
Sinai and Palestine campaign

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between 25 and 35 miles (40 to 56 km) to circle around Beersheba. The infantry attacks began with a bombardment and the capture of Hill 1070 which enabled the guns to move forward to target the trenches defending Beersheba. Intense hand to hand fighting continued until 13:30 when the Ottoman trench line on the western side of Beersheba, was captured. Meanwhile, Anzac Mounted Division advanced circling Beersheba, to cut the road north to Hebron and Jerusalem to prevent reinforcement and retreat from Beersheba, and launched their attack on Tel el Saba. The strongly entrenched defenders on Tel el Saba were initially attacked by the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade, but by 10:00 they had been reinforced by the 1st Light Horse Brigade. The 3rd Light Horse Brigade (Australian Mounted Division) was later ordered to reinforce the Anzac Mounted Division's attack on this Ottoman position, but before they could get into position a general attack began at 14:05, resulting in the capture of Tel el Saba at 15:00.
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of Magdaba. This improvement was augmented by regular inspections by administrative veterinary officers when the advice offered was followed by regimental commanders. During the year the average loss of sick horses and mules from the Sinai front was approximately 640 per week. They were transported in train loads of thirty trucks, each holding eight horses. Animals which died or were destroyed while on active service were buried 2 miles (3.2 km) from the nearest camp unless this was not practicable. In this case the carcasses were transported to suitable sites away from troops, where they were disembowelled and left to disintegrate in the dry desert air and high temperatures. Animals which died or were destroyed in veterinary units at Kantara, Ismalia, Bilbeis and Quesna were dealt with in this way and after four days' drying in the sun, the carcases were stuffed with straw and burnt, after the skins were salvaged and sold to local contractors.
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miles (32 km) to the west. The Ottoman force abandoned Bir el Mazar shortly after. The report of the 2nd Light Horse Brigade described their 5th Light Horse Regiment being fired on by anti-aircraft guns during the operations and reported one man killed and nine wounded. The 3rd Light Horse Brigade recorded that the troops of the Imperial Camel Corps Brigade and the artillery battery were unable to move quickly enough to take part in the attack, and their brigade lost three killed, three wounded and two injured. Airmen of No. 1 and No. 14 Squadrons confirmed anti-aircraft guns fired on the light horse, describing the ground engagement as so tough the Ottoman Army soldiers resorted to this extreme measure, turning their anti-aircraft guns away from the attacking planes. The Ottoman soldiers withdrew to the Wadi El Arish, with garrisons at Lahfan and Magdhaba.
missing. This army had also lost 7,305 rifles, 22 light and 73 heavy machine guns and 29 guns. The Eighth Army reported 2,384 wounded but no rifles, machine guns or artillery guns missing. Total Ottoman casualties for the period were 25,337 killed, wounded, captured or missing while British losses for the same period amounted to 18,000 men. During the same period the British reported 70 officers and 1,474 men killed, 118 officers and 3,163 men wounded, 95 officers and 5,868 men captured and 97 officers and 4,877 men missing. This was in spite of odds in favour of the British of well over two to one in infantry and eight to one in cavalry as well as a massive artillery, logistical and naval superiority. It is therefore remarkable that any Ottoman units survived the onslaught and made the Ottoman fighting withdrawal under pressure a great accomplishment.
3955:) reached the western edge of Mogg Ridge. Fighting here continued all day and at Sheikh Subi the attack broke down, while further west the attack on Arara had by 09:30 been partly successful. Almost the whole of Mogg Ridge was eventually captured but was successfully counterattacked, the German and Ottoman infantry being caught by determined British defence and a heavy British artillery barrage which prevented them following up their success. Again during the night determined Ottoman and German counterattacks continued and were partly successful. On 11 April it was clear determined defence would strenuously contest all attacks and it decided that the cost of continuing would be too high, but for the next seven days a long-range artillery duel between British and Ottoman/German guns continued. Finally on 21 April Three Bushes Hill was evacuated while 390: 3018: 3156:
wire and brushwood roads and 300 miles of water pipeline had been constructed. The pipeline required three huge pumping plants working 24 hours a day at Kantara, near a reservoir of 6,000,000 gallons. For local use, the pumps forced the water through 5 inch pipe to Dueidar, through a 6 inch pipe to Pelusium, Romani and Mahemdia and through a 12 inch pipe the main supply was pushed across the desert from pumping station to pumping station. At Romani a concrete reservoir contained a further 6,000,000 gallons, at Bir el Abd 5,000,000 and at Mazar 500,000 and another of 500,000 at El Arish. And with railhead at Rafa, Gaza was by then just twenty miles away, five to six hours for infantry and mounted units at a walk and 2 hours distant for horses at a trot.
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whole battle line was a counsel of despair.' Germany would have a brief window of opportunity thanks to the armistice between Russia and Germany, to attack the Allied forces on the Western Front before the United States, which had already entered the war could bring sufficient numbers to end Germany's war. But the Easterners asserted that during two years of war the Allies had superiority in numbers and material greater than the numbers the Germans could bring from the Russian front and they had failed to break the German lines. They argued that the Palestine theatre might be wasteful of shipping but the Western Front was wasteful of lives; that it would be folly to take seasoned troops from Palestine where a decisive victory could be won to die in the stalemate.
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Rifle and 5th Mounted Brigades arrived in time to extend the Australian Light Horse's line. The Ottoman advance was stopped by the combined Allied fire from the infantry and mounted troops, deep sand, the mid summer mid day heat and thirst. In mid summer desert conditions, the British infantry were unable to move effectively to pursue the retreating columns the next day and alone, the Anzac Mounted Division was unable to attack and capture Von Kressenstein's large force which made an orderly retreat to Katia and eventually back to their base at Bir el Abd. Bir el Abd was abandoned on 12 August 1916 after fierce fighting, during an attack by the Anzac Mounted Division on 9 August, at the extremity of British Empire
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Behind us are our heavies and cavalry and very near in front our entrenched infantry with whom we are in touch. Absurdly near to these are the Turkish positions, trenches and redoubts. As we crossed the plain and a little ridge of hills to my new position on Palm Sunday, Turkish HE shells were falling pretty freely, but in a seemingly rather aimless way and the same desultory fire kept up all Monday. Aircraft and anti-aircraft guns were busy nearly all the time keeping up a constant hubbub. The next day, Tuesday 3 April, the Turks attacked and I was lucky enough to have a sort of front seat for the whole show, including the repulse of their infantry onslaught.
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or otherwise take the slightest notice of the planes. The life of a pilot, computed in flying hours, is pitifully short; many of them are killed while learning. My wife is working as voluntary aid at a hospital in Ismailia, and she and her associates are constantly making shrouds for these boys that have perhaps made one little mistake in their first solo flight, and have paid for it with their lives. The army will do anything in reason for these youngsters. We are ordered to let them have riding–horses and we occasionally turn out quite a creditable hunt with Saluki hounds after jackals.
442: 354: 405: 279: 2548: 576: 250: 2681:, Medina and to Mecca. The railway, built with German assistance to carry pilgrims, was not only important for Ottoman communications but contained solidly-built stone station buildings which could form defensive positions. With the balance of power in northern Sinai moving in favour of the British, the Sherif was encouraged to seek support for his revolt from as far north as Baalbek, north of Damascus. In London, the War Office, hoping to foment unrest throughout the Ottoman Arab territories, encouraged Murray's plan to advance to El Arish. 3467: 2360:
El Arish or Rafa could be held with fewer troops than would be needed for a passive defence of the Suez Canal. Murray had estimated a force of 250,000 could cross the Sinai and that 80,000 troops could be maintained in the Katia area. If such a large Ottoman force were to reach Katia then the British would need a very large force to defend the Suez Canal. British occupation of the oasis area which stretched eastwards from Romani and Katia to Bir el Abd along the ancient silk road would deny drinking water to any Ottoman invasion force.
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sufficiently broad to support the planned operations across the Jordan to the Hedjaz railway; further territory was required to give more depth. During this operation a general advance on a front of 14–26 miles (23–42 km) and up to a maximum of 5–7 miles (8.0–11.3 km) in depth by both the XX and XXI Corps pushed the 7th and 8th Ottoman Armies north from the River Auja on the Mediterranean coast, from Abu Tellul and Mussallabeh on the edge of the Jordan Valley and up the Jerusalem to Nablus road capturing Ras el Ain.
565: 546: 324: 2813: 3430: 3864:) was sent to confer with Allenby regarding the implementation of the Joint Note. The French imposed an important qualification on the Joint Note; that no British troops in France could be deployed to the Egyptian Expeditionary Force. Smuts informed Allenby the intention was to reinforce the Egyptian Expeditionary Force with one and possibly a second Indian cavalry division from France, three divisions from Mesopotamia and more artillery and aeroplanes. Smuts also suggested crossing the Jordan, capturing the 3279:
Gaza–Beersheba line, the Fourth Army had about eighteen thousand soldiers. Kress von Kressenstein allocated some troops to both Gaza and Beersheba, but held the majority in reserve at Tell esh Sheria and Jemmameh and by mid March the Ottoman Army's 53rd Infantry Division was on its way south from Jaffa to augment these troops. The garrison at Gaza consisting of seven battalions could muster 3,500 rifles, machine gun companies and five batteries of 20 guns, supported by a squadron of newly arrived German
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also required management, and with the approval of the Government, Allenby appointed a Chief Administrator for Palestine. He divided the country into four districts: Jerusalem, Jaffa, Majdal and Beersheba, each under a military governor. Under this administration the immediate needs of the people were provided for, seed grain and live–stock were imported and distributed, finance on easy terms was made available through the Army bankers, a stable currency was set up and postal services restored.
2705:. From the middle of August to the Battle for Magdhaba on 23 December 1916, British forces waited for this necessary infrastructure to be put in place. These four months have often been described as a period of rest for the Anzac Mounted Division as there were no major battles. However, the mounted troops were busy providing screens for the construction, patrolling newly occupied areas and carrying out reconnaissances to augment aerial photographs to improve maps of the newly occupied areas. 374: 3064: 2859: 220: 200: 3647:
attack on Jerusalem, and placed pressure on the Ottoman command, who moved considerable forces eastwards from Sheria, to reinforce the defence of the road to Jerusalem and Tel el Khuweilfe, too far away to come to the aid of Gaza. By weakening the force defending Sheria it became possible for two infantry divisions and Desert Mounted Corps, all that could be deployed so far from base, to attack the remaining Ottoman forces, "to defeat and pursue it, and hustle it northward to Jaffa."
Mazar, where a small group of wells which reliably provided water. El Arish was the target of an air raid on 18 June 1916 by 11 aircraft of the 5th Wing under Colonel W. G. H. Salmond. The planes flew out to sea until east of El Arish, then turned inland to approach from the southeast. Two Ottoman aircraft on the ground and two of the ten aircraft hangars were set on fire; bombs hit four others and troops were also attacked. Three British aircraft were forced to land, one in the sea.
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breezes and an average temperature of 80 °F (27 °C). In the Judean Hills temperatures can vary by as much as 20 °F (11 °C) during a single day, and in the Jordan Valley shade temperatures of between 100–120 °F (38–49 °C) are common, with high humidity. This heat is accompanied in all sections of the line, by dust and insect pests including sand-flies and malarial mosquitoes, which are common along the whole of the front line.
5026:, attempted to estimate Ottoman battle casualties from this campaign in 2001. He did not attempt to estimate losses due to disease for this campaign, but noted that the Ottomans had some 2.66 times the number of disease deaths as KIA throughout the war (466,759 v 175,220), with the highest ratio of non-battle casualties to battle casualties being found in the Caucasus and Mesopotamia. His estimates for Ottoman battle casualties by battle were as follows: 4598:
arrived in December 1917. The 2nd Caucasian Cavalry Division and the 1st Infantry Division had been transferred to Palestine from the Caucasus. Indeed, at the end of the Jerusalem campaign the Ottoman soldiers appeared the toughest, most obdurate and most professional of fighters. Training continued and in early February, the 20th Infantry Regiment at regimental level received intensive training in day and night fortification and battle drill.
2724:(Lowland) Division. The movement of the infantry across Sinai was eased by construction of wire netting roads also used by Egyptian Labour Corps, light vehicles, cars, and ambulances. This reasonably stable surface, which did not sink, was constructed from two or four rolls of rabbit wire; one inch mesh wire rolled out side by side, wired together with the edges fixed into the sand with long steel or wooden pegs to produce a reasonable track. 3807:
reached Ludd and was within .25 miles (400 m) of Allenby's headquarters 2 miles (3.2 km) west of Ramleh. He wrote on 25 January: "I want to extend my right, to include Jericho and the N. of the Dead Sea." On 3 January two Australian aircraft discovered boats carrying corn and hay produced on the plains to the east and south-east of the Dead Sea for the forces at Amman. The boats moving from Ghor el Hadit (behind Point Costigan) and
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other air squadron in the East, filled up with petrol and bombs and set off in formation towards Beersheba. Over Beersheba the anti-aircraft guns engaged them with high explosive and shrapnel; the raiders flew through a flurry of white, black and green bursts. The Martinsyde dropped a 100 lb (45 kg) bomb fair in the centre of the aerodrome; two 20 lb (9.1 kg) bombs hit tents; others made direct hits on the
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Regiment (11th Division). The British and Indian infantry force made a descent of several hundred feet before climbing up steep rocky ground. Despite the Ottoman defences being strongly held and well wired, fierce fighting at close quarters ensued, during which the attacks from both flanks were completely successful. Heavy losses estimated to have been 450 were inflicted on the Ottoman units and 250 prisoners captured.
5001:. The Ottoman government was quite prepared to sacrifice these non-Turkish provinces without surrendering. Indeed, while this battle was raging, the Ottoman Empire sent an expeditionary force into Russia to enlarge the ethnic Turkish elements of the empire. It was only after the surrender of Bulgaria, which put Ottoman Empire into a vulnerable position for invasion, that the Ottoman government was compelled to sign an 3072:
Egyptian Labour Corps and delaying the building of the railway now near El Burj halfway between El Arish and Rafa with the wire road nearly at Sheikh Zowaiid. As a consequence on 3 February, Major General Chauvel was forced to order the cessation of Allied bombing in the hope that retaliations would also cease, so that the work on the rail line and pipeline could continue. The pipeline reached El Arish on 5 February.
used by Ottoman columns advancing from Palestine and to maintain some troops at Suez to defend the town. These operations began in February 1916 when construction started on the 25 miles (40 km) stretch of 4-foot 8 inch standard gauge Sinai railway and water pipeline from Qantara/Kantara to Qatiya/Katia. By the end of March or early in April 16 miles (26 km) of track, including sidings, had been laid.
all British units attacked, and there was no doubt that the Turks were losing. Both the 1st Light Horse Brigade and the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade made progress, capturing about 100 prisoners, and by 15:30 the Turks were beginning to surrender. By 16:30 the whole garrison had surrendered, having suffered heavy casualties, and the town was captured. The victory had cost the EEF 22 dead and 121 wounded.
70 and 80 yards (64–73 m) in front, came within range of the Ottoman riflemen in defences "directly in their track," a number of horses were hit by sustained rapid fire. While the 4th Light Horse Regiment attacked these fortifications dismounted after jumping the trenches, most of the 12th Light Horse Regiment on the left rode through a gap in the defences to gallop into Beersheba to capture the garrison.
now made up of 1st and 2nd Light Horse, New Zealand Mounted Rifles and 22nd Mounted Yeomanry Brigades and the Imperial Mounted Division commanded by Hodgson now made up of the 3rd and 4th Light Horse with the 5th and 6th Mounted Brigades and two Light Car Patrols. The 3rd Light Horse Brigade rather resented the change, as they lost the connection with their service on Gallipoli via the old name of Anzac.
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between the First and Second Battles of Gaza, the town was quickly developed into the strongest point in a series of strongly entrenched positions extending to Hareira 12 miles (19 km) east of Gaza and south east towards Beersheba. The Ottoman defenders not only increased the width and depth of their front lines, they developed mutually supporting strong redoubts on ideal defensive ground.
3321: 2788:, set out his global military policy at this time in a letter to Murray of 16 October 1916, in which he stated "I am not intent on winning in any particular quarter of the globe. My sole object is to win the war and we shall not do that in the Hedjaz nor in the Sudan. Our military policy is perfectly clear and simple ... is offensive on the Western Front and therefore defensive everywhere else". 2397:
the 3rd Light Horse Brigade, 900 camels, non-fighting units and camel transport escorted by one squadron of 9th Light Horse Regiment and 10 Bikaner Camel Corps. The engineers drained pools and cisterns of five million gallons of water in the Wadi Mukhsheib, sealed the cisterns to prevent them refilling during next season's rains and returned on 14 June. At the same time a detachment of
the Sinai and Palestine campaign produces a total battle casualty count of about 189,600 (15,364 KIA, 10,069 MIA, 85,497 WIA, 78,735 POW). Furthermore, his listed ratio of disease deaths to KIA implies about 40,900 disease deaths in Sinai-Palestine. This would add up to total casualties of roughly 230,500 (15,364 KIA, 10,069 MIA, 40,900 died of disease, 85,497 WIA/DOW, 78,735 POW).
the effects of shock. Casualties were transported from the regimental aid post close to the firing line to an advanced dressing station in the rear by the stretcher bearers of the field ambulances attached to the light horse and mounted brigades. Evacuations back to the railway line which stretched across the Sinai, were undertaken in horse-drawn ambulances, in sand sledges or in
2146:, however provided some protection to the Europeans who controlled both these industries. In the autumn of 1917 GHQ was transferred from Cairo to the front leaving garrison battalions. This move took the commander in chief of the EEF, who was responsible for martial law, out of touch with the civil authorities, and unrest in Egypt became serious during the winter of 1917/18. 2472:
Transport Corps. With flies attracted to horse litter, etc., provision of safe sanitation was a constant battle. Incinerators were constructed to burn refuse by stacking used bully beef tins filled with sand. During this period men had to patrol constantly despite poor diet, severe weather conditions, little shelter from the sun and very few rest periods.
representative enjoyed before the war. His presence and behaviour was resented by the Italians and the church representatives became angry. Allenby was aware that in Jerusalem angry priests came to blows in the Holy Places from time to time. He insisted that while military administration was required it must be under the British Commander in Chief alone.
2311:, in November 1914, of defending the Suez Canal from the western side. Near the end of 1915, with the Gallipoli campaign drawing to an end, Cabinet authorised new positions to be established in the desert about 11,000 yards (10 km) east of the Canal, strengthening defence of the canal against long range guns, and agreed to provide additional troops. 2150:
production of much needed food and cotton and the stability of Egypt. Also by this time, much of the railway lines in Egypt that were not crucial to the production of cotton, sugar, cereals and forages, had already been lifted and used on the military railway, except the Khedivial Railway from Alexandria to Dabaa which was available for emergencies. The
3689:. The combined effects of this series of devastating failures by the Ottoman Army was to see their 8th Army give up Jaffa and retire across the Nahr el Auja while their 7th Army withdrew into the Judean Hills to defend Jerusalem. They had withdrawn approximately 50 miles (80 km), losing 10,000 prisoners and 100 guns and suffering heavy casualties. 2795:, who had acquired a reputation for sound work in minor operations, was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-general, given the title of GOC Eastern Frontier Force and put in charge of all the troops on the canal and in the desert. His headquarters was established at Ismailia and he began to organise his command into two parts, the Canal Defences and 3510:, the Commander of the Yildirim Group, proposed a two phase attack. The plan called for a reconnaissance in force from Beersheba on 27 October, to be followed by an all out attack launched by the 8th Army from Hareira. This second phase was ironically scheduled to occur on the morning of 31 October 1917, the day when the Battle of Beersheba began. 2599:. This was the first substantial Allied victory against the Ottoman Empire in World War I, ending the Defence of the Suez Canal campaign. The Canal was never again threatened by land forces during the remainder of the war. The Allies then went on the offensive for seven months, pushing the Ottoman Army back across the Sinai Peninsula, fighting the 4051:(232nd Brigade) was preceded by one of the heaviest bombardments experienced in Palestine. The bombardment, lasting for just over an hour, began at 17:15 and resulted in the village burning but the Gurkhas met the attackers by immediately rushing their defences. The fighting continued until after dark during which 52 soldiers were killed. 2720:(2nd Light Horse Brigade) who, rather than attacking them, gave them water and their rides. The commanding officer and his men led the Ottoman Army soldiers on their horses for 5 miles (8.0 km) through deep sand until met by transport. "This was a very queer sight and worthy of a moving picture poor sacrifices of the Huns." 4094:, which also turned inwards from either flank in front of them. Although the two left-hand companies did not reach their objectives the attack was completely successful and the forces withdrawn about 12:15 on 13 August. Captures included 239 prisoners, 14 machine guns and Ottoman casualties were estimated at 450 while the 4833:(1964), a detailed study of Allenby’s advance, does not elaborate on the metaphor, and it is not difficult to see why: Allenby’s swift progress up to Damascus was certainly not the bloody, colossal, definitive clash envisioned in John’s Revelation; that was taking place in the trenches of the Western Front." 4628:
Kressenstein's successor), consisted of the XXII Corps (7th, 20th and 46th Divisions) and the Asiatic Corps (16th and 19th Divisions, 701st, 702nd and 703rd German Battalions). This army held a line running eastwards from the Mediterranean shore for about 20 miles (32 km) into the hills at Furkhah.
A total of 138,367 battle casualties (15,364 KIA, 34,199 WIA, 10,069 MIA, 78,735 POW). The WIA figures only include irrecoverable losses (crippled or later died of wounds). Going by the Erickson's estimates, total wounded outnumbered seriously wounded by 2.5:1 for the war. Applying that same ratio to
when its headquarters was moved forward to Es Salt) defended the Transjordan sector. But German air superiority ended with the arrival of the S.E.5.a and Bristol fighters, one of which destroyed three German Albatros scouts on 12 December. From January 1918 these British planes increasingly dominated
The complexity of the reorganisation and reformation of these battalions was not without consequences. Of the 54 British Indian Army battalions deployed to Palestine, 22 had recent experience of combat, but had each lost an experienced company, which had been replaced by recruits. Ten battalions were
By April 1918, 35 Indian infantry and two Indian pioneer battalions were preparing to move to Palestine. Those battalions with numbers from 150 upwards, were formed by removing complete companies from experienced regiments then serving in Mesopotamia to form new battalions. The parent battalions also
The Ottoman 48th Infantry Division together with the 3rd and 46th Assault Companies and the German 703rd Infantry Battalion successfully defended Amman and stopped the advance of Shea's Force. With his lines of communication threatened by 2,000 reinforcements moving towards Es Salt from the north the
At this time the front line stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to the Dead Sea. From the middle of May to about the middle of October, the country through which the line passed was virtually dry, but temperatures could vary greatly. On the maritime plain the climate is almost sub-tropical, with sea
All three infantry brigades carried out the initial assault in line against Berukin, El Kufr, Ra-fat and Three Bushes Hill which were successfully captured, while Berukin was finally captured at 16:00. The delay in capturing Berukin slowed the attack of the other infantry brigades and gave the German
The Westerners argued that the real heart of the Ottoman Empire, Istanbul, still lay hundreds of miles from an advance to Damascus or even Aleppo and if the Ottoman Empire saw at the same time Germany overrunning France, it would not be enough to force the Ottoman Empire from the war. With Russia out
The whole British advanced base of operations had moved north from Deir el Belah to the new railhead and at Ramleh the Director of Medical Services' headquarters were also the headquarters of the Motor Ambulance Convoy. Thirteen casualty clearing stations and stationary hospitals had been established
When Allenby first assumed command of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force he quickly joined the army in the field leaving the political and administrative problems related to the Egyptian Mandate to a Government appointee with a suitable staff. The area of formerly Ottoman territory now under occupation
Orders were issued for a general attack on Beersheba by the dismounted 1st and 3rd Light Horse Brigades and the mounted 4th Light Horse Brigade. As the leading squadrons of the 4th Light Horse Regiment of Victorians, and the New South Wales' 12th Light Horse Regiment, preceded by their scouts between
began with the attack on the headquarters of the Ottoman III Corps at Beersheba. The town was defended by 4,400 rifles, 60 machine guns, and 28 field guns including cavalry lancer and infantry regiments. They were deployed in well constructed trenches protected by some wire, strengthened by fortified
The occupation of Karm by the Allies on 22 October 1917 created a major point for supply and water for the troops in the immediate area. For the Ottoman forces, the establishment of a railway station at Karm placed the defensive positions known as the Hareira Redoubt and Rushdie System which formed a
The strength of the Ottoman fortifications and the determination of their soldiers defeated the EEF. The EEF's strength, which before the two battles for Gaza could have supported an advance into Palestine, was now decimated. Murray commanding the EEF and Dobell commanding Eastern Force were relieved
The Imperial Mounted Division moved up from Ferry Post to join Desert Column at el Burj just past El Arish on the road to Gaza between 28 February and 9 March; the 3rd Light Horse Brigade coming under their orders on 2 March and the Imperial Mounted Division coming under orders of Desert Column on 10
feathers are visible in photographs from the fall of Jerusalem. Their "mainly political" role was to assert "hereditary ecclesiastical prerogatives in connection with the Christian churches at Jerusalem and Bethlehem". In the fall of 1918, Allenby was willing to accept more Italian help, but although
As the British war machine pushed on across the Sinai Peninsula the infrastructure and supporting British garrisons strongly held all the territory they occupied. By the end of February 1917, 388 miles of railway (at a rate of 1 kilometre a day), 203 miles of metalled road, 86 miles of
three days later, when twelve bombs silenced the anti-aircraft guns and blew several tents to pieces. Bir el Mazar was again bombed on 7 September. As part of the advance across the Sinai, the Australian Flying Squadron's "B" Flight moved their hangars from Suez forward to Mahemdia (4 miles from
At the conclusion of the Battle of Romani on 12 August 1916, the Ottoman Army had been pushed back to its forward position at Bir el Abd, the last oasis in the series stretching from the Romani area. The Ottomans' main forward base was pushed back to El Arish, with a fortified advanced post at Bir el
Ottoman Army units retaliated to the increased British Empire presence at the beginning of June, with the first of many air raids on Romani killing eight troopers from the 1st Light Horse Brigade and wounding 22. About 100 horses were also lost. At this time the forward Ottoman air base was at Bir el
During May 1916 Ottoman aircraft flew over the Suez Canal dropping bombs on Port Said which caused 23 casualties. On 18 May, the Ottoman occupied town and aerodrome at El Arish was bombed by order of Colonel W.G.H. Salmond, commander of the 5th Wing, in reprisal for the first Ottoman raids, and on 22
Until the railway and water pipeline to Pelusium Station and Romani were built, all water, food (mainly bully beef and biscuits, as packing and transport methods did not allow fresh meat and vegetables), shelters, other equipment and ammunition had to be carried to this position by the Egyptian Camel
in the northern sector of the Canal and near Suez in the south. These were followed by the main attacks on 3 and 4 February, on the Suez Canal to east of the Suez to Kantara Railway. Kress von Kressenstein's Ottoman Suez Expeditionary Force advanced from Southern Palestine to arrive on the Canal on 2
A comparison of Falls' Sketch Maps 18 and 30 shows that the front line was pushed north into the Judean Hills by about 5 miles (8.0 km) between the end of December 1917 and September 1918, to eventually follow the Nahr el Auja east from the Mediterranean coast, along the Wadi Deir Ballut and as
Allenby wrote to Robertson on 25 January 1918: "If I could destroy 10 or 15 miles of rail and some bridges and get touch with the Arabs under Feisal – even temporarily – the effect would be great." Fifteen miles of railway including all bridges were destroyed on 23 May 1917 on the railway from
While Enver Pasa and the Ottoman General Staff remained focused on the offensive, the Ottoman armies remained aggressive and confident. Their front line was held by the Eighth Army with headquarters at Tul Keram defending the Mediterranean coastal sector, the Seventh Army with headquarters at Nablus
In February the occupation of the valley began, with the Auckland Mounted Rifles Brigade (New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade) remaining to patrol the area, after the Capture of Jericho. During the two Transjordan attacks the Jordan Valley was garrisoned by the Anzac and Australian Mounted Divisions,
and two companies of 6th Prince of Wales's Leinster Regiment at the western end, were over 2.5 miles (4.0 km) away. The two Indian regiments advanced simultaneously, capturing the flanking Ottoman entrenchments then the Prince of Wales's Leinster Regiment companies turned inwards accompanied by
The Palestine front was relatively quiet during the late spring and summer of 1918 with the exception of some brief fighting in midsummer. During the hot summer months of 1918 several British mainly small scale raids were made to improve Allied positions on the coastal plain and in the Judean Hills.
On 13 December 1917 the War Cabinet instructed the General Staff to consider two policies; the conquest of Palestine involving an advance of about 100 miles (160 km) or an advance to Aleppo to cut the Ottoman communications with Mesopotamia. On 14 December Allenby reported that the rainy season
The Easterners accepted that it was essential to maintain the forces in France and Belgium on the Western Front, but that they were already sufficient to keep the front intact. They argued that 'to surrender the initiative everywhere and to concentrate on a policy of purely passive defence along the
regarding attitudes to the occupation of Jerusalem. The report recounted that the Moslems were for the most part non-committal, while the partisans of Sherif were genuinely pleased but worried by Jewish influence. The attitude of Bedouin from East of Jerusalem to Bir El Saba (Beersheba) varied; some
between 21 and 22 December and ended with the defence of Jerusalem from 26 to 30 December 1917. These battles were ultimately successfully fought by the XX, XXI and the Desert Mounted Corps against the Ottoman 7th Army in the Judean Hills and their 8th Army. Battle lines extended from north of Jaffa
During the first EEF offensive from October to November 1917, Australian wounded were mainly treated in the 1,040 beds of No. 14 Australian General Hospital at the Abbassia Barracks, Cairo. Although No. 2 Australian Stationary Hospital at Moascar, was organised, equipped, and staffed for any type of
in June to command the Egyptian Expeditionary Force. Allenby created two separate headquarters, one stayed in Cairo to administer Egypt, while his battle headquarters was established near Khan Yunis. He also reorganised the force into two infantry and one mounted corps. By 28 October 1917 the ration
The construction of these defences changed the nature of the Second Battle of Gaza, fought from 17 to 19 April 1917, to an infantry frontal attack across open ground against well prepared entrenchments, with mounted troops in a supporting role. The infantry were strengthened by a detachment of eight
On the evening of 8 January 1917, mounted units of Desert Column including the Anzac Mounted Division, the Imperial Camel Corps Brigade, the 5th Mounted Yeomanry Brigade, No. 7 Light Car Patrol and artillery, rode out of El Arish to attack the next day 9 January, a 2,000 to 3,000-strong Ottoman Army
After tough fighting in the morning of 23 December, at about 13:00, Chauvel heard that the Turks still controlled most of the water in the area. It is claimed at this time that he decided to call off the attack. But at about the same time, after a telephone conversation between Chauvel and Chetwode,
Subjected to further bombing air raids, by 2 October aerial reconnaissance photographs revealed the German aircraft hangars formerly at El Arish had disappeared. By 25 October there was no anti-aircraft fire reported over El Arish and reductions in the Ottoman–German force based there were apparent.
Advances in military medical techniques included the surgical cleaning (or debridement) of wounds, with delayed primary surgical closure, the Thomas Splint which stabilized compound leg fractures, the use of intravenous saline which had begun in 1916 and blood transfusions to prevent or even reverse
and cut the Suez Canal by bringing it within artillery range. It numbered 12,000, mainly from the 3rd Infantry Division, with Bedouin irregulars, German machine-gunners and Austrian artillery from Pasha 1. Romani was defended by the 52nd (Lowland) Division, and the 1st, and 2nd Light Horse Brigades.
dust storms which blow once every 50 days for a few hours or several days, turning the atmosphere into a haze of floating sand particles flung about by a hot southerly wind. The ANZAC troops and their commanders, unused to the conditions, suffered considerably from heatstroke and thirst during these
April 1916 – Everything is being hurried up. The big English flying school near our camp has been ordered to turn out as many pilots as quickly as possible and there is an average of eighteen planes in the air all day long, just over our heads. The din is indescribable, but the horses never look up,
The British Indian Army's 4th and 5th Cavalry Divisions, which had fought on the Western Front since 1914, were disbanded. They were reformed in the Middle East, with yeomanry regiments replacing British regular cavalry regiments, which remained on the Western Front. Nine British yeomanry regiments
Following the unsuccessful first Transjordan attack on Amman by Shea's force, Allenby ordered a reluctant Chauvel to attack Shunet Nimrin and Es Salt with a force one third larger than that which attacked Amman. But in the five weeks between these two operations British GHQ estimated the German and
of the 60th (2/2nd London) Division carried out an attack on a front of 5 miles (8.0 km) east of the Nablus Road mainly without artillery support when a 9 miles (14 km) front from Keen's Knoll to Kh. 'Amuriye was attacked. Table Hill, Bidston Hill, Forfar Hill Fife Knoll, Kh. 'Amuriye and
One of these attacks on 12 August, was on a 4,000-yard (3,700 m) long, steep-faced ridge west of the Nablus road, which included Khan Gharabe, and formed a part of the XX Corps' front where Ottoman defences were virtually continuous. The opposing line was held by 600 rifles of the Ottoman 33rd
At the end of two days' bitter hand-to-hand fighting the 75th Division was still to gain its objectives and was having difficulty holding on to the little it had gained because of fatigue and depleted numbers. Three days' fighting from 9 to 11 April proved once again that in the Judean Hills German
The battlefield over which the Battle of Nebi Samwil was fought continued to be subject to attacks and counterattacks until early December when Jerusalem was occupied by the British. Fighting also continued in the vicinity Bireh and the main Ottoman supply line running along the Jerusalem to Nablus
From 1 to 6/7 November strong Ottoman rearguards at Tel el Khuweilfe in the Judean Hills, at Hareira and Sheria on the plain and at Sausage Ridge and Gaza on the Mediterranean coast held the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in heavy fighting. During this time the Ottoman Armies were able to withdraw in
Hotchkiss light machine guns were issued to every squadron, substantially increasing the firepower of the mounted infantry and training in their use and gas helmets was carried out. Deir el Belah became the headquarters of Eastern Force after railhead reached there on 5 April and the arrival of the
Surrounded by palms and olive groves, Deir el Belah is 5 miles (8.0 km) north east of Khan Yunis and 8 miles (13 km) south west of Gaza. From Deir el Belah active patrolling towards Sharia and Beersheba continued. Here the 1st Light Horse Brigade rejoined the Anzac Mounted Division, three
While Desert Column's Anzac and partly formed Imperial Mounted Divisions stopped Ottoman reinforcements from pushing through to join the Ottoman garrison at Gaza, on 26 March, the 53rd (Welsh) Division supported by a brigade from the 54th (East Anglian) Division attacked the strong entrenchments to
commander of Eastern Force had 52nd (Lowland) and 54th (East Anglian) Divisions and the Imperial Camel Corps Brigade directly in his command and Desert Column commanded by Chetwode consisting of the 53rd (Welsh) Division commanded by Major General Dallas, Anzac Mounted Division commanded by Chauvel
When the possibility of a British invasion of Palestine was first raised, it became necessary to reach an understanding with France, which also had an interest in Palestine and Syria. As early as 16 May 1916 Sir Mark Sykes, who had studied the political problems of Mesopotamia and Syria, had agreed
With the victory at Rafa, Murray had successfully accomplished all his and the War Office's objectives; he had secured the Suez Canal and Egypt from any possibility of a serious land attack and his forces controlled the Sinai Peninsula with a series of strongly fortified positions in depth, along a
the light horse, infantry, machine guns and artillery were not able to capture the 2,000 strong, well entrenched garrison which made a determined stand. After demonstrating the strength of the advancing army, they successfully withdrew back to Anzac Mounted Division's Headquarters at Bir Sulmana 20
There was a progressive improvement in horsemanship during the summer and autumn of 1916 indicated by the small number of animals evacuated from the Anzac Mounted Division after the strenuous marching and fighting from August after the Battle of Romani, during the capture of El Arish and the Battle
erected on the wells, the water wells and pumping equipment at Jifjafa. They captured an Austrian engineer officer and 33 men, four of whom were wounded, and killed six Ottoman soldiers. On 9 June 1916 units from No. 2 Section of the Canal Defences formed the Mukhsheib column, consisting of part of
Murray planned a 50,000-strong garrison in the Katia area and obtained authority to build a pipeline to pump fresh Nile water and a railway to transport the infantry divisions and their supplies. He also decided to empty the water cisterns at Moya Harab so the central Sinai route could not again be
Murray believed a British advance into the Sinai to occupy Qatiya/Katia would be more cost effective than the static defences recently established. The War Office agreed to this, but not to his more ambitious plan to advance to the Ottoman border. He believed that the area captured in an advance to
with headquarters at Ismailia. After the evacuation from Gallipoli the total British force in Egypt was nearly 400,000 men in 13 infantry and mounted divisions, a force regarded as the strategic reserve for the whole Empire. In March 1916, Sir Archibald Murray took command of all these forces which
supported by Egyptian Army and Indian mountain artillery. The British then amassed troops at the scene which made another crossing impossible. The Ottoman companies held their positions until the evening of 3 February 1915, when the commanding officer ordered them to withdraw. The retreat proceeded
While holding the front line on the Jordan River the 48th Infantry Division continued training, conducting courses on battle tactics, machine guns, hand grenades, and flame throwers. When the 37th Infantry Division arrived from the Caucasus, the division's troops undertook a two-week course on the
Liman von Sanders took over command of the Ottoman Army in Palestine from von Falkenhayn on 1 March 1918. On arrival it was apparent to him that the Ottoman front line was particularly weak west of the Jordan and he took immediate action to strengthen both flanks by a redistribution of his forces.
The Ottoman armies in the Yildirim Army Group had been weakened by considerable losses suffered between 31 October and 31 December 1917. The Seventh Army lost 110 officers and 1,886 men killed, 213 officers and 5,488 men wounded, 79 officers and 393 men captured and 183 officers and 4,233 men were
Allenby wished to extend his right to include Jericho and the northern part of the Dead Sea. In mid February the 53rd (Welsh) and 60th (2/2nd London) Divisions with the 1st Light Horse and the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigades attacked German and Ottoman defences to the east of Jerusalem held by
After exhaustive training, on the night of 12/13 August 10th (Irish) Division carried out a raid which consisted of a series of attacks on Ottoman defences on the 5,000 yards (4,600 m) long Burj–Ghurabeh Ridge just west of the Jerusalem to Nablus road and about 2,000 yards (1,800 m) from
After extensive and complex arrangements to support the infantry advance, the 60th (2/2nd London) and the 74th (Yeomanry) Divisions were to attack Beersheba from the west, while the Anzac Mounted Division with the Australian Mounted Division in reserve attacked the town from the east, after riding
From April to October 1917 the Ottoman and British Empire forces held their lines of defence from Gaza to Beersheba. Both sides constructed extensive entrenchments, which were particularly strong where the trenches almost converged, at Gaza and Beersheba. In the centre of the line, the defences at
along with 4,000 rounds of 4.5-inch gas shells. The tanks were deployed along the front to give shelter to the infantry advancing behind them, but as the tanks became targets the infantry also suffered. Two tanks succeeded in reaching their objectives. Although the gas shells were fired during the
from the Salonika front prompted a reorganisation of Desert Column. Instead of grouping the two new brigades with the 4th Light Horse Brigade (in the process of formation) and the 5th Mounted Brigade to form the new Imperial Mounted division, (established 12 February 1917 at Ferry Post on the Suez
But just a week after the 42nd Division departed, an Anglo-French conference at Calais on 26 February 1917, decided to encourage all fronts in a series of offensives to begin more or less simultaneously with the beginning of the spring offensive on the Western Front. And so the British War Cabinet
However, within two days of the victory at Rafa on 11 January 1917, General Murray was informed by the War Office that, rather than building on the momentum created over the last two and a half weeks by the victories at Magdhaba and Rafa by encouraging him to further advances with promises of more
had reached Romani. Bir el Mazar, formerly the forward base of the Ottoman Army was taken over by the Anzac Mounted Division on 25 November 1916 the day before railhead. By 1 December the end of the most recently laid railway line was east of Mazar 64 miles (103 km) from Kantara. The Ottomans
On 11 November a Martinsyde and nine B.E.2c's, loaded with bombs and petrol, left the Kantara and Mahemdia aerodromes at dawn and assembled at Mustabig, just west of Bir el Mazar. There a raiding force of five B.E.2c's and the Martinsyde formed the largest force yet organised by Australians or any
A 2 ½ inch pipe was pointed, perforated and covered with a sheet of fine perforated brass. This was driven down into the water area by means of a small pulley bar and monkey, or by a sledge–hammer; and additional lengths of pipe were added if necessary. The ordinary General Service "Lift and Force
POWs held by the end of the war are given as 5,703 officers and 96,133 other ranks, broken down by ethnicity. However that total also includes "over 3,000" Austro-German men and 206 Austro-German officers, which are listed below separately. Ottoman POWs alone would therefore be 5,497 officers and
near Afulah. Muslims, Christians and Jews lived in the foothill country of Northern Galilee. Christians of at least five denominations formed a large majority in and around Nazareth town. The inhabitants of the eastern part of this Northern Galilee area were predominantly indigenous Jews, who had
As the dry season approached Allenby intended to advance to secure Tiberias, Haifa and the Yarmuk Valley towards Hauran, the Sea of Galilee and Damascus. The peoples inhabiting the region of the Sharon battlefield varied greatly in their background, religious beliefs and political outlook. Living
the same day the First Transjordan attack on Amman began and completely eclipsed its failure. The powerful assault launched on both sides of the Somme by a force of 750,000 collapsed the British front in Picardy held by just 300,000 men. Gough's Fifth Army was forced back almost to Amiens. On one
warfare was sinking 13 British ships a day when the average during 1916 had been only three. This misunderstanding of the actual position in southern Palestine "rest squarely on General Murray for, whether he intended it or not, the wording of the reports fully justifies the interpretation placed
We have moved camp from a hill above the village of Deir Beulah to a lonely spot in the grove by the shores of a sweet water lake and close to the sea. The trees and tangles of most luxuriant creepers and bushes conceal also some field batteries and hundreds of tons of shells and high explosives.
The Ottoman Army gave up a small area of the southern Ottoman Empire to retire to Gaza on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, holding large garrisons spread across the area to Beersheba; to the north east, east, and south east at Hareira, Tel el Sheria, Jemmameh, Tel el Negile, Huj and Beersheba.
Sustained fighting began in the early hours and by about 11:00 on 4 August, the Austrian, German and Ottoman force had pushed the two Australian brigades back to a point where the 52nd (Lowland) Division in their trenches were able to attack the attackers' right flank, and the New Zealand Mounted
had performed invaluable service during the Sinai campaign and would perform even greater service and hardships during the coming Palestine campaign. As the war dragged on and the fighting moved beyond the Egyptian border, many Egyptians felt the war no longer concerned them. At the same time the
The effect of this offensive on the Palestine campaign was described by Allenby on 1 April 1918: "Here, I have raided the Hedjaz railway 40 miles East of Jordan & have done much damage but my little show dwindles now into a very insufficient affair in comparison with events in Europe."
Qualified approval from the Supreme War Council for a decisive offensive to annihilate Ottoman armies and crush resistance was contained in Joint Note No. 12. It was claimed that the destruction of the Ottoman Empire 'would have far-reaching results upon the general military situation.' Early in
The weather was beginning to improve and railways and roads were being repaired and developed. A lateral line of communication north of the Jaffa to Jerusalem road required the complete reconstruction of the track from Amwas through Beit Sira by the Egyptian Labour Corps. The standard gauge line
in the centre with the Australian Mounted Division on the right flank and the Anzac and Yeomanry Mounted Divisions on the left. The infantry in the centre prevailed supported by a cavalry charge by 6th Mounted Brigade (Yeomanry Mounted Division). And on 14 November the New Zealand Mounted Rifles
being slightly increased. But between 14 and 19 January Beersheba was bombed several times by No. 1 Squadron Australian Flying Corps in day and night raids; during one of these raids dropping twelve 20–lb. bombs directly on the biggest German hangar. After these raids the German airmen evacuated
With the 1st Light Horse Brigade in reserve, Chauvel sent the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade and the 3rd Light Horse Brigade to move on Magdhaba by the north and north–east to cut off of retreat, while the Imperial Camel Corps Brigade followed the telegraph line straight on Magdhaba. The 1st
The Desert Column under Chetwode also arrived that day. Chauvel, with the agreement of Chetwode, set out to attack the Turkish forces at Magdhaba with the Anzac Mounted Division. Leaving at about midnight on 22 December, the Anzac Mounted Division was in a position by 0350 on 23 December, to see
sided with the Ottoman Empire upon the latter's entry into the First World War on the side of the Central Powers. This prompted the United Kingdom to depose Abbas, terminate the still persisting legal fiction of Ottoman sovereignty over Egypt, and declare the re-establishment of the Sultanate of
The Ottoman high command was dissatisfied with von Falkenhayn, the commander of the Yildirim Army Group in Palestine. He was seen to have been responsible for the defeat at Beersheba and his refusal to allow Ottoman staff officers to participate in planning combat operations rankled. Enver Pasa
transferred were also very experienced. In September 1918 when the 2/151st Indian Infantry provided an honour guard for Allenby, among the men on parade were some who had served on five different fronts since 1914, and in eight pre-war campaigns. Not all of these Indian battalions served in the
On 14 July two attacks were made by German and Ottoman forces; one in the hills on a salient held by Australian Light Horse which protected front line positions in the valley, where the mainly German force was routed. A second operation was to the east of the Jordan River on the plain, where an
but the Ottoman defenders counterattacked at 06:40 after heavily shelling the Indian brigade; these counterattacks being repulsed. British casualties were 63 killed and 204 wounded; 110 prisoners were captured along with two heavy and five light machine guns. The two hills which had been useful
The Tel el Khuweilfe battle was an "important sideshow to the collapse of the entire Turkish front from Gaza to Beersheba," as it diverted Ottoman reserves to the Khuweilfe area, preventing them being used to strengthen the centre of the Ottoman line at Hareira and Sheria. It also threatened an
While these political machinations were running their course, the Anzac Mounted Division returned to El Arish not far from the Mediterranean Sea, where there was easy access to plentiful fresh water and supplies. During this period of much needed rest and recuperation after the demanding desert
On arrival, A and C Squadrons of the 12th Light Horse Regiment deployed in the centre, with the 11th Light Horse Regiment on the right and the Yeomanry on the left flanks, dismounted at the foot of the hills. Handing over their lead horses in excellent cover these dismounted men then scaled the
At the end of 1915 General Sir John Maxwell, with headquarters at Cairo, had responsibility for troops in the Egyptian Delta, the Western Desert and the Sudan and administered martial law over the whole region including the Suez Canal. The British War Office controlled the Levant Base which was
and Murray agreed that Egypt's contributions would be restricted to the use of the country's railway and Egyptian personnel. However, Maxwell had proclaimed on 6 November 1914 that Egypt would not be required to aid Britain's war effort. Martial law allowed the British administration to control
The British and their Dominions suffered a total of 51,451 battle casualties: 12,873 killed/missing, 37,193 wounded, and 1,385 captured. An additional 503,377 were hospitalized as non-battle casualties, mostly from disease; 5,981 of these died, and most of the rest were returned to duty. It is
However, the Yildirim Army Group was still a competent fighting force at the beginning of 1918. Every infantry division which had fought at Beersheba on 31 October was intact and still fighting, although some were considerably reduced in strength. To make up for these losses reinforcements had
five months later, when the infantry attack would pivot on Ra-fat salient which would at that time be held by the Détachment Français de Palestine et de Syrie. In this case, the losses were heavy: 1,500 British casualties with about 200 Ottoman dead on the battlefield and 27 Ottoman and German
Atawineh, at Sausage Ridge, at Hareira, and at Teiaha supported each other. They overlooked an almost flat plain, devoid of cover, making a frontal attack virtually impossible. The trench lines resembled those on the Western Front, except they were not so extensive, and they had an open flank.
The First Battle of Gaza had been fought by the mounted divisions during an "encounter battle" when speed and surprise were emphasised. Then Gaza had been an outpost garrisoned by a strong detachment on the flank of a line stretching eastwards from the Mediterranean Sea. During the three weeks
In June, the 1st Light Horse Brigade carried out reconnaissances to Bir Bayud, Sagia and Oghratina, to Bir el Abd, Hod el Ge'eila, Hod um el Dhauanin and Hod el Mushalfat. Another routine reconnaissance by 2nd Light Horse Brigade took place on 9 July to El Salmana. Just ten days later, El
their XX Corps' 53rd (Welsh) Division. As the infantry attack on Talat ed Dumm and Jebel Ekteif progressed the mounted brigades moved towards the Jordan Valley from Bethlehem; the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade successfully attacking positions at el Muntar and a strong position protecting
Allenby was under pressure to set up foreign administrations in Palestine. Already the French representative in Palestine, Picot, was pressuring for a share in the administration of a French Protectorate in the Holy Land by pushing to assume the rights and dignities in church which the French
During February British intelligence reported the arrival in the region, of two divisions of the Ottoman Army; the 3rd Cavalry Division (from the Caucasus) and the 16th Infantry Division (from Thrace). They joined three infantry divisions in the area; along the 30 kilometres (19 mi) long
By the end of January both sides were carrying out heavy air attacks; the German and Ottoman pilots dropping bombs on the stores depot at the main base at El Arish, and Nos. 1 and 14 Squadrons regularly retaliating on Beersheba, Weli Sheikh Nuran, and Ramleh. The Germans were also bombing the
By 1917, 15,000 Egyptian volunteers were serving in the Egyptian Army, deployed mainly in the Sudan with three battalions in the EEF, along with 98,000 labourers, 23,000 of whom were serving overseas. The number of Egyptian enlistments could not be increased as conscription could threaten the
Also known as the Battle of Turmus 'Aya, this action fought between 8 and 12 March pushed the Egyptian Expeditionary Force' front line all the way from the Mediterranean Sea to Abu Tellul and Mussalabeh on the edge of the Jordan Valley northwards. Allenby's right flank was secure but was not
British infantry was brought forward to fortify and provide garrisons along the length of the railway. They formed a firm base for mobile operations and defence in depth for the huge administrative organisation advancing with the railway, in support of the Anzac Mounted Division and the 52nd
responsible for administering British Empire forces in Salonika, Gallipoli, Mesopotamia and India, and had its headquarters at Alexandria. The retreating forces on Gallipoli and divisions from the United Kingdom formed the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force commanded by Lieutenant General Sir
The Official Names of the Battles and Other Engagements Fought by the Military Forces of the British Empire during the Great War, 1914–1919, and the Third Afghan War, 1919: Report of the Battles Nomenclature Committee as Approved by The Army Council Presented to Parliament by Command of His
The Palestine campaign began early in 1917 with active operations resulting in the capture of Ottoman Empire territory stretching 370 miles (600 km) to the north, being fought continuously from the end of October to the end of December 1917. Operations in the Jordan Valley and into the
commemorated 28 August: "Today being the Anniversary of the Regiment landing on Gallipoli, a little latitude was given to all hands, and an enjoyable evening was spent in the men's canteen." By September 1916, the German and Ottoman Empires had renegotiated their agreements to recognise the
of Jodhpur, Mysore and Hyderabad. Eight of the 18 regiments in the six brigades were armed with and called lancers. The Australian Mounted Division's 5th Mounted Brigade was also dismounted and sent to reinforce the British Expeditionary Force in France. It was replaced by the newly formed
After the Ottoman Army had evacuated Jerusalem, the city was occupied on 9 December 1917. This was a major political event for the British government of David Lloyd George, one of the few real successes the British could point to after a year of bitter disappointments on the Western Front.
the south of the town. In the afternoon, after being reinforced by the Anzac Mounted Division, the all arms' attack quickly began to succeed. With most objectives captured, night stopped the attack and the withdrawal was ordered before the commanders were fully aware of the gains captured.
Transport was also reorganised; the horse drawn supply columns were combined with the camel trains so that Eastern Force could operate for about twenty four hours beyond railhead. This was a vast undertaking; one brigade (and there were six) of Light Horse at war establishment consisted of
formed from experienced troops who had never fought or trained together. The other 22 had not seen any prior service in the war, in total almost a third of the troops were recruits. Within 44 British Indian Army battalions, the "junior British officers were green, and most could not speak
and Ottoman defenders time to strengthen their defences, and as a result the attacks on Mogg Ridge, Sheikh Subi and Arara were postponed till the next day. During the night there were almost constant counterattacks, but the attack was continued at 06:00 on 10 April when the 2/3rd Gurkhas (
In May 1918, during the lull in fighting after the two Transjordan attacks, from his headquarters at Nazareth, Liman took the opportunity to reorganise the Ottoman army forces in Palestine. The Eighth Army, which was headquartered at Tul Keram under the command of Djevad Pasha (Kress von
day; 23 March German forces advanced 12 miles (19 km) and captured 600 guns; in total the British losing 1,000 guns and 160,000 men, suffering the worst defeat of the war. The British War Cabinet recognised at once that the overthrow of the Ottoman Empire must be at least postponed.
The second Transjordan attack was equally unsuccessful; risked the capture of one of Allenby's mounted divisions but is widely accepted as fulfilling his strategic aim of focusing his opponent's attention on the Transjordan area and away from the Mediterranean coast where he would make a
Also on 19 January, the first air reconnaissance of the Ottoman army rear over the towns of Beit Jibrin, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, and Jericho was carried out by Roberts and Ross Smith, escorted by Murray Jones and Ellis in Martinsydes. Junction Station was also reconnoitred on 27 January.
heights and surprised the defenders but failed to capture the main defensive position. The 11th Light Horse Regiment captured seven Ottoman prisoners and three Bedouins, retiring the way they came to base on 17 October and back to railhead Ferdan on the Suez Canal, on 21 October 1916.
Pump" was then attached. This arrangement proved so efficient that "Spear Points" were issued to every Squadron in the Division, and the RE Troops carried a number of them. Our men were thus enabled to get water at any of the hods in the desert in a very short space of time. [
these tactics were abandoned. Von Kressenstein also demanded German special forces, which were promised to arrive in February 1916, to prepare another expedition against the Canal. He moved to the headquarters of the Fourth Army in Ain Sofar in August, then to the new headquarters in
Allenby had been informed after the capture of Jerusalem in December 1917 that "the 7th Indian Division would arrive from Mesopotamia" and on 1 April it relieved the 52nd (Lowland) Division which sailed for France. The "3rd Indian Division" arrived from Mesopotamia on 14 April 1918.
One of many retaliatory air raids carried out by German/Ottoman airmen, occurred over El Arish on the same day, 19 January when the horse lines were targeted. Horse lines were easy and obvious targets from the air; they continued to suffer heavily from air raids throughout the war.
4810:). The British made major efforts to deceive the Ottoman Army as to their actual intended target of operations. This effort was successful and the Ottoman Army was taken by surprise when the British suddenly attacked Megiddo. As the Ottoman troops started a full-scale retreat, the 5021:
Total Ottoman losses are harder to estimate but almost certainly much larger: an entire army was lost in the fighting and the Ottoman Empire poured a vast number of troops into the front over the three years of combat. American historian Edward J. Erickson, with access to the
4640:(1st and 11th Divisions) and XXIII Corps (26th and 53rd Divisions), and held the rest of the Ottoman line eastwards from Furkhah to the River Jordan; this represented a front of about 20 miles (32 km), with its main strength on both sides of the Jerusalem to Nablus road. 3336:
The government in London believed reports by Dobell and Murray indicating a substantial victory had been won and ordered Murray to move on and capture Jerusalem. The British were in no position to attack Jerusalem as they had yet to break through the Ottoman defences at Gaza.
This next strategic objective was on the border of the British Protectorate of Egypt and the Ottoman Empire some 30 miles (48 km) distant, too far for infantry and so the newly formed Desert Column commanded by Chetwode was to attack the Ottoman position along the coast.
An important innovation in the getting of water, which enabled the mounted units to operate more effectively over wide areas of rocky desert areas and sand dunes on reconnaissance, was the Spear Point, developed by Australian Engineers designed to be attached to a pump:
Shea's Force consisting of the 60th (2/2nd London) and the Anzac Mounted Divisions successfully forced a crossing of the Jordan River, occupied Es Salt, attacked Amman and partly destroyed sections of the Hedjaz Railway some 30–40 miles (48–64 km) east of Jericho.
in April 1917. Along with the Second Transjordan attack on Es Salt the following month, these two attacks focused attention away from the Mediterranean coastal sector of the line where the British Empire attack in September 1918 would be comprehensively successful.
Allenby's next strategic moves were to extend his right to include Jericho, then to cross the Jordan River and advance to Amman and destroy 10–15 miles (16–24 km) of the Hedjaz railway to isolate Ottoman forces near Medina and encourage further Arab uprisings.
The campaign was generally not well known or understood during the war. In Britain, the public thought of it as a minor operation, a waste of precious resources which would be better spent on the Western Front, while the peoples of India were more interested in the
As the Allies advanced, an Ottoman-occupied position on the right flank at Bir El Maghara 50 miles (80 km) south east of Romani, began to be a threat to their advance. Major-General A.G. Dallas was put in command of a column of 800 Australian Light Horse, 400
Light Horse Brigade reinforced the Imperial Camel Corps Brigade in an attack on the redoubts, but fierce shrapnel fire forced them to advance up the wadi bed. By midday all three brigades and a section of the Camel Brigade, with Vickers and Lewis Gun sections and
War Office policy in March 1916 was to withdraw as many troops as possible from Salonika, remain disengaged in the Balkans, keep Egypt secure and 'to keep a reserve in Egypt for India as long as it seems likely to be required' and get everyone else to France.
By the end of 1917 all the objectives of the campaign to capture Jerusalem had been achieved; Ottoman-German operations against Baghdad had been frustrated, the last reserves of Ottoman soldiers were engaged and the British nation's morale had been boosted.
battalions to reform the divisions. Infantry brigades were reformed with one British battalion and three British Indian Army battalions, except one brigade in the 53rd Division which consisted of one South African and three British Indian Army battalions.
On the Ottoman side, this defeat marked the exit of Djemal Pasha, who returned to Istanbul. Djemal had delegated the actual command of his army to German officers such as von Kressenstein and von Falkenhayn more than a year earlier, but now, defeated as
Between the victory at Rafa and the end of February 70 deserters entered the British lines and it was believed that this represented a small proportion as the majority of Arabs and Syrians disappeared into the towns and villages of Palestine and the
Fighting for the oases area during a raid on Katia and Oghratina demonstrated its importance to both sides. From a base in the oases a large number of Ottoman troops could threaten the Suez Canal, and control the Sinai Peninsula with the threat of a
9521: 2919:
On 21 December, after a night march of 30 miles (48 km), part of the Imperial Camel Corps Brigade and the Anzac Mounted Division commanded by Chauvel entered El Arish, which had been abandoned by the Ottoman forces, who retreated to Magdhaba.
9877:. History of the Great War based on Official Documents by Direction of the Committee of Imperial Defence. Vol. I. accompanying Map Case (2nd (repr.) Imperial War Museum and The Battery Press, London and Nashville, TN ed.). London: HMSO. 4943:
colonists were living. The southern Jaulan district was poor and rocky, supporting a very small population and groups of nomads from the Wuld Ali in the eastern desert, while the north is more fertile with a large Circassian colony in and around
By this time the railway construction was well past Salmana where a British forward aerodrome was under construction and No. 1 Squadron were involved in photographing the area around El Arish and Magdhaba, and No. 14 Squadron were reconnoitering
consisted of three light horse regiments made up of a headquarters and three squadrons. To conform with the 5th Light Horse Brigade, the 522 troopers in each of these regiments were armed with swords instead of bayonets, and Lee–Enfield rifles.
The battle of Romani took place near the Egyptian town of that name 23 miles (37 km) east of the Suez Canal, from shortly after midnight on 3/4 August until the invading force retired during the late morning and afternoon of 5 August. The
was launched against an Ottoman rearguard on 8 November. Allenby ordered the Egyptian Expeditionary Force to advance and capture the retreating Ottoman Seventh and Eighth Armies, but they were prevented from doing so by the strong rearguards.
at the rate of about 15 miles (24 km) a month and the British front moved eastward at the same speed. By 19 October the Anzac Mounted Division Headquarters was at Bir el Abd where the 52nd (Lowland) Division joined them on 24 October.
was relatively far from the site of the Biblical city. The emphasis on using the name "Megiddo" was, in part, related to the overall propaganda effort to link victory in the Middle-East to the domestically well-known locations from the
the front line by regiments, brigades, companies and platoons of Indian troops. They were supported by 147 guns and howitzers of the 53rd Divisional Artillery (less two howitzer batteries and the IX British Mountain Artillery Brigade).
campaign of the preceding ten months, sea bathing, football and boxing together with interest in the advance of the railway and pipeline were the main occupations of the troops from early January to the last weeks of February 1917.
2062:. To Germany and the Ottoman Empire the canal was the closest and weakest link in British communications. Defence of the canal posed a number of problems, with its sheer size alone making it hard to control. There was no road from 3999:
had a plan for extend the railways after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. "I want to see Aleppo joined to Mosul joined to Baku joined to the Urals joined to the Japanese army; and from that base an advance against the Boches."
2456:(Anzac Mounted Division) were ordered to occupy the Romani area the day after the fighting at Katia and Oghratina. Here, 23 miles (37 km) from Kantara, they aggressively patrolled and reconnoitred the area. The Australian 4967:
The advances to Amman, during the Third Transjordan attack of the Battle of Megiddo, and to Damascus towards the end of the war, resulted in the highest incidence of malaria "that has ever been suffered by Australian forces."
with M. Picot, formerly a French Consul at Beirut, that Britain would occupy Palestine and France would occupy Syria. They also agreed that an all-arms French contingent would be attached to the Egyptian Expeditionary Force.
Canal under the command of British Army Major General H.W. Hodgson) the Anzac Mounted Division's 3rd Light Horse Brigade was transferred and the newly arrived 22nd Mounted Brigade was attached to the Anzac Mounted Division.
2799:. In October, Eastern Force began operations into the Sinai desert and on to the border of Palestine. Initial efforts were limited to building a railway and a waterline across the Sinai. The railway was constructed by the 2243: 5226:
only had two British battalions until two Indian battalions joined in July and September 1917, when it was formed. Other sources claim on establishment the 75th Division was made up of Territorial and Indian battalions.
The intact water cistern and wells on the central road across Sinai still enabled Ottoman Army forces to threaten the Canal at any time. Between 11 and 15 April, 25 Bikaner Camel Corps, 10 Engineers with 12 men from
for an image of Indian lancers, and for an illustration of a fully armed lancer with sword, lance, rifle, bayonet and gas mask, see Chappell's "Men at Arms Series British Cavalry Equipment 1800–1941" illustration G
A number of historians have claimed the offensive which resulted in the capture of the Gaza to Beersheba line and Jerusalem, and the Megiddo operation were similar. In this regard, it is argued that they were both
Arab attacks were made on Maan between 15 and 17 April. During these actions, they captured 70 prisoners and two machine guns, and temporarily occupied the railway station, but failed to capture the main position.
while stalemated trench warfare continued across the Judean Hills to the Mediterranean Sea. The final Palestine offensive began in mid-September and the Armistice with the Ottoman Empire signed on 30 October 1918.
and Jaljulye with the 54th (East Anglian) Division sweeping westward along the Ottoman defences as far as Tabsor. As soon as Jaljulye and Qalqilye were cleared the Australian Mounted Division would ride hard for
had not succeeded, the newly democratic Russia could no longer be relied on to attack the German or Ottoman empires freeing them to reinforce Palestine and Mesopotamia, and the resumption of unrestricted German
constructed a branch railway line running south from Ramleh, on the Jaffa–Jerusalem railway, to Beersheba, by relaying rails taken from the Jaffa–Ramleh line. German engineers directed the construction of stone
5018:(where 19% were evacuated) would suggest the number is around 100,000. Indian non-battle casualties are unknown, while Indian battle casualties were 10,526: 3,842 dead, 6,519 wounded, and 165 missing/captured. 3839:
from Mesopotamia was ordered to Palestine and there were many who were worried that if significant forces were diverted from the Western Front to Palestine, England might protect her colonies but lose the war.
there. As soon as they arrived they began to dig trenches in the sand, creating a defensive line with redoubts from Mahemdia near the Mediterranean coast, south to Katib Gannit a high point in front of Romani.
From 26 January to 4 February 1915 the Suez Canal was attacked by a large force of the Ottoman Army. Beginning on 26 and 27 January, two smaller flanking columns of the Ottoman Army made secondary attacks near
Allenby finally launched his long-delayed attack on 19 September 1918. The campaign has been called the Battle of Megiddo (which is a transliteration of the Hebrew name of an ancient town known in the west as
The Allied troops captured the town and the fortified position by nightfall with the loss of 71 killed and 415 wounded. The Ottoman garrison suffered heavily, with 200 killed and another 1,600 taken prisoner.
The Turkish outpost of Magdhaba was some 18 miles (29 km) to the southeast into the Sinai desert, from El Arish on the Mediterranean coast. It was the last obstacle to the Allied advance into Palestine.
bombed all camps on a 45-mile (72 km) front parallel to the canal. By the middle of May the railway had been completed to Romani, making it possible to bring up enough stores and equipment to deploy the
in London. Continuing inconclusive fighting in France resulted in Murray being encouraged on 2 April to begin a major offensive; to aim for Jerusalem, in the hope of raising morale. By 18 April it was clear
early patrols. One such patrol, returning during the hottest part of the day after a sleepless night far from base, and very little water, suffered casualties of 160 men who collapsed from heat exhaustion.
On 17 November EEF railhead reached 8 miles (13 km) east of Salmana 54 miles (87 km) from Kantara, the water pipeline with its complex associated pumping stations built by Army Engineers and the
2205:, with forces at Gaza and Beersheba. During the next few months Kress von Kressenstein commanded mobile units and launched a series of raids and attacks in an attempt to disrupt traffic on the Suez Canal. 3938:
The 75th Division's preliminary attack, launched at 05:10 on 9 April ran into fierce Ottoman resistance supported by three German field batteries and German battalions were active in counterattacks using
and the War Office agreed to Murray's proposal to attack Gaza but without replacing the departed infantry division or offering any other reinforcements and the attack could not take place until 26 March.
Beersheba and moved their aerodrome to Ramleh. And on 19 January air reconnaissance reported the Ottoman Army had evacuated El Kossaima and were in decreased strength at the major desert base at El Auja.
4896:. Two separate Allied columns marched towards Damascus. The first, composed mainly of Australian and Indian cavalry, approached from Galilee, while the other column, consisting of Indian cavalry and the 3548:
defences to the north west, west, and south west of Beersheba. This semicircle of defences, included well-sited redoubts on a series of heights, up to 4 miles (6.4 km) from the town. These included
was of vital strategic importance to the British, reducing the sailing time from India, New Zealand and Australia to Europe. As a result Egypt became a major base during the war, particularly during the
3219:, which had been in the Southern Section of the Suez Canal Defences also moved eastwards to El Arish, while the new 74th (Yeomanry) Division was being formed from dismounted yeomanry brigades in Egypt. 12501: 4826:, and thus boost British morale at home. The battle for "Armageddon" did not receive nearly the attention which might have been expected, however, with Eiten Bar-Yosef stating that, "ven Cyril Falls’s 3480:
The main line of communication south from Beersheba to Hafir el Aujah and Kossaima was attacked on 23 May 1917 when substantial sections of the railway line were demolished by Royal Engineers of the
2109:, three batteries of Indian mountain artillery and one Egyptian artillery battery. These were supported by the guns of Allied ships in the canal. Opposing them were around 25,000 men, including the 3676:
On 13 November the Egyptian Expeditionary Force attacked a 20,000-strong Ottoman force deployed on a hastily constructed but naturally strong defensive line. The main attack was carried out by the
foreign European residents, monitor foreign agents and intern dangerous persons who were the subjects of hostile nations. The powers were also used to police prostitution and the sale of alcohol.
together with the high ground at Arara. The 7th (Meerut) Division would then advance 2,000 yards (1,800 m) on a 5 miles (8.0 km) front and prepare gun positions from which to shell
Although the front had moved eastwards across the Sinai, it was still necessary to maintain defence units on the Canal. While serving as part of Canal Defence at Gebel Heliata, Serapeum, the
2113:. The Ottoman Empire demonstrated its interest in being reinstated in Egypt in 1915 when Ottoman forces attacked British forces in Egypt. The Germans also helped to foment unrest among the 2428:
were guarding the water pipeline and railway being built out into the desert towards Romani. While the three regiments were widely dispersed, squadrons were surprised and overwhelmed at
5130: 3627:. In deciding on the extent to which you will be able to carry out safely the policy, you will be guided by the fact that an increase in the forces now at your disposal is improbable. 3693:
medical or surgical work, it was retained as a Camp Clearing Hospital by the D.M.S., EEF. In November, 1917, the venereal section of No. 14 General Hospital was transferred to it.
3186:, finally received approval to send no more than "some three hundred men ... for representative purposes only" to Palestine. In the end, 500 infantry were sent. This included some 11844: 3552:
east of Beersheba defended by a battalion of the Ottoman 48th Regiment and a machine gun company. They were attacked by 47,500 rifles, in the XX Corps' 53rd (Welsh) Division, the
and the station. A Fokker and an Aviatik took to the air but were driven off. After photographing Beersheba and the damage caused by the bombs, the airmen returned, reconnoitring
2255: 2137:
Egypt was neither an independent ally nor a member of the British Empire and as such held a unique position amongst the belligerents. The recently appointed High Commissioner Sir
3748:, he gave up even nominal command and returned to the capital. Less than a year remained before he was forced out of the government. Falkenhayn was also replaced, in March 1918. 2948:
artillery were engaged in fierce fighting. Aerial reconnaissance to scout out the Ottoman positions greatly assisted the attack, although the six redoubts were well camouflaged.
11859: 4849:
as the Ottomans had expected, while at Megiddo the breakthrough occurred on the Mediterranean coast at the western end of the front line when it was expected across the Jordan.
12043: 3470:
Part of 15 miles of railway line blown up in May 1917 by the Anzac and Imperial Mounted Divisions' and the Imperial Camel Corps Brigade' engineers assisted by troopers.
Romani 1 June 1916 bombs falling on B Squadron, 3rd Light Horse Regiment, 1st Light Horse Brigade tent lines 8 men killed 22 wounded, 36 horses killed 9 wounded, 123 missing
2231: 9913:. History of the Great War based on Official Documents by Direction of the Committee of Imperial Defence. Vol. II. accompanying Map Case (1st ed.). London: HMSO. 9896:. History of the Great War based on Official Documents by Direction of the Committee of Imperial Defence. Vol. II. accompanying Map Case (1st ed.). London: HMSO. 3669:
An attempt on 12 November by four divisions of the Ottoman 8th Army to counterattack and stop the British advance in front of the vital Junction Station (Wadi Sara) on the
of the Australian 10th Light Horse Regiment received the official surrender of the city at 7 am at the Serai. Later that day, Lawrence's irregulars entered Damascus.
After the middle of May and in particular from mid June to the end of July the heat in the Sinai desert ranged from extreme to fierce. Even worse for the British were the
1245: 5205:
In a letter to Wigram dated 5 May Allenby describes the visit of the Duke of Connaught and in detail his campaign from the Defence of Jerusalem in late December onwards.
good order covered by strong rearguard garrisons, which themselves were able to retire under cover of darkness on the night of 6/7 November. The British Yeomanry cavalry
began active service with "B" Flight at Suez doing reconnaissance work and on 9 July "A" Flight was stationed at Sherika in Upper Egypt with "C" Flight based at Kantara.
were captured during the subsequent pursuit, before the Ottoman Empire agreed to the Armistice of Mudros on 30 October 1918, ending the Sinai and Palestine campaign. The
On 8 June 1918 the 7th (Meerut) Division attacked two hills 1 mile (1.6 km) from the sea. Their objectives were quickly taken after the 03:45 assault on 9 June by
12566: 4024:
These was one small British attack designed to improve the front on the coast, several British raids including one very large scale raid and one minor Ottoman attack.
11941: 9356: 9109: 9085: 9061: 9037: 9013: 1288: 8989: 5056:
Despite the uncertainty of casualty counts, the historical consequences of this campaign are easy to discern. The British conquest of Palestine led directly to the
The British had reclaimed the northern section of the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula virtually to the frontier with the Ottoman Empire, but the new British government of
and Bir Bayud. The longest raid was made on 31 May 1916 by the New Zealand Mounted Rifle Brigade to Salmana, covering 100 kilometres (62 mi) in 36 hours.
11578: 10749: 3778:
were unsatisfactory but the protection of the sacred Moslem places was generally accepted as satisfactory. The Jews were overjoyed by the support contained in the
1255: 2776:
In September 1916, General Murray moved his headquarters from Ismailia on the Suez Canal back to Cairo in order to deal more efficiently with the threat from the
12020: 8930:
T. J. Mitchell and G.M. Smith. "Medical Services: Casualties and Medical Statistics of the Great War." From the "Official History of the Great War". pp. 15, 201.
3598: 4462:
and two Indian cavalry regiments. The sixth brigade (in the 5th Cavalry Division), the 15th (Imperial Service) Cavalry Brigade, consisted of three regiments of
to press the Turks opposed to you to the fullest extent of your resources so as to force the enemy to divert troops to Palestine and thus relieve pressure upon
2279: 2225:
was extended towards Egypt, with the completion of the 100-mile (160 km) section of the Ottoman railway to Beersheba, which was opened on 17 October 1915.
12048: 10562: 4913: 4236: 1158: 3811:
at the northern end of the Sea were bombed and sprayed with bullets by the Australian aircraft which returned again and again until the boat service stopped.
12506: 12236: 11963: 11655: 10620: 3774: 2401:
advanced to Moiya Harab. With the central Sinai route now denied to them, Ottoman forces could only advance towards the Suez Canal along the northern coast.
1240: 12561: 12343: 2732:
increasing Ottoman forces being deployed in Europe, while German and Austrian aid and equipment was increased to strengthen the Ottoman army in Palestine.
At the beginning of hostilities between Britain and the Ottoman Empire in November 1914, the 30,000-strong British defence force evacuated the part of the
Ottoman cavalry brigade had deployed six regiments to attack the El Hinu and Makhadet Hijla bridgeheads. They were attacked by Indian lancers and routed.
successfully crossed the canal, the rest of the advance party abandoning attempts to cross as a result of the strong British defence by 30,000 men of the
12251: 12006: 4455:
Both the 4th and 5th Cavalry Divisions were assigned to the Desert Mounted Corps which had lost the Yeomanry Cavalry Division during the reorganisation.
9416:. Official History of the Australian Army Medical Services, 1914–1918. Vol. I (2nd ed.). Canberra: Australian War Memorial. pp. 547–780. 12246: 11936: 11887: 11802: 3182:
her allies promised to include her in negotiations concerning the government of Palestine after the war. On 9 April 1917 Italy's ambassador in London,
673: 2544:
Once the brackish water was found, a medical officer assessed it as either drinking water, horse water or not fit for horses, and signs were erected.
2267: 12090: 4841:, and that the breakthroughs both came at unexpected locations. At Gaza–Beersheba, the breakthrough occurred at the eastern end of the front line at 2905:
bridges and culverts when the line was extended from Beersheba. It had almost reached the Wadi el Arish in December 1916 when Magdhaba was captured.
994: 10051:
Neulen, Hans-Werner & Cony, Christophe (September 2000). "Les aigles du Kaiser en Terre Sainte" [The Kaiser's Eagles in the Holy Land].
force of Austrians, Germans and Ottomans, led by Kress von Kressenstein, sought to stop the British Empire reclaiming the Egyptian territory of the
9302: 3365:
General Murray had created the impression that the First Battle of Gaza had ended better than it had and the defenders had suffered more, with the
successful retirement was eventually ordered, even though the principal objective; the destruction of a large viaduct at Amman had not succeeded.
on the way. All machines arrived safely, after having spent seven hours in flight. Two days later a German aeroplane retaliated by bombing Cairo.
12546: 12541: 11931: 11296: 10034:
Neulen, Hans-Werner & Cony, Christophe (August 2000). "Les aigles du Kaiser en Terre Sainte" [The Kaiser's Eagles in the Holy Land].
on 17 January, to reinforce the Western Front, the decisive theatre where the strategic priority was focused on planning for a spring offensive.
in the Western Desert. General Lawrence was transferred to France where he served as Chief of Staff to Field Marshal Haig in 1918. Field Marshal
569: 12496: 12491: 4199:, as it is known to the British, was referred to by the Ottoman Army as the First Battle of the Jordan. It took place between 21 and 30 March. 3808: 2314:
Port Said became headquarters of these new defences, with an advanced headquarters at Kantara. The defences were organised into three sectors:
was placed in the Suez Canal, which was located and disabled by a patrol, and between 5 and 13 May 1915 he personally led a charge. During the
2078:. Control of the central area around Ismaïlia was of great strategic importance because these three canal towns relied on fresh water from the 1389: 10727: 5014:
unknown how many of the non-battle casualties were in serious enough condition to require evacuation out of theater, though comparison to the
of the war the Dardanelles were no longer an objective for the British Empire as access to the Russian fleet was no longer of any importance.
It was believed the Ottoman Army had 7,000 rifles supported by heavy field and machine guns with reserves close by at Gaza and Tel el Sheria.
2392:(30 light horsemen armed as Lancers), with 127 Egyptian Camel Transport Corps travelled 52 miles (84 km) to destroy a well-boring plant, 10789: 1281: 1250: 550: 5343:
A brief record of the advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force under the command of Gen Sir Edmund Hynman Allenby 1919 London, pp. 94-107
Wounded of the 5th Battalion Somerset Light Infantry and 4th Battalion Wiltshire Regiment in a Dressing Station located in the monastery at
2824:(ICCB), the New Zealand Machine Gun Squadron and the ICCB's Hong Kong and Singapore Battery, on 16–17 September 1916. At the limit of their 2759:
on camels, which was described as "a form of travel exquisite in its agony for wounded men because of the nature of the animal's movement".
1861:, forced the British Empire to send reinforcements from the EEF. The advance stalled until Allenby's force resumed the offensive during the 11991: 11921: 11560: 10779: 10690: 4908:. Australian Light Horse troops marched unopposed into Damascus on 1 October 1918, despite the presence of some 12,000 Ottoman soldiers at 3267: 1230: 12015: 10913: 10367: 7547:
1st Light Horse Brigade War Diary November 1917 AWM4-10-1-40 Appendix 5 Report on operations against Beersheba on 31 October 1917 pp. 1–2
3988: 3366: 2697:
required huge amounts of ammunition and supplies and a reliable source of water for an advance to El Arish. To provide this, the British
2453: 2159:
increasing need for Egyptian personnel turned volunteers into forced labour, although "highly paid," in a system controlled by the local
885: 225: 3655: 3082:
The two final actions of the Sinai campaign took place in February 1917 when General Murray ordered attacks on the Ottoman garrisons at
10590: 4444: 4420: 1201: 7597:
1st Light Horse Brigade War Diary November 1917 AWM4-10-1-40 Appendix 5 Report on operations against Beersheba on 31 October 1917 p. 2
Lieutenant General Chauvel leading march through Damascus by Australian, British, French, Indian and New Zealand units, 2 October 1918
10920: 4814:
bombed the fleeing columns of men from the air and within a week, the Ottoman army in Palestine ceased to exist as a military force.
4389: 639: 3914:, the attack between 9 and 11 April, was planned to begin with the 75th Division capturing the villages of Berukin, Sheikh Subi and 10572: 4603: 3369: 2781: 1969: 1814:. This recapture of substantial Egyptian territory was followed in March and April by two EEF defeats on Ottoman territory, at the 1274: 1184: 12241: 5293:. The Seventh and Eighth Armies still held a defensive line west of the Jordan, while the Fourth Army remained east of the Jordan. 3819:
along the lines of communication from Jaffa and Jerusalem to Kantara and by March 1918 ambulance trains ran to Kantara from Ludd.
743: 12486: 12173: 12011: 11998: 11955: 11864: 11590: 11399: 11306: 11208: 10966: 10613: 4440: 3995:
in London could only offer Allenby railway construction men, and a possible increase in shipping to increase Allenby's supplies.
3952: 3120: 3029:, on 28 December 1916 when reconnaissance planes found Ottoman forces moving their headquarters back. Days before the victory at 2110: 1504: 1235: 4862: 12471: 12466: 12365: 12355: 12223: 4147: 4095: 4082: 3475: 4892:
The war in Palestine was over but in Syria lasted for a further month. The ultimate goal of Allenby's and Feisal's armies was
12476: 12137: 12071: 11908: 11787: 11460: 10486: 10342: 10259: 10240: 10187: 10130: 10077: 9935: 9882: 9827: 9808: 9755: 9695: 9659: 9620: 9549: 9530: 9472: 9336: 9286: 9267: 9231: 2820:
A reconnaissance in force to Bir el Mazar was carried out by the 2nd and 3rd Light Horse Brigades, the 1st Battalion, of the
2728: 2304: 1736: 1075: 987: 104: 1841:
from the III Corps. The Ottoman defences were captured by 8 November, and the pursuit began. EEF victories followed, at the
12312: 11732: 10524: 9598:. Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918. Vol. VII (11th ed.). Canberra: Australian War Memorial. 4948:. The north–west Jaulan district contains some Metawala villages and some Algerian colonies in the east, introduced by the 4348:. In one battalion, only one Indian officer spoke English and only two British officers could communicate with their men." 3832: 3179: 3169: 3017: 2846:. The column formed at Bayoud and moved off on 13 October on a two-night march via Zagadan and Rakwa to the Maghara Hills. 2717: 2389: 2385: 2093:
that was east of the canal, concentrating their defences on the western side of the canal. The British force comprised the
1117: 4919:
The inhabitants of the region varied greatly in their background, religious beliefs and political outlook. In the Eastern
12083: 11042: 10547: 10282: 9279:
The National Army Museum Book of The Turkish Front 1914–1918: The Campaigns at Gallipoli, in Mesopotamia and in Palestine
9117: 9093: 9069: 9045: 9021: 8997: 5151:
The Hedjaz railway stretched 800 miles (1,300 km) from Medina to Damascus with connections to Istanbul and Baghdad.
The first signs of a major reorganisation of the Ottoman Army's defences were observed after the capture of El Arish and
Reinforcements to No. 1 Squadron Australian Flying Corps on 25 July 1916 on board P & O "Malwa" on their way to Egypt
2785: 2208:
Colonel Kress von Kressenstein did all he could to keep the British occupied, launching an attack on 8 April 1915 when a
2143: 1153: 12297: 2201:
Subsequently, Ottoman advance troops and outposts were maintained on the Sinai peninsula on a line between El Arish and
12282: 11572: 10981: 10739: 3403: 2756: 2513:
Early reconnaissances by the ANZAC Mounted Division covered considerable distances from Romani as far as Oghratina, to
2445: 2013: 1961: 1206: 5256:, formed a second battalion by dividing itself into two with two experienced and two new companies in each battalion. 5192:
and the 15th (Imperial Service) Cavalry Brigade – had seen service in the theatre since 1914; from the defence of the
and under this new leader, the established 'active, flexible defence' style was changed to a more unyielding defence.
12157: 11851: 11667: 10946: 10417: 10305: 4380: 4332: 4178: 3707: 2591:
The canal was defended by the 5th Mounted, the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigades and the 5th Light Horse Regiment.
1934: 75: 17: 9688:
Allenby in Palestine: The Middle East Correspondence of Field Marshal Viscount Allenby June 1917 – October 1919
With the departure of the 42nd (East Lancashire) Division for the Western Front, its place at El Arish was taken by
2661:. The British were keen to extend the Arab Revolt by destabilizing sections of the Ottoman Empire through which the 12556: 11409: 11344: 10382: 6009: 5170:
a result of the capture of Jericho and occupation of the Jordan Valley, along the Wadi el Auja to the Jordan River.
3765: 3293: 3147: 2351: 2190: 2102: 980: 602: 3255:
March 1917. The 4th Light Horse Brigade, in the process of formation at Ferry Post, planned to leave on 18 March.
from 1882 severely curtailed Egypt's de facto independence, but did not alter its legal status, with the Egyptian
12408: 12213: 12193: 11980: 11916: 11739: 11608: 10519: 10439: 10377: 8842: 5189: 4674: 3420: 3227: 3222: 3133: 3128:
substantial line of communication based around the railway and pipeline, from Kantara on the Suez Canal to Rafa.
1830: 1487: 1384: 1112: 1017: 177: 42: 11080: 10123:
The Australian Light Horse: The Magnificent Australian Force and its Decisive Victories in Arabia in World War I
3079:, near Weli Sheikh Nuran, Sheria becoming the main Ottoman base midway along the Gaza–Beersheba defensive line. 3033:, on 7 January air reconnaissance reported Ottoman forces still at El Auja and El Kossaima with the garrison at 2842:, 600 Mounted Camelry and 4,500 camels from the Egyptian Camel Transport Corps, with another 200 camels for the 12551: 12208: 12203: 12198: 12188: 11882: 10534: 10509: 10407: 5276: 5223: 5219: 5215: 4327:
supplied first line transport and experienced officers with war-time service. The 198 men transferred from the
4315: 3681: 2716:
During one of the patrols, on 19 August, a group of 68 Ottoman soldiers was found half dead from thirst by the
2155: 1973: 1124: 1102: 8948:
Statistics of the Military Effort of the British Empire During the Great War 1914–1920, The War Office, p. 778
3280: 2701:
built a railway and pipeline across the Sinai Peninsula to El Arish under the leadership of Brigadier-General
2463: 12481: 12183: 12178: 12142: 12076: 11968: 11814: 11404: 11256: 10794: 10722: 10653: 10422: 10392: 10387: 4633: 4424: 4400: 3720: 3561: 2050: 811: 9448:
Ordered to Die: A History of the Ottoman Army in the First World War: Forward by General Hüseyiln Kivrikoglu
The retirement was complete by the evening of 2 April leaving the only territorial gains two bridgeheads at
12132: 11759: 11699: 11596: 11501: 11271: 11057: 10761: 10600: 4476: 4375: 4364: 4311: 4106: 4102: 3589: 3553: 3544: 3519: 3216: 2945: 2821: 2694: 2345: 1898: 1803: 1799: 1595: 1421: 1401: 1218: 1211: 816: 783: 737: 126: 122: 10146:. Official History New Zealand's Effort in the Great War. Vol. III. Auckland: Whitcombe & Tombs. 3564:
attached, and about 15,000 troopers in the Anzac and Australian Mounted Divisions (Desert Mounted Corps).
12370: 11807: 11792: 11650: 11602: 11374: 10925: 10799: 10712: 10707: 10476: 10464: 10459: 5142:
Beersheba to Auja. For a description of the procedure used to destroy the rails see Powles 1922, p. 112.
which consisted of the 14th and 15th Light Horse Regiments, formed from Australians transferred from the
4278: 4078: 4055: 3670: 3593: 3485: 3075:
In February 1917, the Ottoman Army was observed also building a light railway line from Tel el Sheria to
2025: 1981: 1850: 1526: 1441: 1046: 1029: 1024: 794: 10986: 4003: 3437:
Both sides reorganised their armies in Palestine during the stalemate and appointed new commanders. The
3106: 12526: 12521: 12516: 12511: 12350: 12307: 11584: 11349: 11334: 11236: 11105: 10673: 10585: 10542: 9613:
Riders of Destiny: The 4th Australian Light Horse Field Ambulance 1917–18: An Autobiography and History
4875: 4842: 4637: 4114:
were all successfully attacked although only eight prisoners were captured at a cost of 57 casualties.
3677: 3581: 3530: 2741:
bombed Port Said on 1 September 1916 and Australian and British airmen answered with a bombing raid on
2308: 1953:, the first Australian Official Photographer, arrived in August 1917 after visiting the Western Front. 1838: 1644: 1615: 1509: 1411: 1406: 1196: 1131: 799: 759: 118: 4062:) against Ottoman trenches on "Piffer Ridge" 3 miles (4.8 km) east of the Mediterranean shore at 3324:
Assault on Gaza 1917 showing Suez Canal defences and lines of communication across the Sinai Peninsula
12292: 12060: 11644: 11632: 11394: 11379: 11100: 10991: 10685: 10663: 10412: 10402: 10335: 9149: 8840:
Bar-Yosef, Eitan (2001). "The Last Crusade? British Propaganda and the Palestine Campaign, 1917–18".
6028: 4428: 4222:
and Makhadet Hajla. This was the first defeat of units of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force since the
3247: 3165: 2332: 2319: 1965: 1541: 789: 751: 11246: 9560:
Great Britain, Army, Egyptian Expeditionary Force: Handbook on Northern Palestine and Southern Syria
5388: 4602:
defending the Judean Hills sector while the Fourth Army with headquarters at Amman (until after the
were sent to France, between May and August 1918. What remained of the divisions were reinforced by
February 1917 Infantry marching on the wire road across the desert between Bir el Mazar and Bardawil
2547: 2182:
February when they succeeded in crossing the Canal near Ismailia on the morning of 3 February 1915.
12267: 11754: 11744: 11673: 11626: 11614: 11554: 11369: 11364: 11286: 10695: 10668: 10372: 9522:
A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East
4818: 4662: 4299: 4247: 4162: 4031:
Falls Sketch Map 30 shows position of the front line before the Battle of Megiddo in September 1918
3975: 3359: 3076: 2843: 2372: 2178: 1918: 1866: 1565: 1536: 314: 284: 5399: 5160:
Wavell claims the whole plan of attack was captured from the body of an officer on the first day.
5081: 4629: 3659:
November 1918 British officer questioning the inhabitants of a captured village during the advance
3488:. This raid was covered by the two mounted divisions including a demonstration towards Beersheba. 3458:
strength of the EEF fighting troops was 50,000. There were a further 70,000 unattested Egyptians.
3441:(also known as Thunderbolt Army Group and Army Group F) was established in June, commanded by the 2409: 684: 53: 12338: 12330: 12272: 12032: 11727: 11490: 11324: 11319: 11251: 11110: 11095: 11090: 11070: 10951: 10828: 4998: 4985: 4940: 4670: 4666: 4488: 4484: 4472: 4463: 4295: 4274: 4036: 3926:. The 54th and 75th Divisions would then advance to the Wadi Qarna with their left flank towards 3899:
General Allenby intended to follow the cutting of the Hedjaz Railway at Amman with an advance to
3877: 3178:
Italy's initial efforts to participate on the ground in Palestine were rebuffed, but in a secret
2839: 2497: 2457: 2441: 2186: 2053:, with all matters pertinent to the war effort controlled exclusively by the United Kingdom. The 1926: 1914: 1858: 1671: 1622: 1482: 1426: 1322: 269: 11291: 10214:
Wavell, Field Marshal Earl (1968) . "The Palestine Campaigns". In Sheppard, Eric William (ed.).
fighter aircraft, which outclassed Allied aircraft and gave the Ottoman Army local air mastery.
during the afternoon and in the evening, on the way back, saw a considerable Ottoman force near
12536: 12531: 12105: 11829: 11764: 11620: 11354: 11281: 11231: 11216: 11198: 11171: 11085: 11052: 10717: 10678: 10658: 10469: 10362: 10198: 10162:
The Desert Mounted Corps: An Account of the Cavalry Operations in Palestine and Syria 1917–1918
Anzac Mounted Division War Diary, December 1916, AWM4-1-60-10 Mileage noted on Sketch Map p. 37
These two victories resulted in unexpectedly large captures of Ottoman territory and prisoners.
5290: 5061: 4949: 4612: 4404: 4388:
from the Yeomanry Mounted Division (Desert Mounted Corps) were sent to France to reinforce the
observation posts to the Ottoman Army units were consolidated and remained in British control.
3724: 3664: 3497: 3481: 3095: 2596: 2171: 2042: 1842: 1791: 1692: 1605: 1546: 1461: 1436: 1394: 1357: 1317: 1034: 662: 112: 46: 4286:
Overnight Palestine went from being the British government's first priority to a "side show."
first 40 minutes of the bombardment on a woodland area it appears they were ineffective.
which had started early in 1916, and to build on the momentum created by the victories won at
12095: 11749: 11638: 11414: 11384: 11314: 11261: 11183: 11151: 11125: 11075: 11006: 10908: 10861: 10645: 10514: 10397: 10141: 4360: 4356: 4307: 4303: 4223: 4202: 4066:. The Ottoman garrison was taken by surprise and 33 captured at the cost of four casualties. 3836: 3835:, David Lloyd George, wished to knock the Ottoman Empire out of the war in 1918. Already the 3620: 3557: 3392: 3208: 2897: 2825: 2800: 2418: 2222: 2151: 1942: 1930: 1819: 1744: 1702: 1519: 1456: 1379: 1097: 395: 299: 9875:
Military Operations: Egypt and Palestine, From the Outbreak of War with Germany to June 1917
to the 3/151st Indian Infantry, included the commanding officer, two other British and four
During the summer of 1918 the main focus of the war was naturally on the Western Front; the
3230:, 162nd Brigade, 54th (East Anglian) Division halted during the journey from Suez to Kantara 2989:
in Egypt was ordered to go on the offensive against the Ottoman Army in part to support the
2812: 2649:
to use the port. Fighting in Mecca lasted three weeks. A large Ottoman garrison held out at
New Zealand Mounted Rifle Brigade transport crossing Pontoon Bridge at Serapeum 6 March 1916
12445: 12360: 11047: 11021: 10971: 10328: 10017:
Montjovet-Basset, Luc (December 2000). "Courrier des Lecteurs" [Readers' Letters].
9467:. Cass Military History and Policy Series, No. 26. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. 5131:
Chief of the General Staff (United Kingdom)#Chiefs of the Imperial General Staff, 1909–1964
5015: 4977: 4846: 4458:
Five of the six brigades in the 4th and 5th Cavalry Divisions were composed of one British
4416: 4352: 4259: 3861: 3857: 3798: 3745: 3728:
on the Mediterranean Sea across the Judean Hills to Bireh and east of the Mount of Olives.
3585: 3507: 3446: 3315: 3239: 3091: 2876: 2608: 2098: 2094: 2017: 1878: 1815: 1659: 1531: 1416: 1374: 1342: 767: 651: 344: 10996: 6207:
20 August 1916 Letter, Capt. H. Wetherell, Personal Records AWM quoted in Hill 1978, p. 84
The 2/151st Indian Infantry, was one such battalion formed from one company each from the
approximately 2,000 soldiers as well as a division of infantry; all requiring sustenance.
57: 8: 12427: 11566: 11430: 11389: 11266: 11226: 11221: 11166: 10849: 10843: 10744: 5237: 5214:
The 75th Division had received the first Indian battalions in June 1917. The division's
5057: 5002: 4887: 4436: 4432: 4419:, along with newly arrived British Indian Army units transferred from France, formed the 4412: 4408: 4345: 4319: 4206:
The 60th (2/2nd London) Division marching from Jerusalem to the Jordan Valley, March 1918
4154: 4059: 3779: 3702: 3603: 3438: 3235: 3183: 2564: 2425: 2376: 2194: 2106: 2066:, while only one railway track crossed the 30 miles (48 km) of desert from Cairo to 1922: 1906: 1846: 1772: 1717: 1634: 1451: 1446: 1170: 805: 12380: 10160: 9245:(2nd ed.). Chatham: The Institute of Royal Engineers, W. & J. Mackay & Co. 4439:, with newly arrived British Indian Army units transferred from France, and the renamed 3974:
This action of Berukin occurred in a section of the line which would become part of the
2737: 12387: 12302: 11661: 11525: 11507: 11472: 11436: 11276: 11241: 11193: 11178: 11065: 11016: 10855: 10814: 10494: 9962: 9296: 8859: 4981: 4448: 4158: 4128: 3673:, was held by the Australian Mounted Division reinforced with two additional brigades. 3549: 3272: 3026: 2998: 2982: 2914: 2600: 2492: 2398: 2213: 2059: 1890: 1823: 1795: 1787: 1666: 1590: 1499: 1347: 1087: 772: 706: 329: 10287: 9911:
Military Operations: Egypt and Palestine, From June 1917 to the End of the War Part II
3466: 12420: 12414: 12375: 12277: 12110: 11693: 11548: 11531: 11339: 11161: 11141: 10976: 10961: 10891: 10879: 10580: 10557: 10504: 10255: 10236: 10219: 10202: 10183: 10166: 10147: 10126: 10109: 10092: 10073: 10056: 10039: 10022: 10005: 9981: 9975: 9966: 9931: 9914: 9897: 9894:
Military Operations: Egypt and Palestine, From June 1917 to the End of the War Part I
9878: 9861: 9838: 9823: 9804: 9787: 9770: 9751: 9727: 9710: 9691: 9674: 9655: 9635: 9616: 9599: 9580: 9563: 9545: 9526: 9504: 9487: 9468: 9451: 9434: 9417: 9394: 9377: 9360: 9332: 9315: 9282: 9263: 9246: 9227: 9210: 9193: 9172: 9155: 9138: 8863: 4989: 4048: 3907:
and despite the failure of the Amman attack proceeded with plans to capture Tulkarm.
3374: 3083: 2975: 2642: 2437: 2202: 2083: 2037: 1870: 1862: 1676: 1575: 1466: 1191: 1143: 1082: 1039: 10252:
Forgotten Soldiers of the First World War: Lost Voices from the Middle Eastern Front
9744: 9450:. No. 201 Contributions in Military Studies. Westport Connecticut: Greenwood Press. 11478: 11448: 11442: 11359: 11188: 11156: 11146: 10885: 10809: 10804: 10732: 10552: 10452: 10002:
The Mounted Riflemen in Sinai & Palestine: The Story of New Zealand's Crusaders
9954: 9945:
Manuel, Frank E. (1955). "The Palestine Question in Italian Diplomacy, 1917–1920".
9346: 8851: 5253: 5023: 4879: 4091: 4086: 3996: 3450: 3212: 2994: 2923: 2654: 2576: 2557: 2340: 2138: 2126: 1910: 1902: 1894: 1874: 1854: 1748: 1707: 1649: 1610: 1600: 1580: 1570: 1337: 1175: 1163: 1148: 1136: 1061: 1056: 613: 554: 495: 410: 379: 10105: 9593: 9411: 9407: 9350: 9150:
Intelligence Section; Egyptian Expeditionary Force; Army of Great Britain (1917).
At the same time as the attack was being made to the west of the Nablus road, the
3429: 3211:
which transferred from garrison duties in Upper Egypt following the defeat of the
12287: 12127: 11466: 11026: 11001: 10700: 10608: 10447: 9376:(2nd ed.). Melbourne: Oxford University Press, Australia & New Zealand. 9352:
The Australian Flying Corps in the Western and Eastern Theatres of War, 1914–1918
4883: 4871: 4811: 4467: 4396: 4340:
infantry divisions, some were employed in defence of the lines of communication.
4063: 3940: 3047: 2698: 2587: 2429: 2090: 2046: 1783: 1764: 1712: 1697: 1654: 1639: 1585: 1560: 1514: 1332: 1327: 1225: 1066: 1051: 956: 528: 462: 10276: 1984:
ended the Ottoman Empire. The European mandates ended with the formation of the
695: 12120: 12100: 11771: 11484: 11329: 11120: 11011: 10867: 10771: 10754: 10072:. A History of the British Cavalry 1816–1919. Vol. V. London: Leo Cooper. 9652:
Chauvel of the Light Horse: A Biography of General Sir Harry Chauvel, GCMG, KCB
Duguid, Charles Scotty's Brother; Department of Repatriation Australia (1919).
8855: 4787: 4192: 4111: 4054:
During the night of 27 July a successful raid was carried out by five platoons
Brigade defeated a substantial rearguard; the 3rd Ottoman Infantry Division at
3454: 3196: 3030: 2961: 2792: 2630: 2626: 2604: 2583: 2482: 2033: 2021: 1834: 1811: 1756: 1740: 1369: 1266: 926: 777: 730: 717: 712: 701: 690: 679: 621: 591: 586: 534: 523: 517: 512: 506: 501: 490: 479: 431: 359: 205: 10315: 10180:
The Anzac Experience: New Zealand, Australia and Empire in the First World War
9639: 3895:
Falls Sketch Map 21 shows position of front line before the capture of Jericho
3094:, together with the Hong Kong and Singapore (Mountain) Battery, conducted the 12460: 12231: 11519: 11513: 10956: 10873: 10784: 10113: 10096: 10060: 10043: 10026: 10009: 9918: 9791: 9678: 9603: 9584: 9516: 9438: 9421: 9398: 9381: 9364: 9250: 9197: 9159: 9062:"3rd Light Horse Brigade War Diary (April, June, September 1916, March 1917)" 8990:"12th Light Horse Regiment War Diary (February–December 1916, February 1918)" 4928: 4905: 4901: 4351:
Two British Indian Army divisions arrived in January and April 1918 from the
A wire-cutting bombardment began at 21:55 on 12 August and shortly after the
3865: 3639: 3442: 3111: 3087: 3063: 3034: 2858: 2796: 2702: 2662: 2653:
until late September when they capitulated, while Sherif Hussein's third son
2449: 2325: 1954: 1807: 1806:, to fight for the Sinai Peninsula in 1916. In January 1917 the newly formed 1776: 1760: 1431: 1352: 949: 668: 657: 646: 634: 580: 539: 447: 156: 10223: 9865: 9731: 9714: 9707:
Hurley at War: The Photography and Diaries of Frank Hurley in Two World Wars
9567: 9508: 9455: 9319: 9214: 9176: 9142: 5042:
3rd Gaza/Jerusalem 1917: 28,057 (3,540 KIA, 8,982 WIA, 9,100 MIA, 6,435 POW)
4447:. The 15th (Imperial Service) Cavalry Brigade had served during the Ottoman 2708: 2249:
Mysore and Bengal Lancers with Bikanir Camel Corps in the Sinai Desert 1915.
Fighting began in January 1915, when a German-led Ottoman force invaded the
11681: 11115: 10206: 10170: 10151: 9901: 9774: 9726:. Australians at War. Sydney: Time-Life Books (Australia) and J. Ferguson. 9491: 4799: 4719: 4188: 4166: 3944: 3191: 2986: 2746:
Romani) on 18 September; "C" Flight moved to Kantara on 27 September 1916.
2742: 2261:
Mysore Lancers Memorial at Bangalore for lives lost in Suez & Palestine
1950: 1886: 1882: 626: 152: 10310: 9985: 9428: 5188:
The two Imperial Service brigades fielded by Indian Princely States – the
3535: 972: 11892: 11797: 11495: 10930: 10351: 10300: 10295: 9739: 9690:. Army Records Society. Vol. XXII. Stroud, Gloucestershire: Sutton. 9110:"Imperial Mounted Division General Staff War Diary (February–March 1917)" 7633:
12th Light Horse Regiment War Diary AWM4-10-17-9 Appendix XIV Report p. 1
5107: 4932: 4795: 4755: 4723: 4328: 4138:
while the 1st Light Horse reached the Jordan Valley and entered Jericho.
4008: 3741: 3624: 3187: 2990: 2620: 2417:
Kress von Kressenstein launched a surprise attack on Easter Sunday, also
2295: 1752: 1685: 1107: 1005: 608: 597: 484: 241: 9372:
Dennis, Peter; Jeffrey Grey; Ewan Morris; Robin Prior; Jean Bou (2008).
9371: 9186:
History of the Great War Based on Official Documents Veterinary Services
Mounted Service Manual for Mounted Troops of the Australian Commonwealth
6013: 4027: 2556:
Salmana was occupied by Ottoman Army units as they concentrated for the
2067: 9801:
Devils on Horses: In the Words of the Anzacs in the Middle East 1916–19
9226:. Australian Army History. Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. 8142: 8140: 5249: 5245: 5241: 5193: 4807: 4763: 3992: 3935:
and vigorously pursue the withdrawing Ottoman units as far as Tulkarm.
Transjordan, fought between February and May 1918 were followed by the
Also on 9 January four British aircraft bombed the German aerodrome at
2880: 2646: 2514: 2421:, 23 April 1916, east of the Canal and north of El Ferdan Station. The 2209: 2054: 1949:. Australia did not have a war correspondent in the area until Captain 1768: 821: 4085:
were deployed south east of the ridge on the right flank, while the 1/
1921:, capturing thousands of prisoners and large quantities of equipment. 11687: 11454: 9926:
McPherson, Joseph W. (1985) . Carman, Barry; McPherson, John (eds.).
9647: 9359:. Vol. VIII (11th ed.). Canberra: Australian War Memorial. 9314:. No. 138 Men–at–Arms (revised ed.). Oxford: Osprey Publishing. 9207:
The Great Ride: The Diary of a Light Horse Brigade Scout, World War 1
8493: 7832: 7830: 7828: 4775: 4743: 4722:
almost all were Muslim. On the Esdraelon Plain as far as Beisan were
4219: 4135: 3927: 3712: 3686: 2971: 2928: 2303:
Von Kressenstein's raids confirmed the impracticality, identified by
2218: 2071: 575: 255: 9463:
Erickson, Edward J. (2007). Gooch, John; Reid, Brian Holden (eds.).
9038:"2nd Light Horse Brigade War Diary (November 1915 – September 1916)" 8137: 5222:
were formed in April and May 1917 from four British battalions. The
and Ottoman machine guns could make any advance slow and expensive.
fought between 17 and 24 November, were continued by the subsidiary
11947: 9958: 9562:(1st provisional 9 April ed.). Cairo: Government Press. 1918. 7570:
Auckland Mounted Rifle Regiment War Diary October 1917 AWM4-35-2-39
4953: 4945: 4936: 4909: 4893: 4735: 4707: 4703: 4459: 3919: 3891: 2678: 2670: 2666: 2422: 1909:. In the process the EEF destroyed three Ottoman armies during the 12502:
Military campaigns and theatres of World War I involving Australia
9786:. Melbourne: Directorate of Military Training by Wilkie & Co. 9329:
Where Australians Fought: The Encyclopaedia of Australia's Battles
7825: 4679: 4187:
had been captured Allenby was already planning to push across the
3610: 3021:
Ottoman military town of Hafir el Aujah, the principal desert base
before being stopped on Ottoman soil in southern Palestine at the
1957:, the first Official War Correspondent, arrived in November 1917. 7813:
Telegram Allenby to DMI 15 January 1918 in Hughes 2004, pp. 126–7
4961: 4779: 4771: 4767: 4747: 4711: 4693: 4689: 4184: 3960: 3956: 3932: 3911: 3900: 3783: 2777: 2521: 2114: 2029: 1989: 1946: 10311:
Library of Congress's American Colony in Jerusalem's Photo Album
9673:. Military History and Policy. Vol. I. London: Frank Cass. 9669:
Hughes, Matthew (1999). Gooch, John; Reid, Brian Holden (eds.).
An Outline of the Egyptian and Palestine Campaigns, 1914 to 1918
6781: 6779: 5558: 5556: 5064:
which, in turn, paved the way for the creation of the states of
Megiddo/Syria 1918: 101,300 (10,000 KIA, 20,000 WIA, 71,300 POW)
4742:. In the region of the Nablus battlefield, the inhabitants from 3086:
and Bir el Hassana. The 11th Light Horse Regiment conducted the
In this climate of defensive military policy, Major-General Sir
2036:. Seeking to end the British occupation of the country, Khedive 9595:
The Australian Imperial Force in Sinai and Palestine, 1914–1918
The Last Crusade: The Palestine Campaign in the First World War
It has been claimed two battalions fought the Arsuf operation.
5069: 5065: 4994: 4924: 4920: 4783: 4778:
sect of original Jews. To the east of the Jordan Valley in the
4730: 4727: 4715: 4336: 4044: 3964: 3923: 3915: 3904: 3379: 2902: 2658: 2638: 2001: 1993: 1977: 10320: 9709:. Sydney: Fairfax Library in association with Daniel O'Keefe. 9465:
Ottoman Army Effectiveness in World War I: A Comparative Study
Blenkinsop, Layton John; Rainey, John Wakefield, eds. (1925).
9068:. Canberra: Australian War Memorial. 1916–1917. Archived from 9044:. Canberra: Australian War Memorial. 1915–1916. Archived from 8996:. Canberra: Australian War Memorial. 1916–1918. Archived from 8089:
Wilson letter to Allenby 29 May 1918 in Hughes 2004, pp. 157–8
Robertson, Military Correspondence, p. 96 in Bruce 2002, p. 79
about 93,000 other ranks. Of these 8,000 were captured by the
were retained and consolidated, including the Ra-fat salient.
3320: 3090:
on 17 February. Meanwhile, the 2nd Battalion (British) of the
3041: 2633:, Amir of Mecca, launched attacks on the Ottoman garrisons in 2221:, and waited for the German specialists. However, the Ottoman 1877:
created gaps in the Ottoman front line, allowing the pursuing
12115: 9431:
Desert Trail: With the Light Horse through Sinai to Palestine
9086:"Anzac Mounted Division General Staff War Diary (March 1917)" 6776: 5553: 5289:
The reorganisation Bruce describes had not changed since the
on 30 October 1918, and surrendered outright two days later.
4957: 4823: 4791: 4739: 4699: 4466:, which represented and were wholly maintained by the Indian 4423:. Another two of the remaining yeomanry regiments, the 1/1st 4302:
along with nine British infantry battalions from each of the
4196: 4012: 2884: 2868: 2674: 2634: 2432:, east of Romani, suffering the loss of about two squadrons. 2122: 2118: 2063: 1997: 10089:
The Australian Army: A History of its Organisation 1901–2001
1917 Ottoman Turkish map of the Sinai and Palestine Campaign
3098:, which surrendered with minimal resistance on 18 February. 9579:. David Baker (Art Editor). Sydney: Angus & Robertson. 9189: 7836:
Allenby to Robertson 25 January 1918 in Hughes 2004, p. 127
Allenby to Robertson 25 January 1918 in Hughes 2004, p. 128
3rd Light Horse Brigade War Diary October 1917 AWM4-10-3-33
6904: 6902: 6676: 6674: 5837:
War Diary of 1st Light Horse Brigade May 1916 AWM4, 10–1–22
General Murray had been Robertson's immediate predecessor.
similar to those in the Nukra plain; while in the east are
4759: 4751: 4451:
and in the Sinai and Palestine since December 1914, as the
would prevent any further attacks for at least two months.
Military situation immediately prior to the release of the
2650: 2079: 2075: 1985: 1786:, then occupied by the British as part of a "Protectorate" 9858:
Equal to the Task: The Royal Australian Army Service Corps
7938: 7936: 7864: 7862: 7860: 6803:
Secret Military Handbook 23/1/17, pp. 38–47 notes pp. 54–5
12 ALH Regiment October 1916 War Diary AWM 4–10–17–2 p. 29
northwards, were indigenous Jews in Samaria, Moravians in
3159: 2508: 1739:, taking place between January 1915 and October 1918. The 9671:
Allenby and British Strategy in the Middle East 1917–1919
9615:. Gardenvale, Melbourne: Mostly Unsung Military History. 9116:. Canberra: Australian War Memorial. 1917. Archived from 9092:. Canberra: Australian War Memorial. 1917. Archived from 9020:. Canberra: Australian War Memorial. 1916. Archived from 8154: 8152: 7878: 7876: 7874: 7225: 7223: 6880: 6878: 3793: 3503:
powerful bulwark against any Allied action under threat.
2536: 2393: 2355:
18-pounder gun with sand wheels, Suez Canal Defences 1916
2132: 9873:
Macmunn, George Fletcher; Falls, Cyril Bentham (1996) .
9704: 8618:
Falls 1930, Vol. 1, pp. 15, 22; Vol. 2, pp. 661–2, 667–8
7972: 7885: 7255: 7253: 7039: 7037: 6899: 6671: 3271:
Ottoman cavalry unit during World War I frontal assault
2016:, Egypt had been a de facto independent state under the 8461: 8459: 8422: 8420: 8418: 8416: 7933: 7908: 7906: 7857: 7358:
Allenby to Robertson 12 July 1917 in Hughes 2004, p. 35
6916: 6914: 6892: 6890: 5687: 5685: 3756: 2967:
garrison at El Magruntein also known as Rafa or Rafah.
The Great War: A Combat History of the First World War
8755: 8149: 8119: 7871: 7220: 6928: 6926: 6875: 5030:
Sinai 1915: 1,700 (192 KIA, 381 WIA, 727 MIA, 400 POW)
4636:, whose headquarters were at Nablus, consisted of the 4237:
Second Transjordan attack on Shunet Nimrin and Es Salt
2684: 2198:"orderly, first into a camp ten km east of Ismailia". 2165: 2121:, when they attacked western Egypt and threatened the 10233:
Hell in the Holy Land: World War I in the Middle East
Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918
9154:(1st provisional ed.). Cairo: Government Press. 7250: 7034: 6868: 6866: 4395:
Three of the remaining yeomanry regiments, the 1/1st
3386: 2940:
Ottoman campfires still some miles away at Magdhaba.
2771: 1937:
were created to administer the captured territories.
Campaign of the Middle Eastern theatre of World War I
War Horse: A History of the Military Horse and Rider
9014:"1st Light Horse Brigade War Diary (May, June 1916)" 8456: 8413: 8350: 7903: 7213: 7211: 7064: 6932:
Imperial Mounted Division War Diary AWM4-1-56-1part1
6911: 6887: 5699: 5697: 5682: 4618: 4383:
at Tel el Kebir on arrival from France in April 1918
4122: 3769:
Yeomanry patrol in 1918 during a pause in the desert
which the 75th Division captured on 20 November 1917
3650: 2908: 2237:
1st Herts. Yeomanry in the Suez Canal trenches, 1915
1849:, 17 November to 30 December. Serious losses on the 1767:. It started with an Ottoman attempt at raiding the 9374:
The Oxford Companion to Australian Military History
8635: 7999: 7990: 7839: 7331:
Erickson 2001, pp. 159, 169, 171, 232; 2007, p. 115
6923: 5748:
3rd LHB War Diary 10 to 15 April 1916 AWM 4,10/3/15
4750:were also quite diverse. The population was mainly 4268: 3352:
Joseph W. McPherson, Egyptian Camel Transport Corps
9743: 9575:Gullett, Henry S.; Barrett, Charles, eds. (1919). 9486:. Vol. 2. New York: Frederick Praeger Press. 8248:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, part II, pp. 422–9, 463, 552–4 7987:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, parts I and II, pp. 326, 656–7 6863: 4367:remained, as previously, an all British division. 4141: 3524: 12567:History of the Royal Air Force during World War I 10316:Palestine (Turkey in the First World War website) 9836: 9224:Light Horse: A History of Australia's Mounted Arm 9066:First World War Diaries AWM4, 10-3-15, 17, 20, 26 7208: 7007: 5897: 5724: 5694: 5535: 5039:2nd Gaza 1917: 1,660 (82 KIA, 1,336 WIA, 242 MIA) 4289: 3575: 3309: 1960:The long-lasting effect of this campaign was the 1869:in September. The successful infantry battles at 12458: 10016: 9781: 9183: 6529: 6527: 6525: 6443: 6441: 6439: 6437: 5036:1st Gaza 1917: 1,650 (300 KIA, 750 WIA, 600 POW) 4997:, the third largest city in the Ottoman Empire, 4817:Despite its name, the actual battlefield of the 4370: 3886: 3362:increased the force to four infantry divisions. 2324:No. 2 (Central): Kabrit to Ferdan HQ Ismailia – 1972:, while the British Empire won the mandates for 1296: 216: 11297:Armistice between Russia and the Central Powers 10235:. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky. 10139: 9498: 9393:. Yardley, Pennsylvania: Westholme Publishing. 9326: 9240: 9132: 8796: 8794: 8712: 8710: 7127: 6273: 5486: 5484: 5474: 5472: 5470: 4714:. In Haifa town, about half the population was 4011:in trenches on Brown Ridge after the action at 3822: 3786:and Christians were happy with the occupation. 3513: 3202: 2955: 9860:. Vol. I. Kenmore: Historia Productions. 9574: 9042:First World War Diaries AWM4, 10-2-10 & 20 8659:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, pp. 411, 414–5, 661, 667–8 6986:3rd Light Horse Brigade War Diary AWM4-10-3-26 6102: 6100: 5516: 5514: 3632:Robertson to Allenby, received 2 November 1917 2853: 2816:Brigade Headquarters Office Ready for the Road 290: 275: 10336: 10196: 9413:Gallipoli, Palestine and New Guinea (Part II) 8628: 8626: 8624: 6522: 6434: 6368:War Diary of 2nd LH Brigade AWM4–10–2–20 p. 5 6310: 6308: 6306: 5045:2nd Jordan 1918: 3,000 (1,000 KIA, 2,000 WIA) 4230: 3982: 2505:Mazar, 42 miles (68 km) east of Romani. 1802:(EEF) and Ottoman Empire veterans formed the 1282: 988: 260: 143:(3 years, 9 months and 2 days) 12507:Military history of Italy during World War I 10218:(4th ed.). London: Constable & Co. 10091:. South Melbourne: Oxford University Press. 10068:Paget, G.C.H.V Marquess of Anglesey (1994). 10053:Avions: Toute l'Aéronautique et son histoire 10036:Avions: Toute l'Aéronautique et son histoire 10019:Avions: Toute l'Aéronautique et son histoire 9908: 9891: 9872: 9301:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 9277:Carver, Michael, Field Marshal Lord (2003). 9090:First World War Diaries AWM4, 1-60-13 Part 1 8791: 8707: 8260: 8203:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, parts I, II pp. 303, 655 8040: 8038: 5757:3rd LHB War Diary AWM web site AWM 4,10/3/17 5481: 5467: 5330: 5328: 4253: 4191:and 'throw a big raid past Salt against the 4172: 3411:of their commands and sent back to England. 3110:Australian, English, New Zealand and Indian 3101: 2290: 2049:. The sultanate was to be administered as a 1810:completed the recapture of the Sinai at the 12562:Battles of the Sinai and Palestine Campaign 11780: 9928:The Man Who Loved Egypt: Bimbashi McPherson 9114:First World War Diaries AWM4, 1-56-1 Part 1 8644: 7557: 7555: 7553: 6715: 6713: 6123: 6121: 6097: 5824: 5822: 5820: 5511: 4956:in the 1850s. In between these are settled 4774:excepting the less than 200 members of the 4153:the 4th and 5th Cavalry Divisions, and the 4117: 3910:Known by the Ottoman Army as the action of 3614:Allenby's Offensive, November–December 1917 3556:and the 74th (Yeomanry) Division, with the 2454:Australian and New Zealand Mounted Division 2318:No. 1 (Southern): Suez to Kabrit HQ Suez – 1002: 10343: 10329: 10050: 10033: 8621: 8257:Battles Nomenclature Committee 1922, p. 33 7786:Battles Nomenclature Committee 1922, p. 32 6829: 6827: 6425: 6303: 6296: 6294: 6194: 6192: 6190: 6188: 6178: 6176: 6174: 6172: 6135: 6133: 5801: 5799: 5532:Battles Nomenclature Committee 1922, p. 31 4839:a cavalry envelopment of the Ottoman flank 4407:, which had previously formed part of the 3871: 3461: 2890: 2762: 2086:to the main gates and sluices near there. 1289: 1275: 995: 981: 305: 56:. Please do not remove this message until 10289:The New Zealanders in Sinai and Palestine 10143:The New Zealanders in Sinai and Palestine 9925: 9654:. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press. 9018:First World War Diaries AWM4, 10-1-22, 23 8994:First World War Diaries AWM4, 10-17-2, 13 8839: 8817: 8815: 8035: 5325: 4611:replaced him on 19 February with General 3491: 2020:, though it remained de jure part of the 438: 76:Learn how and when to remove this message 11579:Revolutions and interventions in Hungary 10249: 10230: 10103: 9610: 9539: 9481: 9462: 9445: 9331:. St Leonards, Sydney: Allen and Unwin. 9309: 8912:British Army Handbook 9/4/18, pp. 61, 67 8524: 8522: 8520: 7550: 6710: 6653: 6142: 6118: 6003: 6001: 5999: 5817: 5528: 5526: 4861: 4678: 4374: 4242:Ottoman forces in the area had doubled. 4201: 4026: 4002: 3890: 3797: 3764: 3706: 3654: 3609: 3597: 3534: 3465: 3428: 3319: 3292: 3266: 3221: 3146: 3105: 3062: 3040: 3016: 3012: 2922: 2857: 2832: 2811: 2707: 2546: 2462: 2408: 2371: 2350: 2331:No. 3 (Northern): Ferdan to Port Said – 2294: 386: 350: 52:Relevant discussion may be found on the 11956:Occupied Enemy Territory Administration 10177: 10158: 10086: 10070:Egypt, Palestine and Syria 1914 to 1919 10004:. Christchurch: Whitcombe & Tombs. 9855: 9798: 9591: 9515: 9388: 9345: 9204: 8401:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, part II, pp. 429–38 6824: 6291: 6185: 6169: 6130: 5796: 5440: 4441:15th (Imperial Service) Cavalry Brigade 4298:was sent to France in early April. The 3773:On 15 January 1918 Allenby reported to 3696: 3199:, made promises, nothing came of them. 3160:Sykes–Picot and Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne 3121:British occupation of the Jordan Valley 2807: 2565:No. 1 Squadron, Australian Flying Corps 2509:Sinai reconnaissances May and June 1916 2404: 2328:(Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) 2070:on the canal before branching north to 915:French and Italian casualties: unknown 401: 370: 335: 320: 232: 14: 12547:1918 in British-administered Palestine 12542:1917 in British-administered Palestine 12459: 10213: 10201:. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head. 9973: 9944: 9738: 9705:Hurley, Frank; Daniel O'Keefe (1986). 9685: 9668: 9405: 9276: 8812: 8567: 8251: 8194:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, part II, pp. 428–9 8158:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, part II, pp. 426–8 8134:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, part II, pp. 425–6 8098:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, part II, pp. 422–3 6151: 6026: 4857: 4683:Allenby's final attack, September 1918 4575:North Palestine Line of Communications 4495: 4481:Régiment Mixte de Marche de Cavalerie. 4148:Occupation of the Jordan Valley (1918) 3794:Consolidation of EEF territorial gains 3476:Raid on Asluj to Hafir el Auja railway 3453:was sent back to England, replaced by 2133:Egypt's contribution to the war effort 2032:technically remaining a vassal of the 1980:came into existence in 1923 after the 12497:Campaigns and theatres of World War I 12492:Middle Eastern theatre of World War I 11909:Austro-Hungarian occupation of Serbia 11252:Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele) 10324: 10306:The Photographs of Palestine Campaign 10301:Palestine campaign ( 10283:Australian Light Horse Studies Centre 10120: 10067: 9999: 9817: 9764: 9721: 9484:The West Point Atlas of American Wars 9408:"The Campaign in Sinai and Palestine" 9257: 8517: 8483:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, pp. 662–5, 668–71 7511:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, pp. 48–9, 51, 663 6377:3rd LH Brigade AWM4–10–3–20 pp. 18–20 6234:12th LHR War Diary AWM4–10–17–2 p. 21 6012:. The Long Long Trail. Archived from 5996: 5881: 5879: 5523: 3262: 1798:, British Empire veterans formed the 1737:Middle Eastern theatre of World War I 1270: 976: 105:Middle Eastern theatre of World War I 12313:Agreement of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne 9646: 9629: 9171:. London: Government Printer. 1922. 8609:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, pp. 661–2, 667–8 7696:Grainger 2006, pp. 158–9, 161–5, 170 5033:Sinai 1916: 1,000 (250 KIA, 750 WIA) 4971: 4656: 4043:On 13 July an Ottoman attack on the 3833:Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 3757:Administration of captured territory 3719:Jerusalem operations began with the 3170:Agreement of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne 3132:troops, he was required to send the 2026:United Kingdom's occupation of Egypt 1833:from April to October 1917, General 26: 12242:Ottomans against the Triple Entente 11043:Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes 10216:A Short History of the British Army 9433:. Adelaide: W. K. Thomas & Co. 9312:British Cavalry Equipment 1800–1941 9221: 8830:British Army Handbook 9/4/18, p. 62 8821:British Army Handbook 9/4/18. p. 61 8185:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, part II, p. 428 8167:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, part II, p. 427 8146:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, part II, p. 426 8107:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, part II, p. 425 6812:Mounted Service Manual 1902, p. 272 6027:Wright, Edward (2 September 1916). 4644:use of stick grenades near Nablus. 4379:British and Indian officers of the 4083:Prince of Wales's Leinster Regiment 3868:and using it to outflank Damascus. 3367:Chief of the Imperial General Staff 2786:Chief of the Imperial General Staff 2685:Sinai campaign of manoeuvre warfare 2645:. Jeddah fell quickly allowing the 2570: 2446:New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigades 2166:Defence of the Suez Canal (1915–16) 2045:, uncle of the deposed Khedive, as 1775:in 1918, leading to the cession of 24: 10982:First Battle of the Masurian Lakes 10140:Powles, C. Guy; A. Wilkie (1922). 9909:Macmunn, G. F.; Falls, C. (1930). 9892:Macmunn, G. F.; Falls, C. (1930). 9782:Keogh, E. G.; Joan Graham (1955). 9410:. In Butler, Arthur Graham (ed.). 9241:Bowman-Manifold, M. G. E. (1923). 8080:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, pp. 350–7, 473 7004:Mounted Service Manual 1902, p. 10 5876: 4923:, the bulk of the population were 4852: 4277:was launched by Ludendorff on the 3506:To forestall this threat, General 3387:Second Battle of Gaza, 17–19 April 3226:1/11th County of London Battalion 2772:Creation of Eastern Frontier Force 2749: 2460:arrived at Romani on 28 May 1916. 2367: 1962:Partitioning of the Ottoman Empire 846:467,650 total number of personnel 25: 12578: 10296:Sinai campaign ( 10269: 10108:. Sydney: Angus & Robertson. 6501:Anzac MD WD AWM4-1-60-10 pp. 33–5 6465:Anzac MD WD AWM4-1-60-10 pp. 31–2 6007: 4904:, travelled northwards along the 4619:Arrival of a new German commander 4604:first Transjordan attack on Amman 4453:Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade. 4179:First Transjordan attack on Amman 4123:Capture of Jericho, February 1918 3751: 3651:Advance to Jaffa and Judean Hills 3180:accord at Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne 2909:Battle of Magdhaba, December 1916 2657:attacked the Ottoman garrison at 2413:Ottoman Empire in 1913 (in green) 2285:Ottoman soldiers with machine gun 2273:Ottoman soldiers in the trenches. 1935:Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon 141:28 January 1915 – 30 October 1918 11345:Second Battle of the Piave River 10967:Russian invasion of East Prussia 9837:Liman von Sanders, Otto (1919). 9750:. New York: Random House Press. 8969: 8960: 8951: 8942: 8933: 8924: 8915: 8906: 8897: 8888: 8879: 8870: 8833: 8824: 8803: 8782: 8773: 8764: 8746: 8737: 8728: 8719: 8698: 8689: 8680: 8671: 8662: 8653: 8612: 8603: 8594: 8585: 8582:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, pp. 413, 417 8576: 8558: 8549: 8540: 8531: 8508: 8486: 8477: 8468: 8447: 8438: 8429: 8404: 8395: 8386: 8377: 8368: 8359: 8341: 8332: 8323: 8314: 8305: 8296: 8287: 8278: 8269: 8242: 8233: 8224: 8215: 8206: 8197: 8188: 8179: 8170: 8161: 8128: 8110: 8101: 8092: 8083: 8074: 8065: 8056: 8047: 8026: 8017: 8008: 7981: 7963: 7954: 7945: 7924: 7915: 7894: 7848: 7816: 7807: 7798: 7789: 7780: 7771: 7762: 7753: 7744: 7735: 7726: 7717: 7708: 7699: 7690: 7681: 7672: 7663: 7654: 7645: 7636: 7627: 7618: 7609: 7600: 7591: 7582: 7573: 7564: 7541: 7532: 7523: 7514: 7505: 7496: 7487: 7478: 7469: 7460: 7451: 7442: 7433: 7424: 7415: 7406: 7397: 7388: 7379: 7370: 7361: 7352: 7343: 7334: 7325: 7316: 7307: 7298: 7289: 7280: 7271: 7268:Falls 1930, Vol. 1, pp. 328, 445 7262: 7241: 7232: 7205:Falls 1930, Vol. 1, pp. 326, 348 7199: 7190: 7181: 7172: 7163: 7154: 7145: 7136: 7133:McPherson et al. 1983, pp. 172–3 7118: 7109: 7100: 7091: 7082: 7073: 7055: 7046: 7025: 7016: 6998: 6989: 6980: 6971: 6962: 6953: 6944: 6935: 6854: 6845: 6836: 6815: 6806: 6797: 6788: 6767: 6758: 6749: 6740: 6731: 6722: 6701: 6692: 6683: 6662: 6644: 6635: 6626: 6623:McPherson et al. 1983, pp. 184–6 6617: 6608: 6599: 6590: 6581: 6572: 6563: 6554: 6545: 6536: 6513: 6504: 6495: 6486: 6477: 6468: 6459: 6450: 6416: 6407: 6398: 6389: 6380: 6371: 6362: 6353: 6344: 6335: 6326: 6317: 6282: 6010:"British Divisions of 1914–1918" 5984:2nd LHB War Diary AWM 4, 10/2/18 5296: 5283: 5269: 5259: 5230: 5208: 5199: 5182: 5173: 5163: 5154: 5145: 5135: 5123: 4269:Focus moves to the Western Front 3304: 2278: 2266: 2254: 2242: 2230: 2191:Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade 2103:Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade 1994:Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan 955: 948: 925: 884: 711: 700: 689: 678: 667: 656: 645: 633: 620: 607: 596: 585: 574: 563: 544: 533: 522: 511: 500: 489: 478: 455: 440: 424: 403: 388: 372: 352: 337: 322: 307: 292: 277: 262: 248: 234: 218: 198: 111: 31: 12409:Arrest of a Suspect in Sarajevo 11609:Lithuanian Wars of Independence 10350: 10277:Defence of the Suez Canal, 1915 9974:Massey, William Thomas (1920). 9803:. Auckland: Exisle Publishing. 9499:Evans-Pritchard, E. E. (1954). 9482:Esposito, Vincent, ed. (1959). 9327:Coulthard-Clark, Chris (1998). 8843:Journal of Contemporary History 7615:Gullett 1941, pp. 394, 396, 400 7538:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, pp. 55, 677 7367:Falls 1930, Vol. 1, p. 371 note 7088:Falls 1930, Vol. 1, pp. 299–303 6264: 6255: 6246: 6237: 6228: 6219: 6210: 6201: 6160: 6109: 6088: 6079: 6070: 6061: 6052: 6043: 6020: 5987: 5978: 5975:1st LHB War Diary AWM 4,10/1/23 5969: 5960: 5951: 5942: 5933: 5924: 5915: 5906: 5888: 5867: 5858: 5849: 5840: 5831: 5808: 5787: 5778: 5769: 5760: 5751: 5742: 5733: 5715: 5706: 5673: 5664: 5655: 5646: 5637: 5628: 5619: 5610: 5601: 5598:Liman von Sanders 1919, p. 141f 5592: 5583: 5574: 5565: 5544: 5502: 5493: 5458: 5455:Evans-Pritchard 1954, pp. 125–6 5449: 5431: 5422: 5413: 5404: 5393: 5190:32nd (Imperial Service) Brigade 5113: 4770:, they were almost exclusively 4675:Third Transjordan attack (1918) 4647: 4392:fighting the Spring Offensive. 4142:Occupation of the Jordan Valley 3525:Battle of Beersheba, 31 October 3421:Stalemate in Southern Palestine 3134:42nd (East Lancashire) Division 2927:An Australian soldier firing a 1831:stalemate in Southern Palestine 178:Partition of the Ottoman Empire 12487:Austria-Hungary in World War I 12232:Austria-Hungary against Serbia 12091:Deportations from East Prussia 11888:1915 typhus epidemic in Serbia 10165:. London: Constable & Co. 9980:. London: Constable & Co. 9542:The Battle for Palestine, 1917 9152:Military Handbook on Palestine 9137:. Sydney: Government Printer. 7705:Preston 1921, pp. 66, 72–3, 76 7421:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, p. 61 note 7097:Blenkinsop et al. 1925, p. 185 7079:Falls 1930, Vol. 1, pp. 289–99 6785:Blenkinsop et al. 1925, p. 184 6492:Anzac MD WD AWM4-1-60-10 p. 33 5562:Liman von Sanders 1919, p. 60f 5382: 5373: 5364: 5355: 5346: 5337: 5316: 5277:Indian Army during World War I 5099: 4499: 4483:Completing this division, the 4290:Reorganisation of EEF infantry 3576:After the capture of Beersheba 3310:First Battle of Gaza, 26 March 3195:the Italian foreign minister, 2614: 2156:Egyptian Camel Transport Corps 13: 1: 12472:British Empire in World War I 12467:Ottoman Empire in World War I 12143:Ukrainian Canadian internment 10279:. Retrieved 19 December 2005. 10254:. Stroud: Tempus Publishing. 9947:The Journal of Modern History 9769:. Melbourne: Hawthorn Press. 9686:Hughes, Matthew, ed. (2004). 9611:Hamilton, Patrick M. (1996). 9544:. Woodbridge: Boydell Press. 8982: 8591:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, pp. 670–1 8453:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, pp. 412–3 8053:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, pp. 353–6 8032:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, pp. 350–3 7439:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, pp. 662–4 7376:Falls 1930, Vol. 1, pp. 363–4 7295:Falls 1930, Vol. 1, pp. 335–7 6587:Coulthard-Clark 1998, p. 123. 6447:Coulthard-Clark 1998, p. 122. 6261:Dennis et al. 2008, pp. 353–4 5607:Falls 1930, Vol. 1, pp. 55–64 4952:after he had taken refuge in 4425:Royal Gloucestershire Hussars 4401:1st County of London Yeomanry 4371:Reorganisation of EEF cavalry 3887:Action of Berukin, 9–11 April 3562:2nd County of London Yeomanry 3297: 2931:during the Battle of Magdhaba 2007: 1885:the infantry fighting in the 1845:, 10 to 14 November, and the 906: 12477:German Empire in World War I 12298:Sazonov–Paléologue Agreement 11597:Estonian War of Independence 11272:Southern Palestine offensive 10178:Pugsley, Christoper (2004). 9822:. Brighton: Reveille Press. 9446:Erickson, Edward J. (2001). 6764:Gullett 1941, pp. 337–8, 347 6029:"The Turkish Rout at Romani" 4477:Imperial Camel Corps Brigade 4365:54th (East Anglian) Division 4079:54th Sikhs (Frontier Force)s 3823:Westerners versus Easterners 3802:Gaza in ruins, February 1918 3590:Battle of Hareira and Sheria 3554:60th (2/2nd London) Division 3545:Southern Palestine Offensive 3539:Approach marches and attacks 3520:Southern Palestine offensive 3514:Southern Palestine offensive 3414: 3217:54th (East Anglian) Division 3203:Eastern Force reorganisation 2956:Battle of Rafa, January 1917 2822:Imperial Camel Corps Brigade 2695:Egyptian Expeditionary Force 2346:Egyptian Expeditionary Force 1931:British Mandate of Palestine 1800:Egyptian Expeditionary Force 1733:Sinai and Palestine campaign 1300:Sinai and Palestine Campaign 738:Egyptian Expeditionary Force 127:Southern Palestine offensive 123:Battle of Hareira and Sheria 117:Ottoman artillerymen with a 98:Sinai and Palestine campaign 7: 12252:USA against Austria-Hungary 11651:Turkish War of Independence 11603:Latvian War of Independence 11335:Treaty of Bucharest of 1918 10926:Anti-Serb riots in Sarajevo 10250:Woodward, David R. (2006). 10231:Woodward, David R. (2006). 9930:. London: Ariel Books BBC. 9843:(in German). Berlin: Scherl 9634:. Oxford University Press. 9503:. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 8939:Mitchell and Smith, p. 209. 7750:Powles 1922, pp. 146–7, 150 6950:Downes 1938, pp. 589, 593–4 6821:Bowman–Manifold 1923, p. 26 6698:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, pp. v–x 6668:Cutlack 1941, pp. 49–51, 52 5873:A. B. Paterson 1934, p. 122 5793:Bowman–Manifold 1923, p. 21 5075: 4758:branch of Islam, with some 4390:British Expeditionary Force 4056:53rd Sikhs (Frontier Force) 3623:, and to take advantage of 3594:Capture of the Wadi el Hesi 3246:Thus by March 1917 General 2854:Aerial bombing of Beersheba 1982:Turkish War of Independence 1771:in 1915 and ended with the 58:conditions to do so are met 10: 12583: 12335:Treaties of Brest-Litovsk 11883:1899–1923 cholera pandemic 11350:Second Battle of the Marne 11237:Second battle of the Aisne 11106:Second Battle of Champagne 10947:German invasion of Belgium 10159:Preston, R. M. P. (1921). 10000:Moore, A. Briscoe (1920). 9724:The Australian Light Horse 9592:Gullett, Henry S. (1941). 9540:Grainger, John D. (2006). 9406:Downes, Rupert M. (1938). 9389:DiMarco, Louis A. (2008). 9205:Bostock, Harry P. (1982). 8921:Dennis et al. 2008, p. 354 8856:10.1177/002200940103600104 8212:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, p. 307 7624:Gullett 1941, pp. 397, 398 7031:Falls 1930, Vol. 1, p. 277 6279:Blenkinsop 1925, pp. 170–1 6270:Dennis et al. 2008, p. 352 5885:Falls 1930, Vol. 1, p. 177 5828:Falls 1930, Vol. 1, p. 271 5008: 4999:was captured on 25 October 4975: 4876:Battle of Jisr Benat Yakub 4869: 4660: 4431:which had belonged to the 4257: 4234: 4231:Second Transjordan advance 4176: 4145: 4126: 3989:Chief of the General Staff 3983:Summer in the Judean hills 3875: 3700: 3662: 3582:Battle of Tel el Khuweilfe 3579: 3531:Battle of Beersheba (1917) 3528: 3517: 3495: 3486:Imperial Mounted Divisions 3473: 3418: 3390: 3313: 3163: 2959: 2912: 2618: 2574: 2563:In the middle of June the 2309:Secretary of State for War 2169: 919:Total: 168,000+ casualties 119:10.5 cm Feldhaubitze 98/09 12441: 12400: 12321: 12260: 12222: 12166: 12155: 12116:Assyrian genocide (Sayfo) 12059: 12031: 11979: 11901: 11875: 11827: 11720: 11713: 11645:Irish War of Independence 11541: 11423: 11395:Armistice of Villa Giusti 11380:Battle of Vittorio Veneto 11305: 11207: 11134: 11035: 10992:First Battle of the Marne 10939: 10901: 10836: 10827: 10770: 10644: 10633: 10599: 10571: 10533: 10485: 10438: 10431: 10358: 10055:(in French) (90): 38–46. 10038:(in French) (89): 34–43. 9856:Lindsay, Neville (1992). 9281:. London: Pan Macmillan. 7678:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, p. 64 7579:Powles 1922, pp. 135, 138 7561:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, p. 57 7457:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, p. 44 7448:Dennis et al. 2008, p. 84 7403:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, p. 34 5912:Powles 1922, Introduction 5616:Falls 1930, Vol. 1, p. 85 4429:Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry 4254:German and Ottoman attack 4173:First Transjordan advance 4098:suffered 107 casualties. 4081:and two companies of 6th 3340: 3102:Palestine campaign begins 3046:Map of north and central 2729:12th Light Horse Regiment 2344:were united into the new 2291:British defences extended 1308: 1013: 931:189,600 total casualties 890:61,877 battle casualties 876: 862:Estimated 200,000–400,000 827: 723: 471: 187: 133: 110: 102: 97: 12268:Constantinople Agreement 11561:Armenian–Azerbaijani War 11424:Co-belligerent conflicts 11400:Second Romanian campaign 11370:Third Transjordan attack 11081:Gorlice–Tarnów offensive 10987:Battle of Grand Couronné 10182:. Auckland: Reed Books. 10087:Palazzo, Albert (2001). 9765:Kempe, Humphrey (1973). 9347:Cutlack, Frederic Morley 9209:. Perth: Artlook Books. 9133:Australian Army (1902). 8966:Erickson 2001, pp. 237–8 8770:Erickson 2001, pp. 194–5 8704:Grainger 2006, pp. 226–7 8686:Erickson 2001, pp. 174–5 8062:Woodward 2006, pp. 184–5 7854:Cutlack 1941, pp. 99–100 7484:Gullett 1941, pp. 379–80 7349:Falls 1930, Vol. 2, p. 7 6551:Keogh 1955, pp. 48, 71–2 6519:MacDougall 1991, p. 100. 6067:Woodward 2006, pp. 48–9. 5087: 4819:Battle of Megiddo (1918) 4663:Battle of Megiddo (1918) 4501:Ottoman Force June 1918 4489:4th Light Horse Brigades 4300:74th (Yeomanry) Division 4165:by advancing to capture 4163:Third Transjordan attack 4118:Jordan Valley operations 3732:road north of the city. 3360:74th (Yeomanry) Division 2718:5th Light Horse Regiment 2665:ran north – south, from 2625:In early June 1916, the 2390:9th Light Horse Regiment 2386:8th Light Horse Regiment 2299:Map of improved defences 1919:Third Transjordan attack 1256:Indian and Pacific Ocean 12557:1918 in Mandatory Syria 12331:Modus vivendi of Acroma 12283:Bulgaria–Germany treaty 11591:Greater Poland Uprising 11491:National Protection War 11375:Meuse–Argonne offensive 11325:German spring offensive 11320:Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 11096:Siege of Novogeorgievsk 11071:Second Battle of Artois 10952:Battle of the Frontiers 10104:Paterson, A.B. (1934). 10021:(in French) (93): 2–4. 9977:Allenby's Final Triumph 9799:Kinloch, Terry (2007). 9501:The Sanusi of Cyrenaica 9310:Chappell, Mike (2002). 9262:. London: John Murray. 9258:Bruce, Anthony (2002). 8494:"53rd (Welsh) Division" 8474:Gullett 1941, pp. 653–4 8293:Blenkinsop 1925, p. 224 7978:Blenkinsop 1925, p. 223 7891:Downes 1938, pp. 679–81 7493:Blenkinsop 1925, p. 203 7313:Woodward 2006, pp. 88–9 7187:Woodward 2003, pp. 78–9 6908:Woodward 2006, pp. 58–9 6794:Gullett 1941, pp. 257–8 6533:Cutlack 1941, pp. 49–51 6288:Blenkinsop 1925, p. 171 6166:Woodward 2006, pp. 52–3 6085:Hughes 1999, pp. 71, 73 6058:Powles 1922, pp. 29–35. 5948:Downes 1938, pp. 568–71 5550:Erickson 2001, pp. 70–1 5060:over Palestine and the 4986:Battle of Aleppo (1918) 4710:. In the east were the 4671:Battle of Nablus (1918) 4667:Battle of Sharon (1918) 4632:'s (Fevzi's successor) 4473:5th Light Horse Brigade 4464:Imperial Service Troops 4296:52nd (Lowland) Division 4275:German spring offensive 4248:successful breakthrough 4195:.' The First Attack on 4037:21st (Bareilly) Brigade 3872:Judean Hills operations 3671:Jaffa–Jerusalem railway 3462:Raid on Ottoman railway 2891:Railway building: Sinai 2840:City of London Yeomanry 2763:Condition of the horses 2735:German aircrews of the 2498:52nd (Lowland) Division 2458:1st Light Horse Brigade 2442:2nd Light Horse Brigade 1859:German spring offensive 1765:Austro-Hungarian Empire 1488:Berukin & 1st Arara 945:~40,900 died of disease 850:120,000 combat soldiers 763:(formed in August 1917) 755:(formed in August 1917) 12356:Paris Peace Conference 12344:Ukraine–Central Powers 12138:Massacres of Albanians 12106:Late Ottoman genocides 11913:Bulgarian occupations 11621:Third Anglo-Afghan War 11585:Hungarian–Romanian War 11410:Naval Victory Bulletin 11405:Armistice with Germany 11355:Hundred Days Offensive 11282:Battle of La Malmaison 11232:Second battle of Arras 11199:Battle of Transylvania 11053:Second Battle of Ypres 10921:Sarajevo assassination 10810:South African Republic 10197:Cecil Sommers (1919). 10121:Perry, Roland (2009). 9577:Australia in Palestine 8800:Bruce 2002, pp. 209–10 8752:Cutlack 1941, pp. 87–8 8071:Wavell 1968, pp. 183–4 7942:Wavell 1968, pp. 175–6 7930:Wavell 1968, pp. 174–5 7868:Wavell 1968, pp. 176–7 7732:Wavell 1968, pp. 154–5 7687:Falls 1930, pp. 148–52 7430:Wavell 1968, pp. 112–3 7022:Bruce 2002, pp. 90, 91 6968:Keogh 1955, pp. 78, 80 6746:Downes 1938, pp. 615–6 6641:Cutlack 1941, pp. 51–2 6413:Cutlack 1941, pp. 44–5 6404:Cutlack 1941, pp. 43–4 6386:Cutlack 1941, pp. 40–1 6350:Downes 1938, pp. 588–9 6216:Duguid 1919, pp. 2, 18 6148:Lewis 2014, pp. 104–7. 5643:Downes 1938, pp. 552–4 5520:Carver 2003, pp. 192–3 5291:Battle of Mughar Ridge 4867: 4684: 4613:Otto Liman von Sanders 4405:Staffordshire Yeomanry 4384: 4207: 4047:salient held by the 3/ 4032: 4016: 3896: 3856:February 1918 General 3803: 3770: 3721:Battle of Nebi Samwill 3716: 3680:'s 52nd (Lowland) and 3665:Battle of Mughar Ridge 3660: 3635: 3615: 3607: 3540: 3498:Battle of Buqqar Ridge 3492:Battle of Buqqar Ridge 3471: 3434: 3355: 3325: 3301: 3275: 3231: 3152: 3115: 3096:raid on Bir el Hassana 3068: 3052: 3022: 2932: 2863: 2817: 2713: 2712:Suez Canal to El Arish 2597:lines of communication 2552: 2542: 2488: 2468: 2414: 2380: 2356: 2300: 2172:Raid on the Suez Canal 1964:, when France won the 1945:and the occupation of 1853:in March 1918, during 1843:Battle of Mughar Ridge 1820:Second Battles of Gaza 1402:2nd Southern Palestine 1385:1st Southern Palestine 904:5,981+ died of disease 856:53,286 transport units 640:F. K. von Kressenstein 472:Commanders and leaders 12552:1918 in Ottoman Syria 12366:Treaty of St. Germain 12339:Russia–Central Powers 12293:Sykes–Picot Agreement 12121:Pontic Greek genocide 12096:Destruction of Kalisz 12072:Eastern Mediterranean 11633:Polish–Lithuanian War 11415:Armistice of Belgrade 11385:Armistice of Salonica 11315:Operation Faustschlag 11262:Third Battle of Oituz 11184:Baranovichi offensive 11152:Lake Naroch offensive 11126:Battle of Robat Karim 11101:Vistula–Bug offensive 11076:Battles of the Isonzo 11007:First Battle of Ypres 10275:First World 10199:"Temporary Crusaders" 8975:Erickson 2001, p. 240 8957:Erickson 2001, p. 241 8894:Woodward 2006, p. 190 8788:Bruce 2002, pp. 208–9 8761:Erickson 2001, p. 193 8725:Erickson 2001, p. 160 8716:Erickson 2007, p. 133 8695:Erickson 2001, p. 174 8564:Woodward 2006, p. 170 8555:Woodward 2006, p. 182 8496:. The Long Long Trail 8444:Woodward 2006, p. 176 8410:Woodward 2006, p. 169 8365:Keogh 1955, pp. 225–6 8302:Erickson 2007, p. 134 8284:Woodward 2006, p. 163 8266:Erickson 2001, p. 195 8125:Erickson 2007, p. 132 7969:Woodward 2006, p. 161 7960:Grainger 2006, p. 218 7951:Woodward 2006, p. 159 7921:Woodward 2006, p. 158 7882:Woodward 2006, p. 162 7804:Keogh 1955, pp. 202–3 7795:Erickson 2007, p. 128 7741:Falls 1930, pp. 177–8 7669:Woodward 2006, p. 120 7651:Grainger 2006, p. 159 7529:G. Massey 2007, p. 10 7502:Bruce 2002, pp. 128–9 7385:Erickson 2007, p. 110 7340:Wavell 1968, pp. 91–2 7229:Erickson 2001, p. 163 7106:Powles 1922, pp. 90–3 7013:Erickson 2001, p. 161 6995:Hill 1978, pp. 99–100 6884:Bruce 2002, pp. 89–90 6860:Wavell 1968, pp. 90–1 6851:Grainger 2006, p. 217 6773:Powles 1922, pp. 86–7 6689:Gullett 1941, p. 247. 6243:Erickson 2001, p. 232 6106:Wavell 1968, pp. 57–9 6076:Wavell 1968, pp. 51–5 6049:Keogh 1955, pp. 54–6. 6031:. The War Illustrated 5957:Powles 1922, pp. 18–9 5930:Falls 1930, pp. 176–7 5784:Erickson 2001, p. 155 5775:Wavell 1968, pp. 43–5 5580:Wavell 1968, pp. 33–4 5410:Perry 2009, pp. 51–52 5370:Erickson 2007, p. 241 5361:Erickson 2007, p. 154 5082:Bund der Asienkämpfer 4865: 4790:Christians, and near 4682: 4417:22nd Mounted Brigades 4378: 4361:3rd (Lahore) Division 4357:7th (Meerut) Division 4224:Second Battle of Gaza 4205: 4169:, Es Salt and Amman. 4157:until September when 4030: 4006: 3894: 3837:7th (Meerut) Division 3801: 3768: 3710: 3658: 3617: 3613: 3601: 3558:10th (Irish) Division 3538: 3469: 3432: 3393:Second Battle of Gaza 3344: 3323: 3296: 3270: 3240:22nd Mounted Brigades 3225: 3209:53rd (Welsh) Division 3166:Sykes–Picot Agreement 3150: 3109: 3066: 3044: 3020: 3013:End of Sinai campaign 2926: 2898:Egyptian Labour Corps 2861: 2833:Raid on Maghara Hills 2826:line of communication 2815: 2801:Egyptian Labour Corps 2711: 2641:in the south western 2550: 2531: 2474: 2466: 2412: 2375: 2354: 2298: 2223:line of communication 2152:Egyptian Labour Corps 2099:11th Indian Divisions 1943:Mesopotamian campaign 1788:Protectorate of Egypt 1755:in opposition to the 1751:fought alongside the 1745:French Third Republic 1390:Hafir el Auja railway 1093:Sinai & Palestine 935:25,973 killed/missing 894:16,880 killed/missing 877:Casualties and losses 718:Mersinli Djemal Pasha 12482:Egypt in World War I 12361:Treaty of Versailles 12077:Mount Lebanon famine 11992:in the United States 11960:Russian occupations 11674:Turkish–Armenian War 11615:Polish–Ukrainian War 11555:Ukrainian–Soviet War 11502:Central Asian Revolt 11292:Armistice of Focșani 11022:Battle of Sarikamish 10972:Battle of Tannenberg 10368:Military engagements 10125:. Sydney: Hachette. 9820:For Kent and Country 9818:Lewis, Paul (2014). 9630:Hart, Peter (2013). 8903:DiMarco 2008, p. 329 8650:DiMarco 2008, p. 328 8465:Cutlack 1941, p. 121 8347:Cutlack 1941, p. 105 8329:Cutlack 1941, p. 109 8311:Cutlack 1941, p. 108 8221:Cutlack 1941, p. 103 7588:Kinloch 2007, p. 204 7394:G. Massey 2007, p. 9 7277:Woodward 2006, p. 77 7259:Erickson 2007, p. 99 7052:Keogh 1955, pp. 83–4 7043:Bruce 2002, pp. 92–3 6977:Pugsley 2004, p. 135 6842:Grainger 2006, p. 66 6737:Woodward 2006, p. 58 6728:Keogh 1955, pp. 80–1 6680:Gullett 1941, p. 246 6596:Gullett 1941, p. 242 6569:Bruce 2002, pp. 86–7 6560:Gullett 1941, p. 230 6431:Odgers 1994, p. 103. 6341:Macmunn 1996, p. 252 6332:Keogh 1955, pp. 60–1 6016:on 16 December 2011. 5939:Pugsley 2004, p. 133 5691:Bruce 2002, pp. 36–7 5679:Keogh 1955, pp. 36–7 5589:Bruce 2002, pp. 26–7 5571:Carver 2003, pp. 8–9 5428:Bruce 2002, pp. 15–7 5379:Massey 1919, pp. 5–6 5352:Preston 1921, p. 193 5334:Erickson 2001, p. 71 5252:. One regiment, the 5016:Mesopotamia campaign 4978:Charge at Khan Ayash 4445:5th Cavalry Division 4437:7th Mounted Brigades 4421:4th Cavalry Division 4353:Mesopotamia campaign 4260:Battle of Abu Tellul 3878:Action of Tell 'Asur 3862:Imperial War Cabinet 3858:Jan Christiaan Smuts 3746:Battle of Sarikamish 3697:Capture of Jerusalem 3586:Third Battle of Gaza 3508:Erich von Falkenhayn 3447:Erich von Falkenhayn 3316:First Battle of Gaza 3092:Imperial Camel Corps 2877:railway to Beersheba 2808:Raid on Bir el Mazar 2609:First Battle of Gaza 2405:Occupation of Romani 2051:British protectorate 2018:Muhammad Ali Dynasty 1998:Syrian Arab Republic 1879:Desert Mounted Corps 1790:, to unsuccessfully 1422:Hareira & Sheria 853:134,971 wage workers 768:Desert Mounted Corps 652:Erich von Falkenhayn 12428:They shall not pass 12351:Treaty of Bucharest 12308:Treaty of Bucharest 12247:USA against Germany 12224:Declarations of war 11928:German occupations 11841:British casualties 11700:Soviet–Georgian War 11627:Egyptian Revolution 11567:Armeno-Georgian War 11431:Somaliland campaign 11390:Armistice of Mudros 11267:Battle of Caporetto 11257:Battle of Mărășești 11227:Zimmermann telegram 11222:February Revolution 11167:Battle of the Somme 11091:Bug-Narew Offensive 11066:Battle of Gallipoli 11058:Sinking of the RMS 10850:Scramble for Africa 10844:Franco-Prussian War 10500:Sinai and Palestine 9746:The First World War 9722:Jones, Ian (1987). 8809:Hughes 2004, p. 144 8779:Carver 2003, p. 225 8677:Hughes 2004, p. 160 8632:Perrett 1999, p. 23 8514:Roy 2011, pp. 170–1 8435:Carver 2003, p. 228 8426:Wavell 1968, p. 183 8383:Powles 1922, p. 222 8356:Powles 1922, p. 219 8338:Dennis 2008, p. 128 8320:Powles 1922, p. 211 8275:Cutlack 1941, p. 92 8230:Powles 1922, p. 179 8176:Wavell 1968, p. 190 7912:Wavell 1968, p. 174 7900:Wavell 1968, p. 173 7777:Downes 1938, p. 753 7768:Wavell 1968, p. 156 7759:Carver 2003, p. 222 7714:Carver 2003, p. 219 7660:Preston 1921, p. 58 7466:Downes 1938, p. 661 7247:Downes 1938, p. 621 7169:Downes 1938, p. 620 7070:Downes 1938, p. 618 7061:Cutlack 1941, p. 60 6959:Hill 1978, pp. 96–7 6941:Bostock 1982, p. 62 6920:Bou 2009, pp. 162–3 6833:Manuel 1955, p. 265 6650:Cutlack 1941, p. 52 6605:Hill 1978, pp. 93–4 6578:Carver 2003, p. 195 6542:Carver 2003, p. 194 6422:Powles 1922, p. 110 6314:Downes 1938, p. 589 6252:Cutlack 1941, p. 40 6127:Hill 1978, pp. 84–5 6115:Downes 1938, p. 587 5993:Cutlack 1941, p. 36 5921:Kinloch 2007, p. 76 5894:Downes 1938, p. 572 5864:Downes 1938, p. 599 5419:Bruce 2002, pp. 3–4 5238:56th Punjabi Rifles 5110:under King Hussein. 5003:armistice at Mudros 4888:Capture of Damascus 4858:Pursuit to Damascus 4630:Mustafa Kemal Pasha 4502: 4496:Yildirim Army Group 4320:British Indian Army 4155:20th Indian Brigade 4060:28th Indian Brigade 3780:Balfour Declaration 3703:Battle of Jerusalem 3604:Balfour Declaration 3439:Yildirim Army Group 3375:Nivelle's offensive 3184:Guglielmo Imperiali 2601:Battles of Magdhaba 2430:Katia and Oghratina 2426:5th Mounted Brigade 2377:Bikaner Camel Corps 2195:Bikaner Camel Corps 2107:Bikaner Camel Corps 1976:and Palestine. The 1847:Battle of Jerusalem 1792:raid the Suez Canal 1773:Armistice of Mudros 1596:Afulah & Beisan 1207:North-West Frontier 806:Yildirim Army Group 685:Mustafa Kemal Pasha 121:shortly before the 45:of this article is 12388:Treaty of Lausanne 12303:Paris Economy Pact 12237:UK against Germany 12167:Entry into the war 12133:Urkun (Kyrgyzstan) 11852:Ottoman casualties 11662:Franco-Turkish War 11542:Post-War conflicts 11526:Russian Revolution 11508:Invasion of Darfur 11473:Kelantan rebellion 11461:Kurdish rebellions 11437:Mexican Revolution 11277:October Revolution 11242:Kerensky offensive 11217:Capture of Baghdad 11194:Monastir offensive 11179:Brusilov offensive 11017:Battle of Kolubara 10856:Russo-Japanese War 10291:(official history) 10106:"Happy Despatches" 9648:Hill, Alec Jeffrey 9222:Bou, Jean (2009). 8743:Keogh 1955, p. 219 8734:Hughes 1999, p. 73 8668:Jones 1987, p. 148 8641:Bruce 2002, p. 205 8573:Perrett, pp. 24–26 8392:Bruce 2002, p. 202 8239:Moore 1921, p. 101 8116:Bruce 2002, p. 203 8044:Keogh 1955, p. 216 8023:Keogh 1955, p. 214 8014:Keogh 1955, p. 213 8005:Keogh 1955, p. 208 7996:Bruce 2002, p. 189 7845:Falls 1930, p. 303 7723:Falls 1930, p. 175 7642:Hughes 2004, p. 72 7520:Bruce 2002, p. 130 7475:Keogh 1955, p. 152 7412:Bruce 2002, p. 127 7322:Massey 1919, p. 16 7304:Bruce 2002, p. 106 7286:Keogh 1955, p. 119 7238:Keogh 1955, p. 115 7196:Keogh 1955, p. 112 7178:Keogh 1955, p. 111 7151:Powles 1922, p. 97 7115:Keogh 1955, p. 102 6896:Wavell 1968, p. 69 6755:Powles 1922, p. 81 6632:Wavell 1968, p. 70 6614:Powles 1922, p. 79 6510:Powles 1922, p. 53 6483:Powles 1922, p. 51 6474:Powles 1922, p. 50 6359:Powles 1922, p. 46 5966:Powles 1922, p. 24 5814:Powles 1922, p. 14 5766:Falls 1930, p. 178 5739:Falls 1930, p. 160 5712:Powles 1922, p. 17 5661:Wavell 1968, p. 41 5625:Wavell 1968, p. 40 5437:Wavell 1968, p. 27 4982:Pursuit to Haritan 4900:militia following 4868: 4685: 4500: 4449:Raid on Suez Canal 4385: 4208: 4129:Capture of Jericho 4033: 4017: 3897: 3804: 3771: 3717: 3661: 3616: 3608: 3541: 3472: 3435: 3326: 3302: 3276: 3263:Ottoman Army units 3232: 3153: 3116: 3069: 3053: 3027:Battle of Magdhaba 3023: 3001:in December 1916. 2983:David Lloyd George 2933: 2915:Battle of Magdhaba 2864: 2844:Army Medical Corps 2818: 2714: 2553: 2493:Royal Flying Corps 2485:, Remounts Officer 2469: 2419:Saint George's Day 2415: 2399:Middlesex Yeomanry 2381: 2357: 2301: 2214:Gallipoli campaign 2060:Gallipoli campaign 1978:Republic of Turkey 1891:Battle of Nazareth 1829:After a period of 1796:Gallipoli campaign 1555:Northern Palestine 1364:Southern Palestine 1108:Hejaz & Levant 614:Faisal bin Hussein 12527:Conflicts in 1918 12522:Conflicts in 1917 12517:Conflicts in 1916 12512:Conflicts in 1915 12454: 12453: 12437: 12436: 12421:The Golden Virgin 12415:Mutilated victory 12396: 12395: 12376:Treaty of Trianon 12371:Treaty of Neuilly 12278:Damascus Protocol 12151: 12150: 12111:Armenian genocide 12068:Allied blockades 12040:Belgian refugees 11823: 11822: 11733:Strategic bombing 11709: 11708: 11694:Franco-Syrian War 11668:Greco-Turkish War 11656:Anglo-Turkish War 11639:Polish–Soviet War 11573:German Revolution 11549:Russian Civil War 11532:Finnish Civil War 11365:Battle of Megiddo 11340:Battle of Goychay 11287:Battle of Cambrai 11247:Battle of Mărăști 11162:Battle of Jutland 11142:Erzurum offensive 10997:Siege of Przemyśl 10977:Siege of Tsingtao 10962:Battle of Galicia 10892:Second Balkan War 10880:Italo-Turkish War 10837:Pre-War conflicts 10823: 10822: 10713:Portuguese Empire 10629: 10628: 10591:German New Guinea 10573:Asian and Pacific 10261:978-0-7524-3854-2 10242:978-0-8131-2383-7 10189:978-0-7900-0941-4 10132:978-0-7336-2272-4 10079:978-0-85052-395-9 9937:978-0-563-20437-4 9884:978-0-89839-241-8 9840:Fünf Jahre Türkei 9829:978-1-9083-3614-9 9810:978-0-908988-94-5 9757:978-0-3754-0052-0 9697:978-0-7509-3841-9 9661:978-0-522-84146-6 9622:978-1-876179-01-4 9551:978-1-84383-263-8 9532:978-0-8050-8809-0 9474:978-0-203-96456-9 9338:978-1-86448-611-7 9288:978-0-283-07347-2 9269:978-0-7195-5432-2 9233:978-0-521-19708-3 8885:Hill 1978, p. 161 8600:Sumner 2001, p. 9 8374:Hill 1978, p. 146 7160:Hill 1978, p. 108 7142:Keogh 1955, p. 82 7124:Moore 1920, p. 67 6872:Keogh 1955, p. 78 6719:Bruce 2002, p. 88 6707:Keogh 1955, p. 80 6659:Keogh 1955, p. 77 6225:Bruce 2002, p. 81 6198:Keogh 1955, p. 62 6182:Bruce 2002, p. 80 6139:Keogh 1955, p. 60 6094:Keogh 1955, p. 48 5903:Bruce 2002, p. 42 5855:Keogh 1955, p. 46 5846:Keogh 1955, p. 47 5805:Keogh 1955, p. 44 5730:Keogh 1955, p. 20 5721:Keogh 1955, p. 38 5703:Keogh 1955, p. 37 5670:Bruce 2002, p. 35 5652:Keogh 1955, p. 32 5634:Keogh 1955, p. 34 5541:Keogh 1955, p. 21 5446:Carver 2004, p. 8 5322:Hart 2013, p. 409 4990:Charge at Haritan 4972:Capture of Aleppo 4734:always inhabited 4657:Megiddo offensive 4591: 4590: 4049:3rd Gurkha Rifles 3860:(a member of the 3370:William Robertson 2985:wanted more. The 2976:Weli Sheikh Nuran 2782:William Robertson 2643:Arabian Peninsula 2448:of Major General 2440:. The Australian 2388:and 117 men from 2185:Only two Ottoman 2144:The Capitulations 2084:Sweet Water Canal 2000:in 1946, and the 1990:Lebanese Republic 1970:Syria and Lebanon 1867:Battle of Megiddo 1863:manoeuvre warfare 1726: 1725: 1264: 1263: 1132:South West Africa 971: 970: 834:1,200,000 (total) 822:German Asia Corps 764: 756: 748: 747:(until July 1917) 735: 663:O. L. von Sanders 183: 182: 86: 85: 78: 16:(Redirected from 12574: 12381:Treaty of Sèvres 12273:Treaty of London 12164: 12163: 11942:Northeast France 11873: 11872: 11845:Parliamentarians 11778: 11777: 11740:Chemical weapons 11718: 11717: 11479:Senussi campaign 11449:Muscat rebellion 11443:Maritz rebellion 11360:Vardar offensive 11189:Battle of Romani 11157:Battle of Asiago 11147:Battle of Verdun 11111:Kosovo offensive 10886:First Balkan War 10834: 10833: 10733:Russian Republic 10642: 10641: 10436: 10435: 10378:Economic history 10345: 10338: 10331: 10322: 10321: 10265: 10246: 10227: 10210: 10193: 10174: 10155: 10136: 10117: 10100: 10083: 10064: 10047: 10030: 10013: 9996: 9994: 9992: 9970: 9941: 9922: 9905: 9888: 9869: 9852: 9850: 9848: 9833: 9814: 9795: 9778: 9761: 9749: 9735: 9718: 9701: 9682: 9665: 9643: 9626: 9607: 9588: 9571: 9555: 9536: 9512: 9495: 9478: 9459: 9442: 9425: 9402: 9385: 9368: 9342: 9323: 9306: 9300: 9292: 9273: 9254: 9237: 9218: 9201: 9180: 9163: 9146: 9129: 9127: 9125: 9120:on 21 March 2011 9105: 9103: 9101: 9096:on 21 March 2011 9081: 9079: 9077: 9072:on 21 March 2011 9057: 9055: 9053: 9048:on 21 March 2011 9033: 9031: 9029: 9024:on 21 March 2011 9009: 9007: 9005: 9000:on 16 March 2011 8976: 8973: 8967: 8964: 8958: 8955: 8949: 8946: 8940: 8937: 8931: 8928: 8922: 8919: 8913: 8910: 8904: 8901: 8895: 8892: 8886: 8883: 8877: 8876:Bou 2009, p. 193 8874: 8868: 8867: 8837: 8831: 8828: 8822: 8819: 8810: 8807: 8801: 8798: 8789: 8786: 8780: 8777: 8771: 8768: 8762: 8759: 8753: 8750: 8744: 8741: 8735: 8732: 8726: 8723: 8717: 8714: 8705: 8702: 8696: 8693: 8687: 8684: 8678: 8675: 8669: 8666: 8660: 8657: 8651: 8648: 8642: 8639: 8633: 8630: 8619: 8616: 8610: 8607: 8601: 8598: 8592: 8589: 8583: 8580: 8574: 8571: 8565: 8562: 8556: 8553: 8547: 8546:Erickson, p. 126 8544: 8538: 8537:Roy 2011, p. 170 8535: 8529: 8528:Roy 2011, p. 174 8526: 8515: 8512: 8506: 8505: 8503: 8501: 8490: 8484: 8481: 8475: 8472: 8466: 8463: 8454: 8451: 8445: 8442: 8436: 8433: 8427: 8424: 8411: 8408: 8402: 8399: 8393: 8390: 8384: 8381: 8375: 8372: 8366: 8363: 8357: 8354: 8348: 8345: 8339: 8336: 8330: 8327: 8321: 8318: 8312: 8309: 8303: 8300: 8294: 8291: 8285: 8282: 8276: 8273: 8267: 8264: 8258: 8255: 8249: 8246: 8240: 8237: 8231: 8228: 8222: 8219: 8213: 8210: 8204: 8201: 8195: 8192: 8186: 8183: 8177: 8174: 8168: 8165: 8159: 8156: 8147: 8144: 8135: 8132: 8126: 8123: 8117: 8114: 8108: 8105: 8099: 8096: 8090: 8087: 8081: 8078: 8072: 8069: 8063: 8060: 8054: 8051: 8045: 8042: 8033: 8030: 8024: 8021: 8015: 8012: 8006: 8003: 7997: 7994: 7988: 7985: 7979: 7976: 7970: 7967: 7961: 7958: 7952: 7949: 7943: 7940: 7931: 7928: 7922: 7919: 7913: 7910: 7901: 7898: 7892: 7889: 7883: 7880: 7869: 7866: 7855: 7852: 7846: 7843: 7837: 7834: 7823: 7820: 7814: 7811: 7805: 7802: 7796: 7793: 7787: 7784: 7778: 7775: 7769: 7766: 7760: 7757: 7751: 7748: 7742: 7739: 7733: 7730: 7724: 7721: 7715: 7712: 7706: 7703: 7697: 7694: 7688: 7685: 7679: 7676: 7670: 7667: 7661: 7658: 7652: 7649: 7643: 7640: 7634: 7631: 7625: 7622: 7616: 7613: 7607: 7604: 7598: 7595: 7589: 7586: 7580: 7577: 7571: 7568: 7562: 7559: 7548: 7545: 7539: 7536: 7530: 7527: 7521: 7518: 7512: 7509: 7503: 7500: 7494: 7491: 7485: 7482: 7476: 7473: 7467: 7464: 7458: 7455: 7449: 7446: 7440: 7437: 7431: 7428: 7422: 7419: 7413: 7410: 7404: 7401: 7395: 7392: 7386: 7383: 7377: 7374: 7368: 7365: 7359: 7356: 7350: 7347: 7341: 7338: 7332: 7329: 7323: 7320: 7314: 7311: 7305: 7302: 7296: 7293: 7287: 7284: 7278: 7275: 7269: 7266: 7260: 7257: 7248: 7245: 7239: 7236: 7230: 7227: 7218: 7217:Bou 2009, p. 162 7215: 7206: 7203: 7197: 7194: 7188: 7185: 7179: 7176: 7170: 7167: 7161: 7158: 7152: 7149: 7143: 7140: 7134: 7131: 7125: 7122: 7116: 7113: 7107: 7104: 7098: 7095: 7089: 7086: 7080: 7077: 7071: 7068: 7062: 7059: 7053: 7050: 7044: 7041: 7032: 7029: 7023: 7020: 7014: 7011: 7005: 7002: 6996: 6993: 6987: 6984: 6978: 6975: 6969: 6966: 6960: 6957: 6951: 6948: 6942: 6939: 6933: 6930: 6921: 6918: 6909: 6906: 6897: 6894: 6885: 6882: 6873: 6870: 6861: 6858: 6852: 6849: 6843: 6840: 6834: 6831: 6822: 6819: 6813: 6810: 6804: 6801: 6795: 6792: 6786: 6783: 6774: 6771: 6765: 6762: 6756: 6753: 6747: 6744: 6738: 6735: 6729: 6726: 6720: 6717: 6708: 6705: 6699: 6696: 6690: 6687: 6681: 6678: 6669: 6666: 6660: 6657: 6651: 6648: 6642: 6639: 6633: 6630: 6624: 6621: 6615: 6612: 6606: 6603: 6597: 6594: 6588: 6585: 6579: 6576: 6570: 6567: 6561: 6558: 6552: 6549: 6543: 6540: 6534: 6531: 6520: 6517: 6511: 6508: 6502: 6499: 6493: 6490: 6484: 6481: 6475: 6472: 6466: 6463: 6457: 6454: 6448: 6445: 6432: 6429: 6423: 6420: 6414: 6411: 6405: 6402: 6396: 6393: 6387: 6384: 6378: 6375: 6369: 6366: 6360: 6357: 6351: 6348: 6342: 6339: 6333: 6330: 6324: 6321: 6315: 6312: 6301: 6300:Hill 1978, p. 85 6298: 6289: 6286: 6280: 6277: 6271: 6268: 6262: 6259: 6253: 6250: 6244: 6241: 6235: 6232: 6226: 6223: 6217: 6214: 6208: 6205: 6199: 6196: 6183: 6180: 6167: 6164: 6158: 6157:Bou 2009, p. 158 6155: 6149: 6146: 6140: 6137: 6128: 6125: 6116: 6113: 6107: 6104: 6095: 6092: 6086: 6083: 6077: 6074: 6068: 6065: 6059: 6056: 6050: 6047: 6041: 6040: 6038: 6036: 6024: 6018: 6017: 6005: 5994: 5991: 5985: 5982: 5976: 5973: 5967: 5964: 5958: 5955: 5949: 5946: 5940: 5937: 5931: 5928: 5922: 5919: 5913: 5910: 5904: 5901: 5895: 5892: 5886: 5883: 5874: 5871: 5865: 5862: 5856: 5853: 5847: 5844: 5838: 5835: 5829: 5826: 5815: 5812: 5806: 5803: 5794: 5791: 5785: 5782: 5776: 5773: 5767: 5764: 5758: 5755: 5749: 5746: 5740: 5737: 5731: 5728: 5722: 5719: 5713: 5710: 5704: 5701: 5692: 5689: 5680: 5677: 5671: 5668: 5662: 5659: 5653: 5650: 5644: 5641: 5635: 5632: 5626: 5623: 5617: 5614: 5608: 5605: 5599: 5596: 5590: 5587: 5581: 5578: 5572: 5569: 5563: 5560: 5551: 5548: 5542: 5539: 5533: 5530: 5521: 5518: 5509: 5506: 5500: 5499:Falls, pp. 366–7 5497: 5491: 5488: 5479: 5476: 5465: 5464:Falls, pp. 364–5 5462: 5456: 5453: 5447: 5444: 5438: 5435: 5429: 5426: 5420: 5417: 5411: 5408: 5402: 5397: 5391: 5386: 5380: 5377: 5371: 5368: 5362: 5359: 5353: 5350: 5344: 5341: 5335: 5332: 5323: 5320: 5303: 5300: 5294: 5287: 5281: 5273: 5267: 5263: 5257: 5254:101st Grenadiers 5234: 5228: 5212: 5206: 5203: 5197: 5186: 5180: 5177: 5171: 5167: 5161: 5158: 5152: 5149: 5143: 5139: 5133: 5127: 5121: 5117: 5111: 5103: 5024:Ottoman Archives 4950:Emir Abdul Qadir 4910:Baramke Barracks 4880:Charge at Kaukab 4708:Nussiri (pagans) 4503: 4403:, and the 1/1st 4359:followed by the 4355:. They were the 4087:101st Grenadiers 3997:Sir Henry Wilson 3744:had been at the 3633: 3451:Archibald Murray 3353: 3299: 2738:Luftstreitkräfte 2577:Battle of Romani 2571:Battle of Romani 2558:Battle of Romani 2486: 2341:Archibald Murray 2282: 2270: 2258: 2246: 2234: 2139:Reginald Wingate 2127:Senussi campaign 1915:Battle of Nablus 1911:Battle of Sharon 1895:Battle of Samakh 1855:Erich Ludendorff 1749:Kingdom of Italy 1735:was part of the 1645:Jisr Benat Yakub 1442:Junction Station 1303: 1301: 1291: 1284: 1277: 1268: 1267: 1008: 997: 990: 983: 974: 973: 960: 959: 953: 952: 930: 929: 911: 908: 889: 888: 840:over 150,000 men 762: 754: 746: 733: 716: 715: 705: 704: 694: 693: 683: 682: 674:Gustav von Oppen 672: 671: 661: 660: 650: 649: 642: 638: 637: 629: 625: 624: 612: 611: 601: 600: 590: 589: 579: 578: 568: 567: 566: 559: 549: 548: 547: 538: 537: 527: 526: 516: 515: 505: 504: 496:Archibald Murray 494: 493: 483: 482: 461: 459: 458: 450: 446: 444: 443: 430: 428: 427: 413: 409: 407: 406: 398: 394: 392: 391: 382: 378: 376: 375: 362: 358: 356: 355: 347: 343: 341: 340: 332: 328: 326: 325: 317: 313: 311: 310: 302: 298: 296: 295: 287: 283: 281: 280: 272: 268: 266: 265: 254: 252: 251: 244: 240: 238: 237: 228: 224: 222: 221: 204: 202: 201: 135: 134: 115: 95: 94: 81: 74: 70: 67: 61: 35: 34: 27: 21: 12582: 12581: 12577: 12576: 12575: 12573: 12572: 12571: 12457: 12456: 12455: 12450: 12433: 12392: 12324: 12317: 12288:Treaty of Darin 12256: 12218: 12174:Austria-Hungary 12160: 12147: 12128:Rape of Belgium 12055: 12027: 11975: 11969:Western Armenia 11964:Eastern Galicia 11897: 11871: 11835: 11834:Civilian impact 11833: 11819: 11776: 11705: 11537: 11467:Ovambo Uprising 11419: 11301: 11203: 11130: 11048:Battle of Łomża 11031: 11027:Christmas truce 11002:Race to the Sea 10935: 10897: 10819: 10790:Austria-Hungary 10766: 10701:Empire of Japan 10638: 10636: 10625: 10609:U-boat campaign 10595: 10567: 10529: 10481: 10427: 10408:Popular culture 10354: 10349: 10272: 10262: 10243: 10190: 10133: 10080: 9990: 9988: 9938: 9885: 9846: 9844: 9830: 9811: 9758: 9698: 9662: 9623: 9558: 9552: 9533: 9475: 9339: 9294: 9293: 9289: 9270: 9234: 9166: 9123: 9121: 9108: 9099: 9097: 9084: 9075: 9073: 9060: 9051: 9049: 9036: 9027: 9025: 9012: 9003: 9001: 8988: 8985: 8980: 8979: 8974: 8970: 8965: 8961: 8956: 8952: 8947: 8943: 8938: 8934: 8929: 8925: 8920: 8916: 8911: 8907: 8902: 8898: 8893: 8889: 8884: 8880: 8875: 8871: 8838: 8834: 8829: 8825: 8820: 8813: 8808: 8804: 8799: 8792: 8787: 8783: 8778: 8774: 8769: 8765: 8760: 8756: 8751: 8747: 8742: 8738: 8733: 8729: 8724: 8720: 8715: 8708: 8703: 8699: 8694: 8690: 8685: 8681: 8676: 8672: 8667: 8663: 8658: 8654: 8649: 8645: 8640: 8636: 8631: 8622: 8617: 8613: 8608: 8604: 8599: 8595: 8590: 8586: 8581: 8577: 8572: 8568: 8563: 8559: 8554: 8550: 8545: 8541: 8536: 8532: 8527: 8518: 8513: 8509: 8499: 8497: 8492: 8491: 8487: 8482: 8478: 8473: 8469: 8464: 8457: 8452: 8448: 8443: 8439: 8434: 8430: 8425: 8414: 8409: 8405: 8400: 8396: 8391: 8387: 8382: 8378: 8373: 8369: 8364: 8360: 8355: 8351: 8346: 8342: 8337: 8333: 8328: 8324: 8319: 8315: 8310: 8306: 8301: 8297: 8292: 8288: 8283: 8279: 8274: 8270: 8265: 8261: 8256: 8252: 8247: 8243: 8238: 8234: 8229: 8225: 8220: 8216: 8211: 8207: 8202: 8198: 8193: 8189: 8184: 8180: 8175: 8171: 8166: 8162: 8157: 8150: 8145: 8138: 8133: 8129: 8124: 8120: 8115: 8111: 8106: 8102: 8097: 8093: 8088: 8084: 8079: 8075: 8070: 8066: 8061: 8057: 8052: 8048: 8043: 8036: 8031: 8027: 8022: 8018: 8013: 8009: 8004: 8000: 7995: 7991: 7986: 7982: 7977: 7973: 7968: 7964: 7959: 7955: 7950: 7946: 7941: 7934: 7929: 7925: 7920: 7916: 7911: 7904: 7899: 7895: 7890: 7886: 7881: 7872: 7867: 7858: 7853: 7849: 7844: 7840: 7835: 7826: 7821: 7817: 7812: 7808: 7803: 7799: 7794: 7790: 7785: 7781: 7776: 7772: 7767: 7763: 7758: 7754: 7749: 7745: 7740: 7736: 7731: 7727: 7722: 7718: 7713: 7709: 7704: 7700: 7695: 7691: 7686: 7682: 7677: 7673: 7668: 7664: 7659: 7655: 7650: 7646: 7641: 7637: 7632: 7628: 7623: 7619: 7614: 7610: 7605: 7601: 7596: 7592: 7587: 7583: 7578: 7574: 7569: 7565: 7560: 7551: 7546: 7542: 7537: 7533: 7528: 7524: 7519: 7515: 7510: 7506: 7501: 7497: 7492: 7488: 7483: 7479: 7474: 7470: 7465: 7461: 7456: 7452: 7447: 7443: 7438: 7434: 7429: 7425: 7420: 7416: 7411: 7407: 7402: 7398: 7393: 7389: 7384: 7380: 7375: 7371: 7366: 7362: 7357: 7353: 7348: 7344: 7339: 7335: 7330: 7326: 7321: 7317: 7312: 7308: 7303: 7299: 7294: 7290: 7285: 7281: 7276: 7272: 7267: 7263: 7258: 7251: 7246: 7242: 7237: 7233: 7228: 7221: 7216: 7209: 7204: 7200: 7195: 7191: 7186: 7182: 7177: 7173: 7168: 7164: 7159: 7155: 7150: 7146: 7141: 7137: 7132: 7128: 7123: 7119: 7114: 7110: 7105: 7101: 7096: 7092: 7087: 7083: 7078: 7074: 7069: 7065: 7060: 7056: 7051: 7047: 7042: 7035: 7030: 7026: 7021: 7017: 7012: 7008: 7003: 6999: 6994: 6990: 6985: 6981: 6976: 6972: 6967: 6963: 6958: 6954: 6949: 6945: 6940: 6936: 6931: 6924: 6919: 6912: 6907: 6900: 6895: 6888: 6883: 6876: 6871: 6864: 6859: 6855: 6850: 6846: 6841: 6837: 6832: 6825: 6820: 6816: 6811: 6807: 6802: 6798: 6793: 6789: 6784: 6777: 6772: 6768: 6763: 6759: 6754: 6750: 6745: 6741: 6736: 6732: 6727: 6723: 6718: 6711: 6706: 6702: 6697: 6693: 6688: 6684: 6679: 6672: 6667: 6663: 6658: 6654: 6649: 6645: 6640: 6636: 6631: 6627: 6622: 6618: 6613: 6609: 6604: 6600: 6595: 6591: 6586: 6582: 6577: 6573: 6568: 6564: 6559: 6555: 6550: 6546: 6541: 6537: 6532: 6523: 6518: 6514: 6509: 6505: 6500: 6496: 6491: 6487: 6482: 6478: 6473: 6469: 6464: 6460: 6455: 6451: 6446: 6435: 6430: 6426: 6421: 6417: 6412: 6408: 6403: 6399: 6394: 6390: 6385: 6381: 6376: 6372: 6367: 6363: 6358: 6354: 6349: 6345: 6340: 6336: 6331: 6327: 6322: 6318: 6313: 6304: 6299: 6292: 6287: 6283: 6278: 6274: 6269: 6265: 6260: 6256: 6251: 6247: 6242: 6238: 6233: 6229: 6224: 6220: 6215: 6211: 6206: 6202: 6197: 6186: 6181: 6170: 6165: 6161: 6156: 6152: 6147: 6143: 6138: 6131: 6126: 6119: 6114: 6110: 6105: 6098: 6093: 6089: 6084: 6080: 6075: 6071: 6066: 6062: 6057: 6053: 6048: 6044: 6034: 6032: 6025: 6021: 6006: 5997: 5992: 5988: 5983: 5979: 5974: 5970: 5965: 5961: 5956: 5952: 5947: 5943: 5938: 5934: 5929: 5925: 5920: 5916: 5911: 5907: 5902: 5898: 5893: 5889: 5884: 5877: 5872: 5868: 5863: 5859: 5854: 5850: 5845: 5841: 5836: 5832: 5827: 5818: 5813: 5809: 5804: 5797: 5792: 5788: 5783: 5779: 5774: 5770: 5765: 5761: 5756: 5752: 5747: 5743: 5738: 5734: 5729: 5725: 5720: 5716: 5711: 5707: 5702: 5695: 5690: 5683: 5678: 5674: 5669: 5665: 5660: 5656: 5651: 5647: 5642: 5638: 5633: 5629: 5624: 5620: 5615: 5611: 5606: 5602: 5597: 5593: 5588: 5584: 5579: 5575: 5570: 5566: 5561: 5554: 5549: 5545: 5540: 5536: 5531: 5524: 5519: 5512: 5507: 5503: 5498: 5494: 5489: 5482: 5477: 5468: 5463: 5459: 5454: 5450: 5445: 5441: 5436: 5432: 5427: 5423: 5418: 5414: 5409: 5405: 5398: 5394: 5387: 5383: 5378: 5374: 5369: 5365: 5360: 5356: 5351: 5347: 5342: 5338: 5333: 5326: 5321: 5317: 5307: 5306: 5301: 5297: 5288: 5284: 5274: 5270: 5264: 5260: 5235: 5231: 5213: 5209: 5204: 5200: 5187: 5183: 5178: 5174: 5168: 5164: 5159: 5155: 5150: 5146: 5140: 5136: 5128: 5124: 5118: 5114: 5108:Arab insurgents 5104: 5100: 5090: 5078: 5058:British mandate 5011: 4992: 4976:Main articles: 4974: 4927:, while in the 4890: 4884:Charge at Kiswe 4872:Charge at Irbid 4870:Main articles: 4860: 4855: 4853:Syrian campaign 4812:Royal Air Force 4677: 4661:Main articles: 4659: 4650: 4621: 4515: 4498: 4479:and the French 4468:Princely states 4397:Dorset Yeomanry 4373: 4333:Indian officers 4292: 4271: 4262: 4256: 4239: 4233: 4181: 4175: 4159:Chaytor's Force 4150: 4144: 4131: 4125: 4120: 4110:the village of 3985: 3976:final offensive 3889: 3880: 3874: 3825: 3796: 3759: 3754: 3725:Battle of Jaffa 3705: 3699: 3667: 3653: 3634: 3631: 3596: 3580:Main articles: 3578: 3533: 3527: 3522: 3516: 3500: 3494: 3478: 3464: 3423: 3417: 3395: 3389: 3354: 3351: 3343: 3318: 3312: 3307: 3265: 3234:The arrival of 3228:London Regiment 3205: 3190:, whose famous 3172: 3164:Main articles: 3162: 3104: 3051: 3015: 2964: 2958: 2917: 2911: 2893: 2856: 2835: 2810: 2774: 2765: 2752: 2750:Medical support 2699:Royal Engineers 2687: 2623: 2617: 2611:in March 1917. 2588:Sinai Peninsula 2579: 2573: 2511: 2487: 2481: 2407: 2379:, El Arish 1918 2370: 2368:Raid on Jifjafa 2293: 2286: 2283: 2274: 2271: 2262: 2259: 2250: 2247: 2238: 2235: 2174: 2168: 2135: 2117:in what is now 2091:Sinai Peninsula 2010: 2002:State of Israel 1986:Kingdom of Iraq 1784:Sinai Peninsula 1729: 1728: 1727: 1722: 1537:3rd Transjordan 1527:2nd Transjordan 1510:1st Transjordan 1304: 1299: 1297: 1295: 1265: 1260: 1009: 1003: 1001: 965:3,200+ captured 954: 947: 946: 941:78,735 captured 938:~85,497 wounded 924: 917: 912:evacuated sick 910: 100,000+ 909: 905: 883: 863: 845: 843:September 1918: 841: 839: 835: 773:Chaytor's Force 736: 734:(to March 1916) 710: 709: 699: 698: 688: 687: 677: 676: 666: 665: 655: 654: 644: 643: 632: 631: 630: 619: 618: 606: 605: 603:Hussein bin Ali 595: 594: 584: 583: 573: 572: 564: 562: 561: 555: 545: 543: 542: 532: 531: 529:Philip Chetwode 521: 520: 510: 509: 499: 498: 488: 487: 477: 467: 463:Austria-Hungary 456: 454: 441: 439: 425: 423: 416: 404: 402: 389: 387: 373: 371: 365: 353: 351: 338: 336: 323: 321: 308: 306: 293: 291: 278: 276: 263: 261: 249: 247: 235: 233: 219: 217: 211: 199: 197: 173: 159: 142: 116: 89: 82: 71: 65: 62: 51: 36: 32: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 12580: 12570: 12569: 12564: 12559: 12554: 12549: 12544: 12539: 12534: 12529: 12524: 12519: 12514: 12509: 12504: 12499: 12494: 12489: 12484: 12479: 12474: 12469: 12452: 12451: 12449: 12448: 12442: 12439: 12438: 12435: 12434: 12432: 12431: 12424: 12417: 12412: 12404: 12402: 12398: 12397: 12394: 12393: 12391: 12390: 12385: 12384: 12383: 12378: 12373: 12368: 12363: 12353: 12348: 12347: 12346: 12341: 12333: 12327: 12325: 12323:Peace treaties 12322: 12319: 12318: 12316: 12315: 12310: 12305: 12300: 12295: 12290: 12285: 12280: 12275: 12270: 12264: 12262: 12258: 12257: 12255: 12254: 12249: 12244: 12239: 12234: 12228: 12226: 12220: 12219: 12217: 12216: 12211: 12209:United Kingdom 12206: 12201: 12199:Ottoman Empire 12196: 12191: 12186: 12181: 12176: 12170: 12168: 12161: 12156: 12153: 12152: 12149: 12148: 12146: 12145: 12140: 12135: 12130: 12125: 12124: 12123: 12118: 12113: 12103: 12101:Sack of Dinant 12098: 12093: 12088: 12087: 12086: 12081: 12080: 12079: 12065: 12063: 12057: 12056: 12054: 12053: 12052: 12051: 12049:United Kingdom 12046: 12037: 12035: 12029: 12028: 12026: 12025: 12024: 12023: 12018: 12009: 12003:POW locations 12001: 11996: 11995: 11994: 11985: 11983: 11977: 11976: 11974: 11973: 11972: 11971: 11966: 11958: 11953: 11952: 11951: 11944: 11939: 11934: 11926: 11925: 11924: 11919: 11911: 11905: 11903: 11899: 11898: 11896: 11895: 11890: 11885: 11879: 11877: 11870: 11869: 11868: 11867: 11862: 11854: 11849: 11848: 11847: 11838: 11836: 11828: 11825: 11824: 11821: 11820: 11818: 11817: 11812: 11811: 11810: 11803:United Kingdom 11800: 11798:Ottoman Empire 11795: 11790: 11784: 11782: 11775: 11774: 11772:Trench warfare 11769: 11768: 11767: 11757: 11752: 11747: 11742: 11737: 11736: 11735: 11724: 11722: 11715: 11711: 11710: 11707: 11706: 11704: 11703: 11697: 11691: 11685: 11679: 11678: 11677: 11671: 11665: 11659: 11648: 11642: 11636: 11630: 11624: 11618: 11612: 11606: 11600: 11594: 11588: 11582: 11576: 11570: 11564: 11558: 11552: 11545: 11543: 11539: 11538: 11536: 11535: 11529: 11523: 11517: 11511: 11505: 11499: 11493: 11488: 11485:Volta-Bani War 11482: 11476: 11470: 11464: 11458: 11452: 11446: 11440: 11434: 11427: 11425: 11421: 11420: 11418: 11417: 11412: 11407: 11402: 11397: 11392: 11387: 11382: 11377: 11372: 11367: 11362: 11357: 11352: 11347: 11342: 11337: 11332: 11330:Zeebrugge Raid 11327: 11322: 11317: 11311: 11309: 11303: 11302: 11300: 11299: 11294: 11289: 11284: 11279: 11274: 11269: 11264: 11259: 11254: 11249: 11244: 11239: 11234: 11229: 11224: 11219: 11213: 11211: 11205: 11204: 11202: 11201: 11196: 11191: 11186: 11181: 11176: 11175: 11174: 11164: 11159: 11154: 11149: 11144: 11138: 11136: 11132: 11131: 11129: 11128: 11123: 11121:Battle of Loos 11118: 11113: 11108: 11103: 11098: 11093: 11088: 11083: 11078: 11073: 11068: 11063: 11055: 11050: 11045: 11039: 11037: 11033: 11032: 11030: 11029: 11024: 11019: 11014: 11012:Black Sea raid 11009: 11004: 10999: 10994: 10989: 10984: 10979: 10974: 10969: 10964: 10959: 10954: 10949: 10943: 10941: 10937: 10936: 10934: 10933: 10928: 10923: 10918: 10917: 10916: 10914:Historiography 10905: 10903: 10899: 10898: 10896: 10895: 10889: 10883: 10877: 10871: 10868:Bosnian Crisis 10865: 10862:Tangier Crisis 10859: 10853: 10847: 10840: 10838: 10831: 10825: 10824: 10821: 10820: 10818: 10817: 10812: 10807: 10802: 10797: 10795:Ottoman Empire 10792: 10787: 10782: 10776: 10774: 10772:Central Powers 10768: 10767: 10765: 10764: 10759: 10758: 10757: 10755:British Empire 10750:United Kingdom 10747: 10742: 10737: 10736: 10735: 10730: 10728:Russian Empire 10720: 10715: 10710: 10705: 10704: 10703: 10693: 10688: 10683: 10682: 10681: 10671: 10666: 10661: 10656: 10650: 10648: 10646:Entente Powers 10639: 10634: 10631: 10630: 10627: 10626: 10624: 10623: 10618: 10617: 10616: 10614:North Atlantic 10605: 10603: 10597: 10596: 10594: 10593: 10588: 10583: 10577: 10575: 10569: 10568: 10566: 10565: 10560: 10555: 10550: 10545: 10539: 10537: 10531: 10530: 10528: 10527: 10525:Central Arabia 10522: 10517: 10512: 10507: 10502: 10497: 10491: 10489: 10487:Middle Eastern 10483: 10482: 10480: 10479: 10474: 10473: 10472: 10462: 10457: 10456: 10455: 10444: 10442: 10433: 10429: 10428: 10426: 10425: 10420: 10415: 10410: 10405: 10400: 10395: 10390: 10388:Historiography 10385: 10380: 10375: 10370: 10365: 10359: 10356: 10355: 10348: 10347: 10340: 10333: 10325: 10319: 10318: 10313: 10308: 10303: 10298: 10293: 10285: 10280: 10271: 10270:External links 10268: 10267: 10266: 10260: 10247: 10241: 10228: 10211: 10194: 10188: 10175: 10156: 10137: 10131: 10118: 10101: 10084: 10078: 10065: 10048: 10031: 10014: 9997: 9971: 9959:10.1086/237809 9942: 9936: 9923: 9906: 9889: 9883: 9870: 9853: 9834: 9828: 9815: 9809: 9796: 9784:Suez to Aleppo 9779: 9762: 9756: 9736: 9719: 9702: 9696: 9683: 9666: 9660: 9644: 9627: 9621: 9608: 9589: 9572: 9556: 9550: 9537: 9531: 9517:Fromkin, David 9513: 9496: 9479: 9473: 9460: 9443: 9426: 9403: 9386: 9369: 9343: 9337: 9324: 9307: 9287: 9274: 9268: 9255: 9238: 9232: 9219: 9202: 9181: 9164: 9147: 9130: 9106: 9082: 9058: 9034: 9010: 8984: 8981: 8978: 8977: 8968: 8959: 8950: 8941: 8932: 8923: 8914: 8905: 8896: 8887: 8878: 8869: 8832: 8823: 8811: 8802: 8790: 8781: 8772: 8763: 8754: 8745: 8736: 8727: 8718: 8706: 8697: 8688: 8679: 8670: 8661: 8652: 8643: 8634: 8620: 8611: 8602: 8593: 8584: 8575: 8566: 8557: 8548: 8539: 8530: 8516: 8507: 8485: 8476: 8467: 8455: 8446: 8437: 8428: 8412: 8403: 8394: 8385: 8376: 8367: 8358: 8349: 8340: 8331: 8322: 8313: 8304: 8295: 8286: 8277: 8268: 8259: 8250: 8241: 8232: 8223: 8214: 8205: 8196: 8187: 8178: 8169: 8160: 8148: 8136: 8127: 8118: 8109: 8100: 8091: 8082: 8073: 8064: 8055: 8046: 8034: 8025: 8016: 8007: 7998: 7989: 7980: 7971: 7962: 7953: 7944: 7932: 7923: 7914: 7902: 7893: 7884: 7870: 7856: 7847: 7838: 7824: 7815: 7806: 7797: 7788: 7779: 7770: 7761: 7752: 7743: 7734: 7725: 7716: 7707: 7698: 7689: 7680: 7671: 7662: 7653: 7644: 7635: 7626: 7617: 7608: 7599: 7590: 7581: 7572: 7563: 7549: 7540: 7531: 7522: 7513: 7504: 7495: 7486: 7477: 7468: 7459: 7450: 7441: 7432: 7423: 7414: 7405: 7396: 7387: 7378: 7369: 7360: 7351: 7342: 7333: 7324: 7315: 7306: 7297: 7288: 7279: 7270: 7261: 7249: 7240: 7231: 7219: 7207: 7198: 7189: 7180: 7171: 7162: 7153: 7144: 7135: 7126: 7117: 7108: 7099: 7090: 7081: 7072: 7063: 7054: 7045: 7033: 7024: 7015: 7006: 6997: 6988: 6979: 6970: 6961: 6952: 6943: 6934: 6922: 6910: 6898: 6886: 6874: 6862: 6853: 6844: 6835: 6823: 6814: 6805: 6796: 6787: 6775: 6766: 6757: 6748: 6739: 6730: 6721: 6709: 6700: 6691: 6682: 6670: 6661: 6652: 6643: 6634: 6625: 6616: 6607: 6598: 6589: 6580: 6571: 6562: 6553: 6544: 6535: 6521: 6512: 6503: 6494: 6485: 6476: 6467: 6458: 6449: 6433: 6424: 6415: 6406: 6397: 6388: 6379: 6370: 6361: 6352: 6343: 6334: 6325: 6316: 6302: 6290: 6281: 6272: 6263: 6254: 6245: 6236: 6227: 6218: 6209: 6200: 6184: 6168: 6159: 6150: 6141: 6129: 6117: 6108: 6096: 6087: 6078: 6069: 6060: 6051: 6042: 6019: 6008:Baker, Chris. 5995: 5986: 5977: 5968: 5959: 5950: 5941: 5932: 5923: 5914: 5905: 5896: 5887: 5875: 5866: 5857: 5848: 5839: 5830: 5816: 5807: 5795: 5786: 5777: 5768: 5759: 5750: 5741: 5732: 5723: 5714: 5705: 5693: 5681: 5672: 5663: 5654: 5645: 5636: 5627: 5618: 5609: 5600: 5591: 5582: 5573: 5564: 5552: 5543: 5534: 5522: 5510: 5501: 5492: 5480: 5466: 5457: 5448: 5439: 5430: 5421: 5412: 5403: 5392: 5381: 5372: 5363: 5354: 5345: 5336: 5324: 5314: 5313: 5305: 5304: 5295: 5282: 5268: 5258: 5229: 5220:233rd Brigades 5207: 5198: 5181: 5172: 5162: 5153: 5144: 5134: 5122: 5112: 5097: 5096: 5089: 5086: 5085: 5084: 5077: 5074: 5050: 5049: 5046: 5043: 5040: 5037: 5034: 5031: 5010: 5007: 4973: 4970: 4859: 4856: 4854: 4851: 4788:Greek Orthodox 4782:district were 4704:Shi'a Metawals 4658: 4655: 4649: 4646: 4620: 4617: 4589: 4588: 4585: 4582: 4579: 4576: 4572: 4571: 4568: 4565: 4562: 4559: 4555: 4554: 4551: 4548: 4545: 4542: 4538: 4537: 4534: 4531: 4528: 4525: 4521: 4520: 4517: 4512: 4509: 4506: 4497: 4494: 4372: 4369: 4316:75th Divisions 4291: 4288: 4270: 4267: 4258:Main article: 4255: 4252: 4250:in September. 4235:Main article: 4232: 4229: 4193:Hedjaz Railway 4177:Main article: 4174: 4171: 4167:Jisr ed Damieh 4146:Main article: 4143: 4140: 4127:Main article: 4124: 4121: 4119: 4116: 4107:181st Brigades 4015:on 8 June 1918 4007:2nd Battalion 3991:(CIGS) at the 3984: 3981: 3888: 3885: 3876:Main article: 3873: 3870: 3824: 3821: 3795: 3792: 3758: 3755: 3753: 3752:Winter 1917–18 3750: 3713:Kuryet el Enab 3701:Main article: 3698: 3695: 3682:75th Divisions 3663:Main article: 3652: 3649: 3629: 3625:Arab situation 3577: 3574: 3529:Main article: 3526: 3523: 3518:Main article: 3515: 3512: 3496:Main article: 3493: 3490: 3474:Main article: 3463: 3460: 3455:Edmund Allenby 3419:Main article: 3416: 3413: 3391:Main article: 3388: 3385: 3349: 3342: 3339: 3314:Main article: 3311: 3308: 3306: 3303: 3264: 3261: 3248:Charles Dobell 3204: 3201: 3197:Sidney Sonnino 3161: 3158: 3103: 3100: 3045: 3014: 3011: 2997:in August and 2962:Battle of Rafa 2960:Main article: 2957: 2954: 2913:Main article: 2910: 2907: 2892: 2889: 2855: 2852: 2834: 2831: 2809: 2806: 2793:Charles Dobell 2773: 2770: 2764: 2761: 2751: 2748: 2686: 2683: 2631:Sherif Hussein 2627:Sharifian Army 2619:Main article: 2616: 2613: 2584:Central Powers 2575:Main article: 2572: 2569: 2510: 2507: 2483:A. B. Paterson 2479: 2406: 2403: 2369: 2366: 2336: 2335: 2329: 2322: 2305:Lord Kitchener 2292: 2289: 2288: 2287: 2284: 2277: 2275: 2272: 2265: 2263: 2260: 2253: 2251: 2248: 2241: 2239: 2236: 2229: 2170:Main article: 2167: 2164: 2134: 2131: 2034:Ottoman Sultan 2022:Ottoman Empire 2009: 2006: 1899:Afulah, Beisan 1889:and fight the 1835:Edmund Allenby 1812:Battle of Rafa 1757:Ottoman Empire 1741:British Empire 1724: 1723: 1721: 1720: 1715: 1710: 1705: 1700: 1695: 1689: 1688: 1682: 1681: 1680: 1679: 1674: 1667:Northern Syria 1664: 1663: 1662: 1657: 1652: 1647: 1642: 1631: 1630: 1626: 1625: 1620: 1619: 1618: 1613: 1608: 1603: 1598: 1593: 1588: 1583: 1578: 1568: 1563: 1557: 1556: 1552: 1551: 1550: 1549: 1544: 1542:Jisr ed Damieh 1534: 1529: 1524: 1523: 1522: 1517: 1507: 1502: 1496: 1495: 1491: 1490: 1485: 1479: 1478: 1474: 1473: 1472: 1471: 1470: 1469: 1464: 1459: 1449: 1444: 1439: 1434: 1429: 1424: 1419: 1414: 1409: 1399: 1398: 1397: 1392: 1382: 1377: 1372: 1366: 1365: 1361: 1360: 1358:Bir el Hassana 1355: 1350: 1345: 1340: 1335: 1330: 1325: 1320: 1314: 1313: 1309: 1306: 1305: 1294: 1293: 1286: 1279: 1271: 1262: 1261: 1259: 1258: 1253: 1248: 1243: 1238: 1233: 1228: 1222: 1221: 1219:Naval theatres 1215: 1214: 1209: 1204: 1199: 1194: 1188: 1187: 1181: 1180: 1179: 1178: 1168: 1167: 1166: 1156: 1151: 1146: 1141: 1140: 1139: 1128: 1127: 1121: 1120: 1118:Central Arabia 1115: 1110: 1105: 1100: 1095: 1090: 1085: 1079: 1078: 1072: 1071: 1070: 1069: 1064: 1059: 1049: 1044: 1043: 1042: 1037: 1027: 1021: 1020: 1014: 1011: 1010: 1000: 999: 992: 985: 977: 969: 968: 967: 966: 961:Unknown total 943: 942: 939: 936: 921: 902: 901: 900:1,385 captured 898: 897:43,712 wounded 895: 879: 878: 874: 873: 872: 871: 859: 858: 857: 854: 851: 830: 829: 825: 824: 820: 819: 814: 803: 802: 797: 792: 780: 778:Sharifian Army 776: 775: 770: 765: 757: 749: 731:Force in Egypt 726: 725: 724:Units involved 721: 720: 616: 592:T. E. Lawrence 518:Charles Dobell 507:Edmund Allenby 474: 473: 469: 468: 466: 465: 452: 435: 432:Ottoman Empire 419: 417: 415: 414: 399: 384: 366: 364: 363: 348: 333: 318: 303: 288: 273: 258: 245: 230: 226:United Kingdom 212: 210: 209: 206:British Empire 193: 190: 189: 185: 184: 181: 180: 175: 169: 168: 167:Allied victory 165: 161: 160: 151: 149: 145: 144: 139: 131: 130: 108: 107: 100: 99: 93: 92: 87: 84: 83: 39: 37: 30: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 12579: 12568: 12565: 12563: 12560: 12558: 12555: 12553: 12550: 12548: 12545: 12543: 12540: 12538: 12537:1916 in Egypt 12535: 12533: 12532:1915 in Egypt 12530: 12528: 12525: 12523: 12520: 12518: 12515: 12513: 12510: 12508: 12505: 12503: 12500: 12498: 12495: 12493: 12490: 12488: 12485: 12483: 12480: 12478: 12475: 12473: 12470: 12468: 12465: 12464: 12462: 12447: 12444: 12443: 12440: 12430: 12429: 12425: 12423: 12422: 12418: 12416: 12413: 12411: 12410: 12406: 12405: 12403: 12399: 12389: 12386: 12382: 12379: 12377: 12374: 12372: 12369: 12367: 12364: 12362: 12359: 12358: 12357: 12354: 12352: 12349: 12345: 12342: 12340: 12337: 12336: 12334: 12332: 12329: 12328: 12326: 12320: 12314: 12311: 12309: 12306: 12304: 12301: 12299: 12296: 12294: 12291: 12289: 12286: 12284: 12281: 12279: 12276: 12274: 12271: 12269: 12266: 12265: 12263: 12259: 12253: 12250: 12248: 12245: 12243: 12240: 12238: 12235: 12233: 12230: 12229: 12227: 12225: 12221: 12215: 12214:United States 12212: 12210: 12207: 12205: 12202: 12200: 12197: 12195: 12192: 12190: 12187: 12185: 12182: 12180: 12177: 12175: 12172: 12171: 12169: 12165: 12162: 12159: 12154: 12144: 12141: 12139: 12136: 12134: 12131: 12129: 12126: 12122: 12119: 12117: 12114: 12112: 12109: 12108: 12107: 12104: 12102: 12099: 12097: 12094: 12092: 12089: 12085: 12082: 12078: 12075: 12074: 12073: 12070: 12069: 12067: 12066: 12064: 12062: 12058: 12050: 12047: 12045: 12042: 12041: 12039: 12038: 12036: 12034: 12030: 12022: 12019: 12017: 12013: 12010: 12008: 12005: 12004: 12002: 12000: 11997: 11993: 11990: 11989: 11987: 11986: 11984: 11982: 11978: 11970: 11967: 11965: 11962: 11961: 11959: 11957: 11954: 11950: 11949: 11945: 11943: 11940: 11938: 11935: 11933: 11930: 11929: 11927: 11923: 11920: 11918: 11915: 11914: 11912: 11910: 11907: 11906: 11904: 11900: 11894: 11891: 11889: 11886: 11884: 11881: 11880: 11878: 11874: 11866: 11863: 11861: 11858: 11857: 11855: 11853: 11850: 11846: 11843: 11842: 11840: 11839: 11837: 11831: 11826: 11816: 11815:United States 11813: 11809: 11806: 11805: 11804: 11801: 11799: 11796: 11794: 11791: 11789: 11786: 11785: 11783: 11779: 11773: 11770: 11766: 11765:Convoy system 11763: 11762: 11761: 11760:Naval warfare 11758: 11756: 11753: 11751: 11748: 11746: 11743: 11741: 11738: 11734: 11731: 11730: 11729: 11726: 11725: 11723: 11719: 11716: 11712: 11701: 11698: 11695: 11692: 11689: 11686: 11683: 11680: 11675: 11672: 11669: 11666: 11663: 11660: 11657: 11654: 11653: 11652: 11649: 11646: 11643: 11640: 11637: 11634: 11631: 11628: 11625: 11622: 11619: 11616: 11613: 11610: 11607: 11604: 11601: 11598: 11595: 11592: 11589: 11586: 11583: 11580: 11577: 11574: 11571: 11568: 11565: 11562: 11559: 11556: 11553: 11550: 11547: 11546: 11544: 11540: 11533: 11530: 11527: 11524: 11521: 11520:Kaocen revolt 11518: 11515: 11514:Easter Rising 11512: 11509: 11506: 11503: 11500: 11497: 11494: 11492: 11489: 11486: 11483: 11480: 11477: 11474: 11471: 11468: 11465: 11462: 11459: 11456: 11453: 11450: 11447: 11444: 11441: 11438: 11435: 11432: 11429: 11428: 11426: 11422: 11416: 11413: 11411: 11408: 11406: 11403: 11401: 11398: 11396: 11393: 11391: 11388: 11386: 11383: 11381: 11378: 11376: 11373: 11371: 11368: 11366: 11363: 11361: 11358: 11356: 11353: 11351: 11348: 11346: 11343: 11341: 11338: 11336: 11333: 11331: 11328: 11326: 11323: 11321: 11318: 11316: 11313: 11312: 11310: 11308: 11304: 11298: 11295: 11293: 11290: 11288: 11285: 11283: 11280: 11278: 11275: 11273: 11270: 11268: 11265: 11263: 11260: 11258: 11255: 11253: 11250: 11248: 11245: 11243: 11240: 11238: 11235: 11233: 11230: 11228: 11225: 11223: 11220: 11218: 11215: 11214: 11212: 11210: 11206: 11200: 11197: 11195: 11192: 11190: 11187: 11185: 11182: 11180: 11177: 11173: 11170: 11169: 11168: 11165: 11163: 11160: 11158: 11155: 11153: 11150: 11148: 11145: 11143: 11140: 11139: 11137: 11133: 11127: 11124: 11122: 11119: 11117: 11114: 11112: 11109: 11107: 11104: 11102: 11099: 11097: 11094: 11092: 11089: 11087: 11086:Great Retreat 11084: 11082: 11079: 11077: 11074: 11072: 11069: 11067: 11064: 11062: 11061: 11056: 11054: 11051: 11049: 11046: 11044: 11041: 11040: 11038: 11034: 11028: 11025: 11023: 11020: 11018: 11015: 11013: 11010: 11008: 11005: 11003: 11000: 10998: 10995: 10993: 10990: 10988: 10985: 10983: 10980: 10978: 10975: 10973: 10970: 10968: 10965: 10963: 10960: 10958: 10957:Battle of Cer 10955: 10953: 10950: 10948: 10945: 10944: 10942: 10938: 10932: 10929: 10927: 10924: 10922: 10919: 10915: 10912: 10911: 10910: 10907: 10906: 10904: 10900: 10893: 10890: 10887: 10884: 10881: 10878: 10875: 10874:Agadir Crisis 10872: 10869: 10866: 10863: 10860: 10857: 10854: 10851: 10848: 10845: 10842: 10841: 10839: 10835: 10832: 10830: 10826: 10816: 10813: 10811: 10808: 10806: 10803: 10801: 10798: 10796: 10793: 10791: 10788: 10786: 10783: 10781: 10778: 10777: 10775: 10773: 10769: 10763: 10762:United States 10760: 10756: 10753: 10752: 10751: 10748: 10746: 10743: 10741: 10738: 10734: 10731: 10729: 10726: 10725: 10724: 10721: 10719: 10716: 10714: 10711: 10709: 10706: 10702: 10699: 10698: 10697: 10694: 10692: 10689: 10687: 10684: 10680: 10679:French Empire 10677: 10676: 10675: 10672: 10670: 10667: 10665: 10662: 10660: 10657: 10655: 10652: 10651: 10649: 10647: 10643: 10640: 10632: 10622: 10621:Mediterranean 10619: 10615: 10612: 10611: 10610: 10607: 10606: 10604: 10602: 10601:Naval warfare 10598: 10592: 10589: 10587: 10584: 10582: 10579: 10578: 10576: 10574: 10570: 10564: 10561: 10559: 10556: 10554: 10551: 10549: 10546: 10544: 10541: 10540: 10538: 10536: 10532: 10526: 10523: 10521: 10518: 10516: 10513: 10511: 10508: 10506: 10503: 10501: 10498: 10496: 10493: 10492: 10490: 10488: 10484: 10478: 10477:Italian Front 10475: 10471: 10468: 10467: 10466: 10465:Eastern Front 10463: 10461: 10460:Western Front 10458: 10454: 10451: 10450: 10449: 10446: 10445: 10443: 10441: 10437: 10434: 10430: 10424: 10421: 10419: 10418:Puppet states 10416: 10414: 10411: 10409: 10406: 10404: 10401: 10399: 10396: 10394: 10391: 10389: 10386: 10384: 10381: 10379: 10376: 10374: 10371: 10369: 10366: 10364: 10361: 10360: 10357: 10353: 10346: 10341: 10339: 10334: 10332: 10327: 10326: 10323: 10317: 10314: 10312: 10309: 10307: 10304: 10302: 10299: 10297: 10294: 10292: 10290: 10286: 10284: 10281: 10278: 10274: 10273: 10263: 10257: 10253: 10248: 10244: 10238: 10234: 10229: 10225: 10221: 10217: 10212: 10208: 10204: 10200: 10195: 10191: 10185: 10181: 10176: 10172: 10168: 10164: 10163: 10157: 10153: 10149: 10145: 10144: 10138: 10134: 10128: 10124: 10119: 10115: 10111: 10107: 10102: 10098: 10094: 10090: 10085: 10081: 10075: 10071: 10066: 10062: 10058: 10054: 10049: 10045: 10041: 10037: 10032: 10028: 10024: 10020: 10015: 10011: 10007: 10003: 9998: 9987: 9983: 9979: 9978: 9972: 9968: 9964: 9960: 9956: 9953:(3): 263–80. 9952: 9948: 9943: 9939: 9933: 9929: 9924: 9920: 9916: 9912: 9907: 9903: 9899: 9895: 9890: 9886: 9880: 9876: 9871: 9867: 9863: 9859: 9854: 9842: 9841: 9835: 9831: 9825: 9821: 9816: 9812: 9806: 9802: 9797: 9793: 9789: 9785: 9780: 9776: 9772: 9768: 9767:Participation 9763: 9759: 9753: 9748: 9747: 9741: 9737: 9733: 9729: 9725: 9720: 9716: 9712: 9708: 9703: 9699: 9693: 9689: 9684: 9680: 9676: 9672: 9667: 9663: 9657: 9653: 9649: 9645: 9641: 9637: 9633: 9628: 9624: 9618: 9614: 9609: 9605: 9601: 9597: 9596: 9590: 9586: 9582: 9578: 9573: 9569: 9565: 9561: 9557: 9553: 9547: 9543: 9538: 9534: 9528: 9525:. 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Retrieved 6022: 6014:the original 5989: 5980: 5971: 5962: 5953: 5944: 5935: 5926: 5917: 5908: 5899: 5890: 5869: 5860: 5851: 5842: 5833: 5810: 5789: 5780: 5771: 5762: 5753: 5744: 5735: 5726: 5717: 5708: 5675: 5666: 5657: 5648: 5639: 5630: 5621: 5612: 5603: 5594: 5585: 5576: 5567: 5546: 5537: 5504: 5495: 5460: 5451: 5442: 5433: 5424: 5415: 5406: 5395: 5384: 5375: 5366: 5357: 5348: 5339: 5318: 5309: 5308: 5298: 5285: 5271: 5261: 5232: 5210: 5201: 5184: 5175: 5165: 5156: 5147: 5137: 5125: 5115: 5101: 5092: 5091: 5062:Trans-Jordan 5055: 5051: 5020: 5012: 4993: 4966: 4918: 4897: 4891: 4838: 4835: 4830: 4827: 4816: 4804: 4726:and one new 4696: 4686: 4651: 4648:Arab attacks 4642: 4634:Seventh Army 4626: 4622: 4609: 4600: 4596: 4592: 4541:Seventh Army 4519:Art.Rifles 4480: 4457: 4452: 4394: 4386: 4381:18th Lancers 4350: 4342: 4325: 4293: 4284: 4272: 4263: 4244: 4240: 4217: 4213: 4209: 4189:Jordan River 4182: 4151: 4132: 4100: 4096:29th Brigade 4076: 4072: 4068: 4053: 4042: 4034: 4022: 4018: 3986: 3973: 3969: 3949: 3945:machine guns 3937: 3909: 3898: 3881: 3854: 3850: 3846: 3842: 3830: 3826: 3817: 3813: 3809:Rujm el Bahr 3805: 3788: 3772: 3760: 3738: 3734: 3730: 3718: 3691: 3675: 3668: 3645: 3636: 3618: 3570: 3566: 3542: 3505: 3501: 3479: 3436: 3433:Shellal road 3424: 3409: 3404:Mark I tanks 3400: 3396: 3383:upon them." 3364: 3356: 3345: 3335: 3331: 3327: 3290:Transjordan. 3288: 3285: 3277: 3257: 3253: 3245: 3233: 3206: 3192:capercaillie 3177: 3173: 3154: 3142: 3138: 3130: 3126: 3117: 3081: 3074: 3070: 3058: 3054: 3024: 3007: 3003: 2987:British Army 2980: 2969: 2965: 2950: 2942: 2938: 2934: 2918: 2894: 2873: 2865: 2848: 2836: 2819: 2790: 2775: 2766: 2753: 2743:Bir el Mazar 2736: 2734: 2726: 2722: 2715: 2692: 2688: 2624: 2593: 2580: 2562: 2554: 2543: 2535: 2532: 2527: 2519: 2512: 2503: 2489: 2475: 2470: 2438:flank attack 2434: 2416: 2382: 2362: 2358: 2337: 2313: 2302: 2207: 2200: 2184: 2175: 2160: 2148: 2136: 2088: 2041:Egypt, with 2011: 1959: 1951:Frank Hurley 1939: 1897:, capturing 1887:Judean Hills 1828: 1822:in southern 1794:. After the 1781: 1732: 1730: 1477:Judean Hills 1437:Mughar Ridge 1427:Wadi el Hesi 1395:Buggar Ridge 1298: 1212:Central Asia 1185:Asia-Pacific 1159:North Africa 1137:South Africa 1113:South Arabia 1092: 1004:Theatres of 944: 923: 918: 914: 903: 882: 864: 861: 842: 836: 833: 812:Seventh Army 804: 782: 729: 627:Djemal Pasha 556: 437: 422: 369: 300:South Africa 285:Newfoundland 215: 196: 188:Belligerents 153:Egypt Eyalet 103:Part of the 90: 72: 63: 41: 12044:Netherlands 12021:Switzerland 11902:Occupations 11893:Spanish flu 11670:(1919–1922) 11664:(1918–1921) 11658:(1918–1923) 11647:(1919–1921) 11641:(1919–1921) 11635:(1919–1920) 11611:(1918–1920) 11605:(1918–1920) 11599:(1918–1920) 11581:(1918–1920) 11563:(1918–1920) 11557:(1917–1921) 11551:(1917–1921) 11498:(1916-1918) 11496:Arab Revolt 11487:(1915–1917) 11481:(1915–1917) 11469:(1914-1917) 11463:(1914–1917) 11457:(1914–1921) 11451:(1913–1920) 11439:(1910–1920) 11433:(1900–1920) 10931:July Crisis 10852:(1880–1914) 10515:Mesopotamia 10393:Home fronts 10352:World War I 4933:Circassians 4845:instead of 4796:Circassians 4724:Sunni Arabs 4607:the skies. 4558:Eighth Army 4524:Fourth Army 4363:. Only the 4329:38th Dogras 4112:Turmus 'Aya 4009:Black Watch 3979:prisoners. 3742:Enver Pasha 3678:XXIst Corps 3550:Tel el Saba 3281:Halberstadt 3188:Bersaglieri 2991:Arab revolt 2621:Arab Revolt 2615:Arab Revolt 2125:during the 1974:Mesopotamia 1804:Fourth Army 1753:Arab Revolt 1686:Arab Revolt 1494:Transjordan 1457:Nebi Samwil 1154:East Africa 1098:Mesopotamia 1076:Middle East 1006:World War I 817:Eighth Army 784:Fourth Army 707:Cevat Pasha 696:Fevzi Pasha 551:Ahmad Helmy 485:Julian Byng 270:New Zealand 172:Territorial 125:amidst the 66:August 2022 12461:Categories 12261:Agreements 12061:War crimes 11937:Luxembourg 11830:Casualties 10708:Montenegro 10543:South West 10423:Technology 10413:Propaganda 10403:Opposition 9991:11 January 9847:11 January 9640:1257340010 9188:. London: 9124:31 January 9100:30 January 9076:31 January 9052:31 January 9028:31 January 9004:31 January 8983:References 8850:: 87–109. 5250:53rd Sikhs 5194:Suez Canal 4828:Armageddon 4808:Armageddon 4764:Christians 4706:and a few 4427:and 1/1st 4346:Hindustani 4161:began the 3993:War Office 3560:and the 1/ 3449:. General 3215:. And the 2881:Khan Yunis 2673:and on to 2647:Royal Navy 2515:Bir el Abd 2055:Suez Canal 2008:Background 1769:Suez Canal 1763:, and the 1747:, and the 1660:Khan Ayash 1532:Abu Tellul 1483:Tell 'Asur 1343:Bir el Abd 1318:Suez Canal 1251:Baltic Sea 1202:New Guinea 1171:Somaliland 795:XXII Corps 43:neutrality 12158:Diplomacy 11865:Olympians 11788:Australia 11755:Logistics 11688:Vlora War 11617:(1918–19) 11593:(1918–19) 11587:(1918–19) 11575:(1918–19) 11522:(1916–17) 11504:(1916–17) 11455:Zaian War 11445:(1914–15) 11172:first day 11060:Lusitania 10888:(1912–13) 10882:(1911–12) 10870:(1908–09) 10864:(1905–06) 10846:(1870–71) 10635:Principal 10495:Gallipoli 10398:Memorials 10383:Geography 10373:Aftermath 10114:233974420 10097:612818143 10061:1243-8650 10044:1243-8650 10027:1243-8650 10010:561949575 9967:154362416 9919:656066774 9792:220029983 9679:470338901 9604:220900153 9585:224023558 9439:220067047 9422:220879097 9399:226378925 9382:489040963 9365:220900299 9297:cite book 9251:224893679 9198:460717714 9160:220305303 8864:159625353 8500:29 August 5400:Pike 1983 5389:Hill 1983 5310:Citations 5196:onwards. 5093:Footnotes 4939:and some 4843:Beersheba 4776:Samaritan 4744:Beersheba 4638:III Corps 4220:Ghoraniye 4136:Neby Musa 3687:Ayun Kara 3415:Stalemate 3273:Palestine 3112:cameliers 2972:Beersheba 2929:Lewis Gun 2219:Jerusalem 2187:companies 2072:Port Said 2004:in 1948. 1839:Beersheba 1837:captured 1824:Palestine 1718:Wadi Musa 1586:2nd Arara 1547:2nd Amman 1520:1st Amman 1452:Jerusalem 1447:Ayun Kara 1412:Khuweilfe 1407:Beersheba 1246:Black Sea 1231:North Sea 1088:Gallipoli 1062:Macedonia 800:III Corps 760:XXI Corps 256:Australia 54:talk page 12446:Category 12033:Refugees 11999:Italians 11988:Germans 11948:Ober Ost 11728:Aviation 10829:Timeline 10800:Bulgaria 10581:Tsingtao 10558:Togoland 10505:Caucasus 10440:European 10432:Theatres 10224:35621223 9866:28994468 9742:(1998). 9732:18459444 9715:16709045 9650:(1978). 9568:23101324 9519:(2009). 9509:13090805 9456:43481698 9349:(1941). 9320:48783714 9215:12024100 9177:29078007 9143:62574193 5076:See also 4954:Damascus 4946:Kuneitra 4941:Algerian 4937:Metawala 4912:. Major 4894:Damascus 4800:Turkmans 4736:Tiberias 4587: – 4460:yeomanry 4399:, the 1/ 4064:El Haram 3928:Qalqilye 3920:Jaljulia 3630:—  3445:General 3350:—  3067:Kuseimeh 2999:Magdhaba 2757:cacolets 2671:Damascus 2667:Istanbul 2491:May the 2480:—  2423:yeomanry 2333:XV Corps 2320:IX Corps 2193:and the 2154:and the 2082:via the 2068:Ismaïlia 2038:Abbas II 1933:and the 1923:Damascus 1917:and the 1907:Tiberias 1883:encircle 1635:Damascus 1616:Tiberias 1591:Nazareth 1417:3rd Gaza 1380:2nd Gaza 1375:1st Gaza 1348:Magdhaba 1236:Atlantic 1192:Tsingtao 1176:Ethiopia 1149:Cameroon 1144:Togoland 1083:Caucasus 828:Strength 790:XX Corps 752:XX Corps 315:Rhodesia 148:Location 47:disputed 12184:Germany 12084:Germany 12012:Germany 11932:Belgium 11917:Albania 11876:Disease 11856:Sports 11808:Ireland 11721:Warfare 11714:Aspects 10909:Origins 10902:Prelude 10805:Senussi 10785:Germany 10780:Leaders 10718:Romania 10659:Belgium 10654:Leaders 10553:Kamerun 10535:African 10470:Romania 10448:Balkans 10363:Outline 10207:6825340 10171:3900439 10152:2959465 9902:6823528 9775:1057436 9492:5890637 9169:Majesty 5009:Summary 4964:Arabs. 4962:Bedouin 4931:, more 4780:Es Salt 4772:Moslems 4754:of the 4748:Jericho 4718:and in 4712:Bedouin 4698:, some 4694:Galilee 4690:Jericho 4514:Machine 4185:Jericho 4183:Before 4092:barrage 3961:El Kufr 3957:Berukin 3941:mortars 3933:Et Tire 3912:Berukin 3901:Tulkarm 3784:Zionism 3213:Senussi 3077:Shellal 2778:Senussi 2522:Khamsin 2179:Kantara 2161:mudirs. 2115:Senussi 2030:Khedive 1966:mandate 1947:Baghdad 1871:Tulkarm 1865:of the 1677:Haritan 1576:Tulkarm 1566:Megiddo 1500:Jericho 1467:El Burj 1328:Jifjafa 1052:Balkans 1040:Finland 1035:Romania 870:257,963 557:† 448:Germany 174:changes 12204:Russia 12179:France 12007:Canada 11922:Serbia 11793:Canada 11750:Horses 11702:(1921) 11696:(1920) 11690:(1920) 11684:(1920) 11676:(1920) 11629:(1919) 11623:(1919) 11569:(1918) 11534:(1918) 11528:(1917) 11516:(1916) 11510:(1916) 11475:(1915) 10894:(1913) 10876:(1911) 10858:(1905) 10815:Darfur 10740:Serbia 10723:Russia 10686:Greece 10674:France 10664:Brazil 10510:Persia 10453:Serbia 10258:  10239:  10222:  10205:  10186:  10169:  10150:  10129:  10112:  10095:  10076:  10059:  10042:  10025:  10008:  9986:345306 9984:  9965:  9934:  9917:  9900:  9881:  9864:  9826:  9807:  9790:  9773:  9754:  9730:  9713:  9694:  9677:  9658:  9638:  9619:  9602:  9583:  9566:  9548:  9529:  9507:  9490:  9471:  9454:  9437:  9420:  9397:  9380:  9363:  9335:  9318:  9285:  9266:  9249:  9230:  9213:  9196:  9175:  9158:  9141:  8862:  5240:, the 5070:Jordan 5066:Israel 4995:Aleppo 4988:, and 4929:Jaulan 4925:Druses 4921:Hauran 4898:ad hoc 4886:, and 4784:Syrian 4768:Nablus 4731:colony 4728:Jewish 4716:Muslim 4673:, and 4570:1,309 4561:15,870 4544:12,850 4511:Sabres 4508:Rifles 4337:sepoys 4335:. The 4045:Ra-fat 3965:Ra-fat 3924:Tabsor 3916:Ra-fat 3905:Nablus 3592:, and 3380:U-boat 3341:Hiatus 3050:, 1917 2995:Romani 2903:ashlar 2784:, the 2659:Medina 2655:Feisal 2639:Jeddah 2105:, the 2101:, the 2097:, and 2047:Sultan 2024:. The 2012:Since 1927:Aleppo 1913:, the 1875:Tabsor 1759:, the 1743:, the 1698:Medina 1672:Aleppo 1650:Kaukab 1623:Nablus 1611:Samakh 1581:Tabsor 1571:Sharon 1338:Romani 1323:El Tor 1226:U-boat 1125:Africa 1103:Persia 1067:Greece 1057:Serbia 1018:Europe 553:  460:  445:  429:  408:  396:France 393:  377:  360:Cyprus 357:  342:  327:  312:  297:  282:  267:  253:  239:  223:  203:  164:Result 129:, 1917 12401:Other 12194:Japan 12189:Italy 12016:camps 11860:Rugby 10696:Japan 10691:Italy 10669:China 10563:North 9963:S2CID 9951:XXVII 8860:S2CID 6035:3 May 5216:232nd 5088:Notes 4958:Arabs 4914:Olden 4824:Bible 4792:Amman 4766:. At 4756:Sunni 4740:Safed 4700:Druse 4688:from 4564:1,000 4530:2,375 4527:8,050 4197:Amman 4103:179th 4013:Arsuf 3621:Maude 3482:Anzac 3084:Nekhl 3048:Sinai 2885:Rafah 2869:Rafah 2675:Amman 2635:Mecca 2540:] 2203:Nekhl 2123:Sudan 2119:Libya 2064:Cairo 1903:Jenin 1816:First 1713:Aqaba 1708:Yanbu 1693:Mecca 1655:Kiswe 1640:Irbid 1629:Syria 1606:Haifa 1601:Jenin 1561:Arsuf 1515:Hijla 1462:Jaffa 1353:Nekhl 1333:Katia 1312:Sinai 1197:Samoa 1164:Libya 1047:Italy 411:Italy 380:Hejaz 345:Sudan 330:Egypt 242:India 11981:POWs 11307:1918 11209:1917 11135:1916 11036:1915 10940:1914 10745:Siam 10548:East 10256:ISBN 10237:ISBN 10220:OCLC 10203:OCLC 10184:ISBN 10167:OCLC 10148:OCLC 10127:ISBN 10110:OCLC 10093:OCLC 10074:ISBN 10057:ISSN 10040:ISSN 10023:ISSN 10006:OCLC 9993:2015 9982:OCLC 9932:ISBN 9915:OCLC 9898:OCLC 9879:ISBN 9862:OCLC 9849:2015 9824:ISBN 9805:ISBN 9788:OCLC 9771:OCLC 9752:ISBN 9728:OCLC 9711:OCLC 9692:ISBN 9675:OCLC 9656:ISBN 9636:OCLC 9617:ISBN 9600:OCLC 9581:OCLC 9564:OCLC 9546:ISBN 9527:ISBN 9505:OCLC 9488:OCLC 9469:ISBN 9452:OCLC 9435:OCLC 9418:OCLC 9395:OCLC 9378:OCLC 9361:OCLC 9333:ISBN 9316:OCLC 9303:link 9283:ISBN 9264:ISBN 9247:OCLC 9228:ISBN 9211:OCLC 9194:OCLC 9190:HMSO 9173:OCLC 9156:OCLC 9139:OCLC 9126:2011 9102:2011 9078:2011 9054:2011 9030:2011 9006:2011 8502:2012 6037:2009 5275:See 5248:and 5246:52nd 5242:51st 5218:and 5068:and 4847:Gaza 4831:1918 4798:and 4786:and 4762:and 4760:Jews 4752:Arab 4738:and 4720:Acre 4516:guns 4487:and 4435:and 4415:and 4314:and 4312:60th 4308:53rd 4304:10th 4294:The 4273:The 4105:and 3963:and 3943:and 3922:and 3903:and 3831:The 3782:for 3543:The 3484:and 3238:and 3168:and 3031:Rafa 2883:and 2693:The 2679:Maan 2651:Taif 2637:and 2605:Rafa 2603:and 2444:and 2394:gyns 2210:mine 2095:10th 2080:Nile 2076:Suez 2014:1805 1996:and 1968:for 1925:and 1905:and 1893:and 1873:and 1818:and 1731:The 1703:Taif 1370:Rafa 155:and 138:Date 40:The 9955:doi 8852:doi 4746:to 4578:950 4567:314 4553:28 4550:289 4547:750 4536:30 4533:221 4485:3rd 4433:5th 4413:8th 4409:6th 3775:DMI 3236:6th 2946:HAC 2669:to 2629:of 2537:sic 2452:'s 1881:to 1857:'s 1432:Huj 12463:: 9961:. 9949:. 9355:. 9299:}} 9295:{{ 9192:. 9112:. 9088:. 9064:. 9040:. 9016:. 8992:. 8858:. 8848:36 8846:. 8814:^ 8793:^ 8709:^ 8623:^ 8519:^ 8458:^ 8415:^ 8151:^ 8139:^ 8037:^ 7935:^ 7905:^ 7873:^ 7859:^ 7827:^ 7552:^ 7252:^ 7222:^ 7210:^ 7036:^ 6925:^ 6913:^ 6901:^ 6889:^ 6877:^ 6865:^ 6826:^ 6778:^ 6712:^ 6673:^ 6524:^ 6436:^ 6305:^ 6293:^ 6187:^ 6171:^ 6132:^ 6120:^ 6099:^ 5998:^ 5878:^ 5819:^ 5798:^ 5696:^ 5684:^ 5555:^ 5525:^ 5513:^ 5483:^ 5469:^ 5327:^ 5280:1. 5244:, 5072:. 4984:, 4980:, 4935:, 4882:, 4878:, 4874:, 4802:. 4794:, 4702:, 4669:, 4665:, 4411:, 4310:, 4306:, 4090:a 3959:, 3947:. 3588:, 3584:, 3298:c. 2978:. 2871:. 2677:, 2560:. 2348:. 2307:, 2129:. 1901:, 1826:. 1779:. 907:c. 11832:/ 10344:e 10337:t 10330:v 10264:. 10245:. 10226:. 10209:. 10192:. 10173:. 10154:. 10135:. 10116:. 10099:. 10082:. 10063:. 10046:. 10029:. 10012:. 9995:. 9969:. 9957:: 9940:. 9921:. 9904:. 9887:. 9868:. 9851:. 9832:. 9813:. 9794:. 9777:. 9760:. 9734:. 9717:. 9700:. 9681:. 9664:. 9642:. 9625:. 9606:. 9587:. 9570:. 9554:. 9535:. 9511:. 9494:. 9477:. 9458:. 9441:. 9424:. 9401:. 9384:. 9367:. 9341:. 9322:. 9305:) 9291:. 9272:. 9253:. 9236:. 9217:. 9200:. 9179:. 9162:. 9145:. 9128:. 9104:. 9080:. 9056:. 9032:. 9008:. 8866:. 8854:: 8504:. 6039:. 4584:6 4581:– 4058:( 3606:. 1290:e 1283:t 1276:v 996:e 989:t 982:v 79:) 73:( 68:) 64:( 60:. 50:. 20:)


Egypt 1915–17
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Middle Eastern theatre of World War I

10.5 cm Feldhaubitze 98/09
Battle of Hareira and Sheria
Southern Palestine offensive
Egypt Eyalet
Ottoman Syria
Partition of the Ottoman Empire
British Empire
United Kingdom
New Zealand
South Africa
Ottoman Empire

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