) of
1878:(a lesser nobleman) as a concession of the bishop, while in the south, large and mighty territories such as the 9636: 6555: 5242: 4449:. All of these Galician brotherhoods acted autonomously, sometimes even against King's will and direct orders. 3916:, assassinated the nobleman Alonso Suárez de Deza together with the members of the City Council in his castle, 3761:: during a period of unrest in Compostela, with the city council at odds with the archbishop, he introduced an 2049:
as the highest authority of the community. Other monasteries used different, sometimes antagonistic rules. The
1918: 227: 5369:
acculturation polities, and the economic marginalization of the kingdom. Due to their demands, they achieved,
10423: 5142: 4888: 4697: 4636:
and their kingdoms and possessions, early 16th century. The kingdom of Galicia is fifth from the bottom right
3940:, reached the ports of Galicia, decimating the population, and causing a severe and lasting economic crisis. 3017: 2984: 2720: 10245: 4093:
During his brief government in Galicia, Ferdinand I set about restoring the Galician strongholds, including
2665: 2356:
Fruela's death a year later initiated a period of chaos, with several claimants to the crown. Fruela's son,
10327: 9434:
Portela Silva, Ermelindo (2001): "García II de Galicia, el rey y el reino (1065–1090)". La Olmeda, Burgos.
9081: 4272:
After the defeat of the loyalist party, with their leaders consequently exiled in Portugal or dead abroad,
Ramiro II had ties with the Galician nobility through kinship, marriage and patronage, and he and his son,
1624:, which is recorded as his capital. The possibility has also been raised that the 13th-century chronicler, 1529:
that the Lusitanian dioceses annexed by the Suevi to Galicia (Coimbra, Idanha, Lamego, Viseu, and parts of
760: 7924: 4495:. Meanwhile, other noblemen who had resisted inside the Kingdom also pushed forward. In 1469 and 1470 the 4090:, Compostela, and finally A Coruña, which was given to the king by its keeper, Joan Fernandes de Andeiro. 2377: 1639:
to the throne, triggering a civil war with the supporters of Wittiza and his sons. In 711, the enemies of
1525:, the Visigothic legal code. It was not until the administrative reformation produced during the reign of 10499: 10474: 10454: 9998: 8851:
Cf. Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, pp. 337–340, who also narrates some episodes of cruelty and mass punishment.
8782: 4334: 3069:, most of them possessing important harbors or sited in rich valleys. Thus he promoted the growth of the 2747:, as bishop of Compostela. In successive years he also obtained the government of Zamora, Salamanca, and 2065:
proceedings of monasteries and bishoprics are the most important sources for the study of local history.
1736:, by noblemen mostly proceeding from northern Galicia. Also significant was the discovery of the tomb of 782: 9096: 8609: 5190: 5162: 5095: 4324:
King was partly to blame: during the 15th century no monarch ever come to visit Galicia, except for the
3406:, wherein the kingdoms continued as administrative entities under the unified rule of a single monarch. 2834:, led to him being proclaimed King of the Portuguese in 1139, this independence being recognized at the 2474:
Galicia passed with the Kingdom of León into the hands of Ferdinand, who then had himself crowned king.
1693:"And so, as I've been told, when Adefonsus departed of this world, as Nepotianus usurped the kingdom of 10032: 10008: 10003: 9978: 9963: 5327:
arose during the 18th century in Europe, representing new interests in empirical ideas, in philosophy,
4766: 4652:
was just 2 million maravedi—but also due to its arbitrariness and rudeness with the local inhabitants.
which Constance, daughter of Peter I, claimed the legitimate right to succeed her father. Her husband,
4075: 3581: 1239: 10278: 7755:"El papel de los cruzados alemanes en la reconquista de la Península Ibérica en los siglos XII y XIII" 6764:"El papel de los cruzados alemanes en la reconquista de la Península Ibérica en los siglos XII y XIII" 6646:
This 'discovery' is named 'inventio' in contemporary Latin sources. For the significance of this fact
2795: 2105:
or through trial, constituted a visible part of the society; they were employed as household workers (
10489: 10055: 9983: 9968: 9873: 9629: 6456: 5986:
Archaeological and historical aspects of West-European societies: album amicorum André Van Doorselaer
4586:, thereby obtaining his country's support. In Galicia, Archbishop Fonseca sided with Isabella, while 4124:, which forced Portugal to expel many of the Galician supporters of Fernando I, dying there in 1377. 3608: 1191:, the conversion of the Suebi to Nicene Christianity was apparent; while this same council condemned 910: 766: 288: 241: 7754: 7729: 7576: 6763: 5510:, the "strong lion", symbolized power and primacy of the monarch, but would also have represented a 4879:
saw a deep economic and social crisis, and was disastrous for its cultural development; portrait by
4392: 3678:
became popular; the first complete translation of the Bible was not printed until the 20th century.
3425: 3217:
Sepulchre of a merchant: Pero Carneiro, son of Pero Afonso da Corredoira, in the church of St. Mary
2740: 1925:, horses, iron for the production of weapons and tools, and exotic oriental fabrics introduced from 1550:, generally in places with difficult access, such as mountain valleys or islands. He also wrote two 10494: 10287: 10145: 9993: 9652: 6774: 6673:
Such as count Froila of Lugo in the 9th century, who was briefly claimed the crown after expelling
6537: 6330:"The Omission of St. Martin Of Braga In John Of Biclaro's Chronica and the Third Council of Toledo" 5820: 5701: 3711: 3399: 3371: 2712: 1702: 1255:
by the Franks. After clashing in frontier lands, Miro and Leovigild agreed upon a temporary peace.
1196: 813: 603: 6808:
of the 12th century records a popular proverb: "Bishop of Santiago: Staff and Crossbow" (HC, II.1)
3472:. Son and heir of the king Afonso VIII (known as alfonso ix in the Spanish bibliography) (d. 1214) 2991:, uncle of Alfonso VII, becoming Pope, Diego Gelmírez secured the elevation of Compostela into an 2634: 2336:) where he had already been serving as governor, and was now recognized as king in an assembly of 10335: 10307: 10135: 10013: 8803: 6674: 5217:
was appointed Governor Captain General of the Kingdom of Galicia (October 9, 1686) replacing the
4892: 4832:
of the Kingdom, in an attempt to maintain a tighter grip on the institution and its agreements.
4736: 4499:
armies were defeated all over the Country, except in some well defended cities such as A Coruña.
4064: 4056: 3809: 3632: 3607:
This language flourished during the 13th and 14th centuries as a language of culture, developing
3570: 3485: 3085:, leaving two main claimants to the throne: his sons Sancho, born of a Castilian noblewoman, and 3013: 2975:
Battler. The Galician knights charged, but they were outnumbered and surrounded by the Aragonese
2912: 2422: 2384: 2045:, ruled under a pactual tradition heavily influenced by Germanic legal traditions, with a bishop 1847:
mark, as well as due to the wealth that the pilgrimages and royal grants brought to their lands.
century, being gradually incorporated into a growing Christian state. This is usually called the
1706: 1683: 1477: 1215: 999: 644: 614: 10268: 10230: 9755: 5515: 4969:
could not dock without the Inquisition's approval, and sailors believed to be heretics could be
declared itself the sovereign and supreme authority of the Kingdom on June 18, 1808, during the
4811:, tried during the 17th and 18th centuries to regain their seats in the assembly, to no effect. 3449: 3025: 2931: 2827: 2580: 2491: 10396: 10192: 9958: 8083: 7875: 6805: 6760:
Narratio de Itinere Navali Peregrinorum Hierosolymam Tendentium et Silviam Capientium A.D. 1189
6704: 5261:
of Charles VI of Habsburg. In the ensuing war (1701–1714) between the crown of Castile and the
4946: 4836: 4776: 4692: 4198: 4143: 3327: 3204:
Narratio de Itinere Navali Peregrinorum Hierosolymam Tendentium et Silviam Capientium, AD. 1189
2947: 2783: 2446: 2426: 2396: 2325: 2177: 2152:
are also uncommon in local charters until the 12th century, except as travelers and merchants.
1973: 1955: 1836: 1741: 1516: 1199:
ordered an administrative and ecclesiastical division of his kingdom, with the creation of new
1188: 595: 322: 199: 10359: 10212: 8548:
A vida e a fala dos devanceiros : escolma de documentos en galego dos seculos XIII ao XVI
7928: 7268:
La documentación del tumbo A de la catedral de Santiago de Compostela : estudio y edición
7244: 7117: 6713:“Hadefuns rex Gallaeciae Carolo prius munera pretiosa itemque manubias suas pro munere misit.” 5984: 5176:
accepted it and agreed to take the lead on negotiations. Two delegations were chosen to go to
4582:, and was supported by the Aragonese and Catalans, while Joanna married the king of Portugal, 3913: 3867: 2466: 2309: 1554:
rulebooks, characterized by their pact-like nature, with the monastic communities ruled by an
1397:, built c. 7th century, rebuilt in the 9th century after being ruined for more than 200 years. 10392: 10312: 10184: 9902: 8297:(«Compre que veñades logo et o mais a presa que poderdes»). Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, 106–107. 6780: 6187: 5761: 4954: 4579: 4575: 4510:
The situation of the Kingdom of Galicia in 1473 is described by a nobleman in his last will:
4185: 4174: 3991: 3979: 3801: 3395: 3390: 3367: 3034: 2860: 2361: 2313: 2271: 2256: 1772:
Muslim sources up to the 14th century, as well as by many European Christian contemporaries.
1737: 1672: 1345: 1162: 10273: 10202: 9750: 8451:
Los judíos de Ribadavia : la judería de Ribadavia y sus personajes en los siglos XIV–XV
ego comes domnus Raimundus, totius Gallecie imperator seu Adefonsi Tolletane principis gener
6792: 6737: 6576: 5519: 5466: 5441: 4614: 4071: 3663: 3505: 3379: 3366:
he had a son, Ferdinand, and two daughters, Sancha and Aldonza. From his second marriage to
3129: 2935: 2688:
lineage justified this union, and Alfonso bestowed on him the government of Galicia between
2618: 2418: 2404: 2365: 2290: 2252: 10377: 10297: 10292: 10067: 9695: 9056: 6294: 6214: 6158: 5324: 5269: 5214: 5099: 4987:
Philip II's reign saw the continuation of the expulsion of the Jews begun on May 30, 1492,
4880: 4583: 4571: 4246: 4003: 3805: 3751: 3643: 3340: 2846:
in southern Galicia led to frequent border conflicts during most of the Lower Middle Ages.
2716: 2294: 2286: 2231: 1963: 1843:, due to the many fortresses and military resources they controlled as heads of a military 1694: 1644: 1219: 1177: 10207: 9773: 6077: 4035:, which allowed him to take the war into Andalusia. However, the entry of England's enemy 3726:
In 1231 Fernando established in his newly acquired kingdoms positions known in Galicia as
permitted him to intervene the Castilian internal affairs, which led him to use the title
2369: 2341: 2248: 1882:
became hereditary, passed down to the descendants of the 9th century's conquerors. In the
1093:, which were assaulted, and abandoned after their Roman inhabitants were banished. By 465 8: 10405: 10387: 10367: 10150: 9948: 9929: 9878: 9869: 9823: 9785: 9761: 6909: 6329: 5603:
Arms of the kingdom of Galicia in the "Great Triumphal Chariot of Maximilian", Year 1515.
5436:. Galicia regained its territorial unity for twenty-four days by the constitution of the 5230: 5206: 5049: 4970: 4958: 4475:, resulting in the flight of many lesser nobles, while others resisted the armies of the 4453: 4351: 4273: 4257: 4109: 4036: 4028: 3975: 3967: 3960: 3956: 3874: 3820: 3593: 3548: 3082: 2807: 2787: 2755: 2719:
and nephew of Alfonso's queen, was given the hand of the Alfonso's illegitimate daughter
2673: 2400: 2128:
In terms of religion, most were Roman Catholics, although the local rites—known today as
1718: 1648: 1537: 1485: 1309:(ravine), and others. Much more significant was their contribution to names of the local 1204: 1154: 703: 583: 559: 543: 409: 222: 71: 10197: 7930:
Na nosa lyngoage galega : a emerxencia do galego como lingua escrita na Idade Media
One of the first kings in Europe to make use of a heraldic emblem was the Leonese king,
5393: 5339: 5314: 5138: 5110:
and culture, he was respected and appreciated in the kingdom and abroad; c. 17th century
5067:, and its main customer, Portugal, whose border had been closed for over three decades. 4594:. Notwithstanding, most noblemen behaved cautiously, waiting to join the winner's side. 4468: 4180:
John's first attempt to make good on this claim failed when his troops were diverted to
4032: 3952: 3149: 2415: 2388: 10382: 10345: 9973: 9924: 9887: 9882: 9844: 9791: 9707: 9683: 8076: 5797: 5281: 5194: 5145:
on the subject of the vote, but he again refused to give Galicia an independent voice.
5123: 5115: 5103: 5075: 5040: 5004: 4904: 4896: 4876: 4347: 4218: 4098: 3995: 3777: 3383: 3189: 3125: 3090: 2778:. Two trends emerged at this time, firstly a policy of rapprochement with the new King 2724: 2606: 2544: 2054: 1508: 1333: 1211: 1123: 855: 748: 685: 579: 450: 10222: 9827: 9259:
Saint James's catapult: the life and times of Diego Gelmírez of Santiago de Compostela
8799: 8226:
It came to the world such a pestilence and death of people that most of them were gone
After returning to the throne he frequently spoke of his "returning back from Spain":
4551: 4430: 3788: 3355:
era, a fluid pattern of union and division was observed among the states of Christian
2566: 2357: 2321: 1958:
brought not only riches, but also a range of continental innovations and trends, from
1757: 1604:
as his heir, and despite the fact that the Visigothic monarchy had been traditionally
587: 422: 10415: 10401: 10372: 9915: 9892: 9837: 9779: 9767: 9745: 9712: 9666: 9576: 9558: 9543: 9523: 9505: 9490: 9473: 9453: 9435: 9412: 9385: 9367: 9350: 9332: 9314: 9296: 9278: 9263: 9232: 9213: 9198: 9166: 9148: 9128: 9105: 8995: 8740: 8615: 8551: 8454: 8412:
Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, 109; López Carreira 2005, 406–411; López Carreira 1999, 293.
8384: 8087: 7937: 7878:
it is stated, as a notable event, that bishop Diego Gelmirez spoke publicly in Latin.
7815: 7634: 7530: 7395: 7271: 7232: 7136: 7057: 7032: 7006: 6984: 6960: 6825: 6773:. En la España Medieval, 23: 41–66; "post mortem Aldefonsi Galliciensium Principis". 6653: 6627: 6593: 6519: 6495: 6412: 6269: 6053: 6015: 5990: 5963: 5409: 5378: 5328: 5234: 5166: 5107: 5028:
in 1589, with the cities being protected by civilian troops and folk heroes, such as
4900: 4696:
Flag and arms of the Kingdom of Galicia (16th century), after the funeral of Emperor
4618: 4325: 4277: 4242: 4210: 4041: 3743: 3732:, a high official and personal representative of the king, in 1251 substituted by an 3720: 3698: 3647: 3544: 3375: 3203: 3137: 3110: 2831: 2728: 2669: 2614: 2558: 2482: 1668: 1575: 1547: 1138: 1082: 622: 563: 523: 264: 249: 232: 43: 8928: 8694: 8072:'Germanitas Regnorum Legionis et Gallecie'. Cf. Garcia Oro (1987) vol. I, p. 69 and 3098: 2955: 2744: 2274:, prince of all Galicia, and to our lady, your wife, queen Goto." Document from the 1277:. Some words of plausible Suebi origin are the modern Galician and Portuguese words 1266:, held out for a year before being captured in 585. This same year a nobleman named 1203:
and the promotion of Lugo, which possessed a large Suebi community, to the level of
10317: 9911: 9865: 9848: 6908:
Portugal the most notable documentation for the period was edited and published by
5793: 5401: 5238: 4996: 4417:
or 'The Mad Brotherhood', rose up in the north of the kingdom against the House of
4237: 3971: 3970:, this time of European dimension. The throne of Castile was disputed between King 3623: 3403: 3321: 2996: 2954:, the son of Raymond and Urraca, as king of Galicia, and he was anointed by bishop 2835: 2815: 2775: 2705: 2630: 2598: 2594: 2450: 1866:. Rights to the tax collection and government of each territory was granted by the 1749: 1613: 1521: 630: 607: 591: 535: 57: 10282: 5693:
Galicia.Reino de Christo Sacramentado y primogénita de la Iglesia entre las gentes
3102: 3005: 2293:, our father because of our sins left the land poorly divided, and he gave to Don 1390: 1014: 858:, which conceded them lands in Galicia. The Suebi set their capital in the former 9953: 9919: 9537: 9245: 9137: 9014:
Only occasionally the King permitted the deputies to supervise the labour of the
7761: 6784: 6770: 6432:
Nam et si quilibet infra fines Spanie, Gallie, Gallecie vel in cunctis provinciis
6192: 6165: 6123: 5273: 5262: 5246: 5118:, the kingdom of Galicia was no longer on the Crown Council, and from about 1476 4920: 4829: 4545:
till the Sea, which was as investing the King and Queen as lords of that Kingdom"
In 1367, counting on the additional support of the archers of the English prince
3836: 3558: 3525: 3145: 3001: 2979:, who defeated the Galicians and frustrated their plans. Pedro Fróilaz was taken 2766: 2711:
Two years after Raymond's marriage, in 1093, another French crusader, his cousin
2576: 2030: 1946:
While local commerce was common, long range interchanges—generally maintained by
1143: 1127: 963: 932: 894: 859: 821: 640: 626: 245: 110: 7243:. On the deposition of Diego Peláez, Portela Silva (2001) pp. 137–139. Cf. also 7029:
O tombo de Celanova : estudio introductorio, edición e índices (ss. IX–XII)
Historia originis et succesionis regnorum et imperiorum a Noe usque ad Carolum V
Despite these measures, the presence of the Portuguese monarch was short-lived.
2748: 2438:, who led a brief resurgence of the Cordoban Caliphate, reconquering Coimbra or 1785: 1753: 1033:, who in 449 became the first Germanic kings of post-Roman Europe to convert to 9988: 8377:
On the abundant Portuguese coinage of the mints of A Coruña, Tui and Milmanda:
Cf. García Oro (1987) vol. I, pp. 26–27; and González López (1978) pp. 363–364.
Paganism and Pagan Survivals in Spain up to the Fall of the Visigothic Kingdom
5757: 5233:
died without an heir. This caused a war between those who supported the French
5017: 4995:
was punished by the Crown), and religious persecutions effectively constituted
4927: 4899:. In practice this resulted in the disappearance of the European empire of the 4848: 4675: 4230: 4147: 3757:
Ferdinand's policy of centralization was continued during the reign of his son
3675: 3667: 3336: 2938:(right), kings of León and Galicia. Chartulary of the monastery of Toxosoutos, 2811: 2770:
Political Map of the northwest Iberian peninsula at the end of the 12th century
2610: 2133: 2129: 2034: 1967: 1729: 1512: 1457: 1317: 1231: 1192: 1063: 652: 635: 551: 269: 253: 145: 85: 6355: 6354:("all bishops of Spain, Gaul, and Galicia"), in words of John of Biclara. Cf. 4991:
persecution (from 1566 the adoption of Castilian was enforced, and the use of
The remoteness of the monarch also resulted in Galicia losing its vote in the
3576: 1360: 1251:
since the beginning of the 6th century, following the defeat and expulsion of
651:, which briefly declared itself sovereign when Galicia alone remained free of 10438: 10351: 9607: 9594: 9192: 7844: 7843:
Cf. González López (1978) p. 360, where he anyway just mentions the Galician
7114:"Era DCCCCa LXLVIII anno regni nostri quarto & de adventu Spanie secundo" 6788: 6652:(1. ed. en "Ensayo histórico." ed.). Barcelona: Edhasa. pp. 275ss. 6489: 6406: 5551:, produced in 1282, was the first Armorial which assigned the chalice as the 5218: 5185: 5119: 5025: 4966: 4656:
Governor of the Kingdom of Galicia—an office first established in 1475—and a
4587: 4214: 4206: 4170: 4158: 4139: 3592:
The linguistic stage from the 13th to the 15th centuries is usually known as
2626: 2477: 2373: 2149: 2132:—were notably different from those used in most of Western Europe. No Arian, 1867: 1828: 1722: 1632: 1617: 1227: 1040: 718: 618: 598:
became the capital of Galicia in the 11th century, while the independence of
9484: 6937: 6046:
This is a debated point, completely denied by Thompson (2002: 160), but cf.
5473:, while the lower part shows the purple lion, symbol of the Leonese monarchy 5029: 4342:
until 1640, usually against the will and the advice of the Galician cities.
and his subsequent murder left Henry II in control of the Crown of Castile.
2830:. The later death of Theresa, and Afonso's success against the Moors at the 2613:, rose in rebellion. García defeated and killed him in the same year at the 2429:. With their support, he first repelled the army of Ramiro in the battle of 9621: 8324:
Tui, A Coruña, Lugo and Santiago most notably. Cf. Garcia Oro, vol. I, 108.
7719:"Antología de textos forales del Antiguo Reino de Galicia (siglos XII-XIV)" 7566:"Antología de textos forales del Antiguo Reino de Galicia (siglos XII-XIV)" 6979:
For the anthoponymy of medieval Galicia cf. Boullón Agrelo, Ana I. (1999).
6564: 6266:
El elemento germánico y su influencia en la historia lingüística peninsular
Consul of God (Routledge Revivals): The Life and Times of Gregory the Great
Pirrus de Noha's map (1414) where Galicia occupies the northwestern Iberia.
5552: 5537: 5511: 5385: 4800: 4771: 4610: 4381: 4094: 3852: 3703: 3285: 2843: 2802:. The Archbishop of Braga, who had suffered the nocturnal theft of several 2689: 2176:(1160); founded in the 6th century, its construction is attributed to King 1959: 1927: 1850:
Each bishopric was divided into a number of territories or counties, named
In 702, with the death of Egica, Wittiza as sole king moved his capital to
1625: 1621: 1437: 1274: 1055: 1034: 837: 738: 582:. In the 8th century, Galicia became a part of the newly founded Christian 217: 8611:
La monarquía como conflicto en la Corona castellano-leonesa (C. 1230–1504)
Hermegildo and Iberia in the west... Cf. Baliñas Pérez (1998) pp. 104–107.
in central Galicia on December 4, 1520. They sent a new demand to Emperor
4792: 4597:
In October 1476 Fonseca unsuccessfully attacked the well-defended city of
At the death of Henry IV in 1474 civil war broke out between his daughter
4363: 3862: 2819: 2445:
In the 1030s, Galicia became the sole holdout to the Leonese conquests of
1832: 1796: 877:
and Suebi people had faded, which led to the systematic use of terms like
502: 307: 9811: 9467: 5816: 5334: 5086: 4761: 4757: 4741: 4542: 4113: 3983: 3933: 3929:. Similar conflicts are known to have occurred in other Galician cities. 3659: 3433: 3301: 3157: 3141: 3094: 3070: 2992: 2988: 2732: 2082: 2078: 2073: 2050: 1820: 1801: 1760:. This same kingdom was frequently known as either Gallaecia or Galicia ( 1526: 1497: 1476:
himself converted to Catholicism, along with the Goths and Suebi, at the
1441: 1070: 971: 743: 602:(1128) determined its southern boundary. The accession of Castilian King 464: 10175: 7936:. Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega. pp. 447–473. 7671:
Villacañas Berlanga (2006) pp. 473–474 and González López (1978) p. 318.
7005:. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientifícas. p. 150. 5514:
to the name of his kingdom, León. The emblem was developed with his son
5154:Çamora, oje, sabado. Seu sobriño de Vmd. Don Juan de Lanços y de Andrade 4780: 4102: 3948: 3121: 2324:, consisting of the southeastern portion of their father's realm, while 1247:
were rebuilding their fragmented kingdom which had been ruled mostly by
to the Leonese kingdom in 1230 brought Galicia under the control of the
10130: 10120: 9732: 8082:(1a ed.). Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. pp.  8005:
Cf. García Oro (1987) vol. I, pp. 26–27. These officials were known as
After the acquisition of the kingdoms of León and Galicia he signed as
6551: 6307:
Varias investigacións recuperan a memoria do Reino Suevo. 5 / 7 / 2004.
5572: 5258: 5254: 4808: 4598: 4492: 4397: 4266: 4189: 3926: 3827:
of Galicia Paio Gómez Charinho, led him to withdraw his claim. In 1296
3793: 3734: 3716: 3702:
Romance portrait of Castilian King Ferdinand III; flanking him are the
3086: 3062: 2959: 2681: 2157: 2058: 2014: 1769: 1745: 1609: 1583: 1579: 1493: 1406: 1383: 1248: 1150: 1090: 1078: 1066:. Rechiar fled, but he was pursued and captured, then executed in 457. 562:, which at its territorial zenith occupied the entire northwest of the 10024: 9104:. Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega. pp. 38–40. 8167:
His flight was itself an astonishing Hollywood story, narrated in the
80,000 Vandals and Alans passed into Africa in 429, on the account of
and the idea of a universal Catholic monarchy. Ferdinand was declared
4376: 3783: 2645: 2238: 2057:
rules were uncommon until the 11th century. As in most of Europe, the
1073:(now Minho River), probably as a consequence of the localities of the 862:
and set the foundations of a kingdom, which was first acknowledged as
10255: 10115: 10105: 9678: 5405: 5130: 5000: 4950: 4406: 4222: 4083: 4079: 3999: 3870:'s men assassinated the members of the Council of Compostela in 1320. 3758: 3639: 3565: 3297: 3054: 2791: 2701: 2685: 2069: 2062: 1940: 1922: 1664: 1530: 1402: 1379: 1252: 1244: 1094: 1022: 924: 850: 841: 713: 190:
The location of the Kingdom of Galicia in the 11th century CE, in red
5559:), probably coming directly from the Anglo-Norman word for Galicia, 5091: 4368: 4165: 4087: 3627:, where a woman sings for her boyfriend; crude, taunting and sexual 3335:
is an extensive chronicle of the deeds of the bishop of Compostela,
3050: 2839: 2704:, which would rule in Galicia, León, and Castile until the death of 2192: 2101:(servants, freedmen, and children), either obtained in war with the 1059: 629:
in Galicia. The Kingdom of Galicia was then administered within the
10125: 10075: 9257: 6375:"Minting and administrative organization in late antique Gallaecia" 5541: 5532: 5492: 5483: 5224: 5064: 4988: 4942: 4840: 4784: 4645: 4633: 4487: 4463:
In the spring of 1467 a General Council of the Kingdom of Galicia (
4434: 4193: 3706:
of his kingdoms, the purple lion of León, and the castle of Castile
3613: 3352: 3233: 3117: 3041:. In his own realm, he continued his father's policies by granting 3009: 2980: 2976: 2677: 2435: 2414:
The Galician nobility again rose in rebellion, in 982 crowning and
2337: 2251:, king of Galicia, died (...) the Christians made king his brother 2208: 2122: 2118: 1990: 1812: 1605: 1570: 1551: 1473: 1445: 1375: 1356: 1294: 1223: 1166: 1114: 1102: 1006: 991: 983: 979: 936: 874: 845: 825: 723: 708: 599: 590:, while occasionally achieving independence under the authority of 571: 281: 9277:. Fundación "Pedro Barrie de la Maza, Conde de Fenosa", A Coruña. 9229:
Rey, Reino y representación. La Junta General del Reino de Galicia
9182:¡Viva El Rey! Rey imaginario y revuelta en la Galicia bajomedieval 4135: 3638:
Its most notable patrons—themselves well-known authors—were kings
or lifelong contracts, frequently spanning several generations or
3133: 2360:, received support from Asturias, but was captured and blinded by 820:), king of Galicia with the bishops Lucrecio, Andrew, and Martin. 10165: 10140: 10095: 10085: 10080: 9082:"Legends of the Camino de Santiago | Terra meiga | Santiago Ways" 7550: 6154: 5568: 5461: 5250: 5193:, Count Gondomar, was crucial to the success of this effort, and 4908: 4891:, abdicated the throne and divided his realm between his brother 4860: 4804: 4796: 4606: 4591: 4446: 4438: 4418: 4313: 4294: 4262: 4202: 4020: 3170: 3106: 3066: 2968: 2939: 2693: 2408: 2345: 2333: 2173: 2145: 2086: 2029:, some of which were composed of both men and women living under 1936: 1932: 1844: 1840: 1805: 1733: 1640: 1636: 1601: 1590: 1587: 1489: 1461: 1453: 1425: 1414: 1267: 1262:, the last king of the Suebi, who had deposed his brother-in-law 1235: 1218:, which was attended by all the bishops of the kingdom, from the 1200: 1184: 1119: 1030: 1018: 1010: 987: 939: 817: 809: 8254: 8252: 6626:. A Coruña: Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza. pp. 98–103. 4233:: «avoient mis en leur obeissance tout le roiaulme de Gallice». 3213: 1596:
The crisis at the end of the Visigoth era dates to the reign of
10160: 10155: 10110: 10100: 10090: 9702: 8991:
Spanish naval power, 1589–1665 : reconstruction and defeat
7176: 7174: 5667:
Arms of the Kingdom of Galicia, Pedro de Teixeira, 17th century
5397: 5177: 4992: 4916: 4912: 4704: 4282: 4181: 3998:, with whom Peter I was already at war, and along companies of 3943: 3652: 3370:, he had five children: Eleanor, who died as a child, a second 3356: 3281: 3153: 2964: 2585: 2571: 2553: 2454: 2349: 2141: 2042: 2010: 1999: 1947: 1698: 1465: 1410: 1341: 1337: 1263: 1259: 1173: 1086: 1045: 1026: 9486:
The Kingdom of León-Castilla under King Alfonso VII, 1126–1157
Cf. Isla Fernández (1999) p. 37. On this particular invasion:
The modern Galician, Portuguese and Spanish words for cattle (
6368: 6366: 4523: 4281:
and Lemos, and given to the Osorios, of the frontier lands of
4154: 3553: 2761: 2569:, representing the central portion of the old realm, with the 2144:
region during the 7th century, whilst Arian or Priscillianist
1780: 1659: 1635:. In 710, part of the Visigothic aristocracy violently raised 1105:, was recognized by his people as the only king of the Suebi. 1029:. In 448 Rechila died, leaving the expanding state to his son 9690: 8295:
It's precise that you come immediately and as fast as you can
8249: 7159:. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca. pp. 273–279. 5469:, King of León. In the upper part appears his historic title 5355:
Societies of Friends of the Country to Santiago de Compostela
From 1467 to 1469 the Kingdom of Galicia was governed by the
4052: 3316: 2803: 2736: 2590: 2439: 2137: 2102: 2038: 1871: 1824: 1789: 1597: 1563: 1555: 1501: 1469: 1433: 1429: 1370: 1098: 1074: 1013:, who moved his troops to the south and the east, conquering 951: 943: 833: 575: 567: 492: 212: 7171: 4452:
In 1465 the Crown of Castile was again in crisis, with King
to participate in the clashes against France as part of the
In 1360 the kingdom of Galicia was again at the centre of a
The origin of the kingdom lies in the 5th century, when the
621:(1386) and was not brought firmly into submission until the 9313:. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid. 9212:. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientifícas. 7120:). On the Muslim support, cf. Isla Fernandez (1992) p. 191. 6363: 4788: 4442: 4426: 4105:
to be recognized as valid throughout Galicia and Portugal.
3222: 3058: 2697: 2125:. Local charters also show that, in time, they were freed. 1982: 1449: 1282: 1169: 1146:, founded in 575 and inhabited until the early 20th century 955: 633:(1490–1715) and later the Crown of Spain (1715–1833) by an 488: 9469:
The kingdom of León-Castilla under Queen Urraca, 1109–1126
Identity and Interaction: The Suevi and the Hispano-Romans
7488:(document from the monastery of Vilanova de Oscos, 1153); 6729: 6664:: "La invención del sepulcro de Santiago de Compostela..." 5933:
Northwest Iberian Peninsula (15th century) with the names
and France) and those who supported the Austrian Archduke
John was unable to capitalize on this initial success, as
4047: 3646:
in Galicia, who was a great promoter of both Galician and
3346: 2255:, who then found the throne disputed by his elder brother 8350:, ed. 1966, p. 86 "os da villa o sairom todos a reçeber". 8228:, charter from Baiona (1349) in López Carreira 1999, 185. 7633:. Santiago: Cabildo de la S.A.M.I. Catedral de Santiago. 7529:. Santiago: Cabildo de la S.A.M.I. Catedral de Santiago. 6186:
Together with the Suebi came another Germanic tribe, the
Comercial Company of the Kingdom of Galicia, 18th century
The Economic Society of Friends of the Kingdom of Galicia
on September 17, 1111 the Galician high nobility crowned
Lemabos, Celticos, Postamarcos, Bregantinos, and Cavarcos
1542: 893:(king of all Galician provinces), while bishops, such as 9539:
Romans and barbarians: the decline of the Western Empire
8453:. Santiago de Compostela: Ed. Lóstrego. pp. 19–28. 7549:
Alfonso VII had yet granted a constitutional charter on
6734:(. ed.). London: Sumptibus Societatis. p. 461. 6159:
Varias investigacións recuperan a memoria do Reino Suevo
Historians like José Antonio López Silva, translator of
Arms of the Kings of Galicia, Segar's Roll, 13th century
Catalogue of voices and phrases of the Galician language
5126:, and to protest the Zamoran leaders speaking for them. 5102:, was one of the main advocates of voting rights at the 3116:
Alfonso granted constitutional charters to the towns of
2403:, the Leonese nobility, and Muslim assistance. His son, 1725:
leading to the construction of modern Spanish identity.
1195:, it made no similar statement on Arianism. Later, King 9210:
Galicia y los gallegos en las fuentes árabes medievales
8959: 8957: 8763:, because of his capacity to draw ahead of his enemies. 7490:
Imperatoris Adefonsus, regis Fernandi imperat Galletia.
Galicia y los gallegos en las fuentes árabes medievales
4957:. In 1562, Philip II deployed the Holy Office, via the 1889:
Each territory or county could be further divided into
1671:(d. 847), discoverer of the tomb attributed to apostle 1409:, annexed the Kingdom of Galicia, after defeating King 8723:
López Carreira 1999, 306; and Garcia Oro, vol. I, 314.
Documentacion medieval de la Iglesia Catedral de Coria
7031:. Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega. 6719:(VITA LUDOVICI) Cf. López Carreira (2005) pp. 231–248. 6592:. Oxford UK/Cambridge, US: Blackwell. pp. 50–51. 6552:"A Reassessment of Visigothic Jewish Policy, 589–711." 5221:, who had been given permission to move to the Court. 5087:
Restoration of voting at the Council of Castile (1623)
of the Kingdom of Galicia under the Crown of Castile.
of the king, closely supported by the local nobility.
notable authors, such as Paio Gomes Charinho, lord of
9057:"Diego Ros de Medrano | Real Academia de la Historia" 8994:. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 80. 8737:
Relación dalgunhas casas e liñaxes do reino de Galiza
8686: 7245:
Medieval culture and the Mexican American borderlands
6450:, Juan Llorens, Vicente Rafael. 2007. p 21. See also 5989:. Leuven: Leuven University Press. pp. 335–337. 5525: 4760:
of Castile, becoming the assembly monopolized by the
4700:, also king of Galicia, by Joannes and Lucas Doetecum 3792:
Paio Gómez Chariño's Tomb, Convent of San Francisco,
3538: 3362:
Alfonso IX married twice. From his first marriage to
in 1143. Still, the status of frontier lands such as
chartulary of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela
directed by a Governor which also held the office of
Here is the mystery of faith that we strongly profess
Documentos galego-portugueses dos séculos XII e XIII
8954: 7394:. Madrid, España: Akal Ediciones. pp. 255–256. 7298: 7296: 7135:(2. ed.). Madrid: Miraguano. pp. 184–185. 6936:
For the pagan survivals: Cf. Stephen McKenna (1938)
episcoporum totius Hispaniae, Galliae and Gallaetiae
Royal Fishermen's Pawnshop of the Kingdom of Galicia
by eliminating its political bodies and imposing an
4866: 2332:, Galicia (including the recently acquired lands of 9185:. Studia historica. Historia medieval (12): 83–101 7054:
García II de Galicia, el rey y el reino (1065–1090)
6268:(1. ed.). Barcelona: Ariel. pp. 133–148. 6009: 5736:(occupying the whole Northwest Iberian Peninsula), 5361:(1785), as well as ambitious proposals such as the 3844:thus confirming the unity of the Crown of Castile. 3784:
John, king of León, Galicia and Seville (1296–1301)
Interludes of independence: 10th and 11th centuries
1536:The most notable person of 7th century Galicia was 1515:, and in military laws such as the one extolled by 1101:and promoted the conversion of his own people into 9489:. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. 8075: 7627:"Rex Legionis" and "Rex Legionis et Gallcie". Cf. 7000: 5418:Report on sardine fishing off the coast of Galicia 4756:in other representative institutions, such as the 4177:, then claimed the Castilian Crown on her behalf. 3693: 3508:(known as Afonso IX in the Spanish bibliography) ( 1756:, from which time the state is usually called the 1540:. Fructuosus was the son of a provincial Visigoth 1097:, who established a policy of friendship with the 1044:, which was still held by Rome. The Roman emperor 495:. From the 16th century, the capital was disputed. 9411:(2. ed.). Santiago de Compostela: Sotelo Blanco. 9194:Spanish and Portuguese monastic history, 600–1300 8383:(in Galician). Noia: Toxosoutos. pp. 81–86. 7716: 7563: 7293: 6491:Spanish and Portuguese monastic history, 600–1300 6408:Spanish and Portuguese monastic history, 600–1300 6327: 6052:. Madrid: Marcial Pons Historia. pp. 52–56. 5035: 4078:. He was acclaimed in the cities and towns: Tui, 2270:"I Answar, to you, our lord and most serene king 1270:rebelled against the Goths, but he was defeated. 10436: 8448: 8378: 7628: 7524: 6647: 6321: 5440:following a liberal armed uprising in 1846, the 5377:in A Coruña, allowing Galicia to trade with the 5347:Academy of Agriculture of the Kingdom of Galicia 5297: 5225:The establishment of the Bourbons (18th century) 5180:, but the new offer was rejected like the rest. 2822:and obtaining the submission of the Portuguese. 2465:. Taking advantage of the youth of Leonese king 2037:. Most of these monasteries were directed by an 1323: 1081:tribes, who constituted the Suebi nation on the 733: 63: 9147:. Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza, A Coruña. 9095:Fernández, Barreiro (2007). Ramón, Xosé (ed.). 8140:, cap IV, in González López (1978) pp. 422–423. 7985:King of Castile and Toledo, of León and Galicia 7847:laws which equates the rights of women and men. 7231:. Madrid, España: Akal Ediciones. p. 299. 5889:Sallust de Geneve's map (1420), where the name 5647:Arms of the Kingdom of Galicia, illustrated in 4923:and Castile, including the Kingdom of Galicia. 3528:of Castilla, León, Toledo and Galicia (d. 1374) 3012:. In 1128 the leader of the Galician nobility, 1616:spread westward from Greece to Spain, reaching 978:In 419 a war broke out between the Vandal king 506:Arms of the Kingdom of Galicia, illustrated in 10465:States and territories established in the 910s 7923: 7484:(chartulary of the monastery of Xuvia, 1152); 7157:Documentación de la Catedral de León (s. IX–X) 7130: 6819: 6372: 5718:The Kingdom of Galicia in medieval cartography 5444:, but never regained the status of a kingdom. 5422:Economic description of the Kingdom of Galicia 3727: 3271: 3261: 2849: 2106: 666: 35: 10040: 9637: 9399:Fueros municipales de Santiago y de su Tierra 8545: 8073: 7265: 7051: 6621: 6050:Bárbaros y romanos en Hispania (400–507 A.D.) 5165:, this letter is one of the few witnesses in 4803:—from among its members. Other towns, namely 4217:was taken by John's ally the Portuguese king 3276:(leader and deputies) of the diverse guilds. 3113:, a territory also wanted by the Portuguese. 3028:. Ferdinand, who had been using the title of 1654: 790: 49: 9651: 8739:(1a. ed.). Noia, A Coruña: Toxosoutos. 8692: 7717:Martínez Martínez, Faustino (October 2003). 7564:Martínez Martínez, Faustino (October 2003). 7496:(document from the cathedral of Lugo, 1155). 6494:. London: Variorum Reprints. pp. 1–43. 6196:(Lands of the Buri) in what is now Portugal. 5909:(1475), by Lucas Brandis, showing the names 5482:The custom of painting symbols, such as the 4074:; and Nuno Freire de Andrade, Master of the 3944:Civil War of the Castilian Crown (1366–1369) 1582:of the Bishop of Dume Recimiro was declared 9809: 8607: 8550:(Reimp. ed.). : Galaxia. p. 701. 7382: 7318:(Lugo, 1108). Cf. Reilly (1982) pp. 48, 50. 6981:Antroponimia medieval galega (ss. VIII-XII) 6866:, respectively) derive from a term meaning 5197:signed the resolution on October 13, 1623. 3049:(constitutional charters) to towns such as 2762:Separation of the County of Portugal (1128) 2442:, and even raiding Santiago de Compostela. 2230:(12th–13th centuries), summum of the local 2112: 1896: 1890: 1857: 1851: 1058:, who defeated the Suebi army by the river 1049: 904: 139:Hoc hic misterium fidei firmiter profitemur 137: 77: 10047: 10033: 9644: 9630: 9502:García I, Ordoño II, Fruela II, Alfonso IV 9197:. London: Variorum Reprints. pp. 22. 8784:Coleccion Diplomatica de Galicia Historica 7270:. Santiago: Seminario de Estudos Galegos. 6959:(2nd ed.). Madrid: Editora Nacional. 6012:García I, Ordoño II, Fruela II, Alfonso IV 5982: 5740:(occupying the Cantabrian linecoast), and 4911:, while Philip inherited the Netherlands, 4188:. On July 25, 1386, with the support of a 3955:. Galician armies fought with Pedro I and 3890:. For nearly thirty years he would act as 2025:, monks, and nuns—who frequently lived in 1558:, under the remote authority of a bishop ( 797: 783: 184: 9730: 9557:. Fundación Barrié de la Maza, A Coruña. 9500:Rodríguez Fernández, Justianiano (1997): 9426:A Memoria da nación: o reino da Gallaecia 9311:La sociedad gallega en la Alta Edad Media 9293:Grandeza e Decadencia do Reino de Galicia 9226: 9094: 9043: 9031: 9019: 8975: 8963: 8948: 8929:"As orixes medievais da Xunta de Galicia" 8914: 8695:"As orixes medievais da Xunta de Galicia" 8536:Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, 116 and 267–269. 6411:. London: Variorum Reprints. p. 22. 6034: 5861:(1125), by Marino Sanuto, where the name 5456: 5106:. A humanist ambassador and lover of the 4112:, with the support of the mercenaries of 3886:, or first minister and commander of the 2191:Monastical church of San Miguel de Eiré, 1901:. The basic territorial division was the 1413:, and later the pretender to the throne, 1021:, the capitals of the Roman provinces of 873:A century later, the differences between 649:Junta or Cortes of the Kingdom of Galicia 9247:Nobiliario, armas, y triunfos de Galicia 9163:A Mentalidade Xusticieira dos Irmandiños 8734: 6749: 6518:. (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.), 110. 6111:Martini Episcopi Bracarensis Opera Omnia 6010:Rodríguez Fernández, Justiniano (1997). 5957: 5460: 5333: 5090: 5074:("judge of forests and plantings"), the 5039: 4932: 4870: 4835:As a reaction of the abdication of King 4691: 4627: 4522: 4507:, designated as leader of the nobility. 4391: 4375: 4367: 4256: 4153: 4134: 4051: 3947: 3873: 3851: 3787: 3697: 3575: 3564: 3552: 3212: 2925: 2911: 2765: 2684:. His military victories as well as his 2644: 2476: 1972: 1917:(rural parishes). The local economy was 1853:terras, condados, mandationes, commissos 1795: 1779: 1658: 1389: 1369: 1149: 1137: 1118: 808: 574:in 409, with its capital established in 501: 10485:10th-century establishments in Portugal 10054: 8987: 8790: 8449:de Antonio Rubio, María Gloria (2004). 8138:Crónica General del Rey Don Fernando IV 7662:Villacañas Berlanga (2006) pp. 468–469. 7629:González Balasch, María Teresa (2004). 7618:Villacañas Berlanga (2006) pp. 472–473. 7525:González Balasch, María Teresa (2004). 7423:Villacañas Berlanga (2006) pp. 364–381. 7260:(document from the chartulary known as 7026: 6779:Cf also Portela Silva (2001) p. 36–37: 6746:Ad Petrum Compostellanum archaepiscopum 6587: 5893:occupies the entire northwestern Iberia 5865:occupies the entire northwestern Iberia 5712: 4541:to be received and proclaimed from the 4048:Ferdinand I of Portugal king in Galicia 3847: 3347:Union under the Crown of Castile (1230) 2538: Zaragoza, owing tribute to Sancho 10437: 9571:Villacañas Berlanga, José Luis (2006) 9366:(1. ed.) Vigo: Edicions A Nosa Terra. 9331:. Ediciós do Castro, Sada (A Coruña). 9208:Carballeira Debasa, Ana María (2007). 7865:Cf. González López (1978) pp. 360–366. 7809: 7791:Cf. López Carreira (1999) pp. 242–266. 7389: 7388:" (HISTORIA COMPOSTELLANA, I.108) Cf. 7226: 7118:document from the Monastery of Sahagún 7001:Carballeira Debasa, Ana María (2007). 6487: 6404: 6263: 5615:Arms of the kingdom of Galicia in the 5313:Year 1762. "Obra de los 660 Pliegos". 5272:" (1707–1716), designed to punish the 5200: 4851:, thereby becoming the legitimate and 4648:per year—by comparison, the budget of 3089:, from Ferdinand's first marriage, to 2640: 2522: Toledo, owing tribute to Alfonso 2506: Seville, owing tribute to Garcia 2500: Badajoz, owing tribute to Garcia 2372:, sons of Ordoño, with the aid of the 2172:Romanesque façade in the Cathedral of 2009:A sizable section of the society were 1405:, the Visigothic king of Hispania and 1130:, from an 1145 manuscript of Martin's 1054:, under the direction of the Visigoth 661:Maria Cristina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies 10028: 9664: 9625: 9573:La formación de los reinos hispánicos 8869:Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, pp. 289–309. 8842:Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, pp. 335–336. 8833:Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, pp. 331–333. 8824:Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, pp. 323–330. 7076:Fernández Rodríguez (1997) pp. 40–43. 6954: 6912:in the 19th century, under the title 6448:San Fructuoso de Braga: vida y novena 6190:, that settled in the lands known as 5842:Ebstorf Map (1234), showing the name 5555:for the King and Kingdom of Galicia ( 4941:With his private crusade against the 3816:, who had been in revolt since 1286. 2411:raided Galicia from 968 through 970. 9575:. Pozuelo de Alarcón: Espasa Calpe. 9522:. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña. 8887:Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, pp. 334–335 6227:Cf. López Carreira (2005) pp. 57–60. 6047: 4518: 3978:, within the broader context of the 3959:, defeating the Castilian armies of 3569:Miniatures from a manuscript of the 2987:also had their own supporters. With 2743:, whilst appointing his own notary, 2481:Political situation in the Northern 2340:held in Lugo. The youngest brother, 1981:The elites were composed of counts, 1210:Theodemar's son and successor, King 866:(Kingdom of the Suebi) but later as 558:) was a political entity located in 10470:Former countries in Spanish history 9553:Torres Rodríguez, Casimiro (1977): 9450:Historia xeral da literatura galega 9016:Real Audiencia del Reino de Galicia 8482:Froissart Chronique, t. 12, p. 214. 8189:Garcia Oro (1987) vol. I pp. 63–64. 8149:Garcia Oro (1987) vol. I pp. 61–87. 7874:As an example, in a passage of the 7764:. En la España Medieval, 23: 41–66. 6730:English Historical Society (1840). 6567:, which still survived in his time. 5563:, which was very close to the word 5434:Maria Christina of the Two Sicilies 5390:Benito Jerónimo Feijóo y Montenegro 5349:(inaugurated on January 20, 1765), 5024:English fleet, such as that led by 4578:. Isabella had married her cousin, 4252: 3533: 3412:Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela 3309:Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela 3075:Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela 2921:Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela 2228:Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela 2211:(first quarter of the 10th century) 2068:By the 12th century the only known 1586:after he donated the wealth of the 1361:Acts of the Third Council of Toledo 1336:king of Galicia, and while his son 175:"Antiga Marcha do Reino de Galicia" 21:Kingdom of Galicia (disambiguation) 13: 9703:(Eastern) Roman Province of Spania 9472:. Princeton U.P., Princeton, N.J. 8926: 8379:Iglesias Almeida, Ernesto (2010). 8127:González López (1978) pp. 419–420. 8118:González López (1978) pp. 415–416. 8109:González López (1978) pp. 406–415. 8027:González López (1978) pp. 373–378. 7996:López Carreira (2005) pp. 396–397. 7800:González López (1978) pp. 357–359. 7773:López Carreira (1999) pp. 237–244. 7707:López Carreira (1999) pp. 223–225. 7689:González López (1978) pp. 289–295. 7680:González López (1978) pp. 305–307. 7653:González López (1978) pp. 268–284. 7631:Tumbo B de la Catedral de Santiago 7527:Tumbo B de la Catedral de Santiago 7472:Villacañas Berlanga (2006) p. 414. 7414:Villacañas Berlanga (2006) p. 364. 7372:González López (1978) pp. 237–247. 7363:González López (1978) pp. 231–236. 7345:Villacañas Berlanga (2006) p. 363. 7336:Villacañas Berlanga (2006) p. 361. 7264:, cathedral of Santiago, 1107. In 7168:Isla Fernández (1992) pp. 194–195. 7094:Rodríguez Fernández (1997) p. 212. 7056:. Burgos: La Olmeda. p. 209. 6853:López Ferreiro (1895) pp. 155–165. 6824:(2. ed.). Madrid: Miraguano. 6648:Sánchez-Albornoz, Claudio (2000). 6590:The Arab Conquest of Spain 710–797 5526:The Chalice, symbol of the kingdom 5477: 5465:Romanesque miniature representing 5408:; and was a great defender of the 5257:of Philip V, and on the other the 4735:of the Kingdom of Galicia was the 4709:or General Assembly of the Kingdom 4650:Columbus' first journey to America 4357: 3621:, where a man sings for his love; 3539:Emergence of the Galician language 1804:by the castle of Torres de Oeste, 854:, or pact, with the Roman Emperor 836:settled permanently in the former 16:Kingdom in Iberia from 410 to 1833 14: 10511: 9746:Province of the Umayyad Caliphate 9518:Souto Cabo, José Antonio (2008). 9018:, or other King's officials. Cf. 8608:Nieto Soria, José Manuel (2006). 8598:Cf. Barros Guimeráns 1988, 39–47. 8518:Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, 265–267. 8421:Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, 110–111. 8315:Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, 107–108. 8285:Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, 105–106. 8074:Martín Martín, José Luis (1989). 7782:Cf. López Carreira (1999) p. 241. 7726:Cuadernos de Historia del Derecho 7573:Cuadernos de Historia del Derecho 7514:González López (1978) p. 255–256. 7463:González López (1978) p. 224–230. 7454:González López (1978) p. 219–223. 7216:Portela Silva (2001) pp. 140–142. 7052:Portela Silva, Ermelindo (2001). 6957:Los judíos en el reino de Galicia 5518:, and was finally established by 4867:Policies of Philip II (1556–1598) 4465:Junta General do Reyno de Galizia 3804:led Ferdinand's younger brother, 3611:of which some 2000 compositions ( 3304:, who instituted social reforms. 2348:heartland in the northeast, with 2299:Primera Crónica General de España 1488:elite accepted new monarchs. The 1142:Monastery of San Pedro de Rocas, 994:ratified a peace treaty with the 655:(1808–1809). The kingdom and its 10460:1157 disestablishments in Europe 10174: 9397:López Ferreiro, Antonio (1895): 9380:López Carreira, Anselmo (2005): 9362:López Carreira, Anselmo (1999). 9345:López Carreira, Anselmo (1998): 9227:De Artaza, Manuel María (1998), 9088: 9074: 9049: 9037: 9025: 9008: 8981: 8969: 8942: 8920: 8908: 8899: 8896:Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, p. 353. 8890: 8881: 8878:Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, p. 350. 8872: 8863: 8860:Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, p. 335. 8854: 8845: 8836: 8827: 8818: 8815:Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, p. 319. 8809: 8775: 8766: 8753: 8726: 8717: 8708: 8677: 8668: 8659: 8649: 8637: 8628: 8601: 8592: 8583: 8573: 8564: 8539: 8530: 8521: 8512: 8503: 8494: 8485: 8476: 8467: 8442: 8433: 8424: 8415: 8406: 8397: 8371: 8362: 8353: 8340: 8327: 8318: 8309: 8300: 8288: 8279: 8270: 8261: 8240: 8231: 8219: 8210: 8201: 8192: 8183: 8180:Garcia Oro (1987) vol. I pp. 62. 8174: 8161: 8152: 8143: 8130: 8121: 8112: 8103: 8066: 8057: 8048: 8039: 8030: 8021: 8012: 8009:in Spanish, in Castile and León. 7999: 7990: 7977: 7968: 7959: 7950: 7917: 7908: 7899: 7890: 7881: 7868: 7859: 7850: 7837: 7828: 7803: 7794: 7785: 7776: 7767: 7747: 7710: 7701: 7692: 7683: 7674: 7665: 7656: 7647: 7621: 7612: 7603: 7594: 7131:Morales Romero, Eduardo (2004). 6820:Morales Romero, Eduardo (2004). 6732:Publications, Number 6, Volume 2 6478:Isla Fernández (1992) pp. 33–34- 6317:In Monumenta Germania Historica. 6101:RISCO, M., España Sagrada 40–41. 5926: 5898: 5882: 5870: 5850: 5835: 5808: 5785: 5749: 5722: 5700: 5691:Arms of the kingdom of Galicia, 5684: 5672: 5660: 5653:Bibliothèque nationale de France 5640: 5631:Arms of the kingdom od Galicia, 5624: 5608: 5596: 5584: 5301: 5147: 4975: 4533: 4372:14th century 'Retablo de Belvis' 4304: 4130: 3655:, and the aforementioned kings. 3517: 3497: 3477: 3461: 3441: 3417: 3176: 2853: 2395:to overthrow Sancho in favor of 2242: 2216: 2200: 2184: 2165: 1677: 1600:. The monarch appointed his son 1519:which was incorporated into the 1327: 692: 512:Bibliothèque nationale de France 469: 455: 441: 427: 402: 162:Marcha do Antigo Reino de Galiza 117: 103: 10480:1833 disestablishments in Spain 9974:Monarchs of Barcelona/Catalonia 9504:. Editorial La Olmeda, Burgos. 9329:Realezas hispánicas del año mil 9291:González López, Emilio (1978): 9191:Bishko, Charles Julian (1984). 8216:Garcia Oro (1987) vol. I p. 96. 8207:Garcia Oro (1987) vol. I p. 80. 7556: 7543: 7517: 7508: 7499: 7475: 7466: 7457: 7448: 7435: 7426: 7417: 7408: 7375: 7366: 7357: 7348: 7339: 7330: 7321: 7305: 7284: 7250: 7219: 7210: 7201: 7192: 7183: 7180:Portela Silva (2001) pp. 47–48. 7162: 7149: 7123: 7106: 7097: 7088: 7079: 7070: 7045: 7019: 6994: 6973: 6945: 6930: 6921: 6915:Portugaliae Monumenta Historica 6901: 6892: 6882: 6873: 6856: 6847: 6838: 6811: 6798: 6750:Llorente, Juan Antonio (1826). 6698: 6689: 6680: 6667: 6640: 6615: 6606: 6581: 6570: 6544: 6535:As assumed by the 10th century 6529: 6508: 6488:Bishko, Charles Julian (1984). 6481: 6472: 6441: 6425: 6405:Bishko, Charles Julian (1984). 6398: 6389: 6344: 6310: 6282: 6257: 6248: 6239: 6230: 6221: 6208: 6199: 6180: 6171: 6147: 6138: 6129: 6116: 6014:. Burgos: Editorial La Olmeda. 5427: 4715:Junta of the Kingdom of Galicia 4173:, Duke of Lancaster and son of 3694:Galicia and the Castilian Crown 3506:Afonso VIII of León and Galicia 3319:literary creations such as the 3248:), agents and other officials ( 1643:got a Muslim army to cross the 891:Galleciae totius provinciae rex 9448:Queixas Zas, Mercedes (2001). 9428:. Xerais, Vigo. 9788483026564 9275:Galicia en los siglos XIV y XV 9244:De la Gándara, Felipe (1677): 8614:. Madrid: Sílex. p. 155. 7974:Mariño Paz (1998) pp. 231–265. 7965:Mariño Paz (1998) pp. 201–230. 7600:González López (1978) 261–267. 7482:tenente Gallicie rex Fernandus 7266:Lucas Álvarez, Manuel (1997). 6722:Alfonso VI of León and Castile 6622:Baliñas Pérez, Carlos (1998). 6556:The American Historical Review 6357:Chronicon Iohannis Biclarensis 6104: 6095: 6090:De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis 6083: 6067: 6040: 6028: 6003: 5976: 5951: 5744:(occupying the rest of Iberia) 5732:´s map (1086), with the names 5044:The Kingdom of Galicia in 1603 5036:The last Habsburgs (1598–1700) 5008:of them dying in the process. 4770:), who controlled most of the 4312:Letter of the City Council of 2700:. This union gave rise to the 2676:, who had participated in the 2551:, along with the right to the 1935:who worked on demand, such as 1931:. There were also specialized 1395:Church of Santa Comba de Bande 1108: 918: 1: 9256:Fletcher, Richard. A (1984): 9250:. Julian de Paredes, Madrid. 9179:Barros Guimeráns, C. (1994): 9161:Barros Guimeráns, C. (1988): 9121: 8674:Barros Guimeráns 1988, 39–45. 8665:López Carreira 1999, 299–302. 8634:Barros Guimeráns 1994, 84–85. 8570:López Carreira 1999, 296–297. 8546:Ferro Couselo, Xesús (1996). 8500:Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, 265. 8473:López Carreira 2005, 412–413. 8403:Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, 109. 8267:Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, 104. 8258:Garcia Oro 1987, vol. I, 103. 8246:López Carreira 1999, 290–291. 8158:López Carreira 1999, 281–290. 8063:López Carreira (2005) p. 396. 8054:González López (1978) p. 388. 8045:González López (1978) p. 391. 8036:González López (1978) p. 390. 7914:Queixas Zas (2001) pp. 66–74. 7905:Queixas Zas (2001) pp. 24–61. 7856:González López (1978) p. 286. 7834:González López (1978) p. 361. 7609:González López (1978) p. 268. 7505:González López (1978) p. 249. 6695:Cf Carballeira Debasa (2007). 6612:Isla Frez (1992) pp. 134–140. 5353:(February 15, 1784), and the 5298:The Enlightenment (1746–1788) 5237:as the successor (mainly the 4889:Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor 4687: 3812:being contested by his uncle 3672:Chronicle of St. Mary of Iria 3470:Ferdinand of Galicia and León 3284:, resulted in an increase in 3188:or Constitutional Charter of 3081:. Ferdinand died in 1188, in 2887:protection of the fatherland. 2657:In 1091 the daughter of King 1511:, chronicles such as that of 1324:Visigothic monarchy (585–711) 1305:(a measure, formerly "cup"), 10450:Medieval history of Portugal 10328:Portuguese House of Burgundy 9231:(in Spanish), Madrid: CSIC, 8772:Garcia Oro, vol. I, 315–319. 8646:; Barros Guimeráns 1994, 88. 8359:López Carreira 1999, p. 292. 7103:Portela Silva (2001) p. 165. 7085:Isla Fernandez (1999) p. 25. 6983:. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1999. 6550:Bernard S. Bachrach (1973), 5540:, a symbol derived from the 5471:Rex Legionensium et Gallecie 5438:Junta de Gobierno de Galicia 3018:Countess Theresa of Portugal 2741:Count Pedro Fróilaz de Traba 1419:Visigothic Kingdom of Toledo 663:, Regent of Spain, in 1834. 647:of the Kingdom was then the 7: 9542:. Univ of Wisconsin Press. 9483:Reilly, Bernard F. (1988): 9466:Reilly, Bernard F. (1982): 9382:O Reino medieval de Galicia 9327:Isla Frez, Amancio (1999): 9309:Isla Frez, Amancio (1992): 8381:As moedas medievais galegas 6728:(Gesta Regum Anglorum) Cf. 6711:(ANNALES REGNI FRANCORUM); 6650:España, un enigma histórico 6395:Isla Fernández (1992) p. 6. 6135:Cf. Arias (2007) pp. 15–16. 5375:Maritime and Land Consulate 4588:Pedro Álvarez de Soutomaior 3990:Henry, illegitimate son of 3860:, torn down in 1467 by the 3715:increasingly controlled by 3109:) then in the hands of the 2850:Compostelan era (1111–1230) 998:, the native and partially 667:Origin and foundation (409) 10: 10516: 10445:History of Galicia (Spain) 9407:Mariño Paz, Ramón (1998). 9143:Baliñas Pérez, C. (1998): 8693:Barros Guimeráns, Carlos. 8683:Barros Guimeráns 1988, 94. 8589:Barros Guimeráns 1988, 41. 8237:Barros Guimeráns 1988, 37. 7925:Boullón Agrelo, Ana Isabel 7814:. Madrid: Akal Ediciones. 7316:tocius Gallecie imperatrix 6955:Onega, José Ramón (1999). 6754:(. ed.). p. 266. 6328:Ferreiro, Alberto (1986). 5958:Richards, Jeffrey (2014). 5547:An English armorial named 5447: 5294:. Charles III of Bourbon. 5072:juez de plantíos y dehesas 4712: 4361: 4175:King Edward III of England 4076:Portuguese Order of Christ 4002:such as that commanded by 3772:and their own parliament ( 3582:Sueiro Gomes de Soutomaior 3542: 3454:Rex in Legione et Gallecia 3266:) of the town council; or 3016:, together with his lover 2393:Fernán González of Castile 1827:was re-established by the 1775: 1655:Early and High Middle Ages 1112: 908: 18: 10414: 10358: 10344: 10326: 10254: 10221: 10183: 10172: 10066: 9944: 9874:Principality of Catalonia 9819: 9808: 9804: 9741: 9729: 9725: 9674: 9663: 9659: 9409:Historia da lingua galega 9273:García Oro, José (1987): 9140:. University of Virginia. 9136:November 7, 2012, at the 8905:López Carreira 2005, 426. 8527:López Carreira 2005, 417. 8491:López Carreira 2005, 413. 8430:López Carreira 1999, 293. 8306:López Carreira 2005, 406. 8276:López Carreira 1999, 291. 8198:López Carreira 1999, 284. 7896:Queixas Zas (2001) p. 14. 7575:: 257–343. Archived from 7027:José M., Andrade (1995). 6516:Visigothic Spain, 409–711 6350:At that council assisted 6334:Antigüedad y Cristianismo 6164:December 2, 2005, at the 6092:. Sigebertus Gembalensis. 5983:Lodewijckx, Marc (1996). 5962:. Routledge. p. 71. 5169:during the 17th century. 4213:. Meanwhile, the port of 4209:troops in the service of 4024:Fernan Peres de Andrade. 3976:Henry Count of Trastámara 3300:orders, most notably the 3097:(including the cities of 2808:Saint Fructuosus of Braga 2717:Duke Robert I of Burgundy 2378:Jimeno Garcés of Pamplona 2207:Oratory of San Miguel de 2081:, peasants, artisans, or 1538:Saint Fructuosus of Braga 911:Suebic Kingdom of Galicia 586:, which later became the 485: 381: 377: 367: 357: 353: 345: 335: 331: 316: 301: 297: 287: 277: 260: 205: 195: 183: 156: 133: 99: 94: 30: 9653:Spain in the Middle Ages 9536:Thompson, E. A. (2002): 9364:A cidade medieval galega 9127:Arias, Jorge C. (2007): 8735:da Ponte, Vasco (2008). 8714:Garcia Oro, vol. I, 314. 7956:Souto Cabo (2008) p. 51. 6844:Isla Frez (1992) p. 144. 6762:Cf. Bruno Meyer (2000): 6726:Aldefonso rege Galliciae 6538:Chronicle of Alfonso III 5945: 5821:Honorius Augustodunensis 5373:, the constitution of a 5191:Diego Sarmiento de Acuña 5163:Diego Sarmiento de Acuña 5096:Diego Sarmiento de Acuña 4949:, the opening up of the 4907:and king of Hungary and 4823:). Notwithstanding, the 4625:, were granted pardons. 3666:, or those based on the 3580:Sepulchre of the knight 3510:Rex Legionis et Gallecie 3430:Orbem Galletie Imperante 3144:, Milmanda, Bo Burgo de 2806:, including the body of 2328:held the western lands, 1703:Chronicle of Alfonso III 1005:Illness led Hermeric to 905:Suebic Kingdom (409–585) 566:. It was founded by the 10336:Ferdinand I of Portugal 9812:Feudal Christian realms 8988:Goodman, David (2002). 7760:March 20, 2012, at the 7354:Fletcher (1984) p. 115. 6769:March 20, 2012, at the 6588:Collins, Roger (1989). 6373:Díaz, Pablo C. (2004). 6291:"O primeiro dos reinos" 6264:Kremer, Dieter (2004). 6254:Arias (2007) pp. 32–33. 6236:Arias (2007) pp. 24–25. 6177:Thompson (2002) p. 162. 6144:Thompson (2002) p. 171. 5633:Le blason des Armoiries 5116:King John II of Castile 4893:Ferdinand I of Habsburg 4863:) and titled nobility. 4737:representative assembly 4663:From 1480 to 1485, the 4261:Castle of the House of 4146:, from a manuscript of 4065:Ferdinand I of Portugal 4057:Ferdinand I of Portugal 3856:Ruins of the castle of 3810:Ferdinand IV of Castile 3571:Cantigas de Santa Maria 3486:Berengaria of Barcelona 3484:Sepulcher of the queen 3014:Fernando Peres de Trava 2930:Medieval miniatures of 2796:Fernando Pérez de Traba 1870:—usually the king—to a 1684:Annales regni Francorum 1478:Third Council of Toledo 1311:toponymy and onomastics 1216:Second Council of Braga 1126:, king of Galicia, and 709:Gallaeci (Celtic tribe) 645:representative assembly 615:Ferdinand I of Portugal 9959:Monarchs of al-Andalus 9555:El Reino de los Suevos 9452:. Vigo: A nosa terra. 9384:. A Nosa Terra, Vigo. 9349:. A Nosa Terra, Vigo. 9098:Os símbolos de Galicia 8169:Historia Compostellana 7876:Historia Compostellana 7443:Historia Compostellana 7383: 7312:totius Gallecie domina 6806:Historia Compostellana 6717:"Galleciarum princeps" 6705:Alfonso II of Asturias 6514:Roger Collins (2004), 6216:Formula Vitae Honestae 5707:Arms of Galicia, today 5474: 5457:Symbols of the kingdom 5342: 5243:Charles VI of Habsburg 5231:Charles II of Habsburg 5135:Archbishop of Santiago 5111: 5045: 4938: 4884: 4777:Santiago de Compostela 4701: 4637: 4531: 4516: 4400: 4389: 4380:The castle of Pambre, 4373: 4269: 4199:Santiago de Compostela 4161: 4151: 4144:Santiago de Compostela 4059: 3974:and his half-brother, 3963: 3879: 3871: 3819:With the help of King 3797: 3728: 3707: 3609:a rich lyric tradition 3585: 3573: 3562: 3426:Pedro Fróilaz de Traba 3410:Royal pantheon of the 3328:Historia Compostellana 3272: 3262: 3225: 2948:Santiago de Compostela 2943: 2923: 2784:Santiago de Compostela 2771: 2654: 2540: 2447:Sancho III of Pamplona 2427:Santiago de Compostela 2276:chartulary of Celanova 2113: 2107: 2017:, deacons, clergymen, 1978: 1956:Santiago de Compostela 1897: 1891: 1858: 1852: 1808: 1793: 1742:Santiago de Compostela 1675: 1434:Portus Cale or Magneto 1398: 1387: 1189:First Council of Braga 1157: 1147: 1135: 1132:Formula Vitae Honestae 1050: 870:(Kingdom of Galicia). 829: 555: 547: 539: 527: 515: 200:Santiago de Compostela 138: 78: 64: 50: 36: 10185:Astur-Leonese dynasty 9424:Nogueira, C. (2001): 7812:Historia compostelana 7810:Falque, Emma (1994). 7728:: 279. Archived from 7392:Historia compostelana 7390:Falque, Emma (1994). 7229:Historia compostelana 7227:Falque, Emma (1994). 6870:– "the earned thing". 6781:William of Malmesbury 6577:at the Latin Library. 6453:"Braga, Fructuoso de" 6048:Arce, Javier (2005). 5762:Lambert of Saint-Omer 5464: 5404:, devoted himself to 5337: 5094: 5043: 4955:Scientific revolution 4936: 4877:Philip II of Habsburg 4874: 4764:and lesser nobility ( 4695: 4631: 4580:Fernando II of Aragon 4526: 4512: 4395: 4384:, which resisted the 4379: 4371: 4260: 4157: 4138: 4055: 3992:Alfonso XI of Castile 3951: 3877: 3855: 3802:Ferdinand de la Cerda 3791: 3701: 3579: 3568: 3556: 3432:), protector of king 3394:new Portuguese king, 3391:Afonso II of Portugal 3368:Berengaria of Castile 3280:of the heavy wheeled 3216: 3035:Sancho III of Castile 2929: 2915: 2861:Historia Compostelana 2769: 2648: 2629:, held by his sister 2480: 2453:—nominally a Leonese 2027:religious communities 1976: 1799: 1783: 1740:at what would become 1738:Saint James the Great 1673:Saint James the Great 1662: 1574:clergy. At the tenth 1393: 1373: 1346:Chronicle of Fredegar 1187:, who called for the 1163:Saint Martin of Braga 1153: 1141: 1122: 1048:sent a large army of 1009:in favor of his son, 972:Limia (or Lima) River 970:). The valley of the 901:(Bishop of Galicia). 897:, were recognized as 889:(King of Suebi), and 812: 653:Napoleonic occupation 505: 206:Common languages 10009:Monarchs of Valencia 9969:Monarchs of Asturias 9756:Caliphate of Córdoba 9696:Kingdom of the Suebi 9608:42.88250°N 8.54111°W 9145:Gallegos del año mil 7327:Reilly (1982) p. 49. 7302:Reilly (1982) p. 29. 7290:Reilly (1982) p. 27. 7207:Reilly (1998) p. 28. 7198:Reilly (1998) p. 27. 7189:Reilly (1998) p. 26. 6624:Gallegos del año mil 5907:Rudimentum Novitorum 5823:, showing the names 5764:, showing the names 5713:Medieval cartography 5649:L´armorial Le Blancq 5325:Age of Enlightenment 5270:Nueva Planta Decrees 5215:Diego Ros de Medrano 4881:Sofonisba Anguissola 4678:del Reino de Galicia 4574:and his half-sister 4247:Henry III of Castile 4004:Bertrand du Guesclin 3848:Unrest in the cities 3079:Pedro Suárez de Deza 2828:Battle of São Mamede 2579:. His youngest son, 2532:'s domains (Castile) 2494:'s domains (Galicia) 2232:Romanesque sculpture 1964:architectural styles 1647:and face him at the 1645:Straits of Gibraltar 1560:episcopus sub regula 1332:"After the death of 1178:Eastern Roman Empire 881:(Galician Kingdom), 848:, probably signed a 508:L´armorial Le Blancq 19:For other uses, see 10360:House of Trastámara 10004:Monarchs of Navarre 9999:Monarchs of Majorca 9989:Monarchs of Granada 9984:Monarchs of Galicia 9979:Monarchs of Castile 9949:Visigothic monarchs 9930:Kingdom of Valencia 9898:Kingdom of Artajona 9879:Kingdom of Pamplona 9870:County of Barcelona 9824:Kingdom of Asturias 9604: /  7887:Cf Souto Cabo 2008. 6910:Alexandre Herculano 6864:gando, gado, ganado 6795:as King of Galicia. 6715:(CODEX AUGIENSIS); 6359:590.1 = vv 330–341. 6297:on December 2, 2005 5800:, showing the name 5235:Philip V of Bourbon 5207:Charles II of Spain 5201:Charles II of Spain 5161:Year 1598. Sent to 5114:Since the reign of 5050:Philip III of Spain 4971:burned at the stake 4959:Spanish Inquisition 4316:to the King, 1454. 4110:Henry II of Castile 4037:Charles V of France 4029:Edward of Woodstock 3961:Henry of Trastámara 3957:Edward of Woodstock 3936:, locally known as 3914:Bérenger de Landore 3868:Bérenger de Landore 3821:Denis I of Portugal 3594:Galician-Portuguese 3549:Galician-Portuguese 3524:Sepulcher of queen 3424:Sepulcher of count 3311:—especially in the 2985:Theresa of Portugal 2788:metropolitan church 2756:Alfonso the Battler 2674:Raymond of Burgundy 2641:Raymond of Burgundy 2557:(tribute) from the 2547:to his eldest son, 2401:Kingdom of Pamplona 2310:Alfonso III of León 1952:solidos gallicianos 1800:Modern replicas of 1719:Kingdom of Asturias 1649:Battle of Guadalete 1340:and his son-in-law 1205:Metropolitan Bishop 1155:Roman walls of Lugo 1035:Nicene Christianity 885:(King of Galicia), 704:Prehistoric Galicia 643:and President. The 584:Kingdom of Asturias 560:southwestern Europe 410:Kingdom of Asturias 359:• Established 223:Galician-Portuguese 10500:Kingdom of Castile 10475:910 establishments 10455:409 establishments 10346:House of Lancaster 9964:Monarchs of Aragon 9925:Kingdom of Majorca 9888:Kingdom of Viguera 9883:Kingdom of Navarre 9845:Kingdom of Castile 9833:Kingdom of Galicia 9792:Emirate of Granada 9751:Emirate of Córdoba 9708:Duchy of Cantabria 9684:Visigothic Kingdom 9613:42.88250; -8.54111 8806:, Anales de Aragón 8337:, ed. 1966, p. 75. 7314:(Santiago, 1107), 6898:Cf. Bishko (1984). 6793:Alfonso VI of León 6775:Chronicon Silensis 6740:was addressed as: 6738:Alfonso IX of León 6724:was addressed as: 6707:was addressed as: 6459:on October 1, 2011 6245:Arias (2007) p. 29 6205:Arias (2007) p. 22 6074:Historia Francorum 5798:Muhammad al-Idrisi 5475: 5442:Mártires de Carral 5343: 5282:Council of Castile 5211:Diocese of Ourense 5184:the resistance of 5124:Council of Castile 5112: 5104:Council of Castile 5046: 5005:Kingdom of Granada 4999:. For example, in 4939: 4905:Holy Roman Emperor 4885: 4702: 4638: 4615:Salvaterra de Miño 4532: 4401: 4390: 4374: 4270: 4221:, and the town of 4219:John I of Portugal 4186:Hundred Years' War 4162: 4152: 4122:Treaty of Santarém 4060: 3996:Peter IV of Aragon 3980:Hundred Years' War 3964: 3880: 3872: 3798: 3708: 3664:Chrétien de Troyes 3644:Alfonso X the Wise 3586: 3574: 3563: 3504:Sepulcher of king 3448:Sepulcher of king 3364:Teresa of Portugal 3226: 3130:Salvaterra de Miño 3091:Urraca of Portugal 2944: 2924: 2858:Excerpts from the 2772: 2715:, the grandson of 2655: 2545:Kingdom of Castile 2541: 1979: 1809: 1794: 1676: 1509:Councils of Toledo 1399: 1388: 1207:along with Braga. 1158: 1148: 1136: 1062:, near modern-day 899:episcopi Gallaecia 879:Galliciense Regnum 868:Regnum Galliciense 830: 824:(or Albeldensis), 749:Galicia at Present 729:Kingdom of Galicia 724:Brythonic Galicia 686:History of Galicia 659:were dissolved by 580:Visigothic Kingdom 556:Galliciense Regnum 520:Kingdom of Galicia 516: 451:County of Portugal 240:A few speakers of 79:Galliciense Regnum 32:Kingdom of Galicia 10432: 10431: 10416:House of Habsburg 10256:House of Burgundy 10022: 10021: 9940: 9939: 9916:Kingdom of Aragon 9893:Kingdom of Najera 9859:Kingdom of Toledo 9838:County of Castile 9800: 9799: 9780:Almohad Caliphate 9768:Almoravid Emirate 9721: 9720: 9713:Duchy of Vasconia 9667:Early Middle Ages 9548:978-0-299-08704-3 9528:978-84-9749-314-7 9478:978-0-691-05344-8 9390:978-84-8341-293-0 9355:978-84-89976-43-6 9347:O Reino de Galiza 9295:. Galaxia, Vigo. 9268:978-0-19-822581-2 9218:978-84-00-08576-6 9111:978-84-96530-46-1 9001:978-0-521-52257-1 8746:978-84-96673-03-8 8621:978-84-7737-174-8 8557:978-84-8288-051-8 8390:978-84-92792-34-4 8093:978-84-7481-520-7 7943:978-84-96530-44-7 7640:978-84-8485-170-7 7536:978-84-8485-170-7 7012:978-84-00-08576-6 6989:978-3-484-55512-9 6748:, year 1199) Cf. 6078:Grégoire de Tours 5939:infidelis Yspania 5512:punning reference 5410:Galician language 5402:natural medicines 5379:American colonies 5329:political economy 5321: 5320: 5173: 5172: 5167:Galician language 5108:Galician language 5076:Castilian Council 4985: 4984: 4619:Catholic Monarchs 4568: 4567: 4562:Annales de Aragon 4548:Annales de Aragón 4519:Catholic monarchs 4326:Catholic Monarchs 4321: 4320: 4243:John I of Castile 4211:John I of Castile 4086:, Ourense, Lugo, 4042:Battle of Montiel 4008:Pertegueiro Maior 3968:succession crisis 3925:status from King 3888:Terra de Santiago 3884:Pertigueiro Maior 3744:Kingdom of Murcia 3721:Catholic Monarchs 3648:Castilian Spanish 3642:in Portugal, and 3545:Galician Language 3313:Portico da Gloria 3211: 3210: 3138:Monforte de Lemos 3111:Almohad Caliphate 2917:Pórtico da Gloria 2910: 2909: 2832:Battle of Ourique 2731:, from the river 2702:House of Burgundy 2615:Battle of Pedroso 2607:Count of Portugal 2561:. His second son 2559:Taifa of Zaragoza 2516:'s domains (León) 2483:Iberian Peninsula 2306: 2305: 2224:Pórtico da Gloria 1884:Terra de Santiago 1714: 1713: 1669:Theodemar of Iria 1663:Tombstone of the 1576:Council of Toledo 1548:Iberian Peninsula 1496:formed mostly by 1368: 1367: 1234:in the east, and 1214:, called for the 1083:Iberian Peninsula 807: 806: 623:Catholic Monarchs 564:Iberian Peninsula 500: 499: 481: 480: 477: 476: 415: 414: 369:• Dissolved 327: 318:• 1813–1833 312: 273: 265:Roman Catholicism 256: 10507: 10490:Christian states 10223:House of Jiménez 10178: 10049: 10042: 10035: 10026: 10025: 9994:Monarchs of León 9912:County of Aragon 9906: 9866:Catalan counties 9849:Crown of Castile 9806: 9805: 9727: 9726: 9661: 9660: 9646: 9639: 9632: 9623: 9622: 9619: 9618: 9616: 9615: 9614: 9609: 9605: 9602: 9601: 9600: 9597: 9586: 9568: 9533: 9515: 9463: 9445: 9431: 9421: 9404: 9394: 9377: 9359: 9342: 9324: 9306: 9288: 9253: 9241: 9223: 9188: 9176: 9165:. Xerais: Vigo. 9158: 9116: 9115: 9103: 9092: 9086: 9085: 9078: 9072: 9071: 9069: 9067: 9053: 9047: 9041: 9035: 9029: 9023: 9012: 9006: 9005: 8985: 8979: 8973: 8967: 8961: 8952: 8946: 8940: 8939: 8937: 8935: 8927:Barros, Carlos. 8924: 8918: 8912: 8906: 8903: 8897: 8894: 8888: 8885: 8879: 8876: 8870: 8867: 8861: 8858: 8852: 8849: 8843: 8840: 8834: 8831: 8825: 8822: 8816: 8813: 8807: 8798: 8794: 8788: 8779: 8773: 8770: 8764: 8761:who get up early 8757: 8751: 8750: 8730: 8724: 8721: 8715: 8712: 8706: 8705: 8703: 8701: 8690: 8684: 8681: 8675: 8672: 8666: 8663: 8657: 8653: 8647: 8641: 8635: 8632: 8626: 8625: 8605: 8599: 8596: 8590: 8587: 8581: 8577: 8571: 8568: 8562: 8561: 8543: 8537: 8534: 8528: 8525: 8519: 8516: 8510: 8507: 8501: 8498: 8492: 8489: 8483: 8480: 8474: 8471: 8465: 8464: 8446: 8440: 8437: 8431: 8428: 8422: 8419: 8413: 8410: 8404: 8401: 8395: 8394: 8375: 8369: 8366: 8360: 8357: 8351: 8344: 8338: 8331: 8325: 8322: 8316: 8313: 8307: 8304: 8298: 8292: 8286: 8283: 8277: 8274: 8268: 8265: 8259: 8256: 8247: 8244: 8238: 8235: 8229: 8223: 8217: 8214: 8208: 8205: 8199: 8196: 8190: 8187: 8181: 8178: 8172: 8165: 8159: 8156: 8150: 8147: 8141: 8134: 8128: 8125: 8119: 8116: 8110: 8107: 8101: 8100: 8081: 8070: 8064: 8061: 8055: 8052: 8046: 8043: 8037: 8034: 8028: 8025: 8019: 8016: 8010: 8003: 7997: 7994: 7988: 7981: 7975: 7972: 7966: 7963: 7957: 7954: 7948: 7947: 7935: 7921: 7915: 7912: 7906: 7903: 7897: 7894: 7888: 7885: 7879: 7872: 7866: 7863: 7857: 7854: 7848: 7841: 7835: 7832: 7826: 7825: 7807: 7801: 7798: 7792: 7789: 7783: 7780: 7774: 7771: 7765: 7751: 7745: 7744: 7742: 7740: 7735:on March 4, 2011 7734: 7723: 7714: 7708: 7705: 7699: 7696: 7690: 7687: 7681: 7678: 7672: 7669: 7663: 7660: 7654: 7651: 7645: 7644: 7625: 7619: 7616: 7610: 7607: 7601: 7598: 7592: 7591: 7589: 7587: 7582:on March 4, 2011 7581: 7570: 7560: 7554: 7547: 7541: 7540: 7521: 7515: 7512: 7506: 7503: 7497: 7492:(Ibidem, 1155); 7479: 7473: 7470: 7464: 7461: 7455: 7452: 7446: 7439: 7433: 7430: 7424: 7421: 7415: 7412: 7406: 7405: 7387: 7379: 7373: 7370: 7364: 7361: 7355: 7352: 7346: 7343: 7337: 7334: 7328: 7325: 7319: 7309: 7303: 7300: 7291: 7288: 7282: 7281: 7254: 7248: 7242: 7223: 7217: 7214: 7208: 7205: 7199: 7196: 7190: 7187: 7181: 7178: 7169: 7166: 7160: 7153: 7147: 7146: 7127: 7121: 7110: 7104: 7101: 7095: 7092: 7086: 7083: 7077: 7074: 7068: 7067: 7049: 7043: 7042: 7023: 7017: 7016: 6998: 6992: 6977: 6971: 6970: 6949: 6943: 6934: 6928: 6925: 6919: 6905: 6899: 6896: 6890: 6886: 6880: 6877: 6871: 6860: 6854: 6851: 6845: 6842: 6836: 6835: 6815: 6809: 6802: 6796: 6755: 6735: 6702: 6696: 6693: 6687: 6684: 6678: 6671: 6665: 6663: 6644: 6638: 6637: 6619: 6613: 6610: 6604: 6603: 6585: 6579: 6574: 6568: 6548: 6542: 6533: 6527: 6512: 6506: 6505: 6485: 6479: 6476: 6470: 6468: 6466: 6464: 6455:. Archived from 6445: 6439: 6429: 6423: 6422: 6402: 6396: 6393: 6387: 6386: 6370: 6361: 6348: 6342: 6341: 6325: 6319: 6314: 6308: 6306: 6304: 6302: 6293:. Archived from 6286: 6280: 6279: 6261: 6255: 6252: 6246: 6243: 6237: 6234: 6228: 6225: 6219: 6212: 6206: 6203: 6197: 6184: 6178: 6175: 6169: 6151: 6145: 6142: 6136: 6133: 6127: 6120: 6114: 6108: 6102: 6099: 6093: 6087: 6081: 6071: 6065: 6063: 6044: 6038: 6032: 6026: 6025: 6007: 6001: 6000: 5980: 5974: 5973: 5955: 5930: 5902: 5886: 5874: 5859:Liber Secretorum 5854: 5839: 5812: 5794:Tabula Rogeriana 5789: 5753: 5726: 5704: 5688: 5676: 5664: 5644: 5628: 5612: 5600: 5588: 5489:medieval helmets 5420:(1774), and the 5412:, composing the 5394:Martín Sarmiento 5340:Martín Sarmiento 5315:Martín Sarmiento 5302: 5239:crown of Castile 5148: 4997:ethnic cleansing 4976: 4859:, the bishop of 4750:Juntas Generales 4601:, held by Pedro 4534: 4305: 4287:Adelantado Mayor 4265:, A Nogueirosa, 4253:The 15th century 4063:cities, invited 4033:battle of Nájera 4031:, Peter won the 4012:Adelantado Mayor 4010:of Santiago and 3953:Battle of Nájera 3825:adelantado mayor 3740:endeantado maior 3735:adelantado mayor 3731: 3624:Cantiga de amigo 3534:Late Middle Ages 3521: 3501: 3481: 3465: 3445: 3421: 3404:Crown of Castile 3322:Codex Calixtinus 3275: 3265: 3177: 2854: 2836:Treaty of Zamora 2816:Afonso Henriques 2776:Afonso Henriques 2696:, as a personal 2537: 2527: 2521: 2511: 2505: 2499: 2489: 2451:Count of Castile 2431:Portela de Areas 2389:Sancho I of León 2352:as its capital. 2289:said (...) 'Don 2285:"There king Don 2243: 2220: 2204: 2188: 2169: 2116: 2110: 2031:vows of chastity 1900: 1894: 1861: 1855: 1750:Way of St. James 1678: 1328: 1053: 982:and the Suebi's 968:Asturica Augusta 799: 792: 785: 696: 671: 670: 631:Crown of Castile 608:Crown of Castile 540:Reino de Galicia 528:Reino de Galicia 473: 472: 459: 458: 445: 444: 437:Kingdom of Spain 431: 430: 419: 418: 406: 405: 399: 398: 383: 382: 325: 310: 267: 239: 188: 176: 170: 149: 141: 121: 107: 89: 81: 75: 67: 61: 53: 51:Reino de Galicia 47: 39: 37:Reino de Galicia 28: 27: 10515: 10514: 10510: 10509: 10508: 10506: 10505: 10504: 10495:Former kingdoms 10435: 10434: 10433: 10428: 10410: 10354: 10340: 10322: 10250: 10217: 10179: 10170: 10062: 10053: 10023: 10018: 10014:Military orders 9954:Suebic monarchs 9936: 9920:Crown of Aragon 9900: 9828:Kingdom of León 9815: 9796: 9737: 9717: 9670: 9655: 9650: 9612: 9610: 9606: 9603: 9598: 9595: 9593: 9591: 9590: 9584: 9566: 9531: 9513: 9461: 9443: 9429: 9419: 9402: 9392: 9375: 9357: 9340: 9322: 9304: 9286: 9251: 9239: 9221: 9186: 9174: 9156: 9138:Wayback Machine 9124: 9119: 9112: 9101: 9093: 9089: 9080: 9079: 9075: 9065: 9063: 9055: 9054: 9050: 9044:De Artaza (1998 9042: 9038: 9032:De Artaza (1998 9030: 9026: 9020:De Artaza (1998 9013: 9009: 9002: 8986: 8982: 8976:De Artaza (1998 8974: 8970: 8964:De Artaza (1998 8962: 8955: 8949:De Artaza (1998 8947: 8943: 8933: 8931: 8925: 8921: 8915:De Artaza (1998 8913: 8909: 8904: 8900: 8895: 8891: 8886: 8882: 8877: 8873: 8868: 8864: 8859: 8855: 8850: 8846: 8841: 8837: 8832: 8828: 8823: 8819: 8814: 8810: 8800:Jerónimo Zurita 8796: 8795: 8791: 8780: 8776: 8771: 8767: 8758: 8754: 8747: 8731: 8727: 8722: 8718: 8713: 8709: 8699: 8697: 8691: 8687: 8682: 8678: 8673: 8669: 8664: 8660: 8654: 8650: 8642: 8638: 8633: 8629: 8622: 8606: 8602: 8597: 8593: 8588: 8584: 8578: 8574: 8569: 8565: 8558: 8544: 8540: 8535: 8531: 8526: 8522: 8517: 8513: 8508: 8504: 8499: 8495: 8490: 8486: 8481: 8477: 8472: 8468: 8461: 8447: 8443: 8438: 8434: 8429: 8425: 8420: 8416: 8411: 8407: 8402: 8398: 8391: 8376: 8372: 8367: 8363: 8358: 8354: 8345: 8341: 8332: 8328: 8323: 8319: 8314: 8310: 8305: 8301: 8293: 8289: 8284: 8280: 8275: 8271: 8266: 8262: 8257: 8250: 8245: 8241: 8236: 8232: 8224: 8220: 8215: 8211: 8206: 8202: 8197: 8193: 8188: 8184: 8179: 8175: 8166: 8162: 8157: 8153: 8148: 8144: 8135: 8131: 8126: 8122: 8117: 8113: 8108: 8104: 8094: 8071: 8067: 8062: 8058: 8053: 8049: 8044: 8040: 8035: 8031: 8026: 8022: 8017: 8013: 8004: 8000: 7995: 7991: 7982: 7978: 7973: 7969: 7964: 7960: 7955: 7951: 7944: 7933: 7922: 7918: 7913: 7909: 7904: 7900: 7895: 7891: 7886: 7882: 7873: 7869: 7864: 7860: 7855: 7851: 7842: 7838: 7833: 7829: 7822: 7808: 7804: 7799: 7795: 7790: 7786: 7781: 7777: 7772: 7768: 7762:Wayback Machine 7752: 7748: 7738: 7736: 7732: 7721: 7715: 7711: 7706: 7702: 7697: 7693: 7688: 7684: 7679: 7675: 7670: 7666: 7661: 7657: 7652: 7648: 7641: 7626: 7622: 7617: 7613: 7608: 7604: 7599: 7595: 7585: 7583: 7579: 7568: 7561: 7557: 7548: 7544: 7537: 7522: 7518: 7513: 7509: 7504: 7500: 7480: 7476: 7471: 7467: 7462: 7458: 7453: 7449: 7440: 7436: 7431: 7427: 7422: 7418: 7413: 7409: 7402: 7380: 7376: 7371: 7367: 7362: 7358: 7353: 7349: 7344: 7340: 7335: 7331: 7326: 7322: 7310: 7306: 7301: 7294: 7289: 7285: 7278: 7255: 7251: 7239: 7224: 7220: 7215: 7211: 7206: 7202: 7197: 7193: 7188: 7184: 7179: 7172: 7167: 7163: 7154: 7150: 7143: 7128: 7124: 7111: 7107: 7102: 7098: 7093: 7089: 7084: 7080: 7075: 7071: 7064: 7050: 7046: 7039: 7024: 7020: 7013: 6999: 6995: 6978: 6974: 6967: 6950: 6946: 6935: 6931: 6926: 6922: 6906: 6902: 6897: 6893: 6887: 6883: 6878: 6874: 6861: 6857: 6852: 6848: 6843: 6839: 6832: 6816: 6812: 6803: 6799: 6785:Orderic Vitalis 6778: 6771:Wayback Machine 6757: 6736: 6720: 6703: 6699: 6694: 6690: 6685: 6681: 6672: 6668: 6660: 6645: 6641: 6634: 6620: 6616: 6611: 6607: 6600: 6586: 6582: 6575: 6571: 6549: 6545: 6534: 6530: 6513: 6509: 6502: 6486: 6482: 6477: 6473: 6462: 6460: 6451: 6446: 6442: 6430: 6426: 6419: 6403: 6399: 6394: 6390: 6371: 6364: 6349: 6345: 6326: 6322: 6315: 6311: 6300: 6298: 6289: 6287: 6283: 6276: 6262: 6258: 6253: 6249: 6244: 6240: 6235: 6231: 6226: 6222: 6213: 6209: 6204: 6200: 6193:Terras de Bouro 6185: 6181: 6176: 6172: 6168:. 5 / 7 / 2004. 6166:Wayback Machine 6152: 6148: 6143: 6139: 6134: 6130: 6124:Victor Vitensis 6121: 6117: 6109: 6105: 6100: 6096: 6088: 6084: 6072: 6068: 6060: 6045: 6041: 6035:De Artaza (1998 6033: 6029: 6022: 6008: 6004: 5997: 5981: 5977: 5970: 5956: 5952: 5948: 5941: 5931: 5922: 5903: 5894: 5887: 5878: 5875: 5866: 5855: 5846: 5840: 5831: 5813: 5804: 5790: 5781: 5754: 5745: 5727: 5715: 5708: 5705: 5696: 5689: 5680: 5677: 5668: 5665: 5656: 5645: 5636: 5629: 5620: 5613: 5604: 5601: 5592: 5589: 5528: 5480: 5478:The purple lion 5459: 5450: 5430: 5300: 5274:Crown of Aragon 5263:Crown of Aragon 5247:Crown of Aragon 5227: 5203: 5089: 5038: 4921:Crown of Aragon 4869: 4830:Captain General 4717: 4711: 4690: 4665:Santa Hermandad 4642:Santa Hermandad 4560: 4552:Jerónimo Zurita 4546: 4521: 4366: 4360: 4358:Irmandinos Wars 4311: 4255: 4133: 4050: 3946: 3850: 3837:Maria de Molina 3786: 3750:Felipe, son of 3696: 3633:religious songs 3559:Castro Caldelas 3551: 3543:Main articles: 3541: 3536: 3529: 3526:Joana de Castro 3522: 3513: 3502: 3493: 3482: 3473: 3466: 3457: 3446: 3437: 3422: 3349: 3146:Castro Caldelas 3039:Rex Hispaniarum 3030:King of Galicia 3002:Martin of Dumio 2852: 2764: 2643: 2567:Kingdom of León 2539: 2535: 2533: 2525: 2523: 2519: 2517: 2509: 2507: 2503: 2501: 2497: 2495: 2487: 2358:Alfonso Fróilaz 2344:, received the 2241: 2234: 2221: 2212: 2205: 2196: 2189: 2180: 2170: 2130:Mozarabic rites 1839:were notorious 1788:, conqueror of 1778: 1758:Kingdom of León 1657: 1326: 1128:Martin of Braga 1117: 1111: 954:, and later in 948:Bracara Augusta 933:Germanic people 921: 913: 907: 895:Martin of Braga 883:Regem Galliciae 864:Regnum Suevorum 860:Bracara Augusta 822:Codex Vigilanus 803: 734:Compostelan Era 714:Roman Gallaecia 680: 669: 641:Captain General 627:Santa Hermandad 588:Kingdom of León 548:Reino da Galiza 496: 470: 456: 442: 428: 423:Kingdom of León 403: 370: 360: 319: 304: 303:• 910–924 238: 237: 191: 179: 174: 171: 164: 152: 143: 129: 128: 127: 122: 114: 113: 108: 90: 83: 76: 69: 65:Reino da Galiza 62: 55: 48: 41: 33: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 10513: 10503: 10502: 10497: 10492: 10487: 10482: 10477: 10472: 10467: 10462: 10457: 10452: 10447: 10430: 10429: 10427: 10426: 10420: 10418: 10412: 10411: 10409: 10408: 10399: 10390: 10385: 10380: 10375: 10370: 10364: 10362: 10356: 10355: 10350: 10348: 10342: 10341: 10339: 10338: 10332: 10330: 10324: 10323: 10321: 10320: 10315: 10310: 10305: 10300: 10295: 10290: 10285: 10276: 10271: 10266: 10260: 10258: 10252: 10251: 10249: 10248: 10243: 10238: 10233: 10227: 10225: 10219: 10218: 10216: 10215: 10210: 10205: 10200: 10195: 10189: 10187: 10181: 10180: 10173: 10171: 10169: 10168: 10163: 10158: 10153: 10148: 10143: 10138: 10133: 10128: 10123: 10118: 10113: 10108: 10103: 10098: 10093: 10088: 10083: 10078: 10072: 10070: 10064: 10063: 10052: 10051: 10044: 10037: 10029: 10020: 10019: 10017: 10016: 10011: 10006: 10001: 9996: 9991: 9986: 9981: 9976: 9971: 9966: 9961: 9956: 9951: 9945: 9942: 9941: 9938: 9937: 9935: 9934: 9933: 9932: 9927: 9909: 9908: 9907: 9895: 9890: 9876: 9863: 9862: 9861: 9842: 9841: 9840: 9835: 9820: 9817: 9816: 9802: 9801: 9798: 9797: 9795: 9794: 9789: 9782: 9777: 9770: 9765: 9758: 9753: 9748: 9742: 9739: 9738: 9723: 9722: 9719: 9718: 9716: 9715: 9710: 9705: 9700: 9699: 9698: 9688: 9687: 9686: 9675: 9672: 9671: 9657: 9656: 9649: 9648: 9641: 9634: 9626: 9588: 9587: 9569: 9551: 9534: 9516: 9498: 9481: 9464: 9446: 9432: 9422: 9405: 9395: 9378: 9360: 9343: 9325: 9307: 9289: 9271: 9254: 9242: 9237: 9224: 9206: 9189: 9177: 9159: 9141: 9123: 9120: 9118: 9117: 9110: 9087: 9084:. May 7, 2017. 9073: 9048: 9036: 9024: 9007: 9000: 8980: 8968: 8953: 8941: 8919: 8907: 8898: 8889: 8880: 8871: 8862: 8853: 8844: 8835: 8826: 8817: 8808: 8789: 8774: 8765: 8752: 8745: 8725: 8716: 8707: 8685: 8676: 8667: 8658: 8648: 8636: 8627: 8620: 8600: 8591: 8582: 8572: 8563: 8556: 8538: 8529: 8520: 8511: 8502: 8493: 8484: 8475: 8466: 8459: 8441: 8432: 8423: 8414: 8405: 8396: 8389: 8370: 8361: 8352: 8346:Fernão Lopes, 8339: 8333:Fernão Lopes, 8326: 8317: 8308: 8299: 8287: 8278: 8269: 8260: 8248: 8239: 8230: 8218: 8209: 8200: 8191: 8182: 8173: 8160: 8151: 8142: 8129: 8120: 8111: 8102: 8092: 8065: 8056: 8047: 8038: 8029: 8020: 8011: 7998: 7989: 7976: 7967: 7958: 7949: 7942: 7927:, ed. (2007). 7916: 7907: 7898: 7889: 7880: 7867: 7858: 7849: 7845:consuetudinary 7836: 7827: 7820: 7802: 7793: 7784: 7775: 7766: 7746: 7709: 7700: 7691: 7682: 7673: 7664: 7655: 7646: 7639: 7620: 7611: 7602: 7593: 7555: 7542: 7535: 7516: 7507: 7498: 7474: 7465: 7456: 7447: 7434: 7425: 7416: 7407: 7400: 7374: 7365: 7356: 7347: 7338: 7329: 7320: 7304: 7292: 7283: 7276: 7249: 7237: 7218: 7209: 7200: 7191: 7182: 7170: 7161: 7148: 7141: 7122: 7105: 7096: 7087: 7078: 7069: 7062: 7044: 7037: 7018: 7011: 6993: 6972: 6965: 6944: 6929: 6920: 6900: 6891: 6881: 6872: 6855: 6846: 6837: 6830: 6810: 6797: 6742:rex Gallaeciae 6697: 6688: 6679: 6666: 6658: 6639: 6632: 6614: 6605: 6598: 6580: 6569: 6543: 6528: 6507: 6500: 6480: 6471: 6440: 6424: 6417: 6397: 6388: 6362: 6343: 6320: 6309: 6281: 6274: 6256: 6247: 6238: 6229: 6220: 6207: 6198: 6179: 6170: 6146: 6137: 6128: 6115: 6103: 6094: 6082: 6066: 6058: 6039: 6027: 6020: 6002: 5995: 5975: 5968: 5949: 5947: 5944: 5943: 5942: 5932: 5925: 5923: 5921:, among others 5904: 5897: 5895: 5888: 5881: 5879: 5876: 5869: 5867: 5856: 5849: 5847: 5844:Gallicia Regio 5841: 5834: 5832: 5814: 5807: 5805: 5791: 5784: 5782: 5780:, among others 5758:Liber Floridus 5755: 5748: 5746: 5728: 5721: 5719: 5714: 5711: 5710: 5709: 5706: 5699: 5697: 5690: 5683: 5681: 5678: 5671: 5669: 5666: 5659: 5657: 5655:, 16th century 5646: 5639: 5637: 5630: 5623: 5621: 5614: 5607: 5605: 5602: 5595: 5593: 5590: 5583: 5527: 5524: 5479: 5476: 5458: 5455: 5449: 5446: 5429: 5426: 5319: 5318: 5310: 5309: 5299: 5296: 5249:, England and 5226: 5223: 5202: 5199: 5171: 5170: 5158: 5157: 5133:. In 1520 the 5088: 5085: 5037: 5034: 5018:Spanish Armada 4983: 4982: 4967:merchant ships 4928:Ottoman Empire 4895:, and his son 4868: 4865: 4849:Peninsular war 4772:local councils 4748:Initially the 4713:Main article: 4710: 4703: 4689: 4686: 4676:Real Audiencia 4658:Justiçia Mayor 4566: 4565: 4556: 4555: 4554:, Book XIX.46 4520: 4517: 4491:of Lemos from 4467:) was held in 4362:Main article: 4359: 4356: 4319: 4318: 4254: 4251: 4231:Jean Froissart 4205:, defended by 4148:Jean Froissart 4132: 4129: 4049: 4046: 3945: 3942: 3849: 3846: 3785: 3782: 3770:Liber Iudicium 3695: 3692: 3676:printing press 3629:Songs of Scorn 3598:Old Portuguese 3540: 3537: 3535: 3532: 3531: 3530: 3523: 3516: 3514: 3503: 3496: 3494: 3483: 3476: 3474: 3467: 3460: 3458: 3447: 3440: 3438: 3423: 3416: 3414: 3348: 3345: 3339:, and, though 3337:Diego Gelmirez 3260:) and judges ( 3209: 3208: 3199: 3198: 3194: 3193: 3182: 3181: 2956:Diego Gelmírez 2942:, 13th century 2908: 2907: 2900: 2899: 2891: 2890: 2882: 2881: 2874: 2873: 2866: 2865: 2851: 2848: 2812:Diego Gelmirez 2763: 2760: 2745:Diego Gelmírez 2642: 2639: 2565:was given the 2534: 2524: 2518: 2508: 2502: 2496: 2486: 2304: 2303: 2281: 2280: 2266: 2265: 2263:, V, c. 1050. 2240: 2237: 2236: 2235: 2222: 2215: 2213: 2206: 2199: 2197: 2195:(12th century) 2190: 2183: 2181: 2171: 2164: 2134:Priscillianist 1968:Romanesque art 1777: 1774: 1723:national myths 1712: 1711: 1707:ad Sebastianum 1689: 1688: 1656: 1653: 1513:John of Biclar 1366: 1365: 1351: 1350: 1348:, III. p 116. 1325: 1322: 1318:historiography 1193:Priscillianism 1110: 1107: 931:, between two 920: 917: 909:Main article: 906: 903: 844:. Their king, 805: 804: 802: 801: 794: 787: 779: 776: 775: 774: 773: 764: 754: 753: 752: 751: 746: 741: 736: 731: 726: 721: 716: 711: 706: 698: 697: 689: 688: 682: 681: 674: 668: 665: 636:Audiencia Real 498: 497: 486: 483: 482: 479: 478: 475: 474: 467: 461: 460: 453: 447: 446: 439: 433: 432: 425: 416: 413: 412: 407: 395: 394: 389: 379: 378: 375: 374: 371: 368: 365: 364: 361: 358: 355: 354: 351: 350: 347: 343: 342: 337: 333: 332: 329: 328: 320: 317: 314: 313: 305: 302: 299: 298: 295: 294: 291: 285: 284: 279: 275: 274: 262: 258: 257: 236: 235: 230: 225: 220: 215: 209: 207: 203: 202: 197: 193: 192: 189: 181: 180: 154: 153: 150: 131: 130: 123: 116: 115: 111:Flag (c. 1282) 109: 102: 101: 100: 97: 96: 92: 91: 34: 31: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 10512: 10501: 10498: 10496: 10493: 10491: 10488: 10486: 10483: 10481: 10478: 10476: 10473: 10471: 10468: 10466: 10463: 10461: 10458: 10456: 10453: 10451: 10448: 10446: 10443: 10442: 10440: 10425: 10422: 10421: 10419: 10417: 10413: 10407: 10403: 10400: 10398: 10394: 10391: 10389: 10386: 10384: 10381: 10379: 10376: 10374: 10371: 10369: 10366: 10365: 10363: 10361: 10357: 10353: 10352:John of Gaunt 10349: 10347: 10343: 10337: 10334: 10333: 10331: 10329: 10325: 10319: 10316: 10314: 10311: 10309: 10306: 10304: 10301: 10299: 10296: 10294: 10291: 10289: 10288:Ferdinand III 10286: 10284: 10280: 10277: 10275: 10272: 10270: 10267: 10265: 10262: 10261: 10259: 10257: 10253: 10247: 10244: 10242: 10239: 10237: 10234: 10232: 10229: 10228: 10226: 10224: 10220: 10214: 10211: 10209: 10206: 10204: 10201: 10199: 10196: 10194: 10191: 10190: 10188: 10186: 10182: 10177: 10167: 10164: 10162: 10159: 10157: 10154: 10152: 10149: 10147: 10144: 10142: 10139: 10137: 10134: 10132: 10129: 10127: 10124: 10122: 10119: 10117: 10114: 10112: 10109: 10107: 10104: 10102: 10099: 10097: 10094: 10092: 10089: 10087: 10084: 10082: 10079: 10077: 10074: 10073: 10071: 10069: 10068:Suebian kings 10065: 10061: 10057: 10050: 10045: 10043: 10038: 10036: 10031: 10030: 10027: 10015: 10012: 10010: 10007: 10005: 10002: 10000: 9997: 9995: 9992: 9990: 9987: 9985: 9982: 9980: 9977: 9975: 9972: 9970: 9967: 9965: 9962: 9960: 9957: 9955: 9952: 9950: 9947: 9946: 9943: 9931: 9928: 9926: 9923: 9922: 9921: 9917: 9913: 9910: 9904: 9899: 9896: 9894: 9891: 9889: 9886: 9885: 9884: 9880: 9877: 9875: 9871: 9867: 9864: 9860: 9857: 9856: 9854: 9850: 9846: 9843: 9839: 9836: 9834: 9831: 9830: 9829: 9825: 9822: 9821: 9818: 9814: 9813: 9807: 9803: 9793: 9790: 9788: 9787: 9783: 9781: 9778: 9776: 9775: 9771: 9769: 9766: 9764: 9763: 9759: 9757: 9754: 9752: 9749: 9747: 9744: 9743: 9740: 9735: 9734: 9728: 9724: 9714: 9711: 9709: 9706: 9704: 9701: 9697: 9694: 9693: 9692: 9689: 9685: 9682: 9681: 9680: 9677: 9676: 9673: 9669: 9668: 9662: 9658: 9654: 9647: 9642: 9640: 9635: 9633: 9628: 9627: 9624: 9620: 9617: 9582: 9581:84-670-2257-4 9578: 9574: 9570: 9564: 9563:84-85319-11-7 9560: 9556: 9552: 9549: 9545: 9541: 9540: 9535: 9532:(in Galician) 9529: 9525: 9521: 9517: 9511: 9510:84-920046-8-1 9507: 9503: 9499: 9496: 9495:0-8122-3452-9 9492: 9488: 9487: 9482: 9479: 9475: 9471: 9470: 9465: 9462:(in Galician) 9459: 9458:84-95350-79-3 9455: 9451: 9447: 9441: 9440:84-89915-16-4 9437: 9433: 9430:(in Galician) 9427: 9423: 9420:(in Galician) 9418: 9417:84-7824-333-X 9414: 9410: 9406: 9400: 9396: 9393:(in Galician) 9391: 9387: 9383: 9379: 9376:(in Galician) 9373: 9372:84-89976-60-0 9369: 9365: 9361: 9358:(in Galician) 9356: 9352: 9348: 9344: 9338: 9337:84-7492-917-2 9334: 9330: 9326: 9320: 9319:84-00-07215-4 9316: 9312: 9308: 9305:(in Galician) 9302: 9301:84-7154-303-6 9298: 9294: 9290: 9284: 9283:84-85728-59-9 9280: 9276: 9272: 9269: 9265: 9261: 9260: 9255: 9249: 9248: 9243: 9240: 9238:84-00-07779-2 9234: 9230: 9225: 9219: 9215: 9211: 9207: 9204: 9203:0-86078-136-4 9200: 9196: 9195: 9190: 9184: 9183: 9178: 9175:(in Galician) 9172: 9171:84-7507-313-1 9168: 9164: 9160: 9154: 9153:84-89748-27-6 9150: 9146: 9142: 9139: 9135: 9132: 9131: 9126: 9125: 9113: 9107: 9100: 9099: 9091: 9083: 9077: 9062: 9058: 9052: 9045: 9040: 9033: 9028: 9021: 9017: 9011: 9003: 8997: 8993: 8992: 8984: 8977: 8972: 8965: 8960: 8958: 8950: 8945: 8930: 8923: 8916: 8911: 8902: 8893: 8884: 8875: 8866: 8857: 8848: 8839: 8830: 8821: 8812: 8805: 8801: 8793: 8786: 8785: 8778: 8769: 8762: 8756: 8748: 8742: 8738: 8729: 8720: 8711: 8696: 8689: 8680: 8671: 8662: 8652: 8645: 8640: 8631: 8623: 8617: 8613: 8612: 8604: 8595: 8586: 8576: 8567: 8559: 8553: 8549: 8542: 8533: 8524: 8515: 8506: 8497: 8488: 8479: 8470: 8462: 8460:84-933244-4-2 8456: 8452: 8445: 8436: 8427: 8418: 8409: 8400: 8392: 8386: 8382: 8374: 8365: 8356: 8349: 8343: 8336: 8330: 8321: 8312: 8303: 8296: 8291: 8282: 8273: 8264: 8255: 8253: 8243: 8234: 8227: 8222: 8213: 8204: 8195: 8186: 8177: 8170: 8164: 8155: 8146: 8139: 8133: 8124: 8115: 8106: 8099: 8095: 8089: 8085: 8080: 8079: 8069: 8060: 8051: 8042: 8033: 8024: 8015: 8008: 8002: 7993: 7986: 7980: 7971: 7962: 7953: 7945: 7939: 7932: 7931: 7926: 7920: 7911: 7902: 7893: 7884: 7877: 7871: 7862: 7853: 7846: 7840: 7831: 7823: 7821:84-460-0417-8 7817: 7813: 7806: 7797: 7788: 7779: 7770: 7763: 7759: 7756: 7750: 7731: 7727: 7720: 7713: 7704: 7695: 7686: 7677: 7668: 7659: 7650: 7642: 7636: 7632: 7624: 7615: 7606: 7597: 7578: 7574: 7567: 7559: 7552: 7546: 7538: 7532: 7528: 7520: 7511: 7502: 7495: 7491: 7487: 7483: 7478: 7469: 7460: 7451: 7444: 7438: 7429: 7420: 7411: 7403: 7401:84-460-0417-8 7397: 7393: 7386: 7378: 7369: 7360: 7351: 7342: 7333: 7324: 7317: 7313: 7308: 7299: 7297: 7287: 7279: 7277:84-87667-21-X 7273: 7269: 7263: 7259: 7253: 7246: 7240: 7238:84-460-0417-8 7234: 7230: 7222: 7213: 7204: 7195: 7186: 7177: 7175: 7165: 7158: 7152: 7144: 7142:84-7813-270-8 7138: 7134: 7126: 7119: 7115: 7109: 7100: 7091: 7082: 7073: 7065: 7063:84-89915-16-4 7059: 7055: 7048: 7040: 7038:84-87172-91-1 7034: 7030: 7022: 7014: 7008: 7004: 6997: 6990: 6986: 6982: 6976: 6968: 6966:84-931225-1-3 6962: 6958: 6953: 6948: 6941: 6940: 6933: 6924: 6917: 6916: 6911: 6904: 6895: 6885: 6876: 6869: 6865: 6859: 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Retrieved 6457:the original 6447: 6443: 6435: 6431: 6427: 6407: 6400: 6391: 6382: 6378: 6356: 6351: 6346: 6337: 6333: 6323: 6312: 6301:November 27, 6299:. 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Year 1228. 3509: 3453: 3450:Ferdinand II 3429: 3388: 3361: 3350: 3332: 3326: 3320: 3312: 3306: 3293: 3289: 3286:productivity 3278: 3267: 3257: 3253: 3250:procuradores 3249: 3245: 3241: 3237: 3229: 3227: 3218: 3202: 3185: 3165: 3161: 3115: 3046: 3043:Cartas Póvoa 3042: 3038: 3029: 3026:Ferdinand II 2973: 2945: 2932:Ferdinand II 2916: 2903: 2894: 2885: 2877: 2869: 2859: 2857: 2824: 2799: 2798:altered the 2773: 2753: 2710: 2690:Cape Ortegal 2680:against the 2668:, married a 2662: 2656: 2650: 2635:Diego Peláez 2623: 2603: 2584: 2570: 2552: 2542: 2470: 2458: 2444: 2430: 2413: 2382: 2354: 2329: 2317: 2307: 2298: 2284: 2278:, year 929. 2275: 2269: 2260: 2246: 2223: 2154: 2127: 2098: 2094: 2090: 2067: 2046: 2022: 2018: 2008: 2003: 1995: 1986: 1980: 1960:shipbuilding 1951: 1945: 1926: 1914: 1910: 1906: 1902: 1888: 1883: 1880:Portucalense 1879: 1875: 1863: 1849: 1817: 1810: 1802:Viking ships 1786:Vímara Peres 1765: 1761: 1727: 1715: 1692: 1681: 1630: 1626:Lucas of Tuy 1608:rather than 1595: 1568: 1559: 1541: 1535: 1520: 1506: 1486:aristocratic 1482: 1423: 1400: 1354: 1331: 1315: 1306: 1302: 1298: 1290: 1286: 1278: 1275:vulgar Latin 1272: 1257: 1209: 1182: 1159: 1131: 1071:Minius River 1068: 1056:Theoderic II 1038: 1004: 995: 977: 967: 959: 947: 928: 922: 914: 898: 890: 886: 882: 878: 872: 867: 863: 849: 840:province of 831: 759: 739:Rexurdimento 728: 656: 634: 625:imposed the 612: 531: 519: 517: 507: 392:Succeeded by 391: 386: 218:Vulgar Latin 173: 157: 135:Motto:  134: 125:Coat of arms 25: 10397:Ferdinand V 10303:Prince John 10264:Alfonso VII 10213:Bermudo III 9901: [ 9786:Third Taifa 9762:First Taifa 9611: / 8934:November 9, 8098:germanitas. 6675:Alfonso III 5937:and nearby 5819:(1190), by 5817:Imago Mundi 5796:(1154), by 5760:(1125), by 5635:, Year 1581 5520:Alphonse IX 5357:(1784) and 5098:, count of 4947:Reformation 4762:bourgeoisie 4742:hermandades 4528:A Mariscala 4114:Du Guesclin 4000:mercenaries 3984:fratricidal 3934:Black Death 3738:(Galician: 3668:war of Troy 3662:written by 3660:king Arthur 3512:) (d. 1230) 3456:) (d. 1187) 3434:Alfonso VII 3302:Franciscans 3158:Triacastela 3142:O Valadouro 3095:Extremadura 3071:bourgeoisie 3022:Alfonso VII 2993:archdiocese 2989:Calixtus II 2963:Battler of 2952:Alfonso VII 2934:(left) and 2898:HC, I.107. 2889:HC, I.103. 2780:Alfonso VII 2611:Nuno Mendes 2467:Bermudo III 2449:. When the 2089:. Finally, 2083:infantrymen 2051:Benedictine 1919:subsistence 1892:mandationes 1859:territorios 1821:Iria Flavia 1811:During the 1748:route, the 1527:Recceswinth 1183:Under King 1109:6th century 919:5th century 744:Galicianism 617:(1369) and 487:Previously 465:Couto Misto 387:Preceded by 336:Legislature 233:Old Spanish 165: [ 10439:Categories 10393:Isabella I 10313:Alfonso XI 10274:Alfonso IX 10241:Alfonso VI 10203:Bermudo II 10131:Theodemund 10121:Hermeneric 9736:(711-1492) 9733:Al-Andalus 9596:42°52′57″N 9122:References 9022::258–289). 6385:: 367–375. 6340:: 145–150. 5802:Ard Galika 5573:Holy Grail 5508:Leo Fortis 5493:chivalrous 5467:Alfonso IX 5371:inter alia 5259:federalism 5255:centralism 5030:María Pita 4989:linguistic 4953:, and the 4809:Pontevedra 4688:Modern age 4599:Pontevedra 4564:, XIX.69. 4493:Ponferrada 4477:Irmandiños 4458:status quo 4415:Fusquenlla 4407:irmandades 4398:Soutomaior 4396:Castle of 4386:Irmandiños 4267:Pontedeume 4190:papal bull 4072:Salvaterra 3927:Alfonso XI 3907:status quo 3863:Irmandiños 3794:Pontevedra 3717:Castilians 3619:Love songs 3490:Afonso VII 3380:Berengaria 3230:confrarías 3063:Pontevedra 2960:coronation 2936:Alfonso IX 2800:status quo 2706:King Peter 2682:Almoravids 2672:nobleman, 2670:Burgundian 2659:Alfonso VI 2563:Alfonso VI 2514:Alfonso VI 2423:Ordoño III 2405:Ramiro III 2385:Ordoño III 2376:troops of 2366:Alfonso IV 2272:Don Sancho 2158:patronymic 2114:scancianes 2108:domésticos 2059:chartulary 2047:sub regula 2015:presbyters 2004:infanzones 1941:goldsmiths 1915:freguesias 1911:parroquias 1837:Compostela 1784:Statue of 1770:Al-Andalus 1746:pilgrimage 1667:of bishop 1610:hereditary 1494:collective 1407:Septimania 1384:Septimania 1249:Ostrogoths 1201:bishoprics 1113:See also: 1091:Conimbriga 1079:Marcomanni 1051:foederates 1039:Provincia 596:Compostela 544:Portuguese 278:Government 246:Visigothic 72:Portuguese 10424:Charles I 10378:Henry III 10298:Sancho IV 10293:Alfonso X 10236:Sancho II 10231:García II 10208:Alfonso V 10193:Ordoño II 10146:Theodemar 10116:Remismund 10106:Richimund 9679:Visigoths 9599:8°32′28″W 9066:March 31, 8917::475–476) 8804:LIBRO XIX 6787:, or the 6436:Wamba Lex 5774:Lusitania 5542:phonetics 5533:Armorials 5495:society. 5406:philology 5278:Audiencia 5229:In 1700, 5195:Philip IV 5143:Charles V 5131:oligarchs 5020:in 1588. 5001:Alpujarra 4951:New World 4943:Lutherans 4901:Habsburgs 4897:Philip II 4887:In 1556, 4828:Governor- 4793:Mondoñedo 4698:Charles V 4539:Hermandad 4497:Irmandiño 4484:Irmandade 4473:Irmandade 4364:Irmandiño 4223:Ribadavia 4142:entering 4084:Ribadavia 4080:Redondela 3899:reguengas 3892:alter ego 3796:, Galicia 3778:Castilian 3759:Alfonso X 3752:Sancho IV 3640:Dom Dinis 3492:(d. 1149) 3436:(d. 1128) 3396:Sancho II 3372:Ferdinand 3298:mendicant 3238:regedores 3083:Benavente 3055:Ribadavia 2906:HC I.108 2880:HC, I.90 2872:HC, I.87 2820:Guimarães 2792:Lusitania 2589:from the 2581:García II 2549:Sancho II 2530:Sancho II 2492:Garcia II 2463:Ferdinand 2421:, son of 2416:anointing 2397:Ordoño IV 2370:Ramiro II 2342:Fruela II 2326:Ordoño II 2123:farmhands 2119:shepherds 2087:servitude 2072:were the 2070:bourgeois 2063:chronicle 2055:Augustine 2023:confessos 2011:churchmen 1987:senatores 1962:, to new 1923:olive oil 1833:Mondoñedo 1762:Yillīqiya 1686:, c 798. 1665:sepulcher 1531:Salamanca 1462:Conimbria 1403:Liuvigild 1380:Gallaecia 1287:meixengra 1253:Aquitania 1245:Leovigild 1197:Theodemar 1167:Pannonian 1095:Remismund 1023:Lusitania 1000:Romanized 925:Gallaecia 842:Gallaecia 814:Theodemar 308:Ordoño II 261:Religion 242:Brittonic 10406:Philip I 10388:Henry IV 10368:Henry II 10198:Sancho I 10136:Chararic 10126:Veremund 10076:Hermeric 10056:Monarchs 9134:Archived 8759:Meaning 7758:Archived 6767:Archived 6379:Zephyrus 6162:Archived 5935:Galiicia 5891:Galaecia 5829:Hispania 5778:Wasconia 5770:Hispania 5738:Asturias 5734:Gallecia 5484:heraldic 5424:(1804). 5365:(1775). 5205:In 1686 5100:Gondomar 5065:Flanders 4853:de facto 4841:Napoleon 4785:Betanzos 4781:A Coruña 4775:capital— 4767:fidalgos 4682:de facto 4646:maravedi 4634:Habsburg 4584:Afonso V 4576:Isabella 4488:Betanzos 4454:Henry IV 4435:Betanzos 4352:Henry IV 4295:Andrades 4274:Henry II 4194:Urban IV 4103:A Coruña 3923:reguengo 3866:. There 3614:cantigas 3488:wife of 3353:Medieval 3341:partisan 3333:Historia 3325:and the 3273:vigarios 3268:mordomos 3258:avogados 3254:notarios 3246:justiças 3242:alcaldes 3234:aldermen 3192:, 1201. 3162:reguengo 3122:A Coruña 3118:Betanzos 3010:Portugal 2981:prisoner 2977:infantry 2896:Galicia. 2725:Portugal 2686:Anscarid 2678:Crusades 2619:Santarém 2471:de facto 2459:de facto 2436:Almanzor 2346:Asturian 2338:magnates 2314:García I 2261:Muqtabis 2209:Celanova 2178:Chararic 2095:libertos 1991:palatine 1966:such as 1933:artisans 1898:decanias 1876:infanzon 1841:warlords 1813:Iron Age 1766:Galīsiya 1606:elective 1571:monetary 1552:monastic 1490:peasants 1474:Reccared 1458:Asturica 1446:Britonia 1401:In 585, 1376:Hispania 1357:Reccared 1301:(vine), 1295:titmouse 1291:mejengra 1224:Britonia 1176:and the 1115:Britonia 1103:Arianism 1007:abdicate 1002:people. 996:Gallaeci 992:Hermeric 984:Hermeric 980:Gunderic 937:Hasdingi 875:Gallaeci 856:Honorius 846:Hermeric 826:Escurial 771:Consorts 767:Monarchs 761:Timeline 677:a series 675:Part of 600:Portugal 572:Hermeric 524:Galician 282:Monarchy 270:official 250:Vandalic 95:910–1833 44:Galician 10383:John II 10166:Malaric 10141:Ariamir 10096:Maldras 10086:Rechiar 10081:Rechila 10060:Galicia 8951::46–47) 8700:June 4, 8348:Crónica 8335:Crónica 7739:May 16, 7586:May 16, 7551:Allariz 7262:Tumbo A 6463:May 30, 6155:Idatius 5915:Hispani 5911:Galicia 5863:Galitia 5825:Galicia 5766:Galitia 5619:, 1548. 5569:chalice 5448:Culture 5251:Holland 5003:in the 4909:Bohemia 4861:Ourense 4805:Viveiro 4797:Ourense 4670:Madruga 4623:Madruga 4607:Viveiro 4603:Madruga 4592:Caminha 4505:Madruga 4447:Allariz 4439:Viveiro 4419:Andrade 4348:John II 4314:Ourense 4263:Andrade 4203:Ourense 4021:Gascony 3982:. This 3972:Peter I 3763:alcalde 3748:infante 3400:annuity 3384:Henry I 3376:Alfonso 3171:autarky 3107:Badajoz 3099:Cáceres 3087:Alfonso 3067:Ribadeo 2997:primate 2969:Navarre 2940:Lousame 2735:to the 2729:Coimbra 2721:Theresa 2694:Coimbra 2663:infanta 2651:Tumbo A 2599:Seville 2595:Badajoz 2419:Bermudo 2409:Normans 2334:Coimbra 2301:, 817. 2291:Alfonso 2253:Alfonso 2174:Ourense 2146:tonsure 2079:freemen 2035:poverty 2019:lectors 2000:knights 1806:Catoira 1776:Society 1734:Coimbra 1641:Roderic 1637:Roderic 1602:Wittiza 1591:convent 1588:diocese 1498:freemen 1426:Bracara 1415:Malaric 1279:laverca 1268:Malaric 1236:Coimbra 1232:Astorga 1226:in the 1185:Ariamir 1144:Galicia 1064:Astorga 1031:Rechiar 1019:Seville 1011:Rechila 988:Baetica 964:Astorga 940:Vandals 923:In 409 828:library 818:Ariamir 536:Spanish 346:History 311:(first) 289:Monarch 196:Capital 158:Anthem: 58:Spanish 10404:& 10402:Joanna 10395:& 10373:John I 10281:& 10279:Sancha 10246:Urraca 10161:Audeca 10156:Eboric 10111:Frumar 10101:Framta 10091:Aioulf 9579:  9561:  9546:  9526:  9508:  9493:  9476:  9456:  9438:  9415:  9388:  9370:  9353:  9335:  9317:  9299:  9281:  9266:  9235:  9216:  9201:  9169:  9151:  9108:  8998:  8966::xxix) 8787:p. 31. 8743:  8618:  8554:  8457:  8387:  8090:  7940:  7818:  7637:  7533:  7398:  7274:  7235:  7139:  7060:  7035:  7009:  6987:  6963:  6868:per se 6828:  6656:  6630:  6596:  6522:  6498:  6415:  6272:  6056:  6018:  5993:  5966:  5919:Anglia 5917:, and 5776:, and 5742:Spania 5565:Calice 5561:Galyce 5398:botany 5213:, Don 5186:Zamora 5178:Madrid 5139:Melide 5120:Zamora 4993:Arabic 4919:, the 4917:Sicily 4913:Naples 4843:, the 4799:, and 4758:Cortes 4733:Cortes 4729:Juntas 4572:Joanna 4469:Melide 4429:, and 4423:tronos 4388:troops 4340:Cortes 4335:Cortes 4283:Bierzo 4278:John I 4238:plague 4215:Ferrol 4207:Breton 4182:Poitou 4166:Coruña 4099:Baiona 4088:Padrón 3806:Sancho 3774:Cortes 3653:Rianxo 3631:; and 3357:Iberia 3331:. The 3282:plough 3263:juizes 3219:a Nova 3190:Baiona 3154:Sarria 3150:Melide 3126:Baiona 3103:Mérida 3051:Padrón 3006:Mérida 2965:Aragon 2958:; the 2840:Toroño 2804:relics 2666:Urraca 2631:Urraca 2627:Zamora 2591:Taifas 2586:parias 2577:Toledo 2536:  2528:  2526:  2520:  2512:  2510:  2504:  2498:  2490:  2488:  2457:, but 2455:vassal 2374:Basque 2368:, and 2362:Sancho 2350:Oviedo 2295:Garcia 2287:Sancho 2257:Sancho 2249:Fruela 2247:"When 2193:Pantón 2142:Bierzo 2121:, and 2099:pueros 2097:, and 2091:servos 2043:abbess 2002:) and 1948:Hebrew 1937:masons 1928:Spania 1907:villas 1845:Norman 1792:in 868 1730:Meseta 1709:, 21. 1699:Narcea 1695:Ramiro 1633:Toledo 1618:Toledo 1614:plague 1466:Lameco 1411:Audeca 1382:, and 1342:Audeca 1338:Eboric 1264:Eboric 1260:Audeca 1240:Idanha 1220:Briton 1174:Franks 1087:Lisbon 1060:Órbigo 1046:Avitus 1027:Betica 1015:Mérida 962:) and 950:) and 935:, the 851:foedus 679:on the 568:Suebic 532:Galiza 514:, 1560 349:  326:(last) 293:  254:Suebic 160:  142:  82:  68:  54:  40:  10318:Peter 10283:Dulce 9905:] 9691:Suebi 9102:(PDF) 9046::147) 8086:–59. 7934:(PDF) 7733:(PDF) 7722:(PDF) 7580:(PDF) 7569:(PDF) 6777:, 77. 6037::483) 5946:Notes 5245:(the 5081:junta 4845:Junta 4821:foros 4816:Junta 4731:, or 4721:Junta 4707:Junta 4543:Minho 4431:Muros 3600:, or 3317:Latin 3294:vozes 3290:foros 3166:burgo 3134:Verín 3047:Foros 2844:Limia 2810:, by 2786:—now 2749:Ávila 2737:Tagus 2733:Minho 2713:Henry 2575:from 2572:paria 2554:paria 2440:Viseu 2308:When 2138:Pagan 2136:, or 2103:Moors 2039:abbot 1996:miles 1983:dukes 1903:villa 1872:count 1856:, or 1825:Dumio 1790:Porto 1768:) in 1598:Egica 1564:Dumio 1556:abbot 1517:Wamba 1502:serfs 1470:Viseu 1454:Auria 1450:Lucus 1430:Dumio 1307:groba 1299:lobio 1230:, to 1099:Goths 1075:Quadi 952:Porto 944:Braga 838:Roman 834:Suebi 657:Junta 576:Braga 570:king 552:Latin 530:, or 493:Braga 340:Junta 213:Latin 169:] 146:Latin 86:Latin 10151:Miro 9872:) → 9577:ISBN 9559:ISBN 9544:ISBN 9524:ISBN 9506:ISBN 9491:ISBN 9474:ISBN 9454:ISBN 9436:ISBN 9413:ISBN 9386:ISBN 9368:ISBN 9351:ISBN 9333:ISBN 9315:ISBN 9297:ISBN 9279:ISBN 9264:ISBN 9233:ISBN 9214:ISBN 9199:ISBN 9167:ISBN 9149:ISBN 9106:ISBN 9068:2024 9034::15) 8996:ISBN 8978::48) 8936:2011 8741:ISBN 8702:2011 8656:420. 8616:ISBN 8552:ISBN 8455:ISBN 8385:ISBN 8088:ISBN 7938:ISBN 7816:ISBN 7741:2011 7635:ISBN 7588:2011 7562:Cf. 7531:ISBN 7523:Cf. 7396:ISBN 7272:ISBN 7233:ISBN 7137:ISBN 7058:ISBN 7033:ISBN 7007:ISBN 6985:ISBN 6961:ISBN 6952:Pace 6826:ISBN 6804:The 6654:ISBN 6628:ISBN 6594:ISBN 6520:ISBN 6496:ISBN 6465:2011 6413:ISBN 6303:2005 6270:ISBN 6188:Buri 6054:ISBN 6016:ISBN 5991:ISBN 5964:ISBN 5827:and 5400:and 5392:and 5384:Two 5359:Lugo 5323:The 5054:viz. 4915:and 4857:viz. 4825:King 4814:The 4807:and 4789:Lugo 4754:King 4719:The 4705:The 4632:The 4445:and 4443:Lugo 4427:Noia 4350:and 4276:and 4097:and 3903:i.e. 3841:John 3829:John 3814:John 3596:(or 3547:and 3270:and 3223:Noia 3186:Foro 3156:and 3105:and 3065:and 3059:Noia 2967:and 2842:and 2727:and 2698:fief 2692:and 2605:the 2597:and 2330:i.e. 2322:León 2111:and 2061:and 2053:and 2033:and 1939:and 1913:and 1895:and 1764:and 1754:León 1584:void 1580:Will 1500:and 1442:Iria 1438:Tude 1334:Miro 1316:The 1303:escá 1283:lark 1238:and 1212:Miro 1170:monk 1165:, a 1124:Miro 1089:and 1077:and 1025:and 1017:and 956:Lugo 816:(or 518:The 491:and 489:Lugo 373:1833 252:and 10058:of 7116:, ( 6338:III 6288:Cf 5905:In 5857:In 5815:In 5792:In 5756:In 4801:Tui 4611:Tui 4550:by 4192:of 4095:Tui 3045:or 2946:At 2790:of 2593:of 2320:or 2117:), 2041:or 1831:in 1622:Tui 1543:dux 1297:), 1289:or 1285:), 363:910 10441:: 9918:→ 9914:→ 9903:eu 9881:→ 9855:) 9847:→ 9826:→ 9583:. 9565:. 9530:. 9512:. 9460:. 9442:. 9401:. 9374:. 9339:. 9321:. 9303:. 9285:. 9262:. 9220:. 9173:. 9155:. 9059:. 8956:^ 8802:, 8251:^ 8096:. 8084:55 7724:. 7571:. 7295:^ 7173:^ 6783:, 6756:; 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Kingdom of Galicia (disambiguation)
Flag of Galiza
Flag (c. 1282)
Coat of arms of Galiza
Coat of arms
Marcha do Antigo Reino de Galiza
Map of the Kingdom of Galicia
Santiago de Compostela
Vulgar Latin
Old Spanish
Roman Catholicism
Ordoño II
Ferdinand VII

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.