
Randall Davidson

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1580:(TUC) in an attempt to force the government to do something to prevent wage cuts and ameliorate worsening conditions for British coal miners. Some 2.5 million workers struck from 3 to 12 May, paralysing transport and industry. Davidson sought to play a conciliatory role; the historian G. I. T. Machin calls his intervention "probably the most celebrated actions of his twenty-five years as Archbishop of Canterbury". Davidson first spoke about the strike on 5 May, addressing the Lords. He expressed disapproval of the strike but called on the Government to act to end the industrial bitterness. Two days later he convened an interdenominational group of church leaders and they drew up an appeal for a negotiated settlement. They called for the resumption of talks in a spirit of cooperation, with three tenets: the TUC should call off the general strike, the government should agree to subsidise the coal industry for a short time, and the mine owners should withdraw the disputed wage terms. Davidson wished to make the appeal known to the whole country by making a radio broadcast, but 1269:, to enshrine the supremacy of the Commons in British law, and King George followed his father in agreeing to create hundreds of Liberal peers, should it become necessary to ensure the bill was passed. Davidson, having unsuccessfully striven to bring the party leaders to compromise, voted for the bill. The votes of the Lords Spiritual were crucial in its passage through the Lords, where the majority was only 17. The two archbishops and eleven bishops voted with the government; two bishops voted against. There were strident protests that the bishops were harming the church by taking sides, but Davidson had come to regard this as a matter on which the church must take a stand. He believed that were the bill not passed, the creation of what he called "a swamping majority" of peers would make Parliament and Britain a worldwide laughing-stock, and would have grave constitutional implications for church and state. His speech in the Lords was credited with tipping the balance. 1223: 814:, in March 1884. That, and other private tribulations, led her to turn to Davidson for religious consolation and thus, in Bell's words, "to give him more and more of her confidence in a quite exceptional way". The Queen consulted Davidson about all important ecclesiastical appointments from 1883 to 1901. In other matters his advice was not always to her taste, and tact was needed to persuade her to change her mind. He wrote in his diary, "There is a good deal more difficulty in dealing with a spoilt child of sixty or seventy than with a spoilt child of six or seven", but he later said, "my belief is that she liked and trusted best those who occasionally incurred her wrath, provided that she had reason to think their motives good". His biographers cite his tactful but resolute counsel that Victoria would be imprudent to publish another volume of her 64: 713:, the Archbishop's home and headquarters, beginning what Bell describes as "an association with the central life of the Church of England which lasted more than fifty years". Craufurd Tait died after a brief illness in May 1878; his mother never recovered from this blow and died within the year. Despite the Archbishop's offers of several attractive parishes over the following years, Davidson felt his place was at the side of the bereaved Tait, who came more and more to rely on him, and called him a "true son". Bell sees this as altruism on Davidson's part; later biographers have suggested that there may also have been an element of personal ambition in his decision to remain at the centre of church affairs. 549: 1636: – had "immense and perhaps excessive faith in a new Prayer-book as a means of composing differences and restoring discipline within the Church". He also considered that a modern Prayer-book would enrich Anglican services and make them relevant to 20th-century needs unforeseen when Cranmer and his colleagues wrote the original version in the 16th century. Work had been going on under his supervision since 1906, and in 1927 a version was finally ready. The Church Assembly approved it, and it was put to Parliament for authorisation. The House of Lords agreed it by an unexpectedly large majority of 241 votes. The measure then went before the House of Commons, where it was introduced by 802: 1359: 1147: 724: 1610: 1696: 4916: 281: 1523: 886: 6331: 675: 1166:, and from 1906 to 1908 Davidson strove to bring the two sides to compromise. His failure to secure agreement and achieve a cohesive primary education system was one of the major regrets of his life. In 1907 Davidson disappointed some Liberals by not explicitly backing state old-age pensions, but he declined to do so merely in the abstract, insisting on detailed proposals before expressing support. He was much more forthcoming on atrocities by the 7872: 359: 7884: 7896: 1254:, the King's private secretary, and an influential politician and courtier. Balfour said that if invited by the King, he would consider forming a minority Conservative government, so that the question of creating new Liberal peers would not arise; he subsequently decided that he would not be justified in doing so. A week after this meeting Edward VII died, and was succeeded by 1450:
Archbishop might weaken, Davidson stood by him, and the two agreed that Henson would issue a statement of faith to silence the critics. Davidson then stated publicly that no fair-minded man could read Henson's sermons without feeling that they had in him a brilliant and powerful teacher of the Christian faith. Gore and his followers were obliged to call off their protests.
948: 7860: 1158:; he was the first Archbishop of Canterbury to visit the US. He met many church leaders in the US and Canada, and established closer links between the Anglican churches of England and North America. This accomplishment abroad was followed by a setback at home: Davidson's unsuccessful attempt to bring political leaders to agree about national education policy. The 989:. The Queen vetoed a proposed offer of the vacant bishopric of London to Davidson, on the grounds that his health would not stand it. Temple, unlike his two predecessors, did not turn to Davidson for advice; he had a reputation for isolating himself from all the bishops and their views. Davidson greatly regretted his sudden exclusion from national church affairs. 1191:; the questions of marriage and divorce; organisation of the Anglican Church; and reunion with other churches. Public interest focused on the bishops' desire for Christian unity. The resolutions showed a will for reunion, but a caution in taking any step towards the nonconformists that might destroy the possibility of ultimate reunion with the Roman Catholic or 1350:, the most vociferous of the Anglo-Catholic bishops. Davidson's private view was that the attending bishops had been "rash" but the denunciations by Weston and Gore "preposterous" and "absurdly vituperative". The issue was debated in the press for several weeks but Davidson's inclusive and pragmatic views prevailed, and the controversy dwindled away. 1040:, it was offered to Davidson, who refused it on firm medical advice. He spoke frequently in the House of Lords, particularly on such topics as education, child protection, alcohol licensing, and working hours in shops. He involved himself when he could in national church policy. His grasp of the issues impressed the Prime Minister, 1242:, secured the King's reluctant agreement to create as many new peerages for government supporters as was necessary to secure a majority in the Lords. At the end of April 1911 Davidson convened a private meeting at Lambeth Palace to try to resolve the constitutional impasse; the other three attending were Balfour, 609:
In the summer holidays of 1866, before his final year at Harrow, Davidson suffered an accident that affected the rest of his life. While rabbit-shooting along with his brother and a friend, Davidson was accidentally shot in the lower back. The wound was severe and could have been fatal, but he slowly
His own personal hold on the affection of Church people grew steadily. ... In his general policy he pursued a middle course; and he was often criticized for not giving a clear enough lead, and for being too ready to wait on circumstances. His capacities were essentially those of a chairman, and
Throughout the war, Davidson distanced himself from pacifism. For him, Christian idealism must be accompanied by political realism. He maintained that alongside prayer and witness, Christians had a "duty to think", and that peace would come "when we have given our mind – yes, mind as well as heart –
It is a fundamental principle that the Church – that is, the Bishops together with the Clergy and the Laity – must in the last resort, when its mind has been fully ascertained, retain its inalienable right, in loyalty to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to formulate its Faith in Him and
The initiative was only partly successful – though the strike was called off, the miners' grievances were not remedied – but the joint action by Davidson and the other religious leaders was a further step in the direction of unity. One of the nonconformist clerics told Davidson, "For the first time
When a group of theologians in Germany published a manifesto seeking to justify the actions of the German government, Davidson was ready to respond. At the government's request he took the lead in collaborating with a large number of other religious leaders, including some with whom he had differed
of bishops from the world-wide Anglican communion; 241 bishops were present. The chief subjects of discussion were: the relations of faith and modern thought; the supply and training of the clergy; education; foreign missions; revision and "enrichment" of the Prayer-book; the relation of the church
529:. The family was, nonetheless, in Davidson's words, "very undenominational ... I have no recollection of receiving any teaching upon Churchmanship, either Episcopal or Presbyterian, the religion taught us being wholly of the personal sort but beautiful in its simplicity." Davidson's biographer 2211:
He wrote, "the principles of morality forbid a policy of reprisal which has, as a deliberate object, the killing or wounding of non-combatants ... the adoption of such a mode of retaliation, even for barbarous outrages, would permanently lower the standard of honourable conduct between nation
Davidson's achievement was to maintain the comprehensiveness of the Church of England and to ensure liberty of thought. He maintained a Christian vision in British society at a time when international and class conflict could have obliterated institutional religion. Davidson's great skill was as a
whose public profiles were considerably higher. Hastings calls him "perhaps the most influential of churchmen", because he was "a man of remarkable balance of judgment, intellectual humility, sense of responsibility and capacity for work ... His great sense of public moral responsibility gave
Davidson commented to a friend in 1928, "If I was describing myself I should say I was a funny old fellow of quite mediocre, second-rate gifts and a certain amount of common sense – but that I had tried to do my best; I have tried – and I have tried to stick to my duty; but that is really all
1535:– the four fundamentals of the Anglican Communion's doctrine. From this starting-point they developed the major initiative of the conference, the "Appeal to all Christian People", which set out the basis on which Anglican churches would seek to move towards union with churches of other traditions. 2069:
This possibility had been a matter of controversy for decades. Marriage with a deceased wife's sister had been added to the church's list of prohibited marriages in 1835. Gladstone had been among the prominent Liberals allied with the Marriage Law Reform Association seeking the overturning of the
quotes the view that "church disestablishment was to Wales what home rule was to the Irish". There had been pressure since the 1880s for disestablishment, and bills to bring it about had been unsuccessfully put to Parliament in 1894, 1895, 1911 and 1912. Davidson was against disestablishment, but
to enquire into and propose remedies for the prevalent disorders in the church. It concluded that the church needed more control over its own affairs, but that the laws governing its practices must be enforced. Davidson was neither a diehard conservative nor an adventurous reformer, but steered a
Over the next four years Davidson played an increasingly influential role at Lambeth Palace. He grew to know Tait's mind thoroughly, and the Archbishop placed complete confidence in his son-in-law, delegating more and more to him. Davidson took the lead on Tait's behalf in the controversy in 1881
I got about at first on crutches, which I had to use for a long time, and it was supposed that my leg would always be more or less helpless; but by degrees this went away, and I got back full power, save for a permanently weak ankle, which seems a strange effect to follow from a wound in the hip.
set up by Westcott and others in 1889 to bring the tenets of Christianity to national economic and social affairs. He focused on the role of the church: Christian charity, he believed, required it to do everything possible to help relieve the poor. He rejected the idea that "in any department of
As the years pass by one has less and less desire to quarrel with the judgement that Davidson was one of the two or three greatest of all the Archbishops of Canterbury. If towards the end of his years the firmness of his grasp faltered a little, as it seemed to do over the matter of the Revised
When Temple was appointed in 1896 there had been three candidates under consideration for the Archbishopric; in 1902 Davidson was the only one. It was a generally popular choice, except among the more militant Anglo-Catholics. He was enthroned at Canterbury on 12 February 1903. From the outset,
Throughout the war Davidson criticised the use of what he considered immoral methods of warfare by the British side. Most of his objections were made privately to political leaders, but some were public, and he was bitterly attacked for them. Mews records "hate mail flood into Lambeth Palace".
and the efficacy of praying for souls in it. Davidson saw Dolling and tried to reach a compromise that would bring the latter's practices within Anglican rules. Dolling refused to compromise and resigned, leaving the diocese. His supporters were critical of Davidson; Mews cites a high-church
and attempted to thwart the Prime Minister's nomination of Henson for a bishopric. Opinion among the laity and most of the clergy was against Gore. Davidson, who hated unnecessary conflict, was distressed by the controversy, and even considered resigning. But, despite Henson's fear that the
666:, with a view to ordination. Davidson's health was still precarious, and after three months he was obliged to abandon his studies. After further rest and another leisurely holiday, this time in the Middle East, he resumed his studies in October 1873 and completed them the following March. 1017:
journalist who concluded that the episode left its mark on Davidson "in forming his determination not to be the archbishop who drove the high-church party out of the Church of England". Though traditionally Protestant in his rejection of some aspects of Roman Catholic doctrine such as
771:, but after Tait's death in December 1882 Davidson ensured that the Archbishop's views became known to the Queen. Within days she sent for Davidson and was impressed: she wrote in her diary that she was "much struck ... Mr. Davidson is a man who may be of great use to me". In the 919:
immediately after his consecration, he remained in close touch with Queen Victoria. He continued to be Benson's close and loyal ally in the work of the church, particularly during 1894–95 when Halifax and other high churchmen attempted to draw the Archbishop into negotiation with
had to be postponed until October, when he was able to resume his work. During a miners' strike in 1893 he was prominent in pleading for a decent standard of living as an essential condition for the settlement of labour disputes. His politics were not radical; he did not join the
There were also other troubles inaugurated, which have never passed away, though I have been able to ignore them more or less. Had anyone prophesied in those autumn months that I should a couple of years later be winning a cup at racquets at Oxford, it would have been ludicrous.
Stuart Mews comments that at the age of 34 Davidson quickly became the trusted confidant of the 63-year-old queen. When Benson was chosen to succeed Tait, Victoria asked Davidson's views on who should be the next Bishop of Truro; she also consulted him about a successor to the
to make it comprehensible to 20th century congregations, and he aimed to accommodate all the clergy of the Church of England within Anglican doctrine, bringing the few high-church extremists back into obedience to church rules. With his cautious support, Balfour set up a
939:. He relished the ability to contribute to debates, but he had suffered three more spells of illness during his four years in south London, and it became plain that his health was too poor for him to continue in the exceptionally demanding post of Bishop of Rochester. 1648:
practices. Davidson privately wrote of Bridgeman's speech, "He absolutely muffed it. It was a poor speech with no knowledge and no fire"; Bell calls Joynson-Hicks's speech "flashy" but "abundantly successful". The Commons rejected the bill by 238 votes to 205. The MP
reads "The Romish Doctrine concerning Purgatory, Pardons, Worshipping and Adoration, as well of Images as of Relics, and also Invocation of Saints, is a fond thing, vainly invented, and grounded upon no warranty of Scripture, but rather repugnant to the Word of
1044:, who recorded that "the Bishop has the art of stating with great clearness and sympathy the gist of opinions from which he differs" and said that he understood the position of Halifax and the Anglo-Catholic lobby better after discussing it with Davidson. 1382:
in which it was Britain's duty to fight because of "the paramount obligation of fidelity to plighted word and the duty of defending weaker nations against violence". He was reconciled to allowing clergy to serve as non-combatants, but not as combatants.
there is about it." Historians have rated him more highly, although in a 2017 study, Michael Hughes comments that Davidson has "largely slipped from public memory, and perhaps even from that of the Church", his reputation eclipsed by successors such as
606:. Davidson was inspired by Butler's sermons and by Westcott's wide-ranging instruction on topics from architecture and poetry to philosophy and history. Davidson and Westcott became lifelong friends, and each came to turn to the other for advice. 1661:
Few people, whether they desired a revised Prayer-book or not, failed to sympathize with the Archbishop in his personal disappointment, or to regret that the 25 years of his Primacy should not have ended with what must have seemed its crowning
Davidson warned Halifax that a mere recognition of Anglican orders by the papacy would do nothing to overcome the deeper divisions between Rome and Canterbury. Halifax's intervention had the reverse effect from the one he intended: Pope
720:, Davidson's friend and eventual successor at Canterbury, described the marriage as a "perfect union of mind and spirit". Edith Davidson became known as a gracious hostess and a supportive wife. There were no children of the marriage. 1800:
observes that Davidson "did not attempt to resolve differences of outlook and doctrine at an intellectual level. The Church of England had always contained many mansions and it was his task to prevent the sinking of this particular
1509:. Unlike England, Wales had long been mainly nonconformist; the Anglican church there was widely seen as that of the ruling elite, and its legal status as the official church of the principality was strongly resented. The historian 2045:
Temple incorrectly suspected Davidson of seeking the appointment to the see of Canterbury for himself. Temple had earlier said of Davidson, "My only doubt is whether so much political sagacity is altogether compatible with perfect
651:(classics and philosophy), but as a result of his injuries he had, he later said, "intense difficulty in concentrating thought on books" and opted for the less demanding subjects of law and history. He graduated with a third class 1683:, his successor-but-one at Canterbury, wrote that "some sort of disestablishment is (I suppose) the necessary result"; Henson, previously a strong supporter of establishment, now began to campaign against it. The historian 1820:
a chairman of extraordinary fairness. He was a most able administrator, while at the same time a man of great simplicity of character, and this won him the friendship and trust of men of widely different points of view.
Bell's conclusion is that Davidson "immensely increased the influence of the Anglican communion in Christendom, and he saw the Church of England taking far more of a world view than it had taken previously". Bell adds:
Although Davidson gradually made an unexpectedly good recovery, the accident marred his last year at Harrow, where he had hoped to compete for several senior prizes; it also ruined his chances of an Oxford scholarship.
1276:. The service largely followed the form he had arranged for the 1902 service, except for a revised coronation oath, less offensive to the King's Roman Catholic subjects, and Davidson's crowning of both King George and 809:
At Windsor, Davidson served as Dean – and also as the Queen's private chaplain – for six years. She became increasingly attached to him; they developed closer personal relations after the death of her youngest son,
1219:, abstained. Partisans, both conservative and radical, criticised Davidson for his abstention, but he felt that being identified with one side or the other in party politics would bring the church into disrepute. 1530:
At Davidson's instigation the sixth Lambeth Conference was held as soon as practicable after the end of the war. It met at Lambeth Palace in July and August 1920; 252 bishops attended. The bishops reaffirmed the
in the past, to write a rebuttal of the Germans' contentions but unlike some of his colleagues in the church, Davidson, in Bell's words, "felt the horror of war too keenly to indulge in anti-German rhetoric". As
1710:. He was the first holder of the post to retire, and to deal with this unprecedented event the King appointed a four-man commission to accept Davidson's formal resignation. On his retirement he was created 1476:
Up to this point the Church of England had little power to make its own rules. As the established church it was subject to parliamentary control, and had no independent authority to initiate legislation.
The original 1549 version edited by Cranmer had been lightly revised several times in the 16th and 17th centuries; the one in use in Davidson's time, largely based on the original Tudor text, dated from
in my life it has been possible to feel that the Christian forces in this country were united and courageous, and for that we have to thank your leadership. A new sense of unity has been given to us."
As well as advising the Queen, Davidson remained a key adviser to the Archbishop of Canterbury. Benson wrote to him nearly every day, and particularly depended on him in 1888–1890 during the trial of
in Kent. He was ordained priest the following year. During his two and a half years at Dartford, Davidson served under two vicars; the first was a moderate high churchman and the second a moderate
1896:(Lord Birkenhead) wrote in 1924, "The smiles of Archbishops are very pleasant to young curates. The secretary soon became familiar with every fold of that mantle which he now so decently becomes". 465:
Davidson was conciliatory by nature, and spent much time throughout his term of office striving to keep the church together in the face of deep and sometimes acrimonious divisions between
By 1890 it was clear that despite the Queen's reluctance to lose him from Windsor, Davidson's promotion to a bishopric was overdue. He was offered the choice between two vacant dioceses:
middle course. On the government's wish to reform the marriage laws to allow a widower to marry his late wife's sister he opposed reform (unsuccessfully); on the interpretation of the
and nation". He said in the House of Lords that Christianity required Britain to fight in a way that "in the coming years, whatever record leaps to light, we shall never be ashamed".
One of Davidson's closest friends from his Oxford days was Craufurd Tait, son of Archibald Campbell Tait. Like Davidson, Craufurd was preparing for ordination; his father was by now
Though cautious about bringing the church into domestic party politics, Davidson did not shy away from larger political issues: he played a key role in the passage of the reforming
After leaving Oxford, Davidson rejoined his family in Scotland and then went with his parents on a six-week tour of Italy. On his return he began a course of study in London with
to succeed Benson; Queen Victoria would have preferred Davidson; and Salisbury's conclusive recommendation was for Temple. Creighton was then invited to succeed Temple at London.
put it, "He was never betrayed into the wild denunciations and hysterical approval of war to which some ecclesiastics gave utterance". He donated to a fund to help Germans and
communion service together with their nonconformist colleagues. For this, and their agreement to cooperate with other churches in their missionary work, they were denounced by
3915: 3509: 2853: 2387: 3545: 1730:
offered interment in Westminster Abbey, but Davidson had made it known that he hoped to be buried at Canterbury, and his wishes were followed. He was buried on 30 May in the
of Christ by one faction or another. He was, on the whole, remarkably successful in a sober, uninspiring way". In a 1966 study of the Church of England, Roger Lloyd writes:
2782: 1679:
This statement had the unanimous approval of the bishops. Some of Davidson's colleagues felt that Parliament's rejection of the Prayer-book would have grave consequences.
calls it "probably the most significant single piece of legislation passed by Parliament for the Church of England in the twentieth century", and summarises its effects:
7998: 1624:
The historian Matthew Grimley describes the prayer-book controversy of 1927–28 as "the last great parliamentary battle over Church and state". Davidson – like his
5145: 1851:
He was nevertheless left with lifelong after-effects. Some of the shot remained in his body and caused recurring abdominal illness; damage to the hip caused frequent
7988: 5120: 498:. He was a consistent advocate of Christian unity, and worked, often closely, with other religious leaders throughout his primacy. On his retirement he was made a 2093:
The question was how literally Christians should take the clauses of the creed that threatened damnation to those who do not keep the faith "whole and undefiled".
5130: 533:
writes that the Davidsons were deeply religious without being solemn, and that it was a happy household. Davidson was educated by his mother and a succession of
2987: 7973: 1538:
Other resolutions of the conference welcomed the League of Nations "as an expression of Christianity in politics", affirmed the eligibility of women for the
882:, that from his years at Lambeth he knew the area and its clergy so well that he was certain he could do more there than in Worcester, which he hardly knew. 1162:
had opposed the passage of the 1902 Education Act, and once in office in 1906 they reopened the issue. Their attempts at further reform were opposed by the
7948: 1706:
In June 1928 Davidson announced his retirement, to take effect on 12 November. He had served as Archbishop of Canterbury for longer than anyone since the
6824: 1829:
chairman, where he usually managed to secure unanimity ... For nearly fifty years he exercised more influence in Anglican affairs than anyone else.
blocked by the Conservative majority in the House of Lords; a few bishops voted for or against the government's bill, but Davidson, like most of the 26
Davidson's strongly held view – expressed with the utmost tact – was that the lower classes made mock of the Queen for her accounts of her holidays at
1497:. It provided some legislative autonomy for the Church, thus drawing the sting of anti-establishmentarian criticism, and instituted at local level the 1445:
In the last year of the war Davidson had to deal with further agitation from the high-church faction. Gore took exception to the liberal theology of
The votes or abstentions of the Lords Spiritual had no practical effect on the outcome: the Lords rejected the government's bill by 350 votes to 75.
5170: 2081: 879: 1127:
Davidson's constant concern was for what he called "the great central party in the English Church". He was a prime mover in efforts to update the
7928: 6135: 5115: 5110: 376: 42: 1346:. Weston, described by Mews as a "champion of Anglo-Catholic hardliners", sought their trial for heresy. He was backed by the Bishop of Oxford, 7566: 5475: 1755: 5326: 1430:
While the war was going on, civil strife in Ireland was another matter of concern to Davidson. He spoke against the death sentence passed on
1262: 1032:
Davidson was at the bedside of the dying Queen Victoria, and played a major role in the arrangements for her funeral in early 1901. When the
Prayer Book, he had nevertheless raised his high office to a pinnacle of eminence and a height of authority which it had never before known.
7993: 1478: 1467: 1047:
Balfour continued to seek Davidson's advice. The government sought to reform primary education, and Davidson's input to the framing of the
1542:, and declared marriage an indissoluble and life-long union, with no acceptable ground for divorce except adultery. The bishops denounced 631:, in October 1867. The college was undistinguished at the time, and Davidson found the Trinity faculty disappointingly mediocre. Although 5140: 1909:
suggests that Davidson's influence may have been at least as important as Gladstone's in the choice of Benson. Later biographers such as
4921: 3259: 3046: 7938: 7933: 5087: 8008: 7423: 1637: 1251: 3939: 3907: 3832: 3501: 2845: 2379: 1378:
was a severe shock to Davidson, who had held that war between Britain and Germany was inconceivable. But he was clear that it was a
controversies were rife in Oxford, he was not greatly interested in them, being, as always, more concerned with religious than with
7963: 3538: 2202:, of Durham, privately described Weston and Gore as "fanatical in temper, bigoted in their beliefs, and reckless in their methods". 1000:, a fervent Anglo-Catholic priest, who liked to be called "Father Dolling". Davidson discovered that Dolling had installed a third 6817: 4540: 1154:
In August 1904 Davidson, accompanied by his wife, sailed to the United States to attend the triennial convention of the American
and Lambeth Palace. Four months after crowning the King, Archbishop Temple died and Balfour nominated Davidson as his successor.
773: 7016: 2774: 1979:
formally made the Vatican's position explicit, declaring Anglican orders null and void in the eyes of the Roman Catholic Church.
7313: 1064: 6357: 915:
social life ... we can safely brush aside even for an hour the consideration of what Christ would have us do". Appointed
On 12 November 1878 Davidson married Edith Murdoch Tait (1858–1936), the nineteen-year-old second daughter of the Archbishop.
and private secretary, wished to move on and the Archbishop chose Davidson to succeed him. In May 1877 Davidson began work at
545:. The teaching there was inadequate; in particular, Davidson regretted all his life his lack of grounding in Latin and Greek. 7438: 5351: 5175: 4874: 4805: 4761: 4742: 4720: 4698: 4672: 4653: 4615: 4596: 4556: 4530: 4508: 4469: 4447: 4428: 4344: 4325: 4303: 4281: 4245: 4223: 4136: 4033: 1604: 1243: 977:, where the workload was less onerous. He renewed his regular contact with the Queen, who spent much time in the diocese, at 1881: 1412: 1018: 6365: 8018: 6128: 6037: 5799: 4771: 1121: 878:, and was the third-largest in England. Davidson chose it in preference to Worcester, explaining to the Prime Minister, 63: 7943: 7705: 7559: 6810: 6771: 6683: 6663: 5935: 5468: 5346: 2149:
The existing text, dating from the 17th century, referred to some teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, particularly
A second attempt the following year was voted down in the Commons on 14 June 1928. After that defeat Davidson told the
1571: 1247: 1167: 838: 733: 495: 3291:"The Passing of the Veto Bill without a Creation of New Peers: The Separation of the Contents and the Not-Contents", 831:, on a charge of unlawful ritualistic practices. Davidson helped to influence church and public opinion by writing in 280: 7700: 7011: 6842: 6012: 5586: 5341: 4911: 1687:
writes that "by adroitness of manoeuvre and delay" Davidson led his fellow bishops away from such a drastic outcome.
1339: 2983: 935:
In 1895, towards the end of his time in the diocese, Davidson's seniority as a bishop entitled him to a seat in the
793:, died suddenly after only a few months in office. On Benson's advice, the Queen appointed Davidson to the vacancy. 5930: 5637: 5563: 5321: 1155: 5624: 789:
Davidson remained at Lambeth Palace as chaplain and secretary to Benson, but in May 1883 the new Dean of Windsor,
5629: 5599: 1715: 1408: 1285: 1273: 897:
on 25 April 1891 Benson consecrated Davidson as a bishop. Eleven days later Davidson fell dangerously ill from a
824: 3783:
Private Papers of Randall Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury 1903–28, vol. xvi, Diaries and Memoranda, 1927–1930
Davidson was born in Edinburgh on 7 April 1848, the eldest of the four children of Henry Davidson, a prosperous
473:. Under his leadership the church gained some independence from state control, but his efforts to modernise the 8013: 7958: 7629: 6121: 5604: 5594: 5080: 2171: 961: 583: 383: 46: 7968: 7953: 7639: 7552: 5709: 5691: 5503: 5461: 5037: 2175: 1775: 1222: 1052: 863: 582:
prevented him from being confirmed along with the other boys at Harrow, and he was confirmed in June 1865 at
during the war. I don't know who studies them except the German Admiralty and the Archbishop of Canterbury".
Among Davidson's concerns was the question of legislation affecting the church, particularly with regard to
7983: 5704: 5683: 5645: 5538: 5518: 1614: 1493:
It led to the full integration of lay representatives with the two houses of clergy and bishops into a new
970: 816: 318: 296: 7296: 6981: 5749: 3293: 2262: 2226: 1961:
at both absolution and blessing. The charges were mostly dismissed, although King was bidden to refrain,
1581: 1424: 1343: 1208: 911: 6202: 4795: 702:. Bell writes that the young curate learnt a good deal from each, "both in pastoral work and in piety". 7850: 7166: 5160: 4708: 2163: 6309: 4907: 2153:, as "superstitious and idolatrous". Davidson successfully proposed omitting this section of the oath. 1051:
of 1902 was greatly valued by Balfour, as was his advice on how to defend the bill against vociferous
7978: 7827: 6432: 6087: 5432: 5336: 5286: 5226: 5125: 5073: 4313: 4291: 2182:). They held office from November 1911 to the end of January 1912, when the King returned from India. 1404: 487: 2221:
With regard to Davidson's protests about the government's deceit of the public over British losses,
2080:: "that annual blister, marriage with deceased wife's sister". The ban was overturned by Parliament 7837: 7822: 7731: 6833: 6604: 6304: 6097: 5890: 5382: 5271: 5019: 3253: 2299: 2112: 1498: 1071:
was ill, and Davidson was called on to arrange the order of service and to act as the link between
1068: 1060: 1022: 683: 659: 392: 55: 7006: 6951: 6373: 6317: 1514:
Parliament finally voted for it in 1914 and after considerable delay it came into effect in 1922.
8003: 7756: 7746: 7710: 7685: 7488: 7463: 7376: 6884: 6859: 6761: 6711: 6706: 6673: 6641: 6619: 6283: 6217: 6197: 6102: 5982: 5967: 5744: 5724: 5306: 5276: 5150: 5135: 4377: 1788: 1680: 1547: 1454:
to these new and brave resolves". With this conviction in mind, he was a strong supporter of the
1358: 1192: 1163: 846: 811: 768: 699: 628: 591: 466: 439: 411: 2020:. The last had been consecrated bishop alongside Davidson in 1891, and distinguished himself as 1958: 1171: 7797: 7787: 7777: 7736: 7654: 7443: 7301: 7286: 6916: 6879: 6864: 6741: 6653: 6599: 6222: 6192: 6062: 5849: 5819: 5442: 5412: 5392: 5356: 5256: 5196: 4983: 4939: 4518: 4381: 4034:"Davidson of Lambeth, 1st Baron, (Most Rev. Randall Thomas Davidson) (7 April 1848–25 May 1930) 2021: 1949:
by what low-church critics felt were unacceptably high-church practices, including celebrating
1506: 1105: 790: 87: 4191: 4172: 4127:
Barber, Melanie (1999). "Randall Davidson: A Partial Retrospective". In Stephen Taylor (ed.).
1326:, attended an interdenominational missionary conference at the Church of Scotland's parish in 594:, a longstanding friend of Henry Davidson. The greatest influences on Davidson at Harrow were 7802: 7715: 7675: 7364: 7148: 7098: 6589: 6352: 6240: 6047: 5910: 5839: 5809: 5734: 5553: 5437: 5427: 5402: 5377: 5372: 5246: 5201: 3043:"Articles agreed upon by the Archbishops and Bishops of both Provinces, and the whole Clergy" 3042: 2137: 1945: 1763: 1759: 1751: 1727: 1641: 1577: 1532: 1471: 1129: 974: 921: 475: 97: 7026: 7001: 2266: 690:
in the Archbishop's diocese. They were ordained in March 1874, and Davidson was assigned as
7923: 7918: 7751: 7741: 7433: 7413: 7110: 7055: 6776: 6609: 6594: 6398: 6187: 6144: 6077: 6067: 5960: 5834: 5754: 5719: 5668: 5543: 5291: 5251: 4992: 4168: 2380:"Davidson, Randall Thomas, Baron Davidson of Lambeth (1848–1930), archbishop of Canterbury" 2120: 2056: 1931: 1910: 1767: 1700: 1653:
described Davidson as "a tragically pathetic figure as he left ... after the result".
1559: 1416: 1319: 1289: 1281: 1120:, "a fellow Scotsman who made Lambeth his London home and became almost indispensable" and 952: 871: 867: 748: 663: 599: 595: 556: 552: 530: 462:
as Archbishop of Canterbury, and remained in office until his retirement in November 1928.
455: 168: 30: 1234:: all but two of the bishops follow Davidson into the pro-government voting lobby (top l.) 723: 8: 7876: 7614: 7575: 7468: 7129: 7042: 6781: 6736: 6584: 6032: 5955: 5484: 5216: 5180: 4973: 4956: 2124: 1957:
rather than facing the congregation, having lighted candles on the altar, and making the
1771: 1747: 1707: 1558:
were stated to involve grave error, but were given credit for showing a reaction against
1482: 1331: 1311: 1266: 1227: 1109: 1093: 916: 906: 801: 760: 624: 526: 483: 451: 396: 364: 162: 156: 6288: 4915: 4150: 3940:"Walden, Roger (d. 1406), administrator, archbishop of Canterbury, and bishop of London" 993: 548: 7864: 7251: 7229: 7172: 7161: 7065: 7060: 6896: 6791: 6716: 6523: 6469: 6445: 5789: 5774: 5673: 5528: 4866: 4839: 4835: 4687: 4568: 2150: 2025: 2001: 1650: 1307: 1301: 1212: 1204: 1183: 1159: 1117: 1048: 985:. Archbishop Benson died the following year and was succeeded by the Bishop of London, 648: 519: 414:, where he was largely untouched by the arguments and debates between adherents of the 1084:
Davidson, unlike Temple, was happy to turn to colleagues for advice. In a 1997 study,
7483: 7261: 7217: 7195: 7081: 6971: 6624: 6533: 6508: 6092: 5992: 5854: 5824: 5422: 5316: 5029: 4930: 4889: 4870: 4801: 4791: 4779: 4757: 4738: 4716: 4694: 4668: 4649: 4632: 4611: 4592: 4575: 4552: 4526: 4504: 4487: 4465: 4443: 4424: 4407: 4387: 4364: 4340: 4321: 4299: 4277: 4260: 4241: 4219: 4213: 4197: 4178: 4156: 4132: 2222: 2017: 1943:
The charges against the Bishop were that he had contravened the prescriptions of the
1864: 1455: 1367: 1315: 1188: 1113: 1072: 1037: 1033: 894: 828: 717: 640: 423: 77: 26: 3502:"George, David Lloyd, first Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor (1863–1945), prime minister" 1501:
which constitute the bedrock of the Church of England's representative system today.
1146: 992:
Within his diocese Davidson was drawn into controversy over a high-church breach of
7812: 7680: 7624: 7473: 7453: 7393: 7359: 7240: 7178: 7135: 7092: 7087: 6996: 6668: 6571: 6518: 6503: 6475: 6438: 6427: 6415: 5905: 5829: 5739: 5714: 5699: 5513: 5508: 5387: 5012: 4831: 2934: 2282: 2199: 2116: 2029: 1860: 1323: 1140: 1135: 1101: 1085: 986: 898: 783: 652: 587: 459: 123: 3949: 3925: 3838: 3555: 3519: 2863: 2792: 2397: 7609: 7604: 7493: 7458: 7388: 7207: 7123: 7070: 6851: 6766: 6726: 6678: 6538: 6456: 6403: 6388: 6052: 6002: 5997: 5945: 5794: 5779: 5759: 5729: 5311: 5231: 5221: 5155: 5096: 4966: 4946: 4457: 4233: 3919: 3549: 3513: 3050: 2991: 2857: 2786: 2391: 2167: 1989: 1923: 1723: 1718:
and Lord Stamfordham. After leaving Lambeth Palace, Davidson moved to a house in
1684: 1667: 1510: 1494: 1423:. In 1916 he crossed to France for an eight-day visit to combatant troops at the 1392: 1375: 1216: 1089: 779: 756: 491: 470: 447: 331: 322: 300: 146: 1695: 736:; in 1882 he played an important part in discouraging Anglican overtures to the 499: 7900: 7888: 7807: 7670: 7644: 7518: 7498: 7448: 7418: 7403: 7398: 7349: 7344: 7323: 7318: 7307: 7281: 7276: 7266: 7223: 7184: 6746: 6688: 6543: 6528: 6493: 6462: 6393: 6022: 6017: 6007: 5885: 5880: 5784: 5407: 5331: 4479: 4399: 2307: 2303: 2278: 2195: 2191: 1993: 1950: 1868: 1792: 1629: 1609: 1446: 1439: 1431: 1284:
had been crowned by the Archbishop of York. When the King left Britain for the
1231: 1041: 1009: 997: 936: 842: 764: 737: 710: 443: 150: 4636: 4318:
Theology at War and Peace: English Theology and Germany in the First World War
7912: 7832: 7792: 7695: 7690: 7649: 7594: 7589: 7508: 7503: 7428: 7383: 7354: 7328: 7256: 7246: 7212: 7201: 7141: 7104: 7075: 6751: 6721: 6629: 6614: 6566: 6421: 6409: 6172: 6042: 5940: 5915: 5844: 5814: 5548: 5266: 5261: 5206: 5165: 4893: 4682: 4579: 4491: 4368: 4264: 4201: 4182: 4146: 3248: 2111:
The two bishops (rear centre-right) walking towards the opposition lobby are
2071: 1797: 1735: 1543: 1486: 1435: 1420: 1327: 1239: 1097: 982: 978: 752: 741: 579: 567: 560: 537:
and private tutors, before being sent, aged 12, to a small private school at
407: 395:
from 1903 to 1928. He was the longest-serving holder of the office since the
6802: 4783: 4411: 4404:
Winston S. Churchill, Companion Volume III, Part 1: August 1914 – April 1915
4391: 4358: 4160: 4074: 7782: 7634: 7599: 7523: 7513: 7408: 7369: 7271: 7190: 7117: 6756: 6634: 6561: 6513: 6498: 6451: 6072: 5987: 5950: 5920: 5769: 5281: 5002: 4730: 2274: 1867:
recorded his surprise that Davidson, who was by then 78, continued to play
1625: 1347: 1277: 875: 575: 522: 403: 6931: 3252: 1644:
spoke vehemently, maintaining that the new Prayer-book opened the door to
1522: 947: 643:
considerations. His chief aim was to complete his studies and go on to be
7619: 7234: 6648: 6027: 5977: 5875: 5859: 5417: 5301: 5296: 5241: 5236: 4421:
Winston S. Churchill: Companion Volume IV, Part 2: July 1919 – March 1921
4354: 4209: 2179: 1997: 1906: 1893: 1719: 1396: 1005: 956: 929: 740:, an organisation in which he thought too much power was in the hands of 632: 603: 511: 502:; he died at his home in London at the age of 82, eighteen months later. 415: 6991: 6926: 6113: 4843: 4606:
Marshall, William M. (2015). "Davidson, Randall". In John Cannon (ed.).
4081:, November 2017, DOI: 10.14296/RiH/2014/2201. Retrieved 14 December 2019 885: 849:
in writing a two-volume biography of Tait, which was published in 1891.
7817: 7544: 7155: 6658: 6576: 6278: 5925: 5900: 5895: 5764: 5619: 5453: 5211: 4886:
The Ancestry of Randall Thomas Davidson, D.D., Archbishop of Canterbury
4544: 4259:. Liverpool Historical Studies. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. 2295: 2242:
The Prime Minister was Lloyd George, who had succeeded Asquith in 1916.
2033: 1551: 1335: 902: 747:
In 1882 Tait told Davidson that he hoped to be succeeded either by the
644: 636: 525:– Henry's father, grandfather, and great-grandfather were Presbyterian 427: 419: 133: 6976: 6296: 1796:
him an influence and a position which were remarkable". The historian
1461: 7291: 6941: 6921: 6901: 6786: 6268: 6263: 6232: 6082: 5804: 5609: 2261:
Several earlier Archbishops were deposed or deprived of their sees –
2230: 1675:
to arrange the expression of that Holy Faith in its forms of worship.
1555: 1539: 1013: 833: 705:
Late in 1876 Craufurd Tait, who was working as his father's resident
534: 2466:"Death of Lord Davidson – Archbishop for 25 Years – A Wise Leader", 647:
as a priest. His health affected his studies; he had hoped to study
7050: 6966: 6956: 6946: 6911: 6869: 6383: 6273: 6253: 6227: 6177: 6166: 5581: 5571: 5065: 2076: 1976: 1731: 1481:, strongly backed by Davidson, gave the church the right to submit 1379: 1363: 1255: 1096:, "a man of great if somewhat restricted ecclesiastical learning"; 706: 695: 571: 542: 435: 388: 242: 6182: 2298:) and the Bishops of London, Durham and Winchester (respectively, 2229:, told Asquith, "I arranged some time ago not to publish any more 1261:
The Lords continued to resist the will of the Commons, even after
1021:, he thought his evangelical colleagues were too easily upset by " 7871: 7031: 7021: 6986: 6936: 6906: 6890: 6378: 6258: 6207: 6160: 5614: 5576: 5533: 4626: 4442:. Oxford Historical Monographs. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 4337:
Archbishop Grindal, 1519–1583: The Struggle for a Reformed Church
Butt, John (2015). "General Strike, 1926". In John Cannon (ed.).
2270: 1927: 1852: 1640:, who made a listless speech that did not impress MPs. Opposing, 1056: 674: 538: 490:; campaigned against perceived immoral methods of warfare in the 358: 2775:"Davidson, Randall Thomas, Baron Davidson of Lambeth (1848–1930) 1863:. Despite this, he remained active throughout his life. In 1926 1758:(1903); Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order (1904); 845:
layman. While Dean of Windsor, Davidson collaborated with Canon
763:. Tait did not think it correct to make his preference known to 6961: 6874: 6248: 5678: 5663: 5498: 1856: 1802: 1645: 1292:
appointed to transact royal business in the monarch's absence.
691: 687: 431: 2285:– but Davidson was the first to retire voluntarily in old age. 1588:, refused to allow it, fearing reprisals from the government. 574:
in its religious teachings and practices, and he took part in
5558: 5523: 4549:
A Good Innings: The Private Papers of Viscount Lee of Fareham
The 26 senior diocesan bishops sat, and (2023) still sit, as
1954: 1746:
Davidson's honours and appointments included: Prelate of the
1714:, and was introduced in the House of Lords on 14 November by 1001: 3946:, Oxford University Press, 2104. Retrieved 14 December 2019 1029:
and other adornments", which had no doctrinal significance.
between high-church proponents and evangelical opponents of
6212: 4040:, Oxford University Press, 2007. Retrieved 9 December 2019 1063:. Behind the scenes, Davidson was a key contributor to the 1026: 925: 4822:
Quinault, Roland (February 1992). "Asquith's Liberalism".
The three candidates considered were Temple, Davidson and
1585: 1306:
Skirmishing between Anglican factions continued with the
In July and August 1908 Davidson presided over the fifth
From Cranmer to Davidson: A Church of England Miscellany
1738:. His widow died in June 1936, and was buried with him. 1595: 4754:
Leaders of the Anglo-Saxon Church: From Bede to Stigand
Churches and Social Issues in Twentieth-Century Britain
3833:"Temple, William (1881–1944), archbishop of Canterbury" 3539:"Henson, Herbert Hensley (1863–1947), bishop of Durham" 4484:
Retrospect of an Unimportant Life, Volume 2, 1920–1939
4375: 4257:
The Cathedral "Open and Free": Dean Bennett of Chester
put out to hide British military reverses, the use of
686:, and the two friends were accepted for ordination as 566:
In 1862, at the age of 14, Davidson became a pupil at
and led efforts to resolve the national crisis of the
Randall Thomas Davidson, 1st Baron Davidson of Lambeth
7848: 4193:
Randall Davidson: Archbishop of Canterbury, Volume II
2781:, Macmillan, 1937 and Oxford University Press, 2004. 7537:
indicate a person who was elected but not confirmed.
Randall Davidson: Archbishop of Canterbury, Volume I
1934:, about which, he thought, the less said the better. 1526:
Procession of bishops at the 1920 Lambeth Conference
again fell vacant in February 1901, on the death of
354: 1462:
Enabling Act, 1919 and Welsh disestablishment, 1922
1124:, who had been Queen Victoria's private secretary. 7999:Members of the Privy Council of the United Kingdom 4797:Meeting the Enemy: The Human Face of the Great War 4686: 4567: 2876:"The Times Column of New Books and New Editions", 817:Leaves from the Journal of a Life in the Highlands 4238:Religion and Society in Twentieth-Century Britain 4152:Painted Windows; Studies in Religious Personality 3577:"Bishopric of Hereford: The Primate's Attitude", 2701:Bell (Volume I), p. 44; and Hughes, pp. 12 and 14 1926:, and particularly for her relationship with her 446:. He rose through the church hierarchy, becoming 7989:Knights Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order 7910: 4689:History, Religion and Identity in Modern Britain 4646:The High Church Revival in the Church of England 4440:Citizenship, Community and the Church of England 1833: 1288:later in the year, Davidson was one of the four 2294:The commissioners were the Archbishop of York ( 1996:. Davidson succeeded to a seat on the death of 1576:In May 1926 a general strike was called by the 1366:(kneeling, r.) at a service to pray for peace, 1295: 786:, who died in 1882 after 28 years in the post. 438:and secretary to the Archbishop of Canterbury, 4383:The Life of Archibald Campbell Tait, Volume II 1198: 1004:at his newly built church, to be reserved for 7560: 6832: 6818: 6129: 5469: 5081: 4863:Serving Victoria: Life in the Royal Household 3908:"Stigand (d. 1072), archbishop of Canterbury" 2846:"King, Edward (1829–1910), bishop of Lincoln" 2826:Bell (Volume I), pp. 93–94; and Hughes, p. 17 1726:. He died there on 25 May 1930, aged 82. The 1438:, and post-war condemned the violence of the 1353: 874:– Rochester included all London south of the 7974:Converts to Anglicanism from Presbyterianism 4462:A History of English Christianity, 1920–1985 4339:. Berkeley: University of California Press. 3785:, Memorandum of 15 January 1928, pp. 11–12, 3478: 3476: 3263:(11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. 1468:Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1919 7949:Barons in the Peerage of the United Kingdom 4662: 4215:The Complete Annotated Gilbert and Sullivan 3341:, 24 August 1911, p. 4; and Quinault, p. 41 2932:"Enthronement of the Bishop of Rochester", 1517: 1177: 1078: 870:. At the time – before the creation of the 7567: 7553: 6825: 6811: 6136: 6122: 5476: 5462: 5088: 5074: 4914: 4360:Archbishop Davidson and the English Church 3625: 3623: 3533: 3531: 3529: 1272:On 22 June 1911, Davidson presided at the 1265:fought on the issue. Asquith proposed the 279: 62: 16:Archbishop of Canterbury from 1903 to 1928 6143: 4790: 4525:. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 4334: 4290: 3859: 3857: 3747: 3745: 3655: 3653: 3473: 2835:Bell (Volume I), p. 95; and Hughes, p. 17 2074:made fun of the recurrent controversy in 2012: 2010: 1884:degree was conferred on Davidson in 1875. 1505:Davidson failed to achieve his aims over 1485:for passage by Parliament. The historian 837:; he also helped Benson by liaising with 442:, in which post he became a confidant of 7574: 5483: 4821: 4605: 4456: 4296:Cantuar: The Archbishops in Their Office 3875: 3873: 3815: 3813: 3739:Jacobs and Magee, pp. 83, 85 and 159–160 3457: 3455: 3333: 3331: 3247: 1694: 1608: 1521: 1357: 1221: 1145: 946: 884: 800: 722: 673: 547: 486:; urged moderation on both sides in the 265: 4860: 4707: 4681: 4624: 4437: 4418: 4398: 4312: 4208: 3944:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 3912:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 3620: 3542:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 3526: 3506:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 3305: 3303: 3020: 3018: 2850:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 2769: 2384:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 2374: 2372: 2370: 2368: 2366: 2364: 2362: 2360: 2358: 2356: 1565: 1395:in Britain, where they were classed as 1280:. In contrast, in the 1902 coronation, 969:In 1895 Davidson accepted the offer of 820:. She reluctantly followed his advice. 774:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 430:in 1874, and, after a brief spell as a 337:14 November 1928 – 25 May 1930 7929:19th-century Church of England bishops 7911: 4883: 4751: 4643: 4631:(Masters). Durham: Durham University. 4586: 4523:The Book of Common Prayer: A Biography 4517: 4498: 4478: 4145: 4126: 3854: 3827: 3825: 3742: 3650: 3317: 3315: 2915: 2913: 2767: 2765: 2763: 2761: 2759: 2757: 2755: 2753: 2751: 2749: 2718: 2716: 2616: 2614: 2354: 2352: 2350: 2348: 2346: 2344: 2342: 2340: 2338: 2336: 2007: 1734:of Canterbury Cathedral, opposite the 1112:, "a practical Diocesan"; Cosmo Lang, 1088:describes the most prominent of them: 669: 410:, where he became an Anglican, and at 7548: 6806: 6117: 5457: 5069: 4770: 4565: 4254: 4232: 4020:"Death of Lady Davidson of Lambeth", 3870: 3810: 3452: 3328: 3243: 3241: 3097: 3095: 2462: 2460: 2458: 2456: 2454: 2140:, which Liberals generally supported. 1750:(1895–1903); Knight Commander of the 1605:Book of Common Prayer (1928, England) 1008:. The Church of England disowned the 5095: 4922:Davidson's papers and correspondence 4729: 4665:Herbert Hensley Henson – A Biography 4353: 4271: 4189: 4167: 4027: 3300: 3015: 2452: 2450: 2448: 2446: 2444: 2442: 2440: 2438: 2436: 2434: 1965:, from making the sign of the cross. 1334:, during which they took part in an 905:for six months. His enthronement at 655:degree, conferred in November 1871. 387:(7 April 1848 – 25 May 1930) was an 7994:Recipients of the Order of St. Sava 4715:. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 4628:The Prayer Book Controversy 1927–28 4610:. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 4608:Oxford Companion to British History 4539: 4486:. London: Oxford University Press. 4276:. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 4274:Oxford Companion to British History 4218:. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 4196:. London: Oxford University Press. 4177:. London: Oxford University Press. 3822: 3508:, Oxford University Press, 2018. 3312: 2941: 2910: 2799: 2746: 2713: 2686: 2611: 2333: 1419:in April 1917 and the targeting of 1187:to "ministries of healing" such as 901:, and was confined to his house in 399:, and the first to retire from it. 13: 4854: 4836:10.1111/j.1468-229X.1992.tb02391.x 3238: 3092: 1774:, First Class (Serbia, 1919); and 1766:(Greece, 1918); Grand Cordon de l' 1572:1926 United Kingdom general strike 1458:when it was set up after the war. 14: 8030: 7939:Alumni of Trinity College, Oxford 7934:20th-century Anglican archbishops 6843:List of archbishops of Canterbury 4912:National Portrait Gallery, London 4901: 4663:Peart-Binns, John Stuart (2013). 3914:, Oxford University Press, 2104. 3544:, Oxford University Press, 2011. 2852:, Oxford University Press, 2010. 2431: 2386:, Oxford University Press, 2011. 1913:and Mews make no such suggestion. 1620:, which Davidson sought to update 1174:, which he condemned vehemently. 406:family, Davidson was educated at 8009:People educated at Harrow School 7894: 7882: 7870: 7858: 6336:Arms of the Bishop of Winchester 6329: 4667:. Cambridge: Lutterworth Press. 4570:The Church of England, 1900–1965 4102: 4093: 4084: 4067: 4058: 4046: 4014: 4005: 3996: 3987: 3974: 3965: 3956: 3932: 3900: 3891: 3882: 3845: 3801: 3792: 3776: 3763: 3754: 3733: 3724: 3711: 3702: 3693: 3684: 3675: 3666: 3641: 3632: 3611: 3602: 3593: 3584: 3571: 3562: 3494: 3485: 3464: 3443: 3434: 3425: 3416: 3407: 3398: 3389: 3380: 3371: 3362: 3359:Bell (Volume I), pp. 613 and 617 3353: 3195:"The Archbishop of Canterbury", 3101:"New Archbishop of Canterbury", 3045:, Society of Archbishop Justus. 2779:Dictionary of National Biography 2674:Davidson and Benham, pp. 334–335 2501:Quoted in Bell (Volume I), p. 19 2288: 2255: 2245: 2236: 2215: 2205: 2185: 2156: 2143: 2057:Thirty-nine Articles of Religion 488:conflict over Irish independence 402:Born in Edinburgh to a Scottish 357: 313:1895 – 12 November 1928 7964:Burials at Canterbury Cathedral 4155:. New York and London: Putnam. 3760:Bell (Volume II), pp. 1345–1346 3690:Bell (Volume II). pp. 1306–1307 3672:Bell (Volume II), pp. 1007–1015 3344: 3285: 3276: 3267: 3229: 3220: 3211: 3202: 3189: 3180: 3171: 3162: 3153: 3144: 3135: 3126: 3117: 3108: 3083: 3074: 3065: 3056: 3036: 3027: 3006: 2997: 2977: 2968: 2959: 2950: 2926: 2919:"Consecration of New Bishops", 2901: 2892: 2883: 2870: 2838: 2829: 2820: 2808: 2737: 2725: 2704: 2695: 2677: 2668: 2659: 2650: 2641: 2632: 2623: 2602: 2593: 2580: 2567: 2558: 2549: 2540: 2531: 2522: 2513: 2504: 2130: 2105: 2096: 2087: 2063: 2049: 2039: 1982: 1968: 1937: 1916: 1899: 1887: 1874: 1845: 1403:Davidson protested against the 1274:coronation of the new sovereign 479:were frustrated by Parliament. 261: 4772:Smith, F. E. (Lord Birkenhead) 2683:Bell (Volume I), pp. 42 and 44 2495: 2482: 2473: 2422: 2413: 2404: 2324: 1104:, "a scholar and theologian"; 505: 1: 5038:Peerage of the United Kingdom 4908:Portraits of Randall Davidson 4884:Philip, The Rev Adam (1903). 4756:. Woodbridge: Boydell Press. 4298:. London: A. & C. Black. 4075:"Archbishop Randall Davidson" 3922:. Retrieved 14 December 2019 3835:. Retrieved 15 December 2019 3608:Bell (Volume II), pp. 956–957 3552:. Retrieved 12 December 2019 3491:Bell (Volume II), pp. 859–862 3337:Davidson, Randall. Letter to 2984:"Lords Spiritual and Temporal 2860:. Retrieved 24 December 2019 2317: 2176:Lord President of the Council 1834:Notes, references and sources 1781: 1776:Freeman of the City of London 1690: 1584:, the general manager of the 942: 458:(1895). In 1903 he succeeded 5327:The Lord Willoughby de Broke 4648:. Leiden and Boston: Brill. 4055:in Bell (Volume II), p. 1364 3950:UK public library membership 3926:UK public library membership 3839:UK public library membership 3556:UK public library membership 3520:UK public library membership 3377:Bell (Volume I), pp. 637–638 3350:Bell (Volume I), pp. 629–631 3297:, 19 August 1911, pp. 292–93 3226:Bell (Volume I), pp. 547–548 3114:Bell (Volume I), pp. 349–350 3089:Bell (Volume I), pp. 360–361 3053:. Retrieved 10 December 2019 3024:Bell (Volume I), pp. 287–289 2889:Bell (Volume I), pp. 189–190 2864:UK public library membership 2793:UK public library membership 2789:. Retrieved 9 December 2019 2398:UK public library membership 2394:. Retrieved 8 December 2019 1362:Davidson (kneeling, l.) and 1296:Kikuyu controversy 1913–1914 857: 319:Member of the House of Lords 297:Member of the House of Lords 159:to the Sovereign (1891–1903) 7: 4815: 4693:. London: Hambledon Press. 4591:. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 4501:Archbishop Randall Davidson 4335:Collinson, Patrick (1979). 3659:"The Lambeth Resolutions", 3516:. Retrieved 3 January 2020 3294:The Illustrated London News 3254:"Lambeth Conferences"  2994:. Retrieved 8 December 2019 2665:Davidson and Benham, p. 327 2586:"University Intelligence", 2573:"University Intelligence", 2227:First Lord of the Admiralty 1762:(1911); Grand Cross of the 1209:Chancellor of the Exchequer 1199:Domestic affairs, 1909–1911 805:St George's Chapel, Windsor 584:St George's, Hanover Square 518:Swinton. Both parents were 10: 8035: 8019:Barons created by George V 4776:Contemporary Personalities 4752:Rumble, Alexander (2012). 4713:Salisbury: Victorian Titan 4115: 2638:Bell (Volume I), pp. 33–34 2528:Bell (Volume I), pp. 20–21 2164:Prince Arthur of Connaught 2024:, and was favoured by the 1764:Royal Order of the Saviour 1741: 1602: 1569: 1465: 1354:First World War, 1914–1918 1299: 514:, and his wife Henrietta, 7944:Archbishops of Canterbury 7770: 7724: 7663: 7582: 7532: 7337: 7040: 6849: 6840: 6834:Archbishops of Canterbury 6697: 6552: 6484: 6343: 6327: 6151: 5868: 5654: 5491: 5365: 5189: 5103: 5055: 5048: 5043: 5036: 5026: 5017: 5009: 4999: 4990: 4980: 4971: 4963: 4953: 4944: 4936: 4929: 4800:. London: A&C Black. 4587:Machin, G. I. T. (1998). 4438:Grimley, Matthew (2010). 4038:Who's Who and Who Was Who 4011:Bell (Volume II), p. 1381 4002:Bell (Volume II), p. 1380 3993:Bell (Volume II), p. 1365 3984:, 13 November 1928, p. 16 3798:Bell (Volume II), p. 1346 3751:Bell (Volume II), p. 1345 2492:in Bell (Volume I), p. 16 1712:Baron Davidson of Lambeth 1552:communicate with the dead 1499:Parochial Church Councils 852: 349: 345: 341: 328: 317: 306: 295: 291: 287: 275: 248: 238: 224: 205: 200: 183: 178: 149:and domestic chaplain to 139: 129: 119: 111: 103: 93: 83: 73: 61: 54: 23: 5383:George Neville-Grenville 5272:Marco Antonio de Dominis 5020:Archbishop of Canterbury 4931:Church of England titles 4499:Hughes, Michael (2017). 4419:Gilbert, Martin (1977). 4363:. London: Philip Allan. 4120: 3918:13 December 2019 at the 3773:, 16 December 1927, p. 7 3617:Bell (Volume II), p. 968 3590:Bell (Volume II), p. 879 3581:, 18 January 1918, p. 5 3548:12 December 2019 at the 3431:Bell (Volume II), p. 739 3422:Bell (Volume II), p. 731 2856:24 December 2019 at the 2577:, 18 November 1871, p. 6 2470:, 26 May 1930, pp. 15–16 2419:Bell (Volume I), pp. 5–6 2390:10 December 2019 at the 2300:Arthur Winnington-Ingram 1838: 1554:. Christian Science and 1518:Lambeth Conference, 1920 1252:Leader of the Opposition 1178:Lambeth Conference, 1908 1143:he took a liberal line. 1079:Archbishop of Canterbury 1065:coronation of Edward VII 928:recognition of Anglican 684:Archbishop of Canterbury 610:recovered. He recalled: 393:Archbishop of Canterbury 56:Archbishop of Canterbury 7464:Archibald Campbell Tait 6707:George Pretyman Tomline 4849:(subscription required) 4625:Martell, J. D. (1974). 4551:. London: John Murray. 4131:. Woodbridge: Boydell. 4042:(subscription required) 3663:, 14 August 1920, p. 11 3579:The Manchester Guardian 3395:Bell (Volume I), p. 691 3386:Bell (Volume I), p. 690 3368:Bell (Volume I), p. 637 3282:Bell (Volume I), p. 600 3273:Bell (Volume I), p. 597 3260:Encyclopædia Britannica 3235:Bell (Volume I), p. 559 3217:Bell (Volume I), p. 545 3208:Bell (Volume I), p. 539 3199:, 22 October 1904, p. 9 3186:Bell (Volume I), p. 434 3168:Bell (Volume I), p. 471 3141:Bell (Volume I), p. 393 3132:Bell (Volume I), p. 370 3123:Bell (Volume I), p. 377 3062:Bell (Volume I), p. 278 3049:5 February 2018 at the 3012:Bell (Volume I), p. 284 3003:Bell (Volume I), p. 241 2990:5 November 2019 at the 2974:Bell (Volume I), p. 237 2938:, 23 October 1891, p. 3 2907:Bell (Volume I), p. 194 2898:Bell (Volume I), p. 193 2785:9 December 2019 at the 2519:Gilbert (1977), p. 1373 1172:Bulgarians in Macedonia 1055:opposition, led by the 812:Leopold, Duke of Albany 796: 767:or the Prime Minister, 629:Trinity College, Oxford 592:Archibald Campbell Tait 440:Archibald Campbell Tait 412:Trinity College, Oxford 7778:William Boyd Carpenter 7444:Charles Manners-Sutton 7375:Episcopacy abolished ( 6640:Episcopacy abolished ( 6169:, Bishop of Dorchester 6163:, Bishop of Dorchester 5966:Episcopacy abolished ( 5443:Christopher Cocksworth 5357:Charles Manners-Sutton 5197:Christopher Bainbridge 4861:Hubbard, Kate (2012). 4644:Morris, J. N. (2016). 3971:Carpenter, pp. 220–221 3717:The Rev Herbert Gray, 3512:4 January 2020 at the 3470:Gilbert (1972), p. 496 3325:, 11 August 1911, p. 5 3105:, 9 January 1903, p. 8 2692:Bell (Volume I), p. 44 2656:Bell (Volume I), p. 38 2647:Bell (Volume I), p. 34 2629:Bell (Volume I), p. 33 2608:Bell (Volume I), p. 29 2555:Bell (Volume I), p. 23 2546:Bell (Volume I), p. 21 2479:Bell (Volume I), p. 14 2428:Bell (Volume I), p. 10 2138:Welsh disestablishment 2022:Bishop of Peterborough 1859:obliged him to wear a 1831: 1822: 1812: 1703: 1677: 1664: 1621: 1527: 1507:Welsh disestablishment 1503: 1371: 1235: 1151: 966: 912:Christian Social Union 890: 806: 728: 679: 678:Craufurd Tait, aged 26 623:Davidson went up as a 617: 598:, the headmaster, and 563: 8014:Clergy from Edinburgh 7959:Bishops of Winchester 7149:John of Sittingbourne 7099:Reginald Fitz Jocelin 6145:Bishops of Winchester 6048:Thomas Legh Claughton 5735:Lawrence of St Martin 4574:. London: SCM Press. 4566:Lloyd, Roger (1966). 4503:. London: Routledge. 4423:. London: Heinemann. 4406:. London: Heinemann. 4386:. London: Macmillan. 4320:. London: Routledge. 4240:. London: Routledge. 4190:Bell, George (1935). 4024:, 27 June 1936, p. 14 3867:, 26 July 1928, p. 14 3033:Lee and Clark, p. 236 2923:, 27 April 1891, p. 6 2880:, 15 June 1891, p. 12 2590:, 12 June 1875, p. 14 2330:Bell (Volume I), p. 5 1946:Book of Common Prayer 1826: 1817: 1807: 1760:Royal Victorian Chain 1752:Royal Victorian Order 1698: 1672: 1659: 1642:William Joynson-Hicks 1617:Book of Common Prayer 1612: 1598:Book of Common Prayer 1578:Trades Union Congress 1533:Lambeth Quadrilateral 1525: 1491: 1472:Welsh Church Act 1914 1361: 1225: 1168:Belgians in the Congo 1149: 1130:Book of Common Prayer 975:diocese of Winchester 973:to the largely rural 950: 888: 804: 727:Archbishop Tait, 1876 726: 677: 612: 551: 476:Book of Common Prayer 68:Formal portrait, 1904 7969:Clerks of the Closet 7954:Bishops of Rochester 7576:Clerks of the Closet 7434:Frederick Cornwallis 6399:Richard of Ilchester 6078:Christopher Chavasse 5755:Thomas Ingoldsthorpe 5720:Benedict of Sausetun 5485:Bishops of Rochester 4993:Bishop of Winchester 4255:Bruce, Alex (2000). 3769:"House of Commons", 3177:Bradley, pp. 406–408 2121:Huyshe Yeatman-Biggs 1768:Ordre de la Couronne 1701:Canterbury Cathedral 1566:General Strike, 1926 1434:for his part in the 1374:The outbreak of the 1320:John Jamieson Willis 1290:Counsellors of State 1267:1911 Parliament Bill 1238:The Prime Minister, 1067:in August 1902; the 953:Bishop of Winchester 872:diocese of Southwark 749:Bishop of Winchester 664:Master of the Temple 600:Brooke Foss Westcott 596:Henry Montagu Butler 557:Brooke Foss Westcott 553:Henry Montagu Butler 456:Bishop of Winchester 169:Bishop of Winchester 7984:Doctors of Divinity 7469:Edward White Benson 6782:Michael Scott-Joynt 5181:Christopher Urswick 4974:Bishop of Rochester 4867:Chatto & Windus 4778:. London: Cassell. 4737:. London: Phoenix. 4464:. London: Collins. 4376:Davidson, Randall; 4090:Hastings, pp. 60–61 3500:Morgan, Kenneth O. 3071:Barber, pp. 436–437 2125:Bishop of Worcester 2055:Number XXII of the 1824:Mews's summary is: 1772:Order of Saint Sava 1748:Order of the Garter 1728:Dean of Westminster 1483:primary legislation 1332:British East Africa 1312:William George Peel 1110:Bishop of Rochester 1094:Bishop of Salisbury 1069:Dean of Westminster 1006:masses for the dead 917:Clerk of the Closet 907:Rochester Cathedral 761:Edward White Benson 670:Curate and chaplain 496:1926 General Strike 484:Parliament Act 1911 452:Bishop of Rochester 365:Christianity portal 163:Bishop of Rochester 157:Clerk of the Closet 7252:William Whittlesey 7230:Thomas Bradwardine 7173:William Chillenden 7162:Edmund of Abingdon 7066:William de Corbeil 7027:Robert of Jumièges 7002:Ælfric of Abingdon 6897:Theodore of Tarsus 6792:Philip Mounstephen 6717:Samuel Wilberforce 6524:William of Wykeham 6470:Richard de la More 6446:William de Taunton 6284:Beornstan/Byrnstan 5790:William Bottlesham 5775:William Whittlesey 4792:Van Emden, Richard 4079:Reviews in History 3906:Cowdrey, H. E. J. 3831:Hastings, Adrian. 3789:in Martell, p. 218 3568:Peart-Binns, p. 91 3537:Grimley, Matthew. 3321:"House of Lords", 2817:in Roberts, p. 318 2267:Robert of Jumièges 2151:transubstantiation 2072:W. S. Gilbert 2026:Archbishop of York 2002:Bishop of Hereford 1704: 1651:Austen Chamberlain 1622: 1550:, and attempts to 1528: 1432:Sir Roger Casement 1372: 1344:Bishop of Zanzibar 1308:Kikuyu controversy 1302:Kikuyu controversy 1263:a general election 1236: 1213:his radical budget 1205:David Lloyd George 1184:Lambeth Conference 1152: 1118:Archbishop of York 967: 891: 827:, the high-church 807: 729: 680: 564: 559:, inspirations at 520:Church of Scotland 254:Edith Murdoch Tait 7846: 7845: 7542: 7541: 7262:William Courtenay 7218:John de Stratford 7196:Robert Winchelsey 7082:Roger de Bailleul 6800: 6799: 6664:Jonathan Trelawny 6625:Lancelot Andrewes 6534:William Waynflete 6509:John de Stratford 6111: 6110: 6093:Michael Nazir-Ali 5993:Francis Atterbury 5855:Richard FitzJames 5451: 5450: 5423:Launcelot Fleming 5317:Thomas Manningham 5161:Richard Beauchamp 5064: 5063: 5030:Cosmo Gordon Lang 5027:Succeeded by 5000:Succeeded by 4981:Succeeded by 4954:Succeeded by 4888:. London: Stock. 4876:978-0-7011-8368-4 4807:978-1-4088-3981-2 4763:978-1-84383-700-8 4744:978-1-84212-001-9 4722:978-0-297-81713-0 4700:978-1-85285-101-9 4674:978-0-7188-9302-6 4655:978-90-04-32680-4 4617:978-0-19-967783-2 4598:978-0-19-821780-0 4558:978-0-7195-2850-7 4532:978-0-691-19178-2 4510:978-1-4724-1866-1 4471:978-0-00-627041-6 4449:978-0-19-927089-7 4430:978-0-434-13013-9 4346:978-0-520-03831-8 4327:978-1-138-38589-4 4305:978-0-264-67449-0 4292:Carpenter, Edward 4283:978-0-19-967783-2 4247:978-1-138-14798-0 4225:978-0-19-816503-3 4138:978-0-85115-742-9 3962:Carpenter, p. 145 3948:(subscription or 3924:(subscription or 3879:Collinson, p. 278 3837:(subscription or 3554:(subscription or 3518:(subscription or 3461:Carpenter, p. 418 3150:Carpenter, p. 411 2956:Hughes, pp. 20–21 2862:(subscription or 2805:Hughes, pp. 15–16 2791:(subscription or 2599:Hughes, pp. 11–12 2396:(subscription or 2223:Winston Churchill 2018:Mandell Creighton 1959:sign of the cross 1865:Winston Churchill 1770:(Belgium, 1919); 1638:William Bridgeman 1456:League of Nations 1405:false information 1393:Austro-Hungarians 1368:Westminster Abbey 1316:Bishop of Mombasa 1226:1911 vote on the 1189:Christian Science 1150:Davidson, c. 1908 1114:Bishop of Stepney 1073:Buckingham Palace 1038:Mandell Creighton 895:Westminster Abbey 829:Bishop of Lincoln 570:. The school was 424:Church of England 353: 352: 78:Church of England 27:The Most Reverend 8026: 7979:Deans of Windsor 7899: 7898: 7897: 7887: 7886: 7885: 7875: 7874: 7863: 7862: 7861: 7854: 7828:Christopher Hill 7813:John Bickersteth 7762:Randall Davidson 7681:Charles Trimnell 7640:Sir Edward Petre 7625:Walter Blandford 7569: 7562: 7555: 7546: 7545: 7479:Randall Davidson 7474:Frederick Temple 7454:John Bird Sumner 7394:William Sancroft 7360:Richard Bancroft 7338:Post-Reformation 7297:Thomas Bourchier 7241:William Edington 7179:Robert Kilwardby 7136:Richard le Grant 7130:Walter d'Eynsham 7093:Baldwin of Forde 7088:Richard of Dover 6827: 6820: 6813: 6804: 6803: 6732:Randall Davidson 6669:Charles Trimnell 6581:Stephen Gardiner 6572:Stephen Gardiner 6519:William Edington 6504:Rigaud of Assier 6476:John of Pontoise 6439:Andrew of London 6433:Aymer de Valence 6428:William de Raley 6416:Peter des Roches 6337: 6333: 6332: 6138: 6131: 6124: 6115: 6114: 6088:Michael Turnbull 6058:Randall Davidson 5906:Maurice Griffith 5869:Post-Reformation 5830:Thomas Rotherham 5740:Walter de Merton 5715:Gilbert Glanvill 5509:Paulinus of York 5478: 5471: 5464: 5455: 5454: 5433:Patrick Mitchell 5398:Randall Davidson 5388:Gerald Wellesley 5352:James Cornwallis 5337:Frederick Keppel 5287:Christopher Wren 5227:William Franklyn 5126:Richard Kingston 5097:Deans of Windsor 5090: 5083: 5076: 5067: 5066: 5013:Frederick Temple 5010:Preceded by 4964:Preceded by 4937:Preceded by 4927: 4926: 4918: 4897: 4880: 4850: 4847: 4811: 4787: 4767: 4748: 4726: 4704: 4692: 4678: 4659: 4640: 4621: 4602: 4583: 4573: 4562: 4536: 4514: 4495: 4475: 4458:Hastings, Adrian 4453: 4434: 4415: 4395: 4372: 4350: 4331: 4309: 4287: 4268: 4251: 4234:Brown, Callum G. 4229: 4205: 4186: 4164: 4142: 4109: 4106: 4100: 4097: 4091: 4088: 4082: 4073:Webster, Peter. 4071: 4065: 4062: 4056: 4050: 4044: 4043: 4031: 4025: 4018: 4012: 4009: 4003: 4000: 3994: 3991: 3985: 3978: 3972: 3969: 3963: 3960: 3954: 3953: 3936: 3930: 3929: 3904: 3898: 3895: 3889: 3886: 3880: 3877: 3868: 3861: 3852: 3849: 3843: 3842: 3829: 3820: 3817: 3808: 3805: 3799: 3796: 3790: 3780: 3774: 3767: 3761: 3758: 3752: 3749: 3740: 3737: 3731: 3728: 3722: 3721:in Machin, p. 39 3715: 3709: 3706: 3700: 3697: 3691: 3688: 3682: 3679: 3673: 3670: 3664: 3657: 3648: 3647:Brown, pp. 82–83 3645: 3639: 3636: 3630: 3627: 3618: 3615: 3609: 3606: 3600: 3597: 3591: 3588: 3582: 3575: 3569: 3566: 3560: 3559: 3535: 3524: 3523: 3498: 3492: 3489: 3483: 3482:Marshall, p. 269 3480: 3471: 3468: 3462: 3459: 3450: 3449:Van Emden, p. 53 3447: 3441: 3438: 3432: 3429: 3423: 3420: 3414: 3411: 3405: 3402: 3396: 3393: 3387: 3384: 3378: 3375: 3369: 3366: 3360: 3357: 3351: 3348: 3342: 3335: 3326: 3319: 3310: 3307: 3298: 3289: 3283: 3280: 3274: 3271: 3265: 3264: 3256: 3245: 3236: 3233: 3227: 3224: 3218: 3215: 3209: 3206: 3200: 3193: 3187: 3184: 3178: 3175: 3169: 3166: 3160: 3157: 3151: 3148: 3142: 3139: 3133: 3130: 3124: 3121: 3115: 3112: 3106: 3099: 3090: 3087: 3081: 3078: 3072: 3069: 3063: 3060: 3054: 3040: 3034: 3031: 3025: 3022: 3013: 3010: 3004: 3001: 2995: 2981: 2975: 2972: 2966: 2963: 2957: 2954: 2948: 2945: 2939: 2935:The Morning Post 2930: 2924: 2917: 2908: 2905: 2899: 2896: 2890: 2887: 2881: 2874: 2868: 2867: 2844:Newton, John A. 2842: 2836: 2833: 2827: 2824: 2818: 2812: 2806: 2803: 2797: 2796: 2771: 2744: 2741: 2735: 2734:in Hughes, p. 15 2729: 2723: 2720: 2711: 2708: 2702: 2699: 2693: 2690: 2684: 2681: 2675: 2672: 2666: 2663: 2657: 2654: 2648: 2645: 2639: 2636: 2630: 2627: 2621: 2618: 2609: 2606: 2600: 2597: 2591: 2584: 2578: 2571: 2565: 2562: 2556: 2553: 2547: 2544: 2538: 2535: 2529: 2526: 2520: 2517: 2511: 2508: 2502: 2499: 2493: 2486: 2480: 2477: 2471: 2464: 2429: 2426: 2420: 2417: 2411: 2408: 2402: 2401: 2376: 2331: 2328: 2311: 2292: 2286: 2283:William Sancroft 2259: 2253: 2249: 2243: 2240: 2234: 2219: 2213: 2209: 2203: 2189: 2183: 2162:The others were 2160: 2154: 2147: 2141: 2134: 2128: 2117:Bishop of Bangor 2109: 2103: 2100: 2094: 2091: 2085: 2067: 2061: 2053: 2047: 2043: 2037: 2030:William Maclagan 2014: 2005: 1986: 1980: 1972: 1966: 1941: 1935: 1920: 1914: 1903: 1897: 1891: 1885: 1878: 1872: 1849: 1756:Privy Counsellor 1596:Revision of the 1479:The Enabling Act 1413:punitive bombing 1324:Bishop of Uganda 1250:– respectively, 1156:Episcopal Church 1141:Athanasian Creed 1136:Royal Commission 1122:Lord Stamfordham 1102:Bishop of Oxford 1086:Edward Carpenter 987:Frederick Temple 899:perforated ulcer 889:Davidson in 1890 784:Gerald Wellesley 694:to the vicar of 653:Bachelor of Arts 588:Bishop of London 460:Frederick Temple 422:factions of the 386: 381: 367: 362: 361: 335: 311: 283: 269: 267: 263: 231: 215: 213: 201:Personal details 124:Frederick Temple 115:12 November 1928 107:12 February 1903 66: 49: 37:Randall Davidson 33: 31:Right Honourable 21: 20: 8034: 8033: 8029: 8028: 8027: 8025: 8024: 8023: 7909: 7908: 7905: 7895: 7893: 7883: 7881: 7869: 7859: 7857: 7849: 7847: 7842: 7838:Richard Jackson 7823:Jonathan Bailey 7766: 7732:William Jackson 7720: 7659: 7610:Gilbert Sheldon 7605:Richard Steward 7578: 7573: 7543: 7538: 7528: 7494:Geoffrey Fisher 7459:Charles Longley 7389:Gilbert Sheldon 7333: 7208:Walter Reynolds 7124:Stephen Langton 7071:Theobald of Bec 7061:Ralph d'Escures 7036: 6845: 6836: 6831: 6801: 6796: 6767:Falkner Allison 6727:Anthony Thorold 6699: 6693: 6679:Benjamin Hoadly 6605:William Wickham 6554: 6548: 6539:Peter Courtenay 6486: 6480: 6457:Nicholas of Ely 6404:Godfrey de Luci 6389:William Giffard 6345: 6339: 6338: 6335: 6330: 6325: 6153: 6147: 6142: 6112: 6107: 6098:James Langstaff 6053:Anthony Thorold 6003:Joseph Wilcocks 5998:Samuel Bradford 5946:John Buckeridge 5891:Nicholas Ridley 5864: 5795:John Bottlesham 5780:Thomas Trilleck 5760:Thomas Wouldham 5730:Richard Wendene 5674:Ralph d'Escures 5656: 5650: 5487: 5482: 5452: 5447: 5361: 5312:Gregory Hascard 5232:Owen Oglethorpe 5222:Richard Sampson 5185: 5156:Peter Courtenay 5146:William Morland 5099: 5094: 5052: 5050:Baron Davidson 5032: 5023: 5015: 5005: 4996: 4986: 4977: 4969: 4967:Anthony Thorold 4959: 4950: 4947:Dean of Windsor 4942: 4904: 4877: 4857: 4855:Further reading 4848: 4818: 4808: 4764: 4745: 4723: 4709:Roberts, Andrew 4701: 4675: 4656: 4618: 4599: 4559: 4533: 4511: 4480:Henson, Hensley 4472: 4450: 4431: 4400:Gilbert, Martin 4347: 4328: 4306: 4284: 4248: 4226: 4139: 4123: 4118: 4113: 4112: 4107: 4103: 4099:Robbins, p. 120 4098: 4094: 4089: 4085: 4072: 4068: 4063: 4059: 4051: 4047: 4041: 4032: 4028: 4019: 4015: 4010: 4006: 4001: 3997: 3992: 3988: 3980:"The Primate", 3979: 3975: 3970: 3966: 3961: 3957: 3947: 3938:Davies, R. G. 3937: 3933: 3923: 3920:Wayback Machine 3905: 3901: 3896: 3892: 3887: 3883: 3878: 3871: 3863:"The Primate", 3862: 3855: 3851:Grimley, p. 153 3850: 3846: 3836: 3830: 3823: 3818: 3811: 3807:Grimley, p. 140 3806: 3802: 3797: 3793: 3781: 3777: 3768: 3764: 3759: 3755: 3750: 3743: 3738: 3734: 3730:Grimley, p. 143 3729: 3725: 3716: 3712: 3707: 3703: 3698: 3694: 3689: 3685: 3680: 3676: 3671: 3667: 3658: 3651: 3646: 3642: 3637: 3633: 3628: 3621: 3616: 3612: 3607: 3603: 3598: 3594: 3589: 3585: 3576: 3572: 3567: 3563: 3553: 3550:Wayback Machine 3536: 3527: 3517: 3514:Wayback Machine 3499: 3495: 3490: 3486: 3481: 3474: 3469: 3465: 3460: 3453: 3448: 3444: 3439: 3435: 3430: 3426: 3421: 3417: 3412: 3408: 3403: 3399: 3394: 3390: 3385: 3381: 3376: 3372: 3367: 3363: 3358: 3354: 3349: 3345: 3336: 3329: 3320: 3313: 3308: 3301: 3290: 3286: 3281: 3277: 3272: 3268: 3246: 3239: 3234: 3230: 3225: 3221: 3216: 3212: 3207: 3203: 3194: 3190: 3185: 3181: 3176: 3172: 3167: 3163: 3159:Hastings, p. 83 3158: 3154: 3149: 3145: 3140: 3136: 3131: 3127: 3122: 3118: 3113: 3109: 3100: 3093: 3088: 3084: 3079: 3075: 3070: 3066: 3061: 3057: 3051:Wayback Machine 3041: 3037: 3032: 3028: 3023: 3016: 3011: 3007: 3002: 2998: 2992:Wayback Machine 2982: 2978: 2973: 2969: 2964: 2960: 2955: 2951: 2946: 2942: 2931: 2927: 2918: 2911: 2906: 2902: 2897: 2893: 2888: 2884: 2875: 2871: 2861: 2858:Wayback Machine 2843: 2839: 2834: 2830: 2825: 2821: 2813: 2809: 2804: 2800: 2790: 2787:Wayback Machine 2772: 2747: 2742: 2738: 2730: 2726: 2721: 2714: 2709: 2705: 2700: 2696: 2691: 2687: 2682: 2678: 2673: 2669: 2664: 2660: 2655: 2651: 2646: 2642: 2637: 2633: 2628: 2624: 2619: 2612: 2607: 2603: 2598: 2594: 2585: 2581: 2572: 2568: 2563: 2559: 2554: 2550: 2545: 2541: 2536: 2532: 2527: 2523: 2518: 2514: 2509: 2505: 2500: 2496: 2487: 2483: 2478: 2474: 2465: 2432: 2427: 2423: 2418: 2414: 2409: 2405: 2395: 2392:Wayback Machine 2377: 2334: 2329: 2325: 2320: 2315: 2314: 2293: 2289: 2260: 2256: 2250: 2246: 2241: 2237: 2220: 2216: 2210: 2206: 2190: 2186: 2168:Lord Chancellor 2161: 2157: 2148: 2144: 2135: 2131: 2113:Watkin Williams 2110: 2106: 2101: 2097: 2092: 2088: 2068: 2064: 2054: 2050: 2044: 2040: 2034:Prince of Wales 2015: 2008: 1990:Lords Spiritual 1987: 1983: 1973: 1969: 1942: 1938: 1921: 1917: 1905:The biographer 1904: 1900: 1892: 1888: 1879: 1875: 1850: 1846: 1841: 1836: 1784: 1744: 1693: 1685:Adrian Hastings 1668:Church Assembly 1632:, according to 1607: 1601: 1574: 1568: 1520: 1511:Callum G. Brown 1495:Church Assembly 1474: 1464: 1376:First World War 1356: 1304: 1298: 1282:Queen Alexandra 1228:Parliament Bill 1217:Lords Spiritual 1201: 1180: 1090:John Wordsworth 1081: 945: 860: 855: 799: 780:Dean of Windsor 769:W. E. Gladstone 757:Bishop of Truro 672: 660:Charles Vaughan 541:in the English 508: 492:First World War 471:Anglo-Catholics 448:Dean of Windsor 391:priest who was 379: 375: 363: 356: 336: 332:Hereditary peer 329: 321: 312: 307: 299: 271: 259: 255: 233: 229: 220: 217: 211: 209: 196: 174: 147:Dean of Windsor 69: 50: 41: 39: 38: 35: 34: 25: 17: 12: 11: 5: 8032: 8022: 8021: 8016: 8011: 8006: 8004:Ordained peers 8001: 7996: 7991: 7986: 7981: 7976: 7971: 7966: 7961: 7956: 7951: 7946: 7941: 7936: 7931: 7926: 7921: 7904: 7903: 7891: 7879: 7867: 7844: 7843: 7841: 7840: 7835: 7830: 7825: 7820: 7815: 7810: 7808:Gordon Fallows 7805: 7800: 7795: 7790: 7785: 7780: 7774: 7772: 7768: 7767: 7765: 7764: 7759: 7757:Henry Philpott 7754: 7749: 7747:Edward Stanley 7744: 7739: 7734: 7728: 7726: 7722: 7721: 7719: 7718: 7713: 7711:William Buller 7708: 7703: 7698: 7693: 7688: 7686:Richard Willis 7683: 7678: 7673: 7671:William Graham 7667: 7665: 7661: 7660: 7658: 7657: 7652: 7647: 7645:John Tillotson 7642: 7637: 7632: 7630:Nathaniel Crew 7627: 7622: 7617: 7612: 7607: 7602: 7597: 7592: 7586: 7584: 7580: 7579: 7572: 7571: 7564: 7557: 7549: 7540: 7539: 7533: 7530: 7529: 7527: 7526: 7521: 7519:Rowan Williams 7516: 7511: 7506: 7501: 7499:Michael Ramsey 7496: 7491: 7489:William Temple 7486: 7481: 7476: 7471: 7466: 7461: 7456: 7451: 7449:William Howley 7446: 7441: 7436: 7431: 7426: 7424:Matthew Hutton 7421: 7419:Thomas Herring 7416: 7411: 7406: 7404:Thomas Tenison 7401: 7399:John Tillotson 7396: 7391: 7386: 7381: 7372: 7367: 7362: 7357: 7352: 7350:Edmund Grindal 7347: 7345:Matthew Parker 7341: 7339: 7335: 7334: 7332: 7331: 7326: 7324:Thomas Cranmer 7321: 7319:William Warham 7316: 7311: 7308:Thomas Langton 7304: 7299: 7294: 7289: 7284: 7282:Henry Chichele 7279: 7277:Thomas Arundel 7274: 7269: 7267:Thomas Arundel 7264: 7259: 7254: 7249: 7244: 7237: 7232: 7227: 7224:John de Ufford 7220: 7215: 7210: 7205: 7198: 7193: 7188: 7185:Robert Burnell 7181: 7176: 7169: 7164: 7159: 7152: 7145: 7138: 7133: 7126: 7121: 7114: 7107: 7102: 7095: 7090: 7085: 7078: 7073: 7068: 7063: 7058: 7053: 7047: 7045: 7038: 7037: 7035: 7034: 7029: 7024: 7019: 7014: 7009: 7004: 6999: 6994: 6989: 6984: 6979: 6974: 6969: 6964: 6959: 6954: 6949: 6944: 6939: 6934: 6929: 6924: 6919: 6914: 6909: 6904: 6899: 6894: 6887: 6882: 6877: 6872: 6867: 6862: 6856: 6854: 6847: 6846: 6841: 6838: 6837: 6830: 6829: 6822: 6815: 6807: 6798: 6797: 6795: 6794: 6789: 6784: 6779: 6774: 6769: 6764: 6762:Alwyn Williams 6759: 6754: 6749: 6747:Theodore Woods 6744: 6739: 6734: 6729: 6724: 6719: 6714: 6712:Charles Sumner 6709: 6703: 6701: 6695: 6694: 6692: 6691: 6689:Brownlow North 6686: 6681: 6676: 6674:Richard Willis 6671: 6666: 6661: 6656: 6651: 6646: 6637: 6632: 6627: 6622: 6620:James Montague 6617: 6612: 6607: 6602: 6597: 6592: 6587: 6582: 6579: 6574: 6569: 6564: 6558: 6556: 6550: 6549: 6547: 6546: 6544:Thomas Langton 6541: 6536: 6531: 6529:Henry Beaufort 6526: 6521: 6516: 6511: 6506: 6501: 6496: 6494:Henry Woodlock 6490: 6488: 6482: 6481: 6479: 6478: 6473: 6466: 6463:Robert Burnell 6459: 6454: 6449: 6442: 6435: 6430: 6425: 6418: 6413: 6406: 6401: 6396: 6394:Henry of Blois 6391: 6386: 6381: 6376: 6371: 6363: 6355: 6349: 6347: 6341: 6340: 6334: 6328: 6326: 6324: 6323: 6315: 6307: 6302: 6294: 6286: 6281: 6276: 6271: 6266: 6261: 6256: 6251: 6246: 6238: 6230: 6225: 6220: 6215: 6210: 6205: 6200: 6195: 6190: 6185: 6180: 6175: 6170: 6164: 6157: 6155: 6152:Early Medieval 6149: 6148: 6141: 6140: 6133: 6126: 6118: 6109: 6108: 6106: 6105: 6103:Jonathan Gibbs 6100: 6095: 6090: 6085: 6080: 6075: 6070: 6065: 6060: 6055: 6050: 6045: 6040: 6035: 6030: 6025: 6023:Thomas Dampier 6020: 6018:Samuel Horsley 6015: 6010: 6008:Zachary Pearce 6005: 6000: 5995: 5990: 5985: 5983:Francis Turner 5980: 5975: 5972: 5963: 5958: 5953: 5948: 5943: 5938: 5936:William Barlow 5933: 5928: 5923: 5918: 5913: 5908: 5903: 5898: 5893: 5888: 5886:Henry Holbeach 5883: 5881:Nicholas Heath 5878: 5872: 5870: 5866: 5865: 5863: 5862: 5857: 5852: 5847: 5842: 5837: 5832: 5827: 5822: 5817: 5812: 5807: 5802: 5797: 5792: 5787: 5785:Thomas Brinton 5782: 5777: 5772: 5767: 5762: 5757: 5752: 5747: 5745:John Bradfield 5742: 5737: 5732: 5727: 5725:Henry Sandford 5722: 5717: 5712: 5707: 5702: 5697: 5689: 5681: 5676: 5671: 5666: 5660: 5658: 5652: 5651: 5649: 5648: 5643: 5635: 5627: 5622: 5617: 5612: 5607: 5602: 5597: 5592: 5584: 5579: 5574: 5569: 5561: 5556: 5551: 5546: 5541: 5536: 5531: 5526: 5521: 5516: 5511: 5506: 5501: 5495: 5493: 5489: 5488: 5481: 5480: 5473: 5466: 5458: 5449: 5448: 5446: 5445: 5440: 5435: 5430: 5425: 5420: 5415: 5410: 5408:Albert Baillie 5405: 5400: 5395: 5390: 5385: 5380: 5375: 5369: 5367: 5363: 5362: 5360: 5359: 5354: 5349: 5344: 5339: 5334: 5332:Peniston Booth 5329: 5324: 5319: 5314: 5309: 5307:Francis Turner 5304: 5299: 5294: 5289: 5284: 5279: 5277:Henry Beaumont 5274: 5269: 5264: 5259: 5254: 5249: 5244: 5239: 5234: 5229: 5224: 5219: 5214: 5209: 5204: 5199: 5193: 5191: 5187: 5186: 5184: 5183: 5178: 5173: 5171:William Bealey 5168: 5163: 5158: 5153: 5151:William Dudley 5148: 5143: 5138: 5136:Thomas Manning 5133: 5128: 5123: 5118: 5113: 5107: 5105: 5101: 5100: 5093: 5092: 5085: 5078: 5070: 5062: 5061: 5054: 5047: 5041: 5040: 5034: 5033: 5028: 5025: 5016: 5011: 5007: 5006: 5001: 4998: 4988: 4987: 4982: 4979: 4970: 4965: 4961: 4960: 4955: 4952: 4943: 4938: 4934: 4933: 4925: 4924: 4919: 4903: 4902:External links 4900: 4899: 4898: 4881: 4875: 4856: 4853: 4852: 4851: 4830:(249): 33–49. 4817: 4814: 4813: 4812: 4806: 4788: 4768: 4762: 4749: 4743: 4727: 4721: 4705: 4699: 4683:Robbins, Keith 4679: 4673: 4660: 4654: 4641: 4622: 4616: 4603: 4597: 4584: 4563: 4557: 4537: 4531: 4515: 4509: 4496: 4476: 4470: 4454: 4448: 4435: 4429: 4416: 4396: 4378:William Benham 4373: 4351: 4345: 4332: 4326: 4310: 4304: 4288: 4282: 4269: 4252: 4246: 4230: 4224: 4206: 4187: 4165: 4147:Begbie, Harold 4143: 4137: 4122: 4119: 4117: 4114: 4111: 4110: 4101: 4092: 4083: 4066: 4064:Hughes, p. 171 4057: 4045: 4026: 4013: 4004: 3995: 3986: 3973: 3964: 3955: 3931: 3899: 3897:Rumble, p. 107 3890: 3888:Rumble, p. 102 3881: 3869: 3853: 3844: 3821: 3819:Barber, p. 406 3809: 3800: 3791: 3775: 3762: 3753: 3741: 3732: 3723: 3710: 3701: 3692: 3683: 3674: 3665: 3649: 3640: 3631: 3629:Morris, p. 246 3619: 3610: 3601: 3599:Chapman, p. 27 3592: 3583: 3570: 3561: 3525: 3493: 3484: 3472: 3463: 3451: 3442: 3433: 3424: 3415: 3413:Barber, p. 433 3406: 3404:Henson, p. 159 3397: 3388: 3379: 3370: 3361: 3352: 3343: 3327: 3311: 3299: 3284: 3275: 3266: 3251:, ed. (1911). 3249:Chisholm, Hugh 3237: 3228: 3219: 3210: 3201: 3188: 3179: 3170: 3161: 3152: 3143: 3134: 3125: 3116: 3107: 3091: 3082: 3073: 3064: 3055: 3035: 3026: 3014: 3005: 2996: 2976: 2967: 2958: 2949: 2940: 2925: 2909: 2900: 2891: 2882: 2869: 2837: 2828: 2819: 2807: 2798: 2773:Bell, George. 2745: 2736: 2724: 2712: 2703: 2694: 2685: 2676: 2667: 2658: 2649: 2640: 2631: 2622: 2610: 2601: 2592: 2579: 2566: 2564:Barber, p. 415 2557: 2548: 2539: 2530: 2521: 2512: 2510:Begbie, p. 206 2503: 2494: 2481: 2472: 2430: 2421: 2412: 2403: 2378:Mews, Stuart. 2332: 2322: 2321: 2319: 2316: 2313: 2312: 2308:Theodore Woods 2304:Hensley Henson 2287: 2279:Thomas Cranmer 2254: 2244: 2235: 2214: 2204: 2192:Hensley Henson 2184: 2155: 2142: 2129: 2104: 2095: 2086: 2062: 2048: 2038: 2006: 1994:Lords Temporal 1992:as opposed to 1981: 1967: 1951:Holy Communion 1936: 1915: 1898: 1886: 1873: 1843: 1842: 1840: 1837: 1835: 1832: 1793:Michael Ramsey 1789:William Temple 1783: 1780: 1743: 1740: 1692: 1689: 1681:William Temple 1630:Thomas Cranmer 1600: 1594: 1567: 1564: 1519: 1516: 1463: 1460: 1447:Hensley Henson 1440:Black and Tans 1421:non-combatants 1355: 1352: 1314:, who was the 1300:Main article: 1297: 1294: 1232:House of Lords 1200: 1197: 1179: 1176: 1080: 1077: 1049:Education Bill 1042:Arthur Balfour 1010:Roman Catholic 998:Robert Dolling 944: 941: 937:House of Lords 880:Lord Salisbury 859: 856: 854: 851: 847:William Benham 843:Anglo-Catholic 841:, a prominent 798: 795: 765:Queen Victoria 738:Salvation Army 711:Lambeth Palace 671: 668: 512:grain merchant 507: 504: 444:Queen Victoria 369: 368: 351: 350: 347: 346: 343: 342: 339: 338: 326: 325: 315: 314: 304: 303: 301:Lord Spiritual 293: 292: 289: 288: 285: 284: 277: 273: 272: 257: 253: 252: 250: 246: 245: 240: 236: 235: 232:(aged 82) 226: 222: 221: 218: 207: 203: 202: 198: 197: 195: 194: 191: 187: 185: 181: 180: 176: 175: 173: 172: 166: 160: 154: 151:Queen Victoria 143: 141: 137: 136: 131: 127: 126: 121: 117: 116: 113: 109: 108: 105: 101: 100: 95: 91: 90: 85: 81: 80: 75: 71: 70: 67: 59: 58: 52: 51: 40: 36: 24: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 8031: 8020: 8017: 8015: 8012: 8010: 8007: 8005: 8002: 8000: 7997: 7995: 7992: 7990: 7987: 7985: 7982: 7980: 7977: 7975: 7972: 7970: 7967: 7965: 7962: 7960: 7957: 7955: 7952: 7950: 7947: 7945: 7942: 7940: 7937: 7935: 7932: 7930: 7927: 7925: 7922: 7920: 7917: 7916: 7914: 7907: 7902: 7892: 7890: 7880: 7878: 7873: 7868: 7866: 7856: 7855: 7852: 7839: 7836: 7834: 7833:James Newcome 7831: 7829: 7826: 7824: 7821: 7819: 7816: 7814: 7811: 7809: 7806: 7804: 7801: 7799: 7798:Percy Herbert 7796: 7794: 7793:Cyril Garbett 7791: 7789: 7788:Thomas Strong 7786: 7784: 7781: 7779: 7776: 7775: 7773: 7769: 7763: 7760: 7758: 7755: 7753: 7750: 7748: 7745: 7743: 7740: 7738: 7737:George Pelham 7735: 7733: 7730: 7729: 7727: 7723: 7717: 7714: 7712: 7709: 7707: 7704: 7702: 7699: 7697: 7696:Joseph Butler 7694: 7692: 7691:Henry Egerton 7689: 7687: 7684: 7682: 7679: 7677: 7674: 7672: 7669: 7668: 7666: 7662: 7656: 7653: 7651: 7650:Thomas Burnet 7648: 7646: 7643: 7641: 7638: 7636: 7633: 7631: 7628: 7626: 7623: 7621: 7618: 7616: 7613: 7611: 7608: 7606: 7603: 7601: 7598: 7596: 7595:William Juxon 7593: 7591: 7590:Richard Neile 7588: 7587: 7585: 7581: 7577: 7570: 7565: 7563: 7558: 7556: 7551: 7550: 7547: 7536: 7531: 7525: 7522: 7520: 7517: 7515: 7512: 7510: 7509:Robert Runcie 7507: 7505: 7504:Donald Coggan 7502: 7500: 7497: 7495: 7492: 7490: 7487: 7485: 7482: 7480: 7477: 7475: 7472: 7470: 7467: 7465: 7462: 7460: 7457: 7455: 7452: 7450: 7447: 7445: 7442: 7440: 7437: 7435: 7432: 7430: 7429:Thomas Secker 7427: 7425: 7422: 7420: 7417: 7415: 7412: 7410: 7407: 7405: 7402: 7400: 7397: 7395: 7392: 7390: 7387: 7385: 7384:William Juxon 7382: 7380: 7378: 7373: 7371: 7368: 7366: 7363: 7361: 7358: 7356: 7355:John Whitgift 7353: 7351: 7348: 7346: 7343: 7342: 7340: 7336: 7330: 7329:Reginald Pole 7327: 7325: 7322: 7320: 7317: 7315: 7312: 7310: 7309: 7305: 7303: 7300: 7298: 7295: 7293: 7290: 7288: 7287:John Stafford 7285: 7283: 7280: 7278: 7275: 7273: 7270: 7268: 7265: 7263: 7260: 7258: 7257:Simon Sudbury 7255: 7253: 7250: 7248: 7247:Simon Langham 7245: 7243: 7242: 7238: 7236: 7233: 7231: 7228: 7226: 7225: 7221: 7219: 7216: 7214: 7213:Simon Mepeham 7211: 7209: 7206: 7204: 7203: 7202:Thomas Cobham 7199: 7197: 7194: 7192: 7189: 7187: 7186: 7182: 7180: 7177: 7175: 7174: 7170: 7168: 7165: 7163: 7160: 7158: 7157: 7153: 7151: 7150: 7146: 7144: 7143: 7142:Ralph Neville 7139: 7137: 7134: 7132: 7131: 7127: 7125: 7122: 7120: 7119: 7115: 7113: 7112: 7108: 7106: 7105:Hubert Walter 7103: 7101: 7100: 7096: 7094: 7091: 7089: 7086: 7084: 7083: 7079: 7077: 7076:Thomas Becket 7074: 7072: 7069: 7067: 7064: 7062: 7059: 7057: 7054: 7052: 7049: 7048: 7046: 7044: 7039: 7033: 7030: 7028: 7025: 7023: 7020: 7018: 7015: 7013: 7010: 7008: 7005: 7003: 7000: 6998: 6995: 6993: 6990: 6988: 6985: 6983: 6980: 6978: 6975: 6973: 6970: 6968: 6965: 6963: 6960: 6958: 6955: 6953: 6950: 6948: 6945: 6943: 6940: 6938: 6935: 6933: 6930: 6928: 6925: 6923: 6920: 6918: 6915: 6913: 6910: 6908: 6905: 6903: 6900: 6898: 6895: 6893: 6892: 6888: 6886: 6883: 6881: 6878: 6876: 6873: 6871: 6868: 6866: 6863: 6861: 6858: 6857: 6855: 6853: 6848: 6844: 6839: 6835: 6828: 6823: 6821: 6816: 6814: 6809: 6808: 6805: 6793: 6790: 6788: 6785: 6783: 6780: 6778: 6775: 6773: 6770: 6768: 6765: 6763: 6760: 6758: 6755: 6753: 6752:Cyril Garbett 6750: 6748: 6745: 6743: 6742:Edward Talbot 6740: 6738: 6735: 6733: 6730: 6728: 6725: 6723: 6722:Harold Browne 6720: 6718: 6715: 6713: 6710: 6708: 6705: 6704: 6702: 6696: 6690: 6687: 6685: 6682: 6680: 6677: 6675: 6672: 6670: 6667: 6665: 6662: 6660: 6657: 6655: 6654:George Morley 6652: 6650: 6647: 6645: 6643: 6638: 6636: 6633: 6631: 6630:Richard Neile 6628: 6626: 6623: 6621: 6618: 6616: 6615:Thomas Bilson 6613: 6611: 6608: 6606: 6603: 6601: 6600:Thomas Cooper 6598: 6596: 6593: 6591: 6588: 6586: 6583: 6580: 6578: 6575: 6573: 6570: 6568: 6567:Thomas Wolsey 6565: 6563: 6560: 6559: 6557: 6551: 6545: 6542: 6540: 6537: 6535: 6532: 6530: 6527: 6525: 6522: 6520: 6517: 6515: 6512: 6510: 6507: 6505: 6502: 6500: 6497: 6495: 6492: 6491: 6489: 6485:Late Medieval 6483: 6477: 6474: 6472: 6471: 6467: 6465: 6464: 6460: 6458: 6455: 6453: 6450: 6448: 6447: 6443: 6441: 6440: 6436: 6434: 6431: 6429: 6426: 6424: 6423: 6422:Ralph Neville 6419: 6417: 6414: 6412: 6411: 6410:Richard Poore 6407: 6405: 6402: 6400: 6397: 6395: 6392: 6390: 6387: 6385: 6382: 6380: 6377: 6375: 6372: 6370: 6367: 6364: 6362: 6359: 6356: 6354: 6351: 6350: 6348: 6344:High Medieval 6342: 6322: 6319: 6316: 6314: 6311: 6308: 6306: 6303: 6301: 6298: 6295: 6293: 6290: 6287: 6285: 6282: 6280: 6277: 6275: 6272: 6270: 6267: 6265: 6262: 6260: 6257: 6255: 6252: 6250: 6247: 6245: 6242: 6239: 6237: 6234: 6231: 6229: 6226: 6224: 6221: 6219: 6216: 6214: 6211: 6209: 6206: 6204: 6201: 6199: 6196: 6194: 6191: 6189: 6186: 6184: 6181: 6179: 6176: 6174: 6171: 6168: 6165: 6162: 6159: 6158: 6156: 6150: 6146: 6139: 6134: 6132: 6127: 6125: 6120: 6119: 6116: 6104: 6101: 6099: 6096: 6094: 6091: 6089: 6086: 6084: 6081: 6079: 6076: 6074: 6071: 6069: 6066: 6064: 6063:Edward Talbot 6061: 6059: 6056: 6054: 6051: 6049: 6046: 6044: 6043:Joseph Wigram 6041: 6039: 6038:George Murray 6036: 6034: 6031: 6029: 6026: 6024: 6021: 6019: 6016: 6014: 6011: 6009: 6006: 6004: 6001: 5999: 5996: 5994: 5991: 5989: 5986: 5984: 5981: 5979: 5976: 5973: 5971: 5969: 5964: 5962: 5959: 5957: 5954: 5952: 5949: 5947: 5944: 5942: 5941:Richard Neile 5939: 5937: 5934: 5932: 5929: 5927: 5924: 5922: 5919: 5917: 5916:Edmund Gheast 5914: 5912: 5909: 5907: 5904: 5902: 5899: 5897: 5894: 5892: 5889: 5887: 5884: 5882: 5879: 5877: 5874: 5873: 5871: 5867: 5861: 5858: 5856: 5853: 5851: 5850:Thomas Savage 5848: 5846: 5845:Edmund Audley 5843: 5841: 5838: 5836: 5833: 5831: 5828: 5826: 5823: 5821: 5820:William Wells 5818: 5816: 5815:Thomas Brunce 5813: 5811: 5808: 5806: 5803: 5801: 5800:Richard Young 5798: 5796: 5793: 5791: 5788: 5786: 5783: 5781: 5778: 5776: 5773: 5771: 5768: 5766: 5763: 5761: 5758: 5756: 5753: 5751: 5748: 5746: 5743: 5741: 5738: 5736: 5733: 5731: 5728: 5726: 5723: 5721: 5718: 5716: 5713: 5711: 5708: 5706: 5703: 5701: 5698: 5696: 5693: 5690: 5688: 5685: 5682: 5680: 5677: 5675: 5672: 5670: 5667: 5665: 5662: 5661: 5659: 5653: 5647: 5644: 5642: 5639: 5636: 5634: 5631: 5628: 5626: 5623: 5621: 5618: 5616: 5613: 5611: 5608: 5606: 5603: 5601: 5598: 5596: 5593: 5591: 5588: 5585: 5583: 5580: 5578: 5575: 5573: 5570: 5568: 5565: 5562: 5560: 5557: 5555: 5552: 5550: 5547: 5545: 5542: 5540: 5537: 5535: 5532: 5530: 5527: 5525: 5522: 5520: 5517: 5515: 5512: 5510: 5507: 5505: 5502: 5500: 5497: 5496: 5494: 5490: 5486: 5479: 5474: 5472: 5467: 5465: 5460: 5459: 5456: 5444: 5441: 5439: 5436: 5434: 5431: 5429: 5426: 5424: 5421: 5419: 5416: 5414: 5413:Eric Hamilton 5411: 5409: 5406: 5404: 5401: 5399: 5396: 5394: 5393:George Connor 5391: 5389: 5386: 5384: 5381: 5379: 5376: 5374: 5371: 5370: 5368: 5364: 5358: 5355: 5353: 5350: 5348: 5345: 5343: 5340: 5338: 5335: 5333: 5330: 5328: 5325: 5323: 5322:John Robinson 5320: 5318: 5315: 5313: 5310: 5308: 5305: 5303: 5300: 5298: 5295: 5293: 5290: 5288: 5285: 5283: 5280: 5278: 5275: 5273: 5270: 5268: 5267:Anthony Maxey 5265: 5263: 5262:Giles Thomson 5260: 5258: 5257:Robert Bennet 5255: 5253: 5250: 5248: 5245: 5243: 5240: 5238: 5235: 5233: 5230: 5228: 5225: 5223: 5220: 5218: 5215: 5213: 5210: 5208: 5207:Nicholas West 5205: 5203: 5200: 5198: 5195: 5194: 5192: 5188: 5182: 5179: 5177: 5174: 5172: 5169: 5167: 5166:Thomas Danett 5164: 5162: 5159: 5157: 5154: 5152: 5149: 5147: 5144: 5142: 5139: 5137: 5134: 5132: 5129: 5127: 5124: 5122: 5121:Thomas Butler 5119: 5117: 5116:Walter Almaly 5114: 5112: 5111:William Mugge 5109: 5108: 5106: 5104:Late Medieval 5102: 5098: 5091: 5086: 5084: 5079: 5077: 5072: 5071: 5068: 5060: 5059: 5051: 5046: 5042: 5039: 5035: 5031: 5022: 5021: 5014: 5008: 5004: 4995: 4994: 4989: 4985: 4984:Edward Talbot 4976: 4975: 4968: 4962: 4958: 4949: 4948: 4941: 4940:George Connor 4935: 4932: 4928: 4923: 4920: 4917: 4913: 4909: 4906: 4905: 4895: 4891: 4887: 4882: 4878: 4872: 4868: 4864: 4859: 4858: 4845: 4841: 4837: 4833: 4829: 4825: 4820: 4819: 4809: 4803: 4799: 4798: 4793: 4789: 4785: 4781: 4777: 4773: 4769: 4765: 4759: 4755: 4750: 4746: 4740: 4736: 4735:King George V 4732: 4731:Rose, Kenneth 4728: 4724: 4718: 4714: 4710: 4706: 4702: 4696: 4691: 4690: 4684: 4680: 4676: 4670: 4666: 4661: 4657: 4651: 4647: 4642: 4638: 4634: 4630: 4629: 4623: 4619: 4613: 4609: 4604: 4600: 4594: 4590: 4585: 4581: 4577: 4572: 4571: 4564: 4560: 4554: 4550: 4546: 4542: 4538: 4534: 4528: 4524: 4520: 4516: 4512: 4506: 4502: 4497: 4493: 4489: 4485: 4481: 4477: 4473: 4467: 4463: 4459: 4455: 4451: 4445: 4441: 4436: 4432: 4426: 4422: 4417: 4413: 4409: 4405: 4401: 4397: 4393: 4389: 4385: 4384: 4379: 4374: 4370: 4366: 4362: 4361: 4356: 4352: 4348: 4342: 4338: 4333: 4329: 4323: 4319: 4315: 4314:Chapman, Mark 4311: 4307: 4301: 4297: 4293: 4289: 4285: 4279: 4275: 4270: 4266: 4262: 4258: 4253: 4249: 4243: 4239: 4235: 4231: 4227: 4221: 4217: 4216: 4211: 4207: 4203: 4199: 4195: 4194: 4188: 4184: 4180: 4176: 4175: 4170: 4166: 4162: 4158: 4154: 4153: 4148: 4144: 4140: 4134: 4130: 4125: 4124: 4108:Lloyd, p. 248 4105: 4096: 4087: 4080: 4076: 4070: 4061: 4054: 4049: 4039: 4035: 4030: 4023: 4017: 4008: 3999: 3990: 3983: 3977: 3968: 3959: 3951: 3945: 3941: 3935: 3927: 3921: 3917: 3913: 3909: 3903: 3894: 3885: 3876: 3874: 3866: 3860: 3858: 3848: 3840: 3834: 3828: 3826: 3816: 3814: 3804: 3795: 3788: 3784: 3779: 3772: 3766: 3757: 3748: 3746: 3736: 3727: 3720: 3714: 3708:Machin, p. 39 3705: 3699:Machin, p. 38 3696: 3687: 3678: 3669: 3662: 3656: 3654: 3644: 3635: 3626: 3624: 3614: 3605: 3596: 3587: 3580: 3574: 3565: 3557: 3551: 3547: 3543: 3540: 3534: 3532: 3530: 3521: 3515: 3511: 3507: 3503: 3497: 3488: 3479: 3477: 3467: 3458: 3456: 3446: 3440:Hughes, p. 91 3437: 3428: 3419: 3410: 3401: 3392: 3383: 3374: 3365: 3356: 3347: 3340: 3334: 3332: 3324: 3318: 3316: 3306: 3304: 3296: 3295: 3288: 3279: 3270: 3262: 3261: 3255: 3250: 3244: 3242: 3232: 3223: 3214: 3205: 3198: 3192: 3183: 3174: 3165: 3156: 3147: 3138: 3129: 3120: 3111: 3104: 3098: 3096: 3086: 3080:Hughes, p. 25 3077: 3068: 3059: 3052: 3048: 3044: 3039: 3030: 3021: 3019: 3009: 3000: 2993: 2989: 2985: 2980: 2971: 2965:Hughes, p. 22 2962: 2953: 2947:Hughes, p. 21 2944: 2937: 2936: 2929: 2922: 2916: 2914: 2904: 2895: 2886: 2879: 2873: 2865: 2859: 2855: 2851: 2847: 2841: 2832: 2823: 2816: 2811: 2802: 2794: 2788: 2784: 2780: 2776: 2770: 2768: 2766: 2764: 2762: 2760: 2758: 2756: 2754: 2752: 2750: 2740: 2733: 2728: 2722:Hughes, p. 16 2719: 2717: 2707: 2698: 2689: 2680: 2671: 2662: 2653: 2644: 2635: 2626: 2620:Hughes, p. 12 2617: 2615: 2605: 2596: 2589: 2583: 2576: 2570: 2561: 2552: 2543: 2537:Hughes, p. 11 2534: 2525: 2516: 2507: 2498: 2491: 2485: 2476: 2469: 2463: 2461: 2459: 2457: 2455: 2453: 2451: 2449: 2447: 2445: 2443: 2441: 2439: 2437: 2435: 2425: 2416: 2410:Hughes, p. 10 2407: 2399: 2393: 2389: 2385: 2381: 2375: 2373: 2371: 2369: 2367: 2365: 2363: 2361: 2359: 2357: 2355: 2353: 2351: 2349: 2347: 2345: 2343: 2341: 2339: 2337: 2327: 2323: 2309: 2305: 2301: 2297: 2291: 2284: 2280: 2276: 2272: 2268: 2264: 2258: 2248: 2239: 2232: 2228: 2224: 2218: 2208: 2201: 2197: 2193: 2188: 2181: 2177: 2173: 2172:Lord Loreburn 2169: 2165: 2159: 2152: 2146: 2139: 2133: 2126: 2122: 2118: 2114: 2108: 2099: 2090: 2083: 2079: 2078: 2073: 2070:ban. In 1882 2066: 2058: 2052: 2042: 2035: 2031: 2027: 2023: 2019: 2013: 2011: 2003: 1999: 1995: 1991: 1985: 1978: 1971: 1964: 1960: 1956: 1952: 1948: 1947: 1940: 1933: 1929: 1925: 1919: 1912: 1908: 1902: 1895: 1890: 1883: 1877: 1870: 1866: 1862: 1858: 1854: 1848: 1844: 1830: 1825: 1821: 1816: 1811: 1806: 1804: 1799: 1798:Keith Robbins 1794: 1790: 1779: 1777: 1773: 1769: 1765: 1761: 1757: 1753: 1749: 1739: 1737: 1736:Chapter House 1733: 1729: 1725: 1721: 1717: 1713: 1709: 1702: 1697: 1688: 1686: 1682: 1676: 1671: 1669: 1663: 1658: 1656: 1652: 1647: 1643: 1639: 1635: 1631: 1627: 1619: 1618: 1611: 1606: 1599: 1593: 1589: 1587: 1583: 1579: 1573: 1563: 1561: 1557: 1553: 1549: 1545: 1544:birth control 1541: 1536: 1534: 1524: 1515: 1512: 1508: 1502: 1500: 1496: 1490: 1488: 1487:Jeremy Morris 1484: 1480: 1473: 1469: 1459: 1457: 1451: 1448: 1443: 1441: 1437: 1436:Easter Rising 1433: 1428: 1426: 1425:Western front 1422: 1418: 1414: 1410: 1406: 1400: 1398: 1394: 1390: 1384: 1381: 1377: 1369: 1365: 1360: 1351: 1349: 1345: 1341: 1337: 1333: 1329: 1325: 1321: 1317: 1313: 1309: 1303: 1293: 1291: 1287: 1283: 1279: 1275: 1270: 1268: 1264: 1259: 1257: 1253: 1249: 1245: 1241: 1240:H. H. Asquith 1233: 1229: 1224: 1220: 1218: 1214: 1210: 1206: 1196: 1194: 1190: 1185: 1175: 1173: 1169: 1165: 1164:Conservatives 1161: 1157: 1148: 1144: 1142: 1137: 1132: 1131: 1125: 1123: 1119: 1115: 1111: 1107: 1106:Edward Talbot 1103: 1099: 1098:Francis Paget 1095: 1091: 1087: 1076: 1074: 1070: 1066: 1062: 1061:John Clifford 1058: 1054: 1053:nonconformist 1050: 1045: 1043: 1039: 1035: 1034:see of London 1030: 1028: 1024: 1020: 1015: 1011: 1007: 1003: 999: 995: 990: 988: 984: 983:Isle of Wight 980: 979:Osborne House 976: 972: 964: 963: 958: 954: 949: 940: 938: 933: 931: 927: 923: 918: 913: 908: 904: 900: 896: 887: 883: 881: 877: 873: 869: 865: 850: 848: 844: 840: 836: 835: 830: 826: 821: 819: 818: 813: 803: 794: 792: 791:George Connor 787: 785: 781: 776: 775: 770: 766: 762: 758: 754: 753:Harold Browne 750: 745: 743: 739: 735: 725: 721: 719: 714: 712: 708: 703: 701: 697: 693: 689: 685: 676: 667: 665: 661: 656: 654: 650: 646: 642: 638: 634: 630: 626: 621: 616: 611: 607: 605: 602:, his second 601: 597: 593: 589: 585: 581: 580:Scarlet fever 577: 573: 569: 568:Harrow School 562: 558: 554: 550: 546: 544: 540: 536: 532: 528: 524: 523:Presbyterians 521: 517: 513: 503: 501: 497: 493: 489: 485: 480: 478: 477: 472: 468: 463: 461: 457: 453: 449: 445: 441: 437: 433: 429: 425: 421: 417: 413: 409: 408:Harrow School 405: 400: 398: 394: 390: 385: 378: 373: 366: 360: 355: 348: 344: 340: 334: 333: 327: 324: 323:Lord Temporal 320: 316: 310: 305: 302: 298: 294: 290: 286: 282: 278: 274: 251: 247: 244: 241: 237: 227: 223: 208: 204: 199: 193:1875 (priest) 192: 190:1874 (deacon) 189: 188: 186: 182: 177: 170: 167: 164: 161: 158: 155: 152: 148: 145: 144: 142: 140:Other post(s) 138: 135: 132: 128: 125: 122: 118: 114: 110: 106: 102: 99: 96: 92: 89: 86: 82: 79: 76: 72: 65: 60: 57: 53: 48: 44: 32: 28: 22: 19: 7906: 7877:Christianity 7803:Roger Wilson 7783:Hubert Burge 7761: 7725:19th century 7716:Richard Hurd 7701:John Gilbert 7676:Samuel Pratt 7664:18th century 7655:John Montagu 7635:Thomas Sprat 7600:Matthew Wren 7583:17th century 7534: 7524:Justin Welby 7514:George Carey 7478: 7409:William Wake 7377:Commonwealth 7374: 7370:William Laud 7365:George Abbot 7306: 7272:Roger Walden 7239: 7222: 7200: 7191:John Peckham 7183: 7171: 7154: 7147: 7140: 7128: 7118:John de Gray 7116: 7109: 7097: 7080: 7041:Conquest to 6889: 6757:Mervyn Haigh 6737:Herbert Ryle 6731: 6700:1820–current 6642:Commonwealth 6639: 6635:Walter Curle 6590:Robert Horne 6562:Richard Foxe 6553:Early Modern 6514:Adam Orleton 6499:John Sandale 6468: 6461: 6452:John Gervais 6444: 6437: 6420: 6408: 6368: 6360: 6320: 6312: 6299: 6291: 6243: 6235: 6073:Linton Smith 6057: 5988:Thomas Sprat 5968:Commonwealth 5965: 5951:Walter Curle 5921:Edmund Freke 5911:Edmund Allen 5840:John Russell 5810:John Langdon 5770:John Sheppey 5694: 5686: 5640: 5632: 5589: 5566: 5492:Pre-Conquest 5438:David Conner 5428:Michael Mann 5403:Philip Eliot 5397: 5378:Henry Hobart 5373:Edward Legge 5347:John Douglas 5282:Matthew Wren 5247:George Carew 5202:Thomas Hobbs 5190:Early modern 5131:John Arundel 5057: 5056: 5049: 5044: 5018: 5003:Herbert Ryle 4991: 4972: 4957:Philip Eliot 4945: 4885: 4862: 4827: 4823: 4796: 4775: 4753: 4734: 4712: 4688: 4664: 4645: 4627: 4607: 4588: 4569: 4548: 4522: 4519:Jacobs, Alan 4500: 4483: 4461: 4439: 4420: 4403: 4382: 4359: 4355:Dark, Sidney 4336: 4317: 4295: 4273: 4256: 4237: 4214: 4210:Bradley, Ian 4192: 4173: 4169:Bell, George 4151: 4128: 4104: 4095: 4086: 4078: 4069: 4060: 4052: 4048: 4037: 4029: 4021: 4016: 4007: 3998: 3989: 3981: 3976: 3967: 3958: 3943: 3934: 3911: 3902: 3893: 3884: 3864: 3847: 3803: 3794: 3786: 3782: 3778: 3770: 3765: 3756: 3735: 3726: 3718: 3713: 3704: 3695: 3686: 3681:Butt, p. 391 3677: 3668: 3660: 3643: 3638:Brown, p. 82 3634: 3613: 3604: 3595: 3586: 3578: 3573: 3564: 3541: 3505: 3496: 3487: 3466: 3445: 3436: 3427: 3418: 3409: 3400: 3391: 3382: 3373: 3364: 3355: 3346: 3338: 3322: 3309:Rose, p. 123 3292: 3287: 3278: 3269: 3258: 3231: 3222: 3213: 3204: 3196: 3191: 3182: 3173: 3164: 3155: 3146: 3137: 3128: 3119: 3110: 3102: 3085: 3076: 3067: 3058: 3038: 3029: 3008: 2999: 2979: 2970: 2961: 2952: 2943: 2933: 2928: 2920: 2903: 2894: 2885: 2877: 2872: 2849: 2840: 2831: 2822: 2814: 2810: 2801: 2778: 2739: 2731: 2727: 2710:Smith, p. 56 2706: 2697: 2688: 2679: 2670: 2661: 2652: 2643: 2634: 2625: 2604: 2595: 2587: 2582: 2574: 2569: 2560: 2551: 2542: 2533: 2524: 2515: 2506: 2497: 2489: 2484: 2475: 2467: 2424: 2415: 2406: 2383: 2326: 2290: 2275:Roger Walden 2257: 2247: 2238: 2217: 2207: 2198:, and later 2187: 2158: 2145: 2132: 2107: 2098: 2089: 2075: 2065: 2051: 2041: 1984: 1970: 1962: 1944: 1939: 1918: 1901: 1889: 1876: 1847: 1827: 1823: 1818: 1813: 1808: 1785: 1745: 1711: 1705: 1699:Cloister of 1678: 1673: 1665: 1662:achievement. 1660: 1654: 1633: 1628:predecessor 1623: 1616: 1597: 1590: 1575: 1548:spiritualism 1537: 1529: 1504: 1492: 1475: 1452: 1444: 1429: 1401: 1397:enemy aliens 1388: 1385: 1373: 1348:Charles Gore 1340:Frank Weston 1310:in 1913–14. 1305: 1286:Delhi Durbar 1271: 1260: 1244:Lord Knollys 1237: 1202: 1181: 1153: 1128: 1126: 1082: 1046: 1031: 991: 968: 960: 934: 892: 876:River Thames 861: 839:Lord Halifax 832: 822: 815: 808: 788: 772: 746: 730: 715: 704: 681: 657: 622: 618: 613: 608: 576:confirmation 565: 515: 509: 481: 474: 467:evangelicals 464: 434:, he became 404:Presbyterian 401: 371: 370: 330: 308: 239:Denomination 230:(1930-05-25) 216:7 April 1848 18: 7924:1930 deaths 7919:1848 births 7865:Biographies 7752:John Graham 7742:Robert Carr 7706:John Thomas 7620:John Dolben 7414:John Potter 7314:Henry Deane 7302:John Morton 7235:Simon Islip 7043:Reformation 6777:Colin James 6772:John Taylor 6698:Late Modern 6684:John Thomas 6649:Brian Duppa 6610:William Day 6595:John Watson 6068:John Harmer 6028:Walker King 6013:John Thomas 5978:John Dolben 5974:John Warner 5961:John Warner 5876:John Hilsey 5860:John Fisher 5835:John Alcock 5750:John Kirkby 5657:Reformation 5655:Conquest to 5418:Robin Woods 5366:Late modern 5342:John Harley 5302:John Durell 5297:Bruno Ryves 5292:Edward Hyde 5252:William Day 5242:John Boxall 5237:Hugh Weston 5176:John Morgan 4541:Lee, Arthur 2743:Dark, p. 17 2180:Lord Morley 1998:James Atlay 1953:facing the 1907:Sidney Dark 1894:F. E. Smith 1871:frequently. 1720:Cheyne Walk 1716:Lord Harris 1708:Reformation 1560:materialism 1019:Benediction 971:translation 962:Vanity Fair 825:Edward King 742:its general 700:evangelical 633:high-church 604:housemaster 535:governesses 531:George Bell 506:Early years 454:(1891) and 416:high-church 397:Reformation 228:25 May 1930 171:(1895–1903) 165:(1891–1895) 153:(1883–1891) 120:Predecessor 7913:Categories 7818:John Waine 7771:Since 1900 7615:John Earle 7484:Cosmo Lang 7439:John Moore 7156:John Blund 6659:Peter Mews 6585:John White 6577:John Ponet 6305:Beorhthelm 6279:Frithestan 6244:(disputed) 6236:(disputed) 6203:Æthelheard 6033:Hugh Percy 5956:John Bowle 5931:John Young 5926:John Piers 5901:John Scory 5896:John Ponet 5765:Hamo Hethe 5620:Beorhtsige 5217:John Clerk 5212:John Vesey 5053:1928–1930 5024:1903–1928 4997:1895–1903 4978:1891–1895 4951:1883–1891 4865:. London: 4637:1015456607 4545:Alan Clark 2488:Davidson, 2318:References 2296:Cosmo Lang 2231:Navy Lists 2174:) and the 2032:) and the 1963:inter alia 1932:John Brown 1782:Reputation 1691:Retirement 1603:See also: 1582:John Reith 1570:See also: 1466:See also: 1409:poison gas 1336:ecumenical 1278:Queen Mary 1248:Lord Esher 1195:churches. 1116:and later 1012:belief in 943:Winchester 903:Kennington 718:Cosmo Lang 641:liturgical 637:low-church 420:low-church 212:1848-04-07 184:Ordination 134:Cosmo Lang 112:Term ended 98:Canterbury 88:Canterbury 29: and 7292:John Kemp 7017:Æthelnoth 6982:Byrhthelm 6942:Feologild 6932:Æthelhard 6922:Bregowine 6902:Berhtwald 6885:Deusdedit 6860:Augustine 6787:Tim Dakin 6555:1501–1820 6487:1305–1501 6358:Æthelwold 6346:1006–1304 6310:Æthelwold 6269:Tunbeorht 6264:Ealhferth 6233:Herefrith 6218:Cyneberht 6198:Cyneheard 6083:David Say 5805:John Kemp 5610:Cyneferth 5600:Swithwulf 5141:John Faux 5045:New title 4894:664421178 4580:923343620 4492:504487878 4369:931334619 4265:994453174 4202:896112401 4183:896112401 4022:The Times 3982:The Times 3952:required) 3928:required) 3865:The Times 3841:required) 3771:The Times 3661:The Times 3558:required) 3522:required) 3339:The Times 3323:The Times 3197:The Times 3103:The Times 2921:The Times 2878:The Times 2866:required) 2795:required) 2588:The Times 2575:The Times 2468:The Times 2400:required) 2263:Byrhthelm 1882:Oxford MA 1655:The Times 1634:The Times 1556:theosophy 1540:diaconate 1389:The Times 1059:minister 1014:Purgatory 994:canon law 868:Rochester 864:Worcester 858:Rochester 834:The Times 755:, or the 734:ritualism 578:classes. 527:ministers 426:. 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The Most Reverend
Right Honourable
Archbishop of Canterbury

Church of England
Frederick Temple
Cosmo Lang
Dean of Windsor
Queen Victoria
Clerk of the Closet
Bishop of Rochester
Bishop of Winchester
Randall Davidson's signature
Member of the House of Lords
Lord Spiritual
Member of the House of Lords
Lord Temporal
Hereditary peer
Christianity portal
Archbishop of Canterbury

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